"Linux Fondamentaux et Scripting Shell" |
"Linux est LE systme dexploitation leader dans le domaine des serveurs avec plus de 70% des parts du march. Si vous voulez dployer votre site web, faire de la domotique avec votre RaspberryPi ou juste dcouvrir une autre approche de linformatique, Linux est pour vous !Ce cours sadresse aux curieux de Linux et ceux qui adorent comprendre et automatiser leurs tches. A la fin du cours, vous serez capable dinstaller Linux sur une machine, ladministrer et crire des scripts en langage Shell.== O est Linux ? ==Dans le segment Desktop, Linux est quasi inexistant face Windows et macOS, mais il est trs prsent dans beaucoup dautres domaines, notamment :Serveurs et supercalculateursSmartphones (Android)IoT (RaspberryPi, etc)Exploration spatiale (le Rover de la NASA)Smart TV, Rfrigrateur intelligent, routeur, etc.Systme de bord de voiture== La machine virtuelle la rescousse ==Vous navez peut-tre pas envie de rinstaller votre machine juste pour tester Linux. Pas dinquitude ! Je commence le cours en vous montrant la procdure dinstallation de Linux lintrieur dune machine virtuelle (VirtualBox). Vous pourrez donc faire lintgralit de la formation sans toucher rien sur votre ordinateur.== Structure du cours ==La formation alterne entre explications du fonctionnement de Linux, du Live-Coding o je vous montre comment utiliser lOS et des exercices pour mettre en pratique les notions abordes. Pour le cours, jai choisi la distribution Ubuntu qui est trs rpandue et une des plus facile daccs. Tout est fait en ligne de commande pour que vous puissiez vous connecter un serveur et administrer la machine sans interface graphique.Dans une 1re partie, je vous prsenterai Linux, le systme de fichiers ainsi que la philosophie de lOS. Vous prendrez en main la ligne de commande en faisant les exercices suivants :Cration dune archive contenant des fichiers et des dossiers ;Tlcharger une vido et lancer sa lecture ;Crer un utilisateur et modifier ses droits daccs ;Filtrer et trier des fichiers ainsi que leur contenu.Ensuite, nous aborderons la partie automatisation (ma prfre !) avec le scripting en langage Shell. Vous apprendrez automatiser des tches avec les exercices suivants :Initialiser une arborescence de dossiers / fichiers ;Crer des fonctions rutilisables et grer des arguments ;Vrifier ltat de votre connexion Internet.Je suis trs prsent dans la partie Q&R et je me ferai un plaisir dchanger avec vous sur Linux. Rejoignez-moi et prparez linstallation de votre futur serveur ou votre maison connecte !"
Price: 79.99

"A Filosofia do Tai Chi Chuan" |
"Este curso direcionado a praticantes e admiradores da prtica do Tai Chi Chuan, e cultura chinesa,apresentando conceitos taoistas relacionados aos movimentos utilizados no Tai Chi Chuan e sua relao com os princpios do I Ching O livro das Mutaes , voc ira encontrar os aspectos histrico e as explicaes tericas e prticas dos principais movimentos do Tai Chi relacionados em uma abordagem filosfica , indispensvel para os que desejam se aprofundar na cincia do Tai Chi Chuan ."
Price: 234.99

"Start Shopify Print on Demand Business from Scratch" |
"In this course you will learn to work in Photoshop, to set up a Shopify store and to create profitable Facebook ads. After finishing this course you'll be able to start Shopify Print on Demand business without anyone's help. In Shopify section you will learn how to:Set up store How to add products (Shirts, hoodies, tank tops...)Set pricesHow to connect Shopify and PrintfulHow to add payment methodsHow to Add all of the necessary Pages to your storeHow to create collectionsHow to add social media to your storeHow to edit themeHow to add Announcement BarFull coverage of Shopify SettingsIn Photoshop Section you will learn how to:Create a document for printingHow to use the Move ToolHow to use Selection ToolsHow to work with Gradient, Paint Bucket ToolWork with Brushes Learn to work with Blend modesUnderstand LayersText ToolLearn to work with shapes In other words, you will learn everything about Photoshop that you need for designing your own products. We will also create a couple of designs for our store so students can see right away how to apply things that we just learned. In Facebook Ads Section you will learn how to:Create Facebook Business ManagerSetting up Facebook PixelIntroduction to Audience InsightsDetailed research of your audienceRun your first Facebook adOptimize your ads"
Price: 199.99

"Overcoming a breakup" |
"I would like to say that no one has to go through this, but at the end of the day it is inevitable to experience a broken heart. Therefore, the wisest thing to do in the face of the inevitable is to face it with all the weapons at our disposal to overcome the situation and grow in the process. That is the idea with this emotional healing course where we will overcome a breakup. We will start by discarding myths, lies that we tell ourselves, deceits that are sold to us, to accept the reality that will help us to be stronger and to experience true love."
Price: 199.99

"Curso Linux - Linhas de Comando Terminal Bash Essentials." |
"Este curso foi elaborado pensando nos usurios iniciantes que desejam ter contato com terminal do Linux. Com o objetivos de torna-los independente de interface grfica , apresentando utilizao do terminal de comandos linuxEste Curso introdutrio rpido e prtico sobre terminal Linux (bash) .Voc vai conhecer e a aprender a utilizar o shell do linux, aquele terminal tela preta que muitos tem medo, mas vamos te ensinar a utiliza-lo e perder este medo executando tarefas praticas na para voc treinar junto com as aulas.**Todas as recursos do curso disponveis para Download.** Aulas prticas para treinar suas habilidadese e exerccios e testar sua aptido.Este curso indicado para iniciantes linux e esta dividido da seguinte forma:IntroduoPreparao do Ambiente Virtual com LinuxNeste modulo vamos preparar a maquina virtual e instalar o Linux Ubuntu 16.04 para ser utilizado no curso entre eles:Habilitar a conexo remota via sshLinux EssencialConhecer os principais comandos de navegao Segurana: Usuarios, grupos, pastas e arquivosAdminitrar usurios, grupos, pastas e arquivosInstalando e configurando o SAMBAIntalar e configurar o servidor de arquivos compartilhadosCompartilhar arquivos windows/linuxInstalao WEBMIN Gerenciamento WEBGerenciamento remoto web pelo webminMontando Servidor Web Apache + PHPInstalar e configurar server web apacheInstalar interpretador PHPInstalando e configurando MYSQLInstalar MYSQLInstalar WorkbenchGerenciamentos, parties, processos e memriaGerenciamentos de espao em discosMemriaProcessosCompresso e descompresso de Arquivos e pastas com TAR/GZIPCompactar arquivos com tar/gzipDescompactar arquivos com tar/gzipManipulao de ArquivosManipulao de arquivosconverso de arquivosAgendamento de Tarefas CRONAdministrar o servio cronagendar tarefasAlm de diversas dicas pontuais no decorrer das aulas!+ Suporte+Acesso Vitalcio+Garantia do seu investimento em at 30 dias.Matricule-se!Esperamos voc na primeira aula!Grande Abrao!"
Price: 219.99

"Dveloppeur Python Formation Complte 2020" |
"Vous souhaitez devenir dveloppeur et apprendre la programmation en partant de 0 ?Cette formation complte ""Dveloppeur Python"" va vous permettre :- D'apprendre la programmation mme si vous n'avez aucunes connaissances- D'obtenir des bases solides en programmation avec le langage Python- De connaitre la programmation oriente objet et de savoir crer vos propres programmes et algorithmes.- Et surtout de pouvoir crer tous types de projets : Applications bureau, Web, Mobile (iOS et Android), Jeux.Cette formation est diffrente :Les autres formations vous apprennent les bases et vous lchent dans la nature.Ici on va aller loin avec des projets complets et professionnels :- Apprenez crer des jeux avec le projet GALAXY : Jeu en perspective 2.5D que vous pourrez dployer sur votre tlphone iOS ou Android- Crez une vritable Beat Box avec le projet MR BEAT : Audio temps rel, mixage, optimisations, ce projet va vous donner un vritable coup de boost sur vos comptences de dveloppeur. Vous pourrez choisir vos sons et crer toutes sortes de rythmes.- EXCLUSIVIT : Dveloppez un Systme complet, avec le projet Pizza : Serveur web, base de donnes, API REST, site web, applications bureau et mobile.Boostez votre carrire:Vous apprendrez aussi la programmation web avec les langages HTML et CSS, et vous saurez crer des sites web qui s'adaptent toutes tailles d'crans (Ordinateur, mobile et tablette) : a s'appelle le ""Responsive Design""Nous allons crer ensemble votre propre site web professionnel, avec un design pro et moderne :- Mettez en avant vos nouvelles comptences- Crez votre portfolio en ligne (grce aux ""super-projets"" de cette formation)- Hberger votre site avec un nom de domaine personnalis (ex: votre-nom-prenom . com)Indispensable si vous recherchez un emploi ou des clients en freelance.Formation 5 en 1 :Vous n'avez besoin que d'une seule formation : Celle-ci.Les autres vous vendent des modules ici et l en plusieurs formations et vous laissent dsesprment essayer d'assembler les pices du puzzle par vous mme.Ici tout y est : c'est une vritable formation 5 en 1 que je vous propose:1 - Apprendre Python (Niveau Dbutant)2 - Python Intermdiaire et Avanc3 - Programmation Web: HTML et CSS4 - Applications Web compltes avec DJANGO5 - Applications Bureau et MobileLes avantages ?On va faire le lien entre les diffrentes parties de cette formation, et de manire cohrente : on va assembler ensemble les pices du puzzle, et a c'est unique.On va crer un serveur web, qui aura sa base de donnes (SQL) et son interface d'administration (HTML, CSS, PYTHON , DJANGO).Puis on va dvelopper une API REST (HTTP, JSON), ce qui va nous permettre de dvelopper des applications bureau (WINDOWS et MAC) et mobile (iOS et ANDROID) qui pourront rcuprer les donnes du serveur que l'on aura cre. Les donnes sont donc centralises : Si vous modifiez les donnes du serveur, tout est automatiquement rpercut sur le site web, sur les applications bureau et sur les applications mobiles.Nous allons raliser ce ""Systme complet"" de A Z.Les possibilits sont normes : Vous pourrez reprendre cette structure pour crer vos propres projets WEB/BUREAU/MOBILE puissants.Partagez le mme code source :Je vous guide vers les bons choix technologiques : ceux qui vous donnent les meilleurs rsultats de manire la plus efficace.Avec un seul langage de programmation (le Python), nous allons pouvoir crer la fois des applications bureau et des applications mobiles en utilisant le mme code source !Windows, Mac, iOS et Android => Vous allez diviser votre temps de dveloppement par 4.Je vous montrerai galement comment dployer vos applications sur votre tlphone/tablette iOS ou AndroidPrrequis:Aucun prrequis n'est ncessaire : Cette formation s'adresse toute personnes souhaitant apprendre la programmation ou souhaitant amliorer ses comptences.Vous devez possder un ordinateur PC ou MAC (je montre les 2 versions dans les vidos), et une connexion internet.Pdagogie:J'ai une exprience de formateur, en centre de formation, et je suis galement l'auteur d'une premire formation sur Udemy, devenue Best-Seller n1 de la catgorie ""Applications mobiles"" (Dveloppeur d'Applications Mobiles Formation Complte 2020), avec plus de 6000 participants.Vous tes en reconversion professionnelle, tudiant, curieux, ou dj dveloppeur ? Je sais comment vous guider pas pas et vous faire monter en comptences de manire progressive.Mon exprience professionnelle (16 ans : 11 ans en entreprise et 5 ans en freelance) va vous ouvrir les portes du dveloppement professionnel, et mon exprience de formateur va vous apporter une pdagogie unique et adapte qui rend ""les choses compliques"" en des concepts simples et facile apprendre.Regardez par vous mme les retours des participants:tout simplement parfait j'tais dgout par le code avant cette formation , maintenant j'en suis passion !Excellent cours ! le professeur parle clairement et avec une trs bonne pdagogie, une trs bonne recherche d'efficacit et de qualit dans son code. Souvent le code est ralis en ""live"" et c'est d'autant plus intressant pour nous dbutant ! Personnellement j'ai normment apprisTrs, trs bonne formation. Apprentissage progressif. Jonathan est un bon pdagogue. Les exemples sont concrets, funs et directement applicables dans beaucoup de projets.Excellente formation! Trs complte et formateur comptent :)Explications claires! Trs bonne formation!--Alors, prt dmarrer l'aventure ?Je vous retrouve dans la formation !"
Price: 199.99

"Microsoft Power BI. Power BI. DAX. Data Visualization" |
"""Microsoft Power BI. Power BI. DAX. Data Visualization.""! , Microsoft Power BI , Power BI. :1.1. POWER BI1.2. POWER BI2.1. POWER BI DESKTOP2.2. POWER BI2.3. 2.4. EXCEL2.5. POWER BI2.6. 2.7. 2.8. POWER BI2.9. POWER BI2.10. POWER BI2.11. , 2.12. 2.13. POWER BI3.1. DAX3.2. DAX4.1. . 5.1. POWER BI DESKTOP5.2. 5.3. : Power BI Power BI Power BI Excel Power BI Power BI Power BI Power BI Power BI DAX DAX Power BI Power BI"
Price: 199.99

"ASL 36 Countries + Sentences American Sign Language" |
"IN THIS COURSE, youre going to learn to sign thirty-six (36) countries in American Sign Language (ASL). The countries will be divided into separate groups to promote bite by bite learning with ongoing review. After youve mastered the country signs, well review ASL personal pronouns and learn thirteen (13) additional vocabulary signs. Well combine the country signs, pronouns, and additional vocabulary to create six (6) kinds of sentences in ASL. Youll get a lot of hands-on practice using what is taught in this course. There are also multiple testing and review sections of increasing difficulty to guarantee improvement of your signing and recognition skills.*** This course is designed to INCLUDE complete beginners without any prior knowledge of ASL. Previous ASL skills are welcome but NOT required.IN THIS COURSE:Students will learn how to sign and understand thirty-six (36) countries in ASL.Group 1 countries: AMERICA, ARGENTINA, AUSTRALIA, BRAZIL, CANADA, CHINA, COLOMBIA, FINLAND, FRANCE.Group 2 countries: GERMANY, GREECE, INDIA, INDONESIA, IRAN, IRAQ, IRELAND, ITALY, JAPAN.Group 3 countries: MEXICO, NETHERLANDS, NEW ZEALAND, NORTH KOREA, NORWAY, PANAMA, POLAND, RUSSIA, SAUDI ARABIA.Group 4 countries: SOUTH AFRICA, SOUTH KOREA, SPAIN, SWEDEN, SWITZERLAND, TAIWAN, THAILAND, UNITED KINGDOM, VIETNAMStudents will learn and review the ASL personal pronouns as preparation for signing complete sentences.Students will learn the following additional vocabulary: ABOUT, DRIVE, FINISH, FLY, GO, LEARN, MOVE, NIGHT, NOW, PLAN, SOMEDAY, TOMORROW, TOUCH.Students will get hands-on practice learning and signing six (6) kinds of unique sentences in ASL.Students will race a timer to improve proficiency as they practice signing vocabulary words and complete sentences.Students will see English sentences translated into ASL using ASL grammar rules.Students will learn signs individually to ensure comprehension, correct hand shape, and hand position.Students will be tested on their ability to sign and recognize ALL material taught in the lessons.AFTER TAKING THIS COURSE:Students will be able to sign and understand thirty-six (36) countries in ASL.Students will be able to use the vocabulary to sign six (6) unique kinds of sentences.Students will be confident using and understanding ASL personal pronouns.Students will feel more confident as they continue improving their ASL skills.QUESTIONS:What is the main focus of this course?This course focuses on learning to sign and understand thirty-six (36) countries in American Sign Language (ASL). Personal pronouns and extra vocabulary signs will also be taught in order for students to learn how to create six (6) kinds of complete sentences in ASL. Students will learn useful words, sign complete sentences, and communicate questions in ASL with correct facial expressions.Do I need to have prior knowledge or experience with ASL before taking this class?No. This course is designed for complete beginners without any prior knowledge of ASL. All necessary signs are taught step by step in the course.Will this course test me on what is taught?Yes. This course contains multiple review and testing sections where students have the opportunity to demonstrate their ASL signing and recognition skills.ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR:Hello! My name is Michael. When I was three years old, my younger brother became sick with spinal meningitis. In the process, my brother became deaf with an almost complete hearing loss. This difficult situation provided a unique opportunity for my family and I to become fluent in American Sign Language (ASL). Unlike some deaf children, my brother was not sent away to a deaf or hard of hearing school. He grew up with us, his hearing family, and we were active in the deaf community.As a police officer and federal investigator, I often used ASL to communicate with and interpret for witnesses, victims, and perpetrators. I decided to create ASL courses because its a useful and practical skill to have. Like learning any language, it opens your mind and creates the ability to communicate with a whole new group of people."
Price: 19.99

"Pointers : A Deep Drive" |
"Pointers are most important topics in C and C++ programming language. Many times students fail to understand these topics properly. The Course discusses Pointers concepts at a good depth. Many examples related with pointers are presented to understand the concepts very well. Course Contents are as follows -Pointer Basic ConceptsArrays and Pointers Pointers - Constants, Void, Null and Dangling PointerPointers Double, Triple, To Functions, As Return TypeArray of PointersPointer to ArraysStrings"
Price: 34.99

"Affinity publisher le cours complet" |
"Affinity PublisherAffinity Publisher est un logiciel de design spcialis dans les mises en page, mais galement dans la cration de documents graphiques. Il possde ainsi des outils avancs pour la gestion des pages, l'utilisation de maquettes, ou encore des modifications avances de texte. Affinity Publisher possde le mme type de fonctionnalits que le logiciel InDesign, en proposant une interface extrmement ergonomique. Si vous souhaitez faire des mises en page avec du texte et des images, si vous souhaitez crer des livres, ncessitant une gestion des pages avances, alors Affinity Publisher est l'outil adapt. Mais il ne s'arrte pas l, vous pourrez bien videmment travailler sur des documents graphiques de type couverture, flyer, carte de visite, montage photo. Il possde galement des effets de calque ainsi que des rglages de retouche photo. Les fonctionnalits principales- Systme de calque- Mise en page avance- Maquette - Outils de conception de forme- Filtres- Gestion du texte- Et bien plusLa formationDans cette formation vous allez apprendre le logiciel Affinity Publisher dans sa totalit. Vous allez rapidement obtenir un bon niveau qui vous permettra de raliser des mises en page, des designs de brochures, de magazines, et d'autres types de documents graphiques. Toutes les fonctionnalits du logiciel seront vues dans le cours. En agissant par tape, mode de fonctionnement de l'interface, principe des calques, fonctionnement des pages, utilisation des diffrents outils de conception, application de filtres, vous serez en mesure d'avancer rapidement dans l'apprentissage. Des entrainements permettront galement de voir toutes les fonctionnalits vues dans le cours."
Price: 99.99

"PSST Programa de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo" |
"Este Curso de PSST Programa de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo se vern los puntos necesarios que debera tener el documento que ayude a la gestin de la Seguridad y la Salud en el Trabajo. Este documento es necesario para la implementacin, seguimiento y mejora de la medidas de seguridad industrial o prevencin de riesgos de la empresa u organizacin. Se brindar a los participantes metodologas, tcnicas y herramientas que les permitan desarrollar sus Programas de Seguridad Salud en el Trabajo.Su implementacin le permitir un ambiente laboral con factores de riesgo controlados, lo que se traduce en la disminucin de los accidentes de trabajo y las enfermedades profesionales dentro de la organizacin, aplicando oportunidades de mejora resultado de la gestin en SST."
Price: 19.99

"Pure Well-being, Yoga, Acupressure and Mudras Masterclass" |
"Pure Well-being, Yoga, Acupressure and Mudras MasterclassThe most awaited course on Yoga, Acupressure and Mudras where each anatomy of the body is closely broken down with one of a kind exercises that engages and tunes in both mind, spirit and body. You will learn over 50 asanas (postures) and the latter video shows how to put all the learning together into a seamless flow of Yoga from head to toe accompanied with a soulful music to strengthen yourself mentally, physically and spiritually. It is a full body toning, stretching and relaxing to rejuvenate and make you more nimble, agile and balanced. There are series of exercises that focuses on strengthening, balance and medical poses to strengthen the nervous system and prevent stress related diseases, diabetes, arthritis, blood pressure etc. The course has a clear progression with basic to advance movements. The course perfectly differentiates each movement extending from absolute Beginners to Advance practitioners. Learn how to take care of yourself mentally and physically by learning Mudras and Acupressure. You will learn 10 different Mudras and over 20 different Acupressure that helps combat modern diseases such as stress. Learn how to rejuvenate yourself and open your meridians and flow of Qi in your body to tackle weak immunity, cold, cough, asthma and diabetes. This course is presented by native who has knowledge of Mudras and Acupressure and alternative medicine that is really becoming popular on its effectiveness to combat numerous diseases and illness. Sio will explain the meaning of the mudras, the benefits and how to best perform it. You will have visuals, presentation, explanations and how to maximize your gains on the pressure points.You will be guided by the renown practitioner who has years of experience in physical movements with scientific knowledge and medical benefits for each movement. You will gain lot of knowledge with the movements and the sanskrit terminology for the yoga movements too."
Price: 69.99

"Cantonese Character (Traditional Chinese) : Beginner Part 2" |
"Cantonese Character (Traditional Chinese) : Beginner Part 2Material Include:1. 60 Traditional Chinese Character Origin Explanation 2. 60 Traditional Chinese Character Writing Demonstration2. 180 Cantonese Vocabularies3. 180 Cantonese Sentence4. 60 Writing Pads5. 18 Bonus Lectures for ""The structure of Chinese characters""After this course, you will learn After this course, you will learn - the pronunciation- the meaning- the origin of the character- the part of speech of each character- common vocabularies- how to write- learn stroke order step-by-step- how to memorize the character- the way we use the character- various of related vocabularies- various sentence of formal traditional Chinese- what kinds of components are included. You will have different writing practice. Each lesson, we provide extra writing assignments for you.Cantonese300_The structure_of_Chinese charactersL1_The Structure of Chinese charactersL2_The structure of Chinese charactersL3_Early formation_of_Chinese_charactersL4_Single-component_characterL5_Single-component_characterL6_Single-component _characterL7_Above_to_belowL8_Above_to_belowL9_Above_to_belowL10_Left_to_rightL11_Left_to_rightL12_Left_to_rightL13_Outside_to_insideL14_Outside_to_insideL15_Outside_to_insideL16_Diagonal_structureL17_Left_to_middle_and_rightL18_Above_to_middle_and_belowCantonese300 Part2L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 L12 L13 L14 L15 L16 L17 L18 L19 L20 About InstructorGabrielle has worked in Education industry for 13 years in Hong Kong. After taking the whole series (3-course), you are able to write at least 900 Traditional Chinese Characters.- What we have4K students are following Gab Gab CantoneseStudents cover 200+ countriesMore than 1.2 Million minutes of teaching experience Produced 660+ video lessonsTeaching Certificate granted by Chinese University of Hong KongLocal Hong Kong Teachers- What we offerProfessional Cantonese coursesProfessional Chinese coursesChinese Character writingChinese reading coursesChinese writing courseboth formal and informal CantoneseBeginner/ Intermediate/ Advanced LessonsCorporate TrainingEXTRA tailor-made notesFREE resources"
Price: 19.99

"Cantonese Character (Traditional Chinese) : Beginner Part 4" |
"Cantonese Character (Traditional Chinese) : Beginner Part 4Material Include:1. 60 Traditional Chinese Character Origin Explanation 2. 60 Traditional Chinese Character Writing Demonstration2. 180 Cantonese Vocabularies3. 180 Cantonese Sentence4. 60 Writing Pads5. 18 Bonus Lectures for ""The structure of Chinese characters""After this course, you will learn - the pronunciation- the meaning- the origin of the character- the part of speech of each character- common vocabularies- how to write- learn stroke order step-by-step- how to memorize the character- the way we use the character- various of related vocabularies- various sentence of formal traditional Chinese- what kinds of components are included. You will have different writing practice. Each lesson, we provide extra writing assignments for you.Cantonese300 Part 4L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 L12 L13 L14 L15 L16 L17 L18 L19 L20 Cantonese300_The structure_of_Chinese charactersL1_The Structure of Chinese charactersL2_The structure of Chinese charactersL3_Early formation_of_Chinese_charactersL4_Single-component_characterL5_Single-component_characterL6_Single-component _characterL7_Above_to_belowL8_Above_to_belowL9_Above_to_belowL10_Left_to_rightL11_Left_to_rightL12_Left_to_rightL13_Outside_to_insideL14_Outside_to_insideL15_Outside_to_insideL16_Diagonal_structureL17_Left_to_middle_and_rightL18_Above_to_middle_and_belowAbout InstructorGabrielle has worked in Education industry for 13 years in Hong Kong. After taking the whole series (3-course), you are able to write at least 900 Traditional Chinese Characters.- What we have4K students are following Gab Gab CantoneseStudents cover 200+ countriesMore than 1.2 Million minutes of teaching experience Produced 660+ video lessonsTeaching Certificate granted by Chinese University of Hong KongLocal Hong Kong Teachers- What we offerProfessional Cantonese coursesProfessional Chinese coursesChinese Character writingChinese reading coursesChinese writing courseboth formal and informal CantoneseBeginner/ Intermediate/ Advanced LessonsCorporate TrainingEXTRA tailor-made notesFREE resources"
Price: 19.99

"PhD Student Induction Course" |
"PhD Student Induction CourseThis course is designed for students who are planning to do PhD or have just started a PhD or Masters by Research Program.In this course the first section is about some of the scholarship opportunities available in various countries. The rest of the course sections are geared for new PhD students who have just started their PhD degrees. This course contains videos. Each video covers one specific topic related to PhD research. In most universities, there is no induction program for PhD students. Most of the PhD students do not understand how to get started, what are some of the things to do on their earliest after starting a research, how to deal with their PhD supervisors/advisors. Many do not realize until very late that they are stuck and there is no way back. Students are at the mercy of their PhD advisors which are already busy or show that they are extremely busy and do not have time for their students. Some are incompetent, some got jobs simply because they knew someone, some are so strict rather cruel with their students. Students have no place to go for guidance. This course is an effort to guide those PhD students who have just started their research career. These videos will help PhD students in their studies, in their research, in their capability in dealing with incompetent supervisors. Also there are videos explaining plagiarism and how to avoid, how to get organized and be more productive during PhD etc. Also how to read and analyze research paper.Two of the initial challenges for PhD students are how to do a literature review (also called literature survey), how to write a research proposal. There are videos dedicated on these topics which will help students understand these two most important task they face in their first year.I hope PhD students will find this course helpful."
Price: 199.99

"Oracle Cloud Infrastructure- Linux (Virtual Machine) Basics" |
"This unique course covers critical and essential concept of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). To make understanding better there are demonstrations and Quiz as appropriate.The topic of coverage includes the following.Cloud vs On Prem analogy For better understanding of cloud.Whats Cloud & its characteristicsGetting in & accessing Oracle Cloud infrastructure.Oracle cloud infrastructure components.Oracle Cloud Infrastructure terminology.Compute Engine creation of Oracle Linux instance on VM (Virtual machine) and access.Step by Step demonstration of creation of Linux instance and accessing it from Remote via putty.Comman Command line commands in Linux / Unix Computer Engine Enabling the Oracle LINUX GUI and accessing through VNC.Installation and access -Jupyter Notebook on cloud Oracle Linux (VM) & access.Installation and access - Oracle EBS DEMO instance - it will be a paid service after the free service periodLearn about Oracle Cloud Infrastrucute (OCI) and Zoom up your career opportunities.. There are ample handson-demo to make understanding better.Happy learning and exploring Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)"
Price: 1920.00

"Productivity & Time Management Made Simple" |
"Productivity and Time Management Made Simple!You have been there. You have so many things you need to do but don't enough time to do it all.You have family commitments, personal projects, scheduled events you must not forget, relationships to nurture, deadlines to meet and the list goes on and on...I am sure you have felt that there is a better way to manage your time and become truly productive. A better way to actually get things done (and on time) and have enough time to spare to do things you enjoy.And you bet there is definitely a better way.I welcome you to my course Productivity and Time Management Made Simple where you will learn the SIMPLE yet POWERFUL strategies that will help you manage your time like a pro and finally put an end to all feelings of overwhelm.Build a solid foundation.To start off the course we will learn the important principles that you must know, in order to be a productive machine in all you do.Be part of a supportive community of like-minded people.You will be given access to our private facebook group where our community of like minded people will constantly share new ideas and tools to take your productivity to the next level.Start getting things done right away.We will immediately dive into 2 different techniques that will help you get organized and start getting things done immediately, no matter how overwhelmed you are at this current moment. And that is just in the first section!Learn how to create bullet proof plans that will take your productivity to the next levelProper Planning Prevents Poor Performance. The previous sentence is true, and with the concepts you will learn in the planning section you will see how spending 10 minutes or less in creating a powerful plan can save you HOURS once you move on to execution.You will learn the best strategies to plan ANYTHING in the most efficient and effective way.Learn how to set priorities, the right way.Once you start focusing on working on the important things first you will see how everything else start to nicely fall into place automatically. You will learn the best way to define your life priorities to ensure you always work on the right thing, at the right time.Making lists can turn you into a productivity machine.You will learn how making lists is one of the best time-management tools available and of course, you will learn some great secrets and tools to make lists that ensure that everything that needs to get done, gets done.How to work smart to achieve results 2x faster.There is a way to work on your tasks that improves focus and efficiency. The method you will learn in this section will truly help you make your daily work much more enjoyable..oh! and also get things done 2x or 3x faster!Make your productivity and time management efforts an automated process.With the right knowledge and strategies you can set your productivity efforts on AUTOPILOT. Instead of making new lists, plans, reminders, and all these things every time, you can take advantage of the good old adage ""set it and forget it"". This section will teach you how.Learn the right strategies to be organized in all areas of your live and take you productivity to a whole new level.Being organized in both your physical and digital world allows to have a clear mind, know where everything is and save lots of time. In the section about organization we will talk about the two fundamental principles you can follow in order to get well-organized in ALL areas of your life.I have no doubt that the valuable concepts that we will cover in the course will help you finally put an end to all feelings of overwhelm and truly become the master of your time. With the knowledge and tools you'll have under your belt after taking this course, you will realize that there is a simple way to create awesome results in your life in half the time by knowing how productivity and time-management really works.***Remember that this course has a 30-Day refund policy. If after going through the lessons and material you feel that the content inside is not what you are looking for, you can request a refund and you will get all your money back, no questions asked.******So If you are ready to take your productivity to the next level and truly become the master of your time, go ahead and click the BUY NOW button, and I will see you inside the course!"
Price: 49.99

"Basic Japanese Course" |
"Have you ever wanted to learn Japanese? Are you interested in Japanese language, culture, anime, food, etc..? Whatever the reasons, here is the great course to grab an idea what is Japanese language! Do you think Japanese language is difficult to learn? I can prove it's not. Learning Japanese is easy if you know how to learn correctly! Check out my step-by-step tutorial video lessons. :)Join me and have fun!"
Price: 19.99

"Informatica Home Office, Estudantes e Profissionais" |
"No s mais um curso da internet, vou pegar na sua mo e te ensinar como se deve usar o computador de verdade, nesse curso... ns vamos falar de tempo, sim meus amigos, a moeda mais preciosa que voc tem, no adianta falar que sabe o bsico j, aqui ns vamos falar do bsico mais completo que voc j viu, at por que ser produtivo conseguir passar mais tempo com a famlia ou os amigos."
Price: 99.99

nklsvtgp |
Price: 109.99

"Body Lanuage Masterclass:" |
"Body language refers to the nonverbal signals that we use to communicate. According to experts, these nonverbal signals make up a huge part of daily communication. From our facial expressions to our body movements, the things we don't say can still convey volumes of information.It has been suggested that body language may account for between 60 percent to 65 percent of all communication. Understanding body language is important, but it is also essential to pay attention to other cues such as context. In many cases, you should look at signals as a group rather than focusing on a single action.While communicating with others, we dont just randomly move our bodies and make gestures. The gestures that we make, our various body movements and the facial expressions we put on are all connected to the way we are feeling at any particular moment.In other words, our body language is an outward expression of our inner emotional state. Its not just the facial expressions that indicate the way a person feels but movements of the rest of the body including the ever-elusive feet can also provide strong clues to a persons emotional state."
Price: 94.99

"Microsoft MD-100 & MD-101 - Modern Desktops Practice Tests" |
"Microsoft MD-100 - Windows 10 & MD-101 - Managing Modern Desktops Practice Tests*One test contains only 50 questions ( the official exam varies between 45 and 60 questions ) and the time limit is 120 minutes (instead of the official 150 minutes)* *The minimum score to pass is 70% - same as the official exam*Mixed set of questions covering all sections and objectives of the MD-100 and MD-101 exams, seen below:Sections Included in the Practice Tests - for MD-100 - Windows 10Deploy Windows (15-20%) Deploy Windows 10 configure language packs migrate user data perform a clean installation perform an in-place upgrade (using tools such as MDT, WDS, ADK, etc.) select the appropriate Windows edition troubleshoot activation issues Perform post-installation configuration configure Edge and Internet Explorer configure mobility settings configure sign-in options customize the Windows desktop Manage devices and data (35-40%) Manage local users, local groups, and devices manage devices in directories manage local groups manage local users Configure data access and protection configure NTFS permissions configure shared permissions Configure devices by using local policies configure local registry implement local policy troubleshoot group policies on devices Manage Windows security configure user account control (UAC) configure Windows Defender Firewall implement encryption Configure connectivity (15-20%) Configure networking configure client IP settings configure mobile networking configure VPN client troubleshoot networking configure Wi-Fi profiles Configure remote connectivity configure remote management enable PowerShell Remoting configure remote desktop access Maintain Windows (25-30%) Configure system and data recovery perform file recovery (including OneDrive) recover Windows 10 troubleshoot startup/boot process Manage updates check for updates troubleshoot updates validate and test updates select the appropriate servicing channel configure Windows update options Monitor and manage Windows configure and analyze event logs manage performance manage Windows 10 environmentSections Included in the Practice Tests - for MD-101 - Managing Modern DesktopsDeploy and update operating systems (35-40%)Plan and implement Windows 10 by using dynamic deployment evaluate and select an appropriate deployment options pilot deployment manage and troubleshoot provisioning packages evaluate deployment options in Microsoft Endpoint ManagerPlan and implement Windows 10 by using Windows Autopilot evaluate and select an appropriate deployment options pilot deployment create, validate, and assign deployment profile extract device HW information to CSV file import device HW information to cloud service troubleshoot deploymentUpgrade devices to Windows 10 identify upgrade and downgrade paths manage in-place upgrades configure a Desktop Analytics environment assess which computers can be upgraded to Windows 10 migrate user profilesManage updates configure Windows 10 delivery optimization configure Windows Update for Business deploy Windows updates implement feature updates monitor Windows 10 updatesManage device authentication manage authentication policies manage sign-on options perform Azure AD joinManage policies and profiles (25-30%)Plan and implement co-management implement co-management precedence migrate group policy to MDM policies recommend a co-management strategyImplement conditional access and compliance policies for devices implement conditional access policies manage conditional access policies plan conditional access policies implement device compliance policies manage device compliance policies plan device compliance policiesConfigure device profiles implement device profiles manage device profiles plan device profilesManage user profiles configure user profiles configure Enterprise State Roaming in Azure AD configure sync settings implement Folder Redirection, including OneDriveManage and protect devices (20-25%)Manage Windows Defender implement and manage Windows Defender Application Guard implement and manage Windows Defender Credential Guard implement and manage Windows Defender Exploit Guard implement Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection integrate Windows Defender Application Control manage Windows Defender AntivirusManage Intune device enrollment and inventory configure enrollment settings configure Intune automatic enrollment enable device enrollment enroll non-Windows devices enroll Windows devices generate custom device inventory reports Review device inventoryMonitor devices monitor device health (e.g., log analytics, Desktop Analytics, or other cloud-based tools,etc.) monitor device securityManage apps and data (10-15%)Deploy and update applications assign apps to groups deploy apps by using Intune deploy apps by using Microsoft Store for Business deploy Microsoft 365 Apps for Enterprise enable sideloading of apps into images gather Microsoft 365 Apps readiness data configure and implement kiosk (assigned access) or public devicesImplement Mobile Application Management (MAM) implement MAM policies manage MAM policies plan MAM configure Windows Information"
Price: 19.99

"Modern Podcasting - Provide Listeners With Awesome Podcasts" |
"In this video course you will learn step by step about creating a successful podcast. You will learn how to create high quality and high value podcasts that listeners crave and how you can get the word out to your target audience.Planning your podcasts is a very important step in the process and many marketers make the mistake of trying to wing it.There are many ways that you can monetize your podcasts and earn a significant income from them every monthWith this video guide you will learn to create really successful podcasts and provide your listeners with the content that they want and they will be hungry for more.Topics covered:Why PodcastingChoosing The Right Niche For PodcastingPlanning For Great PodcastsThe Equipment You Need For PodcastingPlanning Great PodcastHow to Record Professional PodcastsPodcast Hosting And DistributionHow To Promote Offers Through PodcastsMonetizing Your Podcasts"
Price: 99.99

"Descubriendo Revit" |
"En este curso aprenders a conocer la interfaz de Revit y te preparar para poder entender ms a fondo la creacin de un proyecto complejo. Para lograr esto, te llevar por la eploracin de la interfaz, luego te ensear cmo preparar un archivo para luego comenzar a Modelar y finalmente, te ensear a modelar con las herramientas bsicas que tenemos en el programa."
Price: 19.99

Vol.7Fusion360 |
"Vol.1~Vol.6Fusion 360Fusion 360GUI20197GUI"
Price: 4800.00

"Smart Tips: Communication" |
"Do you need to give feedback to colleagues and clients, but you arent sure how to do it without bruising someones ego (or being totally ignored)? Do you find yourself hoping that interpersonal conflicts will resolve themselves, without you having to actually address them? Have you ever had to present your ideas to a client or the boss, and wished the floor would open up and swallow you before you had to stand up to speak?If you are a busy professional who knows that your job -- and your career -- depend on you being able to communicate clearly and concisely, with confidence and credibility, then this user-friendly, engaging course is for you!Welcome to Smart Tips: Communication! In this course Ill provide short lectures to help you do something new - fast, so that you can immediately apply it to your work or life. The videos in this course are standalone. That means you dont have to watch in any particular order. If youre searching for a specific skill or topic thats relevant for you, take a look through the available tips to find the knowledge you need when you need it. I created this practical Udemy course for anyone who wants to have more impact and influence at work -- and in life. And becoming a more effective communicator is the way to do that. I have been teaching and coaching on communication and presentation skills for over three decades, across industries and around the world, including Fortune 50 companies, nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and Ivy League academic institutions. This course represents my most requested, most tested, and most well-reviewed tips, tools, and techniques that I use with my clients.Theres absolutely nothing long, boring, theoretical, complex, or confusing in this course. This course is built specifically for any professional in any industry at any level of his or her career who wants to get targeted, quick, practical help to sound persuasive and polished in a variety of conversations and presentations.In this course, you will learn to:Address difficult colleagues, clients, customers, and others while keeping your coolApply emotionally intelligent strategies to challenging conversations and situationsManage up, down, and across your organization to have greater impact and influenceGive effective feedback that people can hear -- and act onAsk for the feedback you need to do your job more successfullyReceive feedback without defensivenessOrganize and present your ideas persuasivelySpeak to audiences of any size and in any situation with less anxietyDemonstrate leadership presence, even under stressHandle difficult questions with confidenceThink on your feetFrom Presentation Skills lectures like Stop Beginning Your Speeches with 'Good Morning and Thank You' and Start With This Instead (2 minutes and 30 seconds) and Navigating Conflict and Tricky Conversations lectures like What to Say To Someone Who Just Got Bad News at Work (2 minutes) to Communicating with Impact and Influence lectures like 3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Pitching an Idea to Your Boss (3 minutes and 30 seconds) and Giving and Receiving Effective Feedback lectures like The Right Way to Respond to Negative Feedback (4 minutes and 30 seconds), youll quickly accumulate the confidence and competence to say what you need to say, when you need to say it.This course is fast-paced and fun (yes, really!), and youll get the best of the best from my years of experience teaching and coaching busy professionals at all levels, my commitment to using research-based strategies from psychology, neuroscience, behavioral economics, etc., my personal experience as a parent of twins (talk about conflict!) -- as well as a taste of my background in stand-up and improvisational comedy. (Yes, when I said fun -- I meant it!)What are you waiting for? (You could already have learned 3 new skills in the time it took you to read this!) Join thousands of other busy professionals like yourself and give yourself a competitive, communicative edge to help you advance in your job and career."
Price: 99.99

"Getting Started with Power Portals" |
"You can empower anyoneeither inside or outside your organizationto interact with Common Data Service (DataFlex) data using portals. WARNING, these portals are not your typical Content Management System, and getting started can be extremely time consuming and confusing. This course will save you days and perhaps weeks of poking around the platform trying to implement a solution. In just a few hours, I can show you what you need to know to get started with Power Portals TODAY!"
Price: 29.99

"Success-AWS Certified Security-Specialty 2020 Practice Tests" |
"These questions teaches you the most effective Amazon Security Specialty Exam Preparation Methods. This will provide you 100% Valid AWS Security Specialty exam questions with verified answers that reflect the actual exam. Get 100% Success Guarantee to Pass Your Amazon AWS Security Specialty Exam using our Updated Exam Questions and Answers. Also, with the detailed explanation.While preparing for any of the AWS certifications, you may find a number of resources for the preparation such as AWS documentation, AWS whitepapers, AWS books, AWS Videos, and AWS FAQs. But the practice matters a lot if you are determined to pass the exam in the first attempt.Therefore, Our team ensured that you always get Top-Notch and CLOSEST questions possible to the actual exam.You may be asked to give a review after the first practice set. I would say, do not give it and continue to work on the next practice test. We want you to get 100% satisfied with the questions quality and especially with the EXPLANATION given for each question."
Price: 1920.00

"Python Basics For Absolute Beginners" |
"This Python Basics For Absolute Beginners course offers not just tutorials but also example walkthroughs. This course offers in-depth yet simplified explanations for the fundamental concepts of Python.It covers the following topics:Python Environment SetupIntroduction To PythonPython SyntaxPython CommentsPython As A CalculatorA Simple Python Hello Python ProjectVariables In PythonPython Data TypesOperations on Different Types of VariablesIf you want to learn the fundamentals of Python for Data Science and want to use it for creating awesome programs that can help you with real-world situations, this course is just for you!What are you waiting for? I'll see you there!- Eftekher Husain"
Price: 19.99

"Python NumPy For Absolute Beginners" |
"With not just tutorials but also example walkthroughs, this boot camp offers a seamless collection of videos taking you through Python Numpy with programs to work with as examples. This course offers in-depth yet simplified explanations for the fundamental concepts of Python Numpy.If you want to learn the fundamentals of Python Numpy for Data Science and want to use it for creating awesome programs that can help you with real-world situations, this course is just for you!What are you waiting for? I'll see you there!- Eftekher Husain"
Price: 19.99

"Exam Microsoft MS-600 and Microsoft MS-700 Preparation 2020" |
"Exam Microsoft MS-600 and Microsoft MS-700 Preparation 2020MS-600: Building Applications and Solutions with Microsoft 365 Core Services :Microsoft Certification can take you from the start of your career to its pinnacle. Certification can increase your visibility, differentiate you from your peers, and validate your knowledge and skills.Candidates for this exam are Microsoft 365 Developers who design, build, test, and maintain applications and solutions that are optimized for the productivity and collaboration needs of organizations using the Microsoft 365 platform.MS-600 exam check your ability to:Implement Microsoft IdentityBuild Apps with Microsoft GraphExtend and Customize SharePointExtend TeamsExtend OfficeMS-700: Managing Microsoft Teams :Microsoft Certification can take you from the start of your career to its pinnacle. Certification can increase your visibility, differentiate you from your peers, and validate your knowledge and skills.Candidates for this exam are Microsoft Teams Administrators for their organization. The Microsoft Teams Administrator configures, deploys, and manages Office 365 workloads for Microsoft Teams that focus on efficient and effective collaboration and communication in an enterprise environment.MS-700 exam check your ability to:Plan and Configure a Microsoft Teams EnvironmentManage Chat, Calling, and MeetingsManage Teams and App PoliciesI have prepared this practice test course for all those candidates who are planning of taking Microsoft MS-600 and MS-700 exam in near future.This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Microsoft in any way."
Price: 24.99
