"The Complete Ethical Hacking Course 2020: CEH V10" |
"This white hat hacking course teaches you the ethical hacking tools and techniques needed to improve your network's security posture. With a hands-on focus, this course will teach you how to lawfully identify weaknesses and vulnerabilities of a system.Modules Covered In This Course Includes:1. Hacking Introduction and Building Lab2. Footprinting and Reconnaissance3. Scanning Networks4. Enumeration5. Voluntarily Analysis6. System Hacking7. Malware Threats8. Sniffing9. Social Engineering10. Denial Of Service11. Session Hijacking12. Evading IDS, Firewalls and Honeypots 13. Hacking Web Servers14. Hacking Web Applications15. SQL Injection16. Hacking Wireless Networks17. Hacking Mobile Platforms18. IoT Hacking19. Cloud Computing20. Cryptography21. Case Study ."
Price: 19.99

"C# Seria Programista - cz 4" |
"W tym kursie poka Ci,jak kodowa za pomoc prawdopodobnie najbardziej przydatnych i najczciej uywanych kolekcji,takich jak: tablica, lista, stos, kolejka i sownikoraz, co wane, kiedy uywa kadej z tych kolekcji.!!! Dodatkowo Prezent !!!dla kadego ksika ""Wprowadzenie do kolekcji C#"" w prezencie !!!ksika jest dostpna na mojej stronie dev-hobbyNaucz ci dobrych technik wykorzystywania operacji kolekcji,takich jak wyszukiwanie, wyliczanie i modyfikowanie danych w kolekcjach,a nawet uzyskasz bardzo szybki przegld tego, w jaki sposb LINQmoe pomc w wydobyciu danych z kolekcji.Pod koniec tego kursupowiniene by w stanie manipulowa prostymi kolekcjamiw celu odpowiedniego przechowywania danych w rnych rodzajach scenariuszy,ktre najczciej pojawiaj si podczas pisania aplikacjii mog pojawi si podczas pisania.Zapraszam na kurs i ycz dobrej zabawy.Seria Programista C# :cz 1: C# Podstawy programowania cz 2: C# Podstawy Programowanie obiektowego w jzyku C#cz 3: C# Najlepsze Praktyki Podstawy jzykacz 4: Wprowadzenie do kolekcji C#cz 5: C# Generics...Kod rdowy dostpny na github: mariuszjurczenko/BeginningCsharpCollections"
Price: 459.99

"Como ganhar dinheiro formatando trabalhos acadmicos?" |
"Trabalhe em casa com uma nova fonte de renda. Muitos alunos no sabem como formatar seus trabalhos. Isso intensifica a procura por pessoas que possam resolver esse problema e atender essa demanda.Aqui voc conseguir obter esse conhecimento e ainda ter consultoria gratuita todos os dias para comear a criar seu negcio.Se voc est interessado em uma nova fonte de renda ou se aluno e quer aprender de forma definitiva a formatar seus trabalhos acadmicos, esse curso para voc."
Price: 19.99

"A Complete Guide for Influencer Marketing Techniques 2020" |
"In 21st Century where data mining artificial intelligence Analytics holds the key , the attempt to play the ""Top Spot"" game is a Rollercoaster ride.FACTSBy 2021 there will be more than 2 billion people buying goods and services through e-commerce shops , global eCommerce companies revenue is predicted to reach more than $6 trillion by 2022 , By 2023 90.8% of all purchases will be conducted on retail websites ,today there are more than 24 million eCommerce websites in 2020 . Same goes with service Industry or any kind of Program or digital products Why Influencer Marketing!?The most important benchmark for any business or portal to be at the top of the niche is Traffic Conversions Leads Brand Awareness , and there are so many methods out there on the web that let us generate the traffic and in turn leads. Influencer marketing provides the optimization in traffic generation model and also it can take the brand to skyrocket the sales within hours. That's actually a Power of trust recommendation authority. What you will learn in this Course?This course is curated by looking into the needs of brands , Startups and individuals who are the prospects of future technologies and enterprise brands. We will learn about all the key methods that actually help us reduce our marketing cost and increase our ROI . We will learn about strategies that would be important while doing influencer marketing 'split tests' , we will be covering in detail how to create content for Influencer Marketing. We will also go deep into the methods of influencer marketing ,we will select influencer and learn how the whole process works. I would be disclosing all the platforms that essentially can be used to setup a campaign automatically and how we can optimize the results. We will learn about Instagram Influencer Marketing , how Instagram Shoutout method works? We will talk about Youtube Review methods as well along with one of the best Service Platform that is trending in Influencer Marketing. Content always considered to be the KING of campaign , we will crack the code of Content creation by learning a tool that let us design that we visualize in our head in such a brisk pace , We will be covering the ways to negotiate with influencer , Some of the techniques would help us understand the negotiation skill , communication methods and tools and techniques that help us in optimization of whole process."
Price: 29.99

"Kettlebell - & Mobility-Training fr Fuball" |
"Sei den entscheidenen Schritt schneller, gewinne mehr Zweikmpfe fr dein Team und dominiere das Spiel! Durch regelmiges Mobility- und Kettlebell-Training verbesserst und hlst du ber die Saison deine Leistungsfhigkeit, wo andere sonst abbauen. Aus Sicht der Trainerin/ des Trainers bekommt man fittere, gesndere Athletinnen/ Athleten und ein konstanteres, erfolgreicheres Team."
Price: 29.99

"Talent Management: Applying the Fundamentals" |
"You will have a desire to find and improve the organisation through Talent Management: Applying the Fundamentals. Every employee, manager, and director will have the potential attract new people to your organisation. Whether as a Human Resources Manager, a Team Supervisor, or Coach. How you manage the abilities and talents of those around you, is crucial in the success of your organisation. You can achieve successful diversity, maximise experience, and create future opportunities with your talented people. A concise, effective, and thoughtful talent management strategy can build the successful working culture for your organisation. Regardless of your circumstances, you will have the opportunity to learn and apply the information throughout the course.This course will enable you to:Define what talent looks likeUnderstand individual and team needsEvaluate an organisations talent management strategyFind talented individualsRecruit and develop talentCapitalise on talent leavingFor the IndividualDefine what talent looks like for youAppreciate the value of talent managementRecognise the failures and benefits from managing others careersFor the TeamHighlight the team talent management neededUnderstand how to allocate resourcePerform the needs analysis of your team and skills and experience wantedFor the OrganisationIdentify and analysis of talent your organisation seeksRecruit, develop, and retain personnel to improve your cultureCapitalise on the networking potential of talented people whom graduate from the organisationQuestions you may have1. Do I need to work in Human Resources to do this course?Answer: No, this course enables those whom manage or supervise others. Human Resource and Non-Human Resource personnel will benefit from the fundamentals taught in this course.2. Do I have to complete the project?Answer: Definitely recommended! This course upskills learners through both lecture, quiz, and project work, giving you a chance to apply the knowledge to your circumstances.3. Do I need to take notes and do homework?Answer: We encourage our students to take notes and actively listen, this will enable you to understand and then apply the knowledge from the lectures. Our homework are active exercises which you can do at work! The tools and methods can be applied at work, and so you can start benefiting in your professional and personal learning."
Price: 49.99

"Devenir entrepreneur en priode de crise" |
"Il n'y jamais eu de meilleur moment que maintenant pour entreprendre. Dans un monde toujours plus instable, n'est-il pas le moment de prendre votre vie en main ?Si oui, je partage avec vous toute l'exprience accumule depuis 15 ans crer moi-mme et accompagner des dizaines d'entrepreneurs dans des domaines trs varis : startup, artisans, TPE, PME...J'ai par exemple accompagn et travaill avec Engie, eBay, Renault, Wimi, La Fe Corsete..."
Price: 19.99

"6 tcnicas de storytelling para vender ms a partir de hoy." |
"Ahora es ms importante que nunca el saber cmo enviar los mensajes adecuados a las personas correctas. La marea de mensajes que existen all afuera ha elevado el nivel de la pelea entre marcas grandes, pequeos negocios, emprendedores, etc.Es por eso que es indispensable saber cmo estructurar tus mensajes de la forma correcta, precisa y concreta para decirle a tu audiencia lo que quieren y deben saber para elegir tu producto o tu servicio.En este curso aprenders tcnicas especficas de storytelling que te ayudarn a enganchar con tu audiencia y por consecuencia impulsarlos a la accin y del mismo modo, tambin impulsar tus ventas o las de tus clientes.Hola mucho gusto! Mi nombre es Emmanuel Inzunza. Tengo ms de 13 aos de experiencia como creativo, estratega, y profesor. He ayudado a empresas globales a alcanzar sus objetivos de negocio y a pequeos emprendedores que quieren vivir de lo que les apasiona. Ests en buenas manos.Inscrbete a este curso, para que sepas cmo crear textos publicitarios que impulsen a tu audiencia hacia la compra y as aumentar tus ventas o las de tus clientes. Adems aprenders un par de cosas que te dejarn pensando acerca de la realidad en la que vivimos."
Price: 49.99

"Forex Beginners Course - Complete Guide to Forex Trading" |
"Forex Trading for Beginners Online Forex Trading Course BeginnersHey Everyone.My name is Daksh. For those who dont know me, I am a Professional Forex Trader and Investor. I am also the CEO of Forex Monopoly andForex Inner CircleI am known for converting small forex trading accounts into big ones.In simple terms, people know me because of my skill of doubling or even tripling my forex trading account or Investment in a matter of weeks.In the past, I have grown my $200 Forex trading Investment into $4000And my $5000 Forex account into $45,000I have done this multiple times in the past.I was able to achieve all these results through forex tradingThe forex market is the largest financial market in the worldForex is a Multi Trillion-dollar Industry.I think I forgot to mentionForex is a Multi-Trillion dollar a day Industry.Yes, a Day.This is how huge forex is.Thats why forex is the largest financial market in the world.I still remember the day when I was introduced to this amazing industry.I was in my college and I was looking online for ways to make money, So I came across Forex.There were things that really impressed me and made me start forexI was amazed to see how people are able to make money just from their laptop and Internet connection. Not just some money but thousands of dollars just by predicting the price of the currency pair.I was very fascinated by this skill of forex trading. When I got to know how much potential forex trading had it felt like I have found the thing which I want to do.LikeLaptop and Internet connection - You can get started with a laptop and an internet connection. Before you start any other business you need a lot of things to get started. If you want to learn forex trading you can get started with a laptop and Internet connection.Freedom - Forex Trading provided me with the freedom to work anywhere I want and whenever I want. I was not restricted to work at a specific place or at a specific time. There are very few businesses around the world that provide you the freedom to work from anywhere without any limitation of location. Forex trading can be done almost anywhere.Money - I know we all are here for this same reason -- to make money. I saw that forex trading had an extremely high potential for making money. In Forex Trading the potential of making money is almost limitless. Forex Trading is a High paying skill if you master it.Part-Time - I was a student at that time. I was searching for something that I could do parttime and forex can be done part-time. If you are working somewhere or already you are involved with any business you can start trading in forex without investing too much time.At that time I didn't know that this would turn into a full-time profession.Now in this Forex trading class, I am going to introduce you to this industry of forex trading and help you get started with forex.When I started learning about forex in my early day there was very little information about forex on the internet and the information which was available online was very difficult and complex to understand for a beginner in the forex.There was also a lot of misinformation about forex on the internet which made me lose a lot of money. There were not forex trading classes to teach forex.But you don't have to worry about it.This currency trading course is designed in such a way that you will be able to go from a stranger to forex trading to an expert.I have compiled everything you will need to know about forex in this course. But that's not it. I have explained each and every concept of forex in the most practical and simplified manner so that you can understand the complex topics of forex easily.After this class, you will be able toUnderstand the forex market - Understand the core basics of forex trading. When ver you start anything you have to master the basics of it. If you don't master the basics or if your foundation is not strong then you won't be able to become a master in it.Understand how the forex market works and why does the price of the currency changes - This is one of the most ignored topics of forex. You will learn how the forex market moves and works.You will be able to master all the key basics of forex - This forex trading course covers all the important key basics of forex and helps you learn forex trading step by step.Use the Software required to trade-in forex - Just like photographers learn photoshop and video editors learn final cut pro. Forex Traders have to learn and master the best software platform for forex trading. This forex trading class covers that topic too.You will be able to start your trading account- After this class, you will be able to start your own trading account so that you can get started with trading.Choose a Proper Broker- This forex trading beginners course also teaches you the way to choose the right broker. There are thousands of forex brokers in the forex market and selecting a good forex broker is important for almost any forex trader. Forex Beginner commits the mistake of choosing the wrong broker and ends up losing money.Here everything you will learn in this Forex Trading Course for BeginnersWhat is Forex?How does Forex Market Works?Forex Currency Pairs and QuotationsWhat is a Bid Rate Ask Rate in Forex?What is Spread in Forex?What is Pip?What is Lot Size in Forex Trading?What is Commission in Forex?What is Swap in Forex?What is Leverage in Forex Trading?What is Margin?Things you should know in a Forex Trading Chart.Guide to MT4 and MT5 in Forex Trading.Types of Analysis in Forex.Different types of forex trading styles.How to choose a proper broker in forex.Demo account Mistake.How to open a Demo account.This is a complete guide for anyone who wants to get started in forex.But that's not it. I also call this Forex Trading for Dummies.This course will help you learn forex trading in the most practical way.I have also included a video that will help you choose the right trading styles according to your personality, need, and time.Choosing the right trading style is very important for anyone. I have never seen people or traders talking about it.This video will help you choose the right style for you and will also help you start in the right direction.This course includes all the important skills, knowledge, facts, and information that you will ever require to get started with forex.1 more thing I would like to addI will be always here to help you.If in case you have any questions regarding any topic in my class. I will be always there to clear all your doubts personally.This will be the best way to learn forex trading.Welcome to our Forex Trading Class for Beginners.So that you can get the best of this whole class.SO without wasting any time lets get started."
Price: 199.99

"Aprenda o ciclo PDSA e melhore os processos na sua empresa" |
"Trata-se de um curso introdutrio e rpido. Tem-se como objetivo desenvolver no aluno uma viso sistmica dos processos bem como apresent-lo uma ferramenta crucial para a otimizao de fluxos e de processos, seja na rea empresarial ou industrial. O curso est dividido em 4 frentes:Introduo e conceitos fundamentais O que PDSA e qual a diferena para o PDCAAs fases do ciclo PDSAComo ganhar eficincia e produtividade nos meus processos (com exemplos)?"
Price: 39.99

"Learning Pixlr X from Scratch" |
"Pixlr X is a powerful web-based Photo Editing Application that can be used to make color corrections and add in text to photos.In this course, we will be taking a look at Pixlr X Interface Options to work with Images Editing Tools and Layer Management.Then, we will see how to share and export projects, and wrap up with an example project.This course will focus entirely on the Pixlr X Features.I hope you will enjoy learning and using Pixlr X."
Price: 19.99

"ANS-C00 AWS Certified Advanced Networking - Specialty" |
"The Amazon ANS-C00 certification exam assesses the competence of a specific within AWS Certified Specialty technology. If you want to excel in the AWS certified specialty field, answering questions in pdf ANS-C00 may be a necessity for you. For this reason we created the practice tests: ANS-C00 for you to test your knowledge and have great chances of being approved.AWS Certified Advanced Networking - Specialty (ANS-C00) is intended for individuals who perform complex network tasks. This exam validates advanced technical skills and experience in designing and implementing AWS and hybrid IT network architectures at scale.Domain 1: Design and implement hybrid IT network architectures at a 23% scaleDomain 2: Design and implement AWS networks 29%Domain 3: Automate AWS tasks 8%Domain 4: Configure network integration with application services 15%Domain 5: Design and implement for security and compliance 12%Domain 6: Manage, optimize and troubleshoot the network 13%* Unofficial Practice Test, for those who wish to test their knowledge, only this Practice test does not guarantee your passing the official exam. All certification marks used in this course are the property of the respective brand owners. We do not claim or claim any ownership in any of the marks."
Price: 19.99

"CLF-C01 AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Practice Tests" |
"Be recognised by becoming an AWS Certified Cloud PractitionerTake the next step in your career by expanding and validating your skills in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloudLearn, prepare and practice for success on the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam (CLF-C01).Assess your knowledge with questionnaires and with a score result at the end.Practice 5 tests with 462 realistic exam questionsConsidered for its level of detail, assessment resources, and challenging questions and exercises, this practice study test helps you better understand the exam scenario that will enable you to pass the exam for the first time.Important:* Unofficial Practice Test, for those who wish to test their knowledge, only this Practice test does not guarantee your passing the official exam. All certification marks used in this course are the property of the respective brand owners. We do not claim or claim any ownership in any of the marks."
Price: 24.99

"DAS-C01 AWS Certified Data Analytics - Specialty Test Exam" |
"Prepare for the AWS Certified Data Analytics specialty exam with practice tests is the best way to move forward and pass.These practice tests assess your technical skills and prepare you for the updated AWS Certified Data Analytics exam. Earning this AWS certification will confirm your experience in designing and implementing AWS services to gain value from the data. Specialty (DAS-C01) Exam is designed for business analysts and IT professionals who perform complex Big Data analysis.You will have lifetime access to practice tests and future updates, without worrying about new fees.Topics:StorageProcessingAnalyzePreviewData securityAWS certifications allow professionals to demonstrate skills related to leading Amazon Web Services technology. The AWS Certified Data Analytics Specialty exam (DAS-C01) specifically assesses your ability to design and maintain Big Data, leverage tools to automate data analysis, and implement AWS Big Data services in accordance with architectural best practices.Important:* Unofficial Practice Test, for those who wish to test their knowledge, only this Practice test does not guarantee your passing the official exam. All certification marks used in this course are the property of the respective brand owners. We do not claim or claim any ownership in any of the marks."
Price: 24.99

"From Coffee Plant to Your Coffee Cup" |
"Why do you need to learn about how coffee is grown?You have no doubt asked yourself Where does coffee come from?For anyone who simply loves coffee or wants to work with coffee it's important to understand its roots (quite literally!)You need to understand where in the world coffee is grown, what it all starts with (species and varieties), and what makes one coffee different from another.This course, From Coffee Plant to Your Coffee Cup, will take you on the fascinating journey that coffee takes from seed to cup.Learn with me, a university professor of coffee, the founder of the Latin American Coffee Academy, and the author of Permission to Slurp, a book on coffee tasting.I will guide you through where coffee is grown, how good coffee is grown and processed, what it all starts with (species and varieties), and why those factors change the tastes in your coffee.Well discuss a bit about coffee history, why coffee is so vital to people, how it impacts millions of lives around the world and how you can change peoples lives.I know this is a complex subject. But Im going to help you understand it in a clear, easy, and memorable way.Who needs this course?Anyone who loves coffee. But even if you dont love coffee, you probably want to understand what coffee lovers are raving about all the time.Definitely, anyone who works with coffee needs to understand these basics. For instance:If you're a coffee shop owner or have an online coffee business, customers will ask you how the coffee you sell was produced.If you're a roaster, you need to understand how coffee is grown to be able to roast it and get fabulous tastes from it.If you are a coffee exporter, you need to communicate effectively with coffee growers and understand them when they talk about coffee processes.This course is a fantastic start for coffee exporters, coffee shop owners, and roasters who want to get a better idea of where coffee comes from and why one coffee tastes different from another.Ill teach you the basics of coffee cultivation fast and easy.This multimedia experience has videos, slide presentations, photos, actionable activities, and memory sheets to help you learn, remember, and use this vital information.In this fun, dynamic, 1.5-hour course I'll help you understand:Please get in touch, I love to hear from students. Send me an email or message with your coffee questions.Welcome. Lets get started learning about the roots of coffee.Do you really need a course?Can you learn about coffee without taking a course? Sure. Theres plenty of free stuff available online.But the reality is that wading through everything on the internet takes time. And another reality for people just starting out is that they tend to wade around lost for a long time.So youve no doubt thought of taking a course that leads you directly to the information you need. Taking a coffee course will save you lots of time.If that is what you're looking for, this course is for you. From Coffee Plant to Your Coffee Cup, will help you get that overview of coffee cultivation that you need.Fast, simple, and entertaining sounds good, right?Lets learn about coffee. I look forward to seeing you in the From Coffee Plant to Your Coffee Cup course!Why should you learn about coffee with a professor?Frankly, why would you want to learn with anyone but an expert? I live in a coffee-producing country (Colombia) and worked as a coffee professor at the prestigious La Sabana University until I started my own coffee academy.I have taught people from every continent - even coffee professionals! - about coffee in Latin America. I have years of experience taking a complicated subject and making it easy and fun.That's why people call me The Coffee Lady (seriously, you can Google it).Try the course out to see why most of my students give me a 5-star rating! I'm always here to support you and to answer all of your coffee questions.What if you don't like coffee?Many of my students don't actually like coffee! But they recognize that learning about coffee is an essential life skill...and along the way, some of them learn to love the brew.What if your English isn't perfect?My students live around the world and have learned English as a second language. So don't worry if your English isn't perfect - my students tell me the information I teach is easy to understand (and the videos have captions that I personally edited!). Also...hablo espaol, eu falo portugus, et je parle franais."
Price: 49.99

"Desenho e Simulao de Circuitos Pneumticos no FluidSIM" |
"Neste curso de Desenho e Simulao de Circuitos Pneumticos no FluidSIM, conheceremos tudo relacionado ao Software Festo FluidSIM 4.2. A sua biblioteca, a configurao de todos os componentes, o desenho dos circuitos, a simulao, a insero de listas de peas, diagramas de estados, imagens externas, diagrama funcional e a impresso dos projetos."
Price: 39.99

"Tableau for Beginners" |
"Are you looking to find a way to increase your salary and enjoy your work more? Why not turn to Tableau? Tableau is not only great fun,, but it can be really lucrative. Imagine what your life would be like with a $100k+ salary!Get Started Today!Learn and Apply Tableau Fundamental SkillsGet a step-by-step walk-through of the fundamentals of data visualization and data discovery with Tableau. You'll learn how to:Import data Join multiple datasets by apply Relationships/joinsCreate visualizationsCreate filters, parameters and calculated fieldsCreate dashboard"
Price: 19.99

"International Color Series" |
"Hello Parents! This series was created for elementary-aged children who have an interest in learning art technique and art history. It features four lessons, each highlighting a masterful use of color. Students will be inspired by artists from around the globe as they draw, design, apply color and use their imagination! We look at artists Amrita Sher Gil, Henri Matisse, James Lesesne Wells, and Peruvian Textile designs. Students will follow along with printable templates and an accordion book for each lesson. Supply links are available in the first class materials for parents to purchase. "
Price: 29.99

"Python for Beginners:Introduction to Python" |
"Learn Python From Beginner To Advanced Level Ive created thorough, extensive, but easy to follow content which youll easily understand and absorb. The course starts with the basics, including Python fundamentals, programming, and user interaction.The curriculum is going to be very hands-on as we walk you from start to finish becoming a professional Python developer. We will start from the very beginning by teaching you Python basics and programming fundamentals, and then going into advanced topics and different career fields in Python so you can get real-life practice and be ready for the real world.The topics covered in this course are:* Beginner to Expert Python contents:Array implementationFile methodsKeywords and IdentifiersPython TuplesPython BasicsPython FundamentalsData StructuresObject-Oriented Programming with PythonFunctional Programming with PythonLambdasDecoratorsGeneratorsTesting in PythonDebuggingError HandlingRegular ExpressionsComprehensionsModulesSee you inside the course!"
Price: 109.99

"PHP MySQL Responsive Restaurant Management System" |
"This course is about a ""Restaurant Management System"" which is build in PHP and MySQL. And I'm providing the whole source code of the project. This project almost can do everything which a online restaurant needs.You can manage the users/employee and can manage the permission or access to each employee according to his role. You can select what a employee can view, edit or delete.You can manage the food categories like veg or non-veg food etc. And can add your menu items/food items according to these categories.You can manage the ""Tables"" in the restaurant with their sitting capacity and while ordering you can select a table for customer. And can table the order for multiple items on a single table.It will all show you the order with their price and status (paid/unpaid) and you can view/edit the order details. Also you can generate the invoice for each order.You can also view the reports and many more things, so it's an complete package for online restaurant management system."
Price: 12800.00

"Salesforce Apex: The Complete Introduction for Beginners" |
"Salesforce Development is a skill that is in high demand in today's IT job marketAccording to ZipRecruiter the average Salesforce Developer in the U.S. earn $115k per yearAccording to IDC the Salesforce ecosystem will create 4.2 million new jobs by 2024The Salesforce platform is expected to continue to grow by around 65% per yearIf you're considering a career in Salesforce Development, now is a great time. Even during the Covid-19 pandemic there has continued to be strong demand for Salesforce developers. This course will take you step-by-step through the Apex programming language starting with basic syntax all the way through Object Oriented Apex, Triggers and Automated Testing. At the end of this course you will have a solid foundation in Apex programming and will be ready to tackle more advanced topics.FAQ:Q: Do I need to have programming experience to take this course?A: No, this course assumes no prior programming experience.Q: Do I need to have Salesforce experience to take this course?A: No, you can succeed in this course even if you have no prior Salesforce experience.Q: Are you available to answer questions?A: I monitor the Q & A inside the course and will answer your questions there."
Price: 49.99

"VRAIMENT bien matriser son Ordinateur et Windows 10" |
"Jai constat quutiliser un ordinateur n'est pas quelque chose dinn. Et surtout sil sagit de lutiliser de faon efficace. Je constate galement que beaucoup aimeraient en avoir un meilleur usage de leur PC, que ce soit sur le plan personnel ou professionnel. De plus en plus doprations passent par linformatique : votre travail, votre banque, le commerce, et pour pouvoir bien vivre ces expriences, vous avez besoin de solides bases sur lusage mme de votre ordinateur !Jai cr cette formation dans ce but, pour vous permettre dacqurir le bon maniement de Windows de faon simple et dENFIN vous sentir laise avec votre ordinateur. Intress ? Alors rejoignez-moi dans la suite du cours !"
Price: 24.99

"How to Make Chalkboard Signs" |
"I have been making and selling chalkboard signs in my online shop, and locally, for years. In this course, you will learn my exact process and the supplies I use to create chalkboard signs that you can create for home decor, give as gifts, or sell in your own shop. You will also learn to draw banners and how to apply ""faux calligraphy"" to your work."
Price: 19.99

"Advanced Data Structures-TREE ADT" |
"This course is intended to discuss in detail about Tree Abstract Data Type and its variants. Starting with basic introduction to General Trees, moves ahead to Binary trees, their implementation, Traversal algorithms and an application of Binary Tree. The variants of Binary Tree , starting from Binary Search Trees, Heaps, then moving into balanced BST - AVL trees, Red-Black trees, B-trees all are discussed in detail with their properties, operations and applications. The course discuss does not cover about pseudo code or about any specific programming language implementation.Practice Problems/quiz are given wherever required and the the solution to these problems is also discussed. "
Price: 1280.00

"Simple Yoga" |
"Dr. Tetiana Kapranova is an International Alliance Yoga instructor, doctor an endocrinologist, cosmetologist.She has been practicing yoga since 2009. She practiced yoga in China, India, Russia, Ukraine. She has organized yoga workshops and sessions for Universities, schools, and organizations. She has a YouTube Yoga channel.The purpose of writing ""Simple Yoga"" course is to give everyone understanding of the concept and knowledge about Yoga, Meditation, Pranayama, Mudras, Chakras, Doshas, Healthy Yogic Diet, Yoga asanas, Complete Guide for Weight Loss, Diabetes, Thyroid diseases, Anti-Aging and Yoga for Children.True Yoga is not about the shape of your body, but the shape of your life. Yoga is not be performed; yoga is to be lived. Aadil Palkhivala.Simple Yoga is a physical (asanas), mental (meditation), and spiritual (pranayama) practice that originated in India. Regular yoga practice:- creates mental clarity and calmness;- increases body awareness;- relieves chronic stress patterns;- relaxes the mind;- centers attention;- sharpens concentration.Simple Yoga Training created by Simple Yoga Company.Course contentI Introduction to the course.1. Introduction to the course.2. Hasta Mudras3. Cosmic Yoga Poses4. ABC Animals Yoga PosesII Principles of Yoga1. About Yoga2. Basic rules for practicing Yoga3. Mantras5. Chakras6. Meditation7. Pranayama8. Doshas9. Healthy Yogic DietIII Practice of Yoga1. Complex Yoga Poses2. Yoga for Weight Loss3. Exercise for Weight Loss4. Yoga for Stress Relief5. Fit Yoga in India"
Price: 19.99

"PowerPoint 2016 MOS 77-729 Exam" |
"This course will prepare you for the Microsoft Office Specialist exam for PowerPoint 2016. Students that complete this course will have a fundamental understanding of the PowerPoint environment and demonstrate the correct application of PowerPoint 2016. Students will practice creating, editing, and enhancing presentations and slideshows. Presentation examples include professional-grade sales presentations, employee training, instructional materials, and kiosk slideshows. "
Price: 44.99

"MOS Word 2016 77-725 Exam preparation" |
"This course will prepare students for the WORD 2016 MOS exam. Students will master the Word MOS exam skills such as, creating and editing 2- to 3-page documents for a variety of purposes and situations. Document examples include professional looking reports, multi-column newsletters, rsums, and business correspondence. This course aims to prepare students to achieve a score on the exam that is higher than 700 points out of 1000. "
Price: 49.99

"Advanced Ethical Wi-Fi Hacking with the ESP8266 Deauther" |
"This ethical hacking course walks beginners, computer science students, or cybersecurity professionals through advanced Wi-Fi hacking techniques using a cheap and easy to find microcontroller, the ESP8266. You can easily find these boards on websites like Amazon and Aliexpress.To get started hacking Wi-Fi, it's usually necessary to have a wireless network adapter that supports the kind of attacks hackers use. Cheap and easy to find development boards based on the ESP8266 offer an alternative to this, and can be pre-programmed with a framework supporting advanced Wi-Fi attacks.Using the Wi-Fi Deauther loaded on this $5 microcontroller, we'll learn to scan and identify Wi-Fi devices, create fake networks, jam network connections, and even learn where nearby devices have been. We'll also practice advanced Wi-Fi hacking techniques to defeat privacy measures built into modern smart Wi-Fi devices. This includes revealing the true MAC address of devices using MAC address randomization, forcing a smart device to connect to a rouge network from a safe one, and serving a basic phishing page to captured devices.For red teams, penetration testers, or anyone wanting to get into Wi-Fi hacking on a budget, this class will teach both basic and advanced techniques for Wi-Fi signals intelligence and hacking."
Price: 59.99

"Game Audio 301: Sound & Music Implementation using Wwise" |
"So you've written and produced your music, recorded your dialogue and created all your sfx - but how do you get these files in your game and make them behave the way you want?In game audio, creating the audio files themselves (sfx, music, etc) is a process but so is creating the systems that govern how and when these sounds are played.Instead of putting audio on a timeline, game audio professionals are usually asked to design audio events which are then programmed by either a technical sound designer or programmer on the development team to work with Unreal, Unity or another game engine.Wwise is one of the leading applications of audio middleware used to design these audio events. Able to be integrated with Unreal, Unity and most other available game engines, it gives the user the ability to implement all audio in a game space.Students will learn the basics of working within Wwise, general considerations for implementing audio and a musical score as well as the available tools for troubleshooting.During the course, students will implement all audio for the open source game Cube while walking through the educational resources created by the developer of Wwise, Audiokinetic.This class is designed for sound designers, composers, developers, and anyone else experienced in sound who wants a more holistic game audio skill set."
Price: 84.99

"TB0-123 TIBCO Business Works Active Certified Practice Exam" |
"105 UNIQUE practice questions for TB0-123 TIBCO Business Works Active Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : TB0-123 TIBCO Business Works Active Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 105Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :60 minsPassing Score : 75 (78 of 105)"
Price: 144.99

"VCPC550 VMware Certified Professional vCloud Automation Exam" |
"263 UNIQUE practice questions for VCPC550 VMware Certified Professional vCloud Automation ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : VCPC550 VMware Certified Professional vCloud Automation ExamTotal Questions : 263Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :160 minsPassing Score : 75 (197 of 263)"
Price: 164.99
