"1Z0-808 Java SE 8 Test Questions MAIN EXAM SIMULATION" |
"Latest Questions asked in September 2020 have been added in this course 1Z0-808 Java SE 8 Programmer ( Oracle Certified Associate ). This course has been prepared for the candidates who possess good foundation & practical skills and want to improve their Java 8 essential skills by learning about new Java 8 features such as Java Time API, Stream API, Functional Interfaces , Lambda Expressions , Concurrency API. These questions have been designed for beginners and professionals who want to boost their career by adopting new technology and can make best use of Java SE 8 Programmer features. These questions will help the students to pass the Java SE 8 certification exam with very good marks. 100% VERIFIED 1Z0-808 September 2020 - Questions ************ 100% Pass Guarantee ************"
Price: 29.99

"Crashkurs Steuern fr Selbstndige Teil 2: Gewinnermittlung" |
"Jeder Selbstndige zahlt Steuern und muss Steuererklrungen abgeben. Doch: Das Thema Steuern gehrt zu den meist vernachlssigten Disziplinen im unternehmerischen Zehnkampf. Die Vogel-Strau-Technik Kopf in den Sand stecken und abwarten ist keine Lsung, wenn es um Deinen Steuerkram geht.96% aller Selbstndigen verschenken regelmig gutes Geld an das Finanzamt! Wissenslcken, Desinteresse, Zeitmangel, unverstndliches Juristendeutsch oder gar Angst vor dem Thema Steuern sind nur einige Grnde, warum Unternehmer von Jahr zu Jahr tausende Euros verbrennen!Wenn Du bislang aus einem dieser Grnde das Thema Steuern immer weggeschoben hast, biete ich Dir jetzt die Mglichkeit an, das erforderliche Steuerwissen kompakt und verstndlich aufzubauen. Investiere jetzt nur drei Stunden in meine Kurse (3 Teile) und ich verspreche Dir: die Unternehmensbesteuerung bleibt fr Dich nicht lnger ein Buch mit sieben Siegeln.In meinem Crashkurs lernst DU auch ohne Vorkenntnisse - alles, was Du brauchst, damit keiner Deiner hart verdienten Euros mehr aus Versehen an das Finanzamt wandert. Statt grauer Theorie und Juristendeutsch bekommst DU das erforderliche Wissen gut verstndlich und praxisnah prsentiert Steuern sparen inklusive. Du lernst in Seminar 1: Alles Wissenswertes rund um die Umsatzsteuer, Einkommensteuer und Gewerbesteuer.Seminar 2: Alles Wissenswertes rund um die Einnahmen-berschuss-Rechnung, Betriebseinnahmen, Betriebsausgaben, AbschreibungenSeminar 3: Wie Du Betriebsausgaben richtig von der Steuer absetzt (z.B. Geschftswagen, Arbeitszimmer, Bewirtungen, Reisekosten, Geschenke, Personalkosten).brigens, den Kaufpreis kannst DU von der Steuer absetzen. Das Finanzamt beteiligt sich also an Deiner Investition mit einer Steuerersparnis. Unterm Strich kostet Dich dieser Kurs weniger als ein Kinobesuch.Lass keine wertvolle Zeit mehr verstreichen, denn Steuerfehler und bersehene Steuervorteile kosten Dich bares Geld. Nur einen Tipp umgesetzt oder eine Viertelstunde Steuerberaterhonorar eingespart - und schon hat sich dieser Steuersparkurs fr Dich bezahlt gemacht.DAS BESTE: Dank der 30-tgigen Geld-zurck-Garantie hast DU kein Risiko. Also, melde Dich JETZT ohne Risiko an!"
Price: 24.99

"Xilinx Vivado Essentials for the Logic Designer" |
"Xilinx Vivado can be overwhelming for a logic designer who is creating their first design for a contemporary Xilinx device. This course describes the various design flows, including hdl only flow, block flow and a hybrid of block and hdl. Each flow includes a simulation options, and adding the Integrated Logic Analyzer to a design. We introduce the Vitis SDK to allow the logic designer to create simple test programs, and describe the AXI4-Lite bus which is the most common interface between processor and logic."
Price: 19.99

"Digital Marketing: Digital Advertising Fundamentals" |
"Warning: This is an introductory course about Digital Advertising. This is not a practical course with a step by step guide on creating campaigns on specific platforms such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, etc. This is a course on the main concepts, objectives, analysis and optimization of Digital Advertising campaigns.Would you like to learn Digital Marketing and how online ads work but don't know here to start? The ""Digital Marketing: Digital Advertising Fundamentals"" course offers you an introduction on the main Digital Advertising concepts. This course gives you the necessary basis to start your path on Digital Advertising and shows you different stages of creating an online advertising campaign, from planning to optimization and results analysis.Course Sections:Introduction and Market OverviewObjectives and KPIsCustomer JourneyAd FormatsAd TypesAdTech Stack ManagementCampaign SetupRunning CampaignsResults AnalysisCampaign OptimizationFinal ThoughtsEven if you have never worked with Digital Marketing or Digital Advertising you will be able to follow this course and to get ready to learn about specific platforms such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Instagram Ads in the future.Let's get started and see you in the course!Roger Pike"
Price: 19.99

"Mantra Therapy and Meditation" |
"This course was initiated in a way that with a slow transition from the basics it will guide you to the super-consciousness of ancient practices. You will be introduced to some powerful Tantric mantras which will lead you on your true path...What is MantraA mantra is a sacred chant, a numinous sound, a syllable, or group of words in Sanskrit which is sung repeatedly during a meditation. Sanskrit, the oldest human language, is called Devanagari, the language of the gods. It is formed from ancient sounds, the actual vibrations come from the object or action that will be used for the mantra.What is the Course About?Whether you are a someone who has never heard anything about Mantras, or already had your chanting experience, this course is suitable for you. You will be welcomed to a new magical world where each sound is a sacred syllable and with every pronunciation you merge deeper into that world of Gods and Goddesses.Throughout the course you will:Learn Powerful MantrasGet familiarized with Hindu mythologyUnderstand the meaning of Sanskrit languageFill your life with auspiciousness with the power of mantras Moreover, with this Course, you willActivate your Throat and Heart ChakraPurify mind and heartImprove your memory, Increase your concentrationReduce and Eliminate stress, Cure anxietyFeel the unity, be in the Present momentAttain higher states of Consciousness"
Price: 39.99

"Liderando sua carreira" |
"Liderando sua carreira um curso inicial onde voc desenvolver competncias e habilidades essenciais para se colocar de forma privilegiada no novo mercado.Voc se tornar um lder de seus resultados e o responsvel por conquistar seus objetivos e sonhos, com habilidades de grandes executivos e lideranas influentes.Lisandra Kusunki Ferachin Psicloga pela UNIGRAN, Especialista em Gesto Estratgica de Recursos Humanos pela UNIDERP, Psicoterapia de Orientao Psicanaltica pela UCDB, Coaching e Liderana pela UCDB, MBA Gesto Empresarial pela FGV, curso formao Dinmica dos Grupos pela SBDG, Leader, Personal e Professional, Executive & Business, Positive e Career Coaching pela SBCOACHING.Business Partner em gesto de equipes de RH. Com 17 anos atuando em desenvolvimento de times e lideranas, trabalhou em empresas multinacionais de grande porte Cargill, Marfrig e Bunge. Foi professora no ensino superior de Administrao e Cincias Contbeis na FIFASUL; Psicologia e supervisora de estgio em Psicologia Organizacional e do trabalho na Anhanguera.Atualmente Diretora Executiva SIGGA-LR Gesto de Pessoas, Diretora de RH da AGGIS Tecnologias Agrcolas, Coordenadora da Comisso de Psicologia Organizacional e do Trabalho de Dourados representando o CRP/MS, Professora Executiva da Ps-graduao em Administrao da FGV, Professora da Ps EAD em Psicologia Organizacional e do Trabalho na UNIGRANNET, e Ps-graduao de Avaliao Psicolgica na Anhanguera."
Price: 39.99

"SAP CO Material Ledger in S4 HANA 1909 Part-Two" |
"This course prepared for SAP CO Material Ledger with Multiple Valuations (Legal, Group and Profit Center Valuations)-Transfer pricing.1). Material Ledger Configuration-Multiple Valuations2). Standard Costing with Multiple Valuations3). Transfer Pricing Cycle4). Distribution Usage Variance Topic 4.1). Distribution Usage variance for Materials-CKMDUVMAT 4.2). Distribution Usage variance for Activity Types.-CKMDUVACT5). Actual Costing Execution -CKMLCP6). Explanation of Material Price Analysis-CKM3 & Accounting Entries.7). Price Adjustment by MR22 ( Frequently happening in Live Environment)8). Material Ledger Help Desk Tool Functionalities"
Price: 9600.00

"MICROSOFT POWER BI DA-100 EXAM: Advanced 2020 Practice Test" |
"Are you planning to become a Microsoft Certified Data Analyst Associate?This practice test will break down all the concepts covered in the Exam DA-100, giving you real know-how about analyzing and visualizing data in the Power BI platform.But mostly: this practice test will prepare you to deal with the design of the questions for the Exam DA-100.This is a key point: no matter how hard you study Microsoft Power BI documentation. If you plan to get the Power BI Certification you need to work by advanced usage of Power BI platform on practical business cases. This will really measure your Data Analysis skills.Thus, in this test, you will not find just theory questions. You will achieve a proven experience in facing businesslike issues, needed to pass the Exam DA-100, and become a Microsoft Certified Data Analyst Associate.To take the exam DA-100 and, mostly, to use profitably Power BI features, you need to gain experience in six knowledge areas:Microsoft DAX language;Microsoft Power Query features;Data Modeling in Power BI;Data Visualization in Power BI;Manage Publishing and Sharing Power BI contents;Manage Power BI Administration settings.Who this course is for?Professional Data Analysts, Junior Data Analysts, and anyone who manages data. No matters what is your professional role, if you want to experience all the features provided by Microsoft Power BI: it is the current all-in-one market leader solution in Analyzing and Visualizing Data. Taking the DA-100 exam accredits you as a Microsoft Data Analyst Associate. This is an advanced career pass that certifies your skills in designing and building data models, cleaning and transforming data, and using advanced analytic capabilities to enhance data-driven strategy inside profit and no-profit organizations.Take a look at the video introduction to get a full overview of the course."
Price: 24.99

"FL Studio 20- Vocal Processing" |
"In this course you will learn how to do vocal processing professionally using stock plugins and 3rd parties vst in FL Studio.Don't Worry if you have zero knowledge about Daw, I will teach you in English language with very easy method and Your knowledge will get enhance from basic level to Intermediate one.In this coarse, we have 6 Lectures, You can watch preview video.Lecture 1 ( Preview video)Lecture 2 ( Making of chords)Lecture 3 (Making Of Baseline)Lecture 4 (Making of hihats)Lecture 5 (fill song- snap+clap+shakers)Lecture 6 (Making of drums)End of the this course you can make advance level of vocal processing for your Songs. If you have any doubts then you can text me personally."
Price: 19.99

"Mircosoft Modern Desktop Exam MD-100: Windows 10 Exam New" |
"Are you ready to pass the Microsoft MD-100 certification exam ?MD-100 exam is for the Modern Desktop Administrator role and the Microsoft 365 Certified: Modern Desktop Administrator Associate certification. Candidates for this exam are Administrators who deploy, configure, secure, manage, and monitor devices and client applications in an enterprise environment. As an Administrator, candidates typically collaborate with a Microsoft 365 Enterprise Administrator to design and implement a device strategy that meets the business needs of a modern organization. Candidates must be familiar with Microsoft 365 workloads and must be proficient and experienced in deploying, configuring, and maintaining Windows 10 and non-Windows devices and technologies.Candidates manage identity, access, policies, updates, and apps. This practice test exams will give you full confidence to pass the main exam.Skill Measurement Exam Topics : Deploy Windows (15-20%)Manage devices and data (35-40%)Configure connectivity (15-20%)Maintain Windows (25-30%)"
Price: 19.99

"Learn 3D modeling by creating a Futurama Style Spaceship" |
"This class is a great first step into the world of 3D modeling and particularly learning the absolutely free modeling program called Blender. Blender is a free program that has been around for quite some time, and though it is extremely powerful, people are often intimidated by its complexity and depth. That's why I'm here.This project will cover the basics you need to get started like the interface, modeling, and some materials, but won't cover so much that you feel overwhelmed. Don't worry I didn't forget to make it fun either. Instead of doing just any model we're going to make a spaceship inspired by Futurama's Planet Express Ship. As a bonus, you're going to learn how to make your model look like the 2D version from the show. This is a really awesome skill because you can still light and position the model the same as you would in a 3D scene, yet the finished product looks like you drew it. Your Friends are going to say WOOOW, you drew that? To which you can say, kinda."
Price: 19.99

"Matemticas, funciones bsicas" |
"Preprate para comprender por fin el tema de funciones y sacar todo 10 en los exmenes. Vamos a empezar a trabajar desde cero, para asegurar que no nos queda nada sin entender, y vamos a revisar las funciones ms importantes. No va a haber ejercicio que se te resista!En el curso vamos a ver los siguientes temas:Tablas de valores y representaciones sencillasConcepto de dominio. Incluye tablas y descargables.Representacin de funciones:RectasParbolasHiprbolasRacesLogaritmosExponencialesFunciones a trozosTodas las clases estn preparadas con una pequea explicacin, con un montn de ejemplos. Los ejemplos los tienes en vdeo, y adems en pdf para que los puedas descargar. Al final de cada leccin hay un pequeo examen para que compruebes si has entendido todo.Espero que el curso sea de tu gusto y te ayude a entender las funciones para siempre. Recuerda que este concepto los vamos a trabajar de ahora en adelante, siempre que estemos trabajando matemticas. Una vez adquirido el curso, lo tendrs como recurso para toda la vida.No te lo pienses ms y apntate ya! Las matemticas dejarn de ser un problema en un rato!Un saludo y nos vemos en clase!"
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Cromoterapia" |
"Neste curso, voc vai iniciar o estudo da Cromoterapia e vai entender os principais conceitos, de forma objetiva. Sero descritos os significados e as propriedades das cores do espectro solar, dentre vrias outras abordagens. Voc vai entender que cada cor tem uma vibrao especfica, indo do plano fsico at o mais sutil, e que a utilizao dela sempre visar o equilbrio energtico celular.Dessa forma, voc compreender que o mundo das cores muito mais do que esttico, , sobretudo, uma experincia recheada de sensaes que voc vai experienciar, a partir de agora, com mais significado e conscincia.Espero que voc possa desfrutar dessa cincia que a Cromoterapia e que, a partir de hoje, sua vida seja mais colorida e energeticamente abundante!Boa leitura e bons estudos!"
Price: 129.99

"How do you make your Boss work for you" |
"Boss is the most critical person in your career. The one who grows well in their career have a very good understanding who is a Boss and how they have to handle him or her. If you are struggling do watch this course. It will surely course correct your thinking process. "
Price: 24.99

"Learn to make an Awesome Builder-Defender game in Unity!" |
"Hello and Welcome! I'm your Code Monkey and in THIS course you will learn step-by-step how to make a Builder-Defender game.The design is sort of a mix between a City Builder and a Tower Defense game so if either of those genres are something you're interested in then this course is just for you!With the knowledge you will learn from this course you will be able to make City Builders, RTSs, Tower Defense games, Tycoons, Village simulators and much more.About me, I'm a Professional Indie Game Developer with several successful games published on Steam covering a wide range of genres, I've been Programming for over 20 years and using Unity for almost 10.Also a couple of years ago I started a YouTube channel making Free Video Tutorials to share the knowledge I have accumulated to help you learn how to make YOUR OWN games.If you'd like to try out my learning style before purchasing the course you can watch the over 300 Videos available for Free on the YouTube channel.They are presented as clear step-by-step tutorials just like this course.A bit more about the game...It's a really interesting mix between a City-Builder and Tower-Defense game.The player has the ability to place buildings and those buildings gather resources.There's three starting resource types, Wood, Stone and Gold, although everything is set up in such a way that you can easily add more Resource Types.The Resource Generation is based on proximity so a Wood Harvester needs to be placed near Trees in order to gather Wood.The Buildings take some time to be Constructed and it shows that progress with a nice visual element and a really awesome Shader effect.Then we also have some Enemies, they are simple but still look great.Our HQ can defend itself by shooting arrows and we can also place Towers to add more defenses.Over time more and more enemies will be spawned until the player can't take it anymore.So its all about Placing Buildings, Gathering Resources, Placing more Buildings and Defending your HQ for as long as you can.The whole game has tons of effects and lots of awesome features. You can see some cool shaders, glow, screenshake, post processing, tooltip, lots of UI elements, smooth camera, particles and so on. The final game plays really great and feels very satisfying.This course starts with a completely empty project starting completely from scratch and step-by-step we will get to the final game.Everything is built in a very clean and modular way so you can easily take this as a base and expand upon it with more Building Types, Enemies, Maps and so on.This course is presented as a thorough step-by-step guide where I will show you exactly how to do what I'm doing and why it is that I'm doing it so you can learn how to think like a game developer.This course will cover a bunch of topics including:How to create a Building SystemHandle Building construction and Resource spendingAlso how to manage Resource GenerationHandle Enemy AI with Attack Logic and a Health SystemBuild up the World with Resources in specific placesLearn the basics of Unity tools like Shader Graph, Post Processing, Particle System...And much much more!As for requirements you really just need to know the absolute basics of Unity and C#.If you've never touched Unity or C# before then there are two lectures in the extras section which cover the basicsIf you know, how Unity works, what are Game Objects and Components, what is MonoBehaviour and basic C# syntax then you should be able to follow everything without any issues.If you feel confused or lost at any point in the course make sure you post your questions in the Q&A sectionI will be there to help with whatever issues you may haveAlright so go ahead join me on the course and lets build this awesome game together!- Code Monkey"
Price: 19.99

"Scrum Master. (PSM I).100+" |
"(Scrum)? Professional Scrum Master I (PSM I )? (Scrum Master)? ! Professional Scrum Master I (PSM I ). . , Scrum Master 2 . , . , PSM I . : . , , , ; , ; ; 100 , Professional Scrum Master I 100 ; : 80 60 ( Professional Scrum Master I); : , , , .. 20 Scrum; . :1. (Scrum) / / 2. (Product Owner)) (Scrum Master) (Development Team)3. (Sprint) (Sprint Planning) (Daily Scrum) (Sprint Review) (Sprint Retrospective)4. (Product Backlog) (Sprint Backlog) (Increment)5. (Definition of Done)6. PSM I7. (80 1 )"
Price: 19.99

"Overcome Your Anxiety and Stress!" |
"This class is for anyone seeking to understand and manage their stress, especially anxiety and depression. You will learn how to overcome your negative feelings and reactions from an expert. You can work at your own pace in the comfort of your home with short and easy to understand videos, plus downloadable guided practices to keep you growing. After taking this course, you will understand the science behind your negative experiences and be able to leverage mind-body wisdom to change how you feel. You'll be able to build a practical skills toolkit to increase and support your healthy living for the rest of your life."
Price: 199.99

"KURSU ALMADAN NDRM KODU STEYN ARKADALAR.Bu kursumuz da yksek gerilim teknii ile alakal btn bilgileri bulabilirsiniz. Kurs da arlkl olarak soru zm olacak ve uan sorular hazrlanmaktadr. Sisteme belirli bir sre iinde yklenecektir. Kursu Gncel Tutmak in Haftada 2 Video atmay dnyorum. Malzeme bilgileri, zml problemler, boalma olaylar, korona, sv ve kat yaltkanlarda boalmalar, Tabakal elektrot sistemleri, Temel elektrot sistemleri, Konusunda uzman kitap yazm hocalarmzdan rendiim bilgileri siz deerli rencilerimizle buluturup ek bir kaynak oluturma amacyla bu videolar hazrlanmaktadr. Herhangi bir konuda mail zerinden bilgi alabilirsiniz. Mail adresim udemyeem@gmail.com. yi almalar diliyorum."
Price: 59.99

"KURSU ALMADAN NCE NDRM KODU N MESAJ ATIN ARKADALAR.Elektrik tesislerinde bakm onarm ve iletmesi hakknda gereken bilgilerin bulunduu, ksaca hcreler trafolar redresr akm gerilim trafolar gibi konularda elektrik teknisyen, tekniker ve mhendislere alma ortamlarnda istenilen bilgileri aktarmak iin oluturulmu bir kurstur. Sistemler hakknda saha uygulamalarnda tut, arza durumlar gibi bir ok konuya deinilmekte ve videolar ile desteklenmektedir. Her hafta 2 yeni video eklenecektir. Kurs 38 dersten olumaktadr. En Ksa srede tamamlanmas iin uralmaktadr. Kursumuza balayan arkadalara meslek hayatlarnda baarlar diliyorum. Ek kaynaklar ilerleyen zamanda eklenecektir. Mmkn mertebe kursu gncel tutmaya gayret edeceim. Ayrca SMETRL BLEENLER VE KISA DEVRE akmlar ile ilgilide bir kurs amak iin almalara baladm. ok faydal bir ierik olaca imdiden grnyor. Herhangi bir konuda mail zerinden bilgi alabilirsiniz. Mail adresim udemyeem@gmail.com. yi almalar diliyorum."
Price: 49.99

course-muaythai |
", , . , , . ? , . ??"
Price: 19.99

"MobX In Depth With React(Hooks+TypeScript)" |
"MobX and React With TypescriptThis is the most extensive course about MobX you will find online, After a few years of using MobX, I'm really passionate about it and really love it, I decided to create this course about MobX, So more people can enjoy this state management library as much as I do.This course is for:New people to MobXWant to start using MobX but afraid?Want to know how to utilize MobX abilities better?Tired of writing a lot of boilerplate in Redux?Want to write quick and quality High scale Web ApplicationsWe are going to cover these topics in the course:MobX Fundamentals(observables, actions, computation, reactions) - each topic will be covered in depthMobX Principals and Concepts(how does MobX reactivity work, how to organize your stores correctly, the correct mindset to have using MobX)How To Connect MobX To React - how do we connect MobX to react? and how we share the data correctly? when to use MobX vs react stateMobx 6 - Upcoming Changesmobx-easy (A library I've created that helps MobX usage)And - We are going to have a Slack Channel - I will be answering once a day questions there, and hopefully, we will build a community there and help each other in topics related to MobX !!.After this course you will know MobX in-depth, you will be able to develop any applications with MobX and React easily."
Price: 49.99

"Deploy App Laravel em Hospedagem Compartilhada com Git e SSH" |
"Deploy de aplicao Laravel em hospedagem compartilhada. Qual seria a melhor maneira de proceder? J passou por essa situao? Ainda convive com isso? Como voc controla as modificaes no projeto?Neste curso abordaremos o processo de deploy de uma aplicao Laravel (podendo ser adaptado para qualquer outra aplicao web) em uma hospedagem compartilhada, usando o Git para controle de versionamento dos arquivos e SSH para acesso ao servidor.A escolha da Hostgator pelo fato de possuir suporte para todas as extenses do PHP que uma aplicao Laravel precisa para funcionar. Tambm importante observar a verso do PHP que voc ter disponvel em sua hospedagem, de forma que seja compatvel com a verso do Laravel de sua aplicao."
Price: 39.99

"Integrated Product Development to IoT" |
"The technologies IoT support can sense the surroundings in many ways such as monitoring pressure, temperature, viscosity, and geo-positioning. Even in food preparation, its systems are being used. While in the past, sensors have to be connected to a local computer system and are controlled by an embedded module. IoT allows us to use affordable wireless technology and transmit the data into the cloud at a component level. It also provides a place to save data as well as management and security.Course Takeaways:Real-Time Project Development Industrial Automation Projects & DocumentationSoftware Training and ProgrammingTechnical GuidanceFor Whom:This Course is for Students who completed School Education and for Industrial Professionals keen to learn about Automation Technologies in Career Development."
Price: 1280.00

"Practice English exam questions , English Grammar , writing" |
"This course is about strategy for IELTS. It focuses on what to do when a candidate takes the IELTS test and how to do it. As such it is not designed to be an English language development course.IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is popular worldwide with speakers of English as a second language as proof of their proficiency. IELTS is jointly owned and managed by the British Council, Cambridge English Language Assessment and IDP Education Australia. It is designed to assess the language ability of candidates who need to study or work where English is used as the language of communication. You can choose between the Academic or General Training versions of the test. The Academic IELTS is required for university or college admission, while the General Training IELTS is intended for career and immigration purposes."
Price: 199.99

"10.Snf Matematik Sayma ve Permtasyon" |
"10.Snf Matematik sayma ve Permtasyon konu anlatm.eeleme yolu ile sayma-Toplama yolu ile sayma-arpma yolu ile sayma-kutucuk yntemi-faktriyel kavram-permtasyon -tekrarl permtasyon-dairesel permtasyon konu anlatm konular ilenmitir. 10.snf rencileri dinleyin konu anlatm sorular durdurun ve zmeye aln. sonrada zm dinleyin.Permtasyon konu anlatm videolarn tekrar tekrar izleyin.Burdaki amacm batan sayma ve permtasyon konu anlatm iyi kavratmak amacm.dikkatli sorular dinleyin.Not alnz."
Price: 49.99

"5.Snf Matematik tm Konu Anlatmlar" |
"Matematik 5.Snf Tm konular ierir.Doal saylar ve Doal saylarla ilemler Kesirler ve Kesirlerle ilemler ,Ondalk gsterim ,Yzdeler ,Temel Geometrik kavramlar ,genler ve Drtgenler ,Veri toplama ve Deerlendirme ,uzunluk lme ,Zaman lme,Alan lme ,Geometrik cisimler konu anlatm videolar mevcuttur.Matematik ilgisini artrmak ve dnme sistemini olumlu ynde deitirmek iin hazrladm kursu hazrladm.Videolar srayla izlenmeli her video tam anlalncaya kadar tekrar tekrar izlenmeli sorular videoyu durdurup kendinizi soruyu zmeye alnz.Belli aralklarla videolar izlenmeli olduka faydasn greceksiniz."
Price: 169.99

"6.Snf Matematik Konu anlatm" |
"6.Snf rencileri iin Matematik konu anlatmlar videolardr.Matematik 6.snf konularn ierir.Doal saylarla ilemler,arpanlar ve katlar,kmeler,tamsaylar,kesirlerle ilemler,ondalk gsterim,oran,cebirsel ifadeler,veri toplama ve deerlendirme,veri analizi,alar,alan lme,ember,geometrik cisimler, sv lme konu anlatmlar vardr.matematik ilgisini artrmak ve dnme sistemini olumlu ynde deitirmek iin hazrladgm kursta sadece 6.snf konular anlattm.videolar sra ile her video izlenmelidir.her videodan sonra video baa alnarak deftere size anlatlan konularnda not alnmaldr.belli aralklarla almalar terkrarlanmal bir st snfa balamadan nce hzlca tekrar edilemesi olduka yararl olacaktr."
Price: 179.99

"Periodizzazione e programmazione dell'allenamento" |
"Apprendere le basi dell'allenamento per creare programmi specifici in autonomia. 5 video lezioni su periodizzazione e metodologia dell'allenamento, aumento massa muscolare e test massimali, dimagrimento e allenamento HIIT, esercizi base ed esercizi complementari, come creare in autonomia con gli strumenti dati nel corso schede/cicli di allenamento seguendo gli obiettivi prefissati."
Price: 29.99

"Healing Our Families: Healing the Parent-Child Relationship" |
"Healing Our Families-Healing the Parent-Child Relationship is a 6-lesson parenting communication course. Through information and introspection you will learn what to start, stop, and continue to improve your relationship with your child. This is not the kind of course where you learn a skill, or two, and put it on the shelf. This course will challenge you to make immediate shifts in how you communicate."
Price: 29.99

"Sertifikal Hipnoz Eitimi" |
"Hipnoz, bakla, szle veya baz yardmc nesneler kullanlarak, telkin ile oluturulan zel bir bilin hlidir. Bir baka deyile bir trans hlidir. Bu trans srasnda, kii evreden gelen tm (ses, k, koku vb.) uyaranlara kendini kapatr veya aldrmazken, hipnoz yapan kiinin telkinlerini artm bir dikkatle dinler, anlar ve gnll katlmla uygular.Hipnoz kesinlikle bir uyku hli deildir. Dardan bakldnda, hipnozdaki kii sanki derin ve huzurlu bir uykudaym gibi grnr. Ayn yanl gzlemi yapan sko Doktor James Braid 1840 ylnda bu trans hline, Eski Yunandaki uyku tanrs Hypnosistenesinlenerek hipnoz adn vermitir. ok ksa bir sre sonra bizzat Dr. Braid bu trans hlinin uyku olmadn fark etmi ve hipnoz adnn uygun olmadn aklam olmasna karn, bu yerlemi olduu iin hipnoz adnn kullanm devam edegelmitir."
Price: 159.99

"Excel 2019 ile Temelden leri Seviye Excel Kullancs Olun" |
"Bu kurs kapsamnda sizlere; Ksayollar zel Yaptr Seenekleri Formller (Fonksiyonlar/levler) Dinamik Tablolar Pivot Table (zet Tablo) Excel Gvenlik lemleri Koullu Biimlendirme Microsoft Query Veri Dorulama Grafikleri Grsellere evirmek Sralama Sunum Yapabilmek Filtre Temel Finans Fonksiyonlar Gelimi Filtre Joker Karakterler Grafikler Hzl Doldurma Bul ve Deitir Metni Stunlara DntrExcel'de hcreleri doldurmas gibi bir ok temel konulardan balayarak Pivot Tablo olumak, Veri Analizleri, Microsoft Query, Grafiklerin Grsellere dntrlmesi, Excel Gvenlik gibi bilmeniz gereken hereyi bu kurs kapsamnda anlattm. Muhasebeciler iin tablolar olumak, Bankaclk ilemlerinde, Yneticiler iin alan dosyalar tutma, retmenler iin Ortalama hesaplama gibi, renciler iin snavlarda, Muhendisler iin matematiksel analizlerde olmak zere birok alanda kullanlan fonksiyonlar anlattm. Excel 2019 Trke versiyonu kullanacam bu kurs kapsamnda fakat Excel'i ingilizce kullanmanz durumda fonksiyonlarn ingilizcelerini sizlere anlatacam. Excel 2007 versiyonunda yksek olmak zere btn excel versiyonlar kursumdan yararlanabilir. Bu kurs iin herhangi bir bilginiz olmasna kesinlikle gerek yoktur nk temel seviyeden ileri dzeye gideceimiz iin 0'dan anlatarak ilerleyeceim. Ek Kaynaklar ve devler ekleyerek daha erken ve etkili bir ekilde Excel kullancs olmanz istiyorum.Sorularnz iin bana nstagram, Youtube gibi hesaplardan ulaarak sorabilirsiniz bende elimden geldiince sizlere yardmc olacak anlamanz yerlerde destek vereceim."
Price: 49.99
