"Tam Kapsaml Excel Eitimi TR Arayz Her Seviyeye Uygun" |
"""RENCLERE ZEL NDRM KUPONU"" ile eitime sahip olabilirsiniz. Detayl bilgi Tantm videosunda.ou Excel kullancs, Excel'in gerek kapasitesinin ok kk bir yzdesini kullanmakta. Bu eitimle birlikte Excel zerindeki almalarnz daha verimli ve hzl halledebileceiniz bilgiler reneceksiniz. dnyasnda veya kiisel ilerde en ok kullanlan elektronik tablo arac olan Excel'i temelden ileri seviyeye kadar renebileceiniz kapsaml bir eitim setine sahip olabilirsiniz.Bu eitime balamak iin nceden bir Excel bilgisine sahip olmanza gerek yok. Temel seviyeden balayarak adm adm konular ileyip her seviyeye uygun bir eitim seti oluturdum. Eitim ierisinde ncelikle Excel Arayzn, Temel ilevleri, Veri filtreleme, Sralama gibi zellikleri, Pivot Table kullanmn, gnlk ve alma hayatnda en ok kullanlan Fonksiyonlar reneceksiniz.Bunun yan sra raporlarnz Dashboard Raporlama ile daha etkili ve interaktif hale getirmek iin gereken bilgileri edineceksiniz.Gnlk rutin ilerinizi otomatikletirmek ve dier nemli ilerinize daha fazla zaman ayrmak iin Makro Kodlar oluturmay reneceksiniz. 6 farkl Makro Uygulama yaparak bilgilerinizi pekitireceksiniz.Ekip almalarnda farkl yollarla dosya paylamn, dosyalar zerinde yetkilendirmeyi, dosyalar ifreleme ve gvenlik ayarlamalarn yapmay renerek etkili takm almalar yapabileceksiniz.Derslerde bilgileri sizlere yaln ve net bir ekilde aktarmaya altm. Excel ile alakal birok konuda kendinizi gelitireceiniz 6 farkl blm ve 90'dan fazla dersten oluan eitime sahip olun!Ayrca sormak istediiniz sorular soru-cevap ksmnda belirtebilirsiniz. 24 saat ierisinde sorularnza geri dn yapmaktaym."
Price: 99.99

"The Complete Cyber Security Course : Remove Malwares_Volume1" |
"what are you going to learn?-Understand Three ways handshake and how reverse connection work-How to use command prompt to Detect and Completely Remove FUD malwares-trojans-worms-backdoors-botnets-Payloads from your computer wherever if they can Bypass all anti viruses (without anti virus).-How To use Two softwares to easly Detect and Completely Remove FUD malwares-trojans-worms-backdoors-botnets-Payloads from your computer wherever if they can Bypass all anti viruses (without anti virus).-How to Prevent malwares-trojans-worms-backdoors-botnets-Payloads from autorun in your computer ( without anti virus)-How to Use Wireshark to Analyse your network & Detect malicious websites - Find and Remove those malwares that downloaded itself in background automatically - Detect the infected machine hostname & mac address & Ip address on your network .How to Detect & Completely Remove malwares-trojans-worms-backdoors-botnets-Payloads that hide Their Tcp Connection Activity (IP ADDRESS & PORT).How to Detect & Completely Remove Rootkits-malwares-trojans-worms-backdoors-botnets-Payloads that hide Their selfs from process manager (taskmanager and other process monitors).Get the attacker ip address and trace the attacker location.Detect Metasploit Meterpreter Migrations on multiple Process and Close the TCP connections.Prevent the metasploit Meterpreter (session) forever - the attacker no longer can open a meterpreter session on your computer (Wherever if the Meterpreter Payload Fud and can Bypass all anti viruses - Firewalls - IDS - IPS).11. Advice that keep you safe from hackers"
Price: 199.99

"Certified English Language Communication web learning Course" |
"In the course, what the students will be doing is learning English speaking skills through vocabulary lessons here, by the teacher.Miscellaneous topics as lessons, are here.Each chapter covered in the course is cumulatively cone in its approach towards the subject.The medium of instruction for the course is English and along with the captions and the reference textbook content of the course, in complementary learning with the practical demonstration of the steps, work towards the objective of enhancing the students grasp of the language. In the resources, both audio visual and typed notes for the students, as further learning is added in, so as to ensure that the student gets a comprehensive teaching of the course subject"
Price: 1280.00

"Learn psychology at the beginner's level" |
"Hello Everyone! Psychology is a subject that gives a lot of information about ourselves. It's Human Specific. Isn't it interesting to know about ourselves at our deepest level? We all are aware about many things such as How does the mobile work? Or what are its features? and what are the societal norms? But are we aware about What is Human Mind? and How does it function?and How it enables us to function in our day to day activities. Psychology is the study of Human Mind. It gives us a very different perspective of looking at the World."
Price: 1280.00

"Openshift Comprehensive ++ Dev/Ops: Live Hands-on Katakoda" |
"It is well known that the Red Hat Openshift Platform is the best choice for enterprises to manage container workload.Red Hat OpenShift Platform uses Kubernetes in its core and brings benefits in several areas of your enterprises, including:Consolidation of workloadsEase of managementHigh availabilityAccelerated development processesWith Kubernetes' sophistication however, comes the complexity too. Thats where Openshift becomes very relevant. Openshift simplified kubernetes deployment by abstracting away the complexity and by providing a simple, unified interface. It also gives you a complete Platform as a Service offering by packaging Kubernetes, Container Registry, Container Runtime, Build and pipelines tools including Jenkins and also creates best practices and integration out of boxThis course will guide not only to get theoretical knowledge in Openshift 4.X but it will let you implement your knowledge practically through guided exercises via Live Katakoda Scenerio's.Please feel free to look at course description and we Hope to see you inside course"
Price: 2240.00

"Learn Bootstrap 5 In Hindi With One Project" |
"Hello guys Maine iss course me apko Bootstrap 5 Github, Crash Course In Hindi ka tutorial padhaya hai aur maine isme front-end ka pura part padha diya hai jisme aap bootstrap 5 Github padhoge . jisme hum bootstrap 5 ki help se bhi ek full responsive website banayenge aur us website ko hum log free me github par host bhi karenge agar aapko ye pasand aaata hai to ap mera original full course buy kar sakte ho aur aap apne dosto ko bhi recommend kr sakte hai! Thank you"
Price: 1280.00

"Build 8 Mini Projects in Python from Scratch" |
"In this course, you are going to build 8 mini-projects in Python using different modules and libraries of Python.Projects you are going to build in this course:Copy Paste ToolStack Overflow Search ToolWikiPedia Search ToolQR Code GeneratorURL Extraction ToolURL ShortenerGoogle Search ToolPocket DictionaryThe Packages that are covered in this course are :Pyperclipurllibhowdoiwikipediagooglepydictionarypyqrcodepyshortener"
Price: 3200.00

"Dance for Primary Schools - Lunar Landing" |
"Looking for a fun, creative, educational dance resource online for parents/carers to use with their children? Or a teacher needing some new inspiration or online support in dance? These videos give parent/carers/teachers a structured and fun way to engage in dance.The Eagle Has Landed course will take you on a fantastic journey to and from the moon:Session 1 - Make a time machine to take us back to 1969Session 2 - Become part of the crew to fly to the moonSession 3 - Blast off into spaceSession 4 - The lunar landing and our first steps on the moonSession 5 - Earth calling the return to earthSession 6 - The celebration paradeEach session covers key learning outcomes to give children the core skills for creative dance.Also, included is a lesson plan which provides additional information for those who can work with groups of children.Please check out the other courses. We also provide a range of exciting educational workshops for schools. If interested, please contact us at help@nocturndance.co.uk."
Price: 24.99

(ccna/ccnp) |
" IT my name is mohamed ismail i intersted many diffirint filed "
Price: 19.99

"CSS From Scratch in Arabic CSS" |
"CSS , .- CSS- HTML- CSS - - -"
Price: 24.99

"Master Chemistry Course-Solutions in Chemistry" |
"Welcome to this course, the only course where you can know about solutions and concentration units which are most often used in all fields of chemistry. This course will teach you each and every thing related to solutions in chemistry and concentration units which you need to know became expert in solution chemistry. Concentration is the measure of how much substance is needed to mixed with another substance. As concentration units may be expressed qualitatively and quantitively.Throughout this course will cover all below mentioned topics:Introduction to solutionsTypes of solute and solventHomogeneous & Heterogeneous solutionsSaturated, Unsaturated & Supersaturated solutionsAqueous & Non-Aqueous solutionsDefinition of concentrationConcentration of solutionsConcentration unitsMolarity (M)Molality (m)Mole fraction (X)Normality (N)Parts per million (ppm)Parts per billion (ppb)Percent solutions %You will learn all these concentration units with quizMolarity (M)Molality (m)Mole Fraction (X)Normality (N)Parts per million (ppm)Parts per billion (ppb)Percent solutionsWeight / Weight %Weight / Volume %Volume / Volume %"
Price: 134.99

"Personal Finance and Economics for Millennials" |
"Did you know that only 57% of American adults are financially literate? Lets break that cycle.Welcome to Personal Finance and Economics for Millennials! This course is a beginner-level course about Personal finance FOR millennials, BY a millennial. Are you sick of hearing older adults preach at you about why you should save, or wondering why you still have roommates, aren't married yet, don't own a house yet? Incomes are statistically lower, and expenses are statistically higher than they were when our parents were our age. It can seem daunting, and even overwhelming to think about getting started with saving, home buying, or preparing for another recession.. let alone going on vacations, sending your kids to college one day, or *gasp* actually ENJOYING your life now! There is a way to handle it all, despite how the world may seem. I've done it, and I've put together a variety of different resources, processes, tips and tricks to help you do it too! By following certain guidelines, you can get on your feet financially, and not have to sacrifice everything that you enjoy in life in order to do so. My name is Maria. I'm 24 years old and graduated in 2017 with a finance degree. I watched my parents open a small business during the recession, and became obsessed with financial management and strength ever since. I've seen my friends make such common and easy to avoid mistakes, and want to keep as many people as possible from making the same ones! I've made it my personal mission to help as many people our age avoid big mistakes financially. Because the truth is, nobody is at their best when they're worried about money.How this course is different.There are millions of personal finance courses, books, and programs out there, each of them taking a slightly different (and awesome) approach. Personal Finance and Economics for Millennials aims to do what most of them haven't done, covering subjects that other courses usually don't, and catering them for the Millennial Generation (And Generation Z)!We'll cover things like:Insurance - What it all means, and how it actually works. Taxes - How the tax system works in the US, what deductions are, and how your tax return works. The Basics of the Economy - The very basics of the factors that influence the rise and fall of the economy in the US, and how you can take advantage of these factors in managing and growing your personal finances. Why credit cards don't have to be evil, and how to avoid common credit card pitfalls.How to treat yo' self and have money for the things you like to do - even if you're paying off debt or saving for something big! Plus the normal personal finance topics - like saving, investing, and budgeting, all with a millennial twist. This course will get you started with personal finance, and give you the foundation to turn your personal finance journey into a lifetime set of good habits and knowledge. Bonus ResourcesIn addition to the course materials, I'll be providing several other resources and tools to help you take your journey further:Personal Finance for Millennials - the e-book. This course began as a book, and now I'll be giving you the FULL book for free as a bonus to this course! A glossary of helpful definitions mentioned in the course. Building your Financial Foundation flowchart - To help you stay on track with the principles outlined in this course, in an easy, step by step guide! A list of my favorite books, podcasts, finance websites, and apps to help you along the way on your financial journey! Instructor Q & A - Ask me anything! I may even add to the course based on any questions that are asked! Access to any future updates for life - Personal finance isn't a one time thing you learn, but a lifestyle. You Owe it To YourselfIt all starts with a decision to get on top of your finances. You can continue to wonder how it could all come together, or you could take the next step! For the price of a few coffees, a tee shirt, or a night out with friends, you could build your financial foundation once and for all!I believe in you, and I believe in our generation's ability to impact this world in a major way. But, we can't do any of that until we get our own finances in check. With the right tools, you can become un-f-withable financially. Lets do this! "
Price: 34.99

"Sanacin energetica con smbolos arcturianos y arcngeles" |
"Extiende tus conocimientos con esta nueva tecnica de sanacin conectando con los Arcturianos y Arcngeles. Aprende a utilizar los smbolos para sanarte a ti y ayudare ala humanidad.Este curso es para ayudar a las personas a descubrir el gran poder que tienen estos smbolos para sanar todos los aspectos de sus vidas, de un modo sencillo, claro, prctico y estructurado. En l aprenders activar los smbolos con los cuarzos, incorporando tcnicas de sanacin avanzadas y de armonizacion energtica que te permitirn resolver problemas emocionales, energticos y espirituales."
Price: 159.99

"Practician n leadership etic i etic managerial" |
"Programul Practician n leadership etic i etic managerial i propune s te familiarizeze cu aspectele privind intersecia dintre etic, leadership i management la nivelul practic al vieii personale i organizaionale. Aceast ntlnire se realizeaz ntr-un cmp al autenticitii resimit pe plan personal i profesional, dar i n relaia cu celelalte persoane, n modurile manifestrii noastre ca prezene publice sau la nivelul construciei instituionale n care sntem implicai.O dimensiune important n acest demers este cea a relevrii importanei eticii n dezvoltarea leadershipului informal. Asumarea unui comportament etic duce la o reconstrucie a vieii personale sub semnul autenticitii, a unei viei bune i a prosperitii adus n viaa celorlali. Sntem aici adepi ai perspectivei potrivit creia cea mai bun confirmare a aciunii liderului informal este dat de cantitatea de bine, de armonie i de bunstare pe care o aduce n viaa celorlali. Recunoaterea ca lider informal se bazeaz pe o asemenea filosofie a alteritii.Operm n cadrul acestui training filosofic cu distincia ntre lider, manager i managerul care are caliti de lider. Aceast nuanare n descrierea funciei manageriale apare prin faptul c numai managerul care i dezvolt n mod intenionat calitile etice i asum contient responsabilitatea social i profesional ca un mod de via poate fi considerat un manager i un lider n acelai timp.O parte important a demersului nostru este cea legat de leadershipul etic, fie el informal sau instituional. Ne intereseaz modalitile n care acesta este asumat i dezvoltat n diverse sectoare ale aciunii umane, printre care cele ale spiritualitii, ale administraiei publice, ale diferitelor tipuri de organizaii, dintre care cele economice ocup un loc central.O ideea esenial a demersului nostru este importana care trebuie acordat construciei leadershipului pe valori. Pornind de la conceptul filosofic al reconstruciei tuturor valorilor, am militat n spiritul unei etici minimale, specific omului postmodern, pentru asumarea valorilor ca un mod de via i pentru o continu fructificare a valorilor etice ca for modelatoare a aspiraiilor ctre atingerea autenticitii.Am invitat i civa experi care s se exprime cu privire la leadershipul etic i etica managerial, din perpectiva expertizei lor, la interferena cu pledoaria pentru etic, valori i autenticitate pe care o desfurm n cadrul trainingului nostru filosofic.Insistm pe toate palierele desfurrii trainingului nostru filosofic asupra rolului fundamental i transformaional pe care l joac filosofia, reflecia filosofic i practicile filosofice n nelegerea i implementarea eticii, n aciunea etic i n cutarea atingerii autenticitii pe toate dimensiunile aciunii liderilor i managerilor. Ca o linie roie, ce strbate toate materialele aici expuse, se regsete ideea necesitii asumrii unei filosofii de via care s dea sens, coeren i eficien ntregii viei personale, profesionale, organizaionale i spirituale a liderilor etici i a managerilor etici i eficieni.Acest programs se dorete unul interactiv. n acest sens, vor fi folosite att facilitile oferite de platforma Udemy, ct i Grupul de practici filosofice, consultan filosofic i consiliere, din care pot s fac parte toi cei care parcurg mpreun cu mine acest training filosofic.Totodat, este important de precizat c, pe lng certificatul oferit de Udemy la finalizarea programului, cei care finalizeaz acest training filosofic pot beneficia i de certificare din partea Centrului de Practici Filosofice, Consultan Filosofic i Consiliere."
Price: 99.99

"Facebook Traffic Masterclass" |
"Facebook Marketers Advanced Traffic-Generation StrategiesIt is absolutely critical to drive traffic to your website. The more people that land on your site, the more revenue your business will generate.This course will teach you three proven strategies to attract thousands of website visitors quickly, inexpensively, and very efficiently.Increase Your Traffic Volume Almost InstantlyDeploy Effective Retargeting to Re-engage with Your Website VisitorsImprove the Economics of Your Business with Custom AudiencesReach Millions of Facebook Users with Lookalike AudiencesIncrease Traffic Volume on Your Website Almost InstantlyEntrepreneur's Guide to Driving Highly Targeted Facebook TrafficDo you want to learn how to drive cheap & highly targeted Facebook traffic to your website or blog, increase the amount of visitors, grow your audience and increase your revenue?If you already have a website that needs more visitors instantly without having to spend lots of money on Facebook traffic, then this course will help. Most likely your business has a traffic problem, but we will solve it! We'll show you a traffic technique that works right now. It might not work forever, but it does in this very momentand we apply it on a daily basis!Learn how to gain access to more than 1 billion potential customers that are on Facebook everyday, and turn them into your website visitors for only a few cents per click!Get highly targeted & cheap Facebook trafficWalk through the setup of a targeted Facebook campaignDiscover a traffic strategy that is working RIGHT NOWRun Facebook campaigns on a tight budgetStop paying $1 per click on FacebookContents and OverviewThe key element of cost effective Facebook traffic campaigns is a working strategy.You'll start the course learning how to find your target audience. Unfortunately, 99% of companies don't know who their ideal client or website visitor is. Don't make this deadly mistake.Then you'll discover how to find and craft the best content in your niche market. If you want to attract website visitors, you also need great and relevant content. I'll show you how to find the best pieces of content in your niche market that is proven to work.Next, you'll test which content yields the highest engagement on your fan page. Once we figured that out, I'll walk you through the entire process of setting up a targeted Facebook campaign. If you've never done it, then this course is perfect for you.By the end of the course, you'll be ready drive highly targeted Facebook traffic for cents per click, grow your audience, and convert your visitors into customers. Your business will benefit."
Price: 84.99

"A1 - A2 Temel ngilizce Kursu (Konumaya Ynelik)" |
"Bir dil en iyi doal haliyle renilir, yani ocuklarn rendii gibi, kelimeleri sk sk duyarak.Hem Trke hem Krte konuan arkadanzn neden ngilizce renemediini hi dndnz m? ngilizce zor diye mi? En zor dil hangisi? Size gre ince mi? Peki 2 milyar insan inceyi nasl konuuyor? Peki okuma yazma bilmeyen anne babann bile ocuuna konuma dilini retirken, niversitede retmenlik okumu birinin neden dil retemediini? Peki anne baba ocua Trkeyi retmeye neden fiilimsilerden deilde mama gibi en temel kelimelerden balyor? Bu gne kadar grdnz tm dil eitimlerini unutun. Bu kurs ile ngilizce konuacaksnz. Bu kurs ile ngilizceyi doal olarak reneceksiniz.Bu kursta tabularnz yklacak ve ngilizce renebileceinizi greceksiniz..."
Price: 129.99

"Python Tutorials - Python Crash Course for Beginnners" |
"Learn the fundamentals of Python through video lectures, resources and documents. Python is an easy to learn programming language with a wide variety of well-paying jobs in many fields, including data science, web development and network programming.Topics Covered in This Course :1 - Introduction2 - Installation of Python Shell & Pycharm3 - Basics of Python Programming4 - Datatypes5 - Int, Float & Boolean6 - Operators7 - List8 - Tuple9 - Set10 - Dict 11 - Control Flow 12 - Function13 - Other Methods14 - Files15 - Exceptions16 - OOP17 - Sys, Os & Platform18 - Datetime, Relative Delta19 - Random20 - Regular ExpressionsBonus Lectures :1 - How to Work with Excel in Python.2 - How to Upload Python Project on Github."
Price: 1280.00

"Affiliate Push Starter-Kurs - Affiliate Seiten erstellen" |
"Der Affiliate Push Starter-Kurs liefert Dir alle notwendigen Informationen, Strategien, Tools. Tipps und Anleitungen, die Du brauchst, um Dir eine Affiliate-Seite in einer bestimmten Nische aufzubauen. Alles einfach erklrt. Was ist eine Nische, wie findest Du Deine Zielgruppe, was ist eine Domain und was bedeutet Hosting. Neben der Theorie erhltst Du noch einen vollstndigen Praxisteil. Dort baue ich mit Dir zusammen eine neue Affiliate-Seite auf. Von der Registrierung der Domain, Partnerprogramme und Hosting, bis hin zu Installation von WordPress, Themes und Plugins. Ich zeige Dir die wichtigsten Einstellungen und Du kannst mir ber die Schulter schauen, wie ich die ersten Seiten und Beitrge erstelle. Du kannst dabei immer wieder pausieren und es bei Dir Schritt fr Schritt nachbauen. Du erhltst nebenbei natrlich alle wichtigen Informationen, wie solche Seiten aufgebaut werden und was einen guten Beitrag ausmacht. In dem letzten Modul gebe ich Dir noch meine Traffic-Strategie mit auf den Weg. Dort melden wir die Seite bei Google in der Suchmaschine an und ich zeige Dir, wie Du die ersten Besucher auf Deine neue Webseite bekommst.Das bekommst Du mit diesem Kurs:7 Module zum Aufbau Deiner Affiliate-Seite.Linksammlungen und Tools als weiterfhrendes Material und zur Untersttzung.Arbeitsmaterial mit wichtigen Informationen zu vielen Themen wie: Gewerbeanmeldung, Kunden-Avatar und vieles mehr.ber 6 Stunden Video-Material, so das kein Thema zu kurz kommt.Einfach und verstndlich erklrt, Du bentigst kein weiteres Vorwissen."
Price: 99.99

"Modelagem de ameaas - Construo de sistemas seguros" |
"Da modelagem surgem insights para o desenho da arquitetura da soluo, dos processos de negcio e, at mesmo, para nortear as escolhas de tecnologia. A modelagem de ameaas deve:Prover uma viso de riscos para a soluo sendo desenvolvida;Prover alinhamento das diversas frentes envolvidas, dentre elas, rea de negcio, time de resposta a incidentes, time de monitorao, desenvolvedores e arquitetos de sistemas;Derivar requisitos de segurana, tanto arquiteturais quanto de implementao."
Price: 29.99

"Complete UiPath Developer: theory + building real robots" |
"Learn how you can create software robots leveraging UiPath Solution. We will cover real-world scenarios and use RPA development best practices to build and run robots. Grasp the hands-on experience of building real robots and develop a mindset that will help you to become a well-paid automation developer.What makes this course unique is the combination of both theory and practice that take you from zero to a certified UiPath Developer. Whether you work in a multinational company, a start-up or you are an entrepreneur or small business owner, I show you how you can leverage this technology at work.I made this course to help you become an RPA developer, architect, or analyst faster, increase your confidence and develop the mindset to become well-paid faster than any other method. I have all my expertise and experience here so you can start saving time & money and level up your career!What youll get from this course:RPA overview & career guidanceMaster UiPath SolutionHighlight important theoryLearn about attended & unattended robotsDebuggingGuidance on creating high-complexity robotsAdvice and tips on how to get a job in this fieldPass the quiz questions required by UiPath to get the certificationBuild robots that:Download information from the internetSend emails with/without attached documentsRead email inbox with attached documentsScrape PDF documentsRead/write Excel filesNote: This course helps you to learn from Basic to certification level, but It doesn't guarantee you to get the UIPath developer certification."
Price: 179.99

"MVVM in SwiftUI: Build News App with NewsAPI & Combine" |
"SwiftUI has been a revolutionary change in the world of iOS app development. Since, its launch in WWDC 19 it has gained popularity as one of the most used UI framework to develop iOS apps. MVVM fits naturally into this framework so is the preferred way to design your apps for SwiftUI.In this course you will see how you can apply MVVM pattern to create professional looking app that is built to scale and ready to be released to the app store.You will learn how to organize your code for large projects and how to take advantage of MVVM design pattern to achieve flexible yet robust architecture."
Price: 19.99

"Practical UICollectionView in iOS and Swift" |
"A collection view is a way to present an ordered set of data items using a flexible and changeable layout. The most common use for collection views is to present items in a grid-like arrangement, but collection views in iOS are capable of more than just rows and columns. In this course you will learn to harness the power of Collection Views. Build an app from scratch, and customize it by creating and manipulating custom collection view cells. You will also learn how to create UICollectionViews programmatically and add supplemental views to display custom header for each section of your collection view. This course is designed for anyone who wants to create flexible grid layout using collection views. This course takes practical approach by teaching you each aspect in order to create an efficient collection view along with tip and tricks associated with collection views."
Price: 19.99

"Build Journal iOS App in Swift, Firebase, FaceID & Keychain" |
"In this course we are going to learn to create a complete app end to end from user login screen all the way to saving data to Firebase backend. This course is designed for all levels of iOS app developers who have knowledge of individual components and want to design an app from scratch. If you want to learn how to Develop iOS Apps with Firebase backend and want to see how to integrate TouchID, FaceID and Keychain security into your app then you have come to the right place.We will not only create every single components in this app from scratch but we will also learn how to manage external dependencies using Cocoapods and secure our app with Firebase authentication. You will also learn about permission priming, implementing different workflows based on user's authentication types and choosing to save their credentials into the Keychain secure enclave. In this app you will learn how to handle service side error cases and paths taken based on user's device capabilities. Also, in this course we will spend some time on errors and debugging the problems. Debugging an issue is one of the most important areas of the software development. So this is another very important aspect of the course.Last but not the least, you will learn how to use Firebase FireStore to keep multiple user's data private from each other."
Price: 19.99

"Data Structures and Algorithms in Swift and iOS" |
"Data structures and algorithms is a complex topic and can be a challenging due to level of complexity involved. This course introduces new way to learn data structures and algorithms by not only learning about them but solving real interview questions around those newly learned concepts. We will be looking at data structures such as arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees etc and algorithms like sorting algorithms, and algorithms on binary search trees and heaps. But while working on concepts for those data structures and algorithms we will also cover many interview questions and build solutions for them to fortify the concepts we have learned. also cover recursion in this course. After taking this course, you will loose your fear for data structures and algorithms and you will be able to propose new and improved algorithmic solutions to problems that will be efficient, performant, and scalable.You will be able to whiteboard interview questions, conceptualize new algorithms, solve Leetcode, Hacker rank, interview bits questions This course is good for anyone who is preparing or already in the process of interviewing to become developer/engineering at big, medium or small tech companies. During the interview process, Interviewer asks candidate to write algorithms out in code, and this course will prepare you for not only to write algorithm and code it but will also teach you as how to analyze the problem and think about the potential solution for the problem in hand."
Price: 19.99

"Cyber Security + Ethical Hacking Extreme Test Preparation." |
"Hello Students Welcome to this test preparation series for Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking. we are pretty much sure that this test series will add a lot of value in your preparation and job interviews. Practice these questions and boost your confidence. More over we will be updating more and more question series in the coming days to boost your confidence. Some basic definition are provided below. Website Security :- Web application security is a branch of information security that deals specifically with security of websites, web applications and web services.Mobile Phone Security :-Mobile device security refers to the measures taken to protect sensitive data stored on portable devices. It is also the ability to prevent unauthorized users from using mobile devices to access the enterprise network.Network Security :-Network security consists of the policies and practices adopted to prevent and monitor unauthorized access, misuse, modification, or denial of a computer network and network-accessible resources.IOT Security :- IoT security is the technology area concerned with safeguarding connected devices and networks in the internet of things (IoT). ... Allowing devices to connect to the internet opens them up to a number of serious vulnerabilities if they are not properly protected.Cyber Forensics :-Computer forensics is a branch of digital forensic science pertaining to evidence found in computers and digital storage media"
Price: 1280.00

"Learn SQL Beginner to Advance Level" |
"Learn SQL from the beginning to advance level. This course takes you from having little or no knowledge of SQL to becoming highly proficient in coding with SQL.Knowing SQL is highly important if you intend working with data and the demand for SQL skills is ever growing. You will learn SQL in a server environment which is most likely how you would use SQL in the real world. Not only would you learn SQL but you get to experience working with SQL in a real life setting.This course is hands on with lots of practice tasks which allows you get comfortable and familiar with querying in SQL.Course Requirement or PrerequisitesThis course does not require any prior knowledge or specific academic background. The only requirement is having a laptop or desktop computer. All applications necessary for learning the course would be downloaded free from the internet. Who is this course for?Anyone looking to work with data personally or professionally.Looking into a career as Data Analyst, Data Scientist, Business Analyst, Report Analyst, ETL Specialist, BI Consultant, Data Engineer or any Data related field."
Price: 199.99

"Clculo Sem Susto ! Voc Pode !" |
" Este curso de Clculo se destina a todas as pessoas que queiram entender as bases das ferramentas sempre utilizadas na Cincia e na Tcnica. Destina-se a estudantes em geral e a todas as pessoas que tm curiosidade sobre os conceitos matemticos que esto envolvidos em nosso cotidiano. Fsica, Qumica, Economia, Medicina, Engenharia entre muitas outras atividades se utilizam dos artifcios do Clculo Diferencial. Neste curso o Professor Rainold ir lanar as noes fundamentais para entendimento dos conceitos envolvidos no tocante derivao de funes. So conceitos e detalhes que s vezes ficaram obscuros quando da formao no Ensino Mdio e que precisam ser aclarados para que a noo de derivadas seja completamente entendido. O Professor Rainold tem larga experincia no ensino em diversas reas pois foi professor de Qumica, Fsica , Matemtica e Clculo em diversos cursinhos e escolas da cidade de So Paulo e hoje se dedica exclusivamente a aulas particulares e cursos presenciais em espao especificamente desenvolvido para esta atividade. Comeou a lecionar em 1978 quando ainda era estudante do Instituto de Qumica da USP. Trabalhou em diversas empresas como colaborador nas reas tcnicas acompanhando o desenvolvimento de produtos e servios. Sempre conciliou suas atividades profissionais com o Ensino procurando levar aos seus alunos informaes e conceitos do cotidiano dessas atividades como forma de incentivo ao estudo. No Clculo Sem Susto ! Voc Pode ! o aluno entender com facilidade algumas ideias bsicas que so necessrias para completo entendimento dos conceitos envolvidos no clculo de derivadas e suas regras. Os vdeos que compem o curso so estruturados e filmados com o uso do antigo e bom mtodo da explicao em uma lousa o que permite um melhor dinamismo da aula pois h o recurso didtico de se dar nfase em determinados conceitos atravs de gestos e expresses faciais que faltam em explicaes meramente digitais. Alm das explicaes haver listas de exerccios resolvidos para fixar os conceitos estabelecidos nas aulas e que permitir a prtica dos mesmos. Estas listas estaro na forma manuscrita, em formato PDF, o que vai permitir o acompanhamento passo a passo e com algum comentrio pertinente questo. O aluno poder organiz-la em uma pasta fsica aps a sua impresso. Enfim, um curso que pretende lanar um foco de luz e mostrar de uma vez por todas que o Clculo Diferencial pode ser entendido por todos e no est reservado para uma fatia privilegiada da sociedade como s vezes alardeado em salas de aula."
Price: 39.99

how-to-become-a-translator |
Price: 5400.00

"Castanets for Beginners: Learn Spanish Flamenco Castanets" |
"Castanets for Beginners: Learn Spanish Flamenco CastanetsA Step-by-Step course for absolute beginners! Learn the fundamentals of Spanish Flamenco Castanets! What you'll learnGain understanding and knowledge on what type of castanets works BEST FOR YOU!Strengthening your foundation Proper PostureLearn the TOP 5 Castanet Techniques used to strengthen your articulation and clarity of your finger hitsGuidance and development of rhythm with your metronome Rhythmic Foundation.Learn four foundational rhythmic variationsUnderstand the Rhythm/Comps most commonly used with Castanet playing.*Comprehensive Printable PDF Lesson Guides with ALL the exercises including background information and TIPS!Learn fundamental techniques and exercisesCultivate your love and appreciation for the profound art of castanet playingNO DANCE - This course is designed to learn castanet playing that can be applied to danceRequirementsHave access to castanetsHave the passion and drive to learn and practiceNo dance skills required - dance is not taught in this courseDescriptionHave you always wanted to learn how to play Traditional Spanish Flamenco Castanets?My ""Castanets for Beginners Course"" is for you!~I developed the Castanet Playing for Beginner's Course for:1) Those with a dance background wishing to expand their dance vocabulary by implementing the castanetsOR2) Musicians/Percussionists who wish to expand their vocabulary with a percussive instrument.Castanet Playing has a VARIETY of technical requirements to play the art form.I created this STEP-BY-STEP program that will bring you through each technique, allowing you to practice, perfect and understand each skill before moving onto the next technique. By the end of this course, IF you put in the practice...*YOU will be able to play the castanets!You... yes...YOU!!!*I'm COMPLETELY serious!This course gives you the solid foundation from which you will be able to build your castanet playing knowledge exponentially!After this course, you will be able to take what you have learned from this course and have the understanding and know-how within the art of castanet playing to more quickly learn and understand other common songs forms within the castanet vocabulary, Escuela Bolera and flamenco dances like Sevillanas. Rumba, Sole, Fandangos de Huelva and more!""The technical fundamentals, rhythmical concepts and understanding you will take away from this course will serve you in all of your future artistic studies, whether in dance or music and...for the rest of your life."" - Lena Jcome (Course Creator)~Even More reasons to ENROLL TODAY!!!*This is a thoroughly tried and tested method taking you step-by-step, layering technique upon technique with in-depth and precise technique tips.*With this 100% Linear Curriculum, YOU CAN play the castanets!So, what are you waiting for?GET STARTED NOW!I'm looking forward to hearing YOUR success story!!!**"
Price: 74.99

"Tcnicas de Bordado en Piedras" |
"En este curso, te voy a ensear tcnica por tcnica para que puedas darle brillo a todas tus prendas.primero aprenderemos a realizar las tcnicas solas y luego las aplicaremos en diferentes diseos.La idea de este curso es que aprendas y puedas llevar a cabo el bordado que desees.Aqu no solo vamos a aprender a bordar, sino que tambin te enseare el proceso previo a realizar el bordado, vamos a identificar el diseo y la eleccin de los materiales para llevar a cabo un buen bordado.Sumate a esta nueva experiencia, solo tenes que tener muchas ganas de aprender ! Te espero !"
Price: 24.99

"Core Java Practice Interview Questions" |
"This interview preparation Core Java questions are designed by the Author with more than 20 years of Industry experience, to check your confidence levels in Core Java. and to explore gaps in your learning. Along with checking your current confidence Levels in Core Java, this will also help you to enhance your knowledge to face Interview questions more confidently. This is targeted for learners with Basic to intermediate knowledge in Core Java. Some questions may be bit tricky, which makes you analyze the concept more indepth to answer. This improves your knowledge and hold on the concepts. Once you takeup this course you can attempt this questions any number of times."
Price: 19.99
