"Visual Effects with Adobe Animate" |
"If youre in Animation, Advertising, Graphic Designing. Beginner or Professional and want to create someamazing Visual Effects in 2D Animation, Really... Quicklythen Weve got just the course for you! Hi! Art n Animation.brings you 20 Fun Videos, We are sharing with you loads of tricks and techniques in 2D Visual Effects used by professional animators. You will learn how to create animatedFire EffectsWater EffectsLearn to animate Lightening, Smoke, Bubbles and so much more STEP BY STEP!All you need is Adobe Animate and youre ready to go pro in no time!If you take this course, you get...- Professional Instructors- 5+ hours of step-by-step detailed visual instruction.- 20+ detailed lectures- Expert tricks and techniques- FREE Background Files- Lifetime Access"
Price: 49.99

"Experimentos de Growth Hacking para canais de trao" |
"CRESCER DI! GROWTH NO UM TERMO DA MODAGrowth Hacking: o termo legal, mas seu arroz com feijo est bem feito? Treinamento e estratgias de GrowthAprenda o necessrio para desenvolvimento e crescimento da gerao de demanda nas unidades de negcio. Ou seja, gerar oportunidades para a rea de vendas por meio da distribuio dos nossos produtos, servios e contedos em canais de traoAGENDA. O que voc vai aprender?O que Growth?Momento para escalarMtricas de crescimentoMetodologia e processo de Growth (rotina/reunio)Canais de traoApresentao de case: Como o Distrito Faz Growth?Materiais, Referncias, Livros, Pessoas para seguir"
Price: 99.99

"Flutter Avanzado: Lleva tu conocimiento al siguiente nivel" |
"Este es un curso cargado de informacin importante que nos ayudar a crear mejores aplicaciones con este increble SDK de Google, pero aunque todo parezca increble, este no es un curso para personas que estn iniciando en esta tecnologa. Por favor revisen los requisitos del curso antes de inscribirse.Entre los temas que aqu tratamos estn:Google y Apple Sign-inApplePay y GooglePayDirecciones en mapasTrazar rutas en mapasMarcadores personalizadosWidgets como marcadoresSockets tanto en el Frontend (Flutter) y nuestro BackendDiferentes gestores de estadoFlutter BLoC, Cubits, Provider...RealTime Chat sin FirebaseGrficas en tiempo realManejo de tokensPantallas de cargaPermisos y detectar cambios en serviciosRe-conexin en caso de cadas del socket serverIdentificacin y autenticacin de clientes conectados por socketsNodeMongoDB y MongoAtlasJWTAutenticacin propiaAutenticacin con Google y Apple Sign-in tanto en el Frontend y BackendDespliegues en la nubeGit, Github y ramasY mucho msEl curso cuenta con estructuras robustas tanto en el Frontend (Flutter) y en el Backend (Node principalmente), las cuales nos ayudarn a crear toda todas las aplicaciones y manejar la informacin centralizada, tambin cuenta con despliegues de nuestras APIS y Socket Server para realizar las pruebas reales en dispositivos y tener todo el control de la autenticacin mediante redes sociales.Otro objetivo del curso es ayudarte a perder el miedo a patrones como BLoC de manera que podamos apreciar el potencial y su poder sin perder el control del estado en ningn momento.Al finalizar el curso, habrs creado aplicaciones de seguimiento en tiempo real, chats, cobros, autenticaciones, backend, dominar BLoC y otros gestores de estado, encriptaciones de contrasea, manejo de sesiones de usuario, Apple y Google sign-in y muchas cosas ms que llegars a necesitar cuando quieras crear una aplicacin que requiera una o todas esas tecnologas."
Price: 199.99

"MO-100 Word 2019/365 Associate Certification Preparation" |
"Microsoft Word (2019/365) Associate Certification Preparation for the MO-100 ExamThis course will prepare you for the Microsoft Office Specialist Exam MO-100. Developed by University Lecturers who are also Microsoft Certified Professionals, MOS Masters and MOS examiners, no course on Udemy or any other educational platform can surpass this content. With over 90 lectures covering every possible aspect of the MO-100 syllabus, you can be 100% certain that your knowledge of the skills required to succeed will be excellent. In addition to an explanation of every required certification technique, the course provides an overview of the exam, the objective requirements set by Microsoft, tips on how to prepare and what to expect on the day of the test. It includes a comprehensive bank of test exercises which reflect the style of questions asked in the MO-100 Microsoft Associate Word exam, together with video solutions for all of the exercises in the Course Exercise Book.MOS University 'Try It Yourself' exercises and resources are provided for almost every lecture. These allow you to test your self to ensure that your understanding of the lecture material is sound. Become a Microsoft Office Specialist and Enhance Your CareerNo prior knowledge requiredStart from scratch and get Microsoft to certify your skills in this hugely important technical skillUnderstand the requirements of the MO-100 Certification ExamLearn how to correctly prepare for the testGet advice from seasoned professionals who know how to pass the examAssociate Word with the MO-100 ExamThis course is suitable for people at all levels of proficiency in Microsoft Word. If you are new to the subject, then the course will lead you step by step through every single technique which is tested in the MO-100 exam. If you are already proficient in the use of Word to some extent, then this course will help you to understand what is required in order to obtain a valuable certification in the subject. Every element of the objective domain (Microsoft Syllabus) for the MO-100 exam is comprehensively covered, together with exercises designed to ensure that you know the style and types of questions which you are required to answer in the exam.When you pass the MO-100 exam, Microsoft issue you with the MOS, or Microsoft Office Specialist Associate certification status, in Microsoft Word 2019/365. Obtaining this certification provides tangible evidence that you are proficient in your use of Microsoft Word and your LinkedIn profile will be automatically adjusted by Microsoft to reflect this achievement. If you follow and complete the course and exercises you will really optimise your chances of gaining that qualification, you will enhance your status in your existing job and boost your job prospects in the marketplace. Content and OverviewSuitable for beginners or for anyone who has a reasonable knowledge of Microsoft Word, this course is aimed at you obtaining Associate certification status from Microsoft by passing the MO-100 exam. Rather than simply provide sample questions, the course explains how the exam is structured, the way that the questions should be approached and how to study successfully to pass.The course also includes invaluable advice on the best way to prepare and what to expect from the testing process. "
Price: 119.99

"Django & Python Backend Web Development For Beginner" |
"Welcome to the Python and Django Backend Development for Beginner Course! In this course, we cover everything you need to know to build a website using Python, Django, and many more web technologies!Whether you want to change career paths, expand your current skill set, start your own entrepreneurial business, become a consultant, or just want to learn, this is the course for you!We will teach you the latest technologies for building great web applications with Python 3.8.3 and Django 3! But we don't just teach that, we also teach How you can create three different Django Project from Scratch. This course can be your one-stop-shop for everything you need! It will serve as a useful reference for many of your questions as you begin your journey in becoming a web developer!What is the Best Part of this Course?You will learn Django Basic Fundamentals Create a Dynamic Website with HTML TemplateCreate CRUD Using MySqlLearn Django User AuthenticationDevelop A Blog Project with DjangoDevelop A Social Media Project with DjangoDevelop A Ecommerce Project with DjangoThis course you will not just learn you actually doing it. Learn and apply this on live project with me. Sound Great right? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Click the ""Enroll Now"" button at the top right now!I am excited to see you on the course!Sincerely,Kazi Ariyan"
Price: 199.99

"Be Successful Selling on Redbubble" |
"You can easily make passive income from being a designer. Seriously!I am able to make hundreds of dollars THIS month selling designs that I uploaded to Redbubble 4 MONTHS AGO!You may have 2 questions right about now:1. How much time do you put into your Redbubble store every month? and2. How good are the designs you are uploading?Well, the answers are... I have put ZERO hours of work into my store since the first few weeks and I am a TERRIBLE designer!!!The secret is to find uncopyrighted designs online and make products that people are looking to BUY online!I have helped numerous people set up stores such as these that have had even more success than me.BUT the BEST part is that there is literally no work after you store is set up and rolling. Just sit back and collect your money every month!"
Price: 29.99

"Reiki 101 Certification - Energy Healing & Protection" |
"Do certain people and/or crowds drain you?Do you think that you are intuitive, but you don't know how to develop it further?Do you ever wonder why some days of your life work flawlessly, while others are a constant challenge?Would you like to develop a lifelong skill that you can use each and every day to optimize every area of your life?If you answered YES to any of these questions, The Mohr Method of Healing Reiki Training System is for YOU!In this course you will learn the following: Two styles of Usui Reiki Healing, The Law of Attraction, Energetic Protection, The 7 Energy Chakra Centers, the Beginnings of Enhancing your Intuitive Abilities, and More!This informative, fun, and interesting course is designed for every student, no matter where you are in life.Above all, you will learn how each and every one of these skills can be used to enhance and simplify your life. Reiki isnt just for health care providers-its for everyone who seeks to optimize their mood, health, and lifestyle!This healing system is the only one of its kind, and is taught exclusively by Licensed Mohr Method of Healing instructors. This workshop is taught by the creator and developer of this system, Lisa Mohr.Lisa Mohr has been a Certified Reiki Master since 1996, and has spent over 25 years developing this system. With 2 books published within this system and 4 additional published books Lisa is a one-of-a-kind instructor. She has hosted hundreds of workshops and has an extensive library of support materials available on her website.BONUS! Included with this training is a FREE PDF of Reiki 101-a Self Study. (Valued at $37.00)Detailed body work is included via PDF book and video.You will receive a virtual attunement. This will permanently imbed a Reiki antenna into your top four Chakras, allowing you to channel Reiki energy easily, for the rest of your lifetime.With just 8 individuals between Lisa Mohr and Mikao Usui, the Grand Reiki Master, you will be joining the lineage of a short line of extremely powerful Reiki Healers. This energy has been kept pure and strong since it was officially discovered by Mikao Usui in the early 1900s.Some of Lisa's Reiki Class testimonials:During this class, I realized that Im sensitive to others feelings and emotions, and I was absorbing their stuff. Most of my feelings werent mine at all! Lisa taught me to protect myself and its changed my life. - Laurie B.I had so many, Did that really just happen?!! moments, I cant even count them all! - MarthaI dont see the world the same way as I did before this class. I have had significant reality checking daily, as a result! - Paul C.I can honestly say Im much happier now, and have more mindfulness. - Connie F.I really liked Lisas class. She has a genuine caring about her students, and wants each and every one of them to have a better life. - Max L."
Price: 129.99

"Python-Introduction to Data Science and Machine learning A-Z" |
"Learning how to program in Python is not always easy especially if you want to use it for Data science. Indeed, there are many of different tools that have to be learned to be able to properly use Python for Data science and machine learning and each of those tools is not always easy to learn. But, this course will give all the basics you need no matter for what objective you want to use it so if you :- Are a student and want to improve your programming skills and want to learn new utilities on how to use Python- Need to learn basics of Data science- Have to understand basic Data science tools to improve your career- Simply acquire the skills for personal useThen you will definitely love this course. Not only you will learn all the tools that are used for Data science but you will also improve your Python knowledge and learn to use those tools to be able to visualize your projects.The structure of the courseThis course is structured in a way that you will be able to to learn each tool separately and practice by programming in python directly with the use of those tools. Indeed, you will at first learn all the mathematics that are associated with Data science. This means that you will have a complete introduction to the majority of important statistical formulas and functions that exist. You will also learn how to set up and use Jupyter as well as Pycharm to write your Python code. After, you are going to learn different Python libraries that exist and how to use them properly. Here you will learn tools such as NumPy or SciPy and many others. Finally, you will have an introduction to machine learning and learn how a machine learning algorithm works. All this in just one course.Another very interesting thing about this course it contains a lot of practice. Indeed, I build all my course on a concept of learning by practice. In other words, this course contains a lot of practice this way you will be able to be sure that you completely understand each concept by writing the code yourself.For who is this course designedThis course is designed for beginner that are interested to have a basic understand of what exactly Data science is and be able to perform it with python programming language. Since this is an introduction to Data science, you don't have to be a specialist to understand the course. Of course having some basic prior python knowledge could be good but it's not mandatory to be able to understand this course. Also, if you are a student and wish to learn more about Data science or you simply want to improve your python programming skills by learning new tools you will definitely enjoy this course. Finally, this course is for any body that is interested to learn more about Data science and how to properly use python to be able to analyze data with different tools.Why should I take this courseIf you want to learn all the basics of Data science and Python this course has all you need. Not only you will have a complete introduction to Data science but you will also be able to practice python programming in the same course. Indeed, this course is created to help you learn new skills as well as improving your current programming skills.There is no risk involved in taking this courseThis course comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee, this means that if your are not happy with what you have learned, you have 30 days to get a complete refund with no questions asked. Also, if there is any concept that you find complicated or you are just not able to understand, you can directly contact me and it will be my pleasure to support you in your learning.This means that you can either learn amazing skills that can be very useful in your professional or everyday life or you can simply try the course and if you don't like it for any reason ask for a refund.You can't lose with this type of offer !!ENROLL NOW and start learning today :)"
Price: 99.99

"Online Japanese Pronunciation Basics" |
"Online Japanese Pronunciation Basics consists of 11 lessons. This course is for Japanese learning beginners. The purpose of this learning material is to help you master correct pronunciation of Japanese hiragana and katakana. Fluent Japanese pronunciation can be achieved by practicing from beginners' levels. This learning material introduces you the key points of Japanese pronunciation from each kana to prosodic features such as accent and intonation. In addition, we do pronunciation practice for words in each lesson. All of the narration contains English subtitles, so that the people learning Japanese for the first time can freely study the materials."
Price: 89.99

WooCommerce |
Price: 2400.00

"Clear and Simple NSX-T 2.4 (VCP-NV 2020)" |
"Are you looking for NSX-T Training? Do you want to learn from an experienced trainer who makes complex concepts simple and easy to understand?I am a VMware Certified Instructor who has taught thousands of hours of live training directly for VMware. Most lectures in this course are 5 - 15 minutes long. A few deeper topics are slightly longer. This course gives you a complete understanding of NSX-T concepts. So join me in becoming an NSX Guru today!VMware NSX is the most disruptive network technology in recent memory. Demand for employees who understand NSX will continue to grow as the product reaches maturity. This course is designed to help you understand all of the concepts behind NSX-T 2.4. We'll start at the very beginning, and learn basic networking. If you are a vSphere Administrator with a limited networking background this will be very helpful.NSX-T 2.4 will be covered in a few different sections. First we'll learn the basics about NSX-T 2.4 objects, and differentiate the Management, Control, and Data Planes. From there we'll dig deep into switching and routing functions within NSX-T 2.4. We'll also cover security, and how NSX can provide microsegmentation.This course will also help you prepare for the VMware VCP-NV exam. The new VCP-NV 2020 Certification can be achieved by passing the NSX-T 2.4 exam that this course is based on. In order to take the VCP-NV exam you will need to complete some course requirements from VMware as well. Be sure to check those out as you prepare to get certified."
Price: 29.99

"Burp Suite Mastery: Bug hunters perspective" |
"[+] Course at a glanceWelcome to this course! Bug bounty hunting is on the hype nowadays. most security researchers are hunting for bugs and earning bounties in day to day life. it becomes crucial to know the right set of rules and know the right methodologies to hunt for bugs. in most of the cases, researchers uses Burp suite community edition that gives fine-grained tools and strategy to assist in hunting and finding bugs on the target platforms.In this case, many people who is new to bug bounty hunting is not following the proper approach to get the best results. many people even don't know how to use Burp suite effectively.This course: Mastering burp suite community edition: bug hunter's perspective is the perfectly focused over how Burp suites can be used in an effective way to enhance the hunter's ability to find more bugs.This course contains following:[+] Course materialsBurp suite's learning (Best for bug hunters)7+ Hours of Videos lessonsSelf-pacedAccess from PC, TABLETS, SMARTPHONES.Free Online Labs from Burp suite's creator"
Price: 49.99

"Sonido en Vivo para eventos profesionales" |
"Si buscas mejorar tu negocio de sonido ste curso es para ti!Aprende de una manera rpida, sencilla y eficaz todo lo que necesitas para ser un verdadero profesional del sonido en vivo desde pequeos a grandes eventos. Principios de acstica, electricidad, seguridad, cadenas electroacsticas, conexiones, micrfonos, consolas, altavoces, software de prediccin acstica y ms, son conceptos que debes conocer y manejar para cuidar la calidad y rentabilidad de tu negocio o trabajo en el sonido; en este curso te llevaremos en un maravilloso recorrido por todo lo que necesitas saber!OBJETIVOS DEL CURSO:Este curso est estructurado para que avances desde los conceptos iniciales necesarios, hasta comprender adecuadamente todos los procesos concernientes al campo del refuerzo sonoro, manejo y montaje de sistemas de sonido profesional."
Price: 99.99

"Mejore su Ingls con la lectura NIVEL CERO OANI INSTITUTE" |
"16 lecciones para iniciarse con la lectura en Ingls. Estas lecturas van ayudar a mejorar su Ingls en cuanto a la Gramtica, Escritura y Comprensin y estan basadas en el curso INGLES NIVEL CERO aqu en la plataforma que cubre la Gramtica Bsica desde los Pronombres Personales , Presente Simple hasta el Pasado en Ingls tomando como ejemplo las oraciones Afirmativas Negativas e Interrogativas que identifica el Mtodo Oani. El propsito fi nal es que el elumno se concentre en Ingls, lo cual le va ayudar a perfeccionar este idioma"
Price: 19.99

"Preguntas y respuestas Nivel Cero" |
"Como hacer una pregunta enIngls? 16 lecciones Bsicas para dominar la comprenson y comunicacin utilizando la Gramtiva Bsica. Presente Simple, Pasado Simple, Presente Progresivo, Preguntas con el Verbo TO BE ETC.En cada leccin aprendes a preguntar y responder siguiendo los objetivos estudiados en INGLS NIVEL CERO y otros cursos que apoyan este nivel. Aprenders a pregunar en Presente Simple, Progresivo, Preguntas con el verbo TO BE, en Pasado etc"
Price: 19.99

"Creacin de paquete en Laravel 7 sistema de Roles y Permisos" |
"Bienvenido al curso: Creacin de paquete en laravel 7 sistema de Roles y permisos.Este curso est dividido en 2 secciones importantes:1) Seccin Gratis en Youtube: esta seccin est gratis en YOUTUBE.Objetivo: Aprender a crear toda la estructura que necesitas de un sistema de Roles y Permisos en Laravel 7. 2) Seccin Primium Udemy: esta seccin est nicamente en UDEMY.Objetivo: En esta seccin aprenders a crear un paquete que se instalar va composer en Laravel 7.Qu aprenders en este curso?Crear un sistema de roles y permisos completamente en Laravel 7.Convertir este proyecto en un paquete que se instale va composer,Entender la forma correcta para realizar una relacin de muchos a muchos.Crear Seeder con tablas multiples para crear los primeros permisos, crear un rol administrador y un usuario administrador.Crear controladores que manejar la funcionalidad de los roles y permisos.Crear un rol y asignarle permisos.Asignar rol a un usuario de manera manual.Entender la sintaxis para asignar un rol o varios roles, y a su vez, asignar uno o varios permisos a un rol.Aprender a Blindar la aplicacion con Gates tanto en los controladores como en la vista.Aprender a Blindar la aplicacin con Polticas tanto en los controladores como en la vista.Asignar un rol automticamente se registre un usuario.Instalar GITAprender a subir tu paquete a GITHUB.Aprender a hacer commitAprender a relizar release en github.Vincular tu paquete de github a packagist.y mucho ms. Espero que este curso sea de tu agrado, as que sin massssssssssssssssssssssssssss, nos veremos en la prxima."
Price: 19.99

"Get Paid to Own Stocks: Work From Home & Get Paid" |
"Learn one of the best kept secrets in the stock market. Taught by Joe Correa, who owned and managed an investment advisory firm and was series 65 licensed and has traded options for years. Selling cash secured puts is profitable and is one of the investment strategies with the highest probabilities of success in the stock market. You don't need prior knowledge of options to complete this course and can start making money right away.If you want to start generating passive income on a monthly basis and have the drive to learn a new investment strategy, then this is the course for you. For people who are constantly looking for deals and want to own great stocks at a discount, this is your chance. By selling cash secured put options contracts you'll be able to have the opportunity to own stocks at a deep discount and if the stock doesn't go down enough for you to buy it, you get to keep the premium payments.Imagine that. Getting paid to own a stocks and even getting it at a deep discount. When you sell cash covered puts, you have three ways to profit.1. If the stock goes up, you make money.2. If the stock moves sideways, you make money.3. If the stock goes down but not enough for you to have to buy it, you make money.If in the worst case scenario, the stock reaches the price you offered to buy it at, you will end up owning the stock but still get to keep the profits made by offering to buy it at that price. ""So what's the catch"" you ask? You'll have the same risk as owning stock but profit if it goes up, down, or sideways. Invest with very little money and make great returns. Even if you are ultra conservative and chose to make a low profit of 3% per month, this would be a 36% per year! Buying options can be a low probability trade but selling cash secured puts can be of much higher probability from 56% to a 98% chance of profit.In this course, you'll learn:- How to invest without paying any fees through Robinhood Financial and Webull- How to get stocks for free by using my referral code.- How to sell cash secured puts.- Become an expert at finding great opportunities.- Discover the ""Best options selling plan"", which you can copy and start making profits.- How to practice selling cash secured puts through paper trading accounts.- How to create passive income on a weekly or monthly basis.- Automate your trades so you can enjoy the day while you wait for your position to be executed at the price you want.- Increase your chances to profit by using probabilities to take advantage of trades.- Limit your risk by choosing great stocks and offering to buy them much lower than they're currently trading at.You can even start your trading account with no money at all by referring friends and family and getting free stock for doing so. You can sell that stock after that and keep the money or reinvest it to sell cash secured puts to generate monthly passive income.In the first part of the course, I will go over what selling cash secured puts is and what the benefits are. You will also learn how to get your first free stock and start creating your investment portfolio. Besides that, you will learn how to calculate your maximum profit potential and what the risks are (which are the same as owning stock, but slightly less since you'll get paid anyway).In the second part of this course, you'll the basics of what options are and why selling cash secured puts is such a profitable and high probability strategy. I will go over some live trades so that you can copy my strategies and my approach towards investing in the stock market. You will understand why options lose value over time which will increase your profits much faster as they get nearer to the expiration date.Your instructorJoseph Correa was the founder and CEO of Trust Investment Advisors, and was series 65 licensed. He owns and manages other financial and educational businesses that require savvy decision making and smart investment strategies. Having invested hundreds of thousands of dollars, he knows what investments are profitable and how to maximize their potential. * This course does not cover options technical analysis."
Price: 49.99

"Windows ~~" |
"10CtrlCPC = = PCPCPC = PCOK Auto Hot Key ( AHK) = 10(PageUp/DownHomeF1~F12)WEBPC(WEB)AHKPC"
Price: 19800.00

"Overcoming depression and anxiety" |
"Depression and anxiety affects many people in different ways. In this course you can find simple yet practical steps that can help you get started on your own personal journey in overcoming. All you need is just a willingness to learn new things. It's time to embark on your own path of self discovery and leave anxiety and depression behind."
Price: 24.99

-PyTorch |
Price: 59.99

"JavaScript Complete Guide Course" |
"JavaScript complete guide courseJavaScript is the best programming language for modern web browser the Java programming language has most of demand and Technology for web technology and Java program JavaScript programming many libraries and frameworks are made the JavaScript world most demanded JavaScript complete guide course Technologies today for the purpose of learning web technologies after many big companies like Facebook Google and so JavaScript complete guide course on other companies going use to JavaScript libraries for creating professional websites even the Facebook have convert in the JavaScript libraries react dot net on Technologies and JavaScript JavaScript complete guidecomplete guide to learn about the JavaScript Technologies which help you to become a professional web development front end developer using JavaScript Technologies today is the most demanded technology is the JavaScript and every website using the JavaScript for their web browser all browsers accepting the JavaScript because the JavaScript is one the the programming language which using cross-platform browsing it is the advantage of JavaScript with help of the JavaScript you are learn these Technologies and it is the good choice for the learners become a JavaScript professionals and last three years the JavaScript program in the standard language in the all over programming languageJavaScript Course outline What is alert What document. writeWhat is console.log What is loopWhat is function What is illegal and legal keywordsWhat is variable What programming languagesWhat data type What is stringWhat is number What is undefinedWhat is Null What dynamic data typeWhat type of operators What is statement expressionWhat Reserved keywords What is arithmetic operatorsWhat is increment & Decrement What is string conversionWhat is JavaScript engine What is JavaScript frameworkWhat is compiler What is interpreterwhat we learn in the JavaScript complete courseJavaScript complete learn about the fundamentals of JavaScript what is the diff fundamentals of JavaScript how to start JavaScript programming basic to advanced level if you don't have used JavaScript don't worry about it I will teach you details JavaScript which help you become professional and the JavaScript programming these are the most trending technology and web development JavaScript Complete Guide Course Web Development JavaScript Complete Guide Course Web Development Technology last demand letter biology and it is the good opportunity for you today is learning JavaScript you can become a professional and field of the Government and technologies and its great opportunity for you become professional Institute of technology and web development this is the great opportunities to learn the web technologies especially Java learning Java Technologies JavaScript requiredJavaScriptlearn about the JavaScript fundamentals specially how write the Alert function alert variables document dot write Council data types strings numbers Boolean undefined undefined examples dynamic data types type of operators statement expressions legal names and legal names reserve keyword was arithmetic operations increment decrement string connecting from string conversions composition operators loops JavaScript Complete Guide Course Web Development"
Price: 99.99

"Planilha de Oramento Pessoal sem Mistrio" |
"Pode ser que voc j tenha tentado montar diversas vezes uma planilha de oramento pessoal mas no sabe nem por onde comear.Quem sabe voc pode at pensar que lhe falta o conhecimento necessrio em EXCEL para fazer isso. Esse curso vai lha ajudar a suprir essa necessidade pois vou lhe presentear um modelo completo de planilha de oramento pessoal prontinha para ser preenchida com os seus dados.Mas tenho uma triste notcia para lhe dar. Ter uma planilha no basta para manter as suas finanas em dias. necessrio saber como preenche-la corretamente.Exatamente por isso que montei esse curso. Vou lhe ensinar como MANTER A SUA PLANILHA ATUALIZADA SEM MISTRIO. Ter sucesso financeiro e conseguir fazer com que o seu dinheiro sobre no final do ms ao ponto de conseguir investir mais simples do que voc pode imaginar. Eu vou lhe ensinar como."
Price: 19.99

"Advanced English Communication and Fluency Master Class" |
"This is THE Master Class that goes beyond advanced English and teaches you techniques that native English speakers use.If you're ready to feel, look, and sound like a fluent English speaker, this course is a deep dive into the topics and techniques that will get you there. This course covers everything from mastering connected speech to overcoming mental language-learning blocks.THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU IF:You are an advanced English speaker who wants to speak English more fluently and feel less stuck.You want to feel less anxious and more like your most authentic self when speaking English.You want to feel less stressed and look and sound confident when you speak English.You want to communicate more effectively and improve your storytelling and small talk skills.You like learning American pronunciation, expressions and idioms that will help you understand native speakers with ease.Pronunciation is a tool for the bigger picture, which is talking to people, and that means presenting the best and most relaxed version of yourself."" -Tannia SuarezWHAT YOU WILL LEARN IN THIS COURSE:Advanced Pronunciation: Learn about connected speech, which can have a big impact on fluency and fluidity.Confidence: Learn how to use your body language and facial expressions to look and sound more confident.Storytelling: Learn how to become a more interesting and interactive speaker and storyteller.Conversation Skills: Learn how to change the topic respectfully and transition to other subjects naturally.Accent Reduction: Learn how to reduce your accent and master difficult sounds in American English.Natural Speech: Learn how to change your intonation and rhythm to speak more fluidly.Real-Life English: Learn to use popular expressions and relaxed sentence structure to sound more natural.Mindset: Learn about the importance of mindset and how to overcome language learning blocks and feel less stuck.""Until you let it go, you won't be able to grow."" -Tannia SuarezTHIS COURSE INCLUDES NEARLY 4 HOURS OF INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEOS AND LOTS OF BONUSES:BONUS Native Speaker Listening Challenges: Understand the nuances of why native speakers sound the way they do so you can feel more comfortable talking to themBONUS My Favorite English Resources: Get access to the my go-to list (a live Excel sheet organized by category) of free resources like grammar, vocabulary, phrasal verbs, games and YouTube videos.BONUS Calendar and Checklist: Print out the calendar and course checklist to ensure that you keep yourself accountable and make real progress.BONUS Printable Notes: Print any or all of the notes that correspond to the course lessons and extra lists and tips that supplement your learning.WHAT STUDENTS ARE SAYING:""Recently, an American client told me that she's really impressed with my English. It felt awesome. Thanks, Tannia, for your support!"" ~Chris from Germany""This course helped me to cross the speaking barrier so now I'm not afraid to talk in English."" ~Indad from KurdistanMEET THE INSTRUCTOR:I'm Tannia of English Challenges. As a Business English Coach, entrepreneur and digital nomad I get to travel all over the world while building my virtual business and coaching amazing clients, helping them take their English and their career to the next level. Join over 100,000 students across platforms - and let's help you speak English naturally and confidently."
Price: 29.99

"Tcnico em Hardware Jr" |
"Em termos de mercado de trabalho, um dos profissionais mais requisitados o tcnico em hardware, pois todo equipamento necessita de manuteno tanto preventiva, quanto de reparao.Este curso foi desenvolvido para que voc conhea os componentes essenciais para o funcionamento de um computador, como peas e programas necessrios para que o usurio consiga trabalhar com a mquina.Sendo assim, eu Allan Almeida de Arajo da Basic Code deu incio a um projeto que possibilita todo o conforto necessrio para que voc consiga absorver ao mximo o contedo apresentado. A partir de agora, voc poder realizar o curso no horrio eu que for conveniente. A flexibilidade de horrio permite que voc adeque o curso ao seu dia a dia, sem afetar sua rotina."
Price: 69.99

"Auto CAD 2019 -" |
"Auto CAD 2019 233D"
Price: 199.99

palpation-medium3 |
"1. 2. 3. 4."
Price: 19.99

"Boost Your Resilience and Thrive in Uncertain Times" |
"The coronavirus is not only a health crisis of immense proportionits also an imminent restructuring of the global economic order.Are You ...feeling anxious and possibly stressed about the current situation?struggling to motivate yourself, or wish that you could get more done each day?wondering how you and/or your business will get through this?struggling to achieve dreams and goals that are dear to you?unable to make quick effective decisions?struggling to bounce back after missing out on a promotion?Learn How To Change Your Life by Changing Your Brain.You Are What You Think!Learn key skills and mindsets vital to leading an agile and adaptive organization...""The coronavirus pandemic is a unique crisis that has revealed problems with how we develop leaders and what qualities we expect from them""- Art Petty.Effective Leadership is being able to adapt to uncertainty and build cultures where tough-minded people can have robust discussions and make tough decisions quickly.As we battle our way through intense crisis, with a lot of uncertainty about the future. The stakes are high, because every organizations mission and financial survival are at risk, along with the wellbeing of their employees.How should leaders operate under these conditions to help their organization survive and thrive?Many leaders are finding that the rules of success in an intense crisis are different from anything they could have imagined.What You'll Learn On This Course:Learn to stay calm under pressure, make the right decisions for your people, and then execute those decisions effectively.Understand why people get anxious and what to do to stay calm.build confidence and motivationHow to communicate effectively with your team during crisis.Maximise your opportunities to make your business survive and thrive.Develop your resilience and agility to cope with changes.Learn how to stay confident and unwavering without fear [avoid thinking traps].It's not what happens to us but how we respond to what happens to us that has the greatest effect on the trajectory of our lives. Be Wired To Thrive!"
Price: 99.99

"Como investir no Mercado de Aes?" |
"Voc quer ser scio(a) de uma empresa da bolsa de valores, mas no sabe por onde comear? E voc sabia que menos de 1% das pessoas investem no mercado de aes, conforme a B3. J nos EUA, metade da Bolsa composta por pessoas fsicas. Vamos reverter este nmero? Eu, Anelise D. Schinaider, vou te ensinar de forma fcil e descomplicada como investir no Mercado de Aes. Venha participar!!!"
Price: 39.99

"Arabic Language Course" |
"Simply put, this course is about how to learn the Arabic language in an interactive and engaging way.I assure my students that the Arabic Language learning is going to be fun and entertainment in this course which is based on updated criteria and guidelines.In short, this course is going to be the best way to learn Arabic online.If you are going to learn with me from scratch, then your current level is "" Novice Low"". We will see how it will be by the end of the first course. I say the ""first course"" because I am sure that you are serious and eager to learn the Arabic language and accordingly I expect you to enroll in the upcoming courses for the higher levels.In this course, you will learn to read, write, speak and comprehend Arabic.This course will begin with an extensive introduction to the letters and sounds of the Arabic alphabet. The phonological system of the Arabic language will be covered in a comprehensive and easy way."
Price: 49.99

"Communication Masterclass:" |
"Demonstrating strong communication skills is about being able to convey information to others in a simple and unambiguous way. ... Good communication is about understanding instructions, acquiring new skills, making requests, asking questions and relaying information with easeWhile it takes time and practice, communication and interpersonal skills are certainly able to be both increased and refined. There are four main types of communication we use on a daily basis: Verbal, nonverbal, written and visualCommunication is the lifeblood of any organisation. Whether its issuing simple instructions at work, sorting out a tricky situation with a subordinate, lifting flagging morale, working out a better way to meet productivity targets, briefing your team on customer feedback after a product launch, or as CEO, getting your employees to buy into your companys vision communication is the pivot of any business venture, from start-up to global corporation.Speaking or verbal communication is perhaps the most frequently used way to get a message across at the workplace, and it includes meetings, presentations, workshops, in-person interviews, and telephonic and video conferencing.This is another powerful business communication skill, which embraces the gamut from email, internal business memos, formal letters, bulletin boards, posters, flyers, PPTs, etc.Effective writing requires careful choice of words that send out a message cogently and accurately.This form of communication is reliable; it can be used to reach multiple individuals all at once and is the best way to convey technical information.This is tough to master simply because more and more people, especially young people, are spending less and less time reading.Many limit their reading to social networking sites and instant messaging while reading only when absolutely necessary.Perhaps the most difficult business communication skill to practice, listening implies that you not only hear what someone is saying but also understand the content, decode all the non-verbal signals and filter the message without bias or prejudice.Effective listening is a winning tool in every managers toolkit, for it implies the ability to put oneself in someone elses shoes, something every employee craves an empathetic ear."
Price: 94.99

"Gatsby JS: De cero a experto" |
"Gracias a este curso aprenders desde los conceptos de GATSBY JS, hasta lo ms avanzado para crear cualquier tipo de aplicacin web.Sers capaz de conectar un sistema de backend a tus aplicaciones, hacer funcionan tus web sin conexin a internet, obtener un performance de 100/100 contra Google para mejorar tu posicionamiento en Google y tener una web super rpida que cargue en menos de 1 segundo.Sers capaz de crear cualquier aplicacin web con GatsbySistema de pginas estticasAlto performance y alta puntuacin en GoogleAprenders a usar GraphQLJAMStackCrear apps funcionando sin conexin a internetSemantic UI React y BootstrapSistema de pginas estticasCreacin de pginas dinmicasConfiguraciones y plugins de GatsbyAprenders a usar StrapiY muchas ms sorpresas...Lo mejor de todo, es que este curso no acaba aqu, va a tener continuas actualizaciones para ir mejorando la aplicacin cada vez mucho ms."
Price: 19.99
