"Practice/mock test for SAP EWM 9.5 Certification/interviews" |
"Anyone who wants to appear for SAP EWM Certification ""SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP EWM 9.5"" exam can go through these practice questions which will help you to gain confidence to pass the certification exam.The Questions and verified answers are must for anyone appearing for C_EWM_95 certification. You will feel Confident once you finish this practice test. These tests will give you real time feel of the exam which helps to build confidence.If you are appearing for any interviews, this list of questions are helpful to crack the interviews.Feel free to reach out to me for any other guidance you need for your interviews / exam.If you need learning material, feel free to reach out to me."
Price: 79.99

"Mindshift - Sua Evoluo Pessoal e Profissional" |
"A globalizao favoreceu o dinamismo, quebrou premissas e instituiu uma nova ordem que prima por eficincia, eficcia, mas acima de tudo por efetividade empresarial, forando todos a uma positiva busca por competitividade por meio de aprimoramento. Neste mercado cada vez mais competitivo, ter um diferencial essencial.Permita-se ter a oportunidade de atualizar seu conhecimento e ser a base para atingir objetivos."
Price: 144.99

"Lightworks Videoschnitt fr Anfnger" |
"Lightworks ist ein kostenloses Schnittprogramm, das sich aufgrund dessen ideal fr Einsteiger eignet. Du lernst in diesem Kurs die Grundstze des Programms und wie du mglichst schnell anfangen kannst selbst du cutten. Angefangen beim Download zeige ich dir alles, was du wissen musst und nehme dich von Anfang an mit an die Hand bis zum fertigen Video/ Kurzfilm.Ich empfehle die gezeigten Schritte selbst nachzumachen, um so mit dem Programm vertraut zu werden. Ganz nach dem Motto: bung macht den Meister!"
Price: 24.99

"SOLIDWORKS Masterclass - From Zero to Hero - Arabic language" |
". (CAD) ! . . . . !"
Price: 19.99

"Create Backend using Node JS, Express And Mongo DB" |
"In this course you will learn how to create back-end for any application using Node JS, Express JS and Mongo DB.You will learn following :- API Create Rest API with Node Js Schedule Cron Job that will make auto entry in database Authenticate user with JWT Create Middle-ware to look up on auth process for private API Encrypt user's password with bcrypt js Use express validator for validate data inside body of requestDatabase Create MongoDB cluster at cloud Create Scheama for DB Make DB Connection with node JS using mongoose Communicate with DB and execute query using Node JS"
Price: 1280.00

"Mulesoft Certified Platform Architect (MCPA) Practice Tests" |
"Take your MCPA exam with confidence by practicing the concepts your learned by attempting these tests. These practice tests cover all the latest up-to-date concepts on Anypoint Platform. Attempting these practice tests gives you confidence to test your knowledge on various concepts.**** Reach out to me via Linkedin in case there is no udemy discount on this course. I can arrange one for you ****"
Price: 24.99

"Aviation Security and Safety Management- AVSEC" |
"AVSEC- Various Safety and security Groups and Components/ Access Controls/ Human Measures- Screening, Profiling and Threatening and Non Threatening Categories/ Various protection layers/ Security measures/ Procedures at the land side,Terminal, Airside/ Sterile areas, Security Restricted Areas/ Patrolling/ Challenges and Threats/ Dangerous Goods screening/ Baggage/ Passenger Screening/ HHMD/ DFMD/XBIS/ETD/CTX/ Advanced Imaging Technology/ 5 stage Baggage Screening System/ Larger X RAY Scanners/ X RAY technologies to screen Cabin and Cargo Luggage and various other tools and equipments used for screening."
Price: 5120.00

"Effektives Zeitmanagement mit Microsoft Outlook" |
"Dieser Kurs ist fr dich...wenn Du oft mehr zu tun hast als in einen Tag passt - und Deine Zeit auf mehrere Aufgaben verteilen musst wenn du mit wenig Zeitinvest Deine nchste Produktivitts-Stufe erreichen mchtest. Mehr Resultate, weniger Stress bei der Arbeit!wenn du Microsoft Outlook bereits nutzt als email-Programm - aber heute die Kalender und Planungsfunktionen nicht oder kaum verwendest - da geht wesentlich mehr!Nach dem Kurs...wirst du mit deinem ersten Wochenplan in die nchsten Tage startendeine Energie gezielter fr die wichtigen Aufgaben einsetzenbesser mit Strungen und Ablenkungen umgehen knnendeine Themen und Aufgaben mit einer effizienten Systematik nachverfolgen Achtung, dies ist nicht...kein umfassender Outlook Kurs - der Schwerpunkt liegt hier auf den Outlook Kalender -und Aufgabenfunktionenkein Theorie Kurs in dem alle Lehrbuch-Methoden behandelt werden. Deine Zeit ist wertvoll. Deshalb liegt hier der Fokus auf wenigen wichtigen Grundprinzipien die sich im Broalltag bewhrt haben - und die ich schon seit Jahren erfolgreich anwendeWie ist dieser Kurs aufgebaut?Wir starten mit den wichtigsten Grundlagen:deine persnlichen Ziele und wie du diese ableiten kannstden feinen Unterschied zwischen dringenden und wirklich wichtigen Themen (Eisenhower Prinzip)Priorisierung Fokus und Konzentrationpersnliche LeistungskurveWarum Todo-Listen meistens nicht funktionieren. Dann stelle ich Dir einen Ansatz vor, den die meisten erfolgreichen Menschen verwenden: das Arbeiten nach Kalender mit einem Wochen- und Tagesplan. In wenigen systematischen Schritten werden wir Deine Todo-Liste in einen solchen Plan umbauen - du wirst sehen es ist in wenigen Minuten machbar. Als Tool fr die Umsetzung verwenden wir Microsoft Outlook. Ein super Werkzeug, viel zu schade um nur emails damit zu bearbeiten. Gerade wenn du Outlook ohnehin schon verwendest kannst du es umfassender nutzen und deine Tage damit bersichtlich strukturieren. Du lernst z.B. schnelle bergnge von Mails zu Aufgaben und Erinnerungen einzurichten und zu automatisieren. Mehr Nutzen aus dem schon vorhandenen Tool ziehen.Im letzten Teil geht es um Tipps fr die praktische Umsetzung:Umgang mit Strungen und Unvorhergesehenem in Deinem ArbeitsalltagVerfolgung Deiner Aufgaben - Post-It Methode und KanbanWochen-ReviewAlle wichtigen Infos habe ich zum Nachlesen als downloadbare Checkliste zusammengefasstWartest Du noch?Starte jetzt und profitiere ab morgen von einer bewhrten Arbeitsmethode: - mehr Struktur, - mehr echte Ergebnisse, - weniger Stress! In < 2 Std. kannst du deine Arbeitsmethodik fr die nchsten Jahre weiterentwickelnWieviel Zeit und Stress sparst Du alleine in den nchsten paar Wochen wenn du danach nur 2% besser bist? (wobei mehr drin ist...)Also: kannst du deine Zeit heute noch besser investieren?Du gehst keinerlei Risiko ein: falls mein Kurs deine Erwartungen nicht erfllt kannst du ihn jederzeit zurckgebenIch freue mich darauf - und stehe im Q&A Bereich jederzeit fr Deine Fragen zur Verfgung. Bis gleich im Kurs :)"
Price: 79.99

"Strategi Memetakan Dunia Bisnis Digital" |
"Bagaimana menciptakan unicornBagaimana membaca arah masa depan startup Anda, bahkan saat baru di susun Bagaimana mengetahui suatu startup mengarah menjadi unicorn atau cockroachMemahami berbagai strategi dalam menjalankan suatu startup digital Apa yang kita lakukan jika kita sudah pasti tidak bisa mengalahkan kompetitor yang terlalu kuat?Menyelamatkan investasi Anda saat Anda menyadari masa depan sudah gelapMemahami cara kerja dunia 4.0Memahami mana info tidak berguna dan menyesatkan di dunia 4.0Memahami dari mana dan kemana putaran uang massive di industri 4.0Memahami kenapa industri ini melakukan bakar-bakar duit, dan bagaimana merasionalisasikannya di hadapan investor?Memahami investor Menghadapi investorTrainer:William Win Yang-Konsultan Khusus Digital Enterprise-Penulis Buku Investing in Digital Startups"
Price: 350000.00

"Psychologie fr Anfnger und Fortgeschrittene" |
"Du mchtest nicht nur stndig an der Oberflche kratzen, sondern mal wirklich tief einsteigen? Du hast Dich schon immer fr Psychologie interessiert? Themen wie Wahrnehmung, Aufmerksamkeit, Gruppenprozesse, Motivation, Emotionen, Lernen und Gedchtnis (und viele mehr!) knnen Dir nicht nur weiterhelfen, sondern auch dein Umfeld enorm verndern! Die Psychologie kann uns auf einige wichtige Fragen dabei helfen, gute Antworten zu finden.In diesem Kurs gebe ich Dir einen enorm groen und tiefen Einblick in die Wissenschaft der Psychologie.Wir werden uns in diesem Kurs mit Wahrnehmung, Aufmerksamkeit, Gruppenprozesse, Motivation, Emotionen, Lernen und Gedchtnis, Psychobiologie, Geschichte der Psychologie, Persnlichkeitstheorien, Entwicklungstheorien, Psychotherapeutische Verfahren etc. und viele weitere Themen aus der wissenschaftlichen, psychologischen Sichtweise anschauen.Nach diesem Kurs wirst Du nicht nur eine leichte Ahnung ber die Psychologie haben, sondern definitiv zu den Fortgeschrittenen gehren!"
Price: 19.99

"Excel Macros VBA Extremo - Curso completo + Ferramentas" |
"VBA na Prtica - Excel Avanado de Macros VBA do bsico ao avanado.Te ensino TODA estrutura de programao em VBA com aulas 100% prticas.Voc ir aprender a AUTOMATIZAR tarefas e rotinas no Excel com um simples CLICAR de boto.Vou te ensinar passo a passo, desde simples conceitos como ""Gravar Macro"", conceitos avanados como: Criar Funes trabalhar com Objetos, Propriedades e Mtodos, Laos de Repetio(Loops) Estruturas de Deciso Formulrios (UserFom) Mtodo VbModelessApplicationVariveis Globais, Public, Private... e tantos outros contedos em mais de 60 video aulas.Ao longo do curso, VOC ir CRIAR vrias FERRAMENTAS.E o melhor... todo o contedo do curso VITALCIO, ou seja, sempre que tiver ""aquela dvida"", voc pode voltar aqui para rever a aula. Alm disso, o curso segue com vrios exerccios prticos que te ajudar a fixar o contedo.Est esperando o qu? Comece hoje mesmo e impressione seu chefe!"
Price: 39.99

"Certificate in spoken English Lesson new course online class" |
"In the course, what the students will be doing is learning English speaking skills through vocabulary lessons here, by the teacher.Each chapter covered in the course is cumulatively cone in its approach towards the subject.The medium of instruction for the course is English and along with the captions and the reference textbook content of the course, in complementary learning with the practical demonstration of the steps, work towards the objective of enhancing the students grasp of the language. In the resources, both audio visual and typed notes for the students, as further learning is added in, so as to ensure that the student gets a comprehensive teaching of the course subject."
Price: 1280.00

"Certified English Easy Language Tutorial Audio&Video Course" |
"In the course, what the students will be doing is learning English speaking skills through vocabulary lessons here, by the teacher.Shakespeare is done here.Each chapter covered in the course is cumulatively cone in its approach towards the subject.The medium of instruction for the course is English and along with the captions and the reference textbook content of the course, in complementary learning with the practical demonstration of the steps, work towards the objective of enhancing the students grasp of the language. In the resources, both audio visual and typed notes for the students, as further learning is added in, so as to ensure that the student gets a comprehensive teaching of the course subject."
Price: 1280.00

"Draw and Paint a Pet Portrait Accurately" |
"This course teaches the method of enlarging a photograph using a proportional divider to accurately enlarge your drawing. Whether you are a beginner or experienced artist using pastels, this course will guide you through every process of drawing/painting a pet portrait. You will learn how to draw realistic eyes, nose, and fur details."
Price: 24.99

"Master Course on Yogic Secrets of Deep Sleep & Relaxation." |
"Recent studies by the National Institute of Health in America indicated that about 70 million US adults have sleep deprivation related disorders. The figures for the other developed countries in the world arent encouraging either. The Objective of this course is to help every participant understand the health consequences of sleep deprivation and also to gain clarity on the critical role of sleep on our body and mind. Although we may superficially know the benefits of healthy sleep habits, this course will throw light on this crucial subject from a holistic perspective.From the most up-to-date study on sleep benefits from the western world to the Five thousand year old ancient Indian exhaustive documentation in the books of Ayurveda on the following:The best time to sleepThe right duration of sleepThe right direction of sleep Food and nutrition for sleep andMeditative and relaxing techniques for a quality sleep.This course will unearth them all. Learn amazing secrets with logical validations on how to Fall Asleep Fast, Beat Fatigue and Insomnia and Get A Great Night's Sleep.From a school student to an adult or even a senior citizen, this fantastic course has something valuable for each. To understand the physiological, emotional and behavioral benefits with practical tools to open the gates of health and wellness, I invite you to take this course and apply them to your lives and experience the incredible benefits of sound, deep fulfilling sleep.If you are open to invite wellness into your life with these easy doable techniques, you should enroll for this course now. After all you have nothing to lose but to experience pure and perfect health and wellness in your life.I will personally respond to any questions you may have as you go through the material so there's no worry if you're not sure how to take all of the information and apply it to your life. So sign up now!Talk soon,Mathew Thomas"
Price: 8640.00

"ITIL4 Foundation Exam Preparation Questions" |
"ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library), is a de-facto standard known by IT professionals in Information Technology Service Management. ITIL Foundation training is the entry level training in the ITIL certification path. The content is aligned with the syllabus announced by the Accreditor. ProcessPark is an accredited training organization certified by Peoplecert.In this foundation course candidates gain knowledge and understanding in the following upon successful completion of the education and examination components related to this certification.Service management as a practiceThe ITIL service lifecycleGeneric concepts and definitionsKey principles and modelsSelected processesSelected functionsSelected rolesTechnology and architectureCompetence and training"
Price: 34.99

"(2020) DAX Language -" |
"DAX . - DAX . DAX . DAX ( ). DAX Excel . DAX Excel . DAX Excel."
Price: 19.99

"The Business of Craft Distilled Alcohol" |
"For people interested in perhaps one day launching a craft distillery business, this Course provides valuable insight into the various business aspects that must be thoroughly considered. For example, what location would you like for your craft distillery? Is that location properly zoned? What Fire Code regulations will you have to abide by? How will your pricing compare to that of the big commercial players? What sort of competitive advantage will you employ to help your craft distillery survive? How will you market your products? What about packaging? What licences are needed in order to manufacture alcohol? "
Price: 39.99

"Sfrdan leri Seviye Ruby Programlama Dili" |
"Udemy'de mevcut olan en kapsaml Trke Ruby kursu! Sadelii ve zarafeti ile nl popler bir programlama dili olan Ruby ile kodlamaya derinlemesine bir bak. Daha nce hi bir satr kod yazmam olsanz da yepyeni bir dil renmek istiyorsanz, bu kurs tm temelleri kapsar!Dersler unlar ierir:Hem Mac OS hem de Windows sistemleri iin kurulum ve yaplandrmaOrtak programlama kavramlar (deikenler, aritmetik, kt)Nesneler ve yntemlerYazlar (Stringler)SaylarBooleanMetodlar ve koullarDnglerDizilerHash'larBloklar, Procs ve LambdasTarihler ve saatlerDosya Girii ve kSnflar, Modller ve KaltmRuby'nin her yn programlamay gelitirici iin kolaylatrmak iin tasarlanmtr. Programlamay renmek istiyorsanz daha iyi bir ilk dil yoktur. Ruby ayrca, dnya apnda 1.2 milyondan fazla web sitesine g veren popler bir web erevesi olan Ruby on Rails'in temelini oluturmaktadr. Bu kursumuzda Ruby on Rails'i grmeyeceiz ayr bir kursumuzda Ruby on Rails iinde derslerimizi hazrlamaktayz.Kursu setiiniz iin teekkrler."
Price: 99.99

"Universal Abundance: A Course in the 12 Universal Laws" |
"Welcome to Universal Abundance: A Course in the 12 Universal Laws. This is a great introductory course that not only will help you learn and understand the Laws but also provides exercises to help you to understand how the Laws work in your life. Included are a few extras such as a video about using the 12 Laws to create abundance in your life. After this course you will be able to:-List and describe the basic principles in each of the 12 Universal Laws.-Have a full understanding of how each Law works in your life.-Exercises to teach you how to make these Laws work for you in your life. -The importance of understanding all of the Laws, especially when it comes to manifesting.-How to create abundance in your life using the 12 Laws. Clients have reported feeling a deeper sense of empowerment after taking this course as well as a sense of peace due to a deeper understanding of how the Universe works. My hope for you taking this course is to experience the same. Thank you for your interest and I cannot wait to work with you!"
Price: 49.99

"Auxiliar Administrativo Bsico" |
"Um curso que busca propiciar formao inicial e essencial nas suas funes, desenvolvendo competncias para executar trabalhos pertinentes s reas administrativas das organizaes. Voc vai aprender o que um profissional deve saber para atuar como Auxiliar Administrativo, com aquisio e/ou complementao de conhecimentos para o exerccio de funes administrativas de menor complexidade."
Price: 54.99

"HealthScore Academy: Optimize Biometrics" |
"In this course, you'll learn about the 7 health measurements proven to predict your lifespan. Body mass index, blood pressure, and five laboratory tests - hemoglobin A1c, LDL cholesterol, vitamin D level, CRP, and GGT - will be introduced. Dr. Cohen, the inventor of HealthScore and a practicing primary care doctor in San Francisco, will explain the relevance of each measures, and provide tips for optimizing your numbers that have helped for thousands of his patients."
Price: 49.99

"AutoCAD Beginners Course 2020" |
"Here you will learn about the interface of the software, Commands and its use. Every Lecture has a practice session at the end . Make sure to practice the diagrams by yourself. This course is from the very basic to know what you have missed or to learn being a fresher for this software. If you do not own the software just enroll for student version to make sure you have not missed anything. This course is going to make you abled for drafting mechanical components in 2D, drawing easy to complex Drawings, Isometric Drawings."
Price: 19.99

"Neden SatranNeden satranca balamak istediinizi hi dndnz m? Eer hi dnmediyseniz sizi satrancn tarihsel ve modernsel geliimine elik etmek ve satrancn hayatnz nasl deitebileceini gstermeye davet etmek istiyorum. Satran gnmzn en st dzey zihin sporlarndan biridir ve bunun belli bal sebepleri vardr. Hadi kursuma gelin ve satranc birlikte en bandan kefedelim."
Price: 49.99

"Lifestyle Design" |
"Hey Guys,Greetings and WELCOME onboard,Introduction:I am your coach Surjit. Glad to have you respectful teams as my audience for this interesting and knowledgeable course.I have successfully completed several online courses in Udemy on Fitness , Diet, Meditation,Superfoods.Have been working out mostly bodyweight based type,since age of 14 years which was only possible in a small rectangular cubicle then.Author of 2 books.Have worked in number of countries with multi-cultural workforce and have impacted several of them on lifestyle aspects.I have been following my own self-management model since started working and this involved extended stays in interior parts of the country,Worked on shifts as well.Daily daily travel involved 6 hours to to and fro from work.Active on Quora with hundreds of questions on Lifestyle,Wellness answered.Thank God and all the Universe, i am healthy.You all too should remain healthy and fit too.Course Design:The course is designed with core values, lifestyle reshape plan and goals,motivation and major markers impacting upward shift in lifestyle trajectory. To deepen your understanding on lifestyle and share practicable alternatives of aiding optimizing your routines to suit your individual needs. and genuinely helping you in achieving your desired roadmap.Benefits of course:Improves your productivity, Raise your health and fitness,Will aid decreasing stressBuild on thinking positiveInnovative/Growth at work Elevated feeling of Joy Ideal Learners:I well understand that your preferences and sought lookahead areas of change are strongly dependent on his / her own work-life balance and type of work say, shift work or sedentary work lifestyle, a student or a home maker and have thus formulated the matter with Case Studies to cater suitably.With responsible care,to enable your better understanding,and ease of subsequent future application of factors that affect our lifestyles and health, several case studies have been included into this program which focus on practical agents that cause to decline our health,productivity, happiness and joy.Yes, i do vouch on the fact that you will be able to take your oars hands-on on completion of the course.I am approachable for any questions that you may have..Thank You and Action...."
Price: 54.99

"Super Fun Ukulele Lessons for Kids Mr. Uku and Friends" |
"This course is all about getting to know the ukulele, falling in love with the instrument, and learning its basics in a fun and creative way.Our objectives are: Familiarizing with the ukulele Identifying the parts of the ukulele Proper posture and effective ways of pressing the strings Basic downward strumming Basic musical timing (steady beat) Playing the C - F - G Chords Chord chart reading Playing 11 different children's songs, plus creating your own song. Encouraging the habit of practicing playing an instrument Building self confidence Having fun!Table of ContentsEpisode 1 - Meeting Mr. UkuEpisode 2 - Parts of the UkuleleEpisode 3 - The Story of the UkuleleEpisode 4 - Strings and Frets ChallengeEpisode 5 - Learning the Steady BeatEpisode 6 - Applying the Steady Beat on the UkuleleEpisode 7 - Which One is the Ukulele?Episode 8 - The C Chord ChartEpisode 9 - Fun C Chord ChallengeEpisode 10 - Reviewing and Playing the C ChordEpisode 11 - Finding the C Chord ChartEpisode 12 - The F ChordEpisode 13 - Creating Your Own Song Using C and F ChordEpisode 14 - The G ChordEpisode 15 - The G Chord ChallengeEpisode 16 - The Concert Day"
Price: 29.99

"CISSPCISSP Domain1" |
Price: 5400.00

"Help my partner is a gamer" |
"Are you struggling with getting your partners attention ? Do you feel like you are being ignored or pushed aside for the gaming system? is your partner spending too much time gaming and your relationship is being effected?We will talk about how to recognize when gaming has become a huge issue in the relationship and what steps to take to communicate your needs and set healthy boundaries that do not interfere with either partners needs for independence."
Price: 19.99

"Data Science using Pandas (from basics)" |
"The following topics are covered:What is Data ScienceHow to get (real) stock data , how to plot data in JupyterSQL and MySQL interaction using Pandasread csv file and do various operations. Stocks data is considered as examplewrite csv file and associated operationsHandling missing data, Data filtering / Wrangling using PandasGroup by support in PandasConcat support in PandasMerge of Dataframes Pivot Table support in PandasStack / Unstack support in PandasReshape with PandasCross Tab with Pandasexcel supportHands-on / Practical with various datasets like: stock /share data, weather data etc"
Price: 4160.00

"English for Beginners : Pre-Diploma in Spoken English" |
"15 , 15 1500 , , () 25 YOU TUBE"
Price: 1280.00

"The Pregnancy Prep: Preconception Prep Fertility Course" |
"High quality, gold-standard, evidence-based education from a licensed medical professional with 13 years of experience. Learn how to understand your cycle to become pregnant, be counseled through fertility and ovulation. Bonus Fertility Deep Dive and Get Pregnant Guide! From vitamins and ovulation to the first few weeks of pregnancy. How to plan, what to expect, and how to enjoy it!Become empowered and educated by Chloe Quinn, MSN, RN, APRN, a medical professional. 4 powerful lessons on fertility, planning, ovulation, preconception, and early pregnancy. Ways to differentiate normal fertility from infertility and to optimize your timing for pregnancy.You're in the right place. Concrete facts and real information are found here."
Price: 49.99
