"Google Shopping Ads Advanced Practice Test 2020" |
"I have passed these exams every time I've attended Ad words Certification exams and by this I want to share all my experiences in those exams with you.I assure you can pass the exams in your first attempt.Are you ready to pass the Google shopping Advertising Certification Practice Test ?"
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce Data Architecture Cert Practical Test 100% Pass" |
"These tests are designed to help you evaluate your readiness to successfully complete the Salesforce Certified Data Architecture and Management Designer certification exam. Tests provides information about the target audience for the certification exam, recommended training and documentation, and a complete list of exam objectivesall with the intent of helping you achieve a passing score."
Price: 19.99

"Citrix 1Y0-A05 Implementing XenApp 5.0 Windows Server Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) What Citrix Service does not provide a web interface to the user's login information?a) MFCOMb) Independent Management Architecturec) WMId) XMLe) NoneQ) What are the three supported database platforms can be used to host the data warehouse Citrix?a) oracleb) Sybasec) MySQLd) accesse) IBM DB2Q) Scenario: Users report that the security of the session does not work. No other issues reported in Citrix XenApp farm. As the administrator of the Citrix server will need to check to fix this problem?a) XMLb) WMIc) HTA serverd) Independent Management Architecturee) NoneQ) In which the CPU usage is determined by two levels?a) zoneb) untilc) politicsd) server"
Price: 164.99

"Diseo de LOGO Diseo de logo desde 0 a experto" |
"Hola! Como estn?Soy Design SBD, diseador 3D, esports pero sobre todo de branding. Me apasiona el proceso de disear marcas desde un boceto, hasta verlo aplicado en un producto o verlo como la identidad de una marca.Este es el curso de Creacin de logos desde cero a experto. Aprendern a disear logos con tcnicas profesionales para impactar a nuestros clientes. Realizaremos un proyecto de monograma con 3 letras. Bocetaremos nuestras ideas en papel para luego pasarlas a Illustrator.Solo necesitas tener un conocimiento bsico de Adobe Illustrator. Al terminar este curso, sabrs disear logos, en especial monogramas, desde 0. Como proyecto final, realizars un monograma con tus iniciales, desde el boceto hasta el archivo final."
Price: 19.99

"Cinema 4D: Disea increbles personajes 3D" |
"Buenas! Soy Sebastin Burgio, mejor conocido como Design SBD. En este curso aprenders a disear 3 personajes en 3D para impactar en redes sociales. Disearemos personajes como un cubo de rubik con ojos y boca, una calavera con ojos y dientes y una laptop con boca y ojos. Adems, les ensear a usar objetos primitivos, convertir estos primitivos en editables y una herramienta muy til que es la Subdivisn de superficie.Para modelar los personajes seguiremos este proceso:1- Modelado del personaje en Cinema 4D2- Materiales y texturas para nuestra composicin3- Diseo del fondo para nuestro personaje4- Luces y cmaras5- Configuracin del render y render final."
Price: 19.99

"Affiliate Marketing With SEO: Amazon Affiliate Marketing" |
"Amazon Affiliate marketing allows you to make Passive Income while you sleep.All you need to do is promote other peoples products through an Amazon affiliate network. Amazon has its own free affiliate program called, Amazon Associates which allows you to promote any product on Amazon's platform. When someone makes an Amazon purchase via one of your affiliate links, you get a commission. It's as simple as that.If you want to become an Amazon affiliate but don't know how to start, join my Affiliate Marketing Masterclass.In this course, I walk you through an Amazon affiliate marketing step-by-step tutorials for beginners plus advanced strategies. I will do a screen capture video of my personal account and show you the strategies that I have implemented to leverage Amazon affiliate marketing the right way.If you are thinking about becoming an Amazon affiliate but don't know how to start, this course is for you!Who Else Wants To Turn A Hobby Into A Profitable Career With Affiliate Marketing?Discover How To Quit Your Job And Live Your Life On Your Own Terms... WITHOUT Creating A Product, Being An Expert, Or Having To Invest A Fortune Into Paid Ads!What You'll Discover On This Masterclass:What is Amazon Affiliate MarketingHow to find a Perfect Niche for Your WebsiteHow To Create an AMAZON AFFILIATE WEBSITE with WordPressThe Research Process to find low competition high profitable keywordsHow To Write SEO FRIENDLY ARTICLE on WordPress that will rank in GoogleHow To Create Your Amazon Associate AccountWhat-is-SEO and how to use it (On-Page SEO, Off-Page SEO, etc...) Plus the art of creating BacklinksAnd more ...Who this course is for: Just about anyone who wants to learn and earn a Passive Income by doing Amazon Affiliate Marketing."
Price: 29.99

"Instalaes hidrulicas- dimensionamento prtico" |
"Neste curso ser apresentada uma metodologia prtica para o dimensionamento das instalaes prediais de gua fria, o curso direcionado a estudantes ou pessoas que ainda no sabem dimensionar projetos hidrulicos. Ser fornecido todo o suporte necessrio para que todos os alunos consigam aproveitar o curso ao mximo, foi preparado detalhadamente e pensado em todo o pblico."
Price: 99.99

"API with Express Js , Node Js and Mongo DB" |
"Express is the most popular framework for Node.js. Express framework makes it easy to building web applications and APIs for clients very fast. Even better when you can combine an entire application front to backend just using one single programming language 'Javascript'.Companies such as Uber, Accenture, IBM and so on, use express to drive their business through technology.This course will teach you the core concepts you need start building web applications and backend services.You will learn how to:Create API'SUnderstand core concepts about ExpressMiddlewaresServe static contentHTTP RequestsClean CodingHostingApi NamingsMongoDB running on the cloud"
Price: 1280.00

okgcatda |
"( ) : 1. . 2. . 3. . 4. "" ."
Price: 39.99

"JavaScript - Marathon Interview Questions Series" |
"JavaScript will be the hot thing and isnt going anywhere for the next 5 years!For several years now, weve seen a huge demand for JavaScript developers world-wide. If you want to get a programming job quickly, this is the language to learn. Not only that, theres always something new coming up every now and then, so you need to be updated about the latest changes and industry trends.Others say that cracking JavaScript interviews is complicated. I say it is NOT! If you have the right resources and up-to date information - learning JavaScript is easy and fun. I have built this course for individuals who are facing difficulties in cracking JavaScript interviews - keeping one thing in mind - answering each and every question in the simplest of ways!Why JavaScript only?I am sure you want to learn Angular, Node.js, React, Vue JS, Typescript, Svelte, or any other framework to be the best in the business, but at the end of the day, JavaScript fundamentals are the key because understanding and learning JavaScript is an investment that will certainly pay off for you in the future.With my 23+ years of experience in the programming industry - Ive put all my JavaScript knowledge and teaching experience in building this comprehensive course. Ive made sure theres everything required for freshers as well as experienced individuals. With that being said - I am working on a progressive course update plan where Ill add new lectures from time to time because JavaScript is an ocean and I need to dive deep to bring out the best and the most precious questions/concepts pearls for you!The course is based on my experience as a teacher with thousands of students across platforms like Udemy as well as my YouTube channel Nirmal Joshi. It's packed with all sorts of real-world interview and assessment questions which are asked in IT development companies - all with the goal of giving you the best possible way of learning JavaScript in the simplest ways.What's in the course?Because this course has sections packed with beginner to advanced level content - I strongly recommend that you check out the full course curriculum to get a clear idea of all the topics. To summarise, here's what you'll find in the course:Language fundamentalsArraysOOJSDOM & WebAsynchronous JSMap, Set, WeakMap & WeakSet (ES6 Data structure)Automated TestingPractical real-world examples and so on...Who is this course for?Developers who want to crack JavaScript interviews.New/junior/expert developers who want to learn modern JavaScriptExpert developers who want to upgrade their existing JavaScript skills.Programmers who want to learn front-end web development.Sounds good? Then start today and hit the Take this course"" button.Enroll now for the only JavaScript course that you will ever need!"
Price: 24.99

"(Computer Programming and Artificial Intelligence)" |
"1. AndroidGoogle Maps2. App inventor 2Android3."
Price: 179.99

"O MAPA - Orgnico na Hotmart" |
"Essa com toda a certeza uma forma bem simples e direta de lucrar com as vendas dos info produtos. Eu criei um passo a passo de como montar uma estrutura onde voc no vai gastar nada para isso, e vai conseguir fazer suas primeiras vendas sem gastar com anncios, ou seja, uma tima forma de comear a empreender no marketing digital.Alm de mostrar como fazer essa estrutura, tambm vou te explicar o porque de tudo, o porque esse mapa funciona, assim tudo vai ficar mais claro e fcil para voc que no conseguiu fazer sua primeira venda."
Price: 99.99

"BCS Foundation Certificate: Business Analysis Practice Exam" |
"Please be aware this is a mock exam, not an exam training!Prepare well for the valuable BCS Foundation Certificate in Business Analysis exam with this practice exam. The questions are based on the official Key Learning Points that the Chartered Institute for IT also examines. The questions are clustered per exam subject so that you gain insight into which parts you have mastered and which parts you need to study further. There is also a reference to the page of the Business Analysis 3rd edition guide to help you study. What you will get:Two Official BCS Foundation Certificate in Business Analysis Practice Exam with 40 multiple choice questions eachBased on the official Key Learning Points of the Chartered Institute for ITWith references to topic, chapter and page number of textbook Business Analysis 3rd editionGet insight into which domains you master and which need more attentionAfter completing this test you are well prepared for the BCS Foundation Certificate in Business Analysis Practice Exam!"
Price: 24.99

"Inter Trip Schemes in Electrical Substations" |
"Dear All,In this training I have covered complete detail of substation inter trip scheme covering following topics What is meaning of intertripWhat is purpose of intertrip scheme Types of intertrip scheme Direct Transfer trip schemeZone Extension Scheme Graded Zone Extension SchemePUTTPOTTBlocking Scheme Unblocking Scheme Comparison of different Schemes Weak End Feed Trip Scheme Thanks"
Price: 59.99

"Learn handmade Natural Lotion Making" |
"Learn Varieties of body lotions from comfort of your homeIn this course you are going to learn natural Aloe vera body lotion making and hand and body lotion making. Explained how to change the formula according to your skin type. extra formulation also shared in notes. Hand and Body lotion Aloe vera lotion"
Price: 1600.00

"Microsoft Excel for Beginners" |
"I will show you all the basics of using Microsoft Excel and a few tips and tricks . This course is suitable for anyone who wants to learn how to use Excel even if it is for school, job or just for your own knowledge. I hope this course will help you. Wish you all the best!"
Price: 49.99

"Estimation of Measurement Uncertainty" |
"Laboratory customers expect accurate and reliable results. Any measurement by any laboratory is estimation of correct result. Testa and calibration labs need to ensure lesser uncertainty in measurement by controlling factors affecting measurement. This course will help students to understand importance of measurement uncertainty, identify factors responsible for uncertainty and step by step approach to calculate uncertainty."
Price: 1280.00

"Istio Service Mesh Masterclass + Kubernetes (AWS EKS) 2020" |
"If I summarize this course in one sentence?Learn Istio Service Mesh in Kubernetes (demo is done using AWS EKS) using Handson concepts and labs (e.g. Gateway, Virtual Service, Destination Rule, Canary Rollout, Load Balancing Rules, Mirror Live Traffic, Fault Injection, Circuit Breaker, JWT Authentication and Authentication, TLS Origination, Kiali Dashboard, etc).Please check preview videos to see if this course is really for youAre you one of the below?You want to learn how to secure K8s in-cluster network with Istio Service MeshYou feel overwhelmed and don't know where to start with Istio Service Mesh in Kubernetes You used Nginx Ingress Controller but want to use production-ready Ingress ControllerYou used AWS ALB Ingress Controller but its limitation with ingress YAML pushed you away from using itYou want to learn service mesh so that you can control in-cluster traffic to microservice applicationsYou want to authenticate and authorize end users using JWT using IstioYou want to be able to configure SSL for AWS ELB using Istio Ingress Gateway Service YAMLYou want to learn how to monitor microservice app's distributed request tracing using Kiali and Jaeger dashboards Who should take this courseyou have learned Kubernetes fundamentals (pod, service, deployment, ingress, configmap, role, etc)you don't know how to go about learning Istio Service mesh in Kubernetesyou have development experience in Kubernetes YAML resourcesyou want to learn about production-level in-cluster security such as mutual TLS using Istio Service Mesh in Kubernetesyou want to learn ins and outs of Istio Service Mesh features (traffic control, security, observability) from a cloud DevOps working at an US company in SFwho should NOT need to take this courseyou already know a lot of Istio Service Mesh in Kubernetesyou are not planning on using Kuberenetesyou are not planning on working on security in Kuberenetes clusteryou have never used Kubernetes beforeIn this course, you will learn various aspects of Istio Service Mesh in Kubernetes such as:how to control Ingress Traffic using Gateway, VirtualService, DestinationRuleshow to configure SSL Termination at AWS ELB created by Istio ingress gateway using k8s service YAMLhow to configure canary rollouts/weight-based routing/traffic splitting using Virtual Service and Destination Rulehow to configure identity/header based routinghow to configure and test failure recovery features (injecting delay and abort, setting retries and timeout)how to configure and test mirroring live traffic to different versions of app workloadshow to configure and test rate limiting and circuit breakerhow to verify default ""permissive mode"" of mutual TLS in service mesh, and how to enable STRICT mode of mutual TLShow to set up end user authentication and authorization with JWT using Request Authentication and Authorization Policyhow to control egress traffic using Service Entry and Virtual Servicehow to enable TLS Origination for egress traffic using Destination Rulehow to use Kiali dashboard to visualize mesh topology, logs, metrics, and YAML validation5 Reasons why you should take this course:1. Instructed by a cloud DevOps engineer (with CKA and certified AWS DevOps pro) working at US company in SFI have been pretty handson with Istio Service Mesh, Kubernetes, AWS, AWS EKS with 6.5+ industry experience in both North America and Europe.2. Abstract Istio Concepts Explained with DiagramsIstio is pretty complex, and its operational complexities are pretty high. That means, a learning curve is also high.Especially with Istio, its documentation page offers LITTLE to NO diagrams explaining relationships between `Gateway`, `Virtual Service`, `Destination Rule`, `Service Entry`, etc. So I created a whole bunch of diagrams from high level architectures to low level YAML resources for Istio features such as canary rollout/traffic splitting, JWT Authentication and Authorization, and much more. You will have the most VISUAL-oriented learning experience you can EVER find on the Internet for Istio.3. Updated Knowledge about Istio Service Mesh v1.6~ in 2020Some of the Istio Architecture and Componets are outdated. I will demonstrate 2020-updated version of resources and concepts.4. Tons of handson!I won't bore you with dry lectures. Instead every concepts are paired with handson demo.5. Entire course under FIVE HOURSI tried to make this course compact and concise so students can learn the concepts and handson skills in shorted amount of time, because I know a life of software engineer is already pretty busy :)My background & Education & Career experienceCloud DevOps Software Engineer with 6.5+ years experienceBachelor of Science in Computing Science from a Canadian universityKnows Java, C#, C++, Bash, Python, JavaScript, Terraform, IaCExpert in AWS (holds AWS DevOps Professional certification) and Kubernetes (holds Certified Kubernetes Administrator, CKA)I will see you inside!"
Price: 39.99

"DevOpsIstio Service Mesh +Kubernetes AWS EKS" |
"KubernetesDevOpsIstio Service Mesh(Gateway, Virtual Service, Destination Rule, Routing, Mirror Live Traffic, Fault Injection, Circuit Breaker, Mutual TLS, TLS Termination, JWT, TLS Origination, Kiali Dashboard): K8sDevOpsAWS EKSGKEK8sKubernetesIstio Servie Mesh Istio Servie MeshDevOpsKubernetesSecurityMutual TLSNginx Ingress ControllerIngress ControllerAWS ALB Ingress ControllerIngress YAMLIngress ControllerIstio GatewayHTTPS(TLS Termination)Virtual Service SubsetRouting(routingCanary rollout) DestinationRuleCircuit BreakerGatewayHTTPHTTPSRedirectJWT(Json Web Token)AuthenticationAuthorizationServiceEntryEgressSecurityDocker1DockerDockerKubernetesKubernetes1K8sPod, Service, Deployment, IngressConfigMap, ClusterRole, etcKubernetesKubernetesIstio Service MeshIstioK8sYAML Istio Service MeshKubernetesMeshMutual TLSKubernetesK8sDockerKubernetesKubernetesFrontendBackendKubernetesPodLoadBalancerServiceAWS NginxAWS ALB Ingress ControllerHTTPSTraffic managementIngress ControllerK8sNetwork PolicyDevOpsKubernetesNetworkSecurityControlIstio VirtualServiceGatewayPod Istio GatewayHTTPS(TLS Termination)Virtual Service SubsetRouting(routingCanary rollout) HTTP HeaderIdentityRoutingVirtualServiceDelayHTTPInjectResilience VirtualServiceRetryTimeoutResilienceDestination RuleLoad BalancingDestinationRuleCircuit BreakerIstio Service MeshMutual TLSMutual-TLSSTRICTMesh(namespaces)JWT(Json Web Token)AuthenticationAuthorizationSource IPJWTEnd-User AuthorizationServiceEntryEgress Security URLDestinationRuleHTTPSTLS OriginationKialiService MeshVisualizeMetrics1. DevOpsCKACKADAWS DevOps ProDocker,AWS, Kubernetes, AWS EKS2. IstioComplexityIstio____ IstioYAML`Gateway`, `Virtual Service`, `Destination Rule`, `Service Entry`High-levelIstioFeature()__Visual-learning__ Istio3. Istio Service Mesh2020FeaturesIstioV1. 2020IstioFeatures4. 5. 510Focus"
Price: 49.99

"Microsoft Azure AZ-104 Certification Original Practice Tests" |
"This course is designed for students who wants to achieve the ""Microsoft Azure Administrator ( AZ-104 ) "" certification.This ultimate practice test course for the Exam AZ-104 ,includes 6 practice tests with 350 real practice questions.This practice tests questions are compiled on actual exam questions , actual exam pattern, actual exam difficulty level with focus on to give clear and simple understanding of each module / topics of AZURE required to pass AZ-104 exam.The AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator Practice Exam course offers the following features:1. FULLY UPDATED WITH AZ-104 EXAM BLUEPRINT: Most practice tests out there are already obsolete with only AZ-103 content and advertised as ""updated"", but in reality, they are not! Our practice tests are updated regularly and reflect the latest Azure exam question/answer format.2. SIMULATE THE ACTUAL CERTIFICATION EXAM: All Practice Tests are timed (120 min to answer 60 questions) and scored (passing score is 80 %) mimicking the real exam environment so you get familiar with the AZURE exam format.3. DETAILED EXPLANATIONS, REFERENCE LINKS, AND CHEAT SHEETS - our answer keys at the end of each set have full and detailed explanations along with complete official reference links so you can check and verify yourself that the answers are correct. 4. DETAILED EXPLANATIONS FOR ALL ANSWERS: After completing the practice test, you get to review and check your answers. Every question includes a detailed explanation that explains why each answer is correct or incorrect, supporting your understanding of AZURE Services / topics which are key to passing the exam.5. Regular UPDATES OF QUESTION BANK: We're constantly improving and updating the questions based on exam feedback from our students.6. TEST REPORT: To track your progress and show you which Azure knowledge areas you need improvement.7. Focus on to Complete Entire Syllabus of AZ-104 : Practice tests covers each module and all topics of AZ-104 exam syllabus which are required to understand to pass this exam.8. RANDOMIZED QUESTIONS - The scenarios and options on all 6 practice tests are randomized. This prevents the unconscious memorization of the answers and ensures that you fully understand the concepts.9. HAS BETTER VALUE THAN THE OFFICIAL AZURE PRACTICE TEST - which is worth about $45 but only contains about 20 - 40 questions.10. RESPONSIVE INSTRUCTOR SUPPORT: our friendly team of Azure experts is able to address all your issues and COMPREHENSIVELY answer all your questions. You can contact your instructor directly or via the course Q&A forum.11. CLEAR AND ERROR-FREE QUESTIONS - Each item has a reference link that can validate the answer but you can also post in the QA section so we can discuss any issues.12. SATISFIED STUDENTS - Course designed by Instructor having more than 10k satisfied students13. ACTIVE Q&A DISCUSSION BOARD: Join the discussion on Azure related topics in our Q&A discussion board where our students share their recent exam experience offering feedback on which topics were covered.14. MOBILE ACCESS: Study on the go and access all practice questions from your mobile phone -anywhere, anytime.The objectives covered in this course are:Module 1 : Manage Azure identities and governance (15-20%)Module 2 : Implement and manage storage (10-15%)Module 3 : Deploy and manage Azure compute resources (25-30%)Module 4 : Configure and manage virtual networking (30-35%)Module 5 : Monitor and back up Azure resources (10-15%)This course is for: Those who want to achieve the AZ-104 : Microsoft Azure Administrator Certification.Those who want to pass AZ-104 : Microsoft Azure Administrator exam in first attempt."
Price: 29.99

"Solidworks 2020 Sfrdan leri Seviye Eitim Seti" |
"Solidworks program birok alanda kullanlan bir cad yazlmdr. retimin olmazsa olmazlarndan olan bu tasarm programn, her mhendisin, retmenin, rencinin ve cad cam operatrlerinin mutlaka bilmesi gereken bu yazlm sizlere sfrdan reteceim. Program hzl renmek iin gnde iki saat zaman ayrp videolar eliinde ilerlemeniz size hz katacaktr. Sizlere tavsiyem, komutlar rendikten sonra mutlaka bol bol uygulamalar yapnz. Eer dediim ekilde solidworks kursuma alrsanz 2 hafta iinde programa tam hakim olabilirsiniz."
Price: 169.99

"Solidworks 2020 le Tasarm Gelitirme Seti" |
"Bu kursum ileri seviye uygulamalar ile hazrlanmtr. Bu kursumu alan rencilerin temel solidworks bilgilerinin olmas arttr.Bu kursumun amac solidworks ile ileri dzey modelleme ve tasarm tekniklerini renmeniz, i hayatnzda zorlandnz para izimleri ve tasarmlarnn zerinden nasl geleceinizi daha nce bu zorluklar yaam biri olarak sizlerinde bu zorluklarla karlatnzda zerinden nasl geleceinizi dnerek hazrlanmtr."
Price: 169.99

"Nasl Yapld ? Seri-4 Okul / Orta lekli Sanayi Sitesi" |
"Herkese merhaba, Yeni bir kurs serisi ile karnzdaym. Bu kurs serisi kapsamnda tasarm yaptm veya yapmnda yer aldm byk projelerin sisteminin nasl tasarlandn hangi ekipmanlar kullanp nasl altn sizlere izah edeceim.Serimizin drdnc kursu Eitim kamps( Okul) ve Orta lekli Sanayi Sitesi projesinin mekanik tesisat sistem tasarm sizlere aktarlacaktr. Shhi Tesisat : Temiz su tesisat / Pis su tesisat tasarmnda kullanlan ekipmanlar ve sistem zeti anlatlacaktr.Yangn Sndrme Tesisat : Elektrikli Tip yangn pompas , Sulu ve kuru tip sprinkler sistemleriHavalandrma Tesisat : Primer havalandrma tipleri , Is Geri Kazanm Cihaz , Klima Santralleri , Ekoloji niteleri sistemi tasarmnda kullanlan ekipmanlar ve sistem zeti anlatlacaktr.Jet fan sistemleri ile kapal otopark mahallerinin gnlk ve duman egzoz senaryolarnda havalandrlmas Istma /Soutma Tesisat : Yer tipi youmal kazanlar, Demeden stma sistemi ve otomasyonu , Sistem tasarmnda kullanlan ekipmanlar ve sistem zeti anlatlacaktr.Ek olarak Mekanik tesisat ihale paketi hazrlanmasna giri yaplmtr.Bu kurs kimler iin uygun : *Yeni mezun mhendisler*Makine teknikerleri*almakta olan makine mhendisleri*Mekanik tesisat antiye mavi yaka alanlar"
Price: 59.99

"Nasl Yapld ? Seri-5 Millet Bahesi / i Kamp M.Tesisat" |
"Herkese merhaba, Yeni bir kurs serisi ile karnzdaym. Bu kurs serisi kapsamnda tasarm yaptm veya yapmnda yer aldm byk projelerin sisteminin nasl tasarlandn hangi ekipmanlar kullanp nasl altn sizlere izah edeceim.Serimizin beinci kursu Millet Bahesi ve Yurt D i Kamp projesinin mekanik tesisat sistem tasarm sizlere aktarlacaktr. Shhi Tesisat : Temiz su tesisat / Pis su tesisat tasarmnda kullanlan ekipmanlar ve sistem zeti anlatlacaktr.Yangn Sndrme Tesisat : Elektrikli Tip yangn pompas , Sulu ve kuru tip sprinkler sistemleriHavalandrma Tesisat : Primer havalandrma tipleri , Is Geri Kazanm Cihaz , Klima Santralleri , Ekoloji niteleri sistemi tasarmnda kullanlan ekipmanlar ve sistem zeti anlatlacaktr.Jet fan sistemleri ile kapal otopark mahallerinin gnlk ve duman egzoz senaryolarnda havalandrlmas Istma /Soutma Tesisat : Yer tipi youmal kazanlar, Demeden stma sistemi ve otomasyonu , Sistem tasarmnda kullanlan ekipmanlar ve sistem zeti anlatlacaktr.ok fazla sayda yapnn nasl tasarlanaca bu kurs kapsamnda anlatlmtr.Bu kurs kimler iin uygun : *Yeni mezun mhendisler*Makine teknikerleri*almakta olan makine mhendisleri*Mekanik tesisat antiye mavi yaka alanlar"
Price: 59.99

"Learn AWS Data Engineering" |
"A hands on course that covers majority of the typical data engineering / ETL scenarios. In this course you will learn:Different services and concepts of AWS data engineeringCreating serverless data lake using S3, Glue and AthenaIngesting data using Rest ApiIngesting data using Sftp serverIngesting data into Database (AWS RDS - Postgre SQL)Incremental data loadingPrerequisites:An active AWS accountPython / SQL knowledge"
Price: 24.99

"Audit , Contrle et Gestion des Risques pour les Dbutants" |
"Ce cours vous permettra de : Savoir l'utilit de L'Audit et du Risk Management . Maitriser les missions d'Audit , Les Modles d'identification et d'valuation pour le Risk Management et aussi les modles de reporting pour l'audit .... Une exprience de plus de 5 ans en tant que formateur en Finance , Bureautique ( Microsoft Office Word , Excel , PowerPoint ) aussi en Comptabilit , Analyses des donnes"
Price: 99.99

"Mastercam 2021 (CAD+CAM) Basic to Professional level course" |
"Mastercam is a CAD/CAM software , which is mostly used for designing and cnc machine programming purpose . Mastercam generates G code and M code . This software helps users produce mechanical drawings and 3d models , Mastercam also used for multi type of cnc machines programming , VMC 3+4+5AXIS , LATHE , TURNMILL , MILLTURN , WIRE-EDM, ROUTER , VTL LATHE , HMC , LASER . Mastercam is the worlds no.1 software , Mastercam was launched in 1983 in U.S. Connecticut by CNC SOFTWARE .INC.This course has been created on Mastercam 2021 version (Latest ).Any Mastercam version user can take this course.Why this course to learn Mastercam?1. All the tutorial prepared by Mastercam Professional Instructor.2. All the session based on practical project.3. High-skill level guide.4. Downloadable project file included5. Genuine course to be a CAD/CAM engineer"
Price: 5120.00

"Lambdas in Java 8" |
"The new Lambda feature of Java 8 and onwards is discussed in great detail in this course. Since functional interfaces are a prerequisite of understanding lambdas, they are discussed and explained here as well. Method references, which are shorthand notations for lambda expressions, are explained in this course as well. Exercises and their solutions round off the course, so be prepared and ready to get your hands dirty !The course is originally designed as an exam study guide for the 1z0-817 Oracle Certified Java SE 11 upgrade exam and that's why the topics are discussed in great detail sometimes, so be prepared to get some serious information and a feel like for what exam preparation looks like for certified programmers!.But one can learn the topics (like lambdas, streams, modules, ...) separately, without intending to take the exam."
Price: 29.99

"Django 3 + bootstrap 4 para iniciantes- Prtico" |
"Neste curso estaremos desenvolvendo um Todo App com a Framework python Django 3 + bootstrap 4 . O curso focado na prtica. Estaremos utilizando , rotas,views,templates, um pouco de HTML e CSS , bootstrap 4 . Um timo desafio para iniciantes Django 3 e boostrap 4 !Sobre o To do App para que ele serve ?Ele serve para fazer um planejamento das tarefas durante o dia ! "
Price: 39.99

"50 motifs d'accompagnements indispensables au piano" |
"Ce cours s'adresse tous les pianistes qui souhaitent dvelopper leur jeu en accords. Vous apprendrez jouer des accompagnements simples en rondes, en noires, en croches puis les motifs s'intensifieront progressivement pour vous proposer diffrentes formes d'arpges, d'accords briss ou encore de pompe ... jusqu' vous faire dcouvrir quelques motifs de blues, jazz ou encore bossa nova ! Une fois au bout de vos doigts, vous pourrez identifiez facilement l'accompagnement de vos chansons prfres et les rejouer automatiquement sur votre piano !"
Price: 34.99

"C_BODI_20 SAP Certify Application Business Objects Data Exam" |
"127 UNIQUE practice questions for C_BODI_20 SAP Certify Application Business Objects Data ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : C_BODI_20 SAP Certify Application Business Objects Data ExamTotal Questions : 127Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :80 minsPassing Score : 75 (95 of 127)"
Price: 154.99
