(Arduino) |
"0 9 .LCD"
Price: 19.99

"Cinematography Masterclass: The Complete Videography Guide" |
"Do you want your videos to be better looking, sounding, creative, shareable, engaging, and impressive to watch?Are you wanting to get the most out of shooting on your smartphone, DSLR, or mirrorless camera?Perfect! You've made it to the right video production course!By the end of this course, you'll have the skillset and film school level understanding of:1. First Hand Film Set ExperienceTo begin, you'll join me on the set of a high end client shoot to see a behind the scenes look at how the video production process really works. These lessons are packed with key filmmaking fundamentals and concepts for the rest of the course material to build on top of. Set up and choose the best way to shoot your specific video Main steps to film a cooler looking and cinematic project Cinematography and composition fundamentals Techniques to maximize your location and time while shooting Creatively use your lenses, surrounding, and camera2. Get the Most Out of Your Camera SettingsGetting great looking shots first starts with getting your camera set up properly. Here, you'll get crystal clear on how to set your camera's functions, settings, and parameters. These foundational learning lessons will give you the confidence to get out and start shooting. Learn how to effectively use all of the functions and settings on your camera Get the perfect exposure with ISO, shutter speed, and aperture Create a great looking image with white balance and frame rate Use picture profile and focal length for your specific shooting style Utilize your camera's latitude and dynamic range3. Light and Shoot Your Scenes Like a ProNow that you have a rock solid understanding of your camera, here's where we'll use lighting and video production techniques to make your videos shine. These hands-on lessons will give you the tools to create stunning looking images using natural or artificial lighting. Use colored gels, practicals, exposure contrast, your outfit and location choice like a pro Make yourself look great on-camera with the right lens choice and proper lighting Learn the most essential framing, cinematography, and composition techniques Get that ""cinematic filmmaking look"" for your own personal video setup 2 point, 3 point, rim light, natural light, high key and low key lighting 4. Record Crystal Clear Sounding AudioYou've worked alongside me to massively upgrade and improve all things visual, now it's time to talk audio. In this section, we dive into different microphone types, recording environments, audio hacks, and getting the absolute best sounding audio quality possible. Set your shoot up for crystal clear sounding audio and great sound dynamics Learn how top filmmakers get rid of echoes, buzzing, distortions, pops, and hums DIY set up to get great sounding vocals for your videos or podcasts at home Top audio recording techniques for video creators and filmmakers Audio hacks and which mics to use for different filming situations5. Create Next Level Vids with B-roll and Cutaway ShotsIn this step, you're going to walk away with advanced techniques that experienced video creators use to create exciting and engaging videos. This process will allow you to utilize more advanced film techniques in a way that is fun and easy to use regardless of skill level. Film a more professional looking video using shot types different cinematography techniques Effectively use coverage to set yourself up for success in the editing process Get a filmmaker understanding of the purpose and use of each shot type Create a more dynamic final product with framing and multiple angles How to use the 180 degree rule, rule of thirds, and frame balancing 6. Get That Cinematic Look with Camera MovementThis is one of my favorite parts of the course, creating cinematic shots with camera movement! There's a reason why it's called ""motion picture."" Here we take a deep dive into how, when, and why to use different movements to create cinematic looking videos. Learn the ideal focal length, movement, frame rate, and composition choices for your project Get incredible looking and feeling shots using top video production techniques Use the same types of camera movement that you see in feature films Learn how movement direction, quality, and speed effect your audience Bring an overall filmmaking look and style to your videos7. Make Your Shot List and Film Your Epic MontageOnce you learn these shot list techniques, you won't go back to shooting important projects without one (trust me)! In this hands-on section, you're going to envision, outline, and shoot the type of montage that turns an ordinary project into an extraordinary project. Synthesize all the video production techniques learned into your final course video project Step by step guide to knocking out your list of specific shots in the best way possible In-camera transitions, filmmaking tricks, and how to make an impactful ending shot Essentials to create an organized and practical shot list for all future projects Cinematography tips and tricks to make your videos stand out8. Expert Guest Speakers and Video Production Keys to SuccessHere you sit down with me and 3 expert guest speakers that have spent years working as successful full-time filmmakers. These lessons will give you the insights, actionable takeaways, and inspiration that will add some extra creative fuel to the skills you've gained in this course! Bonus tools and ways to continue getting better shots after graduating this course Top pro's and con's of today's most frequently used camera equipment Lens choice, equipment, and tips for properly choosing your video gear How to continue to make the most out of your skillset and equipment Motivation, progress, growth, and success as a video creator9. Course Bonuses and Progressing Beyond this CourseYou've made it! We worked together to build your skillset through each section and then in the last step, we combined the whole process into your very own crystal clear looking and sounding final product. Now it's time for you to go out their and continue to create videos you love! Synthesize, recap, and review all of the lessons learned in the course Integrate the tools and know how to continue to improve and grow Accept my course challenge to start your new series or project Special student bonuses for completing the course And much moreMy biggest goal for you:The goal of this course is to give you all the knowledge and techniques that I've gained from 10+ years in the film industry (working with clients like Red Bull, Taco Bell, and Discovery Channel) in a way that is fun to learn and easy to understand.Shooting better videos no matter what:Whether you're shooting Instagram videos, YouTube videos, short films, music videos, documentaries, videos for professional clients, personal projects, on a smartphone or camera... The actionable takeaways from this course will benefit you regardless of your equipment or budget. You'll have lifetime access to: 85 Individual video lessons 6 Hours of learning content 8 Downloadable resources 6 Detailed case studies 4 Bonus video lectures 3 Course Articles 12 Hands-on lessons 10 Interactive exercises 3 Expert guest speakers 40 Gigabytes of streamable content Updates to all future course materials One on one with me in the Q&A sectionIf you want to learn the tools to shoot videos that you're proud of, this is the course for you.I'll see you inside!Julian"
Price: 199.99

"Crea un mapa de talento" |
"Este curso parte de la base de qu para implementar una estrategia exitosa de gestin del talento, en primera instancia es necesario identificarlo. En este sentido, una herramienta de gran valor es el mapa de talento, el cual aprenders a construir a partir del uso de una matriz de capacidades."
Price: 19.99

"Facebook Ads para Negocios Locales" |
"Por qu deberas aprender Facebook Ads si ya tienes un producto o servicio genial?S deberas aprender y al mismo tiempo no deberas aprenderlo.S deberas aprender, porque por desgracia hay muchas personas que an no saben que lo que vendes es genial y es justo lo que necesitan. Necesitas Facebook Ads para que te conozcan rpido.No deberas aprender, porque no tienes que ser sper-mega experto en las herramientas para generar grandes resultados. Aqu te muestro el clic-por-clic!El Paso a Paso para Facebook AdsSi no deseas invertir aos en aprender a usar Facebook Ads herramienta por herramienta y los usos potenciales para cada una... ests en el lugar correcto.En este curso encontrars un sistema paso a paso para crear tus campaas de forma sencilla y poderosa con 1 Plantilla maestra:Paso 1. Descarga la Plantilla Editable en tu computadoraPaso 2. Sigue los videos del Curso Para Planear, Ejecutar y Medir ResultadosPaso 3. Repite el proceso una y otra vez para tener tu propio sistema de ventas.Has notado como hay marcas que aparecen una y otra vez en tu feed de Instagram y Facebook?Aparecen tantas veces que decides comprarles lo que sea que estn ofreciendo porque parecen seguirte por todo Internet.Eso es lo que aprenders en este cuso. Cmo aparecer una y otra vez frente a las personas correctas.Si tu da a da se ve algo como esto:Haz invertido algo de dinero en Facebook Ads pero los resultados no han llegadoSabes que se puede ""segmentar"" en Facebook pero no sabes cmo hacerlo exitosamenteVes a muchas marcas de tu mismo giro que parecen hacer un gran trabajo y t quieres lo mismoTe encuentras con los mismos retos que la mayora de los emprendedores enfrenta. Es ms comn de lo que crees y la solucin tambin es ms simple que de lo que crees.Inscrbete al Curso Online de Facebook AdsEjemplos reales de segmentacinCmo definir un presupuesto de anuncios real y alcanzableCmo administrar ese presupuesto de anuncios en las diferentes campaasCules campaas deberas de crear para alcanzar tus objetivosCmo crear cada campaa clic-por-clicCmo medir los resultados para tener una mejora progresiva e imparableMarketing Profesional al Alcance de TodosSi en este momento ests...Comprometido con hacer Marketing que genere ROI en tu negocioDecidido a hacer una inversin constante en publicidad para alcanzar tus objetivosConvencido de que la publicidad en Internet puede llevar a tu negocio al siguiente nivelBienvenido al Curso Online de Facebook Ads!"
Price: 2370.00

"10 Days Of Mindful Awareness Meditation Vipassana" |
"An Enlightening 10 Days Journey Into The SelfIn these 10 days, you will be taken on a journey deep into yourself - To discover the person behind the personality. You will learn ways to uncover who you really are, your deep desires, your fears, and the cause of your unhappiness and the ways to transform it through meditationA Journey For EveryoneThis course is suited for beginners up to advanced. You will be guided to understand the most efficient way of meditating to get the most out of your practices so that you can develop the confidence to continue with the practice after the 10 days - Which is when your journey will really begin. Good LuckGood luck! And if you have any questions feel free to leave a question or message me. But always remember to trust yourself first, see that I am only a guide guiding you to become your own teacher, the master of your mind."
Price: 99.99

"HL7 Interview Questions" |
"HL7 Interview Questions covers all topics needed to clear HL7 interview. HL7 the healthcare Level 7 is the application layer level protocol in OSI model making healthcare communication a structured approach. In this interview we cover set of questions that cover from beginner level HL7 questions all the way upto experienced HL7 interview questions. Prepare for your upcoming interview and pass the exam with full confidence"
Price: 19.99

"Procreate for Illustration: 5 Projects to Learn the Basics" |
"What if you could learn one of the fastest and simplest ways to create professional and sellable artwork using Procreate? By the end of this class, youll have the skills to do exactly that.This is a comprehensive, all-in-one Procreate course. Youll create five cool illustrations, each lesson focusing on a core skill in Procreate.As an extra bonus, throughout this class, youll learn tips & tricks on how to optimize artwork specifically for sales. So in addition to learning how to create professional illustrations in Procreate, youll also learn practical advice for marketing and monetizing your artwork.What youll get out of this class:A **freebie** 3-pack of Procreate brushes created by Lisa GlanzFive custom color palettesTwo reference photos for practiceYoull complete five illustrationsWho this class is for:Beginners:If youve never used this platform before, were starting right from the beginning, so youll be able to keep up and learn.Experienced illustrators:If youve dabbled with Procreate, but want to learn some time-saving tricks and professional tips, this class is for you as well."
Price: 24.99

"Superando un Rompimiento Amoroso" |
"Me gustara decir que nadie tiene que pasar por esto, pero al final del da es inevitable experimentar un corazn roto. Por eso, lo ms prudente frente a lo inevitable es enfrentarlo con todas las armas a nuestro alcance.para superar la situacin y crecer en el proceso. Esa es la idea con este curso de sanidad emocional en donde superaremos una ruptura. Empezaremos por descartar mitos, mentiras que nos decimos, engaos que nos venden, para aceptar la realidad que nos ayudar a ser ms fuertes y a experimentar el verdadero amor."
Price: 199.99

"Blockchain dApps with Web3.js" |
"Integration of Solidity Smart Contract based Decentralised Applications with Web3.js on Ethereum Blockchain.Learn how to use Web3.js to build the frontend of your DApp that will interact with your ethereum smart contracts.Web3.js:Digital assets such as cryptocurrencies and smart contracts are a central component of decentralized applications (DApps), in that they are deployed on the blockchain. However, to interact with these on-chain components, transactions need to be created on the blockchain. For a user or off-chain software to create a transaction on the blockchain, a node needs to relay the transaction to the underlying peer-to-peer (P2P) network. Web3.js is a collection of libraries that allows programmers to interact with these on-chain components, by being able to facilitate a connection to Ethereum nodes, using HTTP or IPC connections.It represents a JavaScript language binding for Ethereums JSON RPC interface, which makes it directly usable in web technology, as JavaScript is natively supported in almost all web browsers.Web3.js can be used to connect to the Ethereum network via any Ethereum node that allows access via HTTP. This may be a local node, a node hosted by the DApp provider, or public gateways which operate free Ethereum access points.One common way of integrating a web browser application with Ethereum is to use the Metamask browser extension in combination with Web3.js. Metamask is an in-browser Ethereum wallet that injects a Web3 provider object into the browser. A Web3 provider is a data-structure providing a link to publicly accessible Ethereum nodes. Using Metamask allows users to manage private keys and sign transactions within their web browser. Using Metamask in combination with Web3.js, in a web interface, provides a convenient way to interact with the Ethereum network.Curriculum summary:Full stack dapplication development - How to get through full stack dapp via web3.js.More about web3 - How is it different from conventional ways.Main functionality of web3 and Ganache - How to use the functionality of web3 and installing Ganache.Simple practical use of Web3 - Simple codes to get you started with web3.js.Getting started with Truffle Project - Basic walkthrough of what is inside of truffle box.Truffle react box deployment - Deploying and migrating of smart contracts.How Ganache works - Setup ganache for our truffle project.Getting started with App.js file - Starting template made which can be used for all the different contracts.Get & set methods used - Create web3.js to use the functions of our smart contracts.Lets send ethers - Will send ethers to smart contracts.and difference .Setup the App.js for first function - We need to set up the app.js for calling function and sending ethers.App.js for second type and window function. - We need to make the app.js to send directly the ethers to some account or to the Smart contracts and withdraw money from the smart contract.Testing of direct ether send and sending to contract and withdrawing it.Diving into events - Lets checkout some event logs how to log and how to get back the events so that well get to know whats going in the blockchainLogging events at the same time of deploy.Filtering past events - Get past events from blockchain by querying using some filtersWeb3 utils - Using Web3 utils for some added advantage for the ease of middleware compatibility.Getting to know more about utils."
Price: 19.99

"The strangest Secret!" |
"In The Strangest Secret, Earl had found an answer to the question that had inspired him as a youth and, in turn, found a way to leave a lasting legacy for others About this time, Earl met a successful businessman by the name of Lloyd Conant and together they began an ""electronic publishing"" company which eventually grew to become a multi-million dollar giant in the self-improvement field. They also developed a syndicated, 5-minute daily radio program, Our Changing World, which became the longest-running, most widely syndicated show in radio.When Earl Nightingale died on March 28, 1989, Paul Harvey broke the news to the country on his radio program with the words, ""The sonorous voice of the nightingale was stilled."" In the words of his good friend and commercial announcer, Steve King, ""Earl Nightingale never let a day go by that he didn't learn something new and, in turn, pass it on to others. It was his consuming passion."""
Price: 49.99

"Lemurian Light & Reiki of the Atlantians Level III~Certified" |
"Through this third and final level of the Lemurian Light and Reiki of the Atlantians upgrade, you will receive the fulfillment of your Attunement, on the sacred energies from the continents of the divine wisdom!In this level you will learn about the 5 Essences that constitute your Soul and receive the information you need so to understand them, unlock them and liberate them. These 5 Essences are: Word, Spirit, Presence, Mind & Consciousness. Through this final level you shall experience 5 new Empowerments, one, for each of the 5 essences that constitute your Soul, which have a purpose to help manifest unification, understand and reveal your One and True Identity. With your attunement, you shall receive initiation to 5 new Symbols ~ The 4 symbols of the Harmonic Elements and the Grand Master Symbol, which combines the energies of Lemurian Light and Atlantian Reiki! Finally, through the teachings of the Ascended Masters, you will experience an apprenticeship of soul awakening, which has as purpose to lead you to freedom and inner peace. Your dedication throughout these 3 levels will be rewarded with the blessings of the Masters, as they always accompany you, in every moment, in every situation, in every life. I hope that you will enjoy every moment of learning and that youll find this course helpful.If you have any questions feel free to contact me!Blessings of Light, Nikolaos Baralos! Title of Music used in Meditations is ""In Spiritus"" by ""Christopher Lloyd Clarke"". Licensed by ""Enlightened Audio""."
Price: 99.99

"Cubo de Rubik de principiante a avanzado" |
"En este curso aprenders desde cero como resolver el cubo de Rubik de 3x3x3, aunque no tengas experiencia, gradualmente iremos incrementando el nivel de dificultad y aprenders a resolver otro tipo de cubos, como el de 4x4x4 y el de 5x5x5, lo que te dar las bases necesarias para luego resolver cubos ms grandes, hasta de 20x20x20 o ms.Entre los beneficios de tomar este curso est el hecho de que mejorar mucho tu memoria, tu capacidad de visualizacin del espacio tridimensional, te ayudar a ser ms paciente, mejorar tu concentracn y tu capacidad de resolver problemas al ensearte a mantener tu mente y pensamientos totalmente organizados."
Price: 19.99

ue4blueprintbattleroyalecn |
"C++C++C++262181 (4 )2 (4 )3 (4 )Gameplay4 (10 )5 (7 )6 (15 )7 (6 )&8 (14 )9 (6 )10 (5 )11 (2 )12 (8 )13 (9 )14 (9 )15 (2 )16 (30 )17 (21 )18 (20 )UIUIUI3DUI19 (9 )UIUIUIUIUI20 (6 )21 (9 )UIActor22 (4 )23 (4 )24 (3 )25UI (9 )UV26 (2 )"
Price: 169.99

"Laravel: La guida pratica e completa da neofita ad esperto." |
"Laravel si potrebbe definire in poche parole, come una boccata daria fresca.Lasciatemi partire dalla mia esperienza personale. Negli ultimi dieci anni, sia per lavoro che per hobby, ho lavorato molto con PHP ed i suoi framework. Ne ho visti alcuni, rimanendo legato essenzialmente a Simphony. Quando ho scoperto Laravel, per, le cose sono cambiate del tutto. Ho deciso cos di proporre questo video-corso pratico, per spiegarvi meglio cosa intendevo con quel le cose sono cambiate del tutto. Ma veniamo subito al punto.Laravel un framework PHP, ovviamente orientato alla programmazione ad oggetti ed al pattern architetturale MVC (che se non conoscete consiglio caldamente di studiarvi) e alleliminazione di uno dei nostri peggiori nemici, lo spaghetti code. Presenta, inoltre, un comodo sistema di bundles per pacchettizzare i nostri software (parliamo quindi di HMVC), in modo tale da creare applicazioni sempre pi sofisticate e al tempo stesso facilmente manutenibili.La sua storia comincia nel 2011, quando Taylor Otwell decide di rendere lo sviluppo web pi facile e divertente, perch quello che amo fare. Da allora di strada ne stata fatta, nonostante siano passati solo poco meno di due anni.Attualmente, infatti, il progetto arrivato alla versione 7 e ha sicuramente tante buone carte da giocare. Anzi, ottime carte come un sistema di authentication facile da usare, un ORM gi pronto (Eloquent) oppure un command line tool integrato (Artisan).Ho pensato ad un video-corso pratico e poco teorico per non annoiarvi. Difatti sono convinto che la teoria si insegna/impara con la pratica.Alla fine del corso sarai in grado di muovere da solo i primi passi per realizzare vari progetti con questo magnifico Framework.Realizzeremo insieme un cms con blog completo dove gli utenti potranno registrarsi,avere dei privilegi, scrivere articoli, commentare e tanto altro come in tutti i blog che si rispettano. Inoltre imparerai a gestire l'invio di email con laravel e renderti conto come sia facile da utilizzare senza nulla togliere nel creare applicazioni complesse!!"
Price: 199.99

"AWS Certified Solutions Architect SAA-C02 Practice Exam" |
"Prepare for AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate SAA-C02 Exam and find Actual Exam Questions..In this practice test, you'll gain an overall understanding of AWS Cloud, independent of specific technical roles. It provides a detailed questions at SAA- C02 concepts, AWS services, security, architecture, pricing, and support. These quizzes are the final step in your certification preparation, So you should take them after having finished the complete SAA-C02 course."
Price: 29.99

OpenGL |
"SO, YOURE LOOKING FOR A COURSE THAT WILL TEACH YOU OPENGL & IN A FUN MANNER?Ive got just the course for you!Welcome, my name is Josh Werner with Learn Tech Plus and Ive put this course together to help people just like you quickly master OpenGL...Whether youre a beginner or experienced with OpenGL!If your goal is to become a user of OpenGL, then this course is perfect for you. It will get you started on the right path and give you the knowledge and skills you need to OpenGL...Learning OpenGL is Not only for Experienced users, but also everyone else. Because when you have master OpenGL, you get around your profile and easily install applications to your computer versus having to get someone else to do it for you which can cost both time and money!In short, a good understanding of OpenGL is tremendously beneficial.Now, in this course, we'll go far beyond that. By the end of it, you'll have gained complete proficiency in OpenGL even if you're currently a complete beginner!THATS RIGHT...NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE OR KNOWLEDGE IS REQUIRED!You dont need any previous experience or knowledge to take this course. In fact, all you need is a desire to learn and master OpenGL.This is not one of those courses that will throw too much at you at once and cause you to get overwhelmed. This is a course that youll not only learn so much from, but also enjoy the journey as youre learning (which is a very important part of the learning process)The course will take you by the hand and teach you everything you need to know step by step and even put your knowledge to practice immediately by showing you how to setup OpenGL and How to Download OpenGL.On top of this, you will also get my continuous support as well to make sure youre successful with my course.LEARN OPENGL BY DOING! (LEARN OPENGL FROM SCRATCH!)We will go step by step and cover OpenGL. The goal here is to help youA) Setup an OpenGLB) Be able to Download and Install OpenGLHeres what well cover in the course:1. Well start from the very beginning and explain what OpenGL is, why & how its used.2. Introduce you to OpenGLENROLL NOW I'D LOVE TO SEE YOU INSIDE AND HELP YOU MASTER OPENGL!"
Price: 199.99

"PMP Exam Prep Questions - PMBOK 6th Edition" |
"The PMP Exam Preparation Questions in this course test your ability and knowledge to choose the best answer. You will learn the answers to all questions (why one choice is right and others are wrong) with detailed explanations.Practical tests in this course are timed. So you compete against time, like in the real test. Find the right answer on time and find out why your wrong answers are wrong with detailed explanations at the end of the course.2 Full length Prep Exam. 100 questions each. 200 questions in total.2.5-hour time limit to complete each exam. Total: 5 hours.Detailed explanations for each question.The ability to pause and then complete the course is available.Based on the PMBOK Guide 6th Edition.Note: After you buy the course, I will continue to add questions.These questions have taken an extensive amount of time to create. Solve all question and understand the answers. You can also ask questions."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Epidemiology" |
"Epidemiology is a unique science - it offers powerful tools to quantify the degree to which risk factors and humanitarian interventions affect population health in a crisis. Indeed, epidemiology saves lives and improves global, long-term health.But epidemiology has not always been a popular field. It is getting more attention now because of the current health crisis that is going on. In this course, I'll be introducing you to some basic concepts and principles that make epidemiology such a versatile and flexible field, especially in the health sciences.Upon enrollment to the course all materials such as lecture videos, practice quizzes, and downloadable resources will always be available should you wish to go back to the material to study and review. You will also receive a Certificate of Completion which you can use to boost your resume, curriculum vitae, or LinkedIn profile. Start learning and increasing your knowledge today!"
Price: 29.99

"Immunology 101: Historical Perspective" |
"The immune system plays a vital role: it protects your body from harmful substances, germs, and cell changes that could make you ill.It is made up of various organs, cells and proteins and as long as your immune system is running smoothly, you dont really notice that it's there. In reality the immune system is working hard 24/7. In fact, the immune system keeps a record of every germ it has ever defeated so it can recognize and destroy the foreign substance quickly when it enters the body again.Without a robust immune system, a persons chances of survival is very slim. But how do we know about all of these? How do we know the physiologic mechanisms behind how our immune system functions? To answer these questions, we have to go back many centuries ago to understand where the study of the immune system got its roots, and how it evolved to the respectable field that it is today.Upon enrollment to the course all materials such as lecture videos, practice quizzes, and downloadable resources will always be available should you wish to go back to the material to study and review. You will also receive a Certificate of Completion which you can use to boost your resume, curriculum vitae, or LinkedIn profile. Start learning and increasing your knowledge today!"
Price: 29.99

"Clculo Vectorial Universitario" |
"Esta materia contribuye a desarrollar un pensamiento lgico-matemtico al perfil del ingeniero y aporta las herramientas bsicas para introducirse al estudio del clculo vectorial y su aplicacin, as como las bases para el modelado matemtico. Adems proporciona herramientas que permiten modelar fenmenos de contexto.La importancia del estudio del Clculo Vectorial radica principalmente en que en diversas aplicaciones de la ingeniera, la concurrencia de variables espaciales y temporales, hace necesario el anlisis de fenmenos naturales cuyos modelos utilizan funciones vectoriales o escalares de varias variables.Esta materia est diseada de manera que el estudiante pueda representar conceptos, que aparecen en el campo de la ingeniera por medio de vectores; resolver problemas en los que intervienen variaciones continuas; resolver problemas geomtricos en forma vectorial; graficar funciones de varias variables; calcular derivadas parciales; representar campos vectoriales que provengan del gradiente de un campo escalar, as como su divergencia y rotacional; resolver integrales dobles y triples; aplicar las integrales en el clculo de reas y volmenes.Esta materia sirve como base para otras asignaturas de las diferentes especialidades tales como: esttica, dinmica y mecanismos, con la representacin geomtrica y lgebra de vectores; electromagnetismo y teora electromagntica con el clculo del gradiente, divergencia y rotacional de un campo vectorial; en termodinmica con el clculo de derivadas parciales en las diferentes formas de la segunda ley; en fenmenos de transporte, transferencia de masa y transferencia de calor, con el clculo de derivadas parciales y las ecuaciones que modelan estos fenmenos. Se pueden disear proyectos integradores con cualquiera de ellas."
Price: 270.00

"The Python Programming For Anyone Immersive Training" |
"Welcome to The Python Programming For Anyone Immersive Training.This Ultimate Masterclass covers all the essential topics to become a Professional Python developer like: variables, data types, Strings, data structures, functional programming, different types of modules, files handling, object-oriented programming and more.You'll get A demonstration of each point in this training and an explanation of all theoretical and practical aspects in an easy way and in an easy language for anyone.Also, you can test your skills using quizzes and be a certified python developer that can be hired and you can upload the certificate of completion to your profile.Python is one of the coolest,and best programming languages in terms of ease and features.It is very easy for you to read the Python code, as if you were reading a regular English sentence.The Python language can work with everything indisputably.With Python, It is possible to do everything you imagine in the world of programming and data.Python can work in areas such as:Data Science.Machine Learning.Deep Learning.Artificial intelligence.Ethical Hacking.Blockchain Applications.Web Scraping.Web Applications.Mobile Applications.Desktop Applications.Games Applications.Browser Extensions.And many other fields.And you'll get a full support during this course by the instructor if you encounter any problems."
Price: 119.99

"Amazon Free" |
"In questo corso capiremo come pagare 0 dei prodotti presenti su Amazon. fantastico ricevere continuamente prodotti gratuiti, altrettanto meraviglioso non tirare fuori un soldo per riceverli.In questo corso chiunque pu capire come sia possibile in pochi semplici passi ricevere dei prodotti nuovi da Amazon in modo matematico.Non sono necessarie alcune competenze tecniche, o altre abilit di alcun tipo per ricevere prodotti nuovi in maniera infinita.Qui gli unici requisiti che dovrai avere per raggiungere l'obbiettivo saranno solo un pc o uno smartphone, e una semplice connessione internet.Non perdere altro tempo e fai questo piccolo investimento per ricevere direttamente a casa tua migliaia di prodotti nuovi da Amazon."
Price: 19.99

"Azure Networking And Storage" |
"Microsoft Azure IAAS Arabic From Zero To Hero Part II "
Price: 49.99

"AZURE Exam Practical Labs" |
"Microsoft Azure Microsoft Azure This AZ-103 Exam Prep course is the third of my series of azure courses This course prepare you for the AZ-103 exam. This course covers the learning labs for the AZ-103: Microsoft Azure Administrator exam.Throughout this course, we will cover topics through practical and video demonstrations. you'll learn how to create and configure many different objectives to many different Azure exam labs"
Price: 19.99

"Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) ,"
Price: 104.99

"AZURE Storage and Security" |
Price: 194.99

10-hmcml |
Price: 19800.00

"Modern JavaScript and NodeJS from Beginner to Advanced" |
"JavaScript is one of the top in demand programming languages and it is climbing to the very top! Why JavaScript ?This is a simple to answer, go to google and type in the search bar ""Top 10 programming languages"" if JavaScript is in the top 5 then take the Course. Not convinced, then go to google and type in the search bar ""The 10 most in-demand programming languages for developers at top companies"" if JavaScript is in the top 5 then take the Course.Who this course is for:Learning JavaScript for the first time? Already using JavaScript and want to master the language? This course is for you!This course if for anyone who wants to use JavaScript to launch an application, switch careers, or freelance as a JavaScript developer.What is JavaScript ?JavaScript is a scripting language that enables you to create dynamically updating content, control multimedia, animate images, and pretty much everything else. .What is Node.js?Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, JavaScript runtime environment (Framework) that executes JavaScript code outside a web browser. Node.js lets developers use JavaScript to write command line tools and for server-side scriptingrunning scripts server-side to produce dynamic web page content before the page is sent to the user's web browser. Consequently, Node.js represents a ""JavaScript everywhere"" paradigm unifying web-application development around a single programming language, rather than different languages for server- and client-side scripts.------ Course Structure ------This course consists of Theoretical and practical parts with Projects. The first half of the course focuses on teaching you the basic syntax of Javascript. In the first half of the course are many programming exercises and small projects, so you can test your new-found knowledge out. Each of these videos can be easily referenced in the future, so you can always come back and brush up on some topic whenever needed.------ What You'll Learn ------Master the basics of the language, easily understanding variables, objects, arrays, and functionsUnderstand how to design the structure of the code you write, leading to beautiful and easy-to-read programsLeverage Javascript's built-in methods to increase your productivity regardless of what libraries or frameworks you useDevelop practical skills around higher-order functions that you will utilize for years to comeObserve how the Javascript and browser work together, and how to increase the performance of JS codeBuild awesome projects to fill your personal portfolioBuild command line tools from scratch using Node JSFetch and manage information from third-party API's"
Price: 199.99

"Fortinet NSE4 - FortiOS 6.2 [ 2020 ]" |
"Welcome To The Network Security Engineer 4 [ NSE4 6.2 ] Practice Tests, The Final Exam preparation From CertMaster :Fortinet is one of the leading companies in the world with thousands of customers globally and rated highly by analysts. Fortinet NSE 4 Certification recognizes your ability to install and manage the day-to-day configuration, monitoring, and operation of a FortiGate device to support specific corporate network security policies.This course is recommended for network and security professionals who are involved in the day-to-day management, implementation, and administration of a security infrastructure using FortiGate devices.Topics include features commonly applied in a complex or larger enterprise or MSSP networks, such as advanced routing, transparent mode, redundant infrastructure, site-to-site IPsec VPN, single sign-on (SSO), web proxy, and diagnostics.Exam details;Exam Title: Network Security Engineer [ NSE4 ]Exam Code: NSE4_FGT-6.2Number of Questions: 70 Questions Duration: 120 min. Availability: Pearson VUE Testing Center Test Format: Multiple choice Passing score: 70%Language Exam: English"
Price: 29.99

"Aprende a manejar las tablas dinmicas como un experto" |
"En este curso breve pero 100% enfocado y prctico a un caso real empresarial entenders los beneficios de utilizar las tablas dinmicas y jams volvers a pensar en crear frmulas complejas y que ocupan espacio y memoria que por tiempos los hacen deficiente. por lo tanto no esperes ms y sumergete al mundo del conocimiento."
Price: 420.00

"PayPal (Advanced): Fast Track Training" |
"PayPal (Advanced): Fast Track TrainingUpgrade Your Skills And Expertise With Our Advanced Video TrainingHere's What You'll Learn In These Upgraded Video Series:How to work with the advanced features and make the best of it.How to become more efficient in your daily activities and speed up your output using this platform.Learn the smart way to make things happen fast as the experts do with some key features of this service.Learn how to reduce frustrations and time-consuming activities by applying my practical advice when using this service.How about automation? Learn the simple tricks and tips we use to get it done.Master every aspect of this service so that you can train other people how to use it as it.Stay at the top of your competition and keep your business ahead of the learning curve.And so many more...Looking to grow your business online?Brand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On How Start Accepting Payments From Paypal.Everyone knows what PayPal is. Youve probably used it to buy things online and to pay for auctions.Did you know that PayPal can also be used to accept credit cards at your site?You dont need to use an expensive merchant account thats extremely difficult to set up.PayPal has you covered, and you can do more than peer to peer payments.Set Up Your Own Shopping CartHaving a shopping cart on your site is extremely important. You need to make sure that the customers can buy when theyre ready.You dont want them to have to go through unnecessary processes that will make buying too tricky.People want to buy and pay for the item when they see it.If you make them jump through too many hoops, theyll buy from another site.Youd do the same thing, and thats the truth.Sell Digital Products Quickly And EasilyEveryone knows that digital products are big money makers.You need to act when the iron is hot. Instant downloads are so important if a customer has an interest in what you have to sell them.No one wants to wait hours or even days for a download link to be sent to them. They want to download the digital product within moments after paying.Using Paypal will make it happen, and itll all be effortless.The customer will have their product, and youll get paid for it too.Paypal Is A Name Everyone TrustsWhen was the last time you gave your credit card information to a payment processor that seemed sketchy at best?Everyone at some point has done it while hoping nothing bad happens to their card.Customers trust PayPal, and theyre familiar with their services.Your customers will trust the PayPal logo and know theyre protected.PayPal is accepted worldwide and everyone who shops online knows who they are.IntroducingPayPal (Advanced): Fast Track TrainingHow To Accept Payments With PaypalTheres nothing like this video series.Watch as I show you the how you can easily get started with paypal as a vendor.In this video training I reveal all my best tips to you on what I do and what are the tools I use to get it done fast.There will be no guesswork.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.We Take The Confusion Out Of The Entire ProcessTheres a lot to learn when it comes to accepting credit cards on your site using PayPal.No one is going to say that youre going to learn it in a mere matter of minutes.However, our videos explain everything in a very easy to follow format.Youll have your very own e-commerce site up and running accepting PayPal.Customers will be able to pay you using their credit card, and youll receive their payments quickly and efficiently.PayPal makes running a business online easy, and our videos will answer any questions that you have.Sign up for this training today and make your future as bright as it possibly can be.PayPal (Advanced): Fast Track Training.See The Course Training Videos Below:1 - Overview2 - Set Up Paypal Here3 - Set Up PayPal Button - Part 14 - Set Up Paypal Button - Part 25 - Set Up PayPal Button - Part 36 - Setting Up Funnels With PayPal7 - PayPal and Autoresponder Integration8 - PayPal and Other Autoresponders9 - Direct Connection to Webinars - Zoom10 - Direct Connection to WordPress11 - Direct Connection to Membership Platforms - Part 112 - Direct Connection to Membership Platform - Amember13 - Integration with Zapier14 - Integration To Autoresponder Through Zapier15 - Integration To GoToWebinar Through Zapier16 - Live Example - Create A Subcription Product17 - Live Example - Integrate wtih Wordpress18 - Live Example - Integrate with Autoresponder19 - Live Example - Integrate with Webinars20 - Conclusion-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 19.99
