"Helping Client's Understand Depression: E Course Manual" |
"Welcome to this E-Course! In this Psycho-educational E-Course, you will have access to relevant topics and content that will allow you to be more present and prepared for your therapy appointments. Each E-course outlines a particular subject topic in mental health and gives you and your client a basic understanding and definition of this topic. Furthermore, there will be simple activities, exercises, references and resources related to each respective topic.Each course contains about +4 sessions worth of material to cover about a months period of time. Even better, each session has a pre-recorded D.A.P Note that you are able to copy and edit to your satisfaction and reflection of ethical treatment standards. Moreover, you can use them with multiple clients as long as you working with that particular issue. These courses are intended for home-based therapists and mental health professionals of all kinds.Whether you work in private-practice, community agency and/or residential settings or if you are an LCSW, LPC, LMHC, or an intern, you can benefit from this course. The purpose of this course is to help make you more efficient with recording clinical notes and save you time. Welcome to Counseling Made Easy with Mark Nathaniel Skelton!"
Price: 49.99

"Professional Stock Trading Course" |
"This course gives you an insight on how professional traders make money in the market.how they manage their risk. psychology of winning traders.high probability trading systems with a low risk to high reward ratios. when to enter a trade and when to exit a trade. This course explains the professional way of using technical indicators. you will learn how to filter trade signals with high probability and eliminate false entry signals. The strategies explained in the course have a high winning ratio and the parameters to enter a trade are clearly defined. Learn the importance of Position Sizing and Psychological Management in your journey to become a successful trader.Go and watch the Preview videos and Enroll to the course to learn the right way of trading to be successful in the markets."
Price: 12800.00

"WordPress Beginner to Expert Guide in TELUGU" |
"! . , ... , . . ."
Price: 1280.00

"Team Management" |
"An intuitive course designed to teach the essentials of team management to new/experienced project managers. Managing a team is the most challenging part in project management and is considered to have had a high weightage. The course is divided into four parts: Course objectives Team management basics Develop a team Motivate a team Leadership techniques"
Price: 19.99

drkurnikova |
". , , . , 2 . , , , 8 . , , !"
Price: 29.99

"Reclutamiento, entrevista y seleccin de personal." |
"Sabas que Slo el 46% de las contrataciones tienen xito y permanecen ms de 18 meses?Contratar personal es una de las tareas ms difciles a las que los lderes de equipos, dueos de negocios y reclutadores profesionales se pueden enfrentar; Las probabilidades de que algo salga mal son altas.Reclutar y seleccionar personal correctamente no slo nos garantiza que las expectativas que tenemos se cumplan, sino que podemos encontrarnos con la sorpresa de adquirir personas en nuestros equipo que superen nuestras expectativas y nos den valores o ganancias adicionales agregados. Al final, las personas que contratamos pueden llegar a determinar el xito o el fracaso de una empresa o de un equipo.Este curso es para ti si no tienes experiencia en buscar y entrevistar candidatos, o si has entrevistado y contratado pero has fallado o no ha resultado como lo habas esperado.En este curso te enseare a realizar contrataciones exitosas, y para esto estudiaremos estrategias de reclutamiento que atraigan el nmero suficiente de candidatos para que puedas escoger entre los ms aptos, despus disearemos una entrevista a la medida para tus necesidades que te permita hacer una evaluacin objetiva y atinada y luego definiremos criterios de seleccin para que puedas tomar la mejor decisin para tu equipo o negocio.El objetivo del curso es que puedas aprender a realizar un proceso de reclutamiento y seleccin que te reduzca al mnimo las probabilidades de rotacin, conociendo el marco terico de cada paso y las distintas alternativas que puedes tomar para adecuar cada paso a tus necesidades.Tambin aprenders algunas tcnicas y tips que te ayudarn a llevar a cabo este proceso de la forma ms rpida y efectiva posible. El curso est dividido en 3 mdulos:En el primer mdulo aprenders cmo buscar personal, desde definir el perfil que ests buscando, los medios de reclutamiento ms efectivos dependiendo de lo que ests buscando e incluso cmo tener el primer contacto con tus candidatos para que no pierdas tiempo en el reclutamiento e inicies con el pie derecho.En el segundo mdulo aprenders a disear y ejecutar entrevistas de seleccin, y para ello veremos los distintos tipos de entrevistas que hay y para qu puestos sirven cada una, tambin te ensear los distintos tipos de preguntas que hay para que puedas disear tu propio guin de entrevista. Tambin te incluir una lista de tips que debes tener en cuenta para que puedas obtener toda la informacin necesaria de los candidatos para que puedas tomar la mejor decisin.Y finalmente en el tercer mdulo te ensear a seleccionar a los candidatos con base en un sistema objetivo que te permita saber si tu proceso de contratacin es vlido y confiable o si est siendo forzado, veremos las distintas variables que debes analizar para corregir el rumbo - si es necesario - y tambin revisaremos los pasos a seguir que te ayudarn a la retencin de las contrataciones que hayas realizado.Para abarcar estos tres mdulos, te explicar paso a paso de forma prctica todas las fases del proceso de contratacin, y para esto te dar el sustento terico y los ejercicios que necesitars para asegurar el xito."
Price: 270.00

"Sfrdan nternet sitesi kuralm ,Para kazanmaya balayalm!" |
"nternet yeni kazan kaps , eitim sonunda baz arkadalarmz Firmalar iin internet sitesi tasarlayabilir , baz arkadalarmz kendilerine internet sitesi oluturur ve bilgi birikimlerini paylaarak ziyaretiler sayesinde para kazanabilir.Eitimde sfrdan internet sitesi kurulmay ve bu kurduumuz internet sitesinden nasl kazan salayabiliriz bunun hakknda bilgiler iermektedir.Eitime kayt olduktan sonra internet sitesi oluturarak adm adm ilerleyerek para kazanmaya balayn."
Price: 49.99

"Reset, Refocus, Reenergize;" |
"* Discover how to (Reset) the results you dont want so you can start attracting more of what you do* Gain clarity about what you do want (Refocus) * (Reenergize) your desires to Create a Life You Love! You'll get tools for it all! Plus downloadable worksheets so you integrate the information much faster and you'll be able to use these tools right way. This system is duplicatable so you can apply it over & over to all areas of your life and business. In addition to the training videos, you'll see Jodi teaching at a live workshop."
Price: 79.99

pin-work |
Price: 9600.00

40-change-of-life |
Price: 21000.00

"How To Start A Early Childhood Center" |
"Our Online Child Care Course was designed to give a more personal, real life approach on how to open a child care facility. The program goes over how to open a learning facility and gives program considerations from personal experience. Our real world, one on one course was created to reach all audience and is simplified to get educators on the right track and to promote further creativity in regards to program design. Overall our course goes over the basics and help get providers on the right track!"
Price: 34.99

"Relaxation - Reduce Stress, Reduce Anxiety, Build Confidence" |
"This is a deeply relaxing course focusing on reducing stress and anxiety and building confidence.I am an award winning Clinical Hypnotherapist and on this course I use visualization techniques and hypnotherapy to help you eliminate stress and anxiety and make you feel great in yourself. If you've not had hypnotherapy before, it's very like a form of meditation using visualization to help relax you into a state where can change some of your default feelings and beliefs and help to build a new you. In this case; someone who is super relaxed, with the stress and anxieties eliminated and confident and ready to take on anything. "
Price: 19.99

"Databases in Bioinformatics, Become NCBI Professional." |
"This course is mainly about the primary database browser called NCBI. The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) is part of the United States National Library of Medicine, a branch of the National Institutes of Health. The NCBI houses a series of Databases relevant to Biotechnology and Bio-medicine and is an important resource for Bioinformatics.In this Course we will be mainly covering the utilization gene or protein sequence form NCBI. The file formats that are used in NCBI. Utilizing the different database of NCBI mainly including Refseq sequence database, Homologene database, Taxonomy database and PubMed database."
Price: 34.99

Apple/Pages~ |
"Apple""Pages""MaciPadiPhonePagesMicrosoft OfficeWordPagesPDFWordWordPages"
Price: 3000.00

Apple/Keynote~ |
"AppleKeynoteMicrosoft OfficePower PointMacPower PointMacKeynoteKeynoteKeynoteMacKeynoteOK"
Price: 3600.00

Apple/Numbers~ |
Price: 3600.00

"Solving Life Problems - A Lean Six Sigma Philosophy" |
"If you are here on this course page, then I believe you want to learn a method that could help you improve your Life in general and not for your Professional SkillsI could do more in life or could shape it up in a better way or I am tired of solving these problems, it is exhausting and I have hit a dead-end. What can I do more now?- Do you ever get that feeling?Well, there are many ways out there which could definitely help you solve your problems. Out of which there are some particular ones which we will be discussing.Prioritizing and Decision making will be the take away from one of the lessons.Believe, instinctively we have been applying Six Sigma Principles in our daily lives without its knowledge.Wouldnt it be amazing impact on our life if you were equipped with these principles consciously as well?Lean Six Sigma is not just a process or quality improvement methodology; it is also a philosophy and a way of thinking.Six Sigma - Chest is full of such useful tools and techniques which many organizations are using it all over the world to improve the quality and effectiveness of their businesses and putting it on a path of continual improvement since 1986.Through this course we will not be discussing the intricate details of the Lean Six Sigma Principles which gets used by Industries and different organizations across the globe. That can be achieved using a single search on the internet as well.In this beginners course, you will be introduced to Lean Six Sigma Principles and methods, for you to improve the quality and effectiveness of your life. However, the key here is YOUR will to bring a change in your life, even if it is a small one. Without which these principles will be just principles, like a feel good quote you have read somewhere.That's not the case with you, as you are here. You have that will and are already on the path to explore ways to make it better. Arent you?Trust me. I learnt it the hard way. However, you may not!You are someone fresh off the college trying to build up a career or a college student this could be helpful for anyone and everyone.Lets take a look at what I am talking about!"
Price: 5120.00

"Angular 10 desde cero" |
"Angular es un framework opensource desarrollado por Google para facilitar la creacin y programacin de aplicaciones web de una sola pgina, las webs SPA (Single Page Application).En este curso aprenders todo lo relacionado con creacin de proyectos en Angular, conceptos cmo componentes, mdulos, formularios, servicios, directivas, pipes, routing, entre otras herramientas indispensables para afrontar desarrollos en este framework. Adems revisaremos otros temas cmo Firebase, uso de libreras externas cmo Sweet Alert, aprenders a consumir APIS externas. Finalmente respaldars cdigo Angular en GitHub.Mi objetivo y propuesta para este curso es que puedas aprender de forma rpida y de calidad los conceptos principales del framework y quedar capacitado para el siguiente nivel. Mi misin no es ofrecer un curso muy extenso que quizs no alcanzars a terminar, sino ms bien, entregarte desde mi experiencia cmo desarrollador Angular, cuales son los conceptos importantes para poder iniciarte rpidamente en esta tecnologa."
Price: 94.99

"CCCCCCVisual Studio Visual Studio 2019 Cswitchforwhiledo-whiletypedefdefine"
Price: 7800.00

"Aprende Formulacin Inorganica" |
"Curso de Formulacin Inorgnica - Ms de 2 horas de videos con teora y ejercicios resueltos- Practica al final de cada seccin con un TEST-Al finalizar el curso ponte en contacto y te enviaremos un EXAMEN para ponerte a pruebaNo te quedes con dudas y ponte en contacto con cualquier pregunta que tengas"
Price: 19.99

"Slay it Like a Fat Cat! Automated Sales & Marketing" |
"This class is for business owners, managers and marketers: Learn how to use the power of automated sales and marketing to drive greater efficiencies and robust results from every marketing dollar you spend. Better leads, better branding. Learn what automated sales and marketing is, how to prepare and set up successful campaigns and the software and talent you'll need for great results."
Price: 69.99

"Ancient Egyptian Reiki Healing Course" |
"The present online course teaches the pillars of Energetic Healing of EGYPTIAN REIKI of Ancient Egyptians based on their ancestral knowledge of healing, magic and wisdom related to initiations of the elements of the soul and the concepts of human existence in the ""life after death"". In this course you will learn the theoretical principles of Ancient Egyptian History, Cosmogony and Mythology, along with their way of thinking based on the historical records of their beginnings as a great civilisation ""created"" by first Egyptian GODS and GODDESSES. Students and participants will also have the opportunity to learn the channeling technique of the EGYPTIAN REIKI, which is an Energy Healing System that is based on the energetic activation of the ""elements of the soul"", and the use of UNIVERSAL LIFE FORCE ENERGY with healing symbols for initiating into the healing practice of Ancient Egyptians. Participate in this short online course where you can immerse yourself in: Ancient Egyptian History & Cosmology; Initiations for channeling EGYPTIAN REIKI; meditations for balancing and symbols activation; energy healing protocols for establishing your own practice and much more. At the end, you will be able to receive a certificate of participation as an EGYPTIAN REIKI PRACTITIONER granted by the experienced DR. GAMAL PAEZ who is a recognised DOCTOR and SURGEON specialist in ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES and ENERGY HEALING modalities internationally.FEEDBACK""I did the Egyptian Reiki course in Brisbane With Gamal. I found his teachings to be absolutely beautiful coming from a heart that is al about service to others, radiating love and light like a diamond. His energy and his passion in teaching this course are second to none. I initially decided to take this class to add to the therapies that my clinic offers but found the wow factor missing from my life. Thank you Gamal for your precious energy and selfless giving! Jess (Australia)""I completed the Egyptian Reiki Healing Workshop and it was an incredible experience which I am very grateful to have shared. Upon meeting Gamal, I was welcomed by his kind-hearted energy. He is a patient, understanding teacher with a wealth of spiritual knowledge and pure essence of passion. During the workshop, I experienced an intense depth of meditation from the very first initiation. My hands were burning (despite the rain pouring outside and it being very cold) and a high level of connection and sensitivity to energies flowed through me. I highly recommend this Workshop to any one who feels drawn to it, especially if you feel connected with Ancient Egypt. Sophie (Australia)"".""The Egyptian Reiki weekend was a profound experienceI am drawing regularly on Egyptian Reiki in my daily life and actively using this with family and friends. There have been many synchronistic moments unfolding afterwards Carmen (Australia).""""I have had the pleasure of learning 2 healing modalities from Gamal and they have both been absolutely amazing experiences. I completed the Egyptian Reiki workshop in January and the DNA healing activation workshop a few days ago. I had never experienced a DNA healing and Egyptian Reiki before and all I can say is wow!! I feel stronger, calmer and so peaceful since my healing and it has completely changed my mindset and the way I react to things and situations. Gamal has the most beautiful energy and is a wonderful spiritual teacher with a wealth of knowledge which he is happy to share with his students. He is a truly beautiful soul and that comes through in all of his teachings and I have never felt such deep relaxation as I have experienced during his meditations and I am so grateful to have learned these healing techniques from him and I look forward to learning more in the future. Thank you Gamal Laura, Australia"
Price: 54.99

"AWS course for beginners and professionals" |
"Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a secure cloud services platform, offering compute power, database storage, content delivery and other functionality to help businesses scale and grow. ... Using managed databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle or SQL Server to store information.AWS is trusted by many firms, small or big because of the features it provides. AWS helps companies with a wide variety of workloads such as game development, data processing, warehousing, achieve, development and many more. ... AWS helps firms by providing the quality services and supports their businesses."
Price: 1280.00

"Cuentos para el crecimiento personal" |
"A travs de sencillos cuentos contados por el autor, podrs escuchar historias que encierran moralejas que son aplicables a nuestro da a da. Este curso es una forma diferente de aprender y gestionar nuestras emociones hacia una vida ms satisfactoria. En l encontrars mensajes acerca de la fidelidad en uno mismo, la tolerancia, la responsabilidad y la consecuencia de nuestros actos, o la importancia de algunas de nuestras decisiones o de los juicios que emitimos tanto de los dems como de nosotros mismos."
Price: 19.99

"Common ISO 9001:2015 Non-conformances explained" |
"Most that walk away from the typical ISO 9001:2015 training lack a true understanding of the standard clauses and objective evidence. This course was inspired by recurring trends found on the same non-conformances and confusion areas across the many industries that I have audited. ISO can be a bit confusing and overwhelming to say the least. This course will clear up confusion and misconceptions about the ISO 9001:2015 standard in one course. The focus in four key areas will create clarity on the standard as a whole. As a learner, you will understand why this course differs from others and why it is an added benefit as a precursor or predecessor to your ISO knowledge. Additionally, you will find the value of taking a course instructed by an Engineer who has held roles implementing quality systems, developing systems and certifying companies to the ISO 9001:2015 standard as a Registrar Auditor."
Price: 54.99

"Drone Photogrammetric Image Processing (Beginner to Expert)" |
"This course is all about UAV/Drone image processing for GIS data product generation through Agisoft Metashape. In this course, the end to end UAV/Drone image processing steps are explained in detail starting from image preprocessing/post-processing to accuracy assessment including theoretical content that provides better understanding. Other than Ortho, DSM, DTM. Point Cloud, Contour and 3D mesh generation this course detailed about stereo satellite image processing, panorama generation, volume calculation, ortho color correction, stereo setup file creation, RTK and PPK image processing and Network-based Parallel Image Processing for Massive image processing. I hope this course will provide Most Advanced UAV/Drone Image Processing Knowledge to the Learners and the geospatial professional/community."
Price: 1600.00

"ISO 9001, Quality Management and Strategic Thinking Training" |
"This course is not a step by step (or clause by clause) explanation of ISO 9001:2015! At all! For such courses, please refer to other colleagues/instructors where they have a great explanation for that.In this course (in which for sure we will extract some clauses and explain from the system), we will be concentrating on how to understand ISO 9001 Quality Management System as the way you do Business. Your daily Business, Analysis and Implementation.We will start by the most needed and critical definitions (looks boring a bit but without this foundation, we cannot beat the coming beast) that will enlighten our path to the other lectures and sections.Then, we will highlight the role of leadership in the quality management system and how much leaders are in the heart of the whole process (company) and each and every process also.Later, we will be discussing the great seven Quality Management Principles that almost all business owners uses on their daily basis and within their leadership styles without knowing the emphasis that ISO put on them.In addition to that, we will be discussing the major changes in ISO 2015 revision compared to 2008 and not to just know the difference rather than knowing its importance on the business itself.One major concept will be discussed and fully explained also is the Process approach and how this can help you to Plan, Do, Check and Act (Continually Improve) any Process (wide or sub process) that you will be working on or even designing (new process)Another critical aspects that is considered the biggest change in the new ISO 2015 version is the context of the organization, we will be demystifying it to know the importance of identifying the External & Internal issues, Interested parties plus their needs and expectations (what is the difference between a need and an expectation also), Risks and opportunities and the relation with SWOT analysis. We will be using those aspects to understand the Strategic planning process, Vision, Mission, Strategy Map, and its integration with the Quality Management System and process approach.Then we will be demystifying the difference between a GOAL and an Objective and how SMART objectives achieve the intended results. Then we will discuss the origin of objectives establishment and from where to start.Performance Evaluation will be critical to implement after all this knowledge, what to measure and monitor? When? How (methods used)? ... And many other questions the organization and its process owners shall ask themselves.How to use the data perfectly so to analyze and improve the use of resources for a better output? How to be efficient rather than being effective.How to make sure your products and services are conforming to clients requirements? The degree of your customer satisfaction? The effectiveness of your QMS? If you actually got what you planned for? How your external providers are performing and how you can continually improve your QMS? Those questions shall be the basis of your interpretation of the business.We will be discussing how to establish your process KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and release a dashboard to ease monitoring those processes. Management Review meeting importance (Inputs & Outputs needed/expected), NCRs and continually improving to reach an Analytical Mindset.Be Ready for a different, but great journey!"
Price: 24.99

"Learn Norwegian for Beginners: The Ultimate 75-Lesson Course" |
"Are you ready to start speaking and understanding Norwegian in minutes? Then, this is the course for you. You unlock 75 high-quality beginner video lessons and well guide you step-by-step.Learn Norwegian with lessons made by real teachers.In every lesson, we take you by the hand and guide you through the language.You will...Learn How to Read and Speak NorwegianSound like a Native Speaker with Pronunciation LessonsLearn Basic Norwegian Conversation Skills with the 3-Minute Video SeriesSharpen Your Listening with Comprehension LessonsGet Access to 75 High-Definition Video LessonsUnlock Bonus Access to Lesson TranscriptsThis is the ultimate starting point for any beginner. By the end, youll be able to hold basic Norwegian conversations such as introducing yourself, asking for directions, and making small talk with others. Youll also know how to read and write in Norwegian.If youre a beginner and want to learn Norwegian in the fastest, easiest, and most fun way, start here. This course is broken up into 6 parts:Learn Norwegian in Three Minutes: Want to learn Norwegian? Don't know where to start? This is it. The Introduction to Norwegian Video series is perfect for those who know zero Norwegian but want to take that first step. In this series, you'll learn all the basics you need to get started with the Norwegian language. Plus, you'll get some special tips on how to be extra authentic when interacting with native Norwegian speakers. The best part? You'll do all this in just 3 quick minutes.Norwegian Listening Comprehension for Absolute Beginners: Improve your Norwegian listening skills in every lesson! This Norwegian Listening Comprehension Series tests you on your listening and makes sure you understand every word. Listen to the dialog, watch the video, and answer the questions asked. This video series is perfect for Absolute Beginners.Norwegian Reading Comprehension for Absolute Beginners: Improve your Norwegian reading skills in every lesson! This Norwegian Reading Comprehension Series tests you on your reading and makes sure you understand every word. Listen to the dialog, watch the video, and answer the questions asked. This video series is perfect for Absolute Beginners.Norwegian Listening Comprehension for Beginners: Building on the last Listening Comprehension Series, Improve your listening skills with the Beginner level Norwegian Listening Comprehension Series, testing you further on your listening abilities, making sure you understand every word. Listen to the dialog, watch the video, and answer the questions. This video series is perfect for Beginners.Norwegian Reading Comprehension for Beginners: Building on the last Reading Comprehension Series, Improve your reading skills with the Beginner level Norwegian Listening Comprehension Series, testing you further on your listening abilities, making sure you understand every word. Listen to the dialog, watch the video, and answer the questions. This video series is perfect for Beginners."
Price: 24.99

"Best Course For Agile Project Management" |
"Welcome to your next Udemy course! It's Best Course For Agile Project Management The only course on Udemy to feature a real Fortune 500 CIO and a Scrum trainer and when you are complete Udemy will issue you a certification of completion.In this one of a kind course you will learn secrets of better Agile from a real executive with years of experience leading an enterprise IT team. These are the secrets executive normally don't share. Have you ever been confused by Scrum or transformation efforts? Have you felt disconnected from your work and confused about what you doing? Most workers don't understand how their contribution influences a large project. That's an incredibly important problem because that means that people don't know if their work is helping or hurting the company. You'll learn how to spot and fix that in this course. Your leadership teams will be aligned and you'll be able to do bullseye work. Do yo know what happens to people who are laser-focused and successful like this?They get promoted and not just once. They get promoted over and over again. Join us learn how to get these rare promotions and become an effective leader and change-agent.Inside this course you will get a step-by-step playbook on how to lead your own Agile team at large corporations.You will get a step-by-step playbook on how to make your startup agile from a real tech founder.These playbooks are worth 10x the price of the course by themselves. You will have access to the most qualified Agile coach on Udemy, a trainer who can answer your questions. This type of access and coaching normally costs hundreds of dollars an hour.Agile can be confusing and we are here to straighten everything out. By the time you finish this course you will be able to go toe-to-toe on Agile with anyone in your company. It's like having a former Fortune 500 executive and Head of Agile/Scrum as your personal mentors. Invest in yourself and in your future. If you are not completely satisfied there is an ironclad money back guarantee so there is no risk. You won't have access to these secrets and coaching anywhere else. This is a one-of-a-kind course that is normally reserved for exclusive MBA programs.Join today, I'm waiting for you inside the course. "
Price: 199.99

"Project Management (PMP) 101" |
"Do you want to check your knowledge in project management by simply running a checklist of things you must know as a project manager?Do you want to take a quick assessment to test your readiness to take the PMP exam?This test will do it for you!Here's what to do. Take this exam, and if you don't pass I highly advise you to review your PMP course or the PMBOK GuideIf you pass, however, it doesn't mean you're ready to take the PMP exam. It only means that you have the proper know-how and you only need to practice as many questions as you can. A carefully selected True/False questions compiled to test your knowledge in project management in a very short time.The required passing score is 90% and the duration is 30 minutes!If you don't pass, this means that you need to review your course and books carefully.If you don't pass this exam, please don't take the PMP exam as you are not ready yet!!"
Price: 19.99

"Cypto Currency - Bit Coin For The World" |
"Didalam kursus singkat ini, akan dijelaskan serba serbi tentang mata uang kripto (Crypto Currency) dari mulai bagian paling mendasar sampai dengan pembahasan tentang salah satu jenis mata uang kripto yang paling populer yaitu Bit Coin.Dibawah ini adalah kurikulum lengkap nya :Pengenalan Mata Uang KriptoSejarah Mata Uang KriptoCara Kerja Mata Uang KriptoPertambangan Mata Uang KriptoMemilih Mata Uang KriptoKegunaan Mata Uang KriptoSejarah Bit CoinTrading Bit CoinAnalisa Fundamental Trading Bit CoinAnalisa Technical Trading Bit CoinSemoga Bermanfaat dan Selamat Mengikuti Kursus Bit Coin for The World"
Price: 280000.00
