lkyyldlv |
". , , , "" "". . ( , , , , , ..). . . . . / . , , , . , ., , , "" "", . , , , , , , , , , , . , , . , , . ."
Price: 19.99

"Mental arithmetic. Multiplication and division" |
"This course will tell you how to perform multiplication and division (with and without the remainder) of multi-valued numbers on the drum, solve examples with negative numbers.This course should be taken by those who know how to count examples in soroban, using all the formulas from the course of mental arithmetic. This can be learned by completing the first block of the course.Further, those who want to teach should pass the third block of the course ""Methodical part"", which reveals the methodological aspects of teaching the course of mental arithmetic. As a gift for the third year, you will receive a methodological guide on mental arithmetic for teachers."
Price: 19.99

"Mental arithmetic. Methodical part" |
"Methodological aspects in teaching the course of mental arithmetic (age categories of students, schedule, rules for dictation of examples, speed of dictation of examples, standards, exams, etc.). The technique of fingers and hands when counting on soroban. Organization of the teacher's work. Accountability. Organization of work with parents of students. Conducting a presentation / trial lesson.This course should be taken by those who know how to count examples in soroban, using all the formulas from the course of mental arithmetic, as well as multiplying and dividing in soroban. This can be learned by completing the first and second blocks of the course.Further, those who want to teach should pass the third block of the course ""Methodical part"", which reveals the methodological aspects of teaching the course of mental arithmetic. As a gift for the third year, you will receive a methodological guide on mental arithmetic for teachers."
Price: 19.99

"Common Sense to write report and document with powerpoint" |
"1. Purpose (Why)Video information has a 200 times higher recognition rate than text information. Information consumers find a lot and communicate well with information consumers.On the contrary, producing video information requires 200 times more effort than producing text information.The popularization of video online platforms is increasing the number of people who are working hard to produce video information, but there are many unspecified people who want video information. But textual communication will continue and coexist with video information.It learns how to write documents (creating text information) that require only 1/200 hours of effort rather than producing video information and delivers know-how to communicate with a specific minority.The people who affect your life are a certain minority rather than an unspecified majority.To relieve your stress of writing, take a course on how to write a document in a way that is consistent with your drinking duties.Invest in a cafe for an hour with a cup of coffee and chatting with your friends.You'll have another morning tomorrow.The instructional pdf file is downloaded by clicking the icon next to the end of the 12th round image in the course tree view. 2. Introduction of Lecture (Where)The theory of writing goes into action, whether you know it or not.Explain the required accident F/W through the weekend farm operation law case.3. Lecture contents organized in Chapter 1 (What)We learn how to write documents in the context of the six-point principle.Example 1) Out of all the F/W accidents, SWOT is applied to create a one-line summary message.Further application of this method also applies to effect item calculations.Example 2) As-is, To-be analysis is possible for even a very small case.Here's the context.Example 3) Introduce the method of ensuring consistency when modifying numerical information where interference beginsExcel object insertion and disadvantages, but advantages cover shortcomings.4. How to proceedOnline Lecture + 1:1 Email ReplyNo request for ghostwriting required.5. Expected Effect (IF)Become familiar with the subject F/W application and the assessment scale of the person receiving itEOD"
Price: 22000.00

"Fundamentals of Vector Calculus" |
"NOTE: The instructor of this course has second language English proficiency. So before enrolling, firstly go through the sample free lectures and if you are comfortable then you can proceed with the enrollment process. The learners should have the knowledge of the basics of engineering mathematics topics like differentiation, integration and vector operation. Vector Calculus is a very important concept which deals with the study of the properties of the vector operation in Eucledian space. It plays a very important role in the field of Physics and Mechanics (mainly in fluid mechanics). This course focuses and has tried to cover all important aspects of Vector Calculus. The whole MOOC is divided into two weeks. The first week focus on the Vector Differentiation and the second week focuses on the Vector Integration."
Price: 19.99

"Curso Bsico de Instagram Marketing" |
"Bem-vindo ao Curso Bsico de Instagram Marketing!Esse um curso introdutrio e para iniciantesVoc ir aprender desde o bsico ao avanado para crescer no InstagramIrei ensinar voc de maneira simples e direta como ter um Instagram profissionalApresentao com contedo e passo a passoTalvez voc esteja com algumas dvidas:Como Fazer Vendas Com Meu Perfil no Instagram?Como Fazer Publicaes profissionais no Instagram?Como Atrair audincia No Instagram?Neste curso eu vou te ensinar basicamente a como usar estratgias de Instagram Marketing para atrair seguidoresVeja o que voc vai aprender:Otimizar o seu perfilCriar uma BIO amigvel ao seu nichoCriar Contedo De Valor Para Ganhar Novos Clientes e SeguidoresComo Se Tornar Autoridade Em Seu Nicho de Mercado No InstagramUtilizar Todos Os Recursos Que o Instagram te Oferece GratuitamenteUsar o Stories Para Engajar, Crescer Autoridade, e Vendere MUITO MAIS!E vou te dar alguns motivos os quais voc precisa comear o curso neste exato momento:Neste exato momento temos Milhares (1 bilho) de pessoas fazendo negcio no Instagram incluindo seus concorrentes. Vena sua concorrncia AGORA MESMO!;Este Curso ele vai do Bsico ao Avanado, em uma linguagem didtica e de fcil entendimento;Voc Precisa Identificar Quem So Seus Concorrentes, Quais Estratgias de Instagram Marketing eles esto utilizando e como super-los;Voc vai Adorar este Curso porque TUDO que eu vou te ensinar muito simples, poderoso e fcil de colocar em prtica;"
Price: 579.99

"Como Comear na Programao" |
"Bem vindo ao curso Como Comear na Programao!Neste curso, voc ver, totalmente em portugus, o necessrio para comear a programar em qualquer linguagem.A final do curso voc ser capaz de:Conhecer o perfil de um programadorSaber onde encontrar contedo para estudarSaber como comear sua carreiraDescobrir se voc pode se tornar um bom programador ou noObrigado pela ateno e bom curso!"
Price: 579.99

"Curso Fundamentos de um programador fora de curva" |
"um programador iniciante ou precisa melhorar em algo? Neste curso rpido, te ensino quais fundamentos voc precisa adquirir ou melhorar para ser um programador fora da curva, excelenteO curso para programadores que desejam, realmente, serem os melhoresO Curso para sua qualificao profissionalNo h problema caso voc seja novo(a) na programao, pois no incio do curso voc aprender requisitos bsicos e introdutrios ao assunto"
Price: 579.99

"""The Mindset of a Super Coach"" 6-Week Certification" |
"Is becoming a Mindset Coach and shifting limiting beliefs in society..starting with your own... the right path for you? Do you feel you are currently coaching your clients...but something is deep and transformational is missing in your work? ....A Certain....""Clarity""...Framework & Structure to your Work...""Superpower""..""Spark"" and Confidence? Why leave your clients without real transformational results? The answer is here:Our 6-week mind-body and spirit-driven course dives into 19 psychologically impactful videos from Ultimate Spark! Coaching's FULL 90-day coaching certification...with new paradigm-shifting viewpoints to raise your POWER as a COACH including...= ""Your WorldView is our Choice"" (Law #1), ""Choose Positivity Often"" (Law #2), ""We are All Connected To Each Other"" (Law #9) and more...Included in this course is: 19 Knowledge-packed Videos by ICF-Certified Ultimate Spark! Coaching Founder Emily Correa explaining each law's influence on your inner and outer world!Our 38 Page Printable Digital Workbook to Help Guide you along...Opportunities to present 3-5 Law Videos to promote on Youtube!19 Instagram, Youtube and Facebook ready graphics to use on social media as talking points with your clients!Post Course Completion: You will receive the UDEMY certification alongside an OFFICIAL MAILED CERTIFICATION signed by Ultimate Spark! Coaching Founder, Emily Correa. Plus be gifted with a complimentary 1-hour business coaching session (Worth $300), invitation to be featured on our Youtube & 2021 Magazine, automatic invite to join our private FB Group of Global Abundance Seekers and also receive a 15% discount off our FULL 90-day certification to become a Ultimate Spark! Coach!*All course materials, videos, and instructions are designed by the Founder and is straight to the point, inspirational and educational while being time-efficient due to your own personal busy schedule."
Price: 199.99

"Excel Pivot Table - How to Tame the Excel Beast!" |
"The course is presented in four parts.First, the course illustrates where does pivot table stand in the Excel Techniques, and brings up the topic of when to and when NOT to use a pivot table.Second, we use a business case to compare ways of reporting on huge data Formulas vs. Pivot Tables, and point out the pros and cons of Pivot Tables:o No complex formulas neededo Easy to drag and dropo Drag away to removeo Double click to drill down to detailsThird, the course illustrates 6 basic and 6 intermediate maneuvers to tame the Pivot Table beast!Last, the course explores best practices in building a pivot table. They include:o Do set up Data List as Data Tableo Do put multiple pivot tables in multiple tabso Do protect sensitive info such as Salary detailso Do set up auto refresh of Pivot Tables"
Price: 99.99

mohammedeissa |
"- - - - - -"
Price: 29.99

"Python Le Cours Ultime pour passer de Zro Pro" |
"""90% des personnes qui apprennent programmer en solo hors d'une universit chouent."" D'aprs une tude scientifique par la Computing School University of Middlesex au Royaume-Uni.Et toi? Qu'en sera-t-il pour toi?Il faut plusieurs ingrdients pour russir apprendre coder en solo en Python, grce des cours en ligne.C'est vrai qu'il est possible d'apprendre grce des tutoriels, et des vidos gratuites sur Internet.C'est d'ailleurs comme a que j'ai commenc, il y a des annes.Mais mes progrs taient loin d'tre fulgurants. J'avanais trs lentement dans mon apprentissage de Python.Alors c'tait ""ok"" pour moi, j'avais le temps, j'apprenais Python pendant mon anne de csure en Australie, et je n'tais pas press de commencer travailler.Et puis j'tais passionn.Mais qu'en est-il pour toi? Tu veux apprendre coder en Python suffisamment bien pour lancer ta carrire? Et que a te prenne quelques mois au lieu de quelques annes?Tu sais, il y a plusieurs choses qui peuvent t'en empcher.La premire c'est d'arrter trop tt. Et a, pourtant, a nous parat vident qu'il faut s'accrocher..Mais les gens qui abandonnent aussi le savent qu'il faut perservrer ... La vraie question, c'est : ""Pourquoi?"".Pourquoi certaines personnes baissent-elles les bras et n'arriveront jamais faire une carrire qui touche au code alors que pour certaines personnes, a a l'air d'tre si simple?Si tu as pens que c'est cause des cours en lignes, c'est rat, la mme tude que celle cite plus haut affirme que 66% des gens qui apprennent coder pendant leurs tudes (universit) n'y arrivent quand mme pas.Alors, si ce nest pas les cours en ligne le problme, c'est quoi?J'ai eu la chance de pouvoir former Python, en face face, des personnes de tout niveau et j'ai pu constater trois principaux facteurs qui contribuent la russite dans le code, lorsqu'on dbute:Tu dois t'habituer crire du code (... et pas le copier-coller, grosse, grosse erreur)Il faut que tu apprennes les concepts de code Python dans un ordre logique et prcis.Et ...Tu dois russir penser comme un ordinateur pour russir le programmer.Pour le premier point, c'est facile, tu peux commencer ds maintenant: trouve du code, recopie-le, excute-le et essaie de comprendre ce que ce code fait.Par contre c'est pour les autres points que le bt blesse...Le premier problme que rencontre les gens qui apprennent Python en solo...Bien qu'on nous apprenne dj trs tt comment se servir d'un ordinateur, on ne nous apprend jamais comment les ordinateurs fonctionnent rellement.Sauf que pour russir programmer en Python, il faut savoir, au moins intuitivement comment les ordinateurs fonctionnent.Certaines personnes ont de la chance, et comprennent presque immdiatement, lorsqu'elles dbutent le code.Pour d'autres, a met des annes ""cliquer"" et devenir intuitif.Pour le reste, le dclic n'arrive jamais, car ces personnes abandonnent en pensant ""Le code ce n'tait pas pour moi, juste je ne comprenais pas"".Mais ce n'tait pas leur faute, personne ne leur avait jamais appris comment fonctionne rellement un ordinateur, ""sous le capot.""Mme en cole d'ingnieur, c'est quelque chose qu'on nous apprend en Bac+4, aprs avoir choisi de se spcialiser en Informatique.C'est beaucoup trop tard... J'ai vu beaucoup trop de gens arrter le code en cole d'Ing parce qu'il n'avait pas eu accs ce dclic.Est-ce que a te parat clair, comment fonctionne un ordinateur, sous le capot?Le second problme...C'est que pour apprendre rapidement coder correctement, il faut apprendre dans un ordre prcis. C'est pour a que a prend tant de temps de s'autoformer au code...Quand on apprend grce des tutoriels et des vidos gratuites sur Internet on napprend pas en suivant une mthode prcise et rigoureuse.On apprend trop tt des concepts avancs ce qui nous rend plus confuses que comptentes...On apprend trop tard des lments essentiels, ce qui fait que notre code peut tre "" la ramasse"" pendant des annes sans qu'on sache vraiment pourquoi...On passe beaucoup de temps deviner ce qu'on doit faire ensuite...Est-ce que c'est possible d'apprendre le code en solo sans suivre de mthode prcise?Oui, la preuve? Je l'ai fait, mais faut pas tre presse.Et votre temps est prcieux, n'est-ce pas?Moi a me tue, de voir des personnes talentueuses et intelligentes abandonner trop tt parceque'elles n'ont pas accs une mthode prcise et une explication claire de comment fonctionne un ordinateur...C'est pour a que j'ai cr ce cours... Pour que tout le monde puisse avoir sa chance d'apprendre coder en Python, sans se perdre en route!Dans Python Le Cours Ultime pour passer de Zro Pro, j'ai inclus ma mthode PAS PAS pour apprendre Python et s'en servir professionnellement mme pour les personnes qui n'ont jamais programm.Cette mthode est faite pour contourner tous les problmes que tu aurais rencontrs en apprenant en solo.Inscris-toi maintenant et obtiens un accs vie illimit :Une explication claire de tout ce qu'il faut savoir du fonctionnement des ordinateurs quand on dbute. C'est un cours qui dure 36 heures BAC+4 en cole d'Ingnieur, je l'ai condens pour que tout le monde puisse comprendre ce qui importe en moins de 5 heures! Rien que a peut te dbloquer ta carrire.Un cours complet, PAS PAS, pour apprendre Python dans l'ordre le plus efficace et ne pas perdre une seconde de plus chercher ce qu'il faut connatre. Installe-toi confortablement et laisse-toi guider travers le labyrinthe qu'est l'apprentissage du code Python, avec calme et srnit.Plus de 169 Exercices Pratiques ainsi que SIX Gros Projets et TPs, de difficult graduelle pour t'amener de Zro Pro en Python par la pratique!Ne fais pas attendre votre carrire une seconde de plus! Udmy et moi sommes fiers de t'offrir une garantie inconditionnelle satisfaite ou rembourse de 30 jours.On est confiant que le cours va te plaire, mais si a ne te correspond pas, pour n'importe quelle raison, fais-toi rembourser! Tu as tout gagner, ne laisse pas ta chance passer.Et c'est pas fini, j'ai galement inclus en bonus tout au long du cours:Tout ce que tu dois savoir sur Linux et le Terminal pour commencer dans la programmation Python, pour que tu ne sois jamais bloquer devant cet cran noir.Plus d'une dizaine de conseils pour te dmarquer en entretien de code et dans ton futur travail avec Python.La technique que j'ai utilis aprs avoir appris Python pour apprendre coder encore plus vite et encore mieux ( ne faire qu'aprs avoir termin le cours!) pour que tu puisses toi aussi acclerer encore plus ta carrire.et bien plus... tout de suite l'intrieur de la formation,Rmi, ton futur guide dans le labyrinthe du Python ;)F.A.Q. Est-ce que ce cours fonctionne juste pour apprendre coder en Python (et pas faire une carrire dans le code)?Oui; bien-sr, qui peut le plus peut le moins. Ce cours te permet d'apprendre Python dans un ordre logique qui te permettra de faire de belles choses pour tes projets persos. Est-ce que je peux juste regarder les vidos sans faire les exercices?Non, pas si tu souhaites rellement devenir pro. Il va falloir mettre les mains sur le clavier. La seule partie qui ne contient pas d'exercices c'est celle en intro sur le fonctionnement sous-jacent des ordinateurs. Donc c'est top on commence relax, en douceur le temps de se mettre dans le bain. Par contre, oui, aprs il faudra coder pour devenir pro. Mais ne t'inquite pas, tout est guid. Est-ce que je peux suivre ce cours si j'ai dj commencer apprendre Python?Oui, tout fait, du coup tu avanceras plus vite au dbut, car les exercices seront simples pour toi, et tu ralentiras naturellement quand tu auras atteint les leons qui correspondent ton niveau. Est-ce que je peux suivre ce cours si je veux juste apprendre Python alors que je connais dj un autre langage de programmation? (Je sais dj programmer, juste pas en Python)Oui! C'est mme un excellent cours pour faire a, tant donn qu'on va au fond des choses, tu seras capable d'aprhender beaucoup plus vite les subtilits de Python. Comme pour les autres, laisse-toi guider et surtout n'hsite pas acclrer la vitesse de lecture des vidos. Fais quand mme les exercices, ils sont faits pour t'apprendre efficacement la syntaxe de Python et que tu puisses l'intgrer rapidement. (Les exercices seront plus simples pour toi, donc tu les feras plus rapidement, mais ils te seront quand mme bnfiques). Est-ce que je peux suivre ce cours en parallle de mes tudes / de mon boulot et/ou si j'ai que trs peu de temps libre dans la semaine?Oui tout fait, c'est la magie des cours en ligne, tu peux suivre les cours ton rythme, d'o tu le souhaites. Je sais quel point c'est difficile de trouver du temps pour faire avancer sa carrire. C'est pour a que j'ai cr les vidos et les exercices de faon ce qu'il soit trs facile pour toi d'arrter de reprendre quand tu veux. En rsum, tu peux russir suivre ce cours mme si tu n'as que des crneaux libres de 10 minutes! Bon courage et bravo pour ton initiative! J'ai dj essay d'apprendre coder en Python / dans un autre langage, mais je n'ai pas russi, est ce ce cours va vraiment me permettre d'apprendre coder?coute, pour tre sincre, j'ai vraiment mis tout mon coeur dans ce cours pour permettre n'importe qui d'assez dtermin d'apprendre coder. On va commence le cours en dsamorant tous les blocages que tu as dj pu rencontrer auparavant. Ensuite, ds qu'on commence coder, je te prends par la main avec les vidos et les exercices corrigs. Les instructions sont claires et le but est de pratique, il n'y a pas de mauvaises rponses comme tu l'apprendras dans le cours.L'ordre des leons est pens pour ajouter petit petit toutes les briques qu'il te faut pour construire des programmes complexes.Je pense vraiment que, oui, ce cours peut te permettre d'apprendre coder mme si tu n'as pas russi la premire fois!Tout va bien se passer, et puis coute, si pour n'importe quelle raison le cours ne t'amne pas o tu veux, tu pourras te faire rembourser dans les 30 jours aprs ton inscription."
Price: 199.99

"Listening Skills For Business" |
"""Listening Skills For Business"" gives you an opportunity to learn how to really listen to your audience (whomever that may be) and not just ""hear"" them. You begin to see the difference between the two types of listening: Empathic and Critical and why they are so important. How you pay attention to verbal and non-verbal listening gives you an advantage in reading and understanding your clients' and other's messaging. Learn why different speaking styles affect how you and others communicate and listen. Take everything you've learned and put it to practical use through activities, assignments and handouts."
Price: 49.99

"Getting Design Right, Part 1" |
"This course is the first in a six-course series devoted to the Getting Design Right program. Here we examine the first step in this process: define the problem. This initial step involves identifying the product concept; establishing the mission, boundary, and context of the product or service; and identifying functional requirements for the product or service.This course should give you the confidence to initiate design projects and to enrich design concepts with important details critical to the design process. For those of you who are managers or interested in becoming managers, the course makes clear the kinds of work products you can expect at the earliest stages of design. It also provides the tools and explanation needed to develop those products.This course is grounded in systems thinking and requires both detail and abstraction: it teaches you to consider details carefully and to abstract from those details to create design requirements. It provides widely applicable exercises that you can use to develop your teams' system-thinking skills. In addition, it is unique in its behavioral emphasis, focusing on end users and on what the system will do for them. This is a customer-focused design process."
Price: 59.99

"Wordpress sitelerinize ierik ekme botu sayesinde ierik ve veri ekmeyi renicek ve bunu kendi sitelerinizde uygulayabileceksiniz . Kurs indekiler ;1)Wordpress Kurulumu 2)Wordpress Automatic Kurulumu , Gereksiz sayfa , Eklenti , Post Silinmesi 3)Wordpress Automatic Genel Ayarlar4)Wordpress Automatic Kampanyalara ait Ayarlar 5)Ezine Articles Yntemiyle erik ekme6)Feed/RSS Yntemiyle erik ekme7)Multi- Page Scraper Yntemi le erik ekme ( stediin Siteden erik ekme)8)Single-Page Scraper Ytemi ile erik ekme (stediin Siteden erik ekme)9)Pinterest erik ekme (Pinterest To Wordpress)10)nstagram erik ekme (nstagram to Wordpress)11)Youtube erik ekme (Youtube to Wordpress )12)Spintax Yntemi ile erik ekme 13)Amazondan erik ekme (Tm Amazon Maazalar) 14)Kopya erikleri Google a Bildirme"
Price: 49.99

"IP Basics" |
"This course introduces the student to the concept of the Internet Protocol and the suite of associated protocols. Through a series of discussion, the student will gain knowledge in the TCP/IP suite of protocols. The course explains the functions of the IP suite of protocols and describes the architecture of IP addressing. We will also Compare and contrast IP routing protocols"
Price: 1600.00

"[]Coding Interview - Algorithm & Data Structures Python" |
"These algorithms and data structures interview videos are designed for students who want to learn in Hindi. The questions are carefully chosen and the solutions are explained so as to make it easily understandable by the most. The course will be constantly updated and more questions will be added to that students are able to get through coding interviews."
Price: 124.99

"Treinamento e Capacitao de Professores de Escola Bblica" |
"Este curso tem como objetivo refletir, terica e metodologicamente, sobre o ensino na igreja evanglica contempornea. Este trabalho busca contribuir com o desenvolvimento do ensino da Palavra de Deus, difundindo uma perspectiva bblica da docncia crist. H no ensino bblico a manifestao sobrenatural do Esprito Santo, pois ele um dom revelado nas Escrituras. Embora, desvalorizado por muitos, hierarquicamente superior a outros dons supervalorizados. A partir dessa compreenso, proporemos ferramentas pedaggicas que, aliadas ao do Esprito Santo, cooperaro para a edificao do Corpo de Cristo.A fundamentao bblica est em Mateus 28.20: Ensinando-os a guardar todas as coisas que vos tenho ordenado."
Price: 39.99

"How to Study Happily & get Best Grades - ALWAYS!" |
"This Course is basically for Young Children, but it is intended for purchase only by Parents, Guardians & any other Adults, whoever monitors & manages the accounts & enrollments on behalf of their Children. Your Children, Learn about How to get Best Grades in Studies in an easy way by using simple & SMART methodsThis course is the foundation for all Children to get Best Grades in their studies without any Stress & Tensions in their daily routine."
Price: 5120.00

"Sequential Circuit-Digital Electronics" |
"section 1:.sequential circuit block diagram.section 2:Flip Flop -SR,JK,T,D,Master slaveTruth table,characteristic table,excitation table.conversion of flip flop.section 3:sequential circuit design ,state table,state diagram.problems(solved step by step procedure) .section 4:counter asynchronous countersection 5:concept of ASM chartmelay ASM moore ASMEnd of the course students will known the working operation of flip flop using truth table ,able to implement the characteristic and excitation table using k-maps,draw the state table and state diagram,can implement sequential circuit using flip flop,can implement the ASM chart.** New lectures will be added based on request."
Price: 1280.00

"Mtodos avaliativos de Esttica Facial" |
"Curso ensina sobre avaliao facial tratando sobre pele e os equipamentos para avaliao facial assim como, ensina a reconhecer as disfunes estticas faciais mais comuns dentre elas eflides, telangiectasias, xantelasma, manchas e os diversos graus de acne. Tambm aborda os diversos itens importantes para uma anamnese facial tendo disponivel em anexo uma ficha de anamnese bsica para uso."
Price: 39.99

"Python for Complete Beginners" |
"This course covers the key topics every beginner should master. This will allow students to have a strong foundation in Python programming. The topics covered in this course include:1. Introduction to Python2. Basic principles of Python with Data Types, Variables, Keyword and Variable names, and Operators3. Functional Programming4. Selection with If Statements, If-else Statements, and If-elif Statements5. Iteration with While and For loops6. Recursion7. Data Abstraction with List, Tuples, and Dictionaries8. High Order Procedures9. Abstract Data Types10. Exception Handling in Python11. File Handling in Python12. Object-Oriented Programming in Python This course is quick, affordable, and offers high-quality video lectures and course materials such as exercises and sample code. With that said, students will be engaged throughout the duration of this course. Also, You will not only learn how to code in python but you will gain the fundamentals of programming. This is essential when learning new languages and adapting to new tasks. So, go register for this course to embark on your coding journey with Python!"
Price: 19.99

"Flutter and Firebase Part 1 (Real-Time Database)" |
"This class covers Flutter and Firebase Real-time Database in more details. The class focuses on CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) of Firebase Real-time Database. Students will learn how to integrate Firebase into flutter applications. Students will also learn how to create, read, update and delete from real-time database in more details. Aside Firebase and database, students will also learn how to design interfaces in flutter, including how to use pop-ups and dialog box in flutter.Students taking this class should have basic knowledge in programming. Basic knowledge and experience in flutter and/or dart is preferred but not a requirement."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Warehouse Operations in Supply Chain Management" |
"This is a beginner's course on Warehousing and Warehouse Management for one who wants to start their career at the Warehouse or at a Distribution center near you. Distribution centers are opening up worldwide as the way the world shops has changed and more people are looking at online shopping and e-commerce is currently booming. Be a part of the next revolution of IOT and Robotics as it begins with the delivery from the warehouse and DIstribution Center near you.The course will take you through the very basics of the warehouse process, introduce you to the components and equipment used in a warehouse such as Forklifts, Pallets, Conveyor Belts, Packaging and protective equipment etc.You will also learn the Key Warehouse KPI's, How your performance matters and also basics in Logistics processes involved in shipping and Distribution.Warehouse Management is key in increasing efficiency in the warehouse processes such as Picking, Packing, Storing, Shipping and Inventory Management to improve warehouse performance and overall warehousing Logistics"
Price: 4160.00

"Impara i Fiori di Bach da zero" |
"Tutta la VERA CONOSCENZA viene SOLO dallINTERNO DI NOI STESSI, in silenziosa comunicazione con la nostra Anima. Dottrine e civilizzazioni ci hanno derubato del SILENZIO, ci hanno derubato della conoscenza che NOI RICONOSCIAMO TUTTA IN NOI STESSI. Siamo stati portati a credere che noi dobbiamo essere istruiti dagli altri, e che il nostro s spirituale sia diventato SOMMERSO. Edward Bach.I rimedi scoperti da questo uomo (medico, ricercatore, scienziato, scopritore del secolo scorso), restituiscono ad ognuno di noi la responsabilit della propria esistenza, intesa come CAPACITA DI RESPONSO, di risposte a tutte le domande che, di fronte ai periodi difficili che siamo chiamati ad affrontare, emergono dal nostro interno: perch provo questa rabbia, perch ho paura, perch non mi ascolta nessuno, perch proprio a me, eccSecondo Bach e secondo tutta quella medicina che ha un approccio olistico verso luomo, la malattia data da una disarmonia tra la nostra essenza, il S Superiore come lui lo chiama, e il nostro livello di consapevolezza, ristretta allimmagine che ci siamo abituati a vedere di noi stessi. Se questultima non abbastanza evoluta saremo condizionati dai nostri limiti interiori che bloccheranno la nostra energia vitale, causando la malattia. Questa sar quindi un grande aiuto per noi per capire quale lezione stiamo ignorando, cosa dobbiamo ancora imparare nella scuola della vita per poter allargare i nostri orizzonti. I fiori di Bach ci aiutano a metterci in contatto con quelle parti di noi che stiamo dimenticando, ci aiutano ad alzare il volume della nostra voce interiore, superando i limiti della paura che sempre nascono da noi stessi e solo noi abbiamo la facolt di abbattere.Siamo ESSERI LIBERI perch la nostra evoluzione, il nostro stato di benessere dipende solo dalla conoscenza e coscienza di noi stessi. Siamo ESSERI DIVINI perch abbiamo la capacit di creare i nostri mondi, di cambiarli; abbiamo dentro di noi i misteri delleternit, dellinfinito che ci portano a comprendere che c sempre un aldil oltre lorizzonte che riusciamo a vedere; abbiamo sempre la possibilit di superare noi stessi e ampliare la nostra consapevolezza e dallUniverso tornare verso lUno.Bach, attraverso i suoi rimedi, ha voluto offrire un aiuto per ridare voce a questa parte di noi, libera, divina, consapevole di se stessa e capace di superare qualunque difficolt."
Price: 24.99

"Learn skills to publish fast in high impact factor journals!" |
"In this course, there are 18 top quality video lectures (2 hours) on following most important topics for publication of research work in high impact factor journals:How to select best journals for publication in impact factor journalsHigh impact factor journals in multiple fields.How to find publication time of a journal and learn to publish fast?Review template of journal for publication of research paper in impact factor journal.How to write title in best way for publication in impact factor journal?How to write best quality abstract for a publication in impact factor journal?How to select keywords in best way for publication in impact factor journal?How to write best quality introduction for publication in impact factor journal?How to present study area in best way for publication in impact factor journals?How to deal research data in best way for publication in impact factor journals?How to develop and write methodology in best way for publication in IF Journal?How to present results in best way for publication in impact factor journal?How to write discussion in best way for publication in impact factor journal?How to write conclusion in best way for publication in impact factor journal?How to write best acknowledgements for publication in impact factor journal?How to write best quality references for publication in impact factor journal?How to revise a research paper after getting response from reviewers & editor of journal?Certificates of publications from impact factor journals.After completing this course, you will be able to write high quality research papers for publication in high impact factor journals."
Price: 49.99

"Microsoft Teams" |
"O Microsoft Teams rapidamente se consolidou como uma das melhores ferramentas para a comunicao, colaborao e integrao de equipes de trabalho. A partir dele, voc pode criar canais de comunicao para postagens de textos, realizar reunies rpidas ou agendadas, compartilhar e trabalhar de forma colaborativa com arquivos, interagir e apoiar colegas de equipe, alm de ter um ambiente saudvel, seguro e restrito para trabalhos que precisam ser feitos a partir da sua empresa ou de qualquer lugar do mundo.Mais do que uma ferramenta de comunicao, o Microsoft Teams um centralizador de tudo o que a Microsoft pode te oferecer. Em um s lugar voc trabalha com documentos do Word, planilhas do Excel, apresentao do PowerPoint, substitui o seu e-mail por uma forma mais gil e moderna de comunicao, estimula a participao de seus colaboradores e a construo de uma cultura de troca de experincias, respeito a prazos e feedbacks positivos e constantes.Neste curso, vamos ensinar a como utilizar as ferramentas essencial do Microsoft Teams com uma abordagem de negcios: vamos mostrar como segmentar trabalhos e temas em equipes, restringir acesso a informaes, as melhores prticas de comunicao, o uso das ferramentas colaborativas e como trazer clientes, fornecedores e outros visitantes para este cenrio. Ao final, nossos alunos tero uma viso bastante completa dos recursos do aplicativo e segurana para us-las no ambiente de negcios com profissionalismo e aps conhecer exemplos baseados em cenrios reais. Vamos estimular nossos alunos a analisar necessidades e aplicar solues de forma inteligente, utilizando tudo o que o Microsoft Teams oferece.Ao final deste curso voc ter uma abrangente compreenso do uso do Microsoft Teams e suas principais ferramentas para modernizar a forma como sua equipe interage e trabalha."
Price: 39.99

"CAMS (Certified Anti Money Laundering Specialist)" |
"CAMS COACH offers 5 main courses for CAMS Examination. We are sharing sample questions from each to allow you to assess the quality of our questions.The courses covered are1. Chapter 1. Risk & Methods of Money Laundering - 15 Sample MCQs.2. Chapter 2. International AML / CFT Standards - 15 Sample MCQs.3. AML / CFT Compliance Program - 15 Sample MCQs.4. Conducting & Responding to Investigations - 15 Sample MCQs.5. CAMS Exam Extreme - Case Study Questions - 15 Sample MCQs.In total, you will get 75 Sample MCQs.The course is developed to give you a snapshot of our CAMS courses quality. You can try all of the 5 products in this course. If you like our samples and wants to proceed further, there is guidance available inside on how to get the BEST POSSIBLE PRICE. Feel free to write to us in case if you need any assistance."
Price: 19.99

"Personal Functional Trainer 1 livello" |
"Questo corso di permetter di conoscere tutti gli aspetti degli allenamenti funzionaliSarai in grado di spiegare dettagliatamente come muovere il corpo umano, come utilizzare attrezzi comuni dell'ambiente funzionale come bilancieri, kettlebell e dumbellsConoscerai la teoria che si cela dietro all'allenamento, partendo dalla fisiologia fino ad arrivare alle metodologia dell'allenamentoPotrai utilizzare le conoscenze acquisite per allenarti singolarmente e migliorare le tue abilit, oppure per aiutare e sostenere i tuoi clienti migliorando il loro background tecnico e fisico"
Price: 99.99

"Making Mazes!" |
"Mazes look complicated by design but there is a trick to making them. In this class students will learn how to quickly and easily make mazes to share with friends and family to solve. Students will be able to increase or decrease the difficulty of their mazes to challenge both young and old."
Price: 19.99

"Protocolo COVID-19 para Trabajo Seguro." |
"OBJETIVOS.Cada Establecimiento Comercial, sin importar su rubro, deber cumplir con un determinado ""Protocolo"" de cumplimiento efectivo para poder realizar sus actividades, de forma segura minimizando el Riesgo de Contagio de COVID-19. Para lograrlo, cada trabajador que se encuentre en funciones o en bsqueda laboral, deber conocer las nociones mnimas de los Protocolos realizados por Nacin, Provincias y SRT (Superintendencia de Riesgos de Trabajo).DESTINATARIOS.Este curso est dirigido a pblico en general que est interesado en convertirse en un lder del cambio en su comunidad, empresa, o puesto de trabajo.CURSADO.El curso se realiza mediante modalidad 100% online, con material de lectura, videos y evaluaciones por cada mdulo."
Price: 19.99
