"Inserzioni Local Pro - Pi clienti, meno stress!" |
"Questo video-corso ti insegner a promuovere al meglio la tua attivit attraverso strategie avanzate di social media marketing. Ti mostreremo a schermo condiviso come, da 0, creare delle campagne altamente performanti ed in grado di portarti, mese dopo mese, un incremento di clienti.Non hai molto tempo per seguire la promozione della tua attivit? Lo sappiamo bene che il tuo lavoro un altro e, proprio per questo motivo, in questo video-corso apprenderai delle strategie che ti richiederanno davvero pochissimo tempo e che, una volta settato tutto, potrai non toccare per settimane e a volte mesi!Scordati il pulsante ""metti in evidenza"" sotto i post di Facebook o Instagram: con questo video-corso apprenderai delle strategie che noi stessi in Anti Social Lab usiamo per portare sistematicamente risultati ai nostri clienti.3 diverse strategie pubblicitarie spiegate nel dettaglio, adatte a soddisfare ogni tua possibile esigenza e che saranno in grado di portare alla tua attivit risultati concreti."
Price: 189.99

"Portales Transaccionales de Compras Pblicas" |
"El curso est destinado a personas no tcnicas, que deseen conocer y profundizar en la problemtica de implementacin de un portal de esta naturaleza. Es bsico y no necesitas contar con conocimientos avanzados ni ser experto en el tema. Este curso es imprescindible porque la bibliografa que se puede encontrar publicada en distintos sitios, no cuenta con estas lecciones aprendidas y si en este tipo de proyectos se olvida considerar cualquier factor, puede constituir un retraso significativo.Est estructurado en una serie de pasos que hacen ms fcil su seguimiento, desde el punto 0 en donde se est preparando lo necesario para el proyecto, hasta el paso 7, en el que se tocan puntos sobre la ejecucin e implementacin."
Price: 19.99

"Complete Railways Aptitude - Basics,Tricky to Advance level" |
"This course is useful for those who prepare Railway exams like ALP,NTPC,Traffic apprentice, commercial apprentice, ASM, Goods Guard, Loco Pilot, Nurse, Pharmacist, Health Inspector, Malaria Inspector, Sub Inspector, Constable,Dog Handler, Junior Engineer ( Civil, electrical, Mechanical), Sr. Sec. Engineer, TTE, Enquiry clerk , booking clerk, junior account assistant , senior clerk,Trackman, Pointsman, Assistant works, Hospital assistant,Group-D,Group-C,Group B jobs etc...Crores of aspirants are applying for the Railway Exams but thousands of aspirants are only getting their dream job in Indian Railways. So to get the dream job you must prepare in smarter way,here we designed the course in such a way that one can start learning from scratch and realize their full potential to solve any kind of Aptitude sums appearing in the exams.Each and every step is explained in the basic level videos in order to make the concept clear even for the person from Non-Mathematical background.Here we designed the course in such a way that one can learn all the levels needed for the examsVideo Lectures are categorised as following levels :1.Basic + Easy Medium Level (Questions discussed are from previous Railway exams)2.Tricky + Difficult Level (Questions discussed are from Railways,SSC,UPSC CSAT)All Topics of Railways Aptitude are covered in this video lectures."
Price: 1280.00

"2021 ( ) ( ) Cost and time control and Update You will be professional planner and cost control engineer for construction projects Understand How Primavera P6 Calculates Project's Duration And Activity Weight ? Resource assignment based on BOQ activities codes and accounts Project enterprise project documents, data, reports management"
Price: 19.99

"Ethical Issues in Management" |
"You will learn about ethical issues in management in various departments, the issues faced by managers and its relation with globalization ending with a case study for better understanding. this course will be helpful in corporate world and early understanding of the issues you may face.This topic is also a part of syllabus for many degrees based on commerce background."
Price: 1280.00

zhgpsohs |
". "" "" . . . . . 20 . . ( ) ."
Price: 19.99

"React - Matriser le rendu cot serveur avec NextJS" |
"Tu cherches crer des applications react capable dtre index par les moteurs de recherche?Tu aimes faire du rendu cot serveur avec React js mais tu n'as pas besoin de configurer Webpack?Tu as dj essay plein de cours sur le rendu cot serveur avec React mais ils ne sont ni trs clairs ni en franais ?Cette formation rpond exactement tes besoins.Cette Formation te permettra de:Dvelopper des applications React avec le rendu cot serveur pour un meilleur Rfrencement (SEO)Mettre en place et structurer une application Next.jsComprendre le systme de routage et la gestion des routes complexesRcuprer des donnes provenant de l'api avec les 3 formes de rcuprationServir des fichiers statiquesImplmenter les variables d'environnement cot client et cot serveurDployer deux applications Next.js en production et faciliter lintgration continueGrer l'authentification et protger les routes privsUtiliser le rendu cot serveur, le rendu cot client et la gnration statique dans une mme applicationPourquoi vous devez utiliser Next js?React est la solution privilgie pour le marche de l'emploi, les entreprises et les particuliers recherchent les dveloppeurs React. Imaginez une entreprise spcialise en ventes des biens vous demande de lui raliser une application e-commerce pour sa boutique en ligne. Vous utilisez gnralement le template create-react-app ou vous le montez par vous mme. ces mthodes ont des inconvnients majeures:votre application utilise le rendu cot client c..d tout se passe cot navigateur et les moteurs de recherche n'ont pas accs au HTML de la page ce qui va pnaliser lapplication dtre rfrenc par les moteurs de rechercheLe chargement initial de l'application va tre long parce que le navigateur doit tlcharger le bundle javascript complet et lexcuter.C'est l qu'intervient Next.js car il vous permet de crer des applications hybrides incluant le rendu cot serveur, le rendu cot client et la gnration statique.Dans le cas d'une application e-commerce vous pourrez par exemple :Utiliser le rendu cot pour les pages qui ont besoin dtre index par les moteurs de recherche (SEO Friendly)Utiliser le rendu cot client pour la partie d'administration car ces pages n'ont pas besoin dtre rfrenc (No SEO Friendly)Utiliser la gnration statique pour les pages dont le contenu ne changent pas souvent et qui ont aussi besoin dtre indexe par les moteurs de recherche (SEO Friendly)Qu'est-ce que Next.js?Next.js est un framework bas sur React qui fournit une infrastructure et une exprience de dveloppement simple pour les applications de rendu ct serveur (SSR).Un systme de routage intuitif bas sur les pages (avec prise en charge des routes dynamiques)Le pr-rendu, la gnration statique (SSG) et le rendu ct serveur (SSR) sont pris en charge par page"
Price: 139.99

"SolidCam 2019 Tornalama (Sfrdan leri Seviyeye)" |
"Solidcam, Solidworks ierisine gml olarak alan 2.5 eksenden 5 eksene kadar her trl CNC frezeleme ve Cnc tornalama yapabilirdiiniz bir CAM yazlmdr.Solidcam program ile birlikte zamandan %70 kar edeceksiniz.Solidcam Dnya'nn en kolay renilen ve kullanlan Cam programlarndan biridir.Bu kurs ile birlikte Cam dnyasna giri yapacak ve kursu bitirdiinizde Computer Added Manufacturing (Bilgisayar Destekli retim) yapabileceksiniz.Bu kurs kapsamnda rencekleriniz ise Solidcam tornalamaya dair her ey olacak.Kursu bitirip sertifikanz almanz durumda piyasada rahatlkla i bulacak ve Cam yapabileceksiniz.Kurs ierisinde sizler iin videolarn yannda KAYNAK DOSYALAR ve DEVLER yer alacak.PROMOSYON VE NDRM ALMAK N BENMLE LETME GEN;nstagram: kaan.baaalYoutube: Kaan Bal"
Price: 49.99

"Bu kurs hzl bir ekilde yabanc dil renmenizi salayacak ekilde tasarland. Gramer ve dil bilgisinin yannda spanyollarn en sk kulland ifadeleri de renerek 0dan balayp, 1 ay iinde nce Inicial yani Balang seviyesine, sonrasnda ntermedio yani orta seviyeye kmanz ve spanyolca cmleler kurarak karnzdakini anlayacak seviyeye gelmenizi salayacak bir ders program sizleri bekliyor. Ayrca spanyol kltr ve alkanlklarn renebileceiniz bir ders de programa dahil. Sadece bu kursa kaydolanlarn eriebilecei bir platforma da giri hakknz olacak. Bylece aklnza taklan sorular sizin gibi spanyolca renen veya spanyolcaya ilgi duyan kiilere danabilir ve bol bol pratik yapabilirsiniz. spanyol Kltr dersinin sonunda severek dinlenen spanyolca arklarn da bir listesini hazrladm. Umarm sizler de keyifle dinlersiniz :)"
Price: 69.99

"HTML Learn It From Scratch Course" |
"You want to learn how to build websites? If answer is yes and If we would say on that, this is a good starting point, it would be clich, right? But also, that would be even lie because if you want to learn how to build websites this is not good point to start, this is where you need to start. Every website on the internet have been built completely or on some way with HTML. So, learning of HTML is the first step that you need to make if you want to learn how to build websites.This course is made for all of you without any previous experience with HTML and for all of you that want to improve your previous, basic knowledge about HTML. We know how tough is to start with learning of something new, so we will not overwhelm you with bunch of other technologies. Something like, you know HTML is cool but do you know what is even more cool than that, to use some JavaScript and jQuery and maybe some Bootstrap! Dont worry we will not do that. We will do our best in this course to teach you all that you need to learn about HTML. From what is HTML, through how to create HTML documents (web pages), to the how to create complete HTML website from the scratch. Once when you feel comfortable with all that you know about HTML we are sure that you will continue with learning of all that other technologies, but until then we will provide you pure and simple HTML with just basic information about CSS and JavaScript, like why to use it and where to use it in your websites.In this course every lesson contains four parts.1. In the first part of lesson well introduce you what we going to learn in that lesson.2. In the second part we will catch little bit of theory related with that topic.3. In the third part we will implement all that in code, in some real-life example.4. And in the fourth and the last part of the lesson, we will recap all that we have learned in that lesson.Learning of HTML is super easy and super fun and we have done our best to make this course just like that! So, if you are ready to start, we are here for you and we are honored to be the part of this journey with you. For all your questions we will provide answers as soon as possible and we are continuously working on improvement of our materials."
Price: 159.99

"DMS-5 Audio Study Guide" |
"This study guide is a supplementary resource for anybody already working within, or pursuing a career in a Mental Health profession. This is an easy way to reinforce or sharpen your knowledge of mental health diagnoses. Whether you are commuting, in the library, or doing other tasks at hand; all you need to do is tune in."
Price: 19.99

"ACS Exam Day Orientation - NDEB Equivalency" |
"Assessment of Clinical Skills for International Dentists is one of the most expensive exam that requires intensive preparation. So, there is no time to explore Surprises. This orientation is a mini-course to help you become familiar and confident before you step in your exam centre. There is no time to navigate 'surprises' during the day of your exam. So, find out everything that you need to know through this course."
Price: 24.99

"Admob Complete Master Class Passive Income Earning 2020" |
"Have you always wanted to create your own mobile apps but you don't know how to code?This Course Teaches Admob And Mobile App Development! So Get In And discover simple ways to create a mobile app and monetize it on google app and make money on autopilot system without stressFor those who want Passive Income Day After Day, Month after Month? This is one of the systems you need to make over $1100/ ups monthly in PASSIVE INCOME Leveraging the power of AdMob Complete Masterclass And The Good News Here Is That, It Will Takes You Lesser stress, time and money to setup an AdMob account and start profit on ongoing basesDiscover How To Create Simple Money Mobile Apps For Virtually Nothing In A Matter Of MinutesHow would you like to harness a huge source of untapped traffic, and get paydays that other marketers can only dream of?How would you like to generate over $20,080 in commission using a simple system which is so obvious and easy, yet hardly anybody is doing it.How would you like to set up a reliable online income without worrying about Search Engine Optimization, paid ads or building an email list? as all this are only but optional with Admob Masterclass Mobile App Development And Monetization SystemTAKE NOTE OF THIS, VISION 2021Friend, Do You Know? By 2021 That is in a year coming, Mobile Apps Will Generate Annual Revenue of $190 Billion! Join Now To Tap From This MarketAnother Fact, In 2016 Figures show that mobile apps generated the revenue of $98 billion dollars and this is forecast to rise to a staggering $190 Billion by 2021, so why dont you join the wagon now and start profiting from the mobile app niche, the time is now, dont miss out on this. With Admob Masterclass!! the reality is that even with ZERO technical skills and no knowledge on programming, anybody can create their own apps for VIRTUALLY NOTHING and start generating regular affiliate commission from it.Discover How To Create Simple Money Mobile Apps For Virtually Nothing In A Matter Of MinutesThese days, its almost impossible for a newbie to make money online with a website or blog, because the big established websites get all of the traffic for the best keywords.Admob Mobile App Marketing Niche is Different, As In when a user downloads your mobile app to their device, you target both the user for your affliate offer and also monetize with AdmobWho Is This Course For?Everyone who want to create mobile apps without programmingFor anyone who want to learn how to generate passive income from mobile app monetization and Affliates marketing"
Price: 64.99

"Alemn para Viajeros" |
"Ser capaz de pedir comida en un restaurante o comprar un tiquete de tren? Como preguntar por ayuda?El curso ""Alemn para viajeros"" te ayudar! Aprenders cmo reaccionar a tpicas situaciones que se puedan presentar durante tu viaje - situaciones en el Hotel, en el supermercado, en el restaurante entre otros lugares pblicos.Recibirs videos, audios y PDF. As puedes practicar cundo y dnde sea. Ve el video para leer y escuchar las frases y para ver el ejemplo de la conversacin. Escucha los audios mientras cocinar o en el camino al trabajo y repite las frases o lee el PDF para aprenderte las frases y el vocabulario de memoria. Te doy informaciones y recomendaciones sobre la cultura alemana para que te prepares bien para tu aventura grande.Con este curso vas a disfrutar an ms tu viaje por tierras germanas.Anmate y apntate a este nuevo curso."
Price: 19.99

"A process into Domain investing" |
"This course is a process of getting started into domain investing.If you are someone looking for learning and searching for a good course on domain investing,then this course is for you .From the very beginning you will get acquainted with video lessons on investing.Video lessons with steps about getting into domain investing I believe you will like it"
Price: 19.99

"Kinesiologie fr Anfnger" |
"Angewandte Kinesiologie - die Abkrzung zu mehr WohlbefindenDu mchtest dich mit deiner Ernhrung richtig wohl und gesund fhlen und fragst dich, woher du wissen sollst, welche Lebensmittel die richtigen sind?Dann ist dieser Online Workshop genau das richtige fr dich.Die angewandte Kinesiologie ist eine Biofeedback Methode.Energetisch wird die Weisheit deines Krpers befragt und du siehst, was dir gut tut.In nur wenigen Schritten lernst du die Grundlagen der Kinesiologie kennen.Du bekommst- drei Testmethoden zur Auswahl, die du alleine anwenden kannst- eine genaue Schritt-fr-Schritt Anleitung, um dich selbst zu testenDas Gelernte ist absolut alltags tauglich und du kannst mit dem Testen sofort loslegen.Dazu bentigst du lediglich deinen Krper und gegebenenfalls die Lebensmittel, die du testen mchtest. Voraussetzungen fr diesen Workshop:Du brauchst keine speziellen Kenntnisse. Allerdings solltest du offen sein fr alternative Methoden und energetische Denkanstze."
Price: 29.99

"Youtube : SEO dcod - Tout sur le rfrencement naturel" |
"Le plan de la formation : Module 1 : Le plan vido pour faire dcoller sa chaineLa liste de vidos faire pour tre omniprsent sur les requettes YouTube de ta thmatiqueLa stratgie pour attirer uniquement des personnes ultra intress par ta thmatique (fini les touristes)Ma solution pour avoir 1 nouvelle ide de vido par jourLa stratgie de playlist crer pour faire dcoller sa chaineModule 2 : Les 2 Growth hacks pour avoir ses premiers abonnsComment avoir ses premiers fans sans faire de vido et sans en parler ses connaissancesLes 2 routines mettre en place pour attirer des nouveaux abonns chaque jour sans faire de vidoLa mthode dont personne ne parle pour passer de 0 100 abonns en quelques semainesModule 3 : Je rfrence une vido devant toiLes 4 facteurs de SEO + comment les optimiserL'astuce ultime pour que tes vidos apparaissent dans les recherches googleDescription de vido : Le modle exacte copier collerL'outil indispensable pour rfrencer ses vidosComment valuer les mots cls sur lesquels positionner ses vidosModule 4 : Mon plan d'optimisation SEO aprs uploadPourquoi optimiser le SEO de ses vidos quelques mois aprs les avoir publierComment augmenter son nombre de vue par 2 grce cette techniqueComment analyser les statistiques de ses vidos (et s'en servir pour les amliorer...)La stratgie du ""micro article de blog""Module 5 : J'optimise une ancienne vido devant toiJ'analyse les statistiques d'une ancienne vidoJe te montre une optimisation complte"
Price: 49.99

"Rudiments kreativ am Drum-Set / Schlagzeug" |
"Dieser Kurs ist Teil meines 20-wchigen Rudimentskurses. Hier erlernst du erstmals 5 unterschiedliche Rudiments und wendest diese in NEUEN Grooves und Fills an. Dazu gibts die passenden Noten - Notenlesen ist jedoch keine Voraussetzung, da die Videos auf das Mitspielprinzip basieren. Das heit: Du spielst direkt mit mir mit! Das sichert Dir auch das Timing zu halten. Zwischendrin drckst Du PAUSE und bst die gelernten Phrasen.Du solltest Dir fr jede Lektion mindestens 1 Woche Zeit nehmen und 4x in der Woche ben, bis sie richtig sitzt! Dann macht es auch Spa und groovt richtig! Probiere es aus und hebe Dein Schlagzeugspiel auf ein neues Level! Alle Grooves und Fills sind einzigartig und es ist noch genug Platz fr Deine Kreativitt!Wenn der Kurs Dir Spa gemacht hat und Du mehr davon lernen willst (wovon ich ausgehe;-), bekommst Du beim Kauf des gesamten Rudimentkurses die Kosten dieses Kurses angerechnet! Kontaktier mich bei Fragen oder gebe mir gerne auch Rckmeldungen.Und jetzt - Leg los und habe Spa!Rudi"
Price: 19.99

"3' BR ARADA matematik ile bu sene matematii en kolay ekilde renmenin mutluluunu yaayn.lk adm MATEMATK H BLMYORUM HOCAM ile temelden kaynaklanan tm eksikliklerinizi tamamlyoruz. kinci adm NOKTA ATII SORULAR ile konunun mutlaka bilmeniz gereken,olmazsa olmaz sorularyla konuyu en kolay ekilde reniyoruz.nc adm TIPKISI SORULAR ile snavdan nce mutlaka grmeniz gereken ok zel bir soru serisini birlikte zyoruz.Bu sene matematik almak ok kolay.3' BR ARADA MATEMATK ile snava hazrlananlarn arasnda siz de yerinizi alarak en nemli adm atn ve birlikte baaralm."
Price: 69.99

"Energizing Your Powerful Entrepreneurial Mindset" |
"In this course, we will demonstrate to you that entrepreneurship can be learned and the negative mindset or inner critic can be tamed. We will give you practical steps and exercises through action steps that will enable you to take charge of your life and energize that powerful entrepreneurial mindset of yours.One of the problems entrepreneurs wrestle with is what we call the ""battle of the mind."" This is the constant push pull in your brain between the I know Im right to I dont have a clue what Im doing. And you dare not share that out loud for fear of being challenged or worse yetridiculed. This course is jam packed with exercises designed for you to create a step by step journey to improving your entrepreneurial mindset for success. You won't be disappointed.As you travel through our journey together, by the time you finish this course, you will be able to:Recognize the difference between a fixed or limiting mindset versus a growth or success mindset. You will learn how to deal with that pesky negative inner voice that plagues all of us from time to time.Youll be able to identify and get rid of limiting beliefs that you learned from childhood, school, work, or other negative experiences that are holding you back from achieving greater success and happiness.Identify and apply entrepreneurial mindsets and key ways of thinking that will enable you to do what you really want to do in your professional or personal life, and finally,You will learn how to create a plan to further develop your mindset so that you can watch your business expand to new levels that you hadn't previously thought possible.Sign up and let's get cracking! Time's flying!"
Price: 19.99

"L'emailing marketing" |
"Ce module couvre dans son entiret l'emailing marketing. Au programme :1) Introduction l'e-mailingPourquoi l'emailingLa dlivrabilitLes emails transactionnelsLes emails marketingLes e-mails responsifsQuel logiciel choisir ?Prix et fonctionnalits principales2) Liste et segmentationLa liste de contactImportation de listeLa segmentationLe rapport d'importationCration de segment Contraintes lgales3) Cration d'un email Choix possibles pour la cration d'un emailL'Entte (header) d'un emailModification du contenuLe footer d'un emailTest Anti-spam et envoie de la campagne4) Optimisations de l'emailOptimiser son CTAImages et vidosSignatures d'emailAB testing5) Paramtrages de campagneParamtrages de la campagneOnglet campagneOnglet ciblage6) Rapports de campagneOnglet rapport de campagnePartager son rapport de campagneSuivi de vos utilisateursInterprter un rapport de campagne7) Les automatismesAutomations8) ConclusionQuelques conseils et astuces pour votre emailing"
Price: 24.99

"Learn 3D Printing and also how to build a 3d printer" |
"This course will demonstrate on the working of 3D printer, showing what people make with it and examine the 3D printing ecosystem. 3D printing course will also explore the future of it and discuss on how it will revolutionize the world. Upon the completion of this course, students will have the solid understanding of 3D printing, its potential, and ability to print 3D designs.They can also learn about how to built a 3D printer."
Price: 1280.00

"Foundation to Pinyin for all Chinese Mandarin beginners" |
"This is an animated video-based course. A visual-auditory-kinesthetic learning style should just fit all the new language learners. There are 5 sections, 11 lectures and 3 quizzes in this course, including an introduction and a bonus lecture. The length of all lecture videos content is about 50 minutes. To consolidate the knowledge, students will complete an end of section test for each section. Besides the tones, the consonants and the vowels, students will also learn their first 100 Chinese words in this course. There is also a downloadable vocabulary list available for students to keep."
Price: 39.99

"The Power of Line, The Foundation of Basic Drawing" |
"The Power of Line is designed to teach anyone who has the desire, to learn to draw. We will explore many classical methods of drawing that have been passed down through the ages. Many of these methods you won't learn in many art colleges in this country. We will explore the essential techniques that will help develop your drawing skills quickly and efficiently. This a great course for anyone who needs to improve their drawing. Beginning, intermediate, and even advanced students will find a little something to help their drawing improve. Having taught drawing and painting for 20 years I know how important drawing is to almost every field in the visual arts.Skills that are Taught*Lines*2D Shapes*3D Shapes*Measuring Diagonals*Center and Axis Lines*Mirroring Technique *Drafting Ellipses*Proportional Measuring*Construction Drawing*Sketching for Drawing"
Price: 99.99

translab_microbit2 |
". Translabsa"
Price: 19.99

"Crea 1 tienda online y vende tambin en Amazon tus productos" |
"Curso para crear tu tienda online sin inventario. Actualizado 2020. Aprende Dropshipping y Shopify para vender tus productos, y adems te enseamos a venderlos tambin en... Amazon!!!!Con este curso, montaremos en directo una tienda online y te ensearemos las herramientas necesarias para que t tambin lo hagas.Crea tu primera tienda y empieza a generar ingresos extras a travs de Internet. Los lmites, los pondrs t."
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda Vender no Instagram" |
"VAMOS L, ESTE MTODO DE VENDAS PELO INSTAGRAM DIVIDIDO EM 5 ETAPAS OK?ORGANIZAO!CRONOGRAMA!ABORDAGEMRELACIONAMENTO!OFERTA!Voc vai aprender tudo isso em um passo a passo completo e descomplicado de 20 pginas ok!este mtodo ira te ajudar a faturar at 200$ por dia com seu instagram sem investir em nada!Baixe os arquivos do curso depois responder os 2 simulados pelo link na mensagem que te enviaremos. Qualquer erro entre em contato com minha equipe de vendas: jefitersantos764@gmail.com <3"
Price: 39.99

"les exercices de grammaire synthse" |
"Vingt questions pour vous valuer. Ceci est une exercice de synthse. vous allez peut-tre rencontrer tout le contenu du grammaire franais. si vous avez plus que 15/20. vous aurez besoin de rviser lgrement le grammaire; si vous avez plus que 10/20, vous devez rviser certains grammaire. si vous avez moins que 10/20, je vous suggre de reprendre vos tudes sur le grammaire."
Price: 19.99

"Introduo ao .NET e C#" |
"Se voc deseja aprender ou se aprofundar nos conceitos bsicos (mas importantes) do .NET e da linguagem C#, este curso o que voc procura! Iremos desde o histrico da plataforma e da linguagem, passando pelo fundamentos de ambas at criarmos uma aplicao simples em C#, utilizando os conceitos apresentados no curso"
Price: 39.99

"Soap Made Simple! Handcrafting Cold Process Soap" |
"With this simple four main ingredients recipe, you can make any variation of handcrafted cold process soap from plain and unscented in any size or shape, to scented, colored soaps with intricate designs. We will make two batches of cold process soap using two different methods: traditional method and room temperature method. We will go step by step in the crafting process and cover equipment, tools, methods, safety procedures, selecting molds as well as packaging ideas. "
Price: 84.99

"Introduction to the Determinants of Health" |
"What causes disease? It's not just viruses and bacteria. Sometimes it's race, poverty, or geography. What causes something to be called a disease? Why do doctors think obesity is a disease? What's the difference between illness, sickness, and disease ---and why does it matter? This course is a taste of the grander topic of the socioeconomic determinants of health, which are an important foundation to understanding both clinical medicine and public health in the modern era.Your instructor is a prominent Epidemiologist and tenured professor at a major Canadian university. He has won many teaching awards, and is a regular fixture in the media for his ability to explain complex ideas in a simple way.This course is ideal for anyone considering a career in the health sciences or in the allied medical professions, or anyone seeking a better understanding of health care in the modern era. It is derived and distilled from a larger version taught to undergraduate university students, and is paired with a textbook that was written specifically for that larger course."
Price: 24.99
