kojrgsnl |
Price: 3000.00

"Microsoft Excel 2013 For Beginners" |
"Microsoft Excel is vastly used software in the offices environment and the production environment to analyze the data and also this can be used as a database.This course will teach you to use the tool provided in excel to analyze the data, making the formats for data, use of excel table, use of pivots tables.Once you complete this course you will be able to work with excel to match industrial level expectation of Microsoft Excel."
Price: 19.99

"Certified Ethical Hacker (CEHv10) Exam Preparation (New)" |
"Are you ready to pass the CEHv10 certification exam ?The Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) is a certification program for an information security professional, also referred to as a white-hat hacker, who systematically attempts to inspect network infrastructure with the consent of its owner to find security vulnerabilities which a malicious hacker could potentially exploit. The program helps you assess the security posture of an organization by identifying vulnerabilities in the network and system infrastructure to determine if unauthorized access is possible. The Certified Ethical Hacker program is the most comprehensive Ethical Hacking program in the world.This practice test exams will give you full confidence to pass the main exam.""This Practice exam course is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with EC-Council in any way."""
Price: 19.99

"7 Chakras Class" |
"This class explores each of the seven major chakras and how they affect your life. You will learn how the seven major chakras are already informing your life choices through your energy and physical bodies. This sacred knowledge can promote greater awareness and deep healing. Included in this course are lectures, worksheets and meditations for each chakra, a quick reference guide to the chakras and the tools that help you develop or boost each of your chakras. And a bonus quick clearing meditation to clear all of your chakras."
Price: 99.99

"Draw a portrait with only one brush tool of Paintology" |
"Digital drawing should be fun and easy! With Paintology, you focus more on developing your drawing skills rather than get bogged down by the tools. The intuitive interface of the app allows you to immediately pick up the tools needed for the drawing. This is further demonstrated by this black and portrait drawing that you can do and feel proud of.All you need is the free Paintology app available from the Google playstore and install on your phone or tablet. It is recommended that to get the most out of this drawing exercise, to use a tablet with a stylus. However, the zoom function will enable you to draw the details on your phone to get you going.Go to the many other free courses offered in Udemy. You can also try one of our highly structured paid courses that will rapidly get your drawings skills to a whole new level. This is further aided by submitting your drawings to the instructor to get valuable feedback and advise."
Price: 19.99

"Core of leadership" |
"Everyone aspires to grow in their career. Some are able to grow while others struggle. Those who succeed stumble and fall down. Some of these are able to get up while others keep going down the drain. Why does this happen? Its all because of flawed understanding with which we chase our goals and successes. In this course learn the cardinal rules of leadership which will always be your guiding light irrespective of the stage of your journey."
Price: 24.99

"Structural Analysis and Design of Steel Truss using ETABS" |
"This course titled "" Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Using ETABS"" teaches you all the things required for the structural analysis and design of a steel truss building. This course doesn't require you to have any prior experience in this software or any other structural design software. It will teach all the aspects of the software from very basic and will take you to the higher levels of the software as the course progresses. The course has been very systematically arranged so that you can best understand the software. Once you complete this course, you will have all the necessary knowledge to do the structural design of a steel truss building. You can do the structural design of steel truss buildings on your own projects.We spent years at college but yet there are some topics that are overlooked in the engineering syllabus but are important in working fields. This course titled "" Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Using ETABS "" has been created in order to fill that void and help students start out with structural design software. It also helps the Civil engineers who are willing to develop their career in the field of Structural Engineering. ETABS is a structural analysis and design software developed by csiamerica. Mainly we can design any type of Building Structure using ETABS software.Unlike other courses that are available online which only teach you tools of ETABS and not the actual process of analysis and design, this course takes a real-world architectural drawing of a steel truss building so as to explain the entire process from modeling up to the design. Also in this course we model, analyze and design a real practical project so that we can understand from the very basic to advanced level."
Price: 19.99

"Start Coding Using SCRATCH Software" |
"Using SCRATCH 2.0, Create games and Animation ! Directly Export the animations created to Video Format. Make programming a fun. This course is for Kids, Parents and for School Teachers to Create Educational videos and Games by self. The learners will be taken thoroughly from the basics of SCRATCH to advanced animation and games creation. The course will be useful for the teachers to prepare impressive cartoons and concept notes for their class creation."
Price: 1280.00

"PMI ACP Agile Certified Practitioner Practice Exam 1500 Q&A" |
"These practice exams will prepare you for the real PMI ACP examination.If youre experienced using agile approaches, have good collaboration skills, eagerly embrace complexity and thrive on rapid response times, then your talents are in demand.From the people who brought you the PMP, the PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) formally recognizes your knowledge of agile principles and your skill with agile techniques. Show your peers, employers, and stakeholders that your agile knowledge runs deep.Created by agilists for agilists, the PMI-ACP is the fastest growing certification, and its no wonder. Organizations that are highly agile and responsive to market dynamics complete more of their projects successfully than their slower-moving counterparts75 percent versus 56 percentas shown in our 2015 Pulse of the Profession report.The PMI-ACP spans many approaches to agile such as Scrum, Kanban, Lean, extreme programming (XP) and test-driven development (TDD.) So it will increase your versatility, wherever your projects may take you.Now that, you have decided to get PMI ACP certification and place a shining asset in your resume. You are on right spot! Make sure you practiced enough PMI ACP sample exam questions before you appear in the exam. Great competition in the market and shortening product lifecycles emerged the need for agile project management. Employers look for PMI ACP certified professionals to work in their agile organization.Before sitting in PMI ACP certification exam, as in all other exams, you must test yourself with as much as PMI ACP sample exam questions as possible. This is actually a very helpful activity for any exams. The more you practice the more you sharpen your skills and also the more you score in the real exam.You must follow a good PMI ACP Study Guide as well to prepare your own plan.Note: The real PMI ACPexam has 120 questions and timed for 180 minutes. For these practice exams, we have kept 250 questions in each exam and times for 250 minutes. There are 6 such exams in this course. So you get total 1500 questions to solve and that will really help you to prepare for the real examination of PMI ACP."
Price: 1280.00

"Filled Pastas" |
"Demystify the secrets of filled pastas and how to prepare and shape them, store or freeze them. Learn great everyday dishes and fancy ways of making filled pastas using one of the many different filling options in this course. Experience many new favourites and learn about ingredients and cooking techniques in these step-by-step cooking videos that also offer you many useful cooking tips."
Price: 99.99

"Cook Fish like a Three Star Chef" |
"Demystify the secrets of cooking and learn how to apply every possible cooking technique to this precious and delicious protein. Learn great everyday dishes and fine dining creations for every occasion that will open many doors for you to succeed with fish cooking every time. Experience many new favourites and learn about ingredients and cooking techniques in these step-by-step cooking videos that also offer you many useful cooking tips."
Price: 114.99

"aret Dili Jargon Eitimi" |
"jargonlar iaret dilinde deyimlerin ksaltlmas ve birletirilmesidir. itme engelli bireyler jargonlar iletiim dillerinde olduka sk kullanrlar. Doru eviri yapmak ve onlar etkili bir biimde anlayabilmek iin jargon bilmemiz bizlere kolaylk salayacaktr. Bu eitim kapsamnda birok jargon reneceiz ve birlikte altrmalar yapacaz. TD evirilerinde farkl anlamlara gelen baz iaretlerin jargonlarda bambaka anlamlar tadn greceksiniz. Hadi birlikte renelim ve iitme engelli bireylerin hayatlarn kolaylatrmak iin bir adm atm olalm :) ilgilenen herkesi bu eitime bekliyorum.Not: Bu eitimle birlikte bir sosyal sorumluluk projesi balatp, sattan elde edilen gelirin bir ksm ile Samsun Kedi Kasabas canlarna sizlerin adna mama ve dier ihtiyalar iin ba yapmak istiyorum."
Price: 99.99

"Learn to develop world class maintenance management systems" |
"We all had our piece of struggle when we started in our career in any of the companies. There were very less resources and very few or no people to teach us the correct things. We learnt and grew in career by experimenting with our own methods and knowledge. But all of us know that had there been someone who would have taken time to teach us correct things at right time, we could have learnt things in time and could have saved lots of time.The course here exactly fills this gap. This is course designed to give all the methodology & tools to the all those who are wanting to get into maintenance as career or those who are already there but do not know how to take the system further. This course dives deep into actually implementable system of maintenance work. As maintenance engineers, supervisors & managers, we all face everyday challenge on right material not being available, if material is there then there is lack of time, if both of it are there then right skill person is not there. We all acknowledge this but we are so engrossed into daily work that we feel suffocated as we don't see any light at the end of the tunnel.This course helps you to understand, develop and streamline the maintenance management system in your company. This would teach you how to optimize material to be stocked and what to do with to other, thus saving the costs for the company and still get the maintenance done. You will learn how to save the costs on material by being structured in your approach.Here you will come to know about how to prioritize work, schedule the work based on the data & daily work management. The structured approach with some flexibility will reduce your stress levels to great extent.This course will teach you how to develop the relevant skills in ourselves first and then in the technicians, in a more structured manner. The course also gives the detailed methodology to evaluate skill development progress. This would avoid conflicts with team and work will get done RIGHT FIRST TIME.This will also cover the structured problem solving techniques, Safety and Environment."
Price: 12480.00

woundcare1 |
". . . . . . . . . . () ."
Price: 144.99

"Basic makeup course" |
"Basic makeup course teaches you how to prepare your skin before you start with your makeup..how to apply makeup in easy steps effortlessly and enhance your looks and overall personality to stand out in crowd..You will learn in detail how to start with your makeup and make sure that it stays fresh and glowy all day long without creasing or smudging..learn how to use the art of makeup according to your personal needs."
Price: 1280.00

"etik hacker eitim seti" |
"bu kurs orta seviye bi etik hack setidir bu ie gnl veren arkadalarn bu kurstan cok fayda greeine ahsen eminim bu ii sadece para iin deil sosyallamak ve yllarn tecrbesini sizlere aktarmak iin burdaym bo vaktim yeterince olduu iin bol bol sorularnz alabilir ve taklmamanz iin elimden geldiince sorunlarnza hzl cevap ve zmler bulmaya alaam kendinize iyi bakn"
Price: 49.99

"PRINCE2 Practitioner : Practice Exams & Revision Quizzes" |
"The world of project management is amazing and I want to help you get prepared!Let's master PRINCE2 with great practices and become a certified project manger.//---------------------------!Scenario booklet: Once you bought this course, you should receive a welcome message with a shared link to the scenario booklet for the practice exams. If not, please send me a message.To ensure your first-time pass, it is recommended that you pass the exams above 70%//---------------------------!In this course, you will have the chance to take two full and new practice exams, to validate your understanding on PRINCE2.Besides, if you are not quite ready, you can also revise all the core elements of PRINCE2,7 principles7 themes7 processesthrough the revision quizzes (more than 80 questions and more're coming!), which include several key concepts that you may want to learn.Good Luck!Disclaimer: PRINCE2 is a registered trademark of Axelos. This course is not endorsed by Axelos, nor affiliated with it."
Price: 19.99

"Crash Course on PCB Design for Electronics Projects" |
"Description : Contents of this PCB Design Course are developed using a very Popular EasyEDA PCB Design Software , which is a Free , OnLine ( Web based ) Tool . EasyEDA PCB Tool supports to Windows platform , Linux O.S. & also runs on Mac & Android platforms , as long as there is one browser on the O.S. & connecting to Internet.Course Learning Duration - You can Learn PCB Designing within 4 to 5 Hours , after which you can Start Designing PCBs of your College Projects / University Projects , comfortably , considering even if you don't have any previous background of PCB designing .This Course is mainly designed for Beginners / Students / Hobbyists .Video Content is explained with Short Video sessions in a simple way for better understanding , even for the Beginners .- Schematic Design - PCB Layout Design Guidelines ( Component Placement Guidelines )- PCB Layout Design ( Component Placement Stage )- PCB Layout Design Guidelines ( Track Routing Guidelines , DRCs etc. )- PCB Layout Design ( Track Routing Stage )In this course you will learn about -- Creating Single Layer PCB Design - Creating Single Layer Surface Mount ( SMT / SMD ) PCB Design .- Creating Single Layer PCB Design with AutoRouter - Creating Double Layer PCB Design - Creating Double Layer Surface Mount ( SMT / SMD ) PCB Design - Creating Schematic Module - Creating Custom Component- Creating a PCB Project - Microcontroller ( 8051 ) based Design( which is a Multisheet Design having Schematic Modules> 8051 Micro-controller with Clock & Reset Circuit> DC Power Supply> Switch> LED > Relay Circuit )I have explained the PCB Project of Microcontoller based Design . Also PCB Layout Guidelines / PCB Design Guidelines ( Component Placement & Track Routing Guidelines ) , DRCs- Design Rule Check , Crossprobing , Maximizing Grounding , Multisheet design etc. has been included .Instructor has more than a 22 Years of Design Experience after M.Tech. in Electronics Design & Technology , which includes the Experience in Electronic Circuit Design , Embedded System , VLSI & also PCB design . He has experience on a variety of EDA Tools / Programmable Hardware Platforms & Programming Softwares , which includes Arduino Programming , Python 3.8 (IDLE) for Python Programming , Pycharm , Thonny , Raspbian Linux for Raspberry Pi , Anaconda Navigator - Jupyter Notebook , Spyder Python , Xilinx Vivado / Webpack for FPGA / CPLD , Cypress PSOC Designer , PSOC Creator , Keil uVision4 for MCS-51 ( 8051 ) Family Microcontrollers , Atmel AVR Studio for ATMega16/32/128 Microcontrollers , Microchip MPLAB for PIC16/PIC18 Microcontrollers , Crouzet Millenium3 for PLCs and which also includes PCB Softwares such as EasyEDA , Eagle , KiCad , Fritzing & Express PCB ."
Price: 5120.00

"With simple steps to success! - Effective & Fast!" |
"With simple steps to success! - Effective & fast!A step-by-step guide to achieve your goals with 100% accuracy!14 days & listen twice a day ---- 1x in the morning before you get up and - 1x in the Night before you go to sleepThe video accompanies you with step-by-step instructions and helps you to achieve your goals with 100% accuracy. To steer your thoughts in the right direction and to sort them to achieve the desired goal! - A house, money, success, car, a partner, health, happiness and much more .--- Start small and increase your desire, it really works! ---At RichMind, we want to motivate you to improve and change your life. Not everyone has someone in their life who supports and encourages them.We are here to help. We are currently doing this by producing life changing audios and developing products that teach valuable lessons, help people through difficult times, and improve everyday life.This is our mission, exactly what drives us!""Our goal is to be the most compelling motivating and inspiring company that helps people get better and live better every day."""
Price: 19.99

"C++ in - From Beginner to Software level" |
"Save your precious time by buying this course. You will learn how to program in C++ in a fast and easy way!The total length of the course is over 8 hours! You will learn theory and you will also gain lots of practice. During the course we will write many programs that will make you a great programmer.All of this is presented by a young man who shares his knowledge, so the language used can be easily understood by everyone.The course is designed for those who don't have any prior knowledge about programming. It doesn't matter if you have never written any programs or you have no idea about programming... After my course all of this will change. You will bust the myth that programming is a difficult thing only for the few!After this course you will be able to use the advanced components of the C++ language."
Price: 1920.00

"Tactical combat casuality care (TCCC)" |
"The TCCC or Tactical Combat Casualty Care course will teach you how to react and what to do when a member or operator of your team gets injured during combat. You will learn how to treat different combat related injuries and what actions have priority during an active firefight. This is a basic and NECESSARY course for all military, law enforcement and private security operators. Knowledge saves lives, so get started now! At the end of this course we will also tell you how to organize your own medical kit, what to bring on a mission, and what you should leave out of your kit.Important You are expected to already have basic notions of first aid training.Disclaimer: This course contains images that may shock the sensitivity of some people, in particular images of real interventions in a theater of war (extensive bloody images). Other videos use realistic mannequins and reconstructions."
Price: 19.99

"iPhone Photography - A masterclass on taking awesome photos" |
"This course will teach you everything you need to know to become a much better photographer. It will adjust your mindset when you think about wanting to take a photo in the way a professional photographer would. This course is based on the iPhone but all concepts are the same across most modern-day smartphones. It is designed with simplicity in mind and how to change your view, adapt skills and change your mindset before and after lifting any camera. It will take your photography to the next level.One of the biggest misconceptions is that the smartphone cameras cant be used for anything else other than for fun photography, as they are not as good as a DSLR. While DSLR cameras are technically better, the quality of a photo depends on the skill of the photographer and their creative vision. With the right knowledge and the right techniques, you can use your iPhone to create amazing photos, and videos covered in another course. The most important thing with photography is to get it right in the camera first time. The key to every photo no matter what it's taken on is to control Focus, Light, Composition & Movement. Learn to have a photographers eye and mind. When you walk up to a shot be thinking of this, and in time it will become all automatic and you will be taking stunning photos.Everyone is a photographer, but not everyone is a great photographer. It's not about having the best, most expensive equipment; it's about having good equipment that you know how to master. The modern-day smartphone such as the iPhone is a brilliant camera for many situations. Ive shot both photos and video for the media as a press photographer. It's not about the equipment you use, it's about knowing how to use what you have got.As we know there are many versions of iPhones on the market, in this course, I will try and cover as many variations of the features available and the differences in the iPhones as possible. This is to ensure everyone benefits with what you use and that you're not disappointed that you cant find the feature described when it may not be available on your iPhone.You'll learn all the basics of professional photography, allowing you to take photos that stand out from the rest. This step by step course gets straight to the point and covers more than you think it might with many tips and tricks. Take the course at your own pace and just get out there, practice what you have learnt and see your skills developed into second nature skills that happen without you having to think."
Price: 49.99

"BodyMindBusiness: The Business Of BE'ing Within" |
"IN TODAYS CHALLENGING business environment, high-performing executives have been adopting multidisciplinary approaches to becoming more productive and effective under pressure and to achieve it without compromising their personal health and happiness. In BodyMindBusiness, we learn how to use breath as our medicine to self activate the qualities of the Parasympathetic Nervous System building a resilient executive optimizing wellness and performance into profitability.Todays executive is moving through life at such a rapid unconscious fast face with distractions, commitments, deadlines and pressures that leave us feeling as if we cant keep up. In fact, one might say, it leaves us feeling out of breath.Breath rates and patterns are influencing our physiology, biochemistry, biomechanics and psychological states of being. Our ability to self-regulate the quality of feeling and the emotion of our moment-to-moment experience is intimately tied to our physiology and the reciprocal interactions among physiological, cognitive, and emotional systems. We must have the skills to adapt to different environments, situations, and folks who might see the moments differently than we do.We do this with BREATH."
Price: 39.99

"Ultimate AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Specialty 2020" |
"Welcome! I'm here to help you prepare and PASS the AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Specialty exam.Beginners welcome: no need to know anything about Alexa!The AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Specialty certification is one of the most challenging and interesting exams. It's great at assessing how well you understand different aspects of Alexa, and also making sure you are making the best architectural decisions based on situations, which makes this certification incredibly valuable to have and pass as an Alexa Architect. I've passed it myself with a high score, and I want to help YOU pass the AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Specialty certification as well!This AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Specialty course is different than other courses in many ways:It covers in-depth all the new topics on the AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Specialty.It's packed with practical knowledge on how to use Alexa inside and out as an Alexa Developer & Architect.It teaches you how to prepare for the AWS Alexa exam AND how to prepare for the real worldIt's a logical progression of topics.All course slides available as downloadable PDFAdditionally, here's what we'll learn to pass the AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Specialty exam:Invocation Name, Built-in Intents, Custom Intents, Slots & Entity Resolution, Dialog Delegation, Annotation Set & Evaluation Model, Intent History, Utterances Conflict, JSON Interaction Model, Endpoints, PermissionsInterfaces: Audio Player Interface, Dialog Interface, Display Interface, Playback Controller Interface, Video App InterfaceAlexa-Hosted Skill, Import an Alexa-Hosted Skill, Personal AWS Resources with Alexa-Hosted Skill, Use AWS Tools to manage your Skill, Alexa Presentation Language, Custom Skill as an Lambda, Custom Skill as a HTTP Web Service, Request TypesAlexa Simulator, Manual JSON, Voice & Tone SSMLSkill Store Details & availability Alexa For Business Beta TestingCertification checklistAnalytics: Alexa Skill MetricsPurchase Products on Alexa: In-Skill Purchase Amazon PayAccount Linking Concepts User Experience for Account Linking Different Grant Flows App-to-App Account LinkingPre-built models Smart Home Skill Cooking Skill Education Skill Entertainment Skill - Flash Briefing Skill Meeting Skill Music & Radio Skill Networking & Wi-Fi Skill Video Skills"
Price: 104.99

"Azure DevOps Training in Arabic" |
"This course will help you to gain understanding Agile concepts, DevOps concepts and how to configure TFS with Visual Studio with ASP.NET Core project then you will know how to configure continues integration to automate the build and automate the release and deployment by configure continues deployment on Azure App Services and Windows Virtual Machine IIS."
Price: 19.99

"Yarnn retmeni Nasl Olmal?5 Farkl lkeden 15 Konumac le Bu Eitimi Sizin in Hazrladk.Eitim erii ve zet1- Bir retmen nasl tutkulu olur?2- Yeni neslin ihtiyac olan ey nedir?3- yi retmen nasl olunur?4- Yarnn retmeni nasl olmaldr?5- retmenler iin en nemli 5 beceri?Kurs Eitmenleri:Mary Jean Gallagher Kanada Ontario Eyaleti Eitim Bakan YardmcsFeridun Hamdullahpur Kanada Waterloo niversitesi RektrRandall Martin Kanada British Columbia DirektrWee Tiong Seah Avustralya Melbourne niversitesiDavid Rawnsley Kanada British Columbia Okul MdrScott Hebert Kanada Oyunlatrma Uzman / retmenKay Lembo Avustralya ASTA yesi AkademisyenBar Satar Avustralya Victoria Eyaleti Eitim DirektrTrker Kl Baheehir niversitesi Tp Fakltesi DekanKayhan Karl YM Okullar KurucusuErcan Altu Ylmaz Oyunlatrma UzmanNurten Akku Kresel retmen FinalistiBu Eitim Katlmclara Ne Salar?retmenlerin profesyonel geliimlerine katkda bulunur,retmenlerin snf ortamndaki renme motivasyonunu arttrmalarna yardmc olur,retmenlerin yarnlarn ihtiyacna gre renci yetitirmesine, onlara koluk etmesine yardmc olur,retmenlerin 21.yy becerilerini tanmalarna ve uygulama alanlar konusunda bilgi sahibi olmalarn salar,retmenlerin, renme etkinliklerini ve projelerini rencilerin 21.yy becerilerini gelitirecek ekilde tasarlamalarna yardmc olur,retmenlerin 21.yy becerilerini eitim modellerine nasl entegre edebilecekleri konusunda yol gsterir.Kimler Katlabilir?Tm branlardaki retmenler,Eitim fakltesi rencileri ve yeni mezun retmen adaylar,Eitmenler ve eitim sektrnde alan profesyoneller.Katlm BelgesiKursu tamamlayan kiilere Katlm Belgesi gnderilecektir.Bu eitim Yarnn Eitimi Platformu ile EduMoso ibirlii ierisinde tasarlanmtr."
Price: 49.99

"Yarnn Okulu Nasl Olmal?5 Farkl lkeden 15 Konumac le Bu Eitimi Sizin in Hazrladk.Eitim erii ve zet1- Eitim okula muhta m?2- Sizce Eitimin En Byk Sorunu Nedir? Ve Buna zm Olarak Neyi Sunarsnz?3- Yeni Neslin htiyac Olan ey Nedir?4- 21. Yzyl Eitimi Nasl Olmal veya Nasl Olmamal?Kurstaki Eitmenler:Mary Jean Gallagher Kanada Ontario Eyaleti Eitim Bakan YardmcsFeridun Hamdullahpur Kanada Waterloo niversitesi RektrRandall Martin Kanada British Columbia DirektrWee Tiong Seah Avustralya Melbourne niversitesiDavid Rawnsley Kanada British Columbia Okul MdrScott Hebert Kanada Oyunlatrma Uzman / retmenKay Lembo Avustralya ASTA yesi AkademisyenBar Satar Avustralya Victoria Eyaleti Eitim DirektrTrker Kl Baheehir niversitesi Tp Fakltesi DekanKayhan Karl YM Okullar KurucusuErcan Altu Ylmaz Oyunlatrma UzmanNurten Akku Kresel retmen FinalistiBu Eitim Katlmclara Ne Salar?Okul yneticilerinin ve retmenlerin profesyonel geliimlerine katkda bulunur,Okul liderlii yetkinliklerini gelitirmelerine yardmc olur,21. Yzyl eitiminin ve okulunun nasl tasarlanmas gerektiini etraflca aktarr,Yeni neslin ihtiyac olan renme ortamlarnn tasarmna katk salar.Kimler Katlabilir?Okul liderlii yetkinliklerini gelitirmek isteyen:Eitim kurumu genel mdrleri ve genel mdr yardmclarOkul mdrleriOkul mdr yardmclarDeneyimli retmenler, akademik ya da idari yneticilik deneyimi olan (zmre, blm, koordinasyon vb.) adaylarKatlm BelgesiKursu tamamlayan kiilere Katlm Belgesi gnderilecektir.Bu eitim Yarnn Eitimi Platformu ile EduMoso ibirlii ierisinde tasarlanmtr."
Price: 79.99

"Der ETF-Meisterkurs / Geld mit ETFs verdienen" |
"Hier in dem ETF-Meisterkurs / Geld verdienen mit ETFs geht es darum, sein Wissen in dem Bereich ETF aufzubauen und zu vertiefen. Es werden die Vorteile aufgezeigt, wieso sich ETFs lohnen und auf welche Kennzahlen man achten sollte bevor man sein Geld Investiert. Ein Video ist auch einzig und allein eine Praxis vorstellung, wie und wo man ETFs vergleichen kann, um den fr dich richtigen zu finden und bei guter Gelegenheit zu kaufen."
Price: 19.99

"Learn to make Melodic Techno in Ableton Live" |
"This is a track walkthrough course by Alex Preda. I'll be taking you through all the aspects that went into creating this track which was previously released. You'll be learning about the track composition, arrangement of instruments, how to create tension and release with the elements and how to create a temporary master (to play it out in a club). Such a walkthrough is the best way to learn because we start with the end product in mind (which is the finished track) and then walk our way back into the creative process that went into making it. Enjoy! :)"
Price: 19.99

"How to Start a Successful Anime-Based Business" |
"In this course we are going to show you how to create an anime-based business. Here are the quintessential and fundamental steps I've incorporated in manifesting my own business. This is very easy to understand and to follow. Virtually, anyone can start and run their own anime-based business. And I'm here to show you how! I hope it helps each and every one of my students who are in my Rainbow Tribe."
Price: 34.99

"2021 Complete Python Fundamental Concepts" |
"The course will train with the core programming concepts with Python. Python Foundation with Data Structures & Algorithms. The involvement of the practical technique of problem-solving will give learners a better understanding of the concepts of the course. Learn to design efficient algorithms in this course and become ready for future job requirements.The course is beneficial for those who want to explore the domain of programming and excel in one of the popular programming languages, Python. The course will help you to get familiar with the different libraries of python and lay a solid foundation in Data Structures and Algorithms. So, if you have a passion to learn programming, this is the best opportunity for you."
Price: 19.99
