"Microsoft 70-410 Installing Configuring Windows Server Exam" |
"100 UNIQUE practice questions for Microsoft 70-410 Installing Configuring Windows Server ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Microsoft 70-410 Installing Configuring Windows Server ExamTotal Questions : 100Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :60 minsPassing Score : 75 (75 of 100)"
Price: 144.99

"Garnett Cross training in the Maintenance of Oil Hydraulics" |
"Calculations are provided using metric units.The course topics include:Principles of HydraulicsCompressibility of Hydraulic FluidHydraulic SymbolsTwo Cylinder ProblemCleanliness of OilCleanliness continuedHydraulic and Mechanical LeverageDesign of CylindersCylinders Oil CapacityCylinders in ParallelComponents of a Hydraulic CircuitSizing Check-listPipe sizes for 90 litres/minutePipe sizing with respect to turbulence of fluid and Reynolds numberHydrostatic DrivesCouplings and ReservoirsHose Identification and CouplingsCheck Valves and Cartridge ValvesPilot Operated Check ValvesFlow Control ValvesPre-fill ValvesDirectional Control ValvesSolenoid ValvesSolenoid operated valves with orificeExternally piloted system with throttle plateGasket mounted relief valveUnloading ValveFault FindingSequence ValveSequencing cylinders with sequence valvesSequence and pressure reducing valvesOver center valve with hydraulic motorVane pumpAccumulators"
Price: 19.99

"Fundamentos de Computao Grfica com OpenGL" |
"**Importante**: A imagem da capa do curso foi gerada com o cdigo que voc ir desenvolver aqui!Neste curso irei te ensinar os fundamentos da computao grfica usando OpenGL como API grfica. Para explicar esses conceitos, vamos, ao longo do curso, desenvolver o projeto Blue Marble, que consiste na renderizao do planeta Terra visto do espao. Esse projeto vai ser desenvolvido do zero mesmo, comeando somente com uma pasta vazia no seu computador.Vamos comear do bsico, primeiro vou explicar o que OpenGL e onde o OpenGL usado. Vamos falar dos conceitos fundamentais para trabalhar com OpenGL, como a pipeline de renderizao, matrizes de transformao e shaders.Voc vai desenvolver esse projeto comeando com somente uma pasta vazia no seu computador, vou te guiar pelo processo de baixar as dependncias do projeto assim como criar o projeto usando CMake.Vamos implementar tambm uma cmera que pode ser controlada com o teclado e o mouse. Toda a matemtica necessria para fazer a cmera se mover no espao vai ser explicada e o cdigo ser feito passo-a-passo.Na seo Geometria, voc ir aprender a gerar a geometria de uma esfera em 3D, atrves do processo de discretizao do domnio da equao da esfera. Vamos gerar os vrtices, tringulos, normais e coordenadas de textura de toda a esfera que ir representar o planeta.Finalmente, voc ir aprender os fundamentos da iluminao em computao grfica. Vamos implementar o modelo de iluminao de Phong, usando GLSL, como ponto de partida no aprendizado de computao grfica para tempo-real.Ao matricular-se neste curso voc ganha acesso a um servidor Discord exclusivo onde voc poder tirar dvidas, compartilhar o seu progresso e interagir com outros alunos do curso. Um extra imperdvel.Matricule-se agora para poder aprender os fundamentos da computao grfica com OpenGL!"
Price: 129.99

"Mobile development: como comear? e por que flutter?" |
"Este minicurso ir introduzir alguns conceitos utilizados no desenvolvimento de aplicaes mobile revisando/ introduzindo rapidamente os conceitos tcnicos bsicos de Orientao a Objeto, Explicando mais sobre a filosofia do Flutter, e dando um foco maior em como fazer sua aplicao ter bons resultados nas lojas ( foco maior na Play Store) alm de intrinsecamente expor porque na maioria das vezes uma ideia genial no um App com bons leads, resultados e etc."
Price: 39.99

oxakvnrx |
", , , . ! , , , ! - . , , . , , , , , , ))))"
Price: 1799.00

"Especialista en Diseo Universal para el Aprendizaje, NIVEL1" |
"Este curso es parte de los 3 niveles necesarios para especializarse en Diseo Universal para el Aprendizaje versin 2.2, est sustentado en sus principios y pautas. En total de los 3 niveles encontrar 15 clases estructuradas que contienen recursos como andamios de aprendizajes basados en 3 estrategias:1. Definicin de Glosarios de Trminos. Que permitirn al estudiante conocer de manera directa las palabras o frases que pudieran causar confusin durante su aprendizaje.2. Andamios de seguimiento. Que permite al estudiante construir un aprendizaje mientras escucha y ensambla las imgenes o figuras en una plantilla. De esta manea no solo escucha la informacin, tambin manipula, observa y comprende el flujo y estructura de los temas durante la clase.3. Infografas. Algunas clases contienen infografas que permiten al estudiante comprender de manera sintetizada toda la actividad ya que con los esquemas, resmenes, imgenes y descripciones contenidos en esta estrategia, se logran visualizar los conceptos con mejor comprensin. Una imagen dice ms que mil palabras.En este curso se pretende sacar al estudiante de su zona de confort para lograr aprendizajes pedaggicos humanos que se requieren para la sensibilizacin del profesional en su intervencin. Adems logra empoderar su visin por la actual inclusin para mejorarla en su contexto y potenciarla por medio de la Implicacin.Esta especializacin te lleva a los aprendizajes precisamente como un docente debera hacerlo en la atencin a la diversidad, por lo que desde la primer clase aprenders estrategias diversificadas con las actividades expuestas, as que no solo llevars videos, documentos andraggicos de alto impacto, sino tambin estrategias en cada minuto de clases.Recuerdas la mejor clase o curso de tu vida? S que esta experiencia te har sentir as. Espero la disfrutes!Edgar Palafox"
Price: 345.00

"Modern Greek for Complete Beginners" |
"You learn by doing. This is particularly true for languages. That's why it's so important to practise what you're learning. In this course, you won't just watch lectures and do exercises, you'll practise in the lectures.This course is for complete beginners, and is mainly taught in English. There are four sections, and each section builds on the knowledge of the previous one. I use activities within the lectures to make the lessons as interactive as possible, and include quizzes at the end of sections 1 to 3 so that you can check how much youre learning.If you want to learn a bit of Greek before you go on holiday to Greece or Cyprus, if you work with Greek people and want to impress them, or if you're embarking on an epic language learning journey, this is the course for you. If not, get your money back!"
Price: 19.99

"Mi primera pgina web con Blog" |
"Mi primera pgina web con Blog, es un taller prctico donde vamos construyendo juntos paso a paso, en vdeos cortos la pgina web y el blog, configurando los elementos que la componen:1. Suscriptores.2. Galera de Imgenes.3. Inclusin de Vdeos. 4. Configuracin de Redes Sociales. 5. Configuracin de Seccin de Comentarios. 6. Configuracin de Seccin Acerca del Autor.7. Configuracin de Blog.8. Creacin de publicaciones en el Blog.Adicionalmente te incluyo como material adicional las mejores lecturas que he conseguido que formarn un aprendizaje integral, estos elementos son:1. Tcnicas para la escritura persuasiva. Copywriting. 2. Campaa de Mailing.3. Interpretacin de cdigos de colores.4. Escuela del copywriting. 5. Marketing de contenidos. 6. Principios SEO.7. Tcnica de ventas para principiantes. Si te haces las preguntas: cmo hacer una pgina web? cmo hacer un blog? cmo empezar a hacer mi pgina web? tips para hacer una pgina web? esta formacin te ayudara a responderlas de manera fcil y dinmica."
Price: 19.99

"Mi Plan de Negocio -Emprende con xito!" |
"Taller para Aprender a Realizar un Plan de Negocio y Reducir los Riesgos de Emprender. Tienes una idea y quieres convertirla en un proyecto? sabes que el 65% de las ideas nunca se llegan a convertir en proyectos?En este taller vas a aprender los elementos fundamentales para realizar un plan de negocio.Reduce el riesgo de que tu idea nunca llegue a ser un proyecto exitoso y participa en esta formacin que te enseara como pasar de una idea a un proyecto.El taller se encuentra estructurado por mdulos donde aprenders de manera concreta, rpida y fcil los temas fundamentales para convertir tus ideas en proyectos concretos. Los mdulos que veremos son:El Emprendedor: en este capitulo vamos a aprender que competencias y habilidades necesito tener para ser un emprendedor exitoso y herramientas para afrontar los problemas que se nos presentan durante nuestro emprendimiento.El Producto: en este capitulo veremos como crear nuestra propuesta de valor, como hacer de nuestra idea un producto o servicio que atrape a los clientes. Los Aliados: en este capitulo aprenderemos como identificar a las personas que nos ayudaran a tener xito en nuestro proyecto. Las Finanzas: en este capitulo vamos a conocer los elementos necesarios para comprender las finanzas del proyecto. Los Aspectos Legales: cuales son los elementos legales que debo considerar cuando emprendo un proyecto. Este taller te permitir tener una visin global y amplia de los conocimientos que debes tener cuando decides realizar un emprendimiento.Participa en esta formacin y reduce el riesgo de emprender por no haber considerado todos los elementos necesarios cuando decidiste hacer tu proyecto."
Price: 24.99

"Wing Chun Street Fight Self-Defense Technique" |
"In this course you can learn Ip Man lineage traditional Wing Chun technique and Cantonese Wing Chun culture. Let me teach you, step by step how to apply Wing Chun different technique in the simplest and most direct way in Street Fight and Self-Defense. And we will breakdown Bruce Lee fast punch in Wing Chun - how you can adopt his killer moves. The Master Dragon Wing Chun Street Fight Self-Defense course is the complete advanced course in the Master Dragon Wing Chun Online system."
Price: 24.99

"Wondershare Filmora9 2020: Editando Vdeos no Filmora9" |
"No podemos negar o fato de que os vdeos deixam um impacto mais longo na mente das pessoas do que as imagens armazenadas e os grficos estticos. Os vdeos fazem o que todas as outras coisas deixam de fazer . E se voc tambm deseja que seus vdeos tenham um impacto, voc deve edit-los como um profissional.Abra o software de edio de vdeo Wondershare Filmora e aprenda as vrias janelas do painel para editar videos juntos, criando ttulos, trabalho de udio, correo de cor, tcnica de edio de vdeo avanada, exportao e muito mais! Este curso um curso de edio de vdeo completa com o Wondershare Filmora9 para 2020 e 2021. Ir lev-lo desde o incio ao editor de vdeo profissional. Eu pessoalmente uso o Wondershare Filmora para minha edio de vdeo porque fcil e rpido com uma interface amigvel. No h complexidade como o software Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro e Adobe After Effects."
Price: 39.99

"SAP2000 :- Advance Steel Course" |
"This Course SAP2000 Professional Course : From Scratch will teach you all the important things that a Civil /Structural engineer must know in order to do the Structural Analysis and Design of Steel Structures from Scratch in sap 2000.This Course will give you in depth knowledge of the SAP2000 so that you can design your own Structure in SAP 2000 v20YOU can easily model ,analyze and design your :-1. 3D Steel space Truss2. Pre Engineered Buildings and analyze in csi SAP2000.3. Bill Board 4.Heavy Steel Structure that stores cement ,Rebars and other construction material.This course will fill the gap between the fresher and the real life experience.So, if you want to remove the tag of Fresher enroll in this Course and Explore the World of csi SAP 2000.What to expect from this course :-After completion of this course, you can easily model your Complex Structure , Modell , Analyze and Design in SAP2000 v20.Although I am using csi sap2000 v20 you can use any version of csi sap2000."
Price: 12800.00

"Ultimate Mulesoft Certified Platform Architect Course" |
"Learn building effective application networks and cloud architectures on Mulesoft Cloudhub in this course and become a professional Mulesoft Platform Architect. No doubt, you will clear the certification from the knowledge you gain in this course. Ultimate goal from this course is to take away in-depth knowledge on all platform architecture concepts.**** Reach out to me via Linkedin in case there is no udemy discount on this course. I can arrange a discount coupon for you ****"
Price: 144.99

DjangoWebver3 |
"PythonDjangoPythonDjangoWebGithubHerokuAWS S3 DjangoDjangoWebPython 3.7Django 3.0, 3.1OS: MacWindows WindowsAnaconda Navigator Windows, MacVisual Studio Code (Windows, MacGithubHerokuAWS"
Price: 4800.00

"Kubernetes +Istio + Knative Serving Eitimi" |
"zellikle Cloud Computing ile birlikte son yllarda nemli bir ara haline gelen Kubernetes'i bu kursla renecek daha sonrasnda Istio ve Knative ile ilerin ne kadar kolaylatn greceksiniz. zellikle son zamanlarda Docker teknolojisinin yaygnlat dnldnde Kubernetes Istio ve Knative gibi toollarn ne kadar nemli olduu anlalabilir. Ayrca DevOps ve CI/CD iin de nemli aralar olduu bilinmektedir. Bu kurs sayesinde Kubernetes'i renecek Istio ve Knative ile ilgili de bilgi sahibi olup demolar gerekletireceksiniz. NOT: Eitimin hazrlanma amac Trke kaynak yetersizliini gidermek olup uzmanlamanz salayacak bir eitim deildir. Kurs eriiPodYaml DosyalarReplica SetDeploymentNamespacesJobsCronJobsConfigMap-SecretsRequest-LimitsTaint-TolerationReadiness-Liveness ProbesContainer LoggingMonitoringJobs-CronJobsServicesVolumes-Persistent Volume (Claim)Istio ile trafik ynetimi KialiKnative Serving"
Price: 49.99

"Clean Code with PHP examples" |
"This is a course about useful clean code principles.My aim is to teach you concepts that you can use every time you write code.Clean Code can help you:- Write better PHP code and thus become a better PHP programmer- Create easy to maintain projects- Perform better during interviews by showing knowledge of advanced programming conceptsThe course has PHP examples and I sometimes mention things like Symfony and MVC. The course is structured in 4 parts:1. Introduction - where we discuss what is clean code and why it's important2. Small Functions - I gave small functions an entire section because I think its one of the most important principles of clean code, together with small classes, Single Responsibility Principle and Not crossing Different Levels of Abstraction.3. Clean code: Fundamental Principles - I discuss here about fundamental things like method and variables names, parameters, comments and exceptions4. Clean code: Advanced Principles - Here I talk about more abstract topics like the difference between an OOP Object and a Data Structure Object, Composition over Inheritance, Symptoms of Bad Code, State, Low Coupling - High Cohesion, Command and Query Separation, Tell Don't Ask, The Law of Demeter, YAGNI and more.The course also contains some memes because you can't spell clean code without fun.I tried to focus on things you can use every day when programming and stay away from barren theory. There's no point wasting our time with useless knowledge that would just seem like it's helping you as a programmer, but that you will forget in 2 weeks. If that would have been the point, this would be a 10 hours course about programming patterns. But it isn't."
Price: 39.99

"Sikuli 2020 complete guide for beginners" |
"This course is an introduction to SikuliX, a tool that lets you write easy scripts to automate pretty much anything you can do on your computer.What is SikuliX?SikuliX automates anything you see on the screen of your desktop computer running Windows, Mac or some Linux/Unix.It uses image recognition to identify and control GUI components.Besides locating images on a screen it can also run the mouse and the keyboard to interact with the identified GUI elementsSikuliX comes with basic text recognition that can be used to search text in images.SikuliX supports the following as scripting languages:Python language level 2.7Ruby language level 1.9 and 2.0JavaScriptYou can also use it in Java programming Java aware programming/scripting language (Jython, JRuby, Scala, Clojure, )."
Price: 34.99

"Essential Chicken Recipes" |
"Are you looking for an exceptional online course in which you can learn essential, amazing, and mind-blowing chicken recipes? If so, you have come to the right place.Chicken has been proven to have many health benefits for our body, including high protein content, an abundance of selenium, plenty of phosphorus, and its also rich in niacin! It has natural antidepressants and also helps improve bone strength, and heart and eye health. Nutrients in chicken are also essential for healthy tissue growth.In this course, you will familiarize yourself with 17 different super-delicious chicken recipes. These recipes cover different flavors which appeal to people all around the world. The cooking style used in these recipes is exceptional you wont find them anywhere except this course!This course is result of family teamwork. Our lovely chef, Nahid Mohammadi, is a professional chef with over 40 years experience in the industry, the voice-over and editing was done by Ali Mohammadi, and the recording and extra editing was done by Morteza Mohammadi.This course is designed so that most of the ingredients are available in your local grocery store, however, as a chef, it is good to learn how to be flexible. This is where we can help you! Thus, if you are curious about substituting ingredients for any reason whatsoever, please contact us, and we will gladly suggest some alternatives to you as soon as possible. And of course, in general, you are always free to ask us any questions youve got about our course!We believe that good food will improve our mood, and by being in a better mood, we can be more productive in our daily life. So, I hope by taking our course, you will not only enjoy our wonderful dishes, but also come out of our course feeling inspired and productive.Thank you for taking our course and happy cooking!"
Price: 99.99

"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C02 Aug/2020" |
"Course InformationsOver 900 Questions and Answers available in UDEMY platform !!An excellent study guide prepared by an AWS architect will be sent separately with the stones path for certification.Updated questions in 22th August 2020!This course will guide you to practice questions similar to the exam that cover all the main domain areas of the AWS SAA-C02 exam:- Design Resilient Architecture (30% of examination)- Design High-Performing Architectures (28% of examination)- Design Secure Applications and Architectures (24% of examination)- Design Cost-Optimized Architectures (18% of examination)I recommend you score at least an 90% on all simulations before trying the actual exam. No duplicate questions.General Examination TipsResponse Types: There are two types of questions on the examination: Multiple choice: Has one correct response and three incorrect responses (distractors). Multiple response: Has two or more correct responses out of five or more options.You are not penalized for wrong answers. If you have drawn a blank, choose an answer to give yourself a chance.Tips for checking your answers before submitting your exam:Read through each question to make sure you did not fall into any traps.Count how many answers you are sure you have gotten correct. If you have more than 46, then submit the exam. If you are a cautious person, submit the exam when you have more than 50 correct.Most questions are 1-2 lines of a scenario followed by the actual question itself. They typically get straight to the point without any filler. With many questions in the AWS Solutions Architect Associate exam, you will find that there are multiple correct answers and you must select the answer that best fits the scenario. For instance, you may be asked to select the MOST secure, MOST cost-effective, or MOST operationally efficient option.Important: Be very careful reading the wording of the question to ensure you select the correct answer! Sometimes small details can be easily missed that change the answer so take your time when sitting the exam.Only this course isn't enought to obttain approval in the exam. This course is a very powerfull tool, but firstly you have to study the exam subjects to allign the content learned with the format of the questions and so get simillarity with Exam format of questions. Use the Study Guide to help on the coverage of all exam subjects.Exam Informations Exam Title: AWS Certified Solutions Architect SAA-C02Number of Questions: 65 Questions Duration: 130 minutes Test Format: Multiple-choice and Multiple ResponseTest Score: 100 - 1000Passing Score: A passing score is 720 (Scaled scoring models are used to equate scores across multiple exam forms that may have slightly different difficulty levels.)Language Exam: English, Simplified Chinese, Korean and Japanese."
Price: 19.99

"Music Production, Mixing and Audio Recording" |
"Welcome to this course dedicated to Steinberg Nuendo, one of the most famous digital audio workstations used in the field of music production.Ideal course for musicians, or singers without much experience in music production or technology who seek to be more self-sufficient to independently record and mix their songs.In it you will learn to use Nuendo in a more organized, efficient and orderly way, you will learn the essential techniques of audio recording and editing, along with the fundamentals of mixing and production."
Price: 69.99

"Professional Domestic Cleaning Course by Fantastic Academy" |
"Get your professional cleaning training by Fantastic Services, one of the UKs largest franchisors and Londons leading provider of cleaning services. Our online course offers the ultimate preparation for individuals and companies that are looking to improve their cleaning and managing skills. Whether youre someone without any previous experience, or you just want to reach higher standards and grow your customer base, youre on the right track."
Price: 19.99

"A to Z Professional Study of Solar Tech Sales Representative" |
"Welcome to your course ""A to Z Professional Study of Solar Technical Sales Representative"" this course is designed for the students and Job Seekers who wants to endeavour their knowledge in technical sales and marketing in Solar Sector also wants to work as a solar technical sales representative in solar Industry.Who is completing the course will get knowledge of the Following Things:Learner Should able to understand Roles and Responsibilities of Solar Technical Sales Representative.Learner Should able to understand Task Analyzation of Solar Project.Learner Should able to understand Criteria to Qualify Customers for Solar Installations.Learner Should able to understand Process of Site Analysis for Installation of Solar Project.Learner Should able to understand Conceptual Designing Of Solar Power Plant.Learner Should able to understand System Size of Solar Power Plant.Learner Should able to understand Phases of Implementation of Solar Project.Learner Should able to understand Sample Scope of Work for a 50 kW overseas Project.Learner Should able to understand Performance Analysis Of Solar Project.Learner Should able to understand Preparation of Proposals for Solar Project.Learner Should able to understand Financial Costs involve in Solar Project.Learner Should able to understand Break Up Costs Involve Of Solar Project.Learner Should able to understand Incentives and Savings In Solar Project.Learner Should able to understand Benchmark Cost of Solar Project.Learner Should able to understand Accelerated Depreciation benefit in Solar Project.Learner Should able to understand Payback period, NPV and Insurance in Solar Project.Learner Should able to understand Levelized cost of energy and Return on Investment in Solar Project.Learner Should able to understand Financial Benefit Analysis and Financing in Solar Project.Learner Should able to understand Environmental Benefits of Solar Power.Learner Should able to understand Feasibility Study Report - Site Topography and Site Details.Learner Should able to understand Feasibility Study Report - Rooftop details and available area assessment.Learner Should able to understand Feasibility Study Report - Substation Details and Metering Room Details.This course consist of 26 Lectures with inclusion of Steps of feasibility Study report Generation with Practical Case Study."
Price: 19.99

"Navigating through Career in Project Management" |
"This course covers introduction to project management methodologies out there. It describes at a high level what qualifications are available in the traditional and agile way of managing projects. It also covers other supporting roles within project management. For those wanting to advance beyond being a project manager, it covers suggestions on possible path and qualifications that are available. This course is supplemented with audio examples of some people already working in this role."
Price: 24.99

"PowerPoint! Prezi" |
Price: 24000.00

"Secrets of Forex Technical Analysis" |
"In this course, we are going to be learning the fundamental analysis using various instruments ranging from;1. Fibonacci Editing/ and Fibonacci tweaking 2. Chart Reversal Patterns (DOUBLE TOPS, DOUBLE BOTTOMS, HEAD AND SHOULDERS AND INVERTED HEAD AND SHOULDERS)3. Harmonic Patterns (ABCD, BAT, CRAB, BUTTERFLY, GARTLEY, SHARK, CYPHER).4. Currency pair correlations5.Eliot Wave6. Successful Trading Strategy"
Price: 54.99

"Beauty & Makeup course" |
"This course teach you best technique for Head massage, back massage, self threading & lipstick application step by step guide. After completing this course, student will be available to do this by their own. This course will help student to get independent to this things, or help other to do that."
Price: 24.99

"Environment Management" |
"The Learner is introduced to the terms, concepts, and practices in the broad domain of Environment Management. The terms such as Nature Deficit Disorder, Timeline of Life, Concepts of Environment, the System Concepts, Ecosystem, Ecosystem Services, Natural Capital, Biological Footprint, the Nature Compass, Environment Impact Assessment, the IPAT model and Global Framework for Environment are discussed in details. Global warming, Climate negotiations and Global Climate strikes are also discussed. A few quizzes are given with every lecture and a terminal quiz is included to consolidate learning experiences. A few case studies are included with a view to reinforcing the learning experiences."
Price: 49.99

"Public Speaking Course By No 1 Best Selling Author" |
"This course is a practical and action oriented course. This is designed for students in such a way that students can easily follow and master public speaking. This course is a step by step process and action to take you from where you are to where you want to go in public speaking.Public Speaking is considered to be no 1 fear and we promise that you will defeat this fear easily with us. All you need to do is follow small steps for few days."
Price: 1280.00

"Mental Toughness For Success: By No 1 Best Selling Author" |
"This course is designed to give you all you need to become successful in all areas of your life. In fact its 7 in one course.This Course starts to gite you techniques on how to develop a Warrior or Entrepreneur Mindset, how to know your Purpose and Values,How to Set a Goal and how to get your WHY. After that you learn techniques to master your thought also you learn techniques to remove all Past Negative Programming. You will learn how to make your mind stronger and how to be Very Very Confident. You will learn to defeat your Fear Of Failure And Fear Of Rejection and also how to deal with General Fear.You will master mind-blowing techniques through which Hardships,Obstacles and challenges will not at all disturb you. They will help you grow bigger. You will learn wonderful Techniques to create a powerful Self Image. Not Only This You Will Master techniques to become a Happy Person Forever"
Price: 1280.00

"Creare un reddito passivo con i videocorsi" |
"Le sfide dell'era moderna hanno cambiato drasticamente il mondo del lavoro, minandolo in alcuni casi, sin dalle basi. Basti pensare a come la recente pandemia Covid-19 ha letteralmente distrutto interi settori del lavoro.In uno scenario come questo, costrette a stare in casa, le persone si sono ""rifugiate"" nella fruizione di contenuti online, che hanno avuto un incremento esponenziale. Chi gi operava infatti in questi settori ha visto i numeri degli utenti arrivare quasi a triplicarsi. In realt non bisogna aspettare nuovamente un evento cosi catatrofico per comprendere quanto un attivit online possa essere utile e redditizia non soltanto in queste occasioni.Creare infatti dei videocorsi che siano in grado di veicolare le nostre competenze ad un audience allargata, mentre noi ci occupiamo di altro qualcosa su cui investire seriamente. Questo ""investimento"" si pu tradurre in breve in un vero e proprio reddito passivo, che pu generare denaro, mentre siamo impegnati in altre attivita.In questo videocorso ho deciso di riversare tutte le mie conoscenze ventennali nel campo della formazione online, prendendoti per mano e spiegandoti con dovizia di particolari tutto quel che devi sapere per creare un videocorso vincente, che attragga un audience allargata e generi un reddito passivo mentre tu ti occupi di altro."
Price: 99.99

"Salesforce Certified Administrator - Practice Tests" |
"Do you want to become a Salesforce Admin certified? Are you ready to pass the Salesforce Administrator Certification (ADM 201) exam?Here I have put 2 full practice tests, in this set you can improve your skill & knowledge for passing the official Salesforce Administrator Certification exam on your first try.The tests in this set are timed at 90 minutes each, so youll know when youre taking more time than the official test allows. You will also receive your total final score and sectional level feedback at the end of each test that will allow to identify more work if required in a particular section. By enrolling in this course today, youll avoid costly re-scheduling fees and take the actual exam with confidence.This is the only Salesforce Administrator Certification (ADM 201) Practice Test course on Udemy. Based on years of experience, the instructor can vouch that these practice exams are as close as you can get to taking the actual certification exam. I have successfully implemented many projects for various companies on Force platform.In this course, you can find:Further clarity of each questionSalesforce Reference LinkScenario based questions Update with latest Salesforce Release And also, you can find all the latest FREE material from my website/blog."
Price: 24.99
