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"Learn 'The Ultimate Sales Skills': Be Genius in Sales"
"Learn the Ultimate Sales Skills: Be the genius in day to day Business DealingEveryone on this planet is a salesman. The world thrives on the concept of barter system. Nobody can deny it. You have to sell something to make a living. This course helps you to find the greatest product in the world that you can sell to build an empire. rather than making merely a career. The 4 different types of products that are opted by the all sort of people in the world help them to make money in millions, fulfill their dreams, and live the life that you desire. Moreover, you will also learn how people choose mediocre products that sell in the world but don't yield the money they want. Choosing the products in this world wisely is no longer a tedious task."
Price: 49.99

"Marketing 101 for Self-Published Authors"
"Many self-published authors don't have a background in marketing. And yet, marketing is one of the core skills required of self-published authors looking to build a writing career.Marketing 101 for Self-Published Authors gives you a foundational understanding of the principles upon which marketing strategies, tactics, and campaigns are built. I walk through the 4 Ps of Marketing and how they apply specifically to self-published authors.I have over 20 years of experience in marketing, a degree in marketing, an MBA, and I've written an Amazon top selling novel. I understand how confusing marketing can get!In Marketing 101 for Self-Published Authors, we start with the basics:What is marketing?What's the objective of marketing?What are the 4 Ps of Marketing and what makes them important?How should self-published authors address Product, Pricing, Place, and Promotion?I cover all those things so that you can think about your self-published book marketing the same way a marketing professional assesses their own marketing strategies.I've intentionally designed this course in a way that allows you to get a lot of information quickly. Just about every lecture is under five minutes, which means they're easily digestible. And, the quizzes allow you to test your knowledge to ensure you're learning the principles.Plus, I really want to be helpful, so I'll be responsive to any questions you have along the way!"
Price: 69.99

"Curso bsico de Recepcionista"
"O que faz um Recepcionista? O recepcionista o profissional responsvel pelo atendimento ao pblico, seja recebendo a pessoa presencialmente na recepo ...O que faz um Recepcionista?O recepcionista o profissional responsvel pelo atendimento ao pblico, seja recebendo a pessoa presencialmente na recepo de um estabelecimento ou pelo telefone e e-mail. O recepcionista realiza agendamentos, fornece informaes e orienta a circulao de pessoas e visitantes. Alm de atuar na recepo, atender e filtrar ligaes telefnicas, anotar recados e receber visitantes, responsabilidade de um recepcionista atividades como o gerenciamento de compra de materiais de escritrio e higiene, envio, recebimento e controle de correspondncias, direcionamento de ligaes, gerenciar a agenda da diretoria, marcar reunies, arquivar documentos, responder perguntas sobre a empresa e esclarecer dvidas, controlar as chaves e acessos e registrar todas as informaes.Nosso curso visa preparar nosso aluno para atuar em Clnicas, escritrios, empresas de pequeno, mdio e grande porte.Grade de vdeos:1 Introduo 2 Atendimento Telefnico3 tica profissional4 Etiqueta Social5 Marketing Pessoal6 Perfil Ideal7 Tipos de comunicao8 Arquivo9 Relacionamento Interpessoal10 Relacionamento IntrapessoalBons estudos."
Price: 54.99

"Real Life Everyday Makeup for Different Occasions"
"How do you turn what you do everyday into a useful skill and even possibly a career? Sandra Megit will show you to do it with her years of experience in multiple disciplines as a professional makeup artist and lecturer. It's the tips, tricks and secrets that takes thousands of makeup sessions to learn and she will share that all with you.   "
Price: 1300.00

"The 60 Minute Masterclass on Writing Effective Resumes & CVs"
"GET A FREE ONE TIME REVIEW DONE FOR YOUR CV/ RESUME AFTER YOU PAY FOR THIS COURSE; INSTRUCTIONS IN THE COURSE MATERIAL.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________COVID - 19 ==>>  Lesser jobs, more competition==>> Conversance with technology imperative==>> Skill expectations see a shift==>> The hiring process is changing fast and so is life at the workplaceARE YOU READY??TAKE THE FIRST STEP BY PREPARING AN IMPRESSIVE CV/ RESUME!___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ENROLL FOR THIS COURSE NOW IF :==>> You are confused about how to present your skills well==>> You want to know the right way of creating your Resume/ CV==>>  You are wondering how to create an ATS optimised Resume/ CV==>>  You need assistance writing cover letters.==>>   You want to learn about various creative forms of CVs/ Resumes like infographic CV,            Video CV, interactive CV, etc___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________WHAT DO YOU GET AFTER YOU ENROLL FOR THIS COURSE:1. Lifetime access to the content of this course 2.  Three worksheets to make your resume3.  Downloadable resources that include:     Action Verbs     Sample objective and summary statements     Sample accomplishment statements     A sample CV     A sample Resume     The resume writing process document to refer whenever you write your Resume/ CV     The Resume / CV checklist for you to know if you have done a good job with yours4. A one time free review of your Resume/ CVSo why wait, Enroll Now!!!"
Price: 24.99

"Correlations, Associations and Hypothesis Testing (with R)"
"Exploring and assessing the strength of associations between variables/features plays a fundamental role in statistical analysis and machine learning. I decided to create this course after leading many data science projects and coming across many data scientist struggling with the fundamentals of association between variables/features and hypothesis testing. This course will be beneficial to junior analysts as well as to more experienced data scientists. In particular,If you are an aspiring/junior data analyst/scientists, this course will contribute towards building the right foundation at an early stage of your career.If you are an experienced data scientists, this course will help you to re-visit and eventually improve your understanding of the assessment of associations between variables/features.The course is divided into three main sections.The first section looks at the assessment and quantification of associations between numerical variables.The second section focusses on the assessment of associations between categorical variables.The third section covers the assessment of associations between numerical and categorical variables.Each section discusses a number of statistical metrics in relation to associations between variables and then build statistical hypothesis tests to measure the strengths of these associations. There are practical sessions throughout the course, where you will see how to implement the methods discussed in the course (using R) and to perform various hypothesis testing using real world datasets. Your will also learn and master how to interpret results in a broader context.In addition, quiz is added at the end of each section.  The objective of these quizzes is to help you to consolidate the main concepts covered in the course.By the end of the course, you will have a clear and coherent understanding of covariances, correlations, t-test, Chi-squared test, ANOVA, F-test, and much more. In particular, you will know when to use these tests and how to ensure that the underlying assumptions are satisfied."
Price: 99.99

"Introduction to Consulting for beginners"
"This course is for students who are considering moving into consultancy as a profession. The course starts with a general outline of consultancy and then moves on to what opportunities there are to get a job. There is a lecture covering a typical process followed by consultancies, before moving into consulting in practice which covers typical assignments and what a day in the life of a consultant can look like. Finally the course explains what you should do to make it happen for you. There is then a bonus lecture covering interesting details.Throughout the course I provide you with insights from my 30 years of experience working as a consultant from working for consultancies, working as an associate for consultancies and from running my own consulting business.There are downloadable spreadsheets covering skills & qualifications, self assessment, end of course quiz and an action plan template"
Price: 19.99

"Scrum Master Toolkit"
"I am an Agile Transformation Coach helping clients in their Agile journeys. This course is the outcome of my passion for Agile. This course has been curated to equip and empower Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches with all the right tools and enable them to perform their role confidently and with high level of competence from day 1.After completing this course you will be able to do the following:Learn Roles and Responsibilities of Scrum MasterFacilitate Scrum Ceremonies more effectively Show measurable outcomesUse the right templates which have been designed based on practical knowledge and experienceLearn DOs and DON'Ts Let's begin this progressive journey together."
Price: 149.99

"A New Way To Use Ichimoku For Day Trading Forex & Stocks"
"Japanese Ichimoku charts are becoming ever more popular for today's trader and investor. Ichimoku in its own right is a fantastic analytical trading tool. Often, the basics of Ichimoku are misinterpreted, and users struggle to deploy successfully this system in today's trading world. What is also not dealt with so well, is how you should be able to adapt, dissect, change and use the Ichimoku traditional approach more effectively to create even more powerful trading strategies and systems. This course will teach you how to master Ichimoku and give you a thorough understanding of how Ichimoku works, analysing its strength and weaknesses so that you can integrate Ichimoku more practically in to your trading. You'll learn how to adopt many other forms of technical analysis into the concept of Ichimoku and in the process give you the tools to turn Ichimoku into a more current, effective and usable trading system and hopefully give you an 'edge' in your trading!"
Price: 199.99

"How to Improve Memory"
"Have you ever been in that awkward situation where you met someone so familiar, and who knew you by name, and you just couldnt recall their name?If yes, then this 7-step guide is for you! Not only is memory improvement and preservation vital for success, but it is also important for survival.YOU WILL LEARN: Methods of exercising your mind while going about your everyday life. Physical exercises that are good for your mind and memory. Sleep and rest habits that are good for you and those that are not. How and what to eat in order to remember. How to contain stress so as not to affect your cognitive skills. Helpful memorization techniques to apply. Some mnemonics, their examples, and how to use them.It is clear from what is contained within that this guide takes a whole-rounded approach with regard to memory sharpening.Dont let memory lapses hold you back in your journey towards success. Begin your journey towards achieving the status of possessing a photographic memory!"
Price: 199.99

"How to Read Faster"
"Why read 200 words per minute when you can double that speed with a little practice and the proper techniques?This guide covers everything you need to know about reading comprehension and speed reading. Through painstaking research, we have developed a 7-step strategy to help people double their reading speed!YOU WILL LEARN: The fundamentals of speed reading. Factors that affect reading comprehension. Causes of reading difficulties in children and adults. Solutions which you can employ to combat reading difficulties. Benefits you can enjoy by learning to read fast. Main techniques to improve speed reading. Tips & tricks to improve your reading speed & comprehension.You will find a lot of practical wisdom in this guide to help you overcome the problem of slow reading and poor comprehension.As a result, you will be able to reverse any wrong reading techniques you may have developed earlier in life and become more skilled at reading fast the right way!"
Price: 199.99

"Ayurveda Therapy Panchakarma Course - I"
"Students are learning very practical aspect of Ayurvedic Therapies.learning Marma points of Headlearning Pinda swedan for pain at homelearning Indian Head Massage at homelearning Nasyam therapy for sinuses learning Janu Basti for Knee joint painlearn udawatana power exfoliation massage learn Shirodhara body and mind therapyback pain Kati Basti therapyBasti, enema colon clean detox therapy treat emotion with Heart BastiKnee joint Pain therapyMukh lepam for face beauty"
Price: 199.99

"SolidWorks Masterclass From zero to Hero"
"In this course, we will learn the fundamental tools and concepts for SOLIDWORKS engineering and design software. SOLIDWORKS is one of the largest computer-aided design (CAD) software globally used across numerous industries including manufacturing, automotive, aerospace, defense, medical devices, robotics & automation, consumer products, construction, and many more!This course will run through the core concepts and tools available within SOLIDWORKS to help us design and build any parts, drawings, and assemblies we may require for our specific projects.We will start by getting comfortable with the user interface and work-space of SOLIDWORKS, move onto creating our first sketch, and design our first parts. Once we have learned a number of the core part design tools we will introduce drawing tools to generate technical or engineering drawings required to manufacture our parts. Finally, we will learn assembly tools to help us design and build our assembly projects that contain multiple components.By the end of this course, you will have a strong foundation of the SOLIDWORKS fundamentals required to create and design your very own projects!"
Price: 19.99

"Domina Google Sheets Fcil y Rpido"
"Te gustara resolver problemas en Google Sheets? No conoces muchas formulas o simplemente no las dominas?En este curso aprenders desde los conceptos mas bsicos tales como nombrar un documento y compartirlo, hasta formulas para que puedas resolver problemas fcilmente, tablas dinmicas para que puedas resumir informacin en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, grficas y formatos condicionales para que puedas presentar la informacin de manera elegante.Aprenders a crear validadores de datos y filtros. Al mismo tiempo aprenders a utilizar las funciones mas populares de Google Sheets tales como IMPORTRANGE para que puedas importar datos de otros archivos, aprenders a utilizar la poderosa funcin QUERY que te ayudara a filtrar y mostrar solo aquella informacin que necesitas, tambin aprenders a utilizar funciones tales como SPARKLINE para que crees grficas en tiempo record, aprenders estas y muchas otra funciones.Al final del curso, tocaremos brevemente el tema de Google Scripts para que puedas aprender a hacer un pequeo script que te ayudara a enviar correos electrnicos automticamente de manera fcil.Estoy seguro que podrs sacar provecho de este curso y con tus nuevos conocimientos te ahorraras muchas horas de trabajo. Si en 30 das no ests convencido, tienes la garanta de Udemy y te devolveremos TODO tu dinero.Expande tus conocimientos desde hoy!Te espero en el curso!"
Price: 54.99

"Unleash Your Confident, Creative & Artistic Self, Go For It!"
"I am an artist who knows what it's like to feel lost on your creative journey, be it at work, home or life in general.To overcome these challenges I have developed a practice of leaning into my creative and artistic spirit. I take great joy in guiding beautiful people just like you on your own creative journeys.Join me as we learn to:Unleash your creative potential and connect with your inner spirit.Harness the power of your own uniqueness to unlock your creative mind.Learn to express your feelings through the power of drawing like an artist.Explore a side of yourself you have not yet seen by living your life without fear.Lean into the fun of living life with no rules!Begin to take note of your artistic thoughts as you embrace the power of creative play.Introduce colour back into your life as you find joy in your work again.Learn to develop an idea into a finished piece of work.Come play and learn with me on this amazing journey.Cat Cronin"
Price: 74.99

"Viral video marketing 2020: Latest techniques"
"This course is developed after trying and experimenting with more than 1000 videos that clocked over 500million + views month on month. You will learn the exact techniques and methodologies that I use in my work and you can use them too while developing a content strategy.This is a great value add for all Marketers, Content creators, YouTubers, Vloggers, Social Media Marketers, Content Strategists, and BBA/MBA students."
Price: 1280.00

"Master HTML:5 from very beginner to Pro"
"This course provides all the basic to advanced level of HTML: 5 content. I have tried my best to simplified things that look complex and make it easy for my student. Course Provides Better Understanding of HTML:5 you will be able to create a Better skeleton of webpages. This course covers the major area of HTML:5 Programming."
Price: 39.99

"Watercolor Painting - Understanding Tone"
"Understanding tone can be one of the most difficult concepts to understand when painting in watercolours.But it is also the most rewarding skill to learn to produce high quality art.If you are one of those artists whos artwork sometimes appears to be faded and you have always wander how you could improve your painting skills, this course is for you.Ive invested years in learning the fundamentals behind watercolour art. When you learn and paint with me, youll become a better artist and improve your own signature style.So I made it a point in this course to really concentrate on tonal values and how to judge tone."
Price: 99.99

"CURSO COMPLETO de Renders INTERIORES con 3ds Max y V-ray"
"Una de las herramientas ms importantes en la presentacin de un proyecto de interiorismo es la visualizacin de lo diseado a travs de imgenes fotorealistas.En este curso te ensear a componer y materializar el modelo 3D de un espacio de living: desde el alzado de sus elementos ms bsicos, hasta la importacin de objetos complejos. Tambin trabajaremos la generacin de materiales especiales, los diferentes tipos de iluminacin y las configuraciones del motor de render para distintos tipos de imgenes."
Price: 19.99

"Perbedaan Salesman dan Business Manager"
"Kursus ini berisi tentang peranan seorang sales menjadi seorang yang bisa memanage business di wilayahnya yang kita sebut dengan Business Manager.Yang akan dipelajari pada kursus ini diantaanya market yang sesuai dengan kategori produknya, mengetahui produknya dipasar, mengetahui market leader dengan market share, berapa potensi pasar yang bisa dikembangkan begitu juga tentang kompetitor serta biaya yang dikeluarkannya.Trainer:Bambang Mulyadi -Penulis buku Nugget is a Big Market-Asistant P.T. Primafood International sister Company P.T. Charoen Pokphand Indonesia yang bergerak dalam produk FMCG yaitu Chicken Nugget dengan merkFiesta."
Price: 980000.00

"Esensial Manajemen Proyek"
"Mempelajari intisari dan dasar-dasar pengetahuan, pola pikir, dan kompetensi yang diperlukan untuk mengelola proyek agar dapat mencapai target-target yang sudah direncanakan dan memuaskan para pemangku kepentingan dan pengguna akhir (Pelanggan). Mempelajari mulai dari difinisi proyek dan manajemen proyek. Kondisi dan situasi apa saja yang menjadi triger munculnya atau diperlukanya manajemen proyek. Membahas peran apa saja yang diharapkan dari pelaksanaan manajemen proyek dan manajer proyek dalam perusahaan dan bisnis.Apa saja manfaat dan keuntungan perusahaan/bisnis jika menerapkan atau mengelola aktivitas dengan pendekatan manajemen proyek. Belajar karakteristik-karakteristik setiap fase-fase proses, dan siklus hidup manajemen proyek. Fungsi-fungsi apa saja yang dibutuhkan organisasi proyek. Hirarki dan hubungan proyek, program dan portfolio manajemen dalam perusahaan. Apa perbedaan mendasar antara manajemen proyek vs operasional. Apa saja lingkungan internal dan external yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan proyek. Dasar-dasar merencanakan, mengeksekusi, memonitor, mengontrol dan menutup proyek. Mempelajari fase-fase pembentukan dan pengembangan serta memimpin tim proyek. Tolok ukur dan pengukuran kesuksesan proyek serta indikator-indikator kunci kinerja manajemen proyek.Komponen-komponen apa saja yang harus dimiliki semenjak perencanaan bisnis dan kasus-kasus bisnis sebelum proyek dimulai. Tipe-tipe struktur organisasi organisasi proyek, organisasi manajemen proyek (Project Manajemen Office). Ketrampilan, interpersonal, teknis, strategis, bisnis, politik, kepemimpinan, gaya kepemimpinan dan gaya-gaya kepemimpinan yang harus pahami dan dikuasai manajer proyek.Lima proses manajemen proyek, di rubah jadi Overview 5 proses manajemen proyek. Dan Sepuluh (10) Project Management Knowledge Area, di rumah jadi Overview Sepuluh (10) Project Management Knowledge Area.Trainer:Ir. Ery Prasetyawan, PMP, CSI-CPM, MPARProgram Director, Trainer & Consultant"
Price: 630000.00

"The Secret Code of Public Speaking"
"Modul pelatihan yang di design untuk melatih kemampuan berbicara di depan umum agar lebih powerful. Anda akan belajar bagaimana mengelola kegugupan, menggunakan state yang efektif untuk tampil percaya diri, mengoptimalkan body language dan handling difficult situation saat diminta dadakan berbicara di depan umum. Anda pun akan belajar cara persiapan apa saja yang mendukung penampilan public speaking Anda, mempelajari proses public speaking dan tentunya bagaimana membuka dan menutup kegiatan public speaking yang berdampakpun akan Anda pelajari.Trainer:Ahmad MaduTrainer dan Penulis Buku Bukan Asal Cuap"
Price: 560000.00

"The Root of Communication"
"Pelatihan ini adalah salah satu cara yang paling efektif untuk membantu sebuah team/partisipan untuk lebih saling mengenal satu sama lain dalam cara-cara yang menyenangkan, ada keterikatan dan tidak memaksa. Peserta akan mendapatkan trik trik atau metode bagaimana berkomunikasi untuk membangun kerjasama yang efektif dengan team dan departemen-departemen yang lain. Modul kursus ini di design dengan sistematis yang memudahkan Anda memahami dan mempraktekkannya.Trainer:Ahmad MaduTrainer dan Penulis Buku Bukan Asal Cuap"
Price: 560000.00

"Smart Emotion"
"Modul yang akan membuat Anda sadar untuk mengelola emosi agar kehidupan Anda lebih baik. Di modul ini pun Anda akan belajar bagaimana memanfaatkan kekuatan emosi untuk sukses. Tidak lupa pembahasan bagaimana emosi merespon masalah dengan baik diajarkan juga di modul ini. 80% kesuksesan dipengaruhi oleh EQ, dan hanya 20% oleh IQ. Maka modul ini sangat cocok bagi Anda yang mau meraih kesuksesan hidup dengan keterampilan mengelola emosi.Trainer:Ahmad MaduTrainer dan Penulis Buku Bukan Asal Cuap"
Price: 560000.00

"Fundamental Design Thinking"
"Memahami cara- cara membuat produk, layanan dan bisnis yang inovatif dengan metode yang efektif dan efisien. Mempelajari langkah-demi langkah dasar-dasar design thinking yang sangat bermanfaat untuk membuat design produk, layanan maupun bisnis yang lebih inovatif yang dibutuhkan manusia secara luas. Memfokuskan pada solusi dan masalah yang dimiliki tidak hanya pada customer maupun end user namun juga mempertimbangkan pemecahan permasalahan dalam ruang lingkup yang lebih luas, permasalahan human. Mempelajari bagaimana menggunakan pemikiran, deductive dan induktif saja namun bagaimana menggunakan pemikiran abduktif. Tidak hanya mempergunakan proses linear namun juga proses iterative. Bagaimana memberdayakan pemikiran analytis dan kreative dalam setiap proses pemecahan masalah, pembuatan produk ataupun layanan. Mulai dari pemahaman dan pola pikir yang berawal dari mempelajari definisi design thinking dan manfaat-manfaat apa saja yang dapat diberikan jika menggunakan pemikiran dan cara-cara design thinking. Kemudian mempelajari cakupan kerangka kerja design thinking. Dilanjutkan dengan mempelajari karakteristik design thinking. Anda juga akan mendapatkan materi mengenai modelmodel dan tools design thinking. Serta yang penting Anda akan mengetahui sumbersumber kegagalan penerapan design thinking di perusahaan/bisnis. Membahas proses dan fase-fase design thinking menurut model Hasso-plattner institute of design at stanford, dan bagaimana keterkaitan proses design thinking dengan proses inovasi. Modul ini sangat baik untuk Anda pemilik bisnis, executive perusahaan, product manager, business development, sales, marketing, engineer/ing, bagian research & development (R&D), planning/perencanaan, dan design engineering yang sering memiliki tantangan untuk menciptakan produk-produk, layanan-layanan dan fitur-fitur baru yang lebih inovatif.Trainer:Ery Prasetyawan"
Price: 490000.00

"10 Business Cash Flow Principles to live by"
"Discover 10 cash flow principles so that you can effectively and efficiently manage your business cash flow.Learn the importance of having access to the right information at the right time.Learn to compile a working capital statement to alway know your business' current situation.Learn to be pro-active : compile a cash flow forecast to plan for the foreseeable future."
Price: 19.99

"How to Make Crochet Ear Phone Pouch"
"This course has a stress free pattern of ear Phone Pouch. Even if you are new to crochet you can confidently take up this course.Enroll in this course now. If you do not know how to crochet or not that great with basics, then head over to my profile and check out the free course where you will learn Basic Crochet Stitches."
Price: 1280.00

"Negotiation - Verhandeln leicht gemacht!"
"Verhandeln gehrt zu unserem Alltag einfach dazu. Wir alle verhandeln stndig - bewusst oder unbewusst. Dabei knnen allerlei Schwierigkeiten auftreten, welche einen erfolgreichen Verhandlungsverlauf negativ beeinflussen. Doch wie verhandle ich erfolgreich und welche Tricks sollte ich kennen? Was ist ein Ankereffekt und wie funktioniert er? Muss eine Sackgasse in einer Verhandlung das Ende der Gesprche bedeuten? Was bedeutet BATNA oder Framing? Und was hat das alles mit der ZOPA zu tun? Antworten auf diese Fragen und weitere spannende Erkenntnisse aus der wirtschaftspsychologischen Forschung lernt ihr in diesem Kurs kennen. Ab sofort gilt fr uns: Verhandeln ist keine Glckssache, sondern eine erlernte Fhigkeit!"
Price: 19.99

"Solidworks Mold-Making"
"En este Curso Master prenders a simular profesionalmente estudio sobre la creacin de Moldes, sus caractersticas y la utilizacin de portamoldes, dentro del cual podrs aprender como cambiar la estructura del diseo para poder tener en molde limpio con menos operaciones al ver el tiempo de  ejecucin de varias configuraciones...esto es sumamente importante, ya que si se tiene un buen diseo, se tendr un mejor molde, tambin aprenderemos a realizar la correcta importacin de de archivos NO nativos de Solidworks, un tema sumamente importante ya que aprenders a utilizar la comparacin geomtrica para ver cual opcin es la mejor o cual se adecua a la intencin de diseo original. Ademas repasaremos como crear ncleos para poder hacer el botado de la pieza y, superficies de separacin manuales, ya que en ocaciones, la geometra de las piezas llega a ser tan compleja que no es posible tener una superficie plana para crear el ncleo/cavidad. Finalmente vemos algunos trucos para hacer los moldes y la utilizacin de portamoldes de diversos proveedores de empresas internacionales.ESTE MASTER CURSO DE SOLIDWORKS SIMULACIN TE INCLUYE:1) Poder hacer tus actividades sin problema alguno en el programa Solidworks 2018, 2019 o 2020 segn tu eleccin2) Soporte tcnico para la instalacin del software gratuitamente y durante la duracin de tu curso3) Acompaamiento en tiempo real para garantizar tu correcto aprendizaje4) Podrs tener la iniciativa de pedir alguna clase basada en alguna simulacin especifica derivado de tus necesidades profesionales o educativasPor todo esto, este Master Curso de Solidworks Moldes es la nica opcin en el mercado con la que te garantizo que aprenders de manera eficiente y profesional el prototipaje rpido enfocado en FEA que demanda la industria 4.0 en la actualidad.Cualquier duda que requiera ms especificacin, no dudes en hacerla en los comentarios."
Price: 1020.00

"EasyPy3 - Python for Beginners"
"EasyPy3 is aimed at complete beginners to Python, giving a comprehensive introduction to the programming language. You won't just be looking at the screen and watching someone code, nor will you just listen to someone go on and on about the theory. The course was designed to strike a good balance between educational and entertaining, keeping the student engaged so learning can be made fun. EasyPy3 aims to give you a good understanding of the topic in simple terms with visual aids before showing you how to code it in Python. The course covers all the topics required for you to become an Entry-Level Python Programmer."
Price: 69.99

"Cryptocurrency Financial Crime Compliance Bootcamp"
"It was over one decade ago that the first cryptocurrency Bitcoin was invented. Since then, many things have changed, new cryptocurrencies were invented and eventually they became part of the products and services offered by large organizations. Large multinational corporations such as Goldman Sachs, Fidor Bank, Banco Masventas, Microsoft, AT&T, and Overstock, among others, have already integrated cryptocurrency-related products and services in their portfolios - and this is only just the beginning.The adoption of the blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies creates new challenges for organizations especially from a financial crime, compliance, and risk perspective.Professionals that are working in compliance, financial crime prevention, and risk management need to be aware of the many-faceted blockchain and cryptocurrency risk environment.But what is blockchain technology, what are cryptocurrencies, and how do they relate to financial crime and compliance? What are the important legal and regulatory aspects one needs to be aware of?More importantly, how do money laundering and terrorist financing using cryptocurrencies work and what compliance tools and methods can help organizations to protect themselves against the potential risks from engaging in blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies.This online course is your Cryptocurrency Financial Crime Compliance Bootcamp!In this course you will learn all the basics and fundamentals about blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies, and how they related to financial crime and compliance.Certificate of Completion:Completing this course shows your dedication to fight financial crime and protect your organization against the potential risks from engaging in blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies. Why not show that you have acquired specialized knowledge in the field of cryptocurrency financial crime prevention and compliance? This courses comes with a Certificate of Completion that you can use to show your newly acquired skills and improved professional value through a better understanding of cryptocurrency financial crime prevention and compliance.Additional Value:Throughout this course you can test your newly acquired knowledge with quiz questions. You will also find a great deal of additional resources as part of this course, including cheat sheets, checklists, questionnaires, tables, and more!"
Price: 19.99

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