"Video Editing - DaVinci Resolve 16 - Edit Tab" |
"In this DaVinci Resolve 16 Video Editing using the edit tab (MAC and PC) editing course you will go from beginner to professional. Throughout the course you will learn about all off the pages inside of the editing program with real practical examples and my personal tips and tricks to take you from a novice to expert. You be able to edit your own cinematic masterpiece.As you progress through the course I will continually update with new tasks to help you improve on your editing skills. I hope you enjoy the course and I look forward to seeing what you create."
Price: 19.99

"Cmo aprender a superar las adversidades para ser exitoso" |
"El curso aprender a superar las adversidades para ser exitoso, ensea como enfrentar cada da los restos que nos coloca la vida.Al vivir en sociedad debemos aprender a convivir en comunidad, saber relacionarnos con los dems, aceptandolos como son pero tambin que nos acepten tal como somos. Muchas veces perdemos la confianza en nosotros mismo, la voluntad de desarrollarnos como ser humano, debido a que la influencia negativa del entorno donde nos desenvolvemos dominan nuestra vida, afectando el bienestar psico-emocional. Hay que aprender en primer lugar reconocernos, saber de lo que somos capaces de hacer y cules son nuestros lmites, una vez que logres vencer cada uno de los obstculos que encontrars en el camino sers totalmente exitoso."
Price: 19.99

"Mastering Meetings - A Complete Practical Guide To Meetings" |
"In this class we'll take a deep dive into meetings, calls and catch-ups. This course will give you the skills to schedule, chair and contribute to productive, quality meetings that add value and help you get the job done.Poor quality meetings are a common complaint at many organisations. This course gives you the skills to not only master the role of an attendee, but also a chairperson and dives into the psychology of meetings and what you can do to build a reputation as an amazing meeting organiser at your organisation.We'll explore subjects such asWhat meetings are and why you need themThe cost of meetingsRed, Amber & Green meetingsPicking the perfect timeScheduling etiquetteThe meeting as an opportunity to get noticedConsiderations for external attendeesThe vital role of the chairpersonBuilding a great meeting agendaStarting and navigating through the meeting itselfMinutes, follow-ups and actionsHow to be a great meeting attendeeOne to one meetingsI've been a people manager for over 20 years at some of the biggest companies in the world. I've worked for inspirational leaders, and tried to develop my own leadership skills to inspire and empower my teams. I've had thousands of meetings and have built my own successful system through trial and error as well as learning from incredible people.At the end of this course you'll have a clear picture of what makes a great meeting and you'll have the ammunition to be able to develop your own skills and boost your own chances of making it as a leader in your organisation.The course is fast paced, easy to consume, narrated with clear messages.This is Productivity ACE - Let's get it done!"
Price: 19.99

"Corso base per imparare la logica booleana dell' informatica" |
"Ciao!Benvenuto in questo corso essenziale per imparare la logica booleana, uno dei pilastri su cui poggia l' informatica.In questo corso utilizzeremo il sistema di riferimento logico per capire che cos' la logica booleana, introducendo prima la logica degli insiemi con cui presenta varie analogie, e studieremo tutti gli elementi che la compongono.Ci soffermeremo in particolare sulle funzioni AND, OR e NOT approfondendone le caratteristiche e le tabelle di verit, arricchendo il tutto con esempi pratici. Infine vedremo quali sono i 3 principi della logica booleana, ossia i 3 pilastri su cui poggiano le 7 propriet fondamentali che verranno approfondite.Mettiti comodo e..Ci vediamo dall' altra parte!"
Price: 109.99

"Corso di psicologia della disinformazione e delle fake-news" |
"Ciao!Come ben saprai, il fenomeno della disinformazione in continua crescita e porta con s svariate conseguenze dannose per la mente dei lettori.Per poter contrastare la diffusione delle fake-news ed i loro effetti necessario:- conoscere i meccanismi e scopi della disinformazione;- conoscere i punti deboli della nostra mente (vulnerabilit psicologiche);- conoscere e sviluppare al meglio i punti di forza della nostra mente (abilit cognitive) per prevenire la disinformazione;- conoscere gli strumenti tecnologici che ci consentono di essere pi abili nel riconoscimento delle fake-news.In linea con quanto appena detto, questo percorso di apprendimento stato suddiviso in 4 sezioni:1) La disinformazione;2) Le vulnerabilit psicologiche alla disinformazione;3) Gli strumenti psicologici per la prevenzione della disinformazione;4) Gli strumenti tecnici (tecnologici) per il riconoscimento e lo smascheramento dei contenuti disinformativi.Le prime 3 sezioni spiegano dal punto di vista psicologico che cos' la disinformazione, quali sono le nostre debolezze mentali che ci rendono pi vulnerabili ad essa e quali sono invece le abilit mentali su cui lavorare per smascherarla e prevenirla.L' ultima sezione offre una panoramica sugli strumenti tecnologici che possono essere utilizzati per orientarsi meglio nel mondo del web e riconoscere con pi facilit eventuali contenuti disinformativi.Mettiti comodo e..Ci vediamo dall' altra parte!"
Price: 109.99

"Planejamento Financeiro com Ferramentas Prticas" |
"Voc sabe porque a maioria das pessoas s querem mas no conseguem realizar seus sonhos e metas financeiras?Simplesmente porque no PLANEJAM.Quando voc estuda,decide casar ou pensa em ter filho, provavelmente faz um mnimo planejamento, n?Mas para conquistar os maiores sonhos e metas financeiras, a maioria, infelizmente, fica perdida em relao ao dinheiro e no consegue nem chegar perto do que deseja.Ento se voc acha difcil juntar dinheiro,nunca consegue atingir seus objetivos e vive em dvidas, esse curso vai finalmente te a ajudar a TER DINHEIRO PARA ATINGIRSEUS SONHOS!Eu, por exemplo,j estou me planejando e poupando para me aposentar aos 40 anos - ou seja, quero viver de renda e trabalhar s se eu quiser.E eu vou te mostrar como isso possvel com o mtodo a prova de qualquer desculpas pra ajudar qualquer pessoa a atingir metas de curto, mdio e longo prazo.Ser um prazer contribuir no planejamento da sua liberdade financeira!"
Price: 99.99

"2020 Email Marketing Masterclass" |
"I've been an E-Commerce professional since 2006 and have specialized in Email Marketing since 2015. 2020 Email Marketing Masterclass is the synthesis of 5 years and billions of email sends, put together in one 4 hour course. If you are new to the email game, are responsible for digital marketing and want to follow current best practices, or want to develop a career as a digital marketer, this course will give you all the tools you need to succeed.We start with list growth, the key to any successful email marketing program. I give you the keys to generating quality list growth and setting the stage for personalizing your messaging to ensure your messages get opened and acted upon.From there we cover the 4 most important campaigns for turning those new subscribers into customers and then turning those new customer into repeat purchasers.Deliverability issues can wreak havoc with any email marketing program in 2020 so I give you the tools to ensure you don't have to deal with your emails getting sent to the spam folder. And if you currently have issues with your messages going to the spam folder I give you guidelines on how to remedy this so you can get back into the inbox. While the 2020 Email Marketing Masterclass focuses on what works for email marketing every single day in 2020, I have included 4 Bonus sections to provide you with additional tools to up your email marketing game and show you know what currently works, including:Covid-19 and it's impact on your business operationsAddressing Social Causes such as Black Lives Matter and Pride monthPlanning for the 2020 Holiday SeasonGetting Started with SMS/MMS MarketingThis course provides you with access to a free 30 page Companion Workbook with worksheets to help you track your current KPIs, along with guides for building each of the four campaigns discussed in the course. The guide also includes:A guide to help you gauge when contacts are engaged, unengaged, or dormantWorksheet for pursuing the best personalization strategy for your businessHow to set up Domain Monitoring for Gmail, Hotmail and Yahoo/AOLChoosing the best Email Marketing Software for your businessKey promotion dates during the 2020 Holiday SeasonSimply stated, this is the course I wish I had available to me back when I committed to email marketing full-time back in 2015."
Price: 94.99

"Practical Course in Income Tax (INDIA)" |
"This course on ""Practical Approach to Income Tax in India"" contain a complete & detail analysis with practical examples. All the relevant amendments up to Finance Act 2020 are covered in this course. Student will also get he detail Study Notes,Charts & Excel computation sheet for easy understanding.This Course includes the below topics in detail-I. Introduction to Income TaxBasic Introduction to Income Tax ActWhat is Assessment Year?Who is Assessee?Heads of Income under Income Tax Act,1961Difference between Exemptions & DeductionsSlab Rates (as amended by FA 2020)Sec 115 BAC for new slab rates for individualsRebate under section 87A Surcharge & Education Cess Sec 139 Return of Income How to Register on e filing portalReset password of e filing portalII. Income Tax Return-1 (SAHAJ)Who Can File ITR 1Documents Required for ITR 1How to view 26ASReconcile Form 26AS with Form 16ITR 1 Filing General Information Tab ITR 1 Filing Computation of Income ITR 1 Filing- E Pay Tax Online Verification of ITR 1III. Income Tax Return-2 Eligibility to File ITR ITR 2Excel Utility Overview for filing Income Tax Return ITR 2Java Utility Overview for filing Income Tax Return ITR 2Understand Schedules of Income Tax Return ITR 2 How to prefill data in Income Tax Return ITR 2Live ITR filing & XML generatingIV Income Tax Return -3Eligibility for Income Tax Return 3Understand Schedule of Income Tax Return 3Filing of Income Tax Return 3 V Income Tax Return 4 (SUGAM)Understand concept of presumptive taxation as per Sec 44ADUnderstand who is eligible to file Income Tax Return 4 Learn to file ITR 4 with Live Demo of online filingVI Restriction on Cash Transactions by Income Tax DepartmentUnderstand Dis allowance of Cash Expenditure under Section 40A Understand sec 194N, TDS on cash withdrawal from BankLearn about the SFT Significant Financial Transactions/High Value TransactionsUnderstand the section 285BA along with Rule 114E for High Value Transactions "
Price: 5120.00

"HealthScore Academy: Optimize Psychological Health" |
"In this course, Dr. Cohen, a primary care physician, shares with you the most up-to-date findings in the medical literature on the psychological factors proven to optimize health and wellbeing. You'll take an online assessment of your mental. health, learn about the importance of a variety of aspects of emotional health for physical health, and he'll share practical tips for taking action to improve your wellbeing."
Price: 49.99

"Learn Basics of Chemical Reactions and Equations" |
"This course has been specifically designed to give an overview about the basic terminologies that are used in chemistry along with their concepts. In this course you are going to learn folllwing:1. Basics of chemical reactions and chemical equations.2. Balancing of chemical equations.3. Types of chemical reactions.4. Detail explanation of rancidity and corrosion.5. Additional questions related to chemical reactions and equations.I hope that when you will complete this course you will be enlightened with lot of information and learning.I hope you all do well in your life in all respects.Thank You!"
Price: 19.99

"Adobe Premiere 2020 Introduction: Video editing course" |
"Get taught the same techniques and methods I teach to the BBC, Sky, Discovery, Google and more.Completely recorded in Premiere CC 2020.Work with professionally shot footage and my supplied motion graphics templates.I provide a list of shortcuts at the end of every relevant video.Learn how to setup a widescreen, square and portrait video in minutes.Cut an interview with music and broll.Mixing and fixing your audio and setting sound levels to the industry standard.Adding and editing transitions and effects.Adding graphic titles with shapes and text.We take a full look at colour correction.Exporting to multiple formats to get the size and quality just right.Learn professional workflows so you don't waste hours of your time.Course is recorded in 4K and rendered to 1080P. If your internet connection is fast enough choose the Auto quality for 1080P."
Price: 49.99

"Sales Mastery: Rapid B2B Sales Growth & Epic Career Success" |
"Why do You need To Learn The Keys To Sales Mastery?In todays sales environments, you are a primary differentiator. The Keys to Sales Mastery comprehensive course outlines the mind-set, skill-set, and tool-set you need to master to become invaluable to your clients and achieve career growth and financial rewards. These proven methods work in enterprise selling, Entrepreneurs, Startup, Business Development, B2B, B2C, and H2H environment.Learn from a field expert that has been in the trenches, making calls, overcoming objections, building relationships, and closing mega deals. This course is a beneficial resource for anyone who sells for a living.Most organizations dont have the time, resources, or the ability to develop their future sales stars. The Keys to Sales Mastery is vital competency skills and tools that you must develop to ensure personal and organizational success.What youll learn:Sales MYTHS and MISCONCEPTIONS about salespeopleSell with confidence, integrity and win customers trust and loyaltyBuild a reputation of a reliable, trusted advisor and growth partnerClose deals with confidenceLearn 31 effective CLOSING sales techniques that yield concrete resultsBuild strategies and methods that drive your desired outcomeHow to handle any type of OBJECTIONSUse techniques to turn REJECTIONS into affirmationsInfluence clients and peers to work in unison towards shared goalsDesign your leadership ascension pathEliminate time wasters for sales professionalsHow to DOUBLE your PERFORMANCE quickly and overachieveThe sales FUNNELThe sales ECOSYSTEMMaster the selling process to gain your customer commitment to buy.Telephone techniques to effectively reach hard to get customersThe secret of sales success using STORYTELLINGMastering sales PRESENTATIONS, so buyers take actionHandling your competitionUnderstand the UNIVERSAL SALES EQUATION and its impact on your performanceImprove your winning odds and differentiate yourselfKnow your buyer's personality and stylesMaster your PROFESSIONAL IMAGE, body language and thought process to build lasting relationshipsExceed quota and propel your CAREER progressionActively listen to your customersUncover sales opportunitiesCultivate endless REFERRALSAlign your business solution with your customer needs and painsConfidently communicate valueSell with integrity and WIN large dealsHow to WOW your audience when speakingImprove your winning odds and grow repeat businessSpeed up your FINANCIAL SUCCESS and career progressionDevelop characteristics that promote self-developmentApply the TRAIT of great SALES LEADERSLeverage the amazing power of testimonialsLearn the power of SELLING YOU, as a major differentiating factorLearn to Use Public Meetings For Leverage & SELF-BRANDINGWhy 90% of company sales training fails, and Pitfuls to avoid post-trainingLearn the basic of Sales Mastery that can move you from good to greatThis course will teach you ALL the FUNDAMENTALS required to sell any product or service in any industry successfully. It will teach you EVERYTHING you need to develop long-lasting relationships with your clients and generate more revenue for your startup or organization.Anthony demystifies what selling is and the techniques that work, whether its a small-medium-business or a global corporation. Anthony's has worked as SVP of Sales, he led, trained, and coached sales professionals in organizations such as First Data /Fiserv, Citigroup, Verizon, Global Payment/Heartland, and Tourneau. He had led multi-billion dollar organizations to profitability and won multiple awards as a quota carrying sales leader. He is currently the CEO of Elite Sales Leadership Consulting. A company specialized in sales management and leadership training.I'm confident that The Keys to Sales Mastery Skills will help you achieve a better outcome and become a better sales professional or your money-back guarantee.30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEEThis course is a COMPREHENSIVE PLAYBOOK on winning customer commitment, building long-term relationships, growing customer loyalty, building your brand, and improving your winning odds in a hyper-competitive environment.Take your time, go step by step, complete the course from start to finish. Learn, apply, reflect, and adjust. Your career success and sales destiny are within your control. You can learn all the necessary skills to sell effectively, influence buyers, and create desired results.The Keys To Sales Mastery skills are acquired capabilities that anyone can learn, develop, and master quickly. Many competent salespeople underperform because they follow failed strategies and use ineffective approaches that leave them frustrated in their quest to achieve their personal and career goals.This course will teach you a sure-fire method to increase your sales and succeed where many failed. Sales is part science, part art and here I teach you how to become great at both. So, jump in, and let's get started Mastering the World of Selling. See you inside!To Your Success!Anthony"
Price: 19.99

"Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Stress Reduction Techniques" |
"This is a course that covers ideas around Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and also some therapeutic interventions. It is intended to introduce students to some ideas and information about coping, stress reduction and general tools for mental health and wellness. By explaining CBT models, students get an idea about the approach and how they might implement and begin to reframe faulty or unhelpful thinking. It also goes over breathing and relaxation/stress reduction techniques. This provides some information and an introduction to techniques and tools that anyone can use and benefit from."
Price: 24.99

"El curso de abap programacin estructurada, est diseado para que los estudiantes puedan acceder sin ningn conocimiento previo a los conceptos bsico para iniciarse en el mundo de programacin abap. Podrs adquirir los conocimientos de las sentencias, los tipos de datos tablas internas,etc....esperamos que este curso te resulte real mente til."
Price: 19.99

"The Mindfulness Framework" |
"Improve your level of mindfulness through internalising The Mindfulness Framework.The Mindfulness Framework is a very easy to understand, logical process of improving ones mindfulness.This is a beginners guide to mindful meditation, explained in a way that you have not seen before.""Mindfulness is a meta-skill that improves everything else."" Tim Ferris, Author of The 4-Hour Work Week & Tool of Titans.A fantastic quote which highlights the significance of this practice. As you further your understanding of this knowledge you will find yourself agreeing and saying:""Wow... mindfulness literally does make everything better."" You, Student of The Mindfulness Framework online class.I highly recommend watching the lectures all the way through to benefit your practice. I have focused on teaching the most important knowledge and cut out everything else so the class is short and sweet."
Price: 29.99

"Advance Certificate of Hospitality Industry and Services" |
"The concept of hospitality is known since ancient times, the meaning of the term hospitality refers to welcome, warmth, kindness, and generosity. Hospitality is termed as the relationship between guest and host; it is the work or practice of being hospitable. Hospitality is also known as the work of kindly making provision of care, politeness, and courtesy to whoever is in need. The tourism industry is principally service and community-oriented; it is made up of industries and organizations belonging to various other production and manufacturing units and segments. after successfully completing this course you will be able to analyze the problems which come during the services and able to solve them."
Price: 1280.00

"Scrum Master Certification Practice Assessment" |
"Note: This course is not affiliated to any of the scrum governing body nor it is endorsed by any of them.These questions will help in clearing the PSM1 scrum exam which has been designed using different real-life situations.An inclusive set of mock exam questions to assess how much you are prepared for Scrum Master certification.The tests are specifically designed around the Scrum guide, the definitive Scrum body of knowledge 2020.Scrum is an agile framework for developing, delivering, and sustaining complex products, with an initial emphasis on software development, although it has been used in other fields including research, sales, marketing, and advanced technologies.Use this practice assessment to pass any type of Scrum Certifications.Who this course is for:Scrum team members/developersManagers of Scrum teamsScrum product ownersTeams transitioning to ScrumProfessionals who want to build a career as Scrum MasterAny professional who is interested to build a career in Scrum-----------------------The statements made and opinions expressed herein belong exclusively to the creator of this course and are not shared by or represent the viewpoint of Scrum .org. This training does not constitute an endorsement of any product, service or point of view. Scrum .org makes no representations, warranties or assurances of any kind, express or implied, as to the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, availability or currency of the content contained in this presentation or any material related to this presentation. In no event shall Scrum .org, its agents, officers, employees, licensees or affiliates be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, business information, loss of information) arising out of the information or statements contained in the training. Any reliance you place on such content is strictly at your own risk."
Price: 1280.00

"CISA Certification Latest domain wise Model Questions - 2020" |
"750 Standard Questions with Answers & Detailed ExplanationsUpdated in 2020, and regularly updating.latest ISACA CISA CRM and relevant exam sources are used to construct the Question Database Most Important Questions on the Certified Information System Auditor (CISA) Exams5 Standard Model Test which is based on each of the 5 Domains of CISA Review Manual (Latest Syllabus) as follows:1. Information System Auditing Process: Weightage(21%) and Number of Approx. Questions (32).2. Governance and Management of IT: Weightage(17%) and Number of Approx. Questions (25).3. Information System Acquisition, Development, and Implementation: Weightage(12%) and Number of Approx. Questions (18).4. Information Systems Operations and Business Resilience: Weightage(23%) and Number of Approx. Questions (34).5. Protection of Information Assets: Weightage(27%) and Number of Approx. Questions (41).Each Model Test has 150 Questions and allowed 240 Minutes Time. Passing Score is 80%Each right or wrong option is explained in detail.Each Question is mapped with the appropriate job practice area (knowledge area)Situation-Based QuestionsDesigned with research and real exam experience (not the traditional one!)"
Price: 1280.00

"ISO 45001:2018 - Sistema de Gesto em SST" |
"Introduo ao Sistema de Gesto em Sade e Segurana do TrabalhoAs 10 principais mudanas da OHSAS 18001 para a ISO 45001Interpretao dos Requisitos da ISO 45001Formao de Auditores Internos em Sistema de Gesto em Sade e Segurana do TrabalhoEstudos de Casos de Auditorias de Sistema de Gesto em Sade e Segurana do Trabalho"
Price: 174.99

"Learn to create a photo realistic drawing with Paintology" |
"You can make this digital drawing of a gemstone right on your phone or tablet. The course shows you step by step on how to use the shade brush tool of the Paintology app to create this drawing and more. You will learn and develop drawing techniques and skills that will help you to improve your overall drawing skills in general.Digital drawing is fun and easy with the free Paintology app available from the Google play store.Thanks to it's intuitive interface, you will rapidly increase your drawing skills and techniques and inspire you to do more."
Price: 19.99

"F.I.S.H Marketing formula to increase sales" |
"This course uses the same strategies fishermen use to catch fish as a marketing strategy. Most big brands have always been and are still using it till this day without realising it! You will see full proof in the content of how the brands use each one of these strategies even in your own mailbox! You will be able to implement the strategies right away from your phone or device because they are that simple! The value even just one of the strategies will bring into your business is amazing and there are four! You don't need any experience it's beginner friendly visual and and practical course."
Price: 19.99

"Photoshop - Mtodo Restaurao de Fotos Antigas" |
"Aprenda todas as tcnicas necessrias para se tornar um mestre na arte de restaurao de fotos utilizando o Photoshop como ferramenta.Um pouco do que voc aprender:- Identificar os tipos de Fotos- Tipos de restaurao- Os defeitos comuns e como corrigi-los- Melhorar a qualidade das fotos- Colorizao de fotos - Alterar cenrios das fotos- Apagar objetos, ou pessoas das fotos- Remontagens de fotos- Restaurao completa passo a passoCurso passo a passo, atravs de um mtodo simples, rpido, e de fcil aplicao. So mais de 12 anos de experincia que terei o prazer de lhe transmitir."
Price: 84.99

"Digital Speech Processing" |
"After the course the viewer will be equipped with tools to analyze and compress speech signals. Since the course uses demonstrations in matlab, the viewers will also be able to use some of the matlab tools effectively, other than understanding the concepts clearly. Other than speech, the viewers will also be able to handle other one dimensional data like biomedical signals since they are similar to speech signals.It is a valuable course for students who love coding, from any field like mathematics, physics, electrical, electronics, computer engineering,etc."
Price: 19.99

"Venda Mais com Instagram - Exploso de Resultados em 2020" |
"ATENO: CURSO FOCADO APENAS EM QUEM QUER TER RESULTADOS E VENDER MAIS SEM PERDER TEMPO.Se voc precisa gerar resultados, fechar vendas, ou aumentar seu faturamento, e ainda no dedica o seu tempo da FORMA CORRETA no Instagram, voc est perdendo MUITO dinheiro. Por mais que voc esteja colocando a mo na massa e investindo tempo e dinheiro para fazer dar certo, se voc utilizar as estratgias corretas, seus resultados sero HORRVEIS.Mas como saber qual a forma correta se cada especialista diz uma coisa?Voc precisa entender que para 80% dos profissionais, gerar resultados no Instagram se resume a atrair SEGUIDORES e ganhar LIKES. Isso to comum que at as agncias de marketing mais famosas e caras do mercado se comportam assim.A sua NICA sada aprender a como verdadeiramente VENDER pelo Instagram, sem rodeios, sem mimimi, com foco total no resultado. isso que voc quer, no ?Aps 8 anos de experincia em Marketing Digital, ajudando agncias, redes de alimentao, instituies de ensino, empresas de sade e bem estar, e varejo, desde pequeno porte at multinacional bilionrias, posso dizer que j testei muita coisa (E J ERREI MUITO), e justamente por isso posso hoje eu TE GARANTO que consegui chegar na melhor metodologia para VENDER PELO INSTAGRAM. E, neste exato momento, voc est tendo a oportunidade de ter acesso a ela por um apenas 1% do PREO QUE ELA VALE.Este sem dvidas o MELHOR CURSO DA INTERNET para voc aprender a Vender pelo Instagram DO ZERO, mesmo que voc no saiba nada de vendas ou tecnologia. E o melhor: dedicando menos de 30min por dia.Todos os dias, mais de 1 BILHO de usurios ativos no Instagram, e 80% deles esto seguindo empresas. Essa ou no uma boa oportunidade para voc melhorar o seus resultados?No curso Venda mais pelo Instagram, voc aprender como alcanar MILHES DE PESSOAS no Instagram e convert-las em clientes.No se trata apenas de um curso de Marketing pelo Instagram, mas sim de um curso de estratgias de vendas, persuaso e performance.Voc vai aprender aqui o NECESSRIO para conseguir aumentar as suas vendas, independentemente do seu nicho.Voc pode ser do ramo de Beleza e EstticaSade e bem-estarVarejoTecnologiaAlimentaoMercado imobilirioEngenharia, arquitetura e decoraoProfissional liberalE muito maisTodas as reas sero contempladas dentro do curso, falando especificamente das caractersticas de cada, para voc conseguir extrair os melhores resultados.Alm disso, voc aprender:A como descobrir qual o seu pblico alvo e persona (a base da sua estratgia - sem isso VOC NO SAI DO LUGARFeed do Instagram:Com que frequncia postarQuais contedos funcionam e no funcionamComo produzir um post que gera resultadosO poder das HashtagsFerramentas para criar posts facilmenteInstagram Stories:O segredo dos StoriesOs 7 tipos de contedos que bombam no StoriesUtilizao dos Stickers e Gifs para gerar engajamento, proximidade e conversoComo inserir link nos Stories (Call to Action)Como usar os Destaques (Highlights)Como usar o Close Friends (Melhores amigos)Direct do InstagramRecursos do DirectComo melhorar seu atendimento e gerar mais vendasEstratgias matadoras para interagir 1-a-1 com o pblicoInstagram LivesComo fazer uma live passo-a-passoQuais os recursos disponveis e como us-losDicas para perder o medo e deixar as lives INCRVEISIGTV - Instagram TVPor que usar o IGTV na sua estratgiaComo criar um canal no IGTV6 tipos de contedos IRRESISTVEIS para o IGTV[NOVIDADE] Instagram REELSO que e como usar a mais NOVA SENSAO DO INSTAGRAMVenda muito com Instagram Ads - Anncios no InstagramPor que investir em annciosComo criar seu anncio passo-a-passoResultados comprovados na prticaAnalisando os ResultadosComo usar o Analtycs do InstagramComo ver e analisar mtricas de FeedComo ver e analisar mtricas de StoriesComo ver e analisar mtricas de AnnciosComo ver e analisar mtricas de PblicoComo ver e analisar mtricas de IGTV e LivesAlm de todo o conhecimento incrvel que voc vai adquirir, voc ainda ganha:Acesso vitalcio ao curso e todas as suas atualizaesSlides e todos os recursos adicionais usados no cursoCertificado de concluso online do cursoMeu suporte personalizado e respostas as suas dvidasGarantia de reembolso de at 30 dias"
Price: 384.99

"AZ-400 Perguntas oficiais em PT-BR + Arquivos VCEs" |
"Exame AZ-400: Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps SolutionsPerguntas e respostas atualizadas em Setembro/2020.Perguntas frequentes:1- Fazendo os testes repetidas vezes, entendendo e decorando todas as perguntas, tenho chance de passar no exame AZ-104?R: Muita chance! S depende de voc! 2- As perguntas esto atualizadas?R: Sim! Muito atuais! Vrios profissionais esto utilizando estas perguntas para serem aprovados no exame AZ-400. 3- Como funcionam as perguntas e respostas?Traduzi as perguntas e as explicaes para portugus BR. As opes esto em ingls, pois na prova iro aparecer em ingls e fica mais fcil para voc entender e decor-las.Habilidades medidas no exame AZ-104Desenvolver uma estratgia de instrumentao (5-10%)Desenvolver uma estratgia de Engenharia de Confiabilidade do Site (SRE) (5-10%)Desenvolver um plano de segurana e conformidade (10-15%)Gerenciar o controle de origem (10-15%)Facilitar a comunicao e a colaborao (10-15%)Definir e implementar a integrao contnua (20-25%)Definir e implementar uma estratgia de gerenciamento de entrega e liberao contnua (10-15%)"
Price: 39.99

"Self Improvement Course Module 2" |
"It is possible many undergraduate students and freshers fail to reach their goals. It is possible they might have set their goals well. However, problems occur when it comes to implementing action plans. One such problem is managing their tasks and responsibilities effectively. Consequently, they will be missing their deadlines. They will not be able to assess who are the time-robbers, how they get distracted by unwanted distractions. This module will help such youngsters to change their focus and chart their road to success effectively. This module has sample TODO Lists, Time Log, Time Tracker plus Videos."
Price: 1600.00

"Anlisis estructural en Matlab" |
"En este curso podrn aprender los orgenes y procedimientos de los mtodos modernos de anlisis estructural, conocidos como los mtodos matriciales, en especial el mtodo de rigidez directa; y podrn desarrollar herramientas computacionales que les ayudarn a dominar los mtodos e incluso aplicarlos profesionalmente en caso de que sea necesario."
Price: 495.00

"German Easily Explained: The Tenses (B1-C2)" |
"Hallo zusammen! Herzlich Willkommen zu diesem Kurs.German Easily Explained is a series designed to bring you hands-on, no-fuss explanations about selected grammar topics. The internet is full of lengthy, long-winded descriptions, but that is not what us Germans are about we like to get to the point!This series is not intended to replace your German course or language learning app. It is meant to be an additional tool which you can refer back to time and time again. You will need a little bit of background knowledge of the German language. This series is aimed at native speakers of English or those with a good understanding of the English language.In this episode, well go through the six German tenses and establish how to use them and when to use them. This course is a clear and concise summary and includes several quizzes, an accompanying PDF as well as additional exercises for you to continue practising your Deutsch.Id love to have you on board!Viele Gre,Lisa"
Price: 24.99

"OCI Foundations 1Z0-1085 (Practice Exam)" |
"The OCI Foundations - Associate examination is intended for individuals who perform a solutions architect role and have one or more years of hands-on experience designing available, cost-efficient, fault-tolerant, and scalable distributed systems on AWS.Course Title: OCI Foundations 1Z0-1085 (Practice Exam) 100% Pass Guaranteed100% Pass GuaranteedPlease share your feedback and experience. Thank you"
Price: 34.99

"1Z0-1084-20 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Developer Associate" |
"Prepare For Oracle 1Z0-1084-20 Exam Related with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Developer 2020 Associate Certification.We Provides 100% Valid Oracle 1Z0-1084-20 Exam Questions and answers which can helps you to Pass Your Certification Exam in First Attempt.You have to pass 100% like real.Exam Topics:Developing a high available, highly scalable & secure cloud native application- Develop high performing applications & API- Develop a serverless application- Develop a secure application- Manage application persistence- Develop application using OCI Developer tools, such as, APIs, SDKs and CLIDeploying a cloud native application- Deploy the code using existing CI/CD pipeline on OCI- Deploy a serverless application- Manage & store the application code runtimes- Manage the deployment strategy such as blue/green, canary, rolling upgrade- Deploy an application on Oracle Kubernetes Engine- Deploy and manage autonomous database for application persistence- Deploy the base infrastructure using Resource ManagerSecurity- Make authenticated API calls to OCI- Use Encryption in Application Deployment- Use IAM for Authentication and Authorization- Use 3rd party tools for secret managementLogging, Monitoring and Alerting- Develop applications such a way that uses the logging service & send metrics to telemetry service- Enable logging for OCI services such as Events, Object Storage, Oracle Function- Enable compute resources for monitoring- Monitor the application metrics in Telemetry DashboardApplication Modernization on OCI- Lift & Shift existing application on OCI- Craft new Microservices based on Microservices design pattern such as Circuit Breaker, Bulkhead Pattern, API Gateway etc"
Price: 19.99

"1Z0-1085 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations Associate" |
"The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Foundations certification is intended for individuals looking to demonstrate fundamental knowledge of public cloud services provided by Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.Note: These questions will not only help you to clear the exam confidently but also help you to understand the core concept of OCI and add-on to your working knowledge.Three Practice Tests with overall 60 questions. (Relevant Questions and Answers to help you practice and clear the exam)Exam Topics:Describe the key features and components of OCI.Identify the core OCI service offerings.Understand OCI security model.Get to know the OCI compliance structure.Understand OCI pricing, support model, and operations.Point not to ignore:Our questions are not braindumps mainly, they have been curated and are up to date with questions patterns being asked in the exam. People who are experts and have done the exam: they work to get them ready for students to be ready before any attempt.Our recommendation is to go through pre-requisites as well.Things To Note (Tips):When you are booking your OCI exam as an online proctored exam, keep the following things in mind else you might lose time to start your exam and you may not be able to clear your exam.We are compelled to write this since You have only 15 minutes after your exam scheduled time to complete the verification formality and if you have low bandwidth or any problem, then you have enough time to fix it.(We recommend this to every student appearing for any OCI Online exam since some who had attempted but stuck not due to knowledge but because the online proctoring process to clear the exam.)Please make sure to run the pre system check at least 1 hour before your exam or 1 day before.Better to do pre system check a day before to save time.The moment you click on Begin Exam button or Run system check, you will download a VU (from PearsonVue) software which is used for the exam. This file is 60 to 80 MB so early you download better it is. (It's one-time activity)Open the software and it will copy the code from your browser to it (if not manually copy and paste), click next.Provide your mobile number and click next. (Athr: CloudOps)SMS will be received, click on the link and take your selfie, upload the ID proof (Make sure to keep it handy).Take 4 more photos of your location/room as it asks (Front of your Desk, Behind your desk, Left and Right)Once done, click on the refresh button in VU software opened ion your workstation/laptop.It will ask you to close any other applications opened including your browser, do it.If it is pre-system checkit will ask one sample question and then you can end the sample exam,Once sample test is done, don't wait; open your browser and then re-click your begin exam button and repeat the steps from 4 to 9Else it will take you directly to your actual exam and you are ready to roll. (Athr: CloudOps)Make sure no one in the room, no sound from you or anyone else while exam in process. Don't read out loud ;-)"
Price: 19.99
