"Curso Completo de Cartonagem" |
"Vamos aprender a fazer um Artesanato Fino?Voc sabia que a cartonagem um dos artesanatos mais desejados no mundo? Os motivos so apenas 3...1- A cartonagem cai bem para lembranas personalizadas, decorao de festas e outros ambientes, organizao de itens, brindes para empresas e muito mais onde a imaginao alcana. 2 - A cartonagem ajuda milhares de pessoas a acabar com um dos maiores males de todos os tempos, a Ansiedade. 3 - Fazer cartonagem d a possibilidade de gerar renda sem precisar sair de casa.Esta versatilidade faz da cartonagem o maior sucesso!Quando voc produz cartonagem, naturalmente, o seu trabalho se torna uma marca por ser um produto 100% til.Neste curso ensino exatamente tudo que voc precisa para aprender a projetar suas prprias peas e fazer do incio ao fim em um passo a passo tranquilo. Voc aprender todos:- Os Segredos da Caixa Francesa;- Os Segredos da Caixa Tampa Solta;- Os Segredos da Maleta Quadrada (Caixa Maleta);- Os Segredos da Maleta (Tradicional);- Materiais de apoio (Download);Venha aprender cartonagem de verdade com um curso super completo feito para voc.Faa sua matrcula agora!Te espero no curso! ;)Nalyne Mahasaya"
Price: 99.99

"Guitarra Rtmica Extrema no Metal" |
"Este curso foi foi feito para que guitarristas iniciantes no Heavy Metal desenvolvam as mesmas habilidades dos Grandes cones da Guitarra Rtmica Metal.Quem nunca sonhou em pegar a guitarra e metralhar com naturalidade Riffs ao estilo de James Hetfield do Metallica, Dave Mustaine do Megadeth, Dimebag Darrell do Pantera ?Se o seu objetivo no estudo da guitarra desenvolver estas habilidades da Palhetada Metal, ento este curso foi feito para voc.Desenvolvido atravs de Riffs inditos e cuidadosamente elaborados para englobar todas as tcnicas da Guitarra Metal, o curso bem didtico ensinando cada Riff de forma lenta e com o auxlio da Tablatura.Cada Riff tem objetivos de velocidade para serem atingidos, desafiando o aluno a fazer o seu melhor para atingir a excelncia na guitarra Rtmica Heavy Metal."
Price: 39.99

"Now Hiring! Work From Home As A Healthcare Recruiter." |
"Healthcare Recruiting offers salaried positions plus performance pay in a steadily growing industry. However, the field is very competitive and the turnover rate is high. If you're serious about starting a new career where you can work from home in a growing industry, then let me show you the tips and tricks to land the job and build a thriving career!"
Price: 149.99

"Powerful Communication - An Easy Toolbox for Beginners" |
"Have you ever thought about the right thing to say to be successful in a conversation only after the conversation was over?I bet it was a pretty frustrating thing for you.What shall you think if I tell you that one, just like you, can become a communication superhero, simply acquiring a better comprehension of how human communication and human brain work?If you are tired to lose opportunities in your work, business, studies, relations in your daily life and want to dominate the ancient art of persuasion throughout communication...=====> THIS IS THE COURSE MADE UP RIGHT FOR YOU! <=====Here you will find:A step-by-step guide to becoming a more skilled communicator in personal and professional lifeHelp to transform your way of thinking and develop an effective communication mindsetA toolbox full of easy to understand and simple to implement tipsAll the important communication stuff is covered in a simple, no-nonsense style without being oversimplified.Within this course I put for you:The best interpretative model of human communication7 useful tips to be more effective during your conversations3 amazing theories about communication created and used by world communication gurus3 foolproof techniques to get others to play your game1 super effective communication funnel to get results both in oral and written communicationSo...What are you waiting for? Go up and click the button to purchase this precious course!SEE YOU INSIDE!"
Price: 24.99

"Cisco RSTECH 100-490 (Routing & Switching) Practice Exams" |
"Almost 200 practice questions to help you prepare for the Cisco 100-490 (Cisco Certified Technician, Routing and Switching (RSTECH)) exam. These questions cover the full range of CCT RSTECH information, from the basics of routing and switching up to specific commands and their use in Cisco IOS. These questions are also a great way to begin preparing for the CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate) exam."
Price: 24.99

"Introduction To Texturing For Film And Television" |
"In this class I will be going over the process of texturing and rendering an old school, Leica M2 camera. This class only covers the workflow behind Texturing, Lighting, and Rendering. In the source files for the course you will be provided with the camera model and a Maya scene ready for you to jump in to.What will I learn in this course?Over the 2 hour course content we will go over texturing in Substance Painter before bringing our project into Maya where we will light and render the final piece. While following industry defined workflows I will explore and explain how to keep the project as dynamic and customisable as possible so iterations can be made with ease.The course is broken up into 3 sections:Going over the basics of substance painter, this course is suited for those who have never opened up the software before, while also handling more advanced concepts. We will go through how to prepare a scene file for optimal use before setting up our main materials.Next we export our project to Maya where I will be showing you how to set up and light a studio environment to test out our project. We will go through how to optimise some render settings to get the most realistic and efficient lighting. During this step we are able to assess the look of our camera before returning to Substance Painter with creative notes on how to successfully iterate and improve our textures.In the final few chapters I will cover more advanced techniques in Substance Painter in order to achieve photo-real materials and effects. Armed with a suitable lighting setup in Maya we will make iterations on the project as they do in a professional setting until satisfied with the final result.What tools are required?Autodesk MayaSubstance Painter Arnold Renderer (Comes preloaded with Maya 2018 and above)All required tools are available with free student versionsRecommended tools:Drawing/Graphics tablet"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Yoga With Confidence" |
"Have you considered doing yoga before?Sadly, it always seems so unfamiliar and complicated...This is why I've broken down the basic elements of SIMPLE yoga class!This video course will help you gain a foundational overview of what to expect out of most beginner yoga classes.If you have done less than 10 yoga classes then you'll find this course helpful because we break down each section/series of a typical yoga class into much more digestible chunks. Enroll today and give it a try - it's free!"
Price: 74.99

"SAP S/4HANA Supply Chain Management Fundamentals" |
"This course mainly dealing with fundamentals of Supply Chain Management fundamentals Witt respect to SAP S/4HANA. Mainly focussing pain points of supply chain Line of business. Every possible pain points of supply chain Industry in its day to day operations with respect to customer expectations, speed, information availability and actual insights of the operation. SAP S/4HANA has rolled out and also has been rolling out various new innovations across supply chain line of business in terms of new functionalities, improvised or refurbished old functionalities and new user friendly FIORI apps to improve overall efficiency and relieve off the pain points which we discussed in the course.In todays world, a company must meet three key demands: Consistent speed, customer centricity , and focused innovation. With the rise of new technologies, customer expectations have increased significantly. Customers have more specific product requirements and want the delivery of their orders as quickly as possible. In addition, with the heavy competition of today, customers have a lower threshold and can switch at any moment to another supplier or service provider or to someone who hasnt entered the market before.Let us hope this course gives an detailed overview on this account which will be helpful for those who are going to be SAP consultants, those who are intending to attend any interviews etc."
Price: 79.99

"Secure VPS in Ubuntu 20.04: LetsEncrypt, Cloudflare and more" |
"Create, configure, and secure your own Virtual Private Server (VPS) with a high-security rating while using the best services, security, and speed settings for all your projects.In this course, you are going to create, configure, and deploy your VPS server from scratch, set it correctly, with high-security measures, and the most recommended mechanisms.Always use secure protocols such as SSH to connect with your VPS and HTTPS to protect your websites and projects.Forget the insecure passwords, so you can establish secure connections with your server with the SSH protocol, without problems and achieve anything you need.Additionally, protect all your services and sites, setting them behind Cloudflare for high protection, speed, and security enhancements. Deploy all your projects with your proper domain, with infinite possibilities, at no additional cost.Keep your own space in the cloud for all your jobs, projects, and ideas,Deploy all types of projects in the same instance, and with the number of domains and sub-domains that you want, without having additional costs.Now, during the course is recommended to use DigitalOcean, but you are free to create your VPS with the provider you want or need. You can follow the course using any fresh instance of Ubuntu 20.04LTS in your selected VPS provider. Everything will be done from scratch and step by step, without relying on additional features from exclusive services.Install and deploy a complete system with Linux/Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, Cloudflare, Let's Encrypt, Certbot, Nginx y MySQL; also as an additional bonus, there is additional content on how to deploy and publish popular projects such as WordPress, Laravel and more that will be added over time.Why take this course?Because it uses the latest Long Term Support (LTS) version of Ubuntu, which is Ubuntu 20.04LTS. You won't have to worry about switching to another version for at least two long years.Because there is no other online course that explains with this level of detail each step to be taken, because Let's Encrypt is a novelty, along with the use of Cloudflare as a protection service, and you will not find content that teaches you to use it in the way that It is done in this course (the correct and simple way).Because you will learn the best standards to obtain the highest security rating (A+) in the sites that you secure while following the course.Because, nowadays the main browsers are demanding secure HTTPS connections in any online site or service, and by following the course, you will be able to secure all your systems for free through Nginx, Let's Encrypt, Certbot and Cloudflare.Because you will have the flexibility to deploy any kind of project, and the course already includes specific steps to deploy popular PHP projects like WordPress and Laravel (and more to come).What will you learn and obtain by following and finishing the course?At the end of this course, you will be able to deploy your own VPS server and your own services on it, shortly and eadily. All under the best security measures and with the protection of Cloudflare to increase the security and speed of your sites.You will have your own projects online without additional costs because, no matter how many domains, sub-domains or projects you put in your VPS, the cost will remain the same.At the end of all the classes, you will have all your projects under a completely secure server, with HTTPS/TLS connections completely free through Letsencrypt and with an A+ rating on the secured sites.But... What exactly will you learn?Here you have everything you can get from this course:Create your own VPS server with DigitalOcean or any provider you chooseHave a safe and friendly system with Linux/Ubuntu using its most recent LTS version (Ubuntu 20.04)Deploy an Nginx web server in a few minutes and with the best security settingsDeploy a MySQL database server completely secureEstablish secure remote connections to your database with SSH tunnelsEasily configure and use Git to deploy the different projects on your VPS via SSHLearn alternative tools such as SCP and WGet to synchronize content with your VPSObtain external packages and install them globally (Composer, Certbot, WP-CLI)Create and configure your domain and all sub-domains, without having to pay extraPoint your domain to your VPS server by configuring the DNS entriesSecure your services and projects with the DDoS protection along with security and speed enhancements from CloudflareConnect to your VPS remotely, quickly and securely using SSH keysManage user accounts and prevent automated and external systems from accessing privileges (root)Learn to use the essential commands (cd, systemctl, cp, sudo, mv, rm, mkdir, reboot, and many more)Learn how to manage VPS packages with apt easilyAssign permissions on folders and files in the correct wayConfigure secure and mandatory non-password connections with SSHForget about insecure passwords for all the users and use SSH keys (more secure and fast)Create and handle users correctly with administrative permissions (sudo)Deploy any kind of projects (not only PHP) in secured and protected domains and connectionsIf you use PHP, deploy different PHP projects like WordPress and Laravel on their own independent sitesIt won't be PHP only, use and deploy any type of project you require (more will come later)Understand and take advantage of the use of SSH to connect to your VPS or external servicesConnect with third party service through SSH keys correctlyEasily configure a firewall (UFW) and dramatically increase the security of your VPSConfigure your services (Nginx, PHP, MySQL, and anything you need) to make them more secureMitigate DoS and DDoS attacks configuring Nginx along with Cloudflare as a protection servicePrevent automated systems from trying to access your VPS, using Fail2BanEnable the Gzip compression system on your web serverAvoid CSS/XSS attacks with NginxGet security certificates for HTTPS connections for your projects with Let's Encrypt and CertbotInstall the security certificates in Nginx correctly, to obtain an A+ security ratingUse Certbot to obtain and install the Let's Encrypt security certificates automaticallyCreate, use, and secure all the domains and sub-domains that you require for any projectEasily deploy any kind of project on your VPS, applying everything you learnedLearn to deploy and synchronize projects with your VPS in the correct and efficient wayAnd it does not end there! You will have lifetime access to all classes, which includes new upcoming classes and upgrades. You will also have first-hand access to the system of questions, messages, and answers. I will answer all your questions and comments (I always reply). I will be pleased to help with any problem and doubt you have during the course.Do not wait anymore. Learn all these skills now. Click on ""Register"" and start feeling the freedom of having your own VPS.See you in classes :)"
Price: 179.99

"Business Networking Part 7 - Success is in The Follow Up" |
"The most important goal of a follow-up call is to secure a sale. ... Besides additional sales, a good relationship and trust gained from follow-up calls you've made will encourage consumers to purchase from you again. And if you've done a really good job with follow-up callsthey may just refer some new business your way.Networking is both a Science and an Art. In this Networking Series, Im going to cover the science of networking including the different types of networking groups, the different type of networking formats, and what to look for in networking groups. Im also going to cover the Art of Networking so you can choose the right groups to spend your precious time at, build long-lasting relationships, and maximize your impact in your ever growing sphere of influence.This course is for you ifYou just got a job or started a business and need to expand your sphere of influence.Youre in a new position that requires you to meet new people in order to get new business.Youre tired of spending all your time going to networking events without getting any results or youre tired of dealing with people who just want to sell you things.You want to get better at building long-lasting, solid relationships and a long-lasting referral business.In this training on Networking, were going to cover the power of follow-ups. As someone once said, The gold is in the follow-up. Well discuss some follow-up strategies and techniques you can use to maximize your business and help you find quality business partners to work with.According to a study done by the Association of Sales Executives, 81% of all sales happen on or after the fifth contact. Years ago, IBM did a study that said that sales occur after 7 contacts. If all you do is go to networking events and pass out business cards and then HOPE the business will come flooding in, youre in for a big surprise.Following-up with people, contacts, prospects should be a part of every business strategy if you want to maximize your success. Before you can establish a follow-up strategy though, you have to determine who youre following up with.Theres another saying out there that goes something like, People like to do business with people they know, like, and trust. Of course, this also plays into the 5 or 7 contacts I just mentioned above. And to take it a step further, if they feel like YOU know THEM, then thats where the magic happens.If you can convince them that you know their situation, you know their challenges, and you can fix it, then theyll want to work with you. Therefore; its important that you have a different message for different people. We call this segmentation. Bonus: Each lecture comes with a downloadable MP3 version so you can take us in your car, to the gym, while walking the dog and revisit all the valuable lessons in this course!"
Price: 199.99

"Learn to use Git and Github with Eclipse: A Complete Guide" |
"In this course, you will learn how to use Git and GitHub from Eclipse in general, and obtain real world, value skills that can dramatically increase your career prospects as a software developer.Git is one of those skills that employers look for on resumes, so dont miss out on opportunities because you are do not have the necessary skills.This course is a entirely hands-on and an example based comprehensive course ,which would will guide you to learn and master the essentials of the source code management in Git and GitHub using using the popular Eclipse IDE.Content and Overview Entire course is broken down to the following categories:Course OverviewEnvironment SetupGetting Started With GitGetting Started With GitHibAdvanced: Going Deeper With Git And GitHub"
Price: 49.99

"Reiki Animal and Pet Healing: Energy Healing for Dogs & Cats" |
"Here is what Students of Jake's Courses have to say about the Instructor: ""Jake is such an interesting and natural teacher. Have already watched a few sections and have laughed out loud a few times, literally swept along by his energy."" Mchel Silleabhin""The Instructor is very enthusiastic and is very easy to follow along with. In some ways, it's not the most traditional approach to emotional intelligence, but it definitely is one of the more innovative!"" Scott SWhat You'll Learn From This Course: You will learn how to Become Sufficient and capable healers for animals of all different shapes and sizesYou will learn how to work with Any kind of Animal, whether they be a dog, a cat, a bird, or a rodentYou will learn how to become great healers and amazing communicators with their clients: both owners and pets will appreciate your ExpertiseYou will learn how to become the best version of themselves through learning how they can be of service to all critters and creaturesYou will learn how to become very attentive and in-tune to the needs of the animals that they choose to practice with and healYou will experience the Reiki level one and Level Two Attunements as an added bonus for joining this courseHave you Ever Wondered if you could be an Energy Healer? We know that you certainly can! In this course, you are going to learn all that you need to be an energy healer for animals of all different kinds. You will learn how to perform reiki with horses, cats, dogs, birds, and even Rodents! You'll be able to connect with animals on a whole new dimension. You will find that as you practice more reiki energy with different animals, You will have more capacity for healing for yourself and others. Animals are very sensitive to Reiki. You will be more connected to Animals than you ever have been after you complete this course. Students Who Should Take this Course: Students who want to learn how to perform energy healing for dogsStudents who want to learn how to perform energy healing for catsStudents who want to learn how to perform energy healing for rodentsStudents who want to learn how to perform energy healing for their pets and loved onesThe Course Requirements and Prerequisites:Have an open heartKnow that nobody is perfect and that it is okay to make mistakesBe loving and generous toward yourself and othersWhen you are ready, feel free to Enroll Now! I'll see you on the other side! "
Price: 114.99

"Mastering Oracle RDS" |
"Amazon RDS for Oracle is a fully managed commercial database that makes it easy to set up, operate, and scale Oracle deployments in the cloud. Amazon RDS frees you up to focus on innovation and application development by managing time-consuming database administration tasks including provisioning, backups, software patching, monitoring, and hardware scaling. You can run Amazon RDS for Oracle under two different licensing models License Included and Bring-Your-Own-License (BYOL). In the ""License Included"" service model, you do not need separately purchased Oracle licenses; the Oracle Database software has been licensed by AWS.In this course based on Oracle 19c, instructor Carlos Romeu, a certified Oracle Professional DBA since version 9i teaches Oracle RDS from installation via the console to cloud formation to providing instruction on security and performance tuning and even how to handle the Oracle RDS license. After completing this course, you can confidently apply or pursue Oracle RDS related jobs / interviews.What youll learnThe student will learn how to set-up, configure and manage Oracle RDS databases.Who this course is for:Database administrators and database developers."
Price: 94.99

"Quick Steps to Learn Microsoft Power BI" |
"If you search for a course to be able to create interactive reports and dashboards, create beautiful visualizations, create real time reports, analyze different types of data, create reports from a variety of data resources,..etc. , so you are in the right place.Power BI is one of the most powerful business intelligence tools used in data analysis and reporting.In this course you will learn how to use power BI in a few and quick steps through a real life example.In this course you will learn:How to download and install Power BI desktop.Basic requirements for Power BI desktops.Different types of data that can be imported to power BI desktop.How to import different data types.How to transform data.How to edit the imported data.How to use different visualizations.How to use charts, tables, maps, gauges,...etc.How to format visualizations.How to create phone layout.How to publish reports.How to share your work."
Price: 39.99

"Der komplette Farb-Zeichenkurs - einfach Zeichnen lernen" |
"Tauche in die wundervolle Welt der Farben ein.Du wolltest schon immer einmal ein cooles Motiv zeichnen ? oder vielleicht nach langer Zeit dieses Hobby neu entdecken ? Dieser Kurs bietet dir die Mglichkeit, mithilfe einfacher und praxisorientierten bungen wundervolle Werke zu kreiren und macht dich zugleich zum Zeichen Profi - egal ob du Anfnger bist, wieder einsteigst, oder bereits fortgeschrittenener Zeichner bist. Dieser Kurs deckt smtliche wichtigen Bereiche des Zeichnens in Farbe ab: von einfachen Objekten bis zur Landschaft bis zum Portrait und zuletzt zu Tieren - all diese Bereiche sind umfangreich enthalten und werden Dir die Vielseitigkeit des Zeichnens in Farbe nahelegen.Dieser Kurs enthlt ber 110 Lektionen, unzhlige bungen, ausgewhlte Beispiele - der einfachste Weg, wenn deine Lieblingsmotive, zeichnerisch auf Papier bringen mchtest. Es werden keine Vorkenntnisse bentigt, wir beginnen ganz von vorne!!Zuerst ein kleiner Ausblick, was dir dieser Kurs alles bietet:Lerne die wenigen, notwendigen Materialien kennen und wie Du sie anwendestVerstehe die grundlegende Herangehensweise des Zeichnenslerne Verhltnisse richtig abzuschtzenVerstehe wie Licht und Schatten funktioniertEntwickle deinen eigenen ZeichenstilLeichtes ben durch Wiederholen: Umfangreiche AnwendungsbeispieleWerde Kreativ ! wiederhole eine bungung - nur anders.Diverse Praxisbeispiele:Farbe und deren Wirkung verstehen, wir beschftigen uns mit der Theorie dahinterWir werden sehr viele Technikbungen kennen lernen und durchfhrenwir zeichnen eine idyllische Landschaftwir werden einfache Objekte zeichnenwir zeichnen ausschnittsweise Portraitwir werden Variation hineinbringen und somit kreativUnd viel mehr...Dieser Kurs enthlt diverse Praxisbeispiele. Du lernst nicht wie du ein Glas oder eine bestimmte Person zeichnest, sondern du lernst anhand verschiedener Techniken, verschiedenste Motive, eigenstndig auf Papier zu bringen.Beherrscht du erst einmal die Grundtechniken, wirst du in der Lage sein, selbststndig und ohne Anleitung zu zeichnen. Ich mchte dir nicht erklren ""wie zeichne ich dieses Haus oder dieses Gesicht"" - und dann kannst du nur dies zeichnen. Nein ! Hast du die Herangehensweise und den Aufbau eines zeichnerischen Motivs verstanden, wirst du auch Andere, bzw.Deine Lieblingsmotive zeichnen knnen. Die Techniken lassen sich nach ein wenig bung, ganz einfach bertragen.Dazu schauen wir uns im Kurs diverse, extrem wichtige Techniken an:was kann mein Stift ?wie stelle ich Licht und Schatten dar ?wie whle ich die ""richtigen"" Farben?wie fange ich an ?wie werde ich locker ?die richtige Betrachtung ist entscheidend - wie schule ich mein Auge ?Mein Ziel ist, dass Du nach Abschluss dieses Kurses deine zeichnerischen Fhigkeiten weiterentwickelt hast. Egal fr welchen Zweck du das Zeichnen verwendest, ob im Job oder als Hobby, es soll Spa machen ! Du wirst in der Lage sein, deiner Kreativitt freien Lauf zu lassen und hervorragende Ergebnisse erzielen."
Price: 199.99

"Cmo ser un experto en Video Marketing con Copywriting y PNL" |
"Te gustara ser un profesional del Video Marketing? Quieres poder tener conocimientos y recursos para realizar de manera rpida y fcil videos realmente visuales y atractivos para el mundo?En este curso vas a aprender: - Las tcnicas y herramientas para realizar videos atractivos para el mundo digital.- Lo hars con un coste econmico ridculo y ganando mucho tiempo.- Aprenders tcnicas de Copywriting para que tu mensaje sea atractivo.- Descubrirs las palabras ms poderosas y seductoras, herramientas hipnticas y mucho material para captar la atencin de tu usuario.- Logrars entender porqu y cmo hacen las grandes marcas como Apple y BMW para atraerte con su publicidad.- Tendrs un primer contacto prctico con la PNL (Programacin Neuro-Lingstica).Te espera mucho cambio y sobre todo mucha mejora. Porque el mundo consume su vida a travs del mvil. El 65% de las personas ve videos antes que la TV. El mensaje en video se retiene un 85% mejor. Se espera que a finales de este ao 2020, el 80% del trfico en internet ser por video.Es el momento de que encuentres los atajos y los recursos para que el Video Marketing sea una realidad en tu estrategia de marca y sobre todo que sea atractiva y persuasiva para tu cliente. Porque ya hay demasiada competencia en este mundo como para no aprender las tcnicas que te harn destacar en tu campo.El procedimiento es sencillo:- En cada clase tendrs distintos archivos. Pueden ser vdeos, pdf, audios o imgenes.- Mi consejo es que imprimas el resumen y sigas la clase con esa impresin.He tratado de hacer que el curso sea lo ms prctico para todos y obviamente trabajar en los tres canales de comunicacin que ests cerca de aprender: Visual, Auditivo y Kinestsico.Por eso tienes tanto Videos, como Audios y Documentos para Imprimir. As puedes seguir el curso como mejor te parezca.Este curso no es uno ms de los de Copywriting. Yo no soy un experto como otros puedan serlo, lo que soy es alguien que lo ha puesto en prctica y ha descubierto modos para vender con sus palabras.Te lo muestro todo y lo que es mejor, te muestro como marcas como Apple y BMW hacen para atraerte con sus videos, seguro que no te imaginas el truco que usan!Para ello te mostrar una tcnica clave de PNL, la Programacin Neurolingstica, y si, tambin te dir algunas palabras hipnticas y seductoras para que puedas atraer a tu interlocutor del modo ms natural posible.Para cualquier duda o necesidades que tengas por favor ponte en contacto conmigo. Gracias y a por escribir esos mensajes que tanto merece recibir tu cliente.Accede ahora mismo a este curso y descubre el modo de potenciar toda tu marca, proyecto, negocio... potencia con el Video Marketing, con PNL y con tcnicas de Copywriting toda tu comunicacin y marketing.Victor"
Price: 29.99

"LinkedIn for Beginners: Build a Kickass LinkedIn Profile" |
"Looking to build your first LinkedIn profile or simply enhancing your existing LinkedIn profile?Did you know about 86% of Recruiters go to LinkedIn first when searching for talent?Welcome to the LinkedIn for Beginners: Build a Kickass LinkedIn Profile course from PJC Academy and AIGPE. LinkedIn is one of the most powerful social media market for job seekers and recruiters. LinkedIn has over 610 million members. Over 20 million jobs are posted on LinkedIn. More than 30 million companies are on LinkedIn in some form or other. LinkedIn is a platform that should be leveraged by anyone who is actively or passively looking for a job. In todays job market, careers are always shifting due to our ever-changing global environment to be ahead of the competition. The good news is, leveraging the LinkedIn platform using your LinkedIn profile allows you to have your hands on the wheel as to leading-edge job-hunting capabilities, the latest industry trends, market your brand globally, grow your professional network to reach the ends of the earth like never seen in history.This masterclass for Linked Beginners will help you learn how to market your persona brand to be lucrative in the market. The importance of leveraging the LinkedIn social media channel increases your global recognition cannot be overstated enough. Today, more than ever, its critical for your profile to stand out so you may make your social presence more lucrative in the job market.Whats in this course for me?Gain knowledge and accessibility to over 610 million membersYoull learn how lookup 20 million jobs postedYoull learn the benefits of having access to 30 million companiesLearn basic tips and tricks to navigate around LinkedIns platformYou will gain crisp direction on improving your most critical Headline and About summary sectionsYou will be presented with the Help Center in LinkedIn thats a very underutilized featureWhat you'll learn:Market your personal brandA most impactful way to record your titleA most impactful way to showcase your HeadlineThe correct narrative for your About summaryBest photo of yourself to utilizeAdding a background photo in your profile top boxAdd connectionsIntensify your skillsBasic setting and privacy guidelinesUnderstanding of leveraging LinkedIns Help CenterShow Recruiters you're marketableYour Brand to be more lucrative in the marketIncrease social presenceAddressing impactful work experience contentRecommendations for listing educational achievementsGetting the full leverage on certificationsIndividualizing your assigned personal URL addressWho this course is for:Individuals new to LinkedIn and want to join a professional global networkProfessional individuals who are in their beginning, middle, and later phases in their careersSeasoned professional individuals looking to update their LinkedIn profileIndividuals looking to learn basic tips and tricksIndividuals who just graduated from college (undergraduate and graduate)Individuals looking for employmentActivities:Create or edit your ""Headline""Create or edit your ""About"" summaryFour quizzes:Introduction section quiz - 3 quiestionsStrengthen your profile section (part 1) quiz - 3 questionsStrengthen your profile section (part 2) quiz - 3 questionsStrengthen your profile section (part 3) quiz - 3 questions"
Price: 199.99

"How To Become A Minimalist (Audio Course)" |
"We can ALL benefit from minimalism. Minimalism is NOT about extremes. Minimalism is all about helping you identify what's important in your life. It's a great tool to help you eliminate distractions and create more time to do the things that you love.Minimalism can be applied to every area of your life. It's a whole lifestyle transformation that will help you design and create the life that you want to live.If you are feeling overwhelmed and frustrated, Minimalism can help you reduce those feelings and create more joy in your life. Because you are busy and you don't have time, this audio course is designed for you to be able to learn on the go or while doing other activities.I personally LOVE listening to audio content while walking, driving, doing house chores, practicing sports... It's a great way to make the most of my time.This is why I felt inspired to create this course. If you are interested in diving deeper into a specific topic, you can find more in depth video courses about home organization, paper management, finances, selfcare, meal planning, lifestyle design, and more on our profile."
Price: 64.99

"7 Wastes in SW Development (Arabic Edition)" |
"SW Development Mindset: 7 Wastes in Software Development is a Complete Guide to Software Development Heads, Managers, Team Managers, and Team Leaders to eliminating wastes in software development environments. Students are asked to watch the lectures, download the resources, and contribute to our discussions.Upcoming course events you should be aware of include bonus lectures, job aids, templates, and guidelines."
Price: 19.99

"Maya & Unity 3D - Modeling Lowpoly Tree for Mobile Games" |
"Learn how to make low poly Tree in Maya and import it into Unity for Mobile Games.What you will learn in this course? How to model efficiently lowpoly Tree for Mobile Games. How to unwrap the model and get it ready for texturing. How to create simple but appealing texture with Substance Painter How to Import the lowpoly Tree inside Unity and set it up to be game ready!Who is this class for? People that want to learn how to create complete and game ready lowpoly 3D Asset. People who want to improve their skills in Maya and Unity. People who are interested in Game Development for Mobile Devices.I promise that this course will be better and more effective than reading books.I show how to master technology through the use of video.Software that we are going to use Autodesk Maya Substance Painter Unity 3D"
Price: 99.99

"Google Agenda - Curso Completo" |
"Chega de desculpas! Domine de uma vez por todas o Google Agenda e aprenda a cumprir suas metas e seus objetivos com frequncia que os grandes problemas de um profissional ou de uma empresa podem comear por conta da sua m organizao, ou falta dela. Uma simples agenda pode mudar tudo!Uma agenda em si serve para ter um controle do que foi marcado para o dia, como compromissos, tarefas, prazos, estimativas e alguns vislumbres de recursos ou esforos que sero necessrios desempenhar, como metas. Dessa forma temos um planejamento prvio das nossas aes, seja na vida pessoal, profissional ou aes da empresa.Se somos pegos de surpresa, podemos perder tempo, dinheiro e at mesmo credibilidade frente aos nossos clientes ou fornecedores. E convenhamos n, ningum quer queimar seu filme com o cliente ou muito menos perder dinheiro!EU NO PRECISO DE AGENDA. EU ME LEMBRO DE TUDOVoc est cansada(o) de ver aquelas pessoas para cima e para baixo com uma agenda em mos? Ento, elas fazem isso porque funciona! A agenda o instrumento mais importante na vida de uma pessoa, profissional ou empresa organizada. E eu sinto em lhe dizer, mas ningum se lembra de tudo. na agenda que voc vai anotar tudo o que voc tem para fazer. Pode parecer bvio, mas muita gente no faz isso e acaba se embananando no dia-a-dia porque no se lembrava da consulta no mdico ou da reunio de pais na escola dos filhos. No confie no seu crebro, confie na sua agenda.MAS AFINAL, QUAL A IMPORTNCIA DE TER UMA AGENDA ATUALIZADA?Todas as pessoas que buscam alternativas para melhorar a sua produtividade no trabalho acabam descobrindo a importncia de fazer um planejamento do dia. O planejamento do dia fornece metas e objetivos para o seu dia de trabalho, funcionando como um norte para o que voc precisa executar, evitando o desperdcio de tempo, a ociosidade e, claro, a improdutividade.Para todos ns o dia tem 24 horas, independentemente da sua classe social, da sua cidade e de seus bens, o dia tem a mesma durao para todo mundo. Falar isso pode parecer besteira, no entanto, atire a primeira pedra quem nunca reclamou da falta de tempo ou quem nunca quis que o dia tivesse 30 horas, no verdade?Realizar todas as tarefas programadas para o dia, ter tempo para ficar com a famlia e ainda ter um boa noite de sono o cenrio mais desejado para a maioria da populao, mas a realidade de uma pequena minoria.CURSO GOOGLE AGENDABem, exatamente nisso que quero te ajudar com esse treinamento. Ensinando a voc dominar os recursos do Google Agenda.O Google Agenda a ferramenta de gerenciamento de tempo e agendamento, criada pelo Google. Desde o agendamento de compromissos at a conexo de pessoas de todo o mundo, esse calendrio faz mais do que apenas lembrar o dia atual. Voc pode agendar reunies remotas com links de vdeo, coordenar vrios calendrios para encontrar o melhor horrio e incorpor-lo ao seu tempo livre.Este curso tem por objetivo explicar claramente o que cada boto de comando ou recurso faz, alm disso, ele ensina como usar esses recursos para tornar sua experincia mais eficiente, confortvel e produtiva.Este curso um guia completo de uso e de fcil compreenso. So 29 aulas organizadas em 07 mdulos. Nunca foi to fcil aprender e dominar o Google Agenda.Voc pode continuar perdendo seu tempo tentando localizar vdeos no youtube de como utilizar o Google Agenda, ou ento, acessar a ajuda do prprio Agenda, onde na maioria das vezes possui uma explicao tcnica e de difcil compreenso. Ou ento, voc se poupar de todo esse trabalho e adquirir um curso que realmente ir lhe ensinar de forma correta a como usar esse fantstico aplicativo que o Google Agenda.Seu tempo e sua ateno so limitados e no podem ser desperdiados. Este curso tem por finalidade ensinar a como criar e editar eventos, metas e tarefas, responder convites de eventos, criar calendrio adicionais, comparar agendas, criar horrios disponveis, compartilhar calendrios com outras pessoas, importar e exportar agenda de eventos e a utilizao do Google Agenda no smartphone.Voc no s ir aprender a utilizar o aplicativo Google Agenda na verso desktop utilizando o Google Chrome, como tambm ir aprender a utilizar o Google Agenda no aplicativo para smartphone."
Price: 114.99

biology-1 |
". . . ."
Price: 59.99

"Digital Portrait Drawing for Beginners and Advanced Students" |
"Learn to draw human faces without previous drawing knowledge to create beautiful works of art for hobby and profession and to put your own ideas on paper.Master the drawing of portraits in different stylesThis is what you will learn and achieve:learn or improve basic drawing techniques (shapes, perspective basics, light, shadow, color, anatomy, proportions, composition...)draw portraits using a templatedraw portraits completely from imaginationdraw individual facial features (eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hair, skin)draw realistic portraitsdraw stylized portraitsdraw self-portraitsdraw male and female proportionsunderstand the anatomy of the head and use it for drawingdraw authentic emotionslearn various digital and mixed media drawing techniqueslearn several Photoshop & brush tricksfind inspiration for your own portrait stylelearn best practices: numerous exercises to apply your knowledge and improve your drawing skills even after you have finished the course and much more!Take your drawing skills to the next levelWhether as a hobby artist, professional illustrator, art student, game artist / concept artist / 2D/3D artist, character designer or graphic designer: drawing skills in the portrait field are in demand everywhere.In this course, you will learn step by step and in detail how to create beautiful portraits from your imagination and in different styles. With this you can deepen your hobby, turn it into a profession or take your existing artistic profession to the next level with better portfolio work.Content & OverviewWhether you are a beginner or an advanced artist, in this course you will learn everything you need to know about portraiture.In an introduction, you will learn what the head is made of and how to break down the complex anatomical structures into simple shapes. In individual lessons about facial features and emotions, you will acquire more detailed knowledge in order to be able to draw realistic portraits. Afterwards, I will show you in numerous different examples how to apply the acquired knowledge, construct heads and draw individual portraits of every person from this world no matter which age, ethnicity, gender or emotion.After completing the course and all the exercises you will be able to draw your own portraits completely from imagination, in different styles and in every perspective.You will also have acquired basic drawing techniques to draw other things and to modify your portraits. Whether cartoon-, alien-, or other portraits: you will be able to put everything on digital paper. Although the course is designed for digital work, many of the techniques can be transferred to traditional drawing outside of Photoshop or to other digital drawing programs.I will provide you with numerous exercise sheets, additional materials, editing tricks in Photoshop and insider tips so that you can improve quickly and never again get into an artist block with portrait drawing.If you finish the course completely and have worked on it really carefully, you will certainly become a very good (portrait) artist.This self-learning course includes over 60 lessons and over 4 hours of on demand video material. No feedback included."
Price: 199.99

"Python Pandas and dfply for Data Manipulation" |
"Python is the number one language choice for machine learning, data science, and artificial intelligence. To get those high paying jobs you need expert knowledge of Python, and thats what you will get from this course. This is the most comprehensive, course for the Python Pandas and DFPLY package for data analysis and exploration where you can find content for every level either for beginners who have never programmed before using pandas and dfply or for existing programmers who want to increase their career options or want to learn about the advanced features of Python packages i.e. Pandas and dfply. This course will teach you Pandas and DFPLY in Python in a practical manner, with every lecture comes to a full coding screencast and a corresponding code notebook. Here you will get in-depth knowledge of each topic with easy to understand the coding part. After every video, you learn a new valuable concept that you can apply right away.By the end of the course, youll be able to work with confidence using the packages like Pandas and dfply. And yes, this applies even if you have never programmed before. With the right skills which you will learn in this course, you can become employable and valuable in the eyes of future employers."
Price: 19.99

"Odoo Functional Implementation Guide Accounting [En]" |
"Learn how to configure, implement, and launch the Odoo Accounting System.A step by step guide on Accounting system in Odoo ERP.You will learn all features that Odoo Accounting offers, and how to master them.Either a consultant, an end-user, or a fresh intern, this course is designed to ease the work for you and give you the most effective knowledge and tools"
Price: 124.99

"CSS Complete Course in Tamil" |
"Web designing has become a standard feature these days, and if you are looking forward to designing and creating a website, then there are specific terms that you would always hear. One such name is the CSS. This has been widely used by people worldwide because they provided proper design to the website and helped the HTML tags create the perfect design. So if you are designing a website, then along with HTML and JavaScript, you should also know about CSS programming language for an ideal output.CSS is otherwise known as a cascading style sheet, and it is used for changing the website's appearance and making it presentable. They are mostly combined with HTML to provide perfect output, and it is mainly used to divide the website content from the design. This particular division can be done by changing the code present in the CSS file. People usually used the concept of HTML, but after discovering CSS, they started combining it so that the output would be better, and the webpages were more responsive compared to the previous ones.One of the main reasons people preferred using CSS combined with HTML is because they reduce the amount of work done. For example, if you use the HTML element in the attribute for each HTML markup should be repeated throughout the code. This is a considerable disadvantage and takes a lot of time. But if you are using CSS, then all the attributes and information can be sent to the style sheet and accessed when required. So when we use the concept of CSS software, it would be much easier for you to operate the HTML.What Topic/Skills you will learn in this course?CSS, otherwise known as cascading style, is a vast topic, but it can be quickly learned. To learn these concerts, you do not require a teacher. They can be self-taught, or you can also know them through online classes. At the same time, you are learning CSS with multiple concepts involved, including font styling, position properties, float properties, apparent properties, box models, and practical applications. While learning, it is essential for you to learn about responsive web pages and how to create one using proper CSS coding. This is essential because when you make a web page, multiple users will be accessed through various devices. In such a situation, the web page should be responsive to all operating systems, including Android and Apple iOS. Learning the concepts will not be sufficient because when it comes to practical implementation. Several other requirements need to be learned, as well. This course allows you to understand all these concepts along with practical implementation. Knowing them will enable you to ensure a bright future in the field of web designing.This course will allow you to learn thoroughly about the concept of CSS in three different stages. All these three stages are useful, and hence subscribing to them will benefit you in the future. If you are a person without any basic knowledge of computers, you can still learn this particular concept because the course is designed right from the basics. Since it is suitable for all types of people, this course and future application are also complete.What will you learn in this course?This course can be learned quickly through an online website. To understand this course, all you need to have is a simple computer or mobile phone with a proper internet connection. All the classes present in this course are uploaded in the form of recorded video. It's not just about the recorded video, but along with that, the entire system is available in the Tamil language, allowing you to understand the concepts easily. The whole course is divided into three different levels of basic, intermediate, and advanced levels. The basic level explains in detail the basic concepts of CSS, including essential definitions and attributes. The middle and advanced level course provides recorded classes about practical implementation and how to combine them with HTML to create a web page. To make you understand about our teaching level, we offer the introductory level course completely free. All you need to do is login and access the free course videos to understand our teaching concept.How will this course help you to get a job?Learning this course is essential for a programmer, especially if you are a web designer. This entire course explains CSS's concept in detail, and it is not just about the theory. They also provide practical knowledge of the idea. Learning CSS is essential because of its complete implementation and use. Learning this course will allow you to get a job in many multinational companies. You can also start your own company and begin designing the website for clients all over the world. Website designing is a vast concept currently trending nowadays because of the increased usage of e-commerce websites and online websites. Even though HTML and JavaScript are the main concepts involved in creating a website, CSS will allow you to make the process easier. This particular concept will save a lot of time and energy, along with easy implementation.What Job roles can you apply after completing the course?After completing this course, you can apply for a wide range of jobs all over the world. Most of the shops these days prefer to open an online website for the future. Every company has its website to increase their production and sales rate. So the requirement for opening a web page is enormous. After learning this course, along with HTML and JavaScript, you will work as a website developer and manager in many of the multinational companies in both front and backend. Learning this course will allow you to work as a freelancer and also to open your own business.If you have any doubts regarding the course's quality, then the best option is to register for the free time and then listen to the free videos. But do not stop yourself with free videos. Subscribing for the entire system will allow you to enjoy a perfect future. So subscribe and enjoy it.Disclaimer:This course has been taken by an CSS Expert and I have paid for her work exclusively for Programming Line."
Price: 19.99

"Python & Django Course in Tamil" |
"Python is one of the open-source languages that can be used like C, C++, Java, and other programming languages. The programming language is highly popular and used by most of the people due to their increased amount of application. The Python language is used in multiple instances including for building multiple applications, testing applications, as a programming library, and also as a paradigm for multiple programming languages like OOPs and C. Also most people consider Python to be much better than Java and equal to C, C++ programming language. Python is one of the latest technology-based programming languages and learning it will be an added bonus in your resume. The Python code once created can be reused again just by making small modifications. Since Python language is compatible with most of the operating systems they are used widely all over the world. Learning Python can be an added advantage for creating software and applications easily.Our course offers nearly 5 hours of video tutorials that are highly informative with practical descriptions. Our video tutorials clearly explain the basic concepts of Python, the structure of Python, and also about various types of coding involved in Python like using If else, loop, string program, List, Tuples program, various functions, etc. The course also provides a detailed explanation on Database Management using Python programming language. The entire video tutorial is available in Tamil making it easier for you to understand the concepts in your own mother tongue. Also, the entire concept is explained by using a step by a step video tutorial which makes it easier for you to understand and also so work on the side while listening. This course covers the entire concept of Python programming language in detail. So when you complete this course you will be ready for working outside in any of the software-based companies as a software developer or software tester. There are multiple job opportunities for Python language and learning it will allow you to get a job immediately. Even though programming languages like C and C++ are common among students it is also essential to keep up with the latest technology software. So learning Python language will be an added advantage for you at the workplace where other people would have the knowledge of only programming languages like C and C++.What Topic/Skills you will learn in this course?This course is completely about Python programming language and the entire concept is explained in the form of video tutorials. Basics are one of the most important requirements for any topic and so our course will also start with the basics that describe the features, history, and structure of the Python programming language. The remaining intermediate and high-level tutorials explain the coding search and also about the database management concepts involved in Python programming language. With the help of this course, you can easily become a software developer and tester. This course is highly suitable for people having extra free time and willing to learn something useful for the future.What you will learn in this course?At the end of this course, you will be skilled enough to create your own form of coding and also perform various types of data analysis and rearrangements using the Python library and data present in Python. This course explains in detail how you can alter the existing Framework present within the libraries and change them according to your basic requirements. Learning this course will allow you to gain a job in some of the popular companies in the world. Python is one of the famous languages existing in the software world and learning it will be beneficial for you and your future.How will this course help you to get a job?Python is one of the most famous programming languages that is currently trending in the market of the software industry. Learning Python will increase your job opportunities since it is one of the most used programming languages and also so much easier and efficient when compared to other programming languages like C and C++. Learning Python will allow you to work as a data analyst, educator, and also as a software developer in multiple fields and industries. So learning python will increase your job opportunities and you can easily start your own company after completing this course.What Job roles can you apply after completing the course?After completing this course there are multiple opportunities in the market. You can apply for multiple jobs including a software developer and tester. While the work of a developer involves developing or creating new applications with the help of Python programming language the tester mainly focuses on eradicating the issues present in the completed applications before submitting it to the client. Since Python programming language has a lot of libraries open source you can always perform multiple data analysis and Research using this programming language which allows you to become a data analyst or a financial advisor. This programming language is also used in multiple fields including medicine. So the job opportunities for this programming language are high. Learning this language will provide you with multiple choices in relation to your job. Now you can choose your own pathway rather than moving towards an available pathway.So stop thinking and apply for the paid version of the Python programming language and start learning for a bright future. Before subscribing make sure that you view our free basic tutorials and if satisfied subscribe for the paid version immediately."
Price: 1280.00

"Learn to fly Helicopter Challenge. Oil platforms at sea." |
"In this challenge we have to land and take off from an oil platform in the North sea in nice weather and slowly deteriorating horrible weather with the wind at up to 50 knots. then we increase the wind speed until you can no longer land. Then we introduce to your max able wind speed a bit of turbulence gusts and reduced visibility.The CAA has announced a series of measures to increase the safety of offshore helicopter flights.The changes are the result of a comprehensive review of offshore helicopter operations (strategic safety review of offshore public transport helicopter operations in support of the exploitation of oil and gas) undertaken in conjunction with the Norwegian CAA and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and advised by a panel of independent experts.The measures include:Prohibiting helicopter flights in the most severe sea conditions, so that the chance of a ditched helicopter capsizing is reduced and a rescue can be safely undertaken.Pending further safety improvements to helicopters, passengers will only be able to fly if they are seated next to an emergency window exit to make it easier to get out of a helicopter in an emergency (unless helicopters are fitted with extra flotation devices or passengers are provided with better emergency breathing systems).Requiring all passengers to have better emergency breathing equipment to increase underwater survival time unless the helicopter is equipped with side floats.In gathering evidence for the review the CAA engaged with trade unions representing industry workers and pilots, the oil and gas industry, helicopter operators, manufacturers, government, regulatory bodies and other experts in the field, as well as analysing available data and reports.Please leave a review and tell us how you got on. How good are you? Can you beat me?"
Price: 19.99

"learn to fly. Helicopters Landing on Ships." |
"A Ships Helicopter Operational Limit (SHOL) diagram is a polar plot of acceptable relative wind speed and direction conditions determined safe to conduct helicopter flight operations from a ships deck. Other parameters such as sea state, pitch and roll are also considered in the decision to launch or recover a helicopter. Traditionally a printed-paper SHOL would be used and the commanding officer would have to manually plot wind information on the SHOL diagram, having collected data on ships motion and wind conditions from a variety of sources."
Price: 19.99

"Wprowadzenie do NestJS" |
"Dziki temu kursowi zapoznasz si z frameworkiem NestJS, jak wyglda architektura aplikacji tworzonych przy uyciu tej biblioteki. Dowiesz si jak stworzy API typu REST z uyciem TypeScript obsugujce podstawowe operacj typu CRUD - Create, Read, Update, Delete. NestJS jest nowoczesnym frameworkiem pisanym od postaw w TypeScript pozwalajcym na tworzenie efektywnych i skalowalnych aplikacji serwerowych."
Price: 69.99

"Citrix Provisioning Services PVS" |
"Hello Citrix Lovers.This is the only course available on PVS.I'n playing with Citrix since 15 years. And each tome I made a demo on PVS, people were all impressed and asked me to install a demo server for them in their network. Citrix PVS is ahead of all current technology in disk management and maintenance. So follow me on this course. You will be impressedYou will Learn to install and configure a Provisioning Services farm according to leading practices. In this course, you will learn about the architecture, communication, and processes that make up Provisioning Services to be successful with deploying and managing a farm.Manage and integrate vDisks and target devices with XenApp and XenDesktop for easy rollback, upgrades, and performance of Virtual Delivery Agent machines. At the end of this course you will be able to install, configure and manage the Provisioning Services solution.And of course find my 2 courses followed by more then 2000 users.Citrix Xenapp and XendesktopNetscaler 13What will your learnAdvanced Provisioning with Provisioning ServicesGetting started with Provisioning ServicesProvisioning Services ArchitectureProvisioning Services InfrastructureThe PVS server roleThe Farm databaseThe vDisk StoreStreaming the vDiskIntroduction to vDisksMachine preparationStreaming vDisksBoot methodsTarget DevicesIntroduction to target devicesData I/OHandling persistent and non-persistent dataIntegrating Provisioning Services with XenApp and XenDesktopXenDesktop Setup WizardDevice CollectionsPublished Apps and DesktopsUsing Provisioning Services with XenApp and XenDesktopEnjoy and send me a mail if you need advice, help or just speak with me.Fabrice Learn different (fluctuationit(dot)com)"
Price: 114.99
