"Desarrolla tu mente creativa e innovadora" |
"A travs de explicaciones muy sencillas, y con algunos ejemplos de la vida real, vamos a encarar juntos el apasionante mundo de la creatividad e innovacin a travs del siguiente camino:1) Qu entendemos por Innovacin y Creatividad. S, se puede ser creativo. 2) ADN de la mente creativa e innovadora3) Caractersticas de la mente innovadora que debes desarrollar4) Caractersticas del estilo de vida del innovador que debes desarrollar5) En qu consiste el Pensamiento lateral que toda mente creativa posee6) Enfocndonos en nuestros clientes mediante la empata y la identificacin de usuarios lderes7) Mtodos alternativos: Otras industrias, Inclusin de elementos ajenos y Creatividad en momentos de crisis8) Benchmarking y Brainstorming. Anlisis desde diferentes pticas 9) Pre-implementacin10) Conclusiones"
Price: 19.99

"Solid Edge desde la base" |
"Este es un curso bsico de Solid Edge que est diseado para que los estudiantes, los ingenieros, los arquitectos, los diseadores... sean capaces de utilizar el software desde cero para realizar modelados y diseos 3D de forma sencilla y prctica. No importa si no tienes experiencia en softwares de CAD ni en Solid Edge, sers igualmente capaz de entenderlo todo y terminars el curso con dominio de la materia.Despus de varios aos ejerciendo como Ingeniero Industrial y Diseador, me he dado cuenta que manejar softwares para disear, modelar piezas y ensamblajes en 3D y confeccionar los planos digitalmente es una de las cualidades que ms buscan grandes compaas. Y adems, la demanda va en aumento. Dominar un software de estas caractersticas no solo te va a servir para aprobar tus estudios, tambin te puede otorgar muchas oportunidades laborales en el sector y muchos beneficios econmicos.Adems, Solid Edge es realmente un programa muy bien desarrollado, que ofrece resultados muy ptimos y de nivel profesional, siendo intuitivo y prctico a la hora de utilizarlo. Por este motivo, no es de extraar que pese a ser relativamente nuevo, en pocos aos ya se ha convertido en uno de los lderes del mbito y de los softwares que ms estn creciendo en su uso a nivel profesional y acadmico.El gran problema siempre ha sido que los inicios son duros, ya que el entendimiento de este tipo de softwares al empezar puede ser costoso. En este curso yo intento facilitarte todo este proceso de aprendizaje y mejora, y vas a ser capaz en poco tiempo de realizar y crear tus propias piezas, ensamblajes y planos, gracias a la explicacin paso por paso y detallada de los ejercicios. Es decir, no slo mirars y escuchars, sino que tambin lo hars tu mismoEn otras palabras, lo que pretendo es aportar mi granito de arena y ensearte todas esas cosas que me habra gustado saber en mis inicios y que nadie me cont. De esta forma podrs aprender a construir todo tipo de piezas rpidamente. Y por si fuera poco, estar a tu disposicin y te responder todas las preguntas que quieras en el menor tiempo posible.Aprender Solid Edge nunca haba sido tan fcil como ahora. A qu esperas en unirte?"
Price: 179.99

"Plant Simulation" |
"O Plant Simulation um aplicativo de computador desenvolvido pela Siemens PLM Software para modelagem, simulao, anlise, visualizao e otimizao de sistemas e processos de produo, fluxo de materiais e operaes logsticas. Nesse curso iremos utilizar as ferramentas oferecidas pelo software, e o estudante pode utilizar a verso estudante. Para trabalhar com as principais ferramentas, iremos utilizar exemplos que podem ser aplicados nas atividades industriais."
Price: 54.99

"Exam AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator Practice Test" |
"Want to become an Azure admin and not sure where to start? Youve come to the right place!During your Azure Administrator journey This Azure AZ-104 Azure Administrator Practice Test will lead you through a series of sections, modules, and demos to prepare you for taking, and ultimately passing, the Microsoft Azure AZ-104 exam."
Price: 184.99

scenario-planning-basics |
Price: 9600.00

"ECG: Electrocardiograma Normal y Patolgico" |
"Te preguntaste si ests en condiciones de interpretar el Electrocardiograma de un paciente en forma adecuada?Los sntomas del paciente frente a usted, se deben a patologa cardiovascular? se tratar de una variacin normal? de un infarto? una arritmia quizs? y de que tipo? (...)Es una situacin muchas veces normalizada, finalizar la carrera, sin saber interpretar este mtodo de la forma adecuada, por no darse el tiempo ni buscar los mtodos para aprenderlo de la manera correcta. Reconocer las distintas ondas de un ECG no es suficiente, y sern innumerables las veces que tendr que recurrir al Electrocardiograma, para poder diagnosticar y tratar correctamente a su paciente. De su conocimiento en la materia, muchas veces depender el pronstico del sujeto en una urgencia, frente a usted como nico profesional interviniente.<< Es el objetivo de este curso intensivo, brindarte las herramientas mas importantes, para que puedas leer e interpretar el registro de una tira de ECG de la forma correcta, cmo?: a travs de videoclases desarrolladas por un experto formado en Cardiologa, presentaremos los aspectos mas relevantes de este mtodo diagnstico paso a paso, a travs de 6 mdulos, desde lo ms bsico a lo mas complejo, con datos precisos y multiplicidad de imgenes que complementaran tu experiencia educativa, haciendo de tu estudio algo organizado, didctico y entretenido! >>Temario abordado en el curso:Mdulo 1 - ECG Normal - Lectura e InterpretacinDipolos y vectoresRepaso electrofisiologa cardaca: Sistema cardionectorDerivaciones Unipolares y bipolaresRegistro ElectrocardiogrficoSignificado de Ondas, segmentos e intervalos. Eje elctricoSistematizacin de lecturaMdulo 2 - Agrandamientos auriculares y ventricularesAlteraciones del auriculogramaAgrandamiento auricular derecho, izquierdo y biauricularAgrandamiento ventricular derecho e izquierdoSobrecarga aguda derechaMdulo 3 - Bloqueos de RamaSistema CardionectorBloqueo de Rama DerechaBloqueo de Rama IzquierdaBloqueos Bi/TrifascicularesMdulo 4 - BradiarritmiasComplejo de escape/ritmo de escapeBradicardia sinusal/pausa sinusal/paro sinusalBloqueo sinoauricularSndrome taquicardia-bradicardiaBloqueo AVBloqueo ventricularParo cardacoMdulo 5 - Taquiarritmias ClasificacinArritmias SupraventricularesArritmias VentricularesMdulo 6 - Cardiopata isqumicaSegmentacin cardacaPatrn de Isquemia - Lesin - NecrosisSCACEST - SCASEST"
Price: 19.99

"How to Create a Free Website and Design it" |
"This course provides you with a complete understanding of how to use EverWeb to build your website. Start by learning the basics of using EverWeb before learning more advanced ways of enhancing your website.Don't waste your money paying someone to create your business's website when you can do it yourself very easily, and inexpensively. Rely on yourself and not someone else to make updates to your site. Connect directly with your online customers.Website building with no experience requiredBegin building a website right awaySave thousands by doing it yourselfStart your own business creating and maintaining websites for local businesses in your area"
Price: 19.99

"Super Simple Video Editing using Adobe Premiere Pro" |
"Super Simple Video Editing is the only course youll need to learn how to edit on Adobe Premiere Pro in less than 3 hours. What youll get: You will have access to everything needed to get editing right away! Downloadable project files, a quick guide on how to install your free trial of Adobe Premiere Pro, a walkthrough of essential industry terminology and step-by-step video training on how to edit a full video from start to finish.The lessons are easy to follow and include bonus expert tips to help you become a better editor and content creator.You will learn the complete Premiere Pro workflow and gain knowledge that is transferable to other editing programs. This course is created by industry experts with over 10 years of experience."
Price: 29.99

"E-mail Marketing Gratuito Passo a Passo" |
"Este curso focado em umas das melhores estratgias de marketing do mercado, o e-mail marketing, e aqui voc vai aprender a mexer em uma ferramenta gratuita de e-mail, fazer pagina de captura, uma isca digital e aprender estratgia com copy de e-mail que convertem e geram vendas todos os dias, tudo isso em um curso mais que completo, do bsico ao avanado.Este curso focado em umas das melhores estratgias de marketing do mercado, o e-mail marketing, e aqui voc vai aprender a mexer em uma ferramenta gratuita de e-mail, fazer pagina de captura, uma isca digital e aprender estratgia com copy de e-mail que convertem e geram vendas todos os dias, tudo isso em um curso mais que completo, do bsico ao avanado.Este curso focado em umas das melhores estratgias de marketing do mercado, o e-mail marketing, e aqui voc vai aprender a mexer em uma ferramenta gratuita de e-mail, fazer pagina de captura, uma isca digital e aprender estratgia com copy de e-mail que convertem e geram vendas todos os dias, tudo isso em um curso mais que completo, do bsico ao avanado."
Price: 39.99

"Front-End Ninja - Curso + projetos" |
"Criar aplicaes web profissionais e completas front-end, utilizando tecnologias como HTML5, CSS3, BootStrap 4 e JS.Tudo que voc precisa saber para construir aplicaes modernas para Web.Criar aplicaes REAIS usando as mais modernas tecnologias do mercado.ltimos recursos de HTML, CSS, Javascript e vrios frameworks.Aprender HTML 5 e os ltimos recursos da linguagem.Aprender CSS 3 e como aplicar estilo usando as ltimas tecnologias: CSS Grid, Flexbox e muito mais.Integrar as principais tecnologias Web atravs de projetos reais!Como tornar suas habilidades em desenvolvimento web uma atividade remunerada, trabalhando de onde quiser."
Price: 39.99

"Marketing fr Heilberufe" |
"""Marketing fr Heilberufe"" ist ein Video-Selbstlern-Kurs. Diesen Kurs habe ich speziell fr Menschen entwickelt, die in Heilberufen ttig sind. In diesem Kurs zeige ich Ihnen Schritt fr Schritt, wie Sie mehr KlientInnen fr sich gewinnen, ohne dass Sie sich mit Marketing oder Werbung beschftigen mssen. Und schon gar nicht mit irgendwelchen (englischen) Fachausdrcken. Diese Methode ist fr jeden (wirklich jeden!) verstndlich. Tatschlich ist es so: Je weniger Sie mit den Themen Kundengewinnung / Marketing / Werbung vertraut sind, desto erfolgreicher werden Sie mit meiner Methode sein."
Price: 89.99

"Learn Modern Email Marketing and Video Segmentation" |
"Modern Email Marketing And Segmentation Video Training10 Videos - Total length of 70 minutes approx.Its About Time For You To Start Earning REAL List Marketing Money!This is How You Start Earning REAL List Marketing Money!Earning REAL List Marketing Money is much closer than you think!E-mail marketing is hands down the most powerful and effective form of online marketing.Nothing comes close. Seriously. Even search marketing with all its hype and tried-and-proven success cant even hold a candle to just how effective list marketing can be.Its easy to see why, survey after survey, marketing firms keep putting e-mail marketing at or near the top of their advertising preferences.Through e-mail marketing, you can get in front of the eyeballs of your audience members anytime and anywhere.Discover how you can Start Earning REAL List Marketing Money!With My Advice...* You are going to discover how to stay in control of your access to your audience.* You are going to learn how to get into e-mail marketing and enjoy the amazing passive income it can produce for you.* You are going to get just what you need to succeed in the highly competitive yet also highly lucrative world of e-mail marketing.* You will learn the process of putting up a modern e-mail list - one that is engineered to succeed from the ground up.* Youre going to get clear, easy-to-understand concepts that you need to wrap your mind around for you to be successful.To make it easy, Ive put together a step-by-step guide that will show you exactly how its done...No stones are left unturned when you get your hands on this now. You will become a complete expert on this, and youll get everything you need inside to do the sameHeres Just A Quick Preview Of What Youll Discover Inside...* Step #1: Be Clear on Who You Wish to Market To* Step #2: Find the Right E-Mail Marketing Platform* Step #3: Decide on your list incentive* Step #4: Create and feature topnotch list incentives* Step #5: Decide between updates versus pre-scheduled emails* Step #6: Optimize your list by targeting your traffic source* Step #7: Optimize Your Squeeze Page Sign-Up Rate* Step #8: Identify your list segmentation strategyPlus, a whole lot more...If you answer YES to any of the below, you need this* You are failing in e-marketing even if you try many different things.* You want to be at a beach in the Bahamas somewhere writing an e-mail update.* Social media marketing is a challenge for you.* E-marketing is getting worse and worse for you with each passing year.* You want to get into e-mail marketing and enjoy the amazing passive income it can produce for you.Does This Sound Like Exactly What You Need? If you were going to hire an expert on this, to show you how its done, you could easily find yourself investing hundreds of dollars for this sort of coaching.In fact, many people invest hundreds and thousands of dollars to get into coaching programs or attend workshops...But, you wont have to invest anywhere near that today.Make it a great day!"
Price: 19.99

"Elite DNA Sales Training" |
"Performing Data driven Needs Analysis is the one skill that very few sales trainers are teaching today. However, this is the most critical behavior in sales. The Discovery Needs Analysis is where deals are won and lost. Sales is not merely about being a good story teller. But more about telling the right story using your ""customer's"" data. When you are able help uncover and quantify the hidden challenges within your client's business, you position yourself as a unique asset. This is what wins deals faster and earns customers for life!"
Price: 19.99

"Curso Completo Python - Desde las Bases Hasta Flask" |
"Estas en bsqueda de un curso que pueda ayudarte en mejorar tus habilidades con python, no te preocupes estas en uno de los cursos mas prcticos y didcticos, donde damos prioridad a la practica. La programacin se domina practicando y para eso es este curso. Soy Omar un ingeniero en software y data scientist, estoy aqu para ayudarte a entender realmente como generar programas con el lenguaje de programacin python, desarrollando tus habilidades en desarrollo web y RESTful APIs utilizando Flask.En este curso aprenders:- Construir tus habilidades que necesitas para tu primer trabajo con python- Obtener un mayor nivel de dominio del lenguaje de programacin python- Empezar a generar cdigo en python por ti mismo- Ser capaz de crear aplicaciones rpidas en python- Crear REST APIs listas de produccin usando el framework Flask, y sus extenciones- Usar SQLAlchemy y Flask-SQLAlchemy para fcilmente y eficientemente almacenar fuentes a base de datos- Entender la programacin, prueba, despliegue y rendimiento de una RESTful API con flask- Poder desplegar tus RESTful APIs en un servidor local- Poder desplegar tus RESTful APIs en la nube con Heroku PAASEste curso aborda desde lo mas basico, hasta lo mas avanzado para que puedas empezar desde 0 y lograr un nivel suficiente para que puedas implementar proyectos por ti mismo.Estoy orgulloso de proveer soporte y retroalimentacin a cada estudiante y siempre estar disponible guindote en las respuestas a tus preguntas, toma fortaleza y te veo del otro lado, toma un nuevo paso en el camino de volverte un experto en python y en REST APIs!Este curso tendr vdeos adicionales con proyectos de Scraping y crawling, al inscribirte a este curso ademas tendrs derecho de poder ver los nuevos vdeos que ir subiendo."
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Sales Management Course for Beginners" |
"Welcome to our Course !You can Learn complete information related to Sales Management. It is the best course for Sales Management. This course of Sales Management will able you to start your Learning as Beginner.Important Points you can learn and get Explanation are :Sales Management Steps in Sales ManagementProcessMethodsTechniquesOrganizationTarget SalesThank you so much !Our Team will Happy to see in Course !Note that Our team is present every time for you and available here for any questions you may have. You can ask any question which you want."
Price: 19.99

"Acing Behavioral Job Interviews - The Complete Guide" |
"Job interviews are scary. But the right tools, frameworks, and mindset can help you overcome your fear of interviewing and more consistently land the jobs youre looking for.Im a Canadian financial professional (CPA, CA, CFA) and have been in 100+ interviews. Ive had jobs in Big 4 Accounting, Asset Management, Private Equity, and Venture Capital.I grew up in a small town and didnt have any special connections or networks growing up. Getting all of these jobs came down to strong, relatable, and persuasive behavioral interviewing skills. And I can teach you the very same skills to accelerate your own career.In this class, youll learn the techniques that I use to prepare for every single behavioral interview. It doesnt matter what job or industry youre looking forthe core techniques are the same.Well cover:Why behavioral interviews are important and the rationale behind themHow to identify the critical skills and traits that are relevant for the job or industry youre applying toHow to prepare your story in a cohesive wayWhat questions you must knowHow to structure your answer for a top-notch responseHow to prepare for the interview using a staged approachAnd a few tips and tricks for when youre actually in the interview chairYoull also get the chance to practice telling your story as part of our class project.Even if youre new to behavioral interviewing, youll find these simple and easy-to-remember techniques make a big difference when it comes to landing your next job.So, are you ready to ace your next behavioral job interview?Great, then lets get started!--Credits:Music: http://www.bensound DOT comSound effects: https://www.zapsplat DOT com"
Price: 19.99

"Improv From Zero: Off-the-street to on-the-stage practice" |
"If you've never done improv before, or want to get a *truly* solid foundation, this is the course for you. Learn to be bulletproof onstage. All in time it takes to watch a movie. In a series of fun-to-play games, learn to - create a character- know what to say in any situation- end a scene- feel effortless"
Price: 114.99

"Active Listening" |
"Send the message that you are listening to understandThe truth is, its easy to not listen. We are surrounded by distractions and the list of reasons we dont listen well is long. So we have to work on listening to make others feel heardespecially at work. By the end of this course, you will be able to describe how to become a better, more active listener through focusing your attention on the speaker and clarifying their message. You will learn to build trust and become more approachable.Brain Bites micro-learning courses are information-rich and convey important topics with an engaging mix of video and animation. With 5-minute video lessons and 30-minute-or-less courses, Brain Bites are the perfect tool to educate todays busy workforce."
Price: 29.99

"MSP Project Management - Foundation" |
"Course covers the MSP Project Management - Foundation exam questions, with detailed explanation of answers. Exam questions are designed to simulate the real exam.MSP Programme Management - Foundation an internationally recognised qualification in MSP Programme Management, a best practice for Programme Management.75 questions with multiple choice answers. This is a one hour closed-book examination where you need to score 50% or more to pass.75 questions from the 11 syllabus area includes 5 trial questions (not marked)Pass Mark 50% (35/70)You need to pass the foundation examination prior to taking the practitioner exam. You should be confident in passing this exam as MSP passport is geared to teaching you the MSP method and it is your knowledge of MSP that is being measured.**Recommended :MSP Programme Management - Foundation Course**"
Price: 99.99

"Sell Books in Amazon, Google Play Books, Apple Books as Pro" |
"Amazon is one of the worlds most renowned and popular online marketplaces. It literally sells every little product. But most sellers tend to forget the fact that though Amazon is a big giant today, it started its journey as a small online book selling store. I still ranking Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) as my #1 choice. The reason is:1. Huge markets. There are around 9 Amazon KDP markets2. Creative: It offers printing locally, which save much cost on posting. In addition to paperback books, it accepts eBooks.3. Good Contents protection. If you are selling pure PDF online, literally means suicide, so easy to copy.4. Powerful cover design service, and it is FREE.5. Quick response time.In this course, I will also introduce another two big players: Google Play Books, Apple Books. Like China three Kingdom period, these are the BIG 3!"
Price: 59.99

"Pandemic-Proof Cold Calling and Selling" |
"We live in a strange and challenging time, particularly for salespeople still trying to meet demanding targets and grow their businesses. Customers all over the world have changed their priories, reassessed their spending, and have new goals to meet. This presents an unprecedented challenge to salespeople of every sector to show their value in the new market and provide new solutions to their customers' new problems. Sales professional and prospecting coach Miles Croft explains how he, and so many other salespeople, are making the most of a bad situation and continuing to hit their professional and personal sales targets. This simple quick-fire, step-by-step guide gives clear and practical instructions on how to recover your existing pipeline, continue finding new opportunities, and then how to meet your prospects both in-person and online safely, whilst still building relationships and providing solutions to business problems.This course was created by Miles Croft. We are pleased to host this training in our library."
Price: 114.99

"Linguagens WEB - Projeto E-commerce" |
"O curso de Linguagens WEB possui 64 aulas, neste curso voc vai aprender como trabalhar com PHP7, PDO, CSS3, Bootstrap, Mysql, Ajax e Javascript, tudo na prtica, criando uma tela de login e um painel administrativo para um site e-commerce, este o segundo curso do projeto da loja virtual, o curso anterior o de templates ecommerce onde estruturamos o template usado neste treinamento, adquira j nosso curso e comece a criar seus sites de forma profissional."
Price: 129.99

"GIS for beginners #5: Intro to the QGIS layout" |
"This step-by-step follow-along style introduction to the QGIS layout is a qgis tutorial that will have you creating maps for theses, presentations and reports in no time. There's also a free 70 page eBook.In part 1 you'll download and install the practice dataset. Then you'll learn basic map design principles.In part 2 you'll learn how to navigate the QGIS layout, and insert a map and an inset map / locator map, legend, scale bar, and arrange them so that your map is easy for your audience to interpret. Templates will help you create maps faster.In part 3 youll learn how to add text and variables to a layout.In part 4 youll learn how to export your layout into other applications (SVG, geotiff and geopdf). Most of this section is spent on geopdf export. A geopdf is a special type of pdf that includes spatial and attribute information that can be read by adobe acrobat reader. This qgis tutorial is worth doing for the geopdf section alone!You will learn how to . . .Add a map to a layoutPut a frame around a map and format itAdd a scalebarAdd a north arrowUse the layout manager to add, delete and rename layoutsAlign objectsAdd a legendCreate a template from a layoutAdd an inset map / locator mapAdd text to your layout (including variables and a cheats way of formatting html)Export your mapPrint at correct scaleGeotiff, geojpg and Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG)Geopdf files for viewing in acrobat reader.Setup metadata and map themes that flow through to geopdf and SVG filesIf you've been thinking about learning QGIS, this qgis tutorial will get you creating maps for you thesis, presentation or report fast. Why wait any longer? Scroll to the top of this page, click the BUY NOW button and start today!"
Price: 39.99

"Fully Accredited Astral Projection Diploma Course" |
"Fully Accredited Astral Projection Diploma Course Easy Techniques To Experience Astral Projection For All Levels! Fully Accredited Diploma Course This course is fully accredited by CTAA - Complementary Therapists Accredited Association.Our in depth course on Astral Projection will clarify what astral projection is and what you can do within this state of being. Introducing some powerful practical techniques that will enable you to perfect these steps leading you to a state of inner confidence so that you can astral project at will.This is a fascinating subject and simply by learning about astral projection, it enables a more relaxed state of being. You begin to overcome any fears of the unknown or even, a fear of death due to the realisation that we are indeed more than our physical bodies.The physical body has an invisible part known as the astral body, also called the ethereal body or spirit and the astral body is able to travel elsewhere without the physical body moving. It is true to say that most individuals are able to do this, but some people retain an intuitive connection to the ability to travel freely whereas others have lost their connection to their spiritual self.Our easy to learn modules include: Introduction to your Fully Accredited Astral Projection Diploma CourseYour Fully Accredited Astral Projection Training Manual PDFThe First Steps to Astral ProjectionTechniquesOvercoming Issues & DoubtsTechniques for DevelopmentGuided Visualisation For Clearing Your EnergyThe Benefits of Astral ProjectionFinal Summary & AssessmentAnd Much More!This course is fully accredited by CTAA - Complementary Therapists Accredited Association."
Price: 94.99

Djangodjango-channels |
Price: 2400.00

"Turning to Religion to reduce STRESS" |
"This is an unusual course as it is centred round one theme only: turning to religion as a means of seeking guidance to reduce stress. We look at the following:StressWhat causes stress?What is stress?How to deal with Stress?A stress-free life is possible!A Calm HeartCOVID-19 impactThe entire course was shot on a cruise, a cruise where country after country turned the ship away as the coronavirus commenced its worldwide havoc.So - Numerous biblical referencesOther religions also referencedScenic shotsMindfulnessThis is a course for you to dwell on, for you to enjoy and to be at peace.A new section has been added on creating a Stress Workbook...for yourself"
Price: 154.99

"Symfony 5 PHP Framework" |
"Symfony is the number one PHP framework used by real businesses to build stable, scalable, modern web applications. In this course, we will dive in and learn hands-on as we build an eCommerce website together.Well cover:Symfony basics and setupMVC architectureRouting and controllersTwig templatingStatic assets, Encore, SASS and CSSDoctrine ORM and databasesSession handlingForms and validationSending emailsI have taught tens of thousands of students on Udemy and I would love for you to be the next one. I look forward to seeing you inside the course!"
Price: 49.99

"CISSP TestPrep - ALL CISSP Domains - 360 Questions - 2019" |
"CISSP Test Preparation includes 3 FULL TEST to practice with. Each test is 125Questions. This training course will help students review and refresh their knowledge and identify areas they need to study for the CISSP exam. Practice always makes perfect. Students are encouraged to take the test more than one to increase retention."
Price: 19.99

"Passo a Passo para Comear Anunciar no Google Ads Hoje Mesmo" |
"Suas campanhas publicitrias precisam estar voltadas para os objetivos do seu negcio. Veja como o Google Ads pode favorecer seus objetivos de negcios, como:Impulsionar as vendasAumente as vendas presenciais, on-line, via aplicativo e por telefone.Receber leadsAlavanque as converses incentivando as pessoas a agir.Aumentar as visitas ao siteDirecione as pessoas certas para o seu site.Influenciar a consideraoIncentive as pessoas a explorar seus produtos e servios.Gerar reconhecimentoAlcance um pblico-alvo amplo e maximize sua exposio.Promover seu appAumente as instalaes e interaes com seu aplicativo.Para ajudar voc a expandir seus negcios, vamos conhecer os trs princpios que o Google Ads tem como base. Vamos entender tambm o conceito de micro-momentos.Contedo do curso:Search Engine MarketingConhecendo o Google Ads Criando conta no Ads e Configurando a CampanhaConfigurando Anncio e FaturamentoEntendendo o DashboardExemplo do Dashboard em um Conta AtivaCriando seus Anncios de Texto e ResponsivosUsando o Planejador de Palavra-chaveRecomendao de Melhorias do AdsOtimizao de campanhasTipos de Correspondncia de palavras-chaveOutros Tipos de CampanhasRelatrios e Painis"
Price: 399.99

"Criando e Gerenciando Anncios no Facebook Ads" |
"Aprenda a utilizar as ferramentas de anunciante do Facebook para alavancar seus negcios.O Gerenciador de Anncios o ponto de partida para veicular anncios no Facebook, no Instagram, no Messenger ou no Audience Network. uma ferramenta completa para criar anncios, gerenciar quando e onde eles sero veiculados e rastrear o desempenho das campanhas. O Gerenciador de Anncios uma ferramenta de gerenciamento de anncios avanada, mas foi desenvolvida para anunciantes com qualquer nvel de experincia.O Gerenciador de Anncios facilita a edio do oramento, do pblico, das opes de posicionamento e do criativo, inclusive a edio de anncios em massa. Voc pode pausar, copiar ou relanar suas campanhas de anncios a qualquer momento."
Price: 249.99

"Ferramentas de Monitoramento de Contedo Online" |
"Aprenda a usar ferramentas que exibem estatsticas de visitao do seu site.Instale nos seus contedos online os cdigos que permitem analisar dados como, quantas pessoas acessaram a pgina, o que visualizaram, quanto tempo permaneceram, acompanhamento de leads (origem da visita, palavras-chave do Google), identifique quais pginas tem perdido converses para melhorar o ROI e monitore vendas de E-commerce.Otimize suas campanhas de marketing.Entenda como o seu pblico se comporta."
Price: 249.99
