cycle-gan |
Price: 4800.00

"Football (Soccer) Play-Styles - Possession" |
"Welcome to your course ""Football (Soccer) Play-Styles - Possession"". Whether you are a coach, a player, or even a football lover, this course is for you! Keeping possession doesn't mean anything if it isn't effective! That's where many coaches and teams get stuck. They keep possession just for the sake of it...Possession isn't the purpose, it's only a way like many others. How do you use it is what really matters... In this course, you'll discover Why and How to get the best out of your possession phase. By the end of this course, you'll be able to coach/play an effective possession style to win more games.This course is composed of 3 sections:In the first section, you are going to be introduced to the course, to know me (the instructor), and the roadmap of the course.In the second section, you are going to know how to play/coach an effective possession football.In the third and last section, you are going to know what is really possession.Shortly talking, this course will be teaching you what to do and what not to do when you have possession of the ball."
Price: 19.99

"Esse curso destina-se as pessoas que j encontraram ou ainda encontram dificuldades para serem aprovadas em uma entrevista de emprego. Corrija seus principais erros ao divulgar seu currculo e ser entrevistado. Formado em Administrao, Daniel Faceroli aborda temas como: preparao do currculo, confiana, ansiedade, tcnicas de comunicao, etc. Ao final voc estar apto a desafiar-se, vencendo o nervosismo e podendo ser aprovado em qualquer entrevista."
Price: 39.99

"50 popular coding interview problems" |
"Preparing for coding problems? Competitive programming? Then this course will help you for sure: 50 well-chosen problems to increase your problem-solving skills!Many algorithms concepts covered: dynamic programming, divide and conquer, memoization, backtracking...And many data structures used: arrays, hashmaps, sets, trees, stacks...And also, time and space complexity analysis is provided for every problem!"
Price: 49.99

"React NativeFirebaseiOS/Android" |
"React NativefirebasefirebaseReact NativeFirebase- React NativeFirebase- Firebase- AlgoliaReact NativeFirebaseJavaScriptReact NativeReact Nativestate, props, hooksmacgoogle"
Price: 11400.00

"PTE Academic Masterclass: Achieve 90 in PTE Writing" |
"Welcome to the only class you need to learn how to achieve 90 in PTE Writing.From brainstorming some great ideas to writing them correctly for the prompt, this course covers it all.After taking this course, youll know:the exact steps to pick only those phrases that can help you form sentence or paragraphsbrainstorm ideasplan the structure of each sentence or paragraphfit the points in the most scoring template (that Im going to teach you in the lessons)and edit the sentences with grammar and advanced vocabulary with many solved examples and 100 assignments.What you learn will be actionable, realistic, and easy to write for any given topic in PTE Academic Writing.What will you learn?Knowing the exact ways to crack the 2 items of PTE Writing: Understand different ways to Summarize Written Text and Write Essay.Getting to know more about PTE Writing: Learn what PTE Writing is, what the two items are, how many items are to be solved, etc.Categorizing the exact techniques to get 90 in PTE Writing: As both the items of PTE Writing are different, identify the best practices to interpret the question.Using the most workable strategies to get the ideal answer: Implement the winning blueprint to write the model answers for Summarize Written Text and Write Essay.Getting familiar with different word families for better score: Get well-versed with connectors, smart colloquialism, excellent vocabularyKnowing how to improve on the marking criteria of each item: Understand what the scoring factors are and where not to lose points in PTE Writing itemsKnowing how to plan the essay: Understand the most competent mechanisms to prepare faster.Understanding the best strategies to brainstorm ideas: Ideate the ideas and gather the most proper sentences.Organizing the ideas in paragraphs appropriately: Align the notion in a sequence with appropriate coherence.Effectively structuring the paragraphs of PTE Essay Writing: Arrange the brainstormed concepts in proper edifice constructed.Comprehending different ways to answer the question in the given time: Wrap planning, writing, and editing the sentences within the given time.Discovering the winning tips to score more in PTE: Know to target the areas which can boost the score.This PTE Academic Writing course covers it all, and if you put into practice all of the techniques taught in the course, you should have the best methodologies to score 90 in PTE Writing.We always try our best to help you, answer your questions as soon as possible, and update the course if theres anything you need.What are you waiting for?Enroll in this course today! Ill help you come up with the best plan to score 90 in PTE Academic Writing.See you in class!"
Price: 199.99

"Complete Jumia Affiliate Marketing Course [Passive Income]" |
"If you've been trying to start a profitable affiliate marketing business the easiest way but could not find the perfect guide on how to do just that, then you need to get this course. Not only does it walk you through how to make easy money, but also exposed you to less competition of affiliate marketing on Jumia. The majority of people focus on Amazon affiliate marketing while they leave the money on the table with Jumia affiliate program. Jumia generates millions of traffics on a monthly basis and you yourself can tap into that using simple blog content to rake in money on a monthly basis. In this course you'll learn how to do niche research, keyword research, create your simple blog and as well as how to publish the right content for buyer traffics. You'll also learn how to choose the right product with a good affiliate commission that makes huge income on a monthly basis, compared to promoting products with peanut affiliate commission. Basically, everything you need to start making money with Jumia affiliate program can be found in this course.And not just for Jumia affiliate program, the same process and strategy can be used to promote other affiliate programs like Konga affiliate program and more! If you've been wanting to make a serious income while working from the comfort of your house, then this is the right time to start generating it with Jumia affiliate marketing."
Price: 59.99

"How To Become a Paid Influencer on Instagram in 2020" |
"This is the only course you need to gain Instagram followers, attract collaborations from premium brands, and earn an income with your Instagram account with as little as 1,000 followers. In over 7 hours of HD video content and downloadable PDFs, we will go over exactly which strategies you need to use in order to grow and monetize your Instagram account.The content of this course includes the strategies learned from running over 7,000 influencer collaborations for Enterprise level brands. You'll gain from the knowledge and experience of Head Instructor, Ryan Kucey, who has consulted thousands of influencers on how to profitably collaborate with brands on social media.You will be able to download email pitching templates, media kits, terminology guides and Google Sheets that you need to work with brands and get paid. This is the most comprehensive course on becoming an influencer anywhere online. With over 7 hours of video and custom resources & guides, you wont find a more thorough and up to date course out there. We cover everything you need to know to start from scratch with 0 followers to grow an account to 20k, 40k, even 100k+ followers.This course is for both beginners to Instagram and advanced creators that have experience with being an influencer on Instagram.We'll first start with the basics:Choosing your primary and secondary channelsDiscovering your niche (& which ones make the most $$$)Understanding account insights & analytics and how to use it to increase engagementAfter we cover the basics, we'll cover more advanced material in our Intermediate and Advanced sections, teaching topics such as:Screenshares as I walk through and analyze top content creator's Instagram accountsHow to calculate & increase Instagram engagement ratesHow to calculate & increase Instagram sponsorship fees you'll chargeWhere to find paying brand sponsors (+ how to contact them)Learn all about Instagram pods and engagement groupsAnd much much more!This course is designed to apply to both individuals that want to grow a following for themselves, but also businesses that want to start a presence on the platform and use it to grow their brand.For some, becoming an influencer on Instagram is a dream. For others, it's a reality.Name another position where you can get paid tens of thousands of dollars, receive free products & services and travel on someone else's dime all with only a few hours per week. It's alright, we'll wait...Can't think of one? That's because there isn't.One of the common mistakes people make in thinking about how to become an influencer is that you need hundreds of thousands, or millions of followers to attract brands or some special, unique talent. Wrong.The soon-to-be $10 billion industry is flocking towards nano and micro-influencers commonly identified as those with between 100 - 100,000 followers... normal, everyday people. That's right, as little as a few hundred followers and a mobile phone in hand. You could sneeze and open your eyes and have an audience of that size it's that easy.But simply having enough followers doesn't guarantee your 12-month clothing brand sponsorship contract, or an all-expense paid trip to Bali to shoot content. That'd be too easy.There's a not-so-clear line between someone who just happens to have followers, and one who is monetizing their account and making more than what their 9-5 pays them.In this course, you will learn the how-tos, tips, tricks & tools to grow a loyal, trusting following online. We'll teach the secrets of what separates influencers with 50,000 followers earning $0, and those who have 2,500 followers who are under long-term contracts and getting paid thousands to create content they love & share it with the people who admire and respect them.Before you complete the 100+ lectures included in our blueprint on how to become an influencer, you'll discover the brands & influencer marketplaces so that you know exactly where to go to start leveraging your skills as a paid influencer on social media.We surveyed dozens of influencers to determine what they struggle with the most. Their answer? They struggle to find brands on social media to work with. That's why we're not only providing you with all the knowledge you need to become a successful influencer, we're also showing you exactly where and how to find brands that pay you those lucrative, long-term contracts.Are you ready?Commonly Asked QuestionsDo I have to sell my soul to the influencer devil to become an influencer?No. Contrary to popular belief, you don't need to hold up a package of Fit Tea or wear FashionNova to become an influencer on social media.Within the course, we actually teach you the opposite you'll find out what brands and product categories to avoid and how to attract brands you have an interest in and can feel good about standing behind as an Instagram influencer and content creator.Have a passion for mental health? How about a collaboration with Pura Vida Bracelets, who manufacture bracelets in third-world countries providing jobs and donating proceeds to hundreds of charities & causes? Or how about Ten Tree clothing? Their brand is built on the promise of planting 10 trees for every unit sold.For every trashy Instagram brand, there's a solid brand with a drive to improve the lives of their customers and the people they impact.We'll show you where to find them.What will brands be assessing me for and how will this course help attract them?The three most important aspects of a paid influencer that a brand looks for when assessing what the sponsorship rate will be (and if they're even going to approach you) is follower count, engagement rate & content quality.Fortunately for you, you'll learn how to grow your Instagram followers with an investment of fewer than 10 minutes per day.We'll show you how your current Instagram engagement rate stacks up and how you can instantly increase it for the next time you post. You'll find out which niches are most lucrative and which ones provide you with free travel opportunities. Then, you'll learn how to create expert level content that attracts premium quality brands.I'm really not confident or experienced in this industry I'm too intimidated.By the end of this course, you'll know all the industry terminology you need to confidently navigate your way through sponsorship deals as a social media influencer. After teaching you how to price your services, you'll be given negotiation lessons that you can instantly integrate into your arsenal to increase your rates.#instagraminfluencers #becomeaninfluencer #influencermarketingcourses #influencermarketing #gainfollowers #instagramtips #instagrammer #instagramfollowers #instagramarketing #digitalmarketing #socialmediahelp #contentstrategy #socialmediatip #socialmediamarketingtips #socialmediamanager #growthhacking #socialmediatools #influencerswanted #brandambassdorswanted #microinfluencer #influenceragency #influencerstyle #influencerlife #instainfluencer #brandinfluencer #digitalinfluencer #digitalmarketingtips #socialmediaguru #socialmediamarketingInstagram Influencer Course 2020"
Price: 19.99

Jira+Agile |
"Agile software development refers to a group of software development methodologies based on iterative development, where requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration between self-organizing cross-functional teams.JIRA is a tool developed by Australian Company Atlassian. It is used for bug tracking, issue tracking, and project management. The name ""JIRA"" is actually inherited from the Japanese word ""Gojira"" which means ""Godzilla"""
Price: 54.99

"TCP/IP model describes a set of general design guidelines and implementations of specific networking protocols to enable computers to communicate over a network. TCP/IP provides end-to-end connectivity specifying how data should be formatted, addressed, transmitted, routed, and received at the destination.The difference is that TCP is responsible for the data delivery of a packet and IP is responsible for the logical addressing. In other words, IP obtains the address and TCP guarantees delivery of data to that address."
Price: 19.99

"Basic OSPF and BGP" |
"When many OSPF routers are part of the same network, information about all of the routes in a network are learned by all of the OSPF routers within that networktechnically called an area. (Well talk more about the area as we go on).Each OSPF router passes along information about the routes and costs theyve heard about to all of their adjacent OSPF routers, called neighbors.OSPF routers rely on cost to compute the shortest path through the network between themselves and a remote router or network destination. The shortest path computation is done using Djikstras algorithm. This algorithm isnt unique to OSPF. Rather, its a mathematical algorithm that happens to have an obvious application to networking."
Price: 19.99

"Cdigo Fuente-Sistema de venta de un Multiservicio PHP & MVC" |
"RequisitosTener conocimientos de phpDescripcinIncluye el cdigo fuente +Base de datos + manual de instalacin y uso + Explicacin general del cdigo y funcionalidadesCaractersticas:Lenguaje de programacin: PHP Patrn MVC Tecnologas usadas: Ajax , Jquery Seguridad: Sistema seguro contra Ataques de inyeccin sql(PDO) Base de datos :mysqli Diseo amigable con bootstrap Admin actualizado y rediseado. Bootstrap 4. Todo el sistema esta Validado. Usa base de datos relacional. Carpetas Ordenadas. Sistema 100 % en espaolMDULOS:Modulo login:Modulo Mantenimientos:-Proveedor: tabla, reporte csv-Cliente: tabla, reporte csv-Empleados tabla-Administradores: tabla-Inventario: tabla, reporte csv-Repuestos: tabla-Maquinas: tabla-Otros: tabla-Punto Venta: tabla-Compras(punto de venta): tabla-Tabla Ventas: tabla, reporte csv-Tabla Compras: tabla, reporte csv-Tabla Comprobantes: tabla-factura, boleta, ticket(pdf)- base de datos(MYSQL) PDO.Usos:-El sistema puede ser usado para multirepuestos y estudiantes de sistemas, informtica o carrera a fines.Incluye Cdigo fuente + Manual de Instalacin + Soporte tcnicoEsta realizado en PHP usando Mysql como Motor de base de datosPara quin es este curso?Desarrolladores de php"
Price: 29.99

YouTube |
""" "" - , , . "" YouTube "" , , - ! - "" ""! , YouTube, !"
Price: 199.99

"Reserve Bank of India(RBI)-Banking fundamentals Course" |
"The course is useful for students,professionals who wish to enhance their knowledge about banking in india,reserve bank and their policies,Monetary policies in india,liquidity in india. The course is self explanatory.This course could be highly helpful for CA,CS ,CMA ,UPSC Students.This course could also be used by Banking professionals who wish to further strengthen their domain knowledge.The following are the contents of the course :1.Banking regulation Act2.Board3.Bank notes4.loans and advances5.Emergency advances6.CRR7.SLR8.Repo rate9.reverse repo10.LAF11.MSF12.Corridor13.OMO14.MSS"
Price: 1280.00

"The Industrial Revolution in Britain 1707 to 1830" |
"The Industrial Revolution started in Britain in the eighteenth century. A number of factors converged to create the conditions for developments in industry and science. Agricultural improvements created a cadre of wealthy landowners with money to invest. Improved educational opportunities, particularly in Scotland, created a broader set of young people with ideas and ambition. Greater religious freedom allowed individuals of talent to develop businesses. Interest in science and technology blossomed and the birth of the coffee house culture brought people with ideas into the orbit of those with money.But it was not all rosy. The new culture of ideas and experimentation was almost entirely limited to men. A womans place was seen to be in the home. At the same time the slave trade flourished providing much of the wealth for investment and, shamefully, Britain was a key facilitator in this odious business and there were few voices of dissent at the time.And the poor lived short and brutish lives of hard physical work in grim conditions with an inadequate diet and very little healthcare.In this course I am going to take you through the key milestones of the early industrial revolution in the textile industry, in coal mining and iron production, in civil engineering; in the development of steam power and the birth of the railways."
Price: 19.99

"Matemtica Financeira e Anlise de Investimentos" |
"Sabe quando voc precisa decidir se compra vista ou parcelado, se faz um emprstimo ou financiamento de mveis e imveis, ou no sabe em qual aplicao financeira deve investir? Pois , saiba que a Matemtica Financeira pode te ajudar a tomar essas importantes decises do seu dia-a-dia.Aproveite esse momento de isolamento social para adquirir essa nova habilidade atravs do meu curso MATEMTICA FINANCEIRA E ANLISE DE INVESTIMENTOS. Nele voc vai aprender: os principais conceitos da Matemtica Financeira (juro, capital, montante, entre outros); a construir fluxos de caixa de operaes financeiras; a calcular juros simples e compostos; . a diferena entre taxas proporcionais e equivalentes; e ainda os principais mtodos para anlise da viabilidade de projetos de investimento,Tudo isso a partir de situaes prticas e com o uso da HP-12C!No perca tempo e garanta logo a sua inscrio. Aguardo voc!"
Price: 39.99

"Value Investing in Stock Market (English)" |
"You must be familiar with the names of some ace investors like Mr Warren Buffett and Mr Benjamin Graham. Well, this course is designed to enlighten the learners with the investing technique used by them, Value Investing and Growth Investing. Throughout this coursP/E ratio, you will get to learn about concepts like what is value investing, techniques of valuation, P/E ratio, free cash flow, DCF method, its application and much more. The lectures also include elaborative and real-life examples which will help you to understand the topics in a better way.Chapter 1- Basics of Value Investing-This chapter containing the first lecture of the course gives brief and complete information on the definition of value investing. You get to learn the basics of value investing in easy language.Lecture 1- What is Value Investing?The first lecture gives complete detail on the definition of Value Investing. You get to learn why a stock is overvalued or undervalued. Get acquainted with the concept of Intrinsic Value.Chapter 2- Understanding the valuation of a companyThis chapter containing 2 videos gives you insight into how to find undervalued companies. You get to learn about Asset-based valuation. Get acquainted with the technique of calculating the real value of a company when its assets are hidden.Lecture 2- How to calculate the real value of a company?This lecture gives a brief introduction to techniques of valuation. How to know the real value of a company, when its assets are hidden. Learn how to pick undervalued companies.Lecture 3- Asset-Based ValuationKnow about asset-based valuation and its dependence on the balance sheet. How to perform asset-based valuation with the help of easy to understand examples.Chapter 3- Discounted Cash Flow MethodThis chapter is a culmination of 4 lectures. You get to learn about P/E Ratio and Discounted Cash Flow method in detail with the help of examples to find out undervalued companies. Get acquainted with terms like intrinsic value, Free Cash Flow, Future Cash Flow, Opportunity Expected returns and much more.Lecture 4- What is a P/E ratio?The lecture will enlighten you with the concept of P/E ratio and Earning Per Share with the help of examples. You get to learn about the importance of intrinsic value.Lecture 5- Understanding the Discounted Cash Flow MethodThe lecture explains the Discounted Cash Flow method in detail with the help of elaborative, real-life examples. You will get to know about Free Cash Flow and its formula.Lecture 6- What does Free Cash Flow indicate?The lecture is designed to give complete information on Future Cash Flow citing the example of InfoEdge. Get acquainted with the concept of the Future Cash flow, Present Value Formula, Expected Return and much more.Lecture 7- Application of the DCF methodIn this lecture, you get to grab knowledge about the application of the Discounted Cash Flow method. Know about the investment technique used by Philip Fisher.Chapter 4- Understanding Growth InvestingThe last chapter contains 2 lectures in which you get an in-depth explanation of the concept of growth investing. Learn about the difference between growth investment and value investing along with the investment strategy followed by Mr Warren Buffett.Lecture 8- Difference between growth investing and value investingThis lecture continues to give a detailed explanation regarding Growth Investing. Further, you also get to understand the point of difference between Growth and Value Investing.Lecture 9- Investment strategy of Warren BuffettThe last lecture is designed to make the learners understand the investment strategy used by Mr Warren Buffett."
Price: 1600.00

"Crear un Curriculum Vitae de Alto Impacto con powerpoint" |
"Curso diseado en la plataforma de power point para ensear como crear desde 0 un curriculum vitae de alto impacto.en el curso aprenderemos a usar herramientas de la plataforma power point y aprenderemos a crear un curriculum en formato pptx. y pdf el primero para poder seguir editando nuestro c.v. el segundo para enviarlo por mail o imprimirlo."
Price: 19.99

"Die Kunst der Portraitzeichnung - Zeichnen fr Beginner" |
"In diesem Portrait Zeichenkurs lernst du, wie du schne, realistische Portraits zeichnen kannst, die die hnlichkeit der Person einfangen.Das Einzigartige an diesem Kurs ist, dass er das komplexe Thema des Portrtzeichnens in berschaubare Konzepte und Schritt-fr-Schritt-bungen zerlegt. Du beginnst damit, einfache Konzepte zu lernen und grundlegende Zeichenbungen zu ben. Je mehr sich deine Handfertigkeit und dein Verstndnis verbessern, desto schwieriger werden die Lektionen nach und nach, bis du am Ende des Kurses jedes einzelne realistische Portrt gezeichnet hast. Selbst wenn du ein Anfnger ohne Zeichenerfahrung bist, werden dir die Lektionen und bungen leicht verstndlich und unterhaltsam sein, whrend du gleichzeitig kritische Zeichenfhigkeiten erlernst. Wichtige Dinge wirst du lernen:Wie man den Kopf in Grundformen vereinfacht, damit du ihn leichter zeichnen kannstWie man den Kopf aus verschiedenen Winkeln zeichnet, um dynamischere Portrts zu erstellenWie man die Ebenen des Kopfes zeichnet, um einen dreidimensionalen Effekt zu erzeugenDie Regeln der Beleuchtung verstehen, um deine Zeichnung realistisch aussehen zu lassen Verstehe die grundlegende Anatomie der einzelnen Gesichtszge, damit du sie besser zeichnen kannstEin einfacher Schritt-fr-Schritt-Prozess, um ein realistisches Portrait von Anfang bis Ende zu zeichnenUnd eine ganze Menge mehr!Fr wen ist dieser Kurs gedacht?Wie der Name schon sagt, ist dieser Kurs sehr einsteigerfreundlich. Ich habe ihn entworfen, um Anfngern zu helfen, das Portrtzeichnen so schnell und effektiv wie mglich zu erlernen. Wir fangen damit an, dass wir zuerst die einfachsten Fertigkeiten entwickeln und dann allmhlich darauf aufbauen, damit du dich nicht berfordert fhlst. Alle Konzepte und Techniken werden durchgehend erklrt und ich gehe nie einfach von irgendwelchen Kenntnissen auf Seiten des Schlers aus. Auerdem wei ich, dass das Zeichnen aus der freien Hand fr einige Anfnger etwas herausfordernd sein kann, deshalb biete ich in einigen der Zeichenbungen zustzliche Anstze an, die du als Anleitung verwenden kannst. Also, ja, wenn du ein beginnender Knstler bist, der Portrtmalerei lernen mchte, dann ist dieser Kurs definitiv fr dich. Auf der anderen Seite, wenn du ein fortgeschrittener Portraitzeichner bist, dann ist dieser Kurs wahrscheinlich nichts fr dich. 30-Tage 100% Geld-zurck-GarantieDenk daran, es gibt eine 30-tgige 100%ige Geld-zurck-Garantie. Es gibt keinen Grund zu zgern. Melde dich jetzt an, schau, ob dir der Kurs gefllt, und fang noch heute an, schne Portraits zu zeichnen!"
Price: 189.99

"How to Successfully Retail During COVID-19?" |
"How to Successfully Retail In COVID is organized into 6 sectionsEach Section has been developed keeping in mind that relationship with customers needs to be developed to win back customers trustThe role of the retail store associate is no longer the same and has been reinvented to match new consumer behaviors and this course will help you and your store associates to get the soft skills and the required behaviors for the New Normal in RetailingSafety is of paramount importance to the Customer and there are SOPs that need to be adhered by the customers and staff, we will learn how to implement SOPs with Role Plays.There are Micro Videos for Simulation that will help guide the role play There is a workbook to record your own Role plays and Reading Material that will enhance your understanding of the topicYou can use this Course over and over again and create your own scenarios, Role Plays, and provide unbelievable customer experience and of course, make more sales."
Price: 5760.00

"9 React Projects" |
"In this course we are going to make 9 React projects that will help you get a better understanding of React JS, alongside with having great projects to showcase on your portfolio. These are the projects we are gonna be making:- Typing Game- Todo App- Dynamic Gallery With Masonry Layout- Book List App- Shopping Cart- Github App- Text Generator App- Image App- Recipes App"
Price: 19.99

"WordPress 5. Manual de Instalacin y funcionalidades 2021" |
"WordPress 5. Manual de Instalacin y funcionalidades 2021, es un curso completo que te ayudar a instalar WordPress desde tu gestor de Alojamiento Cpanel. Para ello, usaremos la herramienta de Installatron para automatizar el proceso, e instalar WP en tu dominio web. Adems, este curso te compartir toda la experiencia que ha tenido el instructor durante los 3 aos en desarrollar sitios web WordPress.Conoceremos cmo ingresar a nuestro administrador de archivos usando Cpanel, y conoceremos todos los archivos que forman parte de nuestro ncleo de WordPress y comprenderemos su importancia, y que carpetas son importantes para encontrar los archivos ms importantes dentro de tu WP.Luego de ello, vamos a explicar todas las secciones que tiene tu panel de control de WordPress, y conoceremos cada una de estas secciones, y sus principales configuraciones. De esta manera, no te perders cuando ingresas a tu panel de control de WP.En la parte semi-final, tendremos una seccin dedicada a instalar plugin populares para potenciar el SEO de nuestro sitio web, y mejorar la seguridad de nuestro WordPress. Estos plugins son: 1. Yoast SEO, y 2. Itheme Security, estos plugins son 100% gratuitos.Por ltimo, tendremos varios talleres para poder implementar por nosotros mismos entradas, pginas, y publicaremos una entrada de ejemplo para poder usarlo como ejemplo en tu propio proyecto web.Herramientas que usaremos en este curso: Gestor de Alojamiento Cpanel. GoDaddy como registrador de dominio y alojamiento web.Qu puedo hacer con WordPress? Puedes construir sitios web de comercio electrnico, incluir pasarelas de pagos, un sitio web de tu empresa, un directorio local, un sitio web de tu restaurante, un sitio web de cualquier tema y rublo.Te invito a ser parte de este curso, y tomar accin."
Price: 19.99

"Elecosoft (Asta) Powerproject for Unresourced Projects" |
"The course has the following modules:1. Introduction to Asta Powerproject and Creating a project2. Navigation and Setting Options3. Calendars4. Tasks and Milestones5. Summary Tasks6. Linking Tasks to create a Critical Path Schedule and Reschedule7. Constraints8. Other Task Types9. Formatting the Display10. Code Libraries11. Filters12. Organising Tasks using Group and Sorts13. Printing and Reports14. Baselines15. Updating an Unresourced Project16. Library Explorer17. User Definable Fields and WBS."
Price: 94.99

"Become the Master of Hyper Casual Games Using Unity (2020)" |
"Want to learn how to Create Mind Blowing Hyper-Casual Games and rule the Hyper Casual Gaming Industry?The course is completely project based, and we are going to create Five Amazing 2D and 3D Hyper Casual Games from scratch using Unity Game Engine.Hyper casual games are ruling the market of mobile game industry since 2014 and this genre is never going to reach saturation point anytime soon. So, it would be a great opportunity for those who want to enter the World of Hyper Casual Games and achieve great returns from your games in terms of Ad Revenue from Unity Ads.Hyper-Casual Game can easily be build entirely within a Few Hours or a Few Days because of the Gameplay simplicity. It requires very less effort as compared to other indie or AAA title games which are available in the market. That is why I have brought to you this course, which helps you create Amazing Hyper Casual Games.We will be creating 5 Publish Ready Games using Unity 3D Game Engine, C# Language and there would be several new concepts to learn along the way. I will also teach you how you can add Unity Ads to your game so you can begin generating ad revenue from the games that you publish.List Of 2D and 3D Games We are Going to Build together:Spike Dodge (2D Game)Through Wall 3DCrazy Ball (2D Game)Endless Runner (3D Game)Bonus: Cannon Rage (3D Game)After completing this course, students will have the knowledge to create fully functional Hyper Casual Games with Unity and C#, also they would have the skills to add Unity Ads to their games.All that And Much More Is Awaiting For You In This Course!What if you are unsatisfied with the course?If you are not satisfied with the course, you can apply for a refund within 30 days after your enrolment and You will receive full refund of your money - No Questions Asked!!So, Don't wait any longer, Begin your Journey creating Amazing Unity Games. Enrol Today!!"
Price: 199.99

"Start Improving Customer Service" |
"Creating a sustainable competitive advantage in your business or department can be a costly exercise if you focus on products or service rather than delivery. In this course, Start Improving Customer Service, we take a fundamental look at what makes for good Customer Service, ways to implement a strategy into your team, and how to measure your success. In this course you will learn:Personal Benefits of Providing great Customer ServiceCommunication skillsPresentation, content, style and purpose of communicationComplaint HandlingHow to Build RelationshipsCreating great work and great Colleague relationsCommon Causes of Complaints Ways and Methods of Measuring your and your teams SuccessesSome of the learning is brought to life through demonstration of the application of the models and there is a range of supporting resources to help you on your journey of growth as a professional interviewer. 30 Day Money Back Guarantee: Try this course for 30 days risk free. If you don't find the value in it for you, then you get your money back no questions asked. Learn this key skill in business and management today and start to build the team around you that will carry your future successes with Customers who promote you every chance they get. Good LuckSymonWho is this course for:Front line Managers or Supervisors who are new to customer service or currently feel they lack the skills or confidence. Small Business owners looking to grow their business and need a sustainable competitive edge. Anyone interested in Customer Service but with limited knowledge on its parameters"
Price: 19.99

"Conceptual CRM Technology" |
"This course revolves around the foundations of CRM. It explains all the main terminologies and associated concepts in Microsoft Dynamics, Salesforce and other vendors. It does not discuss in details the operations of the latter systems. It tackles mainly the fields of service, field service and sales. It is basically the best introduction one can get about CRM, its major vendors, database for leads, business process flows, triggers, workflows and more. This course will not provide a demo about any certain software as it discusess various ones, and besides to retain such matter , one needs to be involved in it !"
Price: 19.99

"Dropshipping : Crer un e-commerce rentable sans se ruiner" |
"Prt prendre vos finances en main ? Le dropshipping est toujours un moyen trs rentable de vendre des produits physiques sur Internet sans avoir se ruiner. Suivez-moi et je vous guiderai pas pas vers la cration de votre propre empire e-commerce.Copiez ma mthode et vous pourrez non seulement crer vos propres sites de dropshipping succs, mais vous pourrez galement vous faire payer pour crer des sites pour les autres si vous le souhaitez.Lancez votre premier site de dropshipping en 14 jours ou moins et augmentez vos ventes et vos profits jusqu' ce que vous atteigniez vos objectifsApprenez les rgles spcifiques pour choisir ce que vous voulez vendre avec le modle de dropshippingDcouvrez comment trouver rapidement un fournisseur de dropship adapt vos besoinsDcouvrez la manire simple et peu coteuse de crer votre site de dropshipConfigurer systmatiquement l'acceptation des paiements par carte de crdit Apprenez la bonne faon de mettre en place votre site web pour des tonnes de ventes (la plupart des propritaires de sites ne font pas ce genre de choses)Lancez votre site web comme une fuse - en partant de zroMaitriser la Marketing sur Facebook, Instragram et YouTube.Faites passer votre entreprise de dropship d'un revenu temps partiel un revenu temps plein, ou bien plus encore !Accdez ds aujourd'hui au plan complet couvrant l'intgralit des connaissances ncessaires pour russir atteindre la libert financire grce au dropshipping."
Price: 199.99

"Complete RabbitMQ Springboot & Java Course (English 2020)" |
"Imagine that you are in front of a river that you want to cross, in this there is a row of rocks separated from each other, close enough that you can jump one at a time, there are times that by impatience we want to reach the other shore as quickly as possible , so we take a big leap hoping to arrive as soon as possible. But as in everything in this life, if you want to move too fast, you end up falling and backing down, that's why things have to be done step by step, and often choose the slowest path. You will always be free to choose, whether to make a great leap or move rock by rock.With all this, what I want to convey to you is that the way to learn to communicating, you have to start with the first thing, which in this case is the organization and not despair if things don't go quickly, the first rock to cross the river, once you have the necessary knowledge you can make the leap towards a new rock that brings you to the other shore, in RabbitMQ, once you have crossed several rocks, these fork in several ways, here you decide which one to take, but at the beginning there are to go through the first rocks you find.This course goes into the knowledge of the language, functions and more of Rabbit MQ from 0 or with little knowledge. Knowing how to progress and understand what I explain is fundamental. Almost 3 hours of unique and exclusively video material to achieve a simple and consolidated learning of how to program. Through the course, we will see different concepts that will help us reach that goal that we had dreamed from the beginning.In this complete RabbitMQ and Rabbit Springboot course, I will cover everything you need to know to start from scratch in this application and finish the course knowing how to use Rabbit MQ perfectly. Even if you have knowledge of RMQ, after completing this course you will be able to achieve things that you had not even imagined. And you will definitely surprise your friends and family.If you do not understand any concept, do not hesitate to write me in the questions and answers section, if you would like to know something basic that is not clear or that I do not say, you can send it to me and I will add the class if the proposal seems good to me.I am sure you will find enough new information in this course to be worth it.I am sure that when you finish you will know how to use the app perfectly! Greetings and see you in the next course. There is no similar RabbitMQ course available anywhere. Everything you need to know in Rabbit MQ is here in English in 2020.Do not wait more!"
Price: 179.99

"Vers les certifications ITIL V4 & Prince 2 Foundation" |
"Cette formation comprend la prparation pour: ITIL 4 Foundation et Prince 2 Foundation1/ ITIL FoundationCette formation contient des tests pratiques corrigs avec leur correction dtaille. Cela vous permettra de dcouvrir si vous tes prt passer l'examen de la certification ITIL Foundation. Aprs avoir ralis l'ensemble des tests de cette formation , vous serez prt russir l'examen plus facilement.Cette formation ne contient pas de matriel pdagogique et vous propose 3 tests passer en conditions relles d'examens pour un total de 120 questions ce jour. Cette formation est volutive et sera rgulirement enrichie de nouveau contenus.Test 1 : 40 questions en 1hTest 2 : 40 questions en 1hTest 3 : 40 questions en 1h2/ Prince 2 FoundationCette formation comporte plusieurs tests pratiques pour tester vos connaissances et les dvelopper avec les dernires informations sur PRINCE2 (acronyme de PRojects IN Controlled Environments) en vue de passer la certification PRINCE2 Fondamental.Elle sera toujours mis jour avec les dernires informations sur PRINCE2.PRINCE2 c'est quoi ?C'est une mthode flexible qui vous guide travers les lments essentiels pour grer des projets russis. Construit sur sept principes, thmes et processus, PRINCE2 peut tre adapt pour rpondre vos besoins spcifiques. PRINCE2 est galement largement reconnu et utilis dans le secteur priv, au Royaume-Uni et l'tranger. La mthode PRINCE2 est dans le domaine public et offre des conseils non exclusifs sur les meilleures pratiques en matire de gestion de projet.Cette formation contient 3 tests passer en conditions relles avec leurs corrections dtailles (pour un total de plus de 190 questions). Cette formation est volutive et les tests sont rgulirement mis jour avec de nouvelles questions.Descriptif des examens inclus :Test 1- 75 questions en 1hTest 2- 75 questions en 1hTest 3- 75 questions en 1hComment PRINCE2 peut-il vous tre utile? L'utilisation de PRINCE2 vous offre un meilleur contrle des ressources et la capacit de grer plus efficacement les risques d'entreprise et de projet.Pour qui ?-Personnes recherchant des comptences prcises en gestion de projet -Futurs chef de projets-Chefs de projet-Directeurs / cadres (propritaires responsables suprieurs) des projets, et des organisations"
Price: 29.99

"Learn Arabic I Reading&writing I alphabet I for beginners" |
"Welcome to the Arabic alphabet course, this course is for absolute beginners level,This course is for Arabic learning beginners. It is considered the most important level for learning the language. In this course, learners will learn the basics of reading and writing Arabic, as a second language, by an Arabic Language specialist. In this course, the Alphabet are presented according to the four skills; listening, speaking reading and writing. Learners will listen to the sound of the letter, pronounce it after the tutor, then they will learn how to write the new letter. All of which will be processed through specific new words aiming at enriching the learners functional language and their mastering of the language usage.This course has greatly focused on the Arabic phonics; the short vowels, the long vowels, consonants, stress and Tanween. Therefor, Learners will be able to read and write Arabic script easily by the end of this course.Introducing: The way we write the letter. The different forms of the letter in words. The short vowels related to each letter. Examples and exercises.Who should take this course? People who really want to learn a new language and hungry for more knowledge and experience. People who want a starting point to work in any Arabic country. People who want to use Arabic for communication and business. People who want to read the holly Quran. People who want to learn about Islam. People who want to learn about Arabic Culture."
Price: 24.99

"Certified Management Accountant CMA" |
". . :"
Price: 19.99
