"Find your Passion and Never Go to a Job that You Hate" |
"This course is created for people who want to find their passion in life. People who want to find what they love doing, what they are good at, what the world needs, and pays well. In other words, you will find ""Your life purpose"". You will discover what is your ""IKIGAI"" Japanese word which means ""Reason for being"". Most people find it difficult to find a profession in life. They struggle and do not know what they are good at and what they love. This course exactly shows you how to find your passion in life and become a very successful person. Because I have also struggled and tried out different things, I always searched on the internet ""what is my passion and what I love doing"" to be honest I could not find any real strategy which shows how to find my passion. I spend around to find 5 years finding my passion and discovering what am I really good at. Now I am really happy that I have found my passion. What I will cover during this course? 1. Help you to find what is your ""IKIGAI"" 2. We will go through many psychological and personal tests3. How to find what you are good at4. 9 Types of Intelligence 5. You will definitely find what you love doing 6. 6 Question for finding what you love doing 7. 4 Quadrants of Activities 8. Find your talent 9. 4 types of Temperaments or Personality 10. Find our mission 11. Success formula which can be used by anyone 12. 16 types of Personality based on MBTI test 13. Are you a Dominant, Inspiring, Collective, or Supportive person 14. How to choose a profession which makes you wealthy 15. Find you Vocation 16. 4 Paths for becoming a Millionaire 17. 3 Steps for Wealth 18. How to put your Passion, Mission, Profession, and Vocation, all together and finally find your ""IKIGAI""19. How to use your FULL Potential 20. How to Set goals and achieve them I hope you will enjoy this course and discover your passion, your core strength, talent, profession. In other words, your will discover your ""IKIGAI"" which is your life purpose."
Price: 19.99

"Making our Lives Better - Complete Course (2 Hours)" |
"1.This Course is helpful in Non Technical as well as Technical Background.2.This Course for General Audience Unlike Most of my Courses.3. No Prior Experience Needed For this Course.4.The Prerequisites required.5.This is a Theoretical and Verbal Course.What youll learnTechniques of handling complicated Tasks and analyzing your Day to Day Activities.Using Simple Hacks in Life that we ignore Generally to make Our Life Better.Personally tested Ideas to Follow.Who this course is for:General Audience.Kids, Adults, Old Aged (No Age Group Barrier).Are there any prerequisites?Willingness to Practice These Tips.Open To Learn New Stuff.Patience"
Price: 179.99

"LT SPICE Tutorials (Windows) - Short Course (1 Hour)" |
"1. This Course is for Students having background in Electronics and Telecommunication or Electrical Engineering or any relevant stream.2. This Course is about the Software and How to use it.3. If you have any experience in any Communication Course prior then you can have a look.4. The Prerequisites required are mentioned in the Course Introduction Video.5. This is a Practical Software Course.What youll learnTechniques of handling complicated Circuits and analyzing Input Output Signals in LT SPICE.Handling Plots and Curves in LT SPICE.Who this course is for:Electronics and TelecommunicationElectrical EngineeringWho had prior experience in some Circuit Theory CoursesWhat youll learnFunctions provided by LT SPICE and How to deal with Circuits Simulations.Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?Basic Circuit Theory (Not Necessary)"
Price: 29.99

Wireshark |
". . ."
Price: 19.99

C# |
"C#WindowsSQLServer00_01_02_03_04_Log4Net05_06_07_08_SQLServer09_10_SQLServer11_12_SQLServer13_SQLServer14_15_Microsoft VisualStudio Installer Projects16_17_18_"
Price: 5400.00

"Curso de violo Samba & Bossa nova" |
"Este curso voltado para violonistas que querem se aperfeioar tocando samba e bossa nova com as linguagens corretas destes estilos musicais atravs de exerccios prticos de solfejo, sincopas, grooves, acordes, baixos tocados da maneira correta e diferentes progresses rtmicas dentro de frmulas de compasso binrias e quaternrias. Alm de dicas para inclurem em seus estudos dirios. Um estudo compacto para o msico desenvolver suas habilidades em pouco tempo com o mximo de informaes. Um passo a passo, uma proposta de um aprendizado prtico, simples e didtico e com um material muito rico de informaes para o aluno no precisar perder o seu tempo indo a conservatrios, depender de aulas particulares, e nem gastar horas em tutoriais."
Price: 69.99

"SPSS (Quantitative research analysis)" |
"In this particular course, you will understand how to perform different tests like correlation, regression, Anova, and T-test in SPSS. Not only this, but you will also understand that how can we enter a pre-filled questionnaire in the form of data in SPSS. Furthermore, you will also learn how to perform frequency analysis and calculate mean, median, Mod and standard deviation of your data."
Price: 29.99

"Managing Your Business Through COVID-19" |
"COVID-19 has devastated the business community at large. Having to live through this myself I wanted to put together a course that would help other businesses survive and navigate the pandemic successfully. By implementing sound crisis management practices and sound leadership I have been able to manage a multi-million dollar operation through this time successfully. Doing so allowed us to not only save our business but grow it. Planning and navigating through a pandemic is different. It requires a sense of awareness and focused strategy. If you are struggling or have struggled this course will be incredibly helpful. I encourage business owners and management teams to take this course."
Price: 99.99

"Planeje sua viagem" |
"Sonha em viajar pelo mundo, mas no sabe por onde comear? Deseja conhecer outros pases, mas acha que coisa de rico? Eu tambm pensava assim at dar o primeiro passo rumo ao meu objetivo. Em apenas 4 anos consegui conhecer 13 pases e dezenas de cidades, agora estou disposta a compartilhar o meu conhecimento para ajud-lo(a) a alcanar o seu ideal. Paris? Londres? Caribe? Itlia? Chile? No importa, com informao e planejamento voc chegar longe! O curso ""Planeje sua viagem!"" te ensinar a viajar para qualquer lugar do mundo sem depender de agncias e economizando muito!"
Price: 19.99

"BNCC na sala de aula: teoria e prtica" |
"O prazo para a implementao da Base Nacional Comum Curricular termina em 2020, no entanto, muitas redes de ensino ainda no se preparam para as mudanas propostas por ela, deixando os professores perdidos em sua prtica docente. Pensando nisso, o curso ""BNCC na sala de aula: teoria e prtica"", trar ao profissional da educao uma viso ampla do documento, perpassando sua histria, leis, organizao e fundamentos, alm de explicar detalhadamente o que ensinar em cada componente curricular dos Anos Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental (Lngua Portuguesa, Matemtica, Cincias, Geografia e Histria - com exemplos de atividades) e apresentar uma forma prtica e objetiva de elaborar o Plano Anual de Ensino e o Plano de Aula."
Price: 39.99

"ESL Games and Activities Workshop" |
"In this course, I will showcase a collection of games from some of my ESL classes.Theses games have been handpicked by me over the last 12 years of teaching all around the world. With this course, you will have a whole host of games and activities that you can use in your classroom and include in your lesson plans. As well as a handy games list and multiple handouts about activities and fun games to use, we are going to take an in-depth look at essential items for games, how to create your own games from scratch, games methods, understanding the theories behind why we use them in our classrooms, and why games are so vital to our student's success. I will provide variations and suggestions on how to tweak and alter each of these games to make even more games. More bang for your buck so to speak! By going through the whole course you will be made aware of the 'Variation methods' that I suggest for teachers when creating games for classes. Using these simple techniques you can easily create many many more games from the collection I have provided here! And I will suggest even more as the videos are playing so stick with them to the end!Finally, I will provide some games lists and PPT games/Handouts for you to make use of. All in all, there are easily 50+ (That's a conservative guess) games in this course. This is a great package, make sure to take advantage of it!Enjoy!"
Price: 39.99

"Sales for a changing world" |
"In this basic course we will be exploring new steps to take in a changing world making us more capable of reaching greater success. Corona has changed the way we work and the way we do business and the way we think, so we should explore all ways of improving our life's."
Price: 19.99

"Langkah Demi Langkah Mudah Mengenal Pemrograman C#" |
"Jadilah programmer C# dan kuasai salah satu bahasa pemrograman abadi di planet bumi!Anda harus buktikan sendiri! Video ini adalah online course yang paling lengkap, to-the point, dan mudah dipahami untuk bahasa pemrograman C# di Udemy! Semua penjelasan disampaikan dalam Bahasa INDONESIA. Tidak memandang apakah Anda belum pernah mempelajari bahasa pemrograman apapun sebelumnya, atau sudah mengetahui berbagai macam sintaks dasar, atau ingin mempelajari fitur-fitur canggih C#, video course ini dirancang tentu saja untuk Anda! Dalam kursus ini, kami akan mengajari Anda pemrograman C# secara efektif dan singkat, tepat, serta jelas!Dilengkapi dengan berjam-jam video course, latihan coding, dan artikel, kursus komprehensif ini tidak membutuhkan pengalaman apapun! Bahkan Anda bisa mengoperasikannya menggunakan MS Windows. Video course ini akan mengajarkan Anda C# secara praktis dengan setiap bab dilengkapi screencast yang mengajarkan sintaks, fungsi, dan aturan pemrograman lengkap dan penjelasan-penjelasan yang menarik! Tunggu apa lagi, ayo belajarlah dengan cara yang terbaik untuk Anda!Kami akan memulainya dengan pembahasan kode sederhana C#. Lantas, kami akan membantu Anda menginstal C# di komputer Anda serta beranjak ke topik-topik yang lebih spesifik. Topik bahasan yang akan Anda temukan di dalam video course ini antara lain:Menggunakan Visual StudioPengenalan Console & Windows Form ApplicationPengenalan Variabel dan Tipe DataOperator-Operator Aritmatika dan Assignment OperatorMenggunakan ArrayPemakaian Struktur If dan Else IfPenggunaan SwitchPerulangan For dan ForeachPerulangan WhilePerulangan Do WhileCara Pembuatan Function pada C#Ayo, tunggu apa lagi! Jangan khawatir tentang kualitas video course ini sebab kami menawarkan GARANSI 30 HARI UANG KEMBALI TANPA SYARAT. Betul! Jika Anda tidak puas, silakan ajukan refund tanpa syarat. Tetapi kami bisa mengatakan kepada Anda bahwa video course ini adalah yang terlengkap dan terbaik tentang pemrograman C#. Tidak percaya? Buktikan sendiri!"
Price: 280000.00

"Desain Grafis dari Nol: Garis, Warna, Objek, & Tipografi" |
"Jadilah desainer grafis T.O.P dan kuasai salah satu software yang paling KONDANG di seluruh dunia!Video ini adalah online course yang paling lengkap, to-the point, dan mudah dipahami untuk desain grafis, terutama CorelDraw, di Udemy! Semua penjelasan disampaikan dalam Bahasa INDONESIA. Tidak memandang apakah Anda belum pernah mempelajari desain grafis apapun sebelumnya, atau sudah mengetahui berbagai macam perintah dasar CorelDraw, video course ini dirancang tentu saja untuk Anda! Dalam kursus ini, kami akan mengajari Anda mendesain menggunakan CorelDraw secara efektif dan singkat, tepat, serta jelas!Dilengkapi dengan berjam-jam video course, latihan coding, dan artikel, kursus komprehensif ini tidak membutuhkan pengalaman apapun! Bahkan Anda bisa mengoperasikannya menggunakan MS Windows. Video course ini akan mengajarkan Anda CorelDraw secara praktis dengan setiap bab dilengkapi screencast yang mengajarkan sintaks, fungsi, dan aturan desain lengkap dan penjelasan-penjelasan yang menarik! Tunggu apa lagi, ayo belajarlah dengan cara yang terbaik untuk Anda!Kami akan memulainya dengan pembahasan garis yang sederhana. Lantas, kami akan membantu Anda menggambar serta beranjak ke topik-topik yang lebih spesifik. Pembahasan di dalam video course ini meliputi:Dasar-Dasar Desain GrafisMenggambar dengan CorelDrawMengenal Line, Segment, dan NodeMembuat Objek Dasar (Rectangle, Ellipse, Star, dll)Aneka Walkthrough Desain Objek dan WarnaMemanfaatkan PewarnaanMengenal Sistem Warna RGB, CMYK, dan SPOTMembuat Desain dari Nol untuk Obyek UFOMembuat Desain dari Nol untuk Obyek AstronotTeks dan Pembuatan ParagrafMemanfaatkan Text Frame dan Fit Text to PathMemanfaatkan Efek-Efek Khusus seperti transparansiMeletakkan Shadow dan Block ShadowVideo course ini cocok jika ditonton dan dipelajari oleh: Desainer Grafis, Orang yang ingin mempelajari CorelDraw secara khusus, Operator percetakan, Biro advertising.Jadi tunggu apa lagi, silakan ikuti kursus ini dengan garansi 30 hari uang kembali TANPA SYARAT. Jadi, siapapun Anda apabila ingin merasa aman dan nyaman mempelajari desain grafis dan CorelDraw, ikuti kursus ini SEKARANG JUGA dan temukan inspirasi-inspirasi menarik di dalamnya."
Price: 280000.00

"Jalur Cepat Menguasai SQL dengan Oracle Database 19c" |
"Kuasai SQL Menggunakan Oracle Database 19c Sekarang Juga (atau Anda akan menyesal kelak)!Anda harus buktikan sendiri! Video ini adalah online course yang paling lengkap, to-the point, dan mudah dipahami untuk bahasa SQL menggunakan Oracle 19c di Udemy! Semua penjelasan disampaikan dalam Bahasa INDONESIA. Tidak memandang apakah Anda belum pernah mempelajari Oracle sebelumnya, atau sudah mengetahui dasar-dasar SQL (mungkin melalui MySQL) video course ini dirancang tentu saja untuk Anda! Dalam kursus ini, kami akan mengajari Anda SQL secara efektif dan singkat, tepat, serta jelas!Dilengkapi dengan berjam-jam video course, latihan coding, dan artikel, kursus komprehensif ini tidak membutuhkan pengalaman apapun! Bahkan Anda bisa mengoperasikannya menggunakan MS Windows. Jangan lupa pula, Oracle19c yang dibahas di dalam video course ini dapat dimiliki GRATIS!Video course ini akan mengajarkan Anda SQL secara praktis dengan setiap bab dilengkapi screencast yang mengajarkan sintaks, fungsi, dan aturan pemrograman lengkap dan penjelasan-penjelasan yang menarik! Tunggu apa lagi, ayo belajarlah dengan cara yang terbaik untuk Anda!Kami akan memulainya dengan pembahasan kode sederhana SQL. Lantas, kami akan membantu Anda menginstal Oracle 19c di komputer Anda serta beranjak ke topik-topik yang lebih spesifik. Topik yang akan dibahas kemudian adalah:Pengenalan Oracle Database 19cInstalasi Oracle 19cMemanfaatkan SQL Plus untuk DatabaseMembuat Database dan Tabel BaruMenambahkan SCHEMA dan PrivilegesMengenal Data Manipulation Language (DML)Menggunakan TCLMemanfaatkan query SELECT, INSERT, DESCMengatur tampilan data dengan SET dan COLUMNMemakai function SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX, dan COUNTMemakai klausa WHERE, ORDER BY, dan ASMenggunakan Operator-OperatorAyo, tunggu apa lagi! Jangan khawatir tentang kualitas video course ini sebab kami menawarkan GARANSI 30 HARI UANG KEMBALI TANPA SYARAT. Betul! Jika Anda tidak puas, silakan ajukan refund tanpa syarat. Tetapi kami bisa mengatakan kepada Anda bahwa video course ini adalah yang terlengkap dan terbaik tentang Oracle Database 19c. Tidak percaya? Buktikan sendiri!"
Price: 280000.00

spectrum |
Price: 99.99

"Dell Boomi AtomSphere - IPaaS Beginner Training" |
"What is Dell Boomi AtomSphere?Dell Boomi is a cloud integration platform which is used to integrate different applications.What are we learning the in the course?Disk connectorDatabase connectorHTTP connectorWebservice SOAP client connectorWeb service Server ConnectorSet propertiesMapMessageProcess CallData ProcessAdd to Cache/load from CacheBranchCleanseReturn DocumentStopDecisionException HandlingWeb ServicesConsuming SOAP and REST ServicesBuilding SOAP and REST in BoomiDeploy and Un-deploy processScheduling the processProcessing of Documentsand much moreAfter this Course:Once your are done with the course,you will have maximum knowledge of Dell Boomi Cloud Integration platform and can easily apply concepts to create multiple different integrations. Cheers..!!Have a Great Learning..!!!"
Price: 199.99

"Paint Realistic Watercolor Portraits" |
"This course covers a full demonstration of a watercolor portrait. It begins with how to optimize photos for reference material. Then, the course covers how to draw a head accurately, how to prepare the paper with masking fluid, how to build layers of paint, how to create a likeness by modeling the features, and how to add finishing touches to bring the painting over the finish line."
Price: 29.99

"2020 UNITY C# Unity'yi Sfrdan En yi ekilde renin!" |
"Oyun gelitiricliine srekli ilgin oldu ama nereden balaman gerektiini bilemedin. Nasl bir yol izerek alman gerektiini ya da yapp yapamayacan konusunda aklndaki sorular yznden bir trl balama frsat bulamadn. Belki de kendini belli bir dzeye getirdin ama bulduun kaynaklarn seni daha ileriye tamadn hissediyorsun. Bu ders her iki durumda da tam sizin iin. ------------------Dersler daha nce hi bir bilginizin olmadn varsayaraktan en temelden balayp st dzeye doru adm adm ilerliyor. Bu sre boyunca yeri geldiinde modelleme eitimi yeri geldiinde ise matematik eitimi ile karlayorsunuz. Tm eitim olaylarn mantn kavratmaya ynelik bir yol izliyor. Size iin mantn rettikten sonra hayalinizde kurduunuz bir ok oyunu ya da yazlm algoritmasn kendiniz tasarlamya balayabileceksiniz.------------------Unreal Engine 4 oyun motorunun gerisinde kalan Unity 2019-2020 yllar arasnda yapt yeni gncellemeler ile Unity oyun motoruna a atlatt.HighDefinitionRenderPipeline( HDRP), UniversalRenderPipeline(URP), VFX Graph, Shader Graph gibi sistemler Unity zerinde yeni teknoloji halini ald. Bu teknolojiler gerekten gl ve 2020 ylnda artk eski teknolojileri kullanmak iin bir sebep kalmamtr. Bu ders serisi iinde yeni teknolojiler ile nasl st dzey oyunlar gelitirebilirsiniz bunu reneceksiniz. Ayn zamanda Trkiye'de henz bu teknolojileri kullanan oyun firmalar ok fazla olmad iin byk de bir art kazanm olacaksnz.------------------SubnauticaRustHearhstoneHollow KnightFireWatchInsideOri And The Blind Forest"
Price: 369.99

"L'impression 3D Un guide tape par tape dition 2020" |
"Apprendre l'impression 3D avec un ingnieur Le guide pratique pour les dbutantsVous tes intress par l'impression 3D et vous cherchez un cours d'entre de gamme pratique et compact, mais vous n'avez pas envie de lire ou de chercher des informations ? Alors ce cours est fait pour vous ! Dans ce cours, vous apprendrez toutes les bases ncessaires pour utiliser une imprimante 3D et crer vos propres objets imprims en 3D. Commencez ds maintenant avec ce tutoriel d'impression 3D professionnel, descriptif et pas pas, ralis par un ingnieur !Les avantages de ce cours en un coup d'il : Explications dtailles sur l'utilisation du matriel et des logicielsApprenez toutes les bases de l'impression 3D avec les conseils d'un ingnieur! Dmarrez rapidement et facilementDes explications faciles comprendre sur le sujet. Idal pour les dbutants et les intermdiairesDe nos jours, les imprimantes 3D sont galement abordables pour les utilisateurs domicile ! Cet atelier comprend un guide d'achat pour vous permettre de vous lancer dans l'impression 3D un prix abordable (moins de 400-600)Comprhensible et droit au but : Dure totale d'environ 80 minutesFAQ sur le cours :Qu'est-ce que j'apprends dans ce cours sur l'impression 3D?Le cours comprend tout ce que vous devez savoir pour vous lancer dans le monde de l'impression 3D FDM et de ses applications. Du conseil d'achat l'utilisation du logiciel ncessaire et d'une imprimante 3D. Des chapitres sur les matriaux, le dpannage et la numrisation 3D vous attendent galement. Tout le matriel et les logiciels ncessaires l'impression 3D seront prsents tape par tape et expliqus l'aide d'exemples d'impression (gratuits).De quoi ai-je besoin pour le cours d'impression 3D et combien de temps cela prend-il?Le cours a une dure totale d'environ 80 minutes (rparties en plusieurs leons individuelles). Bien entendu, vous tes libre de choisir les chapitres que vous voulez regarder et l'heure laquelle vous voulez les regarder, et vous pouvez galement faire une pause tout moment. Idalement, vous aurez besoin de votre propre imprimante 3D. Un conseil d'achat est inclus. Si vous ne souhaitez pas en acheter une, des alternatives sont galement prsentes (fournisseurs externes). Vous pouvez galement utiliser une imprimante 3D de Makerspace proximit. Dans ce cas, vous bnficierez galement du contenu de ce cours.Combien cote une imprimante 3D?Des imprimantes 3D de haute qualit pour usage domestique sont disponibles partir d'environ 500 . L'impression 3D ne doit donc pas forcment tre coteuse. La fourchette de prix gnrale des imprimantes 3D FDM est d'environ 400 5000 .Le tutoriel est-il rserv aux dbutants en matire d'impression 3D?Ce cours est gnralement destin toute personne intresse par l'impression 3D ou par la technologie en gnral. Peu importe que ce soit uniquement des fins d'information sur la technologie ou pour l'application et la mise en uvre de ses propres modles. Tous les processus sont expliqus en dtail et sont prsents de manire tre facilement comprhensibles. Ce cours est galement idal pour les inventeurs, les ingnieurs, les architectes, les artistes, les tudiants, les adolescents, etc.Qui va me montrer les bases de l'impression 3D dans ce cours?Le cours d'impression 3D est dispens par un ingnieur et un utilisateur expriment dans le domaine de l'impression 3D.Est-il difficile d'apprendre imprimer en 3D?L'impression 3D est certainement un sujet complexe, car l'utilisation des logiciels et du matriel doit tre apprise. Sans aide, vous pouvez perdre de vue ce qui est important pour obtenir de bons rsultats. Cependant, grce ce tutoriel sur l'impression 3D, vous avez toutes les informations porte de main et avez donc toujours une vue claire. Est-ce que j'apprends aussi concevoir mes propres objets?Le sujet de la conception CAO sera abord trs brivement dans ce cours. Cela signifie que les logiciels de conception sont prsents. Le processus de conception lui-mme, en revanche, n'est pas enseign, car cela dpasserait le cadre du cours. Que puis-je faire avec une imprimante 3D de toute faon?Vous avez la possibilit de tlcharger et d'imprimer gratuitement de nombreux (plus de 100 000) grands objets partir de ce que l'on appelle des plateformes de contenu. Beaucoup d'objets utiles et fonctionnels pour votre maison, des jouets pour les enfants, des cadeaux pour vos amis et d'autres choses spectaculaires. Comme premire inspiration, vous pouvez regarder la bande-annonce du cours.Comme vous pouvez le voir, l'impression 3D est une technologie gniale. Commenons, inscrivez-vous ce cours d'impression 3D ds maintenant et accueillez l'avenir!"
Price: 49.99

"Impresso 3D Um guia passo a passo 2020" |
"Impresso em 3D O guia prtico para iniciantesVoc est interessado em impressoras 3D e procura um curso de nvel bsico prtico e compacto sobre impresso 3D e seus fundamentos, mas no tem vontade de ler ou procurar informaes? Ento este curso para voc. Porque, nesta curso voc aprender todas as noes bsicas necessrias para operar uma impressora 3D e criar impresses em 3D. Comece agora com as instrues de impresso em 3D claramente preparadas, passo a passo e profissionais, em formato de vdeo.As vantagens: Explicaes bsicas passo a passo sobre como usar hardware e software. Aprenda todas as bases da impresso 3D com a orientao de um engenheiro e usurio experiente e comece a trabalhar de forma rpida e fcil.Explicaes facilmente compreensveis sobre o tema. Ideal para iniciantes, novatos e usurios.As impressoras 3D tambm so acessveis para o usurio domstico. Inclui um guia de compras para que voc possa comear a imprimir em 3D a preos acessveis.Compacto e ao ponto: Tempo total de funcionamento aprox. 80 minutosFAQ's sobre o curso:O que posso aprender no curso de Impresso 3D?O curso inclui tudo o que voc precisa saber para comear no mundo da impresso FDM 3D e suas aplicaes. Desde o aconselhamento de compra at como utilizar o software necessrio e uma impressora 3D, h tambm captulos sobre materiais, soluo de problemas e digitalizao 3D. Passo a passo, o hardware e software necessrios para a impresso 3D apresentado e explicado com exemplos que voc pode imprimir.O que eu preciso para o curso de impresso 3D e quanto tempo leva?O curso tem uma durao total de cerca de 80 minutos (divididos em vrias aulas individuais). claro que voc livre para escolher quais captulos voc quer assistir a que horas e tambm pode fazer uma pausa a qualquer momento. Idealmente, voc precisar de sua prpria impressora 3D para o curso. Um conselho de compra est includo. Se voc no quiser comprar seu prprio impressora, lhe sero mostradas alternativas onde voc pode utilizar fontes externas. Neste caso, voc tambm pode se beneficiar deste curso.Quanto custa uma impressora 3D?Impressoras 3D de alta qualidade para uso domstico podem ser adquiridas de to pouco quanto US$ 600. Portanto, a impresso em 3D no tem que ser cara. A faixa geral de preos para impressoras FDM 3D de aproximadamente US$ 600 - US$ 6000.Este tutorial somente para iniciantes na impresso 3D?Este curso geralmente projetado para qualquer pessoa interessada em impresso 3D ou em tecnologia em geral. No importa se apenas para fins informativos sobre a tecnologia ou para a aplicao e realizao de modelos prprios. Todos os processos so explicados em detalhes e so apresentados de forma clara e compreensvel. Este curso tambm ideal para inventores, engenheiros, arquitetos, artistas, estudantes, jovens, etc.Quem me mostrar o bsico da impresso 3D neste curso?O curso de impresso 3D ministrado por um engenheiro e usurio experiente em impresso 3D. difcil aprender a impresso em 3D?A impresso em 3D um assunto complexo porque voc tem que aprender a usar software e hardware. Sem ajuda, voc pode perder a noo do que est acontecendo. Mas com este tutorial de impresso 3D, voc ter todas as informaes necessrias em um nico formato. Desta forma, tanto uma introduo descomplicada quanto a aplicao posterior so bem sucedidas.O que eu posso fazer com uma impressora 3D?Voc tem a possibilidade de baixar e imprimir inmeros (100.000+) objetos a partir das plataformas de contedo gratuitamente. Como primeira inspirao, voc tambm pode assistir ao promo video do curso."
Price: 34.99

"Editing Food Photography in Adobe Lightroom" |
"Editing is a very important part of the photography creation. As they say, editing can make or break the photo.Retouching food photography has its specifics and can be slightly different than retouching other types of images. In this class I am going to show you my entire process of photo editing and will give you some general editing tips.What you will learn:Editing Food Photography in Lightroom Desktop: you will follow along with me the process of retouching 3 different food images.Editing Food Photography in Lightroom Mobile: you will see in details how I edit 1 mobile imageCreating and using presets in both Desktop and MobileTips for easier editing"
Price: 74.99

"YouTube Mastercourse" |
"Welcome to our YouTube Marketing For Beginners course. We are very excited you've stopped by and look forward to showing you the secret tips & tricks you need to know when first starting out your YouTube channel and YouTube marketing.In 2020, it's never been more important to have a YouTube channel - a way to communicate with the world and help build your own personal brand.We have over 8 years of experience on YouTube and having generated 10 of millions of views - we're giving away the secrets to success.In this YouTube For Beginners course we will cover the following:How to set up your YouTube channelHow to effectively complete YouTube marketingDifferent types of content you can make, EVEN if you are shy and don't want to be on cameraTips on making captivating thumbnails which helps people actually click on your videoBuilding a strong positive communityAnd so much more!"
Price: 29.99

"English Listening Masters: How To Become Fluent In Listening" |
"Want to become fluent in English listening and start to understand English speakers? Then this course is for you!HOW DOES THE COURSE WORK?English Listening Masters Course consists of theory and practice. To build a solid foundation of how to train your listening skills properly, you will start with the theory. There, we will cover the following topics:why listening needs to be active;which strategies to use while practicing listening skills;how to choose audio materials;how to work with a transcript to expand vocabulary and improve listening and speaking skills;which activity you can try to maximize your attention while listeningAfter having studied the theory of effective listening, you will dive into listening practice. There are 12 accurately structured Practice Sections that are divided into levels with the increasing level of difficulty from the easiest (Level 1) to more challenging (Level 2, 3). All materials you meet in the practice part have been designed and recorded in collaboration with an American Native Speaker.The key rule of being successful in listening is multiple listening to the same audio. Therefore, each of the 12 Practice Sections is based on one audio, and there are 6 guided steps you will go through in each section:A guided 6-step listening training includes:Step 1. Listening for the main idea (full audio) + general understanding quizStep 2. Listening for details by paragraphs and completing multiple choice quizStep 3. Vocabulary expansion after each paragraph (1-5 suggested words to learn)Step 4. Listening for MORE details by paragraphs and completing True/False/Not Given quizStep 5. Attention training with focused practice + quizStep 6. Working with a transcriptThe combination of effective theory and guided listening practice will give you a complete understanding of how you can train and improve your listening skills.If you want to become fluent in English listening, this course can help you achieve your goal.Enroll in the course NOW!"
Price: 19.99

"React Essentials: Admin App, Docker, Typescript, Redux" |
"Learn how to create an Admin App using React. In this tutorial you will learn: Create a React project with TypescriptUse DockerUse ReduxCreate public and private routesRestrict routes for unauthorised usersUpload ImagesExport CSV'sBuild a chart with c3.js (part of d3.js)If these are what you are looking for then this course is for you."
Price: 39.99

"React and Laravel Admin App: Docker, Typescript, Redux" |
"Learn how to create an Admin App using React and Laravel. In Laravel you will learn: How to create Api's with LaravelAuthenticate using Laravel PassportAuthorisation using Laravel GatesLaravel Api ResourcesInstall and use DockerUpload ImagesExport CSV'sUse Open Api(Swagger) DocumentationIn React you will learn: Create a React project with TypescriptUse DockerUse ReduxCreate public and private routesRestrict routes for unauthorised usersUpload ImagesExport CSV'sBuild a chart with c3.js (part of d3.js)If these are what you are looking for then this course is for you."
Price: 94.99

"#1 Real Estate Investing Strategy for Beginners" |
"This course explains wholesale real estate in a way that provides secrets and methods to make big money in Real Estate.Not everyone has time or even wants to be a real estate agent. Most people do not have thousands of dollars to invest in property. Wholesale gives ANYONE an opportunity to start in Real Estate with little money or resources.This will be the best money you ever spend on your wholesale real estate education!"
Price: 19.99

"Active Listening for Agile Adventurers" |
"What's unique about this course is:You get to learn through storytelling, by following the story of ""Agile Adventurer Ana"" - why she wants to learn Active Listening, what's at stake for her, what's holding her back, and how she beats the oddsFun, practical ways to actually acquire the skill, not just a theoretical descriptionScenarios, simulations, sample language to use and practical approaches like a buddy system and step-by step guidesCertification with the EQ Agile Academy availableIncludes:15 micro-learning modules, 3-6 minutes each, 1.5 hours of content and interactive activities. Examples include games to reinforce your learning as you go, quizzes, and Socratic questioning where you fill in your responses to interactive learning questions like ""What are you ""Best Hopes"" for ways Active Listening can improve your relationships?""Who this course is for:Relationship developers: Those of you who want to improve the quality of your professional and personal relationshipsConnection seekers: People who want to better connect with others, especially during the social isolation time of the panademicAgile newbies and junkies alike"
Price: 34.99

"Lamina mejor, Imprime Mejor con Cura Ultimaker" |
"El curso de laminado para impresin 3D se ha creado para facilitar el aprendizaje del software Cura Ultimaker. En el curso aprenders a utilizar todos los aspectos del programa y a configurar todas las funciones especificas del programa de laminado. Esto te permitir aprender a imprimir todo tipo de piezas en tu impresora ya que conseguirs generar por completo y de manera exitosa tu cdigo de impresin 3D. El curso empieza completamente desde cero y paso a paso se avanza hasta las configuraciones ms complejas. El curso es ideal tanto para principiantes como para usuarios experimentados ya que se explican detalladamente tcnicas complejas de laminado para impresin 3D."
Price: 44.99

"Crea tu primera figura con el curso de impresin 3D" |
"El curso de impresin 3D est dividido en cuatro mdulos enfocados especficamente en darte las herramientas para que consigas la mxima calidad en tus impresiones 3D. Cmo empieza el curso de impresin 3D?El primer mdulo que se ha desarrollado en el curso de impresin 3D es para que conozcas cuales son los elementos de tu impresora 3D. Aprenders a fijarte en los que tienes que fijarte para mantener gran calidad en tus impresiones.Conoce las impresoras ms utilizadas por usuarios particulares y las utilizadas dentro del curso de impresinLa cama caliente de tu impresora mejora la calidad de tus impresionesLa eleccin de un buen extrusor marca la forma de imprimir y la calidad final dentro y fuera del curso de impresinLa calidad est definida en un 70% por la velocidad de impresinAntes de imprimir asegrate que todo est bien configurado - Test de impresinCul es la base del curso de impresin 3D?El segundo mdulo del curso de impresin 3D est orientado a que conozcas qu aspectos de los diseos 3D son importantes para una buena calidad de impresin. Instalacin y presentacin del software de diseo 3D de piezas mecnicasDiseo de tu primera pieza completamente desde cero en el curso de impresin 3DCreacin del diseo 3D de tu pieza en un formato listo para imprimirBibliotecas con piezas ya diseadas y el ciclo de la impresin 3DSabes cmo configurar tu impresora 3D de la forma correcta?El tercer mdulo es el ncleo del curso de impresin 3D donde aprenders a configurar los apartados que ms repercuten en la calidad de impresin y en sus acabados exteriores. La importancia de la altura de capa en la calidad de tu piezaEl permetro de tus figuras y las diferentes opciones que existenCalcula la velocidad de impresin exacta para tu pieza en el curso de impresinSoportes perfectosProyectos reales que aprenders dentro del curso de impresin 3DPor ltimo, el cuarto mdulo se ha desarrollado para que veas proyectos reales de impresin 3D dentro del curso de impresin 3D. Aqu aprenders a configurar la calidad y el acabado exterior de un proyecto 3D completo.Cmo hacer una cabeza de toro geomtrica en el curso de impresin 3D?Proyecto de impresin 3D de ajedrez egipcio"
Price: 29.99

"Mentalidad de Ingeniero" |
"Descubre los audios de ingeniero que transformarn tu carrera profesional. Aprenders los marcos mentales ms importantes para convertirte en un ingeniero de xito. Con los marcos mentales conseguirs desarrollar tus proyectos de ingeniera de la forma ms eficaz.Adems encontrars tres bonus extra para complementar los audios de ingeniera. El primero es un bonus de impresin 3D, el segundo es un bonus sobre gestin proyectos y el tercero es un bonus sopresa.Desbloquea tus audios ahora!"
Price: 19.99
