"PowerShell Advanced" |
"Apart from learning the difference between Windows PowerShell 5.1 and PowerShell 7.0. This course will take you from a basic scripter who uses simple scripts to be a more advanced scripter in which you will learn how to use .NET, create functions and convert the functions into Cmdlets. We will practice a lot with labs. The most difficult being a Bonus Lab which will make more sense when you start using PowerShell more after this course. This course follows the PowerShell from Beginner to Sheller and Scripter course, but can be done without following that course as long as you have all the prerequisites."
Price: 29.99

"The essential guide to GraphQL + React" |
"So you want to finally learn GraphQL and use it with your React apps ?. This is the course for you.We will start from the very beginning, from ""I don't even know what GraphQL is .and why should use it ? to actually understand how GraphQL works and make it work with your server and client.You will learn all the logic and you will practice GraphQL in different modules.To sum everything up, you will learn in this course:What is GraphQL and why use itUnderstand the tools to make queries and mutationsMake it work on a server with Express or Apollo serverLink your GraphQL server to a real DB like MONGO.Make it communicate with a client like REACTPut you new knowledge to the test by creating an app.Dont know how to use React.? Dont panic, at the end of the course you get a full React mini course, so you get two courses for the price of one.What about the instructor experience ?Well I've been around for 13 years now, built lots of applications for small projects and big companies like Citi, Fox, Disney and a lot more.Today I work as a developer for a major company developing applications on React , Angular and Vue, but I like to teach in my spare time.How about the target audience?This course is for almost everyone, a little bit of HTML, CSS.If you want to take your coding to the next level, this is the course for you."
Price: 49.99

"Healing Family and Relationship Trauma" |
"What people are saying: Thanks Alan, great content and fantastic delivery. I loved the ""bite-size"" pieces, it made it so much easier to listen to and learn. Loved the psychology part of it especially. Will check out your other courses. Great work, thanks so much!This course deals with a very specific type of complex trauma one that involves the victim having had a close relationship with the perpetrator/s of the trauma.And importantly, the course teaches you a very powerful brief intervention technique for healing such traumas (and other related issues as well); the re-imprinting process that has its foundational theories based in developmental psychology. For clarity, this is NOT EFT re-imprinting. The technique can also be used in the broader sense to improve relationships in general that have been damaged through misunderstandings, arguments, squabbles and the like, to create better understanding between people, and even repair relationshipsSo why would you do this course? Either because you are therapist and you want to help people overcome complex family or relationship trauma. Or because you've been through trauma yourself and you are seeking for understanding, insight and resolution to your personal issues. However if this latter reason is the case, you need to be guided through this technique by a competent therapist. The course will however help you to understand any personal traumas that you have experienced and perhaps gain a little more peace of mindIn this course I will unpack many of the causes of relationship trauma as well as the psychologies and the psychological mechanisms driving them. This will give you a deep understanding of how to use and adapt therapeutic process taught for best effect. In my own practice I've found that this technique has quite significant healing impact on the clients whole life.I will explain the re-imprinting process in depth and there is also a live client demonstration."
Price: 199.99

"React Native With React Hooks & React Query:High Performance" |
"If you're tired of spinning your wheels learning Swift or Android, this is the course for you.Improve your app performance? You will learn it. Hooks? Included. React Query? Of course!This course will get you up and running with React Native quickly, and teach you the core knowledge you need to deeply understand and build React components for mobile devices with high performance.React Native is an excellent solution for developing apps on mobile in a fraction of the time it takes to make an equivalent iOS or Swift app. You'll love seeing your changes instantly appear on your own device, rather than waiting for Swift/Java code to recompile! This quick feedback loop, along with excellent cross platform support, is what has catapulted React Native to the top must-have skill for Javascript engineers.Simply put, React Query makes fetching, caching, synchronizing and updating server state in your React applications a breeze.Out of the box, React applications do not come with an opinionated way of fetching or updating data from your components so developers end up building their own ways of fetching data. This usually means cobbling together component-based state and effect using React hooks, or using more general purpose state management libraries to store and provide asynchronous data throughout their apps.While most traditional state management libraries are great for working with client state, they are not so great at working with async or server state. This is because server state is totally different. For starters, server state:Is persisted remotely in a location you do not control or ownRequires asynchronous APIs for fetching and updatingImplies shared ownership and can be changed by other people without your knowledgeCan potentially become ""out of date"" in your applications if you're not carefulOnce you grasp the nature of server state in your application, even more challenges will arise as you go, for example:Caching... (possibly the hardest thing to do in programming)Deduping multiple requests for the same data into a single requestUpdating out of date data in the backgroundKnowing when data is ""out of date""Reflecting updates to data as quickly as possiblePerformance optimizations like pagination and lazy loading dataManaging memory and garbage collection of server stateMemoizing query results with structural sharingReact Query is hands down one of the best libraries for managing server state. It works amazingly well out-of-the-box, with zero-config, and can be customized to your liking as your application grows.React Query allows you to defeat and overcome the tricky challenges and hurdles of server state and control your app data before it starts to control you.On a more technical note, React Query will likely:Help you remove many lines of complicated and misunderstood code from your application and replace with just a handful of lines of React Query logic.Make your application more maintainable and easier to build new features without worrying about wiring up new server state data sourcesHave a direct impact on your end-users by making your application feel faster and more responsive than ever before.Potentially help you save on bandwidth and increase memory performanceEnough talk, show me some code already!"
Price: 199.99

"Introduction to R programming & RStudio for beginners" |
"(Please note: this course is a basic introduction to R and RStudio, meant for beginner level. More advanced courses coming soon.)R is currently one of the most requested programming languages in the Data Science job market that makes it the hottest trend nowadays.R is a programming language and free software environment for statistical computing, data manipulation & analysis, graphics representation and reporting supported by the R Foundation for Statistical Computing. The R language is widely used among statisticians and data miners for developing statistical software and data analysis. It compiles and runs on a wide variety of UNIX platforms, Windows and MacOS.No one is born a data scientist. Every person who works with R today was once a complete beginner. No matter how much you know about the R ecosystem already, youll always have more to learn.Applications of R: We use R for Data Science. It gives us a broad variety of libraries related to statistics. It also provides the environment for statistical computing and design. R is used by many quantitative analysts as its programming tool. Thus, it helps in data importing and cleaning. R is the most prevalent language. So many data analysts and research programmers use it. Hence, it is used as a fundamental tool for finance. Tech giants like Google, Facebook, bing, Accenture, Wipro and many more using R nowadays.Why R Programming Language? R programming is used as a leading tool for machine learning, statistics, and data analysis. Objects, functions, and packages can easily be created by R. Its a platform-independent language. This means it can be applied to all operating system. Its an open-source free language. That means anyone can install it in any organization without purchasing a license. R programming language is not only a statistic package but also allows us to integrate with other languages (C, C++). Thus, you can easily interact with many data sources and statistical packages. The R programming language has a vast community of users and its growing day by day.Statistical Features of R: Basic Statistics: The most common basic statistics terms are the mean, mode, and median. These are all known as Measures of Central Tendency. So using the R language we can measure central tendency very easily. Static graphics: R is rich with facilities for creating and developing interesting static graphics. R contains functionality for many plot types including graphic maps, mosaic plots, biplots, and the list goes on. Probability distributions: Probability distributions play a vital role in statistics and by using R we can easily handle various types of probability distribution such as Binomial Distribution, Normal Distribution, Chi-squared Distribution and many more.R provides a wide variety of statistical (linear and nonlinear modelling, classical statistical tests, time-series analysis, classification, clustering, etc) and graphical techniques, and is highly extensible. The S language is often the vehicle of choice for research in statistical methodology, and R provides an Open Source route to participation in that activity.One of Rs strengths is the ease with which well-designed publication-quality plots can be produced, including mathematical symbols and formulae where needed.R, like S, is designed around a true computer language, and it allows users to add additional functionality by defining new functions. Much of the system is itself written in the R dialect of S, which makes it easy for users to follow the algorithmic choices made. For computationally-intensive tasks, C, C++ and Fortran code can be linked and called at run time. Advanced users can write C code to manipulate R objects directly.R & RStudio includes an effective data handling and storage facility, a suite of operators for calculations on arrays, in particular matrices, a large, coherent, integrated collection of intermediate tools for data analysis, graphical facilities for data analysis and display either on-screen or on hardcopy, and a well-developed, simple and effective programming language which includes conditionals, loops, user-defined recursive functions and input and output facilities."
Price: 19.99

"iOS 14 et Swift 5.3: Le Cours complet" |
"Bienvenue dans le cours iOS 14 et Swift 5.3: Le cours complet,Dans ce cours, vous apprendrez travers plus de 25 heures de vidos dvelopper des applications pour iPhone et iPad, en partant de zro pour arriver crer la fin du cours des applications complexes.Mme si vous n'avez jamais crit une ligne de code de votre vie, vous serez guid tout au long du processus pour pouvoir vous permettre de crer l'app de vos rves ou qui sait changer de carrire professionnelle.Voici ce que vous apprendrez tout au long de ce cours:Prise en main de Xcode, le logiciel de programmation d'Apple.Swift 5.3, le langage d'Apple, dans sa toute dernire version.UIKit et les objets du UI.L'auto layout.La programmation orient objet.L'enregistrement de donnes avec UserDefaults.Le tlchargement de donnes depuis internet.Les UITableView et UICollectionView.Le UIAlertControllerl'architecture MVC pour de meilleures applications.Le NotificationCenterLa gestion de l'appareil photo.Les Dates et le DatePickerL'utilisation d'API.Le dcodage de fichiers JsonCocoapods: Ajoutez des librairies externes vos applications.Pour apprendre d'une faon efficace et motivante, vous aurez la fin de chaque concepts appris une mise en pratique de vos connaissances avec des exercices corrigs. Vous vous crerez un portfolio d'application que vous serez fiers de montrer votre entourage avec les applications suivantes:Nous avons aussi de nombreuses section venir dans les prochaines mises jour comme par exemple:SwiftUI: Prenez en main le nouveau Framework d'Apple.CoreML: Apprenez les bases du machine Learning avec Apple.Firebase: Crez une application avec une base de donnes en temps rel.L'architecture MVVMLe Framework CoreData pour stocker des donnes persistantesQu'attendez vous pour nous rejoindre?"
Price: 199.99

"Orion's Light Ray & Pleiadian Reiki ~ Level II ~ Certified!" |
"Welcome to the second level of the Orions Light Ray and Pleiadian Reiki upgrade!In the sequel of our collective work with Valentina Guarino, the Ascended Masters and the Spiritual Beings of Light from Orion and Pleiades, we now present you the second and final attunement of this upgrade level of Usui Reiki Traditional System.In this second level you will be introduced to the divine Rays of the Seven Pleiades and learn about the properties, abilities and benefits which they offer, through channeling and using them in your healings.You will also learn about the Majestic Vortex, which is created through the union of the 7 Pleiadian Rays and the divine blessings which you may receive and offer to others, by channeling the Orions Light Ray through the Majestic Vortex of the 7 Pleiadian Rays!Furthermore you will receive information about Breath ~ The Key of Life and learn two new meditative practices ~ 1 which includes 2 Kundalini Breathing Techniques and 1 which focuses on the alignment and protection of your Chakra System!You will also learn a new Master Symbol, which will help you proceed with your Souls elevation and spiritual awakening, so to come in connection with the Beings of Light and receive their supreme wisdom, guidance and further apprenticeship.Finally you will experience new guided meditations, to help you with your entire practice, with grounding awareness on your core and bring you in connection and communication with the Beings of Light.The tools that you will receive through this level will empower your psychic perception, your spiritual awakening and your healing abilities. Take time to practice with these tools and to comprehend the information provided to you, so you may elevate in a smooth and fast way.We hope you will enjoy this course!If you have any questions feel free to contact us!Blessings of Light, Valentina Guarino & Nikolaos Baralos! Title of Music used in Meditations is ""In Spiritus"" by ""Christopher Lloyd Clarke"". Licensed by ""Enlightened Audio""."
Price: 119.99

"Gamification im Unternehmen - Motivation und Psychologie" |
"In diesem Kurs wirst du lernen, Menschen auf eine ganz neue Art zu verstehen. Du wirst erkennen, warum Menschen Dinge tun und wie du mit den richtigen Techniken aus der Verhaltenspsychologie dafr sorgst, dass du und deine Mitmenschen deine Aufgaben mit Freude und Begeisterung angehen.Die Inhalte des Kurses stellen die Essenz aus 10 Jahren praktischer Erfahrung, einer groen Zahl an psychologischen Bchern, Hrbchern und Artikeln dar. Alles wurde so aufbereitet, dass du ohne Vorkenntnisse auf gehirngerechte Art alles aufnehmen und schnell umsetzen kannst.Du kannst dich also auf eine Reise durch die spannende der Welt der Psychologie freuen, von der du mit neuen Techniken und neuem Wissen zurckkehren wirst. Du weit im Anschluss nicht nur, wie unterschiedliche Hormone Ihre Wirkung auf unser Verhalten entfalten, sondern auch, wie du diese Erkenntnis fr dich und deinen Alltag nutzen kannst.Auf unserer Reise werden wir uns auch anschauen, was eigentlich Motivation auslst und wie wir diese fast schon auf Knopfdruck herbeiholen knnen. Mit der Begeisterung eines Kindes die eigenen Aufgaben angehen - wenn das mal nicht gut klingt. Nach unserer Expedition in das weite Feld der ""Wissenschaft vom Spielen"" - der Gamification, wirst du wissen, warum persnliches Wachstum nicht immer dein Freund ist und warum es ntig sein kann, zu scheitern, damit eine Ttigkeit Spa macht.Doch leider habe ich so oft erlebt, dass Vernderungen und neues Wissen nur zh wie Honig den Weg in den eigenen Alltag finden. Deswegen war es mir wichtig, dass wir uns am Ende auch anschauen, wie du Menschen von neuen Inhalten und Konzepten begeisterst, denn Wissen, das nicht umgesetzt wird, ist wertlos. Mehr will ich aber vom Reiseplan gar nicht verraten, es soll ja whrenddessen auch noch spannend bleiben. Lass und nun gemeinsam aufbrechen und uns anschauen, wie du neue Energie in den Alltag bringen kannst.Mein VersprechenInnerhalb von 30 Tagen bekommst du dein Geld zurck, wenn dieser Kurs es nicht schafft, deine Fhigkeit, ein Team zu fhren und dich und andere zu motivieren, auf das nchste Level zu bringen. Da das ber Udemy passiert, werde ich nicht einmal erfahren, dass das passiert ist. Einfach, anonym, ohne ""Wenn"" und ""Aber"".Musik in den ""Kurz und knackig""-Lektionen:Havoc by PeriTune Music promoted by free-stock-musicAttribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)"
Price: 99.99

"Hospitality Marketing & Pricing Secrets to Profit in 2020" |
"When it comes to pricing, 95% of all hosts get this wrong. In 2020, you can't afford to make this mistake. Now more than ever, it's essential to learn the hospitality marketing and pricing secrets you could be missing to turn a profit, and get future business on the books for your vacation rental, holiday let, bnb, or small hotel. In this course, you'll have the opportunity to listen in on 5 private video lectures that have previously only been available to our membership community at Boostly Acadamy. Because founder, Mark Simpson, feels so strongly about encouraging direct bookings for rental property owners and small hotels all over the world, these lectures with helpful tips on pricing strategies are being shared with you to help your business thrive, even in 2020. In this 5 part course, you will learn how to: Understand what Revenue Management is, and why it's important Follow what outside factors actually control your pricing Identify the most important numbers in your business data (KPIs - Key Performance Indicators) Spot trends in seasonality in your business data when looking at occupancy and revenue year over yearRecognize hospitality marketing opportunities in your data so you can use them to your advantageComplete an accurate competitive analysis / competitor set for your property Grasp the importance of future bookings or ""BOB"" (business on the books)Walk in the shoes of your guest, especially in the fragile market of 2020Calculate how much it costs you to get one ""head on a bed""FINALLY see just why direct bookings are essential to increasing your profit (even if your OTA only charges 15%!)Look at recovery trends from the last global recession to understand how this crisis may impact your own financial recoveryPivot your business if needed, especially if you're typically dependent on international travel Focus on a volume or ""occupancy strategy"" to get more ""heads on beds""Use your business data to guide you during times of low demand Clearly communicate improvements you have made (such as added cleaning, touch-free entry, etc.) to reassure potential guests REVIEWS5*s If you own a hospitality business you owe it to yourself to get clued up with help from the best in the business. Mark & his team know their stuff and genuinely want to help you succeed. [K. Cole, Posted 6/10/20 on Trustpilot]5*s Mark is an ace teacher of all tips and tricks to market your business. Highly recommended! [Liam Carolan, Posted 6/10/20 on Trustpilot]5*s Implemented 1 tactic straight away and got nearly 200% ROI - Mark gives a lot of advice freely, with love and purpose. Part time legend. [Mr. Hodson, Posted 6/11/20 on Trustpilot]"
Price: 39.99

"Advanced Android - Dependency Injection with Dagger2" |
"Dependency Injection is now an indispensable component of Android development. All well built, large projects use it to make development easier and more practical.Dagger2 is the most widely used framework for DI in Android.This course will take you from a complete beginner in the technologyexplain in detail the theoretical aspects of Dagger 2 injectionexhaustively go through all the components that make Dagger2 such a successful libraryimplement it in a practical application, to show you a real world scenarioAfter this course you will have the knowledge and experience to use Dagger2 in all your app development projects, and will allow your apps to grow and expand seamlessly.We will learn about:Dagger history and advantagesComponentModuleAnnotationsConstructor injectionField injectionMethod injectionSingleton patternCustom componentsSubcomponentsComponent factoryPractical workWe will build everything in Kotlin.We cover a lot of ground in this course, and we will implement the concepts practically so that you get not only theoretical knowledge but practical experience as well.Sign up today, and let's learn how to use Dagger2 to build a modern Android Application."
Price: 99.99

"How to Pick Winning Stocks" |
"When it comes to stock market investments, you have the opportunity to enjoy partial earnings of some of the most lucrative companies on the planet. In this course, I will teach you everything you need to not only quickly open and fund a brokerage account for investing, but valuation skills for picking winning stocks. We'll cover how to go from potential to winning stocks by analyzing both fundamental and technical aspect of it. The lessons you learn will enable you to enjoy maximum benefits of capital gains and dividend distribution.Well then dive into finding securities that are selling at its intrinsic value or less. Everything from identifying stocks with strong and consistent appreciation and dividends to buying it at a discount price will be discussed extensively. Once the fundamentally technically sound stocks are selected, you will then do set personal parameters to mitigate risk of losing big in the even theres a crash. My personal rule of thumb is to avoid any loses greater than 10% and youll be taught how to do the same. This course will walk you through the process choosing the best online brokers in terms of trading platforms ease of use and free account. I'll show you the firms with no or low expense ratio and impeccable support when needed.Well continue with showing you how to screen stocks so you dont waste time looking for stocks to evaluate, and what tools are required for seeing a stocks true value. This lesson will help you avoid loses that could ensue. There are factors that makes great value and growth stocks and all of these will be covered. I will reveal in totality how to go from not understanding the stock market to becoming a winning player in it.You need this course if you want:To successfully buy and sell stocksTo discover free money for investmentTo get tax breaks with investingTo acquire skills reading a companys financial reportTo buy low and hold for long-term wealthTo buy low and sell highTo be financially free through stock market investmentTo know how to pick winning stocksTo become an entrepreneur in the stock marketTo build wealth through investingTo properly protect your investment wealth"
Price: 199.99

"Passive Stock Market Investing" |
"You can invest by buying funds that are managed by professional brokerage firms. This course is designed to teach you how to create stock market wealth without having to pick stocks by analyzing both fundamentals and technical aspect of it.After learning of the best and most successful firms, well teach you to how to set-up an account of your choice and fund it. Well then dive into showing you how to find Index fund and Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) offered by the firms with a track record of success. Aside from their relatively inexpensive cost, youll have access to diversified funds that are professionally managed by experience money managers.Youll learn how to buy these assorted funds of great companies at a discount so you win the minute you buy. In other words, funds that are selling at its intrinsic value or less, not over-valued. Everything from identifying funds with strong and consistent appreciation and dividends to buying it at a discount price will be discussed extensively. The characteristics of winning funds will be provided so youll have the confidence you need to build wealth without fear.After selecting and buying the funds, you will then do set personal alerts and parameters to mitigate risk of losing big in the event theres a market downturn. My personal rule of thumb is to avoid any loses greater than 10% and youll be taught how to do the same. This course will walk you through the process choosing the best online brokers in terms of trading platforms ease of use, free account and low expense ratio and support when needed.Well continue with showing you how to screen funds so you dont waste time looking for potential funds to buy, and what tools are required for seeing a funds true value. The strategy of buying funds is great because your money can stretch and purchase more great companies. The same factors that makes great value and growth stocks are found in Index funds and ETFs. I will reveal in totality everything you need to become a confident investor.By the end of this course, you will understand the essentials of passively managed income funds so you dont miss anymore great opportunities. Youll essentially know what funds to hold for long term appreciation and dividends payout and when to sell. By the end of this course, you will be ready to make long-term wealth investments without researching stocks. You'll be able to successfully buy and sell Index funds and ETFs. By the end of the course, students will be able: To discover free money for investment To get tax breaks with investing To acquire skills To buy low and hold for long-term wealth To buy low and sell high To be financially free through stock market investment To know how to invest in Mutual funds, Index funds and ETF"
Price: 199.99

"Double your self-confidence and self-esteem" |
"In this course, you will find more than 30 videos and 1.5 hours of content. This content will be updated regularly to include my latest findings in the areas of self-confidence and self-esteem.PDF files are included to help with the exercises.Here are a few testimonials from previous participants:"" Jamal Lazaar is very competent in his training, he provides clear working methods to be successful. I recommend this course for those who question themselves. Excellent course! "". Landry"" You can't help but be motivated and have confidence in yourself after this course. Thank you Jamal "". L. Naraine"" Straight to the point. I loved it! "" Jimmy_________________________________________________________________Why join this course on confidence and self-esteem?Self-confidence is the key to feeling happier and more fulfilled in life. However, the majority of people report a lack of self-confidence and a poor self-image. Most people underestimate their potential which can limit them in their career or personal life.Confidence has been shown to help reduce stress and anxiety. It also helps you make better decisions as you are no longer dominated by fear. Self-confidence also helps you to free yourself from the weight of the past and your failures.With more confidence, you will dare to dream bigger and you will no longer hesitate to take action to make your dreams come true.This course cuts straight to the point. Each video has a clear and precise objective. The videos help you step by step to build your self-confidence and increase your self-esteem.I believe strongly that the content of this course can transform your life if you follow through with all the material and apply all the exercises I share.Here are some of the skills you will acquire at the end of the course:Learn the basics of self-confidenceDevelop a positive mindsetBuild strong confidence in yourselfAssert yourself and develop your charismaImprove your image and self-esteemTraining through exercises and challengesBring out your qualities, your strengths and your valuesLearn to take action despite fearAnd much moreDuring this course, participants will have access to more than thirty videos exclusively dedicated to the topic of self-confidence and self-esteem.This course also includes strategies to manage your emotions and become in complete control of your emotional state. As you progress throughout this course, you will get to know yourself better, your qualities, your values and also your goals.I'll see you soon to begin within the course."
Price: 34.99

"MQL5: Creating Trading Robots and Indicators" |
"This course will introduce you to the practical use of MetaQuotes Language 5 (MQL5) - the programming language of technical indicators, trading robots and helper applications for automating trading in financial markets using the MetaTrader 5 trading platform.In this course, you will learn how to create MQL5 applications using both procedural programming and object-oriented programming.You will get acquainted with the general structure and properties of technical indicators - MQL5 applications designed to analyze quotes of currencies and stocks.You will learn how to use the MQL5 callback functions to create custom indicators by implementing your own market analysis algorithms in addition to the indicators already integrated into the MetaTrader 5 trading platform.You will get acquainted with the general structure of Expert Advisors - MQL5 applications that can automatically place and close orders for the purchase and sale of a financial instrument, thus, carrying out automatic trading in the client terminal of the MetaTrader 5 trading platform.You will learn how to use the MQL5 callback functions to create your own advisors that implement an automated trading system that is tied to a particular chart of a financial instrument.You will learn how to work in the MetaEditor development environment, which provides all the modern tools for writing code, including templates, snippets, debugging, profiling, auto-completion, and the integrated versioned storage of MQL5 Storage.You will get acquainted with the built-in MetaTrader 5 terminal tester that allows you to test and optimize the input parameters of the adviser using historical data of financial instruments.You will learn how to create Expert Advisors using the MQL5 Wizard that allows you to generate expert code based on ready-made modules.You will get acquainted with genetic algorithms to create a self-optimizing adviser."
Price: 99.99

"MetaTrader 5 Trading Robot Without Programming Knowledge" |
"Do you do not know how to safely invest in stock market?You can make money by investing in the stock market and forex with the MetaTrader 5 and its advanced features.If you dont know what to use manual or automatic trading, keep learning this course and find out about trading fundamentals and how to create, optimized, and test trading robots.The MetaTrader 5 provides such features as the MetaEditor and its the MQL5 Wizard that allows you to quickly create Expert Advisors even if you dont have special knowledge.But also, you could learn the MQL5 language and code your own Expert Adviser or download free trading robots from MetaTrader Code Base or download a paid trading robot from the MetaTrader Market or recruit an expert software engineer to construct a trading robot at the most reasonable price. The MetaTrader 5 and MQL community give you a wide range of options.How to make money on the market using automated tradingWhat about trading platforms?Manual or algorithmic trading?Trading fundamentalsWhats the idea behind the scene?How can you just create a trading robot?How to prepare a robot for life trading?Alec Ingram Solid!This is a much appreciated addition to my MQL5 library!Thank you for providing cutting edge info in such a timely manner! Sooner was much better than later!Reminiscent of reading Ulysses, it takes a while to parse, but when you type it all in, it compiles. Good functional examples.Invaluable info on the evaluation of Strategy Tester results though I got a little lost in its implementation. Still studying.Murat Yalcin Good job!Thanks for your work and time.I'm waiting more mql5 lessons from you included market profile and volume profile step by step and how we can write it.Pat Sawyer A Good Beginner's Guide!These lessons isn't quite what I thought it was!I started without any prior experience with programming. I finished with a solid, overview level understanding how to use the MetaTrader 5."
Price: 49.99

"Alteryx Designer Core Certification Sample Questions" |
"Hi All, This course provides some sample questions for the Alteryx designer core exam.Alteryx, provide three levels of certifications. Alteryx Designer Core.Alteryx Designer AdvancedAlteryx Designer ExpertThis is a practice test for the Alteryx designer core certification (Sample question and answer only) exam. This test contains 70 questions in two practice tests. You will get 30 minutes to complete each test. You could take the exam as many times as you want. At the end of the test, you could find the correct answer and detailed explanation for each question.We tried to cover all the similar questions that you could expect during the exam. At the end of the test, you will find answers and explanations with links to multiple resources.The Alteryx Designer Core Exam:You can now take the Alteryx Designer Core and Alteryx Designer Advanced exams on-demand, which means any time from anywhere. There are no restrictions. Just create a community account, and you could take the exam at any time. The only restrictions are, you must be logged in to your Community account to take an exam. In order to take advanced exam, you must clear the Designer core exam. If you fail the exam, you could take the exam after 7 days. You must clear the Alteryx designer core certification exam to attend and certified as Alteryx designer Advanced professionals. If you pass, your badge will be added to your Community account. Normally you'll receive your certificate (PDF version )via email within 24-48 hours. The exam duration is 2 hours and the pass mark is 80 %. Once you cleared the designer core exam, you could attend the designer advanced exam.Please note, you can retake the exam as many times as you need to pass. You don't need to pay any money. It is free. But you must learn the basics of Alteryx. We recommend learning a few of the basic tools in and out.Tips to clear the designer's core exam:Download Alteryx designer studio 2019.4 and practice Alteryx by creating small sample workflows. You could use 14 days of free trial in order to practice Alteryx. Use Alteryx documentation while taking the exam. Also, the Alteryx help page will give you chances to solve many questions during your exam. At the end of the test, you could see a summary of your performance. This will definitely help you to find the week spot. Focus on those topics and try to clear the exam in the next attempts after 7 days. About the exam:During the exam, you will be tested on a few of the core tools and designer interface. Also, you could expect a few questions from frequently used shortcuts in Alteryx, file types and data types used in Alteryx. You could expect questions from the following tools. There are 100's of tools that are there in Alteryx designer. They are grouped into different categories. But you don't need to learn all of them. Just go through this list. You will be able to clear the exam. Input-output Tool:Browse tool, Input Data tool, Output Data tool, Text Input tool, Preparations tools:Data Cleansing tool, Filter tool, Formula tool, Sample tool, Select tool, Select Records tool, Sort tool, Join Tools:Unique tool, Append Fields tool, Find Replace tool, Join tool, Union tool, DateTime tool, Text to Columns tool, Transform Tools:Count Records tool, Cross Tab tool, Summarize tool, Transpose tool, Docuemtiaon Tools:Comment tool, Tool Container tool"
Price: 19.99

"Introduction To Azure Data Factory" |
"Microsoft Azure, commonly referred to as Azure is a cloud computing service created by Microsoft for building, testing, deploying, and managing applications and services through Microsoft-managed data centers. It provides software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) and infrastructure as a service (IaaS) Microsoft Azure supports many different programming languages, tools, and frameworks, including both Microsoft-specific and third-party software and systems. The Azure Data Factory service is a fully managed service for composing data storage, processing, and movement services into streamlined, scalable, and reliable data production pipelines."
Price: 19.99

"DA-100: Analyzing Data with Microsoft Power BI : Tests 2020" |
"Welcome to DA-100: Analyzing Data with Microsoft Power BI : Tests 2020Analyzing Data with Microsoft Power BI is basically an excellent validation of skills for Data Analysts. Data Analysts enable businesses to maximize the value of their data assets by using Microsoft Power BI. As a subject matter expert, Data Analysts are responsible for designing and building scalable data models, cleaning and transforming data, and enabling advanced analytic capabilities that provide meaningful business value through easy-to-comprehend data visualizations. Data Analysts also collaborate with key stakeholders across verticals to deliver relevant insights based on identified business requirements.This practice test will help you prepare for the real Microsoft official exam test environment. Exam DA-100: Analyzing Data with Microsoft Power BI Topics:-Prepare the data Model the data Visualize the data Analyze the data Deploy and maintain deliverables This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Microsoft in any way.Wish you all the best for your exam !"
Price: 29.99

"Vocal Mixing Essentials" |
"In this course we are going to learn how to mix vocals inside FL Studio 20 using various plugins. We will learn how to take multiple raw vocal takes, and turn it into a fully prepared vocal, ready to implement into your instrumental.Video 1 - Intro/Lead VocalWe discuss our goals of this course as well as go over our vocal stems, we then begin to tackle the lead vocal including EQ, Noise Gating and De-essing.Video 2 - Lead Compression/FXWe compress our lead vocal, as well as add some reverb and delay with Waves plugins.Video 3 - DoublesWe go over how to mix your vocal doubles to thicken up your lead vocal.Video 4 - Low VocalWe talk about how to mix in a low octave harmony to add depth to our vocal.Video 5 - Harmonies 1We mix our harmonies to make our vocal stand out more and again add more depth to the overall vocal.Video 6 - Harmonies 2Finally we mix the rest of our harmonies and listen to our final product."
Price: 39.99

"Music Production: Layering Synths" |
"In this course we are looking at layering synth sounds. We are layering synths for basses, leads, pads and saws. Layering helps synths stand out in the mix and deliver more power than single preset sounds.Video 1 - Layering LeadsWhen layering sounds for a lead synth it is essential to maintain a strong mono signal and avoid phasing at all costs. A lead synth should sound great in mono as well. By EQing overlapping frequencies and boosting at the right spots we can achieve amazing, unique sounds for our productions.Video 2 - Layering BassesThe bass synth is one of the most fundamental instruments for the whole mix to feel balanced and full. We split the bass into three main areas and use a different synth patch for each one of those. By adding compression and eq on each patch, we can maintain total control and making mixing decisions easier than ever.Video 3 - Layering Pads & HarmoniesWhen layering harmonies, we are taking advantage of the structure of the chords, letting multiple synths play different parts of the same progression. This creates interesting soundscapes that are great for bridges and breaks within your arrangement. We are also adding automation for movement and tension using simple EQ filters.Video 4 - Layering SawsThe saws in electronic music are one of the most essential parts of the arrangement. The frequency spectrum is dominated by high frequencies and a lot of detuning. To avoid problems in the mixing stage we create a strong mid sound that cuts through the mix, let the reverb run through only one of the synths, and keep the grittiness coming from another synth ensuring a controllable group of synths that is mix ready for any production style."
Price: 39.99

"Bass House Sound Design" |
"Want to know how to create that Bass House sound? Welcome to class. In this introduction, you will meet your instructor, Phillip. He will give you the rundown of what to expect and how to create sounds for Bass House. This course is straightforward, to the point and shows every step in great detail. Phillip is using FL Studio and Serum. While it is not required, if you have it, feel free to follow along.Video 2 - How to create the Whomp soundReady to get started? Join Phillip as he starts with a basic tone and in just 3 minutes you'll hear it transform into an awesome Whomp sound. To get started you will learn how to set up 2 oscillators. You will then learn how to shape the sound by adjusting the LFO and how to use FM synthesis.Video 3 - 7th BassIt's time we add some beefy layers. In this video, Phillip shows you how to use different oscillator types and the effects of changing octaves and semi-tones. Phillips will show you how to apply a cut off filter and the modification of a standard LFO. You will also learn how a mono sound can have a stereo feel.Video 4 - Fuzzy BassIt's time to shake the walls and rattle the Earth. Phillip gives you his recipe for a pre-drop or transitional filler bass sound. You won't believe how simple it is to create a phat distorted bass line that is crystal clear.Video 5: - Wobble and WhompEver end up with too much high end? Phillip shows you an easy fix for balancing out the highs. The sound in today's lesson will be utilizing an FTT wavetable and an analog oscillator. He will show you how the oscillators interact and come together to create a totally pro sounding whomp that wobbles.By the end of this lesson, you will know how to modify the LFO and give it a slope as well as how to create movement in sound.Video 6 - How to LeadA good lead is an attention grabber to listeners. In this section, Phillip changes octaves on stock oscillator sounds and applies hyper dimension and other effects to create a powerful lead tone good for break down melodies.Video 7 - High-end Drop layerFor this session, you may want to take some notes. There are several steps that you don't want to miss. You will be multi-routing the LFO to both oscillators, changing the chorus pitch, discovering the benefits of adding some noise and pilling on some subtle effects.Video 8 - Making your synth speakIts not Halloween but Phillip is making some creepy talking sounds that will blow your mind.Shaping oscillators and using bit crusher distortion. It's time to learn how to make your synth sound speak. Wrapping up this lesson Phillip demonstrates how to widen the creepy talking synth sound.Video 9 - Lead 2This is a fantastic session as Phillip shows you how to make a stellar lead sound. Using 2 oscillators and 8 unison voices you will hear the impact of increasing porta, the use of envelopes(A.D.S.R.) and how making small adjustments can smooth and shape your sound to perfection. You will also learn how to route different modifications to each oscillator and how to make the gliding down effect.Video 10 - Shift LeadNow you will be shaping the sound of the lead used for the Drop. Using the electric guitar oscillator and applying multi-effects phaser and flanger. Phillip also shows how to eliminate too much low end by adjusting octaves on the oscillators.Video 11 - Bass PluckIn this video, you will learn how to make a metallic rhythmic sounding bass pluck. Phillips also details how to remove any clicking noises, how to EQ in the mid-range and how to widen the sound by cloning and adding unison voices.Video 12 - Creating Reese BassReese Bass is the sound heard more in DnB. Phillip will show you how to create the sneaky creeper bass while explaining how to achieve the 2 most usable type of Reese bass. The high end and the darker low end. You will also hear different combinations and modifications to make the sound more diverse.Video 13 - ThumpHow to make deep thumping bass for your drop. Phillip demonstrates removing sustain and how to place the attack to get a plucking sound. You'll end up with a great distorted percussive thumpy bass sound.Video 14 - Drop SequencesApply all you have learned and you are ready to step it up. Phillip will draw shapes in LFO 1, 2, and 3. Using one to create movement, one delayed to ad more control and shape, and 3 to create pulsations in the sound."
Price: 39.99

"Flutter avanzado con GetX" |
"Este curso avanzado tiene como finalidad la integracin de GetX en nuestros proyectos flutter, analizar sus ventajas frente a otras alternativas como BLoC, redux y mobx.Crearemos proyectos complejos usando GetX para gestionar el estado, navegar entre pantallas y realizar programacin reactiva.Aprenderemos a utilizar firebase admin del lado del servidor para crear nuestro sistema de autenticacin y olvidarnos de programar la lgica de refresh tokens.Desarrollaremos nuestro propio reproductor de video usando programacin reactiva con GetX.Aprenderemos a implementar un patrn de diseo para GetX y de este modo usar GetX en aplicaciones empresariales."
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Excel Masterclass for Business Managers" |
"6 Reasons why you should choose this Excel courseCarefully designed curriculum teaching you only the most used functionalities of Excel in business environmentConcise - you can complete this course within one weekendBusiness related examples and case studiesAmple practice exercises because Excel requires practiceDownloadable resourcesYour queries will be responded by the Instructor himselfStart using Excel to its full potential to become proficient at your Excel tasks today! Either you're new to Excel, or you've played around with it but want to get more comfortable with Excel's advanced features. Either way, this course will be great for you.A Verifiable Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who undertake this Excel course.Why should you choose this course?This is a complete and concise tutorial on MS Excel which can be completed within 4 hours. We know that your time is important and hence we have created this fast paced course without wasting time on irrelevant Excel operations. What makes us qualified to teach you?The course is taught by Abhishek and Pukhraj. Instructors of the course have been teaching Data Science and Machine Learning for over a decade. We are also the creators of some of the most popular online courses - with over 150,000 enrollments and thousands of 5-star reviews like these ones:I had an awesome moment taking this course. It broaden my knowledge more on the power use of Excel as an analytical tools. Kudos to the instructor! - SikiruVery insightful, learning very nifty tricks and enough detail to make it stick in your mind. - ArmandOur PromiseTeaching our students is our job and we are committed to it. If you have any questions about the course content, practice sheet or anything related to any topic, you can always post a question in the course or send us a direct message. Download Practice files, take Quizzes, and complete AssignmentsWith each lecture, there is a practice sheet attached for you to follow along. You can also take quizzes to check your understanding of concepts. Each section contains a practice assignment for you to practically implement your learning. Solution to Assignment is also shared so that you can review your performance. What is covered in this course? This course covers everything you need to crack Excel in the professional work place.Below are the Excel course contents of this complete and concise course on Microsoft Excel:Introduction - In this video, the structure and contents of the course are discussed.Mathematical Functions - This lecture covers Mathematical formulas such as SUM, AVERAGE,RAND, MIN & MAX, SUMPRODUCT.Textual Formulas - This Excel lecture covers Textual formulas such as TRIM, CONCATENATE, SUBSTITUTE, UPPER & LOWER, LENGTH, LEFT, RIGHT & MIDLogical Formulas - This lecture covers Logical formulas such as AND & OR, IF, COUNTIF, SUMIFDate-time (Temporal) Formulas - This lecture covers Date-time related functions such as TODAY & NOW, DAY, MONTH & YEAR, DATEDIF & DAYSLookup Formulas - This Excel lecture covers Lookup formulas such as VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, INDEX, MATCHData Tools - This lecture covers Data operating tools such as Data Sorting and Filtering, Data validation, Removing duplicates, Importing Data (Text-to-columns)Formatting data and tables - This Excel lecture covers data formatting options such as coloring, changing font, alignments and table formatting options such as adding borders, having highlighted table headers, banded rows etc.Pivot Tables - This Excel lecture covers Pivot tables end-to-end.Charts - This Excel lecture covers charts such as, Bar/ Column chart, Line Chart, Scatter Plot, Pie & Doughnut charts, Statistical Chart - Histogram, Waterfall, SparklinesExcel Shortcuts - This lecture will introduce you to some important shortcuts and teach you how to find out the shortcut for any particular excel operation.Analytics in Excel - This Excel lecture covers the data analytics options available in Excel such as Regression, Solving linear programming problem (Minimization or Maximization problems), What-if (Goal Seek and Scenario Manager)Macros - This lecture covers the process of recording a Macro, running a Macro and creating a button to run a Macro.Bonus Lectures - Waterfall chart in Excel 2016 and previous versions of Excel, Infographics 1: Cool charts, Infographics 2: Cool chartsAnd so much more!By the end of this course, your confidence in using Excel will soar. You'll have a thorough understanding of how to use Microsoft Excel for study or as a career opportunity.Go ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you in lesson 1!CheersStart-Tech AcademyFAQ'sWhy learn Microsoft Excel?1. Microsoft Excel helps solve Business Problems2. Microsoft Excel helps you get stuff done3. Microsoft Excel will make you better at your job (no matter what that is)4. Microsoft Excel know-how can instantly increase your job prospects as well as your starting salaryHow much time does it take to learn Microsoft Excel?Microsoft Excel is easy but no one can determine the learning time it takes. It totally depends on you. The method we adopted to help you learn Microsoft Excel quickly starts from the basics and takes you to advanced level within hours. You can follow the same, but remember you can learn nothing without practicing it. Practice is the only way to learn Microsoft Excel quickly.What are the steps I should follow to learn Microsoft Excel? 1. Start learning from the basics of Microsoft Excel. The first 3 sections of the course cover the basics. 2. Once done with the basic try your hands on advanced MS Excel. Next 7 sections cover Advanced Excel topics 3. Next section will help you some cool new tricks of Microsoft Excel. 4. Practice your learning on the exercise provided with every lecture. What is the difference between basic and advanced level of Excel?At Basic level of MS Excel a personCan build excel formulas using: SUM, IF, AVERAGE, COUNT, ROUND Is comfortable building excel formulas to manipulate text and datesUnderstands and can use the Filter and Sort feature of Microsoft Excel.Can create basic charts like Line chart, bar chart and pie chartAt Advanced level of MS Excel a personCan implement Excel LOOKUP Formulas like VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, Index and MatchCan use conditional and logical formulas like IF, SUMIF, COUNTIF, OR, AND etc.Knows what a Pivot Table is and how to build one.Knows what an add-in is and how to install one.Can record a macro and use it later.Can successfully edit/modify simple recorded macros.Can create advanced charts like Waterfall chart and overlay chart in Microsoft ExcelCan create solve analytics problem using excel solver.Start working proficiently on Microsoft Excel and increase your office productivity.The Authors of this course have several years of corporate experience and hence have curated the course material keeping in mind the requirement of Excel in today's corporate world."
Price: 199.99

"SQL Masterclass: SQL for Data Analytics" |
"6 Reasons why you should choose this SQL courseCarefully designed curriculum teaching you everything in SQL that you will need for Data analysis in businessesComprehensive - covers basics, advanced SQL statements, interview tips and performance tuning tips as wellBusiness related examples and case studiesAmple practice exercises because SQL requires practiceDownloadable resourcesYour queries will be responded by the Instructor himselfA Verifiable Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who undertake this SQL course.Why should you choose this course?This is a complete tutorial on SQL which can be completed within a weekend. SQL is the most sought after skill for Data analysis roles in all the companies. So whether you want to start a career as a data scientist or just grow you data analysis skills, this course will cover everything you need to know to do that. What makes us qualified to teach you?The course is taught by Abhishek and Pukhraj. Instructors of the course have been teaching Data Science and Machine Learning for over a decade. We are also the creators of some of the most popular online courses - with over 150,000 enrollments and thousands of 5-star reviews like these ones:I had an awesome moment taking this course. It broaden my knowledge more on the power use of SQL as an analytical tools. Kudos to the instructor! - SikiruVery insightful, learning very nifty tricks and enough detail to make it stick in your mind. - ArmandOur PromiseTeaching our students is our job and we are committed to it. If you have any questions about the course content, practice sheet or anything related to any topic, you can always post a question in the course or send us a direct message. Download Practice files, take Quizzes, and complete AssignmentsWith each lecture, there is a practice sheet attached for you to follow along. You can also take quizzes to check your understanding of concepts. Each section contains a practice assignment for you to practically implement your learning. Solution to Assignment is also shared so that you can review your performance. By the end of this course, your confidence in using SQL will soar. You'll have a thorough understanding of how to use SQL for Data analytics as a career opportunity.Go ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you in lesson 1!CheersStart-Tech AcademyFAQ'sWhy learn SQL?SQL is the most universal and common used database language.It powers the most commonly used database engines like PostgreSQL, SQL Server, SQLite, and MySQL. Simply put,If you want to access databases then yes, you need to know SQL.It is not really difficult to learn SQL. SQL is not a programming language, its a query language. The primary objective where SQL was created was to give the possibility to common people get interested data from database. It is also an English like language so anyone who can use English at a basic level can write SQL query easily.SQL is one of the most sought-after skills by hiring employers.You can earn good moneyHow much time does it take to learn SQL?SQL is easy but no one can determine the learning time it takes. It totally depends on you. The method we adopted to help you learn SQL quickly starts from the basics and takes you to advanced level within hours. You can follow the same, but remember you can learn nothing without practicing it. Practice is the only way to learn SQL quickly.What are the steps I should follow to learn SQL?Start learning from the basics of SQL. The first 10 sections of the course cover the basics.Once done with the basic try your hands on advanced SQL. Next 10 sections cover Advanced topicsNext few sections will cover help you with interviews and Vivas.Practice your learning on the exercise provided in every section.What's the difference between SQL and PostgreSQL?SQL is a language. Specifically, the ""Structured Query Language""PostgreSQL is one of several database systems, or RDMS (Relational Database Management System). PostgresSQL is one of several RDMS's, others of which are Oracle, Informix, MySQL, and MSQL.All of these RDMSs use SQL as their language. Each of them have minor variations in the ""dialect"" of SQL that they use, but it's all still SQL.Which is better, PostgreSQL or MySQL?Both are excellent products with unique strengths, and the choice is often a matter of personal preference.PostgreSQL offers overall features for traditional database applications, while MySQL focuses on faster performance for Web-based applications.Open source development will bring more features to subsequent releases of both databases.Who uses these databases?Here are a few examples of companies that use PostgreSQL: Apple, BioPharm, Etsy, IMDB, Macworld, Debian, Fujitsu, Red Hat, Sun Microsystem, Cisco, Skype.What's special about this course?The course is created on the basis of three pillars of learning:Know (Study)Do (Practice)Review (Self feedback)KnowWe have created a set of concise and comprehensive videos to teach you all the SQL related skills you will need in your professional career. DoWe also provide Exercises to complement the learning from the lecture video. These exercises are carefully designed to further clarify the concepts and help you with implementing the concepts on practical problems faced on-the-job.ReviewCheck if you have learnt the concepts by executing your code and analyzing the result set. Ask questions in the discussion board if you face any difficulty. Bonus LecturesApart from this, their is a bonus section which covers important topics from the view of job interviews and Vivas.The Authors of this course have several years of corporate experience and hence have curated the course material keeping in mind the requirement of SQL in today's corporate world."
Price: 199.99

"ML for Business Managers: Build Regression model in R Studio" |
"You're looking for a complete Linear Regression course that teaches you everything you need to create a Linear Regression model in R, right?You've found the right Linear Regression course!After completing this course you will be able to: Identify the business problem which can be solved using linear regression technique of Machine Learning. Create a linear regression model in R and analyze its result. Confidently practice, discuss and understand Machine Learning conceptsA Verifiable Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who undertake this Machine learning basics course.How this course will help you?If you are a business manager or an executive, or a student who wants to learn and apply machine learning in Real world problems of business, this course will give you a solid base for that by teaching you the most popular technique of machine learning, which is Linear RegressionWhy should you choose this course?This course covers all the steps that one should take while solving a business problem through linear regression.Most courses only focus on teaching how to run the analysis but we believe that what happens before and after running analysis is even more important i.e. before running analysis it is very important that you have the right data and do some pre-processing on it. And after running analysis, you should be able to judge how good your model is and interpret the results to actually be able to help your business.What makes us qualified to teach you?The course is taught by Abhishek and Pukhraj. As managers in Global Analytics Consulting firm, we have helped businesses solve their business problem using machine learning techniques and we have used our experience to include the practical aspects of data analysis in this courseWe are also the creators of some of the most popular online courses - with over 150,000 enrollments and thousands of 5-star reviews like these ones:This is very good, i love the fact the all explanation given can be understood by a layman - JoshuaThank you Author for this wonderful course. You are the best and this course is worth any price. - DaisyOur PromiseTeaching our students is our job and we are committed to it. If you have any questions about the course content, practice sheet or anything related to any topic, you can always post a question in the course or send us a direct message.Download Practice files, take Quizzes, and complete AssignmentsWith each lecture, there are class notes attached for you to follow along. You can also take quizzes to check your understanding of concepts. Each section contains a practice assignment for you to practically implement your learning.What is covered in this course?This course teaches you all the steps of creating a Linear Regression model, which is the most popular Machine Learning model, to solve business problems.Below are the course contents of this course on Linear Regression: Section 1 - Basics of StatisticsThis section is divided into five different lectures starting from types of data then types of statisticsthen graphical representations to describe the data and then a lecture on measures of center like meanmedian and mode and lastly measures of dispersion like range and standard deviation Section 2 - R basicThis section will help you set up the R and R studio on your system and it'll teach you how to perform some basic operations in R. Section 3 - Introduction to Machine LearningIn this section we will learn - What does Machine Learning mean. What are the meanings or different terms associated with machine learning? You will see some examples so that you understand what machine learning actually is. It also contains steps involved in building a machine learning model, not just linear models, any machine learning model. Section 4 - Data PreprocessingIn this section you will learn what actions you need to take a step by step to get the data and thenprepare it for the analysis these steps are very important.We start with understanding the importance of business knowledge then we will see how to do data exploration. We learn how to do uni-variate analysis and bi-variate analysis then we cover topics like outlier treatment, missing value imputation, variable transformation and correlation. Section 5 - Regression ModelThis section starts with simple linear regression and then covers multiple linear regression.We have covered the basic theory behind each concept without getting too mathematical about it so that you understand where the concept is coming from and how it is important. But even if you don't understand it, it will be okay as long as you learn how to run and interpret the result as taught in the practical lectures. We also look at how to quantify models accuracy, what is the meaning of F statistic, how categorical variables in the independent variables dataset are interpreted in the results, what are other variations to the ordinary least squared method and how do we finally interpret the result to find out the answer to a business problem.By the end of this course, your confidence in creating a regression model in R will soar. You'll have a thorough understanding of how to use regression modelling to create predictive models and solve business problems.Go ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you in lesson 1!CheersStart-Tech Academy------------Below is a list of popular FAQs of students who want to start their Machine learning journey- What is Machine Learning?Machine Learning is a field of computer science which gives the computer the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. It is a branch of artificial intelligence based on the idea that systems can learn from data, identify patterns and make decisions with minimal human intervention.What is the Linear regression technique of Machine learning?Linear Regression is a simple machine learning model for regression problems, i.e., when the target variable is a real value.Linear regression is a linear model, e.g. a model that assumes a linear relationship between the input variables (x) and the single output variable (y). More specifically, that y can be calculated from a linear combination of the input variables (x).When there is a single input variable (x), the method is referred to as simple linear regression.When there are multiple input variables, the method is known as multiple linear regression.Why learn Linear regression technique of Machine learning?There are four reasons to learn Linear regression technique of Machine learning:1. Linear Regression is the most popular machine learning technique2. Linear Regression has fairly good prediction accuracy3. Linear Regression is simple to implement and easy to interpret4. It gives you a firm base to start learning other advanced techniques of Machine LearningHow much time does it take to learn Linear regression technique of machine learning?Linear Regression is easy but no one can determine the learning time it takes. It totally depends on you. The method we adopted to help you learn Linear regression starts from the basics and takes you to advanced level within hours. You can follow the same, but remember you can learn nothing without practicing it. Practice is the only way to remember whatever you have learnt. Therefore, we have also provided you with another data set to work on as a separate project of Linear regression.What are the steps I should follow to be able to build a Machine Learning model?You can divide your learning process into 4 parts:Statistics and Probability - Implementing Machine learning techniques require basic knowledge of Statistics and probability concepts. Second section of the course covers this part.Understanding of Machine learning - Fourth section helps you understand the terms and concepts associated with Machine learning and gives you the steps to be followed to build a machine learning modelProgramming Experience - A significant part of machine learning is programming. Python and R clearly stand out to be the leaders in the recent days. Third section will help you set up the R environment and teach you some basic operations. In later sections there is a video on how to implement each concept taught in theory lecture in RUnderstanding of Linear Regression modelling - Having a good knowledge of Linear Regression gives you a solid understanding of how machine learning works. Even though Linear regression is the simplest technique of Machine learning, it is still the most popular one with fairly good prediction ability. Fifth and sixth section cover Linear regression topic end-to-end and with each theory lecture comes a corresponding practical lecture in R where we actually run each query with you.Why use R for data Machine Learning?Understanding R is one of the valuable skills needed for a career in Machine Learning. Below are some reasons why you should learn Machine learning in R1. Its a popular language for Machine Learning at top tech firms. Almost all of them hire data scientists who use R. Facebook, for example, uses R to do behavioral analysis with user post data. Google uses R to assess ad effectiveness and make economic forecasts. And by the way, its not just tech firms: R is in use at analysis and consulting firms, banks and other financial institutions, academic institutions and research labs, and pretty much everywhere else data needs analyzing and visualizing.2. Learning the data science basics is arguably easier in R. R has a big advantage: it was designed specifically with data manipulation and analysis in mind. 3. Amazing packages that make your life easier. Because R was designed with statistical analysis in mind, it has a fantastic ecosystem of packages and other resources that are great for data science. 4. Robust, growing community of data scientists and statisticians. As the field of data science has exploded, R has exploded with it, becoming one of the fastest-growing languages in the world (as measured by StackOverflow). That means its easy to find answers to questions and community guidance as you work your way through projects in R.5. Put another tool in your toolkit. No one language is going to be the right tool for every job. Adding R to your repertoire will make some projects easier and of course, itll also make you a more flexible and marketable employee when youre looking for jobs in data science.What is the difference between Data Mining, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning?Put simply, machine learning and data mining use the same algorithms and techniques as data mining, except the kinds of predictions vary. While data mining discovers previously unknown patterns and knowledge, machine learning reproduces known patterns and knowledgeand further automatically applies that information to data, decision-making, and actions.Deep learning, on the other hand, uses advanced computing power and special types of neural networks and applies them to large amounts of data to learn, understand, and identify complicated patterns. Automatic language translation and medical diagnoses are examples of deep learning."
Price: 29.99

"Complete Linear Regression Analysis in Python" |
"You're looking for a complete Linear Regression course that teaches you everything you need to create a Linear Regression model in Python, right?You've found the right Linear Regression course!After completing this course you will be able to:Identify the business problem which can be solved using linear regression technique of Machine Learning.Create a linear regression model in Python and analyze its result.Confidently practice, discuss and understand Machine Learning conceptsA Verifiable Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who undertake this Machine learning basics course.How this course will help you?If you are a business manager or an executive, or a student who wants to learn and apply machine learning in Real world problems of business, this course will give you a solid base for that by teaching you the most popular technique of machine learning, which is Linear RegressionWhy should you choose this course?This course covers all the steps that one should take while solving a business problem through linear regression.Most courses only focus on teaching how to run the analysis but we believe that what happens before and after running analysis is even more important i.e. before running analysis it is very important that you have the right data and do some pre-processing on it. And after running analysis, you should be able to judge how good your model is and interpret the results to actually be able to help your business.What makes us qualified to teach you?The course is taught by Abhishek and Pukhraj. As managers in Global Analytics Consulting firm, we have helped businesses solve their business problem using machine learning techniques and we have used our experience to include the practical aspects of data analysis in this course We are also the creators of some of the most popular online courses - with over 150,000 enrollments and thousands of 5-star reviews like these ones:This is very good, i love the fact the all explanation given can be understood by a layman - JoshuaThank you Author for this wonderful course. You are the best and this course is worth any price. - DaisyOur PromiseTeaching our students is our job and we are committed to it. If you have any questions about the course content, practice sheet or anything related to any topic, you can always post a question in the course or send us a direct message. Download Practice files, take Quizzes, and complete AssignmentsWith each lecture, there are class notes attached for you to follow along. You can also take quizzes to check your understanding of concepts. Each section contains a practice assignment for you to practically implement your learning. What is covered in this course? This course teaches you all the steps of creating a Linear Regression model, which is the most popular Machine Learning model, to solve business problems.Below are the course contents of this course on Linear Regression:Section 1 - Basics of StatisticsThis section is divided into five different lectures starting from types of data then types of statisticsthen graphical representations to describe the data and then a lecture on measures of center like meanmedian and mode and lastly measures of dispersion like range and standard deviationSection 2 - Python basicThis section gets you started with Python.This section will help you set up the python and Jupyter environment on your system and it'll teachyou how to perform some basic operations in Python. We will understand the importance of different libraries such as Numpy, Pandas & Seaborn.Section 3 - Introduction to Machine LearningIn this section we will learn - What does Machine Learning mean. What are the meanings or different terms associated with machine learning? You will see some examples so that you understand what machine learning actually is. It also contains steps involved in building a machine learning model, not just linear models, any machine learning model.Section 4 - Data PreprocessingIn this section you will learn what actions you need to take a step by step to get the data and then prepare it for the analysis these steps are very important.We start with understanding the importance of business knowledge then we will see how to do data exploration. We learn how to do uni-variate analysis and bi-variate analysis then we cover topics like outlier treatment, missing value imputation, variable transformation and correlation.Section 5 - Regression ModelThis section starts with simple linear regression and then covers multiple linear regression.We have covered the basic theory behind each concept without getting too mathematical about it so that you understand where the concept is coming from and how it is important. But even if you don't understand it, it will be okay as long as you learn how to run and interpret the result as taught in the practical lectures.We also look at how to quantify models accuracy, what is the meaning of F statistic, how categorical variables in the independent variables dataset are interpreted in the results, what are other variations to the ordinary least squared method and how do we finally interpret the result to find out the answer to a business problem.By the end of this course, your confidence in creating a regression model in Python will soar. You'll have a thorough understanding of how to use regression modelling to create predictive models and solve business problems.Go ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you in lesson 1!CheersStart-Tech Academy------------Below is a list of popular FAQs of students who want to start their Machine learning journey-What is Machine Learning?Machine Learning is a field of computer science which gives the computer the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. It is a branch of artificial intelligence based on the idea that systems can learn from data, identify patterns and make decisions with minimal human intervention.What is the Linear regression technique of Machine learning?Linear Regression is a simple machine learning model for regression problems, i.e., when the target variable is a real value.Linear regression is a linear model, e.g. a model that assumes a linear relationship between the input variables (x) and the single output variable (y). More specifically, that y can be calculated from a linear combination of the input variables (x).When there is a single input variable (x), the method is referred to as simple linear regression.When there are multiple input variables, the method is known as multiple linear regression.Why learn Linear regression technique of Machine learning?There are four reasons to learn Linear regression technique of Machine learning:1. Linear Regression is the most popular machine learning technique2. Linear Regression has fairly good prediction accuracy3. Linear Regression is simple to implement and easy to interpret4. It gives you a firm base to start learning other advanced techniques of Machine LearningHow much time does it take to learn Linear regression technique of machine learning?Linear Regression is easy but no one can determine the learning time it takes. It totally depends on you. The method we adopted to help you learn Linear regression starts from the basics and takes you to advanced level within hours. You can follow the same, but remember you can learn nothing without practicing it. Practice is the only way to remember whatever you have learnt. Therefore, we have also provided you with another data set to work on as a separate project of Linear regression.What are the steps I should follow to be able to build a Machine Learning model?You can divide your learning process into 4 parts:Statistics and Probability - Implementing Machine learning techniques require basic knowledge of Statistics and probability concepts. Second section of the course covers this part.Understanding of Machine learning - Fourth section helps you understand the terms and concepts associated with Machine learning and gives you the steps to be followed to build a machine learning modelProgramming Experience - A significant part of machine learning is programming. Python and R clearly stand out to be the leaders in the recent days. Third section will help you set up the Python environment and teach you some basic operations. In later sections there is a video on how to implement each concept taught in theory lecture in PythonUnderstanding of Linear Regression modelling - Having a good knowledge of Linear Regression gives you a solid understanding of how machine learning works. Even though Linear regression is the simplest technique of Machine learning, it is still the most popular one with fairly good prediction ability. Fifth and sixth section cover Linear regression topic end-to-end and with each theory lecture comes a corresponding practical lecture where we actually run each query with you.Why use Python for data Machine Learning?Understanding Python is one of the valuable skills needed for a career in Machine Learning.Though it hasnt always been, Python is the programming language of choice for data science. Heres a brief history: In 2016, it overtook R on Kaggle, the premier platform for data science competitions. In 2017, it overtook R on KDNuggetss annual poll of data scientists most used tools. In 2018, 66% of data scientists reported using Python daily, making it the number one tool for analytics professionals.Machine Learning experts expect this trend to continue with increasing development in the Python ecosystem. And while your journey to learn Python programming may be just beginning, its nice to know that employment opportunities are abundant (and growing) as well.What is the difference between Data Mining, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning?Put simply, machine learning and data mining use the same algorithms and techniques as data mining, except the kinds of predictions vary. While data mining discovers previously unknown patterns and knowledge, machine learning reproduces known patterns and knowledgeand further automatically applies that information to data, decision-making, and actions.Deep learning, on the other hand, uses advanced computing power and special types of neural networks and applies them to large amounts of data to learn, understand, and identify complicated patterns. Automatic language translation and medical diagnoses are examples of deep learning."
Price: 29.99

"Data Visualization in Excel: All Excel Charts and Graphs" |
"What are the chart types I will learn in this course?Excel offers the following major chart types. All of these are covered in this course Column Chart Line Chart Pie Chart Doughnut Chart Bar Chart Area Chart XY (Scatter) Chart Bubble Chart Stock Chart Surface Chart Radar Chart Combo Chart Pivot Chart SparklinesAnd many other creative ones :)How are charts useful in Excel?A chart is a tool you can use in Excel to communicate data graphically. Charts allow your audience to see the meaning behind the numbers, and they make showing comparisons and trends much easier.What are the benefits of using charts in Excel?Excel charts allow spreadsheet administrators to create visualizations of data sets. By highlighting a set of data within an Excel spreadsheet and feeding it into the charting tool, users can easily create various types of charts in which the data is displayed in a graphical way.This course will answer all the questions that would pop up while you set to visualize your data using Excel charts such as:How do you make Excel charts look better?How do you format a chart in Excel?What are the different elements of charts?How do I make those awesome infographics that I see in fancy magazines and TV reports?How do I create a comparison chart in Excel?What is the best chart to use for comparison?And many more...How is this course different from other resources available online?Most courses cover only teach how to draw different types of charts in Excel. The main point is missed. The main point of creating a chart is that you want to convey a message or tell a story using the chart. In this course, once you have learnt all the charting tools, you will also learn how you should create a chart. How you can highlight your message and avoid clutter in the chart, so that when your audience looks at the chart, the message is clearly conveyed to them."
Price: 199.99

"Logistic Regression in Python" |
"You're looking for a complete Classification modeling course that teaches you everything you need to create a Classification model in Python, right?You've found the right Classification modeling course!After completing this course you will be able to:Identify the business problem which can be solved using Classification modeling techniques of Machine Learning.Create different Classification modelling model in Python and compare their performance.Confidently practice, discuss and understand Machine Learning conceptsHow this course will help you?A Verifiable Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who undertake this Machine learning basics course.If you are a business manager or an executive, or a student who wants to learn and apply machine learning in Real world problems of business, this course will give you a solid base for that by teaching you the most popular Classification techniques of machine learning, such as Logistic Regression, Linear Discriminant Analysis and KNNWhy should you choose this course?This course covers all the steps that one should take while solving a business problem using classification techniques.Most courses only focus on teaching how to run the analysis but we believe that what happens before and after running analysis is even more important i.e. before running analysis it is very important that you have the right data and do some pre-processing on it. And after running analysis, you should be able to judge how good your model is and interpret the results to actually be able to help your business.What makes us qualified to teach you?The course is taught by Abhishek and Pukhraj. As managers in Global Analytics Consulting firm, we have helped businesses solve their business problem using machine learning techniques and we have used our experience to include the practical aspects of data analysis in this course We are also the creators of some of the most popular online courses - with over 150,000 enrollments and thousands of 5-star reviews like these ones:This is very good, i love the fact the all explanation given can be understood by a layman - JoshuaThank you Author for this wonderful course. You are the best and this course is worth any price. - DaisyOur PromiseTeaching our students is our job and we are committed to it. If you have any questions about the course content, practice sheet or anything related to any topic, you can always post a question in the course or send us a direct message. Download Practice files, take Quizzes, and complete AssignmentsWith each lecture, there are class notes attached for you to follow along. You can also take quizzes to check your understanding of concepts. Each section contains a practice assignment for you to practically implement your learning. What is covered in this course? This course teaches you all the steps of creating a Linear Regression model, which is the most popular Machine Learning model, to solve business problems.Below are the course contents of this course on Linear Regression:Section 1 - Basics of StatisticsThis section is divided into five different lectures starting from types of data then types of statisticsthen graphical representations to describe the data and then a lecture on measures of center like meanmedian and mode and lastly measures of dispersion like range and standard deviationSection 2 - Python basicThis section gets you started with Python.This section will help you set up the python and Jupyter environment on your system and it'll teachyou how to perform some basic operations in Python. We will understand the importance of different libraries such as Numpy, Pandas & Seaborn.Section 3 - Introduction to Machine LearningIn this section we will learn - What does Machine Learning mean. What are the meanings or different terms associated with machine learning? You will see some examples so that you understand what machine learning actually is. It also contains steps involved in building a machine learning model, not just linear models, any machine learning model.Section 4 - Data Pre-processingIn this section you will learn what actions you need to take a step by step to get the data and then prepare it for the analysis these steps are very important.We start with understanding the importance of business knowledge then we will see how to do data exploration. We learn how to do uni-variate analysis and bi-variate analysis then we cover topics like outlier treatment and missing value imputation.Section 5 - Classification ModelsThis section starts with Logistic regression and then covers Linear Discriminant Analysis and K-Nearest Neighbors.We have covered the basic theory behind each concept without getting too mathematical about it so that youunderstand where the concept is coming from and how it is important. But even if you don't understandit, it will be okay as long as you learn how to run and interpret the result as taught in the practical lectures.We also look at how to quantify models performance using confusion matrix, how categorical variables in the independent variables dataset are interpreted in the results, test-train split and how do we finally interpret the result to find out the answer to a business problem.By the end of this course, your confidence in creating a classification model in Python will soar. You'll have a thorough understanding of how to use Classification modelling to create predictive models and solve business problems.Go ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you in lesson 1!CheersStart-Tech Academy------------Below is a list of popular FAQs of students who want to start their Machine learning journey-What is Machine Learning?Machine Learning is a field of computer science which gives the computer the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. It is a branch of artificial intelligence based on the idea that systems can learn from data, identify patterns and make decisions with minimal human intervention.Which all classification techniques are taught in this course?In this course we learn both parametric and non-parametric classification techniques. The primary focus will be on the following three techniques:Logistic RegressionLinear Discriminant AnalysisK - Nearest Neighbors (KNN) How much time does it take to learn Classification techniques of machine learning?Classification is easy but no one can determine the learning time it takes. It totally depends on you. The method we adopted to help you learn classification starts from the basics and takes you to advanced level within hours. You can follow the same, but remember you can learn nothing without practicing it. Practice is the only way to remember whatever you have learnt. Therefore, we have also provided you with another data set to work on as a separate project of classification.What are the steps I should follow to be able to build a Machine Learning model?You can divide your learning process into 3 parts:Statistics and Probability - Implementing Machine learning techniques require basic knowledge of Statistics and probability concepts. Second section of the course covers this part.Understanding of Machine learning - Fourth section helps you understand the terms and concepts associated with Machine learning and gives you the steps to be followed to build a machine learning modelProgramming Experience - A significant part of machine learning is programming. Python and R clearly stand out to be the leaders in the recent days. Third section will help you set up the Python environment and teach you some basic operations. In later sections there is a video on how to implement each concept taught in theory lecture in PythonUnderstanding of models - Fifth and sixth section cover Classification models and with each theory lecture comes a corresponding practical lecture where we actually run each query with you.Why use Python for Machine Learning?Understanding Python is one of the valuable skills needed for a career in Machine Learning.Though it hasnt always been, Python is the programming language of choice for data science. Heres a brief history: In 2016, it overtook R on Kaggle, the premier platform for data science competitions. In 2017, it overtook R on KDNuggetss annual poll of data scientists most used tools. In 2018, 66% of data scientists reported using Python daily, making it the number one tool for analytics professionals.Machine Learning experts expect this trend to continue with increasing development in the Python ecosystem. And while your journey to learn Python programming may be just beginning, its nice to know that employment opportunities are abundant (and growing) as well.What is the difference between Data Mining, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning?Put simply, machine learning and data mining use the same algorithms and techniques as data mining, except the kinds of predictions vary. While data mining discovers previously unknown patterns and knowledge, machine learning reproduces known patterns and knowledgeand further automatically applies that information to data, decision-making, and actions.Deep learning, on the other hand, uses advanced computing power and special types of neural networks and applies them to large amounts of data to learn, understand, and identify complicated patterns. Automatic language translation and medical diagnoses are examples of deep learning."
Price: 29.99

"Logistic Regression in R Studio" |
"You're looking for a complete Classification modeling course that teaches you everything you need to create a Classification model in R, right?You've found the right Classification modeling course covering logistic regression, LDA and kNN in R studio!After completing this course, you will be able to: Identify the business problem which can be solved using Classification modeling techniques of Machine Learning. Create different Classification modelling model in R and compare their performance. Confidently practice, discuss and understand Machine Learning conceptsHow this course will help you?A Verifiable Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who undertake this Machine learning basics course.If you are a business manager or an executive, or a student who wants to learn and apply machine learning in Real world problems of business, this course will give you a solid base for that by teaching you the most popular Classification techniques of machine learning, such as Logistic Regression, Linear Discriminant Analysis and KNNWhy should you choose this course?This course covers all the steps that one should take while solving a business problem using classification techniques.Most courses only focus on teaching how to run the analysis but we believe that what happens before and after running analysis is even more important i.e. before running analysis it is very important that you have the right data and do some pre-processing on it. And after running analysis, you should be able to judge how good your model is and interpret the results to actually be able to help your business.What makes us qualified to teach you?The course is taught by Abhishek and Pukhraj. As managers in Global Analytics Consulting firm, we have helped businesses solve their business problem using machine learning techniques and we have used our experience to include the practical aspects of data analysis in this courseWe are also the creators of some of the most popular online courses - with over 150,000 enrollments and thousands of 5-star reviews like these ones:This is very good, i love the fact the all explanation given can be understood by a layman - JoshuaThank you Author for this wonderful course. You are the best and this course is worth any price. - DaisyOur PromiseTeaching our students is our job and we are committed to it. If you have any questions about the course content, practice sheet or anything related to any topic, you can always post a question in the course or send us a direct message.Download Practice files, take Quizzes, and complete AssignmentsWith each lecture, there are class notes attached for you to follow along. You can also take quizzes to check your understanding of concepts. Each section contains a practice assignment for you to practically implement your learning.What is covered in this course?This course teaches you all the steps of creating a Linear Regression model, which is the most popular Machine Learning model, to solve business problems.Below are the course contents of this course on Linear Regression: Section 1 - Basics of StatisticsThis section is divided into five different lectures starting from types of data then types of statistics then graphical representations to describe the data and then a lecture on measures of center like mean median and mode and lastly measures of dispersion like range and standard deviation Section 2 - R basicThis section will help you set up the R and R studio on your system and it'll teach you how to perform some basic operations in R. Section 3 - Introduction to Machine LearningIn this section we will learn - What does Machine Learning mean. What are the meanings or different terms associated with machine learning? You will see some examples so that you understand what machine learning actually is. It also contains steps involved in building a machine learning model, not just linear models, any machine learning model. Section 4 - Data Pre-processingIn this section you will learn what actions you need to take a step by step to get the data and then prepare it for the analysis these steps are very important.We start with understanding the importance of business knowledge then we will see how to do data exploration. We learn how to do uni-variate analysis and bi-variate analysis then we cover topics like outlier treatment and missing value imputation. Section 5 - Classification ModelsThis section starts with Logistic regression and then covers Linear Discriminant Analysis and K-Nearest Neighbors.We have covered the basic theory behind each concept without getting too mathematical about it so that you understand where the concept is coming from and how it is important. But even if you don't understand it, it will be okay as long as you learn how to run and interpret the result as taught in the practical lectures.We also look at how to quantify models performance using confusion matrix, how categorical variables in the independent variables dataset are interpreted in the results, test-train split and how do we finally interpret the result to find out the answer to a business problem.By the end of this course, your confidence in creating a classification model in R will soar. You'll have a thorough understanding of how to use Classification modelling to create predictive models and solve business problems.Go ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you in lesson 1!CheersStart-Tech Academy------------Below is a list of popular FAQs of students who want to start their Machine learning journey-What is Machine Learning?Machine Learning is a field of computer science which gives the computer the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. It is a branch of artificial intelligence based on the idea that systems can learn from data, identify patterns and make decisions with minimal human intervention.Which all classification techniques are taught in this course?In this course we learn both parametric and non-parametric classification techniques. The primary focus will be on the following three techniques:Logistic RegressionLinear Discriminant AnalysisK - Nearest Neighbors (KNN) How much time does it take to learn Classification techniques of machine learning?Classification is easy but no one can determine the learning time it takes. It totally depends on you. The method we adopted to help you learn classification starts from the basics and takes you to advanced level within hours. You can follow the same, but remember you can learn nothing without practicing it. Practice is the only way to remember whatever you have learnt. Therefore, we have also provided you with another data set to work on as a separate project of classification.What are the steps I should follow to be able to build a Machine Learning model?You can divide your learning process into 3 parts:Statistics and Probability - Implementing Machine learning techniques require basic knowledge of Statistics and probability concepts. Second section of the course covers this part.Understanding of Machine learning - Fourth section helps you understand the terms and concepts associated with Machine learning and gives you the steps to be followed to build a machine learning modelProgramming Experience - A significant part of machine learning is programming. Python and R clearly stand out to be the leaders in the recent days. Third section will help you set up the Python environment and teach you some basic operations. In later sections there is a video on how to implement each concept taught in theory lecture in PythonUnderstanding of models - Fifth and sixth section cover Classification models and with each theory lecture comes a corresponding practical lecture where we actually run each query with you.Why use R for Machine Learning?Understanding R is one of the valuable skills needed for a career in Machine Learning. Below are some reasons why you should learn Machine learning in R1. Its a popular language for Machine Learning at top tech firms. Almost all of them hire data scientists who use R. Facebook, for example, uses R to do behavioral analysis with user post data. Google uses R to assess ad effectiveness and make economic forecasts. And by the way, its not just tech firms: R is in use at analysis and consulting firms, banks and other financial institutions, academic institutions and research labs, and pretty much everywhere else data needs analyzing and visualizing.2. Learning the data science basics is arguably easier in R. R has a big advantage: it was designed specifically with data manipulation and analysis in mind. 3. Amazing packages that make your life easier. Because R was designed with statistical analysis in mind, it has a fantastic ecosystem of packages and other resources that are great for data science. 4. Robust, growing community of data scientists and statisticians. As the field of data science has exploded, R has exploded with it, becoming one of the fastest-growing languages in the world (as measured by StackOverflow). That means its easy to find answers to questions and community guidance as you work your way through projects in R.5. Put another tool in your toolkit. No one language is going to be the right tool for every job. Adding R to your repertoire will make some projects easier and of course, itll also make you a more flexible and marketable employee when youre looking for jobs in data science.What is the difference between Data Mining, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning?Put simply, machine learning and data mining use the same algorithms and techniques as data mining, except the kinds of predictions vary. While data mining discovers previously unknown patterns and knowledge, machine learning reproduces known patterns and knowledgeand further automatically applies that information to data, decision-making, and actions.Deep learning, on the other hand, uses advanced computing power and special types of neural networks and applies them to large amounts of data to learn, understand, and identify complicated patterns. Automatic language translation and medical diagnoses are examples of deep learning."
Price: 199.99

"Marketing Analytics: Pricing Strategies and Price Analytics" |
"You're looking for a complete course on pricing strategies and pricing analytics that maximize your firm revenue/profit, right?You've found the right Marketing Analytics: Pricing Strategies course! This course teaches you everything you need to know about different pricing strategies and how to implement it using profit maximizing price points.After completing this course you will be able to:Implement pricing strategies such as simple linear pricing, price bundling, giving quantity discount, price skimming, applying two part tariffs and many more.Increase revenue/profit of your firm by implementing revenue / profit maximizing price point using Excel solver Add-inConfidently practice, discuss and understand different Pricing strategies used by organizationsHow this course will help you?A Verifiable Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who undertake this Marketing Analytics: Pricing Strategies and Price Analytics course.If you are a business manager or an executive, or a student who wants to learn and apply Pricing strategies in real world problems of business, this course will give you a solid base for that by teaching you the most popular pricing strategies and how to implement it.Why should you choose this course?We believe in teaching by example. This course is no exception. Every Sections primary focus is to teach you the concepts through how-to examples. Each section has the following components:Theoretical concepts and use cases of each Pricing strategyStep-by-step instructions on how to arrive at revenue/profit maximizing price points in excelDownloadable Excel file containing data and solutions used in each lectureClass notes and assignments to revise and practice the conceptsThe practical classes where we create the model for each of these strategies is something which differentiates this course from any other course available online.What makes us qualified to teach you?The course is taught by Abhishek and Pukhraj. As managers in Global Analytics Consulting firm, we have helped businesses solve their business problem using Analytics and we have used our experience to include the practical aspects of Marketing and data analytics in this course We are also the creators of some of the most popular online courses - with over 170,000 enrollments and thousands of 5-star reviews like these ones:This is very good, i love the fact the all explanation given can be understood by a layman - JoshuaThank you Author for this wonderful course. You are the best and this course is worth any price. - DaisyOur PromiseTeaching our students is our job and we are committed to it. If you have any questions about the course content, practice sheet or anything related to any topic, you can always post a question in the course or send us a direct message. Download Practice files, take Quizzes, and complete AssignmentsWith each lecture, there are class notes attached for you to follow along. You can also take quizzes to check your understanding of concepts. Each section contains a practice assignment for you to practically implement your learning. What is covered in this course? Understanding how pricing impacts revenue and profitability is one of the most important issues faced by managers. In this course, we will explore how one can use analytics to determine the pricing strategy to be used, that helps achieve the objectives of the company.Let me give you a brief overview of the courseSection 1 - IntroductionIn this section we will learn about the course structure and the steps involved in devising a pricing strategies.Section 2 - Step 1: Setting a Pricing ObjectiveIn this section, we will discuss about different pricing objectives that a firm Section 3 - Step 2: Estimating DemandIn this section we will learn different types of Demand Curve We will also learn how to quickly estimate demand curves using ExcelSection 4 - Step 3: Estimating CostsCost curves plays an important role in profit maximizing problems. In this section, we will learn how to estimate cost functions. we will also learn the effect of complimentary goodsSection 5 - Step 4: Analyzing competitorsIn This section we will learn about analyzing competitors strategy and its effect on our pricing strategySection 6 - Step 5: Evaluating Pricing StrategiesOnce we have demand and cost we can estimate revenue and profit at different price points and using different pricing strategies. In the section, we will be discussing a lot of pricing strategies such as simple linear pricing, price bundling, giving quantity discount, price skimming, applying two part tariffs and many more. All these are pricing strategies which companies are actually using. We will see what's the thought and analytics that goes behind the decision of choosing a particular strategy.Some of the examples in this course are from the book Marketing Analytics: Data-Driven Techniques with Microsoft Excel [Winston, Wayne L.]. We suggest this book as reading material for anyone aspiring to be a marketing analyst. I am pretty confident that the course will give you the necessary knowledge and skills to immediately see practical benefits in your work place.Go ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you in lesson 1CheersStart-Tech Academy"
Price: 199.99

"Marketing Analytics: Forecasting Models with Excel" |
"You're looking for a complete course on understanding Forecasting models to drive business decisions involving production schedules, inventory management, manpower planning, and many other parts of the business., right?You've found the right Marketing Analytics: Forecasting Models with Excel! This course teaches you everything you need to know about different forecasting models and how to implement these models in Excel using advanced excel tool.After completing this course you will be able to:Implement forecasting models such as simple linear, simple multiple regression, Ratio to Moving Average, Winter's method for exponential smoothing with trend and seasonality, famous Bass diffusion model and many more.Increase revenue/profit of your firm by implementing accurate forecasting using Excel solver Add-inConfidently practice, discuss and understand different Forecasting models used by organizationsHow this course will help you?A Verifiable Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who undertake this Marketing Analytics: Forecasting Models with Excel course.If you are a business manager or an executive, or a student who wants to learn and apply forecasting models in real world problems of business, this course will give you a solid base by teaching you the most popular forecasting models and how to implement it.Why should you choose this course?We believe in teaching by example. This course is no exception. Every Sections primary focus is to teach you the concepts through how-to examples. Each section has the following components:Theoretical concepts and use cases of different forecasting modelsStep-by-step instructions on implement forecasting models in excelDownloadable Excel file containing data and solutions used in each lectureClass notes and assignments to revise and practice the conceptsThe practical classes where we create the model for each of these strategies is something which differentiates this course from any other course available online.What makes us qualified to teach you?The course is taught by Abhishek and Pukhraj. As managers in Global Analytics Consulting firm, we have helped businesses solve their business problem using Analytics and we have used our experience to include the practical aspects of Marketing and data analytics in this courseWe are also the creators of some of the most popular online courses - with over 170,000 enrollments and thousands of 5-star reviews like these ones:This is very good, i love the fact the all explanation given can be understood by a layman - JoshuaThank you Author for this wonderful course. You are the best and this course is worth any price. - DaisyOur PromiseTeaching our students is our job and we are committed to it. If you have any questions about the course content, practice sheet or anything related to any topic, you can always post a question in the course or send us a direct message.Download Practice files, take Quizzes, and complete AssignmentsWith each lecture, there are class notes attached for you to follow along. You can also take quizzes to check your understanding of concepts. Each section contains a practice assignment for you to practically implement your learning.What is covered in this course?Understanding how future sales will change is one of the key information needed by manager to take data driven decisions. In this course, we will explore how one can use forecasting models toSee patterns in time series dataMake forecasts based on modelsLet me give you a brief overview of the courseSection 1 - IntroductionIn this section we will learn about the course structureSection 2 - Basics of ForecastingIn this section, we will discuss about the basic of forecasting and we will also learn the easiest way to create simple linear regression model in ExcelSection 3 - Getting Data Ready for Regression ModelIn this section you will learn what actions you need to take a step by step to get the data and then prepare it for the analysis these steps are very important.We start with understanding the importance of business knowledge then we will see how to do data exploration. We learn how to do uni-variate analysis and bi-variate analysis then we cover topics like outlier treatment and missing value imputation.Section 4 - Forecasting using Regression ModelThis section starts with simple linear regression and then covers multiple linear regression.We have covered the basic theory behind each concept without getting too mathematical about it so that you understand where the concept is coming from and how it is important. But even if you don't understand it, it will be okay as long as you learn how to run and interpret the result as taught in the practical lectures. We also look at how to quantify models accuracy, what is the meaning of F statistic, how categorical variables in the independent variables dataset are interpreted in the results.Section 5 - Handling Special events like Holiday salesIn this section we will learn how to incorporate effects of Day of Week Effect, Month Effect or any special event such Holidays, pay day etc.Section 6 - Identifying Seasonality & Trend for ForecastingIn this section we will learn about trends and seasonality and how to use the Solver to develop an additive or multiplicative model to estimate trends and seasonality. We will also learn how to use moving averages to eliminate seasonality to easily see trends in sales.Section 7 - Handling Changing Trend & Seasonality over timeIn this section we will learn about Winters Method that changes trend and seasonal index estimates during each period has a better chance of keeping up with changes than other methods.Section 8 - Forecasting models for New ProductsIn this section we will learn techniques to forecast new product sales. It is difficult to forecast when we have little or no historical data. The S curve can be used when we have little data and the famous bass diffusion model can be used to predict product sales even before the product is launched in the market.Some of the examples in this course are from the book Marketing Analytics: Data-Driven Techniques with Microsoft Excel [Winston, Wayne L.]. We suggest this book as reading material for anyone aspiring to be a marketing analyst. I am pretty confident that the course will give you the necessary knowledge and skills to immediately see practical benefits in your work place.Go ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you in lesson 1CheersStart-Tech Academy"
Price: 199.99
