"FL Studio: Optimum R&B Mixing and Mastering Music Production" |
"Mixing and Mastering the R&B Genre In One Day by an RIAA Certified Gold Producer: LJONDATRACK*************************Correct Me If Im Wrong...The only reason a lot of producers are NOT Confident about Mixing & Mastering is because They Dont Know the 'WHY'!Yup, the WHY! Let me explain by asking you one question: How many courses have you taken and the instructor failed to properly explain WHY they made a certain choice?Enough to give my course a try, right?I know you will, because prior to creating this course to solve the 'WHY' problem. I decided to research other Mixing & Mastering courses (on your behalf) and realized up till now the only solution to this problem is: Just follow your instincts Other instructors have tried their best to solve this problem, but the truth is that very few producers can actually articulate what theyre doing.That's why, this is the course I wish I had taken when I first started Mixing and Mastering back in 2009, because too many courses tell you what to do but fail to cover WHY theyre done.Nothing About Your Mixing & Mastering Knowledge Is Assumed!In fact, this course is for you if you agree with these 9 bullet points:The course follows the KISS Principle: Keep It Short and SimpleEvery Mixing or Mastering choice made is explained in clean, concise examplesYou need help to 'hear' better, rather than me just telling you the technical methodsYoure able to progress through this course in a sequential mannerYou have access to the exact stem files used in the course, so you can start putting everything you learn into practice right away.Lectures are strategically organized and well-paced so youre able to consume it easilyThe course has practical exercises, covers the basics, and gives In-dept explanation of conceptsLectures are 10-14min short and simple but packed with a lot of interesting info, so you won't die of boredom.Youre able to message me and receive a response in 24hrs.I know there are a handful of Mixing & Mastering courses on Udemy but believe it or not, this is the only one solely focusing on providing you complete explanations and verbally detailed examples of why decisions are made, so youll have the ability to apply demonstrated techniques elsewhere.What I Guarantee Youll Learn After Taking This Course:Mixing & Mastering: What it really means. When its time to use it. Where you have to use it. How it can benefit you. Why it will always matter.Plugins Overview: How to breakdown the pluginsLearn to be Comfortable with Mixing & Mastering and Comfortable using PluginsHow to Mix and Master with 5 Major Effects from a Menu of Plugins in MinutesLearn to be comfortable maneuvering in FL Studios Mixer InterfaceThe basics of dropping effects in your beat step-by-stepHow to Properly Export Fruity Loop Projects (FLPs) Into StemsOrganization of the tracksThoroughly Mixing R&B Melody StemsHow to make Micro Adjustments While Mixing and MasteringLeveling Melodies and Drums ProfessionallyMastering an R&B ProjectNow is the time to click the ""Buy Now"" For Instant Lifetime Access!Trust me, youll get all the updates of this course for FREE going forward. Plus, if you ever have any questions please feel free to message me or start a discussion and I will respond to you in 24hrs or less!On top of that, Udemy and I offer you a 30-Day %100 Money-Back Guarantee, so there is NO risk!Just scroll down and watch the Free Preview Lectures. Then enroll confidently today with ZERO risk and EVERYTHING to gainSee You In The Course!LJondatrack, peace!"
Price: 99.99

"CRM para tu negocio: Crea un sistema e incrementa tus ventas" |
"Este es el curso ms rpido y detallado que encontrars para incrementar el cierre de ventas de tu compaa.Recuerda que este curso es para ti si tienes alguno de estos problemas:Listas de clientes en Excel difciles de manejarNegocios perdidos por falta de seguimientoEquipos de ventas con baja productividadPoca visibilidad de los negocios actuales.Dificultad centralizar los contactos desde diferentes fuentes (adwords, facebook lead ads, linkedin etc.)Y adicional eres:Un emprendedor.Gerente o lder de ventas.Vendedor profesional que quiere mejorar sus ingresos.Y lo mejor de todo es que en 2 horas tendrs condensada toda la informacin para solucionar los anteriores problemas.Si te inscribes ahora tendrs la posibilidad de recibir clases adicionales que sern liberadas cuando el curso pase a ser de pago Todo completamente gratuito para ti!*este curso NO es para ti si eres un experto en embudos de conversin y has utilizado avanzados programas de CRM ya que aqu veremos temas bsicos para la transformacin digital del departamento de ventas en pequeas y medianas empresas."
Price: 24.99

"Essential Talend Open Studio for Data Integration (2020)" |
"This workshop is designed for anyone who gets started with Talend Open Studio for Data Integration. . We start to build basic data integration jobs. Making data integration for some database platforms. Next, we will develop ELT (Extract, Load, and Transform) with various case studies. Last, we will build and deploy Talend jobs on Windows 10. We also build scheduled jobs on Windows platform.This workshop uses Talen Talend Open Studio for Data Integration 7.3."
Price: 24.99

"CompTIA Cloud Essentials+ CLO-002 Practice Exams" |
"The simulated for the CompTIA Cloud Essentials+ CLO-002 Certification Practice Exams aims to prepare candidates and reinforce their knowledge to take this certification exam. You will find in the total of this simulation 120 practical questions covering 100% of the exam topics, and detailed explained answers.Practice Test 1: Domain 1 Cloud Concepts;Practice Test 2: Domain 2 Business Principles of Cloud Environments;Practice Test 3: Domain 3 Management and Technical Operations;Practice Test 4: Domain 4 Governance, Risk, Compliance, and Security for the Cloud.Practice Test 5: The last test is a pre-test that was prepared with the combination of questions related to Domains 01, Domains 02, Domains 03 and Domains 04 to simulate the official exam. These questions are the same as those found in Practice Tests 1, 2, 3 and 4, but they will be run randomly to test your knowledge by combining questions from various domains. In this last simulation you will find 75 questions which is the number of questions in the official exam."
Price: 39.99

"Consumer Behavior" |
"The consumer behavior course will allow you to understand the following concepts :- What is consumer behavior ( a historical overview)- What is Marketing research ( types and nature of data)- External factors of influence ( family & friends, culture, marketing efforts)- Internal factors of influence ( personality, motivation, perception, attitude, learning)- What is motivation and how is it related to consumer needs- What is personality ( Theories and applications)- How perception impacts the way we see things- How we learn about things ( behavioral and cognitive learning)- How our personality shapes our perceptions and attitudes- What is attitude and how attitudes are formed- How to communicate effectively with our consumers- How to design effective ads- Decision making process (how to select among two or multiple alternatives)"
Price: 19.99

"Background Design" |
"Welcome to the world of background art and environment design! This course is going to teach you the fundamentals of creating artwork for animation, including concept art, color keys, layout sketches and final background painting. This is your chance to learn the skills and concepts to become a background designer!You are going to learn how to paint digitally, how to draw backgrounds and how to develop a sketch to a fully realized background for a scene.In this course youll work on 2 background projects that Ive crafted for you so that you can learn and practice different and varied styles of background art. Along the way youll also learn all about the principles of background design for animation, as well as tips and tricks that Ive used as a background artist throughout my career in the animation industry.In the first project, youll get to learn: all about the color wheel, and explore color harmony rules. Youll learn about lighting, and how to use light and shadow in your painting. Youll learn to use a specific brush pack and show you brush and painting techniques. Youll also learn how to create amazing atmospheric effects in your paintings and paint up a concept art fantasy scene.Then, well dive into the world of creating a background for a scene in an animated film. The second project is based on my Pirate Project and for this, were going to choose a scene from the storyboard, Im going to show you how to draw a detailed rough layout with all the elements and props. Then Ill walk you through my entire process of painting this up to a finished background, step by step. Ill teach you how to block in flat colours, how to craft shapes and objects within the scene and then how to add layers of textures and effects to make the final painting look like you can step into it and experience it yourself.This course is packed with insights into the creative process of designing artwork for animation. Ive worked really hard to make sure that in every video you can learn something new, from practical photoshop tips and techniques, to advice on how to speed up your workflow and be a better, more efficient background artist.When you join, youll have access to the downloads Ive left for you, youll also be able to contact me directly, get feedback on your work and ask me any questions that you have.This course distills everything Ive learned over my 15 years experience creating art for animation. Ive worked as a professional background designer for animation studios in Dublin, and Vancouver, for clients such as Disney, Sony Pictures, HMH Publishing and Im really passionate about teaching the skills and processes that took me on that journey, so that your can have the opportunity to learn this amazing skillset. In my opinion background art is the best job in animation, its rewarding, highly creative and above all its easy and enjoyable! So I hope you are ready to start your journey to becoming an animation background artist.See you in the course! :)Siobhan."
Price: 154.99

"Booster votre apprentissage avec des astuces de neuroscience" |
"Cette formation est destin vous donner got a l'apprentissage. Elle vous donnera les bases de l'optimisation de votre cerveau. Elle vous donnera quelques astuces et des exercices pratiques pour amliorer vos capacits. Cette formation est la base de la formation ""les meilleurs secrets pour dvelopper votre cerveau"", qui, elle aborde en dtailles un grand nombre dastuces d'amliorations."
Price: 19.99

database-logic |
Price: 5400.00

"Modern Instagram Marketing Grow Your Instagram 2020" |
"In Modern Instagram Marketing Grow Your Instagram 2020 we'll take you through a journey from Beginner to Expert in Digital Marketing on Instagram!With The Latest Training and techniques in real actionable steps you'll quickly become confident in your Instagram Marketing. You'll learn how to create Instagram Posts that'll engage your audience, utilize Instagram stories as a part of market research, and grow your followers to make your Business More Money... You'll also learn how to save yourself time and energy by creating an effective content strategy plan.FROM BEGINNER TO EXPERTFrom understanding terms around Instagram to have a content strategy plan with a brand new Instagram Account within hours!After This Course, You'll Be Able ToCreate optimized Instagram Accounts for You and/or ClientsCreate Engaging Instagram Posts for You and/or ClientsCreate a Professional Instagram Business Account"
Price: 109.99

"JAVA 10 New Features - Crash Course" |
"JDK 10JDK 10 is the open-source reference implementation of the Java SE 10 Platform as defined by JSR 383 in the Java Community Process.JDK 10 reached General Availability on 20 March 2018. Production-ready binaries under the GPL are available from Oracle; binaries from other vendors will follow shortly.The features and schedule of this release were proposed and tracked via the JEP Process, as amended by the JEP 2.0 proposal.Features286: Local-Variable Type Inference296: Consolidate the JDK Forest into a Single Repository304: Garbage-Collector Interface307: Parallel Full GC for G1310: Application Class-Data Sharing312: Thread-Local Handshakes313: Remove the Native-Header Generation Tool (javah)314: Additional Unicode Language-Tag Extensions316: Heap Allocation on Alternative Memory Devices317: Experimental Java-Based JIT Compiler319: Root Certificates322: Time-Based Release VersioningIf you are looking for lot code changes then this not the course for you , because java10 there not much code changes. pretty much all of them HotSpot and JVM efficient changes. As a developer in our day today basics its hard to see we gonna use them. but it's always good to know whats new in our domain. Because knowledge is Strength.Cheer Up , let's start Learning !!!"
Price: 8000.00

"Build UBER Clone App Using Flutter and Firebase (2020)" |
"Build an UBER Clone App Using Flutter and Firebase (2020)This course is designed to be a complete reference guide to building a fully functional Uber clone app using flutter. Search no further for a complete learning pack. The course content is very robust and covers several advanced concepts and topics ranging from Firebase Database and Authentication to Notifications and so much more.Why Is This Course Right for Me?Absolutely Yes, the best way to gain a good understanding of advanced concepts in Flutter is by practicing with real-life examples that implement these advanced concepts in ways you will probably use them while building your own custom app. So you will learn to build and design beautiful real-life app from the ground up, we will teach you everything you need to know.Flutter provides a very fast and easy way to build functional apps that could run on both Android and iOS. So save yourself a lot of time by learning advanced concepts by building a really real world ridesharing application.Not Convinced Yet?This course will groom you to build your own app ideas, this comes in handy if you want to launch your own app and build a company around it. Modern-day business run on automation which is made possible with apps, somehow in your business, you will need a great functional app; and one way to achieve this without blowing your budget is by having hands-on experience on building a real-world functional application. you will literarily get most of the advanced knowledge you need for a price of cake.Secondly, having built a fully complete and functional Ridesharing application will be a very huge addition to your portfolio if you intend to get a high paying job. The job market these days are getting pretty competitive, you really need to show your worth. What's the best way to showcase your worth if not by showing real-world applications you built?What Should I Expect After this Course?Build a Complete Ride-Sharing on iOS and Android Using Flutter Good understanding of Firebase DatabaseHow to build a real-world application in a very structured and organized mannerOther Things to Learn IncludesFlutter UI and Design BasicsFlutter Advanced State management techniquesFirebase Database DevelopmentFirebase AuthenticationGoogle Location servicesRealtime Location UpdatesGoogle Maps and Map stylesCalculating Distance and time difference between two pointsCreating Local NotificationsMaking Web Calls Using Rest APIProcessing Task in Background (Thread & Async)Loading and Displaying Data with ListviewSave Data Locally on your Device"
Price: 199.99

"Curso de modelado 2020 : Blender y photoshop." |
"Curso de nivel inicial, para personas sin conocimientos previos podras realizar videos 3D usando photoshop y blender.Sentaras las bases para futuros proyectos de videojuegos y realidad aumentada.Podras utilizar lo aprendido aqui para modelar , maquetar, animar objetos en 3D y agregarle sonido editado con audacity, iniciando todo desde una edicion de imagenes con photoshop."
Price: 19.99

"Digital Marketing" |
"E-commerce (electronic commerce) is the buying and selling of goods and services, or the transmitting of funds or data, over an electronic network, primarily the internet. These business transactions occur either as business-to-business (B2B), business-to-consumer (B2C), consumer-to-consumer, or consumer-to-business. The terms e-commerce and e-business are often used interchangeably. The term e-tail is also sometimes used in reference to the transactional processes for online shopping.In the last decade, the widespread use of e-commerce platforms such as Amazon and eBay has contributed to substantial growth in online retail. In 2007, e-commerce accounted for 5.1% of total retail sales; in 2019, e-commerce made up 16.0%.The pandemic is rapidly changing our behavior toward online channels, and the shifts are likely to stick post-pandemic. While many companies are challenged to survive in the short-term, the crisis also presents an opportunity; bold companies that invest ambitiously and timely in their online business are likely to emerge as market leaders. We propose seven initiatives that are critical for business leaders to act on now to successfully transition your business to the new e-commerce reality."
Price: 94.99

"Lead Generation" |
"So yes, lead generation is a priority for any lead gen business. And even if it's not going great, marketers are still willing to spend money on it. But they still need to know how to generate leads online. Being aware of the following will help make sure you put those dollars to good use.It's a powerful marketing strategy for both lead generation and brand loyalty. ... Attraction marketing helps you set your brand apart from competitors by focusing marketing efforts on what makes your product or service the more attractive option.Businesses today are heavily dependent on Lead Generation as it enables the websites of such businesses to generate more traffic which may lead to the further conversion of such found Leads into Customers. This leads to an increase in conversion rates helping a business gain huge profits in the process.Attraction marketing makes it easy for customers to understand your product and assess its value through legitimate means. Attraction marketing improves engagement, and as an end result, increases sales. The key to success when using attraction marketing lies in having a genuine interest in customers and their needs."
Price: 94.99

"Hello Future Doctors, Welcome to DipenismThis is Video series for Medical ASPIRANTS to help them prepare for Pre medical entrance exams like NEET & AIIMS from CBSE class 12 GeneticsChapter Molecular Basis of InheritanceTopics covered areNucleic acid CompositionNucleotide StructureDNA ReplicationCharacteristics of Genetic codeCODON DictionaryTranscriptionTranslationLac OperonAll the Good Wishes,Dr.Dipen ShahMentor Counselor Educator"
Price: 19.99

"Personality Development" |
"Lots of love to all of youThis course on Personality Development that I've created will help you in your overall GROWTH.All the 8 factors that I've described for Personal Growth are based on Psychological aspects.I strongly believe that these factors one by one as you start to use it your Life, will make you Grow and become Awesome, as it has helped me to become Awesome.Regards,Dipenism Rocks"
Price: 19.99

"Breaking Bad Habits - Empowering Habits You Should Live By" |
"With this video course you will be able to break those bad habits which are not supporting the life that you want and form new habits that will empower you to make a positive change.It is not going to be an easy journey as breaking habits you have had for a long time is going to be tough. Forming new habits is challenging as well.You will learn how habits work and how they are formed.Topics covered:Why You Need To Break Bad HabitsIdentifying Your Bad (And Good) HabitsHow Habits Actually WorkHabit Formation And Breaking Bad HabitsForming New Habits Using The 3 RsChange Your Life For The Better With The Power Of HabitsPlanning Your Successful Habit TransitionNew Habit ReinforcementEmpowering Habits You Should Live ByBest Practices"
Price: 99.99

xatxqtln |
"feed Social ? , Call to Action paragraph () ... Copywriting The secret of ""Untold script"""
Price: 2000.00

"Ultimate bacak ama ve esneklik sistemi. Sfrdan profesyonele...Esnekliini arttirmak mi istiyorsun ?Dv sporlar, Dans, Bale, Yoga, Cimnastik, Futbol. Esneklik gerektiren herhangi bir spor yapiyorsan. Mutlak bir zm aryorsanEer cevabn evetse. Ihtiyacin olan tek program.Hemen ye ol.BACAK AMA VE TAM VCUT ESNEKL HAKKINDA KONUALIMHerkes parmak izi gibi farkldr. Hedefe ulamak, genetik yapya, daha nce yaptnz spora veya hi spor yapmam olmanza bal olarak hzl veya yava olabilir. Bu ksm biraz ans diyebilirim.FAKAT!Hedefinize ulamak iin sadece iki eye ihtiyacnz var. Sreklilik ve sabr o zaman sonu garantidir.NASIL ANTRENMAN YAPILACAINI KONUALIMIsnmak ok ok nemli!Kas scak tutun (yani scak tutmak iin termal tayt veya eofman giyebilirsiniz ama kan akn engellemeyin)Kas-zihin balants kurun (egzersiz yaparken hangi kasn gergin olduunu hissetmeniz gerekir. Sadece vcudunuza odaklann, vcudunuzu dinleyin)Gerginlik iyi, ar iyi deil. Bu yzden acele etme, kendine zarar vermeLEVEL 1i ac ekmeden iyi bir ekilde bitirebildiinizde, LEVEL 2 yapmaya balayabilirsiniz.LEVEL 2yi ac ekmeden iyi bir formda bitirebildiinizde, SEVYE 3e balayabilirsiniz.LEVEL 3 ac ekmeden iyi bir formda bitirebildiinizde LEVEL 4 ve LEVEL 5 yapmaya balayabilirsiniz (Bir gn LEVEL 4 baka bir gn LEVEL 5)Her gn veya bir gn izinli olarak egzersiz yapabilirsiniz. (vcudunu dinle)Kendinizi bir ekilde zorlarsanz dinlenmeniz gerekir, en fazla 3-4 gn dinlenmeniz yeterlidir. Yine vcudunuzu dinlemeniz gerekir.stirahat gnnde zorlamadan basit ak yapabilirsiniz.Her trl spor aktivitesi kaslarnz sklatrr, bu nedenle kou, fitness, vcut gelitirme, dv sporu gibi herhangi bir spor yaparsanz antrenmann sonunda temel bir esneme ak yapmalsnz.htiyacnz olursa bana sorabilirsiniz. Mmkn olduunca abuk dneceimbaarlar.Sensei Barbaros"
Price: 44.99

"Tableau: do Zero ao Avanado - Guia prtico para Aplicao" |
"O Tableau uma ferramenta projetada para permitir que voc execute tarefas complexas de anlise de dados e crie visualizaes poderosas e interativas que comunicam ao pblico sua anlise. Alm disso, o Tableau permite que voc compartilhe suas anlises e visualizaes em toda a organizao, para que todos, dos colegas de trabalho alta gerncia, possam acessar os dados que so importantes para eles. Esta realmente uma ferramenta que, quando bem empregada, fornece uma enorme vantagem competitiva.Este curso vai gui-lo desde o bsico at o avanado, mostrando passo-a-passo como criar visualizaes poderosas!Nosso curso est dividido em 5 sees:Na seo n 1, onde voc est nesse momento, a introduo ao Tableau. Aqui voc ter o primeiro contato com a ferramenta, e comear a entender como ela funciona;Na seo n 2, falaremos sobre conexo de Dados, que a etapa inicial para criao da visualizao dos dados;Na seo n 3 veremos a interface com o usurio, passando sobre como o Tableau se comunica com o usurio, os menus, barras de ferramentas, guias, filtros, etcna seo n 4 faremos um aprofundamento nos grficos do Tableau, que o core da ferramenta. Veremos como cri-los, modific-los e entende-los;por fim, na seo 5, veremos como examinar os dados para melhor entend-los. Vamos configurar as planilhas, painis e histrias para comunicar a informao da melhor maneira atravs deles;"
Price: 39.99

"CAPM Practice Test PMBOK 6 Ed 2018" |
"Who Should Apply?If youd like to manage larger projects and gain more responsibility or add project management skills into your current role, then the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) is right for you.Professionals looking to further qualify and who wish to leverage their careers to act as PMI Certified Project Managers.Professionals and project managers who want to prepare to pass the CAPM PMBOK 6th Edition 2018 exam.Project managers who wish to pass the CAPM PMBOK 6th Edition 2018 exam on the first attempt.Business Development ManagersWhether you are a novice or experienced project manager, responsible for delivering projects and leading cross-functional teams, this course is the right choice for you."
Price: 19.99

"PMI-ACP (Agile Certified Practitioner) Practice Test" |
"About the PMI-ACP ExamThe exam consists of 120 multiple-choice questions, of which 20 are preset questions and do not compete for the exam score. The pretest questions are meant to evaluate future exam questions. The standard method is CBT (computer-based testing) but in particular situations it can also be PBT (paper-based testing). The time available is 3 hours without intervals, although it is allowed to interrupt if necessary without time recovery. The exam is preceded by 15 minutes of tutorial and setting."
Price: 19.99

"Scrum PSM-I Practice Test" |
"The Professional Scrum MasterTM level I (PSM I) assessment is available to anyone who wishes to validate his or her depth of knowledge of the Scrum framework and its application. Those who pass the assessment will receive the industry recognized PSM I Certification to demonstrate their fundamental level of Scrum mastery."
Price: 19.99

"Deep Learning for Face Detection, Recognition & Aging" |
"This is in-depth short course that deeply overviews and explains the architecture of deep learning models that were proposed in the literature for face detection, recognition, and aging. In addition, this course presents the detailed steps for Python code that used to build these deep models.All the development tools and materials required for this course are FREE. Besides that, all implemented Python codes are attached with this course."
Price: 99.99

"Excel intermedio - fcil!" |
"Este es un curso de nivel intermedio.Es la continuidad del nivel avanzado, en el que AulaGEO ha preparado ejercicios prcticos para quienes desean aprender Excel de manera formal.EXCEL INTERMEDIO:Introduccin. Descripcin de la temtica y metodologa del curso.Unidad 1: CONCEPTOS BSICOSCaptulo 1Se hace un repaso a los temas vistos en excel bsico para iniciar con los conceptos primarios que se deben entender para el manejo de frmulas, funciones y configuracin de datos entre otros temas del excel intermedio.Temtica:Explicacin de conceptos:Hoja, libro y celda.Personalizar cinta de opciones.Definicin y cmo nombrar rango.Manejo de click izquierdo, derecho o contrario.Manejo cuadros de dilogo.Opciones de puntero.Definicin de frmulas y funciones.Captulo 2Se continua con la profundizacin en conceptos bsicos como guardar como, compartir y proteger al igual que en la personalizacin del libro.Temtica:Personalizacin barra de herramientas de acceso rpido.Formas de compartir.Proteccin de celda, hoja y libro.Tipos de vista.Guardar como.Opciones de pegado.Guardar como PDF.Compartir.Proteger libro, hoja y celda.Copiar y pegar, explicar todas las opciones de pegado existentes.Atajos de tecladoUtilizar ayuda.Unidad 2: MANEJO Y ANLISIS DE DATOSSe guiar en algunas funciones que tiene excel para la alimentacin, manejo y validacin de datos con el fin de garantizar una mejor configuracin de la hoja de calculo.Captulo 3Se explica otras formas de alimentar informacin a la hoja por medio de formularios para ingreso de datos y crear estilos personalizados a las celdas.Temtica:Formularios.Estilos de celda pre configurados y personalizados.Formato de celda personalizado.Captulo 4Se ensea como configurar la hoja de clculo con validaciones de datos para cada rango de informacin, esto asegura que los datos ingresados estn parametrizados.Este captulo contiene un archivo de ejemplo.Temtica:Herramientas de datos: validacin de datos.Nmero.Decimal.Listas desplegables personalizadas.Fecha.TiempoMensajes de error personalizados.Captulo 5Seguimos con el manejo y administracin de datos, aprendiendo cmo dividir la informacin de las columnas de ser necesario, como vincular informacin desde otro libro e insertar hipervnculos que nos ayuden a mostrar datos complementarios a la tabla y las diferentes formas de buscar y reemplazar en el libro caracteres o palabras.Temtica:Texto en columnas.Vnculos:Hoja.Libro.Hipervnculos:Hoja.Libro.Archivo.Pgina web.Buscar:Libro y hoja.Uso de comodines.Reemplazar informacin.Captulo 6: Tiempo: 20:45Se ver la importancia de tener ordenar la informacin en nuestra tabla, igualmente, se explicar a fondo el manejo de la herramienta filtros y su importancia en el anlisis de datos.Tambin veremos como quitar los registros duplicados de la hoja, que es uno de los grandes problemas en el manejo de informacin.Temtica:Ordenacin de datos.Filtros.Quitar duplicadosCaptulo 7: Tiempo: 13:31Este captulo explora una de las herramientas ms prcticas para el anlisis de datos con la cual usted puede detectar de manera rpida el comportamiento de los datos, como es el formato condicional.Temtica:Reglas para resaltar celdas.Reglas para valores superiores e inferiores.Barras de datos.Captulo 8: Tiempo: 10:19Este captulo explica el grupo de herramientas esquema que ofrece ms opciones para organizar, visualizar y analizar los datos de la hoja de clculo.Temtica:Agrupar.Desagrupar.Subtotales.Unidad 3: MANEJO DE TABLASCaptulo 9Este captulo explica la creacin, manejo y configuracin de las tablas conociendo herramientas con que cuenta y las opciones que ofrece para el anlisis de datos.Temtica:Herramientas de tabla.Opciones de estilo de tabla.Subtotales.Segmentacin de datos.Captulo 10Este captulo se dedica exclusivamente al tema de las tablas dinmicas, esto por su importancia y facilidad para el anlisis de informacin.Temtica:Insertar tabla dinmica.Formas de visualizacin.Actualizacin de tabla dinmica.Anlisis de datos.Segmentacin de datos.Escala de tiempo.Unidad 4: MANEJO DE GRFICOSCaptulo 11En este captulo conoceremos cmo crear, modificar, disear y estructurar los grficos en excel, conociendo los tipos que ofrece y las formas de personalizarlo dependiendo del anlisis que requiera de la informacin del libro o de la hoja de clculo.Temtica:Creacin de grficos.Tipos de grficos.Personalizacin de grficos.Unidad 5: MANEJO DE IMGENESCaptulo 12El manejo de imgenes no es la principal funcin de este programa, sin embargo, cuenta con esta herramienta y en este captulo explicaremos la creacin, modificacin y manipulacin de las imgenes en excel.Temtica:Tipos de imgenes.Insercin de imgenes.Modificacin de imgenes.Formatos y estilos.Formas.SmartArt."
Price: 19.99

"Unreal Engine Arch Viz" |
"Section 1: Prepare your 3D Max project to unreal engine1-Unit setup (09:04)2-Instance as possible (16:32)3-Fix BackFace cull (13:14)4-Best way for walls&floors (12:08)5-Convert material to standard (07:49)6-Layers to unreal & unsupport map (14:24)7-Export to unreal by Datasmith (23:10)8-Export to unreal by FBX manually (28:26)9-Export to unreal by FBX by script (15:48)10-Export to unreal by FBX by script 2 (09:55)11-Unwrap your models for Lightmass (19:29)12-Unwrap mask to unreal material (12:11).......................................................................................2- Section 2: unreal engine Materials13-Setup your project in unreal (17:41)14-Intro to unreal Material (instance technique) (26:51)15-Glass Material (13:47)16-Wood Material(21:28)17-Fabric Material ( 14:16)18-Rotator node in material (13:16)19-Mirror Material & Light Material (16:33)20-Using substance Materials (20:00).......................................................................................Section 3: Unreal engine Lights & Light Baking21-Light Material as light source (10:58)22-Migrate your assets Between your projects (20:48)23-Use Vault (14:55)24-Lights types in unreal (27:39)25-Add Lights to scene (24:36)26-Using Studio Light Blueprint (09:56).......................................................................................Section 4: Animation movies in SEQUENCE27-Export animated models to unreal (28:39)28-Add environment around scene (11:47)29-Locomotion& collision (27:24)30-Revit to unreal & auto collision (13:37)31-Animation videos by SEQUENCE(32:44)32-Last bake light before render movie (07:49)33-SEQUENCE in our scene& Render Movie (28:21)34-Hide object through SEQUENCE (08:25)35-fix mirror & Audio fading (12:39)36-sketch up to unreal (13:34).......................................................................................Section 5: Blueprint & interactions37-Blueprint (light switch on/off) (17:54)38-Blueprint (change asset Material) (19:01)39-Blueprint (open/close Single Door) (24:55)40-Blueprint (open/close Slide Door) (15:53)41-Blueprint Auto open/close Door (10:26)42-Blueprint Double Door (12:59)43-Animate object through SEQUENCE (06:04)44-Blueprint smoke Effect to you tea mug (08:58).......................................................................................Section 6: Package project & interface Menu45-Swarm Engine& distribution Render (07:15)46-Post process Effects p 1 (25:57)47-Post process Effects p 2 (12:42)48-Blueprint TV on/off (25:55)49-Animated water Material to swimming Pool (12:14)50-Blueprint switch on/off multi Lights (09:56)51-Package your project to windows (20:00)52-Add interface Main Menu (25:05)53-Add Sub Menu (25:09)54-package Interface (04:57)"
Price: 49.99

"Java Prog2 Live Coaching - Perfekte Prfungsvorbereitung" |
"Dein Live Videokurs fr die perfekte Vorbereitung auf die Prfung, egal wie schwer sie dieses Semester wird!Fragen von Deinen Kommilitonen direkt im KursAufgaben und Lsungen zu jeder LektionZusammenfassungen fr jedes Thematypische Stolperfallen werden behandeltJede Menge Markierungen in den Videos fr schnellen ZugriffInhalte in diesem Kurs:Vererbung (Polymorphie, protected, instanceof, super, ...)Interfaces (Markerinterface, Vererbung von Interfaces, ...)Abstrakte Klassen (abstract, )PackagesExceptions (try, catch, finally, throw, eigene Exceptions, ...)Generische Datentypen (Typparameter, Wrapperklassen, Diamond-Operator, ...)Upcast, DowncastStreams (IO mit FileReader, BufferedReader fr Textdateien usw., FileInputStream und allen anderen wichtigen Themen dazu, Serializable, EOFException, transient, try-with-resources, ...)Decorator-PatternComparable (compareTo, Sortierung, Comparator, ...)Collections (List, Map, Set, Multimap, ...)Iterator (Iterable, ...)Unit Tests mit JUnit (Annotations (@Test, @BeforeEach usw), imports usw.)Innere Klassen (anonyme, Verschachtelung, ...)Threads (extends Thread, Runnable, sleep, join)Builder-Pattern (Method-Chaining)Visitor-PatternTCP-Server (und Client mit Threads)Mehr Infos zu den ganzen Dateien pro Lektion gibt es immer in der Lektionsbeschreibung!"
Price: 79.99

"Violo Prtico e Rpido" |
"Curso de violo voltado para iniciantes.Com este curso 100% prtico e uma metodologia testada e aprovada voc vai aprender a tocar suas msicas prediletas ou qualquer outra que voc queira! Dependendo apenas da sua dedicao,e vontade. Sem complicaes,sem muita teoria,com muita prtica e direto ao assunto. Com o curso Violo Prtico e Rpido, voc vai descobrir que tocar simples e muito mais fcil que voc imagina. e o melhor por um preo muito muito baixo! Est pronto para comear vem comigo!"
Price: 39.99

"PowerPoint fr Management Prsentationen" |
"Prsentationsfolien werden weit hufiger als Gesprchs- und Entscheidungsunterlagen genutzt, als fr Vortrge. Diese Unterlagen zu erstellen ist daher eine essentielle Fhigkeit, die in den meisten Stellenausschreibungen explizit gefordert wird. Ein Groteil der Bcher und Kurse zu Prsentationen bezieht sich aber auf Folien, die den seltenen Fall eines mndlichen Vortrags untersttzen sollen. Dieser Kurs vermittelt hingegen grundlegende Kenntnisse zu Form und Funktion von Entscheidungsunterlagen und gibt konkrete Tipps zur Gestaltung zahlengetriebener und analytischer Lesedokumente. Angefangen von dem Zweck, ber Priorisierung und Strukturierung der Argumentation, bis hin zu Form und Farben. Es geht dabei nicht um bloen Schein: die Form sollte stets die Funktion untersttzen und dem Leser helfen den Inhalt schneller zu erfassen, sich besser zu merken und bereits auf den ersten Blick Qualitt zu vermitteln um so die Wahrscheinlichkeit zu erhhen, dass die Prsentation tatschlich gelesen und verstanden wird."
Price: 24.99

"Leading SAFe - Become a Certified SAFe 5 Agilist" |
"The practice test is designed to be predictive of success on the certification exam. It has 24 questions of the same level of difficulty and time duration as the actual exam. It can be taken an unlimited number of times and also provides explanations for each one.Please NOTE: This is not the actual exam, and passing it does not guarantee success on the certification exam."
Price: 19.99

"CCNA - Fundamentos y administracin de redes Cisco" |
" En este curso aprenderas sobre el diseo, configuracin y administracin de dispositivos cisco, as como la resolucin de problemas tpicos de redes. Obtendrs un gran conocimiento terico, necesario para comprender cmo funcionan las comunicaciones digitales y por supuesto tendrs ejemplos y ejercicios para poner en prctica esos conocimientos. En este curso veremos los conceptos sobre el modelo de capas para las telecomunicaciones en especial el modelo OSI y profundizaremos en cada una de sus capas, desde las capas superiores y haciendo ms nfasis en las capas inferiores que son las que ms relacin tienen en el mbito de las redes. Veremos cmo es que funcionan los protocolos en cada una de ella y el propsito que tienen para la correcta comunicacin entre dispositivos. Aprenderemos sobre la tecnologa Ethernet, que es uno de los pilares de las redes hoy en da y haremos uso de la herramienta PT para simular las conexiones entre dispositivos. Parte fundamental del contenido CCNA es la comprensin y correcto manejo de las direcciones de red, por eso estudiaremos el funcionamiento y manejo del direccionamiento IP en las redes, tanto de IPv4 como IPv6. Aprenderemos las tcnicas de subneting y porsupuesto haremos prcticas configurando dispositivos en el simulador PT donde tambin aprovecharemos para explicar el funcionamiento del IOS. Luego de adquirir los conocimientos del subneting y las primeras configuraciones de los dispositivos entraremos al tema del ruteo esttico y el anlisis de las tablas de rutas, para luego continuar con la teora sobre los protocolos dinmicos de ruteo. Veremos entonces las configuraciones para los protocolos ms conocidos que son RIP, OSPF y EIGRP, veremos ejemplos y ejercicios tanto en IPv4 como IPv6, as como configuraciones especficas y combinacin de modos de ruteo. Al finalizar el contenido de los dispositivos router, pasaremos a los switches y funcionamiento, veremos la teora que rige las redes conmutadas y aplicaremos las configuraciones relacionadas a VLANs, manejo de puertos en los switches, su administracin y anlisis de redes redundantes. Iremos finalizando este curso con la teoria sobre redes WAN y los protocolos ms utilizados y sus formas de configuracin. Veremos una introduccin a seguridad de redes y administracin de redes wireless. Y concluiremos con la configuracin de filtros a travs de listas de acceso y la configuracin de servicios bsicos de DHCP y NAT para redes locales."
Price: 109.99
