"Ritmos Latinos /Urbanos- Entrenar bailando - Pack 5 clases" |
"Plan de entrenamiento con bailes de msicas conocidas de diferentes estilos y ritmos. Msica urbana y msica Latina. Movimientos especialmente pensados para trabajar todos los msculos. Brazos, Piernas, Gluteos y AbdominalesEntrenamiento del tipo: Aerbico, muscular,y cardio.Clases de baile para toda la familia y para todas las personas. Van a prender pasos nuevos, van a divertirse, van a mover el cuerpo y saltar. Liberar endorfinasVan a bailar las canciones que les gusta, los temas del momento.Los invito a que se diviertan, transpiren y pasen un momento hermoso."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Grant Writing & Get Project Funding" |
"This course is going to teach you the key points when writing grant / project applications. You will understand how to: 1) make your writing style appropriate and understandable for the evaluators; 2) how to structure your project application answers; and much more. After this course you will be able to successfully write a grant application on your own.The course is based on 6 years of experience of a big youth organisation. It has been succesfully getting grants for hundreds of its projects (worth millions of euros). Throughout that time the organisation has seen and, of course, made the most common mistakes when writing a project application. This courses intends to help you avoid that."
Price: 19.99

"Yoga for Back Care" |
"Join us in this yoga series focusing on back care and health. We have designed these sequences to help you stretch out sore parts, strengthen weak areas and bring awareness to postural habits that might be contributing to back issues. Learn to take charge of your back health and create long-lasting change!"
Price: 29.99

"40-Minute Course To Achieve PhD Offers." |
"""Applying for PhD sounds daunting."" ""I don't know where to start, what to start and how I should start."" I also had ""how do I begin?"" days when I started my PhD applications in 2019. Cherry-picking PhD information scattered across different media is a huge hassle, too. I had to also seek advice from supervisors to prepare for applications and interviews. I was afraid since I was applying for PhD during my undergraduate study. I don't have a Masters degree. Am I an attractive applicant?Fortunately, I received 3 PhD offers from Cambridge and Oxford in biology, and have started my PhD at Cambridge from 2020. I am now confident - my methods of preparation for PhD applications and the interviews were effective. To help students in similar situations as I was, I have made this course to guide you to achieve PhD offers in the field of science from top universities, especially in the UK. What you will gain from this course. Everything you must know to achieve Biology PhD offers from top institutions like the University of Cambridge and Oxford. Email & CV techniques to increase your chance to obtain lab internship offers. You might also get a chance to work with a Nobel laureate!Tips for selecting PhD programmes and a suitable lab for your PhD.Strategy to boost your status to become a successful PhD applicant. Methods to write great PhD applications (supported with essays I have actually submitted to universities). Strategies to make a successful PhD interview, presentation and paper discussion. This 40 minutes-course will teach you everything about PhD applications and interviews to help you in getting PhD offers. My experience of making 5 PhD applications and know-how I built from 7 years of summer internships and gathering PhD information are all condensed in this 7 lecture-course. What makes this course different from the rest of the PhD courses out there?Simple: This course is only 40-minute-long. I made it short and simple so you can put into actions quickly. Real Experiences: The course will guide you with step by step on how you could enhance your research experiences and create connections with world-leading researchers across the world.Knowledgeable Instructor: Currently a PhD student of the University of Cambridge. I also have a rare research experience to work with a Nobel laureate. Up To Date Information: Everything taught in this course are based on my own experiences and information gathered from supervisors, post-docs and PhD students from top institutions including the University of Cambridge. Excellent support: If you want advice on your future endeavours to become a top PhD applicant or you simply want to drop me a line, you'll receive an answer within 2-3 working days. If you just started your undergraduate study and have an interest in PhD, this course will also be useful for you. I will be sharing how I spent my undergraduate days building my CV and gaining a range of skill sets to become a strong PhD applicant. This course will save a huge chunk of your time preparing for your next career step and support your self-improvement! We will learn together step by step. Why should you consider doing a PhD in the field of science?Growth: PhD candidates acquire valuable research techniques and experiences while honing their power to perform independent research. Research Contributions: Your research as a PhD student can be a ground-breaking discovery and create a significant impact on society. Occasionally, this could lead to developing your own business!Passion-Driven: PhD candidates can pursue the scientific topics of their interest while getting paid!Career Prospects: If you have a PhD, you have a range of career options. You can remain in academia and establish your own lab in the future to pursue your passion. Or alternatively, it is possible to apply your accumulated experiences and skills in industrial settings. Please don't forget that this course comes with Udemy's 30-day money-back guarantee.Go ahead and subscribe to this course! Don't risk your future success! If you don't learn my methods now, you will miss an opportunity to separate yourself from the others. Let's start learning together now!"
Price: 24.99

"Power and Depth of Your Voice (Audio course)" |
"This audio course will help you to make your voice deeper, powerful and louder. All what you need to do - is to practice five simple exercises from this course every day, and you'll get the result. Also, this course saves your time, because you don't need to spend hours on it. In a few simple steps you will learn how to sound deeper, you will feel the effect after first day of practice. Just take this course and enjoy your new deep and powerful sound!"
Price: 79.99

"The Complete React Native from Zero to Hero" |
"This course will get you up and running with React Native quickly, and teach you the core knowledge you need to deeply understand and build React components for mobile devices.Both OSX and Windows supported - develop iOS or Android!React Native is an excellent solution for developing apps on mobile in a fraction of the time it takes to make an equivalent iOS or Swift app. You'll love seeing your changes instantly appear on your own device, rather than waiting for Swift/Java code to recompile! This quick feedback loop, along with excellent cross platform support, is what has catapulted React Native to the top must-have skill for Javascript engineers.If you are new to React, or if you've been working to learn it but sometimes feel like you still don't quite 'get it', this is the React course for you! To learn React you have to understand it."
Price: 149.99

"Formao em Coaching, Mentoring e Counselling" |
"Este o nico programa no Brasil com contedo completo das tcnicas de Coaching, Mentoring e Counselling aplicados na gesto de pessoas e na liderana com tripla certificao internacional ministrada por um Master Coaching, Doutor em Coaching e ps doutorado em Cincias Comportamentais, o Dr. Giancarlo Leite tambm diretor da Tear Escola de Negcios."
Price: 579.99

"SAP S/4HANA is SAPs next-generation business suite, designed to help you run simple in a digital and networked world.As an SAP customer or potential customer for SAP S/4HANA, you might ask yourself how you migrate your data to SAP S/4HANA. In this 1-week course, well give you an introduction to data migration, and where it fits in with respect to the different transition scenarios. Well focus on the new implementation scenario."
Price: 1600.00

"Splunk Certified Admin Practice Tests" |
"Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin Exam Description:The Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin exam is the final step towards the completion of the Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin certification. This upper-level certification exam is a 57-minute, 63-question assessment that evaluates a candidates knowledge and skills to manage various components of Splunk on a daily basis, including the health of the Splunk installation. Candidates can expect an additional 3 minutes to review the exam agreement, for a total seat time of 60 minutes.Topics include1.0 Splunk Admin Basics 5%2.0 License Management 5%3.0 Splunk Configuration Files 5%4.0 Splunk Indexes 10%5.0 Splunk User Management 5%6.0 Splunk Authentication Management 5%7.0 Getting Data In 5%8.0 Distributed Search 10%9.0 Getting Data In Staging 5%10.0 Configuring Forwarders 5%11.0 Forwarder Management 10%12.0 Monitor Inputs 5%13.0 Network and Scripted Inputs 5%14.0 Agentless Inputs 5%15.0 Fine-Tuning Inputs 5%16.0 Parsing Phase and Data 5%17.0 Manipulating Raw Data 5%"
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Biomagnetismo" |
"Este curso introductorio ha sido diseado para que aprendas conceptos bsicos de lo que es una terapia de Biomagnetismo. Podrs tratar enfermedades comunes a travs de esta tcnica utilizando pares de imanes.Te llevars una gran experiencia a travs de esta terapia alternativa natural. Aprende a usar la energa magntica, que desde tiempos ancestrales, se utiliza para mejorar la salud de las personas."
Price: 24.99

"Recruiting Masterclass - Unlimited Prospects in MLM" |
"In this course you will learn proven strategies and techniques how to never run out of prospects. All techniques are proof of concept and are used by me and my team in more than 100 different countries on a daily basis. Additionally you will learn stats, facts and numbers about the industry and the history of network marketing in general. These facts will help you to handle almost any objections."
Price: 29.99

"How to Run Effective Meetings" |
"According to a Harvard study, meetings take up 72% of a typical CEO's working day*. Even if it is less for us; we still find them taking up a considerable part of our working week. I have around 25 years of working experience is numerous countries and cultures. I will share with you here best practice and what I have learnt along the way - in order to help you plan and manage better. In addition guidance on how to get the maximum benefit for you personally and overall for your organisation."
Price: 24.99

"Planificacin y Control de Proyectos, PMI (Gana 16 PDUs)" |
"Este curso es eminentemente prctico, ya que consiste en llevar adelante un proyecto a travs de un simulador especialmente diseado para este curso. Junto con el caso prctico, se vern los conceptos tericos de las herramientas usadas para planificar y controlar el proyecto. Vivirs la experiencia tal como ocurre en la vida real, acompaada del aprendizaje de las mejores prcticas de la industria ."
Price: 19.99

"Technical Product Manager: upgrade from a PM or an Engineer" |
"This course is about Tech Product Manager - a rapidly growing role in today's IT industry. Many innovative companies (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Booking, Uber, etc) build a big portion of their value on the non-intuitive (for a classical PM) tech insights, and need a mix of product and technical skills to drive it from a vague idea to the end customer facing solution. Think Google Search: minimum UI, but maximum algorithmical and infrastructural magic, which almost fully determines value of the overall experience. As you probably guessed, search algorithms and large-scale infrastructure are two examples of a sweet spot for a Tech PM.I have a solid tech background (a PhD in Computer Science with 7 years of software development), and then 5 years of the Tech Product management in Booking. com in different tech departments. In other words, i have a lot to share with you regarding Tech PMing.In the Part 1 I quickly cover specifics of the TPM role and explain the main difference between a Technical Product Manager, a classical Product Manager, an Engineer, a Project Manager and a Technical Program Manager. It will help you to frame the right context and avoid a confusion about who does what.The core practical Part 2 of the course, consists of the 4 real tech product use cases (different industries and company setups), which i solve for you applying Tech PM thinking process. There are also quizzes after each case and the final assignment to solidify your knowledge. Students who understood and completed all the assignments of this part would be able to apply TPM thinking to their projects.In the Part 3 i provide learning directions of how to grow your Tech PM skills.Enjoy and join a growing community of Tech Product Managers, passionate about building new rockstar products on yet undiscovered tech insights!"
Price: 19.99

"Claves para Delegar con xito" |
"Te falta tiempo para hacer todas tus tareas? Te vas de vacaciones pero tienes tareas que deben seguir hacindose? Quiz ha llegado el momento de empezar a delegar.Muchos directivos y mandos intermedios fracasan a la hora de delegar, lo cual no solo sobrecarga su da a da con tareas que no son claves sino que impide a sus colaboradores desarrollarse adecuadamente. Adems delegar es una excelente oportunidad para motivar, empoderar y desarrollar profesionalmente a nuestro equipo.En este curso aprenders cuales son las claves para delegar con xito.Basado el la experiencia profesional de Inma Ros gestionando equipos internacionales de Supply Chain en multinacionales y ms de cinco aos de experiencia acompaando a Directivos y Mandos Intermedios y sus Equipos para el Desarrollo de Liderazgo y Equipos de Alto Rendimiento. Un curso prctico y 100% aplicable en el da a da de todo aquel que gestione equipos "
Price: 19.99

"Projetos Ultra Realista com Lumion" |
"Acreditamos que a Apresentao do Projeto o que Impacta Seus Clientes!Mostramos todas a ferramentas para que voc desenvolva Renderizaes 10 vezes mais rpido e 10 vezes mais impactantes!Temos o melhor curso do Brasil para Arquitetos, Engenheiros e Designers de Interiores.Curso intuitivo e muito pratico revelando todos os segredos que voc precisa saber para dar mais realismo aos seus projetos, sem demorar um tempo absurdo para isso!O curso tem como objetivo principal te ensinar a trabalhar com o melhor software de renderizao do mundo, o ""Lumion"" que tem o poder de renderizar fotos em segundos e videos surreais.Abordaremos no curso as tcnicas utilizadas pelos melhores fotgrafos do mundo e segredos utilizados na cinematografia para produzirem filmes impactantes.Para fechar com chave de ouro daremos de bnus Surpresa exclusivo para seus projetos ficarem ainda melhores."
Price: 579.99

"Do zero ao render tcnicas de modelagem no sketchup" |
"Voc Arquiteto, Designers de interiores, Engenheiros civil, Light designer ou apensa um curioso do mundo da renderizao, nesse mini curso iremos te ensinar tudo que voc precisa aprender para modelar projetos no sketchup de uma forma rpida e fcil para renderizao futura.Notamos que muitos dos nossos alunos no curso completo de como deixar seus projetos mais realista diminuindo o tempo de renderizao, no tinha a base correta de modelagem em software como o sketchup. Com intuito de ajudar nossos alunos de renderizao e todos que tiverem interesse em aprender a forma correta de modelar e todas as tcnicas que desenvolvemos durante anos, acompanhe as aulas do nosso curso de modelagem no sketchup. gratuito e garanto que vai mudar o tempo de modelagem e renderizao de seus projetos.Iremos te ensinar passo a passo todas as ferramentas e plug ins.Ir aprender a forma correta de modelagem no sketchupComo preparar a modelagem para ser enviado para o software de renderizao LumionUtilizar tcnicas de aprimoramento para acelerar o processo de modelagemComo Instalar plug-ins para turbinar o sketchupComo importar planta baixa do autocad e utilizar no sketchupOtimizando interfacesFunes Siga-me e escala, Blocos para SketchupEspelhamento e escala no sketchupLinhas de cortes exportados para dwgExemplo: Fotografia com pouca luz"
Price: 84.99

"Delta PLC Programlama Eitimi 1" |
"-Gnmzde piyasa en ok kullanlan PLC 'lerden olan Delta Dvp Serisi PLC Eitimine ho geldiniz. -Bu eitim sonunda Delta DVP serisi PLC 'ler ile sizlerde program yapabileceksiniz . -Bu eitimimizde Delta PLC programlama editr olan WPLSOFT ile uygulamalar yaplmtr--En temel olarak PLC ye balantnn yaplmasndan balanp adm adm konular detayl ve anlalabilir uygulamalar ile anlatlmtr..-Tm videolar uygulamal olarak yaplm ve denenmitir.-Delta PLC bulunan tm komutlara detayl olarak yer verilmi uygulamal anlatm ile pekitirilmitir.-Delta PLC 'ler gnmzde gerek kullanm asndan gereksede maliyet asndan en ok tercih edilen PLC 'ler olmakla birlikte bu video da Delta DVP Serisi plc yazlmlar hakknda bilgilere uygulamal olarak yer verilmitir.-Bu video sonunda sizlerde Delta PLC 'ler zerinde ilemler yapabileceksiniz. WPLSOFT ile programlarnz yazabilecek seviyeye geleceksiniz."
Price: 259.99

"Aprende a ser feliz S el creador de tu felicidad!" |
"En este curso encontrars las herramientas necesarias para construir tu felicidad poco a poco, huyendo de los mensajes gratutos en plan ""si quieres puedes"" o ""la felicidad est en tu interior"", tan odas y odiadas.Utilizaremos un lenguaje sencillo y cercano. Y con mis explicaciones, algunos cuentos con moraleja y algunos ejercicios que te invitar a que hagas, cambiaremos tu forma de actuar, de ver las cosas, haciendo que te sientas ms feliz en tu da a da.Nos alejaremos de los conceptos de que es ms feliz el que ms tiene, para acercarnos a la idea de saber vivir con lo que somos, encontrando bienestar emocional en ello."
Price: 19.99

"Programa de Melhoria da Qualidade de Vida" |
"Um programa feito especialmente para melhorar a sua qualidade de vida durante o Home Office, pensando em te ajudar a buscar melhorias para o seu ambiente de trabalho em casa. Alm disso, voc poder contar com trs aulas bnus, com profissionais qualificados que podero lhe auxiliar em outras reas, alm do Home Office, na sua sade fisica e mental."
Price: 54.99

"Web Authentication, Encryption, JWT, HMAC, & OAuth With Go" |
"Google's Go Programming Language is one of the fastest growing, highest paying programming languages in the world.There is a reason for Go's popularity: Go was created by geniuses and is the next step in the evolution of programming languages. Knowing how to use Go well increases your power and productivity as a programmer.This course will give you the skills you need to advance your Go Programming Language skills. This course is very practical and applicable. It focuses on teaching you skills you can use. In this course you will build your skills with web authentication, encryption, JWT, and OAuth. Presented with high-quality video lectures, this course will visually show you many great things about Google's Go (golang) Programming Language. Co-taught by a tenured professor and a Professional Developer, this is just some of what you will learn in this course:Learn to succeed as a studentLaunch a service that uses JSON encoding and decoding.Master the fundamentals of authentication.Acquire the skills necessary for secure password storage.Build your understanding of hash-based message authentication code (HMAC).Gain insight into Jason Web Tokens (JWT).Explore the practical application of encryption.Learn to establish authentication with HMAC.Learn to establish authentication with JWT.Master the fundamentals of open authentication (OAuth) including OAuth2.Learn to establish authentication with OAuth2.Reinforce your abilities with hands-on exercises.This is an amazing course! This course will change your life. Being skilled at using the Go Programming Language will serve you and your career well. This course will increase your proficiency and productivity as a programmer. You are going to love this course and it will forever change your life.Your satisfaction is guaranteed with this course.Join me and enroll now!--The art used in the course image was designed by Renee French. License: Creative Commons 3.0 Attributions license"
Price: 64.99

"KNIME for Data Science and Data Cleaning" |
"Data science and Data cleaning and Data preparation with KNIMEHello everyone hope you are doing fine.Lets face it. Data preparation ,data cleaning, data preprocessing (whatever you want to call it) is most often the most tedious and time consuming work in the data science / data analysis area.So many people ask: How can we speed up the process and be more efficient?Well one option could be to use tools which allow us to speed up the process (and sometimes reduce the amount of code we need to write).Meet KNIMEA great tool which comes to our rescue. KNIME allows us to do data preparation / data cleaning in a very appealing drag and drop interface. (No coding experience is required yet it still allows us if we want to use languages like R, Python or Java. So, we can code if we want but dont have to!). The flexibility of KNIME makes that happen. WITH KNIME we can also do Data Science, so machine learning and AI with or without coding.And the best: The Desktop version is completely free!So, is it worth it to dive deeper into KNIME? ABSOLUTELY!This course is the third KNIME class and expands the knowledge you have acquired in the other classes ""KNIME - a crash course for beginners"" ""Data science and Data preparation with KNIME""We do not cover the basics (e.g. the interface, basic data import and filter nodes,...) here. If you need to refresh your knowlege or you have not had the chance to learn the basics I would highly recommend to check at least the crash course first (which covers all the basics in a great and funny case study!)In this class we extend our skills bylearning to use additional helpful KNIME nodes not covered in the other two classessolve data cleaning challenges togetheruse pretrained models in tensorflow in KNIME (involves Python coding)learn the fundametals for NLP tasks (Natural language processing) in KNIME using only KNIME nodes (without any additional coding)If that does not sound like fun, then what? So, if that is interesting to you then lets get started!Are you ready? "
Price: 139.99

"Weight Loss 101: No BS Guide!" |
"Do you want to make losing weight and feeling better a lifestyle and not just a diet fad? Then join me as we learn together how to lose weight without all the fluff and BS of modern fad diets! We will discuss current diet trends, foods to avoid, and foods that you should be eating all of the time. We will also share online resources that will help you on your weight loss journey."
Price: 19.99

"PMP exam prep - 35 contact hours" |
"Join the most innovative way to learn the PMP concepts for the PMP exam, learning thro' MindMap, first of it's kind in the world with 35 contact hoursThe complete PMBOK 6 content is discussed using MindMapTo be eligible to appear for the PMP exam you don't need the project manager title, all you need is right, quality trainingThis tutorial is concise and clear, focusing not just the exam part, but on project management conceptsThe author has trained over 1000s of students in the classroom session and having over 8+ years of experience in eLearning industry. He brings all his experience to this courseImportant: Please note that we not PMI's registered REP. But this course is created according to PMI's guideline which is a final assesment at the end of the course. You have to score 80% marks to get the course completion certificate.Also, note that in the certificate it will be mentioned as course completion, not as 35 contact hours. Even then this course completion qualifies you by fulfilling the 35 contact hoursAdditional important note: Do NOT skip any lesson / video. Going thro' all the lessons not only helps you to clear the final assessement, but also, increases the probability of clearning the PMP exam too."
Price: 124.99

"C++ Programming For Humans!" |
"Programming should be fun and accessible to everyone. This course is designed with the complete beginner in mind. Don't know anything about programming? No problem! This is the course for you.Inside the course, you'll be creating REAL programs with each new module. Learn by doing, rather than reading a stuffy old textbook.Use real-life coding skills to solve programming challenges and increase your abilities. No need to memorize information, as concepts are reinforced while you learn. Each video takes you from one set of concepts to the next, anchoring your knowledge through application.What's stopping you from a new and exciting career in programming? There's no need to enroll in an expensive collegiate program. Employers hire people who know how to do what they need done and programming is more in-demand than ever before.So, what are you waiting for? With a full 30 day moneyback guarantee, you have nothing to lose. Try the course out and if it isn't the best C++ course you've ever experienced, I'll give you a complete refund. No questions asked.Ready to get started? Enroll today... and I'll see YOU on the inside!"
Price: 94.99

"Want a new job? Interview better than the other candidates!" |
"There is a lot of free stuff out there on the internet. So I recommend you use it.Things like how to craft a great CV; What the popular questions are, and how to answer them; how to dress for an interview; where to find job vacancies...ALL FREE.So, in this short course, I wont patronise you with advice like Dress appropriately; Dont be late; Dont chew gum. I am sure youve already got that stuff!However:I WILL walk you through how to link the whole recruitment process to impress - and even astound your interviewersI wont tell you how to write a full CV, but I BET theres something missing on it right nowI wont give you a full script to use at the interview but I WILL tell you three things you must sayI wont know what they are specifically in YOUR case but I WILL explain why you should bring certain items with you to the interviewAnd I wont know the job youre after but I WILL give you a simple technique which will be the reason you are almost guaranteed selection or second interview.None of the information in this course is available on the internet. It is based on my 25 years experience in business, my 15 years as an accredited behavioral psychologist - and countless visits to the interview panel for client companies.On the rare occasion a candidate has done what I am about to reveal, ALL of them were considered for the next stage of the recruitment process - and four out of five of them became the successful applicant.If youre new to the job market, or returning to it after a break, or perhaps you are thinking of changing jobs and not had an interview for years! Then this course is perfect for you.The best jobs are the ones that more people go for so you have potentially larger competition. How you stand out from the crowd will be your challenge.So I designed this course for people like you steeped in the psychology of persuasion, these techniques will make your interviewer remember you and put you on the top of the pile ready for the offer of your DREAM JOB."
Price: 24.99

"Html 5 + Css 3, CURSO COMPLETO y guia de referencia" |
"Podrs conocer todo lo que necesitas saber para convertirte en un experto en realizar y mantener proyectos para el internet, nos concentramos en el curso en que conoscas la tecnologa que tiene en comun cualquier sitio internet, no importa si luego interactua con frameworks como Angular, React, View o cualquier otro, tendr el conocimiento de la base en la cual se asientan estas tecnologas pra presentar la informacin de manera cautivadora y profesional"
Price: 24.99

"AWS: Curso Completo de AWS para Principiantes 2020" |
"En este curso aprenders a disear y construir arquitecturas de cmputo con alta disponibilidad en la nube paso a paso y no requieres conocimiento previo de estos servicios. En cada seccin de este curso existen LABORATORIOS PRCTICOS de la consola de AWS para desarrollar un PROYECTO del entorno real paso a paso del servicio de AWS a usar.Aprenderas:Administrar el acceso a los servicios y recursos de AWS de manera segura con el servicio de I AM, un servicio de seguridad que controla los recursos de AWS, creando y administrando grupos y usuarios para conceder o negar el acceso a un recurso de AWS con documentos JSON de manera segura.Aprenderas a lazaras servidores en la nube llamados instancias que son parte del servicio de Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) un servicio web que proporciona capacidad informtica en la nube segura y de tamao modificable.Aprenders hacer que los servidores se regeneren o se auto creen cuando existe un problema y se cae el servidor actual, usando el servicio de Auto ScalingAprenders a construir arquitecturas en la nube con Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC), que es un servicio para crear una zona aislada y segura en la red de AWS donde se puden crear muchos servicios, aprenders a controlar todos los aspectos del entorno de nube privada virtual, incluida la seleccin de su propio rango de direcciones IP, la creacin de subredes y la configuracin de tablas de ruteo y gateways de red.Aprenders a implementar balanceadores de carga con Elastic Load Balancing para distribuir automticamente el trafico de miles de solicitudes entrantes de aplicaciones moviles o web.Aprenders a utilizar el almacenamiento de TERABYTES en la nube con Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) que es un servicio de almacenamiento de objetos que ofrece escalabilidad, disponibilidad de datos, seguridad y rendimiento lderes en el sector.Aprenders a trabajar con Amazon RDS que son instancias de base de datos en la nube (optimizadas para memoria, rendimiento u operaciones de E/S) estaremos trabajando con Mysql para realizar una conexin a travs de un END POINT de una servidor EC2 en una zona de disponibilidad a otro servidor de base de datos Mysql a otra zona de disponibilidad en la Regin de California.Tambin aprenders a levantar un base de datos de MongoDB NoSQL con la infraestructura de Mongo Atlas, que es un servicio novedoso donde se puede almacenar dicha base de datos en una regin de AWS, conectaremos Robo 3T un IDE de MongoDB para crear colecciones(tablas) y documentos JSON(registros), y aprender a consultar dichas colecciones en el lenguaje de MongoDB.Instalaras CLI version 2, Command Line Interface para controlar los recursos de AWS a travs de la lnea de comando de tu pc o notebook o mac, en este caso aprenders a conectarte a la nube de AWS y describir las instancias EC2, encender servidores, apagarlos y reiniciarlos a travs de la linea de comandos CLI de AWS todo de forma segura con un usuarios de I AM.Tambin aprenders a enfrentar desastres y recuperar servidores EC2 en caso de problemas, creando respaldos seguros de los discos duros de los servidores en los S3(almacenamiento) de Amazon y distribuir una buena arquitectura de computo para evitar la cada de tus aplicacin para que siempre este disponible.Aprenderas a crear instancias EC2 en Amazon LigthSail un servicio excelete y barato para iniciarse en AWS."
Price: 270.00

"Emprendimiento: Como Desarrollar tu Modelo de Negocios" |
"Quieres crear un startup, un emprendimiento exitoso e innovador? Existen herramientas que te pueden ayudar en el proceso de construccin de tu modelo de negocios, que definitivamente te ayudan a tener ms xito, ms rpidamente. Un plan de negocios, versin moderna. En este curso no solamente aprenders a validar y crear tu startup y tu modelo de negocios, sino tambin a reconocer oportunidades en el mercado y actuar de acuerdo con ellos, para as enriquecer tus ideas, encontrar el valor agregado para tu cliente ideal y desarrollar estrategias para escalar tu proyecto mejor.Un startup es una organizacin temporal en bsqueda de un modelo de negocios viable y escalable. Steve Blank, Autor del Startup Owners ManualJusto es la bsqueda que es importante al iniciar un proyecto o startup, no dar por hecho el modelo de negocios, sino investigar con juicio y entrar en lo personal. Este curso te dar las herramientas que necesitas para llevar a cabo este proceso de buena forma y desarrollar tu curiosidad emprendedora.Hablaremos de tcnicas, modelos y teoras, pero no olvides lo ms importante: disfrutarlo! El emprendimiento es un estilo de vida, es una pasin que es difcil soltar una vez que empiezas a aplicar y jugar con todo el enriquecimiento de desarrollo personal que te puede ofrecer. Te invito a jugar!Este curso es para:creadores de startupsemprendedoressoadoresinnovadoresgamechangersemprendedores socialesvisionariosLo que dicen mis clientes:I am an experienced entrepreneur who has already achieved a record-breaking IPO. I am also a bestselling non-fiction author of 14 books/$3.8m+ sales and my work has been endorsed by many top business leaders. Inge is fantastic. I highly recommend her. Inge doesn't just have the brilliant professional knowledge to help you achieve your goals, she speaks the truth and has great intuition. Combine all these things and you can imagine how valuable her support is. I am certain you won't be disappointed. Thank you. Inge!J.B.Thank you so much for your help! Idk what it was about how you explained these concepts to me, but I had been struggling to understand them for two years and suddenly after talking to you it all made sense. I am forever grateful for your assistance and I will be coming to you for advisement in the future! Thank you so much again!B.Inge has taken the time to properly research my business and delivered an outstanding BMC along with very valuable suggestions that defiantly helped me in looking at my overall strategy & business model from a different prospective with highlighting the core activities that needs to be focused on. She's really professional and easy to communicate with. The work was delivered on time. REALLY recommended!!J.Provocative and out of the box approach to solving the problem. Not a rush job, but very thoughtful and insightful. Thanks for helping us out on this! Much appreciated.A.Inge is a great mentor, she helped me correct and refine my business plan and her expertise and advice were invaluable and vitally important in preparing my Business Model and Business Plan. Without her it would have been a mess. She is a highly skilled professional.S.We had a very good collaboration throughout the project. She is an expert in BM studies and I love to continue working with her. She delivered more than what we were expecting and really considering for long term cooperation. Thanks IngeA."
Price: 89.99

"Create magical glasses of self-confidence" |
"Have you ever felt 'less than'? Ever wished you could walk taller? This course will investigate 3 areas of life where it's easy to feel lacking and give you 3 powerful ways to grow your sense of self worth, confidence and self-esteem. Using proven methods I've used in my therapy room with clients, you'll leave with 3 practical tools to help you walk taller and feel more empowered."
Price: 19.99

"The Ultimate Blender 3D Sculpting Course" |
"Learn 3D Sculpting from A-Z with the popular 3D program ""Blender""Want to learn 3D Sculpting but don't know where to start? No problem! In this course we go from A-Z, from the basics to the more advanced of Sculpting. This course is project based so we will be using the skills we learn along the way to create some awesome Sculpts. Learn The Art of 3D Animation From The Very Basics to The More AdvancedThe COMPLETE Sculpting workflow:- Sculpting- Anatomy- Retopology- UV Unwrapping- Texturing- Rigging- Animating& More!FOUR Different Sculpt Projects From A-Z!We will kick it off with learning the VERY basics of Blender. How to navigate around the scene, manipulate objects and everything you need to know to be comfortable in Blender!-Then we will start with our very first Sculpting project! Learning the basics of sculpting, the different brushes and settings, how to retopologize, unwrap and texture, bake normal maps and finally animate your sculpt!-Our second Sculpt we will go a bit more in depth and create a creature sculpt. We will learn all about A-symmetrical sculpting, the anatomy of the creature, how to sculpt with textures, sculpting scars and skin imperfections & much more! We will also see how to retopologize automatically and of course go more in depth in texture painting and texture our model. Then we will rig it and pose it for a final still!-Our third sculpt is quite in depth. We will learn about the anatomy of the human type body by sculpting an awesome demon minotaur! In this one we go all out with sculpting, anatomy, retopology, texturing, rigging and animating a final scene! This one alone will teach you all you need to know!-Our fourth sculpt leads us to creating a character bust. This one is less intense than the other ones and is quite fun. We will be sculpting a female character and learning about how to sculpt clothes, hair and much more! By the time you reach this sculpt you will be well versed in the world of sculpting!-Each project we do builds on the previous one and the further you go, the more you will be applying and doing!-End With The Confidence and Know How to Be Able to Create Your Own Projects and Sculpts From Just An Idea to Finished ProductThe Power to Create in the Palm of Your HandsThis course contains over 35 hours of content!Over 130 video lectures!And one awesome teacher!-Use the skills you learn to then create your own artwork and Sculpts-Learn and follow along with the workflow of 4 complete Sculpts from A-Z-Finish the course with your very own sculpts and work of art that you can be proud of-Lifetime access!By the end of this course, you will emerge equipped with everything you need to know for character creation and animation! It is PACKED with character animation madness that you will enjoy and benefit from for a long time!"
Price: 199.99
