"Curso de Redao para Concursos" |
"Curso de redao objetivo, onde voc vai aprender tcnicas essenciais que iro te ajudar a produzir um texto de qualidade. Voc sabe a importncia da redao para conquistar a aprovao no seu concurso, n? Alm de precisar mandar bem no texto, voc tem que estar ligado no mundo ao seu redor. Esse curso vai te dar dicas especiais e pontuais que iro fazer a diferena em seu texto. Venha logo conferir!"
Price: 39.99

"Curso de Redao: Eixos temticos" |
"Voc sabe a importncia da redao para as notas do Enem e dos vestibulares, n? Alm de precisar mandar bem no texto, voc tem que estar ligado no mundo ao seu redor. Esse curso vai alm de regras gramaticais e aborda temas e conhecimentos gerais que vo agregar muito na hora de escrever a sua redao!"
Price: 39.99

"Complete Music Production in Cubase ( Part 1 - 2 - 3 )" |
"Want to produce professional quality music and audio using Cubase ?A complete series that takes you step by step through Cubase Pro from a commercial recording studio. This complete production course teaches you the basics of audio production in Cubase Professional from basic setup all the way through advanced mixing techniques."
Price: 199.99

intro-to-networks |
". :- - - -"
Price: 19.99

"Hypnorescue: Reclaim Your Life After Narcissistic Abuse" |
"Hypnorescue: Reclaim Your Life After Narcissistic AbuseFully Accredited Professional Diploma in Narcissistic Abuse Recovery for therapists or coaches who wish to help clients with Narcissistic Abuse Recovery.This course is fully accredited by CTAA - Complementary Therapists Accredited Association and endorsed by Hypnosis New Zealand.This in depth course for therapists gives you the tools to work through a step by step 7 week program to access the clients subconscious mind for effective permanent changes. This is done via hypno-visualisations to remove negative programming and its resultant toxic shame and create beneficial change in their lives by programming in positive lasting changes, renewed self-belief and a clear plan for a bright future. Each week features a coaching tool for a client to work on at home to consolidate their learnings from each session.The program includes: WEEK ONE Intake and introduction to eBook COACHING TOOL The Wheel of Life SCRIPT The Healing Pool TAKE HOME TASK Narcissists In Your LifeWEEK TWO The Start (Chapter 1) Discuss last week's Narcissists in your Life worksheet SCRIPT It Was Just A Lesson TAKE HOME TASK Red Flags exercise WEEK THREE The Takeover (Chapter 2) COACHING TOOL Discuss last week's Red Flags exercise SCRIPT Meet Your Inner Child TAKE HOME TASK Tolerations worksheet WEEK FOUR The Control Room (Chapter 3) COACHING TOOL Discuss last week's Tolerations worksheet SCRIPT Soul Retrieval TAKE HOME TASK Locus of Control exercise WEEK FIVE Jekyll & Hyde (Chapter 4) COACHING TOOL Discuss last week's Locus of Control exercise SCRIPT Finding the Real Me TAKE HOME TASK The Real Me - Fact v Fiction WEEK SIX The Awakening (Chapter 5) COACHING TOOL Discuss last week's The Real Me - Fact v Fiction task SCRIPT Meet Your Future Self TAKE HOME TASK The Bucket List WEEK SEVEN Journey Back to Self (Chapter 6) COACHING TOOL Discuss last weeks Bucket List task SCRIPT Reclaim Your Life TAKE HOME TASK Goal setting - Revisit The Wheel of Life during session.Our easy to learn lessons give you as the therapist all the tools you need to assist your clients to move away from Narcissistic Abuse with this fully accredited course.What you'll learn:How to help clients recovering from Narcissistic Abuse reclaim their livesHow To Spot A NarcissistHow To Avoid A NarcissistHow to use the survivor's stories provided in this course to help clients feel less aloneHow to remove toxic shame from clientsHow to help clients identify narcissists in their lifeHow to help clients identify Red Flags in relationshipsHow to help clients feel in control of their life againHow to create SMART goals with clientsThis course is fully accredited by CTAA - Complementary Therapists Accredited Association."
Price: 129.99

"Sculpt Characters for Collectibles using Zbrush" |
"Learning Character Sculpting can be very time-consuming when doing it by yourself. I want to make the learning process easy for you, going through all the tools and concepts of sculpting in this class.We will create a character that can be used for collectibles and 3D printing from A to Z. From planning and blocking all the parts to sculpting the necessary objects to create an appealing posed character.You'll learn tips and shortcuts that will accelerate your workflow and make you understand the fundamentals of 3D Sculpting.I will be available for you through the whole course, feel free to send me a message if you encounter any issue. I will help you solve it and understand why it presented itself.Please, join me today, and let's start learning together."
Price: 89.99

"5 Desain Bunga Nail Art" |
"Belajar membuat desain nail art bertemakan bunga, dengan menggunakan teknik yang berbeda di setiap desainnya.Desain ini sangat cocok untuk anda yang menyukai gaya feminin, ataupun digunakan pada saat acara khusus seperti wedding dan pesta lainnya. Untuk desainnya sangatlah simple dan menarik bahkan bisa terlihat lebih glamour apabila di padukan dengan aksesoris swarovski."
Price: 980000.00

"Contemporary Dance" |
"These courses teach you contemporary dance. The course offers a warm up video for the student to build strength and enhance flexibility. There are also mindful practices that offer guidance on how to set personal goals and achieve learning the choreography more effortlessly.Each course of choreography offers 6 videos of quality coaching for the dancer to learn each step.- The first video offers the choreography in slow motion with counts. These sections are broken into smaller phrases for easier learning.- The second video offers the choreography in slow motion with guidance on how to execute the movement.- The third video offers the choreography in regular tempo for the student to sync the movement with music.- The last 3 videos reverse the choreography with the same order of coaching on the first side. This allows the dancer to become more ambidextrous, versatile and equally strong on both right and left body."
Price: 39.99

"Learn Visual Studio Code Step By Step (2020 Update)" |
"In Learn Visual Studio Code Step By Step, get a first look at the new features of visual studio code and improved functionality offered in (Visual Studio Code). discusses productivity-boosting enhancements, including how to use IntelliCode to get relevant code suggestions, the optimized code editor for Windows, macOS, and Linux - provides stellar support, debug, refactor, peek and find references, get IntelliSense and autocomplete, use the multi-cursor. Even if youre already familiar with VS Code, this course can help you speed up your development work by highlighting how to best leverage this popular code editor"
Price: 124.99

"Create Android Apps Using Code Blocks, No programming Needed" |
"This course is one of the most demanded courses for new developers who want to create android applications but are finding it difficult to learn all the programming required. This course offers the easiest way to create android applications using block based programming by MIT. This course covers the best, fastest and easies ways to create android application."
Price: 24.99

"*NEW 2020* CompTIA Security+ SY0-601 Practice Exam Questions" |
"Welcome to the NEW FULLY UPDATED CompTIA Security+ Certification (SY0-601) Practice Tests from Examsdigests and Nick Gorgotsias.Are you ready to pass the CompTIA Security+ Certification exam? Find out by testing yourself with this course on Udemy. Each of the practice tests in this set provides an entire exams worth of questions, enabling you to confirm your mastery of the topics and providing you with the confidence youll need to take your CompTIA Security+ Certification exam.The tests in this set are timed, so youll know when youre taking more time than the official test allows, and at the end of the test youll receive a personal breakdown of the questions you answered correctly and incorrectly to improve your knowledge and make you more prepared to pass the actual CompTIA exam.In these practice tests, we've included questions from each of the Security+ SY0-601 [NEW 2020] exam domains:1.0: Attacks, Threats, and Vulnerabilities (24%)2.0: Architecture and Design (21%)3.0: Implementation (25%)4.0: Operations and Incident Response (16%)5.0: Governance, Risk, and Compliance (14%)Make sure you are ready to pass the Security+ exam by using these practice tests, written to mimic the kinds of questions you will see on the CompTIA exam."
Price: 19.99

2020-hacker |
"2020 . :"
Price: 19.99

"Become a Superhuman Soccer Player" |
"This program will help you get into the zone when you play, into a flow state. It will teach how to relax before a match, how to visualize, how to have immense confidence, and how to perform under pressure. My name is Dillon Freed and hundreds of thousands of athletes have used my programs. Check out KillerInstinctsSports to learn more! "
Price: 19.99

"I'm a new Scrum Master... Now what?" |
"This course will demystify Scrum & Agile. It will help students be better prepared for what they will face in the real world and what choices to make in their career. If you are wondering about what companies are a good fit, what good User Stories look like, how to handle bugs, production issues and dependencies in scrum, where CX/UX/UI/UT fits in how to size stories and much much more, then this course is for you. There is also a section that helps you get ahead of the game by standing out above the rest.Enjoy this learning opportunity and continue to improve yourself!"
Price: 29.99

"Time Management in 30 Minutes" |
"This Course gives you an opportunity to understand the Art of Managing Time in such a way that you can Complete your work before time and do other tasks as well.This Course brings an ease of Managing time of Students, Office Workers, teachers and Everybody whosoever is interested in learning Time Management.""Failing to Plan is equals to Planning to Fail"""
Price: 24.99

"The Ultimate JVZOO Product Launch Guide in 2020" |
"Are you wondering how to become a vendor or how to start selling on Jvzoo? Do you already have a brand and products, but you want to learn how to launch the product on an international platform like jvzoo and have top affiliate marketers promote the product for you? Even if you have been searching for a means of setting up a Passive income that will bring in thousands of dollars weekly for you, this Jvzoo product launch guide would be the best option right now! JOIN THOUSANDS STUDENTS I HAVE COACHED AND MENTORED ON AFFILIATE MARKETING AND PRODUCT LAUNCH TO LEARN HOW YOU CAN START GETTING PAID RIGHT TO YOUR LOCAL BANK ACCOUNT TOADY!Four reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now!You get lifetime access to lectures and all downloadable materials.You can ask me questions and see me respond to every single one of them thoughtfully in the course discussions section!What you will learn in this course is original, tested, and very detailed! Learn the Jvzoo seller strategies I implement for clients daily, including where to start, what products to sell, how to source them even if you don't want to create the products yourself, how to get them launch on Jvzoo platform, then how to get your products ranking in the first position so that top Affiliate marketers will help you sell the products! This course will also layout how to optimize your Jvzoo product listings and enable you to reach any type of keyword for that product! Why burden yourself with creating a new .COM for your Digital marketing business and driving traffic to it? Why not take advantage of the fastest growing affiliate market place where you can get your products launched for free, get free traffic and instant massive sales and also have full access to the email list from all affiliates. JVZOO is the best option for you! On daily basis, millions of people normally go to Jvzoo with one thing on their mind... Get new products to promote! Learn how to make money using Jvzoo starting today! This course is beyond the normal jvzoo affiliate marketing course. Here you will learn how to become a seller/vendor and have all affiliate marketers promote your product for you.You have money back guarantee in case you get this course and decides is not for you. So, there is nothing to worry about, this course will surely expose you to many secrets!Everything you need to be a successful seller is at your fingertipsLearning how to leverage the Jvzoo platform to sell Digital products means that you will no longer need to worry about where your next paycheck is coming from. There are more million dollar a year to earn from jvzoo as a seller, so the timing is perfect.Jvzoo Product Launch is one of the easiest and best ways of making money online. You will not just learn How to Sell on Jvzoo but how to also promote offers as an affiliate from beginner level to advanced! We teach you Product Launch selling secrets, also other secrets that will make your selling experience wonderful. You will be able to optimize your Jvzoo listings for increased sales. Enroll now to learn how to sell on Jvzoo and start earning passive income for lifestime!TAKE A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION WITH YOUR LIFE AND BUSINESS.LEARN HOW JVZOO LAUNCH CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH THE FINANCIAL FREEDOM WE ALL SEEK!ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 19.99

"HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate Practice Exam 2020" |
"The Terraform Associate certification is for Cloud Engineers specializing in operations or development who know the basic concepts and skills associated with open source HashiCorp Terraform.This Practice Test strictly follows the specific exam objectives and has the right questions to clear the Terraform Associate certification exam.Our practice tests have a collection of questions hand-picked by Certified Experts with clear explanations and simple examples to learn each concept quickly and easily. Whether you are a beginner who wants to learn Terraform from scratch or a Terraform Expert who needs to brush up his knowledge before the certification exam, this practice test is for you.Note: This is the only course on Udemy which covers new Terraform v0.13 as well as Terraform v0.12 or earlier."
Price: 1280.00

"Banking App: Complex Layout in SwiftUI 2, iOS 14" |
"SwiftUI has made it really simple to build complex UI with ease. It provides built in support for animations, gradients and many more features that makes UI interesting and fun to play with.SwiftUI 2 brings a lot many new changes and additions to make app development in iOS more easy and fun to learn with.In this course, you will learn to build one of such really complex layout for bank transactions, which will have detail transaction animations along with fun animated charts to show monthly expenses on card. Everything you build will be from scratch without the use of any external library so you can learn everything from scratch."
Price: 19.99

"iOS 14 Calculator App in SwiftUI with Locale Support" |
"Calculator is a simple yet powerful app which is one of the most commonly used app in mobile world. Calculator looks small but there is a lot that goes into it. In this course you will learn to make a clone of iOS calculator app which will have all the features and functionalities of calculator.You will also learn to separate your logic from UI so you can take your calculator's brain and move it into another app or create a package out of it to consume it as an API.Along the way you will learn to layout buttons for calculator dynamically while building the app's user interface in SwiftUI. You will also learn to adopt computations of calculator to support different locales."
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Excel Interview Questions." |
"Hello There !!Want to test your Excel Knowledge ? Are you afraid of Excel Tests ? Do you want to boost you Excel Knowledge Confidence ? Well you are at the right place ! This course is all about Excel Tests.Evaluate your knowledge by taking these Excel Multiple Objective Questions , where you will be given sets of practice questions where in you have to answer and evaluate your Knowledge. These test contain questions ranging from Beginner level to Expert Level. This will give you a perfect mix of all the types of Excel Objective Questions.Once your Weak areas are identified work on them and improve on it.These Excel tests will give you a firm confidence to attend all excel questions asked in Job Interviews and Job Placement activities.Extra care has been taken to design these quizzes !! Its a 100 % Confidence Booster !!Bonus part is once enrolled you will get a chance to answer all the excel quizzes uploaded in the future in this course.Regular Excel quizzes will be uploaded in the future so that students can make the best use of it in the Academics , Interviews , Workplace & Knowledge Development.Enroll in this course and boost your confidence !!"
Price: 1280.00

"Using The universe Power To Obtain Your wildest Dreams" |
"How To Attract Better life And people even through you have failure and hard day's.No One In The Law Of Attraction Community teach you this things that should have been taught.. How To Make Money .How To Follow with people.How To Close .How to Set Goals.How to interview expert.How To Used the Brain For Success"
Price: 19.99

"Curso Completo Crea un Sitio Web con Wordpress + Elementor" |
"Te atrae la idea de poder trabajar como un diseador web? Cmo es el proceso de aprendizaje? Con este curso deseo poder allanarte el camino, trazando una ruta de aprendizaje que te abra la mente en este mundo del diseo web, el tan potente Marketing Digital. CREA TU MISMO. Este curso pretende darte y explicarte todas las herramientas bsicas que necesitas para lograrlo. No necesitas conocimientos tcnicos previos, ya que a travs del curso te explicar desde las bases mismas del diseo web hasta el saber pulir detalles como lo hace un PRO. No necesitas invertir nada de dinero, ya que el sistema que usaremos lo correremos en una plataforma de hosting gratuito con todas las funcionalidades de uno profesional... y si quieres publicarlo, tranquilamente lo podrs hacer con un par de clics y pagando la tarifa del hosting de una forma sper fcil. Ests listo para comenzar este emocionante aprendizaje?"
Price: 19.99

"**Note that : all questions are taken from various resources and provided by experts , students ,teachers and also from various open source resources.So it may happen that you could see some questions which are available on the other sources also . ****** All questions are updated regularly by the feedback and memory based questions provided by students who are giving exam.***Please read above before purchasingSkills measuredThe content of this exam was updated on July 8, 2020. Please download the exam skills outline below to see what changed.Describe cloud concepts (10-15%)Describe core Microsoft 365 services and concepts (30-35%)Explain security, compliance, privacy, and trust in Microsoft 365 (30-35%)Describe Microsoft 365 pricing and support (20-25%)"
Price: 29.99

"Relationship Coaching: Love smarter, not harder" |
"I'm doing this because divorce sucks and I don't want to see more of it. If this course helps one couple stay together when they would have otherwise separated, my goal will be achieved.Love is hard. But it doesn't have to be. I believe that healthy love is a skill that can be learned, trained and mastered like a muscle. This education is largely missing from society at large today. To address this need, I have researched dozens and articles to bring my best teaching forward to you. My goal is to help you stay together. So many of us are walking blindly into relationships and making mistakes that can be avoided. This course is filled with analogies, worksheets, quizzes and exercises to help make your relationship more enjoyable and effective. I'll give you practical conversations and tools you can start implementing immediately. It's amazing what we can do with one minute.Divorce, heartbreak, and fighting sucks. And most of it can be prevented. We work so hard to train to be great at our careers. But what about our relationships? I don't want you to have to go through the same pain that I see all around me. I'm telling you, there are things we can do to make our relationships easier, better, and more likely to succeed. You don't have to work harder. Just smarter. We're all busy. I get it. Me too. We feel like we're trying so hard. But if we spend all-day pumping diesel into a gas engine, can we complain that we are doing our best? I'm going to teach you how to get the right gas in the car and make sure it's getting in the tank. The conversations I will guide you through with your partner will help you get there. Strong relationship intelligence does wonders for you, your partner, and eventually children too. We don't learn some of the most important things in school! I see so much suffering around me and want that to change. They say we have to be the change we want to see in this world. So I made this course to be that. Not wanting to end up like those around me, I read a ton over years and had some amazing discoveries. I've summarized many here in an easily-digestible way for you. No spam. No fluff. Just practical and awesome stuff. I sincerely hope that this course will help fill in gaps in knowledge I once shared about relationships to help make yours better. I hope you will feel happier, your partner will feel more at ease, and your children will be happy to have parents with a healthy dynamic. What you'll learn in this course: How to prevent most fights How to make our relationship happier and more enjoyableUnderstanding our partners, what they need and want from us How to make our partners more satisfied without putting in much more work How to feel closer to our partners Tools to deal with conflictDiscovering our own needs, wants, and hidden expectations Strengthening the teamwork and friendship we share with our peers and significant others How to be proactive to give ourselves the space we need to thriveSetting up and enforcing effective limitsGetting the voice in our head on our sideThe health benefits of healthy and strong relationships The biggest misconceptions about love The stages of a relationship How we share and receive love Enriching our emotional bank accountand more! Who this course is for: Anyone interested in strengthening their relationship, at any age 13 or above Anyone interested in expanding their toolkit to understand themselves and their partner betterAnyone who is not currently in a relationship and looking for tools they can bring to one to make it healthier, stronger, and more funAnyone who likes analogies, exercises related to personal development and learning Anyone who likes easily digestible videos that are short, practical, and to the pointYou - if you're interested in learning tools that blew my mind the first time I learned them and which may change your life!Disclaimer: The information in this course does not constitute professional advice. It is for informational purposes only and comes with no rights, warrants or guarantees. It should not overrule any advice you have received from a medical expert who better knows your situation. That being said, I believe it is extremely helpful regardless. Your participation in this course is voluntary. By participating in this course, you agree to hold me and Learn2Love harmless against any claims of loss or any other damages perpetually."
Price: 104.99

"Life Skills Training" |
"Students will learn that how to learn some skills to apply in lifeTo manage the life with some skillsTo manage the life with communication skillsTo manage the life with emotions, relations, mind, success.Development of life with some skills to get succeed in life with higher set of goalsStudents and peoples those who are going start their career with set of goalsStudents can realize of making their goals to reach higher position in life"
Price: 1920.00

"Sketchup & Photoshop for Interior Design" |
"If you want to create professionally looking interior visualizations without spending too much time, then this class is for you!Youll learn different techniques and methods that you can incorporate for your design projects to come up with 2d or 3d visuals for your presentations, in this class youll learn:Familiarize yourself with the Sketchup interfaceImporting CAD plans and tracing over your layoutDifference between groups and componentsProper workflow in creating 3d models in SketchupCreating your own componentsMaximizing scenes to create design optionsApply and modify different textures and materialsSimulating interior lighting with shadowsStyles and exporting to jpg filesLayer MasksUtilizing photoshop's brush tool effectivelyCreating outlines and effects in photoshop Maximizing photoshop's built in lighting effectAt the end of this class you will have basic to intermediate skill level in sketchup and photoshop. This class is tailored for beginners, youll find these simple and effective techniques easy to use and apply to your work!"
Price: 24.99

"Trump Excel - Beginner to Advanced" |
"Trump Excel Beginner to Advanced26 Lectures, ~12.5 hours of Excel Training (Videos)If youre an Excel beginner (or an intermediate) and want to learn Excel, this is the perfect place for you to start.To make the most of this free training, please go through these Excel training videos in the sequence in which they have been listed. I have also divided these into 7 sections.NOTE: In case the video looks a bit blurry, you can change the video quality to 720p (by clicking on the settings gear icon on the bottom right of the video screen)In case youre an intermediate or advanced user, feel free to pick the lessons you want to watch.Also, in case you have any questions or any feedback for me, kindly leave it in the comments area (at the bottom of the videos).Course Content:Sections Covered in this Free Excel Training Section 1 - EXCEL BASICS (for Beginners) Section 2 - EXCEL ESSENTIALS Section 3 - EXCEL FORMULAS Section 4 - DATA ANALYSIS Section 5 - INTRODUCTION TO EXCEL CHARTING Section 6 - PIVOT TABLE Section 7 - EXCEL EXTRASSection 1 - EXCEL BASICS (for Beginners) Lecture 1 Getting Started with Excel - Preview Lecture 2 - Data Entry, Data Editing, and Number Formatting Lecture 3 - Data Formatting Lecture 4 - Working with Cells and Ranges in Excel Lecture 5 - Managing WorksheetsSection 2 - EXCEL ESSENTIALS Lecture 6 - Introduction to Excel Tables Lecture 7 - Auto-fill, Custom Lists, and Flash Fill Lecture 8 - Number Formatting in ExcelSection 3 - EXCEL FORMULAS Lecture 9 - Excel Formula Basics Lecture 10 - Logical Formulas in Excel Lecture 11 - Math Formulas in Excel Lecture 12 - Lookup and Reference Formulas in Excel Lecture 13 - Stats Formulas in Excel Lecture 14 - Text Formulas in Excel Lecture 15 - Date and Time Formulas in Excel Lecture 16 - Formulas Mix and Match (10 Examples)Section 4 - DATA ANALYSIS Lecture 17 - Named Ranges in Excel Lecture 18 - Data Validation in Excel Lecture 19 - Data Sorting and Filtering in Excel Lecture 20 - Using Conditional Formatting in ExcelSection 5 - INTRODUCTION TO EXCEL CHARTING Lecture 21 - Introduction to Excel Charting Lecture 22 - 10 Advanced Excel Charting Examples Lecture 23 - Dynamic Charts in ExcelSection 6 - PIVOT TABLE Lecture 24 - Overview of Excel Pivot TableSection 7 - EXCEL EXTRAS Lecture 25 - Protection in Excel Lecture 26 - Introduction to Macros and VB EditorSo, what are you waiting for, enroll now and take the next step in mastering Excel."
Price: 19.99

"Photoshop Tools for Beginners" |
"The exact rule is not in using Photoshop tools. The tools are floating and waiting for your idea. Apply your creativity and gain skills with the use of these exercises. Sometimes you don't have to draw the eye twice, you just have to copy and mirror. What should be done about the roles of the tissues and the color change of these characters? I also want to find out what tools are good for editing in Photoshop? Only these simple exercises can enhance your skill. Instead of learning their tools separately, learn their tools in these hands-on exercises. Contrast, color saturation, lasso selection tools, magic wand tools, transforms, layers, masks, erasers, creams, blurry and dozens of Photoshop tools. But you have to learn the tools only in these hard exercises. How to convert 2D to 3D? So learn with Photoshop drawing and drawing exercises."
Price: 19.99

"Aprende a operar en el mercado FOREX" |
"- Curso completo de FOREX- Aprenderas a invertir en el mercado FOREX desde cero. - Aprenders a gestionar el riesgo en tus inversiones.- Aprende una estrategia de scalping. Con ella podrs ganar de 20 a 60 dlares diarios.- Aprende sobre anlisis tcnico, fundamental y grfico.- Empeza a ganar en dlares desde tu celular.- Aprende a manejar las aplicaciones metatrader, tradingview. - Crea tu cuenta de prctica y comenza a operar sin arriesgar tu dinero.- Crea tu cuenta real cuando estes listo y empeza a ganar."
Price: 149.99

"Dropshipping Masterclass (tecniche e strategie avanzate)" |
"In questo corso ti spiegher le tecniche e le strategie avanzate che mi hanno portato dal mese di gennaio 2020 fino ad oggi a generare cifre a 5 zeri..Se vuoi avere successo in questo business devi cambiare il tuo mindset, per questo non ti spiegher cose che puoi imparare gratuitamente su Google e Youtube come: installare un Pixel su Facebook, come iscriversi su Shopify ..In questo corso parliamo di cose serie, ti dar delle informazioni che altri formatori si fanno pagare migliaia di euro:1) Ti parler del Mindset da dropshipper che devi avere per guadagnare con questo business2) Ti spiegher le 2 tecniche che uso per trovare prodotti profittevoli al 100%3) Ti spiegher come prezzare il tuo prodotto per non perdere clienti4) Ti dar le 2 strategie che uso per le Facebook Ads e come scalarle5) Ti parler delle migliori applicazioni Shopify6) Ti spiegher come comportarti con uno store in profittoAncora qui? Ti aspetto dentro!"
Price: 19.99

"Coping With Depression For Minorities" |
"Welcome to this E-Course series, Do It Yourself (DIY) Mental Health! In this Psycho-educational E-course you will learn about Depression for a Culturally Sensitive perspective! As an African-American mental health provider and advocate, I created these courses as a mental health resource for minority populations. There are many challenges with mental health in our communities, including stigma, limited access and culturally competent providers. These courses can be seen as a supplemental way to overcome these barriers by providing access to relevant topics on mental health empowerment."
Price: 19.99
