"Precise Canva Course For All Youtube Marketing Graphics 2020" |
"Canva Course For All Your Remarkable Youtube Channel Art Banner And Youtube Thumbnail Graphics Just Using CanvaCanva is a super easy site to use for all your Youtube Channel Art Banner And Youtube Thumbnail Graphics for your branding and marketing.In this Canva Youtube Channel Art Banner And Youtube Thumbnail Graphics design course, I will take you on a journey with canva for youtube and if you are really serious about learning how to create your graphics yourself, then this is the course for you, my friend! You will learn a lot from this and you will be happy you enrolled in this ""Canva Course For All Your Remarkable Youtube Channel Art Banner And Youtube Thumbnail Graphics Just Using Canva.I'm David, your course instructor. I have been using Canva for a very long time and you will see me drop my skills in this course you can be a Pro too at the end of this Canva graphics design course for your blog and website. ARE YOU READY?I will see you inside the course!""."
Price: 199.99

"[ Invideo ] Video Creation For Social Media Marketing Needs!" |
"Create high converting videos with Invideo. Use Invideo for Video Production, Social Media Marketing Video Creation etc.Do you want to create simple but high converting videos for all your social media marketing and ADS? Or maybe you want to create quality videos for your youtube marketing or for Instagram stories and feed post? Then this is the course for you friend!! Invideo is super easy to use because its mostly drag and drop with well over 3000+ templates to choose from to create your very own video.In this Invideo For All Your Video Creation And Social Media Marketing Needs. I will show you just how easy its to create videos in minutes and also how to add voiceovers into the videos.My name is David Oisamoje and I will be your instructor on this amazing journey to high attention-grabbing video creation."
Price: 199.99

"Improve Your Writing Skills" |
"This is a course for people who wish to improve their writing skills in the English language. We start simple and then build up to more complex structures via work on vocabulary, the sentence, the paragraph and finally try and put everything together in an original text students have created for themselves. This is, therefore, a very hands on and practical course."
Price: 19.99

"Escritor-Produtor: como criar um curso online do jeito certo" |
"Seja pago pelas habilidades que voc j possui, crie um fluxo constante de ganhos, tenha mais liberdade e paz de esprito para produzir.Esse curso totalmente voltado a escritores que desejam monetizar suas habilidades no rentvel mercado de infoprodutos.Aqui voc ver como mudar sua viso sobre tcnicas e talentos que J possui, mas que esto sendo mal-aproveitados e, por isso, impedindo que voc alcance ganhos considerveis.Descubra como aplicar sua capacidade de expresso com a palavra escrita aliada s tcnicas de storytelling para desenvolver produtos digitais capazes de gerar um fluxo de ganhos constantes e crescentes.Produza livros, cursos e marcas, venda de forma on-line e assim esteja apto a financiar mais dos seus prprios projetos, em um ciclo virtuoso que trar a voc mais tempo, liberdade e paz de esprito para seguir firme na construo de sua carreira e vida criativa.Eu vou compartilhar com voc, em uma srie de aulas prticas e de fcil compreenso, as descobertas e estratgias que eu mesmo utilizei e que me transformaram em um produtor best-seller e top ranking aqui na Udemy.Mas no vamos parar por a.Eu vou praticamente pegar voc pela mo e MOSTRAR todo o caminho que voc deve executar para ter resultados.Veja o que voc aprender:A verdade sobre ganhar dinheiro com a escrita.A chave do sucesso das vendas na internet.Quais habilidades do escritor podem ser aplicadas na criao de livros, marcas e cursos online.Como ter ideias para produtos digitais.Como desenvolver um produto digital.Como estruturar a jornada do cliente at a compra do seu produto.Como comunicar o seu produto corretamente.Plano passo a passo que ensina todo o caminho, da criao venda do produto, com direito a materiais de apoio.Quais so as ferramentas necessrias para ser um bom escritor-produtor.Dicas para escritores envergonhados ou que no querem aparecer.E muito mais.Compre agora pelo preo promocional e aplique as tcnicas imediatamente.Ainda em dvida?No se preocupe. Voc tem uma garantia incondicional de 30 dias.Voc no tem absolutamente NADA a perder.Vem!"
Price: 219.99

"WebScraping using API ,Beautiful Soup and Pandas" |
"Scrape your first web page using Python API ,Beautiful soup and structure the data using PandasAPI Python:This section help you understand the working on API and how to implement the same using Python.Here we will learn how to get and post the request using API and implement the same.Will create a simple currency conversion calculator using JSON.We will also cover API for website which we need to sign in. We will be using the API keys and ID to login and fetch the details.We will explain how to structure and export the data in CSV using Pandas.Web Scraping:This Section helps you to learn Scraping the data and storing the data in our desired Format.Here we will have the data scraped and use parsing of data and store it in Pandas for reference.Helps in Understanding the structure of HTML and Javascript file to parse the data.2 Projects to Scrape the data and parse them as our wish."
Price: 59.99

"Learn KravHIIT Close Quarter Handgun Disarms" |
"Unfortunately we are living in turbulent times right now, the chances of being attacked by someone with a gun are higher than anytime in history. We put this course together to help people survive a violent encounter with a firearm. In this course you will learn to defend yourself against a handgun from the front, side, and behind you. We have also included as a Bonus defense against a shotgun or rifle from the front or behind you. This course is designed for everyone! This is the exact same instructors course we offer only without the option of instructor certification. What this means is we breakdown every technique so you not only learn the technique but can then teach it to someone else. These are the same techniques we use to train law enforcement and military personal. All of these techniques have been used at some point in actual combat. We take this training very seriously because it could save someones life."
Price: 59.99

"Java Reflection - Master Class" |
"Welcome to the #1 Online Resource on Java ReflectionDescriptionJava Reflection is one of the most powerful features of the Java language that allows you to utilize your JVM's capabilities to its full potential. And it's no coincidence that the most popular and widely used Java libraries and frameworks are powered by the Reflection API.But Reflection is not reserved only for those libraries.YOU TOO can completely transform and re-architect your code and create unique and powerful applications, algorithms, and libraries in Java using Reflection.Teaching PhilosophyIn this course, we will start from the basics and build our way up to complete mastery of Java Reflection through:Theory and API.Practical application of our skills in real-life examples and use cases.Along the course, we also have plenty of quizzes and coding exercises to help you practice and validate your progress.By the End of the CourseYou will be able toDiscover and Analyze Java Classes and Objects at RuntimeInstantiate new Objects, Arrays, and Dynamic Proxies in a type-independent wayInvoke methods dynamicallyRead and Update an Object stateDefine your very own Annotations and combine them with Java Reflection codeWrite powerful and intelligent algorithmsJoin us today for this exciting journey and learning experience!"
Price: 199.99

"Node JS" |
"Node JS Visual Studio Code Node JS Node JS REPL Node JS Node JS Node JS Node JS npm npm yargs"
Price: 19.99

"Complete React Native Crash Course" |
"In this tutorial, I will teach you complete react native from basics till advanced level. First of all, I teach react native basics, such as native core components, class based and functional components, etc .. and we will start building real mobile application for Android and IOS devices. At the end of course, we will publish native mobile applications to Apple Store or Google Play Store.Mobile applications are getting more popular in this days. Many companies are building their own mobile applications to contact or communicate with clients. Mobile application allows people to chat, make a voice call or video call, accept payments online, etc .. That makes me more interested in mobile application development. Thats why I decided to create a video tutorial about complete mobile application development. I will share all my knowledge from mobile application development till publishing app in Apple Store or Google Play to generate income. I will be adding Facebook authentication, chat function, accepting payments online, making voice or video calling application, and more. This course is designed to teach you not only react native basics, also building real world mobile application to generate side income. If you are serious about it, you will be able to start your own online business once you complete this course. Because I decided to teach you react native from basics till success...I will keep uploading more courses in the future, so do not hesitate to buy this course."
Price: 109.99

"How to Draw a Tiger" |
"In this course, you will learn how to draw a tiger from the reference photo. I will guide you from sketching to finishing touches in this highly detailed tutorial. For this drawing I used high-quality grey paper, Prismacolor Premier colored pencils, a wax colorless blender by Prismacolor and a white ink gel pen. Working on grey paper is a great way to stretch your skills, so let's get to work!I am excited to have you in my class.Jasmina."
Price: 34.99

"A Short Introduction to Buddhism" |
"Buddhism is a major world religion with about 8 - 10 percent of the world population. It has made good inroads in the west and is known for its mindfulness techniques. In this course, we will learn about the Spiritual quest of Siddharth Gautama the prince of Kapilavastu, and his answers which form the core of Buddhist religion. The Four Noble Truths and The Eight-fold Paths are enumerated and explained in their original context and the Indian cultural and philosophical milieu."
Price: 19.99

"Forex: Quarters Theory (Scalping & Day trading) strategy" |
"Intraday trading using both Scalping and Day trading is very profitable if done the right way. It promises fast profits and also gives you more control over your trades. It is the best way to grow a small account.The Quarters theory is a trading method that proves that price movement is not random but follows a particular trend instead. It was published by Ilian Yotov in his book, the Quarters theory: A revolutionary new foreign currencies trading method. The Quarters theory illustrates how institutional traders use particular exchange rates in forex trading to make decisions on buying price and selling price. As retail forex traders, our profit making goals are always aligned with the activities of these institutional traders and the Quarters theory accurately predicts where they will buy or sell.To maximise profits on the activities of these institutional traders, we shall be using the Quarters theory for forex trading at lower time frames to ensure that we are mostly biased on the technicals of the markets rather than the fundamentals. The course promises competence in a scalping and day trading strategy with very clear entry rules and exit rules. The rules are very easy to follow and promise frequent and high probability trading opportunities.After purchasing the course, you will get all the necessary resources to use in your forex trading. These resources include templates and indicators as well as a profile with the low spread pairs to be traded. Follow me into this forex trading course as we dive deeper to a state of joyful trading. Join our community and be part of the winning team!!!!!"
Price: 19.99

"Practitioner Test" |
"Udemy Online Sistemde Kaytl olan ve Tm blmleri bitiren renciler, bu blmde en son final Practitioner Test blmn alacaklardr.Tm Blmleri alan rencilerimiz, bu blmde sra ile alp kendilerinin ne durumda olduunu mukayese edeceklerdir.Her blm sonunda, eitimci ile ayn olmasa da teknikleri uygulamaya almak ve kendinizi yeterli grmek nemlidir. En Son Practitioner Test blmn bitirip udemy'den aldnz diplomay (en az 13 ders bitirilmi olmas art ile) Udemy sisteminden aldklar diploma haricinde slak imzal diploma isterlerse kurs bitirme listesi tarafmzdan onaylandktan sonra 200 creti karlnda diploma tarafnza yollanacaktr. Diploma ile birlikte yollanacak Malzemeler:1.Silikon Bileklik : (S, M, L lleri belirtmeniz gerekir)2. Patch :Ykanabilir3. Krav Maga logolu, Ara kokusu4. Web sitemizde online eitim blmnde isim ve resimli register yaplmas (mail ile herhengi bir resim yolanmas)(LNK: kravmaga sitesinin /krav_maga/ men sekmesinin altnda)''Kargo creti tarafnza aittir PTT Kargo ile yollanr..!!TM RNLERE %8+ KDV DAHILDIR."
Price: 49.99

"Flutter slidable list item with directional slide actions" |
"Flutter slidable list item with directional slide actionsmake Fancy slidable list item with directional slide actionsA Flutter implementation of slidable list item with directional slide actions that can be dismissed.flutter_slidableA Flutter implementation of slidable list item with directional slide actions that can be dismissed.FeaturesAccepts primary (left/top) and secondary (right/bottom) widget lists as slide actions.Can be dismissed.4 built-in action panes.2 built-in slide action widgets.1 built-in dismiss animation.You can easily create you custom layouts and animations.You can use a builder to create your slide actions if you want special effects during animation.Close when a slide action has been tapped (overridable).Close when the nearest Scrollable starts to scroll (overridable).Option to disable the slide effect easily."
Price: 199.99

"Excel a TODO NIVEL: VBA, T. Dinmicas, Power Query, DAX y +." |
"En este curso de ms de 30 horas te sumergirs en el mundo de Microsoft Excel.Te brindaremos los Conocimientos que necesitas para Empezar a utilizar una de las Herramientas Ms demandadas del mercado actual.Aprenders todo lo que necesitas para obtener las competencias que hoy todas las empresas buscan en relacin al uso de Excel, profundizando en VBA (+20 horas) y tablas dinmicas(+10 horas) como ningn otro curso, ademas te brindaremos las bases necesarias para que aprendas a manejar las herramientas de poder (Power Query, Power Pivot) .Este curso es nico en Udemy, ya que te enseo a travs de Casos, ejemplos Prcticos con Proyectos Reales.Empieza ya mismo a utilizar como un profesional Excel, para beneficio propio o para adquirir una de las competencias ms demandadas por las empresas y el mercado.Nos vemos dentro del curso!Su instructor,lvaro."
Price: 99.99

"Gerencia de Vida" |
"Es una oportunidad seria para desarrollar cambios importantes en el bienestar personal; presente y futuro en todos los planos posibles de nuestra vida.Aborda aspectos esenciales de la gestin de vida, como el sentido/visin, propsito/misin, el tiempo, las emociones, la comunicacin, la planificacin estratgica de la vida, los conflictos y la negociacin, nuestra posicin en lo econmico y un compendio de herramientas y principios necesarios para no perdernos de nuestros objetivos actuales y el replanteo de nuevos y ms autnticos objetivos posibles.Diseado para brindarle una ptica que le permita integrar su vida como un todo, reconocerse mediante la prctica reflexiva sobre la postura que frente a la vida tiene, y podra tener a partir de ahora.Ofrece herramientas seleccionadas y no excluyentes de otras, y consideradas las ms esenciales para el objetivo planteado. Ellas fueron bien cuidadas de no entrar en lo que se llama MODAS GERENCIALES, Es una propuesta planteada desde un angulo de autentica efectividad y sencillez que podr aplicar en cada uno de los aspectos de su vida."
Price: 99.99

"Mindfulness - Aprende a vivir conscientemente" |
"Este es un curso prctico en el que aprenders a disfrutar del mayor regalo que tienes ""el momento presente"" La intencin es que aprendas usar cada uno de tus sentidos, al aplicar tus sentidos al momento te ayudar a mantenerte en un estado relajado, alejado del estrs y la ansiedad. El objetivo principal es que puedas hacer del Mindfulness un estilo de vida para que puedas aplicar la conciencia plena, estar atento y enfocar tu atencin a lo que tu decidas sin juzgar, sin apegarte.Aprenders tcnicas para ser ms eficientePodrs tener mejores relaciones afectivasDisfrutars la vida de una manera ms tranquila."
Price: 19.99

"Mobile App Marketing using Google Ads" |
"Earn with your Apps!Welcome to ""Mobile App Marketing using Google Ads"" course.Do want to create a successful mobile app business? In this course you will learn how to create universal app campaign in Google Ads.Our course shows you how to make a real business out of your appDo you know;How to make money with your Apps?How to put Adds into your Apps?How you can turn a non-paying user to a paying user?What to sell to your subscribers?How to re-engage with your users?If you are thinking to start to learn app promotion with google, this course is a perfect place for you to start.We have explained Universal App Campaign from beginner to all levels. We have explained all the topics as simple as possible with examples, slides and diagrams.We have created a lot of projects while explaining the subjects. Because we believe that applied educations are much more useful than other teaching methods.We explained all the subjects with simple examples and applications, and explanatory diagrams in a way that the student can understand at all levels.We paid attention to explain all the topics in order. Because we think that the order of presentation of the subject is as important as the content of education. We have seen this shortcoming in many trainings we have examined and tried to explain these issues to you in the best way.This course is specifically designed for the Beginner all the way up to Advanced;Ad Monetization Experts,App DevelopersMobile App entrepreneurMarketing, strategy, and ad consultants who want to expand their business and offer more to their clients,Technical or non-technical entrepreneursWho wants to learn how to create universal app campaign in google ads and optimize app campaign by understanding app campaign results.Why would you want to take this course?Everyone is talking about design, coding but no-one is talking about how to make money with apps. There are a tons of tutorials for how to make game, but everyone is silent about making money with apps and they are keeping it as a secret. We believe the power of sharing. Sharing is caring, any? So we decided to come out and teach you how to actually make money with apps.In this course we will cover;Understanding the apps ecosystemExplore Google app campaignsDefine your app campaign goalMeasure what matters in app campaignsBegin with app campaign settingsFinish with app campaign ad groups and assetsThe role of the marketer in app campaignsGuide the machine for a better app campaignCreate and refine your app campaignOptimize the app experienceWhen you enroll, you will feel the our seasoned developers and marketing experts expertise.Step-by-Step WayBy the end of the course, youll have a firm understanding of the how to make money with apps. Good news is since the Free and popular tools are used you dont need to buy any tool or application.Video and Audio Production QualityAll our videos are created/produced as high quality video and audio to provide you the best learning experience.You will be,Seeing clearlyHearing clearlyMoving through the course without distractionsYou'll also get:Lifetime Access to The CourseFast & Friendly Support in the Q&A sectionUdemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadDive in now!We offer full support, answering any questions.See you in the course!"
Price: 199.99

"Email List Building Strategies for Financial Advisors" |
"You might probably be thinking:Why should I build an email list? Is it even worth the effort?My reply would be if you wish to reach out to more of your customers easily and effortlessly and sell more policies, having an email list would probably be the best way forward.Without a doubt, email marketing has by far been touted as the most effective marketing channel compared to any other channels both online and offline.At its simplest, email marketing is a powerful communication tool for building relationships with customers. It gives you a chance to reach out to a lot of people at once and even expand your reach. It allows you to stay connected with loyal customers and on-the-fence prospects who might otherwise never interact with you or your brand again.Email marketing is a high-impact, low-cost way of delivering your marketing messages to current customers and prospects if, that is, you have a great email list. If you dont, this course is for you. Do enroll to learn the most effective and creative ways to build your email list."
Price: 39.99

"Holistic therapy Online consulting room" |
"I selected the best tools to create an online ""consulting room"" based on my 5 years of experience with the therapy services.The main lectures in this course are:Google my business: learn how you can be found on google search and how you can get a free website.Calendly: learn the newest booking system, so your customers can make reservations of your therapy sessions in a professional way.Canva & Pixabay: learn how to create professional images for your website and social media to promote your products and services.Holistic therapies Guidelines: learn how to offer your products or services in adherence with the different Guidelines.At the end of this practical course, you will be able to offer your holistic therapy services completely online, in a professional way using completely free tools and in adherence to the new normality Guidelines."
Price: 19.99

"Apple Motion - Essentials Training Course" |
"Hello and welcome to Apple Motion - Essentials Training Course, Together, we will go for a simple and straightforward course that will give you the skills to understand apple motion very properly.And since I believe in learning by doing, so expect to discover concepts from the very beginning and apply them right away.This program will provide you with all the tools to understand motion 5 fast and efficiently.I guarantee, by the end of this course, you will be able to work with Apple motion very easily & fast.First, we will learn the basics of Apple Motion and the function of each window separately.Step by step you will start learning the basics, how to import media files, and how to publish motion projects and edit them in Final Cut Pro, and the relationship between Motion 5 and Final Cut proWe will learn how to animate objects, using keyframes and behaviors and the difference between them.You will learn about replicators, particle emitters, effects, and generators.By the end of the course, you will be able to use motion 5 smoothly.And I am very committed to student's success. I will be there to help you if you have any questions.CheersMaroua"
Price: 104.99

"Udemy For Recurring Income - (Unofficial)" |
"Since its launch in 2010 Udemy has become the go to place for people who want to acquire new skills through online video training.There are now more than 30 million students from all over the world and over 100,000 courses available.A lot of online marketers have tried to generate significant passive income through Udemy and have failed. This is because they made a number of mistakes that this guide will help you to avoid.Everything that you need to be successful with Udemy is in this video course. If you follow the best practices offered then you will maximize your chances of success.Topics covered:Why Udemy?How To Come Up With Profitable Udemy Course IdeasCreating An Outline For Your Udemy CourseGetting Prepared To Record Your Udemy VideosCreating Your Udemy VideosCreate A High Converting Landing PagePricing Your Udemy CourseCreate A Pre-Launch Sales Funnel For Your Udemy CourseLaunching Your Udemy Course And Further PromotionBest Practices For Success With Udemy Courses"
Price: 99.99

"Jeet kune Do , Wing Chun , Trapping 2, Techniken + Kombis" |
"Trapping ein wichtige Trainingsmethode aus dem Jeet Kune Do die ursprnglich aus dem Wing Chun stammt, dem Kampfsystem den Bruce Lee vor dem Jeet Kune Do gemacht hat.Trapping schult sehr viele Aspekte, wie zb Taktile Fhigkeiten, Armkontrolle des Gegners, Shortpower, Nahkampftechniken und vieles mehr.Jeder Jeet kune Do oder Wing Chun treibende und Selbstverteidigungsinteressierte der ideale Onlinekurs um sich in diesem Bereich weiterzubilden."
Price: 24.99

"Kali - Filipino Martial Arts : Program 1" |
"All the requirements for basic level 1 in Kali - Filipino Martial Arts including;Single & Double StickDaggerEmpty HandsFootworkSalutationsThis is the first level of our Kali Filipino Martial Arts system.Kali, also known as Arnis or Eskrima/Escrima, is the national martial art of the Philippines.The three are roughly interchangeable umbrella terms for the traditional martial arts of the Philippines (""Filipino Martial Arts"", or FMA), which emphasize weapon-based fighting with sticks, knives, bladed weapons, and various improvised weapons, as well as ""open hand"" techniques without weapons.Please practice the techniques in a safe manner."
Price: 24.99

"Certification EXCEL 2020 + ATELIERS PRATIQUES" |
"Matrisez rapidement les fonctions essentielles d'Excel 2020 pour crer vos propres feuilles de calcul.Destin aussi bien aux vrais dbutants sous Excel qu'aux utilisateurs des versions antrieures du tableur souhaitant se familiariser rapidement avec la nouvelle interface d'Excel 2020, ce cours d'auto-formation est construit en trois parties :La premire partie, Manuel utilisateur, prsente les fonctions de base d'Excel 2020 sous forme de fiches pratiques : prise en main de l'environnement de travail, gestion des classeurs et des feuilles de calcul, mise en page et impression, saisie et manipulation des donnes, cration d'une formule de calcul et traitement des erreurs, utilisation des noms de cellules ou de plages de cellules, mise en forme des cellules, fonctions de calcul, etc.La deuxime partie, Exercices de prise en main, vous permet d'assimiler les notions tudies prcdemment travers des exercices couvrant la plupart des fonctions Excel 2020 dont vous aurez besoin au quotidien.La troisime partie, Cas pratiques, vous propose de raliser vous-mme des documents Excel complets correspondant des applications courantes en entreprise : totaux et sous-totaux, volution d'un ratio, d'un taux de croissance, comparaison rsultats/objectifs, suivi des impays, statistiques, etc.La quatrime partie, Etudes des cas avec une analyse des donnes et l'utilisation des tableaux croiss avec des graphiques.Le cours dcrit comment effectuer les tches Excel 2020 aussi bien avec la souris qu' l'aide de l'cran tactile d'un ordinateur ou d'une tablette. la fin de ce cours, si vous le suivez en entier et russissez l'ensemble des quizz : Obtenez votre certification lectronique insrer dans votre CV et profil LinkedIn.(Dernire Mises Jours de la formation le 20/09/2020)"
Price: 199.99

"EMAIL MARKETING : De Dbutant Expert 2020" |
"Un guide pratique et accessible pour matriser tous les codes de l'emailing et de la newsletter !Pour une entreprise, l'emailing et la newsletter sont des outils de marketing direct incontournables, n'en dplaise ceux qui ne jurent que par les rseaux sociaux. Attrayantes, peu coteuses, efficaces, ces deux solutions offrent l'avantage de gnrer des rsultats rapides. Mais elles rclament un savoir-faire certain.Ce cours vous aidera : Bien comprendre la diffrence entre l'emailing et la newsletter Rpondre un objectif marketing prcis Construire un message clair et complet Mesurer les impacts de vos actions Et bien plus encore ! la fin de ce cours, si vous le suivez en entier et russissez l'ensemble des quizz : Obtenez votre certification lectronique insrer dans votre CV et profil LinkedIn.(Dernire Mises Jours de la formation le 30/08/2020)"
Price: 19.99

iabwrxot |
", . , . , , . , , ""doc"". :- ,- ,- , . ( - 9,99 ): 3D916BA599BFF3AFF071"
Price: 19.99

"Neste curso o aluno ter um primeiro contato com tcnicas de Footprinting and Reconnaissance (Rastreamento de Pessoas, Lugares e Dispositivos), que considerada a primeira etapa da atividade hacker.So abordados temas como endereo IP, endereo MAC, VPN, TOR e navegao annima, rastreamento de e-mail / e-mail annimo, anonimato de navegao, comandos ping e tracert, Deep Web, questes legais e criminais, google hacking (dorking), informaes financeiras, segurana do BIOS, dentre outros."
Price: 579.99

"Curso das LEIS DO PODER - Influencie Pessoas" |
"Neste curso das Leis do Poder, voc aprender com exemplos e de forma prtica a aplicar as Leis do Poder em relacionamentos amorosos, familiares, acadmicos e profissionais, influenciando pessoas e se defendendo do Bullying e de manipuladores e chantagistas.Ao longo de 10 aulas prticas e objetivas, voc aprender as seguintes milenares Leis do Poder:AULA 1 - No discuta, fuja do infeliz e use o egosmo das pessoas.AULA 2 Use o Efeito Espelho, elimine o inimigo e transforme ausncia em poder.AULA 3 Seja imprevisvel, no se comprometa e no se isole.AULA 4 Se defenda dos idiotas sendo idiota, concentre as suas foras e seja leve e livre.AULA 5 Controle as alternativas, planeje sempre e seja ousado(a).AULA 6 Crie fantasias, encontre o ponto frgil e se comporte como um rei (rainha).AULA 7 Confunda os peixes, ataque o lder e se comporte como os outros.AULA 8 No seja perfeito, pare na hora certa e no siga casos de sucesso.AULA 9 No aceite nada de graa, converta dor em poder e faa shows.AULA 10 Fale menos e revolucione tudo, mas seja conservador."
Price: 579.99

"Matemtica para o Ensino Fundamental" |
"Este Curso de Matemtica para o Ensino Fundamental tem como objetivo introduzir ou relembrar os tpicos fundamentais da Matemtica para o Ensino Fundamental, sendo ideal para os alunos(as) do Ensino Fundamental, alunos(as) do EJA (Educao de Jovens e Adultos), alunos(as) de cursos supletivos, alunos(as) do ensino mdio e superior que desejem revisar conceitos e temas do Ensino Fundamental, e concurseiros em geral que busquem um desempenho excelente em Concursos Pblicos em Matemtica do Ensino Fundamental. Cada aula tem apontamentos manuscritos do professor disponvel para download pelo aluno(a).O Curso dividido em 5 (cinco) Sees, cada uma contendo 3 (trs) aulas, totalizando 15 aulas, distribudas da seguinte forma:SEO 1: AULA 1 - Fraes AULA 2 - Divisibilidade AULA 3 - Equaes do Primeiro GrauSEO 2: AULA 4 - Inequaes do Primeiro Grau AULA 5 - Potenciao AULA 6 - RadiciaoSEO 3: AULA 7 - Regra de Trs AULA 8 - Dzima Peridica AULA 9 - Equao do Segundo GrauSEO 4: AULA 10 - Porcentagem AULA 11 - Figuras Planas e Medidas AULA 12 - Medidas de Massa e TempoSEO 5: AULA 13 - Trigonometria no Tringulo-Retngulo AULA 14 - Mdias AULA 15 - Fatorao de Expresses Algbricas"
Price: 579.99

"Ethical Hacking - Footprinting and Reconnaissance" |
"In this course the student will have a first contact with techniques of Footprinting and Reconnaissance, which is considered the first step of the hacker activity. It addresses issues such as IP address, VPN, TOR and anonymous browsing, anonymous email / email tracking, browsing anonymity, ping and tracert commands, Deep Web, legal and criminal issues, google hacking (dorking) , financial information, among others."
Price: 579.99
