"Project Management Professional (PMP) Prep: Mock Exam" |
"This mock exam includes 200 multiple-choice questions similar to the actual PMP exam of the Project Management Institute (PMI). The time given to complete the exam is four hours. This exam is useful for you if you are planning to undertake the PMP exam soon and before the exam content changed by the end of this year. It will serve as an excellent opportunity to review project management concepts, processes, and tools and techniques. This mock exam has been prepared by professionals and academics with over 10 years of experience in project management. In addition, the exam was prepared in line with the latest edition of PMBOK Guide (2017), Agile Practice Guide, and PMP Exam Content Outline. This mock exam focuses on the five Project Management Process Groups comprising the ten knowledge areas and agile concept. Before taking this exam, it is recommended to review the latest edition of PMBOK Guide and the Agile Practice Guide. It is also recommended to review other related materials such as the PMI Lexicon of Project Management Terms and Earned Value Management Practice Standard. "
Price: 44.99

"Devenez magicien ! (dbutant)" |
"Apprenez les fondamentaux de la magie, pour raliser des tours dont tout le monde se souviendra. La magie ne ncssite qu'une chose: l'envie de partager un moment spcial. Je vous apprendrais toutes sortes de manipulations que nous pourrons raliser avec de nombreux objets (cartes, billets, cartes de visite etc) pour s'affirmer, donner et prendre du plaisir. Rejoignez moi dans cette aventure et laissez votre crativit s'exprimer !"
Price: 49.99

"Metalurgia: de bsico a avanzado" |
"Curso de Metalurgia para ingenieros, estudiantes de Ingeniera y tcnicos que trabajen en el mbito de la industria metalmecnica que deseen profundizar sus conocimientos en esta rea del conocimiento. Se hace nfasis en la influencia que tiene la microestructura de las aleaciones metlicas en sus propiedades mecnicas. A la vez, se se ensea a aplicar criterios prcticos para la seleccin, control y tratamientos termomecnicos de tal manera maximicen las propiedades mecnicas de cada una de las familias de aleaciones estudiadas."
Price: 19.99

"SQL Schnellkurs: Prgnant und Praxisnah SQL Abfragen lernen" |
"Datenbanken und SQL werden nicht so schnell von uns gehen: Vor allem im Zeitalter von Big Data! Deshalb ist es eine gute Idee Mal in die Abfragesprache von SQL reinzuschnuppern. Hier wirst du lernen, wie du die wichtigsten Schlsselbegriffe von SQL anwendest. Nach kurzer Zeit schreibst du bereits deine eigenen SQL-Abfragen und das ohne irgendwas installieren zu mssen! Datenbanken ist ein Thema mit fast keinem Limit, aber mit nur ein paar Stunden in diesem Kurs kannst direkt mitreden und selbst kleinere SQL-Abfragen erstellen."
Price: 99.99

"Acrylics and Colour Mixing For Beginners" |
"Does your child love art and want to learn more? If so, this is the course for you! In this course your child will learn about how to paint with acrylics, create 3 amazing paintings and one mixed media work incorporating the colour wheel,learn about how to mix and create colours, learn about the basics of colour theory,be encouraged to start thinking about their colour choices and how colours interact with each other.While designing this course, I wanted it to be more than just painting and drawing and that's why I also include some art theory and art history -ideas that will become embedded in minds over time. The course is fun and accessible but also puts in place some key, foundational elements of art."
Price: 24.99

"C_FIORADM_21 - SAP Fiori System Administration Technology" |
"Latest Exam questions to clear C_FIORADM_21 - SAP Fiori System Administration Technology, Why you need to spend hundreds of dollars when you get a genuine certification dump only for few dollars. This set of question were collected from candidate who appeared exam just yesterday. Course Details ::Please see below the list of topics that may be covered within this certification and the courses that cover them. Its accuracy does not constitute a legitimate claim; SAP reserves the right to update the exam content (topics, items, weighting) at any time.AS ABAP System Administration> 12%SAP Fiori System Landscape> 12%SAP Fiori Infrastructure> 12%SAP Fiori Implementation and Operations> 12%SAP Fiori Foundation8% - 12%SAP Fiori Architecture and Entities8% - 12%Technology Components for HTTP-based Communication8% - 12%"
Price: 84.99

"Curso de Captao de Som Direto - Cinema / TV / Publicidade" |
"Uma imagem pode valer mais que mil palavras, mas o som que d sentimento e significado para a imagem!Quantas vezes voc j deixou de ver um vdeo ou filme que estava com o som chiado, muito alto ou muito baixo? Enfim um som comprometido atrapalha toda a nossa experiencia em curtir um filme, um video.A habilidade de ouvir um dos maiores presentes da raa humana. Poder ouvir a uma msica, ondas do mar ou at o choro de um beb faz parte da nossa natureza. Captar um som com maestria o objetivo do profissional de Som Direto. O curso de Som Direto composto por prtica, teoria e muitos exemplos de cases!"
Price: 219.99

"Cum s ctigi bani i un venit pasiv lucrnd de acas" |
"De-a lungul timpului am tot cutat diferite metode pentru a genera un venit pasiv lunar fr s necesite experien, fr s am nevoie de o firm (SRL, PFA etc), fr s necesite un website de creat.. Ei bine, dup mult timp de cutri am gsit soluia i vreau s o mprtesc cu tine prin acest curs.Aceast metod nu necesit bani iniiali i este 100% gratuit. Nu este o greeal de eroare. Dac implementezi strategiile pe care le-am prezentat n acest curs, poi construi un flux pasiv de venituri care nu te va costa un cent pentru a ncepe, dar i va plti sume satisfctoare n lunile i anii urmtori!Dac ai visat s scapi de slujba 9-5 sau doreti doar s nvei cum s ncepi o afacere, poi opera pe computerul tu de oriunde din lume, acest curs i poate schimba perspectiva.Nu mai sta pe gnduri i nscrie-te astzi. ncepe s generezi venit pasiv mine.Acest curs este cel mai bun mod de a ncepe s obii venituri pasive online.Nu continua s te ntrebi ce s-ar fi ntmplat dac a fi fcut-o. Nu vei fi dezamgit, n plus vei obine o garanie necondiionat de 30 de zile pentru returnarea banilor. Ce ai de pierdut?Vei primi: Acces pe via la curs Asisten rapid i util n seciunea ntrebri i rspunsuri Garanie de rambursare n 30 de zile!Nu mai sta pe gnduri i nscrie-te astzi. ncepe s generezi venit pasiv mine."
Price: 19.99

"Have Fun with Djembe (Level 1)" |
"This course aims to equip you with the fundamentals of playing the DJEMBE so that you can enjoy with friends and family. It is most suitable for beginners, parents and teachers. You will be introduced to the basic sounds and hand positions of the DJEMBE. You will be given some exercise rhythms to practice and exercise. We will also sing some African songs and play along with the Djembe and some more small instruments. We can move our bodies, jamming with African music!Follow the video and have fun!"
Price: 34.99

"In this course students can learn about how to create homepage/ fronpage using html. After the completion of course students can easily make basic website / homepage / frontpage at their home in laptop/ desktop .how to create homepage/front page using html. Basic idea about html . Brief idea about html/dhtml. Information about html. Founder of html. This all the basic ideas about html you can learn in this course"
Price: 1280.00

"Sketch renin -Temelden Profesyonel Seviyeye (UI/UX Design)" |
"Tasarm dnyasna giri yapmak veya kendinizi profesyonel olarak gelitirmek istiyorsanz!Bu eitim ile kendinizi hem Sketch kullanm hem de UI/UX Design (Kullanc Arayz ve Kullanc Deneyimi Tasarm) alannda gelitirebileceksiniz. Eitim kapsamnda yapacamz pratik almalar ile rendiklerinizi pekitirebilecek ve ok daha kalc bir geliim salayabileceksiniz. Konu konu ayrlm olan eitim videolar ile geriye dnk olarak da istediiniz bilgilere hzlca ulaarak bu eitime katldnz takdirde kendinize srekli bir bilgi arivi oluturmu olacaksnz.Eitimi tamamlamanzn ardndan daha etkileyici bir CV ve portfolyoya sahip olacaksnz."
Price: 69.99

"11. Sweine" |
"Kernthemen dieses Kurses:Welche Arten von Swein gibt es?Unterschiede in der HerstellungsmethodeDie wichtigsten Vertreter ihrer Weinstile/HerkunftEinheiten und Umrechnung fr das MostgewichtDie Sweine, insbesondere jene Vertreter, die aus den wenig ansehnlichen edelfaulen Beeren erzeugt werden, sind mit Sicherheit das exquisiteste was die Weinwelt zu bieten hat. Bereits vor Jahrhunderten wussten alle kniglichen Hfe Europas und schlielich auch im 18. Jahrhundert die Prsidenten der USA diese Elixiere aus Weintrauben zu schtzen. Durch die Reduzierung des Wassergehalts der Beeren (und der damit einhergehenden beabsichtigten Konzentration von Zucker) fallen die Ertrge bei diesen Weinen teilweise extrem gering aus. Das fhrt natrlich letztlich zu sehr hohen Preisen und Begehrlichkeiten. Da hilft es natrlich sehr, dass diese Wein ein sehr langes Leben genieen wegen dem hohen Zuckergehalt (und auch wegen der hohen Sure) und somit auch sehr alte Jahrgnge im Handel zu finden sind.Auch heutzutage gehrt zum Abschluss eines tollen Mens das Dessert flankiert durch einen Swein. Diese zeichnen sich nicht nur durch eine ausgeprgte Se aus, sondern eben auch durch eine einmalige Opulenz und Dichte der Aromen sowie durch einen sehr langen Abgang. Die stilistische Bandbreite ist erstaunlich hoch, weil es mehrere Herstellungsmethoden gibt, Sweine zu erzeugen. In diesem Kurs besprechen wir diese verschiedenen Mglichkeiten und ihre Auswirkungen auf den Charakter der Sweine. Im Anschluss prsentiere ich noch die allerwichtigsten Sweinstile. Zu guter letzt verkosten wir dann gemeinsam einen Eiswein und eine edelsen Sauternes aus dem Bordeaux (vllt. der Herausragendste unter den Sweinen)."
Price: 29.99

"Getting Started on your College Essay" |
"In this course, students will be provided with exercises and processes that help them to begin the intimidating process of writing their college essays. They will be provided with tools and exercises that will help them brainstorm a topic, construct an outline, and write with purpose and style. Students should gain all the necessary groundwork for creating a working draft they can be proud of. This class is also a great exercise for any writer who is interested in perfecting their writing process, or trying out new methods of approaching writing. This class is well-organized and gets straight to the point so that students can get to the work of writing."
Price: 29.99

karaokescoring |
Price: 19800.00

"Math with Stories" |
"This is a recreational math course, designed to explain some fundamental math concepts through engaging stories. It's not designed to any syllabus or classroom curriculum. I've been teaching math across levels for the past 20 years and my mission is to make math enjoyable and fun. This course will teach you basic math, logic and problem solving while having loads of fun.As I worked with students of different ages across countries, I realized that almost everyone understands the importance of math. However, several of my students were afraid to dive in because they found math boring or scary. For me, my first love is Math. After completing my MBA and dabbling in the corporate sector for a few years - I soon went back to my first love and have been teaching math ever since. I've developed several techniques to make math teaching fun and easy to understand. Using stories to ignite the curiosity is one of the most powerful!These are stories compiled from all over the world - I heard some of them from my grand parents, read some as fables, and created the rest on my own :). They are all engaging and witty - some will bring a smile to your face, others will make you wonder. Each story poses a practical real life problem, you get a chance to work on the problems yourself or along with your friends or family if you wish. Subsequently, I provide videos with illustrations and clear explanation of the solution for each story problem and then encourage you to explore further on your own. You learn some cool concepts like fractions, percentage, exponents, series, rates, proportions, patterns and mensuration while having fun all along!"
Price: 19.99

"VBA JETPACK Course - Trump Excel" |
"This course covers all the concepts from scratch and then deep-dives into some advanced concepts. This Excel VBA-JETPACK course is for you if:You want to automate common tasks so that these can be done by others with a click of a buttonYou regularly refresh reports/dashboards - and it eats up a lot of your timeYou want to acquire an in-demand skill that will supercharge your career growthThe lessons in this VBA course are short and full of practical examples that will help you apply these in your work from Day 1 itself. The course is packed with short videos (and some longer ones) that will take you from a beginner level and make you an advanced VBA userThe following topics are covered in this VBA course : Introduction to VBA Language and the VB Editor Recording/Decoding Macros in Excel Running Macros in Excel Writing Your First VBA Code Understanding Errors in VBA Working with Cells and Ranges using VBA Working with Worksheets/Workbooks using VBA Using Variables in VBA Using Object Variables in VBA Using Message Boxes in VBA With Statement Loop If-Then Else Loop Select Case Loop Do While/Until Loop For Next Loop For Each Loop Creating Custom Functions in VBA Error Error Everywhere - How to Handle it Using Event Procedures to run macros Userform - Basics + Deep Dive Using Array in VBA Working with Charts using VBA Show and Hide Elements using VBA Update Charts/Dashboards with a Single Click Creating Mouse Rollover Effect using VBA Creating Chart Animations using VBA Creating Add-ins using VBA Creating an Application using VBA Working with Files and Folders Generating Word Reports using VBA Generating PDF Reports using VBA By the Time You are Finished with the Course, You'll be able to: Write and Record Macros to automate tasks and save you a ton of time. Create Powerful Custom Functions so that you don't have to deal with large complex formulas. Create Interactive Workbooks that can be easily be shared with colleagues. Quickly Update Charts and Dashboards using VBA instead of doing it manually and wasting time. Create Add-ins and Applications that can easily be shared with others so that everyone can do things faster.NOTE: In case the video looks a bit blurry, you can change the video quality to 720p (by clicking on the settings gear icon on the bottom right of the video screen)"
Price: 19.99

10UP |
Price: 29.99

"Aprende a dibujar arquitectura. Sketches Arquitectnicos." |
"Si crees que dibujar es imposible y quieres dibujar bien porque vas a empezar la carrera de arquitectura o tal vez ya ests dentro, ste curso es para ti. Si simplemente eres una persona apasionada por el dibujo y te gustara incrementar tus habilidades en el dibujo a tinta y a lpiz que son fundamentalmente las tcnicas utilizadas para el dibujo arquitectnico, este curso tambin podra ser para ti permitiendo que te adentrars en ste magnfico mundillo del sketch arquitectnico. Si algo est claro es que los grandes arquitectos de la historia han dibujado bien y actualmente por mucho que avance la tecnologa es una habilidad muy demandada en esta profesin y en muchas otras. Ya sea por gusto o por aprender, te estar muy agradecido si tomaras este curso en el que aprenders el conocimiento que yo he adquirido durante aos de investigacin y prctica. Y es que a dibujar se aprende, si alguien no sabe es porque no le han explicado como hay que hacerlo.La estructura del curso es:1-Introduccin y materiales a utilizar.2-El dibujo arquitectnico, ejemplos, dibujo en perspectiva.3-Nuestro primer sketch completo.4-Nuestro segundo sketch.5-Despedida de finalizacin del curso y consejos para seguir aprendiendo.Ya sea si eres una persona recin iniciada y poseas un nivel intermedio ste curso podra ser para ti. Un saludo!"
Price: 19.99

"English Speaking: Everyday English Conversations! (Part 1)" |
"Popular American Everyday English Conversations is an English enrichment course taught by me, John, a native American English speaker. You will learn English at a native level, so that you can speak more fluently! Start to speak with more confidence with learning through everyday English conversations This course includes:How to call 911 in an English speaking countryHow to fill out an application such as at a doctor's office, school, filling out for a passport or job application, etc. How to give and receive directions You will learn vocabulary, practice your pronunciation, reading, listening, speaking and writing skills in all 3 lecture! VideosPDF transcriptsI design my courses so if you are a teacher, you will be able to use these courses with your students in the classroom. And if you are a student, you are able to practice with friends and family! This course is extremely detailed, so you can masterfully learn English. My course is for all levels! If you want to speak English fluently, confidently or want to sound more like an American, my course can help you achieve your goal of speaking English fluently."
Price: 19.99

"Enhance Your Memory: Boost Learning, Memory and Study Skills" |
"If you want to boost your memory and learn effective study strategies, this course is definitely for you. This course is gives an overview of memory, the stages of memory, and the process of how memories are formed. Students will learn several techniques that are useful in the classroom, at work, and in everyday social settings.Start improving your memory today!"
Price: 19.99

"Complete Guide To: Getting That Dream Job" |
"Frustrated that the job search is taking forever?Disappointed that your CV keeps getting rejected?Angry that you are not even getting rejection messages?Then listen up...The Complete Guide To: Getting That Dream Job is brought to you by industry leading recruiter Matt Sedgwick. For over a decade, he has been advising people on the 'How To's' of getting the job they deserve.Come and join Matt on a journey that navigates through the twists and turns of the job search.Learn how to create key assets such as:Your Bullet Proof CV (that will fly past ATS' and grab the hiring managers attention immediately)A LinkedIn profile that will be ALL STAR!A Video CV (that will modernise your job search collateral)Cover Letters (that will open the doors to the job you want)Readjust your mindset to be able to excel in the job search and take away the anxieties of interviews.Learn how to engage with your future employers and how important your digital reputation is in today's technologically advanced world.Build yourself a personal project manager who can help take off the stress of interviewsANDBecome a master of interviewing and take back control of your job search by excelling in interviews.With just under 5 hours of footage, 81 lectures and 30+ downloadable resources, the Complete Guide To: Getting That Dream Job has stripped away the unnecessary parts of the job search.It demystifies the recruiter jargon and the fear-mongering about the job search that incredibly costly career councillors want you to believe.It comes to you with an easy to understand, personalised format that will see you speed up your job search, be able to get your dream job, make more money and continually develop personally.GOOD LUCK!"
Price: 49.99

"Escritura Creativa: recursos y gua prctica para autores" |
"La revolucin tecnolgica que afecta de lleno a la comunicacin ha cambiado radicalmente y en muy poco tiempo al mundo editorial. Gana experiencia para conocer la realidad actual y las oportunidades que nos ofrece. A pesar de la crisis permanente en que viven el mercado editorial y la industria del libro, los autores literarios llegan a tiempo a un futuro en el que el talento, la capacidad y el trabajo les abren innumerables posibilidades. Es el tiempo de las ideas. No lo desaproveches."
Price: 19.99

"Desktop Support Technician Practical Course-Windows & Mac OS" |
"In this course I will walk your through the complete practical on the job steps to troubleshoot user's computer issues. This training does not involving boring theories. Just plain hands-on practical day to day scenarios only. After completing this course you will be able to troubleshoot most computer issues in an enterprise environment with ease. Conventional certifications and college course doesn't teach you how to resolve real world on the job issues. This course will prepare you for the Technical interview for Help Desk /Desktop Support role. I have created precise and short videos of each topics to benefit and retain the knowledge in that specific video. Windows and Mac both troubleshooting are explained here. Best of luck of with your quest for better career."
Price: 99.99

"Intentional Communication for the Project Manager" |
"Intentional Communication for the Project Manager is a transformational course that teaches you how to develop yourself into an effective and powerful leader by mastering key communication skills that automatically increase your ability to act boldly, and to confidently tackle conflicts while taking care of everyone on the team.This is a professional, executive-grade course, designed for project managers who are serious about cultivating their acumen and power to lead others effectively without compromising emotional sensibility, care, and mindfulness in their communications.In this course, we will show you how to significantly increase your value to your employer and your team by learning how to communicate with high confidence, eliminate over 90% of communication inefficiencies, and lead complex conversations with poise and impact. Transitioning into leadership is about superior speaking and about how you show up to others, which this course will help you develop: you will be able to resolve conflicts by articulating superior explanations of difficult situations and making powerful requests and offers that compel committed actions."
Price: 79.99

"Curso Cisco OSPF nivel CCNP Encorby SeaCCNA" |
"Es un curso especialmente desarrollado para quienes quieren obtener rpidamente slidos conocimientos en la utilizacin del OSPF, vamos a tratar los diversos contenido necesarios para que puedas operar el protocolo OSPF al mismo nivel que un alumno que haya concluido un curso de nivel CCNP Encor 350-401.Con clases de temas como: Authentication, Packets Messages, Router-ID, Passive interface, DR BDR, Autocost reference BW, Default Route, Timers, Sumarization, Area Stub, Area Totally NSSA, Area NSSA, Area Totally Stub, VirtualLinks Authentication, Prefix-Filtering, Virtual Links, LSA3-Filter, LSA5-Filter"
Price: 24.99

"Practice Java EE certification Tests : Exam Java EE Example" |
"The Oracle Java EE 7 Application Developer Certification (1Z0-900) exam validates programming capability to develop and deploy applications using Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 7. It is targeted to intermediate to advanced level Java Front-End and Back-end application developers, architects, and software engineers who possess expertise utilizing Java EE 7 technology to create web-based user interfaces using JavaScript along with JSPs, JSFs, servlets and handle business logic.This certification evaluates how to build and deploy enterprise applications that comply with Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 7. The technologies presented in this course include annotations, Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), Java Persistence API (JPA), Java Transaction API (JTA), Servlets, JavaServer Pages(JSPs), JavaServer Faces (JSF), Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI), JAX-RS RESTful and SOAP Web Services, the Java API for WebSocket, Java Message Service API (JMS), Bean Validation, Batch API, Timer services, and Java EE Concurrency."
Price: 109.99

"Manifestation & Vision Boarding Workshop" |
"Are you ready to become a creator of your own life?Do you feel like life is happening to you and not for you?Are you done with settling for less than your ultimate dreams?Are you ready for a new level of success and abundance?Maybe you are looking for guidance to discover your life vision and understand what you want in life. Or maybe you already know about Manifestation and always wanted to create a Vision Board but never got around to it.Whatever is your story, Vision Board is a perfect tool for everyone, helping you to get clarity around your true desires and manifest them into reality!In This Workshop You Will...Connect To Your Bigger Vision - Connect you to your Bigger Vision through a powerful visualising meditation, getting the clarity about what you truly want in life and where you want to go!Create A Physical Or Digital Vision Board - Make your own physical or digital Vision Board after watching our video lessons with inspiring images that speak to you!Learn How To Manifest Your Desires - Learn 5 steps to manifesting your heart's desires - the result of my extensive research that I'm successfully applying in my own life!"
Price: 19.99

"Revit untuk Modeling Arsitektur, Struktur, MEP" |
"Building Information Modeling (BIM) menciptakan metode sekaligus standar baru dalam proses desain dan dokumentasi bangunan, menggantikan dokumentasi oleh CAD. Autodesk Revit merupakan salah satu software BIM yang sangat powerful dari Autodesk.Model BIM yang dihasilkan Revit dapat digunakan untuk berbagai keperluan mulai dari dokumentasi gambar kerja, visualisasi, pembuatan RAB, analisis performa bangunan, sampai memfasilitasi kerja sama antar disiplin yang berbeda dalam suatu proyek.Dalam buku ini, kita akan mengupas tuntas software BIM Autodesk Revit mulai dari konsep, workflow/ alur kerja, cara penggunaan tools, dan contoh/ soal latihan untuk penyelesaian suatu proyek sederhana. Topik pembahasan pada buku ini didasarkan pada fitur-fitur yang terdapat pada Revit 2015 2021.Dalam Course ini, kita akan mempelajari:Elemen Arsitektural menuntun untuk membuat elemen bangunan dasar: dinding, lantai, plafon, dan atapBukaan dan Furnishing menunjukkan cara peletakan bukaan pintu dan jendela serta furniturCurtain Wall menuntun untuk membuat curtain wall dan atap transparan; yang umum dijumpai pada bangunan modernSirkulasi Vertikal membantu anda untuk membuat sirkulasi vertikal yang menghubungkan 2 lantai atau lebihElemen Ruang Arsitektur menunjukkan konsep keruangan yang berpengaruh pada perhitungan dan analisa bangunanElemen Struktural menunjukkan cara untuk membuat elemen-elemen struktural yang membuat suatu bangunan berdiriPembesian Struktur Beton menunjukkan cara memberikan perkuatan pada struktur betonSambungan Struktur Baja mengeksplorasi fitur untuk membuat detail sambungan pada struktur bajaBeton Precast mengeksplorasi fitur terbaru untuk membuat komponen precastAnalytical Model mengenalkan analytical model yang menyederhanakan model 3D untuk keperluan analisis strukturSistem dan Elemen MEP menuntun untuk membuat sistem mekanikal, elektrikal, dan plumbing beserta elemennyaHVAC dan Plumbing membantu anda untuk membuat saluran ducting dan pipingElektrikal dan Lighting menunjukkan cara untuk membuat wiring serta saluran Conduit dan Cable TrayElemen Ruang MEP menunjukkan konsep keruangan dalam kaitannya terhadap perhitungan dan analisa MEPFabrikasi MEP mengenalkan pemodelan untuk fabrikasi dan alur konversi model dari desain ke fabrikasiUntuk setiap Bab di dalam course ini juga terdapat file latihan dan contoh yang dapat di-download melalui link yang terdapat di External Resource"
Price: 2800000.00

"Salesforce Administrator" |
"Salesforce Administrator course will be covered in this lectures.The Following topic will be covered part of this course:1.Salesforce Overview.2.Object ,Field,Tab,App creation .3.Security model.4.Work flow rules and process builder.5.Approval Process.6.Assignment Rules,Case Escalation Rules7.Reports and Dashboard.You will be able to understand all Salesforce administrator related functionalities at the end of the course. Ready to apply for Salesforce Administrator Job"
Price: 1920.00

"Medical Coding ICD-10-CM" |
"In this course, you will be learning basic Medical coding with guidelines including practical examples to understand the usage of those ICD-10 CM codes.There are ways we can learn medical coding skills from the safely of your own home. This course is for Registered Nurse, pharmacy graduate or any life science graduate which helps you to understand the modern technique of organizing your coding skill and one way of taking your coding to next level in your professional life, based on my experience I have created small dose videos to enhance your coding skill and right mindset for better career growth.Medical Coding is converting a disease, diagnosis or symptoms, procedures, drugs, medical tests, treatments, and procedures found in clinical documentation into standard codes (ICD-10) which helps for payment purposes and quality improvement purposes.A new career in medical coding is only months away when you trained by Experts, the worlds leading, and best in the business of healthcare. Take your first step toward a brighter future."
Price: 10560.00

"Retoque y edicin fotogrfica bsica a profesional." |
"Ya seas alguien que recin inicia en la edicin de retratos o seas alguien con lleva tiempo retocando es muy probable que te encuentres aqu buscando aprender y mejorar la calidad de tu retoque fotogrfico. Retoque fotogrfico de alta calidad? De que manera identificaremos ste? El retoque de calidad media se limita a retocar imperfecciones fuertemente visibles, como grandes manchas y granos. El retoque de alta calidad crea un resultado de piel real, en donde es donde el espectador no detecta que tuvo un retoque profundo la fotografa, por lo regular la gente que desconoce del tema est segura que as es la modelo o as sale la fotografa de la cmara, porque estamos cuidando volumen y textura en nuestra fotografa. Hacia ste camino nos movemos haca imgenes que transmiten e impactan por sus colores y la perfeccin de sus volmenes y detalles.La tcnica ms usada es la separacin de frecuencias, sin embargo sta ha sido utilizada de manera destructiva muy a menudo, y por lo mismo ha sido infravalorada tachndola de destructiva. Esto es porque quien la aplica no tiene cuidado de centrarse en la naturalidad de la textura que la foto trae en desde el inicio. En el presente curso aprenders mi flujo de trabajo desde la importacin de tu fotografa, corrigiendo exposicin balance de blancos y colores para revelar correctamente tu fotografa. Pasaremos a trabajar correccin de detalles, retoque medio y retoque de alta calidad. Posteriormente corregiremos el color y detalles de color en nuestra imagen aadiendo detalles de composicin que aportarn mayor narrativa y aportarn composicin a la imagen. As mismo se explicarn los detalles de la configuracin del como y porqu utilizarlos y en que caso utilizarlos, aprenders que no todas las configuraciones son necesarias de utilizar en todos los retratos. As mismo aprenders la configuracin de los pinceles para que sepas como cuando y donde aplicarlos segn tu necesidad, ya sea que tengas un mouse, tableta grafica o que tu foto as lo requiera (foto de da, estudio, noche, etc.)Terminaremos con la exportacin correcta para cuidar la calidad de tus fotografas para que tus clientes, o marcas puedan subirlas desde cualquier dispositivo sin perder calidad y cuidando el color correcto de las mismas. Esto especialmente necesario para las personas que se dedican o piensan destinar su trabajo para Brandcontent.Este tutorial te dar las herramientas necesarias para llevar tus fotografas al siguiente nivel de calidad."
Price: 1470.00
