"L'affichage dynamique pour tous" |
"Un affichage dynamique dans un commerce est un formidable outil : - il permet d'attirer les clients, - il valorise votre mtier, - il donne une image dynamique de votre commerce, - il permet d'adapter les offres en fonction de l'heure , du jour ou de la saison, - il AUGMENTE les ventesDe nombreux prestataires proposent des solutions compltes (environ 200/ mois sur 5 ans ... soit 12.000 ! ).Pourtant, tous les outils existent pour raliser vous mme votre affichage dynamique.Le soucis, cest que sans guide, vous perdrez du temps ... et vous passerez ct des solutions simples et peu chres.Jai donc mis en place cette formation qui vous permettra dtre autonome et efficace.Jai ralis de nombreux essais dcrans , de logiciels, de contenus pendant plus dun an... pour slectionner les meilleurs outils et les meilleurs pratiques.Ce que vous trouverez dans cette formation : - comment choisir votre cran en fonction de votre besoin, - o installer l'cran et avec quel support, - comment choisir le logiciel de programmation - le logiciel de programmation que j'ai choisi et comment il fonctionne - comment raliser des affiches de qualit professionnelle en partant de zro - qu'est qu'une affiche anime, comment la concevoir - comment intgrer du texte dans les vidos - comment programmer le contenu - comment donner envie aux clients de revenir - comment donner envie au client d'acheter plus - ...Les logiciels utiliss sont tous gratuitsHormis l'abonnement au logiciel de programmation (20/mois) ... mais a on ne peut pas faire autrement ;)Cette formation a t mise au point avec des commerants novices en la matireJe filme mon cran pour vous montrer comment procderLe temps de commander votre cran et en moins de quelques heures, vous aurez votre propre affichage dynamique !LANCEZ-VOUS !Loc"
Price: 79.99

"Formation Domotique : votre maison intelligente avec eedomus" |
"Comprenez le fonctionnement de la box domotique eedomus pour exploiter toutes les possibilits offertes par cette solution.Dcouvrez le fonctionnement de la technologie sans fil Z-Wave et ses avantages lis.Apprenez crer diffrents automatismes pour amliorer votre quotidien et que votre logement agisse votre place.Matrisez les bonnes pratiques et recommandations pour une installation russie."
Price: 79.99

"AUTODESK INVENTOR: Sfrdan Uzmanla Uygulamal Eitim Seti" |
"Autodesk Inventor, Amerika Birleik Devletleri merkezli Autodesk irketi tarafndan gelitirilen bir profosyonel CAD/CAM tabanl yazlmdr. htiyalara cevap verebilecek bir program olduundan birok sanayi sektr tarafndan bilgisayar destekli tasarm ve imalatta kullanlmaktadr ve her sektrden kesime hitap etmektedir. nventor endstriyel amal tm rnlerin hem tasarm hem analizi hem de imalatn son derece hzl, kolay ve gvenilir yapan bir bilgisayar yazlmdr. Bu eitim sizleri, Autodeks Inventor program veya herhangi bir CAD/CAM program hakknda hibir n bilgiye sahip olmadan, sfrdan balayp eitim sonunda uzman bir seviyeye ulatrm olacak, z gemiinize bu becerinizi gnl rahatlyla ekleyebileceksiniz. Eitim sonunda aklnza gelebilecek tm tasarmlar oluturabilecek seviyeye ulam olacak, Sertifikal Autodesk inventor kullancs haline gelerek, program i hayatnda kullanabilecek seviyenin tesine ulam olacaksnz. Bu eitime kayt olduunuz takdirde dinamik bir eitime sahip olacaksnz. Eitim her ksmyla ilgili aklnza taklan tm soru iaretlerini soru cevap ksmndan bizlere iletebilecek, 12 saat ierisinde mutlaka gerekli dn alm olacaksnz. Sizler de tasarm yapmay ve yeni eyler ortaya koymay; kendinize bu alanda yenilik, geliim ve deer katmak istiyorsanz bu eitim serisine sizleri bekliyorum."
Price: 299.99

"Python Tutorial for Beginners" |
"This course is for beginners who want to learn Python Programming. The course is structured in a way that it covers all the basics required, provides you sufficient examples to understand the concept and work on your own. It also provides you easy reference notes that you can use to refresh everything you learnt. You will also be able to test your knowledge by completing the assignments. The intention of this course is to make you comfortable and confident enough to start working on Python projects."
Price: 24.99

"Fsica de Campos Electromagnticos" |
"Fsica de Campos Electromagnticos se aborda desde los fundamentos propios de la fsica terica manejados con acentuado criterio pedaggico y gran autoridad en el conocimiento cientfico del autor. El curso comienza desde un nivel bsico hasta llegar a un nivel avanzado, abordando en general los temas de electrosttica, magnetismo, induccin electromagntica y concluir mostrando las aplicaciones tecnolgicas actuales de las leyes desarrolladas y explicadas mediante las maravillosas Ecuaciones de Maxwell, Cada uno delos temas es explicado con pedagoga significativa, en un lenguaje sencillo y en el cual se aprecia el basto conocimiento del autor para ensear los procedimientos de manera verstil, teniendo como resultado un aprendizaje gil, fundamentado en el enfoque mismo del objetivo a estudiar y dirigido con elegancia doctoral. Por lo cual, dichos procedimientos te resultarn breves y profundos; al mismo tiempo los podrs observar cuantas veces quieras degustarlos, y as multiplicar el tiempo de aprendizaje hasta emular la destreza con la cual observars al maestro deslumbrar.ste recorrido est diseado con tecnologa de punta, y explanado en una potente e incomparable pizarra electrnica. Tambin se ha implementado, en exclusiva, un sistema de audio que permitir a tu cerebro captar 2 veces la informacin suministrada una vez, incrementando altamente tu capacidad cognitiva.Fsica de Campos Electromagnticos, Enseado Con Modelo Pedaggico Significativo. Certificacin Acadmica de Alta Calidad.Con el Fsico Internacional Jorge Ramos, La Maestra Del Catedrtico Universitario, Ahora en Udemy Para Ti."
Price: 19.99

"Klaviyo email marketing for dropshipping with Shopify" |
"Take Your dropshipping or eCommerce business at a new level by acquiring knowledge of Klaviyo's automated email flow capabilities that I use to support my client's drop shipping businesses.In the course, You will learn:How to create product feeds and implement them into Klaviyo emailsHow to acquire subscribers, how to gather details about them, and how to remarket them afterward.How to create clickable discount codes that take cart abandoners straight to checkoutHow to set up abandoned cart email flowsHow to decrease bad reviews, returns, and chargebacks using simple email flowHow to reward customers that leave a reviews and how to get your customers to engage with other sales channels"
Price: 34.99

"Curso de Python do zero a orientao a objetos" |
"Sobre o curso de Python:Um curso de Python do bsico a Orientao a Objetos.Esse curso de Python tem um pouco mais de 6 horas de aula, onde abordaremos os principais contedos de Python. um curso rpido, prtico e fcil, que voc pode terminar em um dia da sua vida e entender Python, algoritmos, lgica de programao e Orientao a Objetos. Algumas pessoas estudam anos em faculdades e no conseguem aprender orientao a objetos, nosso objetivo ensinar em um nico dia, para voc economizar esses anos.Meus aluninhos, esse o curso de Python com o mtodo peculiar.Ai voc me pergunta, o que isso significa Arthurzinho?Eu respondo, t.As aulas so 100% prticas, comeando por essa at a ltima.No vamos ter aulas tericas, no vamos ter slides (eu odeio slides) a teoria necessria ser apresentada enquanto escrevemos cdigos.E pra quem o mtodo peculiar?Pra quem no sabe nada de programao, pra quem est querendo aprender uma nova linguagem de programao, para quem faz faculdade e no entende nada do que os professores falam.Mas acima de tudo o mtodo peculiar para quem gosta de gracinhas, piadas bobas, infames e exemplos absurdos. Pois eu sou um rapaz alegre zoeiro.Arthurzinho e para quem no esse curso.O curso todo repleto de piadinhas, ento se voc no gosta, esse curso no pra voc.O curso 100% prtico, sem aulas tericas ou apostilas, se voc no gosta o curso tambm no pra voc.E como vamos aprender.Fazendo, lgico. Nas aulas vamos usar o jupyter notebook e todos seus cdigos ficaram anotados para quando voc quiser revisar. Tambm deixarei meus cdigos disponveis para vocs baixarem. uma abordagem diferente, peculiar, se voc gosta dos cursos tradicionais, e no gosta de mtodos no tradicionais, esse curso no pra voc.Alguns outros avisos, vou explicar programao em Python desde do comeo passando pelo mais bsico (algoritmo e lgica de programao), at orientao a objetos. Dado isso, teremos alunos que nunca estudaram programao, ento vou explicar tudo metodicamente. A se voc j tem experincia em programao ou acha que a explicao est um tanto lenta, eu recomendo amentar a velocidade de reproduo para 1,5 ou at 2 vezes mais rpido.Um ltimo aviso que as trs primeiras aulas do curso so grtis, e que a primeira aula de cada seo tambm grtis. Ento antes de comprar o curso assista essas 3 aulas para ver se o mtodo peculiar para voc. Se for compre o curso e aproveite ao mximo porqu ele merece, ele merece, ele merece! o arthur oba! o arthur ob! o arthur oba!Amores, meu maior objetivo aqui provar que programao muito, muito, extremante fcil, e que qualquer pessoa pode aprender. Se for ensinado de um jeito fcil.No mais, vamos ensinar que orientao a objetos uma besteira, que funo fcil demais, que voc est aprendendo tudo isso do jeito errado, e que programar to divertido quanto assistir sries no Netflix.Sobre mim:Para mais informaes importantes sobre o curso e sobre mim, consulte minha bio.Agora vamos comear a programar."
Price: 39.99

"Behringer X air - Review + Gua de usuario" |
"En este curso veremos en profundidad los cuatro modelos de la serie X Air de Behringer. Tanto si eres un sonidista con experiencia, como un aficionado del audio, vers que este mixer es muy amigable, y con algunos conocimientos bsicos sobre sonido, comprenders cmo sacarle el mayor provecho a la hora de hacer un sonido en vivo con el mismo."
Price: 19.99

"3d ? , ? ! , . , , . joints, skin, blend shape. . HumanIK . , ! ."
Price: 2299.00

"Advanced Real Forex Trading" |
"Advanced, hands on trading course for Forex, Stock Indices, Futures, CFDs, Cryptocurrencies, etc.Step by step, clear trading rules for entry, exit & position sizing.Methods for End of Day and Intra Day trading.Many real trading examples with real results and live trading.Daily trading technical analysis routine - No trading ambiguity.Challenges prohibiting trading success, how to overcome and become a professional trader.Practical trading methodology, anyone can use, acquired from 30 years trading experience.Basic Forex knowledge required. Trading experience not necessary."
Price: 199.99

"Arduino Programming and Hardware Basics with Wio Terminal" |
"In this course, I will explain how to use the Wio Terminal along with the software and present you fun demos as well! So I hope this helps you to gain more knowledge on how to program with the Wio Terminal!In this course, you will learn the following:Getting started with Arduino using Wio TerminalDraw text strings, shapes, line charts and histograms on the Wio Terminal LCDDisplay images on Wio Terminal LCDUse Grove modules with Wio Terminal Different communication protocols Build-in hardware/ sensors on the Wio Terminal Building a TV remote using the IR Emitter on Wio Terminal Smart Garden Project using Wio Terminal Use Wio Terminal as a mouse and a keyboard with your computer"
Price: 19.99

"C# Interfaces: The Ultimate C# Interfaces Course" |
"Welcome to this course: C# Interfaces: The Ultimate C# Interfaces Course. Interfaces in C# provide a way to achieve runtime polymorphism. An interface contains definitions for a group of related functionalities that a class or a struct can implement. Interfaces are much like abstract classes and they share the fact that no instances of them can be created. By using interfaces, you can, for example, include behavior from multiple sources in a class. Using interfaces we can invoke functions from different classes through the same Interface reference, whereas using virtual functions we can invoke functions from different classes in the same inheritance hierarchy through the same reference. You can consider an interface as a contract - a class that implements it is required to implement all of the methods and properties. In this course, you'll learnLearn and Understand Benefits of InterfacesLearn How to Define C# InterfacesLearn How to Implement InterfacesLearn How to Use IEnumerable, ICollection, IList and IComparableLearn How to Implement Framework InterfacesAt the end of the course, you will be able to write code using interfaces in C#, changing how you write your applications and revolutionizing your projects."
Price: 199.99

"Acing Online Interviews on Zoom, Skype, and Video Calls" |
"Phew, its just an online interview. Thats way easier than an in-person interview, right?WRONG!Contrary to popular belief, online interviews can be much more difficult than in-person interviews.Sure, you COULD take an online interview in your living room in your PJs. But doesnt mean you SHOULD.The stakes for online interviews are just as high as in-person ones, and the virtual format comes with a host of unique challenges.So dont make the mistake of underestimating your next online interview.This Explearning course draws from Greg and my combined experience navigating highly selective recruiting processes, on both sides of the table. We get deep into the head of the interviewer to understand what they are looking for in candidates.Its packed with original insights and powerful, actionable strategies to equip you for success.You'll find this course valuable if you match any of the following criteria:Youre searching for a new jobYou expect to encounter online interviews during that processYou want a higher success rate with your online interviewsYou want to make a great impression over video chat, orYoure familiar with web conferencing technology and want to make that tech work for you rather than against youIt's also important to note that, even if you plan to do your interviews in-person, you'll still find tons of value in this course, so don't let that be a barrier for you. The vast majority of the strategies in this course, like developing an elevator pitch, apply to all interview formats.If you are deeply invested in supercharging your online interview skills, this is the course for you."
Price: 149.99

"Online Teamwork: Manage Remote Teams & Remote Collaboration" |
"Most of us consider ourselves above-average team players.Of course, mathematically speaking, thats impossible. We cant all be above average. *Shrug* Hey, whos counting.But what about ONLINE teamwork specifically?That probably gets a lot more of us scratching our heads.And this makes sense.In school, we learned to work shoulder-to-shoulder with our classmates. In the office, were next to each other all day. We know the drill.But what happens when we take each person of the team and pull them way apart from each other, placing them in different parts of a city, country, or even the world?We get something called remote collaboration. And when things go remote, the rules of the game change in a big way.Processes get more complex, challenges get amplified, and miscommunication abounds.Fortunately, there are ways to make remote collaboration work for you. In fact, with the right systems in place, online teamwork can be more productive and efficient than in-person teamwork.In this Explearning course, Greg and I draw from our combined experiences managing a distributed workforce in web-based collaborative environments, to provide a comprehensive guide to online teamwork and managing remote teams.We break down the complexities of remote collaboration into compact, bite-sized modules, providing you with the key ingredients you need to foster tightly-knit, high-performing teams.Youll find this course valuable if you match ANY of the following criteria:You want to enhance your teamwork fundamentalsYou want to be as effective working with online teams as you are with in-person teamsYou are making the transition from a traditional office to a remote work virtual officeYou want to maximize the power and benefits of online collaborationThis is also a great course for anyone who spends time working in groups and teams. Most of the strategies covered in this course are fully applicable to any collaborative context, online or in-person.If youre determined to be as effective as possible working with distributed teams in remote collaborative contexts, this is the course for you."
Price: 149.99

"Create JavaScript web games" |
"Welcome! in this course we will go through the basics of JavaScript and how you can use this language to build games for the web! all the games will be able to be shared across any browser, and can be synced with PHP for a simple MMO style or RPG game style, you will understand how to create an element and give it values and animate it! from variable to object to component to a finish style, you will learn the logic and skill to build the logic and functions for your own games."
Price: 19.99

"Curso Bsico Facebook Ads" |
"Aprenderemos los fundamentos bsicos y lo necesario para creer tus primeras campaas en Facebook ADS.Selecciona tu pblico objetivo y suma una herramienta ms a tu estrategia digital.Vas a aprender conceptos bsicos como alcance e impresin pero al mismo tiempo tendrs ejemplos para que puedas adaptar tus conocimientos a tu propio proyecto o cliente.Si sos emprededor, estudiante o estas empezando tu camino como profesional en el ambiente digital, este curso es para vos.Este curso cuenta con 6 Mdulos con videos y Pdf para que aprendas lo necesario para lanzar tus campaas.El curso se mantendr con material actualizado y los alumnos podrn escribir sus dudas a travs de los mensajes de la plataforma.Mdulo 1 Bienvenida y GlosarioMdulo 2 Tipos de Cuenta y Fan PageMdulo 3 Cuenta Publicitaria y Administrador de anunciosMdulo 4 Tipos de Campaa y Tipos de anunciosMdulo 5 Configurar campaa - conjunto - anuncioMdulo 6 Analtica y Pixel"
Price: 19.99

"Active Listening: You Can Be a Great Listener" |
"Most of us want to get better at talking. But the REAL power tool for influencing others, leading, collaborating, having an impact, and being an an-all-around-better person is Active Listening. While regular listening can look like being blank and silent, Active Listening is engaged, creative, and responsive.In this course, you will gain both the internal awareness and external skill-set that are the foundation of Active Listening. You will be able to have far more satisfying, interesting, successful conversations.I created this practical Udemy course for you--filled with my unique insights from starting out as a terrible listener to now being a professional listener, a Master Certified Coach. Ive been teaching people how to listen actively for twenty years now and these skills are both learnable and priceless. My course is packed with real-world examples that demystify and simplify what to pay attention to so you can be a great listener.Good News!You can interrupt!You can have short (not drawn-out & boring) conversations!You do not have to provide answers or fixes or expertise!You dont have to even like your conversation partner!Selfishly, I have found that being a great Active Listener makes other people more interesting. Well all be more fascinated with each other if we have more great listeners in the world.Come join in the fun!"
Price: 99.99

"Skin & Bones to MUSCLE" |
"At 5 10 I weighed 118lbs. People would always tell me I was too skinny and I needed to gain weight. It was frustrating because I was working out and eating as much as I could, but it was hard for me to eat more. My metabolism was also really high at the time. It felt impossible to gain weight. But I didnt give up. Youd be surprised on how much you can learn, when you dedicate over a decade of your life into something. Eventually, I gained 69lbs. I looked and felt like a different person. People from my past were shocked because they didnt recognize me. Gaining muscle changed my life. It helped my confidence, my dating life, and I noticed more people wanted to be around me. This led to more friends and business opportunities.So after trying everything, I was able to put together a diet and training program that addresses ALL of the challenges skinny people face when were trying to gain muscle. Thats what makes my training different. If you dont gain any muscle from my courses, you will get free 1 on 1 training with me until you start seeing progress. Thats how much confidence I have in my courses. I KNOW I can help you. If youre ready to get results so good, to where people wont recognize you, enroll now.This is what we go through when we're too thin:Being seen as easy targets against verbal & physical attacks.People always commenting on how skinny you are.Lack of appetite.Physical weakness.Struggling to eat enough food.A very fast metabolism that makes it feel impossible to gain weight.Low self-esteem.Trying everything and not getting results.FRUSTRATION!Some of the key things my courses and training focuses on are:The best foods for skinny people.What to do if you're too full to get your meals in.Minor exercise tweaks that creates major results. You'll be surprised on how much better these tweaks work your muscles.Which muscle groups to target and when to work them. Pairing the right muscle groups, and how often you work them can make all the difference in the world.Most supplements are a waste of money, but I'll show you one that's worth it.What to do if you don't have the strength yet to perform an exercise. I'll show you a modified version of the exercise that's much easier, so that you can still get the same benefits.The one thing I did that helped me put on the most muscle. I've never heard anyone else talk about this.""There are 3 types of people in this world:Those who make things happen.Those who watch things happen.Those who wonder what happened."""
Price: 99.99

"Curso de iluminao mesa de luz DMX 512, DMX 192 e DMX 384" |
"Curso de iluminao mesa de luz DMX 512, DMX 192, DMX 384 e DMX Operator,Aprenda a programar a mesa de melhor custo beneficio do mercado, saiba todos as informaes: Introduo, quantos canais a mesa suporta, como operar os aparelhos em canais separados ou em grupo, gravar cenas, chases e bancos de cenas, como ligar qualquer aparelho de iluminao com protocolo DMX 512 a mesa de iluminao, modos de execuo de cenas, manuail, automtico e music, como deletar as cenas e zerar a mesa. e informaes extras de como aprender a fazer um patch de qualquer aparelho."
Price: 69.99

"Curso de Visual Law e Legal Design na prtica" |
"Nesse curso vamos aprender o que j existe no mundo e no Brasil sobre as novas possibilidades de aprimorar a experincia do Direito. Voc conhecer dicas de ferramentas, softwares gratuitos e ideias inovadoras para aplicar em seus documentos as tcnicas de Visual Law, e vamos juntos entender como trazer mais proximidade, convencimento, compreenso e efetividade para os destinatrios dos servios jurdicos."
Price: 99.99

"CompTIA A+ 220-1001 (Core 1): The Complete Course" |
"Welcome to this course: CompTIA A+ 220-1001 (Core 1): The Complete Course. CompTIA A+ is the industry standard for establishing a career in IT. CompTIA certified professionals have always had the upper hand in the information technology industry. This course will be your ideal guide to efficiently passing and achieving this certification. CompTIA A+ 220-1001 covers mobile devices, networking technology, hardware, virtualization and cloud computing and network troubleshooting. This course will teach you the fundamental principles of installing, configuring, and troubleshooting PC, mobile, printer, and networking device hardware and help you to advance a career in PC support. In this course, you will begin with the understanding and installing CompTIA hardware required for CompTIA A+ 220-1001. Next you will learn to use appropriate networking tools based on different scenarios. Toward the end you will learn about different domains such as Mobile Devices, Hardware and Network Troubleshooting."
Price: 199.99

"MCQ Exam - Nature of Contracts - Indian Contract Act, 1872" |
"Welcome to this course on MCQ Exam - Nature of Contracts - Indian Contract Act, 1872.In this course, you get an opportunity to test your knowledge in Nature of Contracts of The Indian Contract Act, 1872.Series of Multiple Choice Questions and Select the correct answer questions are available. This course focuses only on testing your knowledge and not on teaching. Hence, you should have prior thorough knowledge of Nature of Contracts.See you inside the course."
Price: 99.99

"Scrum Product Owner Certification Training & Two PSPO1 Exams" |
"If you've been desperately looking for Scrum Product Owner Certification Training (PSPO1) And Practice Exam Questions and you are tired of taking courses with no examples, confusing curriculum, vague explanations, then enrolling and completing this program might be one of the best career decisions you've made this year. ...and before I tell you why let me first introduce myself...My name is Vladimir Raykov and I'm a certified Product Owner (PSPO1) and Scrum Master (PSM1) who works in a software development company. During the last year, I've been obsessed with learning and implementing the Scrum Framework. As a result, I managed to pass the PSPO1 exam with a score of 98.8% (79 correct answers out of 80) on the first try. I'd love to share my experience and knowledge so you can achieve even better results (why not 100%?).Currently, I teach over 60000 students and have received over 2000 positive reviews.WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR?I designed this course for people who want to...Add the PSPO1 Certification to their CV. Master the Scrum Framework.Refresh their Scrum Knowledge.The course is complete and It leaves no room for failure. By the end of it, you will feel confident in your Scrum Product Ownership knowledge. In addition, you will have a perfect understanding of the Scrum Framework and its rules, roles, events, and artifacts.HOW IS THIS COURSE ORGANIZED?Here is just a glimpse of what you will learn inside...Section 1 - Introduction To Agile Principles & Scrum OverviewThe difference between Adaptive & Predictive approaches to developmentWhat is Scrum (a high-level overview)?The 5 Scrum Values and what they mean in the real worldThe Agile manifesto and the 12 Agile principlesThe concepts of Iterative & Incremental DevelopmentAgile Planning vs Waterfall PlanningThe Agile Concept ""Timeboxing"" ExplainedSection 2 - The Scrum FrameworkThe concepts of Cross-Functionality & Self-OrganizationCharacteristics of the Scrum Master RoleCharacteristics of the Development Team RoleCharacteristics of the Product Owner RoleThe Sprint and its main purposeSprint Planning and answering the two questions - what & howDaily Scrum (a key inspect & adapt meeting for the development team)Sprint Review and why feedback is critically importantSprint Retrospective (the driver of continuous improvement).The concept of ""feedback Loops""The Product Backlog (The ""Living"" Artifact)The Sprint Backlog (when does it emerge, who is responsible for it, what happens with the PBIs that are not complete)The Increment (the relationship between the Increment and the Product Backlog, who decides to release it, in what condition should it be)Section 3 - The Product OwnerThe Product Vision and why it is importantValue (Financial & Societal) - The Most Important Topic For Any Product OwnerEvidence-Based Management (EBM) Guide And The 4 Key Value Areas ExplainedCurrent Value (CV)Unrealized Value (UV)Time-to-Market (T2M)Ability to Innovate (A2I)The Difference Between Product & Project Management (Mental Shifts)The 4 Attributes Of A Product Backlog Item (PBI).DescriptionEstimationOrderValueProduct Backlog Refinement (How The Product Owner & The Development Team Collaborate)The Concept Of Readiness & Why Scrum Org Does Not Approve A Definition Of ReadyThe Definition Of Done (Who Crafts It And Why? Is It Mandatory? Can it change?)Story Points (Effort-based Units To Estimate The Size Of The PBIs)Planning Poker (A Voting Technique That Eliminates The Psychological Bias Called Anchoring)Information RadiatorsBurndown ChartsBurnup ChartsThe Cone Of Uncertainty (Beware When You Make Promises Regarding Project Completion)Technical Debt (Any Product Owner MUST Know If They Can Pay The Debt Back...)Code RefactoringContinuous IntegrationReleases Planning (What Should We Consider Before A Release?)Scaled Scrum Explained (What Scrum org Believes In)Component Teams vs Feature TeamsTypes Of Contracts & BudgetingAnd a lot more...Section 4 - Scrum Example (The Agile Company Intelligent Web Solutions helps a Chiropractic Clinic Build a Conversion-Focused Website)Introduction to the #1 software development tool used by Agile teams - JIRAHow to create a Product BacklogHow to create a Sprint BacklogHow to write User StoriesHow to assign tasksHow to write the Sprint GoalHow to set the duration of a SprintAn example of high-priority process improvement and how the Scrum Master resolves impedimentsAn example of Definition Of Done (plus updates)An example of Acceptance CriteriaThe difference between the Definition Of Done and Acceptance CriteriaSection 5 - Avoid Common Mistakes On The PSPO1 ExamTop reasons why people fail the PSPO1 examination and solutionsRecommended Resources (Free Practice PSPO 1 Exams Included)Section 6 - PSPO1 Practice Exams (A Total Of 160 High-Quality Questions)Practice Exam #1 (80 Questions - 60 minutes - Passing Score 85%)Practice Exam #2 (80 Questions - 60 minutes - Passing Score 85%)[HIGHLY RECOMMENDED] You can take these exams multiple times as the questions and answers are randomized. WHAT DO OTHER STUDENTS SAY ABOUT VLADIMIR'S WORK? Vladimir Raykov is the best instructor on Udemy. Introspective, insightful, and inspiring come to mind when taking this course. If you're not motivated after hearing him speak, I don't know what will make you feel that way. I don't say this about everyone but Vladimir Raykov clearly knows what he is talking about and I highly suggest people look at his other courses as well for more enlightenment :) Young In ""I passed the PSM 1 certification on the first attempt! Vladimir's course was brilliant and helped me to understand the key concepts required to answer some of the most complex questions in the exam."" - Brook Chalmers ""I loved this course because it was ""to the point"" clear and understandable even for newbies to the agile concepts.You also get quizzes to test your abilities and plenty of real-life examples within the lectures. Finally, you can use the attached written summery to prepare."" - Batsheva Steinvill NetanelDO I GET A GUARANTEE?You can enroll now 100% risk-free because you receive 30 days, unconditional money-back guarantee.If for any reason you are not satisfied (and that might be something as simple as you don't like my accent) - no problem, you are one click away from a refund.No hassle, no hard feelings!Go ahead and click the Buy Now button right now and lets awaken the Product Owner within almost instantly!-------------------------------------------------------------------------Legal Information and Disclaimer.*Professional Scrum, Professional Scrum Product Owner, Professional Scrum Master, PSM, PSM I, PSM 1, PSPO, PSPO I, PSPO 1, etc. is the protected brand of Scrum dot org.The content of this course and practice exams are neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Scrum dot org.Attribution and Use for The Scrum Guide, NexusGuide, Evidence-Based Management Guide:This course uses screenshots from the Scrum Guide, Nexus Guidem and Evidence-Based Management Guide to point the attention of the student to important concepts, ideas, rules, and practices.The authors of the Scrum Guide are Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland.The Nexus Guide is developed and sustained by Ken Schwaber and Scrum dot orgEvidence-Based Management was collaboratively developed by Scrum dot org, the Professional Scrum Trainer Community, the Engagement Manager community and Ken Schwaber and Christina Schwaber.No changes have been made to the content of the Scrum Guide, the Nexus Guide, or the Evidence-Based Management Guide."
Price: 49.99

"JavaScript Browser-based Arduino Control" |
">>> This course will take you in a step by step guide on how to make your own Arduino Social Distance Detector and Browser Control. <<< Most of you know Arduino and you know that controlling Arduino using a Web browser or any interfacing technique other than the Arduino software is a very complex job. In this course, we will make this simple.I will teach you how you can write a JavaScript code and use your own browser, the one that you already have to send commands to your Arduino board, and to receive commands from your Arduino board.So it will be two-way communication and we won't use any Wi-Fi module or other modules. We will just use the Arduino board, USB cable, and our browser with a few lines of codes.I will teach you something that will give your Arduino board superpower, the ability to combine Arduino or physical computing with Browser Technologies can give designers and anyone superpower to prototype awesome experience faster. Not only faster but also easier and cheaper.In the past, Arduino was usually connected to processing software. Which is a very well known software and we have some courses explaining how to interface Arduino and processing together to generate interactive art products or services, while this is still a widely used way to connect Arduino to a computer, connecting to a browser can give a wider range of opportunity and requires less installation.In the Past Connecting Arduino to a browser was a complex job. You had to create web sockets and a server on the device. But now with this serial API that we will introduce in this course, you can connect to any Arduino based device from the browser with the click of a button. There is no additional installation on setup required and it's a fast and easy method.One huge benefit is that the software runs in the browser is easy to share and execute on various devices and operating systems.The system should work with any Arduino that has a serial connection to the computer.What you will learn in this course:How using JavaScript with Arduino will give you superpowersHow to Interface Arduino with Your Computer/Laptop via JavaScript CodingWhy you should use JavaScript and browser Technologies to Control ArduinoArduino coding process.Upload Arduino code to the board to make it ready to receive and send a command to our computer web browser.JavaScript coding to control Arduino.Interface Arduino with your device, which is a laptop or computer, and connects a simple circuitPractical application examples.You don't need any background in JavaScript.We will explain the line of calls that you need to use and you can replicate what we are doing and do the same on your own.A lot of information is waiting for you inside this course, join now and start making your own."
Price: 199.99

"Instagram Marketing 2020 - Learn Best Strategies That Work" |
"Instagram Marketing 2020 is an online course that teaches you a step by step methods for growing your Instagram account.It includes 3,5 hours of video tutorials packed with the ideas and techniques you can apply to your own Instagram account right now.There are lots of realtime demonstrations of strategies, techniques, software, and methods for your Instagram account promotion.So you can follow me and improve your account's look, feel and content from start to finish, obtain new followers and fans, make people love what you do and increase sales if you have any offers.There is a comprehensive text course, examples, and templates prepared for you to use during the course to reinforce all the tips and tricks I'll be showing you.Whether you are looking to create better content, higher engagement rates, or just starting I'll give you the tools and the techniques you need.I'll show you step by step how Instagram marketing and promotion work, where inspiration comes from, how to create a content plan, what equipment is essential for you, what programs and services you need to use to automate Instagram promotion, we will talk about how to start communication with your followers and make them active on your posts, I'll introduce you to different content types so you could choose your favorite and stick with it.Also, we will use an awesome service Ingramer during this course, it will help you to find the right hashtags for promotion, provide you with high-end analytics, give you access to more convenient direct and bulk messaging.You will learn hot schedule your feed posts and stories, target your actions with locations and usernames, download and save content, and use VPN for the maximum speed of automated promotion.Instagram marketing 2020 - you'll get in front of your audience quickly and effectively, sign up now, and start your journey straight away!"
Price: 49.99

"Motor Vehicle Death and SBI Investigations" |
"Motor Vehicle Death and SBI Investigations- Next Why Investigate Motor Vehicle Collisions- Evidence & Injuries of Unrestrained & Restrained Occupants- Related Forensic Investigative Techniques- Motor Vehicle Investigation Cases & ScenariosThis is designed for the interested, new or veteran investigator; however, experience is recommended. If you are a legal investigator looking to improve your knowledge in Death and Serious Bodily Injury investigations for civil and criminal litigation, this webinar series is for you.Thank you for taking this course! We are dedicated to furthering our profession by sharing our experiences and expertise.Instructor BiosDean A. Beers, CLI, CCDI began his investigative career in 1987. He is a Certified Legal Investigator and Certified Criminal Defense Investigator, and expert consultant / witness in criminal defense homicide and civil equivocal death investigations. He is certified in Medicolegal Death Investigations and is a POST certified instructor, and experienced forensic autopsy assistant.He has lectured extensively and authored multiple articles, peer-reviewed white papers, and provided expert testimony on Protocols of Private Investigation, and Forensic Investigations of Injury Pattern Analysis (including Blood Pattern Analysis) and Death Investigations (including Protocols and Standards), as well as consulted as a subject matter expert in Equivocal Death Analysis, Injury Causation, Time of Death, Crime Scene Analysis, Investigative Protocol, Evidence Protocol, and Forensic Photography.Karen S. Beers, BSW, CCDI began her investigative career in 1996, also earning her Bachelor's in Social Work from Colorado State University (Magna Cum Laude). She is also a Certified Criminal Defense Investigator (CCDI) and certified in Medicolegal Death Investigations. In addition to being a subject matter expert in death investigations, her background, education and experience with victim advocacy and counseling are valuable assets in working with families and victims of traumatic events.As a death investigator Karen was involved in the investigations of all manners of deaths and incidents, training under three Forensic Pathologists. From 2004-2006 she investigated and assisted with numerous death cases and scenes, and assisted with forensic autopsies.As Team Beers, they provide Expert Consultations and Legal Investigations of Death and Injury Causation in Civil, Criminal and Probate litigation Together We're Better!"
Price: 49.99

"Algebra - Mathematics Course to learn Algebra 1, Algebra 2" |
"Algebra - (Mathematics)Become an Algebra master:Quadratic Equations and Set theory Maths is a foundation course in to understand college Math. In this course you will learn about Quadratic Equation, Set theory concepts, Roots or solutions of the quadratic Equations, How to find the roots of the quadratic Equation by using the quadratic formula, Quadratic Equation has the degree of two in the general form of the Quadratic Equation Linear equation has the degree of one Functions.***Mathematics in my point of view: ""Mathematics/Math:Math is a simply a language. In School grade/Classes,covered Algebra,Trigonometry,Geometry, and Precalculus.In College,covered Algebra 2,College Algebra,Probability,Statistics,Calculus:Calculus 1,Calculus 2,Calculus 3(Multivariable Calculus like Differential Equations,Engineering Mathematics), And University Math topics are Abstract Algebra,Linear Algebra,Discrete Mathematics,Number Theory,Real Analysis,Complex Analysis,Functional Analysis,Matlab. In Test Prep:SAT,Act, GRE,GMAT,LSAT are with Quantitative Aptitude Section.Application of Math:Engineering,Physics,Science,Computer sciences like in Games development,Programming, Machine learning,Data science"".***"
Price: 19.99

"How Computers Work for Programmers" |
"In a nutshell, this course is intended to be a shop class for computer science. Young computer science students are taught to ""drive"" the computer; but where do you go to learn what is under the hood? Trying to understand the operating system is unfortunately not as easy as just opening the bonnet. The current Linux kernel runs into the millions of lines of code, add to that the other critical parts of a modern operating system (the compiler, assembler and system libraries) and your code base becomes unimaginable. Further still, add a University level operating systems course (or four), some good reference manuals, two or three years of C experience and, just maybe, you might be able to figure out where to start looking to make sense of it all.To keep with the car analogy, the prospective student is starting out trying to work on a Formula One engine without ever knowing how a two stroke motor operates. During their shop class the student should pull apart, twist, turn and put back together that two stroke motor, and consequentially have a pretty good framework for understanding just how the Formula One engine works. Nobody will expect them to be a Formula One engineer, but they are well on their way!"
Price: 19.99

"Magazin Online pe WordPress prin Afiliere 2Performant" |
"Importul feed-urilor de la Advertiser in Magazinul tau Online ii da bti de cap? Nici o problema. Cu ajutorul acestui curs vei avea un Magazin Online cu zeci de mii de produse, care duc ctre Magazinele Advertiserilor. Vei nva cum sa impori produse pe site-ul tau din feedul advertiserilor 2performant. Vei avea un proces automatizat care ii va permite sa impori zeci de mii de produse doar din cteva clickuri."
Price: 34.99

"3ds Max Mimari Modelleme ve Vray ile Bina Render" |
"3D Studio MAX, lkemizde ve yurtdnda ok yaygn olarak mimari proje grselletirmelerinde, d cephe kaplama, evre peysaj, mimari yaplarn dzenlenmesinde, i mekan projelerinde, mobilya tasarm ve modellemesinde, endstriyel rnlerin tasarmnda , sinema ve zel efektlerde ,izgi film animasyonlar, tbbi ve ticari alanda , filmlerin jenerik hazrlanmasnda ve daha bir ok alanda kullanlmaktadr. Bilgisayar teknolojisinin hzla ilerlemesine paralel olarak 3ds MAX programda buna paralel ekilde gelimekte ve hayal edilen izim,modelleme ve animasyonlar geree dntrmektedir. mimar, mhendis, tekniker, grafiker, animasyoncu, bilgisayar kullancs, endstri rnleri tasarmclar, izimci, teknisyen, teknik eitimciler vb kendi iinin gerei olarak 3d modelleme ve render ihtiyac duyan birok kii kullanmaktadr. Bu kursumuzda 3ds Max te bina modelleme ve Vray ile render grselletirmesini reneceksiniz. 3ds MAX ile Batan Sona Bina Modelleme*Vray 3.0 Temel Eitimi (vray ayarlar, klar, materyalleri, fur, mesh, displace, kamera vb)*Vray 3.0 ile Bina Render ve GrselletirmeKursumuzda 1-Autocad ten 3dsmax ortamna aktarlan mimari proje dayal olarak 5 katl binann btn modellemeleri yaplmaktadr. 3dsmax ierisindeki hazr mimari nesneler duvar, kap, pencere, korkuluk, merdiven vb 3d parametrik nesneler ile binann 3d modellemesi gerekletirilmektedir. binann d cephesine sve, kaplama, at katnda krma at yapm gibi nemli konularn yan bina evre peysaj eitli eklentiler ile yaplmaktadr.2-Vray 3.0 eitim derslerinde ncekli render,k ve bilgisayar donanm hakknda genel bilgiler verildikten sonra, Vray 3.0 render motorunun zellikleri, vray k, vray kamera, materyal, vray 3d nesneleri bunlarn kullanmlarn anlatlarak genel bilgi verilmektedir .3- bina modellemesi ve evre peysaj vray ierinde render alnmaktadr. vray sun ve vray sky, vray camera eklenmesi ayarlar, d cephe kaplama malzemesi, cam, krom, iek, im,yol, kiremit, tula vb birok materyal bu sahne iin tanmlanyor. kaliteli ve hzl d mekan render ayarlar yaplarak gereki d cephe renderi alnmas ve photoshopta dzenlemesi anlatlmaktadr."
Price: 59.99

"How to Create an Online Course and Launch in 24 Hours" |
"If you've been delaying to create and launch your online course then this video series can help you to understand why are you unable to do it so far.I'm going to share my own strategy that I used to create and launch two online courses in 2 days OR video series for YouTube channel.It is the similar process that I used to create videos for even this course so it's a proven method and it works very well for me.Beside course creation strategy, you'll also learn how to stay focused, what to ignore, where to keep your attention and so much more in order to kill procrastination and launch your own course or video series.This course is also a practical result of using and applying strategy I'm revealing, so give it a try and experience the difference yourself."
Price: 199.99
