"Yoga Suave con Silla" |
"Este curso es un programa prctico creado para que puedas ir incorporando, paso a paso, todos los elementos de una prctica de yoga suave y efectiva para tu da a da.El curso est estructurado en dos partes principales:Una primera parte introductoria, donde sentamos las bases sobre las que iremos construyendo nuestra prctica y una segunda parte, enteramente prctica.El bloque prctico consta de cinco sesiones de Yoga Suave con Silla de una duracin de entre 30 y 45 minutos cada una, a lo largo de las cuales iremos construyendo una prctica de yoga orgnica y progresiva, para ir integrando paulatinamente todos los elementos que la conforman.A lo largo de ellas:Aprenderemos las bases de la alineacin corporal y cmo ir construyendo, a partir de ella, las posturasRealizaremos posturas estticas y dinmicas para fortalecer y flexibilizar tanto el cuerpo como la menteUtilizaremos la respiracin de forma consciente para optimizar la capacidad respiratoria y equilibrar el sistema nerviosoUtilizaremos tcnicas de relajacin y concentracin para enfocar la mente en el presenteEntrenaremos la percepcin y la escucha del propio cuerpo para profundizar en nuestro autoconocimiento y prevenir lesionesy ms!Una vez finalizado el programa, contars con cinco sesiones de yoga de entre 30 y 45 minutos cada una para realizar siempre que lo necesites, acompaadas de material explicativo para complementar tu prctica. Todo el material es descargable, para que puedas practicar incluso sin conexin internet.Mi intencin con este curso es que puedas crear un hbito de prctica que te haga sentir bien y gracias al cual puedas ir mejorando tu calidad de vida, tanto a nivel fsico como a nivel mental y emocional.""Yoga Suave con Silla"" es un yoga amable y sencillo y, a la vez, sutilmente desafiante de nuestros propios lmites, tanto los fsicos como los mentales. Es una prctica eficaz, equilibrante o activadora segn lo necesites y, sobretodo, una herramienta de autoconocimiento y bienestar que puedes utilizar cada da de tu vida.Estar muy feliz de poder acompaarte en este viaje.Un abrazo!Carolina"
Price: 19.99

"Weight&Fat loss Nutritional Meal Plan" |
"Mylene Khoo2003100201000015FAD1010030----- ---"
Price: 99.99

"Creating Text in Illustrator Software" |
"We all know about the power of Adobe Illustrator software, Adobe Illustrator is always ready to help designers to create an attractive and amazing text sketch.In this course we will give you amazing and useful tutorials for creating incredible texts with Illustrator and you will also learn how to design texts with special and unique effects and use them on blogs, web pages, logos, clothes, etc.At the beginning of the tutorial you will get acquainted with the general environment of the software and the menus and tools that are in it, and then with various examples you will get acquainted with how to design texts in the Illustrator software.There are various projects in this training, including the following: Design a sports text that can be used on sports t-shirts or for sports clubs Create chocolate texts Create bright, mirrored and reflective texts Create 3D texts without using 3D tools Create 3D texts using 3D tools 3D text effects in color Cartoon text effects Create glossy 3D texts"
Price: 84.99

"The Complete AutoCAD tutorial - Architecture & Civil (Tamil)" |
", . 2 .Trax arch lab emerges with the AutoCAD tutorial, with this suite of tools. You will be able to create high-quality designs in less time, via the significant improvements in precision and flexibility while working in 2D sketches"
Price: 29.99

"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional Practice Test" |
"Our AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional Practice Test is the most effective and pertinent for you to pass the exam on the first go. In fact, you will not only pass your exam but also get a profound understanding of the respective subject.With our AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional Practice Test, you will come to see that all of the questions and answers in our exams are chosen after a professional analysis."
Price: 39.99

"Swift 4 - The Complete iOS and WatchOS" |
"Our Swift 4 - The Complete iOS and WatchOS course teaches you how to code using Swift 4 and build beautiful iOS 11 apps for iPhone and iPad. You just need to have basic programming experience.We'll take you step-by-step through engaging video tutorials and teach you everything you need to know to succeed as an iOS app developer.The course includes over hours and hours of HD video tutorials and builds your programming knowledge"
Price: 149.99

"C Programming For Beginners : Learn C From Scratch In Hindi" |
"THE EASIEST WAY TO LEARN TO PROGRAM IN C LANGUAGE.This Course will Teach You how to program in C. You will learn everything from scratch, you do not need any prior knowledge. this course will teach you everything from basic to advance. You will learn Data types, Operators, loops, Control Statement, Array, Char. Array, Function, Structure, Pointer, File Handling and Macros.C is a general-purpose, procedural computer programming language supporting structured programming, lexical variable scope, and recursion, with a static type system. By design, C provides constructs that map efficiently to typical machine instructions. It has found lasting use in applications previously coded in assembly language. Such applications include operating systems and various application software for computer architectures that range from supercomputers to PLCs and embedded systems. "
Price: 2560.00

"Programmare in c++" |
"In questo corso insegner le base della programmazione con il linguaggio c++, il mio metodo d'insegnamento quello di fare con voi in tempo reale gli esercizi e fare esempi mentre spiego, in questa maniera ritengo pi semplice imparare a programmare.Verranno toccate varie sfaccettature della programmazione partendo dalla definizione di algoritmo seguiremo con tutte le funzionalit base della programmazione ad oggetti ed arriveremo fino alla creazione di Classi e oggetti e tutte le loro funzionalit.Avrete a disposizione codici sorgenti e dispense cos da poter assimilare al meglio tutti i concetti che riporto nelle mie lezioni.Rimarr sempre disponibile per chiarimenti sulle video lezioni e le modificher nel caso vi siano della incomprensioni, il mio obiettivo quello di fornirvi uno strumento chiaro e interattivo con il quale apprendere le basi della programmazione.Nel corso del tempo sar mia premura aggiungere contenuti, nuove lezioni e nuove esercitazioni."
Price: 104.99

"Crash Course in Hotel Ownership" |
"After years of answering questions on how to become hotel owners, Elise Capital and The Vonne Group teamed up to develop an online school for first time hotel owners.This course is designed for anyone, who would like to become a hotel owner or need to brush up on the fundamentals of the hotel ownership process. Through the Crash Course in Hotel Ownership you will grasp the fundamentals of hotel ownership including:Sourcing Your DealIntroduction Feasibility AnalysisCapital Raise FrameworkClosing Your Deal"
Price: 199.99

"Crash Course in Hotel Asset Management" |
"Hotel asset management plays a vital role in controlling hotel performance and profitability. This course is designed for those who are interested in learning the role of asset management or how to implement strong asset management strategies in the hotel industry. Through this course students will learn hotel asset management strategies, benchmarking and financial analysis."
Price: 199.99

"In this course, you will cover the most latest questions of the CBBF (Certified Blockchain Business Foundation) examination. We have created the practice exam course in a way to cater all your need to achieve success in the exam. The Chapter-wise MCQs will help you to test your knowledge & progress and ensure that you won't move forward until you have understood all the key topics."
Price: 19.99

"Advanced Affiliate Marketing In Hindi" |
"In this Course you Learn Affiliate marketing In Hindi At advanced Level And Also The Techniques that make 6 Figure Income Fast Through Affiliate Marketing. Email MarketingHow to promote Product And Services In Advanced Level In Simple Hindi LanguageHow to Generate passive Income Through Affiliate marketingHow Run Facebook Ads How to create Funnel How to generate 6 figure income through Influencer Marketing"
Price: 1600.00

"Vue.js - Django ()" |
"We can do web programming with Vue.js and Django together.They both are easy to learn.Vue.js is Client web framework which provides client rendering with virtual DOM and nice user experiences.And also Django is Server web framework which provides ORM, built-in Admin, Authorization etc.We can do it without Vue Router and Vuex. And more We can do it without Django DRF.So very easy."
Price: 29.99

"Flask Ultimate Course Build 4 Real World Projects" |
"Do you want to start creating your own web applications ??you think you have the idea for the next facebook ,twitter, google and want to created ?its very easy to think that its far away and a hard dream to achieve but it's actually pretty simple.in this course we will learn how to create your web applications using Python by first starting with learning Flask basics and then well get started on building our bigger projects !!wait what is Flask ?? Flask is a micro web framework written in Python. which means it basically handles the basic html and website routes so you can start and work on your website without worrying about setting up everything from scratchusing Python and this course you will actually create 4 real world projects that include:A Url Shortener like BITLY :we will Start off by creating a url shortening app like bitly to start practising the basics of flaskin it we look at how the algorithm generates shorter links and how we can store user input in the database , and then process it and use it.A Photoprocessing App :1- an app to start experimenting with the upload and download functionality in flask and how you can return a download to the user after processing his file 2- we then take the app and turn it in to a SAAS to show you how to turn code into money $$$$a Bitcoin wallet site like coinbase :We then explore how to create and store bitcoin wallets in python and how we can create bitcoin transactions and we create a site for users to create wallets and send and receive bitcoins.A Rhyme Generating API for Songwriters:a React frontend + Flask API that uses token authentication and we introduce rate limiting so when we design our apis we don't want users to abuse our sever.we keep it creative by using a rhyme creator that rappers can use to write songsBut that's not all !we will also create two awesome blueprints you can use in your projects !!! one for creating a login system for users and another one will be an api blueprint to quickly create your apisSo if you are ready to Master flask Join the course now and start to learn add these sweet projects to your portofolio !!** Course also includes all project files so you can follow the code and learn from it"
Price: 99.99

"6 krokw w 6 dni - id do mamy . Dobra relacja z mam" |
"Czy w Twoim yciu jest co chwil pod grk ? Starasz si a wiatr wieje cigle w oczy nie w plecy ? Jeste dobry, dobra a od ycia wci otrzymujesz chosty ? Pragniesz tylko mioci , spokoju, obfitoci a jest wrcz odwrotnie ? Relacje z ludmi s nike lub wrcz jest ich brak ? To nie jest Twoja wina i uwierz to nie z Tob jest zawsze cos nie tak ! Kiedy co otrzymaa / otrzymae, blokady , przekonania by moe za mao lub za duo uwagi od mamy i dzi wanie odbija si to czkawk. Jak to moliwe? Wszystko zostao zapisane w naszych komrkach , a nasz mzg ma jedno , jedyne zadanie : chce eby przey. Wic jeeli kiedy rne sytuacje Ci dziki temu ocaliy dzi on to tylko odtwarza. Zapraszam na kurs jeli ten temat Ci interesuje i chcesz uleczy star ran ..."
Price: 69.99

"Preparatrio para a Certificao: LPIC-1" |
"Este preparatrio contem questes entre elas mltipla escolha, Mltipla opo e questes abertas como nos exame LP1-101-500 e 102-500. todas atualizadas para a nova verso do exame. Abordado os tpicos:101 Arquitetura de Sistema 102 Instalao do Linux e Administrao de Pacotes 103 Comandos GNU e Unix 104 Dispositivos , Sistemas de arquivos Linux e padro FHS 105 Shells e scripts do shell. 106 Interfaces de usurios e desktops 107 Tarefas administrativas 108 Servios essenciais do sistema 109 fundamentos de redes 110 Segurana"
Price: 54.99

"Python For Industrial Application" |
"Learn Python with Industrial use cases especially for Data Science and Machine Learning,We will start with the basics of Python, we will explain to you everything with real-time use cases which will help you to understand what and where is the implementation of python in industries.We will teach you everything about Python which is required for Data Science and Machine Learning."
Price: 1280.00

"Instagram Marketing Course for Musicians 2020 + facebook 4.0" |
"** I Update this course every week with NEW Strategies as the Algorithm changes. LIKE the latest SECTION ON USING INSTAGRAM REELS to improve your reach and engagement.Students will also get some Facebook Strategy as both social platforms are owned by Facebook and that Algorithm is similar. This is a meeting place for Musicians to grow their fan base and achieve YOUR Marketing Goals.Digital marketing today is tricky, you've really got to polish your skills. This course will guide you in easy steps so you can start handling your social media management like a pro. Learn at your own pace with lectures on instagram marketing for musicians from a marketing expert and music publicist. Discover Music Marketing strategy Learn marketing tips used by a professional marketing expert that you can start using today. These strategies are used by our press team every day to market musicians in real time, so they are being tested daily. Now they can be yours exclusively on Udemy."
Price: 39.99

"Demystifying iCloud! PLUS How to Set Up Google Photos" |
"Welcome to Demystifying iCloud!In this course you'll learn valuable tips and tricks to make the most of your iCloud account!You have access to over an hour of fun video and hands-on demonstrations, and downloadable material in PDF to help you understand:- everything about the iCloud,- how to manage storage notifications and errors on your Apple devices,- control the syncing between Apple devices- iCloud Drive- how to manage Photos on an Apple device- PLUS a comprehensive section on how to set up and use Google Photos for storing photos and videos in the cloud for free.Great tips for managing your Apple ID and iCloud account.Deep dive into iCloud settings on all devices - iPhone, iPad, Mac/Macbooks, and even how to sync iCloud on a PC.Step by step tutorials on how to set up and use Google Photos as an alternative for photos and videos."
Price: 19.99

"Churn, LTV, MRR, CAC, CLV... - 10 SaaS metrics you must know" |
"So you recently started working in a Software company and now youre hearing all these terms Churn rate, MRR, LTV, CAC, ARPU and you are researching the internet trying to figure out what the acronyms stand for. Or you actually have been working at your Software company for a while, but you dont feel confident talking about these Key Performance Indicators (short KPIs), because you dont fully understand how they are put together or how to report on them correctly.I know how you feel, because thats exactly where I was 5 years ago when I first started working for a SaaS company. Today, I get to manage a Sales Strategy Team and create weekly reports and boards slides, on these very same metrics.For that reason I decided to condense everything that I've learned about SaaS metrics into an online course, where I explain to you the top 10 SaaS metrics everyone should know about. I will also share my KPI calculator for free. This allows you to instantly calculate each and every metric you will learn here. No need to take notes!The course includes:Top 10 SaaS metrics everyone must know: MRR, ARR, Churn, CAC, ARPU, CLV, LTV, CAC, CPC, CPAA KPI Calculator (Google Sheet/Excel) that includes all discussed metrics - no need to take notesBeautiful graphs that you can use for your next presentationThis course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee."
Price: 74.99

"Setting-up ELK on a Linux Server - Sinhala (ELK )" |
"Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana 3 ELK . ELK . (System Engineering Field) ELK . video . ELK, Windows OS , Linux course linux . ELK video course .Note: This course is conducted in Sinhala. (The language in Sri Lanka)"
Price: 19.99

"Mathematics - Geometry" |
"The course is organized into following topics:Basics of Geometry and its logicLines & Angles along with apllication to problemsPythgeraus theorem and its application to problemsCircles and its conceptsTriangles including interior and exterior anglesQuadrilaterals, like rectangles, squares, and parallelogramsArea and Perimeter of 2D figuresIt will also include quizzes after every topic along with solutions!This will help test your understanding after every topic and give you a clear base.There are also worksheets to solve at the end."
Price: 5760.00

"The Complete React js Bootcamp with Hands on Projects" |
"What's this course about?Learn React or dive deeper into it. Learn the theory, solve assignments, practice in demo projects, and build one big project called : Todo list appJavaScript is the major driver of modern web applications since it's the only programming language that runs in the browser and hence allows you to provide highly reactive apps. You'll be able to achieve mobile-app like user experiences on the web.But using JavaScript can be challenging - it quickly becomes overwhelming to create a nice web app with vanilla JavaScript and jQuery only.React to the rescue!React is all about components - basically, custom HTML elements - with which you can quickly build amazing and powerful web apps. Just build a component once, configure it to your needs, dynamically pass data into it (or listen to your own events!), and re-use it as often as needed.Need to display a list in your app? It's as simple as creating a ""List"" component and outputting it as often as needed.This course will start at the very basics and explain what exactly React is and how you may use it (and for which kind of apps). Thereafter, we'll go all the way from basic to advanced. We'll not just scratch the surface but dive deeply into React as well as popular libraries like react-router and Redux.By the end of the course, you can build amazing React applications!A detailed list of the course content can be found below.This course is for you if ......you're just getting started with frontend/ JavaScript development and only got the JS basics set (no prior React or other framework experience is required!)...you're experienced with Angular or Vue but want to dive into React...know the React basics but want to refresh them and/ or dive deeper...already worked quite a bit with React but want to dive deeper and see it all come together in a bigger appYou will learn these concepts below:Learn how to use CodesandboxLearn React from scratchConditional RenderingReact and it's advantagesJSXChallenges after every topicJSX attributesInline styling for react elementsJavascript ES6 conceptsReact propsMapping data to componentsUsing React dev toolsLogin ProjectReact router and projectReact HooksEvent handling form handlingTodo list projectI've built the course that I would have wanted to take when I was learning React. A course that explains the concepts and how they're implemented in the best order for you to learn and deeply understand them."
Price: 104.99

"Master of light: la fotografia sotto tutta un'altra luce" |
"Il ritratto indubbiamente uno dei generi fotografici pi praticati e diffusi che affonda le sue origini nellarte. Non a caso la terminologia ancor oggi utilizzata fa espliciti riferimenti a nomi di famosi pittori. Se la complessit della pittura faceva s che avere una propria icona dipinta fosse un privilegio per pochi, la fotografia ha reso larte del ritratto pi diffusa e accessibile.Ed proprio nel ritratto, forse pi che in altri generi, che la luce riveste unimportanza fondamentale nel creare il sapore dellimmagine, consentendo al fotografo di interpretare la figura della persona ritratta alla luce della sua sensibilit.Come nella pittura, anche nella fotografia i migliori ritrattisti sono quelli pi abili a plasmare la luce, mettendola al servizio della loro creativit.In questo videocorso illustreremo come la pittura abbia influenzato la fotografia e ti guideremo a capire come la luce possa essere modellata, intervenendo sui contrasti, per mezzo dei sagomatori, o variandone la direzionalit.Comprenderai come iniziare a scattare ottimi ritratti con un singolo punto luce per poi passare a padroneggiare set pi complessi per realizzare immagini dal forte impatto emotivo.Cosa imparerai in questo videocorso:Limportanza di luci e ombre nella pittura, e come la fotografia abbia ereditato il loro uso dallarte.La scelta della sorgente luminosa fra luce continua e luce flash.Come misurare e regolare la potenza del flash.La qualit di luci ed ombre: due facce della stessa medaglia.Come i modificatori influiscono sulla qualit della luce.Come la posizione della luce influisce sulla tridimensionalit dellimmagine.Come ottenere uno scatto dal forte impatto, anche con un singolo illuminatore.Come padroneggiare pi punti luce per realizzare immagini pi complesse."
Price: 149.99

"Sales Smarts: A playbook to become a sales pro!" |
"Sales is both an art and a science! Yet, it seldom gets the focus or the attention it deserves. This first of its kind playbook is a practitioners guide to becoming an effective sales person. Learn everything you need to be on the top of your sales game! The module is delivered by Sanjoy Mukerji - a respected senior management professional with leadership experience in Global MNCs across FMCG, Telecom and Healthcare."
Price: 29.99

"Virtual Facilitation and Training" |
"Virtual Training and Facilitation is the new normal! However, one can't wing it...Neither can one rely on the old design or content strategy. This module has been crafted by senior professionals with combined experience of over 50 years across MNCs and multiple industries. From decoding the necessary competencies to the tools and technology available to maximise learning and engagement, this module is specially crafted to make your next virtual learning program a blockbuster."
Price: 34.99

"ITIL4 Foundation (Simulacin Examen)" |
"Este curso te ayudar a travs de dos set de preguntas y respuestas, para prepararte y poner a prueba tus conocimientos sobre el Framework ITIL4 Foundation. Logra aprobar en tu primer intento la certificacin. T puedes! Yo logr...Preguntas y respuestas alineadas con la gua oficial de estudio de Axelos.Qu es ITIL4 Foundation?La Biblioteca de Infraestructura de Tecnologas de Informacin (o ITIL, por sus siglas en ingls) es un conjunto de conceptos y buenas prcticas usadas para la gestin de servicios de tecnologas de la informacin, el desarrollo de tecnologas de la informacin y las operaciones relacionadas con la misma en general. ITIL da descripciones detalladas de un extenso conjunto de procedimientos de gestin ideados para ayudar a las organizaciones a lograr calidad y eficiencia en las operaciones de TI. Estos procedimientos son independientes del proveedor y han sido desarrollados para servir como gua que abarque toda infraestructura, desarrollo y operaciones de TI."
Price: 24.99

"Python 3.x desde cero para principiantes usando la terminal" |
"El curso esta dirigido a personas que quieran aprender a programar python 3.x desde la terminal, aprenders un poco de la historia de python 3.x, conocers como instalar python 3.x, aprenders algunos atajos por teclado, aprenders desde la terminal lo que son los textos, aprenders hacer operaciones bsicas, aprenders lo que son las listas, aprenders a ingresar datos por teclado, aprenders lo que son las salidas de datos, aprenders las expresiones lgicas, aprenders lo que son los operadores de asignacin, aprenders lo que son las colecciones, aprenders lo que son las sentencias, aprenders lo que son las funciones, aprenders lo que son las clases y objetos, conocers como ejecutar un programa desde la terminal, conocers lo nuevo que tendra la versin de python 3.9."
Price: 270.00

"Bushido as an Ethical System" |
"Martial arts schools in the modern era have their teachings rooted deeply in Eastern thought and ideology. While all styles of Eastern martial arts have underlying influences rooted in a Buddhist, Confucian and Taoist thought, Japanese martial arts in particular have unified their ethical system into what is known as Bushido or Way of the Warrior. In their practice, martial arts practitioners have a sub culture of their own where through following rigorous training routines and a mindset dedicated to self-discipline and resolve, they are able to reach high levels of athleticism and accomplish great feats simply for the sake to be able to pass down their knowledge and training to future generations. Through the study of Bushido as an ethical system we can gain great insight into the mindset of martial artists and understand the philosophy that drives them."
Price: 39.99

"Nick's Beginners Guide to Photoshop" |
"Never used Photoshop before? Looking for a series that guides you through from the beginning so you don't miss important details? Then this is the series for you. In this course I cover a core set of basic skills which, when used together in different ways, allow you to create almost anything in Photoshop.These basic skills include:Making selections, adding and modifying layer masks, using adjustment layers, benefiting from groups, understanding smart objects, changing blending modes, combining images, painting shadows and highlights, and understanding the brush properties."
Price: 94.99

"Become a Restaurant Server Sales Pro" |
"Increasing sales and check averages is not about offering the most expensive items on the menu. Its about understanding guest preferences and making authentic recommendations that enhance the customer experience. The comprehensive course will help Servers, Bartenders, Managers, and front of house team members develop consultative sales skills that result in increased sales and customer loyalty. Course objectivesDevelop consultative sales skills and behaviorsIncrease average spend and tipsIncrease customer loyaltyImprove the quality and quantity of online reviewsThe professional skills you learn in this course are transferable to other sales roles outside of the restaurant industry. "
Price: 49.99
