"Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics" |
"Introduction to fluid properties, viscosity, surface tension, pressure distribution in fluid, hydrostatic forces on plane and curved surfaces, buoyancy , and pressure measurement using manometers and barometers. Integral relations for a control volume, mass conservation, linear momentum equation, energy and Bernoulli equations are discussed.37 problems are solved in order to bridge the gap between knowledge and application."
Price: 199.99

"Advanced Fluid Mechanics" |
"This is Advanced Fluid Mechanics which is a continuation of Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics course. It includes:Differential relations for fluid particles, fluid acceleration, Continuity equation, Potential flows and Navier-Stokes equation are introduced. Dimensional analysis and similarity, principle of dimensional homogeneity Pi theorem, non-dimensionalization of basic equations, modeling and its pitfalls. Flow in ducts and boundary layer flows. Pressure drop calculations. Minor losses in fittings. Energy equation applied to pumps and turbines. Flow over immersed bodies. Drag and Lift Calculations. Matlab codes for potential flows are also supplied."
Price: 199.99

"Beginner's Guitar Course Part 2" |
"You may be a professional or busy parent, or a dedicated carer for your children. Either way you want to know that your child is receiving the best training and support to enable them to reach their potential, both mentally and physically. This established course follows a story on a musical island where inspiration brings music and family together. Developed over 10 years with experienced teaching and music professionals, the proven course is live across many schools in London, and loved by children and their families.Join in by inviting your best friends to meet some funny new friends like Jack Apple, Alisha Banana, Meilin Cherry, Senhor Orange and many more... Jam together in the Beach Club, and hang-out at the Skate Park.See you there!"
Price: 24.99

"Metoda de Vnzri 3D" |
"Influenarea deciziei de cumprare a (potenialilor) clieni/lor lucrnd difereniat n funcie de TEMPERAMENTELE UMANE - colerici tehnici, colerici netehnici, sanguini, melancolici, flegmatici.Primul D al Metodei de Vnzare 3D Dezvolt Aceast parte a cursului (trei module) este despre a ncepe cu nceputul, cu tine nsui, pentru a-i dezvolta o baz solid pe care s cldeti toate abilitile i tehnicile practice pe care le vei primi prin acest curs.Aceast prim parte se concentreaz pe construire i dezvoltare att n interiorul ct i n exteriorul tu.Este exact ceea ce vreau s-i ofer: metode i aciuni practice pe care s le poi aplica pentru a-i crete foarte mult ncrederea n sine i pentru a genera o schimbare de durat. Astfel, vei avea poziia mental care te sprijine cu siguran n influenarea oamenilor pe care i ntlneti n general i, cel mai important, clienii sau potenialii clieni cu care eti n contact.Strategiile i metodele practice pe care le vom acoperi n aceast parte a cursului sunt adevruri fundamentale adesea neglijate de majoritatea oamenilor de vnzri. Oare rezultatele nesatisfctoare n vnzri i nemulumirea financiar sunt chiar ntmpltoare?Modul n care ne dezvoltm noi, cum ne construim noi pe noi, este ceea ce face, n cele din urm, diferena ntre profesionitii i diletanii din vnzri. Este doar o alegere personal!i acesta este primul pas, primul D din Metoda de Vnzri 3D - Dezvoltarea personal.Al doilea D, a doua parte a cursului - Descoper i ofer dou module care s te ajute s depeti unele dintre greelile fundamentale din vnzri.nainte de a ajunge s vorbim despre produse, tehnici de vnzre i de negociere, d-mi voie, mai nti, s clarificm cui ne adresm: unui om sau unei funcii? Cui vindem de fapt: unui birou, unei funcii din organigram sau unui om care st la acel birou i are acel titlu?tii care este culmea? Omul va lua decizia de cumprare, nu funcia lui!nelegerea acestei distincii i citirea omului din faa este esenial pentru realizarea vnzrii.Acestea sunt doar cteva dintre lucrurile pe care le vom acoperi n aceste dou module i i voi oferi indicatori precisi i clari care s-i dea posibilitatea s citeti repede omul care te intereseaz ca pe o carte deschis.Dac vrem vnzri imense i la preul care ne convine, le putem face, nu ncap ndoieli! Important este s avem, s tim i s aplicm un algoritm clar, simplu i eficient care s ne deschid drumul spre influenarea clientului OM.i acesta este al doilea pas, al doilea D din Metoda de Vnzri 3D Descoper Omul, dincolo de aparene!Al treilea D Determinn aceast ordine simpl, logic i cronologic, ajungem la capacitatea i veniturile profesionitilor din vnzri, a adevrailor: nti, te dezvoli uman i profesional, apoi descoperii i nelegei omul care ia decizia de cumprare, l citeti ca pe o carte deschis i, apoi, l determini s ia decizia de cumprare prin influenarea pe baza cunoaterii TEMPERAMENTELELOR UMANE.Nimic complicat, nimic la voia ntmplrii sau a norocului! Doar influenare (moral), sub nicio form, manipulare (imoral).Aici vei avea dou module (ase capitole) care i vor oferi aciuni simple, clare i precise, verificate n practica a mii de oameni de vnzri, pe care le poi face i tu, dac vrei!Vei primi inclusiv cuvinte, expresii, cuvinte-cheie, gestic, mimic, tonalitatea vocii specifice fiecrui TEMPERAMENT (colreic ethnic, coleric netehnic, sanguine, melancolic, flegmatic) prin care s-i atingi obiectivul influennd decizia de cumprare.i acesta este al treilea pas, al treilea D din Metoda de Vnzri 3D Determin Omul, influeneaz-l!Metoda de vnzri 3D: Dezvolt - Descoper - DeterminAceasta este oferta pe care o fac: s ncepem mpreun aceast cltorie prin care s te construim i s te dezvoltm pentru a fi un/o profesionist() n vnzri.Aceast ofert a fost fcut de-a lungul timpului la mai mult de 2500 de oameni de vnzri, unii fiind verzi, abia venii de ieri n vnzri, alii, cu muli ani de experien.n cei apte ani de predare a acestui curs fa n fa, am cerut feedback la sfrit, una dintre ntrebri fiind: ""Pe o scar de la 1 la 10 (10 fiind maxim), ce not dai acest curs?"". Media, la peste 2 500 de oameni de vnzri 9,52!!!Aceasta a fost oferta atunci, aceasta este oferta pe care i-o fac ie,acum!Eu tiu drumul, l-am fcut, n primul rind, pe pielea mea i apoi am inventat aceast metod de vnzri pe care am testat-o i verificat-o n cei peste 22 de ani de vnzri personale sau cu peste 2 500 de oameni.Iat ce-i ofer: un algoritm de vnzri simplu, practic i eficient, o metod de vnzri care i garantez c va funciona i pentru tine dac o cunoti i o aplici.Dumnezeu s te binecuvnteze i, hai s mergem pe acest drum mpreun, un drum care te va conduce la un succes incredibil pe care l vei avea datorit valorii i calitilor tale.Construiete-te!"
Price: 109.99

"Employer Branding: as bases da marca empregadora" |
"O curso, ministrado pelas instrutoras Viviane Mansi e Bruna Gomes, traz fundamentos de employer branding apoiados pelas disciplinas de branding e comunicao. Visa apoiar profissionais de recursos humanos, comunicao, marketing e reas correlatas no entendimento de conceitos sobre employer branding e na aplicao de ferramentas para iniciar o trabalho com o tema. Viviane mestre em Comunicao (Csper Lbero), ps-graduada em Liderana (FDC) e em Negcios (FGV), e mestre em Comunicao (Csper Lbero). Depois de mais de 15 anos trabalhando em indstria farmacutica com relaes governamentais e comunicao, em 2014 Viviane integrou o time de Amrica Latina da GE como gerente de comunicao e public affairs para o Brasil e em 2015 aceitou o convite para se juntar Votorantim Cimentos. Hoje, Diretora de Comunicao da Toyota para a Amrica Latina. Alm disso, mantm seu vnculo acadmico e sua paixo pela sala de aula. Tem mais de dez livros publicados, de autoria prpria, como organizadora e como articulista, e publica regularmente no LinkedInBruna graduada em Comunicao Social pela Faculdade Csper Lbero, cursou MBA pela FGV, fez especializao em Employer Branding pela Universum e mestranda em Psicologia Organizacional pela University of London - Birkbeck. Atuou por 13 anos nas reas de Comunicao & Marca em empresas como Johnson&Johnson, Unilever, Touch Branding e Votorantim Cimentos. professora do curso de Employer Branding da Faculdade Csper Lbero, que j formou mais de 200 alunos em 9 turmas, e atua como consultora em projetos de comunicao, employer branding e gesto da mudana pela Smart Comms, empresa que fundou em 2016."
Price: 129.99

"Beginners To Advance Blogging Course In Hindi" |
Price: 1280.00

"Stylised 3D Game Model Complete Beginners Guide" |
"Stylised 3D Game Model: Complete Beginners GuideHi and welcome to this new 3D Tudor Udemy course, Stylised 3D Game Model: Complete Beginners Guide. This is complete beginners guide to creating a 3D stylised game model. This course will teach you how to create a stylised 3D model from scratch to a professional level, following industry pipelines. If you ever wondered how AAA assets are made by some of the biggest players in the industry, then stay tuned and find out what this course is all about.Like my other Udemy courses, I will be taking you on an extensive 3D modeling journey involving modeling, texturing, freebies, lighting and rendering a game ready 3D asset. The focus of this Udemy course is to show you how to make realistic models, to a real-world scale. Enroll in this Blender 2.83 course and experience over 8 hours of content, full of learning opportunities to take your 3D modeling, sculpting, texturing, lighting and rendering skills up by quite a few notches. By completing this course, you will walk away with a comprehensive view of how to model from the ground up, with a super-fast industry-standard workflow. All this exclusively in Blender 2.8.Stylised 3D Game Model: Complete Beginners Guide has a new learning format that will be relevant to beginners. This course is also relevant to those students who are more familiar with 3D creation and modeling using Blender software, or those who are transitioning into Blender from another piece of software or from the previous older versions of Blender.Using everything I learned from previous courses, mainly from all your helpful feedback, I was able to make a course that really has the wow-factor; something you will be proud of accomplishing.ModellingThis course will teach you how to model stylised assets from the ground up, using Blender 2.83. Whether you are an absolute beginner or someone who is looking to elevate their skill level, animations will be telling you all about modifiers, Blender functions, and key commands, which will guide you along the way popping up right when you need them. This course explains everything and will include a step-by-step exploration of all the new shortcuts that have come with this new Blender version. Best of all, this unique course functionality also lets you set your own pace. This allows the course to be viable for Blender users of any level.By the end of the course, the knowledge you will have learned can be put to use independent of the direction you take in 3D modeling following the amateur or the professional path.SculptingNext, to take our 3D model to the next level, we take a deep dive into Zbrush. You will learn various simple Zbrush techniques to bring your 3D creation to life. This course will take you through the very basics of the Zbrush UI, all the way up to preparing a model for export. What is more, you will be learning new sculpting skills, in addition to learning how to optimise your model to make it game ready.TexturingIn this section, we will be using Substance Painter. Substance Painter is an industry standard software. You will learn how to create complex stylised materials from scratch. We will also go over how to lay or apply multiple materials to meshes. As we texture, we will take an in depth look at how to create texture bakes using high- and low-poly models. In the end, you will come away with a broad understanding of maps and textures, all in just a few hours.RenderingFinally, to present our model in the professional way and make it really stand out in any portfolio, we will be rendering out in Marmoset Toolbag 3. We look at the best texture maps to use for rendering, and we will go over how to set up not only just one render, but three, including a fully textured and wireframe turntable. You will come away with renders which you will be proud to show off on your social media. By the time we have finished rendering in Marmoset Toolbag 3, you will have the knowledge and confidence to create stylised assets that look like they fell out straight out of a game.I always feel that lighting is one of the key components that tend to be the most overlooked. To be honest, I learned this the hard way, seeing as lighting is important with regards to making a scene pop. I have taught you how to set up your lighting in my previous course, Blender 2.8 Model a Lightsaber for Beginners, within Blender, but this time, we will take it a step further. All lighting including environment lighting and extra light were set up within Marmoset Toolbag 3.Download PackBest of all, this course also comes with a free download pack, full of everything you will need for the course. This will include things like full references, Zbrush brushes, and textures just to name a few. The Stylised 3D Game Model: Complete Beginners Guide course download pack will include 3 different brushes, one resolution map, five rope textures (albedo, height, metallic, normal, roughness), a skull decal, and a wood grain illustration.These are resources that you are free to download and reuse in your other projects. I created all these textures and resources using a mix of Substance Designer, and Adobe Photoshop (e.g., for the smoke decal). All textures included for free with this course are custom made specifically for this course.So, with all that said, I hope I have whetted your appetite to start your journey into stylised 3D game asset creation. Check out the free introduction and I am sure you wont be able to put this course down. Check it out. You have nothing to lose, but everything to gain.I had a blast making this course and I am sure you will too!Happy modeling everyone!Neil, 3D Tudor"
Price: 149.99

"Crea tu primer videojuego" |
"Eres un gamer apasionado?Eres un profesionista que quiere aprender una nueva habilidad para mejorar su cirriculum?Eres un entusiasta que siempre ha querido desarrollar un videojuego?Con este curso aprenders los conceptos bsicos de diseo y programacin mientras creas un look-alike de uno de los juegos ms icnicos de la historia.Veremos funcionalidad en 3D, GUI, fsica y sobre todo empezars a programar!Al trmino de este curso tendrs un minijuego que podrs usar en cualquier Mac o PC y con lo aprendido podrs generar tus propios niveles y funciones.Este es el primer paso para convertirte en un desarrollador profesional as que no lo pienses ms."
Price: 270.00

"We have personally trained over 10,000+ people in how to pass their AWS SOLUTION ARCHITECT ASSOCIATE exam on the first attempt!With AWS SOLUTION ARCHITECT ASSOCIATE practice exams containing 65 Questions questions each, I have carefully handcrafted each question to put you to the test. After passing these exams, you will be fully prepared for what it is like to take the AWS SOLUTION ARCHITECT ASSOCIATE Certification Exam.Why Choose the Course?This course is designed around the official Exam Guide from AWS SOLUTION ARCHITECT ASSOCIATE Cover questions from all the area what you need to pass the Exam in the First Try!Save you time and money. After practicing these tests and scoring an 85% or higher on them, you will be ready to PASS on the first attempt and avoid costly rescheduling fees.What will students learn in your course?Practical AWS CERTIFIED SOLUTION ARCHITECT ASSOCIATE Exam like Scenario with 3 Set and 65 Question in Each SetAble to check the Knowledge gap if you have any!Are there any curse requirements or prerequisites?You need to Know the AWS SOLUTION ARCHITECT ASSOCIATE Course CurriculumYou need to Know Each Topic Of the AWS SOLUTION ARCHITECT ASSOCIATE Exam Properly (Here you just Get the Exam Like Questions)"
Price: 19.99

"Aws Solution Architect Associate Practice Exam" |
"We have personally trained over 10,000+ people in how to pass their AWS SOLUTION ARCHITECT ASSOCIATE exam on the first attempt!With AWS SOLUTION ARCHITECT ASSOCIATE practice exams containing 65 Questions questions each, I have carefully handcrafted each question to put you to the test. After passing these exams, you will be fully prepared for what it is like to take the AWS SOLUTION ARCHITECT ASSOCIATE Certification Exam.Why Choose the Course?This course is designed around the official Exam Guide from AWS SOLUTION ARCHITECT ASSOCIATE Cover questions from all the area what you need to pass the Exam in the First Try!Save you time and money. After practicing these tests and scoring an 85% or higher on them, you will be ready to PASS on the first attempt and avoid costly rescheduling fees.What will students learn in your course?Practical AWS CERTIFIED SOLUTION ARCHITECT ASSOCIATE Exam like Scenario with 3 Set and 65 Question in Each SetAble to check the Knowledge gap if you have any!Are there any curse requirements or prerequisites?You need to Know the AWS SOLUTION ARCHITECT ASSOCIATE Course CurriculumYou need to Know Each Topic Of the AWS SOLUTION ARCHITECT ASSOCIATE Exam Properly (Here you just Get the Exam Like Questions)"
Price: 19.99

"Understanding Foreign Remittances: Beginner's Guide" |
"This course is part of a beginner's series of courses on the subject of foreign exchange, cross-border trade and international financial markets. The course provides an overview of the global foreign remittances, introduction to current and capital account convertibility and a close look at the risk factors associated with remittances. The regulatory framework governing foreign remittances from and into India is also included in this course.University students, working executives, self employed and business owners will find the course useful in getting a basic understanding of this interesting and important domain of international funds transfers."
Price: 3520.00

YouTube? |
"YouTube - , . , , YouTube 100%. , , , . , , , YouTube."
Price: 49.99

"YouTube ?" |
"- YouTube. - , , . YouTube! ! , . , , YouTube . YouTube ( YouTube )."
Price: 199.99

"Monte o seu Prprio Computador: O Guia COMPLETO do Hardware!" |
">>> Voc j desejou montar seu prprio computador? Imagine agora como seria incrvel - e bastante til - se voc tivesse a habilidade de construir seu prprio computador de forma segura, sem se preocupar em comprar componentes errados ou estragar as peas durante a montagem.>>> Ou ser que voc assim como eu tem um carter criativo, tambm curioso e por isso gostaria de saber o que cada componente faz, podendo assim obter uma clara vantagem disso?>>> Voc certamente quer saber como comprar os melhores componentes de acordo com verba que voc tem disponvel, obtendo para voc uma tima relao custo x benefcio, afinal, quem no iria querer isso? Ningum quer jogar dinheiro fora!Bem, se voc chegou at aqui consegue perceber os proveitos que voc pode tirar desta nova habilidade.Este curso um Guia Prtico, elaborado passo-a-passo para pessoas que precisam ou desejam montar seu prprio computador...O que voc ir aprender:Este curso ir te apresentar os conceitos essenciais que voc precisa entender sobre hardware.Voc ento aprender sobre o hardware, aprofundando mais os conhecimentos componente por componente, todos apresentando individualmente para que voc aprenda melhor e com mais clareza.Faremos uma montagem passo-a-passo na prtica do zero at o computador completamente montado.Voc aprender como fazer todo cabeamento de forma totalmente segura e sem se preocupar com choques ou estragar componentes.Voc vai saber como organizar todos os cabos como um profissional de forma eficaz e esteticamente agradvel.Finalmente voc ir aprender como deixar seu computador 100% funcional e pronto para voc desfrutar instalando o Sistema Operacional no computador.Alm disso tudo voc ainda economizar bastante tempo porque voc vai aprender algumas dicas e macetes que eu descobri e usei ao longo de anos de experincia prtica e conhecimento acumulado.Eu me dediquei ao mximo para produzir um contedo de excelente qualidade. Por conta disso eu deixo bem claro que a direito a 30 dias de garantia assegurados pela Udemy.Eu tenho certeza que voc vai adorar o curso e que no final vai ter seu prprio computador montado por voc mesmo da melhor forma podendo assim desfrutar vontade de sua nova mquina e at mesmo ganhar dinheiro usando essa nova habilidade.Com toda esta garantia voc no tem nada a perder, faa agora mesmo sua inscrio no curso agora e vamos comear a dominar os conhecimentos da montagem de hardware para construir seu prprio computador com confiana, entender sobre o funcionamento de cada componente sem mistrios, obter para voc mesmo a melhor relao entre custo e benefcio, ganhando performance e economizando dinheiro!J estou te esperando!"
Price: 399.99

"Wiskunde (2) Vergelijkingen" |
"In deze cursus Winkunde (2) dat over wiskundige vergelijkingen gaat wordt aan de hand van voorbeelden en opdrachten het volgende besproken: de Lineaire vergelijking , de Kwadratische vergelijking , waarbij ook de ABC formule wordt toegepast, de Exponentile vergelijking , inclusief logeritmen om x te kunnen berekenen en de Relationele of Fractionele vergelijking (x= een breuk). Het volgen van het lesprogramma gaat overeenkomstig een te downloaden syllabus die verder als naslagwerk kan worden gebruikt."
Price: 149.99

"Manifest using the Law of Attraction in 5 easy steps" |
"IN THIS EASY TO USE COURSE I WILL SHOW YOU:The 5 step process to manifest anything you want in your life by working with the Law of AttractionThe biggest problem that stops you being able to manifest and how you can easily overcome thisHow to bring your energy into alignment to manifest in all areas of your life, time and time again I will share the biggest hack that I have found in how to manifest and even share my amazing story of how this worked for me AS AN ADDED BONUS:At the end of the course you can gain free and immediate access to my private Facebook community where you will be built up daily by the high vibe community - where I share inspiration, motivation and tips with like-minded people. In the group I share insights, mini trainings and lots, lots more about manifestation, mindset and all things energy.There is also a bonus video to give you more clarity around your manifestingChange your life today in 5 easy steps to manifest your dreams!Who this course is for:Anyone that wants to learn a tried and tested easy method to manifest anything Anyone willing to change their life with easeIt is perfect for anyone from beginners to those more experienced in how to manifest"
Price: 24.99

"Sports Massage: Learn Advanced Sports Massage and Yoga" |
"In Sports Massage - Learn Advanced Yoga & Deep Tissue Massage, Your body is ready for a Crazy Tune-Up to it's an immune system! You've done the 21 Day Challenge and you've Learned about Pliability! Now its time to Engrain these skills plus learn a few new tricks to get you Fully Optimized!Learn Advanced Yoga & Deep Tissue Massage, Jorge takes you on his groundbreaking Yoga Routine, presenting a few Supplemental Movements that can make the difference of having to pay for medical expenses down the road!Improve BalanceStrengthen Core MusclesReduce Strain on JointsTone Problem JointsReduce Pain InjuryYou become more Pliable and allows you to take your game to another level and reducing the injury margin. Jorge offers an easy to follow Yoga Routine that hits all the Muscles, Joints, Fascia, Vertebrae, and the CNS (Central Nervous System)After this course, you'll be able to achieve your sustain peak performance, keep up with your children or grandchildren, or join that new Sport you've been putting off with more flexibility! ""When taking my classes, Think Bamboo Versus Rigid Tree, when the wind blows, the tree cracks, and the bamboo bends"" - Jorge MTZ"
Price: 39.99

"SQL: Creacin de Bases de Datos (De cero a profesional)" |
"El Lenguaje SQL (Structured Query Language) es un lenguaje de computacin diseado para el fcil acceso y obtencin de informacin de una Base de Datos.Saber programar en SQL es la habilidad ms solicitada por las empresas de todo el mundo. Un programador Jr. en SQL gana $66,000 USD al ao en promedio.Qu esperas?El objetivo del curso es que sin conocimientos previos aprendas con ejercicios prcticos a:Disear bases de datos de manera correcta y eficiente con las mejores practicas.Crear bases de datos.Modificar bases de datos.El lenguaje de manipulacin de datos.Despus de tomar este curso sers capaz de disear y crear bases de datos eficientes y de calidad para proyectos personales o para el entorno profesional. Tambin sers capaz de modificar y manipular bases de datos ya existentes para adaptarlas a las nuevas necesidades.Con este curso aadirs valor a tu CV y habilidades que te harn destacar en tu trabajo."
Price: 270.00

"Android Architecture Components 2020" |
"Welcome to the Android Architecture Components edition 2020! If you are trying to get up to speed in the newest Android Architecture or you are thinking about what you can do to improve your Android skills? This is the right place for you! Android Jetpack Components is a collection of libraries that are individually adoptable and built to work together while taking advantage of Kotlin language features that make us more productive. They help us to simplify the process of :Building production-ready source code Building scalable and more maintainable apps Building more robust and easy to test applications. It allows focusing more on the business logic rather than an architecture pattern. Jetpack, as you know, has been arranged 4 levels of components:Foundation ComponentsBehavior ComponentsUI ComponentsArchitecture Components. This course is engaged to show you everything about Architecture ones -> Data Binding: Declaratively bind observable data to UI elementsLifecycles: Manage your activity and fragment lifecyclesLiveData: Notify views when underlying database changesNavigation: Handle everything needed for in-app navigationPaging: Gradually load information on demand from your data sourceRoom: Fluent SQLite database accessViewModel: Manage UI-related data in a lifecycle-conscious wayWorkManager: Manage your Android background jobsYou will be shown how to integrate one by one and how to create your new apps using one of the best pattern the ""MVVM""Do not worry we are Kotlin first. And YES! You will be using Kotlin-Coroutines and Retrofit. All the Video Content in 1080p Full HD Resolution! Let's go! "
Price: 24.99

"Convert Google Drive to Direct Link File Hosting" |
"Unlimited Google Drive Hosting + Use Google Drive as a direct download link file hosting and video hostingWith a Google Account, you get 15 GB of storage for free. Storage gets used by Google Drive, Gmail, and Google Photos, so you can store files, save your email attachments, and back up photos and videos. But there was always a problem for the people who needed to share their files from google drive to others. Well, Google does not have an option to create a direct download link for the files even if you could do that there is still another big problem. You can not use your own domain to create a direct download link for your google drive files, videos, or photos.Using this tutorial, you can upload any file type, including zip and rar files, any type of videos in different formats, any type of digital documents, and anything you want on your Google Drive, and create a direct link for each one of them with your own domain to show it on your website or just for downloading.This tutorial would be amazing for website owners who need to share lots of files with their users. They always had to deal with hosting providers with expensive plans for their file hosting. This course is exactly for you if you have the same problem.Use Google Drive as a file and video hostingSet your personal domain on Google DriveDirect download link for all of your files with your own domain"
Price: 19.99

"Real Analysis Part 3" |
"This coarse is from the content 'Real analysis' which consists of Four Sections:1) Uniform Convergence ( Introduction) _ Explains the Basic concepts and some Theorems with Solved Examples ,Cauchy Criterion of Uniform Convergence , Weierstrass's M-Test (Most Important Result) , Abel's Lemma and Abel's Test , Dirichlet's Test with Solved Examples based on it.2) Uniform Convergence and Continuity_ Explains the Basic Concept and Theorems with Solved Examples.3) Uniform Convergence and Integration_Explains the Theorems with Solved Examples.4) Uniform Convergence and Differentiation_Explains the Theorems with Solved Examples."
Price: 24.99

"Blender: how to create the tiny k-2SO STAR WAR Robot" |
"Hi, I'm Marwan, I always like to create start to finish courses, because I want to teach the student a lot of things with one course, and that's what I did in this training.Welcome to the k-2SO STAR WAR Robot Blender course, in this course, you will learn how to model and unwrap and add realistic material to your project, we will begin our journey with the most important part ( modeling ) we will start modeling the hole Robot from start to finish and we will use special tools comes default with Blender to accomplish that.After the modeling section, we will jump to the most important stage, it's Unwrapping, It's a very important stage because if you don't unwrap your model you can't add the texture above it properly, so because of that I unwrapped all the Robot from start to finish so you can understand the tech neck that I'm using to achieve that quickly and perfectly.after the Unwrapping section, we need to prepare the project to send it to Substance Painter, so in this stage, we will learn how to send the project correctly to Substance Painter without any problem to prepare it for texturing, and at Substance Painter, we will learn how to create realistic PBR material and how to make it old and dirty to give the project more realism.After adding material to the Robot now we need to take the Robot back to Blender, so there we will learn how to import the texture from Substance Painter to Blender, and how to add them correctly on the Robot to prepare it for rendering. then we will render the Robot with the Cycles render engine and make realistic results there, after that I will use the compositor to add some adjustment to the final render.This course will be full of information, so I hope you benefit from it. and happy learning."
Price: 59.99

"CompTIA A + 220-802 Mobile Devices Trouble Shooting Exam" |
"228 UNIQUE practice questions for CompTIA A + 220-802 Mobile Devices Trouble Shooting ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CompTIA A + 220-802 Mobile Devices Trouble Shooting ExamTotal Questions : 228Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :135 minsPassing Score : 75 (171 of 228)"
Price: 169.99

"Build Timesheet Solution with PowerApps & SharePoint" |
"There are several courses on Udemy and all over the internet that will teach you what PowerApps is and how it works. But only a few that will teach you how to build real-life business solutions with PowerApps.In this knowledge-packed course, you will learn exactly that. You will learn and build at the same time, a real-life Timesheet Management solution with Microsoft Power Platform, specifically with PowerApps in a step-by-step way. Timesheet management solutions are very popular and in demand for all kinds of businesses and organizations. So learning, building, and implementing the solution in your company will surely be a rewarding experience.At the end of this course, you will have your very own Timesheet Management solution available and ready to deploy in your Office 365 environment. The course will also provide you with code templates, SharePoint list templates as well as partially built app templates that you can use to rapidly build the whole PowerApp and quickly deploy into your Office 365 environment.Are you excited? Now let me mention that I expect that you have already used PowerApps and are familiar with the basics. We will be touching a lot of basics and concepts but the course will not be covering too many basic details. So even if you have used PowerApps only for a little while you should be fine. So lets get started and build our real-life business solution with PowerApps."
Price: 199.99

"Modeling Fundamentals in Maya 2020" |
"Welcome to...MODELING FUNDAMENTALS IN MAYA 2020This epic course is over 14 hours long and takes you through the journey of mastering Maya's powerful modeling tools.You will learn HOW to use the tools, WHEN to use them and WHY you use them.You will learn where the tools are located and how to use shortcuts for quick use.You will learn professional modeling tips and tricks.Modeling tools you will learn include:Bevel ToolExtrude ToolMulti-Cut ToolInsert Edge Loop ToolBridge ToolMirror ToolMerge ToolBooleans ToolAnd many, many more.Learning how to use a combination of these tools will make you proficient in modeling.This course is project-based, so roll up your sleeves and get ready to dig in!Firstly, you will learn how to model an iPhone. You will learn every step of the modeling process.You will learn how to create the basic shape of the phone with a cube, and from there, bevel the edges to make the corners of the phone rounded like a phone in real life.From that point, you will learn how to model the buttons, the screen, the camera, and the port.You will learn efficient modeling techniques as you go along and gain experience in the modeling process.Finally, you will learn how to add proper shaders to the phone, like how to add glass to the phone screen, so the screen will reflect in the light just like in real life.You will learn how to use lights in Maya so you can illuminate the phone, and how to render the phone so it will look realistic.Then in the second half of the course, you will learn how to model a cartoon style car.You will begin by blocking out the roof, then the chassis, then proceed to model the hood, the grill, the lights, the wheels, how to make the rims and the tire treads.You will finally add details to the car, like the wing mirror, the steering wheel, the seats, the door handles, and also create the glass shader for the windows.You will learn the difference between bad and good geometry and how to fix problems so your models have proper edge flows and clean geometry.You will learn how to deal with common problems a lot of modelers make, and how to overcome these problems by using different modeling methods.Finally, by the end of this course, you will have the confidence to make your own models inside Maya.This course is designed for students who are serious about modeling and want to become a professional modeler.Godspeed!"
Price: 24.99

"Master GST Course I Concepts & GST Portal A-Z Live Projects" |
"Master GST Course I Concepts & GST Portal A-Z Live ProjectsGST Filing, GST Registration, GST Registartion Cancellation, GSTR-1 FilingGSTR-2 FilingGSTR-3 FilingGSTR-4 fILINGGST Refund ApplicationGST Registration RequirementsGST Core Field AmendmentsGST Non-Core Field AmendmentsView Submitted ApplicationAt the end of the course , students will have a thorough understanding of the GST law which will be helpful in practical life.Video Lectures with Detailed notes helps in easy understanding of Law.Cases & MCQs helps for practical understanding of the subject.Learn GST in most simple manner...online....Animated Video lectures for Easy & In-Depth understanding of the subject ...you can watch Any time ...Any where.Comprehensive & Easy to learn study notes.Online Quiz to test your knowledge at the end of each topic."
Price: 1280.00

"Youtube Business - Como Vender pelo Youtube" |
"Hoje o YouTube o segundo canal de pesquisa da internet mundial, um lugar perfeito para desenvolver sua marca e vender mais.Curso para quem deseja comear sua jornada no YouTube e descobrir seus principais recursos.Com uma linguagem prtica e didtica. Voc ter o passo a passo com os detalhes desde a criao da conta at a otimizao (SEO) dos seus vdeos.Inicie sua jornada rumo aos 1mil ou 10mil assinantesE esse o curso perfeito para voc iniciar seu canal do YouTube e conquistar clientes nessa era digital.GANHE MAIS VISUALIZAES E ASSINANTES ou inicie um canal do zero.Um curso completo do bsico ao avanado. Qualquer que seja seu foco, esse curso vai ajudar a vender mais usando o YouTube.So 10 horas de contedo atualizado e bem prtico.Certificado Internacional e acesso vitalcio!Neste Curso de Como Vender pelo YouTube voc vai aprender a usar os principais recursos para sucesso do seu Canal. Ferramentas para que seu vdeo esteja entre os primeiros na busca de vdeos. O YouTube o melhor lugar para voc vender, apresentar solues e mostrar aquilo que mais gosta e sabe fazer. E tambm uma boa opo para as empresas apresentarem seus produtos e/ou servios de seu negcio."
Price: 99.99

"Learn Accounting from scratch" |
"Hello, Without any prerequisite you can enroll this course to study accounting from scratch as this lecture has been arranged in that manner, Key benefit of enrolling this course will be: Learn in deep about the basic terminology of accounting and Important principles of Accounting and you can also learn from passing Journal entries to preparation of Balance sheet within 1.5 hours.Happy learning:)"
Price: 1280.00

"Music Theory Explained #2" |
"This is the second course in the Music Theory Explained series that explains the foundational concepts of music theory in a relatable and simple way. In this course students will learn the following:Chord FunctionsPentatonic ScalesDiminished Scales and ChordsAugmented Scales and ChordsChord ExtensionsHow to Read Chords on a ChartThere are supplemental materials available as well including a practice plan to help you implement the material covered in the course."
Price: 29.99

"Taller de Innovacin cmo innovar?" |
"CompuSoluciones es una empresa de T.I. con ms de 35 aos en el mercado, en esta ocasin pone a tu disposicin a su grupo de innovadores para que descubras un proceso que te llevar de la mano a ejecutar el proyecto que siempre haz querido. Conoce grandes ejemplos de como otras empresas han innovado y descubre a travs de nuestras dinmicas que cualquier persona puede ser un gran innovador."
Price: 945.00

"IBM C2040-985 Developing Lotus Note Domino 8.5 Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) XML representation of Domino databases, including its structure and data, known as which of the following?a) DXLb) DXMLc) XMLDd) DominoXLe) NoneQ) What type of item can not be embedded on a page?a) Seeb) editorc) navigatord) Select a datee) NoneXML representation of Domino databases, including its structure and data, known as which of the following?a) DXLb) DXMLc) XMLDd) DominoXLe) NoneQ) Wesley can see the document in the draft program, which has its name listed in the ""Contact Offer"". He can not see any other documents or it can change the action, he can see. What level of access, Wesley in the ACL for this application?a) readerb) editorc) authord) investore) Non"
Price: 149.99
