"AWS Athena Tutorial with Hands on LAB Serverless Querying" |
"In this Udemy course, you will learn about AWS Athena in depth. This is most suitable course if you are starting with AWS Athena. I will cover following topics in Athena:IntroductionUse cases and data lake queryingTable creation and queries Certification Exam questionsComplete hands on Lab on Athena, S3 and GluePartitioning concept and how to create partitionsQuerying Athena from Local workspaceAutomatically loading partitions from AWS Lambda functionsThis list would be updated based on the new features and releases. Also you can message me personally and comment if you want to see a video on specific topic on Athena."
Price: 1280.00

nakamura |
Price: 5400.00

"Digital Electronics Test" |
"70 Different Question Carefully crafted to Test your skills in Digital Electronics by keeping in mind all the topics and subtopics of the whole subject. You can retake the tests in this course, and also welcomed to interact with me, if you need further clarification. I update this course to stay current with the latest release of Digital Electronics topics. you should take the test as,Test results shows our weak areas hence help you to improve . Happy learning and all the best for test ."
Price: 1280.00

"Safe Effective Weight loss" |
"The society we live in is filled with a range of temptations that cause masses of unhealthy weight gain. It is very important that you understand .....short term diets rarely work. Making gradual life style changes is sensible & will help you not only feel good, you will gain the long term benefit of better health. People usually fail because they make too much of a change or overdo it with exercise. This video series will encourage you to make changes in a slow and effective way that is uniquely designed for ongoing use through life. That is why, it works! It will also deal with cravings at the subconscious level. Please check with your doctor that this program is suitable for you first. All the best,"
Price: 54.99

"Basic electronics for basic projects" |
"Do you have had different ideas for your projects, but electronics are complicated for you.A light that turns on when you approach an object.Or a sound that is reproduced when the person is standing in a place.This is the course you need.A course to learn quickly and easily, how to create basic circuits, to give a plus to our designs and projects. without complications"
Price: 39.99

"Gesto de RH para Pequenas e Mdias Empresas" |
"Entendemos que resultados so materializados com a elevao da produtividade por funcionrio e aumento da competitividade, que resulta em lucros mais consistentes para a empresa.A rotina sempre a mesma: admitir e demitir pessoal, fazer avaliao de desempenho, recrutamento e seleo, treinamento, pesquisa de clima, gerenciar benefcios, gerenciar conflitos.A gesto estratgica de Pessoas que outrora sempre foi pratica de grandes corporaes, atualmente vem sendo um grande diferencial para empresas de pequeno e mdio porte, principalmente porque foi percebido que com o acesso a informaes, algumas prticas de Gesto de Pessoas que antes passavam desapercebidas, hoje no so mais admitidas pelo mercado de maneira geral.Problema comuns a Empresas de Pequeno e Mdio PorteProcesso assertivo de Recrutamento e Seleo atraindo bons profissionaisFalta de estratgia para treinar pessoas chave na organizaoDesconhece sua prpria CulturaNo consegue medir a satisfao da equipePerde com frequncia talentos para o mercadoTem dificuldade ou no gosta de investir tempo na gesto de conflitosPossui equipes desengajadasNo tem previso de investimento para treinamentos no fluxo de caixa da empresaNo contrata consultorias devido ao alto custoNo consegue enxergar quem est de fato dentro do barcoNo encontra profissionais qualificadosNo sabe como corrigir comportamentosNo possui sucesso planejadaNo consegue mudar seu prprio comportamentoNo tem tempo para treinar a equipeNo tem processo de Gesto de Pessoas, claro e definidoEnfrenta dificuldades de lidar com a nova geraoConsegue enxergar apenas o profissional e no a pessoaDentre todas os problemas destacados um de alta relevncia para o Negocio: Engajamento de EquipesCircunstancias1) Dificuldade para motivar os integrantes da equipe a agirem por conta prpria, principalmente para resoluo de problemas2) Dificuldade de o colaborador estabelecer vinculo com a Instituio, porque ele acha que o negocio no dele3) Cultura que diz que os Empresrio s querem se beneficiar a custo dos empregados, e que eles trabalham nica e exclusivamente para realizar o sonho do dono.Por isso quando uma empresa investe em gesto de pessoas ela visa:Ter resultados positivos para o negocio, de forma que melhore o engajamento e a produtividade da equipe, aumentando suas vendas e a satisfao dos seus clientes.O que pode atrapalhar esse objetivo?Liderana despreparadaBaixa ProdutividadePessoa certa no lugar erradoFalta de harmonia entre os sciosFalta de engajamento da equipeFalta de Padro e organizao de processosO que voc aprender no Workshop em Gesto de Gente para pequenas e mdias empresas?Ter viso estratgias para auxiliar no Crescimento da EmpresaInovar em processos de RH com foco em resultadosInserir a pessoa certa no lugar certoAumentar da satisfao do cliente interno e externoDesenvolver Equipes EngajadasAumentar a produtividade dos colaboradoresContribuir para o aumento das vendas, que um dos principais objetivos de qualquer organizaoNosso Workshop em Gesto de Gente ir te ajudar a ter resultados positivos nos subsistemas de RH, de forma a aumentar a produtividade, preparando as lideranas, engajando a equipe, organizando processos, sendo o nico Workshop focado no RH da pequena e mdia empresa."
Price: 39.99

"Tableau Desktop Specialist Practice Tests 2020" |
"This course includes: Four full-length practice exams (four sets with 30 questions each, 22 theoretical questions and 8 hands-on questions per test)Answer Key, including complete explanations and links to the official Tableau references plus a list of free online resources: blog posts, books, videos, podcasts.The course has been updated with June 2020 Tableau Exam Questions Content.Please note that provided four practice tests are mock exams, not brain dumps. They are designed to replicate the style, topics, and complexity (or simplicity ;8-) of the real-world Tableau certification exam. The number of questions for each Domain Topic is chosen to match the current Tableau Desktop Specialist Exam Guide. The sentence length and structure of questions are adjusted to match examples from the Exam Guide.The multiple-choice questions are written with plausible distractors, using the memory + application method that tests students' knowledge of principles and facts in real-life situations.The question subjects (eg using the Stocks table, using Flights table, etc), actions (eg. 'create a crosstab/chart', 'how can you ...', etc), and conditions ('which is the most probable', 'which is the best reason', etc), also follow the Tableau Sample Exam Format. A candidate preparing for the exam will expend about the same time and apply about the same mental effort understanding the question as he would in the real test center environment.In the end, I have also tried to make the presentation interesting, in some cases even fun, to maximize the probability you will retain the knowledge ;8-) In a few places, I have been adding graphics/figures to illustrate the question, hoping that might improve your understanding of the subject matter.P.S. If you are learning Tableau I recommend you first take the Tableau Desktop Specialist Exam.There are two advantages: (i) you get familiarized with the Tableau Exam format and the online exam environment (administered by Loyalist Exam Services), and (ii) the exam fee is just $100 and your Tableau Desktop Specialist certification title does not expire.P.S.S. A final comment about the validity of the answers: each practice exam question is followed by an answer, explanation of the answer, and explanation of why other multiple choices are wrong. The link(s) (between two and four) to the free online resources are provided (Tableau documentation, other documentation, pdf articles, blogs, and videos). Some questions on a real Tableau Exam are not precisely worded. Sometimes two multiple-choice options appear to be an almost equally acceptable answer. You should not get too worked up over that: if you use these practice exams as one of the building blocks of your studies, you should be able to demonstrate your broad Tableau Desktop knowledge in a job interview and you should be able to pass the Tableau Desktop Specialist Exam (70% passing score required)."
Price: 29.99

"Soap Making 101 with the cold method" |
"Learn how to make soap at home, it's a fun hobby that can sometimes turn into a business! This comprehensive course, ""soap making 101 with the cold method"", will help you create your own homemade soap from scratch thanks to the theoretical and practical knowledge you will learn. You will no longer have to waste time looking for the right information or fancy recipes to follow. With the right knowledge, you will be able to formulate your soap using the ingredients you prefer in total respect for the production criteria.In this course, the main aspects of soap production with the cold method will be explained. We will start with a short introduction about soap, using my chemical knowledge to go deeper into this topic. We will see what is the chemical mechanism that leads to the formation of soap, discovering the role of the three main ingredients in the production of soap with the cold method. A quick overview of the optional ingredients, which can help us in the customization of our soaps. We will then move on to the technical aspects of the process such as the caustic soda discount, the concept of superfat, and the calculation of the mold volume. This will help us to create a soap that fits perfectly in the mold, thus avoiding leftovers.Finally, the tutorial will help to clear up any doubts and put the newly acquired knowledge into practice. Start creating your soap today! Start from the basics to become a master!"
Price: 74.99

"Information Technologies for everybody" |
"In this course you are going to learn what they are, how the work and how the projects are developed using information technologies.You will learn all the practical concepts that will help you to understand these kinds of technologies.In this course you will not learn to code and build these kinds of projects, but you will learn how these projects are developed, so you will have a general view of how these projects work.If you are not familiar with Information Technologies, dont worry, because in this course you will learn the necessary to understand these areas and technologies.In this course you can see how a project is developed, first you will learn the concept, how this technology works and then you can see a live example of coding a project using this technology. You dont need coding experience, I will explain to you everything you need to understand it.So, get started in Information Technology with this amazing course and start to learn how these technologies work in the real world.IMPORTANT: In this course you will not learn to code or to build projects with these technologies, but you will learn how this projects are developed in a general way."
Price: 19.99

"CCNA 100-101:Cisco Certified Network Associate Practice Test" |
"Welcome to this CCNA 100-101 course What you get?150 High Quality practice questionsAnswers & Explanations are verified by subject matter expertAlways updated30 Days money back guarantee by UdemyAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?No prerequisites needed as this is a practice testWhat will students learn in your course?150 Practice question will help you score at least 80% on the CCNA 100-101 main exam."
Price: 19.99

"How to make an art printable from scratch, easy step by step" |
"Hi guys, In this course, you will learn how to make an art printables from scratch using free software, easy step by step process to make an art printable without any design experience, or without any art degree.You will learn to make 2 art Printables from scratch using free software along with picking up niche taking an inspiration.You would sell things like this on Etsy or other online marketplaces where digital art is sold.You won't need any previous skills to participate (but you will need a working laptop/desktop computer & an internet connection). I made this class for YOU, the total beginner who has no idea where to start!I created the class I wanted as a total beginner, but couldn't find it. I WAS you - and now that I've learned how to do this, it's my job (and privilege) to share the knowledge.And, you'll get a short, motivating pep talk, telling you why it's SO cool to learn new skills & take action in the face of your fears by doing something new & creative!When you finish the class, you will have created your first piece of printable art.This class will take you from complete newbie to action taker..."
Price: 24.99

"Faire un jeu en Python" |
"A travers ce cours vous allez apprendre faire un petit jeu en Python. Ce jeu est Tic Tac Toe. Nous allons nous aider de la librairie Pygame pour faire le Tic Tac Toe o 2 joueurs vont s'affronter. Ce cours va vous permettre d'apprendre le faire jeu du dbut (installer python, pygame, etc.) la fin (lancement du jeu sans problme)."
Price: 29.99

"A complete guide to OpenToonz for traditional 2D animation" |
"Have you had a yearning to animate digitally and didn't know where to start or didn't want to spend money on animation programs before you knew if you liked them. Or perhaps you're already paying for animation software and want to try something cheaper or even free! Or perhaps you've already started using OpenToonz but want to know more.And this is why I've made this course. I believe that anyone can learn to animate and enjoy the satisfaction of bringing their characters to life. And with OpenToonz, you can animate for FREE and this course will show you how.In this course, I'll take you from the very beginning, with downloading, installing, setting up and understanding this great animation software. I'll show you all of the tools that you'll need for traditional-style animation. Leading up to showing you how to create your own animations. And you'll be animating in the first 15 minutes of starting the course!The course will also show you how you can replicate some of the traditional techniques, found in the 12 principles of animation, of straight ahead animation and pose to pose animation, using tried and tested exercises that we'll work through together.With over 10 hours of video & 130 lessons and demonstrations, exercises & downloads for each project that I work on, this is the complete guide to getting started with traditional animation with OpenToonz.Here are the topics covered in the courseInstalling, setup & walk through of the layoutUnderstanding projects and scenesUnderstanding the differences between drawings, frames, levels & columnsA detailed look at the viewer (the drawing area)A detailed look as the timeline & xsheet (learning all of its features and how to time out your animation)A look over all of the drawing tools, understand each feature of themA look at working with colour, including using gradients & special fillsUsing the camera. Placing it, moving it & what the settings meanPreview & rendering your animation, to different formatsA complete demo looking over my shoulder as I work through an animation exercise in fullWhat are Students Saying about the Course?""A very comprehensive guide on OpenToonz. It gives detailed instructions on the various mechanics of the software and explains concepts thoroughly. The most valuable thing about this course to me is the setup of the environment for 2D animation. This is rarely talked about in any user-created tutorials on the web/YouTube. OpenToonz is free and powerful, but only with the right knowledge can you use it's full potential. This course definitely facilitates this.""Jonathan T ""Section 1 and 2 have been the simplest and quickest way for me to begin animating in OpenToonz without getting bogged down in the complexity of the program.""John Mac ""Awesome job. Your pace of presentation is spot on!""John Taylor"
Price: 99.99

"Nasl Yaplr? Seri-1 Revit le Havalandrma Tesisat izimi" |
"Herkese merhaba, Yeni bir kurs serisi ile karnzdaym. Bu kurs serisi kapsamnda projelerin veya programlarn nasl kullanldn sizlere izah edeceim.Serimizin ilk kursunda Revit program ile havalandrma tesisatnn nasl yapld , mimarinin 3 boyutlu olmasa da nasl izilecei, metraj hazrlanmas izometri planlarnn oluturulmas, export edilip Autocad formatnda teslim edilmesi sizlere aktarlmtr. Bu kurs kimler iin uygun : *Yeni mezun mhendisler*Makine teknikerleri*almakta olan makine mhendisleri*Mekanik tesisat antiye mavi yaka alanlar"
Price: 79.99

"Sfrdan leri Dzey Web Programlama (HTML, CSS, Javascript)" |
"GereksinimlerBu kurs iin herhangi bir programlama bilgisine sahip olmanza gerek yoktur. Sfrdan balanacaktr.nternete bal olan ve ortalama performans gsteren bir bilgisayar yeterlidir.Kursun leyii:Konu anlatmlar esnasnda zenle seilmi uygulama rnekleriyle konular rahatlkla renebileceksiniz.nite sonlarndaki rnek proje uygulamalar ile renmelerinizi kalc hale getireceksiniz.Videolarn sonlarnda kafanza taklanlar, projelerinizde zemediiniz sorunlar benimle iletiime geerek ortadan kaldrabileceksiniz.Kursun zengin konu anlatm, gerek hayattan seilmi rnekleri ile konular rahatlkla anlayabileceksiniz.*** Bu kurs srekli kendini yenileyen ve gelitiren bir kurs olaca iin yeni ders konular ve yeni ierikler eklenmeye devam edecektir."
Price: 49.99

"HP0-055 Implementing HP ProLiant Servers Practice Exam" |
"156 UNIQUE practice questions for HP0-055 Implementing HP ProLiant Servers Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : HP0-055 Implementing HP ProLiant Servers Practice ExamTotal Questions : 156Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :90 minsPassing Score : 75 (117 of 156)"
Price: 164.99

"JK0-801 CompTIA A + Certification Practice Test - 2" |
"250 UNIQUE practice questions for JK0-801 CompTIA A + Certification Practice Test - 2Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : JK0-801 CompTIA A + Certification Practice Test - 2Total Questions : 250Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :150 minsPassing Score : 75 (187 of 250)"
Price: 174.99

"PMI-002 Certified Associate Project Management Practice Exam" |
"149 UNIQUE practice questions for PMI-002 Certified Associate Project Management Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : PMI-002 Certified Associate Project Management Practice ExamTotal Questions : 149Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :90 minsPassing Score : 75 (111 of 149)"
Price: 154.99

"PEGA CSA Certified System Architect 71V1 Practice Exam" |
"212 UNIQUE practice questions for PEGA CSA Certified System Architect 71V1 Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : PEGA CSA Certified System Architect 71V1 Practice ExamTotal Questions : 212Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :125 minsPassing Score : 75 (159 of 212)"
Price: 174.99

"CISM Information Risk Management Certified Practice Exam" |
"135 UNIQUE practice questions for CISM Information Risk Management Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CISM Information Risk Management Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 135Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :80 minsPassing Score : 75 (101 of 135)"
Price: 149.99

"CA1-001 CompTIA Advanced Security Carrier Beta Practice Test" |
"206 UNIQUE practice questions for CA1-001 CompTIA Advanced Security Carrier Beta Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CA1-001 CompTIA Advanced Security Carrier Beta Practice TestTotal Questions : 206Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :120 minsPassing Score : 75 (154 of 206)"
Price: 174.99

"Pintura em tela de paisagens para iniciantes" |
"Este curso ir introduzir o aluno no mundo da pintura de paisagem e ensinar tcnica de pintura acrlica sobre tela onde a partir destes estudos os alunos estaro aptos a pintarem sua prprias paisagens. O curso desenvolvido em 03 mdulos: mdulo 01 introduo; mdulo 02: materiais e mdulo 03; introduo a pintura em tela de paisagem."
Price: 54.99

"Encuadernacin Bsica III" |
"El curso Encuadernacin Bsica III Media en tela y papel est dirigido a estudiantes con poca o nula experiencia en el oficio de la encuadernacin. El contenido se encuentra dividido en tres categoras principales: las recomendaciones para encuadernar la nomenclatura de las encuadernaciones de tapas duras la tcnica para elaborar una encuadernacin de tapas duras y material de recubrimiento de tela y papel.Durante la enseanza de la tcnica, aprenders a preparar el cuerpo de libro, conocers el proceso de elaboracin de la costura seguida sobre cintilla (incluyendo la unin y preparacin del hilo), aprenders los tratamientos que requiere el cuerpo cosido y, por ltimo, la elaboracin de la cartera de tapas duras y material de recubrimiento de tela y papel.El curso est diseado para que pueda completarse en tres das, una vez que tengas las herramientas y materiales necesarios para trabajar.Si ests interesado, inscrbete! Solamente es necesario que tengas la disposicin de aprender, el dominio de la tcnica vendr con la prctica."
Price: 570.00

"Die Strukturierte Informationssammlung (SIS)" |
"Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie beherrschen schnell und einfach die SIS und die Pflegeplanung. Sie knnen Ihre Zeit wieder Ihren Patienten und Bewohnern zukommen lassen, ohne stundenlang verzweifelt an der Dokumentation zu sitzen. Sie konzentrieren sich wieder auf die Dinge die Ihnen wichtig sind und knnen den den Zauber und die Schnheit der Pflege umsetzen und versehen das System der SIS und der Pflegedokumentation und brauchen keine Angst vor der nchsten MDK - Prfung mehr zu haben. Wenn dies in Ihren Ohren gut und sicher klingt, dann ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige fr Sie. Egal, ob Sie gerade erst anfangen oder schon eine Weile dabei sind, hier finden Sie wertvolle Lektionen. Ich zeige Ihnen hier durch praxisnahe Anleitungen, wie das System der Pflegeplanung funktioniert. Der Lehrplan bietet einen Rahmen und eine Reihe von umsetzbaren Schritten, mit denen Sie das Systeme verstehen und schnell umsetzen knnen, die fr die Gestaltung einer MDK sicheren Pflegeplanung erforderlich sind. Sie haben die Freiheit zu whlen, woran Sie jeden Tag arbeiten, einen Zweck, der Sie vorantreibt, und die Zeit, die Sie fr die Dinge in Ihrem Pflegealltag umsetzen mssen, die wirklich wichtig sind: eine gute Pflege Ihrer Patienten und Bewohner und eine sichere Dokumentation.In diesem Kurs lernen Sie, mit Absicht auf wichtige Ziele hinzuarbeiten.Der Kurs ist sequentiell und fhrt Sie Schritt fr Schritt durch die SIS bis hin zur Evaluation.Sie erfahren, wie das Systeme der Pflegeplanung funktioniert und wie ein Rdchen der SIS die gesamte Pflegeplanung in Schwung bringt. Unabhngig davon, ob Sie erfahren sind oder gerade erst anfangen, dieser Kurs soll Ihnen helfen, die Pflegeplanung einfach und MDK sicher anzuwenden und die Zeit fr die Pflege zu verwenden. Was ist im Kurs enthalten?- Handbuch - Fragen und Antworten Sequenz - Arbeitsbuch mit Fllen - Formulierungshilfen - Schritt fr Schritt Anleitung - Schemata und bersichten und vieles mehr..."
Price: 24.99

"Les Clefs du dessin - Volume 3B - Espace & perspective" |
"Restituer la profondeur du monde rel, en trois dimensions, sur un support plan qui na que deux dimensions, est une problmatique importante en dessin.Pour surmonter cette difficult vous devez connatre les principes de la perspective linaire, mais aussi apprendre utiliser les divers facteurs qui nous permettent de situer un lment dans lespace et ainsi de ressentir la sensation de profondeur.Dans ce cours, vous allez poursuivre ltude de la perspective linaire et apprendre dessiner des dallages, des arcades et divers types dlments prsentant des plans inclins ou des axes de symtrie.Vous apprendrez galement exploiter les phnomnes comme la diminution progressive, la superposition des lments ainsi que les effets atmosphriques pour restituer pleinement la sensation despace et de profondeur dans vos dessin. Vous avez envie dapprendre le dessin en perspective, mais vous hsitiez car vous ne savez pas si ce cours peut vous aider.En dessin dobservation, il nest pas indispensable de dessiner selon les rgles strictes de la perspective. Les informations de volume tant visibles sur votre modle, il est tout fait possible de restituer la profondeur des objets et des espaces de maniere intuitive. Nanmoins pour obtenir une reprsentation raliste dun monde en trois dimensions, il est bon dapprendre les grands principes qui rgissent les espaces en trois dimensions. Dans ce troisime volume de la srie LES CLEFS DU DESSIN vous allez ainsi etudier chacun de ces principes afin de reussir la conversion de la troisieme dimension sur un support plan et ainsi retranscrire au mieux la sensation de profondeur dans vos dessins.Des leons et des exercices pour VRAIMENT apprendre dessinerLa srie de cours LES CLEFS DU DESSIN est un cours complet qui regroupe au total 4 volumes pour apprendre le dessin d'observation. Elle a t conue pour tre la fois plaisante et efficace. Les diverses leons sont ainsi structures de manire pdagogique avec une partie thorique abordant les principes fondamentaux du dessin d'observation, accompagnes de nombreux exercices qui vous permettront de mettre en pratique les notions tudies afin de progresser rapidement tout en vous faisant plaisir.Chaque volume de cette mthode particulirement infaillible pour apprendre dessiner, traite une comptence essentielle du dessin. Vous verrez ainsi tous les aspects du dessin, depuis les bases jusqu la matrise de techniques avances. Les vidos contiennent des instructions claires qui vous guide tape par tape dans votre apprentissage et si vous rencontrez des difficults, je rpondrais vos questions afin de vous aider les surmonter.Pour que ce cours soit bnfique et vous permette vraiment d'apprendre dessiner, je vous conseille de parcourir les sept parties de la srie de cours LES CLEFS DU DESSIN dans l'ordre suivant :Attitude & observationContours & cadragesMesures & proportionsFormes & volumesEspace & perspectiveVolumes & lumire Valeurs & ombrage"
Price: 19.99

"Rubiks Cube Masterclass : Learn to Solve it the Easiest way" |
"Welcome to the Rubik's Cube Masterclass.In this course, you will learn how to solve the 3X3 Rubik's Cube within 50 Seconds and impress your friends & family with your skills.You will get the complete knowledge of the Basics and the Algorithms necessary to solve the Rubik's Cube in minimum steps.The course will start by introducing different parts and movements of the Cube and will go through all the important Algorithms and Techniques. There are several interactive quizzes in-between the sections to keep you on track.What will you get in this course:Complete step-by-step videos (in English) for solving the Rubik's CubeProper guidance by the InstructorComplete resources for all the AlgorithmsLifetime support for your Doubts & QueriesLifetime Course AccessMost effective strategies and techniquesSeveral Quizzes to keep you on track and motivatedLots of Happiness after gaining the skillsExclusive Content(DO NOT MISS THIS)!!!Follow my instructions throughout the Rubik's Cube course, you just need to concentrate a little, do some practice and believe in yourself.After completing this Rubik's Cube course, I guarantee that you will be able to:Solve the Rubik's Cube within 50 SecondsImpress people wherever you go with your cubing skillsCompete in cubing competitions throughout the worldPractice more and reduce your Solving Time What are you waiting for then? Enroll in the course now."
Price: 10240.00

"Sfrdan React Native v.0.63 ile leri Seviye'ye Eitim" |
"Sadece eitim videolaryla gelimenize katk salamakla yetinilmediini eitime katldka anlalacaktr.Kursun giri videosu balangta hazrlanmtr ve sizinle birlikte interaktif olarak eitim videolar anlatlan her konu gncel tutularak yklenecektir.Tantm videosu kurs tamamlannca yklenmesi daha uygundur onun iin ksa tantm videosu imdilik yoktur.Kurs'u memnun olmadnzda tartmasz geri iade edebilirsiniz onun iin herhangi bir endieniz de olmasn ltfen :)"
Price: 44.99

"Microsoft Excel Eitimi - Sfrdan Zirveye" |
"Merhabalar :)Bu eitimde sizi sfr noktasdan zirveye karacak dersler sizleri bekliyor. Eitime balamak iin bir altyapnzn olmasna gerek yok. Yalnzca Microsoft Exceli renme tutkunuzun olmas yeterli. Kurs ierikleri aadaki ekildedir ;BALANGI SEVYES ETMLERDERS -1 : NYZ TANITIMIBu derste Microsoft Excelin nyz tantlmtr. nyzdeki kavramlar ve fonksyoneliteleri bilmek byk neme sahiptir. Bu videoda hzlca, ok vaktinizi almadan ve sizi ok skmayacak ekilde microsoft excelin nyz tantm yaplmaktadr.DERS -2 : VER GRBu derste Microsoft Excelde veri girilerinin doru ve hzl bir ekilde nasl yapldn ele alyoruz. Doru bilinen baz yanllar ve iinizi kolaylatracak ipularna da bu eitimin ieriinde bulabilirsiniz.DERS -3 : TABLOLARBu derste Microsoft Excelde tablo yapmn grdk. Tablo yaplar microsoft excel kullanclar iin olmaz ise olmaz zelliklerindendir. Bu yzden bu eitim serisinin iinde tablo yapm ile ilgili bir dersin konumlandrmas gerektiini dndk.DERS -4 : KOULLU BMLENDRMEMicrosoft Excelde biimlendirmeyi daha dinamik ve grsel hale getiren koullu biimlendirme zelliinin bilinmesi ok nemlidir. Verilerinizi belli koullara bal olarak biimlendirmenize olanak salar.DERS -5 : HESAPLAMA VE FLTRELERTablomuzdaki verilerle ilgili toplu hesaplamalar yapabiliriz. Bu desimizde tablomuzda ki verilerle neasl hesaplama yapabileceimizi gryoruz.Dahas verilerimizi nasl filtreleyebileceimizi bu derste detayl bir ekilde grebilirsiniz.DERS -6 : FORMLLERExcelde forml yazmak ok nemlidir. Bu dersimizde formllerin nasl yazlacandan ve yapmak istediimiz ilem iin hangi forml yazmamz gerektiini nereden bulabileceimizi gryoruz.DERS -7 : PVOT TABLOLARPivot tablolarla almak ilerimizi ok kolaylatrr. Tablomuzdaki verilerimizi derleyerek bize zet tablolar sunmaktadr. Bu sayede tablomuzdaki verilerin analizini daha kolay ve hzl bir ekilde yapabiliriz.DERS -8 : GRAFKLERVerilerimizin grselletirilerek sunulmas herkes iin ok nemlidir. Bu derste bunu nasl baarabileceimizi greceiz. En ok kullanlan 2 farkl grafik eidinin nasl oluturulacan bu derste grebilirsiniz.DERS -9 : VER DORULAMATablonuzdaki verilerinizin dzenli bir ekilde oluturulabilmesi iin olmaz ise olmaz zelliklerinden birisidir Veri Dorulama. Bu zellikle tablonuzdaki verilerin uyumluluunu kontrol altna alabileceksiniz, yanl girileri engelleyebileceksiniz.DERS -10 : YAZDIRMAExcel alma kitabnzda yaptnz almalarn ktsn nasl alabileceimizi gryoruz bu derste. Baz durumlarda kt almak zor olabiliyor. rnein tablomuz baka bir sayfaya tayor fakat biz 1 sayfada gzkmesini istiyoruz. Bu gibi durumlara da deindiimiz dersimizi izleyebilirsiniz.********************************************************************************************************************************ORTA SEVYE ETMLERDERS-11 : TEMALARMicrosoft Excelde varsaylan temadan ok daha fazlas bulunmaktadr. Bu eitimde alma kitabmzn varsaylan renklerini, yaz tipini iinde barndran temann nasl deitirilecei ilenmitir.DERS-12 : METN STUNA EVRMEMicrosoft excelde ilenmesi gereken veriler her zaman karmza tablo formatnda kmayabilmektedir. zellikle .csv formatndaki dosyalar analiz etmemiz gerektiinde birbirinden virgl ile ayrlan verileri ayrtrmamz gerekir. Bu eitimimizde tablo d formatlarda nmze gelen verileri nasl tablo formatna getirebileceimizi grmekteyiz.DERS-13 : GREL VE MUTLAK DEERLERMicrosoft Excelde Greli ve Mutlak olarak adlandrlan iki kavram bulunmaktadr. Formllerde kullandmz hcre isimlerini baz durumlarda sabitlememiz gerekebilmektedir. Bu durumlarda mutlak hcre deerlerini kullanmaktayz. Bu eitimde iki kavram ele alnarak ikisi arasndaki farklar rneklerle aklanmaktadr.DERS-14 : DEYARA FORMLMicrosoft Excelde kullanlan enok 5 formlden birisi ola deyara , bir tabloda aranmas gereken baz deerlerin bulunmasnda ve getirilmesinde kullanlmaktadr. Bu eitimde Deyara formlnn en yaygn kullanm alan incelenmektedir.DERS-15 : NTERNETTEN VER EKMEKMicrosoft Excelde herhangi bir internet sayfasndaki verileri alma kitabmzn iinde kullanarak vakitten kazanabilir ve verilerimizin analizini daha gereki bir ekilde yapabilmekteyiz. stelik dardan alnan bu veriler internete bal kaldnz srece canl olarak beslenmektedir. Bu eitimde, Excel alma kitabmza internetten veri ekmenin nasl gerekletirilecei anlatlmtr.DERS-16 : HCRELERE AIKLAMA EKLEMEExcelde ibirlie ak bir yap bulunmaktadr. Deitirilen veriler ile ilgili bir kullanc hcrelere aklama ekleyerek, ayn alma kitabn kullanan dier kullanclara aklamalar vastasyla notlar brakabilmektedir. Bu eitimde excelde aklamalarn nasl eklendii,dzenlendii ve silindii ele alnmtr.DERS-17 : GELTRC SEKMESGelitirici sekmesi excelde varsayaln sekmeler arasnda yer almamaktadr. Kullancnn kendisinin bu sekmeyi aktive etmesi beklenmektedir. Bu eitimde Gelitirici sekmesini tanyarak bu sekmenin baz zelliklerini kullanmay renmekteyiz.DERS-18 : DME OLUTURMAExcelde dmeler oluturarak yaplmas gereken baz ilerin daha efektif ve hzl bir ekilde yaplmas salanabilmektedir. Bu eitimde Excelde buton oluturmay ve bu butonlara baz ilevler yaptrmay grmekteyiz.DERS-19 : EER FORMLExcelde en ok kullanlan forml zellii tayan Eer forml ile bir ok koula bal veri analizlerini gerekletirmek mmkn klnmaktadr. Bu eitimde Eer formlnn en yaygn kullanlan alanlarndan rnekler ile birlikte bu fotmln nasl kullanldn grmekteyiz.DERS-20 : DLMLEYCExcelde filtreleme yapmann daha kolay ve hzl bir yolu olan Dilimleyiciler ile filtreleme yapmanz daha da kolay bir hal alr. Ayn zamanda daha grsel bir ekilde filtreleme imkan salanabilmektedir. Bu eitimde veri tablomuza dilimleyici ekleyerek ilevlerini renmekteyiz.********************************************************************************************************************************LER SEVYE ETMLERDERS -21 : Kitap-Sayfa-Hcre KorumalarMicrosoft Excelde kullanclarn girilerini kstlamak veya engellemek amacyla sayfa ve hcre korumalar kullanlmaktadr. Hcre, sayfa veya alma kitabnn tamam korumaya alnarak ifrelenebilmektedir. Bu derste korumann nasl yaplaca ilenmitir.DERS -22 : NDS-KAINCI FormlleriBir tabloda aranmak istenen verinin ekilmesine yarayan Deyara formlne hem alternatif hem de daha ileri seviyede arama yapabilmemizi saylayan ndis ve Kanc formllerinin kullanm ilenmitir.DERS -23 : Baml ve Deiken Listeler (L-LE)Excelde dinamik ve birbirine baml listeler oluturmak mmkndr. Bu derste veri dorulama, ndis-Kanc, EerSay gibi birok excel zelliini birarada kullanarak birbirine baml ve dinamik listeler oluturulmakadr.DERS -24 : Dinamik Grafik OluturmaVerilerin grselletirmesine yarayan en nemli aralardan birisi grafiklerdir. Grafiklerin dinamik hale getirilerek birden fazla grafiin birletirilmesi sonucunda daha verilerin daha iyi analiz edilmesi salanmaktadr. Bu derste iki grafiin birlikte kullanlmasnn yan sra verilerin deikenlii ile grafiin yapsnnda deimesi salanmaktadr.DERS -25 : Durum zmlemesiExcelin en nemli zelliklerinden birisi de veri analizinin yaplabilir olmasdr. Bu derste verilerimizin farkllamas durumundaki senaryolarda, ktlarmzn nasl etkileneceinin ve deikenlik gstereceinin analizleri yaplmaktadr.DERS -26 : Macro KaydetmeTekrarlayan ilerin otomatize edilmesine ve kod kullanmadan yaplmak istenen iin excele aktarlmasna yarayan macrolar excelin nemli zelliklerindendir. Bu derste bir macro oluturulmas ve daha sonra altrlmas srelerinin tamam ilenmektedir.DERS -27 : Macro AtamaKaydedilen bir macro birok farkl ekillerde hayata geirilebilmektedir.Bu derste Macronun farkl ekillerdeki altrlma yntemlerinin yansra, macronun farkl bir tr olan Greli Bavuru macrosu kaydedilmekte ve hayata geirilmektedir.DERS -28 : Visual Basic For Application - HELLO WORLDMicrosoft Excelin kodlama arayz olan Visual Basic for Application (VBA) hakknda incelemeler salanlarak giri yaplmaktadr. VBA arayznn tantlmasnn ardndan ilk kodun yazlmas salanmaktadr..DERS -29 : VBA IF KOMUTUKodlama atmosferinde en ok ihtiya duyulan komutlardan birisi olan IF komutu mercek altna alnmaktadr. If komutu kullanlarak rnekli bir ekilde kodlar gelitirilmektedir..DERS -30 : VBA FOR KOMUTUKodlamada kullanlan For dngleriyle ilgili anlatm salanmaktadr. Sonrasnda for dngleri kullanlarak kodlar rnek kodlar gelitirilmektedir."
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