"California Consumer Privacy Act" |
"In June of 2018, California enacted the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Since then there has been a lot of confusion regarding the application of the CCPA. The goal for this course is to remove the mystery behind the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and explain the law in a simplified fashion. CCPA has been hailed the U.S. version of the EUGeneral Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), this course draws some parallels and provides some background on the events leading up to the enactment of the CCPA. Additionally, in this course we will walk through building a CCPA compliance program. This course can be taken by anyone with any level of privacy knowledge or experience."
Price: 29.99

"Urban Self-Defense Fighting Method by Hondo" |
"USFM is where the wisdom of ancient martial arts meets the demands of the modern era to create a system of fighting perfectly suited for the busy lives of ordinary people like you and me. Drawing upon concepts from martial classics like ""The Book of Five Rings"" by Miyomoto Musashi and ""The Art of War""by Sun Tzu, USFMallows anyone, regardless of their experience level to gain combat skills that are effective in any environment."
Price: 99.99

"Meditation and Visualization for Martial Arts" |
"This course is designed to give you a solid foundation and understanding of meditation and visualization techniques in relation to martial training and practice. Through this course you'll learn how to train your mind to focus and control stray and distracting thoughts, as well as how to apply visualization techniques to get the most out of your training. The goal of this series is to impart to you the secrets of how to use your mind to develop and control your natural power to become a virtually unstoppable force."
Price: 29.99

"Test Your Knowledge : Business Analysis - CBAP Module 1" |
"The following course contains two separate sets of practice tests. Each test contains a set of 45 questions which are required to be completed within a time of 79 minutes.All the questions in these tests are pertaining to the material contained in the Chapter 3 of the BABOK V3 guide for CBAP aspirants. Therefore it is recommended that you take these only after a thorough reading and internalization of the said chapter in the BABOK V3 guide.The questions are of the multiple choice, single answer types and are embedded with direct questions, scenario type questions and case study type questions. There is only one correct answer for each question.For the case study type questions, the questions are available at the end of the case study text.A score of 90 percent is required to consider one's proficiency as a master of this chapter.Note : - The actual CBAP Level 3 certification examination may contain around 16 or 17 questions from this chapter 3 (Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring). Here is an opportunity to evaluate your knowledge with 5 times that number of questions, so that you may be prepared to respond effectively and accurately on the actual certification examination."
Price: 19.99

"Test Your Knowledge : Business Analysis - CBAP Module 2" |
"The following course contains two separate sets of practice tests. The tests contains a set of 45 and 40 questions which are required to be completed within a time of 79 and 70 minutes respectivelyAll the questions in these tests are pertaining to the material contained in the Chapter 4 of the BABOK V3 guide for CBAP aspirants. Therefore it is recommended that you take these only after a thorough reading and internalization of the said chapter in the BABOK V3 guide.The questions are of the multiple choice, single answer types and are embedded with direct questions, and scenario type questions. There is only one correct answer for each question.A score of 90 percent is required to consider one's proficiency as a master of this chapter.Note : - The actual CBAP Level 3 certification examination may contain around 18 questions from this chapter 4 (Elicitation and Collaboration). Here is an opportunity to evaluate your knowledge with 4 times that number of questions, so that you may be prepared to respond effectively and accurately on the actual certification examination."
Price: 19.99

"Apache cordova: De cero a la tienda / Phonegap" |
"Este curso prentende llevar el conocimiento a personas que se encuentren iniciando en esta tecnologa mvil, se ensear a como preparar la computadora para la creacin de aplicaciones hbridas, ayuda a comprender la estructura bsica de un proyecto cordova y finaliza el aprendizaje lanzanzando la aplicacion en la tienda de apps para que se ofrezca al mundo."
Price: 24.99

cpa |
"CPA CPA cpa cpa 500"
Price: 24.99

"CompTIA Network+ Exam N10-007 - Practice Q&A - Update 2020" |
"Are you planning to take the CompTIA Network+ N10-007 Exam, but still not fully prepared yet? Have you heard about the horror stories of people failing after weeks of strenuous studying? Don't let this be you! We have the perfect SOLUTION! Gain superior confidence Pass with high scores Overcome testing anxiety Get the job of your dreams Reduce stressWe provide 6 Benefits Why You Need This Bundle: 110% GUARANTEE PASSING FROM THE FIRST TIME! THE SHORTEST TIME TO PASS THE EXAMS LAST UPDATED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS BEST PRICE IN THE INTERNET EVER! FUTURE UPDATES MOST COMPLETE SETS ON THE UDEMY PLATFORM!Our quality Certification Exam preparation study material provides you the opportunity with great confidence to pass your certification exam in first attempt. Our materials provide you: Complete coverage of the real certification exams. Everything has been verified by our professional certified partners who know everything you need to pass the exam. That is the main reason why we do not provide explanations in our practice tests. We are not like other competitors here. We provide only last updated materials to guarantee you that you will pass the exam."
Price: 49.99

"CompTIA Server+ Exam SK0-004 - Practice Q&A - Update 2020" |
"Are you planning to take the CompTIA Server+ SK0-004 Exam, but still not fully prepared yet? Have you heard about the horror stories of people failing after weeks of strenuous studying? Don't let this be you! We have the perfect SOLUTION! Gain superior confidence Pass with high scores Overcome testing anxiety Get the job of your dreams Reduce stressWe provide 6 Benefits Why You Need This Bundle: 110% GUARANTEE PASSING FROM THE FIRST TIME! THE SHORTEST TIME TO PASS THE EXAMS LAST UPDATED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS BEST PRICE IN THE INTERNET EVER! FUTURE UPDATES MOST COMPLETE SETS ON THE UDEMY PLATFORM!Our quality Certification Exam preparation study material provides you the opportunity with great confidence to pass your certification exam in first attempt. Our materials provide you: Complete coverage of the real certification exams. Everything has been verified by our professional certified partners who know everything you need to pass the exam. That is the main reason why we do not provide explanations in our practice tests. We are not like other competitors here. We provide only last updated materials to guarantee you that you will pass the exam."
Price: 49.99

"CompTIA A+ Exam 220-1001 - Practice Q&A - Update 2020" |
"Are you planning to take the CompTIA A+ 220-1001 Exam, but still not fully prepared yet? Have you heard about the horror stories of people failing after weeks of strenuous studying? Don't let this be you! We have the perfect SOLUTION! Gain superior confidence Pass with high scores Overcome testing anxiety Get the job of your dreams Reduce stressWe provide 6 Benefits Why You Need This Bundle: 110% GUARANTEE PASSING FROM THE FIRST TIME! THE SHORTEST TIME TO PASS THE EXAMS LAST UPDATED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS BEST PRICE IN THE INTERNET EVER! FUTURE UPDATES MOST COMPLETE SETS ON THE UDEMY PLATFORM!Our quality Certification Exam preparation study material provides you the opportunity with great confidence to pass your certification exam in first attempt. Our materials provide you: Complete coverage of the real certification exams. Everything has been verified by our professional certified partners who know everything you need to pass the exam. That is the main reason why we do not provide explanations in our practice tests. We are not like other competitors here. We provide only last updated materials to guarantee you that you will pass the exam."
Price: 49.99

"English for Beginners" |
"This course will teach you all the fundamental tools you need to become fluent in all aspects of the English language. We will go through different stages for example use of verbs, pronunciation, grammar correction, essay writing, quiz. Furthermore these different areas will be taught in a way that easily helps you retain the information without feeling discouraged."
Price: 19.99

"Criar temas para Wordpress e Joomla com Artisteer" |
"De maneira intuitiva e facilitada voc ir criar temas para Wordpress, Joomla, Blogger e vrios outros CMS. Sem conhecimento em qualquer outro software de criao, no Artisteer temos uma interface completa para criao de sites responsivos e modernos com muita rapidez e tranquilidade.Criemodelos joomla, drupal, wordpress, skins DNN e modelos de blogger em minutos, sem Photoshop ou Dreamweaver, e sem habilidades tcnicas."
Price: 19.99

"SketchUp para casemod" |
"Curso voltados para aqueles que desejam obter conhecimento em modelagem 3D e que ao mesmo tempo pretendem trabalhar com criao e personalizao de gabinetes para pcs. No curso abordado noes bsicas de 3D, medidas e a criao de um gabinete personalizado do zero at a finalizao das cores e estampas."
Price: 19.99

"Iniciantes em CorelDraw" |
"Conceitos bsico e intermedirios em desenho vetorial bidimensional para design grfico, bem como criao de banners, cartazes e todo material de publicidade. Curso ideal para iniciantes que desejam entrar para esse mundo de possibilidades que o CorelDRAW proporciona.Durante o curso sero usadas as duas ltimas verses do Corel, 2018 e 2019 para proporcionar ao aluno um aprendizado com as ferramentas mais recentes do Corel."
Price: 19.99

"Reviso rpida Photoshop cc 2019" |
"Remoo de manchas e espinhas, trocar cor do cabelo, remover fundo da imagem, fontes, cores, e traados de texto, cor dos olhos, pele e maquiagem, criao de banner e gif's. Ideal para quem est comeando ou que esteja prximo de uma avaliao prtica no photoshop. Uma abordagem rpida das principais funes trabalhadas na verso 2019 desse fantstico programa."
Price: 19.99

"Fully Accredited: How to Unblock and Balance the 7 Chakras" |
"This course is fully accredited by CTAA (Complementary Therapists Accredited Association) and provides a very user-friendly introduction tohow your Chakras affect your physical and emotional wellbeing, and what you can do about it - especially in midlife! With the natural progression of age, we accumulate more and more issues that cause our chakras (our bodys energy centers) to become unbalanced and blocked, playing havoc with our quality of life. This course delivers a clear understanding of the signs and symptoms of functioning and malfunctioning chakras, as well as the potential health and emotional issues that ensue. The course clearly reveals in what areas we need the most help, and provides easy-to-implement healing and balancing techniques, including: affirmations, yogic poses, crystals, essential oils and nutrition. Upon completion of this course, the student will receive a Personalized Certificate, and have all the basic tools to balance, unblock and heal with the 7 major chakras to enjoy a revitalized lease on life."
Price: 89.99

"Natural Solutions To Overcome Anxiety!" |
"You're suffering from social anxiety, panic attacks, chronic fatigue, excessive worrying, irritability, trouble falling, lack of self esteem, being afraid of everything? You're in the right place, because here we bust the myth of anxiety and we show you how to overcome it naturally and quickly, without any help from a therapist or psychiatrist.The PresentWay really is an amazing method and can be applied to all problematic Anxiety Symptoms. Anyone can use our methods, even a therapist or a common person, because they're explained in a way which is easy to understand and apply. First of all you have to understand what anxiety is, how you created it and how it is manifested. Then you will understand what you're not allowed to do when you experience anxiety symptoms, because that's how you sustain your anxiety without even knowing. You will know why your anxiety doesn't show up on Neurology, Cardiology, Blood tests and Brain Scans. You will know why your anxiety can't be treated medically. And most importantly, this course will teach you independently of your culture and education, the necessary solutions to overcome quickly and naturally this mental noise called anxiety! Our course includes:How to easily overcomeSocial Anxiety Anxiety Symptoms Panic attacks Fatigue Excessive Worrying Irritability Trouble Falling Fear of everything Conviction Lack of Self Respect What anxiety is Where anxiety comes from How you sustain your anxiety without knowing How to treat anxiety in a quick and natural way Things you should not do in Anxiety Anxiety Taboos Use our Natural Solution to treat yourself and others Use our Natural Present-Attention technique to treat yourself of panic attacks and agoraphobia Use Present-Attention to treat yourself of various phobias Use our Natural Present-Attention technique to treat yourself of anxiety and anxiety disorders.Implement tried and tested Present-Attention strategies and methods to eliminate negative thinking patternsEquip yourself with the tools to be your very own therapist Implement tried and tested strategies and methods to eliminate destructive behaviours."
Price: 29.99

"Mindfulness Level I - The Present" |
"This course will give you essential knowledge and key tools to reach the Mindful state in a simple and straightforward way, as taught by Laurentiu Marga. He is currently holding Mindfulness retreats, teaching people from all over the world. Here are some testimonials:""Laurentiu is an amazing and unique teacher. His ways remind me of old Zen teachings. He is indeed an enlightened being and you can feel this the moment you meet him, with every word and gesture. All of his techniques are original, extremely logical and very effective. After being to many other retreats and trying almost everything, I can say that Laurentiu offers the only truly effective methods for improving your living experience on every level. He cuts through all the nonsense of the mind and offers a raw, clear, precise, simple and straightforward teaching that leaves you mindless (or mindful)."" - Jaroslav Pucek""The first time when I met Laurentiu Marga was the moment when my mind stopped instantly and only beautiful serenity remained. His Presence revealed a new way of seeing everything, not through thinking, but from direct experience. It was the first glimpse of real bliss. Living in the present moment is the key to leave the burden of human suffering behind and really see what your true nature is. Love"" - Elena Apostol""I was shocked by how quick and powerful the effects of Laurentiu's techniques are. And unlike other meditations like Vipassana, Kriya or mantras, you can apply them anytime, in your everyday living. You don't need to be an extremist practitioner to feel the pure joy of getting in touch with your True Self, you learn how to do it anytime, at home or at work, when getting up in the morning and going to bed in the evening, when eating and when watching TV, it's amazing, life-changing."" - Fabrizio Ciccone"
Price: 19.99

"Mindfulness Level II - The Observer" |
"This course is a sequel to Level I - The Present. It explains the next step in Mindfulness, The Observer of the Present Moment. It includes more advanced practices and advises for those willing to venture into the deep realm of self-knowledge and Mindfulness, as taught by Laurentiu Marga. He is currently holding Mindfulness retreats, teaching people from all over the world. Here are some testimonials:""It was a chance in a lifetime for me to meet Laurentiu Marga. His teachings are simple and straight to the point, and his practice is a must when you return home and the mind kicks in. His practices helped me to reach the marvelous present moment in a short period of time, leaving behind all anxieties and learning to live a new life I couldn't ever imagine."" - Zsuzsanna Kovcs""The Open-Eyes Mindfulness Meditation is a profund everyday practice that can be done in every moment of your life. The shift to the present moment was a starting point towards deeper self-knowledge. It is not about overcoming my anxieties anymore, it is about living in serenity."" - David Trifan""When I first arrived at the retreat, I felt how many years of seeking melted down into just a few moments of deep insight. I had some glimpses of a blissful state which I never felt before and after that, slowly but surely, I began the work of discarding the intricate works of my ego. Laurentiu has found a real way out of everyday suffering and he's willing to show it to you, don't hesitate."" - Grzegorz Biaowolski"
Price: 199.99

"Art of Facebook Marketing" |
"This is a small and productive course for those who are ready to take action with this strategy. Whether you are a business owner or entrepreneur or want to start your advertising agency and much more. Everyone wants to master this skill.You will learn all the ways that they will work or not. Facebook ads start with advertising and Finally connect with your audience.Promote your products/services, get your clients, build your brand with the help of ""Art of Facebook Marketing course"". You can ask me directly as many as questions during any lecture. I'm always ready to help you.If you want to know about the section of Business Manager, you will get an update of any lecture.In this course, I will walk you through all the steps which will work 100%.If you understand the Facebook algorithm. Whether you're a beginner or want to advance your business then This is the course for you.For all beginners who want to learn the marketing strategy that will save time and get the results.For those who think that Facebook advertising is a waste of money. Because they didn't get any results.For those who want to become master in the 100% working strategy. Get customers for Long-terms. Just invest in your skills first.By the time you will not get results, I will help in creating successful campaigns. Stay with me."
Price: 34.99

"Cisco CCNP Route 300-101 Practice Tests" |
"This course contains FOUR complete, high-quality practice tests to help you master all of the topics contained in the Cisco CCNP Route 300-101 exam. These four practice exams will allow you to assess your knowledge and prepare for the final exam.All of the questions in these practice exams are formulated based on Cisco exam guideline topics that might be included in the Cisco CCNP Route 300-101 exam blueprint. Each and every question also contains a detailed explanation on why a particular answer is correct over others.I would recommend you read the documentation explaining all of these concepts in greater depth if there are any questions that indicate a gap in your knowledge.Are you ready to assess yourself and practice the Cisco CCNP Route 300-101 Exam?Lets get started!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Frequently asked questions (FAQ):Are these actual questions that would appear in the real exam?NO. These are not exam dumps. The goal of these questions is to help you master all the topics of the Cisco CCNP Route 300-101 exam.Are these practice tests on their own enough for me to pass the exam?NO. These questions should be used as an addition to your preparation before taking the final exam.What benefit will I gain by purchasing these practice questions?These practice exam questions are the best way for you to assess your knowledge and familiarize yourself with the type of questions you can expect on the final Cisco CCNP Route 300-101 exam.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As an experienced Cisco tutor I always recommend my students use practice exams as an additional learning tool. All of my students who have taken my advice have successfully passed their Cisco exams. You can have great success too!Happy learning! :)Who this course is for:Anyone who wants to practice the Cisco CCNP Route 300-101 exam before taking the real one.What youll learn:IGP and EGP routing protocol characteristics and route selectionLocal and Remote site connectivityIPv4 and IPv6 routingDistance Vector and Link State routing protocols (RIPv2, RIPng, EIGRP, OSPFv2, and OSPFv3)eBGP and iBGPRouter security and routing protocol authenticationAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?Students should possess the Cisco CCNA Routing & Switching certification."
Price: 29.99

"Palo Alto Security Administrator - Part 1 PCNSA (EDU-210)" |
"In part 1 of this course you will learn all of the fundamentals about the Next-Generation FireWall.We will start by looking at threat landscape and the techniques necessary to secure a network.The next learning objective is how to setup the FireWall from scratch, including networking, Application Identification and Content-ID (AntiVirus, AntiSpyware, Vulnerability Protection, URL Filtering, File Blocking).For each topic I will explain concepts and configuration and also demonstrate real life best practices and show you basic troubleshooting."
Price: 39.99

"Bending Moment Equation in Two Simple Steps" |
"Each lecture is developed and delivered in such a way that student can be easily understand it. Students are encouraged to engage with each lecture by actively developing their own notes during each video lecture. We'll focus on explaining he basics before diving into worked examples. If you follow all lectures and attempt all of the worked examples, by the end of the course you will have an excellent grasp of this essential civil engineering skill!"
Price: 1280.00

anglijskij-yazyk-dlya-nachinayushchih-s-nulya |
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Price: 24.99

vremena-v-anglijskom-yazyke-s-primerami |
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Price: 34.99

"Formation complte Microsoft Excel pour dbutant - Niveau I" |
"Ce cours est divis en 5 grandes parties, qui vous permettront d'apprivoiser Microsoft Excel et de matriser toutes les bases ncessaires. La formation est divise en 48 courtes vidos afin que vous ne soyez jamais perdus dans votre suivi, et que vous puissiez interrompre tout moment votre apprentissage pour le reprendre facilement plus tard. Chaque chapitre est ponctu d'un QCM (60 question au total) qui vous permettra de savoir si vous avez matriser l'essentiel de chaque partie, afin de passer la suivante. Voici donc le contenu de cette formation :- Exploration d'ExcelInterface & rubanMenu contextuelFeuille & classeurManipuler les feuillesCrer, enregistrer & ouvrir un classeur (extensions)Modles de classeur- Travailler avec les cellulesFonctions des diffrentes zonesSaisir, modifier et supprimer des donnes dans une celluleSlectionner et dplacer des cellules, lignes ou colonnesSlectionner toutInsrer et supprimer des cellules, lignes ou colonnesRedimensionner des lignes et des colonnesFormatCalculs de baseCopier, Couper et mode de collageRecopie incrmenteBloquer des cellulesSaisie semi-automatiqueInsrer un commentaireVrification dorthographe et correction automatiqueCommandes Rechercher, Remplacer et AtteindreTrier et filtrerFormules de base- Mise en formeChanger de police (couleur, taille, bordure)Changer l'alignement (alignement, fusionner, orientation du texte)Format de celluleReproduire une mise en formeCommande EffacerStyles de cellulesAperu mise en forme conditionnelle- InsertionInsrer un tableauOutil de cration de tableauModifier un tableauInsrer et mettre en forme un graphiqueModifier la structure d'un graphiqueModifier le type de graphique, les options, lemplacement et la source de donnesInsertions dillustrations et de texte- Impression et AffichageFiger une ligne et une colonneOptions daffichageOptions de mise en pageAjouter des en-ttes et des pieds de pageImprimer"
Price: 19.99

"How To Build A Killer Content Calendar" |
"By the end of this course, you will be able to create original content, repurpose content, create a content calendar, learn what content batching is and how to bin them, create a blogging brainstorm for unlimited content, create a posting map, share viral content, social syndication across all platforms, and scheduling content strategically."
Price: 199.99

"Planejamento Financeiro para Empreendedores" |
"Voltado para empreendedores, aborda o planejamento financeiro e apresenta conceitos, mtodos e ferramentas para que o empreendedor elabore a modelagem financeira completa do seu empreendimento.Assim, atravs de projeo de cenrios realistas, o aluno empreendedor poder tomar a melhor deciso sobre os investimentos, estratgias e demais temas que dependem de informaes financeiras para serem definidos."
Price: 69.99

"Complete Guide to Oracle Knowledge Management" |
"At the end of the course you will have answers to below questionsDoes OKM suits for your business need ?What are the capabilities of OKM ?How can you Integrate with existing system?How many physical as well as logical components OKM has ?Complete OKM Architecture with all the componentsIf you are working on a particular component of OKM, this will give idea about entire application.How this overall application works?What infrastructure OKM application needs ?What are the multiple areas for developers can do in the development ?Reporting aspect of the application."
Price: 19.99

"Basics of Microservices" |
"By end of the course you will have fair amount of idea on below things What is a typical Monolith looks like ?Issues with Monolith with practical example & design walk through How industry arrived at SOA.What are issues with SOAWhy MicroservicesAdvantages of MicroservicesDesign consideration need to be made,while adapting MicroservicesHow to make sure, if microservices is best fit for you."
Price: 19.99

"Bootcamp for Cloud Foundry" |
"Why Cloud foundry ?Brief overview about Self Managed,IaaS,PaaS & SaaSComparison of cloud PaaS & IaaS different for MicroservicesWhat is Cloud Foundry ?How CF is different in comparison with PCF ?How to setup Cloud Foundry ?Hands-on exercises on Cloud FoundryCreation of Org-SpaceConnecting to org & spaceUnderstanding BuildpacksDeploying an applicationVertical as well as horizontal ScalingDeploying application with yml fileLog aggregationService bindingBinding routing serviceBlue Green Deployment example"
Price: 19.99
