"Algorithms in JavaScript : Design techniques" |
"Algorithm Design Techniques : Live problem solving in Java ScriptAlgorithms are everywhere! One great algorithm applied sensibly can result into a System like GOOGLE! Larry Page, founder of google designed Page Rank algorithm that is behind the search in google. That is why when we search on google we generally find the most relevant result on the First Page itself.Every Computer Programmer should learn how to design algorithms which are not only correct but also efficient in terms of TIME and SPACE!Completer scientists have worked from 100s of years !! - (Put images of some of the scientists)And derived some of the techniques that can be applied to write and design algorithms!So Why to reinvent the wheel ??Lets go through some of the most famous algorithm design techniques in this course!!Once you will come to know these design techniques It will become very easy for you to approach a problem by identifying which technique to apply to solve that correctly and efficiently.We will start this course with some measurement techniques in algorithms that is called complexity analysis so that we can measure -The time and space in an algorithm when we design that.Then we will start with understanding recursion and deep dive into that.Recursion is the base of any algorithm design because most of the algorithms has to be solved using recursion!Recursion is executed in computers in a very special way using stack frames we will understand all that..There are many types of recursion and we will have a look into that. We will solve some classic problems like the Tower of Hanoi, Binary subtree to understand the recursion deeply And WE WILL WRITE THE CODE LINE BY LINE IN JAVA !! To make it very easy to understand and codeThen we will move into another design technique backtracking !! Backtracking algorithms are enhanced recursion where we can revert our decision from inside a recursionWe will understand how to Identify and approach this kind of problems.. Also, we will solve some classical problems Rat In Maze, NQueens, KnightsTour problems and Code them LINE by LINE Then, We will then move to the next section Divide and Conquer Greedy algorithmsAnd will take the same approach !! To understand identify and Solve some problems and code some classic problems.Then there will be a very important section! Dynamic programming That is not only important for Algorithms design but also, InterviewsThis is a very favorite paradigm for the interviewer to ask questions from - We will solve a lot of problems in section along with code and understand how to approach this kind of problem!!All in all!By the end of this course - 1. You will understand how to design algorithms 2. A lot of coding practice and design live problems in Java 3. Algorithm Complexity analysisANDIf you are preparing for your coding Interview or doing competitive programming This course will be a Big help for you!I think this is enough to create the THRILL !! I welcome you to the course and I am sure this will be fun!!If it does not - It comes with a 30 Days money-back guarantee so dont think twice to give it a shotWelcome Again !! And See you in the course."
Price: 199.99

"Consultrio de terapia holstica Online" |
"Selecionei as melhores ferramentas para criar um ""consultrio"" online com base em meus 5 anos de experincia com os servios online de terapia.Os principais temas deste curso so:Google meu negcio: Saiba como voc pode ser encontrado na pesquisa do Google e como obter um site gratuito.Calendly: Aprenda o mais novo sistema de reservas, para que seus clientes possam fazer reservas de suas sesses de terapia de forma profissional.Canva & Pixabay: Aprenda a criar imagens profissionais para seu site e redes sociais e promover seus produtos e servios.Diretrizes sobre terapias holsticas: Aprenda como oferecer seus produtos ou servios em conformidade com as diferentes Diretrizes.Ao final desse curso prtico, voc poder oferecer seus servios de terapia holstica totalmente online, de forma profissional, utilizando ferramentas totalmente gratuitas e em cumprimento s diretrizes da nova normalidade."
Price: 19.99

"Manuale ipertrofia: la crescita muscolare." |
"Anni e anni di formazione svolta dal vivo nei panni del docente danno i loro risultati. Non mi sono svegliato la mattina con l'idea di pubblicare un corso tanto per... Ho insegnato per anni in corsi di formazione riconosciuti formando centinaia di trainers. Quando hai davanti una platea non puoi permetterti di esporre argomenti risaputi o banali, devi svolgere un durissimo lavoro di selezione e ricerca. Un giorno ho deciso di sbarcare online promuovendo una formazione in video ed ecco la mia proposta didattica che ritengo a mani basse una delle pi originali d'Italia (o di pi?). Quello che hai davanti un corso rifinito e aggiornato centinaia di volte non solo con la letteratura scientifica pi rilevante ma anche con decine di ricerche e test personalmente svolti da me e dal mio staff. Nasce cos un materiale innovativo, assolutamente semplificato e completo di tutti gli argomenti di base per rendersi utile e comprensibile ai principianti ma tanto originale da annichilire anche i pi esperti. Cosa c' di cos stupefacente? Se mastichi un minimo di fisiologia dell'esercizio fisico saprai che di studi ce ne sono tanti, anzi troppi, a tal punto che di un dato argomento si dice spesso tutto ed il contrario di tutto. Se non hai mai toccato un libro su certi argomenti ti informo io: studiando un po in giro troverai decine di leggi scientifiche che ti diranno bianco e decine che ti diranno nero. Quello che ho creato semplice: un SISTEMA che ti permetta di sviluppare dei test su te stesso aggirando i dubbi e le infinite contraddizioni della scienza. Parliamo di qualcosa che gi esiste? Assolutamente no, quindi non si trover altrove. Come ho fatto? Anni di studio su me stesso e sugli atleti. Anni di confronto con altri tecnici di lite nel mio settore. Anni di sudore in palestra e di appunti scritti anche di notte. Senza contare gli anni sui banchi universitari e le migliaia di euro spesi in formazione privata. Per il resto? Un po di astuzia e ingegno. Cosa mi ha contraddistinto? Punto uno: non sono una persona che se la fa raccontare. Se pretendi di insegnarmi qualcosa 9 volte su 10 non ci credo e verifico. Non esisto senza curiosit. Punto due: se una cosa gi c' devo metterci il tocco personale. Non esisto senza creativit. E mentre la formazione in Italia viaggia ricopiando il ""gi conosciuto"" proverai con questo corso una formula unica nel suo genere che ti insegner da un lato le basi utili al principiante e da ripasso all'esperto, dall'altro UN METODO di ragionare altamente tecnico e specifico fatto di test e misure che accenderanno la lampadina anche ai trainers pi esperti. Non ci credi? Vediamo se sai calcolare con esattezza SU DI TE se pu essere pi impattante un esercizio mono-articolare o multi-articolare. Se pu essere pi impattante un qualsiasi esercizio rispetto ad un altro sullo stesso gruppo muscolare, esempio: pi Bench press o Pectoral? Pi Leg Extension o Squat? Senza elettromiografia ... ovviamente ;) Chiss se conosci come misurare l'impatto del cardio sul workout cos da impostarlo nella maniera pi corretta. O magari se sai calcolare con esattezza quanto incida il sonno, o una giornata di lavoro intensa sul tuo allenamento, numeri alla mano? Ti sfido a conoscere il metodo matematico per calcolare il recupero seduta dopo seduta e il carico ideale di allenamento su ciascun gruppo muscolare. Sai calcolare se PER TE sarebbe migliore una mono o una multi-frequenza? O che carico ideale scegliere quando cambi scheda? Buffer si o Buffer no? Tranquillo non parler in termini fumosi e incerti, come tipicamente avviene in questo settore, te lo mostrer con la MATEMATICA. Ma non solo test:- Metodo a circuiti paralleli. - Allenamento ideo-motorio applicato alla forza e all'ipertrofia. - Pi di altri 50 metodi ... dai pi rinomati come i piramidali ai meno conosciuti come il metodo ad onda, fino a quelli sconosciuti perch di personale ideazione. Ed oltre al video, le slides... con bibliografia scientifica. Come avrai capito non parli con un principiante ma oltre alla farina del mio sacco ti parler della scienza, quella vera e spendibile. Sei un esperto? Dopo queste ultime frasi gi so che starai iniziando il corso sgranando gli occhi. Sei un principiante? C' una parte Basic per prepararti al meglio alla fase pi avanzata e poi ... andrai ad insegnare ai tuoi trainers come ci si allena ;) Come avrai capito a me piace tornare utile, quindi ci sar sicuramente una fase teorica importante per prepararti alle basi dell'allenamento ma SOPRATTUTTO una parte pratica che ti spiegher alla fine come scrivere il miglior protocollo personalizzato che scienza conosca, sia in termini settimanali che mensili che annuali. Hai la cellulite e vuoi incrementare massa muscolare? Ti alleni a corpo libero? Entrambe? Tranquillo ho pensato a tutto. Sei un ricercatore scientifico? Sfidandoti ad aver gi pensato alle soluzioni che propongo, se hai svolto il corso e ne sei rimasto stupito, contattami, lavoreremo bene insieme. Sei un professionista? Ti sfido a dire che non hai imparato un approccio nuovo ed inedito all'allenamento svolgendo questo corso. Sei un principiante? ""Luca, ti consiglio a tutti, ti fai capire anche dai mentecatti"", parole dell'utenza. Quanto vale questo corso? Il prezzo stabilito dai clienti stato di 1000 euro, tenendo conto delle metodiche di allenamento innovative su cui verte il mio diritto d'autore. Teoricamente dovrei custodirmele gelosamente, questo il senso. Invece ho deciso di rendermi utile alla collettivit togliendo due zeri a questo prezzo, solo il video promo che ti ho regalato vale il costo che stai pagando per il materiale intero! (e parliamo di quasi 14 ore di corso e pi di 200 slides) Sicuramente starai pensando ai corsi che rilasciano un diploma, ma quanti zeri vale un pezzo di carta? A cosa ti servir poi? Un trainer non spiega ai clienti come si stampa un foglio! Quindi come avrai capito: NO, IL CORSO NON RILASCIA UNA QUALIFICA PROFESSIONALE. L'unica vera qualifica professionale per me sempre stata la conoscenza. Sei fortunato perch a quanto pare Natale non mai passato ... e hai appena trovato un pacco davanti alla porta con una scia di neve sul pavimento ;) Buona visione!"
Price: 94.99

"Quickstart Guide to Stock Trading 2020" |
"If you are new to stock trading and stock market and you wish to kickstart you learning by decreasing the learning curve consider ""Quickstart Guide to Stock Trading 2020"" online course.This online course will always sell for the best price so students will not need to wait for discounts offered by Udemy.The goal for this online course is to simplify and compress information for best learning experience.Check online course curriculum to find out what you will learn and if this online course is something that you were looking for.See you in the course!"
Price: 19.99

"ImageScope - Your Image Evaluation and Guide" |
"Have you faced low self esteem issues?Do you feel you are not good enough or lack self-confidence?Do you feel others get noticed at work or at social occasions, even if you are at your best?Do you find managing your wardrobe difficult, especially when you have too many clothes yet, nothing to wear.Do you have body image issues, or looking at a wardrobe change in look, style and feel?Then, this program is for you...Know your image score and get a personal imagescope or evaluation and recommendation. ImageScope - An Evaluation Guide is your first step to Image Makeover to help and guide your self-development, Social and Professional needs."
Price: 1280.00

"Overcome Stage Fear With Public Speaking Skills" |
"This program is designed to help you overcome stage fear. You will not only be able to display confidence, you will also master the art of having your audience captivated with the way you speak and present. You will learn of effective ways of transferring your knowledge with comfort in a competent and confident manner to a person or a group of people. You will walk through a series of chapters that will take you through a step by step guide with content, quizzes, video lessons, assignments for a 'Think-Feel-Do' experience.Check the drop down menu in each section for more details.Program Outcome:1. Visualize the needs of a great public speaking experience.2. Relate to the different types of speaking opportunities.3. Tell what to keep in mind before you walk towards the stage.4. Explain the different ways to begin your public speech.5. Relate to details before, during and after your public speech.6. Define the dos and donts of public speaking and presentation skills.7. Identify interesting endings for a lasting impression.8. Manage stage fright with effective ways of confidence building tips.9. Use tips on how to respond to post session questions, effectivelyWhat's More!There is an evaluation assignment, of your public speaking skills, at the end of this course. The assignment is based on your learning from the course. A scorecard and will be provided on submission of speech for evaluation.You will also be awarded a course completion certificate.Join the course today!Sandra Barros(Image Consultant and Soft Skills Trainer)"
Price: 1600.00

"A Career in MicroStrategy & Business Intelligence (BI)" |
"Why BI? Why MicroStrategy? A career in Business Intelligence can be intellectually AND financially very rewarding. Corporations need BI. MicroStrategy is the market leader in this space.Take a look at the chart in the presentation and ask again ! ""Business Intelligence (BI) is the art and science of gathering and understanding your business data to get meaningful insights to drive smarter business decisions."" - well that sounds too heavy, so in simple words, BI is analyzing data to take the right decisions, quickly. This Course will set you on the right path to a career in BI. This course teaches anyone with the basic understanding of data analysis, to create their own reports, charts, summaries and also teaches how to slice/dice information. Business analysts, managers and developers can quickly learn the ropes of creating useful reports in MicroStrategy.The course even enables senior business leaders to independently create their own reports/dashboards and build their own datasets to answer their specific business questions for making quick and informed decisions.MicroStrategy is the leading platform to achieve enterprise level BI through Reports (Charts,graphs etc.) , Dashboards (aka Visualizations), Subscriptions and many other rich features. It allows easily build reports, dashboards and other analytics. With several BI tools available in the market (starting with Excel indeed) - Microstrategy stands out due to its ""organic"" growth without much acquisitions. Note: Although this course focuses on Microstrategy, the fundamental architecture and model of a BI application covered in this course will help you learn any other BI tool such as Cognos, Business Objects etc. Qlikview and other in-memory architecture based BI applications are slightly different, however the core principles of reporting and analysis remain same.Similar courses by corporate trainers cost you 700-1000 dollars per day and take up 3-5 days to complete this course. That is about 2100-3500 dollars PER person ! I have personally arranged and attended such training and have also run successful training programs for organization -training 400-2000 analysts in each organizations. I bring you the same quality training with a lot of practical and working examples in this course.And I bring you ALL that content and knowledge for just ..... 99 .99 USD That is a minimum savings of 2100$ for you.Both BI and MicroStrategy have vast scope and can not be covered in a single course. However, after this course, you will be able to understand and self-learn additional advanced topics in BI. So Don't Wait, Enroll Now !"
Price: 39.99

"Jago Kotlin - Kotlin From Zero to Hero (Seri II)" |
"Jago Kotlin - Kotlin From Zero to Hero (Seri II)Kursus ini merupakan Kursus Lanjutan dari Kotlin from Zero to Hero yang sebelumnyaPada Kursus ini ada beberapa materi yang kami tekankan :Tentang Android Networking : Mengenal apa itu android Networking, cara implementasinya, dan load gambarMVP Pattern : Design pattern yang ada di kotlin salah satunya ttg MVP (Model View Presenter)Rx pada Kotlin : Apa itu Rx pada kotlin dan Juga cara implementasinyaJetpack : Pengenalan jetpack dan cara implementasinya"
Price: 54.99

"Bu eitim programn amaktaki amacm ncelikle Trkiye'de jonglrl yaygnlatrmak. Gnmz dnyasnda Avrupa lkelerinde ve Japonya, Kore gibi Asya lkelerinde ilkokulda retilmeye balanan bu elenceli sanat kendi lkemizde de bir ok insanla tantrmak istiyorum.Jonglrlk(Juggling) yaparken hem ok elenecek, hem de fiziksel ve zihinsel olarak ok youn bir efor sarfedeceksiniz. Jonglrlk, ada sirk sanatlar alannda yer alsa da bu sanata spor demenin yanl olmayacan dnyorum. Bu nedenle bunu bir spor olarak da grebilirsiniz.Eitim programn 3 top temelinden balatarak, ileri seviye tekniklere kadar sistematik olarak anlattm. Ayn zamanda jonglrln bir dili olduunu da belirtmek isterim. Bu nedenle yeni bir dil renmeye ve bu dili kullanmaya hazr olun. Merak etmeyin lke dillerinden ok daha kolay. :)Deerli yorumlarnz programmz gelitirmemize yardmc olacandan hi ekinmeden yorumlarnz aktarabilirsiniz.Kendinizi videoya ekip benimle paylaarak benden her gn yorum alabilirsiniz. Ben, gnderdiiniz videolar izleyip hatalarnz dzelterek size ayrca katk salayacam.Bu elenceli sanatn kaplarn aralamaya hazr msnz?"
Price: 409.99

"Comment j'ai guri ma vue durant la quarantaine" |
"un ensemble de techniques qui vous aideront atteindre vos but, vous sauvez du temps et de l'argent chez l'optomtriste. Voici comment j'ai optimis mon temps durant le coronavirus. J'espres que vous aurez les mme rsultats exceptionnels que moi! aiguisez votre vue comme l'aigle. Et je vous souhaites sant et bonheur. Et n'oubliez pas d'tre patient dans ce processus."
Price: 19.99

"Business Law - UK - A Complete Course" |
"OVERVIEWThis course is designed for ACCA, CIMA and CA students as well as other young professionals who are interested in learning the UK legal system in detail.DETAILED CONTENT1. Law and Legal System2. Sources of law3. Formation of Contract Part I4. Formation of Contract Part II5. Content of Contracts6. Breach of Contract and Remedies7. The Law of Tort and Professional Negligence8. Contract of Emplyoment9. Dismissal and redundancy10. Agency Law11. Partnerships12. Corporations and Legal Personality13. Company formation14. Constitution of a company15. Share capital16. Loan capital17. Capital maintenance and dividend law18. Company directors19. Other company officers20. Company meetings and resolutions21. Insolvency and administrationPREREQUISITESThere are no pre requisites for this course"
Price: 29.99

"Volume Trading 101: Day Trading Stocks With Volume Analysis" |
"Volume Trading 101: Day Trading Stocks With Volume Analysis access also includes 7 multiple-choice quizzes, several resources and a free day trading ebook download with in-depth trading strategies and education!This course will teach you step-by-step how to analyze volume data in the stock market using some of the most effective volume indicators and how you profitably trade stocks using volume analysis! You'll be learning from a self-taught, full-time day trader on a mission to help other traders avoid the same mistakes that he made early on in his career. The strategies I teach within this course are the same ones I use on a daily basis in my own trading.If you're interested in learning valuable analysis methods and strategies using volume to improve your trading and investing skills... this course is exactly where you should start!What You'll Learn:What is Volume?Adding Volume Indicators to Your ChartsCustom Thinkorswim Volume IndicatorUsing VWAP (Volume Weighted Average Price)Using OBV (On-Balance Volume)Volume ProfileSupply & DemandStock Breakouts & VolumeVolume Exhaustion See Live Examples & Analysis+ MUCH more!*Enroll now to save yourself countless hours of studying and potentially save yourself thousands of dollars in losses that many new traders face due to lack of preparation. What Students are Saying:This is my second course from Travis Rose. The amount of information I received on such a short course is the reason I keep coming back to his courses. - Richard L.This course is very detailed and exactly what I need to get started day trading. Im so grateful for cheaper courses like this being available to people like me who cant afford the $1,000 courses. In my opinion this one is just as good if not better than the more expensive courses. - Jennifer J.Great format for learning. Love being able to download and watch offline. The course breaks down the basics and allows for more in-depth understanding without being too overwhelming. - Robert A.Love it so far! Very informative and easy to follow. The short quizzes after each section are also helpful. - Christian P."
Price: 99.99

"HEALTHY BACK: how to fix your posture and get a healthy spin" |
"This course is for people between the ages of 15 and 65 who have different backgrounds. Working with them, I realized that, despite all the limitations, if a person has a need to make his back healthier, more relaxed and rested, then he will definitely be able to do it. This course aims to relieve back pain and discomfort. This course contains a large number of exercises for different levels of training, during the implementation of which the feeling of lightness and mobility will never leave you.My program is designed to achieve results safely. Performing these exercises, you can not worry about the health of your muscles and joints, while the speed in achieving the result will remain at a high level.Using this program for a long time will allow you to remember forever which exercises are necessary to tone your back muscles, you will be able to better feel your body and independently select the exercises that you need. Do you feel like your lower back is completely constrained and you want to stretch it? A couple of exercises from this course and you can forget about these sensations!A careful study of the rules and recommendations will help you find all the answers to your questions, while you will always be able to contact me for help or support."
Price: 59.99

"Formao Designer Profissional: Canva Completo 2020/2021" |
"FORMAO DESIGNER PROFISSIONAL!J pensou em desenvolver seus prprios designs profissionais do absoluto zero? No curso Formao Designer Profissional: Canva Completo 2020/2021 irei te ensinar a como desenvolver designs profissionais, e tudo que voc precisa fora de vontade e disciplina para seguir o curso, cada aula foi pensada estrategicamente para abordar os temas atuais e as tendncias futuras do mercado do Design Grfico por meio de Vdeo Aulas e as principais matrias de Design Grfico. Conto com mais de 4 MILHES de Visualizaes nos designs que criei at hoje, e todos estes designs foram desenvolvidos por meio da ferramenta Canva! Tornar-se um Designer Profissional passou a ser apenas uma questo de deciso, a sua! Ento voc j sabe o que fazer, matricule-se e adquira a certificao de Designer Profissional! Espero voc no incio das aulas!Prof. Rafael Galvo"
Price: 159.99

"Lean Manufacturing - IMPLANTACIN de las 5S - nivel Bsico" |
"Las 5S son posiblemente la herramienta ms importante para la filosofa Lean Manufacturing. Tambin es el instrumento de referencia en la mejora continua y para los sistemas de garanta de calidad ISO9000.En definitiva, es el mtodo ms sencillo y barato para conseguir en las empresas grandes mejoras tanto en productividad, como en imagen, en seguridad laboral y en mejora del ambiente de trabajo.Este curso pretende formar y guiar en la implantacin a los OPERARIOS en el proyecto de implantacin de las 5S, y est pensado principalmente para facilitarle la formacin del personal al Coordinador del Comit de implantacin de las 5S, o director del proyecto de implantacin. Tambin es adecuado para los encargados o supervisores de rea."
Price: 19.99

"Lean Manufacturing - IMPLANTACIN de las 5S - nivel Medio" |
"Las 5S son posiblemente la herramienta ms importante para la filosofa Lean Manufacturing. Tambin es el instrumento de referencia en la mejora continua y para los sistemas de garanta de calidad ISO9000.En definitiva, es el mtodo ms sencillo y barato para conseguir en las empresas grandes mejoras tanto en productividad, como en imagen, en seguridad laboral y en mejora del ambiente de trabajo.Este curso pretende formar y guiar en la implantacin a los responsables del proyecto 5S y est pensado principalmente para el formar al Comit de implantacin de las 5S, especialmente a los lderes y facilitadores. Tambin es adecuado para Jefes de Produccin o de Planta, para encargados y supervisores con responsabilidad en la implantacin.Para facilitar la formacin bsica de los operarios de la seccin donde vamos a implantar las 5S, hemos preparado otro curso de nivel bsico que ayudar en la implantacin del rea y facilitar al Comit de implantacin su trabajo de formacin, concienciacin y motivacin de los operarios de planta."
Price: 29.99

"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate 2020 [SAA-C02]" |
"Bienvenue toutes et tous, Avec mon cours entirement en FRANCAIS je vais vous aider prparer et passer le tout dernier examen AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate (SAA-C02) JUIN 2020informations : Une nouvelle version de l'examen AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate (SAA-C02) est disponible depuis le 23 mars 2020. La version prcdente de l'examen AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate (SAA-C01) tait disponible jusqu'au 1er juillet 2020. Cette formation t conue uniquement pour la version SAA-C02 de l'examen.Il n'y a pas de meilleure prparation que l'exprience pratique. De nombreux ateliers vous attendent et de nombreuses ressources ajoutes aux sessions vous aideront acqurir des connaissances et des comptences supplmentaires pour vous prparer la certification.Avec mon cours vous allez : Apprendre et dcouvrir plus de 40 services AWSCrer votre propre compte AWS Disposer de 12 mois de services gratuit ( free tiers aws ) Manipuler vous mme dans des exercices pratiquesAccs vie toutes les futures mises jour de ce coursLe certificat de fin de formation officiel Udemy pour avertir votre rseau sur LinkedinDisposer d'un support de cours de +380 pages et d'un document remplir au fil de l'eau il vous aidera mmoriserUne garantie de remboursement de 30 jours ""sans questions"" !Des connaissances rudimentaires en ligne de commande windows/linux seraient un plus pour suivre ce cours.Vous acquerrez une comprhension complte de la plate-forme AWS Cloud et serez prt passer l'examen de certification. Ces connaissances et cette certification vous ouvriront des perspectives d'emploiVous serez en mesure de prouver votre expertise en matire d'AWS et de cloud computing. L'examen peut tre pass n'importe o sous la forme d'un examen surveill en ligne.je vous invite lire les trois articles que j'ai cris sur le sujet sur mon linkedin : Re:Invent 2018, AWS Le rouleau compresseur ?La scurit des donnes dans le CloudLe cloud ? N'hsitez pas offrir ce cours vos amis !"
Price: 199.99

"Opes binrias price action" |
"Aprenda a operar de maneira mais consistente ultilzando price action com uma estratgia mais assertiva no curso voc ir aprender a operar usando retrao e expanso de fibonacci, rompimentos, melhores pontos de suporte e resistncia e os horrios que o preo mais se movimentam para aproveitar a ao do preo (price action). O treinamento direto ao ponto na prticaSe voc deseja se tornar um trader profissional no mercado de opes binrias este curso pra voc"
Price: 39.99

"Desenvolvimento Web Full Stack com Java e Bootstrap" |
"Este curso foi criado por diversis expecialistas que ja trabalham na rea, com o intuito de aprimorar seus conhecimentos sobre; Construir Websites completos, Utilizando o sistema de gerenciamento JSP e tambm aprender a Crias sites responsivos e personalizados adicionando a criao de sistemas web integrados a bancos de dados usando a todo vapor dos conceitos de linguagens Front End e Back End, sem deixarmos de lado os iniciantes, que para isso reservamos alguns mdulos inteiramente relacionaodos Lgica de programao."
Price: 19.99

"Become a python Juggernaut: Solve 100 real world problems" |
"In this course you are going to solve 100 real world problems in python, each time you solve a problem you will acquire more and more programming knowledge and experience and you are going to develop your reasoning sense and become stronger than anytime before. This is the best and the most efficient way to build up a solid background in programming and problem solving with python. This course is designed to be a complete guide for Pythonista community as we provide for each problem a hint and a detailed source code with a clear explanation of the steps needed to solve the problem. After completing this mega practical python course, you will acquire a lot of problem solving skills using one of the most demanded programming languages of our generation (Python) and this will give you advantage to apply for python related jobs with high confidence and competence."
Price: 19.99

"How To Build An Online Business Using Teespring" |
"This course will walk you step by step on how to start an online business from home with almost no budget with TeespringYou will be able to start your online business without any help for hiring graphic designer - paying too much for promotion ...etc What you will learn from this course : * How to use Canva * How to use Teespring * How to use Ebay & Amazon in selling your T-shirts designs For who this course Every beginner struggling with making money online and almost broke or don't have enough budget to start"
Price: 29.99

"HPE0-V14 Building HPE Hybrid IT Solutions" |
"Special Offer: get 1 Practice exam and pick 1 for free from our Practice setsWelcome To The HPE0-V14 Building HPE Hybrid IT Solutions Practice Tests, The Final Exam preparation From I-Certified : Note 1: All our practice exams are based on our team members after preparing and successfully passing the exam and it's periodically updated based on our team members Exam details;Exam ID : HPE0-V14Exam type : Pearson VUE Testing Center Exam duration : 1 hour 30 minutes Exam length : 60 questionsPassing score : 66%Percentage of ExamSections 20% Describe, differentiate, and apply industry standard, foundational SMB architectures and technologiesIdentify and explain industry standard IT technologies used in small and medium-sized solutions and their use cases20% Recommend and position HPE products, solutions, and appropriate services for use casesGiven a use case, recommend the appropriate HPE products, solutions, and services to meet the business requirement20% Evaluate customer environment and plan and design solutions using the HPE portfolio to meet customer requirementsIdentify and describe planning, design and sizing tools and when to use them.Given customer requirements, design an HPE server solution to meet those requirementsGiven customer requirements, design an HPE storage solution to meet those requirementsGiven customer requirements, design an HPE network solution to meet those requirements.Given customer requirements, design an end-to-end, small to medium-sized HPE solution to meet those requirements20% Install, configure, and upgrade HPE solutions and their components and validate the implementationInstall physical solution systems including racking, power, and cabling connectionsGiven a solution, configure and validate the server, storage and/or networking components including integrating subsystems.10% Troubleshoot and remediate HPE solution componentsIdentify the tools and methods to troubleshoot and remediate an HPE solution and when to use each tool and methodAnalyze, troubleshoot, and remediate HPE solutions including component integrations (server, storage, and networking)10% Manage, monitor, administer, and operate HPE solutions and their componentsManage HPE solutions and subsystems to ensure the solution continues to meet customer requirements"
Price: 19.99

"Aspek Hukum Inovasi Keuangan Digital (IKD)" |
"DISCLAIMER: Kursus ini dibuat dengan memeras ketentuan-ketentuan hukum yang berlaku dengan ringkas, sehingga tidak semua ketentuan hukum dimasukkan ke dalam kursus ini. Dengan demikian, kami menyarankan peserta untuk tetap membaca ketentuan yang terdapat pada peraturan perundang-undangan dan sumber referensi yang telah kami cantumkan untuk mendapatkan gambaran komprehensif. Kursus ini dibuat dengan best effort yang dapat diberikan oleh Loophole Academy dengan segala keterbatasan yang ada, jika ada kesalahan mohon disampaikan kepada tim Loophole Academy agar dapat diperbaiki.Kursus ini mengupas tuntas aspek hukum Inovasi Keuangan Digital (IKD) yang berlaku di Indonesia berdasarkan POJK 13/2018 dan peraturan turunannya, sebagai salah satu bagian dari sektor Financial Technology (Fintech). Tidak hanya itu, kursus ini juga membandingkan bagaimana OJK menentukan klasifikasi IKD yang berbeda antara peraturan dengan praktik."
Price: 280000.00

"Google Tag Manager For Beginners" |
"Do you want to use google analytics, google ads remarketing, Facebook pixels and other many digital marketing tools Then you know how google tag manager is important for you, in this Google tag manager for beginner course you will learn all the basics you need to start to use google tag manager as your first digital marketing tools Topics that are covered in this course:What is Google Tag Manager and how it can be usefulInstallation of Google Tag Manager on any website, including WordPress, Shopify, and Squarespaceinterface overviewImplementing Google analytics via google tag managerimplement Google ads re-marketing via Google Tag Managerimplements Facebook pixel via Google Tag ManagerLearn how to deploy various tags and Record What your visitors are doing on your websiteIf you want to track Conversions, User Behaviour and more, yourself by using google tag manager then sign up right now.I will see you in the first lesson"
Price: 49.99

"Java. Gua Terico-Practica Para Programar En Java." |
"Curso bsico de programacin en Java, este curso esta dirigido para todas las personas que quieran aprender a programar en Java, incluso sin tener conocimiento previo de programacin. El curso consta de varias secciones comprendidas con los temas mas importantes. Cada seccin consta de una parte terica en la cual se explican los diferentes temas y una parte con ejercicios prcticos. Al terminar el curso tendremos las herramientas y conocimientos bsicos para poder avanzar y seguir aprendiendo mas del lenguaje.En este curso aprenders todo lo que necesitas saber para empezar a programar en el lenguaje de programacin (Java), empezaremos con lo mas bsico hablando un poco del lenguaje y los tipos de datos llegando as a la comprensin y facilidad de uso de arreglos y matrices. Esto es todo lo que necesitas aprender para empezar en este gran mundo de la programacin.El curso esta diseado para iniciar de cero y en poco tiempo adquirir las bases de programacin en JAVA, logrado crear tus primeros programas y entendiendo la sintaxis y lgica de programacin."
Price: 59.99

"How To Create Animated Videos : Fast Track Taining" |
"ATTENTION INTERNET MARKETERS: Ready to To Start Creating Engaging Video?""Attract New Customers and Prospects With Ease By Learning The Simple Steps to Creating Animated Videos""In this ""No Fluff"" 21 Module Straight To The Point +1 Hour Course, Youll Find Out How To Get The Most of Your Animated Video Creating Software.Youve come to this page because you're probably the owner of one of the Video Creating Software Platforms like Explaindio, VideoFX of Sparkol.But seriously, when was the last time you actually used what you paid for...Right now, it's probably looking like another one of those shiny objects that you bought with good intentionsBut one that you never really use to create videosBut you've seen other people create GREAT Sales Videos and Interesting Opt-in Videos...There Is a Simple Step By Step Process You Can FollowRegardless of what software you use, did you know that there is a process that you can follow that makes creating Animated Videos Easy to understand and easier to create?And that when you follow it, the technical details will fall to the background?Did you know that figuring out when to use words and when to use images is pretty easy...when you do things in the right order?Youre probably wondering, if it's this easy, why have you not figured it outThe answer is complicated. All of the awesome animated video creation software shows you how to do two things...First, it teaches on the abstract...and does a very good job of this. So, you get a full education on how to create stories and write copy and how that figures into animated videoSecond, they tell you how to be successful using your software. Of course, this is natural and exact what you'd expect. So, you're probably an expert on ast least two platformsBut, there is a little gap there. How do I go from having my story to getting it ready for the software? Then, how can I do it over and over again with ease?There Is A Reason Why You Don't Use Your Animated Video Software Very MuchOnce you've learned how to use the software and how to create a story, you've become an expert on how to create one video. What you don't have is a process to create multiple kinds of video, multiple stories and multiple scenarios.Think of what it would be like to have a simple process that works regardless of the situation and scenario....IntroducingHow To Create Animated Videos : Fast Track TainingHere's exactly what you'll get inside the course: 21 Step By Step ""No-Fluff"" Over the Shoulder VideosCreating Your ScriptImplementing Business Growth EnginesNarrating Your AudioEditing Your AudioDetermining KeywordsGathering AssetsDesigning ScenesAdding MusicUsing Video SourcesUsing Audio SourcesAnd Much, Much MoreSee the course subjects below:01-Overview02-Creating Your Script03-Narrating Your Video Audio04-Editing Your Audio05-Determine Keywords Determine Style06-Gathering Assets Based On Keywords07-Designing Scenes Adding Assets08-Adding Royalty Free Audio09-Understanding Timelines Matching With Audio10-Producing And Processing Your Video11-Using Existing Text Content To Create A Script12-Turning Word Documents Into A Script13-Turning Audio Into Scenes14-Turning Existing Or PLR Audio Into Scenes15-Turning Existing PLR Video Into Audio For Animated Video16-My Simple Show Alternative Animated Video Creator17-Timeline Operations Native Images18-Timeline Operations Drawing And Animation Time19-Timeline Operations Pause20-Timeline Operations Transition21-Conclusion Outsourcing Leveraging Resources-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 19.99

"inkscape para design" |
"neste curso abordamos no s os pilares do software livre inkscape, mas os fundamentos do design de maneira prtica. Este curso contem um Mega conteudo de designer grfico abordando o melhor software de design livre de todos os tempos o inkscape 1.0 e nas muitas aulas abordamos de maneira clara e bem didtica todos os comandos e ferramentas do software de maneira pratica. Alm de falarmos das diversas profisses que permeiam o universo do design grfico e arte finalista."
Price: 24.99

"Basic Numerology: Your Given Ability & Achievement Activator" |
"This Courses can Teach you Step by Steps To Obtain The Ticket that Reveal Following :-Awake Characteristic and Personality to allow Achieve Full Potential of IndividualsDISC Personality to Enhance Relationship building .Major Strength and Compensate Weaknesses to Achieve Higher AchievementLearning Behaviour of Individuals that will Accelerate Learning ProgressBuilds Better Relationship with Your Colleagues and Create Better Relationship with Your BOSSFixed Broken Relationship and Smoothen Your Communication with YOUR LOVED ONEAccelerate To Achieve Your DREAM or DESIREMy intention is CLEAR .Increase your Productivity by understanding Your Learning and Working BehaviorEnhance Your Clarity of How Humans Behave and CommunicateEliminate your Procrastination through MindSet Building and Solid Frameworks that worksfor Me and My Consulting Client .Focus on Your REAL GOAL . That Brings The BEST VERSION of YOURSELF .Understanding the Art of Communication . Communicate Out Your World."
Price: 99.99

"Effective Beauty/Haircut Saloon Management & Analysis" |
"Have you opened or are thinking about opening a hair salon and are looking for the right questions to ask yourself? Thanks to this course, which will systematically question yourself and your plans, you are one step closer to the saloon of your dreams. By registering for this course, you can examine and discuss with me all the variables and analysis that make up a saloon step by step.Thanks to this course, you will question yourself, your dreams and your saloon or the saloon of your dreams under 30 different headings. Register now to learn about the topics listed below and much more! Purpose & Goals Importance of Branding Status & Target Detection Golden Rules of Team Management In-Saloon Experience Location Analysis Brand Analysis Customer Analysis Market Analysis SWOT Analysis Brand Management and much more!The art of professional hair cutting is more than just an end, it is a journey. On this passionate journey, you can always contact me via Udemy, or my official instagram page @sinanergun.Who is Sinan Ergn?Sinan Ergn, who sees hair as a personal work of art, whose beauty arises only with the talent of the artist, explores the limits of the imagination in both men and women.He has been working as a professional hairdresser for more than 20 years and has been serving in the most exclusive hairdressers of Istanbul such as Toni & Guy, London and Emre Ayaksz Hair Palace.Active hairdressing services since 2012. Turkey as well as the Pivot Point International Hair Cutting Techniques firm General Coordinator and Instructor gave the task bulunarak more than 2000 pupils. In one-on-one and class training, women hair cutting, men's hair and beard cutting techniques trainings are available.The cover photo hair for fashion magazines along with Turkey Hairdresser of the Year award, competition coaching, jury member in competitions, career talks at universities, hairdressing as numerous workshops and passionate with stage shows and has contributed to the hairdressing industry."
Price: 44.99

"SAP-C00 AWS Professional Solution Architect Practice Exam" |
"270 UNIQUE practice questions for SAP-C00 AWS Professional Solution Architect Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SAP-C00 AWS Professional Solution Architect Practice ExamTotal Questions : 270Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :170 minsPassing Score : 75 (202 of 270)"
Price: 179.99

"Mastering Assertive Communication" |
"Communicating yourself assertively is an excellent attribute to have in the world of business, especially such for those in leadership and management roles; well-respected positions where your team will look to you for guidance.This course will help you to develop the confidence you need to build key skills for assertive communication. Being able to communicate confidently and clearly will leave you feeling calmer and in control of any situation which may arise.We'll take a look at the different styles of communication, the common mishaps that can lead to a breakdown in communication, and how you can better assert yourself within your team, no matter what level you are at."
Price: 29.99
