"How to Learn Piano Quickly and Successfully" |
"Want to learn how to play piano quickly and successfully? This course helps you fast-track and ace your piano learning through mastering a mindset that is conducive to success. Save time and understand how to set goals, tips to effective and efficient practice, reveal the myths of musical talent. Immediate solutions of how to play musically, and teaching secrets distilled from 35 years of teaching practice by Dr. Angela Chan (Ph.D. in Piano Performance, Education and Psychology), which has fostered the musical performance ability of hundreds of international prodigy prize winners of major competitions. Now available to you in a condensed manner!"
Price: 19.99

"Chess Basics 101" |
"If you have never played the game, this is your chance to learn the basics of this royal game. After you complete the course you will be skilled enough to beat everyone around you and watch others in amazement as you deliver checkmate. GENIUS! They would scream. But it's just a couple of hours of fun learning. The benefits of chess transcend the game and will spill into other aspects of your life - Problem Solving skills, better memory, more focus, creativity, risk assessment, cognitive growth and we can go on and on."
Price: 4480.00

"Manifesting Art in Schools to create well-rounded learners" |
"This has the mission of empowering you to use a range of art related strategies across your school so that you can holistically work with others in a cross-curricular way to help to raise standards in teaching, learning and well-being. In particular this course focuses on the concept of building student transferable skills (such as communication, reflection, questioning, resilience etc), creativity and creative thinking and importantly through visual literacy and mindfulness- all using tried and tested techniques and strategies not usually seen outside of a typical art room. There will be methods of artistic techniques discussed throughout the course however these can be used by non-specialists making them accessible to anyone who works in your school. You will consider what happens in and out of the classroom and be introduced to ideas for taking art beyond your school site. This course has been designed to inspire, support and engage you with practical strategies so you can purposefully and authentically 'Manifest Art' across your school for greater good. The resources that accompany this course have been specially created and reinforce the value for money that this course offers. There are very few-if any- similar CPD courses out there and in most cases these courses, not only are they usually double the price, they require time out of school meaning staff need to arrange cover work and miss out teaching their classes. This course gives you the opportunity to do things at your own pace- you may wish to take things section by section implementing new ideas and strategies in your school as you go or you may prefer to complete the course in one go and formulate your own plan from there. It doesn't matter if you are a specialist or non specialist teacher, support staff or a senior leader- you just need to be willing to want to make positive changes in your school and be open minded to see how art can help you to facilitate this!The sections for this course are presented as follows:An introduction to the course and an opportunity for you to reflect on the existing situation for art within your school as well as considering perceptions and misconceptions of 'art' and 'artists'. The goal of this section is to get you thinking about art being something that should manifest beyond an art room and across the whole school. You will consider art as more than just a subject or relating solely to techniques as art in intrinsic with creative thinking, visual literacy and an appreciation of the world and culture around us.In section 2 we will cover benefits of art and why it is crucial for developing the whole, well rounded learners that as schools we aspire to create.In section 3 we will cover cross-curricular strategies to raise the profile of art school wide. These will include ideas for different subjects including core, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths) as well as opportunities for consideration outside of lessons.In section 4 we will look at using art for stretch and challenge. It is recommended that this is looked as something of importance for all students and not just the 'more able' learners. In particular, there is a focus on using questioning skills that can benefit any subject or topic of learning.Section 5 covers art for confidence. There will be strategies for consideration that can benefit students with learning difficulties as well as those who need to develop more of a 'growth mindset'.Art for well-being is covered in section 6 and includes many practical downloadable resources to use. There is a particular focus on art for mindfulness techniques- something that can particularly benefit students struggling to cope with Covid 19, emotions, thoughts and feelings and notably exam stress.A whole school approach is the focus for section 7. How can you successfully work to get the school team on board with you? Practical resources are provided to help your facilitation of this including slides to use in assemblies and for staff meetings/CPD.The final part is section 8 where we will bring the course to a conclusion along with bonus materials to help set you up with your own mission to manifest art in schools. This section includes a bonus lecture focusing on creative careers.Other points to note:This course has been written from a UK perspective (therefore it uses UK spelling and terminology!) however the majority of the content will be transferable to schools outside of the UK. Anything that is exclusively for UK educators will be clearly marked, usually as 'bonus' content.I have curated many web links that support the topics covered in this course. Please be aware that by providing these links I am in no way affiliated with the sites in question, they are merely there for further interest and reading should you wish to reflect more on the topics covered in that specific lecture. Although I have done my best to ensure every link is working I cannot be responsible for changes at the end of the link. Should any link stop working, please let me know so I can remove it. If you have any links to suggest for the benefit of other students please message me and I will include them in future course updates!Please ask questions in the Q&A section. Responses will be endeavoured to be given within 3 working days (in UK time) where possible (if not more promptly!). Please ensure you read any existing questions first as your own question may have already been asked and answered. Q&As are very helpful to the course as they can inform others but also will, over time, help to make tweaks and improvements that will benefit others. Remember there is no such thing as a silly question if you would like any of the course content clarified/explained so you can gain a better understanding of what has been presented.Please do leave feedback where prompted. Feedback will lead to future improvements to this course and will lead to any issues you have experienced being resolved for yourself and others. Feedback is very much appreciated and of course positive feedback with 5 star reviews will be celebrated- and will lead to more people joining our mission!Udemy will provide you with a personal certificate of completion at the end of the course. The certificate will not be accessible until 100% of the lectures have been complete. If you get to the end and it is not displaying 100% then please look back to check all the lectures have a tick against them to show they are complete. Any issues please contact Udemy.You can also apply for the 'Manifesting art in schools' certificate for display in your school along with a badge to use on school materials to demonstrate you are a school who values art. This certificate and badge will be provided at no additional charge. All you need to do is make the request after you have completed the course completion along with the name of your school as you would like it written on the certificate. The certificate and badge will be provided usually within 1-2 weeks of request.If you experience any technical issues during this course please contact Udemy direct who will be best placed to support you. Note that some phones/tablets may need a PDF reader installed before you are able to access the resources attached to the lectures."
Price: 199.99

"Master Houdini FX: Create Stunning Visual Effects rigs" |
"There are over 50 Houdini hip files to download all in one zip file for convenience.1080p resolution available, set the video player to ""Auto"" and it will stream at 1080p if your hardware is capable.Everything we learn will be hands on, creating setups in Houdini with down-loadable files for you to inspect.We will start at the lowest level of a rig, learning the basic nodes and concepts that build more powerful rigs.We will learn and utilize the power of VEX in Wrangle nodes to create many of our rigs.We will see the differences between Vops and wrangles and learn when to use which.We will extensively cover the major areas of Houdini Dynamics used most commonly in Professional Post Production Facilities.We will create many Particle effects and fully understand how to manipulate particles and grains.We will create a project that disintegrates an object using POPSs while projecting a photographic plate to shade our geometry and create a final Composition.I will show you how you can create full compositions out of your rendered elements right inside of Houdini.We will learn how to use the Wire Solver for creating ropes and vines.We will Learn a Lot about RBD systems, the packed primitive workflow , controlling RBDs by color with wrangles inside DOPs, creating Glue constraints to influence our destruction behavior, and how powerful using a multisolver setup can be.We will cover the differences of using a smoke solver, a pyro solver, when you need which, and many ways to create custom fields to modify your temperature and velocity grids within DOPs to have ultimate control over your simulations.We will explore the Vellum solver and how to create Squish-able, deform-able, and tear-able objects and how to art direct our tearing to our liking.We will explore Flip Fluids and see how to use animated geometry to push our way through fluids, collide geometry with fluids, how to create spraying fluid sources like water from a hose and how viscosity works to create sticky fluids.You will learn how many of the DOP networks are very similar and how to use multiple types of solvers in the same DOP network.You will see the unlimited power Houdini software gives the user to create incredible FX rigs.Why Houdini is the program of choice in leading visual effects studios? Houdini is the most powerful single piece of software available for creating blockbuster level visual effects in the entertainment industry. Unlike many of the other software packages out there, you will not see a bunch of plugins available for Houdini, you do not need any with Houdini. Houdini offers all the tools an artist needs to create practically any kind of effect you can think of, all within the base Houdini environment. From its pre built shelf setups, you can get a long way to creating a great effect, but we are going to focus mainly on creating FX rigs from the ground up throughout this lecture, using the shelf setups sparingly. When you create your own rigs from scratch, you know everything that goes into it, you know what every node does, and you know you have added only what is needed to finish your work and you have a more efficient network. We will start with the very basics, and build upon what we have learned in every lecture to create more and more advanced rigs. We are going to use a lot of VEX within wrangle nodes, but I will show alternatives to a VEX workflow for artists that are not as comfortable writing code, you will learn to code as we go. VOPs nodes are writing VEX code under the hood when you wire networks together inside them, so you are creating code and might not even know it! We will start exploring houdini with examples showing how to use some of the most frequently used nodes and then go into creating a few rigs that look dynamic but arent actually simulating anything. From there, we will go into Particle setups to get comfortable within the DOP network. The next step is to check out the Wire Solver. We will then advance into RBDs, some of my favorite FX to create. We will see how our knowledge form the particle lectures will give us a head start to creating advanced setups with the Bullet solver. After RBDs, we move into Smoke and Pyro sims. I will show you how to create custom fields to manipulate and control your Pyro with volumes and show how you can import pure point data to create fields to control your Smoke and Pyro directly in the DOP network. We will then jump into Vellum, a relatively new addition to Houdini that adds incredible tools for simulating softbody style dynamics such as cloth, inflatable and deflating objects, squish-able objects and objects that can tear apart. Our final section will show some examples of using the Flip Solver to create detailed splashing water and liquids that can be aimed out of an emitter like water from a garden hose. We will see how once again, our particle knowledge comes in handy when working with Flip by utilizing pops nodes to help control our fluids. By the time you are finished with this course, you will have learned all the major areas of Houdini that are used the most frequently in major production studios in the entertainment industry and have a solid foundation to continue learning more advanced setups in Houdini. Anyone from a beginner to a working professional can benefit from this course. There is no one single way of creating anything in Houdini, and seeing how other artists work will always reveal a new trick or method you might not have been aware of before. If you are interested in seeing how to create real world visual FX rigs that are used in production everyday, then this is the course for you."
Price: 74.99

"Crea personajes que enamoren al lector" |
"Uno de los aspectos ms importantes de la escritura creativa son los personajes. Seguro que a ti tambin te ha ocurrido, encontrarte leyendo una novela y darte cuenta de que te da lo mismo lo que le ocurra al protagonista.Algo que hace, por lo general, que dejes de leer de inmediato.Como escritor, te interesa que eso no ocurra. Necesitas que el lector se interese por tus personajes, sufra con ellos, se alegre con ellos.Eso se consigue dotando de vida a los personajes, haciendo que resulten realistas, como si el lector pudiera llegar a encontrrselos por la calle.En este curso aprenders las caractersticas que deben tener tus personajes para que el lector pueda empatizar con ellos. Adems, descubrirs los diferentes tipos de personaje, ya que no es lo mismo un personaje protagonista que uno principal, por ejemplo.Conocers tambin distintos tipos de narradores, ya que el narrador no deja de ser un personaje especial.Y, para terminar, te dar algunas pistas sobre cmo describir a tus personajes para dar al lector la informacin que quieras darle de forma integrada en la historia."
Price: 24.99

"Live und Evergreen Webinar erstellen" |
"Lerne, wie Du dein Business erfolgreicher machst, ohne Marketing-Profi oder Webdesigner zu sein... und dazu auch noch Geld sparst.warum Du KEINEN Webdesigner oder Programmierer brauchst und kein Grafikdesign lernen musst!Live-Einblicke in unsere Geheimwaffe!Du erfhrst, warum wir mit unserer Online-Marketing-Geheimwaffe noch 2020 jede andere Software in den Schatten stellen werden.Community!Das, was wir hier erschaffen haben, darauf sind wir verdammt stolz: Unsere deutsche Community ist weltweit einzigartig in dieser Form!Kostenlose Online Marketing AusbildungIn wchentlichen, kostenlosen Trainings bilden Dich unsere Experten zum absoluten Profi aus. Der Wert dieser Ausbildung ist unbezahlbar!Die wichtigsten Tools fr Deinen Erfolg!Wir geben Dir einen virtuellen Rundgang und geben Dir Einblicke in das, was sich auch bei DIR ndern knnen wird."
Price: 24.99

"CLAT & other Law Entrance Legal Aptitude Mock Tests" |
"The students appearing for any law entrance examination (particularly in India) will be greatly benefited by this course. CLAT syllabus and pattern was completely overhauled this year, so practice tests are neither available online nor in books. These questions have been framed according to the new pattern i.e comprehension based. By successfully going through this, students will be a huge advantage in cracking CLAT or other law entrance examination."
Price: 1280.00

"PrestoDB: The Ultimate PrestoDB Course" |
"Welcome to this course: PrestoDB: The Ultimate PrestoDB Course. Presto is an open-source software project to develop a database query engine using the standard Structured Query Language (SQL). It is a distributed system that runs on a cluster of machines. A full installation includes a coordinator and multiple workers. Queries are submitted from a client such as the Presto CLI to the coordinator. It can be visualized as one coordinator node working in sync with multiple worker nodes. Clients submit SQL statements that get parsed and planned following which parallel tasks are scheduled to workers. Workers jointly process rows from the data sources and produce results that are returned to the client. In this course, you'll learn:Gain an in-depth understanding of PrestoDBLearn and understand Presto architectureLearn how to install and configure PrestoLearning Hadoop integrationsLearn how to query dataUnderstanding Presto Administration and MonitoringLearn and understand Presto securityAt the end of this course, you will be equipped with all the required industry skills and knowledge to become a PrestoDB developer and administrator."
Price: 199.99

"Complexidade de Software" |
"Este curso apresenta questes relacionadas complexidade de software e como ela pode afetar a evoluo de um projeto. D uma noo sobre dvida tcnica e sua relao com a complexidade alm de uma viso de como deve ser um software a partir das quatro regras da simplicidade do Kent Beck. Aborda as duas principais medidas de complexidade no mercado: Complexidade Ciclomtica e Complexidade Cognitiva. Por fim faz uma apresentao de como refatorar cdigos com alta complexidade e uma anlise final como como, atravs de refatoraao, manter o cdigo sempre simples e de fcil manuteno."
Price: 39.99

"Introduction to Concurrency in C# - Async and Paralellism" |
"In this course you will learn how to use asynchronous programming and parallelism in C #.We will look at both patterns and antipatterns of concurrency. That is, we will see what things we should do, but we will also see what things we should not do.With asynchronous programming we can:Run a set of I / O tasks at the same timePrevent the UI of our applications from freezingScale up our ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core applicationsCancel tasks so that the user does not have to wait for their completionImplement generic retry logicCreate asynchronous streamsWith parallel programming we can:Accelerate the execution of certain algorithmsApply transformations to a set of images in parallelUse synchronization mechanisms to avoid race conditionsDefine the maximum degree of parallelismConfigure instances of a class by threadsUse LINQ in parallelWe will learn all of this in this course!"
Price: 34.99

"Blockchain and Bitcoin 101" |
"Have you ever thought about investing in Bitcoin? Do you want to make money in the ever growing Bitcoin even though you think you don't have the time or money to invest? Well have no fear because you can invest something into Bitcoin and make money and I am going to show you the right way to deal with Bitcoin. Even the most staunch of investors have some money in Bitcoin. Get onboard now before the prices become out of reach for most of us in the investing world. We will cover the basics of what Bitcoin actually is and its advanced blockchain technology features such as the digital key and ledger. We will also look at the pros and cons of using Bitcoin as a store of value. Bitcoin is the future of all digital transactions and it can be stored safely and securely in your digital wallet that cannot be hacked unlike a traditional bank account. You need to learn the basics about Bitcoin now so that you can successfully trade it in the future for even more money than you have right now. It does not matter how much Bitcoin you own as long as you own some of it, you will be well placed in the future to capitalize on the digital revolution that is coming in the next few years regarding products and services around the world."
Price: 19.99

"Collateral Securities A Comprehensive Study" |
"Are you working in a Bank or Financial Institution and interested in developing your knowledge about various collateral securities, its characteristics, importance and areas of caution?Then this course will help you!Collateral Securities A Comprehensive StudyEvery Credit Officer should not only gain expertise in Credit / Financial Analysis but they should also have good knowledge about different types of collateral securities offered by the borrowers to secure their loans. In the event of default by the borrower, it is the collateral security which comes to the rescue of bank / financial institution as a fall back support. In this course, you will learn about Collateral Securities coveringa) Land and Buildingb) Goodsc) Documents of Title to Goodsd) Advances against Life Insurance Policiese) Advance against Shares.This course is structured in self paced learning style. Have a note pad and pen along side to take note of key point.For best learning experience, use your headset.See you inside the course."
Price: 129.99

"The Ultimate Guide to Stencil for Merch By Amazon, KDP & POD" |
"In this course, you will learn how to use Stencil (a web-based online design program) to quickly and easily make amazing designs that you can use for Merch By Amazon products, KDP book covers, and much, much more. Stencil gives users access to over two million royalty-free images and photos as well as over two million icons that you can use to make eye-catching Merch By Amazon designs and KDP covers. This course covers the different dimensions and file-type requirements for Merch By Amazon and KDP. This course includes videos showing students how to use Stencil to make Merch By Amazon designs for t-shirts, tank-tops, v-necks, long-sleeve, raglan, sweatshirts, hoodies, cellphone cases, and Popsockets. For KDP, this course shows students how to make Kindle covers as well as specific dimensions and size requirements for full, wrap-around covers for self-published paperback booksYou can use Stencil from any Chrome browser, you can upload your own image assets, and you can save your designs to the cloud.New users get a free month of Stencil included in this online course. Create and download as many Merch By Amazon designs and KDP book covers as you want during your free trial."
Price: 49.99

"Rock Guitar Masterclass" |
"Dans cette formation, vous allez apprendre dvelopper votre niveau la guitare selon vos objectifs personnel. Vous y dcouvrirez une approche modulaire, facile adapter vos besoins, dveloppe depuis plus de 25 ans avec mes lves directs. La formation est en volution permanente et de nouvelles vido et contenus y sont ajouts chaque semaine afin de la complter et de rpondre vos besoins. Des dizaines d'exercices, apprendre vos gammes ( et comment les utiliser ) 3 fois plus rapidement que la moyenne, dvelopper votre vocabulaire d'accords facilement, apprendre jouer facilement sur tout le manche ( sans avoir besoin d'y rflchir ), mieux mmoriser les morceaux de votre repertoire, amliorer votre expressivit, dvelopper votre prcision et votre vlocit, amliorer votre groove, ainsi que comprendre comment jouer dans n'importe quel contexte sont quelques uns des thmes dvelopps dans cette formation. Guitariste professionnel depuis plus de 25 ans, et pdagogue reconnu, auteur de plus de 60 formations sur la guitare, coach de nombreux guitaristes amateurs et professionnel, musicien de studio et producteur, cette formation contient l'ensemble de ce dont vous avez besoin pour vous mettre au niveau que vous dsirez atteindre. "
Price: 49.99

"(PSI / STI / ASO / Police Bharati)" |
"PSI / STI / ASO / MPSC / Banking / Police Bharati , . 1) 2) 3) PSI / STI / , , 4) 5) 6) , ,"
Price: 1280.00

"Project DPro 2nd Edition" |
Price: 39.99

"Aprende matemticas desde cero - Aritmtica" |
"Conoce, aprende y refuerza todo lo necesario para llegar a dominar la rama de la Aritmtica dentro del mbito de las Matemticas de la mano de los instructores Joan Amengual, Juan Gabriel Gomila, Joan Pont y Mara Santos.La estructura dinmica de este curso de Aritmtica te ayudar a asentar las bases de este campo de las Matemticas. En primer lugar, podrs ver los vdeos de teora donde tienes todo lo esencial explicado en formato de vdeo y podrs aprender y repasar los conceptos clave de todos los temas de la Aritmtica. Cada clase viene con un PDF con toda la teora explicada y ejercicios resueltos as que lo podrs combinar como ms te apetezca. Los temas de aritmtica que veremos dan en este curso han sido organizados de forma gradual, de acuerdo a la estructura seguida en la enseanza de las Matemticas para que puedas ir aprendiendo paso a paso y sin dificultad.Nmeros reales, sus propiedades y como operar con ellos.Un repaso de los nmeros enteros.Teora de nmeros. Descomposicin en nmeros primos, Mximo Comn Mltiplo, Mnimo Comn Divisor y divisin entera.Fracciones. Operaciones y nmeros decimales.Potencias y sus propiedades.El uso de la notacin cientfica.Logaritmos y sus propiedades.Razones y proporciones. Uso de la regla de tres, clculo de porcentajes e intereses simples y compuestos.Diferentes sistemas de numeracin, cmo pasar de uno a otro y operar en ellos.Sistema mtrico decimal y equivalencias en las unidades de longitud, superficie, volumen y masa.Nmeros denominados y cmo operar con ellos.Races y sus propiedades,Resolucin de problemas con el uso de lgica aritmtica.Adems, por si fuera poco, en este curso te encontrars con ms de 300 ejercicios resueltos paso a paso, explicados y detallados para que aprendas las tcnicas y trucos necesarios para resolver cualquier problema aritmtico al que te puedas enfrentar.Para que puedas poner a prueba y asentar los conocimientos que adquieres a medida que avanzas, tienes a tu disposicin ms de 400 ejercicios a resolver, repartidos en retos y tareas que podrs llevar a cabo y comparar sus soluciones tanto con las de los instructores como con la de los compaeros del curso.Una vez termines el curso, sers todo un profesional de la Aritmtica. Y adems, al disponer de todo esto en un solo curso, te permitir nivelar tus conocimientos de Matemticas de nivel de secundaria, bachillerato y pre universitario y empezar con buen pie tus futuros estudios universitarios, o en el campo de la programacin, la inteligencia artificial, el machine learning o el data science con garantas de xito.Te esperamos en clase para que por fin disfrutes de las matemticas y puedas convertirte en todo un profesional!"
Price: 199.99

"Unity 3D fr Anfnger Spieleprogrammierung (Version 2020.2)" |
"Unity 3D - Spieleprogrammierung fr absolute AnfngerKurz vorweg: Dieser Kurs ist momentan im Aufbau. Ich gehe davon aus, ca. 200 Lektionen zu erstellen. Wenn du den Kurs jetzt kaufst, wirst du die hinzukommenden Lektionen sukzessive aufrufen knnen ohne den Kurs erneut kaufen zu mssen. Mglicherweise werden es aber auch mehr Lektionen werden.Welche Voraussetzungen brauchst du fr diesen Kurs?Du solltest ein Anfnger sein, der keinerlei Erfahrung mit der Spieleprogrammierung hat. Natrlich will ich niemanden ausschlieen, der bereits seine ersten Erfahrungen mit Unity und C# gemacht hat. Alle sind herzlich eingeladen, die Spa daran haben, selbst einmal ein Spiel zu erstellen.Mglicherweise willst du, wenn du mehr Erfahrungen gesammelt hast, dein Spiel in den gngigen Plattformen anbieten und damit Geld verdienen. Das ist mglich, wenn du die erste Hrde mit meinem Lehrgang meisterst.Wir werden gemeinsam ein Spiel programmieren, das du mglicherweise als Brettspiel kennst. Das Programm denkt sich aus sechs Farben 4 unterschiedliche aus, verrt sie dir aber nicht. Deine Aufgabe ist es, die erdachte Farbenkombination systematisch herauszufinden. Als Feedback bekommst du vom Spiel blaue und gelbe Buttons, je nachdem, ob du die Farbe richtig erraten und positioniert hast, oder ob die Farbe stimmt, die Position aber noch falsch ist.Wir beginnen bei null, also bei einer vllig leeren 3D-Umgebung und bauen erst einmal die Mechanik. Anschlieend, wenn dir alles gefllt, werden wir die Programmlogik erstellen, also das, was hinter der Fassade passiert. Diese Programmlogik erstellen wir in C#.Muss ich noch etwas kaufen? Kommen weitere Kosten auf mich zu?Nein. Zur Teilnahme an diesem Kurs brauchst du lediglich das, was du bereits vor dir stehen hast: Einen Computer, einen Bildschirm, eine Tastatur und eine Maus. Zu Empfehlen ist eine Drei-Tasten-Maus, denn die erleichtert dir das Designen unheimlich.Du brauchst keinerlei Spezialhardware, auch keinen gewaltigen Monitor und auch keine High-End-Grafikkarte. Es reicht ein normales Office-Notebook oder ein Standard-PC. Lediglich genug freien Platz auf der Festplatte solltest du haben. Ich denke da an ca. 30-50 GB.Eines jedoch brauchst du: Geduld, eine gewisse Frustrationstoleranz gegenber Programmierfehlern, die einfach nur gut versteckt sind, und den Willen, mit Flei und bung C# lernen zu wollen.C# ist kein Hexenwerk. Am Anfang sieht es etwas seltsam aus, doch mit jedem Tag, den du damit verbringst, wird es leichter, es zu verstehen.Welches Spiel werden wir programmieren?Wir programmieren den Klassiker ""Master Mind"", den ich etwas abgewandelt habe. Du musst 4 Farben aus 6 mglichen erraten. Du musst dabei aber nicht nur die Farbe, sondern auch die richtige Kombination der Farben herausfinden - durch systematisches Nachdenken.Mein Ziel / meine Vorgehensweise:Ich habe mir in diesem Kurs viel Mhe gegeben, diesen so zu gestalten, dass gerade Anfnger, die noch nie programmiert haben, nicht direkt verzweifeln. Ich erklre zuerst die notwendigen Dinge der Programmieroberflche, anschlieend tauchen wir langsam und sanft in die Navigation im 3D-Raum sowie in die Programmierung ein. Du wirst Objekte kennenlernen, Prefabs, Materials und viele andere Dinge, die fr das Spiel notwendig sind. Dabei werde ich es vermeiden, dich mit anfangs berflssigem, nicht notwendigem Wissen zuzuschtten.Frust und Stress beim Programmieren versuche ich zu vermeiden. Es soll Spa machen. Spa steht an erster Stelle. Und mit Spa und Motivation wirst du sicher ganz schnell lernen, mit Unity dein erstes Projekt zu erstellen.Nun gib dir einen Ruck und trau dich. Du wirst es schaffen. Lass dich nicht von dir selbst entmutigen. Ich habe schon vielen Menschen das Programmieren beigebracht, und ich hoffe, dass ich dich bald dazuzhlen kann.Bis gleich in der ersten Videolektion.Andr Schaberick"
Price: 99.99

"FL Studio 20 Ultimate Music Production Course" |
"""I wanna create music using but I don't know how""""I end up being confused whenever I open up FL Studio 20""If you think making music using FL Studio 20 is hard. Well, Think Again!This course is designed for those who want to make music without having any prior musical skills.Key Features of the course -1. Made for Everyone (Beginners can learn from scratch, Pros can brush up their skills).2. Well Structured (Includes basic skills and Complex techniques).3. More Than Seven Hours of Video Tutorials That Cover Most Topics.4. All Important Topics Are Covered - Taking a brief look on all major FL Studio 20 plugins and features. - Sound designing using 3xosc, Fruity DX10 etc. - Basic music theory. - Mixing and Mastering to basic side-chain. - Making and finishing full-length tracks.This course is structure in a beginner friendly way, it provides all the detail from scratch.The following describes the course in a better way -INTRODUCTIONStudents start by doing nothing but some minor changes in the looks of the Digital Audio Workstation. This gives students a brief intro and does not feed them too much information by not introducing them to any tough tasks in the beginning of the course.THE BASICSStudents learn about the things which are must to start producing music. They also learn about the significant changes that have been made in FL Studio 20. This section covers some basic techniques which include :Using Channel RackUsing The BrowserUsing The MixerUsing The Piano RollRecordingAutomation ClipsMaking Your First TrackThis section also includes some lectures on how to use everything to create a finished track.ADVANCE TECHNIQUESThis section covers up everything you need to know to take your production level to the next level. This section includes these techniques -Side-chainingSamplingSound DesigningAdvance Mixing& more.The structure of this course might seem a bit off, but it has been arranged in a way, that gives students the best learning experience."
Price: 19.99

"Finances for Entrepreneurs and Freelancers" |
"This course is for those of you who are setting out on an entrepreneurial adventure and wish to dedicate their working hours to their startup, and possibly to marketing their startup, rather than creating financial statements and following some accounting course to create an income statement they will probably never follow over the long-term. Maybe you're just starting out as an Entrepreneur, or with a new Start-up, or as a Freelancer. Or maybe you set out some time ago, and are just realizing that maybe, just maybe, setting your finances in order would have been a good thing. In this Course you will learn how to handle finances, money and your budgeting, from the beginning, with where to spend your money, how to spend your money, clear through to how to handle the money you earn. And you won't need to learn what EBITDA stands for, let alone recreate it for your financial statements."
Price: 24.99

"Aulas voltadas para quem quer prestar PROVAS e CONCURSOS PBLICOS em geral. Foco em estudantes, professores, pessoas que desejam aprofundar em temas dentro de correntes lingusticas. Tambm podem ser bem aproveitadas para FINS ACADMICOS, LITERRIOS, ou mesmo para quem quer apenas saber escrever melhor. Interesses diversos: Lingustica textual, Semntica, Potica, concursos, ENEM, etc."
Price: 24.99

"Using Orbus iServer to Build your Enterprise Architecture" |
"Hi Everyone,Our objective is to show theory in practice and supply valuable insights to our key stakeholders. Right?So, In this course we CLEAN, TRANSFORM and LOAD data into a visual Enterprise Architecture modeling tool, Orbus iServer. We use contemporary tools to demonstrate techniques for EA analysis. All of this is documented in excel spreadsheets and supplied as downloadable resources. The sheets are complete with Power Query steps to separate, unpivot and filter data completing a cleanup procedure ready for import.Also included are valuable documents and demonstrations specifically teaching you about Orbus iServer features and how to drive.So let's get started !!Kind RegardsKarl"
Price: 44.99

"Essential Git Quickstart for Beginners" |
"About this Course.This course is designed for people who want to cut out the computer science and complex concepts behind Git and quickly learn the essential commands and Git features needed to start using Git today. With explanations designed to ease you into understanding the important concepts of Git without overwhelming you with the under-the-hood specifics.This course uses very few slide presentations and focuses on short lectures with practical onscreen demos that you can follow along to.Topics Covered.Install and Configure GitCreate your First Git RepositoryAdd Files to GitModify and Delete Files within a RepoUnderstand the Concepts of The Git TimelineWork with Git BranchesDealing with Merge ConflictsUnderstand and use TagsCreate a Basic Git Server using SSHWork with Git Remote RepositoriesIf you want a quick and practical introduction to Git, this is the course for you."
Price: 19.99

30-yhzeu |
Price: 9600.00

"VIM - Ms que solo un procesador de texto" |
"Si te gusta la programacin, la administracin de servidores Linux, la automatizacin; y quieres aprender a editar archivos de configuracin, cdigo fuente, o cualquier archivo de textos. Entonces este curso es para ti.Vim es un editor de textos muy poderoso, donde incluye caractersticas avanzadas para lnea de comandos, la edicin simultnea de varios archivos, uso de portapapeles compartido entre archivos mediante la gestin de paneles horizontales y verticales; son solo pocas de las tantas funciones que cumple VIM.En este curso aprenders a moverte dentro del VIM, desde lo ms bsico. Aprenders el manejo de comandos y teclas, y podrs utilizar varias de las caractersticas avanzadas del excelente editor de texto VIM."
Price: 19.99

"Google Data Studio. . Data Visualization." |
"""Google Data Studio. . Data Visualization.""! , Google Data Studio , Google Data Studio. :1.1. GOOGLE DATA STUDIO1.2. GOOGLE DATA STUDIO 1.3. GOOGLE DATA STUDIO2.1. GOOGLE DATA STUDIO2.2. DATA STUDIO2.3. GOOGLE DATA STUDIO GOOGLE ANALYTICS2.4. 2.5. 2.6. , 2.7. 2.8. 2.9. 2.10. 2.11. 2.12. PDF2.13. DATA STUDIO2.14. 2.15. GOOGLE DATA STUDIO2.16. 2.17. 3.1. . 3.2. . 3.3. . GOOGLE ADS4.1. GOOGLE DATA STUDIO MICROSOFT POWER BI : Google Data Studio Google Data Studio Google Data Studio Google Data Studio Google Data Studio Google Data Studio , Google Data Studio Google Data Studio Google Data Studio Google Data Studio Google Data Studio Google Data Studio Power BI"
Price: 199.99

"Curso de las estructuras del ingls por condicionamiento" |
"El curso abarca las estructuras bsicas y no bsicas del ingls, que son la forma en la que ordenas las palabras para que tengan sentido, las bsicas tienen la misma funcin y orden que espaol, mientras las no bsicas tienen la misma funcin pero diferente orden en ingls, se instalan en el subconciente por medio de condicionamiento neuroasociativo, bsicamente es repetir para anclar una habilidad a otra ya existente. Despus tenemos los problemas de la interferencia del espaol, que es el querer decir cosas de una idioma a otro las cuales no se pueden decir ya que no existen como tal, ya sean verbos, palabras, y formas estructurales de hablar, abarcamos las 5 principales.Adems incluye las 500 palabras ms comunes del ingls para agregar vocabulario funcional ms rpido."
Price: 495.00

"Fundamentals of Electrical Instrumentation" |
"In this course you will learn the Fundamentals of Electrical Instrumentation - you will learn about the different types of devices, sensors, and circuits used in this field.Instrumentation is the vital ingredient that enables the process control systems of buildings and factories to run smoothly. Within these process control systems are numerous instrumentation devices that take measurements and perform operations which are transmitted and received via electrical circuits - in other words along the wires that they are connected to!It takes a skilful person to know how these electrical circuits work and how the wiring must be connected. That's where you come in!After completing this course, you will know how to wire up digital (discrete) & analog instrumentation devices and understand how the electrical circuits connected to them work.Electrical instrumentation devices come in many forms, the four types that we will focus on in this course are:-Digital (discrete) Inputs-Digital (discrete) Outputs-Analog Inputs-Analog OutputsIn the course we will start off by looking at Digital Inputs, we will learn about what digital input devices are used for and learn how to connect them to a controller in sink and source configuration. Connecting a push button and a proximity sensor as digital input devices will be demonstrated.Digital Outputs are covered next, we learn how to connect a solenoid actuated water valve as an output device and also look at sink and source wiring configurations.About halfway through the course we put what we've learnt to the test by surfing the net and studying some various wiring diagrams of instrumentation & plc circuits. When we get to Analog Inputs, we hone in on the basic fundamentals of analog circuits such as the 0-10volt and 4-20ma circuits. We then discuss 2, 3, 4 and 5 wire transmitters and round out the chapter by demonstrating a temperature sensor connected in a loop as an input device. WARNING - there may be a little maths involved (just a little)!An Analog Output circuit is demonstrated next by using a variable frequency drive as our output device, we get to see what happens to a motor connected to the drive when the analog signal is changed.To finish off we study a controller as it would look in a real installation with various inputs and outputs connected to it.So if you are ready to boost your electrical control skills by learning the fundamentals of instrumentation I'll see you in the course!But don't forget your pen and paper as there will be some fun exercises along the way!"
Price: 19.99

"Certified Digital Forensics Examiner" |
"This is the updated version of the course (Updated Aug 2020)The Certified Digital Forensics Examiner (CDFE) is a vendor neutral certification offered by Mile2 for the aspiring cyber-crime fraud investigators. The course is based on the recommended curriculum for the same certification. The course enables the students to investigate, pursue litigation, provide proof of guilt, or take corrective measures based on the evidence collected through digital media. The Certified Digital Forensic Examiner (CDFE) course is a comprehensive training course based on the official Mile2 certification exam curriculum. The course teaches the advanced concepts such as investigation of digital forensic incidents, usual ways to identify and discover anomalies in the stored data, data acquisition, forensic examination methods and smart devices investigation techniques. The course is ideal for the candidates willing to appear for the CDFE certification exam. Exam Information Upon completion, Certified Digital Forensics Examiner students will be able to establish industry acceptable digital forensics standards with current best practices and policies. Students will also be prepared to competently take the C)DFE exam. "
Price: 189.99

"Parenting Kids (Part V) - Years 11 Trough 14" |
"Between ages 11 and 15, your child will be engaged in an amazing and often difficult process of change. During this period, which coincides roughly with the middle school years, he will leave childhood behind and enter adolescence. His body, mind, and emotions are growing and readying him for adulthood, and the changes he experiences can be welcome and painful at the same time.These years can be tempestuous for children and parents, comparable in many ways to the highs and lows of toddlerhood. As your child struggles toward independence, it may sometimes seem that all notions of good manners and civility have been tossed aside. But have faith. With a clear-eyed understanding of the normal developmental imperatives of early adolescence, you will ride out the storms and guide your child into late adolescence.Growth will be governed by the arrival of puberty. Children shoot up in height, and their bodies alter as nature readies them for reproduction. Physical changes triggered by hormones are accompanied by equally dramatic intellectual and emotional developments. You will see abstract thinking emerge as early as the seventh or eighth grade, when your child begins to a variety of possibilities and to apply the basics of logic. Intellectually, he is no longer limited to what is but begins to explore the world of what might be. His new cognitive abilities will enable him to think and plan ahead. As you continue to teach and enhance the concepts of respect, courtesy and consideration for others, his inner voice of conscience will increasingly confirm your teaching. The road may be bumpy, but the changes he and you must weather now will lead to the day when your child enters the world as a self-governing, compassionate, and mannerly adult."
Price: 29.99

"Utilizing Canva For All Your Stunning Blog Website Graphics" |
"Utilizing Canva for all your stunning blog & website graphics ( A Comprehensive Canva Graphics Design Course )Canva is a super easy platform to use for all your blog and website graphics for any business.In this Canva blog and website graphics design course, I will take you on a journey with canva for blogs and websites and if you are really serious about learning how to create your graphics yourself, then this is the course for you, my friend! You will learn a lot from this and you will be happy you enrolled in this ""Canva is a super easy platform to use for all your blog and website graphics.I'm David, your course instructor. I have been using Canva for a very long time and you will see me drop my skills in this course you can be a Pro too at the end of this Canva graphics design course for your blog and website. ARE YOU READY?I will see you inside the course!""."
Price: 199.99
