"Codependent No More... Understanding Codependency in 2020" |
"Humans are shaped for connection. Its in our DNA. Though sometimes that connection can get too strong and we call this type of relationship codependency. Ive discovered that managing and breaking free from the codependency cycle starts with first gaining an understanding of what codependency even is.Regardless of being in a relationship or not, we can all gain a little bit more in understanding codependency and attachment styles. For example, if you're a secure person you have a lot to lose by dating someone avoidant or codependent. Or if you're codependent you can save yourself from a lot of heartaches by not dating your polar opposite of a ""counter-dependent."" Codependency shows up in multiple aspects of our lives.I firmly believe the more you learn about codependency the more success you will have in your life...not only in your relationships with your partner but also with family, friends, and coworkers.I know time is short nowadays. So my goal is to help you become understand codependency in less than one hour of your time."
Price: 24.99

"Microsoft Excel : Excel from Start to End" |
"Welcome to the world of Excel. If you look around the business world, the financial world, the manufacturing world, and any other industry you can think of, you will see people using Excel. Excel is everywhere. It is by far the most popular program in the history of business applications. So, we truly are living in a world of Excel. Excel 2019 relies primarily on the onscreen element called the Ribbon, which is the means by which you select the vast majority of Excel commands. In addition, Excel 2019 sports a single toolbar (the Quick Access toolbar), some context-sensitive buttons and command bars in the form of the Quick Analysis tool and mini-bar, along with a number of task panes (such as Clipboard, Research, Thesaurus, and Selection to name a few). The look and feel for Excel 2019 (indeed, all the Office 2019 apps) is all part of the Windows 10 user experience. Excel 2019 features a green color long associated with the program. In this course, Microsoft Excel : Excel from Start to End, you will find 100 questions (objective type, 1 hour). Here, you will find Excel 2019. You will find the Excel from Start to End"
Price: 79.99

"Deno + mongoDB - Restful API CRUD" |
"HOTDenoDenoNode.jsRyan DahlJS/TSDenoNode.jsNode.js2020/5/131.0DenomongoDBRestfulAPI"
Price: 2400.00

"Introduction to Sheet Metal Operations" |
"Note: The instructor of the course has a second language of English proficiency. So the students before enrolling in this course, you are requested to go through the sample lectures. The course requires the basics of manufacturing knowledge.Sheet metal working is the most vital part of the manufacturing industries day to day operations. Due to the development of modern industries, the demand for sheet metal parts with different geometries and properties has increased drastically. This courses is divided into two sections. The first section will focus on the building up of the knowledge of Sheet metal cutting operations and the second section will focus on the sheet metal forming operations."
Price: 19.99

"AZ-220: Microsoft Azure IoT Developer Practice Test Original" |
"With this exam you will be tested your working knowledge for Az-220. Below is the outline of the exam which you will be testedResponsibilities for an Azure IoT Developer include managing the device lifecycleset up, configuration, and maintenanceusing cloud services and other tools. You implement designs for Azure IoT solutions including device topology, connectivity, debugging, and security, as well as solutions to manage, monitor, and transform IoT-related data pipelines. You also deploy Azure IoT Edge components and configure device networking on the edge. An Azure IoT Developer works with data engineers and other stakeholders to ensure successful business integration. A candidate for this exam should have experience implementing the Azure services that form an IoT solution, including data storage options, data analysis, data processing, and platform-as-aservice options. This role should also be able to recognize Azure IoT service configuration settings within the code portion of an IoT solution and perform specific IoT coding tasks in at least one Azure-supported language, including C#, Node, C, or Python.Implement the IoT Solution Infrastructure (15-20%)Create and configure an IoT Hub create an IoT Hub register a device configure a device twin configure IoT Hub tier and scaling Build device messaging and communication build messaging solutions by using SDKs (device and service) implement device-to-cloud communication implement cloud-to-device communication configure file upload for devices Configure physical IoT devices recommend an appropriate protocol based on device specifications configure device networking, topology, and connectivityProvision and manage devices (20-25%) Implement the Device Provisioning Service (DPS) create a Device Provisioning Service create a new enrollment in DPS manage allocation policies by using Azure Functions link an IoT Hub to the DPS Manage the device lifecycle provision a device by using DPS deprovision an autoenrollment decommission (disenroll) a device Manage IoT devices by using IoT Hub manage devices list in the IoT Hub device registry modify device twin tags and properties trigger an action on a set of devices by using IoT Hub Jobs and Direct Methods set up Automatic Device Management of IoT devices at scale Build a solution by using IoT Central define a device type in Azure IoT Central configure rules and actions in Azure IoT Central define the operator view add and manage devices from IoT Central monitor devices custom and industry-focused application templatesImplement Edge (15-20%) Set up and deploy an IoT Edge device create a device identity in IoT Hub deploy a single IoT device to IoT Edge create a deployment for IoT Edge devices install container runtime on IoT devices define and implement deployment manifest update security daemon and runtime provision IoT Edge devices with DPS IoT Edge automatic deployments deploy on constrained devices secure IoT Edge solutions deploy production certificates Develop modules create and configure an Edge module deploy a module to an Edge device publish an IoT Edge module to an Azure Container Registry Configure an IoT Edge device select and deploy an appropriate gateway pattern implement module-to-module communication implement and configure offline support (including local storage)Process and manage data (15-20%) Configure routing in Azure IoT Hub implement message enrichment in IoT Hub configure routing of IoT Device messages to endpoints define and test routing queries integrate with Event Grid Configure stream processing create ASA for data and stream processing of IoT data process and filter IoT data by using Azure Functions configure Stream Analytics outputs Configure an IoT solution for Time Series Insights (TSI) implement solutions to handle telemetry and time-stamped data create an Azure Time Series Insights (TSI) environment connect the IoT Hub and the Time Series Insights (TSI) Monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize IoT solutions (15-20%) Configure health monitoring configure metrics in IoT Hub set up diagnostics logs for Azure IoT Hub query and visualize tracing by using Azure Monitor Troubleshoot device communication establish maintenance communication verify device telemetry is received by IoT Hub validate device twin properties, tags and direct methods troubleshoot device disconnects and connects Perform end-to-end solution testing and diagnostics estimate the capacity required for each service in the solution conduct performance and stress testingImplement security (15-20%)Implement device authentication in the IoT Hub choose an appropriate form of authentication manage the X.509 certificates for a device manage the symmetric keys for a device Implement device security by using DPS configure different attestation mechanisms with DPS generate and manage x.509 certificates for IoT Devices configure enrollment with x.509 certificates generate a TPM endorsements key for a device configure enrollment with symmetric keys Implement Azure Security Center (ASC) for IoT enable ASC for IoT in Azure IoT Hub create security modules configure custom alerts The exam guide below shows the changes that will be implemented on September 24, 2020. Audience Profile Candidates for this exam should have subject matter expertise developing cloud and edge components of an Azure IoT solution. Responsibilities for an Azure IoT Developer include managing the device lifecycleset up, configuration, and maintenanceusing cloud services and other tools. You implement designs for Azure IoT solutions including device topology, connectivity, debugging, and security, as well as solutions to manage, monitor, and transform IoT-related data pipelines. You also deploy Azure IoT Edge components and configure device networking on the edge. An Azure IoT Developer works with data engineers and other stakeholders to ensure successful business integration. A candidate for this exam should have experience implementing the Azure services that form an IoT solution, including data storage options, data analysis, data processing, and platform-as-aservice options. This role should also be able to recognize Azure IoT service configuration settings within the code portion of an IoT solution and perform specific IoT coding tasks in at least one Azure-supported language, including C#, Node, C, or Python. Skills Measured NOTE: The bullets that appear below each of the skills measured are intended to illustrate how we are assessing that skill. This list is not definitive or exhaustive. NOTE: In most cases, exams do NOT cover preview features, and some features will only be added to an exam when they are GA (General Availability). Implement the IoT Solution Infrastructure (15-20%) Create and configure an IoT Hub create an IoT Hub register a device configure a device twin configure IoT Hub tier and scaling Build device messaging and communication build messaging solutions by using SDKs (device and service) implement device-to-cloud communication implement cloud-to-device communication configure file upload for devices Configure physical IoT devices recommend an appropriate protocol based on device specifications configure device networking, topology, and connectivity Provision and manage devices (20-25%) Implement the Device Provisioning Service (DPS) create a Device Provisioning Service create a new enrollment in DPS manage allocation policies by using Azure Functions link an IoT Hub to the DPS Manage the device lifecycle provision a device by using DPS deprovision an autoenrollment decommission (disenroll) a device Manage IoT devices by using IoT Hub manage devices list in the IoT Hub device registry modify device twin tags and properties trigger an action on a set of devices by using IoT Hub Jobs and Direct Methods set up Automatic Device Management of IoT devices at scale Build a solution by using IoT Central define a device type in Azure IoT Central configure rules and actions in Azure IoT Central define the operator view add and manage devices from IoT Central monitor devices custom and industry-focused application templates monitor application health using metrics Implement Edge (15-20%) Set up and deploy an IoT Edge device create a device identity in IoT Hub deploy a single IoT device to IoT Edge create a deployment for IoT Edge devices install container runtime on IoT devices define and implement deployment manifest update security daemon and runtime provision IoT Edge devices with DPS IoT Edge automatic deployments deploy on constrained devices secure IoT Edge solutions deploy production certificates Develop modules create and configure an Edge module deploy a module to an Edge device publish an IoT Edge module to an Azure Container Registry Configure an IoT Edge device select and deploy an appropriate gateway pattern implement Industrial IoT solutions with modules like Modbus and OPC implement module-to-module communication implement and configure offline support (including local storage) Process and manage data (15-20%) Configure routing in Azure IoT Hub implement message enrichment in IoT Hub configure routing of IoT Device messages to endpoints define and test routing queries integrate with Event Grid Configure stream processing create ASA for data and stream processing of IoT data process and filter IoT data by using Azure Functions configure Stream Analytics outputs Configure an IoT solution for Time Series Insights (TSI) implement solutions to handle telemetry and time-stamped data create an Azure Time Series Insights (TSI) environment connect the IoT Hub and the Time Series Insights (TSI) Monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize IoT solutions (15-20%) Configure health monitoring configure metrics in IoT Hub set up diagnostics logs for Azure IoT Hub query and visualize tracing by using Azure Monitor use Azure Policy definitions for IoT Hub Troubleshoot device communication establish maintenance communication verify device telemetry is received by IoT Hub validate device twin properties, tags and direct methods troubleshoot device disconnects and connects Perform end-to-end solution testing and diagnostics estimate the capacity required for each service in the solution conduct performance and stress testing Implement security (15-20%) Implement device authentication in the IoT Hub choose an appropriate form of authentication manage the X.509 certificates for a device manage the symmetric keys for a device Implement device security by using DPS configure different attestation mechanisms with DPS generate and manage x.509 certificates for IoT Devices configure enrollment with x.509 certificates generate a TPM endorsements key for a device configure enrollment with symmetric keys Implement Azure Security Center (ASC) for IoT enable ASC for IoT in Azure IoT Hub create security modules"
Price: 19.99

"The king Solomon seals 44 keys to prosperity & success" |
"The power of King Solomon's seals is enormous.They have been widely used in various cultures and religions since the Middle Ages and are included in amulets for various purposes.King Solomon seals are capable of helping a person in all areas of life, from livelihood, health, relationships, protection, to achieving respect, prestige and personal fulfillment.The magical seals have been applied by mystics and occult practitioners along the ages to improve peoples lives and shift reality to a desirable direction.This course conveys to you the spiritual Kabbalistic implementations of the seals.You will learn how each seal can contribute to your spiritual development and the expansion of your consciousness, to shift your inner frequency, so that it will generate positive changes in your physical reality.The virtues of each one of the 44 seals are explained in depth, on two levels:the mystical/magic effect of the seal, and the spiritual transformation it generates in the person who activates it.This course is enriching and practical:You will learn a unique and proven method of inscribing the energetic frequencies of the seals in your energy field, to be blessed by their full potential.Each lesson conveys a description of the seal and supporting materials that will lead you through its application.The last lesson provides you with essential information about how to attain knowledge from the seals, apply them for healing, helping other people, and getting answers and guidance.This course conveys unique knowledge, through which you will learn important cosmic principles and proper personal conduct to make your life happier, abundant and more fulfilling."
Price: 49.99

"Google Meet and Google Classroom Guide for Online Teaching" |
"If youre a teacher whos recently been moved online due to school closures and youre worried about your first online classes, this course is going to save your life!In this course, Ill show you step by step how to organise and execute synchronous classes using Google Meet and ClassroomMaster Google Meet and screen sharing for your online classesLearn how to use Google Classroom like a pro and communicate more efficiently with your classesSee Google Classroom for your students' eyes and how they will complete and return assignmentsFind out the vital permissions you need to set on assignments for correct completionBy the end of the course, youll know exactly how to keep your class organised and make your online lessons just as fun and informative as you offline lessons.Go ahead and click on the take this course right now' button and come and join our community of over 2000 teachers that have already taken the course! Thanks again for enrolling, and Ill see you in the course!"
Price: 19.99

"Ferramentas para o Diagnstico em Gesto de Pessoas" |
"Voc trabalha com pessoas ou atua na rea de gesto, tem no dia-a-dia o desafio desenvolver colaboradores, de criar estratgias para manter um clima saudvel de trabalho para alcanar bons resultados?Se sua resposta sim, ento continue comigo!H muitas coisas trabalhosas para ns que atuamos na rea de gesto, uma delas identificar e ter a clareza dos reais problemas que interferem na motivao, que geram conflitos, que levam ao mau atendimento, erros de procedimentos, e muitas outras situaes.Digo isso porque, na minha prtica, eu tambm experimento esses desafios, por isso produzi o curso FERRAMENTAS PARA DIAGNSTICO EM GESTO DE PESSOAS COM FOCO NO COMPORTAMENTO ORGANIZACIONAL.No curso vou apresentar ferramentas que uso na minha prtica profissional. So ferramentas cientficas, que busquei na literatura gesto e psicologia do trabalho.Essas ferramentas me auxiliam na hora de investigar, identificar problemas nas reas de liderana, motivao, clima organizacional, por exemplo.Eu acredito que possam tambm te ajudar, pois elas ajudam a medir o comportamento organizacional e pode orientar melhor na elaborao de plano de melhoria em gesto de pessoas.As aulas so prticas e vo direto ao ponto, ensinam a aplicar e interpretar os resultados obtidos por essas ferramentas e fazer um plano de ao.No curso voc ir aprender:No primeiro mdulo eu trago todo uma explicao sobre o diagnstico organizacional e seu planejamento, que vo servir de base para escolha e uso das ferramentas, Na sequncia apresento uma seleo de ferramentas, fornecidas pela literatura, voltadas para medir o clima organizacional, o trabalho de equipes, a motivao no trabalho, o nvel de satisfao, conflitos no trabalho dentre outras. Aprender a interpretar os resultados e criar plano de ao.Tambm me preocupei em apresentar os recursos, online e offline, que podero ser usados na coleta e tratamento dos dados."
Price: 54.99

"Criando Slides e Contedo para Apresentaes Memorveis" |
"Voc tem medo de falar em pblico a fazer apresentaes? Acha que suas apresentaes ou aulas esto precisando de aprimoramento? Quer ter mais confiana ao preparar seu contedo e seus slides? Deseja que suas apresentaes sejam memorveis, gerando no s um benefcio para sua plateia mas tambm dando um impulso na sua carreira e reputao?Seja qual for sua rea de atuao, chances so de que em algum momento da sua vida, voc precisar realizar apresentaes. Um trabalho de escola, trabalhos de graduao, defesas de teses, aulas, apresentaes profissionais, treinamentos etc. Todos so exemplos de apresentaes que potencialmente voc realiza ao longo da sua vida.Uma apresentao uma oportunidade nica de deixar sua marca na plateia. Com este curso, voc conhecer os elementos de uma apresentao memorvel, aprender como criar e organizar contedo de forma lgica, coerente e de fcil entendimento e ser capaz de criar slides esteticamente interessantes, objetivos e eficientes.Vou te ensinar algumas tcnicas que aprendi estudando sobre apresentaes memorveis e outras que aperfeioei ao longo dos anos como profissional que j realizou mais de 1000 apresentaes para milhares de pessoas.Venha conhecer os elementos de uma apresentao memorvel, como cativar sua plateia, gerenciar a ansiedade de palco, criar slides impactantes e realizar sua apresentao com maestria."
Price: 294.99

"How to start a podcast (Everything you need!)" |
"Are you looking to start your own podcast? If yes, then you're in the right place! In this course, I will walk you through step by step to and give you everything you need to successfully create and launch your podcast. I give you all of my best secrets, and I give you all of the resources that took me hours and hours to create! If you're looking for all the steps from A-Z, you're in the right place!"
Price: 29.99

"Comment grer les courriers lectroniques d'une entreprise" |
"Votre entreprise reoit certainement de plus en plus de courriers lectroniques. Le volume des e-mails dpasse trs probablement celui du courrier postal.Vous avez une bonne organisation pour votre boite lettres papiers mais pour llectronique, cela flotte un peu plus.Vous utilisez une seule et mme adresse, celle de votre fournisseur daccs Internet (du type xxx@orange.fr, xxx@free.fr, xxx@wanadoo.fr ). Vous allez consulter de temps en temps vos e-mails sur son interface web. Mais quelques courriels importants sont noys dans une masse de spams (courrier publicitaires non dsirs) et vous y passez un temps fou !Vos clients, fournisseurs ou relations daffaires se plaignent de ne pas recevoir vos courriers lectroniques ou vous ne recevez pas les leurs.Ces exemples ne sont malheureusement pas des fictions. Cest pourquoi ce cours a t cr.Ce cours vous permet dy remdier en vous montrant pas pas comment :crer des comptes et adresses de courriers lectroniques pour Google, la publicit et votre activit professionnelle ;tlcharger et installer un logiciel libre, gratuit, multi-plateformes (windows, android, linux, mac), en Franais de messagerie (THUNDERBIRD) ;utiliser au mieux ce gestionnaire de messagerie par : la cration et paramtrage des comptes ;linstallation de modules complmentaires ;les envois, rceptions et classement des messages. lissue de ce cours, vous saurez grer les courriers lectroniques de votre entreprise dans diffrents comptes et ainsi appliquer les bonnes pratiques pour tre efficace."
Price: 139.99

"Comment crer/stocker les documents numriques d'entreprise" |
"Votre entreprise reoit et traite probablement un certain nombre de documents et de plus en plus numriques (sous forme de fichiers informatiques).Vous avez une bonne organisation pour vos documents papiers mais pour llectronique, cela flotte un peu plus.Vous recevez et crez tous type de formats de documents numriques (pdf, jpg, png, tiff, bmp, doc, docs, odt, xls, sheets, ods ) dont des formats propritaires (Microsoft, Google ).Certains de vos documents dune page ont une taille en Mo alors quand ils ont plusieurs dizaines de pages Vous souvenez-vous ce que contient le fichier intitul 20200222080756874.jpg ?Les documents numriques sont stocks dans le rpertoire de votre scanner mais aussi dans votre boite de rception de compte de messagerie, dans vos comptes des sites Internet de vos fournisseurs, partenaires de telle sorte que lorsque vous cherchez un document prcis, cest un vritable jeu de piste.Ces exemples ne sont malheureusement pas des fictions. Cest pourquoi ce cours a t cr.Ce cours vous permet dy remdier en vous montrant pas pas comment :crer des documents numriques optimiss en :respectant des rgles de base ;ayant un scanner bien rgl ;attribuant un nom de fichier mmotechnique ;stocker les fichiers :en comprenant les avantages et les inconvnients du local et du distant ;sur un serveur NEXTCLOUD hberg chez INFOMANIAK install en quelques clics ;mais aussi sa configuration, administration et utilisation ;Bref, tout ce quil faut pour. lissue de ce cours, vous saurez grer correctement les documents numriques de votre entreprise sur son propre serveur de type cloud et ainsi appliquer les bonnes pratiques pour tre efficace."
Price: 109.99

"Comment grer les flux de documents numriques d'entreprise" |
"Votre entreprise reoit et traite probablement un certain nombre de documents numriques (sous forme de fichiers informatiques).Vous avez une bonne organisation pour vos documents papiers mais pour llectronique, cela flotte un peu plus.Certes, votre entreprise reoit bien des documents numriques par divers canaux mais elle ne les rceptionne pas tous tous ? Vous ne savez pas trop et vous allez rgulirement la pche aux documents et/ou tes relanc par des partenaires (clients, fournisseurs ).Une fois le document numrique recueilli, vous ne savez pas trop quoi en faire et hsitez souvent : limprimer, le classer ou le mettre dans un circuit de traitement.Vous faites ces tches administratives au fil de leau lorsquelles se prsentent ou quand vous avez le temps, cest dire jamais et seulement lorsque vous tes au pied du mur .Ces exemples ne sont malheureusement pas des fictions. Cest pourquoi ce cours a t cr.Ce cours vous permet dy remdier en vous montrant pas pas comment :collecter tous les documents numriques en :respectant des rgles de base ;suivant un tableau des contrats et des chances ;classer les documents numriques dans des dossiers/rpertoires temporaires, permanent et annuel ;traiter les flux de documents numriques selon quil sagit de lettres, courriers, factures, pices de banque, notes de frais, bulletins de paie ou dditions sociales. lissue de ce cours, vous saurez grer correctement les flux de documents numriques de votre entreprise sur votre serveur cloud et ainsi appliquer les bonnes pratiques pour tre efficace."
Price: 84.99

FacebookFacebook |
Price: 24000.00

"Advance course on financial intelligence" |
"In this Advance course, Students will learn the concepts of Cash Budgeting, components of balance sheets and Income Statements in addition to the basic concepts of financial intelligence and what is the importance and roles of financial statements in business decision making. Join by enrolling to the advance course of worth Rs 3500/- at Rs 1280./"
Price: 1280.00

"Complete MBA course : Marketing and business Strategy" |
"Marketing strategy strategy course designed by an MBA graduate from the syllabus of top Universities in the world.This course is very helpful for all those who are either preparing for GMAT or planning to do an MBA. It is divided into four different section like Marketing Basics Overview ,Marketing insights and analysis, Branding and communication and Business Strategy and will cover all the all the important topics of Marketing in MBA. The last section of the module will further help you in understanding various strategy used by companies1. Marketing OverviewWhat is marketing?Demand wants and needs & Maslow's hierarchy of needsHow money flows in modern EconomySTP (Segmentation targeting and positioning)Marketing Mix i e 4Ps (Product, Price, Place, Promotions) and 7Ps of Marketing.SWOT analysis2.Marketing insights and analysisa) Analyzing ConsumerGeneration characteristicsThe adoption curve for any product or serviceHow Customer Insights helps in segmenting and targetingb) Designing SAAS and Sales funnelWhy SAAS is specialDesigning a SAAS startupUnderstanding Customer lifetime value, Customer Acquisition cost, Unit economics for startupswhat are Marketing Funnel/Sales funnel for a product c) Business analysisProduct and market segmentationCommunication channelsMarketing funnelsUnit economicsd) Marketing Information SystemTypes of dataRecommendation engineWhat is Marketing Intelligence systemTypes of data used in MIS Data-driven recommendation engineHow does a recommendation engine work?3.Marketing communication and brandingWhat is branding and advantages of branding?Types of branding?Tesla brand positioning and Product differentiation using POP and POD (perceptual map)Emotional branding and Brand mantra(Communicate simplify and inspire)Brand equity (Perception, preference, and behavior)BAV model and brand resonance modelBrand revitalizationLine extension product extension and category extensionBrand dilutionService marketing Service marketing triangle4.Business Strategy (Sales and Expansion)What is a business strategy Why do we need itMarket structure(leader, challenger, follower, and nickers strategy )Porter five competitive forces (Competitive rivalry, Threat of new entrance, Power of suppliers, Power of customers, Threat of substitute products)Marketing competition and Defensive marketing (preemptive, counteroffensive, flank, contraction, mobile attack)Follower strategy (product imitation, conscious parallelism cloner, imitator and adapter)Samsung Horizontal and vertical expansion to achieve economy of scope and economy of scale.Amazon killing competition strategy using diversificationApple ecosystem strategyLenskart omnichannel integrationProduct life cycleExpanding the market share pie using the Ansoff matrixPrice cut strategy (low-quality trap, fragile market share trap, shallow pockets trap, price war trap)Zero cost marketing strategy"
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Dj profissional do zero ao avanado" |
"Ol, sou o Dj Flayton e neste curso eu entrego todo o conhecimento que tive sobre esta profisso durantes os meus 12 anos de carreira, j atuei em praticamente todos os tipos de eventos. Com este curso voc no s aprender a tocar mas tambm se prepar da melhor forma para o mercado de trabalho, o meu objetivo que alm de aprender a ser Dj voc consiga tambm ingressar no mercado de trabalho e fechar festas para tocar. Este contedo foi preparado com muito carinho pra voc, espero que goste."
Price: 234.99

"Microsoft MTA 98-367 Security Fundamentals Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which listen connection for the network traffic of a computer resource?a) collection of resourcesb) Denial of servicec) ARP poisoningd) eavesdroppinge) Logic bombQ) The length of the default password for a Windows Server domain controller is:a) $0b) $5c) $7d) $14Q) What does NAT do?a) It encodes and authentic IP packets.b) It provides caching and reduces network traffic.c) It translates public IP addresses to private addresses and vice versa.d) It analyzes the traffic packets in and out.Q) the separation of roles improves server security by:a) principle of least privilege to enforce.b) Installing applications on separate hard disks.c) Physically separate the high-security servers from other servers.d) on separate VLANs for server placement.Q) The Graphic Design Institute has been hired to help them set up a server for their team of 20 people. As a general practice of server hardening, starts performing two tasks? (Pick one.)a) Disable the guest account.b) Rename the admin account.c) Remove the account lockout policy.d) Format partitions with FAT32."
Price: 159.99

"LSSGB Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) The use of signal lights railway, tool and jidohka devices in the application of Lean realize that these principles?a) Minimizing theftb) visual Factoryc) knowledge managementd) operator AttentivenessQ) A lean principle that addresses efficiency by the process worker is called ____________________?a) visual Factoryb) supervisionc) Trainingd) standardizationQ) While the management of a company must prepare the ground for all the improvement efforts that these 5SS is mainly determined by the management?a) Straighten upb) To sortc) Shined) To sustainQ) As part of a visual factory floor __________ cards are created and used to identify areas that need cleaning and organization.a) Kanbanb) Kaizenc) Poke-Yoked) WhoSaiQ) The use of kanban work best with extraction systems to determine the timing of which produce products or services.a) TRUEb) FALSE"
Price: 154.99

"LFCS Linux Foundation System Administrator Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following information is stored in the BIOS? (Choose two correct answers.)a) boot orderb) version of the Linux kernelc) Time zoned) hardware configuratione) hostname of the systemQ) Which of the following commands restart the system when using SysV? (Choose two correct answers.)a) shutdown -r nowb) shutdown -r ""reboot""c) telinit 6d) telinit 0e) -k shutdown now ""reboot""Q) Which of the following systems are used within init Linux systems? (Choose three correct answers.)a) startdb) systemdc) parvenud) sysinite) SysV initQ) What information can the display of lspci commands about the hardware of the system? (Choose three correct answers.)a) device IRQ settingsb) speed of the PCI busc) type of battery systemd) device vendor identificatione) Ethernet MAC addressQ) Which of the following commands brings a SysV system running in a state where it is safe to perform the maintenance operations? (Choose two correct answers.)a) shutdown -R 1 hoursb) Single shutdown nowc) init 1d) telinit 1e) runlevel 1"
Price: 149.99

kurabayashi |
Price: 5400.00

"Pivot-Tabellen Masterclass! Excel Datenanalysen & Dashboards" |
"ThemenbersichtGrundlagen Pivot-Tabellen in MS-Excel1. Was sind Pivot-Tabellen?2. Datengrundlage zur Erstellung von Pivot-Tabellen3. Erstellung der ersten Pivot-Tabelle4. Modellierung deiner ersten Pivot-Tabelle5. Handout: Pivot-Tabellen Grundlagen6. Pivots duplizieren, verschieben & lschen7. Kennzahlenberechnung bei Pivot-Tabellen8. Datenquelle ndern bei Pivot-Tabellen9. Designnderung von Pivot-Tabellen10, bung 1 Pivot-Tabellen in Excel11. Lsung bung 1 Pivot-Tabellen in ExcelVisualisierung mit Pivot-Tabellen1. Basis Visualisierungen mit Pivot-Tabellen2. Verbund-Charts mit Pivot-Tabellen3. Fortgeschrittene Visualisierungen mit Pivot-Tabellen4. Aktienkurse ber Pivot-Tabellen darstellen5. Wasserfallcharts ber Pivot-Tabellen darstellen6. Datenschnitte einfgen in Pivot-Tabellen7. Zeitachse einfgen in Pivot-Tabellen8. Dashboard-Erstellung mit Pivot-Tabellen9. Bedingte Formatierungen fr besonders ansprechendes Reporting10. bung 2 Pivot-Tabellen in Excel11. Lsung bung 2 Pivot-Tabellen in ExcelFortgeschrittene Pivot-Funktionen1. Detailanalyse per Klick in Pivot-Tabellen2. Sortieren und Filtern mit Pivot-Tabellen3. Gruppieren innerhalb von Pivot-Tabellen4. Ein Feld aus anderen Feldern berechnen5. Prozente bei Unterkategorien6. Finale Dashboard-Erstellung7. bung 3 Pivot-Tabellen in Excel8. Lsung bung 3 Pivot-Tabellen in ExcelFallstudie 1 Pivot-Tabellen in Excel1. Fallstudie 1 Pivot-Tabellen in Excel2. Lsung Fallstudie 1 Pivot-Tabellen in ExcelFallstudie 2 Pivot-Tabellen in Excel1. Fallstudie 2 Pivot-Tabellen in Excel2. Lsung Fallstudie 2 Pivot-Tabellen in ExcelFallstudie 3 Pivot-Tabellen in Excel1. Fallstudie 3 Pivot-Tabellen in Excel2. Lsung Fallstudie 3 Pivot-Tabellen in ExcelBonus: Pivot-Tabellen & Power-Pivot1. Pivot-Tabellen in Excel2. Pivot-Datenschnitte in Excel3. Einfhrung in Microsoft Power-Pivot4. Dein erstes Power-Pivot-Projekt5. Dein zweites Power-Pivot-ProjektBonus: Einfhrung in Power-BI1. Was ist Power-BI?2. Dein erstes Power-BI-Projekt3. Dein zweites Power-BI-Projekt--------------------------------------------Im Kurs zum Download erhltlichZusammenfassung der Themenkomplexe (PDF)Skript aller inhaltlichen Themen (PowerPoint)Berechnungen der bungen (Excel)Lsungen der Berechnungen (Excel)Handout: bersicht zum Thema Pivot-Tabellen (PDF)Bonus: bersicht aller Shortcuts in Excel (PDF)"
Price: 189.99

"Curso bsico de NodeJS e MongoDB" |
"Com este curso voc ser capaz de construir uma API REST DO ZERO e colocar em produo, utilizando conceitos baseados na vida REAL!Este curso vai te mostrar vrias ferramentas do desenvolvimento de software, te proporcionando a experincia de um desenvolvedor de alto padro usando as tecnologias mais avanadas do mercado.Alm dos conceitos REST, voc vai aprender conceitos sobre bancos de dados no relacionais e utiliz-los com exemplos REAIS."
Price: 39.99

jcvzpkyj |
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Price: 19.99

"Aprenda a Fazer Planos de Corte em Chapas de Mdf MdP Etc...." |
"Neste curso o aluno ir dominar a arte de aproveitamento de chapas de mdf, mdp, gesso, granito e etc...Foi desenvolvido para ajudar aos profissionais que lidam com materiais que so comercializados em chapas.Tenho observado muitos profissionais desperdiando material de todas as formas.por isso resolvi desenvolver este curso.Seja bem vindo adquira hoje mesmo seu curso de planos de cortes."
Price: 99.99

"Introduccin a Adobe Photoshop CC 2020 (Actualizado)" |
"CUPON DE DESCUENTO: DESCUENTO_CAPDESISEn este curso aprenders a utilizar la herramienta Photoshop desde lo ms bsico, yndonos paso a paso con proyectos reales.Aprenders a usar todas las Herramientas de Photoshop, trabajamos con la versin ms actual de Photoshop (Actualizada a Septiembre de 2020).Si no sabes utilizar de nada la herramienta de edicin profesional de mapa de bits este curso es para ti.O incluso si ya tienes algunos conocimientos te tocan bastantes tips para mejorar el flujo de trabajo con la herramienta."
Price: 24.99

"Curso SEO bsico - Posicionamiento en Google" |
"Este curso SEO es el ms completo e ideal para principiantes, alguna vez has pensado en aprender a posicionar sitios web y tiendas en lnea pero te parece tcnico y complicado? Esto es justo lo que soluciono con este curso.Te llevo de la mano y desde cero desde los conceptos bsicos hasta lo practico para que comprendas como hacer una investigacin de palabras clave hasta que aprendas a optimizar tu sitio web."
Price: 19.99

"Google Analytics Reporting with Google Data Studio" |
"How do you make sense of the enormous data in Google Analytics. If this is your question, then this course is for youGoogle Data Studio is a powerful visualization tool that allows you to create and share interactive reports and Dashboards. And its available for freeIn this course we will learn how to create your own Google Data studio Reports and Dashboards that will help you to easily understand Google Analytics DataIn this course we will be learning about various visualization in Google Data Studio using Google analytics as a Data Source. We will be learningConnecting Google Analytics Data with Google Data StudioGoogle Data Studio Interface OverviewScorecard VisualizationAdding Date Range Control FilterArea GraphColumn and Bar Graphs, Drill Down and Interaction Filter FeatureTime Series GraphCumulative Time Series GraphGeo GraphPie Chart VisualizationPivot Table VisualizationTable VisualizationUse of Filters in Google Data StudioCreating and Sharing Interactive Dashboards"
Price: 19.99

"Doing Business in Russia" |
"In this course you will learn:How a foreign company can enter the Russian market and what types of companies exist in Russia. Economic, geographical and cultural features of Russia. We will tell you about the main strategies for entering the international market and explain why you should open a company in Russia. You will have an opportunity to study in detail the tax system of the Russian Federation, and we will analyze in detail how you find and test a niche for business in Russia."
Price: 7299.00

"Crie Fcil sua Loja Virtual Grtis" |
"Crie de maneira simples e fcil uma loja virtual com apenas noes bsicas de informtica e tendo um computador com internet. Aprenda a controlar tudo a partir de uma nica plataforma com estoque centralizado, gerenciamento de pedidos, preos, forma de pagamento, entrega e muito mais. No d para ser mais simples do que isso."
Price: 39.99

"Microsoft Dynamics 365: MB-300, MB-500, MB-700" |
"MB-300: Microsoft Dynamics 365: Core Finance and OperationsCandidates for this exam are Functional Consultants who analyze business requirements and translate those requirements into fully-realized business processes and solutions that implement industry best practices. Candidates serve as a key resource in implementing and configuring applications to meet business requirements.Candidates for this exam have a fundamental understanding of accounting principles and financial operations of businesses, customer service, field service, manufacturing, retail, and supply chain management concepts.Candidates for this exam typically specialize in one or more feature sets of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations, including finance, manufacturing, and supply chain management.MB-500: Microsoft Dynamics 365: Finance and Operations Apps DeveloperCandidates for this exam are Developers who work with Finance and Operations apps in Microsoft Dynamics 365 to implement and extend applications to meet the requirements of the business. Candidates provide fully realized solutions by using standardized application coding patterns, extensible features, and external integrations.Candidates are responsible for developing business logic by using X++, creating and modifying Finance and Operations reports and workspaces, customizing user interfaces, providing endpoints and APIs to support Power Platform apps and external systems, performing testing, monitoring performance, analyzing and manipulating data, creating technical designs and implementation details, and implementing permission policies and security requirements.Candidates participate in the migration of data and objects from legacy and external systems, integration of Finance and Operations apps with other systems, implementation of application lifecycle management process, planning the functional design for solutions, and managing Finance and Operations environments by using Lifecycle Services (LCS).Candidates should have a deep knowledge and experience using the underlying framework, data structures, and objects associated with the Finance and Operations solutions.Candidates should have experience with products that include Visual Studio, Azure DevOps, LCS tools, or SQL Server Management Studio.Candidates should have experience in developing code by using object-oriented programming languages, analyzing and manipulating data by using Transact-SQL code, and creating and running Windows PowerShell commands and scripts.MB-700: Microsoft Dynamics 365: Finance and Operations Apps Solution ArchitectSolution Architects for Finance and Operations apps in Microsoft Dynamics 365 are trusted advisors who understand business recommended practices, software capabilities, and implementation delivery so they can lead implementation team members to implement Dynamics solutions that can achieve the predefined implementation goals.A Solution Architect is accountable for the integrity and successful delivery of end to end solution. The architect provides critical guidance during pre-sales throughout the design process and continues the oversight throughout the remainder of the project lifecycle to address issues that arise throughout the implementation and ensuring the achievement of implementation goals.The Solution Architect must have a breadth of knowledge and experience on industry standards and product capabilities. The Solution Architect must have broad expertise in both functional and technical areas of Dynamics solution. They should know about platforms, tools, and functional areas such as finance, supply chain management, and manufacturing. In addition, they have extensive domain knowledge in one or more customer industries."
Price: 19.99
