"Liderazgo e Inteligencia Emocional" |
"En este curso trataremos todos aquello que puede influenciar en tu performance como lder, que pueden ser aspectos como la comunicacin, el feedback, la generacin de confianza, el trabajo en equipo, la gestin del tiempo, etc. Trabajaremos todos estos aspectos desde la ptica de la Inteligencia Emocional, cuya influencia en tus hbitos y formas de pensar y comportarte se ha demostrado que es el doble de importante que tu coeficiente intelectual.Si inicias este curso, lo terminars con tips y herramientas que podrs aplicar desde ya para sentirte mejor liderando y fomentando una cultura de apoyo, trabajo efectivo y confianza. Olvdate de todos aquellos que te dicen que trabajo eficiente y buen clima son incompatibles."
Price: 64.99

"Um mundo cada vez mais globalizado e conectado requer lderes preparados.Liderar conhecimento, tcnica, habilidade, mas, acima de tudo, atitude, ao e corao.LIDERAR PESSOAS COMPLEXO!Engenheiros e Arquitetos na obra so mais lderes do que o executivo que fica no escritrio. Eles so os que levam o projeto aos seus objetivos, tomam decises, planejam, controlam, monitoram, motivam, conduzem mudanas, reunies e relatrios. Eles passam a maior parte do tempo liderando, resolvendo problemas, trabalhando com equipes.Portanto, por serem lderes, precisam ser treinados para atingir os objetivos estratgicos. Nesse aprendizado o autoconhecimento, o autodesenvolvimento, o autocontrole tornam-se o primeiro passo.Esse curso treina os profissionais rumo a uma mudana, por meio do autoconhecimento.Reflita comigo!"
Price: 189.99

"SQL Server 2017 in 90 minutes" |
"SQL Server 2017 in just 90 mins. You will learn the core components about SQL server.how to install, create tables, CRUD, Join Tables in Microsoft SQL Server 2017, basic insert, update, delete, query data.how to define and use Triggers, procedures, constraints in SQL Server 2017: check constraint, unique constraintExample of TravelManagement database-Trigger, constraints, join tables, create view between 2 tables with 1-n relation"
Price: 49.99

"Flutter Complete with Dart, Firebase & built Weather App" |
"Welcome to the Flutter Development with Dar & build Weather AppCovering all the fundamental concepts for Flutter development, this is the most comprehensive Flutter course available online.We built this course over months, perfecting the curriculum together with the Flutter team to teach you Flutter from scratch and make you into a skilled Flutter developer with a strong portfolio of beautiful Flutter apps.By the end of this course, you will be fluently programming in Dart and be ready to build your own Flutter Weather apps and become a fully fledged Flutter developer"
Price: 149.99

basic-computer-skill-for-beginners |
", - , , : , Microsoft Windows - ! , , , ,"
Price: 19.99

"Learn & Make Money in Stock Market : Investing & Day Trade" |
"Learn the basic fundamental and Technical concept of stocks and Mutual Funds. The Importance of Goals , Risk Management , Asset Allocation and Power of Compounding. How an equity investment in stock market or mutual fund generate a passive income. Mistakes to avoid stock market and how to beat the market with special reference to Indian Stock Market."
Price: 199.99

"HA in Sabit Kanat Tasarm ve Aerodinamik zellikleri" |
"Bu eitimde, XFLR5 Programnda nsansz Hava Aralar (HA) iin sabit kanat tasarmnn yaplmas, analiz ve grafik sonularnn yorumlanmas, NACA kodlu kanat kesit profiline sahip olan kanadmzn kaldrma katsays, srkleme katsays, yunuslama katsays hakknda bilgiyi elde edilmesi ve bu bilgilerin gerekli formllerde yerine kullanlarak airfoil tools sitesindeki verilerle karlatrlmas ve AUTODESK FUSION360 programnda elde edilen kanat profilinin nasl 3 boyutlu tasarm programnda izilip imalat iin hazr hale getirileceinden bahsedilecektir."
Price: 69.99

"Redbubble complete print on demand course" |
"This is a short course about print on demand and redbubble which brings your designing ideas to life. If you want to earn money online then this is a perfect and useful course for you. This course will also set a platform for those who want to earn passive income. This course is beneficial for all levels either you are a beginner or advance in print on demand. This course is also for those who dont want to spend money on social media advertisements and other expensive courses. After taking this course all the sales which you gonna make will be organic.Now in this course, we will learn about print on demand from start to finish. First, we will create and set up our print on demand store. After that, we will select a niche for our store and then I will teach you how to create a design for our products. Now in order to create the design, you dont need any graphic designing skills and you also dont need any paid software. Now if you dont have the computer dont worry I will also teach you how you can create a design using a smartphone. After creating a design. I will show you how to create mockups and then use that mockup in the promotion.*****************************************************************************************************************Benefits, if you get this course: You will come to know lots of print on demand tricks and secrets. You will also learn how to create designs without any graphic designing skills. You will also learn how to use Instagram tags and sell shirts without any following on Instagram. Just taking this one hour course you will get another stream of income.You will also get 30 days money-back guarantee so there is no loss."
Price: 199.99

"Personal Branding 101: Unlock Your Potential and Get Ahead" |
"You are a personal brand. Just that you aren't investing enough to craft, curate and communicate your brand while involving others in the journey. You dont need to be a wealthy celebrity with a public relations team to manage an image and build a personal brand. You can also build yours by staying grounded, building your worth and aligning your actions with your values. How you shape your brand depends on the effort you put in and application you have in appreciating the world around you, understanding yourself, creating a thoughtful plan and consistently acting on your commitments over time. This course is meant for anyone wanting to unlock their potential and get ahead in their personal and professional lives. Gain from insights, tips, techniques and exercises as well as a proven model of personal branding."
Price: 3520.00

"Aprendendo sobre Kins, Tzolkin e Calendrio das 13 Luas ...." |
"Neste curso voc ter conhecimentos essenciais para identificar sua assinatura galctica, orculo, onda encantada pessoal, assim como acompanhar o calendrio das 13 luas e a Matriz Tzolkin no fluxo de tempo natural de 3 e 4 dimenso. Curso composto de 11 vdeos aulas: A1 - INTRODUO A2 - OS 20 SELOS SOLARES A3 - Os 13 TONS GALCTICOS A4 - OS 260 KINS, ASSINATURA GALCTICA E A MATRIZ TZOLKIN A5 - KIN E ASSINATURA GALCTICA PESSOAL A6 - ORCULO E ONDA ENCANTADA PESSOAL A7 - OS CICLOS [DIAS, SEMANAS, MS(LUA) E ANEL(ANO)] A8 - AS TREZE LUAS A9 - AS ONDAS ENCANTADAS E CASTELOSA10 - O ANEL SOLAR (364 DIAS E O DIA FORA DO TEMPO) A11 - FAMILIAS, CLS E CONCLUSES FINAIS"
Price: 24.99

"Matriser Photoshop pour les rseaux sociaux (Part. 1)" |
"""Aprs cette nouvelle formation totalement offerte, vous serez bientt autonome sur Photoshop""+ 1h30 de formationMes secrets pour crer des designs/logos attractifs4 annes dexpriences dans un moduleClub priv d'entraideAccs et mise jour vieJe vous invite regarder mes nombreux designs pour les rseaux sociaux via mon Instagram sur mon profil !L'avantage avec la formation en ligne, c'est que tu peux accder toutes les vidos sans te dplacer, avec tout le confort de ton domicile.L'accs illimit qui te permet de revenir n'importe quel moment sur chacune des vidos, il est plus avantageux de se former distance."
Price: 24.99

"Lucre Fabricando Bebidas Artesanais" |
"Fabrique dezenas de Receitas, aprenda a fazer os melhores LICORES e condimentao de CACHAAS, utilizando utenslios que provavelmente voc j tem em casa.Voc vai aprender a utilizar o nosso marketing arrojado, que vai alavancar suas vendas com produtos de alto consumo popular, utilizando a nossa tcnica de vendas.SISTEMA 3X1, essa estratgia utiliza a nosso favor a estatstica de que 50% de toda a populao do Brasilconsome bebidas alcolicas, sendo assim a chance de realizar UMA venda a cada TRS VISITAS muito grande, nosso produto tem altssima aceitao o que ajuda ainda mais nas vendas, tanto no mbito comercial como no PARTICULAR."
Price: 84.99

"Mieux manager en se runissant efficacement" |
"Comme moi, vous avez particip ces runions interminables, nombreuses, inutiles et sans intrt, o rien de concret ne sort et o lon a la trop fcheuse impression davoir perdu son temps.Est-ce une fatalit ? non, bien sr. Mais dfaut de rvolutionner le monde, commenons dj par rendre efficaces et productives les runions que nous devons organiser.Ce cours dune heure, qui se veut pratique, est le fruit des plus de 35 ans de management dquipes et de postes de responsabilit, donc de trs nombreuses runions comme participant (5 000 ? 6 000 ? je nai jamais vraiment compt) et du quart d'entre-elles que jai d srement organises.Comment rendre une runion efficace ? Dabord, en se posant la question de son utilit et des rgles gnrales qui lorganisent Ensuite, en matrisant la prparation, en amont, dune runion. Puis, en la conduisant, en lanimant efficacement en respectant quelques principes de fond et de forme. Enfin, en disposant dun instrument fiable qui en permet lexploitation. Sinon, il est inutile de se runir.."
Price: 29.99

"Aprenda Matemtica do Zero e com questes de concursos" |
"Comeando do zero a aprender matemtica. As 4 operaes de forma que voc no viu, muito detalhada, para voc aprender o passo a passo de como as contas so realizadas. Esse curso foi elaborado para todo mundo que tem sede de aprender com detalhes independente da idade, est no fundamental II ento vamos estudar para chegar no futuro, pois ele depende de voc."
Price: 39.99

"Conhecendo DEUS - inspirado por Deepak Chopra o Guru n1!" |
"Este o curso que ensinar voc a atingir um novo nvel espiritual.No curso voc aprender atravs de exerccios prticos a como se conectar com Deus, entendendo todo o contexto e o porque isso importante, alm de aprimorar seu auto-conhecimento.Eu Marcelo Pavam, instrutor do curso e CEO do instituto HEIKAL vou ensinar a voc, tudo sobre como se conectar com Deus, atingir o Mindfullness, e assim atingir um nvel superior de espiritualidade.Apresentarei os ensinamentos que adquiri atravs de um curso feito com Deepak Chora, que autor de mais de 25 livros de auto-ajuda, que foram traduzidos em mais de 35 idiomas, tais como ""A Cura Quntica"", ""As Sete Leis Espirituais Do Sucesso"", ""Criando Sade"", e ainda possui cinco programas para a televiso americana. No ano de 1999, a revista Time incluiu-o na sua lista das 100 personalidades do sculo, chamando-lhe ""poeta e profeta das medicinas alternativas"".Depois de adquirir estes conhecimentos, tenho certeza que sua vida espiritual nunca mais ser a mesma."
Price: 39.99

kak_opisat_bisness_procci_kompanii |
". , . - -. - . IT, , , , , . , , . , , .6 , , 20 , - Brown Paper ."
Price: 1799.00

"Earned Value Analysis for Beginners" |
"This course will provide you with a clear understanding of Earned Value Analysis, and how it can be used to expertly control the schedule and costs of any project. It is ideally suited to current or aspiring Project Managers who wish to elevate their skills to the next level.A no-nonsense, no-gimmicks approach is taken throughout the course, and all aspects of EVA are covered in a pragmatic, step-by-step manner that builds your knowledge and understanding as you progress through each lecture. Examples and questions / answers are included, together with a final exercise that will give you the opportunity to test and consolidate your understanding of course components.On finishing the course, you will also receive a Certificate of Completion."
Price: 19.99

"Apache Kafka con Java, Spring framework y AWS" |
"Es este curso aprenders los conceptos fundamentales de Apache Kafka, como enviar y recibir mensajes utilizando Java y Spring framework, desplegar clusters en ambientes locales y en la nube utilizando Amazon Web services, escribir mensajes en un cluster de ElasticSearch.Todo lo anterior con ejemplos prcticos, con material didctico y siempre siguiendo buenas prcticas de programacin."
Price: 870.00

"Tour Visual FX in Adobe Premiere Pro" |
"If you want to create stunning video visuals or music video content with Adobe Premiere Pro but don't know how use the fx and built-in plugins, this class is for you!Learn how to make the type of VJ loops that gets played on a massive screen in front of millions of people at concerts and live shows!If you want to create a fully immersive video experience through video design, you've come to the right class. This is a quick-track class for anyone that may have some raw visual assets, stock footage, or animations laying around on their hard drive and want to take those basic assets to the next level. You'll learn the key tips & tricks necessary to manipulate stock footage so it comes to life using the effects I show you.You'll learn how to control Adobe Premiere Pro in order to composite visuals on top of each other. I'll show you how to quickly control colors, invert the color maps, make a pulsing effect, create exploding elements from a static video element, separate the color channels, and add glitches."
Price: 29.99

"Overcome Your Fear of Rejection... Permanently!" |
"Most people are missing out on the life they deserve because they're simply too afraid to ask for what they want and explore potential opportunities. Our fear of rejection is usually the single greatest barrier to a better life.But the fear of rejection simply doesn't make rational sense.While it was sensible for our ancient ancestors to be afraid of being rejected and isolated, because it would put their survival at risk, nowadays there's really no harm in someone saying ""No"" to your request. And yet you still avoid rejection like it's actually dangerous.I used to be TERRIFIED of rejection. I would always try to make people happy. I always kept my desires hidden, or only revealed them indirectly. I missed out on opportunities in dating, my career, and adventure, because I was scared someone would publicly ""humiliate"" me with rejection.This led to me being single, bored, frustrated, lonely and angry with myself for never taking a chance.Thankfully, being afraid of rejection is not a life-sentence. Over time, I learned how to build my confidence through exploring the psychology of fear, and understanding why I felt so hesitant to go for what I wanted directly and boldly.I didn't have to do big scary things to overcome my fear of rejection. Mostly, I just had to change my perspective. I was looking at ""rejection"" wrong, making it out to be a real and terrifying thing, when in reality...REJECTION ISN'T EVEN REAL!I've been a Confidence and Integrity Coach since 2013. I have helped literally thousands of people overcome their fear of rejection, by helping them build a confident mindset and powerful philosophy that gives them the courage to go for what they want, no matter what. In this course, I'm going to open your mind to a completely new way of looking at the concept of ""rejection"". I will help you see that someone saying No to you isn't painful, doesn't make you a bad person, won't damage your reputation, and most importantly: you CAN handle it!This course is not about learning to manipulate people into saying Yes when they don't really want to. It's about learning to handle it when they say No, and to ask for what you want directly and honestly even when you feel certain that they will say No.If you apply the principles in this course, then within a few months you will be able to ALWAYS ask for what you want, share yourself openly and honestly, and create the life you deserve.Great romances, fulfilling careers, and high self-confidence don't come from avoiding rejection, they come from facing and overcoming your fear of it.You don't need to believe me. Try the course and see for yourself......you can always get a refund if it doesn't work."
Price: 19.99

"Space Render 2.0: Transform your podcast into videos" |
"Podcasts have quickly gained prominence in just the last few years. Most of the main reasons for this was the transition to smartphones; customers switch away from desktops and more frequently use handheld devices. Also, search engines adjust their algorithms to offer mobile priority, making it more important than ever for organizations to concentrate on web or app optimization. As people rely more on mobile devices, viewing, uploading and listening to podcasts has been simpler than ever, whenever and whenever. Another factor fueling podcasts' success is the lack of time for people. We appear to be busier than ever and the reality makes it impossible to calm down, read a book or even watch a TV show without interruption. People like multitasking and doing as much as possible, and podcasts make it easy to listen on a drive, on a hike, while doing housework, and so on. This compelling course titled ""Space Render 2.0: Transform your podcast into videos"", takes a step further from ""Space Render 1.0: Artificial Intelligence (AI) in 3D Animation"" to completely open a new path for users to focus on podcast creation, marketing and monetization using automation tools. What's more? You can learn cloud-based tools that can transform your podcast audio into video in a jiffy. We will also cover a tool that will convert your podcast into an Alexa skill in minutes which really seemed like an unbelievable task until now. Get ready to learn and excel as a podcast creation specialist and marketer with Space Render 2.0. Digital Marketing Legend ""Srinidhi Ranganathan"" and Mastermind ""Saranya Srinidhi"" have done extensive research on podcast creation, podcast-to-video transformation and marketing to bring you this engaging course that has the potential to change your career as a podcast creator forever.""Are you ready to start learning new-age technologies in Podcast Creation using powerful cloud-based automation tools, this year?""If yes, plunge into action right away by signing up NOW for this course. Your successful career is waiting.There is no time to waste. The course will be educative, informative, and practical at the same time.Enroll now, and let's start booming. There are interesting, engaging, and new things to experience here in this course.This course has the potential to change the world of podcast creation, altogether.Lights. Camera. Action. Let us do the magic.Get ready for a new mind-blowing course that will fascinate you to the core."
Price: 1280.00

"Gestin de Nminas y Seguros Sociales" |
"En este curso aprenderemos a realizar nminas, seguros sociales, contratacin de personal (altas y bajas, maternidad, IT, etc.)Tambin aprenderemos como resolver las dudas mas comunes de los empleados en materia laboral, distintos conceptos salariales tales como prestaciones, vacaciones, incapacidades, etc.Cuando acabe el curso, habrs aprendido todo lo necesario para comprender y elaborar tanto nminas, como seguros sociales, finiquitos, modelos de denuncia por impago de salarios, papeleta de conciliacin por impago, finiquitos, liquidaciones, indemnizaciones, solicitud de prestaciones al Fondo de Garanta Salarial, RLC (TC-1), RNT (TC-2), etc.Si quieres conocer a detalle el contenido del curso:- Tipos de salario- La cuanta salarial (salario mnimo interprofesional, IPREM, revisin y derechos salariales, complementos, etc.)- El salario y sus especialidades (modalidades de contrato, movilidad funcional, suspensin del contrato, seguridad social, finiquito, IRPF, etc.)- Tipos de contrato (de formacin, en prcticas, de jubilacin parcial, de trabajo a distancia, etc.)- Tipos de jornada de trabajo, vacaciones, suspensin del contrato, reduccin de jornada, incapacidad permanente, y retenciones en concepto de seguridad social e IRPF en la nmina.- Cumplimentacin del Mod-145 (informa de la retencin a practicar al trabajador en funcin de entre otras, sus circunstancias familiares y personales)- Pago del salario (incluyendo IT y accidente/enfermedad laboral)- Retrasos en el pago/impago de salario- Pago dependiente de litigio (salario de tramitacin) - Prestacin por desempleo y cobro de salarios de tramitacin- Recibo de finiquito y liquidacin- Reclamacin del salario (SMAC, proceso monitorio y proceso ordinario)- FOGASA (Fondo de Garanta Salarial)- Como rellenar de manera correcta la papeleta de conciliacin- Clculo de importes a cobrar en concepto de salarios e indemnizaciones por parte de FOGASA- El recibo de salarios (contenido, valor probatorio, cuando no ha de firmarlo el trabajador, etc.)- Estructura del recibo de salarios (como interpretar una nmina)- Clculo de salario con y sin prorrata mensual de pagas extra- Clculo del devengo anual y semestral de las pagas extraordinarias- Clculo de la parte proporcional de las pagas extra de navidad y verano a cobrar por un trabajador con un contrato de un ao de duracin.- Clculo vacaciones (salario a devengar y das a disfrutar) en contratos indefinidos a jornada completa.- Clculo salario y das de vacaciones en contrato temporal, a jornada completa, parcial, cuyo trabajador sufre una incapacidad temporal, que cesa en la empresa antes de la finalizacin del contrato, etc. - Aportaciones del trabajador a la Seguridad Social (clculo y aplicacin en la nmina mensual)- Embargo de nmina, clculo de la cantidad mensual embargable en recibo de salarios sin paga extra, con paga extraordinaria prorrateada y sin prorratear, aplicacin de tramos en base a la escala utilizada para su clculo.- Clculo bases de cotizacin (a la Seguridad Social, Contingencias Comunes y Profesionales, Desempleo, FOGASA y Formacin) y su correcta imputacin en el recibo mensual de salarios.- Clculo y cumplimentacin de nminas con complementos salariales y extrasalariales, pagas extraordinarias con y sin prorrateo, horas extraordinarias (habituales y de fuerza mayor), retribuciones mensuales y diarias, salario en especie (vivienda, vehculo y prstamos a empleados), comisiones devengadas en periodos superiores al mensual (liquidacin complementaria), contrato a tiempo parcial y completo, indefinido, de duracin determinada, etc.- IRPF, aprenderemos a calcular el porcentaje a aplicar en la nmina del trabajador en funcin de sus circunstancias familiares y profesionales, adems del clculo del impuesto, cumplimentaremos la nmina del trabajador, cuya retribucin ser mensual, diaria, con paga extraordinaria incluida y excluida, etc. - RLC/TC-1 y RNT/TC-2.- La parte final de curso consta de varios supuestos en funcin de mltiples casusticas, cuya finalidad es el aprendizaje de la mayor parte de los casos que pueden darse a la hora de elaborar el recibo de salarios y el clculo del IRPF. En estos supuestos finales, elaboraremos la documentacin del trabajador, desde el clculo del subsidio y pagos delegados en caso de IT, hasta la elaboracin de los seguros sociales y la contabilizacin de las nminas."
Price: 159.99

"Almacenamiento Linux para RHCSA y RHCE" |
"Este curso te ayudar a conocer de manera prctica la gestin del almacenamiento en los sistemas tipo Red Hat Linux y derivados, teniendo la oportunidad de iniciar desde los conceptos bsicos hasta llegar a temas tendencia en Infraestructura como lo es el Almacenamiento Definido por Software (Software Defined Storage). La produccin de este curso est basado 100% segn las buenas prcticas en Red Hat Enterprise Linux y te servir como apoyo para las certificaciones RHCSA y RHCE."
Price: 34.99

"The complete Search Engine Optimization course from scratch" |
"Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has, in recent years, become a popular and demand-friendly feature. Whether advertisers, bloggers, or other businesses, they have all understood the importance of optimising a site to achieve attention from search engines. Any content readily available on Google, Bing, or any other search engine platform will save you time and money. It helps you to create content without any expense.You'd like to suggest that whether you are a businessman, writer, or even someone who wants to articulate yourself and find it tough to have the same SEO expert and you think oh well, well, that's not my piece of cake. Back during my beginning days, I learned from people who were very knowledgeable and experienced SEO's essential tips and tricks.I'd love to transmit them. You must know what topic you're going to write about before you start writing about anything? You will make a smart decision. SEO has to work on correct statements and words before the text begins to be written before knowing them. You should learn a term you are searching for, and it allows you to rate above others.For example, the term ""bus architecture"" is way too general. However, ""high-speed bus architecture"" is a pretty good one. If you think that maybe SEO required any technical skills or any vast amount of knowledge about Digital Marketing? The answer is NO. It does not require any technical skills. All you need is a good focus on this particular course, which you will learn from me, and let me tell you if you did it with complete attention, you will become an SEO expert very soon and start making money within no time. It's that easy. I will help you learn SEO step by step, and you will learn everything by taking one step, and it will soon take you to an expert level with these individual and smooth moves. I should be able to help you know the website as quickly as possible on the first website, and in the top three tests to produce successful SEO results, there are easy things to do.The Basics of SEO It is important to learn and understand the basics of SEO, and if you get a command over these basics, SEO tips, tricks.So subjects that won't be challenging for you to support your company or start working as a self-employed individual or just continue to work elsewhere and make a great deal of money. All these SEO courses are available online. In all these various topics and many more, I can help you learn from beginner to experienced SEO.So subjects that won't be challenging for you to support your company or start working as a self-employed individual or just continue to work elsewhere and make a great deal of money. All these SEO courses are available online. In all these various topics and many more, I can help you learn from beginner to experienced SEO. After all of these subjects, you have an excellent SEO command, and you can make the right amount of money through SEO, or if you run your own company, you can still save good money. Even as a freelancer, working today is an enormous profession, considering that it is one of the most requested in the world."
Price: 29.99

"Curso animacion de fotografias con after effects" |
"En este curso de photoshop y after effects aprenderemos a editar y animar fotografas para que de esta manera, cobren vida.A travs de numerosas lecciones, no solo iremos aprendiendo como hacer estas ediciones y animaciones, sino que ademas situaremos el trabajo en un contexto determinado.Crearemos una porcin de crditos de apertura de una hipottica serie ficticia. De esta manera, aprenderemos tambin sobre el mundo de los crditos en arte del cine y la televisin y la enorme importancia de los mismos tanto a nivel informativo como en cuanto a innovacin.Cuando termines el curso, sabrs perfectamente como funciona esta tcnica y podrs generar animaciones en las fotografas que decidas, pudiendo aplicando esos conocimientos a multitud de facetas.Asi pues, dale al siguiente video y empezamos, accin!"
Price: 19.99

"LANAMENTO Curso ""Power Cajon"" 2.0 Brazilian Rhythms" |
"Este o Curso Power Cajon 2.0 criado pelo msico George Harrison ""Geoharri"". Este curso uma continuao do curso do curso Power Cajon, contudo, no obrigatrio ter feito o primeiro curso antes, mas recomendvel pois, o nvel dos exerccios contidos neste curso so para nvel intermedirio.Diferentemente do curso Power Cajon anterior, o curso Power Cajon 2.0 aborda ritmos Brasileiros e alguns ritmos Latinos. A aula de teoria musical contida neste curso, em parte a mesma que contm no curso anterior (adicionada recentemente), no entanto, h uma lio extra (aula 03) que aborda caractersticas bem presentes em ritmos brasileiros. Todos os ritmos possuem uma verso sendo tocada usando Cajon e Chimbal, no entanto, diferentemente do curso Power Cajon 1 edio, as aulas usando Cajon e Chimbal no esto em uma seo diferente. Isso porque, como os ritmos abordados neste curso possuem uma caracterstica bem diferente dos ritmos de pop e rock, imprescindvel que os ritmos sejam tocados sem o chimbal, para depois, na metade de cada aula, ele ser adicionado. Outro motivo que o movimento das mos na maioria das vezes o mesmo quando no est usando o chimbal, ento ele entra como um elemento a mais! Confie em mim, voc vai curtir demais esse curso!O layout das aulas tambm diferente, pois, alm das 2 cmeras mostrando a execuo do ritmo em ngulos diferentes, foi adicionado na tela a partitura sendo lida simultaneamente, o que aumenta a compreenso do que est sendo tocado e a interpretao do material anexo, disponvel para download. Foi adicionado tambm, para cada arquivo PDF contendo os exerccios, uma verso no formato "".musicXML"", no qual pode ser aberto na maioria dos programas e aplicativos de edio de partitura, como guitar pro, sibelius, etc. Se voc quer aprender alguns dos mais famosos ritmos brasileiros, ou simplesmente quer melhorar a sua tcnica e aprender mais sobre este instrumento maravilhoso que o Cajon, este curso pra voc!"
Price: 249.99

photoshop-basic2020 |
Price: 59.99

"Jira Next-Gen Projects for Agile Teams" |
"Have you been tasked by your company to figure out how to use Jira Software Cloud for your agile software or other digital projects?Are you tired of looking for quick and easy ways to implement the best Jira features to help you streamline your agile projects in the cloud, only to find boring technical explanations with complex, hard to understand videos?Then look no further.Hello and welcome to Jira Next-Gen Projects for Agile Teams,where youre going to learn how to master your digital projects using the new Next-Gen project type in Jira, the #1 online agile project management system.Im Danny, and for almost 20 years Ive helped startups and enterprise companies build amazing digital products & services by leading high performance teams using tools like JIRA.Ive created this course with 1 simple goal in mind, to help you focus on the essentials to quickly master this powerful & flexible tool so you can spend more time building amazing products and services, and less time in Jira!So lets take a look at whats inside!In this course, youll learn how you can reap the:Benefits of using Jira Next-Gen vs Jira Classic Project TypesHow to automate your next-gen workflow to save more timeHow to quickly create, read and take action on Next-Gen Agile ReportsHow to build Jira Next-Gen Roadmaps & Easily identify DependenciesHow to create and manage Releases...and more!Well also dive into several real-world project examples, so you can understand exactly how you too can start leveraging Scrum and Kanban next-gen projects.Understanding a basic overview of agile terminology is recommended, but you can start using Jira Next-Gen even if youre brand new to agile practices.Whether youre looking to save more time while building software, online courses, content platforms or any other digital product or service, then this course is the one-stop shop to mastering the art of modern project management with Next-Gen projects!"
Price: 89.99

"ASL Parent & Child Phrases American Sign Language" |
"IN THIS COURSE, youre going to learn lots of essential signs and phrases used in parent and child environments. Youll learn each individual sign step by step with clear explanations and examples of hand shape formation. The signs will be combined to form phrases, sentences, and questions. Along the way, well experiment with extra vocabulary and practice switching between statements and questions. Youll begin signing immediately and get lots of hands-on practice. There are multiple testing and review sections to guarantee improvement of your signing and recognition skills.*** This course is designed to INCLUDE complete beginners without any prior knowledge of ASL. Previous ASL skills are welcome but NOT required.IN THIS COURSE:Students will learn how to sign and understand essential parent and child phrases, expressions, and questions.Students will begin signing immediately with clear, step by step instructions of hand shape and hand placement.Students will learn correct facial expressions for asking YES/NO and Wh questions in American Sign Language.Students will get lots of practice using appropriate facial expressions to ensure clear ASL communication.Students will race a timer to improve proficiency as they review essential phrases and complete sentences.Students will see English sentences translated into ASL using ASL grammar rules.Students will learn signs individually to ensure comprehension, correct hand shape, and hand position.Students will be tested on their ability to sign and recognize material taught in the lessons.AFTER TAKING THIS COURSE:Students will be able to sign and understand many useful parent/child phrases.Students will be able to appropriately switch between statements and questions.Students will be confident using facial expressions to boost their communication.Students will be more proficient as they continue improving their ASL skills.QUESTIONS:What is the main focus of this course?This course focuses on learning to sign and understand useful phrases and expressions commonly used in parent/child environments. Students will learn useful phrases, sign complete sentences, and communicate questions in ASL with appropriate facial expressions.Do I need to have prior knowledge or experience with ASL before taking this class?No. This course is designed to include complete beginners without any prior knowledge of ASL. All necessary signs are taught step by step in the course.Will this course test me on what is taught?Yes. This course contains multiple review and testing sections where students have the opportunity to demonstrate their ASL signing and recognition skills.ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR:Hello! My name is Michael. When I was three years old, my younger brother became sick with spinal meningitis. In the process, my brother became deaf with an almost complete hearing loss. This difficult situation provided a unique opportunity for my family and I to become fluent in American Sign Language (ASL). Unlike some deaf children, my brother was not sent away to a deaf or hard of hearing school. He grew up with us, his hearing family, and we were active in the deaf community.As a police officer and federal investigator, I often used ASL to communicate with and interpret for witnesses, victims, and perpetrators. I decided to create ASL courses because its a useful and practical skill to have. Like learning any language, it opens your mind and creates the ability to communicate with a whole new group of people."
Price: 19.99

"5 10 Scratch Jr programming" |
" . 5 Scratch Jr 5 10 "
Price: 19.99

"How to Choose a Niche for your Online Course Business" |
"Are you struggling to zero in on your niche while creating your Online Course Business?Then you've come to the right place.In this course, you'll be learning about some vital principles that will help you understand how niche selection works.Once you go through all the principles, you'll understand how to tweak your niche and turn it into something very specific that immediately lets your potential student know what your specialty is.You'll also be learning how to validate a niche's profitability so you know that the courses you will make have a market. There's a lot more in this course and I hope to see you inside it."
Price: 79.99
