"Microsoft Project Training (beginner to expert level)" |
"Microsoft Project is undoubtedly the world's most popular project management software and is developed by Microsoft. It is designed to assist project managers in developing project plans, schedules, creating milestones and tasks, assigning resources to tasks, tracking progress, managing costs & budgets, and analyzing workloads.Uplatz provides this complete training program on Microsoft Project right from the most basics of Microsoft Project software to the most advanced levels covering each and every feature/functionality of Microsoft Project application tool. This training is aimed to provide you full knowledge and applicability of Microsoft Project along with demonstration of practical real-life scenarios you would face in any typical project implemented across your organization.Microsoft Project creates critical path schedules and Gantt charts for determining the critical path of the project. Schedules can be resource leveled. This chain is visualized in a Gantt chart.Resource definitions (people, equipment and materials) can be shared between projects using a shared resource pool. Each resource can have its own calendar which defines what days and shifts a resource is available. Resource rates are used to calculate resource assignment costs which are rolled up and summarised the resource level. Each resource can be assigned to multiple tasks in multiple plans and each task can be assigned multiple resources. Microsoft Project schedules task work based on the resource availability as defined in the resource calendars. All resources can be defined in an enterprise resource pool.MS Project creates budgets based on assignment work and resource rates. As resources are assigned to tasks and assignment work estimated, MS Project calculates the cost equals the work times the rate. This rolls up to the task level, then to any summary tasks and finally to the project level.Microsoft Project has been extended with Microsoft Office Project Server and Microsoft Project Web Access. Project server stores Project data in a central database.Project Web Access allows user to display and update this data over the Internet. The Web access allows authorized users to access a Project Server database across the Internet. This includes timesheets, graphical analysis of resource workloads and administrative tools.Microsoft recognizes different classes of users. These different classes of users can have differing access levels to projects, views and other data.Custom objects such as calendars, views, tables, filters and fields are stored in an enterprise global database, which is shared by all users.In summary, Microsoft Office Project, also referred to as Microsoft Project, is a suite of tools for more efficient project and portfolio management. Microsoft Project is used in a variety of industries including construction, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, government, retail, financial services and health care.The main modules of Microsoft Project include project work and project teams, schedules and finances. It is designed to help users set realistic goals for project teams and customers by creating schedules, distributing resources and managing budgets.The Project Guide helps users create projects, track tasks, and report results. The software helps the project managers gain control over their resources and finances by simplifying the assignment of resources to tasks and budgets to projects. Microsoft Project also comes with a customizable wizard that walks users through the process of project creation, from assigning their tasks and resources to reporting the final results.Microsoft Project management software is closely integrated with Microsoft Office suite and also includes a Client Access License (CAL) that allows easy connection with Office Project Server.This Microsoft Project training will help you to be more productive at work, especially with large or complex projects, and leaves you feeling much more confident when using MS Project. With a number of advanced features available that can help you to save time, money, stress and avoid missing key deadlines, are you using MS Project to its full potential? Whatever your project, this Microsoft Project training course will help you to take your project management skills to an all-together new level.Microsoft Project course curriculumIntroduction and Getting started with Microsoft ProjectIntroduction & OverviewGetting Started with Microsoft ProjectThe Stage and The BackstageThe StageThe BackstageModifying project informationViews and TablesProject Initiation and PreparationTasks and MilestonesCreating MilestonesCreating TasksTask NotesLinking TasksResourcesWork ResourcesMaterial & Cost ResourcesCalendar ResourceCreating ResourcesAssigning ResourcesCosts & BudgetsCostsApplying Cost TablesUnits Work DurationHandy FeaturesCritical Path IdentificationResource LevelingBase-liningUpdating ProjectMonitoringControllingReports PackSupport EVM"
Price: 119.99

"HTML5 and CSS3 Training" |
"HTML is a markup language that forms a base for any website on the Internet.HTML5 is the latest version of HTML, finalized in 2014.HTML 1 was created by a CERN scientist Tim Berners-Lee. His initial goal was an Internet-based hypertext system that allows sharing and using documents in different computers. Introduced in 1991, HTML 1 only had 18 tags, most of them based on the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). HTML 2 was presented in 1995 and had a few more features.The draft of HTML 3 was abandoned due to slow implementation of the newly created tags. Therefore, the World Wide Web Consortium set out to standardize HTML. In 1997, HTML 3.2 was released which became a standard at the time.HTML 4 was a large step, as it separated styling from coding, leaving the former to CSS. A revised version called HTML 4.01 came out in 1999, correcting minor mistakes found in HTML 4.0 and introducing a few handy features.HTML 5 is the HTML as we know it today.To create polished and well-functioning websites, you will need CSS and JavaScript. However, to make them work as intended, you need to first understand what is HTML. Just like a house has a foundation, a web page has its base in HTML.HTML5 BenefitsAddressing The Flash ProblemRicher WebsitesBetter Semantic MarkupHTML5 is highly flexible and supported on all browsersUser friendly and an open technology.Better performanceCascading Style Sheets, referred to as CSS, is a simple design language intended to simplify the process of making web pages presentable. It allows you to create great-looking web pages.CSS handles the look and feel part of a web page. Using CSS, you can control the color of the text, the style of fonts, the spacing between paragraphs, how columns are sized and laid out, what background images or colors are used, layout designs,variations in display for different devices and screen sizes as well as a variety of other effects.CSS is easy to learn and understand but it provides powerful control over the presentation of an HTML document. Most commonly, CSS is combined with the markup languages HTML or XHTML.In simple words, CSS is the technology that allows us to create beautiful, maintainable and flexible designs. It controls formatting, presentation and the overall layout of websites. A main reason we use CSS isn't only to create flexible, maintainable website designs, but also to keep content separate from presentation, which is a best practice. It's also much easier for human eyes to read what's happening in the HTML if there aren't styles thrown in too.CSS3 is the latest evolution of the Cascading Style Sheets language and aims at extending CSS2. 1. It brings a lot of long-awaited novelties, like rounded corners, shadows, gradients, transitions or animations, as well as new layouts like multi-columns, flexible box or grid layouts.Benefits of CSSCSS saves time You can write CSS once and then reuse same sheet in multiple HTML pages. You can define a style for each HTML element and apply it to as many Web pages as you want.Pages load faster If you are using CSS, you do not need to write HTML tag attributes every time. Just write one CSS rule of a tag and apply it to all the occurrences of that tag. So less code means faster download times.Easy maintenance To make a global change, simply change the style, and all elements in all the web pages will be updated automatically.Superior styles to HTML CSS has a much wider array of attributes than HTML, so you can give a far better look to your HTML page in comparison to HTML attributes.Multiple Device Compatibility Style sheets allow content to be optimized for more than one type of device. By using the same HTML document, different versions of a website can be presented for handheld devices such as PDAs and cell phones or for printing.Global web standards Now HTML attributes are being deprecated and it is being recommended to use CSS. So its a good idea to start using CSS in all the HTML pages to make them compatible to future browsers.HTML5 and CSS3 course curriculumHTML5IntroductionHistory of HTMLWhat you need to do to get going and make your first HTML pageWhat are HTML Tags and Attributes?HTML Tag vs. ElementHTML AttributesHow to differentiate HTML Document VersionsHTML - Basic Formatting TagHTML Basic TagsHTML Formatting TagsHTML Color CodingHTML - Grouping Using Div SpanThe HTML <div> and <span> element is the generic container for flow content and does not inherently represent anything. Use it to group elements for purposes such as styling (using the class or id attributes), and inline level and block level separation.Div and Span Tags for GroupingHTML - ListsThe HTML <li> element is used to represent an item in a list. It must be contained in a parentelement: an ordered list (<ol>), an unordered list (<ul>), or a menu (<menu>). In menus and unordered lists,list items are usually displayed using bullet points, now we are going to check how to use html list.Unordered ListsOrdered ListsDefinition listHTML - ImagesCreating an imageChoosing alt textResponsive image using the srcset attributeResponsive image using picture elementHTML - Hyperlink & AnchorsLink to another siteLink to an anchor link to a page on the same site Link that dials a numberOpen link in new tab/windowLink that runs JavaScript Link that runs email clientHTML - TablesSimple TableSpanning columns or rowsColumn GroupsTable with thead, tbody, tfootHeading scopeHTML - iframeThe HTML <iframe> element represents a nested browsing context, effectively embedding another HTML page into the current page. This module will help you make use of iframe tag.Attributes Usingiframe as the TargetHTML - FormsSubmittingTarget attribute in form tagUploading FilesGrouping a few input eldsHTML - HeadersThe HTML <head> element provides general information (metadata) about the document,including its title and links to its scripts and style sheets.TitleBaseLinkStylesScriptHTML - MiscellaneousThe HTML <Meta> element represents metadata that cannot be represented by other HTMLmeta-related elements, like <base>, <link>, <script>, <style> or <title>. This module will help you learn MetaTags, xhtml and deprecated tagsHTML Meta TagXHTMLHTML Deprecated Tags & AttributesCSS3CSS IntroductionCSS SyntaxCSS Id & ClassCSS StylingStyling BackgroundsStyling TextStyling FontsStyling LinksStyling ListsStyling TablesCSS Box ModelCSS BorderCSS OutlineCSS MarginCSS PaddingCSS AdvancedCSS Grouping/NestingCSS DimensionCSS DisplayCSS PositioningCSS FloatingCSS AlignCSS Navigation BarCSS Image GalleryCSS Image OpacityCSS Image SpritesCSS Media TypesSelectors and Pseudo ClassesAttribute SelectorsThe Target Pseudo-ClassUI Element States Pseudo-ClassesNegation Pseudo-ClassStructural Pseudo-ClassesPractical Demo and FAQInterview Questions and Answers"
Price: 194.99

"SAP MM integration with other SAP modules(FI PP PM QM SD WM)" |
"SAP MM (Materials Management) module integrates well with other SAP modules viz.SAP PP (Production Planning)SAP SD (Sales and Distribution)SAP WM (Warehouse Management)SAP FICO (Finance and Controlling)SAP QM (Quality Management)SAP PM (Plant Maintenance)Uplatz provides this dedicated training focusing on SAP MM module's integration with other SAP modules. Learn step-by-step how to allow data flow and control flow between SAP MM and other SAP modules viz. PP, SD, WM, FICO, QM, PM.SAP MM is one of the critical components in SAP ECC. Part of SAP ECC's logistics function, SAP MM plays a vital role in a manufacturer's supply chain and integrates with other ECC components like Production Planning (PP), Sales and Distribution (SD), Plant Maintenance (PM), Quality Management (QM), Finance (FI), Controlling (CO), and Asset Management (AM).MM with PP module - SAP MM deals with the material procurement on the basis of Production required, therefore it is linked with PP module. It is integrated in the area like MRPs, Receipt and Issue material against Production Order.Material Requirement Planning is based on Stocks, expected receipts, expected issues. It generates planned orders or purchase requisitions which can be converted into Purchase Order/ Contract. Inventory Management is responsible for the staging of the components required for production orders.The receipt of the finished products in the warehouse is posted in Inventory Management.MM with SD module - SAP SD module is proportionally linked with MM module because it uses the information of the material when creation of sales order or when the quantity sent for production.It is integrated in the area like Delivery, Availability Check, Stock Transfer Requirements etc. As soon as the Sales order is created, can initiate a dynamic availability check of stock on hand.When the delivery is created, the quantity to be delivered is marked as schedule for delivery. It is deducted from the total stock when the goods issue is posted. PO can be directly converted to delivery for a stock transfer requirement.MM with WM module - The SAP WM module is related to MM module because it maintains information about the material storage and material transfer inside the organization.MM with FICO module - The FI module is linked with MM module because every operation performed in MM Module like Goods Receipt and Invoice Receipt directly impact the financial operation of the organization.It is integrated in the area like Material Valuation, Vendor Payment, Material Costing, etc.Whenever inventory posting are debited, it updates the G/L Accounts online in the background. Logistic Invoice Verification will vendor liability in vendor account immediately on posting the document. Any advance given again update the PO History. For every Inventory Posting is corresponding CO document to update profit center accounting reporting Finished Goods costing is link through MM and PP. Procurement of capital item cost can be directly booked against asset number.MM with QM Module - The MM module is integrated with QM for Quality Inspection at Goods Receipt.In the case of goods movement, the system determines whether the material is subject to an inspection operation. If so, a corresponding activity is initiated for the movement in the Quality Management System. Based on quality parameters vendor evaluation is done.MM with PM module - The material/service requirement is mentioned in Maintenance Order. This leads to generation of PR. This PR is converted to PO by MM. The goods for a PO will be in warded to Maintenance by MM. The spares which were reserved for maintenance order will be issued by MM against the reservation number.Following are the main components of SAP MM that are closely integrated with other SAP modules in order to allow smooth flow of information between the different processes involved in an organization.Purchasing - allow user to control the entire purchasing processInventory Management - allow users to keep track of the material in stock. It also helps user to perform operation like Goods Receipt, Goods Issue and Physical Stock TransferInvoice Verification - allow users to verify invoice from vendor. The invoices compared with Purchase Order and Goods Receipt in the following three ways:- Content, Price and QuantityPhysical Inventory - allow users to keep track of the material stored in an organizationValuation - allow users to calculate the value of all fixed and current assets, along with all payable, at a certain time and with the legal appropriate legal requirements.Material Requirement Planning - it helps user to create a material procurement plan for a plant and companyMaterial Master - helps user to manage all the materials related data.Service Master - helps an organization keep records of the services that is procuresForeign Trade / Customs - allow users to manage the export and import merchandise among different custom territories."
Price: 79.99

"Google Analytics Training" |
"Google Analytics is a free website analytics service offered by Google that helps you understand the traffic on your website as well as provides you insights into how users find and use your website. It is indeed the most popular digital analytics software and provides web analytics service that allows you to analyze in-depth detail about the visitors on your website. With Google Analytics, you can track return on investment (RoI) for your online marketing efforts.You can sift & sort your visitors with dozens of parameters or dimensions such as where they came from, what browser they are using, etc. and with metrics such as what page they browsed, for how long, which buttons they clicked, what forms they submitted, and the like. You can seamlessly integrate Google Products like your Google Ads account and Google Search Console. You can also use tracking codes to tag & track any advertising, social, PR campaign or any kind of campaign on any platform/website. All you have to do is install a small tracking code on your website. Google Analytics tracks all of its data by a unique tracking code that you install on every page of your website. This code is a small snippet of JavaScript, or a coding language, that runs in viewers browser when they visit those pages.Google Analytics provides valuable insights that can help you to shape the success strategy of your business. Since nowadays almost all the businesses have an online presence through a website. Therefore, it becomes very important for you to learn the inner structure of your website to see whether it is accomplishing its purpose or not. For this, you need to know the details of what people do when they visit your website, how long they stay and what all pages do they visit on your website. Irrespective of whether you are ecommerce website or an informative blog, you would definitely want to understand and study the behavior of your visitors to deliver better results.Uplatz provides this in-depth Google Analytics training course with focus on teaching the fundamentals, setting up the GA account, then moving on to the core features of Google Analytics, how the GA tool can be used to track your website audience, developing the different types of web analytics reports, and concluding with a detailed description on customization and discover options.This course is designed to highlight what matters most for a marketer in this powerful reporting tool. In addition, it will help attendees to understand what actions to take in common circumstances and how to tailor activities to enhance your business objectives.In this Google Analytics course you will learn all features of Google Analytics including how to create an account, implement tracking code, analyze basic reports, and set up goals and campaign tracking. Also learn about advanced Google Analytics features including data collection, processing and configuration, and more complex analysis and marketing tools.Given below are some of the key reasons as to why you use Google Analytics get better insights of your website and the visitors:It's FreeAutomatic collection of dataYou can create customization reportsEasy integration with other tools and platformsAbility to measure internal site searchTo understand why visitors are bouncing off your websiteTo know the age, gender, interest, device and location of your audienceTo understand which social platforms to targetTo understand what kind of content you should writeTo check if you are achieving your business goalsGoogle Analytics course curriculumIntroduction to Google Analytics (GA)Setting up Google Analytics using Google Tag Manager (GTM)Account - Property - ViewGoogle Analytics HomeAudience Report and SegmentsAcquisition ReportBehavior ReportConversions ReportCustomization and DiscoverCourse objectives This Google Analytics training course gives meaning and value to the many reports available for any website. Use and interpret content reports to measure what visitors want from and are doing with your sites. Identify quality traffic and drivers of revenue and conversions to action. Set up and track digital marketing campaigns: search (paid and non-paid), email, social, display, affiliates, etc. Extract actionable insights from the Google Analytics reports to lead performance improvements. See your visitors in real time on your website.What can you do with Google Analytics?In short, Google Analytics helps you make decisions based on data. You can justify spending more on your advertising, discover where you should be advertising, and even determine what types of content you need to be putting out there.Google Analytics categorizes data into the ABCs:AcquisitionBehaviorConversionsAdditionally, you can use it to break down your Audience & Real-Time traffic. Ill break these down a bit more.Google Analytics aggregates the data collected from your website in multiple ways, primarily by four levels:User level (related to actions by each user)Session level (each individual visit)Pageview level (each individual page visited)Event level (button clicks, video views, etc)Summary and ConclusionGoogle analytics is used to track website activity such as session duration, pages per session, bounce rate etc. of individuals using the site, along with the information on the source of the traffic. It can be integrated with Google Ads, with which users can create and review online campaigns by tracking landing page quality and conversions (goals). Goals might include sales, lead generation, viewing a specific page, or downloading a particular file. Google Analytics' approach is to show high-level, dashboard-type data for the casual user, and more in-depth data further into the report set. Google Analytics analysis can identify poorly performing pages with techniques such as funnel visualization, where visitors came from (referrers), how long they stayed on the website and their geographical position. It also provides more advanced features, including custom visitor segmentation. Google Analytics e-commerce reporting can track sales activity and performance. The e-commerce reports shows a site's transactions, revenue, and many other commerce-related metrics."
Price: 44.99

"ReactJS Training" |
"React is a Javascript library, developed in 2013 by Jordan Walke of Facebook. Youll find React is both very popular (its the 5th most starred JS library on GitHub) and used on major sites including on Facebook and Netflix.What is React JS?ReactJS is an open-source, component based front end library responsible only for the view layer of the application. It is maintained by Facebook. ReactJS uses virtual DOM based mechanism to fill in data (views) in HTML DOM. The virtual DOM works fast owning to the fact that it only changes individual DOM elements instead of reloading complete DOM every time.In other words, React JS is a JavaScript library used in web development to build interactive elements on websites.A React application is made up of multiple components, each responsible for outputting a small, reusable piece of HTML. Components can be nested within other components to allow complex applications to be built out of simple building blocks. A component may also maintain internal state - for example, a TabList component may store a variable corresponding to the currently open tab.React allows us to write components using a domain-specific language called JSX. JSX allows us to write our components using HTML, whilst mixing in JavaScript events. React will internally convert this into a virtual DOM, and will ultimately output our HTML for us.React ""reacts"" to state changes in your components quickly and automatically to rerender the components in the HTML DOM by utilizing the virtual DOM. The virtual DOM is an in-memory representation of an actual DOM. By doing most of the processing inside the virtual DOM rather than directly in the browser's DOM, React can act quickly and only add, update, and remove components which have changed since the last render cycle occurred.Relationship between JavaScript and ReactJSTo understand the relationship between JavaScript and ReactJS first we need to understand what is JavaScript. JavaScript (or JS) is a scripting language used to create and control dynamic web content. Dynamic web content includes things like animated graphics, photo slideshows, and interactive forms. Anytime you visit a website where things move, refresh, or otherwise change on your screen without requiring you to manually reload a web page, theres a very good chance JS is the language making it happen. Hence, JavaScript is a super important coding language used to add animated and interactive features to websites or web applications (on top of the basic, static structures created by languages like HTML and CSS). From the definition above, we can see how JavaScript plays a critical role in website and web application development. But there are times when you need JavaScript to perform repetitive functionsthings like stock animation effects or autocomplete search bar features. Re-coding these functions every time they occur becomes a reinventing the wheel situation. This is where JavaScript libraries come in.JavaScript libraries are collections of pre-written JavaScript code that can be used for common JS tasks, allowing you to bypass the time intensive (and unnecessary) process of coding by hand. If theres a run-of-the-mill JavaScript function that you keep needing to code (and that other developers before you have needed for their own projects) theres probably a JS library to ease your pain.In simple words, there are a lot of different JS libraries out there and React JS is one of them. React is a JavaScript library that specializes in helping developers build user interfaces, or UIs. In terms of websites and web applications, UIs are the collection of on-screen menus, search bars, buttons, and anything else someone interacts with to USE a website or app. In addition to providing reusable React library code (saving development time and cutting down on the chance for coding errors), React comes with two key features that add to its appeal for JavaScript developers:JSX - JSX (short for JavaScript eXtension) is a React extension that makes it easy for web developers to modify their DOM by using simple, HTML-style code.Virtual DOM - DOM is the process that makes things change on screen without a user having to manually refresh a page. If a developer uses JSX to manipulate and update its DOM, React JS creates something called a Virtual DOM. The Virtual DOM (like the name implies) is a copy of the sites DOM, and React JS uses this copy to see what parts of the actual DOM need to change when an event happens (like a user clicking a button).Course ObjectivesReact is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building Web Applications.It follows component-based approach.Easy to create smaller components and build large-scale applications.The main goal is to build large-scale high-performance applications with smaller and reusable stateful components.The main objective of React Training is to create smaller components to build Interactive User interfaces.Why Learn ReactJS?ReactJS presents streamlined solutions to some of front-end programmings most persistent issues. ReactJS is fast, scalable, flexible, powerful, and has a robust developer community thats rapidly growing. Theres never been a better time to learn React.React.js Course CurriculumIntroductionWhat is ReactJS?Installation or SetupHello World with Stateless FunctionsAbsolute Basics of Creating Reusable ComponentsCreate React AppHello WorldHello World ComponentComponentsCreating ComponentsBasic ComponentsNesting ComponentsPropsComponent states - Dynamic user-interfaceVariations of Stateless Functional ComponentssetState pitfallsUsing ReactJS with TypeScriptReactJS component written in TypeScriptInstallation and SetupStateless React Components in TypeScriptStateless and property-less ComponentsState in ReactBasic StateCommon AntipatternsetState()State, Events and Managed ControlsProps in ReactIntroductionDefault propsPropTypesPassing down props using spread operatorProps.children and component compositionDetecting the type of Children componentsReact Component LifecycleComponent CreationComponent RemovalComponent UpdateLifecycle method call in different statesReact Component ContainerForms and User InputControlled ComponentsUncontrolled ComponentsReact AJAX callHTTP GET requestHTTP GET request and looping through dataAjax in React without a third party library - a.k.a with VanillaCommunication Between ComponentsChild to Parent ComponentsNot-related ComponentsParent to Child ComponentsStateless Functional ComponentsStateless Functional ComponentPerformancePerformance measurement with ReactJSReact's diffs algorithmThe Basics - HTML DOM vs Virtual DOMIntroduction to Server-Side RenderingRendering componentsSetting Up React EnvironmentSimple React ComponentInstall all dependenciesConfigure webpackConfigure babeHTML file to use react componentTranspile and bundle your componentUsing React with FlowUsing Flow to check prop types of stateless functional componentsUsing Flow to check prop typesJSXProps in JSXChildren in JSXKeys in reactUsing the id of an elementUsing the array indexHigher Order ComponentsHigher Order Component that checks for authenticationSimple Higher Order ComponentReact with ReduxUsing ConnectReact.js Interview Questions & AnswersWhat you will learn in ReactJS course?Youll develop a strong understanding of Reacts most essential concepts: JSX, components, and storing information via props and state. Youll be able to combine these ideas in Reacts modular programming style.By the end of the ReactJS course, you'll be able to learn:How the React command-line development tools workHow to build components using both classes and HooksHow to create views using the JSX syntax.How to structure code using the Container Presentation patternHow to add Typescript support to a React projectHow to fetch Json data from a remote APIHow the component lifecycle worksHow to build a project with the React RouterHow to isolate application state with ReduxHow to write unit tests for your React code"
Price: 189.99

"Java Servlets Training" |
"A Servlet is a Java Programming language class that is used to extend the capabilities of servers that host applications accessed by means of a request-response programming model. Although servlets can respond to any type of request, they are commonly used to extend the applications hosted by web servers. It is also a web component that is deployed on the server to create a dynamic web page.Servlet Technology resides at server side and it generates dynamic web page, used to create web application. Java Servlets are programs that act as a middle layer between a requests coming from a Web browser / HTTP client and databases or the applications on the HTTP server.Servlet is a Java class that runs inside the container. It allows you to process the HTTP request and generate dynamic web pages, but it's more Java then HTML like you need to code HTML inside Java, which is both erroneous and not recommended. Servlet is mainly used as a Controller in web applications created using the MVC design pattern. One of the famous examples of that is the DispatcherServlet of Spring MVC framework, which acts as a front controller. Its job is to receive request and process it, but the view generate or dynamic web page generation functionality is passed down to JSP. Though it provides the data that need to be shown in JSP, which makes the view part of the Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern.Before servlets, we had CGI i.e. Common Gateway Interface. It is a standard way for a Web server to pass a users request to an application program and receives the response to forward to the user. When the user requests a Web page, the server sends back the requested page. However, when a user fills out a form on a Web page and sends it in, it is processed by an application program. The Web server typically passes the form information to a small application program. This program processes the data and sends back a confirmation message. This process of passing data back and forth between the server and the application is called the common gateway interface (CGI). It is part of the Webs Hypertext Transfer Protocol.This practical, application-oriented Java Servlets training by Uplatz teaches Java Servlets technology and shows how to use it to develop simple to complex web applications. It is intended for both the beginners as well as experienced Java (J2SE) programmers who want to build web applications or J2EE components and systems.The Java Servlet course begins with an overview of server-side Java programming and web protocols. Then students learn the Java Servlets architecture, the request/response cycle, and servlet life cycle, and how to build interactive web applications that parse and/or generate HTML forms. Several prominent patterns for servlet application architecture are considered. Sessions are studied as a means to developing sophisticated client/server conversations over several HTML pages. Multi-tier applications are developed using servlets and JDBC for access to relational databases.This Java Servlet training develops the important concept of the separation of programmatic and declarative development: use of configuration and context information in lieu of hard-coded values, resource locations, etc., to make the web application as portable and easy to administer as possible. The course introduces JavaBeans as a standard for business and data objects that can be shared among servlets and JSPs, and develops techniques for sharing such objects at session scope or by request forwarding. Finally, students learn how to implement filters to adapt existing servlets by pre- and post-processing the request and response.Java Servlets - course syllabusIntroduction to WorldWideWebUnderstanding static and Dynamic webpagesHow to create a HelloWorld application using servletsServlet interface, Generic and HttpServlet interfacesAnnotation and Xml based configuration in ServletsDifference between Get & PostHow Servlet works (Life cycle)Load On Startup ConfigurationRequest Scope in ServletsRequsetDispatcher interfaceInterservlet communication using Response.sendRedirectServletConfigServletContextSession Tracking using cookiesHiddenFormFieldsURL RewritingHttpSessionFilters in servletsFilterConfigDatabase connection in servletsCRUD operations using servlets to mysql databaseEvents and Listeners in servletsServletContext ListenerHtttpSessionListenerWhat you will learn in this Java Servlets courseUnderstand and appreciate the role of Java Servlets in the overall Java 2 Enterprise Edition architecture, and as the best Java solution to HTTP application developmentUse request and response objects provided to a servlet to read CGI parameters and to produce an HTML responseDevelop interactive web applications using HTML forms and servletsManage complex conversations with HTTP clients using session attributesUnderstand the role of JDBC in Java persistence code, and use JDBC for persistence in servlet applicationsPreserve portability and ease of administration for a servlet application by parameterizing servlet code, using initialization parameters, properties files, and JNDIUse JavaBeans classes to share complex business data between componentsImplement filters to adapt existing servlets with new features, and to maximize the decomposition of logic between vertical business functions and horizontal facilitiesUnderstand and manage HTTP sessions in a web applicationCreate servlet filters and listenersWrite pages created with JavaServer Pages technology (JSP pages)Create easy-to-maintain JSP pages using the Expression Language and theJSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL)Use integrated development environments (IDEs) and application serversfor Java EE development and deploymentWrite servlets using the Java programming language (Java servlets)Java Servlets: Servlet ArchitectureThe Java Servlet architecture includes communication interface, protocol used, requirements of client and server, the programming with the languages and software involved. Basically, it performs the below-mentioned tasks.First, it reads the explicit data sent by the clients (browsers). This data can include an HTML form on a Web page, an applet or a custom HTTP client program. It also reads implicit HTTP request data sent by the clients (browsers). This can include cookies, media types and compression schemes the browser understands, and so forth.After that, the servlet processes the data and generate the results. This process may require communicating to a database, executing an RMI, invoking a Web service, or computing the response directly.After processing, it sends the explicit data (i.e., the document) to the clients (browsers). This document can be sent in a variety of formats, including text (HTML or XML), binary (GIF images), or Excel formats.Finally, it also sends the implicit HTTP response to the clients (browsers). This includes telling the browsers or other clients what type of document is being returnedServlet Life CycleThe Servlet life cycle mainly includes the following four stages,Loading a ServletInitializing the ServletRequest handlingDestroying the ServletJava Servlets: Steps to Create ServletCreate a directory structureCreate a ServletCompile the ServletAdd mappings to the web.xml fileStart the server and deploy the projectAccess the servlet"
Price: 159.99

"SAP Product Costing" |
"CO-PA is short for Controlling and Profitability Analysis. SAP COPA module helps to analyze different market segments based on sales and orders, customers and products, etc. The data obtained from this evaluation is used to justify decisions made in sales and marketing and product planning departments. Moreover, this information is used as a reference for internal accounting.Profitability Analysis (CO-PA) enables you to evaluate your companys profit or contribution margin by market segment or by strategic business unit (such as a sales organization or business area). Your market segments can be classified according to products, customers, orders, or any combination of these. Profitability Analysis provides your sales, marketing, product management, and corporate planning departments with information to support internal accounting and decision-making.Two forms of profitability analysis are available:Account-based profitability analysis stores costs and revenues in accounts and uses cost and revenue elements. This form of profitability analysis provides you with a profitability report that is permanently reconciled with financial accounting. In account-based profitability analysis, account-based assessment is used looking at cost and revenue elements. The values for analysis in this type are structured by accounts. Costing-based profitability analysis groups costs and revenues according to value fields and costing-based valuation approaches, both of which you can define yourself. It ensures access at all times to a complete, short-term profitability report. In cost-based profitability analysis, the costs and revenues are used for evaluating value using cost-based assessment techniques. You have to define the value fields in which the data will be stored for analysisBoth these types can be used simultaneously for more control over financial accounting. Thus, You can use both forms of profitability analysis in parallel. However, account-based profitability analysis is the default solution which is a prerequisite for Simplified Profitability Analysis. With account-based profitability analysis, any revenue posting or cost of goods sold posting is updated under the relevant account and assigned to the correct market segment characteristics.SAP COPA is an effective way to obtain short-term or detailed analysis reports to evaluate your companys profit and contribution margin. Sales orders and billing documents can be provided to this module in real time for analysis. There is a submodule of COPA called Planning in which you can prepare a sales and profit plan for future reference. This is a manual function and does not generate any automated reports.Uplatz provides this in-depth and extensive training on SAP CO-PA module. In this SAP COPA course you will learn the nuts and bolts of CO-PA module mechanics step by step using some real life examples. You learn to configure CO-PA using the costing based CO-PA model and map SD billing condition types to COPA value fields. Sample posting will be done from billing documents to show you how the value flows from logistics to CO-PA in real-time.SAP COPA training makes you proficient as CO-PA Consultant. It enables you to evaluate market segments, which are classified according to products, orders, or strategic business units, such as sales organizations, with respect to your companys profit or contribution margin. Take your SAP skills to the next level as a Business Analyst or SAP FI/CO Consultant by learning how to use SAP's Profitability Analysis (CO-PA) module. With this SAP COPA course, you will become comfortable working with CO-PA transactions, master data and hierarchies and receive a solid understanding of the profitability analysis process.SAP CO-PA Training will you an expert in concepts like DCCA Cost Center Accounting, PCA Profit Center Accounting, PC Product Costing, COPA - Controlling Profitability Analysis, Structure, Catalog and Master Data..etc.SAP COPA - course curriculum1) Intro Profitability AnalysisIntroduction to Controlling and Management ReportingIntroduction to COPAGross Profit and Net Profit Margin AnalysisCost Components and AnalysisMulti-Dimentional AnalysisAssessment of the topic2) COPA Technical SetupCOPA Table StructuresOLTP Link to Transactional DataOLAP Link to DatawarehousingWorking with SAP Operating Concern Templates3) Configuring Costing-Based CO-PATypes of COPA ModulesCosting-based CO-PA versus Account-based CO-PACreating Characteristics and Value FieldsMaintaining an Operating ConcernAccessing and Creating Operating ConcernsCreating User-defined Value Fields and CharacteristicsDefining Profitability Segments and CO-PA ExceptionsOperating Concern AttributesOrg structure -Controlling Area and Operating ConcernAssigning a Company Code to a Controlling AreaChecking the Current Profitability Analysis ActivationImport Operating ConcernPerforming CO-PA TransportsAutomatic Transport or Manual TransportClient-specific and Cross-client Settings4) Master Data in CO-PAComponents of Master Data Menus in CO-PAMaintaining Characteristic ValuesDefine Characteristics HierarchyCreating Characteristic Derivations and Derivation RulesCustomer Master ValuesProduct Master Values5) COPA Integration with SDPricing Procedure and ConditionsCondition Mapping to Value FieldsHandling of sign / Prevention of Values6) COPA Product CostingConcept of ValuationConfigure Cost ComponentsCost Estimation for COPA AccessConfigure Standard Cost Access7) Flows of Actual Values into CO-PAOverview of values from all other modulesTransfer of Incoming Sales Orders Record ATransfer of Billing Documents Record FOrder and Project Settlement Record CDefine PA Transfer Structure for SettlementDirect Posting from FI/ MM Record BMaintain PA Transfer Structure for Direct PostingsAutomatic Account AssignmentSettlement of Production VariancesTransfer of OverheadAssessment of Topic8) CO-PA Reporting: BasicsCO-PA Reporting ScenariosWorking with Reports in CO-PAReport Types Basic and Line ItemsWorking with FormsAssessment of TopicPredefining Headers and FootersOther ElementsDefining Variables in ReportsCreating Frozen ReportsKey Figure SchemesAssessment of Topic9) Working with Account-Based CO-PANeed for Account Based COPADefining Cost Elements for CO-PASet the type of COPAControlling Areas and Account-Based CO-PACurrencies and Account-Based CO-PAActual Data Flow and Data TransferProfitability Analysis ReportsAssessment of Cost Center CostsOrder and Project SettlementReconcile between Costing Based and Account Based10) Introduction to Costing based CO-PA PlanningIntroduction Costing Based CO-PA PlanningThe Framework of Corporate PlanningA First Look at the CO-PA Planning FrameworkNumber Ranges for Planning DataMaintaining VersionsPlanning with the CO-PA Planning FrameworkPlanning LevelsPlanning PackageWorking with Planning MethodsThe Report Painter and CO-PA Planning LayoutsPlanning ProfilesBasic Planning Methods CO-PA Planning FrameworkEnter Planning DataDisplay Planning DataCopyForecastValuationRevaluationRatiosDeletePlanning Sequences11) Introduction to Account based CO-PA PlanningIntroduction Account Based CO-PA PlanningThe Framework of Corporate PlanningA First Look at the CO-PA Planning FrameworkNumber Ranges for Planning DataMaintaining VersionsPlanning with the CO-PA Planning FrameworkIntegration with other modulesUser Exits and Special functions 1 Partner FunctionInter-Company Profit eliminationMM IntegrationMaterial Ledger Integration with COPAUser Exits used in COPAFeatures of SAP CO-PAMaster DataIn CO-PA you can define your master data in accordance with your requirements. This data includes the units that you want to evaluate (characteristics) and the categories in which you analyze values. In accountbased profitability analysis the values are stored in accounts, whereas in costingbased profitability analysis they are stored in value fields which you define.Using the SAP master data (customer, product, customer hierarchy) or COPA derivation rules, the system can derive additional characteristics based on the ones entered manually or transferred from primary transactions. A combination of characteristic values forms a multidimensional profitability segment for which you can analyze profit by comparing its costs and revenues.Flows of Actual ValuesThe flows of actual values represent the most important source of information in COPA. You can transfer both sales orders (only in costing-based profitability analysis) and billing documents from the Sales and Distribution (SD) application component to COPA in real time. In addition, an interface program is available for the upload of external data. You can also transfer costs from cost centers, orders, and projects, as well as costs and revenues from direct postings (G/L account postings in FI, orders received in MM, and so on) or settle costs from CO to profitability segments.PlanningIn COPA Planning, you can create a sales and profit plan. You plan in value fields and you can use automatic valuation to calculate planned revenues, sales deductions, and costs of goods manufactured based on the planned sales quantity.The manual planning function lets you define planning screens for your organization. With these you can display reference data in planning, calculate formulas, create forecasts, and more. Planning can be done at any level of detail. For example, you can plan at a higher level, and have this data distributed downwards automatically. In automatic planning, you can copy and reevaluate actual or planning data for a large number of profitability segments at once. You can also transfer planned sales quantities from (costing-based) CO-PA to Sales and Operations Planning (SOP) for the purpose of creating a production plan there.Information SystemThe Information System enables you to analyze data from a profitability standpoint using the functions of the drill-down reporting tool. There you can navigate through a multidimensional data cube using a number of different functions.SAP CO-PA SUB COMPONENTSHere is the list of sub components coming under the SAP Profitability Analysis in CO (Controlling) application component with the package name they belong to:HLA0009405 CO-PA Profitability AnalysisHLA0100153 CO-PA-ACT Flows of Actual ValuesHLA0100162 CO-PA-ACT-AG Transfer of Customer Rebate AgreementsHLA0100155 CO-PA-ACT-BI Transfer of Billing DocumentsHLA0100161 CO-PA-ACT-DE Data EntryHLA0100157 CO-PA-ACT-DP Direct Posting from FI/MMHLA0100159 CO-PA-ACT-OH Transfer of OverheadHLA0100156 CO-PA-ACT-OR Order and Project SettlementHLA0100160 CO-PA-ACT-PA Periodic AdjustmentsHLA0100158 CO-PA-ACT-PV Settlement of Production VariancesHLA0100154 CO-PA-ACT-SO Transfer of Incoming Sales OrdersHLA0009432 CO-PA-BUD Sales and Promotion Budgets by Profitability SegmentHLA0009437 CO-PA-FS Extended Functions for Financial Institutions (See IS-IS)HLA0009438 CO-PA-IS Information SystemHLA0100167 CO-PA-MD Master DataHLA0100168 CO-PA-MD-CH Characteristic ValuesHLA0100169 CO-PA-MD-VA ValuationHLA0009435 CO-PA-MTO Extended Functions for Order-Related ProductionHLA0009434 CO-PA-MTS Extended Functions for Make-To-Stock ProductionHLA0009433 CO-PA-PMS Profitability Analysis / Basic FunctionsHLA0009430 CO-PA-REL Revenue Element AccountingHLA0009431 CO-PA-SPP Sales and Profit PlanningHLA0100149 CO-PA-SPP-AP Automatic PlanningHLA0100151 CO-PA-SPP-BU Sales and Promotion BudgetsHLA0100150 CO-PA-SPP-IP Integrated PlanningHLA0100148 CO-PA-SPP-MP Manual PlanningHLA0100152 CO-PA-ST StructuresHLA0100164 CO-PA-TO ToolsHLA0009436 CO-PA-WR Extended Functions for RetailingSAP COPA TablesHere is a list of some important tables coming under CO-PA component.TKETD1 Distribution profileTKEHDB_CE1_ERR HANA CO-PA Integration: CE1 Error with HANA ReplicationTKECX Exits for Making Release-IndependentCOPA_CRM_GUIDMAP Mapping Table CRM GUIDS CO-PA Document NumbersCE2YZDL Practice YZDL Op ConT25E7 Text table for characteristic valuesTKEQUS3 Ratio Scheme: Access-Level CharacteristicsTKEBPFL CO-PA Mass Processing: ParametersTKEDR Characteristic Derivation: StrategiesTKEF CO-PA field catalogT25E5 Values for Characteristic 8 TVGAI Number range table for number range object COPA_ISTK9RALR0000473SAP Derivation Rule: Departure Location from Flight SegmentCE4S_AL_ACCT Airline Route ProfitTKEIPV10T CO-PA: Entry Aids (User-Dependent) TextsView full list of SAP CO-PA Tables with descriptionView Profitability Analysis tables list in PDFSAP COPA Transaction CodesHere are some important transaction codes used with SAP CO-PA sub module.KE1U Display Forecast ProfileKEU4N Delete Actual Transfer of CCtr CostsS_ALR_87005696 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORKE5055S_ALR_87005739 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORKEKECPKEBI Set operating concern (batch-input)S_ALR_87005772 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEDPKEUD Overview Actual Assessment CyclesKE4I View maintenance VV2_T258I_VKEP1 Maintain record typesKEF1 Change Revaluation KeysKE12 Display plan dataKE1I Maintain Ratio SchemeS_ALR_87005723 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE37KEKG Active Indicator for Prof.Ctr UpdateS_ALR_87005578 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE1I"
Price: 69.99

"R Programming" |
"1. Fundamentals of R LanguageIntroduction to RHistory of RWhy R programming LanguageComparison between R and PythonApplication of R2. Setup of R LanguageLocal Environment setupInstalling R on WindowsInstalling R on LinuxRStudioWhat is RStudio?Installation of RStudioFirst Program - Hello World3. Variables and Data TypesVariables in RDeclaration of variableVariable assignmentFinding variableData types in RData type conversionR programs for Variables and Data types in RStudio4. Input-Output Features in Rscan() functionreadline() functionpaste() functionpaste0() functioncat() functionR Programs for implementing these functions in RStudio5. Operators in RArithmetic OperatorsRelational OperatorsLogical OperatorsAssignment OperatorsMiscellaneous OperatorsR Programs to perform various operations using operators in RStudio6. Data Structure in R (part-I)What is data structure?Types of data structureVector- What is a vector in R?- Creating a vector- Accessing element of vector- Some more operations on vectors- R Programs for vectors in RStudioApplication of Vector in RList- What is a list in R?- Creating a list- Accessing element of list- Modifying element of list- Some more operations on listR Programs for list in RStudio7. Data Structure in R (part-II)Matrix or Matrices- What is matrix in R?- Creating a matrix- Accessing element of matrix- Modifying element of matrix- Matrix OperationsR Programs for matrices in RStudioApplication of Matrices in RArrays- What are arrays in R?- Creating an array- Naming rows and columns- Accessing element of an array- Some more operations on arraysR Programs for arrays in RStudio8. Data Structure in R (part-III)Data frame- What is a data frame in R?- Creating a data frame- Accessing element of data frame- Modifying element of data frame- Add the new element or component in data frame- Deleting element of data frame- Some more operations on data frameR Programs for data frame in RStudioFactors- Factors in R- Creating a factor- Accessing element of factor- Modifying element of factorR Programs for Factors in RStudioApplication of Factors in R9. Decision Making in RIntroduction to Decision makingTypes of decision-making statementsIntroduction, syntax, flowchart and programs for- if statement- ifelse statement- ifelse ifelse statement- switch statement10. Loop control in RIntroduction to loops in RTypes of loops in R- for loop- while loop- repeat loop- nested loopbreak and next statement in RIntroduction, syntax, flowchart and programs for- for loop- while loop- repeat loop- nested loop11. Functions in RIntroduction to function in RBuilt-in FunctionUser-defined FunctionCreating a FunctionFunction ComponentsCalling a FunctionRecursive FunctionVarious programs for functions in RStudio12. Strings in RIntroduction to string in R- Rules to write R Strings- Concatenate two or more strings in R- Find length of String in R- Extract Substring from a String in R- Changing the case i.e. Upper to lower case and lower to upper caseVarious programs for String in RStudio13. Packages in RIntroduction to Packages in RGet the list of all the packages installed in RStudioInstallation of the packagesHow to use the packages in RUseful R Packages for Data ScienceR program for package in RStudio14. Data and File Management in RGetting and Setting the Working DirectoryInput as CSV FileAnalysing the CSV FileWriting into a CSV FileR programs to implement CSV file15. Plotting in R (Part-I)Line graphScatterplotsPie Charts3D Pie Chart16. Plotting in R (Part-II)Bar / line chartHistogramBox plot"
Price: 194.99

"SAP BW (Business Warehouse) Training" |
"SAP BW (Business Warehouse) is an end-to-end data warehousing solution from SAP with multiple features and functionality. The emerging requirements for storage and use of huge and important data has resulted in great demand for certified SAP BW professionals.SAP BW is a data warehouse tool/application. In simple terms, it integrates data from different sources, transforms and consolidates, cleanse and stores data as well. It also includes data modeling, administration and staging area. The content-rich SAP BW sets a precedent for speed and ease of implementation and maintenance because its pre-configured with intelligence about a companys business process, providing a faster return on information. SAP BW remains open to the different source systems and is known for its ease of introduction and maintenance. SAP Netweaver Business Warehouse (SAP NetWeaver BW) is the name of the Business Intelligence, analytical, reporting and Data Warehousing solution produced by SAP AG. It was originally named SAP BIW (Business Information Warehouse), then abbreviated to SAP BW, but is now known as ""SAP BI"" at the end user level. In contrast, ""BW"" is still used to describe the underlying Data Warehouse Area and Accelerator components. In simple words, SAP BW/BI is leading data warehousing and reporting tool which helps transforms raw data into information and business insights. SAP BW supports better business decision-making and can be called a decision support system (DSS). Though the term SAP business intelligence is sometimes used as a synonym for competitive intelligence, because they both support decision making, SAP BW (Business Warehouse) uses technologies, processes, and applications to analyze mostly internal, structured data and business processes while competitive intelligence gathers, analyzes and disseminates information with a topical focus on company competitors.Organizations have different kinds of data such as finance, Human resource, customer, supplier data etc., which can be stored on different kinds of storage units such as DBMS, Excel sheets, SAP R/3 systems etc. Even the company's internal data is often distributed across many different systems and is not particularly well formatted. A Data Warehouse can help to organize the data. It brings together heterogeneous Data Sources which are mostly and differing in their details. Using BI Tools one can derive meaningful reports.The demand from end user companies needing expertise in the integration of ERP data into corporate data warehouses is growing exponentially. Thus has resulted in great opportunities for certified SAP BW professionals in defining their career path.Uplatz provides this end-to-end training on SAP BW module. This training will put you on the path to becoming a highly proficient SAP BI/BW Analyst. Through this SAP BW course, you will master data modelling, Data Warehousing, Data Extraction, Business Explorer and Metadata Repository, Multidimensional Modeling, Data Flow in BW, Extraction of data from R/3 system, and more. This training program will help you achieve SAP BW Certification.In SAP BW course, you will be learning the core as well as advanced concepts of SAP BW like Data Extractions, Reporting, Hybrid Providers and Data Transfer Process.Course ObjectivesGain SAP Netweaver Business Warehouse knowledge necessary for successful implementation and administration within a heterogeneous SAP NetWeaver BW system landscapeExpertise skills in Modelling concepts like DSO, DTP, and Multi-dimensional modelAttain knowledge in basic concepts of Data ExtractionsUnderstand basics and advanced concepts of ReportingEnhance their knowledge in new features of SAP BW like Hybrid Provider, Open Hub Services, etc.Gain ability to perform Web Reporting using new Web Application DesignerBe able to design and implement an end to end BW projectUnderstand basic administration within SAP BWUnderstand data flow within BWSAP BW - course syllabusI. MODELINGLesson 1: The Multi-dimensional Model in SAP BIThe SAP BW Star Schema ConceptData warehousing Workbench (DWB)PREVIEWInfo ObjectsInfo CubesLesson 2: Data Extraction and Data Flow within SAP BI 7.3 NW 2004S3.x DataflowOverview of BI 7.3 DataflowComparison of 3.x and BI 7.3 Data flowsLoading Master Data (Attributes, Texts, Hierarchies)Loading Transaction DataLesson 3: New Data source Concept of BI 7.3Overview of new DatasourceEmulation of Data source in BI 7.3Datasource Lifecycle with In BI 7.3 NW 2004SMigration of 3.x data source to BI 7.3 data sourceLesson 4: Transformation in BI 7.3(ETL)In depth coverage of TransformationRoutines in Transformations (Start routine, End routine, Expert routine, transformation routine) with different Real Time examplesTransformation GroupsUnit and currency ConversionsLesson 5: DTP (Data Transfer Process)Overview of DTPSTrouble shooting techniques in DTPSDebugging ABAP routines Using DTPSLesson 6: UPGRADING DATAFLOWS FROM 3.X TO BI 7.3Lesson 7: Business ContentBusiness Content (BCT)Lesson 8: Administration of InfoCubes and AggregatesManaging Basic CubesAggregatesBI AcceleratorsLesson 9: DSO (DATA STORE OBJECTS)DTP and its role in loading data to InfoCube in Extraction modeReal-time Data Replication from Source system to BW and Real-time HANA Optimized InfoCubesLesson 10: SLT Configuration, MultiProviders and ExtractionsSteps for performing SLT ConfigurationData Store Objects conceptLesson 11: Virtual Cubes and Multi ProvidersVirtual CubesMulti ProvidersII. DATA MANAGEMENTLesson 1: Overview of ECC6.0 ExtractionsTypes of ECC extractionsLesson 2: Generic ExtractionsGeneric Extraction usingDatabase TableViewClassical Info setsFunctional ModuleLesson 3: Business Content ExtractionsOverview of Business Content ExtractionsExamples from Financial, Logistics, HRMS modulesLesson 4: CO-PA Extractions (COST PROFITABLE ANALYSIS)Lesson 5: LO-COCK PIT Extractions (LOGISTICS)Lesson 6: FI-SL Extractions (Financial special purpose ledger)SAP CRM extractionsMarketing ExtractionsCRM SALES ExtractionsCRM SERVICE Extractions (CRM Extractions are Very High in demand)Lesson 7: Delta ManagementBusiness Content (BCT)Lesson 8: Extracting Master Data from CC (Attributes, Text, Hierarchies)Managing Basic CubesAggregatesBI AcceleratorsLesson 9: Datasource EnhancementDTP and its role in loading data to InfoCube in Extraction modeReal-time Data Replication from Source system to BW and Real-time HANA Optimized InfoCubesLesson 10: Process Chains in Detail covering all process TypesSteps for performing SLT ConfigurationData Store Objects conceptLesson 11: Virtual Cubes and Multi ProvidersReal time examples on process Chains (Meta Chains)Multi ProvidersIII. REPORTINGLesson 1: Introduction to BI Enterprise ReportingThe SAP BI OverviewLesson 2: Navigating in ReportsLesson 3: First Steps in Query DesignerQuery DesignerInfo providers in query DesignerLesson 4: Key FiguresRestricted Key FiguresCalculated Key FiguresProperties of Key FiguresStructures and cellsLesson 5: CharacteristicsProperties and Attributes of CharacteristicsIntegrating attributes and hierarchies in reportsLesson 6: AttributesCharacteristic VariablesHierarchy variablesHierarchy Node variablesFormula VariablesText variablesVariable Processing typesLesson 7: Exceptions and ConditionsExceptionsConditionsLesson 8: RRI (report to report interface)Lesson 9: Bex AnalyzerLesson 10: Bex Web AnalyzerLesson 11: Overview of Information BroadcasterLesson 12: Web Reporting using new Web Application DesignerIn depth of Web reporting using New Web Application DesignerDetail Coverage of Dash Board Reports and each and every Web item of new WADDetailed-level TopicsIntroduction to the SAP Business WarehouseImportance of BI ContentThe impact of SAP HANA on BWLoading ECC data into BWInfoProvider types and usesUnderstand the BW Transport and Migration ProcessImportant Transaction Codes in BWCreate Source Systems and DataSourcesNavigating the Data Warehousing Workbench (RSA1)Understand OLTP vs OLAPDescribing Data Warehouse ArchitectureData Modeling in SAP BWCreate Key Figure InfoObjectsCreate Unit InfoObjectsCreate Characteristic InfoObjectsCreate InfoObject CatalogsCreate InfoAreasCreate DataStore Objects (DSOs)Create InfoCubesLearn SAP BW Table StructuresFact tablesDimension tablesLine-Item DimensionsSID tablesUnderstand how Master data is sharedDSO tables (active, new data, change log)PSA tablesLoad Master Data into BWLoad Transactional Data into BW (DSO and Cube)Describe the Extended Star Schema of an InfoCubeDSO activationTransform your dataAssign an InfoObject to be an InfoProviderModeling a Master Data FlowLearn various Data FlowsCreate InfoPackages and Data Transfer Processes (DTP)Learn to Optimize Query Performance (Transaction RSRT)Monitor BW System Performance (SM37 / SM51 / SM66)Understand AggregatesLearn about the Business Warehouse Accelerator (BWA)In-memory data accelerationBW Administration and MonitoringExplore the differences between Delta and Full DTP loadsCreate Process ChainsManaging your InfoCubes and DataStore ObjectsAdministrative Tasks and ToolsKey Components of SAP BI SystemBusiness Intelligence is a core component of SAP NetWeaver.Data warehousing This is mainly to Extract, Transform and Load data from Source systems.BI platform The BI platform layer contains BI services to support complex analysis tasks and functions. It contains the Analytic Engine, which processes the data requested through BEx analysis navigation. Its interface allows entry and manipulation of data as part of BI Integrated Planning. It also has special analysis tools such as the Analysis Process Designer (APD) and the Data Mining which provide analysts at your company with the tools to merge, mine, pre-process, store, and analyse data.BI Suite These tools helps in creating reports for analysis purpose.It contains the Business Explorer (BEx) which provides flexible reporting and analysis tools.The following areas in the Business Explorer can be used for Data Analyses:BEx Analyser (Microsoft Excel-based analysis tool with pivot-table-like features)BEx Web Analyser (Web-based analysis tool with pivot-table-like features)BEx Web Application Designer (customer-defined and SAP BI Content provided)BEx Report Designer (highly formatted Web output)SAP BI/BW ArchitectureDatabase Server: Where data is physically stored.( ODS, PSA, Infocube and metadata repository).Application Server: The application server is based on the OLAP processor. It is used to retrieve data stored in the database server.Presentation Server: Manages reporting and data access.Data is extracted from the Source Systems.Data is staged at the Persistent Storage Area(PSA). This holds Source like data.Data is cleansed, loaded and stored in Data Store Object.Data is viewed at multiple dimensions in the Infocube.Data is available by the OLAP processor to the Business Explorer to display data as per Analysis requirements of the Business.Data can be made available to SAP/Non-SAP, Data Marts by the Open Hub Service (InfoSpoke).SAP BW 7.3 CertificationSAP BW 7.3 certification verifies the knowledge in the area of the SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence solution for the consultant profile in SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence. This certificate builds on the basic knowledge gained by a BI Consultant and preferably refined by practical experience within a BI team. The BW Consultant can implement this knowledge in the specialized areas practically in the projects.SAP Certified Application Associate - Business Intelligence with SAP BW 7.3 and SAP BI 4.0SAP Certified Application Associate certification validates a professionals ability to work on SAP BW 7.3. The trainee can apply the knowledge to implementation activities as an Application Consultant under expert supervision.Exam Details1. Exam duration is 180 minutes2. There are 80 Questions3. Passing mark is 69 percent4. This is Associate level Certification Exam"
Price: 114.99

"SAP MM Materials Management (beginner to expert level)" |
"SAP MM (Materials Management) is a module of the SAP ERP software package from SAP AG that is used for Procurement Handling and Inventory Management.SAP Materials management covers all tasks within the supply chain, including consumption-based planning, planning, vendor evaluation and invoice verification. It also includes inventory and warehouse management to manage stock until usage dictates the cycle should begin again. Concepts such as Electronic Kanban / Just-in-Time delivery are supported within MM.Materials management is integrated with other modules such as SAP SD, SAP PP and SAP QM. SAP MM is used for procurement and inventory management. The module has two important master data material and vendor. Broadly, the various levels that can be defined for a SAP MM (Material management) implementation are: Client, Company Code, Plant, Storage Location and Purchase Organization.SAP MM can be divided into five major components. These are: materials management, plant maintenance, quality management, production planning and control, and a project management system. Each is divided into number of sub-components.SAP MM (Material management) is all about managing the materials i.e the resources of an organization. These resources include man, manpower and materials. The main functionality within MM (Material management) includes purchasing, Inventory management, valuation and assignment, batch management and classification. In simple words, SAP Material Management is a fundamental module of the SAP ERP (Enterprise Resource Management) system that manages the complete material supply chain and inventory management processes of an organization.SAP MM is essentially an element of Logistics. It is counted as one of the most important modules when talking about SAP ERP software. The MM application module allows the user to manage and procure the data in a very organized manner. SAP MM module has plenty of aspects such as receiving and purchasing goods, material storage, inventory and most importantly planning based on consumption.SAP MM is the key area within Logistics in SAP. It is very important component of Logistics because it is tightly integrated with all of other components of SAP Logistics. MM contains of the following components:MM-PUR : PurchasingMM-IM : Inventory ManagementMM-CBP : Consumption based PlanningMM-IV : Invoice VerificationMM-EDI : Electronic Data Inter-exchangeMM-IS : Information SystemThis SAP Material Management (MM) course by Uplatz enables you to understand the end to end process of Supply Chain Management which helps the organization to optimize the inventory and effectively execute the procurement process. This course deals with the process of direct procurement to material requirement planning and from purchasing to pricing.The SAP MM training provides you insight into various procurement and goods movement processes in an organization that aims in optimizing, increasing productivity and reducing cost while providing flexibility to accommodate changes. This SAP MM training will help you gain complete knowledge on several components and sub-components of SAP Material Management, including Master Data, Purchasing, consumption-based planning, and Inventory. Our SAP MM course materials are designed in simple modules by industry experts for easy understanding and help you sail through the exam in the first attempt itself.Course ObjectivesSAP MM Module online training will train the student in all the aspects of SAP MM Module. By the end of the training program, one will be thorough will all the characteristics of the software. These comprise of:Source DeterminationRequirements DeterminationCorrect selection of vendorPO ProcessingFollow up of POPurchasing and receiving of goods along with efficient inventory management.And finally verification of InvoiceSAP MM - Course CurriculumIntroduction to ERP & SAPERP PackagesIntroduction to SAPFunctions and Objectives of MMSAP Logistics Cycle SD/MM/PPMM Flow And Procurement TypesSAP NavigationOrganizational structure of an Enterprise in the SAP R/3 SystemCompany, Company code, Controlling Area, Plant, Storage Location, Purchase Organization, Purchasing groupControlling Settings (Cost Center and Cost Element Etc)Master DataMaterial MasterVendor MasterPurchase Info RecordSource DeterminationSource ListQuota ArrangementPurchasingPurchase RequisitionPurchase OrderRequest For Quotation (RFQ)Outline AgreementContractsSchedule AgreementDocument Types for Purchasing DocumentsDefine Document TypeDefine Number Ranges for Document TypesDefine Screen Layout At Document LevelRelease Procedure for Purchasing DocumentsPurchase Requisition, Purchase Order, Request For Quotation (RFQ), Outline Agreement- Contracts, Schedule AgreementPricing ProcedureMaintain Condition TableDefine Access SequenceDefine Condition TypesDefine Calculation SchemaDefine Schema Group1. Schema Group Vendor2. Schema Group for Purchasing Organization3. Assignment of Schema Group to Purchasing OrganizationDefine Schema DeterminationDetermine Calculation Schema for Standard Purchase OrdersExternal Service ManagementService Master CreationModel Service Specifications MSSService POService Entry SheetOptimized PurchasingAutomatic PO w ref to PRAutomatic PO at GRInventory ManagementMovement typesGoods ReceiptGoods IssueTransfer Postings1. Transfer Posting from Stock to Stock2. Transfer Posting from Plant to Plant3. Transfer Posting from Sloc to Sloc4. Transfer Posting from Material to MaterialReturn Delivery to vendorInitial Entry of Stock BalancesReservationsPhysical InventoryTypes of Physical InventoryCreating Physical Inventory DocumentEntering Physical Inventory CountList Of Inventory DifferencesPost the DifferenceSpecial Stocks and Special Procurement TypesConsignmentStock transport orderSubcontractingPipelineReturnable transport packaging RTPThird Party ProcessingBatch Management in MMCondition TablesAccess SequenceStrategy TypesMM Batch Search ProcedureBatch Status in MMCharacteristics and classSort Sequence for MM BatchSLED In Batch in MMManual And Automatic Batch Display In MMValuation and Account DeterminationIntroduction to Material ValuationSplit ValuationConfigure Split ValuationDefining Global CategoriesDefining Global TypeDefining Local Definition& AssignmentInvoice VerificationBasic Invoice Verification ProcedureInvoice for Purchase OrderUnplanned Delivery CostsPlanned Delivery CostsCredit MemoBlocking the InvoiceReleasing Blocked InvoicesSubsequent Debit/CreditAutomatic Settlements (ERS, Cosignment,Pipeline)GR/IR Account MaintenanceStochastic BlockParking Invoice DocumentIntegration ConceptsIntegration of MM with FI/COAutomatic Account DeterminationIntegration of MM with SDStock Transport Order (STO)Intra Company Stock TransferInter Company or Cross Company Stock TransferThird Party ProcessingIntegration of MM with PPMRP ConceptsPlanned Independent RequirementsConsumption Based PlanningReorder Point PlanningForecast Based PlanningIntegration of MM with WMIntroduction to Warehouse ManagementWarehouse management overview in SAP R/3Organization DataWarehouse StructureWM Flow with MM/SD/PP/QMOrganization DataDefine Warehouse Organization structureWarehouse number, Storage type, Storage section, Storage Bin, Storage Bin Structure, Storage Bin Types, Picking Area, Storage unit, QuantMaster DataMaterial MasterSearch StrategiesStorage Type Search Strategies, Storage Section Search Strategies, Storage Bin Type Search StrategiesStorage BinsDefine Storage Bin Types, Define Blocking Reasons, Define Storage Bin StructureWM Settings for the Material MasterDefine Storage Type Indicators, Define Storage Unit Types, Define Storage Section Indicators, Define Special Movement IndicatorIntegration of MM with QMMaster Inspection Characteristics, Sampling Procedure, Quality Inspection types, Quality Inspection Planning, Quality Inspection Lot, Record Quality Results and Record Usage Decision for the Quality Inspection Lot.Summarized list of Key Topics covered in this courseIntroduction To MMIntroduction to ERPSAP OverviewFunctions and Objectives Of MMOverview Cycle of MMOrganizational structure of an Enterprise in the SAP R/3 SystemCreation of Organizational ElementsCompanyCompany codePlantStorage LocationPurchasing OrganizationPurchasing Group and AssignmentsMaster DataMaterial MasterVendor MasterInfo Record Source DeterminationSource DeterminationMaterial MasterVendor MasterInfo RecordSource Determination PurchasingPurchase RequisitionPurchase OrderRFQ Request for QuotationOutline Agreements Document Types for Purchasing Documents (PR, PO, RFQ, Contract and Schedule Agreement)Define Document typeDefine Number Ranges for Document TypeDefine Screen Layout at Document Level Release Procedure for Purchasing Documents:Creation of CharacteristicsCreation of ClassRelease Group, Release Codes, Release Indicator, Release Prerequisite, Release Strategies Conditions or Pricing Procedure or Price Determination:Define Access sequenceDefine Condition TypesDefine Calculation SchemaDefine Schema GroupSchema group vendorSchema group purchasing organizationAssignment of Schema group to purchasing OrganizationDefine Schema DeterminationDetermine Calculation Schema for Standard Purchase Orders External Services Management (ESM):Define Organization status for service categoriesDefine service categoryDefine Number RangesDefine Number Ranges for Service Entry SheetDefine Internal Number Ranges for Service Entry SpecificationAssign Number RangesDefine Screen LayoutProcedure For ServicesCreation of Service MasterCreation of Service POCreation of Service Entry SheetInvoice wref Service Entry Sheet Inventory Management (IM):Goods MovementGoods Receipt GRGoods Issue GITransfer Posting TPReservation Physical Inventory (PI):Types of PI processesCreating Physical Inventory DocumentEntering Physical Inventory CountList Of Inventory DifferencesPost the DifferencePrint Out PI Difference Report Special Stocks and Special Procurement Types:ConsignmentStock transport orderSubcontractingPipelineReturnable transport packaging RTPThird Party Processing Valuation and Account Determination:Introduction to Material ValuationSplit ValuationConfigure Split ValuationDefining Global Categories (Valuation Category)Defining Global Type (Valuation Types)Defining Local Definition& Assignment (Valuation Area)Valuation and Account Determination:Basic Invoice Verification ProcedureInvoice for Purchase OrderPlanned Delivery CostsUnplanned Delivery CostsCredit MemoBlocking the InvoiceReleasing Blocked InvoicesSubsequent Debit/CreditAutomatic Settlements (ERS)GR/IR Account MaintenanceInvoice for Tax, Discounts, Terms of PaymentInvoices for POs with Account AssignmentParking InvoiceInvoice With reference to Service Entry Sheet Integration With Other Modules:Integration of MM with FI/COIntegration of MM with SDIntegration of MM with PPBenefits of SAP MMCustomer demands are changing rapidly, an organizations efficiency is measured primarily by its ability to cater to the market demands in the shortest time possible. For this to happen, the business has to have stock of the required raw materials at the right time and must be able to use it efficiently A proper Material Management process ensures that there is never a shortage of materials or any gaps in the supply chain process of the organization. The SAP MM automates the procurement and material management activities to make the processes smoother and effective. Some prominent benefits of SAP MM are:Reduces material costs by avoiding stocking of unnecessary or obsolete materialsInventory losses are minimizedDirect labor costs are reduced and labor can be used efficientlyManufacturing cycle times are reduced and can be controlled effectivelyEffective inventory management and reduces expenditure on unwanted material storageImproves delivery time and increases transparency across the organization"
Price: 159.99

"Python Programming for Beginners" |
"Python Programming for Beginners - course syllabus1. INTRODUCTION TO PYTHON: why learn python, feature of python, importance of learning python, application of python programming.2. BASIC ELEMENTS OF PYTHON: keywords, datatypes, identifiers, operators, statements.3. INSTALLATION OF PYTHON.4. INPUT AND OUTPUT STATEMENTS IN PYTHON.5. DATA TYPES IN PYTHON: int, float, strings, lists, tuples, dictionaries.6. OPERATORS IN PYTHON: arithmetic, logical, assignment, relational, bitwise, membership operators.7. TYPE CONVERSION IN PYTHON: implicit and explicit conversion in python.8. BASIC PROGRAMMING IN PYTHON.9. INTRODUCTION TO MATH MODULE IN PYTHON.10. CONDITIONAL STATEMENTS IN PYTHON: simple if, simple if-else, multiple if-else, nested if-else.11. LOOPING IN PYTHON: for loop, while loop in python, break and continue keywords in python, nested for loop in python.12. FUNCTIONS IN PYTHON: declaration and definition of functions in python, passing arguments in functions, return keyword, function calling, arbitrary arguments, keywords arguments, default arguments in python.13. STRINGS IN PYTHON: basics of strings, string functions.14. LISTS IN PYTHON: introduction, list functions in python, list programs.15. TUPLES IN PYTHON: basics, tuple functions.16. SETS IN PYTHON: basics, set operations.17. DICTIONARIES IN PYTHON: basics, functions in dictionaries, examples.18. BUILT-IN METHODS IN PYTHON.19. LAMBDA FUNCTIONS IN PYTHON.20. FILE HANDLING IN PYTHON.21. EXCEPTION HANDLING IN PYTHON.22. PYTHON PROGRAM EXAMPLES.23. OPERATOR PRECEDENCE IN PYTHON.24. RECURSION IN PYTHON.25. PROGRAMMING EXAMPLES IN PYTHON.26. OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING IN PYTHON: class, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, terminologies, class attributes, object attributes, examples.27. TIME MODULE IN PYTHON.28. BOOLEAN IN PYTHON.29. MISCELLANEOUS TOPICS."
Price: 184.99

"Microsoft Power BI with mastery over Power BI Desktop" |
"Microsoft Power BI is a business intelligence platform provided by Microsoft that provides nontechnical business users with tools for aggregating, analyzing, visualizing and sharing data. Power BI's user interface is fairly intuitive for users familiar with Excel and its deep integration with other Microsoft products makes it a very versatile self-service tool that requires little upfront training.In essence, Power BI is the collective name for an assortment of cloud-based apps and services that help organizations collate, manage, and analyze data from a variety of sources, through a user-friendly interface. Business intelligence tools like Power BI can be used for a multitude of purposes. Primarily, Power BI pulls data together and processes it, turning it into intelligible insights, often using visually compelling and easy-to-process charts and graphs. This allows users to generate and share clear and useful snapshots of whats happening in their business. Power BI connects to a range of data sources, from basic Excel spreadsheets to databases, and both cloud-based and on-premise apps.Power BI is something of an umbrella term and can refer to either a Windows desktop application called Power BI Desktop, an online SaaS (Software as a Service) service called Power BI Service, or mobile Power BI apps available on Windows phones and tablets, as well as for iOS and Android devices.Power BI is built on the foundation of Microsoft Excel, and as such, the learning curve from Excel to Power BI is not that steep; anyone who can use Excel can use Power BI, but the latter is far more powerful than its spreadsheet counterpart.Uplatz provides this comprehensive Microsoft Power BI training with focus on teaching the fundamentals of Power BI starting from introduction and installation of Power BI to understanding Power BI Desktop in great detail to Data Modeling and Visualization.This training is for anyone who wants to learn about self-service business intelligence with Power BI regardless of technical or analytical background. You will be able to use all key features in order to effectively analyse your data, create interactive reports and share your findings throughout your organization.This course will enable you to create visually rich, interactive reports and publish them to Power BI Online, where they can be shared anytime, anywhere. You will also explore Power BI Desktop's powerful data modelling tools.Power BI versionsA free version of Power BI is intended for small to midsize business owners; a professional version called Power BI Plus is available for a monthly subscription fee. Users can download an application for Windows 10, called Power BI Desktop, and native mobile apps for Windows, Android and iOS devices. There is also Power BI Report Server for companies that must maintain their data and reports on premises. That version of Power BI requires a special version of the desktop app -- aptly called Power BI Desktop for Power BI Report Server.Course ObjectivesRapidly analyze, transform and present dataUnderstand the Power BI platformSet up queries to extract and transform dataCreate efficient data modelsDesign and publish interactive reportsConfidently use DAX calculationsMicrosoft Power BI - course curriculumIntroduction to Power BIWhat is Power BI?The Power BI servicePower BI Report ServerPower BI DesktopReports and DashboardsDatasetsRow-Level SecurityContent PacksNatural Language QueriesPower BI DesktopWhat is Power BI DesktopInstallation Process of Desktop Power BIUsing Power BI DesktopPractical ScenariosData SourcesConnecting to FilesImporting Excel FilesPublishing to Power BI from ExcelUpdating Files in Power BIData RefreshThe Power BI Data ModelManaging Data RelationshipsOptimising the Model for ReportingHierarchiesSQL ServersOther Data SourcesR Script Data ConnectorConfiguring Data for Q&ACreating Content PacksCreating a GroupShaping and Combining DataThe Query EditorApplied StepsAdvanced EditorShaping DataFormatting DataTransforming DataCombining DataMerging DataModelling and Loading DataWhat are the Relationships?Viewing RelationshipsCreating RelationshipsStar SchemaMerge Queries and Join KindData Model StructureRelationship ViewCardinalityCross Filter DirectionActive PropertiesWhat is DAX?SyntaxFunctionsContextCalculated ColumnsCalculated TablesMeasuresInteractive Data VisualizationPower BI Reports: Page Layout and FormattingM Language and DAX LanguageMultiple VisualisationsCreating ChartsUsing Geographic DataHistogramsPower BI Admin PortalService SettingsDesktop SettingsDashboard and Report SettingsWhat does Power BI do?Microsoft Power BI is used to run reports and surface insights based on a companys data. Power BI can connect to a wide range of data sets, and cleans & organizes the info its fed so that it can be better digested and understood. The reports and visuals generated from this data can then be shared with other users.Power BI helps users see not only whats happened in the past and whats happening in the present, but also what might happen in the future. Power BI is infused with machine learning capabilities, meaning it can spot patterns in data and use those patterns to make informed predictions and run what if scenarios. These estimates allow users to generate forecasts, and prepare themselves to meet future demand and other key metrics.Common uses of Power BIMicrosoft Power BI is used to find insights within an organization's data. Power BI can help connect disparate data sets, transform and clean the data into a data model and create charts or graphs to provide visuals of the data. All of this can be shared with other Power BI users within the organization.The data models created from Power BI can be used in several ways for organizations, including telling stories through charts and data visualizations and examining ""what if"" scenarios within the data. Power BI reports can also answer questions in real time and help with forecasting to make sure departments meet business metrics.Power BI can also provide executive dashboards for administrators or managers, giving management more insight into how departments are doing.Key features of Power BIMicrosoft has added a number of data analytics features to Power BI since its inception, and continues to do so. Some of the most important features include:Artificial Intelligence -- Users can access image recognition and text analytics in Power BI, create machine learning models using automated machine learning capabilities and integrate with Azure Machine Learning.Hybrid deployment support -- This feature provides built-in connectors that allow Power BI tools to connect with a number of different data sources from Microsoft, Salesforce and other vendors.Quick Insights -- This feature allows users to create subsets of data and automatically apply analytics to that information.Common data model support -- Power BI's support for the common data model allows the use of a standardized and extensible collection of data schemas (entities, attributes and relationships).Cortana integration -- This feature, which is especially popular on mobile devices, allows users to verbally query data using natural language and access results, using Cortana, Microsoft's digital assistant.Customization -- This feature allows developers to change the appearance of default visualization and reporting tools and import new tools into the platform.APIs for integration -- This feature provides developers with sample code and application performance interfaces (APIs) for embedding the Power BI dashboard in other software products.Self-service data prep -- Using Power Query, business analysts can ingest, transform, integrate and enrich big data into the Power BI web service. Ingested data can be shared across multiple Power BI models, reports and dashboards.Modeling view -- This allows users to divide complex data models by subject area into separate diagrams, multiselect objects and set common properties, view and modify properties in the properties pane, and set display folders for simpler consumption of complex data models.Power BI ComponentsPower BI consists of a collection of apps and can be used either on desktop, as a SaaS product or on a mobile device. Power BI Desktop is the on-premises version, Power BI Service is the cloud-based offering and mobile Power BI runs on mobile devices.The different components of Power BI are meant to let users create and share business insights in a way that fits with their role.Included within Power BI are several components that help users create and share data reports.Power Query: a data mashup and transformation toolPower Pivot: a memory tabular data modeling toolPower View: a data visualization toolPower Map: a 3D geospatial data visualization toolPower Q&A: A natural language question and answering engineAdditionally, there are dozens of data sources that connect into Power BI, ranging from files (Excel, PDF, SharePoint Folder, XML), databases (SQL Server Database, Oracle Database, IBM databases, Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery), other Power BI data sets, Azure data connections and many online services (Dynamics 365, Salesforce Reports, Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, Facebook and others).Why do Businesses use Power BIFor businesses who want more reporting power and analytical muscle than that offered by Excel, Power BI is the next level in business intelligence. With Power BI, businesses can assemble, scrutinize, and visualize data from across the company, giving them greater insight into their operations and performance, and allowing them to make more informed decisions based on real data. Benefits of using Power BI include:Businesses can input huge quantities of data into Power BI that many other platforms would struggle to processBuilt-in machine learning features can analyze data and help users spot valuable trends and make educated predictionsInformation can be visualized using powerful templates to allow businesses to better make sense of their dataPower BI is cloud-based, so users get cutting edge intelligence capabilities and powerful algorithms that are updated regularlyPowerful personalization capabilities allow users to create dashboards so they can access the data they need quicklyAlerts can be set up on KPIs to keep users up to date important metrics and measurements.Power BI has an intuitive interface that makes it far more user-friendly and easy to navigate then complex spreadsheetsThe platform integrates with other popular business management tools like SharePoint, Office 365, and Dynamics 365, as well as other non-Microsoft products like Spark, Hadoop, Google Analytics, SAP, Salesforce, and MailChimpWith data security a massive talking point for modern businesses, Power BI ensures data is safe, offering granular controls on accessibility both internally and externally"
Price: 49.99

"Data Visualization in R with Project on Covid-19 Analysis" |
"Data Visualization with R - course syllabus1. Data Visualization in RWhat is data visualization?Selecting right chart typeImportance of data visualization & its benefitsApplications of DATA VisualizationR Programs for Scatterplot, Histogram, Bar & Stacked bar chart, boxplot, heatmap, line chart, density plot, pie chart2. Data Visualization with ggplot2 packageWhat is ggplot2Plotting with ggplot2Building your plots iterativelyUnivariate distributions & bar plotAnnotation with ggplot2Axis manipulationDensity plot3. More Data Visualization tools in RText mining and word cloudRadar chartWaffle chartArea ChartCorrelogramProject on Data Visualization""Visualizing Covid-19"" comprehensive project - create from scratch"
Price: 99.99

"Consultorio Online de terapia holstica" |
"Seleccion las mejores herramientas para crear un ""consultrio"" online basadas en mis 5 aos de experiencia con los servicios online de terapia.Los principales temas de este curso son:Google mi negocio: aprenda cmo se le puede encontrar en la bsqueda de Google y cmo puede obtener un sitio web gratuito.Calendly: conozca el sistema de reservas ms reciente para que sus clientes puedan hacer reservas de sus sesiones de terapia de forma profesional.Canva & Pixabay: aprenda a crear imgenes profesionales para su sitio web y redes sociales para promocionar sus productos y servicios.Pautas sobre las terapias holsticas: aprenda cmo ofrecer sus productos o servicios de acuerdo con las diferentes pautas.Al finalizar este curso prctico, podrs ofrecer tus servicios de terapia holstica completamente online, de forma profesional utilizando herramientas totalmente gratuitas y en cumplimiento de las pautas de la nueva normalidad."
Price: 19.99

"Digital Painting Master class Volume 1" |
"Hi its Harvey Fenellere here after lots of request i receive about me teaching digital painting i am here now making the first digital painting course in udemy an dIm giving you guys the most easiest way to do digital painting together with some of the techniques that most professionals doesn't want you to know. I tackle the subject here in a simple way so even if you dont have any experience in digital painting i will make sure you can catch up. The process im doing here is so simple and with my explanation you will have a full grasp of the subject. thank you so much for taking your time and taking my course. I wish you all the best in your training. CiaoHarvey Fenellere"
Price: 149.99

"Java para Testers - Lo indispensable para QA Automation" |
"Bienvenidos, Mi nombre es Juan Torres y soy Co fundador de Atenea Testing. Llevo ms de 5 aos automatizando con diferentes tecnologas y diferentes tipos de negocios.Es un placer poder presentarles e invitarlos a que nos acompaen en este camino para poder aprender sobre todo lo necesario con respecto a JAVA para poder implementar automatizacin de testing.Porqu tomar este curso de java y no otro?Basandome en mi experiencia como QA automation engineer de ms de 5 aos, y al haber trabajado en varias empresas y diferentes cuentas, me percat de que muchos de los conceptos ms avanzados sobre JAVA no son necesarios para comenzar a automatizar. Muchas personas, especialmente no tcnicas suelen escapar de la idea de automatizacin por este motivo. Como podemos ver, muchos cursos de java u otros lenguajes de programacin requieren una inversin prolongada de tiempo, aunque es recomendable conocer todos los aspectos de la programacin de JAVA, no es necesariamente un requisito para aprender a automatizar.En este curso les ensear lo indispensable para que estes listo al momento de comenzar tu camino en la automatizacion con frameworks como Serenity BDD, Selenium Webdriver, Appium y Katalon, entre otros.Estn listos para el desafo?Tambin obtendrs:Acceso de por vida al cursoSoporte amigable y dedicado en la seccion de preguntas y respuestasUn certificado generado por Udemy listo para ser descargado y agregarlo a tu curriculumNo se lo pierdan!Te brindamos 30 dias para que puedas comprobar por ti mismo la calidad de nuestro contenido, sin ningn riesgo.Vamos! Haz click en el boton de ""Comprar ahora"" para comenzar tu carrera en QA Automation Testing.Nota: Este curso no les ensear a automatizar, si no que les dar las bases necesarias para poder aprender todo lo que necesitan sobre JAVA para luego implementar cualquier testing framework."
Price: 124.99

"CALMer Kids Emotional Regulation" |
"Join Lisa and Laurie Pinhorn of Feeding Futures at their 5 module CALMer Kids Masterclass. Each week we guide parents and professionals towards a more calm, connected and compassionate approach to caregiving. Parenting is tough, and even harder when a child is struggling. When parents harness their power, the whole family wins. Start creating your empowered family today! Amazing things happen when families finally get the correct emotional regulation teaching, support, and motivational tools to help them break free and live a calmer life. This masterclass is a place for parents and professionals to learn new and scientifically proven emotional regulations skills. We have 6 weeks of cutting-edge holistic material that will lay down the foundation for happier and calmer kids. Anxiety, anger & other emotional worries don't have to be a daily concern.At each module, we will provide attendees with research-based tips on child development, toxic stress, how the anxious brain works and why following 'The Three C's - Calm, Connected and Compassionate' approaches, can support positive mental health in our children, homes and communities.We will also explain why each day we need to practice new ways to approach challenging behaviours. The activities we will cover are based on brain science, designed to lower anxiety, set the stage for emotional regulation, cultivate connection, and restore life and family balance.This CALMer Kids Masterclass is for you if you are:Worried about how your child is coping with school, friends and family stressStressed about how your childs anxiety and challenging behaviours impacting your whole familyGoing back and forth to counselling meetings, and Dr. appointments, but your child is still not feeling betterConcerned about your childs emotional outbursts either at home and at schoolSeeing how your childs rituals are ruling the lives of your family membersFeeling the impact of people in your house not sleepingHearing your child complaining about aches and pains in their bellies, but the Doctors say that there is nothing wrong.Concerned about your child being violent towards themselves and other family membersFeeling worried and concern about your child's future mental healthWant to make a long-term mental health change for your familyAs being part of this program, you will:Learn where anxiety lives in the brain & bodyLearn how to work with your childs physical and mental need as opposed to against itLearn how small nutrition adjustments can make big behavioural improvements.Learn why living well with a mental health concern requires better nutrition, sleep, and exercise.Acquire the knowledge of why moderate exercise is an essential component of your familys mental health management.Learn how our adult moods directly impact the moods of your childReceive up to date knowledge about vitamin and mineral deficiencies and their role in mental health management.Understand that you are the best model for mental health that your children can haveAcquire counselling tools to help you better regulate moods and lifeThis Course Is Based On The Work Of:Dr. Daniel Siegal World Leader in Child Neurological Development & Psychiatry. The author of many books and the developer of the Mindsight InstituteDr. Stuart Shanker - Developer of Self-RegDr. Mona Delahooke Author of Beyond BehaviorsDr. Kristin Neff - Renowned Self-Compassion ResearcherDr. Stephen Porges - Creator of the Polyvagal TheoryDr. Bessel Van Derkolk - Trauma & PTSD ExpertJon Kabat -Zin Ph.D - Author and the developer of the Stress Reduction Clinic at the University Medical Center"
Price: 99.99

"The Art of Fine Dining" |
"Are you wondering what's a fine dining experience all about?Do you want to impress that special someone at your dining date or build a special bond?Do you need to up-skill your dining experience to fit into a business social atmosphere?Well! Then this course is for you.This program will help you make your fine dine experience comfortable.Used both, at a social and business scenario, it can make or break the important bond or business deals.In this course, we take you through an experience of both!Here is what is included in this course...You will be able to define what is fine dining and get an introduction to fine dining.You will be able to list the cutlery for table settingYou will relate to the use of table napkin and the etiquette to be followedYou will be able to differentiate the cutlery, glassware and silverwareYou will experience the the uses of cutlery and glasswareYou will be able to classify the do's and don'ts at the dining table.What's More!You will get a virtual fine dining experienceYou will also get a course completion certificate."
Price: 1600.00

"Direito Tributrio e Compliance" |
"Para adquirir esse curso pagando menos, mande msg para o whatsapp 85 986316348 com o nome do curso. ObrigadoEsse um curso 2 em 1. Primeiro iremos estudar o Direito Tributrio, depois iremos estudar o Compliance. Obs: Eu indico voc estudar aula por aula, no pule etapas, a no ser que voc tenha completo domnio sobre aquela aula.Nesse curso voc aprender a parte terica do Direito Tributrio e alguns clculos simples relacionados ao tributao. No ser somente teoria, vamos aprender na prtica.Vamos responder algumas questes ao longo do curso relacionadas a diversas partes do Direito Tributrio.Na parte do Compliance, primeiro iremos iniciar os estudos entendendo o que de fato o programa de Compliance, como funciona, quais so as vantagens etc. Depois iremos entrar no segundo mdulo de Compliance e aprender detalhadamente quais so os pilares do programa de integridade reconhecidos mundialmente, vamos ver um por um.Tem certificado?Tem sim.Posso fazer perguntas?Pode sim, o professor vai responder.Tem material para baixar?Tem sim.Quanto tempo posso acessar?O acesso vitalcio."
Price: 84.99

"Interview Skills Masterclass" |
"This is one of the most extensive Interview Skills Course you will find on the web for a fraction of investment you would make otherwise. These are Advanced tips to crack interviews of Fortune 500 companies, IIM's, your dream companies and top universities across the world.WHAT ALL YOU WILL LEARN IN THE POWERPACT COURSEIntroduction to the topicMaking a career decision7 questions for career decision makingHow to apply for jobsLinkedIn for job applicationsResume writingHow to impress in 6 secondsHow to write a cover letterPreparing for a job interviewHow to answer tell me something about yourselfHow to talk about your strengths and weaknessesTop questions asked during interviewHow to tell your story during an interviewWhat type of questions you can ask the interviewerDressing appropriatelyHow to go the extra mile when preparingAppearing for an interviewBody language for interviewsInterview on videoPost interview etiquette & Some more quick tipsRecap & Trainers messageAnd the list goes on....Know Your Trainer:- 2 Time TEDx Speaker- Interview Skills Expert & Consultant- Founder of Community Driven Media Platform Called Eat My News with 3000+ members in 15+ countries- 2700+ people engaged via online courses- Speaker at top platforms like IIM, IIT Delhi, IIT Kharagpur, Delhi School of Economics and top MNC's and corporates"
Price: 19.99

"Entegre Ynetim Sistemi" |
"Mteri istekleri ve mevzuat artlarn karlayacak ekilde yllardr kalite, bilgi gvenlii, evre, i sal ve gvenlii ynetim sistemini kuran kurulularn 2015 yl itibariyle yksek seviye yapya uygun ekilde numaralandrlmas ve terminoloji btnlne kavutulmas ile entegre ynetim sistemi kurmak nemli hale gelmitir. Bylece zaman, dokman ve maliyet etkinlii ve verimlilii salanmaktadr. Mevcut sistemlerinizi nasl entegre biimde kuracanza ilikin detayl bilgiler verilmektedir."
Price: 309.99

"Private Equity and Venture Capital with a Witch" |
"This course aims at demystifying the Private Equity and Venture Capital industry for a wide audience.I have the pleasure to share my industry expertise with you today: over a decade of selecting the best managers in private equity and venture capital as well as successful entrepreneurs, who represent the other side of the story."
Price: 29.99

"IT Security 101 - Cyber Security for Beginners" |
"Over this course, we'll be going over how to protect your organisation's computer network from any internal and external threats, whether this be from a technological or a human point of view.Topics on the course:* Preventing phishing and vishing (telephone) scams* Checking common mistakes with security settings* Security testing and the associated legal considerations* Non-standard devices and preventing offline (face-to-face) social engineering* Password policies and preventing credential sharing* Alternative authentication, system patching and centralised reporting.Also included are some real-world examples of situations where you might encounter the topics on the course, in order to help you identify these within your own organisation, and be able to resolve them appropriately."
Price: 19.99

"Mindset Monster - Programmiere dich auf Monster Erfolg!" |
"Hi mein Name ist Danish.Ich wrde gerne Ehrlich und Direkt zu dir sprechen, wenn das in Ordnung fr dich ist?In diesem Kurs geht es darum dich umzuprogrammieren damit du erfolgreicher in deinem Business, als Sportler,Knstler, Beruf oder im Alltag wirst. Aber ich wrde gerne etwas mehr ausholen, falls du es mir gestattest.....Ich war bis vor 3 Jahren verschuldet, hatte einen schlecht bezahlten Job war antriebslos und wahrscheinlich auch Depressiv, zum Glck. Ja richtig gehrt zum Glck, denn ansonsten htte ich nie an mir gearbeitet um dort zu stehen wo ich heute stehe!Mittlerweile betreibe ich ein T-shirt Onlineshop mit 4 stelligen Einnahmen pro Monat und investiere mein Vermgen klug an der Brse und in Start-Up Unternehmen. Nun ist es aber an der Zeit fr mich den nchsten Schritt zu gehen und etwas von meinem Wissen zurck zu geben. Das ist auch der Grund wieso man meinen Kurs nur bei Udemy finden wird und nicht woanders zu berteuerten Preisen. Hier gibt es immer Rabatte und tolle gnstige Angebote, die sich wirklich jeder leisten kann.Sind wir mal ganz Ehrlich, wahrscheinlich hast du hunderte oder tausendevon Euros schon in Erfolgs-Seminare oder Coachings gesteckt.Oder vielleicht in Bcher und Hrbcher. Und dennochhast du noch nicht den Erfolg im Leben, den dudir eigentlich wnschst erreicht. Stimmts?Es gibt dafr aber einen einfachen Grund.Gehirnforscher sind sich einig... Lernen istdas Schlechteste, was du machen kannst,wenn du dein Leben einfach verndern willst.Durch ""Lernen"" kannst du nichts einfach manifestieren, denn du versucht es in dein aktives Bewusstsein zu Prgeln...Stattdessen musst du mit deinem Unterbewusstsein arbeiten!Tatschlich forschte und Forscht noch immer, die CIA schon seit 1984 an diesergeheimen Methode, die dein Unterbewusstsein mit unterschwelligen Botschaften (subliminals) umprogrammiert. Erst jetzt ist sie inDeutschland angekommen.Ich erklre es dir in aller Krze:Dir ist sicherlich Bewusst, dass dein Gehirn ein faszinierendes Organ ist, oder?Aber der Star der Show ist eigentlichdein Unterbewusstsein.Dein Unterbewusstsein lsst dich atmen,reguliert deinen Herzschlag,regelt deine Verdauung undregeneriert deinen Krper permanent bis ins hohe Alter.Alles ganz nebenbei und ohne dasdu es mitbekommst. Nur so kannstdu berleben!Doch das Unterbewusstsein macht sogarnoch viel mehr...Mein Grovater hatte eine besondereAnsicht dazu. Er sagte:""Alles beginnt im Kopf.""Er stand schon seit Jahrzehnten immerum 6 Uhr morgens auf ohne sich denWecker zu stellen. Das fasziniertemich schon damals...Das Unterbewusstsein nimmtalso auch Einfluss auf unser Denkenund unser Handeln.Nun, wer sein Unterbewusstseinsteuern kann, der kann auch seingesamtes Leben steuern.Wie du das schaffst? Ganz einfach! Programmiere deine Denkensmuster mit Subliminals um!Sublminals werden ber Kopfhrer gehrt und man kann schon erfolge bei nur 10 min Anwendung erzielen und du musst nichts anderes tun, als es dir tglich anzuhren.Mit dieser Audio Technologiekannst du dein Unterbewusstseinneu programmieren.Du lst dadurch Blockaden auf,einschrnkende Glaubensstzewerden eliminiert und du kannstendlich erfolgreich sein!Egal, ob du Wohlstand erschaffen willst,deine Gesundheit verbessern,deine Beziehungen harmonisierenoder permanent glcklich sein mchtest.Diese Audio Technologiebraucht zum Glck keine Monateoder gar Jahre zum Wirken.Alles was du brauchst sind nur Kopfhrer, zwischen 4,99 - 9 fr einen Subliminal deiner Wahl, natrlich mit 30 Tage Geld-Zurck-Garantie und 10 - 60 Minuten deiner tglichen Zeit.Knntest du das investieren, um erfolgreicherund glcklicher zu leben?Falls ja, dann ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige fr Dich!Mit freundlichen grenDanish Shamsi"
Price: 19.99

"Vernderung durch Gehirnwellenmusik auf Knopfdruck." |
"Hey,Du kannst alles ereichen,was du schon immer wolltest, wenn dudas Geheimnis der Elite kennst.Ich gebe dir einen Tipp:Mittels bestimmter ""Mind-Hacks""haben die erfolgreichsten & glcklichsten Menschenauf dieser Welt gelernt ihren Verstand zu kontrollieren.Das Geheimnis galt bisher nur der absoluten Elite.Aber du kannst jetzt den Zugriff darauf erhalten, indem du dich in diesen Kostenlosen Kurs einschreibst.Bis gleich!Ich freue mich auf Dich!"
Price: 19.99

"Die Cappuccino-Strategie - Lerne wie man Visualisiert." |
"Gestalte Dein Leben neu!Bist Du wirklich glcklich? Geniet Du Dein Leben jeden Tag und erreichst Du groe Ziele mit Leichtigkeit? Die meisten Menschen berleben nur, kmpfen von Monat zu Monat, vermeiden Katastrophen und fhlen sich von der Welt da drauen bedroht. Dieser Kurs ist ein prall voller Werkzeugkasten, mit dem Du das Leben Deiner Trume erschaffen kannst. Die Cappuccino-Strategie ist dabei die entscheidende Methode. Sie ist einfach, leicht zu erlernen und sie hilft Dir dabei, Dein Leben von Grund auf zu verndern."
Price: 19.99

"Werde zur Maschine und erkenne deine Strken!" |
"Entdecke, was in dir steckt!Gerade an der Schwelle zur Studien- und Berufswahl stellt sich jeder junge Mensch die Frage: Worin bin ich eigentlich richtig gut? Mit welchen Ttigkeiten, in welchem Beruf will ich mein Leben verbringen? Wie kann ich meine Talente am besten einsetzen und auch fr meine Karriere nutzen?Genau das lernst du in diesem Kurs!"
Price: 19.99

"Nutricin para cambios de composicin corporal y rendimiento" |
"DISERTANTES Y CONFERENCIASConoc ms sobre estos 9 grandes profesionales que se suman para ensearnos todo sobre nutricin, salud y deporte.Adolfo Rocha (Venezuela)Conferencia: Periodizacin nutricionalOptimizacin de las adaptaciones al ejercicio.Manipulacin de disponibilidad de HC: Entrenar ""alto"", ""bajo"", ""sin"".Entrenar el intestinoAlcances, limitaciones y pertinencia. Aplicabilidad practica de la PNLeandro Carbone (Argentina)Conferencia: Regulacin Circadiana del Metabolismo y el RendimientoBases fisiolgicas de los Ritmos biolgicosControl circadiano del metabolismoEjercicio y nutricin como EncarriladoresMatias Monsalves (Chile)Conferencia: Anlisis de suplementos comercializados para hipertrofia muscularOrigen animal y vegetarianosEl falso marketingAprender a leer el suplementoEliana Terrera (Argentina)Conferencia: Estrategias para optimizar la oxidacin de cidos grasos durante el ejercicioTiempo, intensidad, trabajo de sobrecarga previoIngesta de bebidasAyunoXiomara Coronado (Ecuador)Conferencia: Estrategias para prdida de tejido adiposoFormulas y % de reduccin posiblesEstrategias nutricionalesObjetivos de composicin desde una mirada fitnessSuplementos posiblesFederico Galassi (Argentina)Conferencia: Ayuno intermitente: vista desde la salud, esttica y rendimiento deportivoLa profundidad del tema en salud, esttica y rendimientoAutofagiaCantidad de horas y sus diferenciasNo nos olvidemos del tejido musculaAndres Zapata (Colombia)Conferencia: Nutracuticos y Fitoqumicos en el rendimiento y salud humanaAdaptgenosCompuestos BioactivosPptidos de ColgenoDaniel Tapia (Chile)Conferencia: Timing de ingesta enfocado en la hipertrofia musculo esquelticaVCT y porcentaje ed aumentoSntesis y degradacin de protenas msculares""Ventana anablica""Dosis de ingestaConsideraciones Cho y grasasLourdes Mayol Soto (Mexico)Conferencia: Nuevas tendencias de hidratacin para el rendimiento en el ejercicioHidratacin y rendimiento deportivoBeber segn la sed o bajo un plan de hidratacin?Bebidas para hidratar y dar energa en el ejercicioRehidratacin post-ejercicioA QUIN EST DIRIGIDO?A todos los estudiantes y profesionales de la salud y la actividad fsica, especialmente a nutricionistas, profesores de educacin fsica, bioqumicos, mdicos deportlogos y profesionales que trabajen con deportistas (amateurs y de alto rendimiento).QUINES SOMOS?Entra a nuestra web o a nuestro perfil y enterate todo sobre nosotros, nuestra experiencia y otros cursos online que tenemos disponibles para vos!"
Price: 149.99

"The Open Mind Meditation (OMM) Program" |
"It has never been so important to practice meditation. Many people try to meditate but for reasons like ""I can't keep my thoughts still"" or ""I don't have enough time"" are unable to maintain it. The Open Mind Meditation Program is the only program in the world to bring you seven of the most powerful established meditation techniques, in addition to unique guided mindfulness meditations taught to our students at The Open Mind Institute, in order to teach you how to create your very own meditation routine that you enjoy and that will be easier to turn into habit, so you can start extracting the long list of benefits that meditation has to offer."
Price: 39.99

"MS-301 Deploying SharePoint Server Hybrid Exam" |
"This is the right IT Knowledge Center which Helps you to get your Certification about this examThis is very Crucial for Students who want to increase their knowledge about this certification.This is also important for the instructor to Design these kinds of Courses for Students to Measure their skills and Achieving the Certification.Try this test and learn something more new about this certification.Learn and Learn increase in your knowledge is beneficiary for students This Practice Test gives the idea relevant to the logical and difficult part of the exam.If you want to look for how the questions are asking in exams These kinds of Q&A helped you in real exam Because this practice is to give you the kind of questions and answers and how the examiner or Official exam was designed and method of asking from the same topic with different statements to make it more difficult Welcome here you can enroll and check your self-knowledge about this certificationImportant Questions and Answers with some ExplanationThese are the latest and updated Q&A about Certification Deploying SharePoint Server Hybrid ExamMS-301 Deploying SharePoint Server Hybrid ExamConfigure and manage SharePoint on-premises (55-60%)Configure and manage hybrid scenarios (30-35%)Migrate to SharePoint Online (5-10%)"
Price: 39.99

"CCNP Enterprise (350-401 ENCOR) Professional Training 2020" |
"The Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies (ENCOR) v1.0 course gives you the knowledge and skills needed to configure, troubleshoot, and manage enterprise wired and wireless networks. Youll also learn to implement security principles within an enterprise network and how to overlay network design by using solutions such as SD-Access and SD-WAN."
Price: 19.99
