"Numpy Mega Course: Solve 100 problems - Data Science" |
"Welcome to this course where you are going to master numpy by solving over 100 problem and improve your skills in data science . This course is designed for students, developers, programmers and engineers who want to shape their skills in data science and analytics. The best and faster way of learning is by doing , that's why we give a complete practical side in this course by solving different problems in numpy. At the end of this course, you will acquire the demanded skills to encounter any problem in numpy and work comfortably than anytime before, so don't hesitate to join us."
Price: 19.99

"Google Job Interview Algorithms : 10 algorithms to master" |
"Welcome to this course where your are going to master 10 algorithms the most frequently asked in a google job interview, you are going to learn how to do this with python. This course is designed for students , developers, programmers and tech job seekers to exapand their knowledge in data structure and algorithms by solving problems that Google sets for job applicants in the hiring process.At the end of this course, you will take a glimpse of the way big tech companies set complex problems to applicants in order to hire the best engineers."
Price: 19.99

"Facebook Job Interview Algorithms : 10 algorithms to master" |
"Welcome to this course where your are going to master 10 algorithms the most frequently asked in a Facebook job interview, you are going to learn how to do this with python. This course is designed for students , developers, programmers and tech job seekers to exapand their knowledge in data structure and algorithms by solving problems that Facebook sets for job applicants in the hiring process.At the end of this course, you will take a glimpse of the way big tech companies set complex problems to applicants in order to hire the best engineers."
Price: 19.99

"Adobe Job Interview Algorithms : 10 algorithms to master" |
"Welcome to this course where your are going to master 10 algorithms the most frequently asked in a Adobe job interview, you are going to learn how to do this with python. This course is designed for students , developers, programmers and tech job seekers to exapand their knowledge in data structure and algorithms by solving problems that Adobe sets for job applicants in the hiring process.At the end of this course, you will take a glimpse of the way big tech companies set complex problems to applicants in order to hire the best engineers."
Price: 19.99

"Flipkart Job Interview Algorithms : 10 algorithms to master" |
"Welcome to this course where your are going to master 10 algorithms the most frequently asked in a Flipkart job interview, you are going to learn how to do this with python. This course is designed for students , developers, programmers and tech job seekers to exapand their knowledge in data structure and algorithms by solving problems that Flipkart sets for job applicants in the hiring process.At the end of this course, you will take a glimpse of the way big tech companies set complex problems to applicants in order to hire the best engineers."
Price: 19.99

"Cisco Job Interview Algorithms : 10 algorithms to master" |
"Welcome to this course where your are going to master 10 algorithms the most frequently asked in a Cisco job interview, you are going to learn how to do this with python. This course is designed for students , developers, programmers and tech job seekers to exapand their knowledge in data structure and algorithms by solving problems that cisco sets for job applicants in the hiring process.At the end of this course, you will take a glimpse of the way big tech companies set complex problems to applicants in order to hire the best engineers."
Price: 19.99

"Goldman Job Interview Algorithms : 10 algorithms to master" |
"Welcome to this course where your are going to master 10 algorithms the most frequently asked in a Goldman Sachs job interview, you are going to learn how to do this with python. This course is designed for students , developers, programmers and tech job seekers to exapand their knowledge in data structure and algorithms by solving problems that Goldman Sachs sets for job applicants in the hiring process.At the end of this course, you will take a glimpse of the way big tech companies set complex problems to applicants in order to hire the best engineers."
Price: 19.99

"Create Content For Business (For Beginners)" |
"Today, if you go on social media platforms, you will see a lot of content which is pretty much helping you to make decisions about connecting with that particular business or not. In this course we will learn about how to create content for your business. We will understand it step by step. We will first understand what is content and why it is important for your business. Once we are clear on that, we will be understanding the variations of the content. In our second lesson we will discuss and learn about how you can understand the content goal and how to set them with some examples. We will also focus on before creating any type of content what exactly the process you need to go through to make that content a success. After understanding the process of creating content we will be learning about how to create and generate new content for your business. Also we will through some light on how to come up with content ideas and how to verify those ideas.After understanding everything, it is time for validation and adding magic masala to make that content a success. If you are new to this content world, then this course is perfect for you. Understand and learn how to create content for your business and make it success. "
Price: 9600.00

"Learning Chinese Qigong in Eight Days for a Healthy Life" |
"The health Qigong - Ba Duan Jin has been practiced for hundreds of years in China. It was created based on basic principles of Chinese medicine over 800 years ago. Each routine is designed to focus on regulating different internal organs and meridians within the body. Many Chinese historians believe that Ba Duan Jin was used by a Chinese national hero named Yue Fei in the Song dynasty (960-1279) to help his soldiers to recover from bodily injuries and prepare for future battles. With the passage of time, it has been developed and reinforced to meet the needs of people for both physical and psychological wellbeing.Similar to Taichi, Ba Duan Jin requires flow movements with a calm and meditative mind. But it is easier to learn because it is only comprised of eight routines without complex movements. A couple of routines can be challenging for some people as good core strength and strong quad muscles are required. However, practitioners can adjust the intensity level of each movement according to their own physical condition without compromising the overall health benefits. So it can be used either as a complementary therapy for any chronic diseases or a part of a regular fitness program.It only takes about 15 minutes to finish the whole set, and any one of the eight routines can be practiced individually if you don't have the time to complete the whole set or to meet your particular need.With Ba Duan Jin gaining in more popularity worldwide, various forms of it have been developed. The one presented in this class is the standard version recommended by Chinese Health Qigong Association. The course has been edited down into bite-sized videos, which helps you learn at your own pace. Instructional videos are designed to show you each movement step by step. Key points are emphasized and common mistakes are demonstrated with corrections. This ensures the quality of learning is just as good as in-class courses. Also, the course has briefly introduced some of the basic concepts of Chinese medicine which are necessary for people to better understand Ba Duan Jin and help gain maximum health benefits from practicing it. The concepts are included in the ""Introduction"" section. After instructional video of each routine, functions and effects of the routine are introduced to help people understand why and how exactly they benefit from practicing it. Meridians and acupuncture points related to the routine are described to help explain the benefits. From my own experience, understanding the concept behind it can help practitioners perform movements correctly. This knowledge can also be applied to daily life.The world is full of uncertainty, so staying healthy and feeling positive is important at any age and under any circumstances. At the end of this course, you will be equipped with a powerful tool that not only maintains and improves your health, but brings joy and peace of mind to your daily life as well.Feel free to ask questions, write a review and send me any feedback."
Price: 34.99

"Adobe Audition cc : The Beginner's Guide to audio production" |
"Record and edit best audio in adobe audition cc Do you want to record and edit the best audio in adobe audition ? then this course is for youAdobe audition is the best tool for the musician, filmmakers, podcasters, audio engineers and professionals around the world so that why learning adobe audition is not a waste of time or money,in this adobe audition beginner course, I will be teaching you all the skills you need to start using adobe audition with confidence so you can take you audio production on the next level also there is Exercise files for you tom practice with WHAT WILL YOU LEARN?Get comfortable with the Audition CC interfaceStart new projectsRecord audio with AuditionAdjust volumeEdit audio tracks togetherAdd background musicEdit out-breath, clicks and sneezingApply and adjust effectsRecord voice over Reverse audioRemove background noiseMake audio better with EQ, amplitude, and compressionMake vocals sound betterEdit a podcast in AuditionMix and master your audioSave and export high-quality files"
Price: 49.99

"Mindset: Negative to Positive" |
"Discover the reasons why your mind is filled with negative thoughts that manifest into feelings, emotions, behaviors, and learn how to instead think positive by re-training your mind through Neuro-Linguistic Programming that you can do yourself. What we think and say to ourselves has a bigger impact than what others say about us. Hop on & Enjoy the Journey!"
Price: 19.99

"How to Spearfish while Freediving for Beginners" |
"This 6 part course breaks breaks down spearfishing into the basics. The following parts are taught in depth-1. Safety2. The Proper Gear Needed3. How to find the fish4. Technique on how to freedive deeper5. How to hunt the fish6. Sharks and other predatorsThis course will teach even the most seasoned divers a few tricks! Follow me and my dive buddy on Instagram for spearfishing videos and pictures! @seacraftsalem@cole_manman"
Price: 99.99

"Challenge JavaScript" |
"Dans ce challenge, vous allez tre confront plus de 40 exercices JavaScript.Ces exercices sont rpartis en diffrentes catgories que voici :FonctionsUtiliser une fonction, rcuprer des paramtres, retourner un rsultat etc...Types Vrifier le type d'une variable, dtecter une variable non dfinie etc...Conversions Convertir une chane de caractres en un tableau, puis en un objet etc...Manipulations Inverser un tableau, couper une chane de caractres, dterminer le plus petit nombre existant etc...DatesVrifier la validit d'une date, calculer la diffrence de jours entre deux dates, dterminer si une date donne est une anne bissextile etc...ObjetsParcourir un objet, changer la proprit d'un objet, cloner, inverser etc... Il est prfrable d'avoir dj un minimum de connaissances de base en JavaScript pour pouvoir avancer confortablement.Cependant, la difficult des exercices est croissante, et il est tout fait possible de s'attaquer ce challenge JavaScript sans avoir de niveau avanc, le but ici tant de travailler sur l'algorithmie et la pratique.Chaque exercice contient un nonc vous expliquant la marche suivre, ainsi que de la documentation sur les notions ncessaires la rsolution du problme."
Price: 19.99

"Mindset of Successful Store Owners eCommerce" |
"In this video series, Ill run through the most common mistakes new eCommerce store owners make.I want to help you avoid the biggest eCommerce pitfalls, whether youve already built your store or youre just getting started.I will discuss some candid stories about failures, comebacks, and lessons learned.Give you a brutally honest look into real entrepreneurial setbacks, as well as how to recover from them.My goal is to make you aware of the obstacles you could face as you embark on your journey.I will talk about some big concepts that just wont fit in a single resource.So please listen each video of this course as a launchpad to ask more questions, grasp new knowledge, and further your own personal development.Most importantly, I urge you to listen each video of this course with a sense of optimism. Positivity and a yearning for something greater in life are what drive entrepreneurs.Do not let go of these feelings.Yes, you will learn about the challenges, struggles, and problems related to building your store, marketing your brand, and serving customers. But dont let them solidify your fears.Instead, use the following lessons as tools to arm yourself against the rigors of your eCommerce journey."
Price: 129.99

"Excel : 2019 Microsoft Excel Beginner to Expert level course" |
"Microsoft Excel 2019 Step by Step Complete Course.This Microsoft Excel course is for three level students. Microsoft Excel 2019 - Beginner level Excel course Microsoft Excel 2019 - Advanced Level Excel course Microsoft Excel 2019 - Expert Level Excel courseMaterial recorded with Excel 2019 but works in 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, (Office 365)Excel Shortcut, Excel VBA, Excel Macros, Excel Charts, Excel Formulas and Functions, Excel Analytics ..Complete Excel course.Enroll now to go through a step by step of the most popular spreadsheet tool on the market, Microsoft Excel.The first section of this course is an excel introduction. This section of the course start with the fundamentals, the absolute basics. Getting in and understanding what excel is all about. Its interface, understanding the different parts of Microsoft Excel 2019.We will talk about Start Screen and Templates from scratch. Discuss Simple Functions. Learn about Worksheet Themes and Excel Templates.Grouping worksheets. Page layout and custom views. Formatting data, Auto-fill function. Looking into various Printing options found in Microsoft Excel 2019 .Making sure your final product what you print out from excel looks perfect.We will also talk about common shortcuts so it can save your time while you work in Microsoft Excel.Now the next section is the Advanced section or intermediate section. During this section we gonna take what we mastered in the Beginner section and we gonna knock it up to few levels.We gonna overview List Design and working with formatting list as tables. Filtering Records, Single and Multi-Level Sorting.We Learn about Inserting Data Charts Using Recommended Charts. Also discuss about Formatting & Editing Chart Elements. Creating and Applying Custom Chart Templates.We also do Spark lines and Printing Charts in detail. Get to know about Pivot Tables, Report layouts, Data Validation, We also apply Built-In Conditional Formatting and create Custom Conditional Formats.Learn about linking data and protection. Now the third section is gonna bring us into the expert features. We Create and Applying Named Ranges. Discuss about Navigating with Named Ranges. We also do IF Functions.Discuss about Nesting Functions, Round Function. Know about Formula Auditing Tools.Discuss more about VLOOKUP, Database Functions and Text Functions.Learn in detail about Data Tables and Scenario ManagerAt the end of the course we discuss about Macros in detail and do an Exercise.Don't forget to Enroll in our course today to go through a deep dive of the most popular spreadsheet tool on the market, Microsoft Excel. We guide you step by step through the beginner to expert level.As you participate in each of the three sections you will master Excel tools that will clear away the pain of stumbling through your daily tasks. You will start with the basics, building a solid foundation that will give you further knowledge as you progress into intermediate and expert level topics.At completion of this course you will have mastered the most popular Excel tools and come out with confidence to complete any Excel tasks with efficiency and grace. Excel Shortcut, Excel VBA, Excel Macros, Excel Charts, Excel Formulas and Functions, Excel Analytics ."
Price: 134.99

"Ho'oponopono: Kadim Hawaii Bilgelik retisi" |
"Kadim Hawaii Bilgelik retisi: HooponoponoSylemesi zor, uygulamas kolay! Drt basit cmle... Gizem dolu bir reti ve bilgelie alan muazzam bir kap...Sizi snrlayan olumsuz kalplarla vedalamak, arnmak ve yaamnzdaki pek ok alan ifalandrmak iin esiz bir yaklam...Hooponopono tekniinin inceliklerini rendiinizde, yaamnzdaki ksr dnglerin mucizevi bir biimde dnmeye baladn fark edeceksiniz.zel yaamnzdan i yaamna, ruhsal durumunuzdan sosyal ilikilerinize kadar, hayatnzn hemen her alanna dokunmaya balayabilirsiniz...Bu eitimde; yaam deitiren Hooponopono tekniini pek ok ynyle ele alyor ve nasl kullanacanza dair detaylar paylayoruz.Eitimdeki baz konu balklar:Bamllklardan Arnma,likilerdeki Sorunlar Dntrme,Duygusal Blokajlarn zlmesi,Olumsuz ekirdek nanlar Fark Etme,Kendi Kendine Hooponopono Uygulamak,Btnsel Bir Arnma Program"
Price: 49.99

"Pentaho: Estratgias para Solues de ETL -Direto ao Ponto" |
"Introduo ao ambiente Pentaho Data Integration (PDI): Definio de um processo de ETL, diferenas entre Job e Transformao etc.Aprender a trabalhar com os principais componentes (Steps) do KettleConstruo de Jobs e Transformaes com base em problemas reaisConstruo de um ETL de Agenda de Contatos, com base nos dados gerados a partir do site mockarooConstruo de um ETL com base nos dados de CNPJ disponibilizados pela Receita FederalConstruo de um ETL com base nos dados sobre Gastos com o Carto de Pagamento do Governo Federal (CPGF)Construo de um ETL para gerar uma base de dados de consulta mini Data lake de forma parametrizadaAprender a trabalhar com passagem de parmetro (job e transformao), execuo do ETL por linha de comando etc.Aprender a automatizar a execuo de um ETL (Agendamento)Alm de diversas dicas, sempre com exemplos reais, que iro agregar ainda mais valor e conhecimento para voc e ao seu negcio"
Price: 39.99

"Beginner's Guide to Maximum Youtube Channel Traffic" |
"There has never been a more exciting time to start a youtube channel! In addition to being a great income stream, creating content centered around what you TRULY care about and sharing it with the world is now easier than ever. What you will need to know though is how to incorporate strategy so you can boost views and subscriber engagement on your videos.In this lesson:You'll learn the ""techy"" ins and outs of using the youtube studio to upload your videos.Seo and analytical know how to get your content in front of as much eyes as possible!Carefully guided examples on using keywords and metadata to increase your reach potential."
Price: 24.99

10WEB |
Price: 24000.00

"Remember Names & Faces & Practice with Digital Exercises" |
"This course will help you to understand the basic concepts of Memory, how the memory works. Also you will learn the fundamental principals of Memory and how to apply it. You will also be able to understand your learnability index which you can use it through out your life.The main objective of this training is to remember the names of the people we meet and recollect it when we meet again.Also you will be doing lot of practice with digital exercises which will help you to emphasize your learnings much more."
Price: 1280.00

"Nomenclature of stereo-isomers [R-S & E-Z]" |
"Stereoisomers are different molecules with same molecular formula and same structural formula. Simple IUPAC nomenclature rules give same name to both the isomers. To differentiate them further few rules have been introduced under the name nomenclature of stereo-isomers. Course includes Cahn-Ingold-Prelog (CIP) priority rules, E-Z nomenclature of alkenes and R-S nomenclture of 'sp3' hybridized carbon."
Price: 19.99

"Curso de ingls - Iniciante (A1, A2)" |
"Ingls uma lngua muito til para poder adquirir informaes, cultura e oportunidades de emprego. Para isso, vale a pena saber dos verbos mais usados, a estrutura essencial e a gramtica necessria para poder se comunicar com eficincia. Para isso, voc contar com textos, vdeos e exerccios para poder sair do zero e poder se comunicar com o essencial para o nvel iniciante do ingls."
Price: 54.99

"Preparatrio IELTS - Especfico para Speaking" |
"Se sente quase preparado para o IELTS, mas a parte do Speaking est te deixando com a nota abaixo do esperado? Alm de contar partes estruturais da gramtica essenciais para o IELTS, voc poder aprender estratgias de como aumentar sua nota e se sentir mais preparado para o exame! Voc contar com vdeos, textos e exerccios para praticar a habilidade de IELTS."
Price: 54.99

"Google Ads Search Certification - Practice Exam 2020 to 2021" |
"Google Ads certification is an important credential for marketers.It is one of the few standardized ways to prove a certain level of knowledge or topical relevance.While it isnt an exclusive badge, it requires a certain level of work learning the concepts or experience in day-to-day Google Ads use to attain.Google Ads certification is a process by which Google recognizes marketers as experts in online advertising.After passing two Ads certification exams, individuals get a personalized certificate and if affiliated with a company contribute to company Google Partner credentials."
Price: 19.99

"CompTIA SY0-301 Security + Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following application security principles include random input data in the program?a) Brute force attacksb) sniffingc) Fuzzingd) buffer overflowe) NoneQ) Which of the following MUST Matt, the security administrator to implement for checking both the integrity and authenticity of the message, while it requires a shared secret?a) RIPEMDb) MD5c) SHAd) HMACe) NoneQ) Which of the following identify the certificates that have been compromised or suspected to be compromised?a) CRLb) ACLc) Product Key escrowd) CAse) NoneIn order to use the two-way model of trust in the security administrator needs to implement any of the following?a) DACb) IPKc) HTTPSd) TPMe) None"
Price: 174.99

"Ganar ingresos pasivos con libros de actividades en Amazon" |
"Bienvenido a mi segundo curso sobre el tema del bajo contenido en Amazon! En este curso, mucho ms largo que el anterior, te enseo a crear un libro de actividades para nios de la A a la Z con software gratuito o de pago. Tambin les enseo mi estrategia para publicar 15 cuadernos por da y cmo promocionar sus cuadernos en Amazon (Amazon Ads).Veremos cmo crear fcilmente interiores muy diversos con sudokus, juegos de palabras y nmeros, laberintos y colorear. Estudiaremos los cdigos de color que funcionan en este nicho y cmo hacer una portada con tres mtodos, incluyendo el Indesign.En este entrenamiento, te ofrezco interiores gratuitos que puedes usar mezclndolos con tus propias creaciones, para que puedas empezar a publicar y ganar dinero desde casa en Internet rpidamente.El bajo contenido (creacin de cuadernos con poco contenido) es genial porque slo tienes que publicar tus creaciones en Amazon. No hay impresin o almacenamiento en su lado. Amazon se encarga de imprimir y enviar su cuaderno al cliente cuando hace el pedido.Este negocio requiere poca inversin inicial. Sin embargo, necesitar suscribirse a algn software (econmico) si quiere ampliar sus colecciones de cuadernos."
Price: 19.99

"Introduccin a Servidores Linux con Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS" |
"El presente curso est diseado a todas aquellas personas que deseen adquirir los conocimientos bsicos para administrar un servidor en Internet, para sacarle el mximo provecho es necesario tener disponibilidad de adquirir un dominio (11 USD) y contratar un VPS (desde 3 USD Mensual en OVH), este es un curso enfocado en desplegar los servicios Linux en un ambiente real en donde nos encontraremos con los retos que todo administrador Linux afronta en sus labores del da a da, Al final del curso sers capaz de montar servidores como : Wordpress, Prestashop, Moodle, Vtiger, implementando certificados digitales de seguridad para https.Si tu objetivo es manejar las tecnologas Linux ms actuales, este curso es para ti !, Gracias !!!"
Price: 29.99

"TIBCO TB0-120 Enterprise Message Service Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) What are the three commands will update the configuration files EMS when committing an exclusive command is issued from EMS? (Choose three.)a) September track = enabled client serverb) Set password = password serverc) set = enabled server authorizationd) track_message_ids server set = enabledd) Set routing server = enabledQ) Which two actions are more able to improve the EMS server performance? (Pick one.)a) The addition of an additional CPU to the server running EMSb) Improve the performance of physical diskc) The transition from a file-based archive to a database stored) I / O network Increased capacity on the serverQ) The company naming standard establishes that all queue names must start with the letter C. How can the administrator of the EMS server to enforce this naming standard for dynamic queues?a) Disabling creation of dynamic destinations in tibemsd.conf fileb) Changing create destination permission for usersc) Having c. > As the only entry with a wildcard in the file queues.confd) By setting a rule to add c. as a prefix for all dynamic queuesQ) Which two statements are true about the listener parameter? (Pick one.)a) The Listen parameter is set in tibemsd.conf file.b) Multiple parameters can be set to listen to the TIBCO EMS configuration file.c) TCP is the only supported protocol in parameter hear.d) The Listen parameter is in, transport conf.Q) Which two statements are true about the selection functions? (Pick one.)a) conditional expression of a selector may refer to values ??of the body of the message.b) They are available for use in bridge functions, helping to reduce unnecessary network traffic.c) They are useful when used in conjunction with the argument browser functions.d) They are available to control the flow of messages along a route."
Price: 169.99

"SY0-401 CompTIA Security+ Certification Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) A chronology of the value of three half passwords which of the following?a) Three different passwords are used before they can be reused.b) The password can not be reused once changed for three years.c) After three hours, the password must be re-entered to continue.d) The server stores the passwords in the database for three days.Q) In order to provide flexible working conditions, a company has decided to allow some employees remote access into corporate headquarters. Which of the following safety technology could be used to provide remote access? (Select two).a) subnettingb) NATc) Firewalld) NACd) VPNQ) Which of the following devices is best suited for servers that need to store private keys?a) hardware security moduleb) Hardened by network firewallc) solid state diskd) Hardened host firewallQ) All of the following are valid cryptographic hash functions except:a) RIPEMDb) RC4.c) SHA-512d) SHA-512Q) After verifying that the server and the database are running, Jane, the administrator is still able to establish a TCP connection to the database. Which of the following is the most likely cause of this?a) The server has enabled DEPb) The server has a TPM-based security enabledc) The server is installed HIDSd) The server is running a host-based firewall"
Price: 164.99

"PMI-RMP PMI Risk Management Professional Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) You are the manager of the project NHQ project for your company. You have completed the qualitative and quantitative analysis of your project risks identified and would now like to find an approach to increase the opportunities for the project and to reduce threats in the project. Which project management process would better help?a) monitor and control project risksb) Create a risk governance approachc) Create registry of project risksd) Responses to risk PlanQ) Virginia is the project manager for his organization. She has hired an expert to interview the parties involved in the project on certain risks identified within the project. The subject matter expert will assess the risk event with that specific goal in mind?a) To determine the level of probability and impact for each risk eventb) To determine the polarization of event risk on the basis of each person interviewedc) To determine the likelihood and cost of the risk eventd) To determine the validity of each risk eventQ) You are preparing to begin the process of qualitative analysis of risk to your project. You can count on some organizational process assets to influence the process. Which of the following is not a reason likely rely on the organizational process assets as input to the qualitative risk analysis?a) Studies of similar projects by risk specialistsb) Risk databases that may be available from industry sourcesc) Review of contracts with suppliers to examine the risks of past projectsd) Information on previous similar projects,Q) It works as a project manager for BlueWell Inc. You want to create a visual diagram, which may represent the resources that will be used in the project. Which of the following diagrams you create to accomplish the task?a) Roles and responsibilities matrixb) WBSc) resource breakdown structured) RACI chartQ) John is the project of the NHQ project manager for his company. His project has 75 actors, some of which are external to the organization. John needs to make sure that talking on the risk in the most appropriate method for external stakeholders. Which project management plan will be the best guide for John to communicate to external stakeholders?a) Risk Response Planb) Plan Risk Managementc) Plan communications managementd) Project Management Plan"
Price: 159.99

"Information and Communications Technology" |
"This is an introductory course on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Topics include ICT terminologies, hardware and software components, the internet and world wide web, and ICT based applications. With the help of this course we will understand different terms associated with Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Identify various components of a computer system."
Price: 1280.00
