"Artisan Pastry & Desserts - Essential Beginner Baking Course" |
"Have you ever wanted to learn how to bake delicious Pastries & Desserts but didn't know where to start? Then this is the ideal Beginner Course for you! You will learn everything you need to know about getting started from a French Artisan Baker, Marceau Dauboin, who has taught over 200 Successful Students from across the globe. This Pastry Course is designed to be the ideal way for you to begin your very own baking journey no matter your skill level. This is why All Recipes can be completed with either Traditional Rising Agents or your very own Sourdough Starter which you will be taught how to make completely from scratch!You will Learn the techniques & methods to bake Artisan level Pastries & Desserts in the following delicious recipes:Chocolate BrowniesApple Tart (Pte Sable)Doughnuts (Chocolate & Cinnamon)StroopwafelsCinnamon RollsTarte Tartin (Puff Pastry)Included in this Course is also a free E-book containing all pastry recipe Ingredients & Instructions for quick and easy reference.All baking temperatures & measurements are also provided in both Metric & Imperial units for complete ease of use. Simply put, there is no better way for you to discover and explore the incredible world of Pastry Baking than with this course, so enrol today!"
Price: 119.99

"Snowflake[A-Z] Zero to Hero Masterclass(Core+SQL+API+Visual)" |
"Become Master on Snowflake Datawarehouse core concepts. This course will also help you to get certified on Snowflake.Snowflake is an in-demand cloud Data Warehouse. It solves most of the problems such as scalability, maintenance and downtime which we used to face with traditional data warehouses. Using its Modern Architecture and Massive Parallel Processing (MPP) power, many complex problems can be solved within minutes. These days, Data Analysts/Data Scientists/Data Engineers are adopting Snowflake to avoid any maintenance and to pay what they use. Because of its elasticity, they spend less time finding insights from the data stored in Snowflake.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This course is specially designed for people who are looking forward to learn Snowflake. It does not matter if you are working as a Data Analyst/Data Scientists/Data Engineer/Programmer/BI Expert or as a Student, Data is everywhere so there is a need to process voluminous data to perform day-to-day tasks.I have tried to include all aspects to perform operations on Snowflake such as:1.) Snowflake Core concepts2.) Snowflake Advanced Concepts: - Time Travel - Fail Safe - Zero-Copy Cloning - Data Sharing - Query History - Resource Monitors - Caching - Micro-Partitioning3.) Working with Snowflake APIs using Python4.) Use Tableau with Snowflake for Visualizations4.) Use PowerBI with Snowflake for Visualizations6.) Snowflake SQL - Beginner to Expert LevelA lot of companies are adopting Snowflake as their Data Warehouse and migrating data from disparate sources to it. Because of Snowflake's architecture, companies are saving their costs as Snowflake separates storage and compute costs. Also, you have to pay for what you use on Snowflake. There is no overhead cost on top of it.Along with this, companies get a lot of advantages with respect to setting up Snowflake. - They just have to create Snowflake account- No hardware setup is required- No software is required to run snowflake- No installation is needed- Users does not need to bother about their infrastructure, Snowflake takes care of it perfectly by themselves.- Snowflake provides default security on data such as encryption of data at rest and in transit.And many more....You will get downloadable one-stop-shop for all the resources used in this Masterclass------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------******************** By end of this course, you will be able to work as an Snowflake Expert ********************------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\I have spent a lot of hours to showcase my experience on Snowflake in this course and still updating to cover each and every aspect related to Snowflake. I am sure you would enjoy learning Snowflake with me. :)In case you don't then you can take benefit of 30 days money-back guarantee within first 30 days and i would be happy to refund your money.////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////About Me:I am Kashish Gakkar, a Senior Data Engineer holding more than 7years of experience. I have experience on various skills and technologies related to: - ETL - Data Warehousing - Data Science/Analytics - Business Intelligence - Big Data - Cloud Technologies : AWS & AZURE - Programming Expertise : Python, SAS, etc.--------- HAPPY LEARNING & KEEP GROWING ---------"
Price: 9600.00

"lgebra para vestibulares e concursos Aulas de Matemtica" |
"Sejam bem-vindos(as) ao mais completo curso de lgebra aqui do Udemy!Equaes? Funes? Logaritmos? Se voc desconhece esses conceitos ou os conhece a ponto de te darem medo, esse curso pra voc!Durante as aulas, pretendo mostrar que possvel descomplicar a matemtica e, dessa forma, fazer com que voc aumente o seu desempenho nas provas. Comearemos do bsico e seguiremos ao mais avanado, de modo a nivelar o conhecimento de todos.E como voc vai gabaritar as questes de matemtica? No tem jeito - necessrio praticar, praticar e praticar! Em cada seo desse curso, trago exerccios resolvidos e listas extras para fixar ainda mais o contedo aprendido. Com didtica simples e objetiva, sempre busco oferecer dicas para a resoluo das mais variadas questes, resultado dos vrios anos de experincia como docente em cursinho. Alis, eu me comprometo a responder todos os meus alunos em 48 horas, no mximo (normalmente, ser bem menos que isso). Conte comigo!Animado para comear a aprender lgebra e apresentar melhores resultados nas provas? Ento pegue lpis e papel, se inscreva e bons estudos!"
Price: 39.99

"Bu kursumuz, Excel VBA ve SAP2000 OAPI olmak zere iki ayr modlden olumaktadr. lk modlde visual basic programlama dilininin Excel ile birlikte kullanmndan bahsedeceiz. Sap2000 OAPI modlnde ise Excel VBA modlnde rendiimiz bilgileri de kullanarak Sap2000i kodlamayla ynetmeyi reneceiz.Excel VBA modl, Giri, Operatrler, Deikenler, Koul Yaplar, Dngler, Diziler, Excel Obje Ktphanesi, VBA Deyimler ve Genel rekler konu balklarndan olumaktadr. Bu blmdeki konu balklarnn, srasn ve etim ieriini naat Mhendislerine uygun olarak hazrlamaya zen gsterdik. Ayrca, ierikte programlamann ar konularndan kanarak mhendislikle alakal algoritma hazrlamamz iin yeterli olacak dzeyde programlama bilgisine yer verdik.Sap2000 OAPI modl, Giri, ubuk Sistemler, Alan Sistemler, Objeler ve Genel rnekler konu balklarndan olumaktadr. Bu modlde, Excel VBA ile Sap2000in fonksiyonlarna erierek Sap2000i VBA ile yneteceiz. Bu modln Alan Sistemler ve Objeler blm hazrlanma aamasnda olup ilerleyen tarihlerde yklenecektir.Her iki modlnde genel rnekler blm srekli aktif olacaktr. Belli zaman aralklarnda sizlerinde taleplerini dikkate alarak bu konu balklarna rnek ekleyeceiz."
Price: 229.99

"Complete DEVOPS - Jenkins, Ansible, Kubernetes, Dockers" |
"DevOps Technology stack like Docker, Docker Containers, Docker Swarm, Kubernetes with Docker, Kubernetes Administration, Git & GitHub, Jenkins & Jenkins Code Pipeline.This DevOps Certification Training Course will prepare you for a career in DevOps, the fast-growing field that bridges the gap between software developers and operations.The DevOps training course focuses heavily on the use of Docker containers, GIT & GitHub, Jenkins Kubernetes & Docker Swarm a technology that is revolutionizing the way apps are deployed in the cloud today and is a critical skill set to master in the cloud age.This DevOps Certification Training Course will prepare you for a career in DevOps.After completing this course, you will be able to:1. Diagnose a teams delivery pipeline and bring forward prioritized recommendations to improve it2. Explain the skill sets and roles involved in DevOps and how they contribute toward a continuous delivery capability3. Review and deliver automation tests across the development stack4. Explain the key jobs of system operations and how todays leading techniques and tools apply to them5. Explain how high-functioning teams use DevOps and related methods to reach a continuous delivery capability6. Facilitate prioritized, iterative team progress on improving a delivery pipelineCourse Objective?This DevOps training is designed to help you become a DevOps practitioner. During this course, our expert DevOps instructors will help you:Understand the DevOps EcosystemLearn about automatic Source Code Management using GIT and Continuous Integration using JenkinsUnderstand, Build and Test Automation: how to build an appropriate delivery pipeline and perform test automation on itUnderstand Containerization using Docker: identify the difference between containers and VMsMaster Docker Commands and Use-cases: deals with the various networking concepts in Docker, the best way to use the Docker Volume, and creating Docker fileMaster Puppet: learn Configuration management and ""Infrastructure-as-Code"". You can learn about the master-agent architecture and catalog compilation in PuppetLearn Continuous Monitoring using Nagios: integrate Jenkins, Docker, and Puppet, and learn about system monitoring using Nagios and its components.Who should take this course?DevOps career opportunities are thriving worldwide. DevOps was featured as one of the 11 best jobs in America for 2017, according to CBS News, and data from Payscale shows that DevOps Managers earn as much as $122,234 per year, with DevOps engineers making as much as $151,561. DevOps jobs are the third-highest tech role ranked by employer demand on Indeed but have the second-highest talent deficit.This DevOps training course will be of benefit the following professional roles:Software DevelopersTechnical Project ManagersArchitectsOperations SupportDeployment engineersIT managersDevelopment managersPrerequisite knowledge of software development, preferably in Java, and the UNIX/Linux command-line tools are essential for this course."
Price: 1280.00

"La precisa topografia con drone masterclass fotogrammetria" |
"Non hai idea quanto tempo risparmierai solo applicando alcuni degli spunti dettati dellesperienza di pinomangione.Basta sperimentare, provare, ecc. c chi lo ha fatto per te e ti illustrer tutte le azioni pratiche che ti porteranno ad avere sempre il miglior risultato in tempi brevi. Toccher a te personalizzare il tutto secondo la tua professionalit ed applicare gli spunti per avere sempre una veloce e precisa topografia con drone.Alla fine del corso anche dei suggerimenti di marketing relazionale per avere i clienti che meriti ed aumentare il tuo fatturato grazie alla topografia con drone.Infine ti regaler dei software completi per mettere subito in atto quanto appreso e potrai anche allenarti con i quiz e i documenti che potrai scaricare gratuitamente direttamente dal corso stesso, ma soprattutto scoprirai come poter far parte della grande rete dei TOPOGRAFI VOLANTI ITALIANI.Una vera masterclass completa ed esaustiva, non esitare, inizia subito questa avventura, vedrai sar semplice, pratico e veloce.Buona visione da pinomangione e a presto in volo."
Price: 99.99

"Advanced excel course- Arabic version" |
"1- 2-"
Price: 39.99

"Curso de alineacin Estndar 1252 SEP Ejecucin de Prueba" |
"Curso de alineacin del Estndar de Competencias 1252 para la Ejecucin de Prueba de Software, el cual recibirs toda la informacin terica y prctica sobre el da a da que realiza el perfil de ejecutor de pruebas de software o tester, y describimos cada actividad paso a paso dando claridad y entendimiento dividido en cuatro elementos fundamentales para buscar la certificacin de este estndar en un centro CONOCER de la SEP. "
Price: 1170.00

"Assignment Model in Operations Research" |
"This course will help in understanding various aspects of Assignment Model:Minimization Case- where the problems are related to factors like Cost, Time schedules, Distance problemsMaximization cases- related to Profits, Sales, Quality of the Products, Efficiency of the workers, Output (Production) related problemsUnbalanced Assignment Problems (where the number of rows and columns are not equal)Prohibited Assignment ProblemsMultiple Optimum Solutions"
Price: 1600.00

"Python , R programming for Data Science : Absolute Beginners" |
"**** Lifetime access to course materials . Udemy offers a 30-day refund guarantee for all courses ****The course is packed with real life projects examples Get Transformed from Beginner to Expert . Become expert in using Python Pandas,NumPy libraries ( the most in-demand )Become expert in R programming.Source Codes are provided for each session in Python so that you can practise along with the lectures..Start doing the extrapolatory data analysis ( EDA) on any kind of data and start making the meaningful business decisionsStart python and R programming professionally Extract data from various sources like websites, pdf files, csv and RDBMS databasStart using the highest in-demand libraries used in Data Science / Data Analysis project : Pandas , NumPy ,ggplotStart making visualizations charts - bar chart , box plots which will give the meaningful insightsLearn the art of Data Analysis , Visualizations for Data Science ProjectsLearn to play with SQL on R and Python Console.Integrate RDBMS database with R and PythonReal world Case Studies Include the analysis from the following datasets1. Melbourne Real Estate ( Python ) 2. Market fact data.( Python ) 3. Car Datasets( Python ) 4. Covid 19 Datasets( Python ) 5. Uber Demand Supply Gap ( R ) 6. Bank Marketing datasets ( R ) 7. Investment Case Study (Excel) 8. Market fact data.( SQL)"
Price: 199.99

"Modelado y Animacin con 3DS Max" |
"Le damos la ms cordial bienvenida al curso: ""Modelado y Animacin con 3DS Max""La herramienta 3 Ds Max nace en los aos 1990 por la compaa Discreet, hasta el ao 2008 que pasa a ser parte del arsenal de herramientas de Autodesk.Es un software de modelado renderizacin, y animacin en 3D.Max presta apoyo a las grandes compaas de publicidad, de visualizacin arquitectnica y de video juegos.Este software permite moldear mallas, superficies, objetos y aplicar efectos especiales de fluidos.Por ello te ofrecemos un curso prctico donde conocers y aplicars las tcnicas y herramientas bsicas para comenzar a crear tus diseos."
Price: 99.99

"Taller Dueos del Tiempo" |
"Este taller est dirigido a las personas que dicen ""No me alcanzan las 24 horas del da para hacer todo...""Vamos no solo a desafiarte con la pregunta ""para que quers ms tiempo?"" Sino tambin a darte herramientas para que logres conseguir ese recurso preciado. Vas a aprender:Como elegir y administrar tus prioridadesIncrementar tu productividad trabajando con objetivosTcnicas de enfoqueTrabajar desde casa sin distraccionesEliminar las tareas rutinariasArmar lista de pendientes y no estresarteComo pasar a la accinComo bajar la ansiedadIdentificar que depende de vosA Automotivarte"
Price: 39.99

"Digital Marketing From An Agency: Understanding UR Customer" |
"Product service . Digital Media Marketing Agency . . : models . Marketing Ecosystem Planning - Strategic Planning VS Tactical -Planning Strategy . Marketing Persona template . . . . . . . Marketing Campaign Buyer JourneyAIDA-R ModelInbound MarketingMarketing and Buyer Persona.Digital Media Marketing Theories . . . Product Real Data Real Product. Assignments , Quizzes , Tasks & Surveys . Digital Marketer ."
Price: 129.99

"Wordpress ," |
"! , - - uducation - alrashilab, Wordpress . WordPress ! , ! "" 90%"" - ! WordPress, , . ! , """" !"
Price: 1799.00

"African Philosophy & Conversational Igbo Class" |
"Welcome to our lively discussion course on African philosophy using comversational Igbo to highlight relevant topics in our world today. We will speak in Igbo and English as we talk about pertinent issues and come to a higher understanding of personal, social and political ideas from an Igbo worldview. Igbo is an easy and fun language to learn with phonetic words that roll off the tongue. Let's decode this ancient tongue together and discover its secret cosmology..."
Price: 39.99

"Awareness of ISO 9001" |
"This course is created for creating an awareness among the people wants to know about ISO and ISO 9001 for the purpose of implementation at their organisation or students wants as add on value for their study purpose. This course talking about What is ISO? Where it is situated? When Started? Who all are involved?How it has started?Why this organisation? Also you will know about structure of auditing practice.Know about ISO 9001 in brief (excluding all standard requirements of ISO 9001).Know about merits and demerits."
Price: 29.99

"RA: Data Science and Supply Chain analytics. A-Z with Python" |
"""After our Data Science and supply chain analytics with R course being dubbed the highest rated course in supply chain on Udemy, we are pleased to Introduce Data Science and supply chain analytics. A-Z with Python !! ""It's been six years since I moved from Excel to data science and since then I have never looked back! With eleven years between working in Procurement, lecturing in universities, training over 2000 professionals in supply chain and data science with R and python, and finally opening my own business in consulting for two years now. I am extremely excited to share with you this course and learn with you through this unique rewarding course. My goal is that all of you become experts in data science and supply-chain. I have put all the techniques I have learned and practiced in this one sweet bundle of data science and supply chain.As a consultancy, we develop algorithms for retailers and supply chains to make aggregate and item controllable forecasting, optimize stocks, plan assortment and Maximize profit margin by optimizing prices. 7500 people are already using our free package for supply chain analysis ""Inventorize"" and we can't wait to share its capabilities with you so you can start dissecting supply chain problems...for free!The motivation behind this project is filling the gap of finding a comprehensive course that tackles supply chains using data science. there are courses for data science, forecasting, revenue management, inventory management, and simulation modeling. but here we tackle all of them as a bundle. Lectures, Concepts, codes, exercises, and spreadsheets. and we don't present the code, we do the code with you, step by step.the abundance of the data from customers, suppliers, products, and transactions have opened the way for making informed business decisions on a bigger and more dynamic scale that can no longer be achieved by spreadsheets. In this course, we learn data science from a supply chain mindset.Don't worry If you don't know how to code, we learn step by step by applying supply chain analysis!*NOTE: Full course includes downloadable resources and Python project files, homework and course quizzes, lifetime access, and a 30-day money-back guarantee.Who this course is for: If you are an absolute beginner to coding, then take this course. If you work in supply-chain and want to make data-driven decisions, this course will equip you with what you need. If you are an inventory manager and want to optimize inventory for 1000000 products at once, then this course is for you. If you work in finance and want to forecast your budget taking trends, seasonality, and other factors into account then this course is just what you need. If you are a seasoned R user, then take this course to get up to speed quickly with R capabilities. You will become a regular R user in no time. If you want to take a deep dive (not just talking) in supply chain management, then take this course. If you want to apply machine learning techniques for supply -chain, we will walk you through the methods of supervised and unsupervised learning. If you are switching from Excel to a data science language. then this course will fast track your goal. If you are tired of doing the same analysis again and again on spreadsheets and want to find ways to automate it, this course is for you. If you are frustrated about the limitations of data loading and available modules in excel, then Moving to R will make our lives a whole lot easier.Course Designthe course is designed as experiential learning Modules, the first couple of modules are for supply chain fundamentals followed by Python programming fundamentals, this is to level all of the takers of this course to the same pace. and the third part is supply chain applications using Data science which is using the knowledge of the first two modules to apply. while the course delivery method will be a mix of me explaining the concepts on a whiteboard, Presentations, and Python-coding sessions where you do the coding with me step by step. there will be assessments in most of the sections to strengthen your newly acquired skills. all the practice and assessments are real supply chain use cases.Supply chain Fundamentals Module includes:1- Introduction to supply chain.2- Supply chain Flows.3- Data produced by supply chains.Python Programming Fundamentals Module includes:1- Basics of Python2- Data cleaning and Manipulation.3- Statistical analysis.4- Data Visualization.5- Advanced Programming.Supply chain Applications Module include :1- Product segmentations single and Multi-criteria.2- Supplier segmentations.3- Customers segmentations.4- Forecasting techniques and accuracy testing.5- Linear Programming and logistics optimizations.6- Pricing and Markdowns optimization Techniques.7- Inventory Policy and Safety stock Calculations.8- Inventory simulations.9- Machine Learning for supply-chain.10- Simulations for optimizing Capacity and Resources.*NOTE: Many of the concepts and analysis I explain first in excel as I find excel the best way to first explain a concept and then we scale up, improve and generalize with Python. By the end of this course, you will have an exciting set of skills and a toolbox you can always rely on when tackling supply chain challenges. The course may take from 12-16 weeks to finish, 4-5 hours of lectures, and practice every week.Happy Supply Chain mining!HaythamRescale AnalyticsFeedback from Clients and Training:""In Q4 2018, I was fortunate to find an opportunity to learn R in Dubai, after hearing about it from indirect references in UK.I attended a Supply Chain Forecasting & Demand Planning Masterclass conducted by Haitham Omar and the possibilities seemed endless. So, we requested Haitham to conduct a 5-day workshop in our office to train 8 staff members, which opened us up as a team to deeper data analysis. Today, we have gone a step further and retained Haitham, as a consultant, to take our data analysis to the next level and to help us implement inventory guidelines for our business. The above progression of our actions is a clear indication of the capabilities of Haitham as a specialist in R and in data analytics, demand planning, and inventory management.""Shailesh MendoncaCommercial lead-in Adventure AHQ- Sharaf Group Haytham mentored me in my Role of Head of Supply Chain efficiency. He is extremely knowledgebase about the supply concepts, latest trends, and benchmarks in the supply chain world. Haythams analytics-driven approach was very helpful for me to recommend and implement significant changes to our supply chain at Aster groupSaify NaqviHead of Supply Chain EfficiencyI participated in the training session called ""Supply Chain Forecasting & Management"" on December 22nd 2018. This training helped me a lot in my daily work since I am working in Purchase Dpt. Haytham have the pedagogy to explain us very difficult calculations and formula in a simple way. I highly recommend this training.Djamel BOUREMIZPurchasing Manager at Mineral Circles Bearings"
Price: 34.99

"ServiceNow HR Integrations: Micro-Certification" |
"95% OFF the original price (for limited time)!Apply the discount / coupon code: HR-PROExam Purpose Prepare for the ServiceNow Human Resources (HR) Integrations micro-certification exam with the most comprehensive set of practice questions with detailed explained answers, all built in the latest Paris release!The HR Integrations Micro-Certification exam certifies that you have the skills and essential knowledge to configure an HR integration in the ServiceNow instance.Exam Preparation Exam questions are based on official ServiceNow training materials, the ServiceNow documentation site, and the ServiceNow developer site. It should not be considered as the official study or exam materials and should be only used to practice for the actual micro-certification exam.Exam Scope HR Integrations Basics (47%)HR Integrations Configuration (53%)Exam Structure The exam consists of (15) questions. For each question on the examination, there are multiple possible responses. You should review the response options and select the most correct answer to the question.Multiple Choice (single answer)For each multiple-choice question on the exam, there are four possible responses. You should review the response options and select the one response most accurately answers the question. Multiple Select (select all that apply)For each multiple-select question on the exam, there are at least four possible responses. The question will state how many responses should be selected. You should review the response options and select ALL responses that accurately answer the question. Multiple-select questions have two or more correct responses."
Price: 199.99

"- Benissimo - 2020 . 4 3.500 . , .. , ( -) . , , , - ."
Price: 4299.00

"IBM WebSphere App Server Network Deployment: C9510-418 Test" |
"Welcome to our IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Test 2020 Course.These tests will help you pass the Exam in the very first attempt.What you get in this IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Test Course82 High Quality practice questions for your IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment ExamAll Questions & Answers are verified by ExpertsAlways updated30 Days money back guaranteeWhat will students learn in your course?82 High Quality IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment practice questionsOur Practice test will help you score at least 80% on the main exam.Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?Need Basic IT knowledgeGo ahead,Take our course,Test your Knowledge.Best of Luck for your exam!"
Price: 19.99

"Financial Modelling for Mining Companies - Novice to Expert" |
"Financial modelling is the most important analysis tool in a companys decision-making arsenal. This course is specifically designed to provide dealmakers, analysts and other financing professionals with the tools they would require in order to analyze any mining financial model, and prepare powerful summarization outputs upon which decisions would be made.This course is ideal for fast-tracking industry professionals in their career path - teaching them to analyze existing client models and also create their own models for various applications. The material is well suited to middle-office and front-office professionals, teaching them to assess the risks of funding mining opportunities.This course blends theoretical principles with real industry insights. Its bottom-up nature is designed to provide a holistic journey, from the initial construction of a model, to the final financial assessment in order to be able to make an investment decision (whether debt or equity related). This would allow participants to deeply analyze potential funding opportunities, structure tailor-made financing packages, and produce comprehensive and concise outputs which summarize bulky raw data.By the end of the course you will be able to effectively construct a financial model that describes the process flow of your mining business, from raw material extraction, all the way until net profit after tax. You will learn how to itemize all cost and revenue drivers, model tax, working capital, and debt funding. The concepts taught are based on years of investment banking experience, and billions of dollars worth of project financing deals in multiple jurisdictions.Students would need to download the ABC Mining Financial Model (provided for free) in order to participate in the course.I look forward to engaging with you as the course progresses!Perry Fisher"
Price: 199.99

"Bulletproof Cybersecurity" |
"You will learn how to become a cybersecurity Black Belt so you can protect your business, your assets and your employees and stay in business after being attacked, hacked or affected by disasters from cybercriminals or natural disasters. You will be able to create your plan without being an IT expert, hiring new employees, or spending tens of thousands of dollars."
Price: 199.99

"How to Start and Run a Successful Business" |
"Starting and growing a business is extremely complicated process that sometimes takes months and even years to achieve the desired results. It takes more than a smartphone and an Instagram account to make it. However, if you have experienced, qualified and knowledgeable advisors on your side, your big idea will turn into a successful venture much quicker. Wouldnt it be great if you knew everything you need to about branding, market trends, marketing, website optimisation, legal requirements, business operations, financial planning and securing funding? That's all part of my 1-1 coaching programme! Problem is, not everyone can afford a business coach. Many brilliant ideas have simply died out because they were implemented without clarity. And I don't want to see this anymore. I want to be able to help more people bring their ideas to life and turn them into a successful venture. That's exactly why I turned my 1-1 coaching programme into an online course, which is accessible worldwide and extremely affordable. My coaching clients, who have gone through the programme, made incredible progress and are now enjoying flourishing businesses. You could be next without having to invest 3,000 like they did. Now it's all up to you! Take this opportunity and make it count!"
Price: 99.99

"Indian Bridal Makeup Masterclass, Professional Make-up" |
"You are Advanced/Intermediate and just want to extend your knowledge in the field Bridal Makeup, learning different Eye Makeup techniques? ...or maybe you want to learn how to recreate those Bollywood-inspired,colorful and glamorous Makeup Looks and wear it yourself as a bride or the wedding guest?Then welcome to the Masterclass Indian Bridal Makeup! This Masterclass teaches you how to create 3 stunning Makeup Looks that will match to most of the Indian bridal dresses or just any occasional dresses out there.Whether you are a Junior Makeup Artist and have an Indian Bridal clientele, a Self-taught who want to apply your own Makeup for a wedding OR you are the bride-to-be yourself who is an Intermediate in Makeup, this course walks you through every single step of the application.Learn how to master these trending Makeup Looks step by step: The Golden Sunset Eyes ,Half Smokey Eye Cut-Crease, and the Pink-Bordeaux Cut-Crease!Benefit from my Experience as a Professional Makeup Artist and learn how to prepare your bride for a stress-free Wedding day and most important make her Makeup resist the emotional roller coaster she is experiencing on her big day!The main Focus of this course lies on the different Eye Makeup Looks:You are going to learn three main different Eye Makeup Techniques that are normally taught in expensive live Masterclasses by world-wide known international Makeup Artists, here on Udemy brought to you by me!Other points that are discussed and demonstrated :Trial Makeup appointment & WorkflowSkincare : Prep & Prime a Combinational skin typeMixing Foundation shade for south Asian complexionsEyeliner Application on asymmetrical eyesColor Correcting dark Pigmentation on the faceHighlighting & Contouring : Create a natural 3D effectPlus more details awaiting you in the Course!What you are going to be able to do at the end of the Course?Work with brides professionally Perform Magic with makeup on your brides and emphasize their natural beauty Apply the most popular trending Eye-makeup Techniques of all timesTurn yourself into a glamorous wedding guest or a breathtakingly beautiful Bride on a Budget!Excited to enter the Masterclass? Then let's meet up in the lessons!"
Price: 34.99

"Modern Dance choreography beginner with niah" |
"Dance is a matter of having fun, my course is the video that can show you how much fun you will got during your lesson. I will give you some advise and make it easy to do some technical and know your body more to move easily.Dance as your hobby, fitness or job? Doesn't matter ! Do what you love that's the important thing.To be able to have fun and learn new thing is packet of hapinness and freedom."
Price: 54.99

Fundamental |
Price: 2400.00

ladqyqro |
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Price: 34.99

"How To Create & Run A Virtual Summit Event" |
"Virtual Events are the future for growing your business online...Online Summits are great IF you know what you are doing.The truth is, as an online summit can position you as the leading expert while you grow your list. Plus you will be providing so much valuable content with your summit that will have YOU (and your products) YOUR community lined up to work with you. But even though you know this, theres still one big problem. Actually 3 BIG problems...What Should I Host A Summit About?You don't have to be an expert in everything and this is where you can build your community of speakers to help round out a great online summit.You need to pick a broad topic that compliments your business and bring in the right experts to give your new audience the biggest bang for their buck (even if it is a free event)So... Much...To-Do!!!You don't want to spend time and energy putting together an event and missing a critical step of the process because you have never done it before.There are a lot of moving pieces in hosting an online summit and you need to make sure you are organized.Don't Get Me Started On How ""Complicated"" They Make It SeemThere are many tech tools out there that will help make this process simple.Online summits can be done without any previous tech experience and can make money with them!This course will teach youHow to create, structure, and run an online virtual summit to share your skills with a large audience.7 Reasons Why You Should Host A Virtual SummitIf you are an entrepreneur, business owner, speaker, or influencer, then hosting a virtual summit has many benefits.Here are 7 reasons why you should host a virtual event:Connect with your audience in a group setting.Raise your personal profile and visibility.Monetize your influence.Establish strong relationships with experts and influencers as a leader.Develop and build your community.Freedom. Run your virtual summit from anywhere in the world.Create a business model that you can clone and add additional revenue streams."
Price: 49.99

"How to Start a Successful YouTube Channel in 2020/2021" |
"YouTube channels are a great way to build an audience and get lots of reward from. Some of the bigger channels get millions of views every month from making simple videos! However, getting your name out there isn't as easy as you think. YouTube is a very competitive space, and only the very best make it to the top. With this course, you will be able to produce videos that stand out from the crowd, grow your name, and maybe even grow a channel with millions of views and hundreds of thousands of subscribers on record. But, how do you do this? Making a YouTube channel and producing quality content is harder than you think. With this course, I will teach you all of the material and techniques you need to not only create a channel and make high quality content, but also using some easy techniques to improve your ranking in the search results, and beat out the competition. Not only that, but all of the programs used are cost free of charge . In this course, we will cover everything, from being an absolute beginner to having a fully working YouTube channel with edited, high-quality videos. In this course, we will teach you:How to create a google account from the very beginning, and how to create ""Brand Accounts"" to use on YouTube.Explaining the YouTube interface, including all of the different widgets and sections on the front page of your YouTube channel, and also all of the different sections and settings you can change in the New Creator Studio and YouTube settings.How to prepare and setup your channel to get it ready for making videos and gaining views & subscribers, such as making high-quality profile pictures and channel art using photo editing software. Adding featured channels, making different playlists, and much more.How to record high-quality videos using the best your mobile phone, camera or screencast from Camtasia software. Learn how to create an engaging and eye-catching YouTube channel thumbnail.I am going to be teaching you how to edit your raw recorded footage from scratch (Also using Camtasia software ) to create entertaining videos. I will start from the very basics, including explaining what is in each tab and how to use the software ..You will learn how to create a custom YouTube video thumbnail and upload it to YouTube. I will explain what people are looking for in a good thumbnail and how to create nice thumbnails to make sure your video will stand out from the rest of the competition.I will teach you how to Finish your Video, and upload it to YouTube, making sure you know how to add all of the features and necessary content to make your video stand out from the rest.Finally, I will teach you a couple of secret tricks and tips to make sure your video ranks high in the YouTube Search results using SEO, and making sure that your channel gets lots of views & subscribers quickly. I will also teach you some techniques to make lots of people look at your channel through free promotion and advert getting you lots of views and subscribers fast.If you want to be successful on YouTube then this course is for you."
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Camtasia Course for Content Creators: Start Now" |
"ITS FINALLY HERE! The Complete Camtasia Course: Your Ultimate Video Editing Guide from Newbie to PROLearn how to use Camtasia, a non-intimidating / user-friendly video editing software by Techsmith, for editing ALL your video projects with ease - from YouTube videos, promo videos, wedding, party , travel and other creative video projects.After coaching and teaching many online entrepreneurs on how to use the Camtasia Studio software for years, I am so thrilled to teach you EVERYTHING I know about this video editing software and will simplify the entire video editing process for you in a step-by-step, easy to understand manner.This Complete Camtasia Course will fast track your video editing skills, I wil take my time in this tutorials for you watch at your own pace and learn the software from scratch all the way to more advanced editing techniques.We'll start at the basics: I'll show you around the software including all of its features (how to import clips/images, add text, transitions, etc.)Then, you'll watch over my shoulder as I edit a video from start to finish so you can apply what you learn here right away to your own projects.Once you get the hang of the basics, I'll teach you some really cool FUN stuff you can do! Ill also show you some unique strategies and video editing techniques that you won't find anywhere else because I came up with these techniques from hours of my own trial & error (and with having edited literally 2000 videos in the Camtasia Studio video editing software, that's A LOT of trial & error!).Let's get those pending video projects of yours DONE, so they can start to impact the world the way they're meant to. It all starts here. :)SEE YOU IN CLASS !!!"
Price: 19.99

"iOS 14 Multi Platform App in SwiftUI 2 for iOS, iPad OS, Mac" |
"iOS 14 and SwiftUI 2 introduced many new features with Xcode 12 release. Now its easier then ever to develop multi-platform apps that will work not only for iOS but they will work for iPad OS and Mac OS as well without any change. With this change universal app development for Apple ecosystem is now possible. In this course you will learn to create a multi-platform app, a news app where we will be downloading data from hacker news api and parse it to display within our app.Along the way we will learn important concepts of MVVM and how to better manage app states using published objects to observe changes using combine."
Price: 19.99
