gngbjbuy |
", ? ? , . ? ? . , ? -? ? , ? , , , - . : , (- , - , - ) , , , . / , , , !"
Price: 2299.00

"Excel Avanado - Avanando para o level Mestre" |
"Voc pode aprender Microsoft Excel com facilidade e rapidez se for ensinado corretamente!Desenvolvido por Todd McLeod, Instrutor Mestre Certificado pela Microsoft, com mais de vinte anos de experincia, este curso fornece uma introduo slida das habilidades fundamentais necessrias para utilizao do Microsoft Excel. Nesta verso em portugus, lecionada por Jos Flvio Goulart, Engenheiro de Controle e Automao, tambm oferecido um curso completo, refinado e aperfeioado para tornar fcil o seu aprendizado em Microsoft Excel.Fornecendo um currculo abrangente de 141 vdeo aulas, incluindo 49 exerccios prticos, voc ir aprender:Funes FinanceirasValor FuturoValor PresentePagamento de EmprstimoAmortizao de EmprstimoPagamento de AnuidadeVPL (Valor Presente Lquido)TIR (Taxa Interna de Retorno)Tabelas DinmicasModelo de Dados (Power Pivot)Obter & Transformar (Power Query)Transformando DadosAcrescentar & Mesclar DadosMapas 3D & AnimaesOLE (Incorporao e Vinculao de Objetos)Como um material , voc pode efetuar download de todos os arquivos de projetos do Excel que so utilizados nos vdeos, incluindo os 49 exerccios prticos e suas solues.Se voc precisar confirmar seu aprendizado do contedo, ou se voc um empregador ou supervisor que precisa de confirmar que alguem tenha realmente aprendido o contedo, isso pode ser feito facilmente ao verificar os resultados desses ""exerccios prticos""Alm de todos esses benefcios, uma vez cadastrado, voc ir ter acesso a este curso de Excel para o resto de sua vida! Sempre que quiser voc poder rever as aulas e o material disponibilizado. Descrito como ""divertido"" e ""incrvel"" e ""mudana de vida"", o treinamento de Excel de Todd McLeod, juntamente de Jos Flvio ir transformar para sempre a maneira como voc trabalha com nmeros. Experimente este curso por voc mesmo e veja o quo rpido e fcil voc tambm pode aprender Microsoft Excel."
Price: 34.99

"IELTS Academic Writing - The Complete Step by Step Guide" |
"Do you get nervous thinking about writing a 250+ word essay in English in only 40 minutes?Do you feel worried looking at bar charts and line graphs, and not know what to write about?Do you always write safe, simple sentences in English because you are afraid of making a mistake?Our Goal: You will get a 7 or 8 in your IELTS Academic Writing Test.Welcome to the Complete Step by Step Guide to the IELTS Academic Writing Test from Last Minute English.We will take you step by step through the IELTS Academic Writing Test.After taking this course, you will:- Have more confidence in your English writing ability- Feel relaxed about the IELTS Writing test- Be ready to follow your dreamsThis Last Minute English course has been created by Francis, a qualified IELTS Examiner from the UK.Francis has 10 years of experience helping students to follow their dreams and get 7+ in the IELTS Exam.By learning from a qualified IELTS Examiner, youll:- Get crucial inside information to break the 5.5 IELTS score ceiling- Learn IELTS Writing skills in a focused and efficient way- Make your friends jealous and amaze your family with your high IELTS score.3 Part Course:- Formal English Writing Improvement (2.5 hours)- Focus on IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 (3 hours)- Focus on IELTS Academic Writing Task 2 (2.5 hours)Section 1: Formal English Writing Improvement- Use long, complex sentences correctly- Know the difference between Formal & Informal English writing- Use transitional words and phrases for logical essays- Understand great writing tricks like the Rule of Three- Discover (and avoid) common writing mistakes- 2.5 hours in total- 24 videosSection 2: IELTS Academic Writing Task 1: The Report- Learn how to answer IELTS Academic Writing Task 1- Understand all IELTS Writing Task 1 questions- Find out how the IELTS Examiner decides your score- Learn how to choose data and make a plan- Learn easy grammar structures to get a high IELTS score- Learn complex grammar structures to impress the IELTS examiner- Discover which tenses to use for which IELTS Writing questions- Learn great vocabulary to answer any IELTS Writing question (**nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, fractions, prepositions, approximations and more! So much material!!**)- Build 4 full IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 videos together (**including full IELTS Level 9 answers**)- 3 hours- 34 videosSection 3: IELTS Academic Writing Task 2: The Essay- Learn how to answer IELTS Academic Writing Task 2- Understand all IELTS Writing Task 2 questions- Find out how the IELTS Examiner decides your score- Learn how to organize your IELTS Writing Task 2 essay (**different structures for every type of question. Make sure you learn this!!**)- Discover the best way to plan your IELTS Writing Task 2 essay- Discover which tenses are best for IELTS Writing Task 2 essay- Learn the best vocabulary for all parts of your IELTS Writing Task 2 essay- Build 2 full IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 videos together (**including full IELTS Level 9 answers**)- 2.5 hours- 29 videosCredits: Music from bensound"
Price: 64.99

"ADM-211: Salesforce Advanced Administrator" |
"Our premium practice exams are comprehensive in terms of Administrator. Below are the advantages and features of the Practice Exam Membership.159+ Practical and Real Time Scenario Based Salesforce ADM-211 Certification Questions similar to the actual Salesforce Advanced Administrator exam questions with correct answers for assessment.Lifetime Access to online Salesforce Advanced Administrator certification practice exam.Multiple Choice Questions to be answered within the Specified Time Limit.Questions are updated regularly to align with the latest syllabus topics and certification test patterns."
Price: 19.99

"ADM-201: Salesforce Administrator" |
"Our premium practice exams are comprehensive in terms of Administrator. Below are the advantages and features of the Premium Practice Exam Membership.400+ Practical and Real Time Scenario Based Salesforce ADM-201 Certification Questions similar to the actual Salesforce Administrator exam questions with correct answers for assessment.Lifetime Access to online Salesforce Administrator certification practice exam.Multiple Choice Questions to be answered within the Specified Time Limit.Questions are updated regularly to align with the latest syllabus topics and certification test patterns.100% Money Back Guarantee if you couldn't pass the actual exam in the first attempt."
Price: 19.99

"JNCIA-Cloud (JN0-210): Practice Test" |
"Exam DetailsJNCIA-Cloud exam topics are based on the content of the recommended instructor-led training courses, as well as the additional resources.Exam code: JN0-210Administered by Pearson VUEExam length: 90 minutesExam type: 65 multiple-choice questionsPass/fail status is available immediatelyExam ObjectivesThis list provides a general view of the skill set required to successfully complete the specified certification exam.+ Cloud Architectures + NFV + SDN + SDN WAN + Cloud Monitoring + Cloud Managed Services + Cloud Security"
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Power BI in Arabic" |
"data visualization Microsoft Power BI data patterns customer purchase behavior, sales, trends or production bottlenecks power BI power BI visualize power BI datasets Drill Down Drill UP Visualization Various charts, plots and maps Row Data Data Visualizations Powe BI section section section dataset Power BI"
Price: 19.99

"React JS: Aprenda React JS do zero com projetos prticos" |
"Ol,Bem-vindo ao React JS: Aprenda React JS do zero com um curso de projetos prticos.React uma das melhores opes para construir aplicativos da web modernos. Se voc novo no React ou talvez esteja se esforando para aprender e entender de verdade o que est acontecendo, ento este curso a melhor maneira de aprender React JS.Neste curso a gente vai mostrar tudo que voc precisa saber para dominar desenvolvimento web usando ReactJS fornecendo um conhecimento poderoso por meio de uma combinao de diagramas e da criao de um aplicativo simples.Nenhum conhecimento prvio necessrio!Voc no precisa ter conhecimento prvio sobre React. Este curso vai te levar de um nvel iniciante a um nvel mais avanado com exemplos prticos.Voc vai ter confiana para usar React JS, e se tiver dvidas, a gente vai estar l para ajudar.Aprender fazendo!A gente fez esse curso o mais simples possvel para te levar passo a passo para que voc possa se sentir confiante e ter um entendimento realmente bom de como usar ReactJS. Neste curso, a gente vai ensinar React criando vrios projetos.Aqui est a lista do que voc vai aprender ao final do curso,A gente vai comear com a instalao local e noes bsicas de React. Depois disso, a gente vai criar 5 projetos.Projeto 1 Aprender a criar um aplicativo React e JSX com primeiro-appProjeto 2 Aprender o sistema props de React com o aplicativo blog-postsProjeto 3 Aprender os componentes React, state, mtodos de ciclo de vida, operaes assncronas e muito mais... com o aplicativo hemisphereProjeto 4 Usar manipuladores de evento, buscar dados de uma API externa e mostrar a lista de registros com o aplicativo image-listProjeto 5 Rotear com React Router e usar Portais do React para renderizar filhos fora da hierarquia do DOM com o aplicativo react-routerAo fim do cursoAo fim do curso, voc vai ser capaz de criar incrveis aplicativos web React de pgina simples.Contedo NovoNo nenhum segredo o quanto a tecnologia est avanando rapidamente. Novas ferramentas so lanadas todos os dias, e crucial ficar em dia com os conhecimentos mais recentes para ser um desenvolvedor React melhor. Voc vai ter sempre contedo atualizado para este curso sem nenhum custo extra.Qualidade de Produo de Vdeo e udioTodo nosso contedo criado/produzido com vdeo/udio de alta qualidade para fornecer a melhor experincia de aprendizado.Voc vai,Ver com clarezaOuvir com clarezaCaminhar pelo curso sem distraesVoc tambm vai ter:Acesso vitalcio ao CursoSuporte rpido e amigvel na seo de Perguntas & RespostasCertificado de Concluso da Udemy pronto para DownloadMergulhe agora!A gente oferece total apoio, respondendo qualquer dvida."
Price: 199.99

"Selenium Java Made Easy for Beginners (Learn in 30 days)" |
"If you are a beginner, who want to learn Selenium from scratch without having any Programming knowledge, then this course is for you.If you can complete a video a day, you will be able to complete this course in 30 days.All the pre-requisites like Core Java, Locators etc. are covered in this video course, so you don't have to learn them separately.Even Core Java that is required for learning Selenium is covered in detail and easy way.All the topics are explained in a beginner friendly and easiest way.In 30 days, this optimised and well organised course will make you an expert in Selenium and will boost your confidence like anything.We have also provided the notes, so that you don't have to go through the videos again and again. Go through the videos once and later use the notes to recollect and prepare fast when needed and for interviews.The below are the topics covered in this course:IntroductionLocatorsXPath Expressions Cheat-sheetCSS Selectors Cheat-sheetCore Java for Selenium in detailWebDriver Commands in detailSelenium and different browsersHandling AlertsHandling WindowsWaiting MechanismHandling FramesHandling LightboxActions ClassKeys ClassTaking ScreenshotsAuto Suggestive Drop-downsHandling TablesHandling CalendarMavenWebDriverManagerEnd to End Scenario automationDebugging ScriptsTestNGSelenium GridPropertiesSelectorsHubMaven CommandsJenkinsExtent ReportsPOI APILog4jAccessing Test Data from DatabasePage Object Model and Page FactoryCucumber and BDD,Developing a frameworkGitGitHubSauceLabs."
Price: 199.99

"O abc da Consultoria em Recursos Humanos" |
"Descrio do curso:O curso tem como objetivo central descrever a funo da consultoria de forma a explicar o passo a passo da consultoria interna e externa, alm de demonstrar as competncias necessrias para que uma pessoa possa tornar-se um consultor.O curso est dividido da seguinte forma:- Consultoria- Qual a funo da consultoria- Que tipo de empresa solicita consultoria- Consultoria externa- Prticas da consultoria externa- Consultoria interna- Prticas da consultoria interna- Como se tornar um consultor- Preparao- Principais funes- Desenvolvendo o trabalhoPARA QUEM O CURSOO curso para todas aquelas pessoas que desejam desenvolver a habilidade sobree consultoria, seja para aplicar em sua prpria empresa, tornar-se um consultor externo ou ainda somente para desenvolver conhecimento na rea."
Price: 144.99

"Orientao Profissional" |
"O curso tem como objetivo principal ajudar o indivduo a desenvolver o seu plano de carreira tanto a curto como a longo prazo, seja para quem est iniciando no mercado de trabalho ou para aqueles que j esto empregados e desejam ser promovidos de cargo.Para alcanar o objetivo o curso foi desenvolvido em cinco passos:No primeiro passo ser destacado as caractersticas que so buscadas e valorizadas pelas organizaes;No segundo passo o indivduo ir realizar um teste de orientao profissional para detectar se est no caminho correto em sua vida profissional;O terceiro passo ser para detectar qual o perfil comportamental da pessoa. O perfil comportamental ajudar a estabelecer as metas estabelecidas;J no quarto passo ser realizado uma anlise do mercado atual e futuro. Neste passo o indivduo ir desenvolver a sua misso, viso, valores, debater os cenrios, analisar o mercado e o seu foco de atuao;Por fim no quinto passo o indivduo ir estabelecer a sua postura estratgica. o momento de ele estabelecer a sua vantagem estratgica e os seus objetivos."
Price: 189.99

"Facebook Ads Mastering" |
"With over 2.3 billion users on Facebook, advertising on Facebook is no longer a wish but a must do. In the course, Facebook Ads Mastering, you will learn the simple methods to creating online advert on Facebook as well as scaling it for maximum profit. Locating the right target audience as well as targeting them on Facebook is key to generating maximum sales online, this course shows you a know-how!"
Price: 19.99

"HTML: Desde cero (Aprende y domina HTML5) + Infografias" |
"HTML es uno de los lenguajes ms importantes en el momento de crear pginas web, aunque este lenguaje no es un lenguaje de programacin si es un lenguaje de etiquetas, pero esto no significa que no se puedan hacer bastantes cosas, puesto que con HTML5 estructuramos la informacin de cualquier pgina web en internet, es tericamente el esqueleto de cualquier proyecto en Internet, adems de conocer todas las etiquetas ms importantes y usadas en HTML, conocers la semntica que es una buena practica de escribir y estructurar documentos HTML, este curso es todo lo que necesitas para conocer y dominar HTML, para despus pasar a otro lenguaje y empezar a dominar la web."
Price: 19.99

pehorksh |
", . , . . , , . 200 ( , , ). . 2 ! . , ! : . , . , . , . . , . . . . . . . ."
Price: 6799.00

"Comportamento Alimentar" |
"Bem vindos ao Curso: Comportamento AlimentarNeste curso voc assistir vdeo-aulas ilustradas e com boa qualidade de som e imagemAps assistir a vdeo aula voc responder um Questionrio - Exerccio de Fixao sobre o contedo aprendidoNo final do curso voc ser capaz de entender e compreender sobre os principais conceitos de comportamento alimentar, escolhas alimentares e abordagens de tratamento para a problemtica nutricional atual.POR QUE ESCOLHER NOSSO CURSO ?Todo o curso foi embasado na literatura cientfica vigente o material mais completo sobre o tema de toda a plataformaNosso compromisso trazer informao de qualidade com base em artigos e livros de alto grau de evidncia cientfica Estaremos sempre atualizando o curso com material extra sobre assuntos pedidos pela comunidade QUAL O ENFOQUE DO CURSO?Nosso curso breve, dinmico e objetivo. Iremos enfatizar mais sobre as abordagens para manejo de comportamento alimentar disfuncional e transtornos alimentares."
Price: 84.99

"The 30/60/90 Health Course" |
"In this course I share my story and everything I've learned (and studied extensively) on my health journey to losing 90 pounds (65 pounds in 60+ days), lowering my blood pressure over 50 points with no medication, and reversing my pre-diabetic state. it's not just about the proper foods to eat, but it's learning exactly how unhealthy conditions came to be in the first place. You will learn how we became programmed to fuel these unhealthy conditions, so we can understand exactly what we need to do to actually reprogram ourselves to do what is healthy by default. The key to success isn't necessarily discipline or willpower (well it is willpower but we learn how to actually have unlimited willpower in the course!) but it's about programming yourself to have healthy habits NATURALLY! No fighting urges or cravings!"
Price: 19.99

"MASTER of HARMONY at the piano/keyboard!chord music theory,1" |
"Hello and welcome.You have probably noticed that, unlike some other sellers, I am not selling hundreds of courses (and this is not at all a criticism about them or their courses!). In part this is because I havent been too long here on Udemy, but also because I vet the students /customers more, i.e. I do not teach complete beginners (not that there is anything wrong with them), and I never write This course is for ALL and no requirements needed. This course has requirements, and I am not trying to appeal to all. At all. This basically means that I sell less courses, but also that as a smaller seller I can and will answer to ANY questions you have about anything mentioned in the course. Just post ANY questions in the Q&A section of the course, and I promise I will answer to all, as helpfully as I can. Not only that, the best questions will be examined in a new video!If I were selling hundreds of courses, I could not answer more than a couple of students questions. But because I am a smaller guy, I can do what I mentioned above. And that is to your advantage. :)This is the first of a series of in depth courses of harmony at the piano. This is not a course to play by ear, which is a really weak, amateurish, and inadequate approach. These shortcuts have NEVER worked. At best, the results are mediocre. In almost 30 years of studying 3 instruments and every area of music, I have never seen a really solid musician who cannot read music. This is not a course to learn to play 4 chords. This is not a course where there are no prerequisites. For this course, you need to be at least a serious grade 1 or 2 (Abrsm, Trinity College etc) pianist. The piano dont need to be your first instrument, but you need to have practiced the piano seriously for at least a year. You have to be able to read music at a basic level, and know your major scales at the piano at least up to 3 flats and two sharps, and all the relative minors.By the way, being able to read music does NOT means not using your ear, which is a very popular, and completely mistaken, belief. People who read music use their ear all the time, and far better than anyone else, although this is never understood by people who dont read music, because one cannot understand what he does not know.So if you do not read music, this course is not for you, sorry. I am just being honest.This is an intense harmony course. Dont be fooled by the short duration: I edit out every useless SECOND, indecisions, long pauses, and every uhm, ah, or noises (I myself cannot stand any of these in an online lecture!). There is no Lets maybe try that in this course. Every single thing is decided in advance. I myself never liked maybe lessons. My question is: Does it works, or not? Unless it does, dont waste my time..It takes me up to 45 minutes to edit a 2 or 3 minutes video. I add text while I speak, which expand explanations further. This course goes really fast, and you will often have to stop the video to read the text. I try to cram as much powerful info as I can, AND I dont want to waste your time with personal stories and such rubbish. I dont fill 7 hours with fluff and waste your time in the process. Lastly, this is not a course you watch once. You will have to review it. There will be things that you probably wont get immediately: thats fine, keep them in the back of your mind, but you will have to review everything, and probably multiple times. The good news? This is normal! The best things are not as easy as 1-2-3. But once you learned them, trust me, they are very, very powerful. I have seen this really well for myself.Learn the TRUE art of harmony from a system that was perfected over 120 years by TOP notch musicians and theorists (they often were both.)Its sad. Everywhere I turn, I see products with written on: The NEW way to learn music and The NEW way to learn X instrument. No music theory needed!. You dont need to read music!.This is all snake oil. A real musician HAS to learn all the above. This is like building a house: build it on sand, and it will go to pieces. And I am not speaking about learning to be a top composer: this training should be done even by songwriters, and pop and rock musicians. Instead, a beginner will spend years trying to learn without learning ANYTHING, which always, always ends in failure.I see lots of teachers telling how to create a minor seventh chord. Then they cannot go any further. But as a famous composer and teacher said: A chord, taken in isolation, has no meaning. You need at least two to start creating something meaningful.These other teachers , with their new systems, only try to reinvent the wheel, and only a REALLY bad one, which cant even roll properly! The reality is, the secrets to learn to be a very solid musician, have been available for CENTURIES. It started in Italy during the Renaissance, and it then developed ENORMOUSLY in Germany and Austria in the 1700s and 1800s.This is a system of harmony that was derived from the works of master musicians such as Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven, the three emperors of classical music. Very acute theorists and musicians (they were both) saw that all these composers, although each were injecting their high dose of personality, were all following the same harmonic guidelines.This system turned me from an adult who never touched a musical instrument even as a teenager, to having COMPLETELY mastered electric and classical guitar, got me practicing advanced classical piano. I guarantee that even grade 6 or 7 classical piano, is harder than mastering the electric guitar. I am speaking of course about a VERY secure grade 6 or 7 pianist, not about a weak one. I trained my ear really nicely, and even allows me to write nice tunes while I am staring out of the window! I have HUNDREDS of really nice pieces for 3 instruments, ready to be completed. I learned to open a piano score, and arrange it almost in real time on classical guitar. I learned to harmonize known melodies, or my own, REALLY effectively. No lets maybe try this, or maybe that. I will already know what works, in ADVANCE, and without the instrument!After I had learned this system by myself, I then took music theory lessons and piano lessons, only to find out that I was the only one in the class who was able to harmonize his own melody very effectively. Even my teachers were impressed. Thats really good keyboard harmony!, they said.I have NEVER believed I did not need to learn harmony, music theory, or sight read well at the piano, because I have always trusted that learning these things would pay dividends. And I was right.Are YOU of the same mind? Are YOU a serious musician, or a serious student, or both? Do YOU want to feel secure in your musical skills, because you KNOW they work, you SAW and HEARD the results? Do YOU want to be confident in yourself, no matter whatever musician is around you?This system will take time, but it is GUARANTEED to work. All others are the opposite: they give the illusion that you are getting something quickly, but in the end, the results are always highly inadequate. But this system will make you FEARLESS after you learned it. You will be way ahead of all these frankly pathetic musicians who keep stumbling in the dark for years, trying to do something that after all, should NOT take years, but a few months at most.Do YOU want to use the power of harmony and an high level harmonic skill, in YOUR own music? Do YOU want to stop fiddling on the instrument, noodling (this is probably one of the worst musicians diseases) trying to come up with something that works, that always turns up to be mediocre or weak?Life is too short for noodling.And the art of harmony is much more than randomly selecting some chords and sticking them underneath a melody. There are many things you need to consider, and especially, there are many things youll KNOW in ADVANCE that they dont work, or dont work well, and when you know these things, you can save yourself a ton and a half of time everytime you harmonize a melody or come up with a strong chord progression.You see, the solid musicians of the past were about not only doing it well, but doing it QUICKLY. Otherwise how could they have written hundreds of musical works? Is it not strange that a Wagner could write an opera of over 5 hours, and most of todays musicians cant even read music and put together a short piece that sounds well? We will never be as good as Wagner, BUT we can still be solid musicians. And that IS good enough!Why should you use this chord, but not that one? Why should you use a first inversion here, instead of a root position? How can you take some bare chord and immediately enrich them with suspensions, passing modulations, and all these super effective tools?This seems all a mystery, but it needs not be. The very best musicians started to examine the works of other musicians, and immediately learned why that music sounded the way it sounded. For example, Bach studied the works of Vivaldi. Beethoven, those of Mozart.But these were geniuses. They could learn in a short while what the rest of us will take much, much longer, and will only learn a very small fraction of it. We are not geniuses, but we can be the best musicians WE can be. And this is good enough. But anything less than that, it is NOT! To me, it is shameful!"
Price: 19.99

"sap abap programming for beginners" |
"In this course you will learn and get and overview ofWhats is and erp system and what is sap?Sap implementation cycle and roles and responsibility of sap consultant in an sap project.How to get sap system access for practice.Overview of sap abap.What object an abap consultant need to develop.Sap system landscape.Abap data dictionary and creation of tableCreate your first abap programAbap syntax learningClassical and alv reportSmartforms"
Price: 5440.00

"Textile Printing Designing Tutorial With Photoshop In Hindi" |
"This course tutorials is designed to teach you the Textile design in hindi and urdu language and sell your design online and also use in the textile industry. You can learn it if you have little experience about photoshop and also even if you have not experience with it! My goal is to learn how to design fantastic looking Textile Design in Photoshop and create a high monthly income from them by online sell or offline use in any industry .Through this course you'll find out how to become a successful freelancer textile designer on sites like fiverr, freepik, sutterstrock, and use this knowledge in any textile industry.I have seven years experience in this field and also teaching offline designing in our locality so i think the course is give a right knowledge about designing to become expert in it. Learn how to make your workflow more efficient so you can spend less time completing projects and more on getting new clients. About my course in summery Master the right tools and techniques in PhotoshopUse it to Create Textile design and patternApply right way to making designingFind the Best Freelance textile Design ProjectsGet Great Tips for Efficient WorkflowsWho is target AudienceAny one interested to learn Textile Design.Any one who want to sell online textile Design and earn Money at Home.You can sell your design online on many sites.Want to work in any textile industryNo prior Experience is needed.It is a basic to advance tutorial in Photoshop tutorial.If anyone want to learn all about textile design and textile industry in hindi language then this is the right place for you come and joining our course. Thank you."
Price: 24.99

"Persnlichkeitsentwicklung, Motivation und Inspiration!" |
"Wrdest du dich gerne persnlich verndern? Willst du durch Persnlichkeitsentwicklung, Motivation und Inspiration ein komplett anderes Leben fhren? Dann ist dieser Persnlichkeitsentwicklung, Motivation und Inspiration Kurs genau das richtige fr dich!In diesem Kurs werde ich dir zeigen, wie du die Themen Persnlichkeitsentwicklung, Motivation und Inspiration zu deinen Gunsten nutzt, in einfachen Worten, keine komplexe Theorie! Alles was ich dir beibringe, habe ich selber getestet und meine Erfahrungen gemacht!Was genau wirst du aber im Detail hier in diesem Kurs lernen?Das Leben anders zu sehen: Ich gebe dir Denkanstsse, damit du auf einen anderen Weg kommstZitate bekannter Personen: Von Goethe bis Steve Jobs. Inspirierende Zitate und meine persnliche Meinung dazu.berwinde deine Angst: Was meiner Meinung nach hilft, jede Angst zu besiegenZiele: Warum diese wichtig sind und warum du Ziele unbedingt aufschreiben sollstFreiheit:: Wann du die hchste Stufe der Freiheit erreichstSchwchen: Warum du diese unbedingt auf die Seite legen sollstDer Sinn des Lebens: Was ist eigentlich der Sinn des Lebens? Weisst du das?Erfolg: Wie definiere ich Erfolg? Wahrscheinlich siehst du das danach hnlich :-)Das Gute im Leben aufgeben: Du sollst das Gute im Leben aufgeben. Warum? Sei gespannt...Wo beginnt eigentlich Erfolg: Meine klare und einfach Antwort!Und, und, und... Folgende Dinge werden dir bewusst sein, wenn du diesen Kurs abgeschlossen hast:Du weit, dass das Leben noch viel mit dir vor hatDu wirst dir bewusst sein, dass du wahrscheinlich ein falsches Leben gefhrt hastDu bist dein eigener Herrscher des LebensDu hast zu viel auf andere Menschen gehrt Du kannst sofort alles ndernDu weit wie du in Zukunft leben willstDu wirst dir (hoffentlich) keine Steine in den Weg legen etwas ndern zu wollenDeswegen schreibe dich JETZT ein und lebe dein eigenes, zufriedenes und glckliches Leben! Worauf wartest du? Leg los und starte mit deinem EIGENEN Leben! Wir sehen uns gleich im ersten Video! Ich freue mich auf DICH!Viele Grsse!Mathias Klavina- Dozent -"
Price: 79.99

"Microsoft Azure Fundamentals - Practice Test" |
"This course will help you consolidate all your knowledge about azure, and it will prepare you to pass az-900 certificacion. In all questions we are detailling the anwswers with azure documentation.This course is made with more than five year of experience, helping people to succesfully pass this exam, and also be prepared for the use of services in azure."
Price: 19.99

"Criao de Videos para o YouTube com o Davinci Resolve" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender a criar um vdeo para o YouTube usando equipamentos simples como um celular e at uma camra fotogrfica ou filmadora. Vamos aprender tambm a editar vdeos usado o Davinci Resolve, um software profissional de edio que grtis, isso mesmo, voc no vai precisar pagar pra usar. Disponvel para Windows, Linux e Mac. Voc vai ver como organizar o material, importar vdeos e udios, gravar o udio da voz separado e sincronizar com o seu vdeo. Vai aprender dicas de iluminao da cena para o seu vdeo ficar ainda mais interessante e at a fazer uns efeitos simples de animao para ttulos, legendas e tags para suas redes sociais. Durante o curso voc vai acompanhar a edio completa de um dos vdeos feitos para o meu canal do YouTube, desde de o material bruto, at o arquivo final."
Price: 69.99

bioenergy |
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Price: 19.99

"Internet of Things (IoT) with ESP8266 and Micropython" |
"In this course, we will develop a Security System with the Internet of Things Technology. Complete hands-on, Learning by doing experience.At the end of the course, you will be able to interface sensors with IoT devices and IoT Cloud.You will be to use Channel, React, ThingHTTP services from ThingSpeak cloud.I will be teaching this course using ThingSpeak Cloud Platform from Mathworks and IFTTTWe will learn to program IoT Devices using Micropython Programming Language.Together we will go deep inside of IoT product design by developing an IoT Application end to end.ESP8266 wifi ModuleNODEMCUPython FundamentalsMicropythonThingSpeak by MathworksIFTTTPIR Sensor (Motion Sensor)Home Automation by implementing Security SystemImplement this story in this courseA guy name Alex left for the office, and his home was all alone, He was working happily at his workplace.At the same time, a thief name ""P"" is looking for the next target and He found an empty house and Obsoiulsy this house belongs to Alex {No Suspense, I am not good in making stories :) :) }Let's Move Forward......So, ""P"" enters and start picking things.At the same time.... Alex's phone Starts Ringing.......... (Alex is at the office)Alex Picked Up the phone a voice message is Played, ""Alert... Alert...., Alert...., Somebody is there in the house"". Alex calls the cops and cops visit Alex's house and ""P"" got caught.Alex's home is safe, Nothing was stolen. Who is the Hero here ???How it all happened??Yes, you are right, ""Internet of Things"", with Motion Detection sensor, ESP8266 (nodemcu) and Cloud.Let's Learn this technology by implementing this project. "
Price: 12800.00

"Learn cost estimation for multiplex building using Xactimate" |
"In this course, you will learn or improve your cost estimation knowledge using Xactimate software to build accurate estimate for a construction project of a multi-floor residential building. Whether you are an Adjuster, Construction Contractor, Estimator or a Student, this course will help you understand and use Xactimate to estimate total cost for a complete design of multiplex building."
Price: 99.99

"Russian School: Creative Training" |
"In artistic education you usually touch one specific area: drawing, dancing, filming, acting etc. This course is training your creative muscle from different sides as a general cognitive aptitude on practice.In the cycle of 7 simple workshops you will touch every essential component that are in charge of creative process (section 'Theory: creative muscle'). Every workshop designed of task, practice and a result. The course is built on knowledges left by Russian art geniuses and aimed to train your attention to understand and to process different types of data which is good for both analyzing and composing information in a different way. Visit 'Why to study' section for more detailed answer whether you reallly need this course."
Price: 19.99

"Interpretao de GD&T conforme ISO 1101" |
"O Dimensionamento Geomtrico e Tolerncia uma ferramenta de desenvolvimento de produtos e controle de qualidade que tem se tornado obrigatrio no setor automotivo, alm de ser utilizada em outros setores. Atualmente poucos profissionais sabem interpretar corretamente gerando erros e aumento de custo.O aluno ser capaz de identificar os elementos de uma pea e os controles geomtricos conforme a norma ISO 1101. O mesmo interpretar as 14 caractersticas de controle dos elementos."
Price: 339.99

"Programme ULTRA complet de musculation en salle" |
"Peut tre que tu te demandes:"" De quelle manire je dois mentraner en salle?""""Combien je dois prendre en rcupration?""Ou encore...""Quels exercices je dois faire pour amliorer ma dtente?""J'ai donc dcid de crer un programme pour aider tous les sportifs qui sentranent en salle !Ce programme est pour toi si:-Tu cherches tre plus rapide, plus fort, plus puissant-Tu ne veux pas te prendre la tte et tre guid pas pas-Ton but est de progresser dans ton sportL'objectif?Suivre le programme de 3 mois en salle de musculation et exploser tes perfs en tant plus rapide, plus fort, plus explosif !En bref, de te dvelopper physiquement pour tre un meilleur joueur/ sportif ;) Il y aura 3 sances par semaine et je t'explique comment les adapter ton planning.Module 1: ? 3 mois de programme vidoLe programme est sur 3 mois, avec des sances filmes o je te guide sur l'excution et tous les points connaitre !Module 2: Sances critesTu vas retrouver un ebook avec toutes les sances du programme pour les emmener partout (106 pages).Module 3: Ebook MindsetSans le mental, le physique n'est rien... Dans cet ebook tu vas dcouvrir toutes les astuces et techniques de prparation mentale.Module 4: Ebook nutritionLa performance passe aussi par l'assiette ! J'ai donc voulu crer un guide pour apprendre les bases de la nutrition !Bonus mystreDans ce programme, j'ai dcid d'ajouter une partie supplmentaire, toujours dans le but d'amliorer la performance !FAQQuel est le but du programme?Offrir une prparation physique sur 3 mois pour devenir plus rapide, plus fort, plus puissant et exploser tes perfs sur le terrain !Est ce qu'il faut s'y connatre en prparation physique?Non il n'y a besoin d'aucunes connaissances, tout est expliqu, pas pas ! (sances filmes)Est ce qu'il faut du matriel pour faire le programme?Il faut tre en salle de musculation. En principe, toutes les salles ont le matriel que j'utilise!"
Price: 69.99

"Blues Licks - Workshop - PlayAlong - 12 Licks" |
"Que tal aprender 12 Licks de Blues divididos em 3 temas, tudo isto passo a passo e com as tablaturas e tabs para acompanhar?Esta a proposta deste mini-curso. Tocar e se divertir, aprendendo muito!Indicado para todos os nveis, bastando apenas ter uma guitarra e um PC para estudar.Deixei em ordem cronolgica todo o material para voc ter uma referncia de estudo e as escalas que usaremos em todas as msicas."
Price: 19.99

mentalarithmetic1part |
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Price: 19.99

volsexpz |
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Price: 19.99
