"Complete Software Automation Testing" |
"Functional Testing, Performance Testing, API Testing, Mobile Testing, Selenium Webdriver, JUnit, TestNG, Maven, Appium, JMeter, Jenkins, SOAPUI, POSTMAN REST ASSURED 100%"
Price: 4480.00

"After Effects" |
Price: 2400.00

"Dynamics 365 Finance&Operations Overview: Financials Part-1" |
"ImportantThis is an introduction course on D365 Finance and Operations with a focus on Finance, this is especially for beginners.Those who are already working on D365 might already aware of these that are being discussed, I recommend to look at the topics covered in this course and enroll only if you think you do not know those topics. Topics covered:Overview of D365Overview of D365 Finance and OperationsContoso demo data overviewBasic NavigationVendor Creation processCreating Vendor Invoice journals and understanding the due date calculationConfiguring Terms of payment for new vendorsCreation of new Legal entitiesCreation of Fiscal calendars and calendar periodsConfiguring Ledger formUnderstanding Accounting currency and reporting currency configurationGeneral journal creation and understanding different ways to enter transactionsUnderstand the Chart of Accounts and Main accounts"
Price: 19.99

"Punjabi Course for Beginners" |
"This course is for anyone who wants to learn Punjabi language. At the end of this course students will be able to Speak and Write Punjabi fluently. This course covers:1. Punjabi Alphabets2. Punjabi Grammar3. Numbers and Counting4. Punjabi vocabulary5. Basic sentences in PunjabiAlso every section contains various quizzes and assignments which every student must complete to take complete benefit of the course."
Price: 1280.00

"**Note that : all questions are taken from various resources and provided by experts , students ,teachers and also from various open source resources.So it may happen that you could see some questions which are available on the other sources also . ****** All questions are updated regularly by the feedback and memory based questions provided by students who are giving exam.***Please read above before purchasing"
Price: 29.99

"SAP CO Material Ledger in S4 HANA 1909 Part-One" |
"This course prepared for SAP CO Material Ledger with Multiple Currencies ( Company Code Currency, Group and Hard Currencies) in S4 HANA 1909 with Live Scenarios 1). Material Ledger Configuration with Multiple Currencies2). MM Cycle flow to Material Ledger3). Production Flow to Material Ledger4). Sales Cycle Flow to Material Ledger5). COPC - Month End Closing6). CKMLCP - Actual Costing Execution7). Work in Process functionalities in Material Ledger8). CKMCCC - Manual Change of Actual Cost Component Splits"
Price: 9600.00

"SAP SD Business processes and Cross module integration" |
Price: 12800.00

"SAP SD - Third Party Sales, IPO and others" |
"this course is going to cover third party sales. regular sales, you can find buyer and seller or company as parties where as third party sales you can find vendor as another party for customer delivery. IPO is almost similar like third party sales but company will deliver the stock to customer by company once company receives the stock from vendor. stock transfer happens between two plants in the same company code or some times, it is in between two plants belong to two separate company codes. SD and MM consultants can have basic understanding about integration at certain aspect in this course."
Price: 199.99

"Dezvoltare personal. Baza succesului i a prosperitii" |
"Probabil c ai atins un nivel n viaa ta n care i dai seama c doar tu i poi cldi un viitor mai promitor. Ori probabil doreti doar s adaugi o alt perspectiv asupra succesului pe care i-l imaginezi. Chiar dac rspunsul nu se ncadreaz n propoziiile de mai sus, tiu cu certitudine c eti aici pentru a te dezvolta personal. Felicitri!Acesta este primul pas spre o via mai mplinitoare din toate punctele de vedere.Succesul nu mai este de mult vreme un mit. Au trecut vremurile cnd cei care aveau un nivel ridicat de trai ori erau considerai arlatani ori cine tie ce inventau ctigau bani frumoi din asta trind toat viaa doar cu o singur mare reuit n via.n ziua de astzi prosperitatea ine mai mult de lumea ta interioar i anume gndurile i sentimentele pe care le hrneti zi de zi, dect de vreun tren care apare o singur dat n gar, ori eti acolo ori nu!Mai mult de att n ziua de astzi te poi pregti pentru o via fericit, mplinit i satisfctoare. Acesta este subiectul cursului de fa. Succesul poate fi plnuit!Ai nevoie doar de gndurile potrivite, scopul i planul bine puse la punct, aciune i perseveren i o autodisciplin de fier. Poi afla din acest curs cum poi plnui succesul care sunt paii necesari dar i cum poi aplica toate acestea dup bunul plac la orice or din zi i din noapte.Ce trebuie s tii este c fiecare dintre noi poate atinge acea stabilitate financiar, acea pace interioar i senzaie de fericire. Este mai degrab un obiectiv de bifat n aceast lume modern dect o lupt pn la moarte n care te strduieti din rsputeri s ajungi prosper.D-i voie s cunoti aceste secrete, s exersezi deprinderile necesare i o s i mulumeti mai trziu pentru decizia neleapt pe care ai luat-o.Ce conine cursul ?INTRODUCERE. Afli ce conine cursul i ne cunoatem ntr-o discuie scurt.Modulul.1 Gndurile i optimismul.Modulul.2 i stabileti un scop i obiective.Modulul.3 Planul i autodisciplina.Modulul.4 Ciclul succesuluiModulul.5 Echilibrul perfectModulul.6 Privire n ansambluModulul.7 Lecii pentru bunstare*ine minte c n aceste vremuri numai cineva care nu vrea nu poate ajunge de succes.*Utilizeaz cu ncredere resursele pe care le vei descoperi n curs!Ce primeti dac plteti integral acest curs.CADOU DE FINAL, Materiale n format PDF, Exerciii si articole special create pentru evoluia ta, Diplom de participare, Acces online pe via, GARANIE 30 zile banii napoi."
Price: 39.99

"Algorithms and Data Structures - Part 2" |
"There are four parts to this program. In part 1 of the course, we start with the deep dive implementations on some of the basic linear structures such as Arrays, Queues, Stacks and Dictionary. Understanding data structures are key to problem solving. In this part 2 of the course we will deep dive into problem solving, strings, Linked List and recursion. In part 3, we deep dive into more problem solving and dynamic programming.Finally in part 4, we will cover Trees and Graphs.Happy coding!"
Price: 49.99

pianodolce |
Price: 3000.00

"Beginner Piano Taught by a Pre-College Juilliard Graduate" |
"Are you a beginner piano student looking for expert tips on how to quickly improve? Look no further! With 1.5 hours of lecture content, students enrolled in this course will save hours of time and money by learning from an experienced Pre-College Juilliard grad!In this course, you will learn some of the basic parts of the instrument and the keyboard, how to identify notes on a keyboard, basic music theory concepts, how to read sheet music, memorization tips, and more. The fifteen lectures are broken down into four main sections:1. The Basics2. Introduction to Music Theory3. Score-reading4. Practice tipsI have over 11 years of performance experience, and have had lessons with many well-respected musicians, including Dr. Yoheved Kaplinsky, Niel Immelman, and Stephen Hough. I would love to share some of the most valuable pieces of expert advice I have learned throughout my 11-year piano journey with you.The fifteen lectures are designed to be completed at one's own pace, but it is highly recommended that beginner students enrolled in this course practice a minimum of two hours per week. Digital pianos will do. In this course, two of my own compositions - ""Night Wish"" and ""Spring Days"" - will also be included for students to practice sight-reading and score-reading skills on."
Price: 19.99

"Football Manager: become a Master Manager" |
"This is the course for (potential) players of Football Manager, the famous and one and only game where you have absolute power over your favorite football club! The course, created by a very experienced and successful manager, shows you the way from buying and installing the game (get the cheapest Steam code for your area!), to setting it up, to becoming a very successful player of the game. What do you get?The course contains over 4 hours of video material, divided over 36 short videos. You can skip anything you don't want to watch. Or re-watch videos. There are a few quizzes you can take (never mandatory) to sharpen/test your knowledge after watching a video. And, last but not least, you'll get 5 very valuable and unique guides (downloadable in PDF) about staff, player personalities, player traits, tactics, and match shouts. Do you still have questions or need some help after you've finished the course? No problem - just reach out and I'll answer all of your questions personally. So: that is a lot of value! Check out all the video titles below to see what we will discuss.Is this the course for you?The game is great but extremely comprehensive; there is a lot you have to know and do, to become a moderately successful manager. This course provides you with the tools to become more than that. You can become a great manager: a Master Manager! It is created for people who have never played the game but want to kick start their FM career. It's also a great course for people who struggled to understand the game and couldn't become a successful manager, for whatever reason. Even if you're a fairly experienced player: there are a lot of tips and tricks you can take from this course for sure.You will only see screencast videos of the game; so it's also a fun way of learning. The course is based on FM20 but it is just as useful for players of earlier editions. I will update the course if there are significant changes in FM21 and FM22 (maybe even FM23 and further). So, no matter when you purchase or use this course, you'll be up to date. Please like, share (and all that...) Master Manager social media; Instagram, Facebook and Twitter: @MasterManagerFM"
Price: 19.99

"Temel arap Eitimi" |
"Bir Yudum Akademi tarafndan sunulan bu eitimde arap tarihi, Asma terbiyesi, arap retimi, arap aroma ark, arap servisi, arap terminolojisi, arabn almas, arabn dekante edilmesi, arap ierken hangi eit kadeh kullanlmal, Hangi yemek ile hangi arap eleir ve arap hangi koullarda ve nasl muhafaza edilir konular ilenmektedir. Bu kursun devam olarak 2.kur arap Eitimi bulunmaktadr."
Price: 149.99

"Learn Accounting" |
"The main aim of this course is to teach learners how to prepare and understand the Statement of Profit or Loss and Statement of Financial Position for the three different forms of business - sole traders, partnerships and limited companies. The course covers other concepts that are key to preparation of financial statements such as depreciation, irrecoverable debts, allowance for receivables and accruals and prepayments."
Price: 19.99

"Corporate Leadership: Building High Performing Work Teams" |
"This course is based on my experience spanning 20+ years of successfully leading and building multiple high performing teams. Numerous staff of small start-up businesses including medium sized corporations have used my training programs to solve their urgent needs, by learning the compelling qualities of corporate leadership and management implementation techniques to grow their businesses.The course teaches practical corporate leadership principles and easy to apply essential management skills to build high performing work teams. Every business needs to solve a problem, and organizations count on their leaders to do so. Experience has shown that most organizational problems are themselves leadership problems.Students will learn executive management principles, corporate leadership strategies, team culture building, stakeholder engagement techniques as well as growth-driven business management skills. The course will set you up for success to become a leading figure in your company.All you need to do is to follow the strategies discussed in the course. This course is tailored to Professionals wishing to gain an in-depth knowledge of corporate leadership in the workplace. By adhering to the leadership principles discussed in this course, you will be a leading figure in your organization. Companies wishing to use leadership as a tool for greater productivity for their employees should as well purchase this course."
Price: 129.99

"OCI Developer Associate 1Z0-1084 (Practice Exam)" |
"The OCI Developer - Associate examination is intended for individuals who perform a solutions architect role and have one or more years of hands-on experience designing available, cost-efficient, fault-tolerant, and scalable distributed systems on AWS.Course Title: OCI Foundations 1Z0-1084 (Practice Exam) 100% Pass Guaranteed100% Pass GuaranteedPlease share your feedback and experience. Thank you"
Price: 34.99

"Publish in High Impact Journals: Insights & LaTeX Overview" |
"This course is designed for research scholars and academicians who are highly interested in publishing their research findings in reputed and High Impact Journals which in turn strengthen their profile. This course includes,Creating An Effective ManuscriptFlow of manuscript preparationPractical overview to LaTeX - A high quality document preparation toolJournal SelectionInputs based on personal experienceIdentifying predatory journalsManuscript SubmissionManaging Responses from Journal Editor / Reviewer(s)Types of responses - Major revision, minor revision and rejectionHandling responses to manuscript revisions and rejections"
Price: 1280.00

7Kindle |
Price: 19200.00

"IT Interview Training" |
"Job hunting is a skill essential for a lifetime, it can really make the difference in your life as it can define the working opportunities that you will have and the power to choose where you want to work. Jobs in technology can be demanding but also very well paid, give you the chance to travel or work from home, accelerate your career in a few years and give you the excitement of being at the front of research, innovation and development.Give me the privilege to be your trainer and guide you through the whole process of job hunting, from crafting your CV and setting goals to negotiating an offer in IT!There are many different roles in IT and different tips that can help you to get ready and hack technical interviews in different experience levels. I have covered for you all the different things that you have to be aware of when you hunt your dream IT job and I built this course to help others play to their strengths and make the most of their experiences!The IT Interview Training course contains years of research and experience in giving interviews in the biggest tech companies. Watching this course will save you time and help you avoid all the mistakes that you could do and miss a job offer."
Price: 24.99

"Web Hosting: Learn How to Upload Website+PHP Form Submission" |
"In this course you'll learn how to upload website live on server using free hosting also how to add contact us form functionality. I will teach you from scratch even if you don't have any hosting account. We will learn how to upload PHP website which contain database also we will learn how contact form submit via PHP Mailer so when user submit the form you will receive all the contact information on your email. We will use two free hosting platform and learn how to upload our website. The main purpose of this course is that you will know how to upload website live on server and no matter which platform or hosting service you are using. In this course we will use free hosting platform so anyone can learn how to upload website live on server even if he has no money to buy hosting and domain. If you are running a small business and you create a website or you purchase a html or PHP website or you own your own develop the website and don't know how to add the contact us form functionality then i will recommend you to buy this course. I will explain you in a very simple and easy way so that you can easily understand even if you are not a programmer. By the end of this course you will be confident how to upload website on any hosting platform.You will know the procedure which things are required to upload a website live on server.You will know the two different form submission method so that you can add the form functionality on any contact us form.This course is aimed at beginners, students, owner of website, but more experienced people may also find value in it."
Price: 34.99

"IKMF Krav Maga Category: Basic" |
"Master Avi Moyal - IKMF Chairman and Head Instructor demonstrate and teaches Krav Maga step by step, through IKMF categories and Families, starting from the basics, covering the following IKMF Krav Maga techniques;Switch from passive to semi passive stanceFighting (outlet) stanceMovement to different directionsStraight punch in advanceStraight punch and retreatKicks in place (as per P1 and P2)Advancing and retreating kicks (to all directions) / steppingAdvancing and retreating kicks (to all directions) / crossingAdvancing and retreating kicks (to all directions) / with slideForward getting up from the groundBackward getting up from the groundTurn to sprint position getting up from the groundDefenses against knife attacks from a sitting position / ways of getting up from a chairForward soft break-fall to a wallForward soft break-fall to the floorBackward break-fallSideway break-fallBackward fall - turn and soft break-fallBackward break-fall from heightHard break-fall forwardForward rollBackward rollForward high rollForward roll, remain on the ground, followed by stomp kickCombinations of rolls and break-fallsSideway rollIKMF is the world's largest and most active Krav Maga organization founded 20 years ago with branches in over 50 countries. IKMF is working with the IDF (Israel Defence Force) and special units around the world and has extensive experience in Civilian Krav Maga as well."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction To Freud's Psychosexual StagesPsychoanalysis" |
"This course will give you a solid foundational knowledge of Freud's Foundational Theories which are some of the most important theories to understand the human nature & psychology.These theories are some of the most widely used in varying form across all forms of research work in the field of Psychology.Freud truly believe thar events in our childhood have a great influence on our adult lives in shaping our personality. As development starts occurring in a person certain areas of the body become important as sources of possible frustration or pleasure. Freud's psychosexual stages represent the fixation of libido i.e., our sexual instincts on different areas of our body.More as you go through the course"
Price: 19.99

"jQuery - Curso Completo" |
"Nesse curso voc ir aprender profundamente como utilizar a biblioteca jQuery no desenvolvimento de sistemas. Os exerccios desse curso foram elaborados em cima do site que constru para o curso de Bootstrap 4.3.1. Logo, nesse curso voc ir aprender a utilizar o jQuery interagindo com as classes e componentes do Bootstrap 4. Resumidamente, o curso cobre navegao e manipulao do DOM, manipulao de eventos, manipulao de cdigo css, animaes e efeitos, como emitir requisies ajax e mtodos utilitrios."
Price: 39.99

"Learn to play Juke without bends (for advanced beginners)" |
"Hi, I'm Olivier!I created this version of Little Walter's famous hit, Juke, especially for advanced beginner harmonica players (almost intermediate). There is no bends at all and tricky effects. With this version made easier for advanced beginners,, you will not be able to impress yourself only, but your audience.I'm sure you will love it. Can't you read on sheet music and just have a little knowledge on musical theory ? Don't worry, I wrote both everything on tablature and sheet music,.My tablature method is the best ever. You don't have to speak english, french, spanish or italian either. I designed a system that allows me to be understood by musicians from everywhere. In this lesson, I play every note and phrase very slowly so that you can clearly hear everything I'm playing."
Price: 99.99

"Robotics - From Scratch to 5 Axis DIY Robot Arm" |
"Robots that assist in almost every facet of healthcare, food industries, assembly automation, testing & inspection, disaster management, and in so many wide areas of engineering and other sectors. Robotics is now becoming a part of the mainstream education process, with its potential to change societies through its impact on pre-existing economic and social structures.Course Takeaways:Real-Time Project Development Industrial Automation Projects & DocumentationSoftware Training and ProgrammingTechnical GuidanceFor Whom:This Course is for Students who completed School Education and for Industrial Professionals keen to learn about Automation Technologies in Career Development."
Price: 1280.00

"Managing COVID-19 at work: An employer's guide" |
"The purpose of this course is to decode the scientific evidence, extract what is relevant to office-based businesses and to provide clear answers and solutions to employers and managers. The content of this package is based on in-depth scientific review of a dynamically evolving situation to provide international best-practice recommendations. This course was compiled by a team of experts in Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear defence (CBRN).Our guidance provides you with the information you need to put necessary measures in place to minimise the potential transmission of infection. It contains advice and recommendations for health and safety practices and approaches to COVID-19 prevention, based on materials developed by national and international organisations such as the WHO, ILO, CDC, ECDC, OSHA, EU OSHA, HSE, and other scientific literature. Knowledge and awareness are key therefore it is imperative that you and your employees are well informed about how the virus spreads, the symptoms of infection and how to minimise exposure.The good news is that there is a lot you can do as a business owner, manager and employee to make your workplace safer. In the following sections you will be learning something very positive and encouraging on how to carry out a professional COVID-19 risk assessment in a practical and cost-effective manner.How to get the most out of this course:Step 1 : Complete the course: Managing COVID-19 at work: An employer's guideStep 2: Carry out an onsite risk assessment in accordance with local Public Health Advice and national Health and Safety RegulationsStep 3: Implement mitigations measuresStep 4: Communicate the outcome of this risk assessment to all your employeesStep 5: Train your employees: Managing COVID-19 at work: An employee's guideStep 6: Endorse by senior managementStep 7: Regularly review and AuditThis course includes a complete training for employers, a pre-filled Workplace Risk Assessment template, Risk Mitigation Measures and posters.The recommendations in this package are advisory in nature and are not intended to provide medical or legal advice. This course is intended for an international audience and therefore you must always refer to your national health and safety regulations and local public health advice."
Price: 29.99

"Managing COVID-19 at work - An employees guide" |
"The purpose of this course is to decode the scientific evidence, extract what is relevant to office-based businesses to provide clear answers and solutions to employees. The content of this package is based on in-depth scientific review of a dynamically evolving situation to provide international best-practice recommendations. This course was compiled by a team of experts in Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear defense (CBRN).Our guidance provides you with the information you need to put necessary measures in place to minimise the transmission of infection. It contains advice and recommendations for health and safety practices and approaches to COVID-19 prevention, based on materials developed by national and international organisations such as the WHO, ILO, CDC, ECDC, OSHA, EU OSHA, HSE, and other scientific literature. Knowledge and awareness are key therefore it is imperative that you and your colleagues are well informed about how the virus spreads, the symptoms of infection and how to minimise exposure.The good news is that there is a lot you can do as an employee to help make your workplace safer. In the following sections you will be learning something very positive and encouraging.This course is a complete training for employees.The recommendations in this package are advisory in nature and are not intended to provide medical or legal advice. This course is intended for an international audience and therefore you must always refer to your workplace risk assessment, that should be based on local public health advice as well as national health and safety regulations."
Price: 19.99

"Introduccin a la Cocina Vital" |
"Quieres aprender a curarte?Quieres aprender a cocinar de una manera deliciosa en donde todos los nutrientes se conservarn y no se perdern sus beneficios?Quieres tener un estilo de vida"" en donde ya no hay enfermedades, ni dependers de medicinas, donde tu medicina ser tu alimento, donde tu energa la traers al mximo, donde no sufrirs y tu consciencia se expander?Te invito a ser parte de esta aventura, donde nos sanaremos, donde cuidaremos a nuestro Planeta, y aprovecharemos los regalos que nos d a travs de lo que naturalmente produce!Curndote, aprenders a curar!"
Price: 270.00

"Makeup Like A Bollywood Star" |
"Who is a favorite Bollywood actress?? Katrina? Deepika? or Priyanka?. How about a makeup tutorial on how to get the look of your favorite Bollywood diva all by yourself in the comfort of your home? This course is designed for you all the ladies who want to look like their favorite Bollywood star and don't want to spend a lot of money on beauty parlors. I have covered eight looks of top Bollywood divas which include Priyanka Chopra, Shraddha Kapoor, Sonam Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, Katrina Kaif, Deepika Padukone, Kareena Kapoor, Kiara Advani. You can recreate this looks at the comfort of your home, as I covered every single aspect of it which includes how to do the makeup by yourself, how to get the hairstyle, What products to buy according to your budget, and where to buy them. Remember practice makes your perfect"
Price: 1280.00

"Applitools - A Visual Testing AI Tool - Java,Selenium,Appium" |
"In this course you will learn, the powerful Applitools Eyes SDK, the integration with Selenium and Appium tests, Integration of Applitools Eyes SDK with your existing Selenium/Appium ScriptsMaven Installations along with adding up Selenium, Appium and Applitools dependenciesReal-Time Execution of Visual TestLearn Visual Reports and other important features - What is Baseline, Viewport, Match Levels - Strict, Content etc. Learn Classic Applitools Runner vs Ultra-fast Grid RunnerAdvantage of Ultra-fast Grid RunnerApplitools EyesIncrease coverage and reduce maintenance with Visual AI-powered functional and visual test automation.Ultrafast GridThe Next-generation of cross-browser and cross-device testing accelerates functional & visual testing by up to 30x.Seamless IntegrationThe Applitools platform integrates with all modern test frameworks, source control, build servers, and collaboration tools."
Price: 19.99
