"Lerne REST mit SpringBoot 2 in der Praxis" |
"Du bist Entwickler und kennst Dich mit Java aus?Du wolltest Dich schon immer mit den Hype-Themen wie REST, REST-API und Themen wie Springboot 2 beschftigen. Diese Themen sind mittlerweile ein Standard, wenn es um Microservice Entwicklung mit Java geht.Dann bist Du in meinem Video Kursus genau richtig!Du mchtest keine Vortrge in epischer Lnge ber Dich ergehen lassen?Du mchtest die Dinge sofort in der Praxis verstehen und auch umsetzen?Dann geht es Dir wie mir!Mein Name ist Thomas Dreen. Ich bin selbstndiger Software Entwickler mit ber 13 Jahren Erfahrung mit Themen rund um Java.Ich selbst habe die grten Fortschritte gemacht, als ich die Mglichkeit hatte mit sehr guten Entwicklern zusammen zu arbeiten.Dieses Erlebnis mchte ich auch Dir bieten.Nach einer kurzen Einfhrung werden wir zusammen einen Service mit Springboot entwickeln, der Dir hilft REST zu verstehen.Dabei lernen wir die Themen REST und Springboot sofort in der Praxis.Zunchst lernen wir die Grundlagen und bekommen ein erstes Gefhl, wie REST funktioniert. Es gibt eine kurze Einfhrung zu SpringBoot und Dependency Injection. Wir klren, warum diese Services ""stateless"" entwickelt werden. Nach sehr kurzer Zeit sind wir aber schon in der Entwicklungsumgebung und beginnen mit der Praxis.Wir entwickeln ein Beispiel-Projekt, welches Dir spter als gute Referenz dienen kann.Ich bringe Dir bei, wie man Tests zu diesem Thema entwickelt, sowie viele Tipps und Tricks aus meiner beruflichen Praxis. Wir kmmern uns z.B. um das Thema Validierung und sehen uns an, was man mit HATEOAS anstellen kann. Mit diesem Wissen wirst Du vielen Entwicklern weit vorraus sein.Am Ende des Kursus, wird Du in der Lage sein, selbstndig Services mit REST und SpringBoot zu entwickeln.Ich freue mich auf Dich in meinem Kursus.Thomas Dreen"
Price: 99.99

Price: 5400.00

Udemyunofficial |
Price: 24000.00

"Let's Create Explosion in Maya & Composite in Nuke" |
"About This CourseThis class is about dynamic simulation of a massive explosion by using Maya Fluid and N-Particle. Each and every step and option is properly explained about Maya Fluid and N-Particle. After the simulation, this class will go through every processes of composite that explosion in Nuke for enhancing look and feel by using custom passes. Lastly ton of tricks, tips and techniques you will be learning throughout this processes of this course.This Class is For:This class is for intermediate students those who have little bit prior knowledge of Maya & Nuke.In This Class Youll Learn:Easiest Way to Create ExplosionMaya Fluid ContainerMaya N ParticlesPasses Compositing in NukeAbout MeI am Arijit , an instructor with 15 years of teaching experience. 1st April 2006, I started teaching. More than 15000 offline students I have taught in these years. I am having a mission to teach a series of classes and this is the best place to teach my vision. When I am talking about my vision that is to teach the entire pipeline and workflow of this VFX world. Teaching means for me to deliver the simplest way possible........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Best Regards Thank You Arijit Datta Visual Effects Trainer"
Price: 19.99

"Preparation C_TBW50H_75 SAP CERTIFICATION" |
"This course consist of 79 questions and answers based on real certification.You can prepare for C_TBW50H_75 certification by this question base.Certifications help validate the expertise and experience of SAP consultants, professionals, and software users who currently work in an SAP environmentCovers the fundamental knowledge required to become an SAP consultantLeverage a staff of trustworthy, knowledgeable experts with proven SAP capabilitiesCertification provides personal and company recognition, and supports career progression from proficiency to mastery. Good luck!"
Price: 199.99

"Programe melhor! Princpios SOLID com exemplos em Python" |
"Seja bem vindo ao curso Princpios SOLID na prtica com Python.Neste curso voc se tornar um programador melhor, aprendendendo de uma vez por todas o que so os princpios SOLID com uma abordagem totalmente prtica e intuitiva utilizando a linguagem Python. No curso, criaremos uma aplicao que interage com a API de repositrios do GitHub para tornar o ensino bem prtico.Depois desse curso, voc ser capaz de escrever aplicaes bem escritas, que permitem a manutenibilidade a compreenso e a evoluo por outros programadores e com certeza ser um passo para que voc seja um programador mais completo, capaz de garantir melhor robustez do cdigo produzido por voc.Para cada um dos princpios, veremos de forma clara qual a teoria por traz do mesmo, um exemplo de cdigo que no atende ao princpio e por fim como aplicar o princpio SOLID e resolver o problema.Dominar os princpios SOLID fundamental se voc deseja:Se tornar um programador melhorEscrever cdigos limpos, simples transparentes e extensveisDefinir bem as responsabilidades de suas aplicaesSe tornar um programador mais maduroDar o passo inicial para dominar design patterns.Ento, se voc quer dar um salto na sua carreira e na sua maturidade como programador, esse curso pra voc!"
Price: 39.99

"Erste Hilfe - Basic Life Support - Theoretische Grundlagen" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du:Die Grundlagen der Ersten HilfeAlarmierung und die RettungsketteHerzinfarkt - Symptome, Risikofaktoren und MassnahmenHirnschlag - Symptome, Risikofaktoren und MassnahmenDer bewusstlose Patient - Die BewusstlosenlagerungDer Herzstillstand PatientenbeurteilungDie Wiederbelebung - Kompressionen und BeatmungDer DefibrillatorIch arbeite ausserdem mit vielen Bildern und Lernvideos. Die Kursinhalte entsprechen den international gltigen Richtlinien nach AHA, ERC und SRC"
Price: 19.99

"Rpidamente entiende el mundo del Tarot" |
"El Tarot Rider-Waite-Smith o Rider-Waite o simplemente Rider, ideado en 1910 que cuenta con 22 Arcanos mayores que leer la emerga emocional de las personas a tu alrededor, en este curso aprenders a leer el Tarot. Parte 1. Tarot Rider Waite - Arcanos MayoresUnidad 1 - El Loco, El Mago, La Sacerdotisa y La Emperatriz.Unidad 2 - El Emperador, El Sacerdote, El Enamorado, El Carro y La Fuerza.Unidad 3 - El Ermitao, La Rueda, La Justicia y El Colgado.Unidad 4 - La Muerte, La Templanza, El diablo, La Torre y La Estrella.Unidad 5 - La Luna, El Sol, El Juicio y El Mundo.Parte 2. Protocolo y tica de un buen TarotistaUnidad 6 - Protocolo para tirar el tarot y tica de un Tarotista.Parte 3. Obtn tu certificado como Coach En Tarot UniversalInstrucciones para ser Coach En Tarot Universal.En este maravilloso curso aprenders a conocer los Arquetipos de los Arcanos Mayores del tarot desde una visin global: conocers su corazn, su Arquetipo y su significado sencillamente! Con un lenguaje bastante amigable. An no te logro convencer? Pues mira esto que te tengo de manera adicional y sin costo. Certificado de Acreditacin en Tarot Rider.Ebook Manual adicional del Tarotista.Ebook con protocolos para realizar tiradas del tarot (El Manual del Buen Tarotista). Soporte va WhatsApp para dudas del curso (aplica los primeros 15 das despus de comprar tu curso).Acceso al curso para la certificacin como Coach con Tarot Universal (con validez internacional - QR de autenticidad). Gracias!"
Price: 495.00

"Travel Sketching With Oil Pastel" |
"In this Travel Sketching Course, you'll learn about capturing your impression, mood, and atmosphere of new places in your sketchbook while traveling. The course is divided into 4 sections to cover architecture, cityscape, landscape, and street sketching. Each section will cover the basics you are gonna need to know for travel sketching with drawing demonstration and pieces of advice."
Price: 34.99

"Machine Learning For Beginners" |
"By completing this course, you will:Understand what Machine Learning is and what it offersUnderstand the benefits of using the Machine LearningUnderstand business use cases and scenarios that can benefit from using the Machine LearningUnderstand the different Machine Learning training techniquesUnderstand the difference between Supervised and Unsupervised trainingUnderstand the difference between Classification and RegressionBecome familiar with several of the commonly used and popular Machine Learning algorithms discussedUnderstand the basic principles behind Deep Learning and Deep Neural Networks"
Price: 19.99

"Green Building Design for LEED and other rating systems" |
"This course is useful for those who wish to understand design aspects of Green Building. The course is not about remembering points and credits but it is about conceptual understanding of different parameters affecting Design process of Green Building. Prior going for LEED or any other Green building exam, if the Design concept is understood, It will make the process of Green certification as well as credentialing process much easier. Benefits of the course1. World wide Rating system for Green Building2. Green Building Envelope Design3. Effect of Air infiltration on Green Building4. Optimized lighting for Green Building5. HVAC Design for Green Building6. Package and ductless AC system for Green Building7. Building Siting (Orientation)8. Pumping Design for Green Building9. Selection of Refrigerant for Green Building10. Radiant Cooling 11. Space heating Methods and suggestions12. Energy management System13. Thermal Energy Storage"
Price: 159.99

"Mastering Scanning with Nessus, OpenVAS and Nmap" |
"Welcome to this Mastering Scanning with Nessus, OpenVAS and Nmap! This course will be highly practical but also be covering theory in the beginning. This course is extremely helpful for security engineers or security consultant who want to perform vulnerability scanning for their organizations or customers.Launching Scan: Here you'll learn to launch different scans such as host discovery, network scan, credential scan, malware scan and wannacry ransomware scan.Advance Web Application Test: In this, students will learn to launch an advance web application scanning such as Advance Scan, Advance dynamic scan, Web Application Test for known vulnerabilities, Web application Test for All vulnerabilities(Quick) and Web application Test for All vulnerabilities(Complex).Analysis and Reporting: At the end, you'll learn to perform basic and advance analysis with each scan results. You'll also learn to prepare a report to share with the concern team."
Price: 19.99

"ISO 9001 Version 2015 : La matrise" |
"Ce que vous apprendrez lorsque vous suivrez ce cours en ligne (objectifs du cours):La nouvelle norme ISO 9001 une revue article par articleLes diffrences spcifiques entre ISO 9001: 2008 et ISO 9001: 2015Rle du top managementInformations documentesContexte de votre organisationAttentes des parties intressesNouvelles exigences de la normeConnaissances organisationnellesApproche base sur les risquesCe cours fournit une explication clause par clause de la norme ISO 9001: 2015.****** Pas besoin de payer 500 1500 dollars pour le cours de 3 jours. Pas besoin de se dplacer vers un htel ou une salle de formation dans ces conditions difficiles dues Covid-19*****Apprenez ISO 9001 votre rythme Vous en apprendrez davantage sur cette nouvelle norme grce des leons vido et des quiz courts et faciles comprendre. Un forum de discussion sur le ct droit de ce cours serait utilis pour discuter de problmes et questions spcifiques.REMARQUE: veuillez noter que ces normes ISO 9000 et ISO 9001 sont protges par copyright. Une copie de ces normes ne sera PAS fournie dans le cadre de ce cours.Cliquez sur le bouton vert Suivre ce cours en haut droite de la page. Suivez ensuite les instructions pour vous inscrire et payer le cours. qui ce cours s'adresse-t-il? Quiconque dans le domaine du management industriel pas seulement les employs de la fonction qualit. Les employs participent activement l'laboration et la mise en uvre d'un SMQ. Les cadres qui ont comme fonction la gestion du projet de mise en place dISO 9001. Les jeunes laurat souhaitant booster leurs CV pour une meilleur carrire."
Price: 19.99

"Curso completo de colagem digital" |
"No curso completo de colagem digital, voc ir aprender a criar colagens digitais utilizando o programa Adobe Photoshop. Nessas aulas irei apresentar para vocs todo meu processo criativo de criao das colagens e ao finalizar o curso voc conseguir criar as suas com personalidade, sentimento e tcnica refinada. Esse curso indicado para todos os nveis de conhecimento, do bsico ao avanado, j que neles falaremos desde o uso do Photoshop colorizao e finalizao de arquivos.A colagem digital uma tcnica artstica que cria composies a partir de outras imagens, texturas e materiais diversos. Essa tcnica pode ser utilizada para criar peas artsticas, publicitrias, esboos, e outras infinidades de projetos. Para fazer esse curso no necessrio saber desenhar ou saber utilizar o Adobe Photoshop."
Price: 189.99

"** NICO CURSO DE ADOBE XD 2021 EM ALTA RESOLUO [FULL HD 1080p] PARA VOC TER A MELHOR EXPERINCIA DE APRENDIZADO **** COMPRANDO ESSE CURSO VOC SEMPRE RECEBER NOVAS AULAS BNUS SOBRE O XD, UI E UX DESIGN E MERCADO DE TRABALHO **** MAIS DE 8 HORAS DE CURSO COM PROJETOS REAIS, REAIS, INTERATIVOS e PROFISSIONAIS **** CURSO NOVO, COMPLETO E 100% ATUALIZADO! **SOBRE O CURSONeste curso completo voc aprender a desenvolver um aplicativo profissional de Restaurante Delivery, construiremos mais de 50 telas (APP e WEB) e voc aprender todos os conceitos necessrios para ter sucesso como UI e UX designer.Aplicativo de delivery para restaurante: Login e cadastro, cardpio por categorias, sistema de entrega e rastreio, sacola de compra, sistema de pagamento online, sistema de feedback, integrao com redes sociais, rea de customizao do restaurante, integrao Google Maps, chats com o cliente e muito mais!!!Reservei esse espao para pessoas que so sedentas por inovao, pessoas que no querem o mesmo, mas querem ir alm e assim como eu, pensam em impactar o mundo e melhorar a vida de pessoas.No quero s te ensinar ferramentas e propriedades do XD, no quero s criar sistemas ""Bonitinhos"", quero que voc crie experincias nicas em aplicaes e sistemas. Ento se optar em comear esse curso, arregace as mangas, prepare vrias garrafas de caf e vamos juntos inovar em um mundo de possibilidades infinitas. Vamos salvar e exportar todos os projetos para postar no Behance e tambm aprender a passar todos os Assets para equipe de desenvolvimento.Em nosso acordo de aprendizado me comprometo:COMPARTILHAR 8 ANOS DE EXPERINCIA COMO DESIGNER DE CRIAO WEB;ENSINAR TODAS AS FERRAMENTAS ATUALIZADAS DO XD PARA CRIAO;ENSINAR A CRIAR WIREFRAMES DOS PROJETO ATRAVS DOS PR-REQUISITOS DO SISTEMA;ENSINAR INTERFACES QUE PODEREMOS COMPARTILHAR E NAVEGAR TANTO NO DESKTOP COMO EM DISPOSITIVOS MOBILE;COMPARTILHAR COMO PENSAR NA EXPERINCIA DO USURIO E PROTOTIPAR CADA ELEMENTO;ENSINAR A CRIAR UI KIT PARA PASSAR AS EQUIPES DE DESENVOLVIMENTO;MOSTRAR TODAS AS TCNICAS PARA CRIAO DE LINDOS PORTFLIOS QUE FARO VOC COMEAR COM O P DIREITO NO MERCADO;SAIR DA CAIXA E APRENDERMOS JUNTOS A SUPERAR AS BARREIRAS QUE CADA CRIAO IR NOS PROPOR;PRINCIPALMENTE FAZER VOC DESCOBRIR TUDO O QUE NECESSRIO PARA TER SUCESSO COMO UI E UX DESIGNER.Voc se compromete? ESTAR ABERTO PARA APRENDER TUDO O QUE NECESSRIO PARA TER SUCESSO COMO UI E UX DESIGNER? SE COMPROMETE A DAR O SEU MELHOR E IR ALM DAS TENDNCIAS PARA INOVAO? DEIXAR DE LADO MOMENTOS DE LAZER PARA ERRAR, APRENDER E PRINCIPALMENTE SE SUPERAR NESTE CURSO?Se a resposta for sim, eu Lucas Marte, irei te conduzir do bsico at o nvel profissional no conhecimento de UX e na criao de interfaces inovadoras atravs do Adobe XD.Para quem este curso:Estudantes de DesignDesigner's que buscam novas skill'sDesigner's GrficosUX/UI DesignersDesenvolvedores Web e MobileEmpreendedores e Gestores que buscam novas HabilidadesPessoas que buscam aprender novas ferramentasInformaes tcnicasAprenda a escolher, combinar Cores e dominar seus atributos (matiz, saturao, brilho, contraste, etc),Saiba como definir Tipografia e os padres tipogrficos com Modular Scale,Crie Botes que engajam e ajudam o usurio a entender as principais funes da interface,Entenda como projetar Formulrios fceis de preencher,Estabelecer uma Hierarquia Visual na pgina que ajude seu usurio a fazer o que precisa - usando Balanceamento, Ritmo, Harmonia, Dominncia, Alinhamento e Proximidade,Organizar os elementos em Grids,Trabalhar Responsividade e projetar interfaces Mobile first,Criar Guias de Estilos para projetos escalveis e com componentes reaproveitveis (building blocks e atomic design)E muito mais!!!"
Price: 39.99

"ECIH EC-Council Certified Incident Handler" |
"Course OutlineModule 01: Introduction to Incident Handling and ResponseModule 02: Incident Handling and Response ProcessModule 03: Forensic Readiness and First ResponseModule 04: Handling and Responding to Malware IncidentsModule 05: Handling and Responding to Email Security IncidentsModule 06: Handling and Responding to Network Security IncidentsModule 07: Handling and Responding to Web Application Security IncidentsModule 08: Handling and Responding to Cloud Security IncidentsModule 09: Handling and Responding to Insider Threats"
Price: 19.99

"PCNSE - Palo Alto Network Security Engineer - Practice Tests" |
"Palo Alto Networks forestall assaults with the business driving system security suite, which empowers associations to grasp arrange change while reliably making sure about clients, applications, and information, regardless of where they dwell. Palo Alto Networks is perceived far and wide as a main supplier of cybersecurity items. It is an important accreditation for those looking for headway in the field of IT security. The Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Engineer (PCNSE) is a formal, outsider delegated accreditation that shows that the individuals who have passed it have the inside and out information to configuration, introduce, design, keep up, and investigate most executions dependent on the Palo Alto Networks stage. This test will confirm that the fruitful competitor has the information and aptitudes important to execute the Palo Alto Networks cutting edge firewall PAN-OS 9.1 stage in any condition. The test tests the up-and-comers on 5 key spaces and they are as per the following: Plan Send and Configure Work Design Troubleshooting Center Concepts Mercifully note that the test depends on PAN-OS Version 9.1. The test will expect contender to know and be acquainted with the accompanying: You can send, design, and work Palo Alto Networks Securit Operating Platform segments. You comprehend the interesting parts of the Palo Alto Networks Security Operating Platform and how to convey one fittingly. You comprehend systems administration and security arrangements utilized by PAN-OS programming. PCNSE test subtleties: Accreditation Name: Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Engineer Number of things: 75 All out Seat Time: 80 minutes Configuration: Multiple Choice, Scenarios with Graphics, and Matching Language: English The training tests are developed to upgrade your certainty to sit for genuine test as you will test your insight and aptitudes for the previously mentioned subjects. The training tests are precise, demonstrated right by test-takers and will get a go in the test yet it is profoundly imperative to utilize our training tests as an asset, not simply the main asset. Upon enlistment, you will get boundless admittance to the tests just as the customary updates. Good luck! Practice until you can't fail to understand the situation!"
Price: 19.99

"Oracle Database 12c Administration (1Z0-062): Practice Tests" |
"This course contain the Full Block of Practice tests for Oracle Certification test 1Z0-062 for Oracle 12c. It spread 100% of Oracle 12c test 1Z0-062 affirmation prospectus and you can set aside cash from purchasing some other pratice test on the web. This course offers you practice tests involving an aggregate of 150 hand picked questions, that impersonate the genuine confirmation test and are time bound, which will assist you with getting readied for the primary test condition. Score atleast 80% on the authority 1Z0-062 test. Test Information Test Title : Oracle Database 12c Administration Test Number : 1Z0-062 Length of Exam : 120 minutes Number of Questions : 67 (Multiple Choice) Passing score : 64% (43 out of 67) Test Format : Multiple-Choice Why take this course? The inquiries in the training tests consistently remain current. We guarantee this by taking the Official Oracle 1Z0-062 affirmation ourselves, and get ready/update inquiries for training in like manner. These inquiries will assist you with scoring at least 80% on the primary test. Ensured breezing through the test in the main endeavor. 30 days unconditional promise, no inquiries posed. Proceed, get readied, get affirmed and you sparkle considerably more splendid to your managers, partners and companions"
Price: 19.99

"Matriser les RISQUES en trading" |
"Le trading est un domaine passionnant qui comprend de nombreuses briques.Matriser les risques est essentiel en trading, c'est probablement l'lment le plus important. Avant de pouvoir gagner, il faut ne pas perdre. Et aprs avoir gagn... il faut prserver ses gains. Ce cours t'apportera les bases ncessaires en termes de gestion des risques en trading.Nous verrons comment grer ces risques et les utiliser notre avantage."
Price: 34.99

"Who Is Franz Kafka? A Prague Video Walking Tour" |
"This course starts by considering why Franz Kafka is famous, and proceeds to a brief and entertaining review of both Kafka's life and the historical and cultural situation of Prague in his time. An hour-long video walking tour of Kafka sites is included in the course. The course concludes with a consideration of whether Kafka should be famous, briefly analyzing one short story."
Price: 19.99

"Basics of SCM" |
"This course is an introduction to the main concepts in Supply Chain Management. SCM is the heart of any company that is involved in selling, producing or buying goods for its customers or its own consumption. This course also lays the foundation for subsequent topics in this subject. It will also help students explore SCM with a view to make it a strong career choice."
Price: 19.99

"The Three-Stage Confirmation FOREX TRADING STRATEGY - Part 2" |
"Welcome to The Complete Three-Stage Confirmation Forex Trading Strategy part 2. I am very excited to see you here and Im confident that you are equally excited too.I guarantee you that this is THE most thorough and honest course on Forex Markets available anywhere on the market. I say this with complete confidence because the Forex Trading Strategy taught in this course is a result of my deep research into the markets and uses Indicators that have stood the test of the times.While Part 1 in itself offered a very strong trading strategy based entirely on ELLIOTT WAVE ANALYSIS, but once combined with VOLUMES & PRICE ACTION, The Three-Stage Confirmation Forex Trading Strategy will reap the trading rewards you always wished for.In the introductory section( or section 1), I explain the complete outline of the part 2 course and explain how each section is designed carefully so that you advance forward in a systematic manner.*Sections 2 introduces the second Leading Indicator in the Strategy: PRICE ACTION as I explainHow does Price Action reveal the story behind buying and selling in the Markets?With the help of nine major Price Action Patterns, I explain how you can take advantage of the price reversal signals in real-time?How each of these Price Action Patterns also presents opportunities to add to your existing trades to accumulate large profits on one single trade?*Moving on, in section 3, we dig deep into the third and final Leading Technical Indicator: VOLUMES as you study: How Volumes are completely relevant to present Forex markets?How to use Volumes to track the trading activity of Professional Traders at any given time.How to validate a price move and detect Price Anomalies with Volume Analysis.How the key guiding principles of Volumes assist Retail Traders in making smart trading decisions while using candlestick charts?How Price Action analysis become considerably more powerful when combined with Volumes in Forex markets?*Finally, In Section 4 and 5, I complete the picture by developing THE THREE-STAGE CONFIRMATION FOREX TRADING STRATEGY by combining ELLIOTT WAVE ANALYSIS, VOLUMES, AND PRICE ACTION.A Complete Forex Trading Strategy to trade Forex with a Professional Mindset.A fully explained Trade Management Plan including different Trade Entries and Exits, Managing your risk through Stop-Loss levels and Position Size.Multiple Live Trade Examples and Analysis of Forex pairs (i.e. EURCAD, EURGBP, NZDJPY, GBPNZD, GBPCAD, CADJPY, GBPCHF, EURNZD and EURAUD using the Three-Stage Confirmation Forex Trading Strategy running over +1000 PIPS collectively.As a bonus, I have included Complete Elliott Wave Analysis Excel Sheets of all pairs included in Live Trade Analysis in Section 5.Now that you have gone through the Complete Description of the Course, I am very confident that my course has your attention straight away as I cannot wait to see you on inside.Happy Trading!"
Price: 12480.00

YouTube98.2%CCNA200-301 |
Price: 3000.00

"Operation Management and Supply Chain Fundamentals" |
"Operation management deals with the internal section of the organisation and the processes of transforming a product from the desired output. Roles of Operation manager in an organization are as follow:-Operations Manager Responsibilities:Provide inspired leadership for the organization.Make important policy, planning, and strategy decisions.Develop, implement, and review operational policies and procedures.Assist HR with recruiting when necessary.Help promote a company culture that encourages top performance and high morale.Oversee budgeting, reporting, planning, and auditing.Work with senior stakeholders.Ensure all legal and regulatory documents are filed and monitor compliance with laws and regulations.Work with the board of directors to determine values and mission, and plan for short and long-term goals.Identify and address problems and opportunities for the company.Build alliances and partnerships with other organizations.Support worker communication with the management team.Supply chain management Deals with the flow of services and goods from the origin of production to the origin of consumption.Supply chain management involves five main functions: aligning flows, integrating functions, coordinating processes, designing complex systems, and managing resources.Six Sigma Roles And Tools:-Six Sigma (6) is a set of techniques and tools for process improvement. It was introduced by American engineer Bill Smith while working at Motorola in 1986.Practiced worldwide to remove bottle-necks and variables in any processes"
Price: 9280.00

"Kursumuz;Cmle kurma temelindedir. Trkiye'de ei benzeri olmayan bir sistemde ilerler. 500 Farkl konuya sahip metni cmle cmle Trke'den ngilizce'ye eviriyoruz. A ve B kurslarmzda olduu gibi yine etki yaratacak bir kurs olmasn temenni ediyoruz. Bu sayede hem temel ngilizce'yi tekrar ediyoruz, hem de terimsel kelimeleri reniyoruz. Tam bir btnlk yakalayarak sonunda anlama kabiliyetimiz artyor.ADA YILDIZ"
Price: 79.99

socialintelligance |
". . / ."
Price: 19.99

"Registros Akshicos nivel 1" |
"En este curso aprenders todos los pasos necesarios para acceder a tu propio Registro Akshico. Te explicar toda la teora que necesitas y tambin realizars las prcticas hasta tener tu primera experiencia de conexin. Lo principal para lograr este objetivo es poder abrir tu mente y corazn, para permitirte vivir esta experiencia que cambiar tu vida.Como toda disciplina espiritual, requiere de prctica. Te sugiero que practiques durante 33 das y vers los resultados.Y, si te gust el curso, te agradecera mucho si puedes calificarlo!"
Price: 19.99

tnbotfjj |
"Udemy &&&3261SNS15"
Price: 2400.00

"INCOSE Knowledge Exam Practice Questions" |
"This set includes over 800 INCOSE SEP Certification Knowledge Exam practice questions that will exponentially increase your chances of passing the test (and having a solid understanding of Systems Engineering).These questions are presented in the same order as the lessons from my ""Product Development and Systems Engineering"" course here on Udemy. I recommend the student play the course lessons in one tab and have these test questions open in another tab to gain the greatest benefit.About the INCOSE knowledge exam: The INCOSE knowledge exam is a multiple choice test based on the INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook v4. It is required for candidates for ASEP and CSEP certification. The ACTUAL exam can be taken either through a computer or a paper exam and must be coordinated between INCOSE and their designated testing centers. The paper exam has the same format as the standard knowledge exam, with 100 multiple-choice questions in 100 minutes for the paper exam, contrasted with 120 items in 120 minutes for the computer exam.For more information on how to schedule taking the exam or INCOSE certification in general, and to obtain the INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook v4, visit the INCOSE web site.A note about the Udemy test format: I have very limited control over how the tests are set up. I am restricted to 5 sets of test questions and cannot show the answers as each question is answered. If you would like to view the test questions after each lesson, instead of purchasing the test here, head over to learnse.teachable dot com and purchase the course there."
Price: 199.99

"Aprenda Auriculoterapia do Zero" |
"Aprenda Auriculoterapia do Zero com o Prof. Dumas Belasco! Aprenda todas as tcnicas de Auriculoterapia com esse super curso. Invista em voc e transforme dor em alegria. O curso garante um certificado vlido! Para realizar o curso, no necessrio ter pr-requisitos, todos podem fazer o curso. A ideia capacitar o aluno para realizar a aplicao deste microssistema auricular."
Price: 264.99

"Affinity Publisher 2020 - The Complete Course for Beginners" |
"Affinity Publisher is a great software that will allow you to create anything from a simple business card to a professional magazine ready for print. The aim of this course is to get you comfortable with the essential functionality of Affinity Publisher. From there with some additional practice, you will become an expert in no time! This course will give you a deep understanding of Affinity Publisher functionality by using hands-on, contextual examples designed to showcase why Affinity Publisher is awesome and how they can be applied in a number of ways.__________By the end of the course you'll be able to: Comfortably navigate Affinity Publisher's interface Comfortably use most of Affinity Publisher's panels Use the text tools Structure your documents correctly Use graphics Manage pages like a pro Work with color Work with layers and shapes Work with Guides Work with Master pages Tips on where to get your photos and fonts from And More!"
Price: 199.99
