"Yeni Balayanlar n Python Drslri" |
"Bu kursda Pythonun saslarn yrnib bir ox proqram yazaraq bildiklrimizi brkidcyik. Python haqqnda videolarda geni mlumat verilir.Sizlrl birliktd 6 saat da btn saslari bitireceyik artiq hebir akademia v diploma ehtiyac yoxdur sas olan aradirma qabiliyyetiniz vinternetinizin olmaqdir. Unutmayin ki z oyrnn proqramilar hemie kariyerada daha yksek ve yrenmlri daha effektiv olur.Kursun uzerindki video iaresin tiklayin, orda genish melumat verirm."
Price: 19.99

"Administration and Automation with Windows PowerShell" |
"This course provides students with the fundamental knowledge and skills to use Windows PowerShell for administering and automating administration of Windows systems. This course provides students the skills to identify and build the commands they require to perform specific tasks. In addition, students learn how to build scripts to accomplish advanced tasks such as automating repetitive tasks and generating reports. This course provides prerequisite skills supporting a broad range of Microsoft products, including Windows Server, Windows Client, Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft SharePoint Server, Microsoft SQL Server, System Center, and more. In keeping with that goal, this course will not focus on any one of those products, although Windows Server, which is the common platform for all of those products, will serve as the example for the techniques this course teaches.This IAAP-certified counts for 10.25 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Technology and Information Distribution content area.Email info@intellezy.com with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate."
Price: 99.99

"Lo Elemental de Planner Office 365" |
"Aprenda a usar Office 365 Planner para organizar su equipo con un formato visual poderosamente simpleLa herramienta Planner en Office 365 es una poderosa herramienta de administracin de equipos, que proporciona caractersticas comparables a las aplicaciones de administracin de proyectos independientes, pero sin el alto precio. De hecho, Planner es gratuito con la mayora de los planes empresariales de Office 365.Qu hace Planner y cmo pueden los equipos utilizarlo de forma eficaz para delegar y gestionar tareas? En este curso de Bigger Brains, veremos las caractersticas clave de Planner."
Price: 29.99

"Lo Elemental de Microsoft Teams" |
"Aprenda a colaborar y comunicarse con Microsoft TeamsMuchas empresas utilizan Microsoft Teams para facilitar la comunicacin, la colaboracin, el intercambio de archivos y ms. Este minicurso cubre todo lo que necesita saber para comenzar a usar Microsoft Teams en solo las dos primeras lecciones (20 minutos). Los ltimos tres mdulos cubren las mejores prcticas de Teams."
Price: 29.99

"Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis with SAS" |
"It has been more than 2 decades since the arrival of SAS in the market. Since then, it has become an industry leader for providing unmatched business intelligence software. Undoubtedly, today, SAS is the most popular & widely used tool for commercial analytics having powerful statistical features. You can even generate meaningful insights from the most complex data without any hassle.Despite all its popularity & usefulness, SAS remains new for many. Its right knowledge can literally help anyone to leverage data to generate advanced analytics helping numerous organisations from almost any industry. To help people learn SAS, we have created this SAS online course fir statistics & data analysis. With this online course, you can easily implement all the concepts associated with it using SAS Studio Software for an upcoming project.Why This Course Is Unique?With this course, you will learn to work with SAS from scratch for your upcoming projects. In order to simplify all the concepts, this course is divided into 2 parts comprising of different sections. In the 1st part, you will mostly learn about the data, wherein, the more advanced concepts are covered in the 2nd part. The later half of this course will teach you about the probability, statistical inference, creating or interpreting linear regression & ANOVA models.Upon completion, you will have a complete understanding of graphical & numerical methods for describing data, basic probability distributions, methods for describing bivariate data, basic probability concepts, significance tests, hypothesis testing, linear regression, and analysis of variance.This Course Includes:Introduction to dataPopulation & sample, variable types, sources of biasData stimulation in SAS & calculation margin of errorBar charts, histograms, box plots, Q-Q plotsRelationship between mean, median, skewness, and standard deviationsUnderstanding bivariate data setsProbability: Distributions and thinking about the chanceInference: Hypothesis Testing and Statistical SignificanceModeling: Linear regression and analysis of varianceA project involving univariate and bivariate analyses, linear modelLearn SAS from scratch to experience the power of advanced analytics for your next project!!"
Price: 49.99

"Writing Parsers in Rust With Gobble" |
"Learn to write parsers efficiently using Rust!Parsing is an essential part of various computer science disciplines. It helps you to determine the model from the raw representation. Basically, parsing allow you to identify the structure from the given data. With parsing, you can transform data to the extent at which specific software can understand it.Considering its importance & need, we have curated this online course with which you can learn to write parsers using Rust with Gobble. Rust is a great language for writing parsers with its enums, iterators, and a clear type system . This course will help you understand parsing techniques, how to use parsers, parser library & other crucial things in Rust.What Makes This Course Unique?This short online course on writing parsers is a perfect fit for anyone who wants to create parsers in Rust programming. It will first clear all the fundamentals of Parser, then you will learn about the importance of Parser, important techniques,; design decisions, Gobble iterators & so much more. Lastly, upon learning all the essential things, you will create your own parser for a simple programming language.This Course Includes:Basics of the parser, its importance, tokenizersVarious approaches to parsingUnderstanding the working of Gobble librarySimple expression parser, grammar-based parsing with pestBuilding a parser systemUsing & cloning iterators to allow backtrackingTechniques for writing your own parser librariesTaking advantage of Rust optimizers with zero-sized typesA parser projectGet started with this online course to write your Parser using Rust Programming with Gobble!!"
Price: 49.99

"Introduction to Rust Programming" |
"Master the most loved programming language in the world with this beginners guide!Rust has been voted as the most loved programming language by Stack Overflow for 4 years in a row! And for a reason. Actually, many reasons!It was created by Mozilla as a highly capable systems-level programming language. Unlike JavaScript or Python or any other language, it is very different. Rust has managed to solve all the pain points presented by a majority of other programming languages.Rust is fast, powerful, offers strict and pedantic compiler checks, lets you write complex software without any fear, provides zero-cost abstractions, functional features & a lot of other perks. Some programmers are even using it as an alternative to C/C++ programming languages for VR simulation engines, operating systems, browser components, game engines & file systems. Moreover, from industry giants like Mozilla, Dropbox, Coursera to the emerging names like Craft ai, One Signal & others are already using Rust.Considering its importance, many developers embark on an effort to learn & understand Rust programming language. To make things simple, we have curated this online course that will help you to have a strong command over Rust Programming from scratch.What Makes This Course So Special?This online tutorial is a beginners guide to Rust programming language. From writing Hello World in Rust language to effectively using all its features, everything is included in this online tutorial. It is suitable for anyone who is looking to catch up with Rust programming from the ground level.It will give you insights into basic syntax, iterators, generics, borrow checker, code documentation, testing & so much more. Upon completion of this course, you will be able to write clear & effective code in Rust language.This Course Includes:Introduction to Rust programmingRust installation & writing a program in RustStructs, Enums, functions, expressions, patterns, loops,Iterators, generics, code testing, error handlingLifetime & memory management- its importance, passing lifetimesString vs str, and Vec vs Slice vs ArrayTips & tricks for code reuse & managementUsing a New Type to git traits & Dynamic types for polymorphismCode management in modulesConverting data by using Serde & so much more"
Price: 49.99

"Learning Next.js From Scratch" |
"Learn the world's most loved React development framework Next.Js from ground up. This course is great for both beginners and experts alike and will help you quickly build apps using React. Next has become hugely popular among developers and is perfect for modern web development. You can quickly build and deploy production grade and scalable React websites. Next comes with powerful features such asZero ConfigHybrid SSG and SSRTypescript supportFile System RoutingAPI Routes and much moreLearn this amazing technology with our practical and concept driven course. Start now and build you next app using Next.Js"
Price: 49.99

"Social Media Marketing: Grow Your Reach & Audience in 2020" |
"The Goal of this course is to help you navigate and decipher how to market your brand on social media.These days we cannot just simply start an Instagram account and hoping it does well.There are lots of important steps: We give you the insights and the information needed when marketing your brand on social media to create a successful brand and a powerful social media account.Along the way we look atHow to Begin your JourneyExamining what you will need to know about your brand to become a great Social Media MarketerLooking at your audience and their expectations so your content is niche appropriateFinding the correct social media platform for you brandBy the time you have completed this course you will have the opportunity to grow your social media standing and know what your audience requires for you to extract amazing results for your brand.How to start and target your specific audience with a specific platform! (or 3)"
Price: 29.99

"FL Studio Music Production Course: Film, TV, and Video Games" |
"In this FL Studio Music Production Course: Film, TV, and Video Games, I will show you how to create professional quality production music. We're going to cover everything needed to create production in this course and this series is perfect for beginners!We will end the course with a deconstruction stage series, where we analyze and review pieces that have been used in professional projects.This course is created for the absolute beginner as well as advanced composers who wants to expand their knowledge in music production, specifically for Film, TV, and Video Games. We are covering all of the techniques and trends that popular composers have used and are currently using. There are no additional plugins needed, all you would need is a copy of FL Studio Trial Mode or better to follow along with the lectures. This Course Includes All You Need To Create Film, TV, and Video Game Music in FL Studio. Everything that you need to use is included in this course.We are also including the LivingForce Production Kit, as well as over a dozen FLP Project Files that will improve your productions as you can use them in your study. This course is designed for all skill levels, from Beginners to fairly Advanced. This course includes an introduction section where we will download FL Studio 20 and show you the steps needed to fully activate the software, additionally we will review how to navigate FL Studio in an efficient manner. Improve Your Music Production Techniques and Start Making Commercial Music With Quality in No Time!Regardless of what your level of experience is or what type of music you are creating, this course will improve your knowledge of music theory. I will show you step-by-step how to create a full Music Production with FL Studio.About the instructor:James Gaither has been a music instructor since 2006 and producer since 2011. He's created music theory courses on Udemy and mastered and created dozens of Hip-Hop releases on various streaming platforms. He's based out of the United States. Who this course is for:If You've Been Using FL Studio And Want To Learn How To Create orchestral pieces for Film, TV, and Video GamesIf You're a Beginner and Never Used FL StudioIf You're a Music Producer and Want To Learn How To Make Stock Production Music With FL Studio"
Price: 134.99

"How to Write a Romantic Comedy" |
"When a reader picks up a romance book or goes to the cinema to see a romantic comedy they expect to be entertained.But more than that. They want to step into the shoes of these characters and be swept away on their journey as they fall in love.Romance and romantic comedy has always been a literature of hope. Hope that there is someone out there who will see through your surface and come to love the real person you are inside.That is the unique escapist power of the romance genre and it has never been more popular.In this course I will share with you the story craft techniques that I use is my own award-winning romance fiction that you can apply to any romance writing project, including short stories, novellas, novels and screenplay"
Price: 94.99

"Stress Management: Images of Resilience" |
"In times of continuous pressure and change, resilience is frequently referred to as being one of the key attributes of successful people. Resilience is expressed authoritatively as a positive ability to manage changing circumstances with confidence and certainty - an ability to weather storms and cope with stress effectively. Resilience means different things to different people as it is influenced by the situation and life's experiences. What is a major challenge for one person may be a very straightforward issue for another. Everyone approaches stressful situations in different ways. A resilient person is not arrogant or overly confident; quite the opposite: they have a clear sense of their own potential, capability, and ability to cope and achieve. Resilient people are aware of situations, their own emotional reactions, and the behaviour of those around them. In order to manage feelings, it is essential to understand what is causing them and why. By remaining aware, resilient people can maintain control of a situation and think of new ways to tackle problems.Resilience is a word that has become increasingly popular in recent times, but what mean to you and what does resilience look like?True resilience can be developed and grown through focused individual coaching by examining what resilience means for the person, what challenges they are facing that require resilience and what they need to do to manage themselves to take advantage of the opportunities available.This course explores resilience through a series of images developed from interviews with a wide range of people of varying ages and experience in education and in business. It helps you to deeply scrutinise resilience from a variety of perspectives and viewpoints. You get the chance to inspect various aspects of resilience to determine your skills and qualities that help and hinder you in managing stress.Within the course, you are able to investigate yourDeterminationEnduranceStress ToleranceDrive and MotivationFlexibilitySelf-Confidence and AssertivenessSelf-Managementand much more.The course will help you to investigate when resilience is needed. Situations, pressures and challenges with Ambiguity and UncertaintyBarriers to ProgressLimited ChallengesRiskand much more.The course also assist you to investigate some of the more popular representations of resilienceBouncing BackNew Growth The goal of this course is to help you to develop a deeper understanding of resilience beyond the cliches. It offers insights and practices to help you manage stress and challenges so that you can get more from life.All captions have been reviewed and are grammatically correct."
Price: 124.99

"CIE IGCSE Chinese (0523/2) Listening 2020 Specimen Paper 2" |
"Course FeaturesModerate LevelCarefully SelectedBilingual InterpretationExtended VocabularyExam Skill FocusedAt the end of this course, youll be able to know what's new For examination from 2020Cambridge IGCSE is the worlds most popular international qualification for 14 to 16 year old. It is recognized by leading universities and employers worldwide, and is an international passport to progression and success. Developed over 25 years ago, it is tried, tested and trusted by schools worldwide.This syllabus is designed for learners who are learning Mandarin Chinese as a foreign language. The aim is to develop an ability to use the language effectively for purposes of practical communication. The course is based on the linked language skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing, and these are built on as learners progress through their studies. Cambridge IGCSE Chinese aims to offer insights into the culture and civilization of countries where Mandarin Chinese is spoken, encouraging positive attitudes towards language learning and towards speakers of foreign languages.There are three papers: First Language (0509) (equivalent to HSK 6, IB A (SL)(SL), Edexcel GCE Advance Level (9CN0))Second Language (0523) (equivalent to HSK 5, IB B (SL)(SL), Edexcel GCE Advance Subsidiary AS Level (8CN0))Foreign Language (0547) (equivalent to HSK 4, IB B (SL)(SL), Edexcel GCSE (1CN0), Edexcel IGCSE (4CN0), AQA IGCSE ) Comparing with Chinese Language Proficiency (HSK) which is organized by Chinese government for foreigners.The levels of the new HSK correspond to the levels of the Chinese Language Proficiency Scales for Speakers of Other Languages (CLPS) and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF), GCSE, IGCSE, AS, A Level (A1, A2), IB, SAT, AP as follows: GCSE Chinese / IGCSE Chinese = HSK (Level 4) 1200 Vocabulary A1 A2 Chinese HSK (Level 5) 2500IB Chinese (SL) HSK (Level 5) 2500AP Chinese HSK (Level 5) 2500SAT Chinese HSK (Level 5) 2500A Level Chinese HSK (Level 6) Over 5,000 IB Chinese (HL) HSK (Level 6) Over 5,000"
Price: 69.99

"Agile Software Testing - Methodologies and Approaches" |
"Agile software development lifecycles are comprised of short iterations with working software released at the end of each iteration. In this section, you will have overview of agile development and cover some of the different approaches, including Extreme Programming, Scrum, and Kanban. You will learn the key aspects of testing in an agile environment, as well as the skillset that an agile tester should have.Agile Software Development Fundamentals: Agile Software Development and the Agile Manifesto, The Twelve Principles of the Agile Manifesto, The Whole Team Approach, Early and Frequent Feedback;Aspects of Agile Approaches: Extreme Programming (XP), Scrum, Kanban, Collaborative User Stories, Creation of User Stories, Retrospectives, Continuous Integration, Release and Iteration Planning;Testing in Agile Approaches: Agile Testing and Development Activities, Agile Project Work Products, Agile Test Levels, Agile Testing and Configuration Management, Agile and Independent Testing;Test Status in Agile Projects: Communicating Test Status and Product Quality, Managing Risk Regression;Role and Skills of an Agile Tester: Skills of an Agile Tester, Role of an Agile Tester.Thats it! Now go ahead and push that Take this course button, and see you on the inside!"
Price: 49.99

"Microsoft PowerPoint Sfrdan Zirveye 2020" |
"Bu eitimde Microsoft PowerPoint'i sfrdan en ince ayrntsna kadar reneceksiniz. PowerPoint'te etkileyici sunumlar hazrlayabileceksiniz.Eitimde Microsoft Office 365 Trke versiyonu kullanld. Ancak Microsoft Office 2019, Microsoft Office 2016 ve Microsoft Office 2013 kullanclar da eitimde anlatlanlar rahatlkla uygulayabilirler. ngilizce versiyon kullanclar dnlerek eitim ierisinde gerekli noktalarda uygulamalarn ngilizce karlklarna da deinildi.Bu PowerPoint eitimi, herhangi bir n bilgi gerektirmemektedir. Eitim temel dzeyden balam olup, orta ve ileri seviyeye kadar PowerPoint konular ele alnmtr.Bu eitimdeki rnekleri uygulamak iin ihtiyacnz olan tek program Microsoft PowerPoint'tir.Eitimi tamamladnzda sunumlarnz ok ksa srede ve ok daha grsel olarak hazrlayabildiinizi gzlemleyeceksiniz.Sunucu Grnm (Presenter View) ile bilgisayarnzdan notlar okurken, izleyicilerin sadece sunumunuzu grmesiniz salayabileceksiniz.Tek bir tklama ile Fotoraf Albmleri oluturabilecek, PowerPoint'teki basit ekillerden karakterler tasarlayabilecek duruma geleceksiniz.nizleme (Zoom) aracyla etkileyici ve grsel sunumlar hazrlayabileceksiniz.Sunumlarnza kolaylkla video ve mzik ekleyebileceksiniz.Hibir ek uygulama kullanmadan Ekran Kayd almay reneceksiniz.Geiler (Transitions) ve Animasyonlar (Animations) etkin bir ekilde kullanabileceksiniz.Dnm Geii'ni (Morph Transition) sunumlarnza kolaylkla uygulayabileceksiniz.nfografikler tasarlayabileceksiniz.Asl Slayt (Slide Master) ile zel Tasarmlar retebilecek; tek bir tklama ile tm sunumunuzdaki balklarn yaz tipini-rengini deitirebilecek, bir tklama ile tm slayt sayfalarnza logonuzu koyabilecek hale geleceksiniz. Saatlerinizi, hatta gnlerinizi alabilecek genel deiiklikleri Slide Master' kullanarak bir tklama ile yapabilecek hale geleceksiniz.Eitim videolarn srasyla izleyiniz. Bildiiniz bir konu dahi olsa, izlemeden dier videolara gemeyiniz. Basit bir balk altnda, ok ince detaylarla karlaabilirsiniz."
Price: 259.99

"Python Crash Course For Beginners" |
"Python is the single most versatile programming language in existence. From automating simple tasks to making complex applications, python has you all covered. Python is a high level, object oriented, interpreted programming language.In this course we will walk you through all you need to know to get you started coding in python, walking over each technicality in detail. This will not only make you acquainted to python code but let you master it.We would love to see you on the inside so just check out our free preview lectures and enroll.To your success,Merul And SorinPS: Don't worry, you have a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee included, so if you are not satisfied with what you learn, you will be fully refunded, no questions asked!"
Price: 94.99

"Destrava! O mtodo para falar em pblico sem medo" |
"Esse o Destrava!, o curso que vai te ajudar a criar apresentaes eficientes e vencer o medo de falar em pblico, mesmo que voc seja uma pessoa tmida e/ou introvertida.Se vc tem um trabalho que frequentemente te exige fazer apresentaes em pblico, como um workshop, o status de um projeto ou mesmo vender uma idia, mas no se sente seguro e nem confortvel pra isso...ento esse curso foi feito sob medida pra voc!O principal diferencial deste curso que no pretendemos transformar a sua personalidade. O curso entrega as ferramentas pra lidar com a sua insegurana, aceitar a sua personalidade e fazer apresentaes que convencem a sua audincia.Por isso o curso cobre tanto o aspecto comportamental como tambm sobre o aspecto tcnico de uma apresentao.Isso o que exatamente voc ir aprender:As caractersticas das pessoas introvertidas, tmidas, ou ambivertidas. E esse ser um excelente exerccio de autoconhecimento e um processo de aceitao sobre quem voc , de forma que isso no seja mais um impeditivo pra voc se expor e fazer apresentaes em publico.Como lidar com a notcia de uma apresentao iminente sem sofrimento e sem afetar a sua rotina Construir sua apresentao atravs de um mtodo passo a passo, com templates para cada etapa de criao do seu contedo e que pode ser replicado pra praticamente qualquer situao.Diferentes maneiras de validar a mensagem da sua apresentao e treinar sua linguagem corporal atravs de tcnicas que os atores profissionais usam pra aprender roteiros gigantescos.Tticas pra controlar a ansiedade, precaues que voc precisa ter antes e durante a apresentao e tambm o que fazer depois da sua apresentao e como potencializar os aprendizados.Chegou a hora de perder o medo de falar em pblico e criar apresentaes que funcionam!"
Price: 294.99

"Salesforce App Portfolio Module 11 - First 30 Days Success" |
"This course is the 11th and final course of my Salesforce App Portfolio Bootcamp series. I surveyed my students to find out what the biggest challenges were that they faced in launching their own Salesforce career. The most reported obstacle to starting a Salesforce career was a lack of experience. I created my Salesforce App Portfolio Bootcamp to empower you to 'make your own experience' rather than passively waiting for someone else to bestow your first Salesforce job randomly.I held three sessions of this Bootcamp, improving it greatly with each iteration, throughout 2018. What started out as a 6-course series quickly grew to an 11-course behemoth. And I previously ran these Bootcamps for a set amount of time and also provided live group coaching and 1-on-1 coaching.I previously charged students $997 to enroll in my Bootcamp. Because I have elected to start doing additional Salesforce Consulting work and taking on project work (to keep my Salesforce skills current and sharp) I am unable to support the live components that were contained in the Bootcamp, such as the live group coaching webinars and the one-on-one coaching calls. Because of this, rather than just retiring my Salesforce App Portfolio Bootcamp, I have elected to make it available to the masses and release it as a series of 11 individual courses here on Udemy. This way you can take them one at a time and make your own experience on your own schedule.In this 11th course, the First 30 Days Success Pack - I share my time-tested best practices on how to start a new Salesforce job on the right foot. This course is all about making a great first impression and how to be self-directed.The ideal path for my Bootcamp experience is for you to enroll in and complete each of my courses in order. If you feel that some courses will not meet your needs at this time, you can mix and match the courses at your own convenience.This course is intended for someone that is wanting to start their first or new Salesforce job off on the right foot."
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce App Portfolio - Part 1 - Make Your Own Experience" |
"This course is the first course of my Salesforce App Portfolio Bootcamp Series of courses - there are 11 total courses in the series. Each course in this series not only contains in-depth video training, but also a course workbook.This course, the Grow Where You Are Planted Success Pack, is intended for someone that is trying to land their first Salesforce job and have been told that they lack the appropriate level of experience. No certification or prior Salesforce experience is required. I surveyed my students to find out what the biggest challenges were that they faced in launching their own Salesforce career. The most reported obstacle to starting a Salesforce career was a lack of experience. I created this Salesforce Career Success Bootcamp Series to empower you to 'Make Your Own Experience' rather than passively waiting for someone else to bestow your first Salesforce job randomly.I held three sessions of this Bootcamp, improving it greatly with each iteration, throughout 2018. What started out as a 6-course series quickly grew to an 11-course behemoth. And I previously ran these Bootcamps for a set amount of time and also provided live group coaching and 1-on-1 coaching.I previously charged students $997 to enroll in my Bootcamp. Because I have elected to start doing additional Salesforce Consulting work and taking on project work (to keep my Salesforce skills current and sharp) I am unable to support the live components that were contained in the Bootcamp, such as the live group coaching webinars and the one-on-one coaching calls. Because of this, rather than just retiring my Salesforce Career Success Bootcamp, I have elected to make it available to the masses and release it as a series of 11 individual courses here on Udemy. This way you can take them one at a time and make your own experience on your own schedule.These courses are available on-demand and you can go at your own pace, take them multiple times, and reference them at your convenience.In this first course, the Grow Where You Are Planted Success Pack - I teach you how to use Salesforce in your existing job, your household, and/or your current job pursuits in order to start gaining relevant experience that you can add to your resume and speak to in job interviews."
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce App Portfolio Module 2 App Building Fundamentals" |
"This course is the second course of my Salesforce App Portfolio Bootcamp Series of courses - there are a total of 11 courses in this Bootcamp Series. This course, the App Building Fundamentals Pack, is intended for someone that is trying to land their first Salesforce job and have been told that they lack the appropriate level of experience. No certification or prior Salesforce experience is required. We create several different applications in the App Portfolio Bootcamp series, and this course is where we build the first one. Also in this course, we create the foundation for additional apps that we will complete in later courses of this Bootcamp series.We will be creating a simpler, utility type application in this module - a Time Tracker App.As we progress through this course, we will be creating custom objects, fields, validation rules, page layouts, record types, and more.The end goal of this course is for you to come away with a firm understanding of the anatomy of an app on the Salesforce platform and gain hands-on experience in building an app.This experience will help you expand your knowledge of the Salesforce platform, and also to come away with real-world applications that you can use in your own life whether in an existing job, or helping you land you first, or next, Salesforce job.I surveyed my students to find out what the biggest challenges were that they faced in launching their own Salesforce career. The most reported obstacle to starting a Salesforce career was a lack of experience. I created this Salesforce Career Success Bootcamp Series to empower you to 'Make Your Own Experience' rather than passively waiting for someone else to bestow your first Salesforce job randomly.I held three sessions of this Bootcamp, improving it greatly with each iteration, throughout 2018. What started out as a 6-course series quickly grew to an 11-course behemoth. And I previously ran these Bootcamps for a set amount of time and also provided live group coaching and 1-on-1 coaching.I previously charged students $997 to enroll in my Bootcamp. Because I have elected to start doing additional Salesforce Consulting work and taking on project work (to keep my Salesforce skills current and sharp) I am unable to support the live components that were contained in the Bootcamp, such as the live group coaching webinars and the one-on-one coaching calls. Because of this, rather than just retiring my Salesforce Career Success Bootcamp, I have elected to make it available to the masses and release it as a series of 11 individual courses here on Udemy. This way you can take them one at a time and make your own experience on your own schedule.These courses are available on-demand and you can go at your own pace, take them multiple times, and reference them at your convenience."
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce App Portfolio Bootcamp Module 3 - Easy App Pack" |
"This course is the third course of my Salesforce App Portfolio Bootcamp Series of courses - there are a total of 11 courses in this Bootcamp Series. This course, the Easy App Pack, is intended for someone that is trying to land their first Salesforce job and has been told that they lack the appropriate level of experience. No certification or prior Salesforce experience is required. We create several different applications in the Bootcamp series. In this course, we make several utility type applications. These applications are smaller in scope and can be put to use in your own household, job or freelance pursuits to gain experience on the platform and to make you more efficient as well. These apps include a Time Card application, Expense Tracking application, and a Mileage Tracker.This experience will help you expand your knowledge of the Salesforce platform, and also to come away with real-world applications that you can use in your own life whether in an existing job, or helping you land you first, or next, Salesforce job.I surveyed my students to find out what the biggest challenges were that they faced in launching their own Salesforce career. The most reported obstacle to starting a Salesforce career was a lack of experience. I created this Salesforce Career Success Bootcamp Series to empower you to 'Make Your Own Experience' rather than passively waiting for someone else to bestow your first Salesforce job randomly.I held three sessions of this Bootcamp, improving it greatly with each iteration, throughout 2018. What started out as a 6-course series quickly grew to an 11-course behemoth. And I previously ran these Bootcamps for a set amount of time and also provided live group coaching and 1-on-1 coaching.I previously charged students $997 to enroll in my Bootcamp. Because I have elected to start doing additional Salesforce Consulting work and taking on project work (to keep my Salesforce skills current and sharp) I am unable to support the live components that were contained in the Bootcamp, such as the live group coaching webinars and the one-on-one coaching calls. Because of this, rather than just retiring my Salesforce Career Success Bootcamp, I have elected to make it available to the masses and release it as a series of 11 individual courses here on Udemy. This way you can take them one at a time and make your own experience on your own schedule.These courses are available on-demand and you can go at your own pace, take them multiple times, and reference them at your convenience."
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce App Portfolio Module 4 - Jobs & Recruiters App" |
"This course is the fourth course of my Salesforce App Portfolio Bootcamp Series of courses - there are a total of 11 courses in this App Portfolio Bootcamp Series. This course builds upon the work we performed in the previous courses in this series. I recommend that you take these courses in sequential order.This course, the Jobs and Recruiters App Pack, is intended for someone that is trying to land their first Salesforce job and has been told that they lack the appropriate level of experience. No certification or prior Salesforce experience is required. In this course, we build a more complex app. This app is used to track job opportunities, manage recruiter and hiring manager relationships, as well as the uploading, versioning and public sharing of your resumes, all on the Salesforce platform.This experience will help you expand your knowledge of the Salesforce platform, and also to come away with real-world applications that you can use in your own life whether in an existing job, or helping you land you first, or next, Salesforce job.I surveyed my students to find out what the biggest challenges were that they faced in launching their own Salesforce career. The most reported obstacle to starting a Salesforce career was a lack of experience. I created this Salesforce Career Success Bootcamp Series to empower you to 'Make Your Own Experience' rather than passively waiting for someone else to bestow your first Salesforce job randomly.I held three sessions of this Bootcamp, improving it greatly with each iteration, throughout 2018. What started out as a 6-course series quickly grew to an 11-course behemoth. And I previously ran these Bootcamps for a set amount of time and also provided live group coaching and 1-on-1 coaching.I previously charged students $997 to enroll in my Bootcamp. Because I have elected to start doing additional Salesforce Consulting work and taking on project work (to keep my Salesforce skills current and sharp) I am unable to support the live components that were contained in the Bootcamp, such as the live group coaching webinars and the one-on-one coaching calls. Because of this, rather than just retiring my Salesforce Career Success Bootcamp, I have elected to make it available to the masses and release it as a series of 11 individual courses here on Udemy. This way you can take them one at a time and make your own experience on your own schedule.These courses are available on-demand and you can go at your own pace, take them multiple times, and reference them at your convenience."
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce App Portfolio Module 5 - Agile Apps Enhancements" |
"This course is the fifth course of my Salesforce App Portfolio Bootcamp Series of courses - there are a total of 11 courses in this series. This course builds upon the work we performed in the previous courses in this Bootcamp series. I recommend that you take these courses in sequential order.This App Portfolio Bootcamp Series and this course, the Agile Applications Enhancements Pack, is intended for someone that is trying to land their first Salesforce job and has been told that they lack the appropriate level of experience. No certification or prior Salesforce experience is required. In this course, we make enhancements across the suite of applications we have built thus far. This mimics real-world scenarios as apps are put to the test and improvements are discovered to then build.This experience will help you expand your knowledge of the Salesforce platform, and also to come away with real-world applications that you can use in your own life whether in an existing job, or helping you land you first, or next, Salesforce job.I surveyed my students to find out what the biggest challenges were that they faced in launching their own Salesforce career. The most reported obstacle to starting a Salesforce career was a lack of experience. I created this Salesforce Career Success Bootcamp Series to empower you to 'Make Your Own Experience' rather than passively waiting for someone else to bestow your first Salesforce job randomly.I held three sessions of this Bootcamp, improving it greatly with each iteration, throughout 2018. What started out as a 6-course series quickly grew to an 11-course behemoth. And I previously ran these Bootcamps for a set amount of time and also provided live group coaching and 1-on-1 coaching.I previously charged students $997 to enroll in my Bootcamp. Because I have elected to start doing additional Salesforce Consulting work and taking on project work (to keep my Salesforce skills current and sharp) I am unable to support the live components that were contained in the Bootcamp, such as the live group coaching webinars and the one-on-one coaching calls. Because of this, rather than just retiring my Salesforce Career Success Bootcamp, I have elected to make it available to the masses and release it as a series of 11 individual courses here on Udemy. This way you can take them one at a time and make your own experience on your own schedule.These courses are available on-demand and you can go at your own pace, take them multiple times, and reference them at your convenience."
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce App Portfolio Module 6 - Contract Management App" |
"This course is the sixth course of my Salesforce App Portfolio Bootcamp Series of courses - there are a total of 11 courses in this series. This course builds upon the work we performed in the previous courses in this App Portfolio Bootcamp series. I recommend that you take these courses in sequential order.What work do we do in this course?We cover a lot of ground in this course the Contract Management App Build. We set the Contract Settings to send contract expiration notice emails to Account and Contract Owners. We explore the implications of setting the Contracts object's Security settings to Private, along with the cascading effect that has on other objects.Additionally, we create multiple Sales Processes and corresponding Opportunity Record Types for the Contract Management App, to facilitate the sell of physical products (B2B Widgets) as well as service related product offerings (Call Center Business and Property Management).Once the foundations of our Contract Management App are set in place, we shift our focus over to the User Interface and User Experience. We enable a Contracts Chatter Feed and set Field Level Security on certain Contract fields, for example.We also create a Visualforce page to change the Account Details page, along with setting a Visualforce page override (which we later remove).We make our app mobile and also add a Path to the Contract page layout. A newer feature of Salesforce, Themes and Branding, is also leveraged to adjust the User Interface of our Contract Management App.Who is this Bootcamp Series For?This Bootcamp Series and this course, the Contract Management App Foundations Pack, is intended for someone that is trying to land their first Salesforce job and has been told that they lack the appropriate level of experience. No certification or prior Salesforce experience is required. In this course, we build a more extensive and complex application a Contract Management app. We build out the foundations and security model for a Contract Management application. We then extend and enhance the Contract Management App user interface and user experience.This Bootcamp series helps you expand and deepen your knowledge of the Salesforce platform. You will also come away with real-world applications that you can use in your own life whether in an existing job, or helping you land you first, or next, Salesforce job.Why I Created this Salesforce App Portfolio Bootcamp Series of CoursesI surveyed my students to find out what the biggest challenges were that they faced in launching their own Salesforce career. The most reported obstacle to starting a Salesforce career was a lack of experience. I created this Salesforce Career Success Bootcamp Series to empower you to 'Make Your Own Experience' rather than passively waiting for someone else to bestow your first Salesforce job randomly.History of this Salesforce App Portfolio Bootcamp Series of CoursesI held three sessions of this Bootcamp, improving it greatly with each iteration, throughout 2018. What started out as a 6-course series quickly grew to an 11-course behemoth. And I previously ran these Bootcamps for a set amount of time and also provided live group coaching and 1-on-1 coaching.I previously charged students $997 to enroll in my Bootcamp. Because I have elected to start doing additional Salesforce Consulting work and taking on project work (to keep my Salesforce skills current and sharp) I am unable to support the live components that were contained in the Bootcamp, such as the live group coaching webinars and the one-on-one coaching calls. Because of this, rather than just retiring my Salesforce Career Success Bootcamp, I have elected to make it available to the masses and release it as a series of 11 individual courses here on Udemy. This way you can take them one at a time and make your own experience on your own schedule.These courses are available on-demand and you can go at your own pace, take them multiple times, and reference them at your convenience."
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce App Portfolio Module 7 - Application Automation" |
"Up to this point in the Salesforce App Portfolio Bootcamp Series of courses, we have dealt with the foundations and User Interface of the Contract Management Application. Now it is time to address some of the more complex pieces that we want to happen automatically, behind the scenes in Salesforce.That means we will work through automating much of the Contract Management application (which we built in Module 6). Throughout the lectures found in this course, we will take this application from being static to dynamic able to handle complex business use cases that can be deployed in a real-world environment and business.One of the more complex things to master in Salesforce is knowing which automation tool to use, based on different scenarios. We will be covering Workflow Rules, Approval Processes, the Process Builder, the Cloud Flow Designer, Log In Flows, and well also touch on scenarios for automation that require coding.An effective application solution ensures that nothing falls through the cracks, and thats where automation really shines in Salesforce. We will be creating workflow rules and accompanying actions, such as email alerts, tasks, email templates, field updates, and more.Well also look at ways to combine and then retire multiple workflow rules into a single process. Well also cover how to make things happen years into the future inside of Salesforce, so that regardless of whos working for the company in a few years, whomever owns a specific account can still be alerted whenever a contract is coming up for renewal.Its time to automate our Contract Management app!This course is the seventh course of my Salesforce App Portfolio Bootcamp Series of courses - there are a total of 11 courses in this series. This course builds upon the work we performed in the previous courses in this Bootcamp series. I recommend that you take these courses in sequential order.Who is this Salesforce Application Portfolio Bootcamp Series For?This Bootcamp Series and this course, the Contract Management Application Automation Pack, is intended for someone that is trying to land their first Salesforce job and has been told that they lack the appropriate level of experience. No certification or prior Salesforce experience is required. This Bootcamp series helps you expand and deepen your knowledge of the Salesforce platform. You will also come away with real-world applications that you can use in your own life whether in an existing job, or helping you land you first, or next, Salesforce job.Why I Created this App Portfolio Bootcamp Series of CoursesI surveyed my students to find out what the biggest challenges were that they faced in launching their own Salesforce career. The most reported obstacle to starting a Salesforce career was a lack of experience. I created this Salesforce Career Success Bootcamp Series to empower you to 'Make Your Own Experience' rather than passively waiting for someone else to bestow your first Salesforce job randomly.History of this App Portfolio Bootcamp Series of CoursesI held three sessions of this App Portfolio Bootcamp, improving it greatly with each iteration, throughout 2018. What started out as a 6-course series quickly grew to an 11-course behemoth. And I previously ran these Bootcamps for a set amount of time and also provided live group coaching and 1-on-1 coaching.I previously charged students $997 to enroll in my Bootcamp. Because I have elected to start doing additional Salesforce Consulting work and taking on project work (to keep my Salesforce skills current and sharp) I am unable to support the live components that were contained in the Bootcamp, such as the live group coaching webinars and the one-on-one coaching calls. Because of this, rather than just retiring my Salesforce Career Success Bootcamp, I have elected to make it available to the masses and release it as a series of 11 individual courses here on Udemy. This way you can take them one at a time and make your own experience on your own schedule.These courses are available on-demand and you can go at your own pace, take them multiple times, and reference them at your convenience."
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce App Portfolio Module 8 - Nonprofit Cloud Success" |
"For this course, I recommend that you sign up for a new free Salesforce Developer Account, rather than using an existing one you have been using through the previous modules of this Bootcamp Course Series.In this course, we will be installing the Nonprofit Success Pack into a Free Developer account, which will change the Account Model in the org - this is why I would like for you to perform the steps in this module in a fresh, new developer account.This course is the eighth course of my Salesforce App Portfolio Bootcamp Series of courses - there are a total of 11 courses in this Bootcamp Series. This course builds upon the work we performed in the previous courses in this Bootcamp series. I recommend that you take these courses in sequential order.I have previously encouraged my students to volunteer for a non-profit in order to gain Salesforce experience to add to their resume. This course is instrumental in helping you to learn key differences in the nonprofit instance of Salesforce, which differs greatly from a regular, enterprise (for-profit) instance of Salesforce.Who is this App Portfolio Bootcamp Series For?This Salesforce App Portfolio Bootcamp Series and this course, the Nonprofit Cloud Success Pack, is intended for someone that is trying to land their first Salesforce job and has been told that they lack the appropriate level of experience. This particular course will be helpful especially to those that desire to volunteer for a non-profit in order to gain experience, but have had no exposure yet to the Nonprofit Cloud from Salesforce.No certification or prior Salesforce experience is required. This Bootcamp series helps you expand and deepen your knowledge of the Salesforce platform. You will also come away with real-world applications that you can use in your own life whether in an existing job, or helping you land you first, or next, Salesforce job.Why I Created this Bootcamp Series of CoursesI surveyed my students to find out what the biggest challenges were that they faced in launching their own Salesforce career. The most reported obstacle to starting a Salesforce career was a lack of experience. I created this Salesforce Career Success Bootcamp Series to empower you to 'Make Your Own Experience' rather than passively waiting for someone else to bestow your first Salesforce job randomly.History of this Bootcamp Series of CoursesI held three sessions of this Bootcamp, improving it greatly with each iteration, throughout 2018. What started out as a 6-course series quickly grew to an 11-course behemoth. And I previously ran these Bootcamps for a set amount of time and also provided live group coaching and 1-on-1 coaching.I previously charged students $997 to enroll in my Bootcamp. Because I have elected to start doing additional Salesforce Consulting work and taking on project work (to keep my Salesforce skills current and sharp) I am unable to support the live components that were contained in the Bootcamp, such as the live group coaching webinars and the one-on-one coaching calls. Because of this, rather than just retiring my Salesforce App Portfolio Bootcamp, I have elected to make it available to the masses and release it as a series of 11 individual courses here on Udemy. This way you can take them one at a time and make your own experience on your own schedule.These courses are available on-demand and you can go at your own pace, take them multiple times, and reference them at your convenience."
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce App Portfolio Module 9 - Resume & LinkedIn Boost" |
"Now that you have experience and a portfolio to share, it's time to update your resume. We also cover how to optimize your LinkedIn profile for maximum impact.I provide resume templates for you that you can download and use in your own job pursuits. I actually provide you a sample of my own resume that I have used to land a multitude of Salesforce jobs. In this course, I show you how to leverage my Salesforce resume template and customize it to include the work you have done through this Bootcamp course series and to fit your own experience and background.This course is the ninth course of my Salesforce App Portfolio Bootcamp Series of courses - there are a total of 11 courses in this Bootcamp Series. This course builds upon the work we performed in the previous courses in this Bootcamp series. I recommend that you take these courses in sequential order.Who is this Salesforce App Portfolio Bootcamp Series For?This Salesforce App Portfolio Bootcamp Series and this course, the Resume and LinkedIn Accelerator Pack, is intended for someone that is trying to land their first Salesforce job and has been told that they lack the appropriate level of experience. No certification or prior Salesforce experience is required. This Bootcamp series helps you expand and deepen your knowledge of the Salesforce platform. You will also come away with real-world applications that you can use in your own life whether in an existing job, or helping you land you first, or next, Salesforce job.Why I Created this Bootcamp Series of CoursesI surveyed my students to find out what the biggest challenges were that they faced in launching their own Salesforce career. The most reported obstacle to starting a Salesforce career was a lack of experience. I created this Salesforce Career Success Bootcamp Series to empower you to 'Make Your Own Experience' rather than passively waiting for someone else to bestow your first Salesforce job randomly.History of this Bootcamp Series of CoursesI held three sessions of this Bootcamp, improving it greatly with each iteration, throughout 2018. What started out as a 6-course series quickly grew to an 11-course behemoth. And I previously ran these Bootcamps for a set amount of time and also provided live group coaching and 1-on-1 coaching.I previously charged students $997 to enroll in my Bootcamp. Because I have elected to start doing additional Salesforce Consulting work and taking on project work (to keep my Salesforce skills current and sharp) I am unable to support the live components that were contained in the Bootcamp, such as the live group coaching webinars and the one-on-one coaching calls. Because of this, rather than just retiring my Salesforce Career Success Bootcamp, I have elected to make it available to the masses and release it as a series of 11 individual courses here on Udemy. This way you can take them one at a time and make your own experience on your own schedule.These courses are available on-demand and you can go at your own pace, take them multiple times, and reference them at your convenience."
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce App Portfolio - Module 10 Salesforce Interviews" |
"In this course, I share common Salesforce interview questions and best approaches of how to answer many of these. I also cover how to fully prepare for different types of interviews, whether onsite, remote, or on the phone. I provide many sample Salesforce job interview questions and also cover best approaches on how to answer these questions.We discuss the typical job interview cadence. I also address strategies for success when faced with various types of interviews, whether phone interview, on a web-cam, or in person with a single person or a panel.Prior to working as a Salesforce Developer and Consultant, I worked for 15 years as a Technical Writer. The nature of the work in my 20+ year career has been typically going from one contract to the next. This means that I have participated in literally hundreds of interviews. This course is the result of learning things the hard way across those hundreds of interviews. Over the years, I learned to improve my interview performance and go from fearing being interviewed to looking forward to it. I now look at job interviews as a fun and learning experience and I can help you do the same.Your confidence and comfort level during interviews will translate well in your favor.This course is the tenth course of my Salesforce App Portfolio Bootcamp Series of courses - there are a total of 11 courses in this series. This course builds upon the work we performed in the previous courses in this Bootcamp series. I recommend that you take these courses in sequential order.Who is this Bootcamp Series For?This Bootcamp Series and this course, the Salesforce Job Interview Success Pack, is intended for someone that is trying to land their first Salesforce job and has been told that they lack the appropriate level of experience. No certification or prior Salesforce experience is required. This Bootcamp series helps you expand and deepen your knowledge of the Salesforce platform. You will also come away with real-world applications that you can use in your own life whether in an existing job, or helping you land you first, or next, Salesforce job.Why I Created this Bootcamp Series of CoursesI surveyed my students to find out what the biggest challenges were that they faced in launching their own Salesforce career. The most reported obstacle to starting a Salesforce career was a lack of experience. I created this Salesforce Career Success Bootcamp Series to empower you to 'Make Your Own Experience' rather than passively waiting for someone else to bestow your first Salesforce job randomly.History of this Bootcamp Series of CoursesI held three sessions of this Bootcamp, improving it greatly with each iteration, throughout 2018. What started out as a 6-course series quickly grew to an 11-course behemoth. And I previously ran these Bootcamps for a set amount of time and also provided live group coaching and 1-on-1 coaching.I previously charged students $997 to enroll in my Bootcamp. Because I have elected to start doing additional Salesforce Consulting work and taking on project work (to keep my Salesforce skills current and sharp) I am unable to support the live components that were contained in the Bootcamp, such as the live group coaching webinars and the one-on-one coaching calls. Because of this, rather than just retiring my Salesforce Career Success Bootcamp, I have elected to make it available to the masses and release it as a series of 11 individual courses here on Udemy. This way you can take them one at a time and make your own experience on your own schedule.These courses are available on-demand and you can go at your own pace, take them multiple times, and reference them at your convenience."
Price: 19.99

"Proxmox VE 6: de CERO a MASTER" |
"Bienvenidos a un nuevo curso de PROXMOX VE 6, si has llegado hasta aqu, quiere decir que estas en busca de un curso que sea lo ms completo posible, por eso he intentado crear un curso lo ms completo posible para desplegar un entorno de produccin basado en Proxmox VE.En este curso aprenderemos desde la instalacin de Proxmox VE, instalacin y configuracin de un cluster, aprenderemos a configurar alta disponibilidad, etc, sobre todo a desplegar un entorno eficiente y seguro para nuestro entorno Proxmox. En este curso veremos desde 0 como configurar y desplegar un entorno completamente eficiente en un entorno de produccin."
Price: 99.99

"Collision Intro Animation in After Effects" |
"Do you want to learn how to create an awesome collision title animation quickly & easily whilst learning the basics of Adobe After Effects? Then you're in the right place! In this course you'll learn how to add 3D rocky textures to your text that reacts to lighting. You can then use the text to create stunning Title or Logo Intro Videos. This project is flexible and fully customizable, making it easier to fit with your movie, project, website or social media platform. This class is perfect for illustrators, graphic designers, motion designers or anyone else looking to have some fun with After Effects! Follow along as we use Adobe After Effects to create this animation. Through this assignment you will learn:How to add 3D rocky texture to your text that reacts to lightingHow to create an exciting collision animationHow to create a camera shake to help sell the collisionContent & Overview This is a great way for beginners to introduce themselves to Adobe After Effects. Each step will be broken down to make understanding the process even easier. Starting with how to apply a rock texture to your text, Ill take you through all the tools and skills necessary for the project."
Price: 29.99

"Learn how to paint Byzantine Icons (Part 3)" |
"This is a intermediate course (PART 3).Please go through PART 1 and PART 2 before taking this course.If you are interested in painting, if you want to learn how to paint in an historic spiritual style, this is the perfect course. You will have a step by step guidance from a pro and you will learn how to paint an icon from scratch (Virgin Mary and Child Jesus). This course has video lessons and a pdf file with useful infos.In this part, you will learn how to paint in egg tempera technique.Let's start our spiritual-artistic journey!"
Price: 39.99
