"Cmo hacer una pgina web ?" |
"- El objetivo de este curso es ayudarte paso a paso a crear una Pgina Web para ti o para tu negocio utilizando WordPress. - Sin saber programar, desde cero, de manera sencilla y divertida. ?- Vamos a estar juntos durante este curso, pero cada quin en su casa ?, crearemos una Pgina Web de Wordpress desde cero.- T puedes crear una Pgina Web fcilmente utilizando WordPress.Este curso es para principiantes, si eres un experto ""como el menda lerenda, usease yo ?"" este curso no es para ti."
Price: 29.99

"Proxmox VE 6: Gestin del Almacenamiento" |
"Aprenders a gestionar los diferentes backends de almacenamiento que Proxmox VE permite, logrando conocer inicialmente los conceptos y pasando inmediatamente a la prctica. En ese sentido el curso inicia con los tipos de Backends que Proxmox VE soporta pasando a entender los conceptos bsicos de Particionamiento y Asignacin de Sistemas de Archivos, luego la estructura de LVM para finalizar con GlusterFS (Almacenamiento Definido por Software) y la aplicacin de ZFS en Proxmox VE. Es un curso que se realiza sobre la versin 6 de Proxmox VE y que seguramente ser de utilidad en las proximas versiones que Proxmox libere.El curso implementa conceptos de almacenamiento sobre las aplicaciones OpenMediaVault y FreeNAS."
Price: 34.99

"Inteligncia Artificial e Machine Learning: O Guia Completo" |
"Atualmente, a rea de Inteligncia Artificial e Machine Learning (Aprendizagem de Mquina) esto sendo considerados os campos de trabalho mais relevantes da Tecnologia da Informao, sendo responsveis pela utilizao de algoritmos inteligentes para a construo de software e hardware que simulem a capacidade humana. O mercado de trabalho de Machine Learning em vrias partes do mundo est em grande ascenso e a tendncia que este tipo de profissional seja cada vez mais requisitado! Inclusive alguns estudos apontam que o conhecimento dessa rea ser em breve um pr-requisito para os profissionais de Tecnologia da Informao!Para levar voc at essa rea, neste curso voc ter uma viso terica e principalmente prtica sobre as principais e mais modernas tcnicas de Inteligncia Artificial! Este curso considerado um guia completo pelo fato de apresentar desde conceitos mais bsicos at tcnicas mais modernas e avanadas, de modo que ao final voc ter todas as ferramentas necessrias para construir solues de Inteligncia Artificial podem ser aplicadas em problemas do dia-a-dia das empresas! O contedo est dividido em nove partes: algoritmos de busca, algoritmos de otimizao, lgica difusa (fuzzy), machine learning, redes neurais (deep learning), processamento de linguagem natural, viso computacional, sistemas multiagente e tambm outras reas de IA, como sistemas especialistas, GPS (general problem solver), redes bayesianas e raciocnio baseado em casos! Voc aprender a teoria bsica sobre cada um desses assuntos, bem como implementar exemplos prticos passo a passo. Veja abaixo alguns dos projetos/tpicos que sero desenvolvidos:Busca de rotas com melhores caminhos em mapas de cidades (busca gulosa e busca A*)Escolha das passagens reas mais baratas, em um cenrio de compra de passagens em grupo e maximizao de lucros no carregamento de produtos - algoritmos de otimizao: hill climb (subida da encosta), simulated annealing (tmpera simulada) e algoritmo genticoPreviso do valor que voc daria de gorjeta em um restaurante (lgica fuzzy)Classificao utilizando os algoritmos nave bayes, rvore de deciso, regras, k-NN, regresso logstica e redes neuraisPreviso do preo de casas utilizando regresso linearAgrupamento de dados bancrios utilizando o algoritmo k-meansGerao de regras de associao com o algoritmo aprioriPr-processamento, reduo de dimensionalidade e deteco de outliers em bases de dadosPreviso do preo de aes com sries temporaisVisualizao e explorao de dados na base de dados da doena COVID-19Construo de um agente para controlar um txi para transporte de passageiros com aprendizagem por reforoClassificao de imagens de gatos e cachorros com redes neurais convolucionaisClassificao das imagens do Homer e Bart, do desenho dos Simpsons tambm utilizando redes neurais convolucionaisMarcao POS (part-of-speech), lematizao, stemizao, nuvem de palavras (wordcloud) e extrao de entidades nomeadas utilizando tcnicas de processamento de linguagem naturalCriao de um classificador de sentimentos em PortugusDeteco de faces e reconhecimento facial em imagensRastreamento de objetos de vdeosSimulao de um sistema multiagente para comunicao entre agentes utilizando o protocolo FIPA-REQUESTCada tipo de problema requer tcnicas diferentes para sua soluo, portanto, conhecendo todas as rea de IA voc saber que tcnicas utilizar nos mais variados tipos de cenrios!Durante o curso, vamos utilizar a linguagem de programao Python e tambm a ferramenta grfica Orange! Caso voc no conhea Python, no final do curso voc tem acesso a mais de 5 horas de vdeo com exerccios com o bsico sobre essa linguagem de programao! Este o curso ideal caso seja seu primeiro contato com Inteligncia Artificial, pois voc aprender na teoria e na prtica todos os tpicos necessrios! Caso voc seja de nvel mais avanado nessa rea, pode utilizar esse curso como uma referncia e para aprender novas rea e revisar os conceitos"
Price: 39.99

"Franzis projects Workbook - 01: Das RAW-Modul" |
"Was ist die Franzis projects-Reihe?Bei den projects-Programmen handelt es sich um eine Reihe von Programmen zur Bildbearbeitung, die den logischen Ablauf einer Bildentwicklung nachvollziehen:Originalbild entrauschenBildaussage optimierenErgebnisbild nachschrfenFr die Bildentrauschung und die Bildschrfung stehen separate ""Spezialisten""-Programme zur Verfgung, fr die Bildoptimierung kann aus verschiedenen Programmen gem des Bildmotivs oder des Darstellungsziels gewhlt werden, z.B. fr Farb- oder Schwarzweibilder, Naturbilder, emotionale Aufnahmen, aber auch HDR-Fusionen, Focus Stacking und sogar ein Programm zur Elimination strender Elemente in einem Bild.Wofr steht das ""professional"" im Kurstitel?(Fast) alle Programme stehen in einer Standard- und einer Professional-Version zur Verfgung. Der groe Mehrwert der ""professionals"" besteht im RAW-Modul, also einem Rohbild-Entwicklungsmodul. Dies lsst sich nicht nur auf Bilder im RAW-Format, sondern auf Bilder in nahezu jedem beliebigen Bildformat anwenden.Was leistet das RAW-Modul, um das es in diesem Kurs geht?Es ist bei Bildern wie mit dem Backen: Der Kuchen wird nur so gut, wie seine Zutaten es erlauben. Aus Fotos, bei denen die Voraussetzungen wie z.B. Farbtemperatur, Farbbalancen, Horizontausrichtung o.a. nicht stimmen, wird niemals ein Eyecatcher. All diese Korrekturen lassen sich im RAW-Modul durchfhren.Wie ist es zu diesem Kurs gekommen?Vor kurzem ist mein Buch mit dem gleichnamigen Titel erschienen. Es lag also nahe, ergnzend dazu einen Videokurs zu gestalten. Naja, und hier ist er. ;-)Muss ich das Buch zum Kurs kaufen?Hm, nein, eigentlich nicht. Natrlich wrde ich mich freuen, wenn Du auch das Buch kaufst. Zum Nachschlagen ist so ein Buch sowieso viel geeigneter als ein Online-Videokurs, aber es ist wirklich keine Voraussetzung, um erfolgreich an diesem Kurs teilnehmen zu knnen. Apropos: Das Buch heit sehr hnlich wie dieser Videokurs. ;-)Und wann geht es endlich los?Sobald Du Dich in meinen Kurs eingeschrieben hast, also ... jetzt sofort? Ich wrde mich freuen! :-)Wie geht es danach weiter?Dieser Kurs (und das zugrunde liegende Buch) ist der erste Teil einer Kurs- (bzw. Buch-)reihe. In Band 2 wird es um das Programm COLOR projects, in Band 3 um SHARPEN projects, in Band 4 um HDR projects und in Band 5 um das Experten-Modul in all diesen Programmen gehen. Nach Band 5 ist aber noch nicht Schluss ..."
Price: 29.99

"Build a Web Scraper with Python" |
"This courses will teach you how to build a bot/script that is capable of collecting important data from the web. The good news about this course is that you don't need advanced knowledge in Python nor in any programming language. All you need is just simple knowledge of how to create simple Python functions.The amount of data that is present on the intent today is insanely huge. The days where you would just copy and paste data from several web pages are gone because it will take you forever to collect a huge amount of data. Therefore, creating a script that is capable of gathering up data from web pages comes in handy. It will save a massive amount of time. Not to mention that it will also gather up data from the web in a organized file where you don't have to spent time and money fixing up collected data.By the end of this course you will have built a script using Python programming language that is capable of gathering data from the web.Why should you take this course?There are many reasons why this course is extremely important. First and most prominently is that you will learn one of the most important capabilities of Python. As you know, Python is pretty much able to do anything! But it's great for certain areas than others. It's undoubtedly the best language to use when it comes to data since, machine learning and web scraping. So let me list out why you should take this course:1. You can specialize in web scraping after taking this course.2. You will intensify your skills in Python.3. You will be able to modify the script for your own goal.4. You will have a new skill in you resume.What you will learn in this course?1. Create directories.2. Create files.3. Write to files4. Modify files.5. Delete files.6. How to use BeautifulSoup library.7. How to write a python function that can scrape the web.8. How functions that scrape the web work together.9. How to write a script that is effective enough to get specific piece of data from the web.10. Much much more...Note: The project that will be created throughout this course will be provided so that you can download it and use it for commercial and non-commercial purposes."
Price: 199.99

"Cyber Security and IT Risk Management - A Bird's Eye View!" |
"This course provides a bird's eye view into the main concepts of Cyber Security and IT Risk Management as implemented within modern enterprises.The course explains the below concepts in a concise manner:Policies and StandardsConfidentiality, Integrity, AvailabilityBusiness Impact AssessmentRisk Assessment MethodologyRisk RegisterDefense In DepthHardware InventorySoftware InventoryAuthenticationAuthorizationIdentity and Access Management (IAM)Privileged Access Management (PAM)Secure CodingLoggingBackupsSecurity AwarenessSegregation of EnvironmentsSegregation of DutiesPenetration TestingITSM OnboardingIT Controls TestingDisaster RecoveryThird Party Risk AssessmentAttack SurfacesNetwork Access Control (NAC)Network Segmentation and FirewallingIntrusion Prevention SystemHoneypotsPlatform HardeningAntivirusEmail ProtectionWeb ProtectionData Loss Prevention (DLP)Vulnerability ScanningPatchingIoT Device SecurityPassword ManagersSecrets Management Solution"
Price: 29.99

"DIY - Automotive Power Window Systems Schematic Diagnosis" |
"Welcome to the Do it Yourself - Power Window Systems -Schematic Diagnostics Course!This Second Intermediate Course continues the Instruction started in the Beginner and First Intermediate course.Although the main focus of this course is on Power Window System Diagnosis, the Tips and Techniques learned in this course can be applied to any Automotive Electrical Schematic.Like my other courses, a few schematics are analyzed extensively aiming to provide a solid understanding of the fundamental concepts.There are way too many variations of wiring diagram styles, symbols and layouts. To cover every Year, Make and Model might take a lifetime. The Good News is. you do not have to learn every diagram one by one. Learn the groundwork taught here in this course and apply the diagnostic thought process to your own cars schematics. The way to get good at this is to Practice, Practice, Practice.Of course, if you are going to be doing any work yourself on a car, it is going to require that you take some type of Hands-on course to be sure you have the skills needed and understand the necessary safety precautions. This course focuses on electrical diagnosis, not mechanical repair.Be careful about jumping right in and testing something on your car, until you are comfortable, and feel you have acquired the skills to do so.With that said. Lets get started!"
Price: 29.99

"A'dan Z'ye Yazlm Test Uzmanl" |
"A'dan Z'ye Yazlm Test Uzmanl kursunu bana gelen telefonlar ve emailler sonrasnda hazrlamaya karar verdim. Bana ulaan birok kii kendilerinin farkl alanlarda mezun olduklarn ancak kariyerlerini biliim sektrnde yazlm test uzman olarak devam ettirmek istediklerini belirttiler. Bunun yannda biliim alannda mezun olan ya da zaten bu alanda i analisti, yazlm gelitirici, proje yneticisi vb. unvanlarla alan ancak bundan sonraki kariyerlerini yazlm test uzman olarak devam ettirmek isteyenlerin says da bir hayli fazlayd. Bu iki grubun ortak noktas kendilerini bu alanda yetitirecekleri, temel bilgileri renebilecekleri kaynak talebinde bulunmalaryd. Bu eitim tm kiilerin ihtiyalarn karlamak zere tasarlanmtr. Yeni mesleiniz imdiden hayrl olsun... Baarlar..Bol kazanlar.."
Price: 99.99

"Spanning Tree Protocol and Security MCQ (Networking)" |
"The Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) is a network protocol that builds a loop-free logical topology for Ethernet networks. The basic function of STP is to prevent bridge loops and the broadcast radiation that results from them. Spanning tree also allows a network design to include backup links providing fault tolerance if an active link fails.As the name suggests, STP creates a spanning tree that characterizes the relationship of nodes within a network of connected layer-2 bridges, and disables those links that are not part of the spanning tree, leaving a single active path between any two network nodes. STP is based on an algorithm that was invented by Radia Perlman while she was working for Digital Equipment Corporation.Network security consists of the policies and practices adopted to prevent and monitor unauthorized access, misuse, modification, or denial of a computer network and network-accessible resources. Network security involves the authorization of access to data in a network, which is controlled by the network administrator. Users choose or are assigned an ID and password or other authenticating information that allows them access to information and programs within their authority. Network security covers a variety of computer networks, both public and private, that are used in everyday jobs: conducting transactions and communications among businesses, government agencies and individuals. Networks can be private, such as within a company, and others which might be open to public access. Network security is involved in organizations, enterprises, and other types of institutions. It does as its title explains: it secures the network, as well as protecting and overseeing operations being done. The most common and simple way of protecting a network resource is by assigning it a unique name and a corresponding passwordThese questions will give you basic idea for Examination Preparation and/or interview on Spanning Tree Protocol and SecurityPlease Note: These questions are only for practice and understanding level of knowledge only. It is not necessary that these questions may or may not appear for examinations and/or interview questionsIn this practice test, because of large amount of questions (around 35 questions) some of questions may have repeatedI had to put as 70% pass rate because there may also be wrong answers from my side"
Price: 19.99

"Qt 5 Design Patterns" |
"This is an advanced course that covers design patterns using Qt 5 and C++. It is strongly advised you do not attempt this course until you have completed all the prerequisites -see my other courses on Udemy if you need a refresher.In software engineering, a design pattern is a general repeatable solution to a commonly occurring problem in software design - a design pattern is not a finished application but rather a tool the developer can use across any software framework. Design patterns can speed up the development process by providing tested, proven development paradigms. Effective software design requires considering issues that may not become visible until later in the implementation. Reusing design patterns helps to prevent subtle issues that can cause major problems and improves code readability for coders and architects familiar with the patterns.The goal of this course is to teach the student how to use design patterns in Qt 5 with C++ along with an understanding of issues specific to Qt 5. We will use a wide range of Qt technologies from Widgets, QML, sockets, server, threading, io, streams, processes, and the State Machine Framework. This course will cover traditional design patterns along with looking at common problems and solutions specific for Qt 5.These videos are filmed live and unedited, the student will see every single step, mistake and correction - the result is the same as if sitting in a classroom watching in real time."
Price: 19.99

"learn programming logic with java course 2020" |
"you want to learn programming from the ground up and be able to work in this field or at least able to create your own projects.this course will give you the foundation and understanding of programming that will help you to reach your goals. we will use java as its easy to learn and has all the features needed to learn programming.unlike other courses the focus of this course is not only the syntax of java(but the first part is all about basic syntax), the main goal is to teach you the logic of programming, the thinking process behind the code.there are thousands of resources teaching programming syntax, but in this course, we will teach you ""actual"" programming,by using exercises that are meant to develop your understanding of machine logic ""how a computer thinks"" and how to translate your logic to machine logic (this happens naturally after you code for a while).we will start from basic syntax as its the foundation/tools used to build any software or program.after that, we will solve assignment that any beginner shod go through when he/she starts learning programming.then i will teach you how to use databases with java, as most programs that have persistent data require databases (and a lot of jobs i had required me to use databases like sql all the time).in the future, i will keep adding lessons to this course as i think its important to expand your knowledge of programming as much as i can.i plan to add a section about algorithms (as an intro to the subject as its not a course about algorithms but i do want to help you get into it at least) . also i will add more assignments and other subjects that beginners shod know.my long term goal is to create the best coding course for beginners."
Price: 199.99

"Cryptomonnaie et Bitcoin : Placer et trader sa crypto" |
"Aimeriez-vous comprendre l'investissement et l'achat de cryptomonnaies, ainsi que le fonctionnement une bonne fois pour toute ?Loin des explications complexes, mes mtaphores et explications vous feront comprendre en instant ce qu'est "" un token, une blockchain ou une ICO "". Je ne vais pas vous apprendre trader la minute... Mais une mthode simple et puissante : O vous allez placer 50% de vos investissements sur des comptes hauts rendements (12% par an) et fortement scurissPlacer des trades intressants qui se feront en automatique. De quoi vous apporter quelques % de croissance supplmentaire votre portefeuille. Vous dcouvrirez aussi comment vous pouvez gagner jusqu' 5% de cashback en cryptomonnaie sur chaque paiement que vous faites l'picerie du coin.Comment slectionner des cryptomonnaies qui pourraient valoir normment d'argent dans quelques annes et comment vous allez les garder !vitez toutes les applications et plans qui vous feront perdre votre temps (mauvais robot de trading, minage automatique...).Vous dcouvrirez un outil incroyable qui permet d'analyser et prdire le comportement des cryptomonnaies !Cette mthode en cryptomonnaie va permettre mme au plus grand dbutant faire des investissements intressants, sans passer sa vie derrire les graphiques. Le but est de vous faire comprendre exactement le fonctionnement sans ressortir avec un norme mal de crne et de vous permettre d'investir dans les cryptos ds aujourd'hui afin de profiter d'opportunits !ATTENTION, c'est un excellent retour d'exprience que vous allez pouvoir mettre en place. Mme si on minimise le risque, il est toujours prsent et vous tes seul(e) matre de vos dcisions et investissements en cryptos.- - - - - - - - - -Ce cours sur le commerce des cryptocurrences d'Udemy vous aidera comprendre le fonctionnement du march des cryptocurrences Ce cours vous apprendra ngocier le bitcoin, l'thereum, le ripple, la litecoin et d'autres cryptocurrences en utilisant une combinaison unique de techniques de day trading et de swing trading utilises par les traders professionnels sur le march chaque jour.Vous apprendrez lire correctement les graphiques en utilisant l'analyse en chandelier, l'analyse technique et l'analyse de volume pour chronomtrer prcisment vos stratgies d'entre et de sortie.Les informations contenues dans ce cours sont orientes vers les cryptocurrences, mais elles peuvent tre utilises pour le day trading et le swing trading sur tout type d'actions : actions, options, matires premires, EFT, forex, devises... Que vous traitiez des cryptocurrences, du forex, des actions, des matires premires, des options, des ETF... ce cours vous donnera un aperu de l'avantage concurrentiel que donnent le trading patient, l'analyse technique et le volume actif.Ce cours est la porte d'entre vers votre succs dans le monde du trading de cryptocurrences. vitez les piges les plus courants qui touchent 90 % des traders ! Trop souvent, les traders dbutants entrent sur le march sans avoir les connaissances et la pratique ncessaires. En consquence, ils prennent des risques excessifs, coteux et inutiles en esprant des rendements plus levs. Ce cours vous enseignera une manire trs efficace de ngocier sur le march avec succs et en toute confiance. Vous placerez vos stop loss et order sell au bon moment !Ce cours s'adresse tous les niveaux : dbutants, intermdiaires et avancs ! Tout ce dont vous avez besoin est un esprit ouvert et une passion pour russir !Vous apprendrez trader et jouer avec les principales cryptomonnaies !Bitcoin ,Ethereum ,XRP ,Tether ,Bitcoin Cash ,Chainlink ,Litecoin ,Bitcoin SV ,CRO, MCO Coin ,Binance Coin ,Cardano ,EOS ,Tezos ,Stellar ,TRON ,Cosmos ,Monero ,USD Coin ,UNUS SED LEO ,Neo ,Huobi Token ,IOTA ,VeChain ,Aave ,Dash ,NEM ,Ethereum Classic ,Zcash ,OMG Network ,Maker ,Ontology ,Synthetix Network Token ,Basic Attention Token ,HedgeTrade ,0x ,Dai ,Algorand ,THETA ,Compound ,Dogecoin ,yearnfinance YFI ,BitTorrent ,DigiByte ,TrueUSD ,Energy Web Token ,Ren ,Qtum ,UMA ,Waves ,OKB ,FTX Token ,ICON ,Kyber Network ,Kusama ,Hyperion ,Hedera Hashgraph ,Paxos Standard ,Augur ,Elrond ,Aragon ,Zilliqa ,Lisk ,Band Protocol ,Flexacoin ,Binance USD ,Loopring ,Decred ,Ocean Protocol ,Terra ,Enjin Coin ,Bitcoin Gold ,Swipe ,Reserve Rights ,Balancer ,Nano ,Siacoin ,Ravencoin ,Blockstack ,Nervos Network ,Bytom ,Bitcoin Diamond ,HUSD ,The Midas Touch Gold ,Kava ,THORChain ,Status ,Bancor ,JUST ,iExec RLC ,Holo ,Decentraland ,MonaCoin ,Numeraire ,Ampleforth ,ZB Token ,Quant ,Verge ,KuCoin Shares ,Golem ,Divi ,IOST ,Solana ,Komodo ,IRISnet ,DxChain Token ,Matic Network ,Celsius ,Steem ,MCO ,Utrust ,Fetch ,Horizen ,SwissBorg ,BitShares ,Aurora ,bZx Protocol ,Serum ,Chiliz ,Ardor ,Nexo ,TomoChain ,HyperCash ,Ankr ,Kleros ,Hive ,MXC ,Stratis ,TrustSwap ,Zcoin ,Storj ,Akropolis ,Velas ,OriginTrail ,WAX ,aelf ,ABBC Coin ,Harmony ,Aeternity ,Aion ,CyberVein ,Ark ,Insolar ,Melon ,Electroneum ,Fantom ,vsystems ,GXChain ,PAX Gold ,RSK Infrastructure Framework ,Tellor ,SingularityNET ,Syscoin ,Unibright ,Energi ,xDai ,Handshake ,Travala ,Wanchain ,Switcheo ,WaykiChain ,Origin Protocol ,Curve DAO Token ,Theta Fuel ,Power Ledger ,Enigma ,Pundi X ,Waltonchain ,SOLVE ,Gnosis ,Celer Network ,Elastos ,NULS ,DMM: Governance ,MaidSafeCoin ,Gatechain Token ,Zap ,VIDT Datalink ,COTI ,Streamr ,IoTeX ,Orbs ,Digitex Futures ,Super Zero Protocol ,Bytecoin ,STASIS EURO ,Cortex ,ReddCoin ,Huobi Pool Token ,Ripio Credit Network ,Thunder Token ,Voyager Token ,Beam ,DAD ,Loom Network ,DOS Network ,Uquid Coin ,Ultra ,WINk ,VeThor Token ,NOIA Network"
Price: 199.99

"How to turn new customers into repeat customers" |
"You don't just want customers: you want customers for life! When a new prospect buys from you, they are considering three things: your product, your price, and your service. Do you know which of these three is most important to buyers nowadays?It is Service. A great experience will sway a buying decision more than a product description or the price. Creating an excellent customer experience is your way toGet more customersKeep more customersAnd improve your product all the timeThis class is about how to create a high quality customer experience: one that drives satisfaction and repeat business. Students will learn a simple way to build a high value and feedback-driven customer experience to both manage and communicate with customers.This class is for:Customer success managersCustomer experience or support employeesSmall business managersThis class creates a simple system to build a bespoke strategy for customer experience. While the rules are universal, they allow each business to build the system that works best for them. Learning to understand the fundamentals of customer success allows students to recreate their ideal systems in different businesses, scenarios, or parts of their company.All that is needed is your computer and a notepad."
Price: 29.99

"Basic Excel Training with Case studies" |
"Know the important formula and features available in Excel which are really needed if you want to start in Excel.No prior experience in any tool is required.Vlookup basics with limitations is discussed in a very detailed way. When to use Text functions like Mid, Left, Right , Substitute with practical examples .Combining more than one function is also discussed for future plans , if you need to go for advance trainingImportant functions used in calculations like SumIFs, CountIFs, Average IF, and sum and count other family functions is discussed.Learn about Cell referencing also , a Must know thing in making dynamic formula.Logical functions explained with real case studies.Sorting, Filtering , every aspect is discussed with office work related scenarios.Conditional formatting feature for different situations in detailPivots - To use for data analysis and making summary reports in an excellent and fastest way.Online support 24*7"
Price: 19.99

"Tourism 4.0 - The Tourism Industry in Industry 4.0" |
"Did you know that the world economy and humanity is at the verge of one of the most transformational periods in history of mankind?Have you heard about the 'Industrial Revolutions'; which from time to time transformed the course of humanity? The first industrial revolution was powered by mechanization, water power and steam power. The second industrial revolution was powered by the mass production of products such as the famous Henry Ford's Model-T car, assembly lines and electricity. The third industrial revolution was powered by computerization and automation. Now, the fourth industrial revolution, known as 'Industry 4.0 (4IR)' will be powered by Cyber Physical Systems, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics is set to unleash the next wave of disruption at an unprecedented scale and force!How will the Tourism Industry adapt and disrupt the game?------------------------------------------------A course with a simple and comprehensive beginner's guide to 'Tourism 4.0 - The Tourism Industry in Industry 4.0'!------------------------------------------------In this course, there are ELEVEN sections which cover over 60 lectures worth over 3 hours of content;Section 1 - Introduction to the Tourism Industry - Discover what the Tourism Industry is and the vital role it plays in shaping Society. Learn about the different types of tourism such as Adventure Tourism and Virtual Tourism as well as the other industries which are related to the Tourism Industry.Section 2 - Key Insights about the Tourism Industry - Discover Key Insights about the Tourism Industry and its contribution to Global GDP, the rise of Experiential Tourism, Personalization of Travel and the rise of Sustainable Tourism.Section 3 - Introduction to Challenges of the Tourism Sector - Explore the challenges faced by the Tourism Industry such as Infrastructure challenges, regulation and taxation, seasonality issues and technological challenges.Section 4 - Opportunities for Innovation in the Tourism Industry - Discover the opportunities for innovation in the Tourism Industry including Personalization, robots and automation, a more secure travel experience as well as better on-the-job training.Section 5 - Introduction to Industry 4.0 - Discover what Industry 4.0 is, what the Industry 4.0 Environment is and the different kinds of Internets such as the Internet-of-Things (IoT), Industrial-Internet-of-Things (IIoT), Internet-of-Services (IoS) and the Internet-of-Everything (IoE).Section 6 - Introduction to Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) - Discover what Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) are and what their benefits are as well as their drawbacks.Section 7 - The Impact of Industry 4.0 on the Tourism Industry - Discover how Industry 4.0 is impacting and transforming the Tourism Industry including personalization of experience and sustainability, use of IoT, usage of artificial intelligence, secure bio-metric authentication and democratization of tourism based services.Section 8 - The Barriers to Implementing Industry 4.0 - Discover about the barriers of implementing Industry 4.0 including the high cost of implementation, lack of skilled staff, privacy issues and concerns.Section 9 - The Drivers of Implementing Industry 4.0 - Discover about the Barriers of Implementing Industry 4.0 including Faster Time to Market, Challenges in matching the Supply and Demand, Better Customer Experience (CX), Increasing efficiency and productivity in business processes and Demand for Better Quality.Section 10 - The Real World Outlook - Discover about innovative startups and businesses in the Tourism Industry.Section 11 - The Impact of Covid-19 on the Tourism Industry - Discover how Industry 4.0 is impacting and transforming the Tourism Industry including short term trends such as the rise of domestic tourism, etc.--------------------------------------------------------------Jump right in to learn and discover about all of the amazing and transformative content on ""Tourism 4.0 - The Tourism Industry in Industry 4.0"" and be updated with latest trends in the world of tech and business! Be a part of Industry 4.0!--------------------------------------------------------------About the Author: Hi, I'm Deshan and I'm a Digital Transformation Consultant. I have a M.Sc. in Technology Management (Distinction) from the Staffordshire University, UK as well as First Class Honors in B.Sc. (Applied Information Technology) from the Staffordshire University, UK. I also have around 8 years of experience in coding websites and software; creating multimedia, illustrations and graphics as well as computer simulation and 3D modelling! Feel free to ask any question regarding Digital Transformation, Industry 4.0 and Digital Disruption in the forum!"
Price: 79.99

"Python Loops and Looping Techniques: Beginner to Advanced" |
"Learn how to use the power of For Loops, While Loops, Nested Loops (and more!) in Python. Build 4 projects, understand how loops work behind the scenes, and practice with coding exercises.Master Loops and Looping Techniques to Take Your Python Skills to the Next Level. Learn how For Loops and While Loops work behind the scenes with step-by-step graphical explanations.Use the power of built-in Python functions such as range, enumerate, zip, sorted, and reversed to make your loops more powerful, more concise and more readable.Understand how Nested For Loops and Nested While Loops work and learn how to use them in practical scenarios. Customize the functionality of your loops with break and continue. Learn how they work and when to use them. Iterate over strings, lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets.Detect infinite loops, find their cause, stop them and fix them. Write clearer and more concise Python code.Add New Python Skills To Your ResumePython is currently one of the most popular programming languages and its popularity continues to rise every year. It is used for real-world applications in diverse areas such as Web Development, Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and many more. Learning Python loops and looping techniques is your next step into the powerful world of computer science. Loops are essential tools for your programming toolkit that can help you write powerful programs.You will definitely use loops in any field, including:Web DevelopmentMachine LearningData ScienceArtificial IntelligenceGame DevelopmentMobile App DevelopmentBioinformaticsMedical SoftwareComputer Visionand... many more!Loops are essential to implement data structures and algorithms. Therefore, if you are thinking about entering any of these fields or if you are planning to expand your computer science skills, then this course is for you. Any piece of software that you can possibly imagine has repetitive processes, which are implemented using loops. The concepts and techniques that you will learn in this course are easily transferable to other programming languages like Java, JavaScript, and many more. GoalsBy the end of this course, you will be able to:Work with for loops and while loops in your programs. Understand how they work.Read loops written by other developers and understand their purpose.Write nested loops and determine when to use them to approach tasks. Use break and continue to stop loops when certain conditions are met. Use built-in Python functions in your loops to write cleaner code, remove unnecessary variables, and make your code more concise.ProjectsYou will work on 4 projects:Draw a Pattern: you will use Python's built-in turtle module to draw patterns using for loops. You will start by drawing simple patterns and you will increase their complexity until you reach the final version. You will customize this project and experiment with the principles of for loops. Caesar's Cipher: you will implement this basic encryption algorithm using a for loop. When the project is completed, you will be able to encrypt and decrypt secret messages (like Julius Caesar did!).Guess the Number: you will use a while loop and the Binary Search algorithm to implement a text-based game that asks the user to think of a number and guesses that number based on user input. The Binary Search algorithm is explained in detail during the course. Analyze Book Passages: you will use nested loops to read and analyze the content of a book passage in a text file. The program will display the frequency of each letter and the letter with the maximum frequency. As you can see, you will have many opportunities to apply your knowledge in a wide range of areas during the course.You will also acquire additional skills such as: problem solving, computational thinking, file handling in Python, knowledge of the Binary Search algorithm and the turtle module. All while learning how to work with loops! Learning Material & ResourcesThroughout the course, you will find these resources:Video Lectures: 8 hours of video lectures with carefully designed graphics, tables, and code visualizations. You will see how the code works behind the scenes with step-by-step explanations. Projects: build 4 projects and apply your skills in practical scenarios. Coding Exercises: practice with 40+ coding exercises with their corresponding solutions. Check your solution immediately with the automated grader.Quizzes: check your knowledge with 30+ quizzes with 120+ questions that provide unlimited attempts and instant feedback. Course Exam: take a final course exam with 25+ questions to test your knowledge of everything you learned during the course. The exam has unlimited attempts and it provides detailed results for each attempt. Study Guide: review for the course exam with a detailed study guide with 100+ questions. Articles: read 80+ articles with detailed explanations and illustrations to complement your learning.What makes this course unique?This course is unique because of its emphasis on providing visual and detailed explanations of how each type of loop works behind the scenes, so you will not only learn how to use them in Python, you will actually understand the purpose of each line of code. Unique study materials complement the course experience. You will find a Study Guide specifically designed for the course with 100+ questions on the course content. You will be able to solve coding exercises directly on the browser and you will receive instant feedback for your submission. You will check your knowledge with Quizzes that provide instant feedback and questions will make you think more deeply about the topics presented in each section.You will receive a certificate of completion that you can add to your social media profiles to showcase your new skills. You will also have lifetime access to the course.You are very welcome to watch the preview lectures and check out the full course curriculum. If you are looking for an engaging, visual, and practical course, then you've found it. Enroll Now, add ""Python Loops and Looping Techniques"" to your resume, and showcase your new skills."
Price: 49.99

"Cantonese Character (Traditional Chinese) : Beginner Part 3" |
"Cantonese Character (Traditional Chinese) : Beginner Part 3Material Include:1. 60 Traditional Chinese Character Origin Explanation 2. 60 Traditional Chinese Character Writing Demonstration2. 180 Cantonese Vocabularies3. 180 Cantonese Sentence4. 60 Writing Pads5. 18 Bonus Lectures for ""The structure of Chinese characters""After this course, you will learn - the pronunciation- the meaning- the origin of the character- the part of speech of each character- common vocabularies- how to write- learn stroke order step-by-step- how to memorize the character- the way we use the character- various of related vocabularies- various sentence of formal traditional Chinese- what kinds of components are included. You will have different writing practice. Each lesson, we provide extra writing assignments for you.Cantonese300 Part3L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 L12 L13 L14 L15 L16 L17 L18 L19 L20 Cantonese300_The structure_of_Chinese charactersL1_The Structure of Chinese charactersL2_The structure of Chinese charactersL3_Early formation_of_Chinese_charactersL4_Single-component_characterL5_Single-component_characterL6_Single-component _characterL7_Above_to_belowL8_Above_to_belowL9_Above_to_belowL10_Left_to_rightL11_Left_to_rightL12_Left_to_rightL13_Outside_to_insideL14_Outside_to_insideL15_Outside_to_insideL16_Diagonal_structureL17_Left_to_middle_and_rightL18_Above_to_middle_and_belowAbout InstructorGabrielle has worked in Education industry for 13 years in Hong Kong. After taking the whole series (3-course), you are able to write at least 900 Traditional Chinese Characters.- What we have4K students are following Gab Gab CantoneseStudents cover 200+ countriesMore than 1.2 Million minutes of teaching experience Produced 660+ video lessonsTeaching Certificate granted by Chinese University of Hong KongLocal Hong Kong Teachers- What we offerProfessional Cantonese coursesProfessional Chinese coursesChinese Character writingChinese reading coursesChinese writing courseboth formal and informal CantoneseBeginner/ Intermediate/ Advanced LessonsCorporate TrainingEXTRA tailor-made notesFREE resources"
Price: 19.99

"Fundamentals of Simulation Modelling using Anylogic" |
"This course is for anyone who wants to start learning Simulation Modelling using Anylogic.You will learn Discrete Event Simulation as well as Agent Based Simulation.The course will start from the very basics and enable you to tackle real business problems using simulation techniques.We will use the Java programming language inside Anylogic. The course will also cover 2D and 3D Animation, GIS Integration, Pedestrian simulation, connecting to DB and Excel files."
Price: 74.99

"Fundamentals of High Level System Design" |
"This course in introduction to the fundamentals of High-Level System Design. Whether you are an undergrad who wants to learn more about a distributed system or an aspirant to crack the system design interview in one of the top tech companies - this course is for you!The course starts by highting some of the considerations and tradeoffs to be made while designing a large scale system. We are gonna cover the topics of Scalability, Reliability, Availability, and Performance.Next, we dwell on the key system resources like - compute, storage, and network and how they can be scaled in a large scale system. We then cover some of the building blocks of large scale systems like Load balances, Proxies, Gateways, Caching solution and DatabasesFinally, we wrap up with an introduction to inter-process communication in large scale applications. This is key to architecting large scale micro-service-based applications This course is designed keeping in mind the current trends in computing is filled with real-world examples. The course has quizzes at the end of each topic to keep you engaged throughout.I'm looking forward to you joining me on this journey of unravelling the art of designing large scale systems. Let's get started!"
Price: 4160.00

"Mster Dashboards Interactivos con Python Dash & Plotly" |
"Quiere convertirse en un experto en la creacin de dashboards interactivos con Python?En este curso aprender todo lo que necesita para crear potentes dashboards interactivos con las libreras open source Plotly y Dash, llevando sus habilidades con Python y la visualizacin de datos al siguiente nivel.Al finalizar el curso podr desplegar sus dashboards interactivos como aplicaciones web a nivel profesional, de tal manera que pueda compartirlo de manera segura con los usuarios finales.Comenzar con todos los pasos necesarios de instalacin desde cero y aprender la importacin de datos bsica con libreras como Pandas.A continuacin dominar todos los detalles de Plotly y sus mltiples tipos de visualizaciones interactivas como grficos de lnea, barras, burbujas, box plot, histogramas, distplot, heatmaps, mapas geogrficos,Una vez adquirido el conocimiento de Plotly, aprender desde cero la librera Dash para que pueda crear dashboards interactivos a partir de sus diferentes componentes, creacin de layouts, callbacks y la interactividad entre mltiples entradas y salidas que pueda tener su dashboard completo y funcional.Finalizaremos el curso con el despliegue del dashboard interactivo como una aplicacin web en un servidor para que est accesible por otros usuarios de manera online.Este curso tendr un enfoque eminentemente prctico, se explicar paso a paso y en detalle cada nueva funcionalidad, pero el objetivo es que sea capaz de aplicar los nuevos conocimientos ejecutando los mltiples casos prcticos reales propuestos para poner a prueba las destrezas adquiridas, adems de un proyecto final con la creacin de un dashboard profesional.A su vez, tendr a su disposicin un material extenso de consulta y todos los scripts de Python explicados durante esta especializacin de tal manera que le sea muy sencillo reutilizarlos para su caso de uso concreto.Es el momento de que pase a la accin, tomando este curso conseguir dominar la tecnologa ms puntera de creacin de dashboards interactivos con Python y supone obtener una habilidad muy importante para poder destacar sobre el resto y conseguir sacar el mximo provecho de la informacin."
Price: 119.99

"Azure Pipelines - CI/CD, Docker e Kubernetes no Azure DevOps" |
"Aprenda a utilizar o servio Azure Pipelines para Build e Release (Integrao Contnua e Entrega Contnua) na plataforma de DevOps da Microsoft na Nuvem : o Azure DevOps.So mais de 17 horas em mais de 160 aulas de treinamento onde voc ira aprender sobre:Build Pipeline com Classic Editor e YAMLIntegrao Continua (C.I.) e Entrega Continua (C.D) usando Azure PipelinesDeployment Patterns (Big Bang, Ramped, Canary, Blue/Green e A/B Testing)Deploy do seu aplicativo para ambientes on-premise com Deployment Group e Agent Builds.Pipeline de Qualidade com Teste Unitrio, Teste de Integrao e SonarQube/SonarCloudDocker Containers na sua esteira DevOpsKubernetes no Azure (AKS) para deploy do seu ClusterAzure Container Registry (ACR) e Azure Container Instance (ACI) com Azure PipelinesInfraestrutura como Cdigo (IaC) no seu Pipeline com Terraform e ARM (Azure Resource Manager)Adicionar Banco de Dados no seu Pipeline com Flyway e DACPACO foco deste treinamento tanto para iniciantes quanto para profissionais da T.I. com experincia na rea. Iremos fazer tudo passo a passo, at a gerao do cdigo fonte utilizado nas aplicaes de exemplo."
Price: 39.99

"Ethical Hacking - Port Scan com Ferramentas Online e Offline" |
"GRADE CURRICULARComo Estudar na Udemy (videoaula opcional)Apresentao do cursoQue curso esseConhea a Escola de HackersConhea seu professorConhea o sistema A.D.A.M. de ensinoAdvertnciaIntroduoO que so portasO que varredura de portas (port sanning)Porque fazer a varredura de portasQuando fazer a varredura de portasComo se faz varredura de portasDemonstrao da varredura de portas em alvo realOs dois tipos de vulnerabilidadesExemplo de invaso com varredura de portasExemplo com alvo realEsclarecimento importantePrtica de port scanning com 10 ferramentas off-lineLista das ferramentas que vamos usarBaixe o e-book que acompanha este cursoIP padro para usar durante a prticaViso geral da varredura de portas com ferramentas off-lineDownload das ferramentas em um nico pacotePrtica com a ferramenta off-line #01Prtica com a ferramenta off-line #02Prtica com a ferramenta off-line #03Prtica com a ferramenta off-line #04Prtica com a ferramenta off-line #05Prtica com a ferramenta off-line #06Prtica com a ferramenta off-line #07Prtica com a ferramenta off-line #08Prtica com a ferramenta off-line #09Prtica com a ferramenta off-line #10Concluso da Parte 1Prtica de port scanning com 11 ferramentas onlineLista das ferramentas que vamos usarBaixe o e-book que acompanha este cursoIP padro para usar durante a prticaViso geral da varredura de portas com ferramentas onlineAbrindo as ferramentas em janelas separadas usando uma nica aoPrtica com a ferramenta online #01Prtica com a ferramenta online #02Prtica com a ferramenta online #03Prtica com a ferramenta online #04Prtica com a ferramenta online #05Prtica com a ferramenta online #06Prtica com a ferramenta online #07Prtica com a ferramenta online #08Prtica com a ferramenta online #09Prtica com a ferramenta online #10Prtica com a ferramenta online #11Prtica com uma ferramenta online extraConcluso"
Price: 39.99

intermidiateos |
"Teachable TeachableTeachableMailchimpWindows10WordPressTeachable(Zapier(HubspotTeachableTeachableTeachable"
Price: 24000.00

"Complete Portfolio Website Step-by-Step [ Web Development ]" |
"As a creative, an online portfolio is an absolute must to establish your career.Whether youre a photographer, fashion director, graphic designer, or architect creating an online portfolio is an absolute must to establish your career. It's what allows you to differentiate yourself from others, showcase your projects and skills, and demonstrate that you can bring something unique to the table. Here are some benefits that every creative professional can enjoy by creating an online design portfolio.Increase online visibilityAccording to Glassdoor, more and more hiring managers are Googling their applicants before interviews, and not surprisingly, one of the top things they look for is an online portfolio. its reassuring to know that you get to decide what comes up on that first page. Will it be pictures of your Friday nights or a professional profile that shows your story and skills? Deck your Google search with social media posts, articles you authored, and most importantly, an online portfolio that showcases the best of your work.Open up for potential clientsIf youre a freelancer, having an online portfolio is the best way to detail your services and open the door wide open for potential clients. This is how Lukas Lienhard, a freelance photographer, attracts clients who wouldnt have gotten in touch with him if it werent for his website. His online portfolio works as a landing page for his personal brand, where clients can easily see what his personality, interests, and skillsets are...Advantages of a PortfolioOnline presence The days of the paper resume are fading fast. Today when employers consider a potential job candidate, a google search is one of the first screening tools they employ. When you have a digital portfolio, you have a powerful tool to shape your online presence.Know what you know A digital portfolio requires you to write narratives that give details about the skills and experiences that appear on your CV or resume. Writing these narratives gives you a chance to articulate your professional story--the core of your qualifications, the nuances of your professional identity. There's no better preparation for interview questions than creating a portfolio.A deeper look Today all professionals should have a social media presence. LinkedIn, and Twitter/Facebook. But a digital portfolio goes beyond social media. A digital portfolio lets your LinkedIn profile (and any other social media presence you have) lead colleagues and potential employers to a place where they can explore your career more deeply than any social media profile allows. A job history on LinkedIn--with a link to your digital portfolio added--becomes an in-depth story about your ability to work in a team, lead a project, or innovate in your field.This is a video course full of real downloadable code examples. You'll be able to take the knowledge, as well as the real working code, to your projects and make sure they stand out.Responsive Web DesignCreate Responsive Website Using HTML5 CSS3frontend developerswebsite designerHtml DevelopersLearn Web Development Courses and Tutorialshow to make a responsive website using Html CSS JavascriptBuild a real-world responsive websitejavascript front end tutorialfront end developer coursefront end development tutorialsLearn Web Development Courses and Tutorialsresponsive website design from scratch 2020Design A Complete Responsive Business Website From Scratchhtml5 + css3 responsive web designLearn Modern Responsive Web Design With Example Step by StepResponsive Html5 CSS3 WebsiteWeb Design For BeginnersBuild A Modern Looking Responsive WebsitesLearn Responsive Web Design From ScratchReal World Coding in HTML & CSSHtml5 CSS3 and Javascript: A Guide To Web Design From ScratchWeb Design HTML CSS Create Single Page Website from ScratchFront End Web DevelopmentHelp and inspiration?Not only do you get a load of practical, useful starting projects in this course, you can also head over to CSS Animation.rocks for more, and even sign up to a weekly newsletter packed full of tutorials, inspiration, and tips for animating on the web.Theres no better time to learn Animations: Youve made a smart choice because CSS 3 Animations is the most popular language out there. This is no exaggeration. This popularity and growth mean more jobs and opportunities than ever before.Get access to fast support if you get stuck: Theres nothing worse than getting stuck ten hours into a course and not getting the help you need to continue. Getting stuck is part of the learning process. Thats why Im here to answer every single question that comes my way.I guarantee that this is the most up-to-date and engaging course available, and it comes with a Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee.I cant wait to see you inside, Let's Hope in to the COURSE! - B. Praveen Kumar ( PHP Developer & Web Designer - FULL Stack Developer )."
Price: 74.99

"Learn and create awesome animations using Toonly software" |
"Welcome to the Ultimate Toonly animation Master course.With This animation course, what are you going to get?You will learn to create animations from scratch to end even if you have no Animation experience.If you have a dream of creating your own animation Youtube channel, then this is your starting point and you have come to the right place.Unlike other animation software, Toonly is very easy to practice and master in very little time.If you want to be an online instructor you can captivate your audience using Animations and this course will definitely help you out.What you require,A Paid version of Toonly is a must for this course.Anything I must Add:Enroll and see your creativity Crossing Borders.Wish you all the best. "
Price: 24.99

"Beginning Arduino Uno Programming in C++" |
"An introductory course intended for beginners and enthusiasts who are curious about how to program Arduino UNO in C++. This course takes you a step by step through the basics with simplified illustrative hands-on that require no prior knowledge. The course includes a premium discussion of the relation between IoT, Big Data, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning."
Price: 19.99

"Edicin De Bodas & Sesiones / Estilo Ruso - Nivel Avanzado" |
"Hola, soy Juan Pablo Aquila, Licenciado en Comunicacin y fotgrafo especializado en bodas y sesiones.Estoy muy contento de traerte este curso que finalmente me decid a dar donde revelo todos mis secretos:En este curso avanzado, concretamente, vamos a:- Editar de forma precisa fotografas al estilo Ruso, sin salir de Cmera Raw (o Lightroom) y en menos de cuatro minutos por imagen. Es decir, no utilizaremos Photoshop en absoluto. - Aprenderemos las herramientas de revelado puntual para llevar a cabo nuestra meta.- Editaremos Sesiones (nios, quinceaeras, novios), Bodas diurnas y Nocturnas.Nunca te vas a imaginar, que en tan poquito tiempo y sin tocar photoshop, puedas dejar las imgenes como aqu aprenderemos. Mira el trailer y ve realmente las fotos que haremos, son increibles; y respecto a que las haremos en menos de 4 minutos... Es literal! Con mi tcnica, que te ensear paso a paso, hars en bastante menos tiempo que cuatro minutos cada imagen con ese mismo resultado. GARANTIZADO. Es MUY importante que hayas hecho el curso Nivel inicial que he dado, o bien, que ya dominas lo bsico en cuanto a revelado. Sera ideal que ya tengas dominado el uso de luz (histograma) y Color en revelado, al igual que los distintos mdulos de ajustes globales que tanto Lightroom como Camera Raw disponen. Si no lo haces, te recuerdo que todos estos conceptos los puedes adquirir en el curso bsico que he subido a esta misma plataforma. Te esper@, y Bienvenid@!Lic. Juan Pablo Aquila"
Price: 129.99

"Aprende Issabel PBX desde cero" |
"Si deseas aprender de centrales telefnicas asterisk basadas en Issabel este es el curso que necesitas. Aprende a configurar una central telefnica para ser instalada en una empresa. Este curso lo diseamos para que ganes dinero haciendo lo que te gusta.Descubre todo lo que puedes aprender con el conocimiento que vas a obtener en el curso."
Price: 29.99

"Emprendimiento exitoso, como crear tu empresa exitosa" |
"Ests por empezar una nueva empresa pero no sabes por donde, o ya has empezado una pero an no le das forma y quieres aumentar tus ventas considerablemente, en este curso aprenders todas las reas que necesitas para que tu empresa pase al siguiente nivel.Al terminar este curso estars preparado para hacer crecer tu empresa.En este curso aprenders:Finanzas y contabilidadDeterminacin de los precios de tus productos y/o serviciosAsignacin de precios con utilidad de tus productos y serviciosCmo funcionan lo crditos bancariosCmo utilizar los crditos bancariosCmo determinar el tamao de tu negocioRecursos HumanosCmo reclutar y seleccionar a tu personalCmo retener a tu personalCmo crear puestos a tus vacantesMercadotcnia, vndele a la gente correctaDefinicin de mercadoTamao de mercadoEntorno del mercadoPublicidad, haz tus anuncios vendedoresTeora de la publicidadMtodo AIDANeuropublicidadCmo hacer tus anuncios vendedoresCampaas en facebook e instagramCmo hacer campaas pagadas en facebook e instagramCmo seleccionar pblicosCmo seleccionar presupuestos"
Price: 179.99

"Learn Complete Software Engineering with Python 3" |
"This is complete software engineering course with Python 3. In this course you will learn programming from A-Z. You will learn all the concepts. We will build many real world and useful applications in this course. You will learn object oriented programming (OOP), data visualization, file handling, APIs, RESTful APIs, graphical user interfaces GUI, crud operation, software development and much more."
Price: 199.99

hotjartw |
Price: 29.99
