"Mega curso completo de Solid Edge de 0 a 100 profesional" |
"Adntrate en el mundo de Solid Edge y convirtete en un experto del diseo 3D. El curso empieza desde el nivel ms elemental hasta estrategias de profesionales. Te llevaremos de la mano en el diseo 3D.El curso de Solid Edge est diseado por mdulos en los que vers todas las herramientas del programa y aprenders a usar cada una de ellas. Despus vers proyectos completos en los que vers como se usan las herramientas en casos prcticos.El programa de Solid Edge incluye herramientas de slidos, de bocetos, de conjuntos y de simulacin. Si aprendes a utilizar cada una de ellas de la forma adecuada podrs hacer cualquier trabajo de ingeniera, arquitectura y fabricacin que te propongas. Solid Edge es un software realmente completo.Apntate ahora y empieza a disear!"
Price: 59.99

"Interview Questions and Necessary Preparations" |
"In this course, Interview Preparation and Expectation, Students will be able to successfully go through frequently asked questions and prepare for the same, for your forthcoming job interview, with a complete 'Think-Feel-Do' experience as you proceed.This course is suitable for all seeing guidance on how to tackle or answer questions confidently at job interviews. It is a great refresher to all. Best suited to freshers or young graduates.So, jump right in the course.Sandra BarrosImage Consultant and Soft Skills Trainer"
Price: 1280.00

"Transmission Power Engineering Fundamentals" |
"Transmission Power Engineering Fundamentals is a comprehensive video course where you can learn industry specific knowledge about the Transmission power system that you would not have known unless you worked within the utility industry for a number of years.I have handcrafted this course to allow students to acquire core fundamental knowledge on how the transmission system works.If you are a recent graduate of an engineering program or wanting to switch careers to being a Transmission engineer, you will find this course of great help to get the fundamental knowledge you need to kick start your professional career.This course can benefit anyone who wanted to work in the utility industry. As long as you have interest working in this industry, be it accounting, IT, supply chain etc, this course can help you to get an advantage at work or getting a job within this industry as it gives you core knowledge of the industry that you would not have otherwise obtain unless you have worked in the industry spanning multiple departments. And knowledge is power.So let's get started! Let's start your fulfilling journey and mark an important point of your phenomenal career in this industry!"
Price: 109.99

"Introduccin al Anlisis de Datos con Qlik Sense Business" |
"Inicia de forma exitosa el camino del anlisis de datos con un de las ms poderosas plataformas de analtica empresarial Qlik Sense, una de las ms utilizada a nivel profesional y empresarial por su interfaz limpia e intuitiva ideal para analistas de negocios con funcionalidades avanzadas que permite conectar una amplia variedad de datos desde mltiples fuentes, para desarrollar importantes ampliativos, reportes y dashboards que cuentan historias a partir de los datos.Este curso comienza desde lo ms sencillo explicando las generalidades de Qlik Sense y vamos avanzando hasta crear un informe con un set de datos reales y disponible va API en la web para conocer muchos ms acerca de la situacin mundial generada por el Covid-19 y que podrs mostrar y compartir va navegador con informacin actualizada de manera automtica diariamente, el cual lleva tu valor profesional a un nivel superior.Al finalizar este curso estars en plena capacidad de comenzar a generar tus aplicativos con informacin destacada y para contar historias a partir de los datos."
Price: 19.99

"Scala Programming From Scratch To Depth" |
"Learn Scala Programming From Scratch To DepthFrom Simple program to Data Structures to OOPS and Functional Programming. Every thing covered with Hands on programming.Taught in very simple english language so any once can follow the course easily.No Prerequisites Perfect start point to learn scala for Big Data Spark, Play, Scalatra, Lift, Sinatra, etc"
Price: 199.99

"Defensive Tactics in a Street Fight" |
"In this series, Nick Drossos, takes on 6'6 Jimmy (A.K.A) 315 Lbs Moose. He will break down, the mental and physical offensive and defensive tactics you need to apply to take out a much larger attacker. When faced with a much larger attacker, that is bulling you, you need to finish it fast and get out. In this series I will teach you, all the tricks you need in a street fight to survive!"
Price: 49.99

"Close Combat for Women" |
"In this series, I will be covering the 10 of the most common attacks that women may face in the street. I break them down, and take Canadace through a step by step, covering awareness, mind set and the physical tactics to evade, escape and when needed to strike full force."
Price: 24.99

"Hacking and Securing Docker Containers v2.0" |
"[Please note that the course is being heavily updated with more videos]This is the latest version of our previous course Hacking and Securing Docker Containers. This course contains several updates to the previous version.Updates include:1. Detailed explanation of how docker images are locally stored2. How to abuse CAP_SYS_MODULE and write a kernel module to get escape the container and get a reverseshell.3. Scanning Docker Images using Trivy4. Docker Content Trust5. 1080p quality videos (compared to 720p in previous version)This course introduces students to the security concepts associated with Docker. Docker is a popular software and it is widely used in Information Technology Industry. It's popularity also brings a larger attack surface and thus it is important to understand it's security aspects to be able to protect Docker containers. This course is designed for students with any experience. If you never used Docker, its fine we have covered the basics. If you have used Docker for containerizing your applications, we have covered some advanced topics such as escaping from containers to host using misconfigured containers. Regardless of your experience with Docker, we have got you covered here."
Price: 199.99

"Direito Tributrio atualizado com as novas regras" |
"O contedo que abordarei aqui ser com a mesma profundidade que aprendi no meu curso de ps-graduao, claro que com menos exemplos e mais resumido.Nesse curso voc aprender a parte terica do Direito Tributrio e alguns clculos simples relacionados ao tributao. No ser somente teoria, vamos aprender na prtica. Sero apresentados os principais aspectos do direito tributrio, mostrando seu conceito, os princpios, as limitaes do poder de tributar do estado. Sero abordados de maneira avanada os principais tributos do direito tributrio brasileiro. Ser falado sobre tipos de tributos e a diferena entre os mesmos. Os alunos aprendero a identificar a legislao tributria na Constituio federal, cdigo tributrio nacional e conhecero o bsicos das leis dos principais tributos.Nesse curso no ensinarei somente Direito, tambm ensinarei aspectos da contabilidade relativos a apurao dos tributos, mas no se assuste, no ser um curso de contabilidade cheio de termos tcnicos.Vamos responder mais de 100 questes ao longo do curso relacionadas a diversas partes do Direito Tributrio. Voc no obrigado a assistir essas aulas respostas para aprender, mas um bnus para fixar mais seu conhecimento. Olhe a grade curricular para conhecer mais sobre o que iremos aprender."
Price: 69.99

"Gann Izgara Teknik izim Arac Kullanm ve Strateji" |
"Gann alardan oluan zgara yntemi ile grafiklerin izimi ve teknik analiz yntemini reneceiz. MetaTrader 4 Platformnda foreks oyuncularnn yakinen tand Gann Izgara kullanmn ve analizini anlatrken herhangi bir grafik zerine indikatr olmadan zgara izim yntemini renerek MetaTrader 4 platformu dnda da nvesting, Tradingview gibi platformlarda Gann Izgarann bilimsel metotlarla Gann kuram erevesinde izimini ve etkin kullanmn reneceiz.Izgara ile destek diren oluturma zaman analizi ve ierisinde fan kullanmna rnekler yapacaz."
Price: 49.99

"Flutter Android & iOS Amazon Clone App with Firebase 2020" |
"E-commerce is the activity of electronically buying or selling of products on online services or over the Internet. For example, you may have used e-commerce apps like Amazon, OLX, eBay, AliExpress & FlipKart.In this course, you will learn how to make your own e-commerce app using Flutter with Firebase Firestore as backend. We will develop this app step by step. And at the end of this course you will have your own fully functional e-commerce app. And at the end of this course you will be able to make your own incredible frontend and backend Android and iOS applications using flutter sdk with Firebase Firestore."
Price: 199.99

"Learn basics of chair dance" |
"Ladies Tease Dance is a unique and comprehensive dance system that helps women become confident and fit. Through my chair dance courses, you will learn to dance unique movements design to allow your femininity to shine and to feel good about yourself, your unique skill set, who you are, who you can become, what you look like."
Price: 19.99

"Complete Guide to InVideo and InVideo Video Creation" |
"Welcome to Complete Guide to InVideo and InVideo Video Creation!The only course you will need to start with InVideo, one of the best online video creator and editor on the market.Here you will learn everything you need to know about InVideo, including but not limited to:Basics & Interface of InVideo;Tools of InVideo;Creation of Different Video Projects;Practical tips & Tricks& Much More...Most importantly this course will continue and grow as time passes and all the upgrades will be available for FREE for every enrolled student.And don't forget that Instructor is here for you. For any questions do not hesitate to ask."
Price: 19.99

"Coding MasterClass for kids: Cats, Robots, and Pythons!" |
"Coding for kids** Welcome to the most comprehensive and in depth course of its kind on Udemy !! **So what makes this course different from the tons of courses out there? Simple answer: EVERYTHING!This course is so much more than merely teaching kids how to code.--But first a very important aspect :Those under 18 may use the services only if a parent or guardian opens their account, handles any enrollments, and manages their account usage. We love it that young ones want to learn, and that parents or guardians allow for this, but is extremely important to us that all of this is done with your child's safety in mind.This is why we've added a short video to this course about the safety of our kids while online. Please take the information contained in it to heart and apply it to your child's time online. To facilitate this it is important to know that the course is intended for PURCHASE by adults, and that account usage must be under full-time management by a parent or guardian. We've also added Academy's terms of usage on this matter to the end of this page.--OK, so back to the fun stuff !Sure, kids, young adults, and anybody interested will learn to code with this course, yes, but as you will discover this is the mere tip of the iceberg. For one, we teach this course using the principles behind the term Computational Thinking, effectively preparing our students for the brave new world that lies beyond the much talked about Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). What this boils down to is that we use Scratch 3.0 as a tool for bigger and bolder things.We instill the very essence of complex ideas like Decomposition, Pattern Recognition, Abstraction and the all-important Algorithm Design without our students even realizing that they are using these principles. (They just think they are having fun !)We look at basic Algebra, Trigonometry, and yes, even Robotics, all the while encouraging and focusing on critical 21st century Life, Literacy and Learning Skills. Skills like Creativity, Collaboration and Initiative are encouraged during this course as we cycle through easy to understand small bits of information. (And YES, we even build a robot together, using the skills learned during the course!)After we are done with code-based programming (using Scratch 3.0 ) we move over to the incredibly popular, incredibly powerful Python, and teach our students the basics using the same principles as we utilized up to this point, linking the two coding platforms as not to overwhelm our budding student coders. (FUN being one of these principles)You see, we believe, very much like Mitch Resnick, director of the MIT Media Lab, that people should not be merely learning to code, but instead coding to learn, and when people learn to code in the right way, they learn important strategies for solving problems, designing projects, and communicating ideas.This is but a glimpse of an absolutely MASSIVE course, not only in terms of content and variety of topics, but also in terms of the critical skills that we all , but especially our young ones will need to possess in order to be relevant in this modern environment where concepts like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and the Internet of Things are fast becoming commonplace. This , for us as the course creators and educators, Is the true essence of what a ""Masterclass ""needs to be : not a course that attempts to cram as much (or as little) information as what is deemed to be required into brains, but rather a course where a student walks away with a true understanding of not only the technical aspects of the subject matter, but the reasoning behind the methodology. We have found, time and time again, that this way of doing things result in a student that can apply what he or she have learned to whatever the need may be, and carry these skills with them for the rest of their lives. This, however, is not all! For your hard-earned money you also get :Lifetime access to this courseConstant updates and additions to course materialsa Very responsive instructor (that loooves what he does)Quizzes formulated to ask the right questions, testing knowledge in a very specific way, not just ""fillers ""to make a course seem longer and devoid of substance.Challenges that challenge the right skills at the right time, with step by step walkthroughs of solutions. A Certificate of CompletionSo what makes this course different you ask? E-VE-RY-THING !!PS : We also have a huge bonus for those students that successfully finish this course : a Certificate ! We will send you a digital certificate detailing all of the outcomes of this course, apart form the standard Udemy completion certificate, absolutely free of charge. How awesome is this ! -------------VERY IMPORTANT** It is very important for us that our young ones remain safe while online, and as such we adhere to Udemy's Terms of Use , especially regarding young people using this facility. Please read the terms of service below very carefully **Terms of UseUdemys mission is to improve lives through learning. We enable anyone anywhere to create and share educational courses (instructors) and to enroll in these educational courses to learn (students). We consider our marketplace model the best way to offer valuable educational content to our users. We need rules to keep our platform and services safe for you, us and our student and instructor community. These Terms apply to all your activities on the Udemy website, the Udemy mobile applications, our TV applications, our APIs and other related services (Services).Students and instructors must be at least 18 years of age to create an account on Udemy and use the Services. If you are younger than 18 but above the required age for consent to use online services where you live (for example, 13 in the US or 16 in Ireland), you may not set up an account, but we encourage you to invite a parent or guardian to open an account and help you enroll in courses that are appropriate for you. If you are below this age of consent to use online services, you may not create a Udemy account. If we discover that you have created an account that violates these rules, we will terminate your account. Under our Instructor Terms, you may be requested to verify your identity before you are authorized to submit a course for publication on Udemy."
Price: 29.99

"Snowflake Concepts and Fundamentals [2020]" |
"If you are busy and want to understand the Snowflake concepts and its architecture then this course will help you build an understanding. There is no prior Snowflake knowledge required to complete this course .In this course, there is a great emphasis on the hands-on activities to ensure the concepts are well embedded into the thoughts than just theory"
Price: 19.99

"BIM no es un software - es una metodologa" |
"El concepto BIM nace como una metodologa para la estandarizacin de los datos y la operacin de los procesos de Arquitectura, Ingeniera y Construccin. Si bien su aplicabilidad va ms all de este entorno, su mayor impacto ha sucedido por la creciente necesidad de transformacin del sector construccin y la oferta existente de los diferentes actores que participan en la cadena de valor de la modelacin del mundo fsico hacia infraestructuras inteligentes.Empresas como AutoDesk, Bentley Systems, Trimble y Hexagon han sido parte de esta evolucin, en parte por disponer de una oferta de software asociado a la Geo-ingeniera. Sin embargo, BIM no es aprender un software; BIM es una metodologa de mejora de procesos aprovechando las bondades de la modelacin digital donde constructores, arquitectos, topgrafos, ingenieros civiles, estructurales y electromecnicos requieren de un flujo interconectado para una mayor eficiencia en la toma de decisiones y una prestacin de un mejor servicio a los clientes.Este curso ha sido desarrollado para nivelar la conceptualizacin de los usuarios interesados en la transformacin de los procesos relacionados con la transformacin del territorio, bajo la premisa:BIM no es un software. Es una metodologa.Este curso narrado por Gabriella se complementa con otros mdulos de la oferta de AulaGEO, diseada por Golgi Alvarez, donde estos principios se aplican utilizando herramientas disponibles en la industria.Esperamos lo disfruten."
Price: 199.99

"Curso de fotografa bsica y manejo de la cmara Reflex" |
"Este es un curso de fotografa para aquellos que quieren aprender los conceptos principales de la fotografa, con aplicacin prctica paso a paso utilizando cmaras profesionales Reflex.En el primer captulo el curso presenta aspectos bsicos de la fotografa, tal como el encuadre, profundidad de campo, barrido, bodegn, retrato y paisaje. Adicionalmente se presentan los fundamentos del manejo de luz y el balance de blancos.En el segundo captulo se explica el trangulo de exposicin y se muestran las difentes partes y componentes de una cmara profesional. En este caso se utilizan dos modelos: Una cmara EOS 500d Rebel T1i y una cmara ms moderna EOS 90D; buscando fundamentar que los principios son los mismos a pesar que las funcionalidades de los equipos ms modernos lo vuelven ms fcil e intuitivo.Las explicaciones sobre estas dos cmaras mantienen un enfoque neutral, de modo que un usuario pueda entender cmo se hacen las cosas y el porqu, de modo que pueda manejar prcticamente cualquier modelo de cmara y marca.El captulo 4 trata sobre los diferentes lentes objetivo y el captulo 5 sobre las reglas de composicin fotogrfica tales como:Regla de terciosCentradoLneas curvas y curva en sLnea de horizonteLneas diagonalesSimetraLneas convergentesEnmarcado naturalVertical u horizontalAcercarse al encuadreParte de un todoInclinar el planoPunto de vistaEspacio vacoSombrasContraste de coloresEnfoqeu selectivoImportancia de la escalaFinalmente el captulo 6 desarrolla ejercicios prcticos de aplicacin de lo aprendido, realizando tomas de luces de automviles en movimiento, retrato, bodegn, barrido y contraluz. Esperamos que disfrutes el curso."
Price: 199.99

"French for you, grammar B1-B2 and beyond" |
"This video grammar course is based on the content indicated by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages for levels B1 and B2. But it is not a course only dedicated to candidates for these exams. In addition to the grammar aspect, there is a lot of emphasis on the acquisition of a new vocabulary, extending it to different and alternative contexts. What you learn can and should be used in real language. It is a course that privileges examples over-rules and whose aim is to provide a useful tool for all those who wish to express themselves more freely and fully in French. This course, entirely spoken in French, improves the level of listening comprehension. The written exercises and the 25 dictations added to the course also allow you to practice your writing. Content of the lessons : 1 Valeur et emploi des prpositions dans, sur, , chez2 Prpositions et adverbes de lieu premire partie3 Prpositions et adverbes de lieu deuxime partie4 Verbes de dplacement5 Verbes de dplacement (suite)6 Pronoms interrogatifs7 Formation des adverbes8 Les temps composs et l'infinitif pass9 La ngation, approfondissement10 Le discours indirect11 Accord du participe pass avec avoir et les verbes pronominaux12 Accord du participe pass, cas particuliers13 Le subjonctif, formation et emploi14 Le subjonctif et les constructions impersonnelles15 Les phrases hypothtiques16 Les pronoms relatifs simples et composs17 Les doubles pronoms18 Les pronoms EN et Y19 Indiquer le temps, premire partie20 Indiquer le temps, deuxime partie21 Grondif, participe prsent, adjectif verbal22 Les adjectifs indfinis23 Les pronoms indfinis24 La forme passive25 Le pass simple26 Lopposition27 Le but28 La cause29 La consquence30 La concession (1)31 La concession (2)32 La nominalisation des verbes33 La nominalisation des adjectifs34 Verbes et prpositions35 Les mots de liaison"
Price: 99.99

"Edio de Web Clip Magix Vegas" |
"Mini Curso intensivo de Edio de Web Clipe, Pocket Show, DVDs Magix Vegas Pro, Vai aprender a syncar com Pluraleys da Redgiant , cortar , tratar a cor , adicionar texto e renderizar, tudo para se tornar independente e gerar seus prprios contedo para suas redes sociais . Estarei a disposio para sanar quaisquer duvida pertinente a este curso."
Price: 19.99

uprazhneniya_dlya_razvitiya_uverennosti_v_sebe_i_svoikh_silakh |
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Price: 19.99

oshibki_nachinayushchikh_videoblogerov_montazh_video |
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Price: 19.99

"FERRAMENTAS DE VENDAS - Planilha de Excel para Vendedores" |
"Esse Curso, tem como objetivo disponibilizar e ensinar como preencher a Planilha de Controle de Vendas e Comisses, para vendedores em Geral.A planilha ser disponibilizada para Download e atravs desse curso, ensino como preench-la de forma adequada, para que o profissional em vendas possa:Definir adequadamente suas Metas (Ferramenta SMART)Acompanhar seus Resultados em Vendas anuais, mensais e dirios (Do Macro para o Micro)Ter um maior controle de seus comissionamentosCom base nos seus nmeros definir estratgias de atuaoCom base no controle de suas comisses, poder estabelecer suas prioridades profissionais e pessoaisObter uma excelente ferramenta para apresentar em uma reunio comercialGrficos Dinmicos e interativos de fcil visualizao e interpretao"
Price: 39.99

"Cooking & Baking recipes: Back In The USSR - dessert, cake" |
"Home cooking of the USSRRecipes of the most popular dishes of Soviet cuisineUse this recipes and prepare a sweetness today. Moreover, it uses the simplest products that are now available in every kitchen!You will learn how to cook delicious food step by step, with detailed instructions. The recipe library is constantly updated. By purchasing this course you will get full access to all recipes and updates.At the moment the course includes the following recipes: Chocolate sausage Cottage cheese pudding Cake Black PrinceAre you wanting more? Then come on and join me!Get popular recipes of Soviet cuisine, thanks to which you can prepare interesting dishes from simple products."
Price: 29.99

"The Business Branding Guide: part 2 - Grow a Brand Community" |
"In the business branding guide, after defining your brand ( brand -Definition: we covered this in course 1), the next stage is to build a community around it. You will learn how to;Understand your audienceCreate helpful & Engaging contentRemain consistent to build trustCreate a unique tribeOffer an affordable serviceDeliver excellentlyThen you will also see some tools you can use;Trello CanvaInshotThis will really help your brand and business. Feel free to comment."
Price: 194.99

"The Business Branding Guide: Brand Definition Part 1of 3" |
"The Business Branding Guide: part 1, is a step-by-step approach for business owners and everyone in the branding industry. If you fall into this niche, then this is for you. You must understand that there are some fundamentally important questions every brand must answer to really stand out like the Coca-cola's, the Google's and the Apple's.The journey starts with why and ends with a clear vision of where you are driving your brand. I hope you find this very useful as it has been tried and tested by almost 20 businesses."
Price: 194.99

"Design Thinking: Simulador de Examen & Material de Estudio" |
"La certificacin profesional Design Thinking proporciona una comprensin detallada de los conceptos y definiciones clave para mejorar su interaccin con la experiencia del usuario. CertiProf cubre cinco fases clave para ser un Design Thinker: empatizar, definir, idear, prototipo y evaluar, lo que ayuda a las organizaciones a crear propuestas tiles que se adaptan a las necesidades reales de las personas; Permitiendo ampliar la cartera de servicios, consolidar la marca y mejorar los resultados.Elementos del Curso:Material de estudio digital de los contenidos de la certificacin.Simulador de Examen de 40 preguntas de apoyo para la certificacin, en el cual puedes practicar con preguntas similares al del examen real, en cada intento las preguntas y alternativas se ordenan aleatoriamente.Asesora Virtual del Simulador de Examen: Si tienes consultas sobre las preguntas y/o respuestas del Simulador de Examen, puedes escribirnos va WhatsApp, Telegram o e-mail y nosotros te explicaremos la pregunta o te justificaremos la respuesta segn corresponda.Un 25% de descuento en el examen de Design Thinking Professional Certificate (DTPC) en espaol, al adquirirlo con nosotros. Incluye segundo intento Gratis.Informacin Relevante:Este curso NO incluye videos.El programa de ITC puntos es vlido para las compras realizadas desde el 1 de julio de 2020.Al adquirir este curso obtienes 1000 ITC puntos, los cuales podrs usar para canjear cursos de apoyo, descuentos en cursos e-learning y en exmenes de certificacin, entre otros beneficios, lo anterior para premiar a nuestros estudiantes por preferirnos. Udemy NO entrega certificado de finalizacin al completar este curso, porque es del tipo Examen de Prueba.Somos miembros de la red de socios CertiProf Authorized Training Partners.La entrega de material del curso se realiza de Lunes a Viernes de 09:00 a 18:00 horas y Sbado de 09:00 a 14:00 horas. Domingo Cerrado. Zona Horaria: UTC/GMT -3 horas.Si tienes consultas adicionales, contctanos va WhatsApp/Telegram al +56 9 43532900"
Price: 149.99

"Learn Data Analysis From Scratch" |
"In this course you will learn about Data Analysis in a step by step manner. This course is divided into 4 parts. Following are the course StructureLEARN DATA ANALYSIS FROM SCRATCH Part I : Tools For Data AnalysisPython Refresher01 Course Pre-RequisiteLearn Coding From Scratch With Python302 Ipython Interpreter03 Jupyter NotebookRunning Jupyter NotebookObject introspection%Run Command%load CommandExecuting Code from ClipboardShortcut of Jupyter NotebookMagic CommandMatplotlib Integration04 Python Refresher - Basic DataTypes05 Python Refresher - Collection Types - Lists06 Python Refresher - Collection Types - Dictionaries07 Python Refresher - Collection Types - Sets08 Python Refresher - Collection Types - Tuples09 Python Refresher - Functions10 Python Refresher - Classes And ObjectsNumpy Core Concept For Data AnalysisStep 1 : Concept : Numpy IntroductionWhat is Numpy?Why Use Numpy?Step 2 : Concept : Arrays RevisitedTypes Of ArraysStep 3 : Lab : Ways to Create Arrays1. Create Arrays Using Python List2. Using Numpy's Methods Step 4 : Concept + Lab : Numpy Array InternalsDimensionsShapeStridesStep 5 : Concept + Lab : Data Types and CastingStep 6 : Concept + Lab : Slicing And Indexing1. Understand Slicing and Indexing 1-D Array2. Understand Slicing and Indexing Multidimensional ArrayStep 7 : Concept + Lab : Array Operations1. Common Operations On Arrays2. Commonly Used Functions for Numpy Array OperationsStep 8 : Concept + Lab : Broadcasting Array Broadcasting PrincipleUnderstand Usage of BroadcastingStep 9 : Concept + Lab : Understand Vectorization Pandas Core Concept For Data AnalysisStep 1 : What is PandasStep 2 : DataFramesStep 3 : DataFrames BasicsStep 4 : Handling Missing DataStep 5 : GroupByStep 6 : AggregationStep 7 : TransformStep 8 : Window FunctionsStep 9 : FilterStep 10 : Join Merge And ConcatStep 11 : Apply MethodStep 12 : DataFrame ReshapeStep 13 : Calculate Frequency DistributionPart II : Data Analysis Core ConceptsWhat is DataWhat is DataSetTypes of VariablesTypes of Data TypesWhy Data Types are important?How do you collect Information for Different Data TypesFor Nominal Data TypeOrdinal DataContinuous DataDescriptive Statistics ConceptsTypes Of StatisticsDescriptive statisticsInferential StatisticsWhat it is?Concept 1 : Understand Normal DistributionConcept 2 : Central TendencyConcept 3 : Measures of VariabilityRangeInterquartile Range(IQR)Concept 4 : Variance and Standard DeviationConcept 5 : Z-score or Standardized ScoreConcept 6 : ModalityConcept 7 : SkewnessConcept 8 : KurtosisHow it look likeMesokurticplatykurticLeptokurtic Part III : Tools For Data VisualizationMatplotlib Introduction Matplotlib ArchitectureSeaborn Plot OverviewParameters Of PlotTypes Of Plot By Purpose1. CorrelationWhat It Is? Type Of Graphs In Correlation Category Scatter plotSteps To Draw this graphStep 1: Prepare DataStep 2 : Plot By Each CategoryStep 3 : Decorate the plot Scatter plot with line of best fitWhen To Use Counts Plot Marginal Boxplot Correlogram Pairwise PlotP2. Deviation Diverging Bars Diverging Dot Plot3. Ranking Ordered Bar Chart Dot Plot4. Distribution Histogram for Continuous Variable Histogram for Categorical Variable Density Curves with Histogram Box Plot Dot + Box Plot Categorical Plots5. Composition Pie Chart Treemap Bar Chart6. ChangeTime Series PlotTime Series Decomposition PlotPart IV : Step By Step Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Preparation Workflow With ProjectWhat is Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)?Value of Exploratory Data AnalysisSteps of Data Exploration and Preparation Step 1 : Variable Identification Step 2 : Univariate Analysis Step 3 : Bi-variate AnalysisStep 4 : Missing values treatmentStep 5 : Outlier Detection and Treatment What is an outlier? What are the types of outliers ? What are the causes of outliers ? What is the impact of outliers on dataset ? How to detect outlier ? How to remove outlier ?Step 6 : Variable transformationStep 7 : Variable creation"
Price: 179.99

"Les secrets du Print On Demand Academy" |
"Apprends toutes les astuces et les meilleurs conseils de l'impression la demande aussi appel Print On Demand. Le Print On Demand est un processus par lequel tu vas vendre des produits (tee-shirt, casquettes, mugs, coussins...) avec ta propre cration graphique (design). Une fois le design tablit, ton fournisseur se chargera de toutes les phases de l'impression l'expdition.Je te donne toutes les tapes de A Z pour que tu puisses lancer ton business facilement. Pas pas, tu vas acqurir lun des moyens les plus accessibles pour dmarrer une boutique en ligne."
Price: 99.99

"Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) & how to start an NGO" |
"India is the first country in the world to make corporate social responsibility (CSR) mandatory, following an amendment to the Companies Act, 2013 in April 2014. Businesses can invest their profits in areas such as education, poverty, gender equality, and hunger as part of any CSR compliance.The Indian Inc now spends USD 1 Billion Dollars on CSR Projects in India. Lets see how the CSR Programs are structured and what it takes to become an NGO in India"
Price: 19.99

"Drafting a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA/PSA) of Solar Plant" |
"This course will explain in details how a Power Purchase Agreement is drafted, what are its component, a live example of an operational corporate solar PPA, which nodal agencies are involved in operationalizing a PPA, and finally we will see how a Virtual Power Purchase Agreement (VPPA) works, what is contract of difference etc. "
Price: 19.99

"Data protection by design and by default" |
"Welcome to the Data protection by design and by default study course.The course examines the concepts of Privacy and security by design and by default and observes existing privacy legislation covering such requirements. It is shown that legislation currently leaves an open space for interpretation of the requested principles.In order to bridge the pointed gaps, there are observed the respective standards, which define the technical requirements and guidelines as well as explain the way how to verify requirements implementation.By completing this course you will learn what should be taken into account when engineering the system or service from scratch throughout its development life cycle in regards to data protection."
Price: 29.99
