"Cyber Security in Cloud Computing" |
"Why Cloud Security?Breaches can or do happen in cloud, in fact breaches are happening in cloud. In Marriott Starwood Hotels data breach some 327 million guest records were compromised that contained information such as name, mailing address, phone number, email address, passport number, Starwood Preferred Guest accounting information, date of birth, gender, arrival and departure information, reservation date, and communication preferences.Note sure if you have heard about the below attacksCapital One Data Breach wherein New York Times reported the damage at over 80,000 account numbers, 140,000 Social Security numbers, 1 million Canadian Social Insurance Numbers.Who did it ?A former Amazon software engineer from Seattle (CSP --Cloud Service Provider Employee )who had been operating online under the handle Erratic was arrested after hacking Capital One using a Server-Side Request Forgery attack (SSRF). Former Amazon Employee used the technique to obtain credentials for a role that had access to sensitive information stored in S3.In cloud Security, we will learn certain best practices in regards to securing data; organizations stand a much better chance of ensuring their data is safe.Another Breach in Hotel management systemsAutoclerk, a hotel reservations management system, had an unsecured Elasticsearch database hosted in AWS that exposed hundreds of thousands of booking reservations. The system was heavily utilized by military personnel, and the exposed data revealed sensitive information about travel by military, including high ranking officers and troops being deployed.Current ScenarioMore and more companies are migrating their applications and infrastructure to the cloud, shifting operational aspects to service providers such as Microsoft and Amazon. However, cloud computing is a shared responsibility, especially when it comes to keeping your data, users, and systems safe.In this course, you will major forms of cloud technology, its benefits and risks, and the cybersecurity standards and body of knowledge required to mitigate those risks. Learn concepts such as software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and infrastructure as a service (IaaS). Different deployment models available in CloudWhat is Cloud Security?Cloud security, also known as cloud computing security, consists of a set of policies, controls, procedures and technologies that work together to protect cloud-based systems, data and infrastructure.You will learn Core Cloud Computing Concepts which essential to understand before digging to Cloud Security.This course has divided in below 8 Major Sections.1. Cloud Computing Fundamentals2. Contracts and Agreements in Cloud3. Vulnerability management and Secure Configuration in Cloud4. Handling Security Incidents with Cloud Service Provider5. Key Risks in cloud and their Mitigation6. Securing Azure Storage7. Logging and Monitoring in Azure8. Compliance In CloudThis is not a complete list; one can check for recommendations by NIST, CSA STAR and implement security in organization as per organization requirements.What you will learn1. Cloud Computing FundamentalsWhat is Cloud ComputingDetails about all 5 Cloud Characteristics in DetailOn Demand Self ServiceBroad Network AccessResource PoolingRapid ElasticityMeasured ServiceCloud Deployment Models ( IAAS, PAAS and SAAS)Cloud Service Models ( Public, Private and Hybrid Cloud)2. Understand Cloud Agreements/ContractsIn this section, you will learn importance of Contracts. How you can negotiate with Cloud Service providers for items to cover in contract to avoid future penalties. You will learn major artifacts for CSA (Cloud Service Agreement). You will learn important concepts like SLA in CLOUD, Acceptable use policy in Cloud.3. Cloud Assets and Secure Configuration ManagementIn this section, you will learn assets discovery issues in cloud, how to have complete asset discovery in cloud for effective security and compliance. You will learn Challenges in Cloud Asset Discovery, SecDevops and secure configuration. You will vulnerability and patch management in cloud.4. Handling Security Incidents with Cloud Service ProviderIn this Section, you will learn what to check in CSP incident response and Security Notification process, Incident response process in a cloud. You will also learn what kind log data / Support can be obtain from CSP during forensics investigations.5. Key Risks in cloud and their MitigationIn this Section, you will learn various issues you can consider to protect un-authorized access of data in cloud. You will learn various concerns like Cloud Deployment Model and Security Concerns, Location of data, what kind of Data Sensitivity and Legal Obligations would be there in cloud. How to do Media Sanitization in Cloud. Key management in cloud and many more.You will learn about IAAS, PAAS and SAAS Security issues.6. Securing Azure StorageIn this section you will learn about the below topicsAzure Storage account overviewMethods for Securing storage accountsConcept of Management and data PlaneAzure storage Data plane Security.Limitation of using storage account KeysSecurity using SAS Keys7. Logging and Monitoring in AzureIn this section you will learn about below topicsAzure Security Center OverviewWhat is Azure MonitorYou will be well versed with all the features of Azure Security center.Detailed overview of Azure Security center OptionsRecommendations and AlertsMaintain Regulatory compliance using Azure Security center 8. Compliance In CloudIn this Section, you will learn Information Management Legal Responsibilities, what are different types of legal issues in cloud. E-discovery issues in Cloud, What Regulations to follow in Cloud and Jurisdictional and Location issues in cloud environment."
Price: 19.99

"Atlassian Bamboo - The Complete Guide to CI/CD" |
"Atlassian Bamboo is a powerful yet easy to use CI/CD tool. It is used to automate all kinds of deployments today.Leave behind the days of manual deployments of code and step into the new age of DevOps, Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment.Install and Setup Bamboo and learn how to configure and personalize the tool.We will understand why Bamboo is the perfect CI/CD server. We will learn about its features & capabilities.As you grow to become a force in the build/Devops team, you will adopt, in addition to Bamboo, supporting technologies that compliment CI/CD tools, such Bitbucket (for source control), SonarQube (for code quality) and Maven (for build tools). All in this course!Everything is well documented and separated, so you can find what you need. Assignments and Quizzes will make sure you stay on track and test your knowledge. The course will have a combination of theory and practical examples."
Price: 34.99

"Gesto da carreira profissional e Marketing Pessoal" |
"Treinamento com foco exclusivo na prtica e no resultado. Este curso foi desenvolvido para auxiliar o indivduo a obter excelncia profissional e com isso, construir uma carreira proteana, que uma referncia Proteus, da mitologia grega, que mudava de forma de acordo com sua vontade. O indivduo assume o controle de seu desenvolvimento, planeja, executa e avalia, para obter melhores possibilidades de sucesso.Assim, vamos fornecer um programa estruturado capaz de definir o caminho que cada profissional deve percorrer para se capacitar, aprimorar e se tornar competitivo. O plano de carreira que o aluno ir construir permitir a gesto das competncias necessrias para cada posio hierrquica pretendida e tambm para atender as expectativas da empresa durante a jornada."
Price: 39.99

"Engineering Drawing and GD&T" |
"Mechanical Engineering drawing and Geometrical TolerancingA course on Mechanical draughting. Includes the following sections:1. Mechanical draughting2. Screw threads, square threads and helical springs3. Orthographic projection4. Gears and Keys5. Limits and Fits6. Cams7. Sectioning8. Detail drawing9. Assembly drawings10. Geometric design and tolerancing These topics will be discussed and examples of drawing each type of component will be given. A comprehensive drawing course that will improve your mechanical engineering draughting knowledge and skill. #Machine drawing #Mechanical design"
Price: 19.99

"The Fundamentals of Python 3 Programming - Update 2020" |
"Hi, I'm Tony Sale, welcome to the Fundamentals of Python 3 Programming Course. So Python is a back-end programming language approachable for beginners like you. It has a welcoming and established community, it is used by companies like Google, Pinterest, Spotify, and so on.Let me explain why you should subscribe to this course. Well, I used a different approach when I started to build the course, I wanted the student to stop thinking about the code and just focus on problem-solving.The course is an updated broad and robust understanding of Python 3 programming, you'll learn:- The fundamental design cycle of computer science and computer programming: writing code, executing it, interpreting the results, and revising the code based on the outcomes.- Usage of the fundamental atoms of programming: variables, mathematical operators, logical operators, and boolean arithmetic.- Control structures for developing dynamic programs: conditionals, loops, functions, and error handling.- The core data structures for creating useful programs: strings, lists, dictionaries, and file manipulation.The course is structured into 6 modules. At the end of each module, you can test what you have just learned by answering the quiz questions.All the code used in this course will be available for you to download and practice yourself. You'll go through fundamentals principles like:What is PythonDownload and Installing PythonChoosing an editor or IDEIntegers and floating-point numbersWorking with stringsBoolean valuesBasic operatorsFunctions (built-in and custom )Working with Variables and ExpressionsData typesLists, Arrays, and TuplesConditional statementsIteration and loopsCreating classesObject-oriented programmingReading and writing filesStill not convinced? Just keep reading...Why should I learn Python?Ideal first programming language to learnBoost your existing skills - growing demand for Python developersEstablished and welcoming communityUniversities teach it both in computer science and other coursesBig companies use it Google, Facebook, Dropbox, Reddit, Spotify, Quora, etc.Runs cross-platform Python apps work on Windows, Mac, LinuxWhat can I do with Python?Scripting easily automate repetitive tasks e.g. web crawling, sending emailsApp backends use Python frameworks to build app backends fast with less codeAI & machine learning number 1 language in this field big library & data collectionData analysis & visualization perfect for todays big data worldComputation & calculation simple syntax & many powerful libraries scientists, engineers, can focus on creating algorithms, etc.Desktop apps Dropbox desktop app is written in Python! Need I say more?!Education Python is popular globally in colleges, universities. Its so simple that young kids can pick it up, but so powerful Ph.D. students use it.So, what are you waiting for? Enroll now!"
Price: 129.99

Finanzkennzahlen |
"AllgemeinGewinn ist nicht Liquiditt. Nach dem Motto ""Cash is King"" agieren die Mitarbeiter aus dem Finanz- und Rechnungswesen. Dabei begegnen uns diverse Kennzahlen wie EBITDA, NOPAT und Cashflow.Doch wie werden diese berechnet und gibt es nur eine Kennzahl, mit der sich ein Unternehmen nach der Leistung bewerten lsst?Diese und mehrere Fragen werden in diesem Kurs behandelt.InhaltEBITDA, EBIT und EBTNOPAT und Brutto-CashflowKennzahlen der LiquidittCashflow-BerechnungenWorking CapitalEigen- und Fremdkapitalu.v.m.Des Weiteren erfahren Sie ein paar kleine Excel-Tipps, die Sie im Rechnungswesen anwenden knnen. Zustzlich erhalten Sie die Excel-Datei, in der die Kennzahlen behandelt werden.Als ausgebildeter Controller (Diplom der Controller Akademie) und zertifizierter Trainer IHK und E-Trainer sowie mehrjhriger Berufserfahrung im Controlling sind Sie bei mir also in guten Hnden fr die Vermittlung der Themen."
Price: 49.99

"Jeet Kune Do - Program 1" |
"All the requirements for Basic Level 1 in Bruce Lee`s system of Martial Arts - Jun Fan Gung Fu - Jeet Kune Do including;SalutationOpening the stanceReady / On Guard stancePunchingKickingBoxing DefenceFootworkJeet Kune Do or ""The way of the intercepting fist"" in Cantonese, abbreviated JKD, is a hybrid philosophy of martial arts heavily influenced by the personal philosophy and experiences of martial artist Bruce Lee.The system covers Punching, Striking, Kicking, Trapping, Wooden Dummy, Forms, Grappling, Sparring"
Price: 24.99

"From HTML to NUXT.js Templates" |
"HTML NUXTJS :- Components - Pages NUXTJS :- 01 install npm- 02 install npx create nuxt app- 03 Nuxt App structure and Edit logo- 04 Why W3 with Nuxt - Project - 05 Copy Theme NavbarFooter - Project- 06 adding layout and CSS creating a new page- 07 create components- 08 solve issue with fonts- 09 rewrite JS function in VueJs- 10 Git and sperated commit each page each component"
Price: 19.99

"An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)" |
"This course will cover the basics of the finite volume method for incompressible flows on two-dimensional Cartesian grids. Topics include the discretization procedure, interpolation techniques, boundary conditions, flow visualization using ParaView, and CFD errors and uncertainty. Students will write three codes; the first code solves a pure diffusion problem, the second solves a pure convection problem, and the third solves the Navier-Stokes equations using the SIMPLE pressure-velocity coupling procedure. The Navier-Stokes solver will be used to solve the ""driven cavity"" problem, and a problem involving the developing flow in a channel. These three codes are also available for download to, for instance, study the solution procedure, or help in debugging a student written code. Upon completion of the course students will be familiar with the basics of the finite volume method, enabling a more effective use of a commercial CFD solver, and possess the background necessary to study more advanced CFD techniques."
Price: 29.99

"Beginning Fortran for Science and Engineering Students" |
"This course introduces beginning students to the basics of Fortran90/95 programming. Out of necessity, it does not cover all aspects of the language, but enough so that students will be able to write useful code after completion. The course will be of particular value to those STEM students who would like to learn a language which has stood the test of time, and is widely used in the area of scientific computing. Also useful for those who need to work with legacy Fortran code but have no Fortran background. Previous programming experience would be helpful but is not absolutely necessary. The course assumes some basic ability to use a command-line interface. I will also provide a short introduction to the use of DISLIN, a graphics/widget plotting package that you can implement in your Fortran codes. All Fortran codes used as examples are downloadable, as are the course notes."
Price: 29.99

"The Numerical Solution of ODE's and PDE's" |
"The course provides an introduction to the numerical solution of ordinary and partial differential equations and is at a level appropriate for undergraduate-level STEM students. Prior knowledge of numerical methods is helpful but not necessary as (most) prerequisite material is introduced on an as-needed basis. Knowledge of a scientific programming language is necessary for those wishing to write their own codes. All codes used to demonstrate methods and solve example problems are available for downloading, as are the class notes."
Price: 29.99

"An Introduction to Optimization for Engineering Students" |
"A basic introduction to optimization methods for engineering students which is often taught as part of an undergraduate-level engineering numerical methods class. The material covered here is at that level, and includes one-dimensional optimization using Newton's and golden-search methods, multi-dimensional unconstrained optimization using direct and gradient methods, and constrained optimization using Lagrange multipliers. Students should have basic computer programming skills using a language such as C, C++, Fortran90, MATLAB, or Python, and have a basic knowledge of multivariable calculus and linear algebra. Course notes and codes (written in Fortran90) are available for download. "
Price: 19.99

"Computational Fluid Dynamics 2" |
"This course is a follow-up to my Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics course. In this course we extend the capabilities of the two-dimensional, incompressible Navier-Stokes solver developed in the first course to include enhancements such as unsteady flow capabilities, second-order and blended interpolations for the convection terms, pressure, symmetry, and periodic boundary conditions, mesh clustering, the energy equation, and perhaps other topics as deemed appropriate. All codes are written in Fortran90 and are available for download, as are the course notes. Upon successful completion of the course students should be able to develop their own codes or modify the available codes to solve problems of varying complexity. To get the maximum benefit from this course, I recommend that students complete the first course, or have an equivalent background."
Price: 24.99

"How to 2x, 3x, 4x the Performance of Your SaaS Emails" |
"Email optimization is one of the highest-leverage activities in a business.When you optimize an email, a small tweak that takes 5 minutes to implement can get you more money, more demos, and more customers.Not only do you get short-term benefits, but those benefits can be amplified and repeated via email automation.For example, the drip sequence I built for my business has been opening between 40 and 50%, and clicking between 5 to 10% for over 2 years now. This means this email series influenced the behaviours of thousands of subscribers.It's still not perfect, but it only took a few hours of optimization to get those results.Since subscribers go through the same email automations, any improvements you make at the start of the funnel improve the end of the funnel as well.Improve your welcome email and people will want to use and buy your products more;Improve your drip sequence and more people will see the value of your products and convert;Improve your promo emails and you'll be able to get more revenue per purchase;Improve your nurturing emails and maybe you can keep your subscribers engaged for a longer duration.All you need is the right email marketing optimization process to compound improvements.With just an hour a week, you can consistently grow results and conversions across your customer base.In this course, I'll show you the exact email marketing optimization process I implemented at the previous company I worked for, LANDR Audio.Among many other things, this process led to the creation of an upsell program that was generating up to 42% of weekly subscription conversions.Do yourself a favour, start growing the performance of your marketing emails with optimization today!"
Price: 99.99

"Curso de Alemn 1 La Manera Fcil de Aprender Alemn" |
"APRENDE ALEMN DESDE CERO AL NIVEL A2 CON UN MTODO INNOVADOR!En este curso, llegars a un nivel bsico (A2) de conversacin en alemn.Aprende todo naturalmente escuchando la historia de Ben.El mtodo TPRS (en otras palabras, el mtodo de mini cuentos) y, en particular, la ""tcnica de preguntas y respuestas"" te ayudarn a alcanzar este objetivo fcilmente.Usa ms tu odo para entender tambin a los nativos.Aprende la gramtica hablada con imgenes y colores en nuestros divertidos cuentos.Y practica activamente el contenido en la APP Quizlet.Conctate en tu ordenador, tableta o mvil cuando quieras.Y si tienes dudas puedes dejar un comentario, y nosotros u otros alumnos te ayudarn en un instante. S parte de nuestra familia y as nunca estars solo.Cada curso tiene un certificado final.Pero sobre todo te vas a sentir ms fuerte a la hora de comunicarte.METAS DEL CURSO:Ser plenamente competente en el nivel A2 de alemnDominar los fundamentos de la lengua alemanaAprende la gramtica y el vocabulario de la lengua alemanaAprende los fundamentos de la conversacin en alemnAprender la pronunciacin alemn, expresin oral y escritura de frasesSer capaz de presentarse con confianza en alemnSer capaz de hacer una cita en alemnSer capaz de pedir comida en un restaurante en alemnAprende a contar y decir nmeros en alemnAprende a leer y escribir en alemnInformaciones sobre la cultura alemanaVocabulario importante para principantesQU DICEN LOS OTROS ESTUDIANTES?""Estoy por la tercer parte del curso y me ha gustado mucho el mtodo, estudio al menos 10 o 15 minutos por da y as puedo avanzar sin cansarme, puse un horario y trato de cumplirlo todos los das, espero terminarlo y conocer algo que me ayude en mi prximo viaje a Alemania."" - Artes""Muy intuitivo y didctico."" - Marcos""El curso se me hace bastante completo y me parece dinmico; me agrada que, luego de ver algunos videos, ya tengamos que hacer ejercicios. Adems, en los materiales de apoyo encontramos ms explicaciones y estn bien elaborados."" - AnaAprenders lo siguiente:GRAMTICA:El alfabeto Conjugacin de verbos regulares El nominativo Nmeros Reglas de gnero Plural Verbos irregulares Consejos sobre cmo aprender un idioma de manera ms eficiente Palabras compuestas La Palabra ""es"" Saludo formal El acusativo Orden de palabras en oraciones principales Verbos separables e inseparables Verbos modales El dativo Negacin Cmo formular preguntas Conjunciones El imperativo Determinante posesivo Pronombres demostrativos Pronombres indefinidos Adverbios Temporales Tiempo Perfecto (Perfekt) Introduccin al pasado simple (Prteritum) Introduccin al comparativoCONVERSACIN:Reglas de pronunciacin Cmo presentarse Cmo hacer citas Uso del transporte pblico Buscando Apartamentos Pidiendo / Dando direcciones Cmo decir la hora y la fecha Visita del doctor Cmo pedir comida en un restauranteVOCABULARIO:Colores Familia Cuerpo Ropa En casa Alimentos y Bebidas Animales Profesiones El Tiempo Actividades de ocio Emociones y Adjetivos Pases y NacionesSi no ests familiarizado con Marco Comn Europeo de Referencia para las lenguas. Aqu hay una breve descripcin:A1 - Principiante completoA2 - Conocimientos principalesB1 - IntermedioB2 - Intermedio altoC1 - Usuario competenteC2 - Maestra / NativosEspero que te inscribas a ese curso y tenerte como uno de mis alumnos(as)."
Price: 99.99

"Curso de Alemn 2 La Manera Fcil de Aprender Alemn" |
"QUIERES APRENDER ALEMN, PERO NO AVANZAS?Entonces nosotros vamos a ayudarte.En este curso, llegars a un nivel intermedio alto (B2) de conversacin en alemn.Aprende todo naturalmente escuchando historias divertidas.El mtodo TPRS (en otras palabras, el mtodo de mini cuentos) y, en particular, la ""tcnica de preguntas y respuestas"" te ayudarn a alcanzar este objetivo fcilmente.Usa ms tu odo para entender tambin a los nativos.Aprende la gramtica hablada con colores.Y practica activamente el contenido en la APP Quizlet.Conctate en tu ordenador, tableta o mvil cuando quieras.Y si tienes dudas puedes dejar un comentario, y nosotros u otros alumnos te ayudarn en un instante. S parte de nuestra familia y as nunca estars solo.Cada curso tiene un certificado final.Pero sobre todo te vas a sentir ms fuerte a la hora de comunicarte.A QU ESPERAS? PRUBALO AHORA GRATIS Y PRONTO HABLARS ALEMN FLUIDO.METAS DEL CURSO:Ser capaz de entender las ideas principales de textos complejos que traten de temas tanto concretos como abstractos, incluso si son de carcter tcnico siempre que estn dentro de su campo de especializacin.Presentar un nivel de vocabulario activo alto.Poder relacionarse con hablantes nativos con un grado suficiente de fluidez y naturalidad de modo que la comunicacin se realice sin esfuerzo por parte de ninguno de los interlocutores. Poder producir textos claros y detallados sobre temas diversos as como defender un punto de vista sobre temas generales indicando los pros y los contras de las distintas opciones.Asimilar una cantidad razonable de aspectos culturales que enmarcan la lengua alemana por lo que puede comprender un nmero considerable de expresiones idiomticas, aunque desconozca, como es lgico, algunas.Comprender a rasgos generales y extrayendo ideas concretas principales cualquier situacin comunicativa.Ser capaz de generar textos de ndole y funcionalidad diversa mostrando la destreza de proporcionar detalles y justificar su pertinencia, la coherencia de la estructura y la adecuacin entre registro y contexto.Aprenders lo siguiente:GRAMTICA:Declinacin del adjetivo Adjetivos comparativos Adverbios locales Adverbios temporales Adverbios Ja-Nein-Doch Adverbios Gern-Lieber Conjunciones coordinantes Conjunciones subordinantes Conjunciones bimembres Partculas interrogativas Preposiciones mixtas Preposiciones locales Preposiciones temporales Pronombres, Determinantes y Artculos Gnero de los sustantivos Sustantivo plural Sustantivo compuesto n-Declinacin Verbos auxiliares Verbos con prefijo separable Verbos con prefijo no separable Verbos con cambio voclico en el radical Verbos transitivos Verbos reflexivos Verbos modales Imperativo Presente Pretrito Imperfecto Participio Pretrito perfecto Pretrito pluscuamperfecto Futuro Subjuntivo - Konjunktiv II La voz pasiva - Vorgangspassiv La voz pasiva - Zustandspassiv Verbos irregulares Cuando utilizar acusativo y cuando dativo La negacin Cundo usar wie/als El uso de Was fr ein-/Welch- Oraciones de intencin um ... zu/damitVOCABULARIO:Mtodos de aprendizaje Actividades de ocio Hostelera Restauracin Colegio Universidad Mdico Entorno laboral Ropa Hogar Comidas y bebidas Ir de compras Animales Viajar El tiempo Medio de transporte En la ciudad Salir de fiesta En la playa Partes del cuerpo Deporte FestivosSi no ests familiarizado con Marco Comn Europeo de Referencia para las lenguas. Aqu hay una breve descripcin:A1 - Principiante completoA2 - Conocimientos principalesB1 - IntermedioB2 - Intermedio altoC1 - Usuario competenteC2 - Maestra / NativosEspero que te inscribas a ese curso y tenerte como uno de mis alumnos(as)."
Price: 129.99

"German Course 1 The Easy Way to Learn German" |
"YOU WANT TO LEARN GERMAN, BUT YOU DON'T ADVANCE?Then we are going to help you.With our new method we dropped a bomb on the traditional methods most of the world uses to learn German.In this course, you will reach a basic level (A2) of conversation in German.Learn everything naturally by listening to Ben's story.The TPRS method (in other words, the mini-story method) and, in particular, the ""question and answer technique"" will help you to reach this goal easily.Use your sense of hearing more, that is, develop an ear, and understand native speakers as well.Learn spoken grammar with the images and colors in our funny stories.And actively practice the content using the APP Quizlet.Connect to your computer, tablet or mobile whenever you want.If youre uncertain or have questions, leave a comment. Someone from the 123deutsch team or another student will help you in an instant.As part of our family, you will never be alone.Each course offers a final certification.But above all, you will feel more confident when it comes to communicating.COURSE GOALS:Be fully competent in a German A2 levelMaster the basics of the German languageLearn German grammar and vocabularyLearn the basics of German conversationLearn German pronunciation, speaking and phrase writingBe able to present yourself confidently in GermanBe able to make an appointment in GermanBe able to order food at a restaurant in GermanLearn to count and say numbers in GermanLearn to read and write in GermanGet information about German cultureAll the important vocabulary for beginnersWHAT ARE OTHER STUDENTS SAYING?""This course is highly recommended. The teachers method is easy and effective that you could learn practical Germain by listening and the story so it is much more interesting than studying traditional boring Grammar lessons with exercises."" - LinhGRAMMAR:The alphabet Conjugation of regular verbs The nominative Numbers Gender rules Plural Irregular verbs Tips on how to learn a language more efficiently Compound words The Word ""es"" Formal greeting The accusative Word order in main sentences Separable and inseparable verbs Modal verbs The dative Negation How to ask questions Conjunctions The imperative Determinant possessive Demonstrative Pronouns Indefinite Pronouns Temporal Adverbs Accusative prepositions Dative prepositions Two-way-prepositions Present Perfect Tense (Perfekt) Introduction to the Simple Past (Prteritum) Introduction to the ComparativeCONVERSATION:Pronunciation rules How to present yourself How to make appointments Using public transportation Looking for Apartments Asking / Giving directions Saying the time and date Doctor's visit How to order food in a restaurantVOCABULARY:Colors Family Body Clothes At Home Food and Beverages Animals Professions Weather Leisure Activities Emotions and Adjectives Countries and LanguagesIf you are not familiar with the Common European Reference for Languages, here is a brief description:A1 - Complete BeginnerA2 - Core KnowledgeB1 - IntermediateB2 - Upper IntermediateC1 - Proficient UserC2 - Mastery / NativesWE HOPE YOU WILL SIGN UP FOR THE COURSE, AND WE WILL BE LOOKING FORWARD TO MEETING YOU AS ONE OF OUR STUDENTS."
Price: 99.99

"German Course 2 The Easy Way to Learn German" |
"LEARN GERMAN FROM A BASIC LEVEL TO LEVEL B2 WITH AN INNOVATIVE METHOD!In this course, you will reach an intermediate level (B1, B2) of conversation in German.Learn everything naturally by listening to funny stories.The TPRS method (in other words, the mini-story method) and, in particular, the ""question and answer technique"" will help you to reach this goal easily.Use your sense of hearing more, that is, develop an ear, and understand native speakers as well.Learn spoken grammar with the images and colors in our funny stories.And actively practice the content using the APP Quizlet.Connect to your computer, tablet or mobile whenever you want.If youre uncertain or have questions, leave a comment. Someone from the 123deutsch team or another student will help you in an instant.As part of our family, you will never be alone.Each course offers a final certification.But above all, you will feel more confident when it comes to communicating.COURSE GOALS:Be able to understand the main ideas of complex texts dealing with both concrete and abstract subjects, even if they are of a technical nature as long as they are within your field of specialization.A high level of active vocabulary.Be able to interact with native speakers with a sufficient amount of fluency and naturalness so that communication takes place without effort on the part of any of the participants.Be able to create clear and detailed texts on different subjects.Be able to express your point of view on general subjects indicating the pros and cons of the different options.Assimilate a reasonable amount of cultural aspects that frame the German language so you can understand a considerable number of idiomatic expressions.Understand general characteristics and extract main concrete ideas from any communicative situation.Be able to generate texts of a diverse nature and functionality, providing details and justifying their relevance, demonstrating structural and organizational coherence, and using the appropriate register and context.Be fully competent at a German B2 level.Acquire information about German culture.WHAT ARE OTHER STUDENTS SAYING?""I was looking for a course like that for a long time. But I had a problem because I didn't know what exactly I needed. Now I know. The course is based on the TPRS method. It means that you listen to funny stories, you answer questions, do some homework and finally tell these stories yourself. I believe that this is the best method ever because you don't have to learn grammar rules. You understand them from examples. If you don't understand you still can read a rule and it will have more sense because you already know the real examples."" - OlegGRAMMAR:Declination of the adjective Comparative of adjectives Local adverbs Temporary adverbs Adverbs Ja-Nein-Doch Adverbs Gern-Lieber Coordinating Conjunctions Subordinate Conjunctions Two-member Conjunctions Question Words Two-Way-Prepositions Local Prepositions Temporary Prepositions Pronouns, Determinants and Articles Gender of Nouns Plural Substantive Compound Substantive n-Declination Auxiliary Verbs Verbs with separable prefix Verbs with inseparable prefix Verbs with vowel change in the radical Transitive Verbs Reflective Verbs Modal Verbs Imperative Present Simple Past Participle Present Perfect Past Perfect Future Conditional - Konjunktiv II The passive voice - Vorgangspassiv The passive voice - Zustandspassiv Irregular Verbs When to use accusative and when to use dative Denial When to use wie/als The use of Was fr ein-/Welch- Intention Sentences um ... zu/damitVOCABULARY:Learning methods Free time activities Hotel Restaurant School University Doctor Work environment Clothes Home Food and drinks Shopping Animals Travel Weather Transportation In town Partying On the beach Parts of the body Sport HolidaysIf you are not familiar with the Common European Reference for Languages, here is a brief description:A1 - Complete BeginnerA2 - Core KnowledgeB1 - IntermediateB2 - Upper IntermediateC1 - Proficient UserC2 - Mastery / NativesWE HOPE YOU WILL SIGN UP FOR THE COURSE, AND WE WILL BE LOOKING FORWARD TO MEETING YOU AS ONE OF OUR STUDENTS."
Price: 129.99

"Spanisch Lernen Leicht Gemacht Mit Animierten Videos" |
"HABEN SIE AUCH DIE NASE VON GRAMMATIKREGELN UND SINNLOSEN LEHRBCHER VOLL?Unsere Schnell-Lernmethode mit Hilfe von animierten Videos bietet Ihnen alles, was Sie bentigen, um in krzester Zeit effektiv und unkompliziert sich auf Spanisch berall auf der Welt zu unterhalten.Unser Kurs fhrt Sie spielerisch durch alle wichtigen Lebenssituationen. Hier ist einer bersicht aller Themen:Ins Restaurant gehenHobbies und FamilieMit dem Flugzeug reisenEinkaufen gehenAm MorgenIn ein Hotel gehenDen Haushalt machenAm StrandDie ZahlenDie FarbenTiereIn die Schule gehenObst und GemseAdjektiveZum Arzt gehenDas Wetter und die LnderFragen und AntwortenAusgehenEssen und GetrnkeHausrat und PrpositionenWIE FUNKTIONIERT UNSERE METHODE MIT ANIMIERTEN VIDEOS?Im Gegensatz zu anderen Anfngerkursen konzentrieren wir uns mehr auf alltgliche Stze und Ausdrcke, die Sie sofort anwenden knnen, und weniger auf grammatikalische Fachbegriffe und Konzepte. Auerdem bieten wir Ihnen ein interessantes, lustiges und interaktives Lernerlebnis. Dies beschleunigt Ihre Fhigkeit, sofort mit einer Spanisch-Unterhaltung zu beginnen. Darber hinaus knnen Sie alles andere, was Sie lernen, schneller und einfacher aufnehmen.Unser speziell entwickeltes Spanisch-Lernprogramm ermglicht es Ihnen:Sofort anzufangen, Spanisch zu sprechen.Das Vokabular (>1000 Wrter) und die spanischen Konzepte intuitiv aufzunehmen.Stndig zu ben, was Sie lernen, und damit die neuen Konzepte und Vokabeln in Ihr Langzeitgedchtnis einzubinden.Endlich mit Spa zu lernen.Sich die Hilfsmittel zu holen, um Fragen und Ausdrcke in allen mglichen Alltagssituationen zu meistern.WIE FUNKTIONIERT UNSER KURS?Dieser Kurs enthlt Kapitel mit den folgenden Elementen:Ein animiertes Video mit 20 gesprochenen Stzen (inklusive Text und bersetzung) zu Alltagssituationen.Ein Vokabeltrainer, um Alles im Anschluss aktiv zu ben.Und ein Quiz, um zu testen, wie Sie sich geschlagen haben.Fr unseren Kurs bentigen Sie keinen Stift oder Papier, nur die Lust am Lernen! Sie werden nicht aufhren, Spanisch von Anfang bis Ende zu sprechen. Unsere Methode ist perfekt fr Anfnger oder diejenigen, die in der Vergangenheit ein wenig Spanisch gelernt haben und es wieder aufnehmen oder einfach nur ihre Fhigkeiten auffrischen wollen!WAS SAGEN ANDERE KURSTEILNEHMER?""Top Kurs! Besonders fr Anfnger, die nicht ewig mit trockener Grammatik kmpfen mchten, sondern direkt Sprechen lernen wollen, absolut zu empfehlen. Wegen des spielerischen Ansatzes auch sehr gut geeignet, Kinder zum lernen zu animieren. Danke dafr!"" - Daniel""Toller Kurs fr Anfnger!!! So macht lernen richtig Spa!"" - Steve""Super anschaulicher Kurs, habe in kurzer Zeit grundlegende Formulierungen gelernt, die man im Alltag wirklich brauchen kann. Die animierten Bilder haben mir beim Vokabeln lernen geholfen, und die Tonaufnahmen sorgen fr die richtige Aussprache und das Verstehenlernen der Sprache. Bin total begeistert!"" - Corina30 TAGE GELD-ZURCK-GARANTIEDenken Sie daran, dass alle Udemy-Kurse mit einer 30-tgigen Geld-zurck-Garantie angeboten werden.Melden Sie sich an und lernen Sie noch heute Spanisch!Wir sehen uns im Kurs!"
Price: 29.99

"Englisch Lernen Leicht Gemacht Mit Animierten Videos" |
"HABEN SIE AUCH DIE NASE VON GRAMMATIKREGELN UND SINNLOSEN LEHRBCHER VOLL?Unsere Schnell-Lernmethode mit Hilfe von animierten Videos bietet Ihnen alles, was Sie bentigen, um in krzester Zeit effektiv und unkompliziert sich auf Englisch berall auf der Welt zu unterhalten.Unser Kurs fhrt Sie spielerisch durch alle wichtigen Lebenssituationen. Hier ist einer bersicht aller Themen:Ins Restaurant gehenHobbies und FamilieMit dem Flugzeug reisenEinkaufen gehenAm MorgenIn ein Hotel gehenDen Haushalt machenAm StrandDie ZahlenDie FarbenTiereIn die Schule gehenObst und GemseAdjektiveZum Arzt gehenDas Wetter und die LnderFragen und AntwortenAusgehenEssen und GetrnkeHausrat und PrpositionenWIE FUNKTIONIERT UNSERE METHODE MIT ANIMIERTEN VIDEOS?Im Gegensatz zu anderen Anfngerkursen konzentrieren wir uns mehr auf alltgliche Stze und Ausdrcke, die Sie sofort anwenden knnen, und weniger auf grammatikalische Fachbegriffe und Konzepte. Auerdem bieten wir Ihnen ein interessantes, lustiges und interaktives Lernerlebnis. Dies beschleunigt Ihre Fhigkeit, sofort mit einer Englisch-Unterhaltung zu beginnen. Darber hinaus knnen Sie alles andere, was Sie lernen, schneller und einfacher aufnehmen.Unser speziell entwickeltes Englisch-Lernprogramm ermglicht es Ihnen:Sofort anzufangen, Englisch zu sprechen.Das Vokabular (mehr als 1000 Wrter) und die englischen Konzepte intuitiv aufzunehmen.Stndig zu ben, was Sie lernen, und damit die neuen Konzepte und Vokabeln in Ihr Langzeitgedchtnis einzubinden.Endlich mit Spa zu lernen.Sich die Hilfsmittel zu holen, um Fragen und Ausdrcke in allen mglichen Alltagssituationen zu meistern.WIE FUNKTIONIERT UNSER KURS?Dieser Kurs enthlt Kapitel mit den folgenden Elementen:Ein animiertes Video mit 20 gesprochenen Stzen (inklusive Text und bersetzung) zu Alltagssituationen.Ein Vokabeltrainer, um Alles im Anschluss aktiv zu ben.Und ein Quiz, um zu testen, wie Sie sich geschlagen haben.Fr unseren Kurs bentigen Sie keinen Stift oder Papier, nur die Lust am Lernen! Sie werden nicht aufhren, Englisch von Anfang bis Ende zu sprechen. Unsere Methode ist perfekt fr Anfnger oder diejenigen, die in der Vergangenheit ein wenig Englisch gelernt haben und es wieder aufnehmen oder einfach nur ihre Fhigkeiten auffrischen wollen!WAS SAGEN ANDERE KURSTEILNEHMER?""Ein sehr praktischer Ansatz zum Erlernen einer Sprache, der auf den alltglichen Situationen basiert, denen wir auf Reisen begegnen knnen. Ich werde diesen Kurs jedem empfehlen, der die Grundlagen der englischen Sprache ohne viel Grammatik lernen mchte!"" - Maria (Deutschland)30 TAGE GELD-ZURCK-GARANTIEDenken Sie daran, dass alle Udemy-Kurse mit einer 30-tgigen Geld-zurck-Garantie angeboten werden.Melden Sie sich an und lernen Sie noch heute Englisch!Wir sehen uns im Kurs!"
Price: 29.99

"Aprender Alemn Fcil Con Vdeos Animados" |
"CANSADO DE LAS REGLAS GRAMATICALES Y DE LOS LIBROS DE TEXTO SIN SENTIDO?Nuestro mtodo de aprendizaje rpido usando vdeos animados te da todo lo que necesitas para comunicarte efectivamente y fcilmente en alemn en cualquier parte del mundo en un abrir y cerrar de ojos.Nuestro curso te guiar a travs de todas las situaciones importantes de la vida de una manera divertida. Aqu hay una breve descripcin de todos los temas:Ir al restauranteHobbies y familiaViajar en avinIr de comprasPor la maanaIr a un hotelHacer las tareas domsticasEn la playaLos nmerosLos coloresAnimalesIr a la escuelaFrutas y verdurasAdjetivosIr al mdicoEl tiempo y los pasesPreguntas y respuestasSalirComida y bebidasCosas de casa y preposicionesCMO FUNCIONA NUESTRO MTODO CON LOS VDEOS ANIMADOS?A diferencia de otros cursos para principiantes, nos enfocamos ms en frases y expresiones cotidianas que puedas usar inmediatamente, y menos en trminos y conceptos gramaticales. Tambin te ofrecemos una experiencia de aprendizaje interesante, divertida e interactiva. Esto acelera tu capacidad de iniciar inmediatamente una conversacin en alemn. Adems, puedes recordar todo lo que aprendas de forma ms rpida y sencilla.Nuestro especial programa de aprendizaje de alemn te permite:Empezar a hablar alemn de inmediato.Aprender el vocabulario (>1000 palabras) y los conceptos de alemn de forma intuitiva.Practicar constantemente lo que ests aprendiendo e incorporar los nuevos conceptos y vocabulario en tu memoria a largo plazo.Por fin aprendiendo con diversin.Obtener las herramientas para dominar las preguntas y expresiones en todo tipo de situaciones cotidianas.CMO FUNCIONA NUESTRO CURSO?Este curso incluye una serie de captulos con los siguientes elementos:Un vdeo animado con 20 frases habladas (incluyendo texto y traduccin) sobre situaciones cotidianas.Una aplicacin para practicar activamente el vocabulario.Un examen para comprobar cmo lo hiciste.No necesitas ni bolgrafo ni papel para nuestro curso, slo el deseo de aprender. No dejars de hablar alemn de principio a fin. Nuestro mtodo es perfecto para principiantes o para aquellos que han aprendido un poco de alemn en el pasado y quieren retomarlo o simplemente refrescar sus habilidades.QU DICEN LOS OTROS ESTUDIANTES?""Es un curso dinmico y fcil de utilizar con el que puedes aprender un idioma de cero o mejorar tu nivel. Lo recomiendo al 100%."" - Andrea""Se aprende muy rpido y es sper divertido...me encant"" - YaizaGARANTA DE DEVOLUCIN DE DINERO DE 30 DASRecuerda que todos los cursos de Udemy ofrecen una garanta de devolucin del dinero de 30 das.Inscrbete y aprende alemn hoy mismo!Nos vemos en el curso."
Price: 29.99

"Aprender Ingls Fcil Con Vdeos Animados" |
"CANSADO DE LAS REGLAS GRAMATICALES Y DE LOS LIBROS DE TEXTO SIN SENTIDO?Nuestro mtodo de aprendizaje rpido usando vdeos animados te da todo lo que necesitas para comunicarte efectivamente y fcilmente en ingls en cualquier parte del mundo en un abrir y cerrar de ojos.Nuestro curso te guiar a travs de todas las situaciones importantes de la vida de una manera divertida. Aqu hay una breve descripcin de todos los temas:Ir al restauranteHobbies y familiaViajar en avinIr de comprasPor la maanaIr a un hotelHacer las tareas domsticasEn la playaLos nmerosLos coloresAnimalesIr a la escuelaFrutas y verdurasAdjetivosIr al mdicoEl tiempo y los pasesPreguntas y respuestasSalirComida y bebidasCosas de casa y preposicionesCMO FUNCIONA NUESTRO MTODO CON LOS VDEOS ANIMADOS?A diferencia de otros cursos para principiantes, nos enfocamos ms en frases y expresiones cotidianas que puedas usar inmediatamente, y menos en trminos y conceptos gramaticales. Tambin te ofrecemos una experiencia de aprendizaje interesante, divertida e interactiva. Esto acelera tu capacidad de iniciar inmediatamente una conversacin en ingls. Adems, puedes recordar todo lo que aprendas de forma ms rpida y sencilla.Nuestro especial programa de aprendizaje de ingls te permite:Empezar a hablar ingls de inmediato.Aprender el vocabulario (>1000 palabras) y los conceptos de ingls de forma intuitiva.Practicar constantemente lo que ests aprendiendo e incorporar los nuevos conceptos y vocabulario en tu memoria a largo plazo.Por fin aprendiendo con diversin.Obtener las herramientas para dominar las preguntas y expresiones en todo tipo de situaciones cotidianas.CMO FUNCIONA NUESTRO CURSO?Este curso incluye una serie de captulos con los siguientes elementos:Un vdeo animado con 20 frases habladas (incluyendo texto y traduccin) sobre situaciones cotidianas.Una aplicacin para practicar activamente el vocabulario.Un examen para comprobar cmo lo hiciste.No necesitas ni bolgrafo ni papel para nuestro curso, slo el deseo de aprender. No dejars de hablar ingls de principio a fin. Nuestro mtodo es perfecto para principiantes o para aquellos que han aprendido un poco de ingls en el pasado y quieren retomarlo o simplemente refrescar sus habilidades.QU DICEN LOS OTROS ESTUDIANTES?Como este curso es nuevo, an no hay informacin. Pero tal vez seas el primero en darnos tu opinin. Y por favor, no olvides que todo lo hacemos con pasin y dedicacin. Y cada comentario positivo nos ayuda a crecer y nos anima a seguir trabajando duro. Muchsimas gracias!GARANTA DE DEVOLUCIN DE DINERO DE 30 DASRecuerda que todos los cursos de Udemy ofrecen una garanta de devolucin del dinero de 30 das.Inscrbete y aprende ingls hoy mismo!Nos vemos en el curso."
Price: 29.99

"Learn German Easily With Animated Videos" |
"TIRED OF GRAMMAR RULES AND POINTLESS TEXTBOOKS?Our fast learning method using animated videos gives you the tools you need to communicate effectively and naturally with German speakers anywhere in the world in the fastest time possible.Our course will be mostly spoken in German and will guide you through all important life situations in a playful way. Here is an overview of all topics:Going to the restaurantHobbies and familyTravelling by planeGoing shoppingIn the morningGoing to a hotelDoing the choresAt the beachNumbersColoursAnimalsGoing to schoolFruits and vegetablesAdjectivesGoing to the doctorThe weather and countriesQuestions and answersGoing outFood and drinksAt home and prepositionsHOW DOES OUR METHOD WITH ANIMATED VIDEOS WORK?Unlike other beginner courses for German, we focus more on everyday phrases and sentences that you can start using immediately and less on grammar lingo and concepts combined with an interesting, fun, and interactive experience. This accelerates your ability to start conversing in German instantly and equips you to absorb everything else you learn more quickly and easily.Our specially designed German learning program allows you to:Start speaking German right away.Absorb the vocabulary (more than 1000 words) and German concepts intuitively.Constantly practice what you learn, committing new concepts and vocabulary to your long-term memory.Have fun while learning.Get the tools to ask questions confidently and form phrases in all sorts of day-to-day situations.HOW DOES OUR COURSE WORK?This course contains chapters with the following elements:An animated video with 20 spoken sentences (including text and translation) on everyday situations.A vocabulary trainer to actively practice everything afterwards.And a quiz to test how you did.WHAT ARE OTHER STUDENTS SAYING?""A very practical approach to learning a language based on the everyday situations we can encounter while travelling. I will recommend this course to any person that wants to learn the basics of the German language without any grammar!"" - Raul (USA)30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEERemember, all Udemy courses come with a 30-day money back guarantee.Sign up and learn German today!See you inside the course!"
Price: 29.99

"Learn Spanish Easily With Animated Videos" |
"TIRED OF GRAMMAR RULES AND POINTLESS TEXTBOOKS?Our fast learning method using animated videos gives you the tools you need to communicate effectively and naturally with Spanish speakers anywhere in the world in the fastest time possible.Our course will be mostly spoken in Spanish and will guide you through all important life situations in a playful way. Here is an overview of all topics:Going to the restaurantHobbies and familyTravelling by planeGoing shoppingIn the morningGoing to a hotelDoing the choresAt the beachNumbersColoursAnimalsGoing to schoolFruits and vegetablesAdjectivesGoing to the doctorThe weather and countriesQuestions and answersGoing outFood and drinksAt home and prepositionsHOW DOES OUR METHOD WITH ANIMATED VIDEOS WORK?Unlike other beginner courses for Spanish, we focus more on everyday phrases and sentences that you can start using immediately and less on grammar lingo and concepts combined with an interesting, fun, and interactive experience. This accelerates your ability to start conversing in Spanish instantly and equips you to absorb everything else you learn more quickly and easily.Our specially designed Spanish learning program allows you to:Start speaking Spanish right away.Absorb the vocabulary (more than 1000 words) and Spanish concepts intuitively.Constantly practice what you learn, committing new concepts and vocabulary to your long-term memory.Have fun while learning.Get the tools to ask questions confidently and form phrases in all sorts of day-to-day situations.HOW DOES OUR COURSE WORK?This course contains chapters with the following elements:An animated video with 20 spoken sentences (including text and translation) on everyday situations.A vocabulary trainer to actively practice everything afterwards.And a quiz to test how you did.WHAT ARE OTHER STUDENTS SAYING?""A very practical approach to learning a language based on the everyday situations we can encounter while travelling. I will recommend this course to any person that wants to learn the basics of the Spanish language without any grammar!"" - Raul (USA)30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEERemember, all Udemy courses come with a 30-day money back guarantee.Sign up and learn Spanish today!See you inside the course!"
Price: 29.99

"Franzsisch Lernen Leicht Gemacht Mit Animierten Videos" |
"HABEN SIE AUCH DIE NASE VON GRAMMATIKREGELN UND SINNLOSEN LEHRBCHER VOLL?Unsere Schnell-Lernmethode mit Hilfe von animierten Videos bietet Ihnen alles, was Sie bentigen, um in krzester Zeit effektiv und unkompliziert sich auf Franzsisch berall auf der Welt zu unterhalten.Unser Kurs fhrt Sie spielerisch durch alle wichtigen Lebenssituationen. Hier ist einer bersicht aller Themen:Ins Restaurant gehenHobbies und FamilieMit dem Flugzeug reisenEinkaufen gehenAm MorgenIn ein Hotel gehenDen Haushalt machenAm StrandDie ZahlenDie FarbenTiereIn die Schule gehenObst und GemseAdjektiveZum Arzt gehenDas Wetter und die LnderFragen und AntwortenAusgehenEssen und GetrnkeHausrat und PrpositionenWIE FUNKTIONIERT UNSERE METHODE MIT ANIMIERTEN VIDEOS?Im Gegensatz zu anderen Anfngerkursen konzentrieren wir uns mehr auf alltgliche Stze und Ausdrcke, die Sie sofort anwenden knnen, und weniger auf grammatikalische Fachbegriffe und Konzepte. Auerdem bieten wir Ihnen ein interessantes, lustiges und interaktives Lernerlebnis. Dies beschleunigt Ihre Fhigkeit, sofort mit einer Franzsisch-Unterhaltung zu beginnen. Darber hinaus knnen Sie alles andere, was Sie lernen, schneller und einfacher aufnehmen.Unser speziell entwickeltes Franzsisch-Lernprogramm ermglicht es Ihnen:Sofort anzufangen, Franzsisch zu sprechen.Das Vokabular (mehr als 1000 Wrter) und die franzsischen Konzepte intuitiv aufzunehmen.Stndig zu ben, was Sie lernen, und damit die neuen Konzepte und Vokabeln in Ihr Langzeitgedchtnis einzubinden.Endlich mit Spa zu lernen.Sich die Hilfsmittel zu holen, um Fragen und Ausdrcke in allen mglichen Alltagssituationen zu meistern.WIE FUNKTIONIERT UNSER KURS?Dieser Kurs enthlt Kapitel mit den folgenden Elementen:Ein animiertes Video mit 20 gesprochenen Stzen (inklusive Text und bersetzung) zu Alltagssituationen.Ein Vokabeltrainer, um Alles im Anschluss aktiv zu ben.Und ein Quiz, um zu testen, wie Sie sich geschlagen haben.Fr unseren Kurs bentigen Sie keinen Stift oder Papier, nur die Lust am Lernen! Sie werden nicht aufhren, Franzsisch von Anfang bis Ende zu sprechen. Unsere Methode ist perfekt fr Anfnger oder diejenigen, die in der Vergangenheit ein wenig Franzsisch gelernt haben und es wieder aufnehmen oder einfach nur ihre Fhigkeiten auffrischen wollen!WAS SAGEN ANDERE KURSTEILNEHMER?""Ein sehr praktischer Ansatz zum Erlernen einer Sprache, der auf den alltglichen Situationen basiert, denen wir auf Reisen begegnen knnen. Ich werde diesen Kurs jedem empfehlen, der die Grundlagen der franzsischen Sprache ohne viel Grammatik lernen mchte!"" - Maria (Deutschland)30 TAGE GELD-ZURCK-GARANTIEDenken Sie daran, dass alle Udemy-Kurse mit einer 30-tgigen Geld-zurck-Garantie angeboten werden.Melden Sie sich an und lernen Sie noch heute Franzsisch!Wir sehen uns im Kurs!"
Price: 29.99

"Aprender Francs Fcil Con Vdeos Animados" |
"CANSADO DE LAS REGLAS GRAMATICALES Y DE LOS LIBROS DE TEXTO SIN SENTIDO?Nuestro mtodo de aprendizaje rpido usando vdeos animados te da todo lo que necesitas para comunicarte efectivamente y fcilmente en francs en cualquier parte del mundo en un abrir y cerrar de ojos.Nuestro curso te guiar a travs de todas las situaciones importantes de la vida de una manera divertida. Aqu hay una breve descripcin de todos los temas:Ir al restauranteHobbies y familiaViajar en avinIr de comprasPor la maanaIr a un hotelHacer las tareas domsticasEn la playaLos nmerosLos coloresAnimalesIr a la escuelaFrutas y verdurasAdjetivosIr al mdicoEl tiempo y los pasesPreguntas y respuestasSalirComida y bebidasCosas de casa y preposicionesCMO FUNCIONA NUESTRO MTODO CON LOS VDEOS ANIMADOS?A diferencia de otros cursos para principiantes, nos enfocamos ms en frases y expresiones cotidianas que puedas usar inmediatamente, y menos en trminos y conceptos gramaticales. Tambin te ofrecemos una experiencia de aprendizaje interesante, divertida e interactiva. Esto acelera tu capacidad de iniciar inmediatamente una conversacin en francs. Adems, puedes recordar todo lo que aprendas de forma ms rpida y sencilla.Nuestro especial programa de aprendizaje de francs te permite:Empezar a hablar francs de inmediato.Aprender el vocabulario (>1000 palabras) y los conceptos de ingls de forma intuitiva.Practicar constantemente lo que ests aprendiendo e incorporar los nuevos conceptos y vocabulario en tu memoria a largo plazo.Por fin aprendiendo con diversin.Obtener las herramientas para dominar las preguntas y expresiones en todo tipo de situaciones cotidianas.CMO FUNCIONA NUESTRO CURSO?Este curso incluye una serie de captulos con los siguientes elementos:Un vdeo animado con 20 frases habladas (incluyendo texto y traduccin) sobre situaciones cotidianas.Una aplicacin para practicar activamente el vocabulario.Un examen para comprobar cmo lo hiciste.No necesitas ni bolgrafo ni papel para nuestro curso, slo el deseo de aprender. No dejars de hablar francs de principio a fin. Nuestro mtodo es perfecto para principiantes o para aquellos que han aprendido un poco de francs en el pasado y quieren retomarlo o simplemente refrescar sus habilidades.QU DICEN LOS OTROS ESTUDIANTES?Como este curso es nuevo, an no hay informacin. Pero tal vez seas el primero en darnos tu opinin. Y por favor, no olvides que todo lo hacemos con pasin y dedicacin. Y cada comentario positivo nos ayuda a crecer y nos anima a seguir trabajando duro. Muchsimas gracias!GARANTA DE DEVOLUCIN DE DINERO DE 30 DASRecuerda que todos los cursos de Udemy ofrecen una garanta de devolucin del dinero de 30 das.Inscrbete y aprende francs hoy mismo!Nos vemos en el curso."
Price: 29.99

"Learn French Easily With Animated Videos" |
"TIRED OF GRAMMAR RULES AND POINTLESS TEXTBOOKS?Our fast learning method using animated videos gives you the tools you need to communicate effectively and naturally with French speakers anywhere in the world in the fastest time possible.Our course will be mostly spoken in French and will guide you through all important life situations in a playful way. Here is an overview of all topics:Going to the restaurantHobbies and familyTravelling by planeGoing shoppingIn the morningGoing to a hotelDoing the choresAt the beachNumbersColoursAnimalsGoing to schoolFruits and vegetablesAdjectivesGoing to the doctorThe weather and countriesQuestions and answersGoing outFood and drinksAt home and prepositionsHOW DOES OUR METHOD WITH ANIMATED VIDEOS WORK?Unlike other beginner courses for French, we focus more on everyday phrases and sentences that you can start using immediately and less on grammar lingo and concepts combined with an interesting, fun, and interactive experience. This accelerates your ability to start conversing in French instantly and equips you to absorb everything else you learn more quickly and easily.Our specially designed French learning program allows you to:Start speaking French right away.Absorb the vocabulary (more than 1000 words) and French concepts intuitively.Constantly practice what you learn, committing new concepts and vocabulary to your long-term memory.Have fun while learning.Get the tools to ask questions confidently and form phrases in all sorts of day-to-day situations.HOW DOES OUR COURSE WORK?This course contains chapters with the following elements:An animated video with 20 spoken sentences (including text and translation) on everyday situations.A vocabulary trainer to actively practice everything afterwards.And a quiz to test how you did.WHAT ARE OTHER STUDENTS SAYING?""A very practical approach to learning a language based on the everyday situations we can encounter while travelling. I will recommend this course to any person that wants to learn the basics of the French language without any grammar!"" - Raul (USA)30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEERemember, all Udemy courses come with a 30-day money back guarantee.Sign up and learn French today!See you inside the course!"
Price: 29.99

"Apprendre LAllemand Facilement Avec des Vidos Animes" |
"Notre mthode d'apprentissage rapide avec des vidos animes vous donne les outils dont vous avez besoin pour communiquer efficacement et naturellement avec les personnes parlant allemand partout dans le monde dans les meilleurs dlais.Notre cours sera principalement parl en allemand et vous guidera travers toutes les situations de vie importantes de manire ludique. Voici un aperu de tous les sujets :Aller au restaurantHobbies et familleVoyager en avionFaire les coursesLe matinAller lhtelFaire les corves la plageLes nombresLes couleursAnimauxAller lcoleFruits et lgumesAdjectifsAller chez le mdecinLa mto et les paysQuestions et rponsesSortirNourriture et boissons la maison et prpositionsCOMMENT FONCTIONNE NOTRE MTHODE AVEC LES VIDOS ANIMES ?Contrairement d'autres cours d'allemand pour dbutants, nous nous concentrons davantage sur les phrases de tous les jours que vous pouvez commencer utiliser immdiatement, et moins sur le jargon et les concepts de grammaire, le tout combin dans une exprience intressante, amusante et interactive. Cela vous permet de commencer commencer converser en allemand instantanment et vous permet d'absorber tout le reste plus rapidement et plus facilement.Notre programme d'apprentissage de l'allemand conu sur mesure vous permet de :Commencer parler allemand tout de suite.Absorber intuitivement le vocabulaire (plus de 1.000 mots) et les concepts allemands.Pratiquer constamment ce que vous apprenez, en insrant de nouveaux concepts et du vocabulaire dans votre mmoire long terme.Vous amuser en apprenant.Obtenir les outils ncessaires pour poser des questions en toute confiance et former des phrases dans toutes sortes de situations quotidiennes.COMMENT FONCTIONNE NOTRE COURS ?Ce cours contient des chapitres avec les lments suivants :Une vido anime avec 20 phrases parles (texte et traduction compris) sur des situations quotidiennes.Un exercice de vocabulaire pour pratiquer activement par la suite.Et un quiz pour vous tester.QUE DISENT LES AUTRES TUDIANTS ?Comme ce cours est nouveau, il n'y a pas encore d'informations. Vous pouvez tre le premier nous faire part de vos commentaires. N'oubliez pas que nous faisons tout avec passion et dvouement. Chaque commentaire positif nous aide grandir et nous encourage continuer travailler dur. Merci beaucoup !GARANTIE DE REMBOURSEMENT DE 30 JOURSN'oubliez pas que tous les cours Udemy sont livrs avec une garantie de remboursement de 30 jours.Inscrivez-vous et apprenez l'allemand ds aujourd'hui ! tout de suite pour le cours !"
Price: 29.99

"Apprendre LAnglais Facilement Avec des Vidos Animes" |
"Notre mthode d'apprentissage rapide avec des vidos animes vous donne les outils dont vous avez besoin pour communiquer efficacement et naturellement avec les personnes parlant anglais partout dans le monde dans les meilleurs dlais.Notre cours sera principalement parl en anglais et vous guidera travers toutes les situations de vie importantes de manire ludique. Voici un aperu de tous les sujets :Aller au restaurantHobbies et familleVoyager en avionFaire les coursesLe matinAller lhtelFaire les corves la plageLes nombresLes couleursAnimauxAller lcoleFruits et lgumesAdjectifsAller chez le mdecinLa mto et les paysQuestions et rponsesSortirNourriture et boissons la maison et prpositionsCOMMENT FONCTIONNE NOTRE MTHODE AVEC LES VIDOS ANIMES ?Contrairement d'autres cours d'anglais pour dbutants, nous nous concentrons davantage sur les phrases de tous les jours que vous pouvez commencer utiliser immdiatement, et moins sur le jargon et les concepts de grammaire, le tout combin dans une exprience intressante, amusante et interactive. Cela vous permet de commencer commencer converser en anglais instantanment et vous permet d'absorber tout le reste plus rapidement et plus facilement.Notre programme d'apprentissage de l'anglais conu sur mesure vous permet de :Commencer parler anglais tout de suite.Absorber intuitivement le vocabulaire (plus de 1.000 mots) et les concepts anglaises.Pratiquer constamment ce que vous apprenez, en insrant de nouveaux concepts et du vocabulaire dans votre mmoire long terme.Vous amuser en apprenant.Obtenir les outils ncessaires pour poser des questions en toute confiance et former des phrases dans toutes sortes de situations quotidiennes.COMMENT FONCTIONNE NOTRE COURS ?Ce cours contient des chapitres avec les lments suivants :Une vido anime avec 20 phrases parles (texte et traduction compris) sur des situations quotidiennes.Un exercice de vocabulaire pour pratiquer activement par la suite.Et un quiz pour vous tester.QUE DISENT LES AUTRES TUDIANTS ?Comme ce cours est nouveau, il n'y a pas encore d'informations. Vous pouvez tre le premier nous faire part de vos commentaires. N'oubliez pas que nous faisons tout avec passion et dvouement. Chaque commentaire positif nous aide grandir et nous encourage continuer travailler dur. Merci beaucoup !GARANTIE DE REMBOURSEMENT DE 30 JOURSN'oubliez pas que tous les cours Udemy sont livrs avec une garantie de remboursement de 30 jours.Inscrivez-vous et apprenez l'anglais ds aujourd'hui ! tout de suite pour le cours !"
Price: 29.99

"Apprendre LEspagnol Facilement Avec des Vidos Animes" |
"Notre mthode d'apprentissage rapide avec des vidos animes vous donne les outils dont vous avez besoin pour communiquer efficacement et naturellement avec les personnes parlant espagnol partout dans le monde dans les meilleurs dlais.Notre cours sera principalement parl en espagnol et vous guidera travers toutes les situations de vie importantes de manire ludique. Voici un aperu de tous les sujets :Aller au restaurantHobbies et familleVoyager en avionFaire les coursesLe matinAller lhtelFaire les corves la plageLes nombresLes couleursAnimauxAller lcoleFruits et lgumesAdjectifsAller chez le mdecinLa mto et les paysQuestions et rponsesSortirNourriture et boissons la maison et prpositionsCOMMENT FONCTIONNE NOTRE MTHODE AVEC LES VIDOS ANIMES ?Contrairement d'autres cours d'espagnol pour dbutants, nous nous concentrons davantage sur les phrases de tous les jours que vous pouvez commencer utiliser immdiatement, et moins sur le jargon et les concepts de grammaire, le tout combin dans une exprience intressante, amusante et interactive. Cela vous permet de commencer commencer converser en espagnol instantanment et vous permet d'absorber tout le reste plus rapidement et plus facilement.Notre programme d'apprentissage de l'espagnol conu sur mesure vous permet de :Commencer parler espagnol tout de suite.Absorber intuitivement le vocabulaire (plus de 1.000 mots) et les concepts espagnols.Pratiquer constamment ce que vous apprenez, en insrant de nouveaux concepts et du vocabulaire dans votre mmoire long terme.Vous amuser en apprenant.Obtenir les outils ncessaires pour poser des questions en toute confiance et former des phrases dans toutes sortes de situations quotidiennes.COMMENT FONCTIONNE NOTRE COURS ?Ce cours contient des chapitres avec les lments suivants :Une vido anime avec 20 phrases parles (texte et traduction compris) sur des situations quotidiennes.Un exercice de vocabulaire pour pratiquer activement par la suite.Et un quiz pour vous tester.QUE DISENT LES AUTRES TUDIANTS ?Comme ce cours est nouveau, il n'y a pas encore d'informations. Vous pouvez tre le premier nous faire part de vos commentaires. N'oubliez pas que nous faisons tout avec passion et dvouement. Chaque commentaire positif nous aide grandir et nous encourage continuer travailler dur. Merci beaucoup !GARANTIE DE REMBOURSEMENT DE 30 JOURSN'oubliez pas que tous les cours Udemy sont livrs avec une garantie de remboursement de 30 jours.Inscrivez-vous et apprenez l'espagnol ds aujourd'hui ! tout de suite pour le cours !"
Price: 29.99

"Scratch ile Herkes in Temel Kodlama" |
"Eitimin AmacBu eitim kodlamaya ilk kez balayacaklar, bilgisayar programlamann temel kavramlar vekodlama konularnda balang seviyesinde bilgi ve deneyim sahibi yapmak, Arduino,Processing, AppInventor, gibi daha ileri seviye programlama ortamlarna, oyun kodlama verobotik kodlama eitimlerine devam etmek iin gereken temel bilgi ve deneyimi kazandrmayamalamaktadr.Eitim eriiEitim ierii kodlamaya ilk kez balayacaklar iin hazrlanmtr.Kodlama ortam olarakkullanlan Scratch programnn anlatmnn ardndan, temel kodlama yaplar olan algoritma,deikenler, dngsel / tekrarl yaplar, karar verme yaplar, listeler ve etkileim konularrneklerle detayl olarak incelenmektedir.Blm 1: Temel SeviyeScratch Arayzne GiriHareket BloklarGrnm BloklarSes BloklarOlay BloklarKontrol BloklarAlglama BloklarOperatr BloklarDeikenlerListe BloklarKoordinat SistemiKendi Blounu OluturmaKostm, Dekor ve SesBlm 2: Kodlama rnekleriRastgelelik ve HareketRastgelelik ve Karar verme YaplarKlavye ile Etkileim ve HareketKlavye ile Etkileim ve SesDeikenlerListe Yaplarndan Veri OkumaListe Yaplarna Veri EklemeBalon Patlatma OyunuKlavye Etkileimi ve AnimasyonKazanmlarBu eitimleri baar ile tamamlayanlar, bilgisayar programlama yaplar hakknda temel bilgi vedeneyim sahibi olur. Arduino, Processing ve AppInventor gibi daha ileri seviye programlamaortamlarna, oyun kodlama ve robotik kodlama eitimlerine devam etmek iin gereken temelbilgi ve tecrbeyi kazanr.Eitim SreciEitimler toplam 180 dakikalk 23 adet videodan olumaktadr ve 24 saatlik rgn (snf ii)eitim mfredatn kapsamaktadr."
Price: 89.99
