"Leverage YouTube Data Analytics To Grow Your YouTube Channel" |
"Hi! :D In this YouTube data analytics course, I teach you how to dive deep into your YouTube data analytics so you can grow your YouTube channel fast, get more quality views, and real subscribers (based on In-depth YouTube data analysis, which I'll simplify for you, yay). The course is 100% transparent, I show you my own analytics and walk you through my channel in real-time. The information is based on my own YouTube experience, I am still in the YouTube trenches, every day! :)You'll learn how to:- Read your YouTube data analytics and understand ALL the graphs/numbers that YouTube provides you with, so you can actually see which pieces of content work better. - Read your YouTube data analytics on your mobile application, gotta love those little devices :D- Grow your YouTube channel, for real... You'll learn how to get more views, get more quality subscribers by truly giving a deep dive into the numbers you get from YouTube, so you can grow faster by following the data (and your passion :D).About my path on YouTube: I started YouTube on the 5th of December 2018. Well, actually, before a bit before that. The 5th of December 2018 was the date I posted my first video. Before that, I've invested time into learning about this awesome platform, did a YouTube course and a personal branding course. On YouTube, I decided to share my experience of selling on Amazon, I started selling there in late 2016 (first sale 25th of January 2017 XD), and still sell on the platform. So I had some cool experience (about 2 years at that point), so I started sharing tutorials, personal stories, vlogs, software/course reviews, and more content in the Amazon FBA YouTube niche. I love it :) So at the time of writing, 14th of September 2020 (a bit after I finished creating this course), I have 1506 subscribers, 161 videos (some unlisted) and in the last 28 days, my channel got 7258 views, 628.2 watch time hours, 217$ in profit from YouTube ads. Yay, so it grew from the numbers recorded in the course, which is cool =) Maybe I should keep updating the description here, as I progress... But sorry, I am off topic a bit, there's a course about YouTube data analytics here xDDDSo...Come, join the YouTube analytics course today :) Invest your time to go through the course, I did my sincere best for you. I truly believe that this course will help you with your YouTube growth. I am active daily to answer any of your questions and I will do so in the best way possible for you to succeed, I truly care!Cya inside and thank you!Yours,Vova"
Price: 199.99

"Sales And Operations Planing (S&OP)" |
"In todays complex marketplace, effective planning and performance metrics are critical for success. A successful S&OP process integrates financial, marketing and operational planning to create over-arching strategic plans for the business. This course provides forward-looking programs that will prepare you to collaboratively participate in the S&OP process. The Sales & Operations Planning seminar provides managers and planners a comprehensive review of the principles and functions of S&OP."
Price: 4800.00

"Folha de 13 Salrio para Departamento Pessoal" |
"Voc est procurando um curso objetivo e rpido para entender de vez os CLCULOS da Folha de 13 Salrio? * * Voc encontrou o curso certo sobre os clculos da folha de 13 salrio! * * Com as habilidades que vai aprender aqui no curso, voc pode:REALIZAR os clculos da folha de 13 salrio de forma simples, rpida e sem mistrio.CONSEGUIR fazer a conferncia de forma eficiente e eficaz da folha de 13 salrio, calculada manualmente ou por meio de sistema.ENTENDER a legislao trabalhista no que tange as bases legais de cada clculo realizado na folha de 13 salrioO QUE VOC RECEBE AO SE INSCREVER NO CURSO Folha de 13 Salrio para Departamento Pessoal?Acesso vitalcio ao curso e todas as atualizaes.Suporte personalizado e respostas s suas perguntas.Certificado de concluso Udemy (voc poder incluir no seu currculo).Garantia de devoluo do dinheiro de 30 dias caso o curso no seja o que voc espera, assim voc poder pedir o reembolso de 100%. Mas vou te falar um coisa, tenho certeza que vai amar este curso =)DIFERENCIAL DO CURSO.Acesso aos links com as legislaes utilizadas;Material Exclusivo.Inscreva-se agora e vamos dominar de uma vez por todas os clculos da Folha de 13 Salrio."
Price: 429.99

"Learn Coding, A to Z, Web Design - HTML, CSS and JavaScript" |
"This course is designed for students (and future coding teachers) who want to learn HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It covers almost all HTML tags and attributes. Also an extensive list of CSS Properties are covered. The main feature of this course is its coverage of core concept of programming in greater details. We do not bound ourselves in just JavaScript Code. We teach fundamental of variables, loops, conditions and functions in its abstract forms. So you can utilize that knowledge in C, C++, Java, PHP, Python and all the other programming languages. The course is designed in a way that it is going to be enhanced with new videos regularly."
Price: 19.99

"Circuits: All about OpAmp and Applications! [Developing]" |
"This course takes you through the basics and fundamentals of OpAmp based circuit. A set of problems will be posted. It will cover the basics all the way up to the challenging problems.Interview Questions: I will pack my courses with real interview questions based on what I personally had from my experience. IC Design Track: The course is part of the IC Design Track that I am working on. This track aims at covering all circuits basics, analog-IC design basics, digital-IC design basics. Circuit-Designers IQ Questions: This course contains some of these questions. This type of questions is challenging and you will be intrigued by it to think out of the box!. Style of the course: We start by going over the theory or theoretical analysis. After building a concrete understanding, we move to the examples and real applications part. For examples, we have examples for each concept.Simulations: Pspice simulations are included in this course. I believe practising on Pspice, circuit simulations and design using computer tools is a must from the early stage of learning how to build circuits. Exciting Real applications and Life-Hacks!: We are dealing with electric and electronic circuits every day or even every hour. In this course, I will share some really good life-hacks and analyze some everyday applications.Get special Coupons only for enrolled people: by taking this course, special coupons for other classes in the ""IC Design Track"" will be provided as a thank you for enrolling in here.One-On-One Assistance: You can ask all your questions in the Q&A section at any time, I usually answer within two days.Regularly updated: This course will be regularly updated. I will keep adding basic concepts from the same level to it. I will keep this course at the elementary level to make it to the beginners level or people who want to review the basics again. For IC design, It is super important to have very-good established fundamentals of Electric-Circuits. That is it, see you in the Q&A area!Mostafa"
Price: 199.99

"Complete Hibernate Framework: Basic JPA Techniques (2020)" |
"Imagine that you are in front of a river that you want to cross, in this there is a row of rocks separated from each other, close enough that you can jump one at a time, there are times that by impatience we want to reach the other shore as quickly as possible , so we take a big leap hoping to arrive as soon as possible. But as in everything in this life, if you want to move too fast, you end up falling and backing down, that's why things have to be done step by step, and often choose the slowest path. You will always be free to choose, whether to make a great leap or move rock by rock.With all this, what I want to convey to you is that the way to learn to programming, you have to start with the first thing, which in this case is the organization and not despair if things don't go quickly, the first rock to cross the river, once you have the necessary knowledge you can make the leap towards a new rock that brings you to the other shore, in the programming, once you have crossed several rocks, these fork in several ways, here you decide which one to take, but at the beginning there are to go through the first rocks you find.This course goes into the knowledge of the programming of Hibernate from 0 or with little knowledge. Knowing how to progress and understand what I explain is fundamental. 5 hours of unique and exclusively video material to achieve a simple and consolidated learning of how to programming. Through the course, we will see different concepts that will help us reach that goal that we had dreamed from the beginning.In this Hibernate course, I will cover everything you need to know to start from scratch in this application and finish the course knowing how to use Hibernate perfectly. Even if you have knowledge of Hibernate, after completing this course you will be able to achieve things that you had not even imagined. And you will definitely surprise your friends and family.If you do not understand any concept, do not hesitate to write me in the questions and answers section, if you would like to know something basic that is not clear or that I do not say, you can send it to me and I will add the class if the proposal seems good to me.I am sure you will find enough new information in this course to be worth it.I am sure that when you finish you will know how to make your own videos and I hope you send them to me to give your opinion and help you! Greetings and see you in the next course. There is no similar Hibernate course available anywhere. Everything you need to know in Hibernate is here in English.Do not wait more!"
Price: 199.99

"Complete Grafana Course: From 0 to Hero - 2020 (English)" |
"Imagine that you are in front of a river that you want to cross, in this there is a row of rocks separated from each other, close enough that you can jump one at a time, there are times that by impatience we want to reach the other shore as quickly as possible , so we take a big leap hoping to arrive as soon as possible. But as in everything in this life, if you want to move too fast, you end up falling and backing down, that's why things have to be done step by step, and often choose the slowest path. You will always be free to choose, whether to make a great leap or move rock by rock.With all this, what I want to convey to you is that the way to learn to do your own dashboards with Grafana, you have to start with the first thing, which in this case is the organization and not despair if things don't go quickly, the first rock to cross the river, once you have the necessary knowledge you can make the leap towards a new rock that brings you to the other shore, in the programming, once you have crossed several rocks, these fork in several ways, here you decide which one to take, but at the beginning there are to go through the first rocks you find.This course goes into the knowledge of the programming of Grafana from 0 or with little knowledge. Knowing how to progress and understand what I explain is fundamental. 4 hours of unique and exclusively video material to achieve a simple and consolidated learning of how to programming. Through the course, we will see different concepts that will help us reach that goal that we had dreamed from the beginning.In this Grafana course, I will cover everything you need to know to start from scratch in this application and finish the course knowing how to use Grafana perfectly. Even if you have knowledge of Grafana, after completing this course you will be able to achieve things that you had not even imagined. And you will definitely surprise your friends and family.If you do not understand any concept, do not hesitate to write me in the questions and answers section, if you would like to know something basic that is not clear or that I do not say, you can send it to me and I will add the class if the proposal seems good to me.I am sure you will find enough new information in this course to be worth it.I am sure that when you finish you will know how to make your own videos and I hope you send them to me to give your opinion and help you! Greetings and see you in the next course. There is no similar Grafana course available anywhere. Everything you need to know in Grafana is here in English.Do not wait more!"
Price: 179.99

"The Floorwork Initiation" |
"The Floorwork Box is the perfect place to start in your Floorwork, Locomotion and Movement journey.It includes:- 10 tutorials of isolated moves- 5 sequences - A companion pdf to help you understand the movement We will study together the fundamental vocabulary of floor-based movement, and start planting the seeds of what makes a movement or a series of movements ""flowy""."
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Redao VUNESP" |
"Confuso com como comear, que repertrio usar ou o que esperar do vestibular da UNESP? Este curso te apresentar o essencial: gramtica necessria para uma redao de qualidade; as partes estruturais de um texto; os temas passados como forma de ensino. Voc contar com vdeos, exerccios e textos para aprofundar seus estudos! "
Price: 54.99

"Curso de Redao FUVEST" |
"Confuso com como comear, que repertrio usar ou o que esperar do vestibular da FUVEST? Este curso te apresentar o essencial: gramtica necessria para uma redao de qualidade; as partes estruturais de um texto; os temas passados como forma de ensino. Voc contar com vdeos, exerccios e textos para aprofundar seus estudos! "
Price: 54.99

"Preparatrio TOEFL - Especfico para Writing" |
"Se sente quase preparado para o TOEFL, mas a parte do Writing est te deixando com a nota abaixo do esperado? Alm de contar partes estruturais da gramtica essenciais para o TOEFL, voc poder aprender estratgias de como aumentar sua nota e se sentir mais preparado para o exame! Voc contar com vdeos, textos e exerccios para praticar a habilidade de Writing."
Price: 54.99

"Curso de ingls - Completo, do zero fluncia (Do A1 ao C1)" |
"Ingls uma lngua muito til para poder adquirir informaes, cultura e oportunidades de emprego. Para isso, vale a pena saber dos verbos mais usados, a estrutura essencial e a gramtica necessria para poder se comunicar com eficincia. Para isso, voc contar com textos, vdeos e exerccios para poder sair do zero e poder se comunicar com o essencial para o nvel avanado do ingls."
Price: 54.99

"CompTIA HIT-001 Healthcare IT Technician Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following protocol assigns IP-addresses for the devices?a) IPXb) DHCPc) DNSd) TCPe) NoneQ) Which of the following is the most reliable encryption algorithm?a) DESb) 3DESc) SSLd) AESe) NoneQ) Which of the following technologies will be a technician to use the remote network to connect securely?a) SFTPb) RDCc) VPNd) SSHe) NoneQ) Scanned images are curved and partially rotated. Which of the following techniques should be used to fix it?a) ICRb) Deskewc) OCRd) Degausse) None"
Price: 159.99

"Complete OSPF for Juniper JNCIS JNCIP" |
"A complete course with 4 hours of Video content, 1 assignment and 5 Quizzes. IF YOU HAVE TIME FOR ONE COURSE, CHOSE THIS COURSE, It will build a strong foundation and give you enough practice to master the concepts learned.The Course is divided into following sections:OSPF Basics: What is OSPF, how it discover neighbours and form adjacency. How it builds its database and how it calculate best path. How a Router ID is selected - what is it's role in OSPF Database. What is DR & BDR - which network types require them and how they are elected and when.What are LSA types - detailed discussion analysis using our network topologyMulti Area OSPF: Multi area OSPF design, how area's connect together and why they connect that way!What are OSPF Area types - what each area type do.OSPF Virtual LinksAdvanced (optional) Configurations:OSPF AuthenticationRoute Filtering - Inter Area and External RoutesRoute Redistribution - Static, Direct (connected), BGPRoute Summarization - internal and external routesLogging and troubleshootingWe will follow a Network topology through out this course to practice each every concept we go through. Select this course, IFYou have basic IP routing skills and want to take your skills to next levelYou have worked on other vendor's devices and want to learn Juniper's way of implementing OSPF with details and examples."
Price: 149.99

"Final Cut Pro X: (FCPX)" |
"Final Cut Pro X: FCP. . , , - . , 100% . , . - , , . , . , Instagram . ."
Price: 4299.00

"Apple (iMac, MacBook Pro )" |
"Final Cut Pro X, : Apple , , macOS , . . , . . , , . , ., , . , - Apple . , , . .: ."
Price: 4299.00

"Cakes Illustration Set for Designers" |
"What you are seeing is not a typical course. It is an extensive illustration collection of handmade confectionery products, made in watercolor and gel pen technique, to create various designs for social media, websites, and much more.In this course, several video-manuals may inspire you to create fantastic posts and stories for Instagram, posters, etc. The materials are ready to be used as templates by professional designers as well as amateurs. In the video-manual, you will find out how to use the illustrations in programs like Canva and Photoshop.Experience the joy of creativity without real artist skills. Use 40 existing illustrations (PNG and PSD formats) in your art and 31 poster templates (PNG and PSD formats)."
Price: 19.99

"AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate (SOA-C01) Prep." |
"Welcome to AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate (SOA-C01) practice exam. The sole purpose of this course is to provide you latest practice questions that are complete with answers and explanations to help you learn, drill, and review for AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate (SOA-C01) certification exam. The course offers 470 questions that help you practice each exam domain and help you assess your knowledge before you take the real exams.Included in this AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate (SOA-C01) Certification Exam course:470 Question practice tests, with the same percent of weighted questions, from all the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate Certification Exam domains as you will see on the real exam.- 6 practice tests- More practice for studying- Practice like the real AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate exam- Detailed explanation of answers- Better understanding of the content, also understand why the right answer is correct and why the wrong answers are incorrectWe covered all these chapters you needDomain 1 Monitoring and Reporting 22%Domain 2 High Availability 8%Domain 3 Deployment and Provisioning 14%Domain 4 Storage and Data Management 12%Domain 5 Security and Compliance 18%Domain 6 Networking 14%Domain 7 Automation and Optimization 12%AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate (SOA-C01) Practice Exam DetailsTotal Questions: 470Type of Questions: Multiple Choice & Multiple SelectionDuration: 130 min/practice testMinimum Passing Score: 72%For those guys, who are here to test their level of knowledge before applying for the real exam we can assure you that if you succeed here most probably you will succeed in the exam room as well. Each test is unique and contains 65 questions with duration of 130 minutes. You can test yourself as many times as you want. Be careful with your time, because in the end the test will be submitted automatically.Good luck!"
Price: 19.99

"ISO IEC 17025:2017 - Interpretao dos Requisitos" |
"OBJETIVOS:- Apresentar os requisitos da norma ISO IEC 17025:2017 Requisitos gerais para a competncia de laboratrios de ensaio e calibrao;- Demonstrar como os laboratrios podero se preparar para atendimento desta norma.INTRODUO ISO IEC 17025:2017- Este documento foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de promover a confiana na operao de laboratrios.- Este documento contm requisitos para laboratrios, de modo a permitir que eles demonstrem que operam competentemente e que so capazes de gerar resultados vlidos.- Laboratrios que estejam em conformidade com este documento tambm operaro, de modo geral, de acordo com os princpios da ABNT NBR ISO 9001.- Este documento requer que o laboratrio planeje e implemente aes para abordar riscos e oportunidades.- A abordagem de riscos e oportunidades estabelece uma base para aumentar a eficcia do sistema de gesto, alcanar resultados melhores e prevenir efeitos negativos.- O laboratrio responsvel por decidir quais riscos e oportunidades necessitam ser abordados."
Price: 39.99

"Kung Fu for Kids Workouts 1 & 2: Fun & Easy Home Exercise" |
"A fun workout for kids, with training tips for students, parents, and teachersStart the young martial artist in the family on a good path! Kung Fu for Kids is an instructional program that teaches children the basics of traditional Kung Fu in a fun and exciting way. It starts with a simple, follow-along workout that introduces calisthenics and the basic stances, blocks, punches and kicks of the YMAA kids curriculum. It ends with a short cool-down routine to help children improve their balance, breathing, and mental focus.This video features Ben Warner, who has been a children's instructor since 2001, and several students of varying levels from the YMAA Boston class. Nicholas Yang, the President of YMAA, makes corrections while students demonstrate.Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming makes a cameo appearance explaining the meaning of the Shaolin sun-and-moon greeting.A detail section is also included with more advanced students demonstrating the techniques in greater detail for refined study.Later sections offer Training Tips for older students, parents, and teachers, including:Safety precautions to follow when practicing Kung Fu.Benefits and purpose of Kung Fu training for Kids.Appropriate time and place to use what has been learned.Cartoon interludes starring Shing (""star"")Interviews with Teachers and Parents about the benefits of Kung Fu for Kids# video lessons / # minutes / 1 hour and 44 minutesThe discipline and focus achieved through training Kung Fu extends to many other aspects of everyday activities in life, including academics, sports, music, and literature.Workout 1 is for Boys & Girls, Ages 5 - 12. Based on the very popular YMAA Children's kung fu program.Workout 2 is for Boys & Girls, ready to progress beyond Workout 1. Learn real kung fu and get some great exercise. The Kung Fu Home Workout video will develop your physical conditioning while you learn effective martial arts techniques. This easy to follow program takes the mystery out of martial arts training and offers a clear explanation of the kung fu exercises, based on the popular beginner classes at YMAA Schools around the world.The comprehensive workout 2 is offered in shorter segments based on Techniques, Strength, Speed, Power, and offers a Post-workout Stretch. Mr. Warner also includes detail sections with instruction of each technique for those interested in more accurate learning, and explanation of essential Kung Fu principles.Instructor Ben Warner has decades of experience teaching the traditional kung fu techniques and principles offered in this modern, follow-along workout. Beginners or experienced martial artists will find this a challenging workout and the skills learned can apply to any fighting style. Kung fu body-weight exercises teach you how to strengthen your whole body with exercises for the arms, legs, torso and core. Blocking, striking and kicking techniques are demonstrated alone, and in combination with a partner, to help you build lightning-fast hands and legs. Learn how to generate maximum power by incorporating full-body movement in your martial techniques. Warm up and post-workout stretching sections will teach you to how keep your body operating at its maximum potential. Keep your mind centered by learning ""Wu De"", the martial code of ethics and morality. 15 video lessons / 144 minutes / 1 hour and 44 minutesTraining strategies are explained so you will be able to train efficiently and recover effectively. Instructor Ben Warner began studying with Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming in 1998 at Yang's Martial Arts Association. In 2001, he became a full time instructor and he has also organized martial arts programs for several schools in the Boston area. In 2002, Ben became a main Sholin Kung Fu instructor for the adults Shaolin program, and head of the sparring program at YMAA Boston in 2007. Ben has assisted in Dr. Yang's Boston and international seminars since 2002. He has taught Shaolin long fist and white crane seminars. He has also assisted with qigong, chin-na, sword, saber, and staff seminars.Ben has been a featured performer in several YMAA DVDs including Advanced Practical Chin Na, White Crane Kung Fu Basics & Intermediate, Staff Fundamentals, Taiji Ball, and Shaolin Long Fist Kung Fu Intermediate Sequences. He was also featured in the most recent edition of the book ""Analysis of Shaolin Chin Na"".In 2005, Ben was certified as an instructor with Pavel Tsatsouline's RKC kettlebell program. Since that time he has worked with several internationally renowned fitness instructors including Pavel Tsatsouline, Steve Cotter, Steve Maxwell and Mandla Nkosi. In 2011 Ben co-founded The Green Dragons, an organization which teaches kung fu, fitness, nutrition and gardening to kids in the Boston area. In 2012, Ben became the owner and operator of YMAA Boston. He now organizes and teaches live and online weekly classes. Mr. Warner lives with his family in Jamaica Plain, MA, USA."
Price: 39.99

wizerme |
" wizerme _"
Price: 29.99

5-vbcjby |
"1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2 1. 52. 53. 534STEP1 1. 2. 1 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 2 8. 9. 10. I11. 3 12. 13. STEP1&5STEP2 1. 2. 23. 4. 5. 46. 7. 8. 9. 10. STEP2 &6STEP3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. STEP3 &7STEP4 1. 2. 3. 1 4. 1 5. 2 6. 3 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. STEP4 &8STEP5 1. 2. 3. 4. STEAM5. STEP5 &1. &2. 3."
Price: 9000.00

"A'dan Z'ye Unreal Engine 4" |
"Herkes en az bir kez bir oyun dnmtr, bu oyunu gerekletirmek sandndan daha kolay. Bu kursu Unreal Engine 4 oyun motorunun arayznden balayp Blueprint e, Animasyonlara ve materyallere kadar her eye deineceiz. Bunun yannda proje ye balarken nelere dikkat etmeliyiz ve nasl strateji izlemeliyiz onu reneceiz. Eer kafanzdaki projeyi gerekletirmek istiyorsanz bu kursu tavsiye ederim."
Price: 19.99

"LO QUE APRENDERS Cmo tener la mentalidad correcta para manejarte con xito con tus clientes. Los pasos que tiene que tener una venta para ser eficaz. Cmo encontrar la necesidad de los clientes. Cmo evitar los errores ms comunes a la hora de cerrar una venta. Conocers las nociones bsicas de la comunicacin no verbal. Aprenders lo bsico de la interpretacin del lenguaje corporal y expresiones.PON EN PRCTICA LO APRENDIDO - Examen final para evaluar los conocimientos aprendidos (con soluciones)."
Price: 19.99

"Learn PHP - For Absolute Beginners" |
"PHP is a scripting language which is used by most of the web pages. There are billions of webpages that are powered by PHP.PHP is widely used by many developers.PHP is free and open source.So in this course students will learn all the basics of PHP who are interested in learning PHP.This course is for all the people who are absolute beginners and also for anyone who is well experienced and want to re-learn the basics of PHP again."
Price: 12480.00

"CIA Part 2 Practice of Internal Auditing - 800+ Latest MCQs" |
"The course covers all the topics of CIA Part 2 Exam & testing the knowledge in the exam style format. Our Question databank does not only cover the entire course but it also provides detail explanation for the right answer. Our Case studies questions will make you expert in analyzing the case scenarios and respond appropriately in the exam. We have covered the below sessions in our Question Bank. I. Managing the Internal Audit Activity (20%)II. Planning the Engagement (20%)III. Performing the Engagement (40%)IV. Communicating Engagement Results and Monitoring Progress (20%)We have created a dedicated session to share the latest updated questions which will be updated on a periodic basis to share the latest exam questions. DON'T LOOK ANY FURTHER. JOIN US DAY & ACHIEVE YOUR SUCCESS. LAUNCH OFFER: BUY ONE GET ONE FREE COURSE OF YOUR OWN CHOICE FROM CAMS COACH COURSES. PLEASE WRITE TO US FIRST FOR MORE DETAIL. OFFER VALID UNTIL 30TH SEPTEMBER 2020."
Price: 29.99

"Recolocao Profissional: Guia completo para o novo Emprego" |
"Este curso tem o objetivo de ajudar pessoas que buscam a recolocao profissional ou redirecionamento da carreira.Reunimos aqui um Guia Completo com videos, informaes e tcnicas para ajudar voc no processo de busca de oportunidades.Abordaremos de forma prtica e objetiva os seguintes temas:1.Entendendo minha Transio de Carreira2.Definindo ou redefinindo meus Objetivos Profissionais3.Elaborao e reviso do Currculo4.Linkedin: como criar ou atualizar seu perfil e usar esta rede social de maneira assertiva5.Networking e Divulgao do Currculo no Mercado de Trabalho6.Preparao para Entrevistas7.Como preparar-se para a Negociao de Propostas de Emprego (moldes CLT ou PJ - Pessoa Jurdica)8.Como comear bem no novo emprego: primeiros 90 dias no novo trabalho"
Price: 579.99

"Design of Steel Structures, Part 1 of 3" |
"Design of the different elements of a steel structure. Design of both cold formed and hot rolled steel elements. Design of both welded and bolted connections. Design of the tension and compression members. Design of eccentric connections. Showing details of steel trusses. Design of beams and columns. Design of purlins. Design of bracing systems."
Price: 49.99

"Practice exam very close to the Real PMI-ACP Exam and it will keep you more confident to pass the Real ACP Exam also will lead you to close all gaps in agile project management (adaptive planning and management) , so you have to read /understand each Domian first then try to solve these mock exams which will close all gaps accordingly you will clear all concerns and understand the agile values and principle and pass the ACP Exam easily with above target try to got more than 85% in the practice exams ."
Price: 24.99

"An Introduction to Sports Nutrition" |
"Learn How To Create Your Own Diet Plan For Optimal Sports PerformanceIn this course you will learn how to use nutrition as a tool to improve sports performance. You will learn the basics of sports nutrition, and how to implement it on yourself or your clients.My name is Andr Baumann, and I have a master's degree in nutrition. I have helped hundreds of athletes to improve their performance with the help of nutrition. In my current position as a sports nutritionist at The Norwegian Olympic Sports Centre, I tailor diet plans for Olympic athletes. I have also worked as a personal trainer for almost ten years, helping both trained and untrained achieving their body goals. The key points you will learn in this course are as following:How to analyze the nutritional needs of yourself or your athleteThe different ways your body creates energy to sustain physical exertionThe recommendations and practical application of micronutrients (vitamins and minerals)The recommendations and practical application of macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, and fats)How to tailor nutrition to training - before, during, and post-workoutThe recommendations and practical application of hydrationHow to tailor your own meal plan based on an example athleteA summary of the course content:The different energy systems that are used during physical activityLearn about the different energy sources to fuel physical activityWhich metabolic pathways are used when you are doing different volumes, duration, and intensities of trainingThe core ""currency"" of your bodyMicro- and macronutrient demands for different athletesLearn about the dietary needs of vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates for atheltesDifferent athletes have different dietary demandsThe importance of the main macronutrients for athletic performanceMeal plan examples for carbs, proteins, and dietary fatCalorie calculations for the macronutrientsNutrition before, during, and after exerciseLearn how to tailor your diet correctly to the different intensity and duration of trainingUnderstand the importance of proper fuelling pre-workoutUnderstand the importance of carbohydrates during endurance exerciseUnderstand the importance of post-workout nutritionMeal plan examples for different athletesLearn how a daily meal plan can look like for different athletesLearn how to calculate resting metabolic rate and to use a correct physical activity level multiplier to estimate caloric needsHydration for athletesUnderstand the importance of being euhydrated, and not being under- or overhydratedLearn basic hydration recommendations for athletesPractical tips for staying hydratedThis is the correct course for you if you are interested in the basics of sports nutrition, or how to improve your performance or your athletes performance with nutrition!"
Price: 159.99

"BnBold Begin your Airbnb hosting experience!" |
"If this year you would like to increase your earnings through hosting, and be the best host you can be, then you've come to the right place. This course is optimally designed for persons with zero to six months experience of hosting, or for the more experienced hosts who would like to brush up on their knowledge. Throughout the course I will share my hosting experiencing and lessons learnt starting from 2012, when I began hosting by welcoming guests to my second bedroom, to today managing over 100 properties with revenues exceeding seven figures, and having hosted over 30,000 guests. The road to this level of growth was not easy but one that I treasured and today I am able to share with you the lessons that I learnt and how you can avoid the mistakes that I made, to set-up your vacation rental to be the best in any town or city. Knowing that your most valued asset is your time, I have made a concerted effort to prepare a course rich in learning spread over 26 videos of (around) five minutes each. I'll be honest and mention that apart from this course you will need to put in the time to ensure that you follow the instructions to set-up and optimise your online profile, practice your hosting skills, and be the best host that you and your property can be. In addition, I will also be teaching ways to simplify and automate your vacation property, and together you will reach your goals.By following this course you are not just hosting but enjoying the experience and making some serious money from it. If you're serious about wanting to be the best host in any location than this is the place to start learning. The course has been professionally, filmed and edited, to ensure that my experience is provided to you at the highest level. In addition, Udemy has a 30 day money back guarantee. Who will benefit from this course?- Anyone with a spare bedroom or property to rent- Anyone interested in the Airbnb hosting concept- Persons seeking a further source of earning- This course is ideal for both city, seaside, and country properties, as I will teach how best to position your propertyDo note that you will need to dedicate time to building your online profile, and perfecting your hosting style"
Price: 199.99
