"AWS Certified Data Analytics - Specialty 2020" |
"What you will get? Exam questions with answers in the format and structure like the real exams. Each of the answer comes with full explanation and reference to AWS documentation and tutorials. The questions are grouped on the domains described on the original AWS syllabus. Full support and quick responses from the instructor Includes official AWS exam questions Mobile friendly practice tests Guarantee satisfaction - 30 days money backAWS Certified Data Analytics - Specialty practice tests(DAS-C01)The most important thing right now is practice, practice, and practice. The more you practice, the more youll get familiar with the Amazon DAS-C01 exam. But how to practice for the DAS-C01 exam? Well for this you can get help from our practice exams on DAS-C01. As you know there are many online platforms who are offering Amazon exam dumps but they are not verified by Amazon expert, if you want to get success in it then you must have to choose the right platform for it which gives you most accurate and latest DAS-C01 questions with relevant answers.Response TypesThere are two types of questions on the examination:Multiple choice: Has one correct response and three incorrect responses (distractors).Multiple response: Has two or more correct responses out of five or more options.Select one or more responses that best complete the statement or answer the question. Distractors, or incorrect answers, are response options that an examinee with incomplete knowledge or skill would likely choose. However, they are generally plausible responses that fit in the content area defined by the test objective.Unanswered questions are scored as incorrect; there is no penalty for guessing.Subject detailsThe AWS Certified Data Analytics Specialty certification is for software developers and data professionals who want to demonstrate their data analytics skills on the AWS platform. The exam will test your ability to build, secure, maintain and design data analytics solutions. This path covers the five key test domains: Data Collection, Storage and Data Management, Processing, Analysis and Visualization, and Security. The information and resources in this path will be critical in preparing to take the AWS Certified Data Analytics Speciality exam (DAS-C01)Comparison wiith BigData examsDomain Data Analytics Big Data DifferenceDomain 1: Collection 18% 17% +1%Domain 2: Storage and Data Management 22% 17% +5%Domain 3: Processing 24% 17% +8%Domain 4: Analysis and Visualization* 18% 29% -11%Domain 5: Security 18% 20% -2%"
Price: 19.99

"AWS Certified Database - Specialty 2020" |
"The AWS Certified Database - Specialty (DBS-C01) examination is intended for individuals who are interested in a database-focused role. This exam validates an examinees comprehensive understanding of databases, including the concepts of design, migration, deployment, access, maintenance, automation, monitoring, security, and troubleshooting.It validates an examinees ability to:Understand and differentiate the key features of AWS database services.Analyze needs and requirements to design and recommend appropriate database solutions using AWS services."
Price: 19.99

"OCI Foundations & Developer Associate 1Z0-1085 1Z0-1084" |
"Prepare For Oracle 1Z0-1084-20 Exam Related with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Developer 2020 Associate Certification.We Provides 100% Valid Oracle 1Z0-1084-20 Exam Questions and answers which can helps you to Pass Your Certification Exam in First Attempt.You have to pass 100% like real.Exam Topics:Developing a high available, highly scalable & secure cloud native application- Develop high performing applications & API- Develop a serverless application- Develop a secure application- Manage application persistence- Develop application using OCI Developer tools, such as, APIs, SDKs and CLIDeploying a cloud native application- Deploy the code using existing CI/CD pipeline on OCI- Deploy a serverless application- Manage & store the application code runtimes- Manage the deployment strategy such as blue/green, canary, rolling upgrade- Deploy an application on Oracle Kubernetes Engine- Deploy and manage autonomous database for application persistence- Deploy the base infrastructure using Resource ManagerSecurity- Make authenticated API calls to OCI- Use Encryption in Application Deployment- Use IAM for Authentication and Authorization- Use 3rd party tools for secret managementLogging, Monitoring and Alerting- Develop applications such a way that uses the logging service & send metrics to telemetry service- Enable logging for OCI services such as Events, Object Storage, Oracle Function- Enable compute resources for monitoring- Monitor the application metrics in Telemetry DashboardApplication Modernization on OCI- Lift & Shift existing application on OCI- Craft new Microservices based on Microservices design pattern such as Circuit Breaker, Bulkhead Pattern, API Gateway etcThe Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Foundations certification is intended for individuals looking to demonstrate fundamental knowledge of public cloud services provided by Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.Note: These questions will not only help you to clear the exam confidently but also help you to understand the core concept of OCI and add-on to your working knowledge.Three Practice Tests with overall 60 questions. (Relevant Questions and Answers to help you practice and clear the exam)Exam Topics:Describe the key features and components of OCI.Identify the core OCI service offerings.Understand OCI security model.Get to know the OCI compliance structure.Understand OCI pricing, support model, and operations.Point not to ignore:Our questions are not braindumps mainly, they have been curated and are up to date with questions patterns being asked in the exam. People who are experts and have done the exam: they work to get them ready for students to be ready before any attempt.Our recommendation is to go through pre-requisites as well.Things To Note (Tips):When you are booking your OCI exam as an online proctored exam, keep the following things in mind else you might lose time to start your exam and you may not be able to clear your exam.We are compelled to write this since You have only 15 minutes after your exam scheduled time to complete the verification formality and if you have low bandwidth or any problem, then you have enough time to fix it.(We recommend this to every student appearing for any OCI Online exam since some who had attempted but stuck not due to knowledge but because the online proctoring process to clear the exam.)Please make sure to run the pre system check at least 1 hour before your exam or 1 day before.Better to do pre system check a day before to save time.The moment you click on Begin Exam button or Run system check, you will download a VU (from PearsonVue) software which is used for the exam. This file is 60 to 80 MB so early you download better it is. (It's one-time activity)Open the software and it will copy the code from your browser to it (if not manually copy and paste), click next.Provide your mobile number and click next. (Athr: CloudOps)SMS will be received, click on the link and take your selfie, upload the ID proof (Make sure to keep it handy).Take 4 more photos of your location/room as it asks (Front of your Desk, Behind your desk, Left and Right)Once done, click on the refresh button in VU software opened ion your workstation/laptop.It will ask you to close any other applications opened including your browser, do it.If it is pre-system checkit will ask one sample question and then you can end the sample exam,Once sample test is done, don't wait; open your browser and then re-click your begin exam button and repeat the steps from 4 to 9Else it will take you directly to your actual exam and you are ready to roll. (Athr: CloudOps)Make sure no one in the room, no sound from you or anyone else while exam in process. Don't read out loud ;-)"
Price: 24.99

"AWS Certified Data Analytics & Database - Specialty 2020" |
"What you will get? Exam questions with answers in the format and structure like the real exams. Each of the answer comes with full explanation and reference to AWS documentation and tutorials. The questions are grouped on the domains described on the original AWS syllabus. Full support and quick responses from the instructor Includes official AWS exam questions Mobile friendly practice tests Guarantee satisfaction - 30 days money backAWS Certified Data Analytics - Specialty practice tests(DAS-C01)The most important thing right now is practice, practice, and practice. The more you practice, the more youll get familiar with the Amazon DAS-C01 exam. But how to practice for the DAS-C01 exam? Well for this you can get help from our practice exams on DAS-C01. As you know there are many online platforms who are offering Amazon exam dumps but they are not verified by Amazon expert, if you want to get success in it then you must have to choose the right platform for it which gives you most accurate and latest DAS-C01 questions with relevant answers.Response TypesThere are two types of questions on the examination:Multiple choice: Has one correct response and three incorrect responses (distractors).Multiple response: Has two or more correct responses out of five or more options.Select one or more responses that best complete the statement or answer the question. Distractors, or incorrect answers, are response options that an examinee with incomplete knowledge or skill would likely choose. However, they are generally plausible responses that fit in the content area defined by the test objective.Unanswered questions are scored as incorrect; there is no penalty for guessing.Subject detailsThe AWS Certified Data Analytics Specialty certification is for software developers and data professionals who want to demonstrate their data analytics skills on the AWS platform. The exam will test your ability to build, secure, maintain and design data analytics solutions. This path covers the five key test domains: Data Collection, Storage and Data Management, Processing, Analysis and Visualization, and Security. The information and resources in this path will be critical in preparing to take the AWS Certified Data Analytics Speciality exam (DAS-C01)Comparison wiith BigData examsDomain Data Analytics Big Data DifferenceDomain 1: Collection 18% 17% +1%Domain 2: Storage and Data Management 22% 17% +5%Domain 3: Processing 24% 17% +8%Domain 4: Analysis and Visualization* 18% 29% -11%Domain 5: Security 18% 20% -2%The AWS Certified Database - Specialty (DBS-C01) examination is intended for individuals who are interested in a database-focused role. This exam validates an examinees comprehensive understanding of databases, including the concepts of design, migration, deployment, access, maintenance, automation, monitoring, security, and troubleshooting.It validates an examinees ability to:Understand and differentiate the key features of AWS database services.Analyze needs and requirements to design and recommend appropriate database solutions using AWS services."
Price: 24.99

"How to Manage Credit Customers and Get Your Proceeds Back" |
"Many promising businesses are struggling today, because in the bid to entice customers, they offer credit to their customers which turns back to haunt and threaten the very existence of the business.This course guides participants on how best to offer credits, who to offer credit, the terms of the credit and effective cash collection processes.It gives you the tools to manage, monitor and appraise your Account Receivables (credit customers)It teaches you the techniques to evaluate credit terms with your customers, techniques to encourage timely payment and methods to speed up cash collection from Account Receivables.For delinquent customers, this course teaches you about the stages and the various ways to manage them effectively to get your money back.This course further teaches you the approaches to minimise Account Receivable pressure by diversifying your customer base and transaction terms.While credit can boost your sales, do not allow it to crush your business aspirations.Get into this course to know better, so you can get the money back into your business and continue striving towards your business goals."
Price: 19.99

"Music Theory Classroom: Fundamentals of Rhythm 1" |
"Music Theory Classroom is a four-course, one- to two-year music theory curriculum designed for high-school and homeschool students. It covers the material studied by music majors in the first one to two years of college, but it is structured so that a diligent student can complete it in three 14-week terms.The four courses in the curriculum include: two Fundamentals courses which are intended to be taken concurrently, followed by Diatonic Harmony and then Chromatic Harmony. Each course has 28 lessons, so the recommended pace is approximately two lessons per week (when taking the Fundamentals courses, this means two lessons from each of the two courses). Students should feel free to move more slowly if the material is completely new.This is Part 1 of the Fundamentals of Rhythm course.Although the melody and harmony courses are each divided into 3 parts,, the two courses are really intended to be taken concurrently. The suggested pace is two lessons per week: for example,Rhythm, Lesson 1 on MondayMelody and Harmony, Lesson 1 on TuesdayRhythm, Lesson 2 on ThursdayMelody and Harmony, Lesson 2 on FridayHowever, because each student will have their own strengths and struggles, they should feel free to proceed with each part at their own pace. This is the reason why they're set up separately, after all!Note: Some lesson numbers appear out of order. Even though they're distributed across the three parts of the course, the lessons are numbered in the suggested order."
Price: 34.99

"Mastering the ABRSM Grade 6 Violin Scales" |
"Learn how to improve your scale-playing effectively:In this class, I will walk you through all the scales in the ABRSM Grade 6 exam. These videos are designed not just for listening, but for students to practice along. In each scale, there will be1) a demonstration at the exam-required tempo,2) a slower tempo for practice, and3) most scales also include a practice corner where students can repeat the most difficult bits of the scale.Through these easy-to-follow videos, students can learn the followings about the scales:IntonationRhythmBow MovementFingeringTonePostureListening and playing along these demonstrations are a great way of improving your playing quickly. Most students begin to see obvious progress after one or two weeks of playing along these videos. This class is suitable for violin learners that have finished the ABRSM Grade 5 violin exam (or the equivalence of it)."
Price: 19.99

"Jornada do BI - Criao e consumo - Power BI" |
"Este curso tem o objetivo de transformar a sua vida para melhor. Seja na conquista de um novo emprego, em melhorar seu cargo ou em se tornar uma referncia em BI na sua empresa.Esta srie de cursos fazem parte da Jornada do BI. Um projeto criado para ensinar todos os passos e papis do BI.Ele usa como ferramenta o Power BI e traz conceitos de anos de experincia em projetos de BI e desenvolvimento de software.Ganhe conhecimento e gere valor para sua empresa a partir das primeiras aulas.Se diferencie dos outros candidatos vaga pretendida, com mais esse conhecimento.Caso sua empresa ainda no use o Power BI, voc se tornar referncia no assunto. S depende de voc."
Price: 34.99

"Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) for Machine Learning" |
"Do you know what to do with your data before developing the machine learning models? This course will teach you the techniques and approaches in exploratory data analysis, which will help you to derive maximum value from the data. If you jump into machine learning without doing this EDA, you are setting yourself up for failure besides ending up with lower accuracy. This course is designed by an AI and tech veteran and comes to you straight from the oven!"
Price: 29.99

"Oratria e Comunicao de Sucesso!" |
"A comunicao uma habilidade essencial para o ser humano em todos os setores da sua vida.Comunicar-se de maneira clara, assertiva, com entusiasmo e criando vnculo entre as pessoas far com que voc seja bem sucedido no seu trabalho, graduao, escola, no convivo com sua familia, amigos e nos relacionamentos amorosos.Voc aprender nesse curso como desenvolver essa importantssima habilidade, por meio de contedo de qualidade, dicas prticas e vrios exemplos que auxiliaro em seu aprendizado.Disfrute o conhecimento!"
Price: 54.99

"Learn English Grammar Articles" |
"Articles are some of the most frequently used words in the English language. Yet, these simple small words are often too confusing for many people. Are you one of them? Then, this lesson is for you. In this course, you will learn : 1) What are the articles? 2) The types of articles 3) Countable & Uncountable Nouns 4) Vowels 5) How to choose the right articles 5) Rules for using ""a"" / ""an"" and ""the"" 6) Rules for not using any articles 7) Rules of generalization 8) Explanation of some expressions like ""a few"", ""few"" & ""just a few"" The course is divided into 4 sections for a clear understanding of the concepts. There are 3 video lessons. After the first lesson, you will be able to choose between ""a/an"" and ""the"" and also between ""a"" & ""an"". you will know the difference between the countable & uncountable nouns.you will also learn the right pronunciation of some words like ""hour"" & ""honest"".Don't forget to take the quizzes before moving on to the next.After the second lesson,you will learn the rules for using ""a"" & ""an"".you will learn the various rules for using ""the"".Test yourself using the quizzes after finishing the second video lesson.After the third lesson,you will learn the rules for not using any articles.Don't miss the quizzes after these video lessons. There are 3 downloadable resources : ""Some More Concepts"" explains in detail the rules of generalization with or without articlesthe comparison between expressions ""few"", ""a few"" & ""just a few""countable & uncountable nounsa list of some special uncountable nounscomparison of some countable & uncountable nounsComplete documentation of the three videos for your reference.Exercises:Exercises on using a or an.Exercises on using a, an or the.Exercises on using a, an, the or no article.You will be able to test your understanding & knowledge with the help of some interesting quizzes after every video lesson & the comprehensive exercises given in the downloadable resources.I am confident that when you have watched all the video lessons, studied the resources & solved the quizzes and exercises, you will master this complex topic completely. If you are still in two minds about taking up a course on ""articles"", then let me explain to you the importance of this topic. Articles can totally change the meaning of a sentence. Look at these examples:He is taking a shower.He is taking the shower.Taking a shower means taking a bath.But when you say the shower it means the bathroom.Now imagine talking to a native speaker using ""the shower"", will it make any sense? Do you want to be in such a situation? I am sure, NO....Then, enroll in this course now!All the best & happy learning."
Price: 1280.00

"Elements and Principles of Interior Design" |
"In this class, you will learn how to use the elements and principles of design to create a well-balanced interior. The elements and principles of design are the building blocks of interior design. You will learn how to identify and apply them to your own space, and will also acquire the knowledge to make informed decisions regarding color palettes, paints, or lighting.We will focus on the following :6 Elements: Line, Pattern, Texture, Scale, Color, and Light 6 Principles: Proportion, Balance, Rhythm, Contrast, Emphasis, HarmonyYou are a step away from designing a beautiful, cohesive, and modern home that looks done by a professional designer!Come on and join in!Vanna"
Price: 69.99

"Corso Ricostruzione Unghie in gel 1 livello" |
"Impara una nuova arte che da passione si pu trasformare in un lavoro vero e proprio. Rendi uniche le tue mani con l'applicazione dei vari gel, e stupisci le tue amiche con questa nuova professione!Il corso rivolto sia a chi gi pratica la ricostruzione unghie, sia a chi si affaccia a questo mondo per la prima volta ed completo di dispensa per seguire passo passo tutti i procedimenti."
Price: 49.99

"A Cura e a Magia dos Alimentos pela Medicina Chinesa" |
"Voc j pensou em usar os alimentos e as ervas como medicamentos?Neste curso, voc ir aprender os conceitos da Medicina Tradicional Chinesa e como us-los para proporcionar uma vida mais saudvel e equilibrada para os seus pacientes, familiares e amigos, e a voc mesmo! A Cura e a Magia dos Alimentos pela Medicina Chinesa est dividido em 12 aulas, sendo 17 vdeos, com mdia de 25 minutos cada. Alm disso, voc tambm ter uma apostila para acompanhar todo o contedo, no conforto da sua casa. Bom curso pra voc!"
Price: 54.99

"Data Structures Basics" |
"In this course, you will learn about data structures and get a good understanding of coding skills. After this course you will be able to code with your own logics and your coding skills will improve. Coding nowadays has become a must-have skill for everyone and this platform is a very good place to start. This course will cover: Linked list, binary trees, Queues, Hash Tables, Stacks and other important subparts in those. Anybody who is a student or a professional is welcome to join."
Price: 1280.00

"Curso online de Aquaponia Comercial da AQP Brasil" |
"O curso Online em Aquaponia comercial Mtodo AQP-PRO voltado prtica e aos resultados alcanados na operao do sistema, dimensionado e operado pela AQP BRASIL localizado no sul do Brasil. Nossos engenheiros em conjunto com o mdico veterinrio da AQP BRASIL, se propuseram a dimensionar e projetar um sistema de produo LIVRE DE AGROTXICOS. Capaz de gerar alimentos de qualidade, ainda utilizar ao mximo os insumos, entre eles, a rao fornecida aos peixes. Todo o sistema opera apenas com gua da chuva desde 2017. Este sistema capaz de reduzir os custos de produo quando comparado a hidroponia. Em pleno funcionamento, o sistema est produzindo tilpias, peixes ornamentais, hortalias variadas e frutos. A tcnica uma integrao da piscicultura (cultivo de peixes) e da hidroponia (produo de vegetais na gua) em um sistema de recirculao de gua, fazendo uso de um reservatrio externo com uma estratgia hbrida que incorpora um sistema de produo acoplado e outro desacoplado."
Price: 579.99

"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Practice Exams 2021 version" |
"The AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner examination is intended for individuals who have the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively demonstrate an overall understanding of the AWS Cloud, independent of specific technical roles addressed by other AWS Certifications. The exam can be taken at a testing center or from the comfort and convenience of a home or office location as an online proctored exam.Becoming an AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner is a recommended, optional step toward achieving an Associate-level or Specialty certification.Abilities Validated by the CertificationDefine what the AWS Cloud is and the basic global infrastructureDescribe basic AWS Cloud architectural principlesDescribe the AWS Cloud value propositionDescribe key services on the AWS platform and their common use cases (for example, compute and analytics)Describe basic security and compliance aspects of the AWS platform and the shared security modelDefine the billing, account management, and pricing modelsIdentify sources of documentation or technical assistance (for example, whitepapers or support tickets)Describe basic/core characteristics of deploying and operating in the AWS Cloud"
Price: 19.99

"Learn The Art of Facilitating Through Mainstream Cinema" |
"This course will enable you to learn through mainstream Cinema and will help you understand how cinema can be an effective learning tool or an innovative method to facilitate learning. Every step is clearly explained with examples and case studies. What good will any method do if one won't share the difference he/she has made over the years? Rest assured, you are in the safe hands and if you want to be an effective facilitator who is also innovative at the same time and wants to be heard by everyone around, then you are in the right place. Register and equip yourself with an enriching learning-oriented journey which will help you make an impact on many more.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How is this course different from other courses?1. This course combines visual media and learning like no other.2. This is the only course which gives you insights and comparatives of Cinema and Subject Matter.3. Learnings of this course can be used for Classroom Learning for all ages, Storytelling, Corporate Meetings, Client Meetings, Sales Pitch, Research Presentations, and so on.4. This course is structured in such a way that, any individual can take the course and make the best. There is no age bar or criteria as such required to join this course. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Sneap-peak into the course insights:Introduction: Welcome to the Introduction Session of this Course.I have divided the course into various segments for a better understanding and long-lasting impact.Section One deals with Understanding Facilitating and its nuances in general- Subject Matter, Space Dynamics, Target Audience, Lecture Method Vs Conversational Approach.Section Two deals with the Murder of a Subject and Creativity in an Individual- Understanding the monotony, usual mistakes, addressing the dead-spots, and overcoming difficulties.Section Three deals with Understanding the Innovations in Facilitating- Audio Visual Presentations, Debate, Enhanced Group Discussion, One-To-One Process.Section Four deals with Cinema as a Tool in Facilitation- We will learn how cinema can be incorporated as a learning mechanism in life or at work. We will study and understand viewing patterns, and the mechanism of watching any visual content.Section Five deals with the first 3 steps of Facilitating using CinemaSection Six deals with the next 2 steps of Facilitating using CinemaSection Seven deals with the last 2 steps of Facilitating using CinemaPersonal Reflections: A surprise.Conclusion: Endnote, sharing of notes, letters, and feedback.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________"
Price: 1280.00

"Building Estimation Course and Quantity Surveying With Cad" |
"In this course, you will learn how to make a detailed estimate of the building from the structural drawing. And the detailed estimate is prepared in MS-Excel by directly taking off the quantities from AutoCAD drawing. At every site, we have to make a detailed estimate of building,1. To order the quantities of concrete from the RMC plant.2. To prepare the bill for the client(Govt. or Pvt)3. To prepare the bill of subcontractors.4. To order the quantities of material such as bricks, cement, sand, aggregates, marble, tiles, steel, etc.The detail estimates includeFoundation work/ Sub-Structure Constructions1. Quantities of excavation of footing and foundation walls.2. Quantity of plain cement concrete below footings and foundation walls.3. Quantity of concrete of isolated/ tapered footings.4. Quantity of concrete in columns below the plinth level.5. Quantity of concrete in the plinth beams of the building.Super-Structure Construction1. Quantity of concrete in the lintel beam.2. Quantity of concrete in roof beams3. Quantity of concrete in the roof slab4. Quantity of concrete in the staircaseBrickwork in building1. Quantity of Brickwork in the foundation (substructure) below the plinth level.2. Quantity of Brickwork above the plinth level( Super-structure).Shuttering Area Calculations1. Calculation of the shuttering area of all the R.C.C. members of the building like footings, columns, beams, slab, etcFinishing Work1. Marble work2. Tile work3. Internal plaster4. External plasterCalculation of cement sand aggregates in concreteTHIS COURSE IS BENEFICIAL FOR ALL THE STUDENTS, FRESHERS AND WORKING PROFESSIONAL CIVIL ENGINEERS, WHO ARE FACING PROBLEMS IN SITE FOR BILLING WORK OR IN PREPARING DETAILED ESTIMATE OF BUILDING.Students can enhance their knowledge from very basic to advance levels from this course."
Price: 1600.00

"10 Days of Goal Setting" |
"Find out what ""The Goal setting Hexagon"" is.1. Goals Give You Focus - Without a goal, your efforts can become disjointed and often confusing.2. Goals Help You Measure Progress - Being able to keep track of your progress toward achieving a goal is only possible if you set one in the first place. Being able to measure progress is extremely rewarding and will help you maintain focus, keep your head held high and your energy up.3. Goals Help You Stay Motivated - Its easy to put off work until tomorrow when there is no goal on the line. Having a goal will keep you motivated!4. Beat Procrastination - Procrastination is something we all battle from time-to-time, myself included. However, when you set goals in life, specific goals for what you want to achieve, it helps you understand that procrastination is dangerous.5. You Achieve Even More - When you set a goal and reach it, it gives you the taste of victory. You will want to taste that again.6. Goals Help You Determine What You Want In Life - The act of setting goals forces you to observe what you truly want out of life.What is the level of success you want to achieve?What is the income level you want to have?What does your life of ease look like?What about your dream home?What do you need income-wise to achieve your dreams?Once you set this end goal, you then break your desires down into achievable, measurable goals.These goals keep you motivated, helping you avoid procrastination, and keeping you laser-focused on achieving your dreams. It is, therefore, the act of setting, achieving, and surpassing goals that make living your best life possible.What are you doing to help you set achievable goals?"
Price: 1280.00

"Como Negociar" |
"Como Negociar - Tcnicas, Tticas e Estratgias Para Negociar Melhor e Obter Vantagens.Voc negocia diariamente com clientes subordinados, superiores e colegas de trabalho. Essa capacidade de negociao determina em grande parte o seu sucesso como profissional e o xito da sua empresa. Nessa palestra, voc aprender algumas tcnicas e estratgias que iro aprimorar sua capacidade de negociarTpicos AbordadosComo agem os melhores negociadoresOs trs princpios bsicos para uma negociao eficazAs formas de negociao competitiva e colaborativaAs necessidades reais da outra parteOs trs erros mais comuns de negociao e como evit-losComo lidar com os obstculos e evitar o impasseA importncia de levar opes para a mesa de negociaoComo formular propostas, exigncias e contra-propostasNegociaes individuais e em grupoNegociaes especiaisCaractersticas de negociadores internacionaisOs aspectos ticos da negociaoComo saber se sua negociao foi bem sucedidaDurante todo o curso sero realizados exerccios prticos, com filmes e simulaes."
Price: 39.99

"Canto gregoriano: ""Video-Manuale"" in 5 corsi [I CORSO BASE]" |
"Il canto gregoriano, ""canto sacro"" per eccellenza, un tesoro nascosto che necessita di un lungo cammino di conoscenza; un percorso esaltante, ricco di sorprese, in grado di far gustare appieno le sorprendenti qualit espressive di un repertorio posto a fondamento della musica occidentale e della cultura europea. Il ""Video-Manuale"" si struttura in 5 corsi fruibili singolarmente."
Price: 29.99

"Canto gregoriano: ""Video-Manuale"" in 5 corsi [II CORSO]" |
"Il canto gregoriano, ""canto sacro"" per eccellenza, un tesoro nascosto che necessita di un lungo cammino di conoscenza; un percorso esaltante, ricco di sorprese, in grado di far gustare appieno le sorprendenti qualit espressive di un repertorio posto a fondamento della musica occidentale e della cultura europea. Il ""Video-Manuale"" si struttura in 5 corsi fruibili singolarmente."
Price: 29.99

"Canto gregoriano: ""Video-Manuale"" in 5 corsi [III CORSO]" |
"Il canto gregoriano, ""canto sacro"" per eccellenza, un tesoro nascosto che necessita di un lungo cammino di conoscenza; un percorso esaltante, ricco di sorprese, in grado di far gustare appieno le sorprendenti qualit espressive di un repertorio posto a fondamento della musica occidentale e della cultura europea. Il ""Video-Manuale"" si struttura in 5 corsi fruibili singolarmente."
Price: 29.99

"Canto gregoriano: ""Video-Manuale"" in 5 corsi [IV CORSO]" |
"Il canto gregoriano, ""canto sacro"" per eccellenza, un tesoro nascosto che necessita di un lungo cammino di conoscenza; un percorso esaltante, ricco di sorprese, in grado di far gustare appieno le sorprendenti qualit espressive di un repertorio posto a fondamento della musica occidentale e della cultura europea. Il ""Video-Manuale"" si struttura in 5 corsi fruibili singolarmente."
Price: 29.99

"Mtodos por Imgenes - Su utilidad en la prctica mdica" |
"CURSO DE DIAGNSTICO POR IMGENES < Su utilidad en la prctica mdica e Introduccin a cada mtodo - Conceptos Fundamentales >Los iniciaremos en el estudio de los mtodos complementarios de Imgenes mas importantes para la prctica mdica, y de una forma en la que nunca antes lo hiciste, acceders a Videoclases desarrolladas especialmente por un residente avanzado de la especialidad, donde te presentaremos no solo los conceptos fundamentales de cada tpico, sino y sobre todo: amplia variedad de imgenes de cada estudio, evaluados con cada detalle, tanto en situaciones normales como patolgicas, explicando paso a paso, el contenido de cada uno de los 11 mdulos de aprendizaje, fundamental para complementar el estudio del ciclo clnico durante la carrera.El curso se encuentra dictado por la Dra. Victoria Hanson, coordinado por el Dr. Rodrigo Corones.Ambos son Co-Autores de este completo curso, donde aprenderemos las bases y utilidades de los mtodos de diagnstico por imgenes.Les presentamos el temario del curso:Mdulo 1Introduccin al diagnstico por imgenes- Rayos X- RadioscopiaMdulo 2Tomografa computada- Contrastes en tomografa- Principales indicacionesMdulo 3Resonancia magntica- Principales indicaciones- Ventajas y desventajas vs otros mtodosMdulo 4Ecografa. Generalidades- indicaciones ms importantes en la prctica diaria- Ecografa de abdominal y ginecolgica/ hepatobiliar/ glndulas anexas y otras.- ANEXO: Generalidades de Medicina nuclearMdulo 5Rx Trax Normal- Mtodo de evaluacin y correlacin anatmica- Aspectos fundamentales de la prctica diariaMdulo 6Rx Trax patolgico- Signos radiolgicos y su correlacin clnica- Mtodos de evaluacin para la prctica diariaMdulo 7Rx de crneo y columna cervical- Evaluacin crneo normal y patolgico- Fracturas de crneo- Columna cervical normal y patolgicaMdulo 8Rx abdomen- Situaciones normales y patolgicas- Signos radiolgicos y su correlacin clnica- Principales indicaciones de Contrastes en radiologa del tubo digestivoMdulo 9Radiologa de miembro superior e inferior [PARTE 1]- Reparos anatmicos para la correcta interpretacin- Fracturas y tipos mas frecuentes, artritis y artrosisMdulo 10Estudios por imgenes en paciente Politraumatizado- Rx y Tomografa computada- Introduccin al Eco Fast y ventanas utilizadas- Consejos prcticos y ventajas/desventajas de cada mtodoLos Esperamos!"
Price: 24.99

"Aprenda Porcelanato Lquido do Zero, mesmo sem experiencia" |
"Somos uma empresa presente em 12 pases, com mais de 2 mil alunos presenciais, somos pioneiros nesta arte em diversos pases, e queremos tornar acessvel para todos, homens e mulheres, com ou sem experincia e qualquer idade, essa tcnica criada pelo professor Eduardo Vasques, torna-se fcil a maneira de aprender, voc vai encontrar a listas de fornecedores da Europa e Brasil.Para melhor aprendizagem, assista tudo com bastante ateno antes de colocar em prtica.O porcelanato lquido um sucesso em todo o mundo, obrigado por escolher a empresa Dr.Pisos para entrar em uma nova profisso, sair na frente e se destacar entre os concorrentes a melhor forma de vencer qualquer oramento no mundo da construo civil ou artesanatos. As imagens so adesivos impressos, por isso no se preocupe, no necessrio saber desenhar, exite vrias formas de fazer o porcelanato lquido, entre eles so: Marmorizados, metalizados, unicolor, com gliter, com imagem 3D.E no fique limitado somente em fazer pisos, o produto ""porcelanato lquido"" pode ser utilizados em mesas e artesanatos, a sua imaginao vai te ajudar a criar vrios outros produtos.Saia na frente, se modernize e tenha sucesso com o Porcelanato Lquido."
Price: 24.99

"Secrets of Meditation. How to meditate? (Audio course)" |
"If you ever have struggles with meditations - you know how it feels. You try to meditate, you're listening to meditations and yet, there is no effect at all. Sometimes it can be not only boring but annoying. Anyway, your suffers are over. This audio course will teach you how to properly meditate and get results from meditations. In 30 minutes you'll learn all basic steps and be able to effectively meditating."
Price: 49.99

"Schlagzeug kompakt - Der Anfngerkurs" |
"Der Kurs beinhaltet die Lektionen der ersten 4 Wochen eines auf sich aufbauenden Jahreskurses. Wenn Du Dich nach den 4 Wochen entschliet den Jahreskurs zu belegen, bekommst Du die Gebhren angerechnet. Spter werden Dir dann wchentlich neue Lektionen freigeschaltet.Du lernst nicht nur das Drum-Set-Spiel, sondern auch Theorie, Technik, Rudiments, etc. Nach einem Jahr kannst Du die meisten deiner Lieblingslieder begleiten, kannst die Schlagzeugnotation lesen und weit wie man selbst neue Grooves einstudiert. Du beherrscht die wichtigste Technik und lernst verschiedene Grundrhythmen.Jede Woche gibts ein bersehet dazu, um das Erlernte auch offline ben zu knnen. Bei Fragen steht Dir Rudi jederzeit zur Verfgung.STARTE JETZT DEINE SCHLAGZEUGKARRIERE!"
Price: 19.99

"FTP to MFT - File Transfers Simplified!" |
"This course is drafted to address the transition from a File Transfer Protocol to Managed File Transfer model of enterprise file management.Keeping in mind, that the growth in the business operations will exponentially increases the number and size of files exchanged, the book discusses the various vendor products in the market related to MFT. It will give you techniques to make wise decisions, by providing comparative analysis of various vendor products. Hence, this book is an asset for the consultants, C-level executives and the Enterprise architects."
Price: 24.99

"Adobe Lightroom 2020 - De 0 a experto" |
"Hola! En este curso te ensear a revelar tu fotografas de forma profesional de una forma rpida, concreta y 100% prctica. Comenzaremos con la seleccin y organizacin de nuestras fotgrafas para luego retocar exposicin, balance de blancos, reencuadrar, utilizar pinceles y filtros. Luego podemos ir hacia retoques ms avanzados como curva de tonos, gestin de color, transformaciones etc. Tambin vers como sincronizar esos ajustes con muchas fotografas al mismo tiempo para ahorrar tiempo y lograr una consistencia en tu trabajo. Te ensear tambin a crear tus presets para que puedas darle a tus fotografas tu estilo propio.Este curso tiene una particularidad que lo diferencia de los dems: Est dividido en 2 ejes, clases fundamentales y clases opcionales. Lo dise as para que si no dispones de mucho tiempo o necesites aprender el programa de forma rpida puedas saber que es lo ms importante e ir directo las herramientas que ms vas a utilizar.Luego de tomar las clases fundamentales podrs revelar tus fotografas de forma profesional sin inconvenientes. Si deseas profundizar un poco ms y ver otras herramientas y secretos que tiene Lightroom en las clases opcionales veremos el programa en su totalidad incluidos los mdulos de mapa, proyeccin, libro, etc."
Price: 19.99
