"Microbiota Intestinal: nutricin, alimentacin y cocina" |
"En nuestro cuerpo hay tantas clulas bacterianas como humanas, la microbiota residente en el intestino humano es una de las comunidades ms pobladas, incluso ms que el suelo, el subsuelo y los ocanos.Nuestro intestino es ms que un simple tubo, es el hogar de todos estos microorganismos que intervienen en funciones de digestin, metablicas, de defensa, inmunitarias y tambin estn implicados en nuestra salud mental.En este curso detallaremos qu es la microbiota intestinal, su composicin, sus funciones principales y aprenderemos como llevar una alimentacin equilibrada y saludable para alimentarla correctamente para que tenga una composicin equilibrada, variada y estable en el tiempo.Por estos motivos es fundamental que aprendamos a alimentarnos adecuadamente para brindarle a nuestra microbiota los alimentos necesarios para su adecuado funcionamiento.Aprenderemos sobre los prebiticos, los probiticos y los alimentos fermentados, detallando sus beneficios y realizando recetas muy sencillas para hacer en nuestra cocina, las cuales les dejar como archivos descargables para que las pongan en prctica."
Price: 19.99

"Die 8 Grundlagen der Zentangle Methode" |
"Mit den Linien der Buchstaben I S C O entstehen auf eine einfache, spielerische und meditative Weise verblffende kleine Kunstwerke. Aber dabei wird es nicht bleiben. Die Zentangle-Methode weckt Deine Kreativitt und macht Lust auf mehr. Die Zentangle-Methode ist Zeichnen in Schwarz-Wei, aber darberhinaus erffnet sich Dir eine ganz neue Welt der Formen, Mustern und Farben."
Price: 19.99

"SketchUp Eitim Serisi + Render Eitimi Hediyeli" |
"SketchUp da modellemeye hemen bala hzl ve nemli bilgiler!SketchUp arayzn den baladmz video serimiz de ara ubuklarn tanyacak ksa yollar reneceiz.Eitim serimizi uygulama ve rneklerle zenginletirip eitimin salamlamasn ve unutulmamasn hedefliyoruz!GRARAYZ TANITIMIMOUSE KULLANIMIMODELLEMEYE BALAMADAN NCE-Template Units ayarZM ARA UBUU- Line / Erase- FreeHand- Rectangle- Rotate Rectangle- Circle- Polygon- Arc / 2 Arc / 3 Arc / PieEDT ARA UBUU- Push Pull- Offset- Move / Copy- Rotate / Copy- Mirror- Scale- Follow MeALITIRMA- Uygulama- Ara SnavCONSTRUCTION ARA UBUU- Dimension- Text 2D / 3DGRUP OBJELER- Grup Objeler / OutlinerCOMPONENTS OBJELERINTERSECTKAMERA VE SAHNELER- Kamera ve Ayarlar- Sahne Kayd ve AnimasyonALITIRMA 2 -Uygulama 1 ( PURGE alt komutu )MODELLEMEDE SON KONULAR- Metarial Atama- Ik Glge Ayar- KesitlerTEKRAR TESTSANDBOXPHOTO MATCHENSCAPE LE RENDER- Gezinme - Animasyon Oluturma- Sketchup ile Kullanm- Obje Ktphanesi- Ik ve Ses eklemek- Metarial Ayar- Genel Ayarlar- Render Ayar- Render kts Almak- Animasyon kts AlmakGENEL SINAV"
Price: 169.99

"Introduction To Reverse Engineering And Malware Analysis" |
"Malware analysis is very important issue for Cyber security analyst to create IOC's. So In this course students will learn Malware Analysis Techniques, Assembly Fundamentals, Rverse Basics, Reversing RATs and Keylogger files, Memory Analysis, Windows Internals, Remnux, Dynamic Malware Analysis Techniques, Static Malware Analysis Techniques, Malicious Document Analysis. Reverse engineering is explained from scratch and lab demos are presented to the students."
Price: 99.99

sanmitsu-kiso |
Price: 24000.00

sanmitsu-advanced |
Price: 24000.00

"Microsoft Teams Masterclass - einfach Projekte managen 2020" |
"Der Ultimative Microsoft Teams Videokurs fr Anfnger!Lerne den erfolgreichen Umgang mit Microsoft Teams. Wir zeigen dir alle grundlegenden Einstellungen, Mglichkeiten und Funktionen, die Du nutzen kannst!Welchen Mehrwert ziehst du aus diesem Kurs?Wir starten im Videokurs bei 0. Zu Beginn lernst du die wichtigsten Grundlagen und Fakten, gefolgt von allen notwendigen Informationen zum Thema Microsoft Teams und wie du erfolgreich Teams mit der Plattform managen kannst. Anschlieend gibt es die wichtigsten Punkte zum gemeinsamen Arbeiten und Projekte planen mithilfe von Chats, Videokonferenzen und anderen, ntzlichen Kommunikationsmitteln. Zu guter Letzt zeigen wir dir auch weiterfhrende Tipps, die dir helfen noch mehr aus MS- Teams herauszuholen!BONUS: MS- Teams in Krisen-/ Corona ZeitenAm Ende dieses Kurses hast du nicht nur ein umfangreiches Microsoft Teams- Verstndnis, sondern du kannst das Gelernte auch anhand von Anwendungsbeispielen zusammenfassend mitverfolgen.Gib uns die Chance dich zu unterrichten und dir zu zeigen, wie DU dein Geld erfolgreich anlegen kannst!Der Kurs ist sehr umfangreichend und gibt von A bis Z Aufschluss ber alle Daten, Fakten und Tricks. Auerdem geben wir dir Insider Infos und helfen dir wo es nur geht! Du kannst uns natrlich auch eine Nachricht schreiben, wenn du Hilfe brauchst. Wenn Dich das Thema interessiert, dann schau dir gerne die entsprechenden Vorschau-Videos an und schreibe Dich am besten direkt ein. Falls der Kurs am Ende dennoch nichts fr Dich sein sollte, kein Problem. Nutze einfach die 30-Tage-Udemy-Geld-Zurckgarantie.Viel Spa und liebe Gre, Tobias & Fabio"
Price: 109.99

"Boosting Personal Growth & Personality Development-Certified" |
"Personality can be defined as the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individuals distinctive character. It derives from Latin (persona) via old French (persone), meaning mask or role, which suggests that an individuals personality is the outward appearance or role they adopt in life. However, personality assessment is designed to help a person to understand their real qualities and to develop their personality in ways that will enhance well-being. So personality is simply a way of describing the way people learn and adapt. Individuals and helping professionals generally try to understand the way a person responds to different situations in order to help that person develop toward greater satisfaction in life.Personality refers to an individual and his or her unique adaptive qualities. Hence, personality is more than a mask of the individual self. Personality is the self plus all the internal and external forces that pull on the self, so personality is the self and its way of adapting to internal and external influences. In other words, it involves adaptation to both a persons internal environment (e.g., feelings and motivations related to fears, desires, hopes, and aspirations) and their external environment (e.g., family and social relations, job conditions, exposure to crime and violence, climate change, etc).Personality development is something that was not given much importance a few years back, but from the past few years personality developments has become very important from the career point of view. There are a lot of people that still underestimate the importance of having a pleasing personality and thinks that it just means being born good-looking, that there isnt anything much that an individual can do about it, which is simply not true. The reality is that the good looking is just a part of good personality and not everything. For a good personality, you need a lot of other characteristics like communication skills, politeness, good listening skills, vocabulary, the art of engaging communication, neatness and attitude. These all combine together to make up a good personality.Definition of personality differs from a person to person; there are also lots of people who still think that personality is related to the physical appearance of a person and has got nothing to do with other skills. Everyone has their own viewpoints. If a person is well-built and wearing a good dress it is said that he/she has a good personality. But this is not a rational approach. Personality is not all about looks and beauty. In case the inner personality of a person is weak he/she will lose impact as soon as he/she speaks or acts, such a person fails to create a lasting impression on others, and rising in their career becomes a difficult task for them. Also, a good overall personality is very important in our social life too, it is a fact that everyone likes talking to a person with good communication skills and knowledge. Therefore, both the inner and the outer personality of a person should be strengthened.Importance of Personality DevelopmentA great overall personality is very important in the life of an individual. Everyone is influenced by an attractive personality. Whether it is an interview for a job or having a conversation within your friend circle, there are certain traits and characteristics that you must possess to make your mark and have an impressive conversation. Without influencing others you cant get success in todays competitive world. It is difficult to achieve a job without influencing the interviewers with your personal as well as professional skills, also if you are business you need to influence your clients and make them believe in you. Therefore the importance of personality development has risen very much. These days every good public school is careful about the personality development of its students.A few years ago the concept of personality development was not very common and parents rarely gave any importance to the personality development of their children. In fact, personality was just confined to having a good look and wearing good clothes. Emphasis was given only on physical appearance and expertise in work-related skills. Earlier no one paid much attention to develop interpersonal skills. The interview also at those time were concentrated much towards the work efficiency of the person and not much importance was given to the personality. But now the time has changed. It is an age of competition and economic revolution. Although opportunities for progress are everywhere yet a student has to work very hard to climb the stairs of a brilliant career. The person having a good personality can move through the difficulties with more confidence."
Price: 1600.00

"Excel - Astuces pratiques sur des grands Tableaux (listes)" |
"Cette Formation Excel simple et ludique, vous expose le juste ncessaire que vous devez savoir afin de grer facilement vos tableaux Excel. C'est la formule idale pour gagner du temps, rduire l'effort inutile et analyser rapidement vos donnes.C'est une base solide pour vous prparer faire facilement des tableaux croiss dynamique."
Price: 19.99

"Wing Chun Chi Sao Sticky Hand Technique Ip Man Lineage" |
"In this course you can learn Ip Man lineage Wing Chun traditional Chi Sao Sticky Hand technique step by step. Start from Single Chi Sao to both hand Chi Sao so Tan Da Bong and Fuk Jat Da very important in this course we will go through it step by step in detail."
Price: 24.99

"How to make a tri-layer adjustable face mask." |
"This online course serves as a collection of video tutorials detailing the process of making a three-layered face mask. A sewing machine is required along with the following:- Fabric- Pipe Cleaner- Elastic- Basic sewing utensilsUpon completion of this course, you should feel confident in making a mask of your own, as well as for friends and family. Various patterns can be used to give you mask a unique appearance."
Price: 19.99

Scapple |
"Scapple a)Scappleb)c)ScappleScapple1) Scapple2)Scapple3)Scapple3)Scapple"
Price: 24000.00

PowerPoint |
"PowerPointPowerPointPowerPointPowerPoint1.PowerPointPowerPoint2.; PowerPointEXCEL3.PowerPoint for Mac WindowsPowerPoint"
Price: 24000.00

"password attacks -" |
"welcome to my course first im wish to thank you for enroll my course so my name vignesh and 2 years before i start the ethical hacking so i would like to explore the technology to world to change the real world to technology world and this course to prevents form the cyber attacks NOTE !!!!THE COURSE LANGUAGES WILL BE IN TAMIL do want to learn the hacking but don't know to how to start ? this course for you zero knowledge about Linux and zero knowledge about networking and programming in this course you learn about how to crack the hash password and secure the password from the hackers in Tamil language only !!!!!!one again thank you to enroll my course"
Price: 1280.00

"Building Applications with Blazor" |
"In this course, you will learn how you can use Blazor to build single-page applications. We will cover the basic building blocks of an application: the components and forms including validation. You will also learn how you can interact with a WebAPI from Blazor and how to secure your Blazor application. Finally, you will learn how you can deploy your Blazor application to Azure."
Price: 49.99

"HR Reporting and HR Dashboard" |
"HR Report and HR dashboard are part of HR reporting and form the basics of informed decision making. Both are an important part of managing Human Resources. It is hard for HR business partners and other stakeholders to make informed decisions when they lack insights of their own organization. HR reporting solves this problem. With HR dashboards its easy to identify the human capital trends that the organization and leadership team need to understand and monitor closely.HR dashboard is a dynamic overview of the most important HR metrics in one place while the dashboard provides a slice and dice overview of the workforce for example performance, absence, turnover etc which is key for strategic decision making. In this course you will learn:Preparing a compelling HR Report that supports strategic decision making Tables in excel, pivot tables & charts; pivot table toolsBuild an interactive dashboard in excelThis course is designed for HR Professionals who are interested in learning about HR Reporting and HR Dashboards for informed decision making."
Price: 19.99

"Web Scraping in Python using Beautiful Soup (with Project)" |
"Web Scraping or Web Crawling is used to extract the data from Web Pages by parsing through the html elements of the web page. With the help of Web Scraping, you can :Grow your businessCollect meaningful data from internetStart your own Data Analytics CompanyIn this course, you are going to learn how we perform Web Scraping in Python using a popular scraping library called Beautiful Soup (bs4)"
Price: 3200.00

"Bootcamp on Keyword Research" |
"Keyword research is the process of finding words and phrases (aka keywords) that people use in search engines in order to optimise content around and rank for those terms in search engines.Keyword research impacts every other SEO task that you perform, including finding content topics, on page SEO, email outreach, and content promotion.This class will teach you the following things:1. The importance of keywords2. Brief history of keywords3. How to find Keywords for your niche>> Google>> Youtube>> Reddit>> Quora4. Learn to use keywords tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ubersuggest, etc5. How to use keywords in SEO"
Price: 149.99

"60 - 2020 Microsoft Power BI" |
". . (Data warehouse)"
Price: 19.99

"Music Production in Logic Pro X" |
"Learn to become your own music production company with this beginners guide to Logic Pro X with Professional music producer Catherine Rannus. In this course you will learn how to record and use the built in features such as the microphone, midi, audio edit and much more to create your own audio masterpieces."
Price: 19.99

"Galileo Air Ticketing Course" |
"In this course you will be recalling PNR creation in GalileoYou will be recalling how to price the Galileo PNRYou will learn how to issue ticket by different form of paymentsYou will learn how to check fare rules of ticketed bookings.You will learn how to cancel ticketed filed fares in GalileoYou will learn how to void air tickets.By completing this course you will able to issue tickets for your passengers, check fare rules of ticketed bookings, delete form of payment , cancel ticketed filed fares and will be able to void air tickets."
Price: 12160.00

"Excellent Execution: How Leader and Team Execute Very Well" |
"Pandemic covid-19 telah menutup banyak pintu. Tidak hanya menutup pintu untuk mendapatkan penghasilan, tetapi juga menutup pintu untuk memelihara customer, menjalankan internal business process, bahkan untuk melaksanakan pendidikan SDM. Namun orang bijak berkata, banyak jalan menuju ke Roma Atau pasti ada pintu lainnya yang bisa dibuka. Execution adalah ilmu era 4.0. Dengan excellent execution, akan tampak 1.000 pintu bisa dibuka. Namun pilih 1-2 pintu yang bisa dibuka dan bisa dilalui paling mudah.Begitulah perumpamaan tentang execution. Ilmu ini sangat hebat padahal hanya tentang disiplin focus terhadap hal-hal paling penting. Namun, ketika orang diinformasikan bahwa execution hanya lah tentang discipline focus, kebanyakan orang tidak tertarik, karena merasa execution hanya hal yang biasa-biasa saja. Mana mungkin akan memberikan impact luar biasa.Yah mereka lupa bahwa disiplin focus adalah hukum alam Disiplin focus lah yang membuat alam ini bisa bertahan selama 4,6 milyar tahun, disiplin focus lah yang membuat agama bisa bertahan ribuan tahun, disiplin focus lah yang membuat atlit-atlit bisa berprestasi luar biasa, disiplin focus lah yang membuat kita bisa hidup sehat sampai saat ini Yah karena underestimate dan tidak mau berubah, banyak orang tidak tahu execution apalagi melaksanakannya.Execution adalah ilmu yang sangat langka. Modul execution hanya ditawarkan dalam bentuk konsultasi, sehingga harganya sangat mahal. Maka hanya perusahaan-perusahaan besar saja yang mampu membeli dan menjalankannya. Di dunia, sepengetahuan kami, execution hanya dikembangkan oleh FranklinCovey Amerika Serikat serta Eksekusix Consulting. Maka tidak mengherankan apabila lebih dari 99% orang di dunia, tidak tahu execution. Di Indonesia, banyak orang bahkan hingga presiden RI sering menyerukan pentingnya execution Namun sayangnya kebanyakan dari mereka belum pernah, atau kalau pernah belajar, persepsinya tidak selaras dengan definisi execution, yaitu: The discipline of getting The Most Important Things done.Kami bukan ahli strategy yang banting setir menjadi strategy execution consultant. Kami adalah strategy execution consultant yang certified execution. Di Indonesia jumlahnya tidak lebih banyak dari jumlah jari di satu tangan. Kami berpengalaman lebih dari 10 tahun memberikan training, coaching, dan pendampingan implementasi execution pada lebih dari 20 organisasi besar, lebih dari 1.000 leaders, dan lebih dari 20,000 team di Indonesia (bank maupun non-bank). Atas dasar kompetensi dan pengalaman tsb, kami bisa membuat e-learning yang sungguh-sungguh focus tentang execution. Sepengetahuan kami, ini adalah e-learning tentang execution yang pertama dan satu-satunya di dunia. E-learning ini akan focus memperbaiki kualitas execution, agar strategy yang dieksekusi tercapai sangat memuaskan dan berkelanjutan.Execution adalah salah satu kompetensi yang wajib dikuasai oleh pemimpin dan team di setiap organisasi. Bahkan oleh setiap orang, karena setiap orang secara individu adalah pemimpin bagi dirinya sendiri. Execution adalah ilmu yang sangat serius, artinya berdasarkan teori-teori, hukum alam, serta pembuktian-pembuktian implementasi di lapangan. Namun tentu saja, keseriusan ilmu execution tidak boleh menutup kemampuan kami untuk menyajikan 24 topik video pelajaran yang natural, awam, dan ringan. Oleh sebab itu, video pelajaran kami buat dalam format story telling. Hal itu agar peserta mau mengikuti proses belajar dengan perasaan nyaman, tidak bosan, dan menyelesaikan pelajarannya hingga menangkap makna dan bisa memulai praktek excellent execution secara mandiri."
Price: 1890000.00

"Certified Training Professional" |
"You know your subject like the back of your hand, but do you know that training requires skills that can be acquired by practice. This course is for professions who are technically skilled or professionally skilled but want the additional fillip to become a 'Certified Training Professional'. Essential learning nuggets that will help you connect with your learners. Methods to control your class with-out losing temper. This course will provide you with all the resources that can help you transform into a professional training specialist. It will also help you get the buy-in from stakeholders, estimate your training hours, determine the training needs, determine if there are behavioral changes or skill building required, document your efforts and build your professional profile.The course will provide you with downloadable resources such as:Mind-mapping templateBlended learning methods templateBase-line evaluation template Training project planning template (GANTT Chart)Training need analysis matrixLesson plan templateTraining effort and delivery time calculator templateReporting templateAll these tools will equip you to become the most sought after training professional in your subject area."
Price: 12800.00

"Competency Development Specialist" |
". . . . . (19) . Mckinsey & Company . skills-based hiring . . . ."
Price: 19.99

"Linux Essential Commands" |
"This course is designed for the people willing to learn Linux system fundamentals and this will be the first step towards learning Linux as Linux commands plays major role in performing major tasks on command line itself. This course will cover more than 110 Linux commands that can be used to perform various tasks like handling files and processes , tasks related to packages , inbuilt editors available in Linux ,handling users and groups, handling system(reboot and shutdown) ,system overview logs etc."
Price: 1280.00

"iOS 14 Swift UI 2 Birthday App using Core Data with CRUD" |
"Let's build birthday reminder app from start to end in SwiftUI. In this video, you will learn about Core Data and how you can persist changes into disc using Core Data. We will follow MVVM design pattern so you can make your UI independent of business logic so you have decoupled architecture. By the end of this series, you will have app that's ready to be released to the app store. "
Price: 19.99

"SwiftUI in Depth: Practical Code Examples in SwiftUI" |
"In WWDC 19 Apple announced the next big thing in their dev community SwiftUI.SwiftUI is new way of creating UI/UX for your apps, in a declarative manner. By combining choices of views and modifiers you can create complex user interfaces with ease.SwiftUI helps data binding to User Interfaces easy with the introduction of Combine Framework. When the data changes, so does the UI and vice versa.SwiftUI is also incredibly reusable. Views you create can be reused time and time again.With SwiftUI apple also introduced SwiftUI Previews in Xcode 11 and to show you in real time as how your code changes will effect the look of your app.In this course we will take a deep dive into each component that builds SwiftUI. We will also build working apps after learning components and their properties."
Price: 19.99

"Revit 2018 -" |
"Syllabus for Revit Chapter 1: Building Information ModellingBuilding Information Modelling for architectural, understanding Revit element hierarchyChapter 2: Revit Architecture BasicsRevit Architecture user interfaceThe ribbon frameworkGuidelines for using the interfaceUsing Common modification toolsChapter 3:Viewing the modelAbout ViewsView PropertiesGuidelines for Working with ViewsAbout Elevation and Section ViewsAbout 3D ViewsPerspective viewAbout CamerasCreating and Modifying Camera ViewsChapter 4: Starting a new projectAbout ProjectsAbout LevelsAdding and Modifying LevelsGuidelines for Adding and Modifying LevelsChapter 5: Walls Creating generic wallsSketching wallsHosting element in wallsModifying wallsEditing wallsChapter 6: Floors, Ceilings and RoofsAbout floor elementsProcess of adding a floor elementSketching floorsEditing FloorsAbout roofsProcess of sketching roofsRoof modification and exampleCreating ceilingEditing ceilingChapter 7: Stairs and RailingsAbout stairs and railingProcess for creating a staircase by componentCreating the generic railingChapter 8: Adding FamiliesAdding familiesLoading familiesPlacing familiesChapter 9: Rooms and Colour fill plansTagging spaces with room tagsRoom BoundariesRoom separation lineGenerating colour rooms planChapter 10: Creating Plan Annotation About Permanent DimensionsGuidelines for Adding DimensionsExercise: Add Dimensions and Spot SymbolsSetting Text Placement ParametersChapter 11: Creating Construction DocumentationAbout Sheets and Title blocksCreating Revision CloudsPrint settingsGuidelines for printing sheetsSetting for exporting contentProcess of exporting views to CAD formatsChapter 12 : LightsLighting fixturesDefining geometry of light sourceControlling the brightness of light sourceLight groupsChapter 13: MaterialsAbout the material properties and assetsEditing material propertiesEditing assetsApplying material to elementsChanging the graphic properties of a materialChanging the appearance properties of a materialChapter 14 : Sun settingsChapter 15 : RenderingChapter 16 : Walkthrough"
Price: 3200.00

"Parkour and Freerunning basics for Beginners" |
"A complete beginner course that will allow you to start properly and understand the art of parkour.Hello, and welcome in this course, Parkour and freerunning basics for beginners.I'am Loc Molla, ex artist in cirque du soleil (KA), actor and stuntman for the movie industrie, i have worked for the 20 century fox in the movie Hitman, and for Luc Besson ( europacorp ) where i met David Belle my friend and founder of the discipline Parkour. We worked together in the movie Banlieu 13 where i was the stunt double of Cyril Raffaelli.Well that's cool right ?I really want to share with you my knowledge about freerunning and parkour, in this course you will learn the fundamentals and basics, i will show you all the techniques and give you all the advices for you to get better, stronger, faster, and of course to be safe during your learning process.Parkour, or the art of movement, is an acrobatic sporting discipline that consists of crossing urban or natural obstacles, using rapid and agile movements.As we say, the idea is to get from point A to point B, as fast and as efficiently as possible.So, if you wish to begin parkour with the right keys, i suggest you follow me, and i want to see you on the other side."
Price: 99.99

"**Note that : all questions are taken from various resources and provided by experts , students ,teachers and also from various open source resources.So it may happen that you could see some questions which are available on the other sources also . ****** All questions are updated regularly by the feedback and memory based questions provided by students who are giving exam.***Please read above before purchasingControl and Evaluations (25%) Data Aggregates (25%) Functions and Modules (25%) Classes, Objects, and Exceptions (25%) "
Price: 29.99

"**Note that : all questions are taken from various resources and provided by experts , students ,teachers and also from various open source resources.So it may happen that you could see some questions which are available on the other sources also . ****** All questions are updated regularly by the feedback and memory based questions provided by students who are giving exam.***Please read above before purchasingSkills measuredThe content of this exam will be updated on September 24, 2020. Please download the exam skills outline below to see what will be changing.Implement modern device services (30-35%)Implement Microsoft 365 security and threat management (30-35%)Manage Microsoft 365 governance and compliance (35-40%)"
Price: 29.99
