"Adobe Lightroom CC Classic (2020 Update)" |
"Dieser Kurs gibt eine optimale Orientierung ber smtliche Funktionen in Lightroom CC Classic (Desktopversion). Und zwar in einer logischen und leicht nachvollziehbaren Abfolge.Ich verwende Lightroom seit der ersten Version im Jahr 2007. Seitdem verbringe ich fast tglich Zeit damit und kann sagen, dass ich die Software in- und auswendig beherrsche. Im Gegensatz zu Photoshop ist Lightroom wesentlich einfacher zu verstehen und zu bedienen. Natrlich bietet Photoshop nochmal mehr Mglichkeiten, aber 99% der typischen ""Nachbearbeitungswerkzeuge"" finden wir auch in Lightroom.Lightroom hat sich in den letzten Jahren massiv entwickelt und wir knnen dort soviel mehr erledigen als blo Fotos zu bearbeiten. Von der Verschlagwortung ber Gesichtserkennung bis hin zum Erstellen eines Fotobuchs oder dem automatischen GPS Abgleich der Fotos ist mittlerweile alles mglich.Wenn du schon monatliche Abozahlungen an Adobe leistest, wre es dann nicht schade, wenn du Lightroom dann nicht auch voll ausnutzt?Stell dir vor, du httest ein umfassendes Nachschlagewerk fr Lightroom und msstest nicht jedes Mal recherchieren oder experimentieren, wenn du auf eine Funktion stt, die du noch nicht kennst. Vielleicht hast du noch nie ein Fotobuch erstellt und auf einmal willst oder musst du eines erstellen. Wenn du Teilnehmer von Adobe Lightroom CC Classic - Der ultimative Grundlagenkurs bist, brauchst dir dazu lediglich die drei Lektionen aus dem Fotobuch Modul ansehen und schon weit du, wie du vorgehen musst.Oder du brauchst ein bisschen Hintergrundinfo zu diversen Werkzeugen und willst wissen, wie das Histogramm funktioniert. Oder was es mit Farbmodellen auf sich hat.Auch hier wird dir Adobe Lightroom CC Classic - Der ultimative Grundlagenkurs weiterhelfen.In diesem 10-stndigen Kurs entdeckst du unter anderem:die Vielseitigkeit von LightroomGrundlagen der NachbearbeitungExkurse in die Bereiche Farbmodelle,wie du deine Fotos effizient und einfach archivierstdie gesamte Benutzeroberflche im Detailwie du Fotos schnell und effizient aussortieren kannstwie du bereits beim Import der Fotos Zeit sparen kannstwie du Fotos bearbeiten kannst - smtliche Slider werden anschaulich erklrtwie du deine eigenen Vorgaben (Presets) erstellstwie du das Karten (GPS) Modul fr Reisefotos nutzen kannstwie du Fotobcher, Slideshows und Webgalerien erstellstwie du Panoramas und HDR Aufnahmen erzeugstwie du deine Fotos optimal verschlagwortestwie du mithilfe des Drucken Moduls deine Fotos fr den Druck aufbereitest"
Price: 199.99

"Ouz Hoca'yla Sorunsuz Matematik-1 (TYT, KPSS, DGS, ALES)" |
"SLOGANIMIZ: ""KM KORKAR K MATEMATKTEN?!""renci KOLUU deneyimlerimden yola karak her seviye ve renme stiline uygun hazrladm grsel ve sunumlar, akc ve renkli anlatmla MATEMATK konularn severek reneceksin.MATEMATN olmazsa olmaz; gzden kaan ayrnts olan temel konular ele aldm;> Gerel Saylar ( say kavramnn tmyle derinlemesine ele alarak dier konularla ilikisine vurgular yaptm)> Basamak Kavram> Blme-Blnebilme (matematiin dier bir ok konularnda kazanm olarak kullanlan blnebilme konusuna farkl bir bak )> EBOB-EKOK (soru tiplerinin zenginliiyle artk korkulu rya olamaktan kt)> Rasyonel Saylar> Ondalkl SaylarGereksiz ve kendini tekrar eden bir anlatm deil hedefe ynelik mfredat, en ok kan soru tipleri ve yorumlarla Ouz Hoca'yla Sorunsuz Matematik-1 seti senin iin hazr."
Price: 119.99

"Ouz Hoca'yla Sorunsuz Matematik-2 (TYT, KPSS, DGS, ALES)" |
"SLOGANIMIZ: ""KM KORKAR K MATEMATKTEN?!""renci KOLUU deneyimlerimden yola karak her seviye ve renme stiline uygun hazrladm grsel ve sunumlar, akc ve renkli anlatmla MATEMATK konularn severek reneceksin.MATEMATN olmazsa olmaz; gzden kaan ayrnts olan temel konular ele aldm;> SL FADELER> KKL FADELER> MUTLAK DEER> ETSZLKLER> ARPANLARA AYIRMAGereksiz ve kendini tekrar eden bir anlatm deil hedefe ynelik mfredat, en ok kan soru tipleri ve yorumlarla Ouz Hoca'yla Sorunsuz Matematik-2seti senin iin hazr."
Price: 119.99

"Ouz Hoca'yla Sorunsuz Matematik-3 (TYT, KPSS, DGS, ALES)" |
"SLOGANIMIZ: ""KM KORKAR K MATEMATKTEN?!""renci KOLUU deneyimlerimden yola karak her seviye ve renme stiline uygun hazrladm grsel ve sunumlar, akc ve renkli anlatmla MATEMATK konularn severek reneceksin.MATEMATN olmazsa olmaz; gzden kaan ayrnts olan temel konular ele aldm;> Oran Orant> Birinci Dereceden Bir Bilinmeyenli Denklemler> Say Problemleri> Kesir Problemleri> Ya Problemleri> i Problemleri> Hz Problemleri> Yzde Problemleri> Karm ProblemleriGereksiz ve kendini tekrar eden bir anlatm deil hedefe ynelik mfredat, en ok kan soru tipleri ve yorumlarla Ouz Hoca'yla Sorunsuz Matematik-3 seti senin iin hazr."
Price: 119.99

"Art of Dressing Slimmer and Taller" |
"Clothing Illusions or Magic with Clothing is a short course for Women of all Sizes. Whether an Indian attire or Western get up, learn to create illusions with clothing choices based on your body shape, with the use of colours, patterns, cuts, styles, accessories and lots more.Who Benefits:This program will benefit every women of all shapes and sizes, of all walks of life and women who want to enhance themselves aesthetically.What is included in this course?You will be able to Identify your body shapeYou will be able to define why and How to dress as per your body shapeYou will relate to an elaborate session with tips and tricks based on clothing styles, shapes, colours, patterns, lines and cuts, accessories, make-up, etc.You will also get a special takeaway from the session."
Price: 1280.00

"Aprenda do ZERO Programar em C" |
"Esse curso tem o intuito de lhe ensinar sobre a lgica de programao e um pouco da linguagem C, e se voc estiver comeando agora a programar esse curso ser bem divertido para voc! Esse curso lhe abrir portas para conhecer mais a fundo essa magnifica rea, alm disso a metodologia que ser usada, ser desenvolvendo pequenos jogos com a linguagem que estaremos aprendendo!"
Price: 39.99

"Perfil, filtros eficazes, estratgia de carreira no Linkedin" |
"Nosso curso DECOLE SUA CARREIRA: Perfil, filtros eficazes e estratgia de carreira no Linkedin vai muito alm de te orientar como montar seu PERFIL CAMPEO, ele ser seu guia para PLANEJAR SUA CARREIRA e IMPULSIONAR SEUS RESULTADOS PROFISSIONAIS. Dicas de onde estudar, como realizar publicaes, que estratgias de carreira voc poder utilizar e no final uma planilha para voc transformar suas aes num projeto PROFISSIONAL e controlar seu andamento.Um curso prtico e completo que far com que voc entenda a essncia da plataforma e como utiliz-la a seu favor. Voc ter acesso a FERRAMENTAS que vo melhorar seu perfil e saber trabalhar as informaes para que voc seja ENCONTRADO POR RECRUTADORES. Vou te passar modelos de CONVITES, RECOMENDAES e CARTAS DE APRESENTAO para voc AGIR na rede e no simplesmente ficar esperando a oportunidade cair do cu. Vai aprender a trabalhar com filtros poderosos que faro voc encontrar os TOMADORES DE DECISO nos processos seletivos e como se comunicar com eles. Voc ser orientado num PASSO A PASSO realizao de diversas ATIVIDADES PRTICAS e mudanas de hbito que vo ELEVAR seu nvel de trabalhabilidade."
Price: 39.99

"Kali - Filipino Martial Arts : Program 2" |
"All the requirements for basic level 2 in Kali - Filipino Martial Arts including;Single StickDouble StickEmpty HandsFootworkKali, also known as Arnis or Eskrima/Escrima, is the national martial art of the Philippines.The three are roughly interchangeable umbrella terms for the traditional martial arts of the Philippines (""Filipino Martial Arts"", or FMA), which emphasize weapon-based fighting with sticks, knives, bladed weapons, and various improvised weapons, as well as ""open hand"" techniques without weapons.Please practice the techniques in a safe manner."
Price: 24.99

"Finanas - Risco e Retorno (Moderna Teoria do Portflio)" |
"Em Finanas, obrigatrio o conhecimento sobre a Moderna Teoria do Portflio (PMT) e o Modelo de Precificao de Ativos Financeiros (CAPM), que foram propostas e descobertas por economistas ganhadores do prmio nobel de economia.A PMT um modelo estatstico e probabilstico usado amplamente pelos analistas financeiros em todo o mundo.O(A) aluno(a) aprender sobre:1) Conceito da PMT e do CAPM2) Curva da Indiferena3) Risco e Retorno para diferentes investimentos4) Desvio Padro e Risco5) Correlao de diferentes aes e ativos 6) Risco Sistemtico do Mercado7) Moderna Teoria do Portflio (PMT)8) Sharpe Ratio9) Conceito da Equao de Black-Scholes10) Modelo de Monte Carlo"
Price: 579.99

"Equaes Diferenciais - Mdulo 1" |
"As equaes diferenciais so ferramentas usadas amplamente nas Cincias em geral, da Fsica Economia, passando pelas Engenharias e Biologia.As equaes diferenciais so importantes porque so uma consequncia da necessidade de se resolver problemas cientficos modelados pelo Clculo Diferencial e Integral (inventados por Leibniz e Newton), que usa fluxos e variaes instantneas de quantidades como tempo, espao, calor, massa, velocidade, campos eltrico ou magntico, preo dentre outros para compreender da forma mais rigorosa possvel os fenmenos da realidade.Neste curso o(a) aluno(a) aprender sobre:1) O conceito de Equaes Diferenciais.2) Espcies de Equaes.3) Solues de Equaes Diferenciais.4) Exemplos de Equaes Diferenciais.5) Existncia de soluo de E.D.O. de primeira ordem: teorema de Picard6) Mtodo da Separao de Variveis7) Equao Diferencial Ordinria de Primeira Ordem 8) Equao Diferencial Ordinria Homognea de Segunda Ordem"
Price: 579.99

"Aprendizagem Organizacional" |
"O curso aborda a necessidade constante de aprendizagem por parte das organizaes como forma de manter-se competitivas perante o mercado concorrente. Traa uma linha do tempo demonstrando o antes e a indstria 4.0 da atualidade, assim como tambm a necessidade de se entender a organizao. Demonstra os trs tipos de como uma organizao aprende, sendo pela cultura, liderana e inovao.Descrio do curso resumido: Aponta as mudanas ocorridas na era da tecnologia e a necessidade de estar diariamente aprendendo para manter-se competitiva perante os seus concorrentes.O que o aluno ir aprender: O aluno ir entender as mudanas pelas quais as organizaes passaram at chegar indstria 4.0, assim como tambm os tipos e formas de aprendizagem de uma organizao.Carga horria: 30 horasContedo do curso:- Outros tempos...- Das cavernas indstria 4.0- Entendendo a Organizao- Caractersticas da aprendizagem organizacional- Como a organizao aprende: Tipos e formas- A aprendizagem e a cultura organizacional- A aprendizagem e a liderana empresarial- A aprendizagem organizacional e inovaoObjetivo do curso:Com tantas tecnologias disponveis o curso tem como objetivo demonstrar a necessidade de uma organizao estar diariamente aprendendo para poder manter-se competitiva perante os seus concorrentes.Pblico-alvo: Gestores e demais interessadosCertificado: O aluno precisar assistir aos vdeos disponveis e fazer a leitura do material de apoio.Metodologia: Vdeos e materiais complementares"
Price: 69.99

"Women, Start Your Own Business! Entrepreneurship Course!" |
"Congratulations on your decision to start your own business!The biggest mistake I see that women make when they start their business is they don't put any strategies or systems in place to automate their processes. It leaves them burned out, hustling, quitting, starting over, and quitting again!This leads to a lack of confidence and a lack of profits! This course is designed to equip you with my 15 years of experience as a full-time entrepreneur.In this crash course, you can expect to:*Initiate clear strategies for your business.*Evaluate your value.*Develop your brand.*Create SMART objectives to reach monthly and annual profit milestones.The course includes a complimentary step-by-step workbook, which involves a 60-Day plan of business research, submitting documents, starting a business account, and establishing and growing your first business credit line."
Price: 29.99

"ASANA 2020 - Basic to advanced" |
"The ASANA 2020 - Basic to Advanced course is guided by best practices in project management and relies on the concepts that I have used in more than 30 projects that I have managed throughout my career.This course will enable students to use all ASANA resources and will certainly add a lot to their personal and professional lives in all areas of expertise."
Price: 19.99

"Python Realtime Population Health Desktop Application" |
"I am glad you have decided to join the tens of thousands of other students who have enjoyed millions of minutes of instruction videos from this channel.Welcome to the ""Python Realtime Population Health Desktop Application"" course.The objective of this course is very simple and straightforward. We shall build a modern GUI application for tracking population health from scratch. You shall master all the tools used to complete this objective by the end of the course, additionally you shall have a complete working application which you can share with your friends. This course does not assume any prior knowledge of python or GUI programming, everything shall be done from the very basics.I have no doubt you will love this course. This course also comes with a 30 days money back guarantee so give it a try and let's see how it goes."
Price: 49.99

"Java Programming Made Easy" |
"Welcome to Java Programming Made Easy. If you are a complete beginner and want to start with Java programming language, then this is the right course to start with. Here I'm going to teach you the fundamentals of Java programming language and explain to you the industry standards followed while coding in Java. In this course, you will learn about the basic syntax and structure of Java, Classes & Objects, Interfaces, Abstract classes, Inheritance, Lambda expression, and more importantly to write clean, concise code in Java. This course is specifically designed in such a way that you don't need any prior programming knowledge. The course will also include a miscellaneous section, where I will upload the doubt solving session videos that arise to students. Topics Covered:Basic Syntax & Structure, Variables, Operators, Control StatementsClasses & ObjectsInterfacesInheritanceStrings & Wrapper classesException HandlingLambda ExpressionAnonymous Inner ClassCollections in JavaDesign Patterns JSON Parsing About InstructorAmarsingh Thakur is a passionate software developer who has almost 5 years of experience in Java, Android, and Machine Learning. He has sound knowledge of Java programming language and likes to work on challenging projects. He has also trained more than 100 corporate freshers on Java & Android development. Who this course is for:This course is designed for programmers who want to learn the Java language."
Price: 1600.00

"Curso Completo de Facebook ADS do Iniciante ao Avanado NOVO" |
"Aprenda usar a principal ferramenta de gesto de trfego pago da internet e criar anncios persuasivos e eficientes para milhares de pessoas.Nesse treinamento voc aprender como colocar suas primeiras campanhas no ar, desde criar sua Pgina Official da sua empresa/negcio at otimizao de anncios que j esto rodando. e aps finalizar o primeiro mdulo j estar com uma campanha rodando e poder dar inicio ao trfego pago do seu negcio, seja ele fsico ou digital.Porque o Facebook e Instagram ADS?Porque s no Facebook temos 2 bilhes de pessoas navegando e no Instagram temos 1 bilho.Em meio a todas essas pessoas esto seus clientes ideais ou seja aqueles que realmente precisam dos seus produtos e servios, e vou te ensinar de uma forma simples e fcil como achar esses clientes e vender pra eles atravs dos anncios no facebook e instagram.Meu produto/servio de ticket alto consigo vender? Claro existem formas no Facebook de se anunciar apenas para pessoas de renda mais alta, inclusive ele sabe quais so os comportamentos dessas pessoas facilitando assim voc colocar um anncio seu na tela do celular dele oferecendo seu produto/servio que ele est procurando e precisa.Temos um pacote de Mdulos Complementos incrvel:-> Posts que vendemPara voc aprender criar os melhores posts persuasivos para suas mdias sociais.-> Treinamento Mercado Livre LucrativoAlm do Facebook e instagram um timo lugar pra venda de produtos o Mercado Livre, e aqui te ensino tudo que uso pra vender centenas de produtos todo ms.-> Criao de Nuggets Passo a PassoSabe aqueles vdeos curtos com legenda embaixo e Titulo chamativo em cima? isso que vai aprender criar.-> Comunidade VIP p/ AlunosUm Grupo Fechado no facebook apenas para alunos onde voc poder fazer networking e quem sabe at parcerias com outros empreendedores.#Bnus -> Treinamento completo Introduo ao CopywritingAprenda escrever persuasivamente, e entender como seu cliente pensa.Enfim, se voc deseja vender seu produto ou servio na internet, esse treinamento a melhor escolha e o que voc precisa para dar inicio de uma vez por todas.Voc tem garantia total de 30 dias."
Price: 99.99

"Master JavaScript - The Most Compete JavaScript Course 2020" |
"Course RequirementsIn order to follow me in this course, no coding experience is necessary, I will take you from the very beginning and will turn you into an expert.During this course, I'm using Windows but any OS will work Windows, macOS, or Linux. Together we will set up the text editor we need to for the course.It is always recommended to have a basic understanding of HTML and CSS, that will be helpful but not a must! The course also includes a section of CSS, SASS, HTML intro so you can navigate easily.Description*** The #1 Complete JavaScript course on Udemy! ***JavaScript is the leading #1 programming language and the question is do you want to master it?If you are tired of wasting your time and money on watching random YouTube videos or taking JavaScript courses that are not complete, simple, or complex?Are you struggling to deeply understand ow JavaScript really works behind the scenes and how to apply your knowledge to real projects?If the answer to my previous questions is YES... Then this is the course that will change all of that. This is what you have been looking for so long!What this course will cover?This is not just a JavaScript course, this course will offer you much more, modern CSS, HTML, and JavaScript practices. All of the current versions of JavaScript are included.I will take you from being a complete JavaScript beginner to be a professional advanced developer. This course will help you learn how JavaScript works and how to code, solve problems, and debug. Along the course, you will learn how to structure and organize code using common JavaScript patterns, module patterns, and modern Architecture.So, what are you waiting for come and join me on this awesome journey where I explain everything on the way with great detail and a large number of exercises!This course will help you to understand how, and why JavaScript code is working. Where to apply your knowledge and how to be a perfect debugger, to train your eye for mistakes and fix them.Now I want to be clear this course will contain a lot of coding challenges, projects, and theory lectures. So, you need all of these in order to build real-world projects.This course is different because it's not just about writing code, it's also about how and why code works the way it does. Because it's the perfect mix between theory and practice. Because it focuses not only on small coding examples but also on real-world projects and use cases.This will empower you to be a capable JavaScript Developer so you can write, understand, and debug JavaScript code using all the latest techniques that we will cover.What will be covered in this courseIn short all of the versions staring from ES5, ES6, ES7, ES8, ES9, ES10, ES11, and any ESNEXT version, JavaScript fundamentals like: variables,data types Boolean logic if/else statements loopsternary operators functions objects arrays and my hands are tired of typing but much more. In order to understand JavaScript and how it truly works behind the scenes, you will learn in-depth aboutExecution contexts scoping the 'this' keyword,and more....JavaScript and Website Interaction-one of my favorite parts:DOM manipulationSelect and change Webpage Elements,DOM Events.We will cover much more complex features likeFunction constructorsPrototypal inheritanceFirst-class functionsClosures,The bind and apply methods, and more.....At this stage we are having chance to code up 3 beautiful real-world apps where you can apply your knowledge and learn the new concepts(Note provided the starter HTML and CSS code for these projects). Design is a very important and elegant thing so you will learn how to usemodules and functions so you can separate your code and that will allow you to create data privacy and encapsulation, and why that is something very important.What's new in ES6 / ES2015 the biggest update for JS.You will learn about Asynchronous JavaScript: the event loop, promises, async/await, AJAX calls and APIs, promise all, Promise Race, Promise Reject, Promise settled. Modern JavaScript 2020 where you will learn how to set up a modern development workflow using Node.js NPM, Webpack, Babel, and ES6 modules.So, is this course the right one for you?Student #1: I want to gain a deep understanding of how JavaScript works and I would love to learn as much as I can: I want to learn JavaScript.Student #2: I have taken another JavaScript course but they are confusing and hard so: 1) still don't really understand JavaScript 2) still don't feel confident to code real-world apps. Then there is no brainer take this course it will be a perfect match for you!Student #3: I'm interested in using popular libraries/frameworks like React, Angular, or Node.js but I can't understand how they work.1) Well, JavaScript is the one that needs to be taken before using popular libraries. This course will give you the knowledge to learn them all.Student #4: You want to get started with web development: Them Master JavaScript is a great course where you can learn JavaScript language and learn how to code.Still not sure?Access to HD quality videos for life.No monthly subscription.Learn at your own pace, whenever you want, how much you can.English Language captions provided by Udemy.All resources are available like the starter and final code for each section. Lectures are also includedQ&A when you have questions or get stuck.Multiple coding challenges to apply and practice your skills (solutions included).Now if this sounds like a good option for you then please lets both you and I start this adventure today by clicking the Take this course"" button, and join me in the only JavaScript course that you will need!Who this course is for:This course is for someone that wants to gaindeep understanding of the most popular programming language in the world: JavaScript.If you are a student and want to learn a web development language that sits in the first 4 alwaysIf you're interested in using popular libraries/frameworks like React, Angular, or Node then you need this course.In general: JavaScript is a great language to learn how to code and that makes this course irresistible."
Price: 199.99

"Alquimia parte 1" |
"Utilizando os conhecimentos como naturopata h 25 anos, onde fui por 3x pra China fazer especializaes e aqui no Brasil fiz inmeros cursos, nesse curso voc aprender a fazer de forma sustentvel e natural desodorantes, sabonetes, mscaras de argila e inmeros outros cosmticos naturais, artesanais e teraputicos!De forma leve e descontrada voc ir conhecer mais sobre o poder dos leos essenciais, e tambm como montar sinergias para assim ser o curador de seu lar!Fico muito feliz com o aumento da procura por mais pessoas que buscam se cuidar de maneira natural e sustentvel, e ainda se tratar de maneira suave, em total conexo com a natureza, tendo como instrumento os leos essenciais."
Price: 399.99

"Differentiation :Part 3- Mathematics-Class 12-ISC-CBSE" |
"Learn about differentiation of composite functions, logarithmic functions and implicit functions and their differentiation. Being a math educator with over 3 decades of experience. I have tried to make differentiation easy for you. This is my third course on Differentiation. As a takeaway, after completing this course, you will be prepared to deal with second order derivative. Another major advantage is that it prepares you for your class 12 board exams.So, let's learn together!"
Price: 19.99

"Certified Penetration tester Certification GPEN Exam" |
"The GIAC Penetration Tester certification validates a practitioner's ability to properly conduct a penetration test, using best practice techniques and methodologies. GPEN certification holders have the knowledge and skills to conduct exploits and engage in detailed reconnaissance, as well as utilize a process-oriented approach to penetration testing projects.Test your knowledge here with our course."
Price: 34.99

"Information Security Fundamentals GISF Practice Exams" |
"GISF holders have demonstrated an understanding of key concepts of information security, including the threats and risks to information and information resources, identifying best practices that can be used to protect them, and learning to diversify our protection strategy. Professionals holding the GISF are qualified to network well on the eight layers of the ISO model (political).Test your knowledge here with our course."
Price: 34.99

"Azure Data Engineering - Mini Project Development" |
"Learn All in One Azure Data Engineering services along with hands-on (requirement gathering to implementation)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Recently added sessions:(1) Copy data from Azure SQL to Azure SQL without ADF (kind of linked server)(2) ADF Code promotion - manual activityPreviously added sessions (as on Jun/01/20):(1) Dynamically change DB connection in ADF (Parameterizing linked service)(2) Visible comparison of Blob and Azure Data Lake Gen2 storage using data analytics through Azure Databricks. (3) NY Taxi data files source link added in resources section(4) Integrate Key Vault with Azure Databricks and extract secrets via Secret Scope(5) Use Blob SDK in Azure Databricks to read/write files on blob like IO operations(6) Connecting to SQL Server with pyodbc in Azure Databricks(7) Datasets used in this course are now available to download. Visit Azure Data Factory section.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We will execute a small project. It will help you to learn:1) Design concepts - How to design big data system. Terminologies of each components/layers.2) Hands-on - We will be creating required Azure data services and will look various options available.3) Tips and Tricks4) Helps in DP-200 and DP-201 certification preparation.Technologies you will learn:Azure Data Factory V2, Databricks (using Standard cluster), Storage Services, SQL Synapse Analytics (DB part) Course highlights:1) Resources: Links to external resource for further reading2) Datasets : Download and use dataset used in this course. Do more practice.3) Architecture and Design : Start learning on how to deign the data load on cloud platform."
Price: 1280.00

"250-371 Managing Symantec NetBackup 7.5 for Windows Exam" |
"246 UNIQUE practice questions for 250-371 Managing Symantec NetBackup 7.5 for Windows ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 250-371 Managing Symantec NetBackup 7.5 for Windows ExamTotal Questions : 246Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :150 minsPassing Score : 75 (184 of 246)"
Price: 169.99

"Design your video game with constructor 3 free web platform" |
"In this course you will learn how to move sprites,use iterations and events in a professional game programming system: Construct 3. You can create your own video game in a simple visual method. The course teach how to use a free tutorial for beginner and professional programmers. You can find other useful contents subscribing our You Tube channel: 'WEBCAST CHANNEL' At the end of the course you will be able to create a shooter game without code and without having previous programming experience. You can test your knowledge downloading the resources available in the lessons and trying to repeat the steps explained in our video.At the end of the course you can download the entire project of tank shooter video game and make some exercises modifying it and creating your own video game."
Price: 19.99

"Ultimate History of Medicine Course!" |
"This comprehensive course delves into the history and evolution of Medicine. Learn everything there is to know about the development of Medicine in Britain. Discover a detailed in-depth breakdown of EVERYTHING you need to know from Early Medicine - beginning with Hippocrates' Four Humours Theory and Galen's ideas on medicine, to the Medieval Period, the Black Plague and how people and the Catholic Church viewed disease as well as their remedies.We will delve into Islamic scholars and the role of Islamic medicine during this period. We will go into also the Renaissance period, all the breakthroughs made, and then examine the Victorian period, the role of key thinkers and important laws. Finally we will look at Modern Medicine - beginning with World War 1, World War 2 and reforms to Medicine especially in England as well as the rise of the NHS and modern methods of Medicine.At the end of this course, you'll have a remarkably good idea of how medicine progressed throughout the years, and still is!"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Making Vector Art using Adobe Illustrator" |
"This course for all those people who are desired to learn how to Create Cartoon/vector art from any photo,This is the simplest course you will ever learn.This course containsHere in this course I am not only going to teach you the tools but also the skills that you need to create any art on Illustrator. So in this course I will give you a proper knowledge about each and every part of the face and also detailed video about each part of the face from creating vector face, nose and creating vector eye. This course is highly focused on the Detailed vector creation so after taking this course you will be able to create detailed vector face art easily after doing a little bit practice.Why choose this choose this course?I am a professional vector art artist so I know what are the important parts to cover while creating a vector and this course is fully detailed about everything about creating a vector from nose to hairs in this course you will learn the main fundamentals of the creating a face art in Photoshop and I will go step by step first I will teach you the most important tool that is the pen tool in Illustrator then we will understand the picture selection for vector art and base of vector art then we will start creating parts of face like nose and eyes at the end I will create 1 fully detailed vector to teach you how to complete a vector art.Why should you learn Vector Art Design?Graphic Design is an 11 billion dollar industry in the United States alone.An average graphic designer makes upwards of $70,000 every year. The best of us make more than $140,000 every year.To become a graphic designer, you need to have thorough knowledge of a vector graphics program, which offers far more flexibility in design than a pixel based editor like Photoshop.Most of the Instagram and LinkedIn Clients are driven by Graphic Designing work.So, what are you waiting for? Enroll now and start creating awesome vector art for your loved ones and friends in no time at all!"
Price: 1280.00

"Curso intensivo de Italiano" |
"En este curso aprenders los conceptos bsico desde un nivel principiante. Iniciando con un vocabulario extenso. el abecedario, saludos, comprensin fontica, formacin de oraciones, tipos de verbos, locuciones verbales, frases idiomticas, tiempos gramaticales. Finalizando con la estructura, la composicin, las peculiaridades gramaticales. As tambin, el uso de cada una de las partes gramaticales, sus combinaciones y el uso correcto."
Price: 74.99

"100 C Programming Questions & Answers" |
"In this course you are going to learn various concept of C Programming.Concepts such are Variable Declaration,Control Flow,Array,Functions,Pointer,String,etc. I have shared most important 100 C programming Questions and answers which will help you to achieve any type of requirement.I have shared the Output of Each program for your convenience to understand the program easily.Please don't hesitate to ask your doubts."
Price: 1280.00

"Alibaba Cloud Associate Cloud Native [Practice Tests]" |
"Practice the Alibaba Cloud Associate (ACA) Cloud Native exam and pass the exam on the first attempt! Do these practice tests until you get an 80% score and you will be ready to pass the exam. 100% success!Scenario-based questions100 questions2 complete practice examsVery similar questions to the real examExam questions updated in 9/2020Get confident before taking the exam with these practice tests and pass the exam on the first attempt!"
Price: 29.99

"ECCouncil 312-50 Certified Ethical Hacker Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following is a program that requires a host program for replication?a) Microb) maskc) Trojand) Viruse) NoneWhatever system consists of a set of publicly available databases with registration contact information to a domain name?a) WHOb) IANAc) CAPTCHA,d) IETFe) NoneQ) Which of the following is a symmetric cryptographic standards?a) DSAb) IPKc) RSAd) 3DESe) NoneQ) Which of the following is an example of asymmetric encryption implementation?a) SHA1b) PGPc) 3DESd) MD5e) None"
Price: 159.99

"HP0-Y30 Implementing HP Networking Technology Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) What type of port can handle more than one untagged VLAN, on HP A-Series switches?a) trunkb) accessc) aggregated) hybride) NoneQ) What parameters are entered when you set up a virtual community service (VSC) on HP E-MSM AP? (Choose three.)a) bearingb) DNS serverc) VLANd) QoSe) encryptionf) radio frequencyQ) What unencrypted protocols can be used to back up configuration files for HP E5400 series switches in ZL?a) SFTPb) SCPc) FTPd) TFTPe) NoneQ) What is the standard Spanning Tree Protocol switches on HP A-Series?a) STPb) PVSTc) MSTPd) RSTPe) None"
Price: 164.99
