"IBM C2040-986 Creating IBM Lotus Notes Domino Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Emily is preparing to build a program to use the browser. She thinks about using XPages. Which of the following statements about XPages does not work?a) XPages can be used to 8 Lotus Domino server.b) XPages can be used on different browsers with minimal changes.c) XPages can be multilingual, using built-in functions of Lotus Domino Designerd) XPages can create and manipulate Lotus Domino data on other servers, provided that they are in the same trusted domain.e) NoneQ) Donna interested in using XPage copies of the unitary structure to improve performance in their application. Which of the following design elements are not supported in this function?a) XPagesb) Viewsc) Topicsd) user controlse) NoneQ) Zachary create a new theme for your XPage. As the theme file is encoded in the application fields of resources?a) XMLb) CSSc) HTMLd) JavaScripte) NoneQ) Ashley writes the server-side script to handle the request parameters sent in their registration XPage. What is the global object, it will be used to access the parameters that it is interested?a) vaporb) headerc) caked) request contexte) None"
Price: 174.99

"JN0-102 Junos, Associate (JNCIA) Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which statement is correct in relation to traffic except on Junos devices?a) The limiter built -in for traffic exception is configured.b) The Junos operating system is equipped with a speed limiter for traffic exception.c) The Junos operating system does not provide for the control of traffic congestion except sent to the RE.d) All traffic except for the RE is sent via the link out-of-band.Q) What command would initiate a loopback on a Gigabit Ethernet interface ge-0/0/0?a) # Set interface ge-0/0/0 0 loopback unitsb) # SET interfaces ge-0/0/0 GigEther-options loopbackc) > Set interface ge-0/0/0 loopbackd) > Loopback ge-0/0/0Q) Which two statements are correct about the routing table inet.0? (Pick one.)a) Stores information learned by routing protocols and other sources.b) It 'used to populate the forwarding policy.c) It 'used to populate the forwarding table.d) It 'used to populate the Ethernet switching table.Q) We suspect a duplicate MAC address on a subnet. You want to view the MAC errors and statistics interface ge-0/0/0. What command will accomplish this task?a) show arpb) shows Ethernet switching tablec) show ge-0/0/0 interface wided) Interface laconic showQ) It recently uploaded a new software package for the Junos device and you want to make sure that the file uploaded successfully to check the file size. In this scenario, the command should you use?a) coding files showb) compare filesc) SHA1 checksum filesd) detailed list of files"
Price: 149.99

itoseitai |
Price: 5400.00

"Learn to Code in R - R Language for Absolute Beginners" |
"Are you a business analyst interested in expanding your data analyis toolkit? Or are you an entry level data-scientist that just wants to understand how R coding works? A lot of data analysis professionals are able to become more productive by being able to code - with the explosion of data and the continuous learning that our modern world demands, coding will be even more important in the future to stand out and keep the pace of organizations' need for data analytics.This course was designed to be your first step into the R programming world! We will delve deeper into the concepts of R objects, understand the R user interface and play around with several datasets. This course contains lectures around the following groups: Introductory slides lectures with the most well-known commands for each type of R object.Code along lectures where you will see how we can implement the stuff we will learn! Test your knowledge with questions and practical exercises with different levels of difficulty!Analyze real datasets and understand the thought process from question to R code solution!This course was designed to be focused on the practical side of coding in R - instead of teaching you every function and method out there, I'll show you how you can read questions and examples and get to the answer by yourself, compounding your knowledge on the different R objects. At the end of the course you should be able to use R to analyze your own datasets. Along the way you will also learn what R vectors, arrays, matrixes and lists are and how you can combine the knowledge of those objects to power up your analysis. Here are some examples of things you will be able to do after finishing the course:Load CSV and Excel files into R;Do interesting line plots that enable you to draw conclusions from data.Plot histograms of numerical data.Create your own functions that will enable you to reutilize code.Slice and dice Data Frames, subsetting data for specific domains.Join thousands of professionals and students in this R journey and discover the amazing power of this statistical open-source language. This course will be constantly updated based on students feedback and new material."
Price: 79.99

"Unlocking Resumes: Your Keys to Getting Hired!" |
"Thank you for your interest in this course!After 17 years of working in HR and 5 years doing resume-writing as a freelancer, I decided to create the world's first animated resume guide!In this course, I explain all of the techniques, secrets and strategies to writing resumes that lead to interviews. The segments and sections include the following - all with the purpose of explaining the concepts at an easy to understand and fundamental level, while also being visually entertaining and engaging. Section 1: Introduction, My Experience, ""Resume Shops"", Value of Resume WritingSection 2: How to Use a Resume As a ToolSection 3: The Components of a Resume Section 4: ATS and How to Use itSection 5: The Power of Language within a ResumeSection 6: Numbers, Data and QuantificationSection 7: Miscellaneous Topics and Questions (Cover Letters, Career Gaps, Changing Careers, Design and Format, Resumes vs LinkedIn)Section 8: My Resume and Conclusion"
Price: 99.99

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" xss idor lfi ssrf multi factor ....etc "
Price: 39.99

"Ethical Hacking Metasploit Tutorial" |
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Price: 59.99

"Stay Safe On Internet" |
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Price: 119.99

"Linguagem corporal da mentira. Avanado" |
"Curso avanado de Linguagem corporal da mentira. O foco o modelo SCANS (Six Channels Analysis), desenvolvido por Clff Lansley, renomado cientista da rea de linguagem no-verbal.Sero realizadas as anlises dos seis canais e a aplicao da regra 3-2-7.Aps, um exemplo de aplicao prtica.O SCANS mundialmente reconhecido e utilizado pela polcia americana como auxlio nas investigaes.Esse aprendizado pode ser uma ponte para se aperfeioar profissionalmente ou somente aumentar o conhecimento da deteco de mentiras pela anlise da linguagem corporal."
Price: 39.99

"Liderazgo Gerencial en tiempos de equipos remotos" |
"Se trata de una reflexin que aborda el tema del liderazgo como una oportunidad para reconocer qu estilo de lderes somos y cul es el tipo de seguidores que tenemos de tal manera que podamos elaborar un plan de accin que nos permita desarrollar y fortalecer esta competencia en los contextos personales, laborales y sociales en los cuales interactuamos. Apoyar a los colaboradores que estn en modalidad remota o virtual"
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Arduino e robtica - Do bsico ao avanado" |
"Curso ainda est em produo! As aulas no gravadas sero produzidas e inseridas futuramente sem custo adicional para aqueles que adquirirem o curso.Este curso direcionados para aqueles que gostam de eletrnica, arduino, robtica, engenharia, raspberry pi, braos robticos, carrinhos de controle (AGV - Automated guided vehicle), sensores e conhecimento mais profundo em programao na rea de robtica. Se aprofunde no mundo da robtica e IoT!"
Price: 39.99

"Fundamentals of Dynamics for Mechanical Engineering Students" |
"This course covers the material typically included in a first university course in Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics. The focus of the course is on the fundamentals - you will learn the theory and also be guided by examples - in order for you to improve your university grades. This course is therefore the ideal supplement to your first university course in Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics, but can also be taken as a stand-alone course by anyone who wants to learn the fundamentals of engineering dynamics."
Price: 29.99

"The French Method of Playing Card Divination" |
"This course will cover some of the basic history of the use of playing cards for divination. Then we dive into the French style of playing card divination covering the traditional system, including meanings and spreads. We'll also cover how to make some of the antiquated or outdated aspects of older cartomancy systems more modern and appropriate for today's querents."
Price: 34.99

"The Hungarian Method of Playing Card Divination" |
"This course will cover some of the basic history of the use of playing cards for divination. Then we dive into the Hungarian style of playing card divination covering the traditional system, including meanings and spreads. We'll also cover how to make some of the antiquated or outdated aspects of older cartomancy systems more modern and appropriate for today's querents."
Price: 34.99

"Complete Basic Astrology Course: Predicting the Future" |
"Many a time we do not understand, why a particular thing happened in our lives and we remain clueless. No matter how much we try we fail to get the results we were expecting. The reason behind our liking, disliking, our fate. The way we think, understand. Our outlook towards this exterior world. Our outlook towards our interior self. The major ups and downs in our lives. We believe we are the navigators of our life, but then why do things happen against our will?We fail to understand the metaphysical science which works in a mysterious way around us. Our Complete Basic Astrology Course: Predicting the future course will guide you step by step in understanding the concepts of astrology, the Zodiacs signs, the planets, and their effects on humankind. After completing this course you will be able to figure out the reason why a particular thing takes place in our life. The power of karma. You can even predict the basic astrology of your family members and colleagues. With practice, you can start your own consulting firm.This course is designed in such a way that you can learn at your own pace. We have covered from scratch so you don't need any previous knowledge. We will teach you everything. Who is this course for :Students of all ages.Students who have a basic understanding of astrology.Professional Consultant.Everyone who wants to learn astrology"
Price: 12800.00

"Pozytywnik codzienny" |
"Jeli: - Chcesz si pozby negatywnych wzorcw mylowych i blokad emocjonalnych,- Zacz myle pozytywnie,- Zyska codzienn pozytywn dawk pozytywnej energii,- Pozwoli sobie na rozwj i zadowolenie z ycia,To ten kurs jest dla Ciebie! Sowa maj moc i dostarczaj odpowiedzi na nasze pytania. Kurs ""1 sowo mocy dziennie"" jest tak skonstruowany, by mg/moga pozwoli sobie czasowo na przeznaczenie tylko 3 minuty dziennie! Program ten zawiera 30 inspirujcych sw, pobudzajcych do refleksji, ktrych analiza i zastanowienie si nad nimi poprawi Twoj jako ycia i zbuduje Twoj wiadomo. Kady z zawartych tu filmikw wprowadza 1 sowo dnia, np: cierpliwo, elastyczno, pozytywne mylenie, wytrwao, etc.. wraz z kilkoma mylami pobudzajcymi mzg do poszukiwania swoich interpretacji i znajdowania rozwiza do swoich nurtujcych pyta na drodze rozwoju. Sowa zostay dobrane i opracowane w taki sposb, by skoni Ci do refleksji i uwanoci na dany temat. Celem tego wszystkiego jest zatem zainspirowanie Ci do podejmowania trafniejszych decyzji danego dnia, ale te zakodowanie w Twoim umyle mocy poszczeglnych sw, uwierzenia we wasne moliwoci, radoci z ycia oraz zaprzestania umartwiania si. Wprowadzajc nawyk rozpoczynania dnia 3 minutow refleksj na dany temat zaczniesz y bardziej wiadomie. Zapraszam w 30-dniow podr codziennych sw mocy. Beata"
Price: 34.99

netshop1 |
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Price: 6000.00

fzywqdqg |
Price: 24000.00

"4 Pieces to EVERY Successful Business" |
"In this course you will discover:Why PRINCIPLES are more important than PRACTICES.The 4 components every successful business has in order to succeed.The 3 questions you MUST ask yourself about your business before you can even think about beginning.The one reason why customers buy...and how to make that motivation work for you."
Price: 19.99

"Design Your Home with Adobe Photoshop - For Beginners" |
"If you're looking to design or renovate your home and want to do it the right way and save money, you've come to the best course.Adobe Photoshop is the Gold Standard and a critical tool for Interior Designers to express their visual ideas to clients so they can make informed purchases - now you can learn how to do it too.Here are the skills you'll learn in this course:Basic Keyboard Shortcuts and Photoshop InterfaceLearn to create Moodboard collages that help you visualize how your furniture, accessories and artwork together before making any purchaseLearn to edit your Basic iPhone images like a pro for Portfolio or Real Estate Listing use - you'll also need to know how to do this to make MockupsLearn to create photorealistic Mockups of finishes on your existing interior images to help you avoid making costly $$$ design mistakesDon't worry if you've never used Photoshop before, I've designed the lessons to be super beginner friendly and tailored for you to get started with designing your dream home digitally in just 1 course!"
Price: 84.99

"SPSS ile Veri Temizlii (Data Screening)" |
"Sosyal bilim aratrmalarnda, veri toplama ve ileme srecini objektif ve hatasz yrtmek olduka zordur. Gerek katlmcdan gerek ise baka nedenlerden dolay verilerde hatal, yanl, eksik ve aykr deerler bulunabilmektedir. Bu nedenle veri analizine ve istatistiki testlere balamadan nce toplanan verilerin temizlenmesi, dzenlenmesi ve analizlere uygun hale getirilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu eitimde; SPSS ile veri temizlii ileminin nasl yaplaca ayrntl bir ekilde gncek metodolojik yntemlere gre anlatlmaktadr.Bu eitim aadaki kaynaklar ve eitmenin 15 yllk aratrma deneyimlerinden yararlanlarak hazrlanmtr.Grbz, S. & ahin, F. (2018). Sosyal bilimlerde aratrma yntemleri - Felsefe-yntem-analiz (5. Bask). Ankara: Sekin.Hair, J.F, Black, W.C., Babin, B.J, & Anderson, R.E (2014). Multivariate data analysis (7th Edn). Harlow:Pearson.Kline, R. B. (2016). Principles and practice of structural equation modeling (4th Edn.) London: The Guilford Press.Tabachnick, B. G. & Fidell, L. S. (2014). Using multivariate statistics (6th Edn), Essex: Pearson."
Price: 99.99

"bateri dersi herkes iin ilk seviyeden" |
"London College of Music Drumkit retmen diplomal retmenden davul almaya yeni balayanlarn faydalanabilecei toplam 162 dakikalk temel bilgiler ve egzersizler. Genel alma kurallar, doru baget tutu, Temel vuru teknii. Ayak teknikleri. Adm adm ilk ritim ve ataklar. Temel el ayak koordinasyon teknikleri. Nota bilgisi. Videolardaki bilgileri dzenli olarak alan rencilerim 8 ay sonunda amatr bir grupla alabilecek dzeye geliyor."
Price: 409.99

"The complete Python From Scratch for 2020" |
"Python is the fastest-growing programming language in the industry, and among the most popular programming languages in the world.It's not a hard language for beginners to pick up and for intermediate or advanced programmers to advance, which is why the need to learn this language has increased exponentially over the past few years.Python From Scratch is a mega python course designed as a journey that will take you from installing the programs to learning the fundamentals of python and gradually applying the most advanced techniques to develop some of the most advanced real-life applications.Whether you are a beginner with no knowledge in python or programming, or if you're an experienced programmer in a different programming language, or even if you're an experienced python programmer,this course will give you the basics and move forward to the more challenging applications in Python to help you broaden your horizons in Python, or if you'd want to expand your career opportunities.My name is Yasser Abbass. I'm a software engineer and I will be your instructor for this courseI have been in programming for the past 30 years and specifically in python for the past decade.The course is divided into four sections, each including several lectures. with each lecture, you will find some exercises and each section has one or more projects that will make sure that you applied what you have learned. we will be building 10 projects with varying levels of difficulty.Some of the projects we will be building together are:- Text to Speech.- Guessing Number project.- Converter project.- Web Monitoring.- System Health.- Backup Script project.- A student course management system.- A bookstore management system.- A File backup program that will be converted to a desktop application.- A full bookstore web app.But don't worry you will be able to create those projects and more as you follow along with the course and with the skills you learned you will be able to apply it to your projects. You will also be able to download all the source code for all the lectures and the projects. During this course, you will learn:- How to install the software on Windows, Mac, and Linux.- An introduction to Jupiter-lab.- Data types, Conditional logic, looping, and collections.- Functions, modules, and built-in functions.- How to handle files.- How to interact with the file-system.- Date-time, web communication, exception handling, and JSON.- How to send emails through python.- Object-oriented programming.- How to use MongoDB from python.- How to create databases with full CRUD operations- Advanced python built-in functions.- Iterators generators and decorators.- Logging.- Concurrency, threading multiprocessing, and Asyncio.- How to create a GUI for python with PySimpleGUI.- How to create a desktop application with PyInstaller.- How to create professional web apps with flask.Finally, if you are stuck you can drop a question in the Q&A and me, or one of my teaching assistants will answer you promptly"
Price: 149.99

"CISSP practice test pack" |
"Welcome to my CISSP practice test pack! My name is John Lee and I have been working in cybersecurity since 2005. I passed the CISSP exam in January 2019 and the ISSMP exam in August 2020. As a result, I have direct experience with the newer CAT testing methodology utilized by ISC2 on the CISSP exam starting in late 2017, and with the older standard examination methodology still employed on the ISSMP exam. During my own preparation for the exam, after answering thousands of practice questions, it became apparent that the quality and complexity of the questions could vary greatly from one source to another. If you have been studying for a while, you have undoubtedly come across comments from people who have taken the exam, stating that the exam was nothing like the practice questions. When I started conducting my own CISSP training classes, I wanted to have access to questions that are more challenging and felt more like ""the real exam"" than those typically available, so I started writing my own. This practice test pack contains 200 questions meticulously written over 6 months, that have been used and reviewed in my classroom. My practice exam pack is intended to enforce critical thinking, effective test strategies, and help prepare you for the real deal. Notes on my practice exams:My goal is to create lengthy questions with quality information and a comprehensive scenario that needs to be broken down and carefully considered. I do not want to provide too many gimme questions with obvious answers, and none of these questions are a single sentence in length. You will not encounter any questions where the answer is ""all of the above"", or repeat the most basic principles that you have already endlessly drilled, such as the CIA triad.Many of the questions are designed to be misleading, nuanced, missing the obvious or correct answer, or otherwise difficult. This is intended to help my audience become more comfortable with uncomfortable situations, to better pick apart obtuse questions, and to help inoculate my audience to these situations on test day.The questions in this series are intended for students who have already performed some self-study or have attended a preparation class.I still encourage students to prepare for the exam through a variety of books, practice exams, in-person courses, video series, discussion groups, and resources. The more points of view you expose yourself to during your preparation, the better your odds are for test day.Disclaimers:I have done my best to be inventive and creative with the questions in these tests. Any similarity to questions contained in practice tests from other CISSP preparatory curriculums or from any official ISC2 exam is purely coincidental.I am not affiliated with ISC2 aside from my active membership having earned my certifications through them. ISC2, CISSP, and ISSMP are registered trademarks of the International Information System Security Certification Consortium.Udemy course photo credit: Nick Morrison on Unsplash"
Price: 39.99

"curso de cejas y delineados" |
"Curso de cejas: en este curso aprenders a realizarte tu ceja con diferentes texturas. (Lpiz, sombra y gel) aprenders a lograr diferentes acabados acord a tu personalidad y ocupacin, las cejas son el marco del rostro, logra dominar esta tcnica! Curso de delineados: aprende 7 formas de delinearte los ojos con diferentes herramientas y texturas (sombras, gel, delineadores nen y pedrera) Logra esos looks que ves en redes sociales desde la comodidad de tu casa, tu pones las ganas y nosotros el conocimiento"
Price: 270.00

"What's New in Cosmetic Dermatology" |
"What is Cosmetic Dermatology?Cosmetic Dermatology is a branch of medicine that exclusively deals with the diagnosis and treatment of skin, nails and hair disorders and cellulite. It is an amalgamation of both medical and surgical aspects. The procedures of dermatology improve the external appearance of the skin by treating various conditions like hyperpigmentation, acne, scars and wrinkles. Liposuction is for surgeons only. Following are a couple of common procedures done by cosmetic dermatology:PigmentationOne of the biggest growing concerns in people, pigmentation has been there all along. What many call blemishes, melasma, dark spots, patches, acne scars, dullness and uneven skin tone are diverse types of hyper-pigmentation or simply pigmentation. One of the biggest reasons people have pigmentation is any type of skin damage - sun exposure being the biggest one followed by various skin treatments like bleaching, scrubbing, parlour facials, lasers and chemical peelings that cause skin damage. Other reasons for pigmentation can be hormonal changes especially in women after pregnancy, commonly resulting in Melasma which are pigmented patches on the cheeks, nose, forehead and around the lips. Pigmentation treatment has typically been done through use of Hydroquinone creams prescribed by doctors, or retinol along with anti-inflammatory creams. But the problem with these is side effects which range from redness to more inflammation, dryness, skin peeling and sensitivity. Hydroquinone is especially being phased out and is already banned in the European Union and other countries. Use of lasers and chemical peels can often damage the skin, thus often causing more pigmentation. Some persons have pigmentation prone skin.One such treatment is Melblok with their product, the Advanced Home-Kit, a combination of a Day Cream and a Night Cream. As mentioned by the brand, Melblok Home-Kit reduces pigmentation in the skin by helping over active pigment cells called Melanocytes, to become normal again, thereby giving long lasting Pigmentation reduction at the root cause. Made with natural ingredients, brands like Melblok which infuse modern science and natural ingredients can become very promising safe alternatives for those looking to reduce Pigmentation without side effects and at the comfort of their home. CelluliteAn average of 80% to 90% of women probably experience cellulite. Till date, the most effective method of reducing or removing excess cellulite from an area is through tumescent Liposuction. Liposuction by Tumescent Awake technique, totally under local anaesthesia, is the safest and more commonly performed procedure in best cosmetic surgery centres in Delhi and abroad. In India, Vital Clinic has pioneered this technique of liposuction.Hair RemovalLaser hair removal is common. However, quite often patients have noticed darkening of skin or development of hyperpigmentation in treated areas, which can be very difficult to treat.Challenge: Diminishing anxiety, fears and expectations of the patient are critical aspects of practicing dermatological medicine."" The patients facing certain problems such as severe acne, repeated tanning, or dark pigmentation are impacted by social humiliation. This requires the dermatologists to remain sensitive to the emotional and psychological concerns of their patients."" The cosmetic patients come with huge expectations. Managing those expectations is a familiar area for the dermatologist community. "" Dermatologists need to manage the psychological needs of the patients as well."
Price: 12160.00

"CAPM PMI Associate Review Project Management Practice Exam 1" |
"293 UNIQUE practice questions for CAPM PMI Associate Review Project Management Practice Exam 1Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CAPM PMI Associate Review Project Management Practice Exam 1Total Questions : 293Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :200 minsPassing Score : 75 (219 of 293)"
Price: 179.99

"Google Ad Words Advertising Fundamentals Practice Exam" |
"160 UNIQUE practice questions for Google Ad Words Advertising Fundamentals Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Google Ad Words Advertising Fundamentals Practice ExamTotal Questions : 160Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (120 of 160)"
Price: 169.99

"SY0-401 CompTIA Security Encryption Certified Practice Exam" |
"131 UNIQUE practice questions for SY0-401 CompTIA Security Encryption Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SY0-401 CompTIA Security Encryption Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 131Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :80 minsPassing Score : 75 (98 of 131)"
Price: 149.99

"TE0-122 12 Teradata SQL Certified Practice Test" |
"114 UNIQUE practice questions for TE0-122 12 Teradata SQL Certified Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : TE0-122 12 Teradata SQL Certified Practice TestTotal Questions : 114Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :70 minsPassing Score : 75 (85 of 114)"
Price: 144.99

"Autodesk Revit Structure 2021 - Beginner to Intermediate" |
"Learn how to design and model Atructural Projects with Autodesk Revit Structure!This course shows you how to create Structural models and how you can visualize, annotate and detail them.Of course you will also see how to layout sheets, use schedules and export and print.Get BIM ready with Autodesk Revit now!"
Price: 89.99
