"Music Production Mastery - Produce Top Quality Music Faster" |
"Drake, Skrillex, DJ Snake, Justin Bieber, Halsey, Khalid, Michael Jackson, The Beatles, The Chainsmokers...If you're anything like me when I first started music production... You're probably wondering how all these artists consistently produce top charted music...And manage to hit #1 all the time. You're wondering this because quite simply...You want to make GREAT music.You want to build a fan base.You want to become a successful artist.You want to make FULL SONGS from start to finish.But you just don't know how, and right now...You're lost on how to make beautiful compositions.You're lost on how to make complex sounds.You're lost on how to attract people to listen to your music.You're lost on how to consistently create songs within a day.In other words... you're lost.Now I'll tell you what 99% of people do to try to fix this problem.Most people try watching tutorials without understanding why things work...And ""brute-force"" their way into production by learning every technique they can possibly find.Then they'll try to apply these techniques they learned to their music...And then end up frustrated because they can't complete a song.According to Digital Music News, 1.4% of producers actually ""make it"" producing music...Do you want to know why?It's because 98.6% (basically 99%) of people are focusing on learning the wrong things.They try to learn how to make melodies, without understanding the basics of composition.They try to learn how to make specific sounds, without understand fundamentals of sound design.They try to create full songs, without understanding the structure and foundation to creating complete tracks.They try to make music, without understanding the fundamental systems to creating music.And this is why literally 99% of people end up giving up music production.Now let me ask you a simple question.If you had a system...or blueprint that teaches you how to make music like a TOP 40 producer...How would your music change?Do you think you could get music on the Top 100 Charts? Probably.Do you think you could get tons of followers? Most likely.Do you think you could become part of the 1.4% of people ""crushing it"" in music? Well... the chances are pretty high... right?This is exactly why I create the Music Production System.This is a course that doesn't just teach you how to make top quality songs faster...It shows you exactly how to understand every single fundamental, technique, and theory in music production...So you know exactly what to do in music production, from the perspective of an industry producer.In fact the content in this system is used by myself and other industry experts to produce charted songs.Which means you'll literally be learning how to produce music like a Top 40 Producer.However...DO NOT take this course if you're not ready to apply what you're going to learn.Why?Because you're going to be wasting your time.I can teach you all the secrets I know to get you quality results.But you actually have to put in the work to apply it.Contrary to what some courses say, there's no secret pill to make music production easy.But there is a way to make it way more efficient and systematic...ONLY if you start from the fundamentals and work your way up,Which is exactly what I aim to help you achieve.My goal is for you to able to make calculated decisions in music production So you can control you musical quality, efficiency, and styleInstead of leaving everything up to guess work.So if you want to master music production more efficiently...Enroll in the Music Production System.And forget about being part of the 99% of people failing...Let's turn your ideas into masterpieces And make you part of the 1.4%.P.S. While I believe you'll get a ton of value from this music system, it's still a work in progress so some accessory material may be left out.We will continue to notify you when the system is updated as we move forward."
Price: 199.99

"Gua de Referencia: AZ-900 Laboratorios Cuestionarios" |
"Microsoft Azure es un conjunto en constante expansin de servicios en la nube. Esto significa, que la misma plataforma de Azure, est en constante evolucin para brindar soluciones a los responsables del rea tecnolgica, de la ms alta calidad. Cada da, se suman al mundo del cmputo en la nube, cientos de empresas de tecnologa, ya que hospedar soluciones web, backends, bases de datos y dems servicios en la nube, es mucho ms rentable que hospedarlos en servidores propios. Esta decisin es tomada en base a parmetros como la seguridad, la capacidad de escalamiento, replicacin, entre otros parmetros.Es por ello, que si quieres dar un plus a tu carrera, y quieres sobresalir de entre el resto de los desarrolladores enfocados en la nube, Tienes que certificarte! Los nmeros muestran que cada da las empresas buscan ms gente capacitada para dar soluciones que cumplan sus demandas, sabiendo configurar correctamente las funcionalidades en la nube. Es un hecho, que si demuestras sobre tu conocimiento en Azure a travs de un examen de certificacin, y lo expones en tu CV en tu perfil de LinkedIn, tendrs a muchos reclutadores tras de t, ofrecindote vacantes que muchas veces no pueden llenar debido a la falta de gente especializada.Basado en el temario oficial, este es el mejor y ms actualizado curso completamente en espaol, que trata los requerimientos del examen AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals. A diferencia de otros cursos que podrs encontrar, en este curso se trata a detalle cada uno de los sub objetivos del temario, adems de laboratorios prcticos y cuestionarios para reforzar el aprendizaje..En dado caso de que no conozcas mucho sobre Azure, en este curso aprenders los temas de una forma sencilla, prctica y rpida. Por el contrario, si eres ms experimentado, puedes ver nicamente los videos secciones que desconozcas.En definitiva, este es el mejor curso de Microsoft Azure para principiantes, e inclusive puede servirte si an no te has decidido a realizar el examen, y nicamente quieres aprender ms sobre la plataforma.* Microsoft, Windows y Microsoft Azure son marcas registradas. Este curso no es un curso certificado, acreditado y/ afiliado por Microsoft Corporation."
Price: 19.99

"Minicurso de atributos no Linux" |
"Neste minicurso voc descobrir recursos incrveis implementados nos sistemas de arquivos do Linux e que so pouco conhecidos e consequentemente, pouco explorados. Recursos esses que lhe permitem tirar melhor proveito no uso de suas aplicaes como servidor de arquivo, servidor de e-mail, servidor web, proxy, firewall, containers, maquinas virtuais, snapshots e at mesmo aplicaes de desktops. Esses recursos lhe permitiro de forma mais modular e granular:Excluir arquivos e diretrios com segurana de modo a garantir a privacidadeDesabilitar o CoW (Copy-on-Write)Melhorar o desempenhoTornar arquivos e diretrios Case InsensitiveCompactar, criptografar e indexarTornar arquivos e diretrios inalterveisConceder acesso estendido a especficos usuriosE muito mais Features, segurana, desempenho, flexibilidade, transparncia e muito mais."
Price: 19.99

"Communication Skills Masterclass 9 Courses in 1" |
"Would You Like to Learn Communication Skills to Improve Your Business & Personal Life?Then, You've Come to the Right Place!Communication Skills Masterclass is an Online Video Course For Anyone Who Wants to Learn Effective Communication Skills for Both Professional & Personal use.Inside This Course, You'll learn a Wide Range of Life-Changing Communication Skills.This Course Also Includes Premium Support. (We'll answer all your questions within 24 hours).After This Course, You'll Be Able ToSpeak Up for YourselfHave Difficult ConversationsIncrease SalesClose More DealsWrite Like a ProfessionalGet Satisfied & Happy CustomersDo Speeches & Presentations Despite AnxietyWhat You Will Master Inside This CourseAssertivenessConflict ManagementEmotional IntelligencePersuasion PsychologyInfluenceBusiness WritingCustomer ServicePublic SpeakingPresentationThis Course Includes Templates & Tools That Will Help You Optimize Your Communication Skills!All of the Tools in This Course are FREE and the Paid Tools are Only the Very BEST.See You Inside The Communication Skills Masterclass 9 Courses in 1 course!Love Robin & Jesper"
Price: 199.99

"A Course in Miracle, Experience 3 (for Students) - ACIMe.3" |
"*First Two Weeks of Lessons FREE (explained over on part one)* Many new students of A Course in Miracles have been enrolling in my ""A Course In Miracles, intensive"" which is not intended for beginners. I woke inspired this morning to begin the lessons in a much more brief and to the point way just for them. As it has been a few years since the development of the Intensive course, I hope to make my assistance far less intimidating while still touching some deep concepts and necessary steps in the awakening endeavor. Welcome to the A Course in Miracles Experience.This part of the twelve focuses on Lessons 61-90--------Did you know: All of our courses are unscripted. Each course in the series is so similar because they are recorded back to back. This is an entirely spiritually-guided experience.--------Introduction to ""A Course in Miracles"" This is a course in miracles. It is a required (inevitable) course. Only the time you take it is voluntary. Free will does not mean that you can establish the curriculum. It means only that you may elect what you want to take at a given time. The course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught. It does aim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of loves Presence, Which is your natural inheritance. The opposite of love is fear, but what is all-encompassing can have no opposite. This course can, therefore, be summed up very simply in this way: Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the Peace of God. --------""A Course in Miracles"" is a self-study course designed to enhance your personal relationship and perspective of the divine, naturally bringing about personal revelation and first-hand experience beyond the veil of death.This intended year-long, daily practice gives you a multitude of formats to fully embrace what this course has to offer. While this is an unusual setting for such a course, the journey in which we embark is within. Not within a church, a temple on some mountaintop with a guru or even us, but this journey is within you. The main essence of this course uses Christian terminology, however, most mainstream religions claiming the name of christ do not claim this to be from the same source. However, this course does not intend on spreading the worship of any dogmas or blind-faiths (which are beautiful in their own right) but the offering of actual first-hand experience of ""christ"" and ""God"" (by any definition) and find out the Truth for yourself.------All textual quotes from ""A Course in Miracles"" are copyrighted 1992, 1999, 2007 by the ""Foundation for Inner Peace"", 448 Ignacio Blvd., #306, Novato, CA 94949, used with permission. However, All quotes are extracted from the ""Hugh Lynn Cayce draft"" version which Judge Robert Sweet of the Southern District of New York on October 24, 2003 rules that its original copyright is invalid and relinquished and therefore free to use."
Price: 19.99

"Perseus Light & Andromedan Reiki ~ Certified!" |
"Hello and welcome to the Perseus Light & Andromedan Reiki course, an original upgrade level of the Traditional Usui Reiki System!With great honor I present to you another course based on our collective work with the Divine Interpreter Valentina Guarino, the Ascended Masters and the Beings of Light from the celestial planes of existence.In this Reiki upgrade you will travel to the ancient places of Perseus and Andromeda, be attuned to their energies and receive their wisdom.Through the knowledge provided in this course, you will experience a journey of profound soul healing, as the energy that is formed through the combination of Perseus Light and Andromedan Reiki, creates a prism that reflects and harmonizes the seven virtues of love, which when channeled, it cancels the wounds of the heart and brings back the fragments of the soul so to recompose it, having as a final result to heal even the deepest wounds, by acting on a complete soul level.You will also learn 3 new Symbols ~ the Perseus Master Symbol, the Andromedan Master Symbol and the Ascension Symbol which is created through the combination of their energies.Finally you will experience guided meditations to travel to holy grounds of Perseus and Andromeda, to where you will meet with Spiritual Guides and Beings of Light, who will offer you further apprenticeship, continuous support and guidance, healings and of course their own blessings and divine gifts!We hope that you will find this upgrade level a valuable tool for your Reiki practice and that you will find deep and conscious Soul freedom through this healing modality.We hope you will enjoy this course!If you have any questions feel free to contact us!Blessings of Light, Valentina Guarino & Nikolaos Baralos! Title of Music used in Meditations is ""In Spiritus"" by ""Christopher Lloyd Clarke"". Licensed by ""Enlightened Audio""."
Price: 119.99

"Interactividad con JavaScript" |
"Con este curso podrs conocer el DOM (Document Object Model) y entender las principales propiedades y mtodos que este te ofrece, con ejemplos prcticos para cada tema, aprenders cules son las diferentes formas de dotar de interactividad a tus proyectos web. Empezando desde los conceptos bsicos hasta los conceptos ms avanzados con un lenguaje sencillo y fcil de seguir este curso te ofrece la posibilidad de dar un paso ms adelante en el conocimiento del DOM y lo que este ofrece."
Price: 54.99

"Peer to Peer Lending: The Best Guide for Passive Income" |
"Can you imagine making daily passive income?How relieved would you feel to not live paycheck to paycheck anymore?What if you could wake up every day and see passive income flowing in from loan payments?When banks lend money, those people go to work, commute in traffic, and deal with the stresses of paying back their loans. What if you flipped the script and became a person who lends like a bank? Imagine helping hundreds or even thousands of people with their problems by loaning them money. At the same time, imagine being able to reach financial freedom while others work hard to pay you back (with interest).Peer to Peer lending lets you lend like a bank. And what investments do banks make? Loans. If you begin investing and capturing profit like a bank.You will gain tremendous skill and confidence as you master your lending portfolio.By the end of this course, you will have a firm educational foundation that you can harness to build financial freedom.Get this course now and build the money lending empire you deserve!"
Price: 19.99

"Make the most of your lyrics!" |
"""Ilse, sing us a song!"" I'm at a party, hosted by some Australians and Irish.As an aspiring singer, 19 years old, I gladly take that opportunity. I pick a song by Abbey Lincoln, a singer no one in the room ever heard of: ""People on the street.""And I start:""Mister, what's your name, standing in the rain, sleeping on a bitch out in the park""They all burst out laughing. Loud.Turns out I should have sung: BENCH. Bench.Learned a lesson for life. Not to depend on my phonetically written down English. From that moment on, I'm deep into lyrics. You will understand. :)Years and years later, I can honestly say that I believe that the one thing that sets singers apart from instrumentalists is the use of words. Lyrics. Stories.How to make the most of them? How to make them your own and truly connect with yourself and your audience? If you feel that there's more for you to gain in interpretation and lyrics, then this course is for you!After 25 years of performing and coaching, I assembled my top 10 tools of zooming into the lyrics.If you're a pop singer, a jazz vocalist, or a classical singer - my top ten tools will help you to find and deepen your personal connection with your lyrics.So you'll own your song and truly touch your audience. In a way that suits you and the song :) I look forward to helping you make the most of your lyrics! You're very welcome to join us!With love from Amsterdam,Ilse Huizinga"
Price: 34.99

"Youtube Ads 2020 COMPLETO (4 Campanhas em 1) + Remarketing" |
"Junte-se a mais de 50 mil alunos inscritos nos cursos de marketing da M2up aqui na Udemy.So mais de 7h de contedo detalhado sobre anncios para o Youtube e como usar a plataforma Google Ads para criar campanhas de vdeo, passando por todas as etapas do famoso funil do marketing: desde o reconhecimento de marca, passando pela considerao e, por fim, chegando a ao (hora de vender!). Alm disso, descubra o que o to falado Remarketing e como utilizar na prtica essa estratgia para obter cada vez mais RESULTADOS para o seu negcio!Domine o Youtube Ads como uma plataforma de negcios!Funil do Marketing (Reconhecimento, Considerao e Ao)Tipos de Segmentao de PblicoFormatos de Anncio para o YoutubeCampanha de Reconhecimento de MarcaCampanha de Considerao de MarcaConfigurao de Metas e ConversesCampanha de Ao (Leads, Vendas, etc)Roteiros para a Criao de Anncios que ConvertemCampanha de Remarketing...e muito mais!Curso totalmente focado em profissionais e negciosAprenda do ZERO ao PRO a destacar sua marca, produtos e servios na maior plataforma de vdeos do mundo, o YOUTUBE. Esse treinamento dedicado para profissionais e empresas que desejam dominar o YouTube como um canal de Marketing Digital focando 100% em PERFORMANCE e RESULTADOS reais!O YouTube Ads essencial para quem quer resultados a um excelente custo/benefcioSabe aquela ideia ultrapassada de que os anncios no YouTube s servem para atrapalhar os vdeos principais que queremos assistir? Pois , isso j est totalmente batido! O YouTube est a cada dia recebendo mais anunciantes que conseguem alcanar resultados impressionantes. Se voc tem um negcio ou um profissional de marketing e ainda no faz parte desse seleto grupo de anunciantes, voc pode estar deixando passar uma tima oportunidade. Mas, por sorte sua, ainda no tarde demais, essa plataforma tem um alcance impressionante. So mais de 2 bilhes de usurios que acessam o YouTube mensalmente, ento, claramente, tem espao para todo mundo que busca alavancar seus resultados.Outro detalhe importante que possvel criar campanhas que permeiam TODAS as etapas do to famoso funil do marketing, usando somente os anncios do YouTube. Voc pode partir desde a apresentao do problema (para os usurios) que a sua marca resolve, influenciar a considerao da soluo, at, finalmente, incentivar a ao final (#partiuvender). Portanto, se voc dono de um negcio ou um profissional de marketing digital, voc PRECISA entender a como criar campanhas e estratgias efetivas utilizando os anncios para o YouTube. Seja o seu objetivo impulsionar vendas, influenciar na jornada de compra dos seus leads, aumentar a sua base de amantes da marca ou simplesmente fortalecer as suas habilidades profissionais!Overview/resumo do cursoVamos comear do bsico, entendendo todo o poder e potencial de alcance da plataforma do YouTube, considerando tanto a viso dos usurios, quanto dos criadores de contedo e, principalmente, dos anunciantes. Aps isso, voc vai saber tudo o que voc precisa para, de fato, veicular os seus anncios na plataforma.Depois de entendermos esses conceitos, chega o momento de comearmos a nos ambientar com a plataforma Google Ads, que o local onde criamos as nossas campanhas para o YouTube. Caso voc ainda no saiba: sim, o YouTube pertence ao Google! Ento nesse momento, vamos desde a criao da conta no Google Ads, at a vinculao com o canal do YouTube, para termos tudo o que necessrio para trabalharmos e explorarmos 100% do potencial da ferramenta.Com essa parte mais ""tcnica"" realizada, vamos abrir o caminho para um contedo um pouco mais avanado. Vamos entender o que o funil do marketing e quais so e como funcionam as etapas que o compem: reconhecimento, considerao e ao. Alm, claro, de entender qual o objetivo e importncia de cada uma delas e qual deve ser a abordagem e posicionamento da sua marca em cada etapa.Entendido isso, hora de vermos na prtica, quais so todas as opes de segmentao de pblico existentes no Google Ads. Voc sabia que podemos segmentar com base nos interesses, hbitos e intenes de compra dos usurios? Alm disso, podemos alcanar as pessoas com base na fase da vida que elas esto passando, colocar os nossos anncios dentro dos canais dos nossos concorrentes e outros canais com contedos que so do interesse do nosso pblico-alvo, alm de muitos outros recursos que agregam e muito em uma boa estratgia de marketing!Aps conhecermos todos os tipos de pblicos e locais que podemos segmentar, hora de colocarmos a mo na massa. Vamos criar uma campanha para cada objetivo do funil de marketing, comeando pelo topo do funil: o reconhecimento de marca. Nesse momento, primeiramente, vamos conhecer os principais formatos de anncio que servem para apresentar a sua marca para os usurios e introduzi-la na cabea deles, para depois, a sim criarmos a campanha l dentro do Google Ads, utilizando as segmentaes mais indicadas para esse objetivo.Em seguida, vamos partir para o objetivo de meio de funil: a considerao de marca. Seguindo na mesma ideia de estrutura da etapa anterior, vamos conhecer os principais formatos de anncio que tem como finalidade influenciar a considerao da sua marca para os usurios. Aps isso, vamos criar na prtica uma campanha com esse objetivo e com as respectivas segmentaes mais recomendadas. Nesse momento, vamos descobrir tambm, como voc pode impulsionar as views dos vdeos do seu canal no YouTube e, consequentemente, aumentar a sua base de inscritos no canal.Logo depois, para finalizar o funil, vamos abordar a etapa preferida da maioria dos anunciantes: a etapa da ao, que a hora de vender, gerar leads (potencias clientes), etc. Ou seja, a hora de colher os frutos. Nesse momento, seguindo no mesmo padro anterior, vamos conhecer o principal formato de anncio e as principais segmentaes para utilizarmos em campanhas que focam nesse objetivo. Alm disso, vamos entender o que uma converso, como cadastrar converses no seu site e no Google Ads. Por fim, voc vai conhecer o roteiro que usamos para a criao de vdeos persuasivos que incentivam os usurios a realizar aes valiosas no seu site/ecommerce!Aps percorrermos todas as etapas do funil, como no poderia faltar, vamos entender o que o to famoso e efetivo REMARKETING e porque praticamente obrigatrio voc utilizar essa estratgia para o seu negcio. Por esse motivo, vamos aprender a criar os pblicos de remarketing e uma campanha focando nessa estratgia, na prtica, dentro do Google Ads. Alm disso, vamos entender tambm o que so os pblicos semelhantes ou LOOKALIKE, como so popularmente chamados.Para finalizar com chave de ouro, vamos ter um captulo inteiro para analisar e otimizar campanhas, grupos de anncios e anncios, na prtica, dentro da plataforma, para melhorarmos cada vez mais os nossos resultados.Vale ressaltar que isso apenas um resumo extremamente resumido (com o perdo da redundncia)! Com certeza o curso completo vai agregar muito mais conhecimento no assunto e, caso voc tenha se perdido um pouco com alguns termos tcnicos desse resumo, pode ficar tranquilo que tudo vai ser esclarecido de forma muito detalhada ao longo do curso!Alm de todo o conhecimento incrvel que voc vai adquirir, na Udemy voc ainda ganha:Acesso vitalcio ao curso e todas as suas atualizaesSlides, modelos, roteiros e todos os recursos usados no cursoCertificado de concluso online do cursoMeu suporte personalizado e respostas as suas dvidasGarantia de reembolso de at 30 diasMuito obrigado por ter dedicado o seu tempo valioso para conferir o nosso curso completo de YouTube Ads. Tenho certeza que voc vai adorar e vai estar tomando a deciso correta! Mal posso esperar para trocar experincias com voc.E por que esperar? Comece ainda hoje a sua trajetria com anncios na maior plataforma de vdeos do mundo, s clicar no boto!"
Price: 399.99

"Learn bits and bytes of Raspberry Pi & IoT using Node-red" |
"""What is there to loose if you enroll in this course? You have a 30-day Full Money Back Guarantee, enrol now and start creating IoT projects using Node-red""I believe that anyone not only learn but excel in node-red and Raspberry Pi, with a strong desire to learn and proper guidance. And hence I have created this course with my 10+ years of experience, especially for beginners in electronics design to learn about Raspberry Pi and Node-red for IoT projects. If you are a beginner looking to learn Raspberry Pi and Node-red, you might wanna enroll now.Lots of People want to Learn Raspberry Pi and Internet of Things. But many times, there are quite a few hurdles. Someone does not know about raspberry pi and some do not know about computer programming, and many dont know the integration of sensors and cloud servers. If this feels like you, then this course is precisely made for you. In this course, youll learn about Raspberry Pi and IoT applications using Node-red. Node-red has standardized the world of IoT where one can write program by simply creating Flows which are drag and drop blocks which are interconnected to each other.You'll create your first node-red flow within 20 minutes of enrolling to the courseHi, my name is Amit Rana, am an engineer, programmer and developer. I have trained more than 20000 students from across 150+ Countries. I have created this course for everyone who wants to learn IoT and node-red.This is a complete beginner friendly course and no previous knowledge of Raspberry Pi or node-red is needed to take this course.Take the Free Preview (test drive the course even before enrolling)Take the free preview before enrolling the course, 30% of the course is free for you. Decide if its good for you or not even before enrolling. See and decide if you can understand and cope up with the content and the presenter of the course. I have spent hundreds of hours (literally) in creating this course and hence want to help maximum students with it. For many of the learners, even this 30% of the content is all they were looking to learn.Course Highlights--> Raspberry Pi (from scratch, installation of OS and onward)--> Hardware Interfaces--> Noderedeverything kept cool with minimum hardware required so you don't feel overwhelmed.Detailed Course Contents: What is Raspberry Pi How to use Raspberry Pi How to install Operating System on Raspberry Pi How to install node-red on windows machine and raspberry pi How to create your first flow in node-red How to perform Hardware interfacing with Raspberry Pi using Node-red Interfacing of LEDs, and relays as output devices on Raspberry Pi and Node-red Connecting sensors to Raspberry Pi and creating flow in node-red Sensor DHT11 and SenseHAT sensors interfacing If you dont have senseHAT, you can use SenseHAT emulator What is IoT and what are the protocols needed for IoT What is MQTT How to send data to mqtt broker using node-red Project : Send sensor data to Hive MQTT broker using node-red Project : send sensor data to Thingspeak Cloud server using node-red Complete Iot Project : send sensor data to cloud server and receive control signals to control devices using node-red How to export Flows of node-red to be saved and sent over How to run Node-red on startup to run your flows automaticallyThis is a comprehensive beginners-oriented program where one will go through everything including raspberry pi to node-red from scratch.This is a complete beginner friendly course and no previous knowledge of Raspberry Pi or node-red is needed to take this course.Absolutely nothing is taken for granted and hence this is most suitable for participants of all ages and educational backgrounds.With more than 10 years of experience in teaching embedded systems, circuit design and IoT to thousands of students from ages 10 to 60, you can count on me that I know my subject well. Join now to start creating IoT project for your hobby or college project or for your next tech-start-upWhat this course will NOT do for you?Please be advised that this is a complete beginners course to understand about Raspberry Pi and Node-redThis course is not suitable for existing node-red developers or those who already know project making using node-red.This course does not include any tutorial of PLC/SCADAEnroll Now and enter this wonderful journey of IoT"
Price: 99.99

"Affinity designer the complete course" |
"Affinity DesignerAffinity Designer is a powerful graphic design program for all your needs. It is a software that allows you to work on vector format as well as photo editing. You can use it for logos, vector illustrations, graphic documents, but also photo editing. The tool allows you to work in two different modes, depending on whether you want to work in vector format or in raster format. In the same way, it is very easy to juggle between the two modes, and to combine the tools of one or the other on the same graphic design. The performance is impressive, the interface allows you to work efficiently with clear and precise controls.Main features- Layer system- Vector drawing tools- Advanced retouching settings- Filters- Work plans- And moreCourseIn this training you will learn the Affinity designer software in its entirety. You will quickly obtain a good level which will allow you to make vector drawings, graphic documents, and do photo retouching. All the features of the software will be seen in the course. By acting step by step, operating mode of the interface, principle of layers, use of the various tools for both vector and raster mode, photo settings, application of filters, you will be able to move forward quickly in the process. 'learning. Training will also allow you to see all the features seen in the course."
Price: 99.99

"Zbrush modelagem 3d de personagem cartoon + pintura + render" |
"Quer aprender modelagem 3d de personagem estilo cartoon para jogos ou animaes? Se destacar como artsta 3D e surpreender a todos que voc conhece, tendo mais oportunidades nesse mercado que s cresce e busca por profissionais da rea?Meu nome Edson e j ajudei centenas de pessoas como voc a melhorar suas habilidades em criaes 3D com meu curso completo de Zbrush Modelagem 3D de Personagem Cartoon + Pintura + Render.Dou aula a mais de 5 anos nessa rea e agora voc poder economizar mais de 75% no meu curso de modelagem 3d no Zbrush. Basta clicar no boto abaixo para comear.Aprendi meus primeiros passos no desenho e animao com o diretor de arte dos estdios de animao do Maurcio de Souza aquele da turma da Mnica e hoje estudo animao com professor que foi amimador de um dos desenhos Disney. Estudei animao com um professor que foi animador do ultimo filme do ""planeta dos macacos"".Procuro sempre investir em estudos na rea de modelagem 3d, com professores conceituados e que trabalham no mercado, dedicando meu tempo nos estudos de anatomia masculina, feminina e animal, com conceitos cartoon e realista.Apaixonado por modelagem 3d, animao e desenvolvimento de jogos, sempre buscando qualidade nessas habilidades para compartilhar o melhor contedo para voc, que o que mais gosto de fazer.Voc aprender como:Fazer a blocagem inicial de seu modelo 3dDefinir uma boa base mash que poder ser reaproveitadaDar detalhes ao seu concept 3dPintar seu modelo diretamente no ZbrushPreparar seu modelo para iluminao e renderizaoCriar pose para o personagemCriar um render de qualidadeA culpa no sua, se ainda no consegue modelar um personagem cartoon de qualidade, preciso criar uma boa blocagem, definir uma boa base mash, para depois finalizar seu modelo 3d e voc no encontrar isso no passo a passo com o contedo disperso na internet, e preciso um treinamento guiado como esse e contar com um instrutor qualificado para estar ao seu lado nessa jornada.Agora voc no tem mais desculpas, a sua oportunidade de melhorar suas habilidades est nesse treinamento que criei com carinho, juntando minha experincia em personagens AAA e anatomia, para entregar a voc um personagem de qualidade, podendo ser adicionado ao seu portflio. Esse curso completo e conta com mais de 5 horas de contedo sobre demanda, que voc poder aproveitar a qualquer momento e em qualquer dispositivo.O que voc est esperando? Centenas de alunos j melhoraram suas habilidades em modelagem 3d de personagem cartoon para jogos ou animaes com meu curso.Esse curso para todos aqueles que querem melhorar suas habilidades na modelagem 3d e no estilo cartoon Com Zbrush."
Price: 339.99

"SO, YOURE LOOKING FOR A COURSE THAT WILL TEACH YOU SERVER JSF & IN A FUN MANNER?Ive got just the course for you!Welcome, my name is Josh Werner with Learn Tech Plus and Ive put this course together to help people just like you quickly master JSF...Whether youre a beginner or experienced with JSF!If your goal is to become a user of JSF, then this course is perfect for you. It will get you started on the right path and give you the knowledge and skills you need to JSF...Learning JSF is Not only for Experienced users, but also everyone else. Because when you have master JSF, you get around your profile and easily install applications to your computer versus having to get someone else to do it for you which can cost both time and money!In short, a good understanding of JSF is tremendously beneficial.Now, in this course, we'll go far beyond that. By the end of it, you'll have gained complete proficiency in JSF even if you're currently a complete beginner!THATS RIGHT...NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE OR KNOWLEDGE IS REQUIRED!You dont need any previous experience or knowledge to take this course. In fact, all you need is a desire to learn and master JSF.This is not one of those courses that will throw too much at you at once and cause you to get overwhelmed. This is a course that youll not only learn so much from, but also enjoy the journey as youre learning (which is a very important part of the learning process)The course will take you by the hand and teach you everything you need to know step by step and even put your knowledge to practice immediately by showing you how to setup JSF and How to Download JSF.On top of this, you will also get my continuous support as well to make sure youre successful with my course.LEARN SERVER JSF BY DOING! (LEARN SERVER JSF FROM SCRATCH!)We will go step by step and cover JSF. The goal here is to help youA) Setup an JSFB) Be able to Download and Install JSFHeres what well cover in the course:1. Well start from the very beginning and explain what JSF is, why & how its used.2. Introduce you to JSFENROLL NOW I'D LOVE TO SEE YOU INSIDE AND HELP YOU MASTER SERVER JSF!"
Price: 199.99

"Being Seeker - Pathway to Inner Wellbeing" |
"Only 33% people living in the wealthiest nation, America are HAPPY' according to a survey in 2017. All human activities be it Education, Job, 'Business, Relationships, Travelling, Spending time with family and friends etc are fundamentally aimed at Human Wellbeing.Wellbeing means you are at the highest level of pleasantness within you. When your Body becomes pleasant, we call it Health, when it becomes very pleasant, we call it Pleasure. When your Mind becomes pleasant, we call it Peace, when it becomes very pleasant, we call it Joy. When your Emotions become pleasant, we call it Love, when it becomes very pleasant, we call it Compassion. When your Life Energies become pleasant, we call it Bliss, when it becomes very pleasant, we call it Ecstacy.The question you should ask yourself regularly is, Am I on the path of attaining these states within me. If Yes, great keep it up. If No, start working on it consciously. Data shows that only when we work it consciously, we attain these states. Check out my new course called Being Seeker - Pathway to Inner Wellbeing to make your Wellbeing, a conscious process.Being Seeker is a 9 step wellbeing programme that takes you from 'less powerful meditation and non seeking state' to 'really powerful meditation and a seeking state'. Once you become meditative and seeker, peace, happiness, joy and blissfulness starts seeping in you. These qualities eliminate all sorts of suffering and you come out as a healthy, peaceful and joyful being. Then no outside situation can affect how you are within you."
Price: 4800.00

"Error Analysis - JEE and NEET Physics" |
"Every year we are seeing atleast 1 or 2 question in JEE Main and Advanced from Error Analysis. This course is designed for JEE and NEET Aspirants to learn Error Analysis fundamentals in great depth and then master problem solving. It is presented to you by India's best JEE and NEET mentor, Rohit Kakkar, IIT Kanpur Alumnus with AIR of 1299 in JEE Advanced 2011. Enrol in this course now to deep dive in the immense knowledge base and clarity of your most trusted and renowned mentor"
Price: 2240.00

"Linear Programming for Data Science" |
"How to become pro in Linear Programming for Data Science?In this course you will learn all about the mathematical optimization of linear programming for data science. This course is very unique and have its own importance in their respective disciplines. The data science and business study heavily rely on optimization. Optimization is the study of analysis and interpreting mathematical data under the special rules and formula. Thousands of students across worldwide are searching this topic of Linear Programming for Data Science but they can't find the complete courses in Linear Programming for Data Science.The length of the course is more than 6 hours and there are total more than 4 sections in this course. The quality and quantity of the course is super and you will enjoy the course in all the way during the course. The course is prepared according to the current needs of the students and I was many time asked to prepare this course and then finally I started working on it and now it is live. Many students around the globe are taking this type of courses and there was nothing in the online learning platform including YouTube and I think it is good for Udemy that they have such types of courses.In the first section of the course we have discussed about the coordinate system to develop the understanding of basics of linear programming. While in the second section you will master the basics and advance concepts of linear inequality and finally you will get jump into Linear Programming for Data Science and Business AnalysisThe question answer section is available for the students where they can ask as many questions as they can ask and I will response on each of your question promptly. More the questions that you will ask the more is learning to master your concepts. It is found that the students who asks the more question are more likely to be favorite students in their learning perspectives.Linear optimization or linear programming is considered as the mathematical study of data science and business analytics. Therefore the students which are good in mathematics, they can take this course in an efficient way. However I have tried my best to complete the each sections in an easy way. The most important things is when you are being asked for the questions as you can put as many you want then why not you should put? So mus keep in touch with your instructor and don't feel any shy or hesitations to talk with your instructor. Remember that I am teaching on Udemy from past 3 years and have total 18 years teaching experience. I am master in applied mathematics and give the solutions to the people where Math has its applications. I have changed the life of many students around the world from my experience and polishing my world which have math difficulty."
Price: 34.99

"Como mezclar Voces dede 0" |
"Aqu tienes mi curso tratamiento de vocales online.El curso est orientado para todos aquellos que son cantantes o compositores e incluso podcasters que graban sus propias canciones o tomas en casa o en su humilde estudio y no consiguen sacar una calidad ptima para sus nuevas creaciones.Un curso que te va a ensear a ecualizar, limpiar, comprimir, tratar el seseo y conseguir un sonido potente para tu voz y para tu instrumento.Adems tambin te muestro sencillos trucos para afinar tu voz o hacerla sonar con el tpico efecto del Reggaeton.Generar una buena toma de grabacin es el primer paso y conseguir un buen sonido es clave ya seas una persona que sube covers a instagram, presenta sus propias canciones a discogrficas y managers, incluso tambin si lo hacer por pura diversin o si eres podcasters y manejas cualquier tipo de radio show.Esto el oyente lo va a notar enseguida. Si no eres un profesional en este sentido tus canciones tienen poco que decir en la escena musical y si no tienes el sonido potente y ptimo dificilmente sers escuchado."
Price: 19.99

": PRO" |
"Excel - . Excel . , - Excel , , .."
Price: 2299.00

"20 Projets en JavaScript" |
"Enfin des projets en JavaScript natif ! (vanilla).Le web est inond de Frameworks, de librairies et doutils en JavaScript, mais il reste trs sec quand il sagit du langage en lui-mme, quand il sagit de JavaScript natif.Dj quil ny a pas trop de contenu en Anglais sur le JS natif.Alors en Franais Cest pour remdier a que jai tourn ce cours 20 projets en pur JavaScript Pour aider ceux qui souhaitent apprendre ce langage et savoir une bonne fois pour toute ce qui appartient JavaScript et ce qui appartient un Framework ou autre.Je vois trop de gens qui se lancent directement dans les Frameworks JS, sans avoir les connaissances ncessaires.Ils se retrouvent compltement perdus et frustrs et deux doigts de la crise de nerf, ce qui est comprhensible.Ils se disent quavec quelques tutos sur des animations JS ou des petits bouts de codes ils auront le bagage ncessaire.Mais cest une solution errone, ce nest pas assez.Le vrai problme cest lexprience, il faut pratiquer.Il faut visualiser le JavaScript, quoi il sert, pourquoi a-t-il t cr, o en est til de son volution ?Pour devenir architecte, on dessine des btiments, pour coder en JavaScript on fait des applications web en JS Natif. (Une app web est un site avec de nombreuses fonctionnalits, en gnral trs dynamique).La liste des projets que nous allons effectuer :1. Quizz.2. App mto sur navigateur.3. Pokdex.4. Un crateur de cookies5. Une to-do liste6. Une app ""Pomodoro""7. Un systme de validation de mot de passe dans un formulaire8. Un site pour crer des dgrads linaires.9. Le jeu des cartes mmoires10. Un projet avec l'API de GitHub.11. Un projet d'authentification avec firebase.12. Un slider.13. Un systme de drag and drop styl.14. Crer des particules en JS15. Coder le jeu space-invaders16. Crer un lecteur de vido personnalis17. Crer le jeu casse-briques18. Coder un jeu de vitesse d'criture19. Faire le jeu du morpion20. Coder un visualiseur de son.Avec a tu as vraiment de quoi te familiariser avec ce langage, nous traiterons de sujets comme :- Grer des donnes et les transformer.- Les conditions, boucles, etc - Appeler des API pour aller chercher des donnes.- Faire du JavaScript asynchrone.- Coder en JavaScript moderne.- Utiliser des objets / tableaux.- Utiliser des classes pour crer des objets dans un style orient-objet.- Crer des interface styles (HTML / CSS).- Utiliser des fonctions.- Grer toutes sortes dvenement.- Utiliser une base de donne pour faire un systme dauthentification(simple).- Voir lutilisation du DOM en profondeur, une des cls pour bien comprendre JS.- Utiliser des techniques spciales trs utiles, comme lutilisation de JavaScript li au son, mais aussi le systme de drag & drop, utiliser des donnes au format JSON.- Etc On va vraiment voir beaucoup de choses !A qui sadresse ce cours ?Ce cours sadresse aux dbutants, ne sois surtout pas apeur par le nombre de projets, jexplique tout de A Z.Et noublie pas que pour progresser, il faut se frotter des projets qui nous dpassent, pour dcouvrir de nouvelles choses et booster son apprentissage.Certains projets sont donc vraiment orients dbutants, dautre atteignent un niveau intermdiaire.Dans tous les cas un lger bagage est ncessaire, si tu as dj fait des boucles, utilis des fonctions et des conditions, tu as les connaissances de bases requises.Sympa hein ? Rendez-vous de l'autre ct pour commencer coder :)."
Price: 199.99

"Design Grfico com o Pixrl" |
"Se voc quer aprender a fazer design com um maior grau de complexidade, mas no quer pagar pelo Photshop, esse curso para voc.Voc ir aprender a fazer uma srie de criaes, edies e manipulaes de imagens do zero com o software Pixrl que um software gratuito e muito poderoso.Ele tem praticamente todas as funcionalidades do Photoshop s que alm de gratuito, ele online. Ou seja, voc no vai precisar baixar nenhum programa no seu computador.Veja tudo o que voc vai aprender nesse curso:Todas as funcionalidades bsicas das verses do Pixrl X e do Pixrl EComo retirar os fundos das imagensComo inserir e alterar textos, incluindo como subir novas fontes externasComo criar diversas artes para posts, banners e vrios outros tamanhosComo trabalhar com camadasComo trabalhar com imagens de diversos tamanhos e recursos da ferramentaVrios tutoriais para seguir e reproduzir passo a passoTambm ter acesso a vrios recursos gratuitos selecionados para facilitar a sua vida e deixar os seus designs ainda mais incrveis."
Price: 309.99

"The Ultimate CSS - Best Practise on Animations & Effects" |
"CSS - short for Cascading Style Sheets - is a ""programming language"" you use to turn your raw HTML pages into real beautiful websites.This course covers it all - we start at the very basics (What is CSS? How does it work? How do you use it)? and gradually dive in deeper and deeper. And we do this by showing both practical examples as well as the theory behind it.Who this course is for ?You want to delight and amaze your visitors, and make your websites stand out from the rest. You want to use animation not just to wow, but also to help make your sites more useful, polished and professional. You're already creating websites but you want to take your knowledge to the next level. This is the course for you. This course will give you the practical tools you need to bring animation to your projects.This is a video course full of real downloadable code examples. You'll be able to take the knowledge, as well as the real working code, to your projects and make sure they stand out.Used Properties in CSS : Filters: The filter CSS property applies graphical effects like blur or color shift to an element. Filters are commonly used to adjust the rendering of images, backgrounds, and borders.Keyframes : The @keyframes CSS at-rule controls the intermediate steps in a CSS animation sequence by defining styles for keyframes (or waypoints) along the animation sequence. This gives more control over the intermediate steps of the animation sequence than transitionTo use keyframes, create a @keyframes rule with a name that is then used by the animation-name property to match an animation to its keyframe declaration. Each @keyframes rule contains a style list of keyframe selectors, which specify percentages along the animation when the keyframe occurs, and a block containing the styles for that keyframe.Transition: CSS transitions provide a way to control animation speed when changing CSS properties. Instead of having property changes take effect immediately, you can cause the changes in a property to take place over a period of time. For example, if you change the color of an element from white to black, usually the change is instantaneous. With CSS transitions enabled, changes occur at time intervals that follow an acceleration curve, all of which can be customized.Responsive Web DesignCreate Responsive Website Using HTML5 CSS3frontend developerswebsite designerHtml DevelopersLearn Web Development Courses and Tutorialshow to make responsive website using Html CSS JavascriptBuild a real world responsive websitejavascript front end tutorialfront end developer coursefront end development tutorialsLearn Web Development Courses and Tutorialsresponsive website design from scratch 2020Design A Complete Responsive Business Website From Scratchhtml5 + css3 responsive web designLearn Modern Responsive Web Design With Example Step by StepResponsive Html5 CSS3 WebsiteWeb Design For BeginnersBuild A Modern Looking Responsive WebsitesLearn Responsive Web Design From ScratchReal World Coding in HTML & CSSHtml5 CSS3 and Javascript : A Guide To Web Design From ScratchWeb Design HTML CSS Create Single Page Website from ScratchFront End Web DevelopmentHelp and inspiration ?Not only do you get a load of practical, useful starting projects in this course, you can also head over to CSS Animation.rocks for more, and even sign up to a weekly newsletter packed full of tutorials, inspiration and tips for animating on the web.Theres no better time to learn Animations : Youve made a smart choice, because CSS 3 Animations is the most popular language out there. This is no exaggeration. This popularity and growth means more jobs and opportunities than ever before.Get access to fast support if you get stuck : Theres nothing worse than getting stuck ten hours into a course and not getting the help you need to continue. Getting stuck is part of the learning process. Thats why Im here to answer every single question that comes my way.I guarantee that this is the most up-to-date and engaging course available, and it comes with a Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee.I cant wait to see you on the inside ! - B. Praveen Kumar ( PHP Developer & Web Designer - FULL Stack Developer )."
Price: 114.99

"Instagram Marketing - Il Corso Completo con Certificato" |
"Vuoi imparare l'Instagram Marketing per far crescere la tua azienda e la tua carriera?Segui il corso con:Andrea Antonelli, co-founder dell'agenzia di digital marketing Enzima, con quasi 10 anni di esperienza nell'Instagram marketing. Ha gestito profili che vanno dalla piccola azienda di quartiere alle grandi societ per azioni.Giulio Rosati, Brand Manager con esperienza pluriennale di Social Media Marketing al livello multinazionale in brand come L'Oral Paris e Garnier Italia. Oggi fondatore dell'agenzia di digital marketing W-Mind.Con pi di 10 ore di training, lezioni, esercizi, quiz e step pratici da seguire per applicare subito le conoscenze apprese, questo corso ti porter da principiante a esperto nell'ambito dell'Instagram Marketing.Impara il social media marketing direttamente da professionisti del settore che hanno gestito profili e campagne Instagram di centinaia di aziende e che condivideranno con te tutte le tecniche che ha imparato - a partire da quelle da evitare!Vai da Principiante a Esperto.I tuoi docenti ti guideranno attraverso ogni passo sullo schermo per portare il tuo livello da principiante a estremamente avanzato. Alla fine del corso avrai imparato a creare un profilo di successo, utilizzare gli hashtag migliori, aumentare i follower, creare contenuti ad alta performance e gestire campagne su Instagram per portare traffico alla tua azienda (o a quella dei tuoi clienti). All'interno del corso troverai anche 3 interviste di 3 super esperti di Instagram: Yari Brugnoli (Ninjalitics) - Founder dello strumento pi utilizzato in Italia riguardo gli Analytics su Instagram. Il loro canale Instagram ha circa 80.000 followers. Steven Lo Presti & Andrea Di Bitonto (Marketing Ignorante) - Steven e Andrea sono i co-founder della community sul marketing pi grande d'Italia. Vanta circa 80.000 followers su Instagram. I profili personali non sono da meno: Steven Lo Presti: 17.000 followers e Andrea Di Bitonto 5.000 followers.Con questo corso, imparerai a:Evitare gli errori comuni che costano una fortuna a chi inizia per la prima voltaRidefinire le tue conoscenze sul marketing e sul suo scopoIndividuare il format migliore per te o per la tua aziendaDare un'identit al tuo profilo attraverso i contenuti e l'immagine del brandMettere il pilota automatico al tuo profilo grazie alla programmazioneConcentrarti su quello che conta davvero per far crescere il tuo profiloPrendere spunto dai migliori profili presenti onlineScrivere contenuti che convertonoUtilizzare i migliori strumenti gratuiti che il web ci mette a disposizioneGrazie ai consigli degli esperti evitando gli errori pi comuniScegliere e utilizzare gli hashtag migliori e pi performantiLeggere i dati e sapere come utilizzarliMontare i video per i post o per le storiesCreare grafiche e creativit anche senza competenzeE molto molto di pi!Con il corso otterrai anche: Certificato di fine corso garantito da Udemy Aiuto veloce e disponibile nella sezione Domande&Risposte del corso Accesso a vita ai materiali del corso Rimborso garantito entro 30 giorni - senza bisogno di motivazioneOfferta a tempo limitato.Iscriviti oggi per diventare un esperto di Instagram Marketing!"
Price: 129.99

"Learn 3 Watercolor Techniques in Procreate" |
"If youre looking to improve your painting skills, explore the Procreate Brush Library and master the art of watercolour, this is the course for you!In this step-by-step course you will learn 3 watercolour techniques using a variety of default brushes in Procreate.A pencil drawing of the flowers and a digitalised watercolour paper will be provided, so you can start painting right away by following along and focus entirely on the watercolour process.Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned artist wanting to understand how to achieve beautiful and convincing watercolour illustrations in Procreate, this class will give you the confidence to embark on such a journey.Course structure:Well start by understanding the basics of ProcreateWe'll explore 3 watercolour painting styles using a variety of default brushesWell learn how to combine artworks together and how to add a backgroundFinally well see how to monetise your finished illustration by licensing your artworkResources available to download (all in 1 file):Pencil drawingWatercolour paper sheetColour paletteBy the end of the course you will have the knowledge to master three different styles and create beautiful watercolour artworks and to take that next step on your career path.The watercolourist in you is about to be awakened!Let's get started!My other Procreate courses are:Procreate - Learn 15 Easy Painting TechniquesProcreate Essentials: Paint a Blue Dart FrogPaint like an Old Master with Photoshop and Procreate"
Price: 109.99

"Belajar Komputer, MS Windows, MS Office dari Nol Banget!" |
"Mau dapat pekerjaan? Baru saja membeli komputer PC baru? Ingin belajar komputer dari 00000?Video course ini jawabannya. Sebagian besar fitur dan kemampuan tentang Komputer, MS Windows, dan MS Office akan DIKUPAS HABIS.Video ini adalah online course yang paling straightforward, to-the point, dan mudah dipahami untuk menggunakan Komputer, MS Windows, dan MS Office berbahasa Indonesia di Udemy! Tidak penting apakah Anda adalah seorang pengangguran, pelajar, mahasiswa, pekerja kantoran, manager, atau bos-bos, video course ini dirancang tentu saja untuk Anda! Dalam kursus ini, kami akan mengajari Anda menggunakan komputer, MS Windows, dan MS Office SAMPAI BISA!Dilengkapi dengan berjam-jam video course, tugas-tugas, dan kuis, kami akan menyampaikan materi tentang komputer, MS Windows, dan MS Office dalam bahasa yang mudah dipahami, mirip seperti perbincangan antar orang awam. Yang Anda butuhkan hanyalah koneksi internet."
Price: 280000.00

"eBay Formula" |
"Grazie alla visione di questo video corso potresti creare da zero il tuo lavoro part time o full time anche se non hai soldi da investire e non disponi di elevate conoscenze tecniche.Queste informazioni sono state create per chi inizia e vorrebbe avviare un attivo da casa grazie ad un pc e una connessione adsl in poco tempo, ma le medesime informazioni sono ottime persino per chi dispone di un attivit di vendita oppure gi vende all'interno del sito.eBay, risulta essere tutt'oggi un enorme mercato dove chiunque pu iscriversi e mettere in vendita le proprie opere (e non solo) e venderle cosi in qualsiasi parte della nazione o del mondo. La piattaforma semplice da utilizzare ma al contempo esaustiva sotto ogni punto di vista.Non dovrai spendere ore e ore dietro ad un pc nella speranza di ""raccimolare"" qualche soldino, ma dovrai lavorare il giusto, destinando ad eBay e alle tue vendite poco tempo, e utilizzare il tempo che ti rimane facendo ci che ti piace di pi.Sono in tanti ormai che hanno fatto di eBay un secondo lavoro o addirittura il loro impiego principale... consultando queste informazioni capirai come potrai (anche tu ) in 24h iniziare a lavorare da casa ottenendo le stesse soddisfazioni che molti ebayer hanno da tempo.Devi sapere che i contenuti presenti in questo video corso sono gelosamente custoditi da molti ebayer, verrai a conoscenza di informazioni ""top secret"" e che sono reperibili solo dopo anni di studi e pratiche sulla piattaforma, oggi, potrai visionarle tutte immediatamente in modo da replicarle e ottenere dei risultati concreti nel minor tempo possibile.Oltre questo, una volta che avrai acquistato il video corso otterrai gratuitamente un assistenza diretta con il docente in modo da non avere dubbi e poter cosi ""scendere in campo"" velocemente ottenendo precocemente dei risultati concreti."
Price: 34.99

"Bidding& Proposals Management (Part 1)" |
"Bidding and proposal preparation process divided into 4 phases, first phase is making decision whether to bid or not, second phase is building bid or proposal strategy and management, third phase is Cost estimation and pricing, and the Last phase is writing successful winning proposal. IN THIS COURSE you will find complete guide for the decision-making procedures for whether submit a bid/ proposal or not."
Price: 39.99

"Bohemian Style Nail Art using Gels" |
"Learn how to create professional nail art focusing on colours and boho chic fashionable nail designs on your nails.These designs look exquisite and complicated but after taking this course, you will be able to create these designs on yourself or your clients easily. This class is suitable for beginners and practical salon work.The lessons will be conducted using gel polishes and gel paint but the technique can be easily applied to all art mediums such as nail polish, acrylic paint and watercolor."
Price: 79.99

"Blender Python Addon Development with ST3" |
"This course is designed to help you get started with blender addon development. It takes you through the basics of python all the way to ray casting in 3D space. There are many explanations for each step along the way. The course includes the addon downloads for each step of the way. If you have any questions or get stuck feel free to ask and I will assist you the best I can!Enjoy the course and I hope to see you on the other side at the Blender Market!"
Price: 19.99

"A Comprehensive Guide to Bayesian Statistics" |
"This course is a comprehensive guide to Bayesian Statistics. It includes video explanations along with real life illustrations, examples, numerical problems, take away notes, practice exercise workbooks, quiz, and much more . The course covers the basic theory behind probabilistic and Bayesian modelling, and their applications to common problems in data science, business, and applied sciences. The course is divided into the following sections:Section 1 and 2: These two sections cover the concepts that are crucial to understand the basics of Bayesian Statistics- An overview on Statistical Inference/Inferential StatisticsIntroduction to Bayesian ProbabilityFrequentist/Classical Inference vs Bayesian InferenceBayes Theorem and its application in Bayesian StatisticsReal Life Illustrations of Bayesian StatisticsKey concepts of Prior and Posterior DistributionTypes of PriorSolved numerical problems addressing how to compute the posterior probability distribution for population parameters Conjugate PriorJeffrey's Non-Informative PriorSection 3: This section covers Interval Estimation in Bayesian Statistics:Confidence Intervals in Frequentist Inference vs Credible Intervals in Bayesian InferenceInterpretation of Confidence Intervals & Credible IntervalsComputing Credible Interval for Posterior MeanSection 4: This section covers Bayesian Hypothesis Testing:Introduction to Bayes FactorInterpretation of Bayes FactorSolved Numerical problems to obtain Bayes factor for two competing hypotheses Section 5: This section caters to Decision Theory in Bayesian Statistics:Basics of Bayesian Decision Theory with examplesDecision Theory Terminology: State/Parameter Space, Action Space, Decision Rule. Loss FunctionReal Life Illustrations of Bayesian Decision TheoryClassification Loss MatrixMinimizing Expected LossDecision making with Frequentist vs Bayesian approachTypes of Loss Functions: Squared Error Loss, Absolute Error Loss, 0-1 LossBayesian Expected LossRisk : Frequentist Risk/Risk Function, Bayes Estimate, and Bayes RiskAdmissibility of Decision RulesProcedures to find Bayes Estimate & Bayes Risk: Normal & Extensive Form of AnalysisSolved numerical problems of computing Bayes Estimate and Bayes Risk for different Loss FunctionsSection 6: This section includes:Bayesian's Defense & CritiqueApplications of Bayesian Statistics in various fieldsAdditional ResourcesBonus Lecture and a QuizAt the end of the course, you will have a complete understanding of Bayesian concepts from scratch. You will know how to effectively use Bayesian approach and think probabilistically. Enrolling in this course will make it easier for you to score well in your exams or apply Bayesian approach elsewhere.Complete this course, master the principles, and join the queue of top Statistics students all around the world."
Price: 2240.00

"Know Business Credit" |
"After witnessing the devastation that a business owner can suffer when they do not separate their business credit from their personal credit, I decided to get the knowledge, study law, and help business owners build business credit so that they have access to more funding and be able to separate their business assets from their personal assets. This course explains what business credit is, why its necessary, and the basic steps to build business credit. It has been estimated that 45% of business owners are not aware they have a business credit profile and 72% of business owners do not know how to build or access their business credit profile. This will enhance your knowledge in business credit so that you can be successful at assisting business owners in building their business credit. At the end of the course you will be given a brief exam to test your knowledge and a certificate of completion will be sent to you via email."
Price: 39.99
